Unexplained coughing. Where does dry cough in children come from. Disorder of the nervous system

Human body often reacts to some irritating factor or inflammatory process with a cough. Often, this symptom appears with viral, bacterial infections, allergies. With the help of a wet cough, the lungs and bronchi are cleared of sputum, allergens, but when coughing, this can be a “bell” about the presence of a number of pathologies or allergic reactions. In practice, coughing without cold symptoms is common. What are the causes of such a cough and what to do when the cough bothers, but there are no other catarrhal symptoms?

A cough that manifests itself without symptoms of a cold can be a sign of both minor disorders in the respiratory system or ENT organs, and a symptom of severe pathologies:

  • chronic disease of the lungs, bronchi;
  • residual effects in the lungs after an infectious disease.

You should consult a doctor in situations where you suffer from pain in the chest area during prolonged cough or when blood clots are found in the sputum.

Other causes of coughing may also include:

  • a person has certain disease, which proceeds in a latent form;
  • the disease develops in the incubation stage;
  • a foreign body is present in the respiratory organs of a person;
  • the patient has a psychological or mental disorder.

The main causes of non-cold cough in children

Children may suffer from such an ailment due to acute laryngitis, passive smoking or emotional disorders. Babies get sick with a non-cold cough due to teething. If the baby coughs, there is nothing abnormal in this. He clears his bronchi naturally. A cough without a cold in a child is physiological and does not need to be treated.

  • Impact on Airways external stimuli. Household chemicals, perfumery, home plants and tobacco smoke;
  • Measles;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Pleurisy;
  • physiological factor. Newly born babies during the first year of life have a cleansing of their respiratory organs from slime and dust. For these reasons, the baby may cough in the morning or at night. In this case, no other symptoms should be observed.

If the child coughs for a long period of time, and at night this symptom intensifies, you should definitely consult a doctor. Children can suffer not only from a dry, non-cold cough, but also from a wet one. The second type of cough is the most dangerous. It is necessary to immediately find out its causes.

Coughing for no reason is a health hazard for both adults and children. If you want to get rid of this disease, you should refer to qualified specialist immediately.

What to treat?

Therapy for an unreasonable cough should be carried out after you clearly find out its cause. If this disease causes you discomfort and pain, you need to lighten it.

  • With frequent coughing, medicines to thin sputum and plentiful drink. It is not necessary to try to suppress this symptom, since this reflex appears to eliminate the irritating factor.
  • Help to alleviate cold cough and clear the sore throat by gargling with salt water.
  • Stopping smoking will help you overcome your cough.
  • Use of a humidifier. The oxygen must not be dry, as it can irritate the lungs.
  • The effectiveness and frequency of coughing is easily eliminated steam inhalation with essential oils.

It is not necessary to rush to the specialists at the first cough. In some situations, this may be mild allergic reaction to polluted oxygen, citrus fruits, detergents and certain odors. This cough is gaining momentum with direct contact with an irritant. Once you eliminate the allergen, it will disappear and main symptom. Danger allergic cough lies in the possibility of its transformation into bronchial asthma.

To dangerous diseases respiratory organs include whooping cough, but in addition to paroxysmal cough there are others severe symptoms requiring inpatient treatment. Long attacks overtake the patient at night. It is necessary to treat this disease in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor. home medicine will not help, but only aggravate the situation.

In the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory organs of a person, he suffers from a sharp and painful cough, asthma attacks. This situation is extremely dangerous. A person is faced with the problem of inhalation dissatisfaction and complicated breathing. You can only deal with this cause with the help of a doctor.

psychological stress and frequent stress also cause a non-cold cough. Antitussive drugs with such a deviation from the norm will not help, you should consult a neurologist and psychotherapist.

To find out exact reason cough without a cold in an adult can only medical examination. An independent determination of the factor that led to its occurrence may be incorrect.

A cough in a child is not a cold that causes great discomfort to the baby. Often parents notice that the baby is suffering from given symptom at night. This can signal both the pathology developing in the body and the influence of adverse factors.

How to Treat a Cough Without the Signs of a Cold

It is quite difficult to cure a cough for no reason, especially if you are far from medicine. Treatment of such a symptom should be targeted. You will not be able to deal with the problem on your own. You can only alleviate the patient's condition by such methods:

  • humidify the air in the room;
  • use a large number of water;
  • rinsing oral cavity solutions with salt;
  • inhalations to relieve swelling of the larynx;
  • elimination of possible allergens.

These tips will help you relieve a cough without a cold in an adult and in a child. drug therapy can only be prescribed by a specialist. If smoking is the cause of the cough, it is best to stop this bad habit forever and ever. The doctor will help you eliminate the root cause, and after completing the course of treatment, you must follow preventive measures. An unreasonable cough in an adult (not due to a cold) can be completely eliminated by taking certain medications and taking preventive measures.

Cough without a cold - a phenomenon that indicates diseases internal organs and body systems: heart and blood vessels, respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes it indicates an allergy or the presence of foreign bodies in the respiratory system. Depending on the cause, the cough can be either dry or mucus-producing.

Causes of the phenomenon

Cough, being the body's response to a specific stimulus, is in most cases associated with colds. But sometimes it does not occur against the background of inflammatory infectious diseases.

Causes of unreasonable dry (unproductive) cough

Dry cough without signs of a cold may indicate:

  • allergic reaction the body against the background of the action of irritants - dust, plant spores, pet hair;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • otitis of the inner or middle ear, the presence of a sulfur plug in the hearing organs;
  • focal inflammatory processes in the region of the nasopharynx. Cough occurs as a reaction to the flow of mucus from the nose along the surface of the pharynx into the tracheobronchial tree;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • organ disease digestive system in which the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus (reflux). Because of this deviation, the patient suffers from bouts of vomiting and coughing;
  • complications caused by viral infections. If the main catarrhal process has not been completely cured, then the inflammation spreads to the trachea, lungs and bronchi. This causes a cough without a cold, as well as pain in the larynx and chest;
  • nervous tension. AT this case cough favors defensive reaction organism;
  • hypersensitivity to certain medicines. Usually dry causeless cough in an adult without a cold is side reaction taking aspirin, ACE inhibitors, antibiotics, as well as liquids intended for inhalation;
  • whooping cough development bacterial disease, in which the patient has paroxysmal spasmodic attacks, causing deficiency oxygen.

Causes of a wet cough without a cold

The causes of a productive cough without a cold in an adult are as follows:

Only a specialist can determine what, besides a cold, can cause a cough. He appoints certain diagnostic measures, the results of which allow to identify the underlying pathology.


Determine the causes of cough without a cold in adults and children allow following methods diagnostics:

  • organ radiography chest, which is used to determine pathological changes in them;
  • radiography of the sinuses;
  • echocardiography;
  • study of the composition of sputum;
  • general analysis blood, as well as a blood test for tumor markers;
  • MRI or CT of the mediastinal organs;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • testing for allergic reactions.

What causes a cough other than a cold? There are many reasons for this: from years of smoking, which irritates the respiratory tract and esophagus, up to malignant neoplasms lungs and other respiratory organs. It is possible to find out the origin of an unreasonable cough only after passing diagnostic procedures appointed by a specialist after an initial examination.

Respiratory tract diseases are often accompanied by spasms of the bronchi or lungs, it often happens that a cough occurs without other symptoms.

It should be noted that the appearance similar symptom often indicates the development of some complex illness. Although sometimes there are situations when a cough does not indicate some kind of illness.

Of course, in most cases it is a symptom of quite a variety of diseases associated with the respiratory tract. At the same time, it has a regulatory effect on the body. Clears the bronchi, lungs, throat and all other gaps from clogging and piling up harmful substances(blood, mucus, sputum, food particles, dust, bacteria).

In order for the respiratory organs to fully function, they need a healthy atmosphere inside, whole tissues and the presence of normal access to oxygen, good circulation blood. If any of these systems are not functioning properly, there may be various diseases. Usually their symptom is a cough.

Cough without other symptoms can be in a child or an adult equally. The body feels the need for this regulatory effect, but the reason for such behavior is not clear from the outside. Alas, it is impossible to cure a cough if you do not know its cause. Therefore, you should not count on a miracle remedy.

At first glance, a cough without a cause may be the result of rather complex problems in the respiratory system or a manifestation light form SARS. You can find out exactly what caused such a reaction of the body on the basis of an examination and after consultation with your doctor.

How to recognize an allergic cough?

Quite often, when a child just has a cough without other symptoms, it is the allergy that becomes the cause. It can be both congenital and acquired as a result of taking any catalysts. Most often, allergies are acquired due to various microorganisms, as well as due to the intake of certain drugs, reduced immunity, an excess of particles in the air, etc.

Most allergy sufferers acquired their disease in the process of life, almost everyone has a special predisposition to some elements.

An allergic reaction is an oversensitivity of the body to a specific irritant. They can be a wide variety of elements of everyday life, interior design, food, dust particles in the air, plant pollen, etc.

At the same time, the reaction to the allergen is different for each person, that is, it manifests itself atypically. Moreover, when the patient approaches or touches the stimulus, more coughing in an adult or child without other symptoms. It can be aggravated by cold or heat.

Allergens are even substances that are formed in the body, some acids, food digestion products, etc. The most common causes of allergies are:

  1. Foreign proteins that can be obtained from a vaccine or from a donor.
  2. Dust can even occur only for a certain type of dust.
  3. Foods, often found in dairy, fruits/vegetables with red pigments, soybeans, eggs, etc.
  4. Spores of mold, fungi, pollen from plants.
  5. Insect bites.
  6. Animal fur.
  7. Cleaning, chemicals.
  8. Clothing, in particular latex.

The difficulty in identifying risk factors exists to this day, the exact reasons for such a reaction are not known. Scientists are still figuring out what increases the risk of allergies and what its nature is. After all, while the other person does not feel anything under the influence of the same stimulus.

Attention! Coughing in a child without other symptoms of a cold is often a warning sign of an allergy.

An additional difficulty lies in the lack of treatment of hypersensitivity. Usually you just need to find the allergen and isolate it - this is how recovery is achieved.

The occurrence of post-infectious cough

If a child has a cough without other symptoms after another infectious disease, then there may be a post-infectious condition. It often manifests itself in the form of a cough, with no other symptoms.

This phenomenon occurs due to the need to cough up sputum or simply due to tissue irritation. In the latter case, this is due to the fact that acute infection The body has not fully recovered yet. The entire respiratory tract is hypersensitivity due to reduced immunity. When exposed to any irritants, such as cold air or dust, a cough occurs. It can both be accompanied by perspiration, and occur without it.

The main reasons that a dry cough manifests itself in a child without other symptoms are:

  1. The presence of damage to the tissues of the respiratory tract. This is usually caused acute course viral or bacterial diseases. So broken secretory function and the amount of secretion secreted decreases or the consistency changes.
  2. Decreased efficiency of the evacuation function of the epithelium.
  3. Defeat immune system- as a result of some kind of treatment (for example, in the case of chemotherapy).
  4. Increased sensitivity of cough receptors. Cough occurs from the slightest irritants.

Post-infectious cough without other symptoms in an adult is normal phenomenon, and occurs in 25% of people. But it is better not to wait until the problem resolves itself, as this may lead to the development of a symptom into chronic form. It is better to use cough suppressants with local anesthetic. They stop pain and relieve irritation.

For example, you can use Pektosan, but exact destination must be obtained from a doctor. Based on the examination of the patient, he will be able to draw an accurate conclusion about which medicines will be the most effective.

Whooping cough symptoms

Whooping cough is an acute infectious disease that is manifested by spasmodic and paroxysmal cough. The disease is caused by infection in the upper respiratory tract.

Causes of cough in children without other symptoms can be different, but whooping cough is one common option. Children under 5 years old who are not vaccinated against the disease usually become infected with the disease.

In adults, the disease is much milder and does not cause disturbances in work. respiratory system. Thanks to the existing program mandatory vaccinations from this disease, it is much less common, but still occurs in modern world. After vaccination against the disease, a strong immunity is developed, which a person usually carries through his whole life.

This disease may also be accompanied small temperature, general weakness, lack of appetite. Over time, the manifestations may intensify, and the cough manifests itself in waves that suffocate the child. It is mainly manifested by a dry cough, most often occurring at night.

The main symptom of the disease is a strong annoying cough, but in the hospital for confirmation, you need to do a sputum and mucus culture. With such acute illness be sure to consult a specialist further treatment. He will prescribe antibiotics that will help destroy the infection in the body.

  1. An important factor in treatment is the presence of fresh, humidified air. You need to ventilate the room frequently.
  2. You should eat small meals, but often.
  3. Reduce the impact of irritants on the body. Do not be in noisy places, avoid too bright light, do not breathe cold air (-10°C or less).
  4. Take walks outside, provided that the temperature is not lower than -10˚С.

Cough with tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis

All these diseases can manifest themselves in mild forms and with complications. In the case of a severe form, complicated viral infection, you can observe a prolonged, severe cough. It is also paroxysmal and debilitating, often occurring at night, during sleep, or early in the morning.

In most cases, these diseases are associated with inflammation of the respiratory system, which leads to an increase in temperature. On the early stages such additional symptoms may not be observed. Over time, other manifestations appear in the form of chest pain, weakness, etc.

These diseases are provoked by a weakened immune system, which leads to an increased risk of infection. The main prerequisites for such diseases are:

  1. Prolonged and frequent inhalation of cold or hot air.
  2. Regular hypothermia.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Inhalation of toxins, vapors chemical substances. This becomes a precondition for chemical poisoning and reduced immunity.
  5. Chronic diseases of the respiratory tract.
  6. Violation normal operation of cardio-vascular system.

All these factors significantly influence the occurrence and development of diseases. In doing so, it may occur moist cough in an adult or child without other symptoms.
Treatment should be based on the recommendations of the attending physician. All of these diseases are serious and can be acute forms of inflammation, home treatment unacceptable.

obstructive pulmonary disease

A separate point is necessary to highlight a common problem - smoking, because it can also cause a cough.

Due to long-term smoking, cough can manifest itself after 5–7 years of nicotine use, chronic bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and more occur.

The disease occurs due to the deposition of nicotine resins on the mucous membrane of the lungs and bronchi. They contaminate the respiratory tract and have a thick consistency, which makes them difficult to remove. The bronchi themselves have special system regulation of the quantity and quality of sputum, for this they contain cilia and bronchial tubes.

Long-term use of nicotine reduces the elasticity of these cilia, and at the same time, the process of sputum separation becomes more complicated. The tubes themselves become inflamed due to these resins and possibly other bacteria, viruses, significantly slowing down the circulation of mucus. Since toxins and other substances accumulate in the lungs, there is less air space left in them. This causes shortness of breath. Significantly reduced body immunity and blood circulation.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  1. Paroxysmal cough, more often in the morning after sleep.
  2. A cough that lasts all day, usually in a milder form.
  3. When do you produce deep breath, then there is cough reflex.
  4. Feel shortness of breath and weakness.
  5. Decreased productivity, required more rest advanced stages shortness of breath can occur even in a calm position.

On a note! COPD treatment and chronic bronchitis carried out by means of mucolytic drugs.

They render positive effect to thin the sputum and help it to separate. With the help of a cough, you can gradually remove toxic substances from the body. It is necessary to establish physical activities sports, you should definitely quit smoking and keep correct image life.

Airway obstruction

If there is a foreign object in the body at any stage of the respiratory tract or excess sputum has accumulated, this can also provoke a cough reflex. it normal reaction body to obstruct the respiratory tract.

Usually the problem goes away after coughing, but there may be a situation that this cannot be achieved without outside help. Frequent problem in young children, as they are very inquisitive and can swallow a wide variety of details.

You can get rid of cough only by extracting foreign object from the throat. It is better not to do it yourself, you need to contact a specialist so as not to push the object into the body.

The problem is relevant when food gets stuck, for example, bones from fish. Here the cough reflex occurs again, which is often accompanied by increased excretion tears. Food can simply be pushed into the body with the help of a crust of bread, if it is not possible to get it out.

Often the problem of clogging the respiratory tract is that a lot of mucus and sputum are produced. Here you need to take antitussive drugs, they stimulate its discharge. Only mucolytic drugs are needed that do not suppress the effect of expectoration. Before using any medicine, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and then decide on the treatment.

At wet cough the reason may be in gastric tract. This occurs less frequently and mostly in babies, but food enters the respiratory tract instead of the stomach. There is a simple explanation for this, namely improper feeding, in an unnatural position.

Cough with worms in the airways

The presence of worms in the respiratory tract can also cause a wet cough. Lungs or bronchi produce increased amount sputum, but often unable to get rid of the foreign body in the body.

Often the cause frequent cough tuberculosis becomes, while it happens with sputum. Tuberculosis is a disease that mainly affects the lungs and bronchi. A focus of bacteria appears on them, there may be multiple foci of various sizes.

The main problem of the disease is the difficulty in diagnosing, that is, after the virus enters the body, it may not manifest itself for years. Even early symptoms diseases are easily confused with a cold, the same fever and cough can sometimes appear separately.

When coughing for no reason, tuberculosis can be a likely source. The disease is difficult to treat, and therefore the process is protracted, and the bacteria are resistant to many drugs. Treatment is only for constant control doctor, often on an inpatient basis.

Attention! But in any case, in order to accurately verify the reason for which this symptom appeared, you need to go through full examination and get medical advice.

A cough that appears on its own without symptoms of a cold is a warning sign.
Especially if it becomes chronic.
This physiological process there must be causes of occurrence, on which one should rely when determining the diagnosis and, accordingly, the course of treatment.
About what are possible reasons cough without cold diagnostic methods and further treatments.

Symptoms, causes and signs

Any person who does not have pathologies coughs no more than 20 times during the day. This is called a physiologically determined, natural cough.

Unlike pathological form, which is provoked by some kind of disease, the normal type without a cold is a completely natural phenomenon. Read how angina begins in adults.

Due to this, a person clears the respiratory tract from mucus, sputum and other foreign objects.

With a cough that takes on chronic forms, to the same extent, both adults and children often face. Cough should be divided into productive and unproductive.

With the first, mucus and sputum are released, and with the second, no.

So, factors influencing the appearance productive cough without a cold, may be:

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (ingression of stomach acids into the esophagus). At the same time, coughing most often manifests itself within the framework of sleep and is accompanied by such phenomena as heartburn and sour taste in the oral cavity;
  • damage to the lungs, as well as irritation of the throat or esophagus, which is provoked by prolonged smoking;
  • congestive processes in the lungs after a collision with a virus. It can take a long time for the body to get rid of them.

An unproductive cough without a cold is formed due to:

In addition to the above factors, cough without characteristic features colds can be a harbinger of lung cancer, tuberculosis on final stages, mediastinal tumors, acute heart failure, pleurisy or disease nervous system.

In infants and older children, this phenomenon may be associated with croup ( acute form laryngitis), passive smoking(smoke inhalation), emotional problems, teething (physiological rhinitis).

Definition of the diagnosis

Given the impressive list of all possible factors and the causes of cough without a cold, should Special attention give it a diagnosis.

A rigorous analysis of all the characteristics of the symptom will be required. It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the cough.

It can be, for example, "barking" and indicate swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx or unproductive morning, which is typical for smokers. There are also some other forms of cough.

No less important will be indications in the medical history about the duration of coughing attacks, the relationship with any infection, the start of use. medicines, the presence of nicotine addiction.

Laboratory studies ( holistic analysis blood and sputum), as well as instrumental:

Treatment Methods

Attention should be paid to drugs that have vegetable origin as well as some mucolytics.

For example, "Ambroxol" ("Lozolvan"), "Bromhexine" and ACC (acetylcysteine).

Mucolytics are most often used when sputum is present but viscous and therefore difficult to excrete.

Expectorants should be used if a small amount of sputum is coughed up.

Do you know how it's done? It can also cause cough without obvious signs colds. You can read about it by clicking on the link.

Read about the symptoms of stenosis of the larynx in a child in a useful article.

On the page: there is an article in which it is written about inhalations with Borjomi.

Such components have a positive effect on the secretion of sputum by the glands of the bronchi. They make it more liquid and, at the same time, enhance the coughing reflex.

All this has a positive effect on the cleansing of the respiratory tract, if there is no cold.

All other antitussive drugs can only be prescribed by the attending physician. These drugs may provoke active side effects.

It should be noted some alternative methods treatment, for example using the apparatus "Almag". This is a magnetotherapy device that can be used not only in outpatient settings, but also at home.

"Almag" has a physiological and therapeutic effect due to low-frequency and non-intense magnetic field pulses.

It is used not only for coughing without a cold, but also in the case of other ailments: from osteoporosis to varicose veins veins. There are a number of contraindications, in particular, malignant formations, pregnancy and purulent processes.

to the most effective folk remedies relate:

  • gargling with salt water (half a teaspoon table salt for one glass warm water). This alleviates the nature of the cough, relieves irritation and pain in the throat;
  • steam inhalation using essential oils like thyme, eucalyptus, frankincense, or marjoram.

You can also prepare a decoction of sage leaves, pine buds or potatoes. The resources of traditional medicine in this regard are inexhaustible.

However, you should not get carried away with them, because without proven remedies prescribed by a doctor, treatment will not be 100% effective.

Thus, a non-cold cough is a fairly common occurrence that people face in different ages. Particular attention should be paid to the diagnostics of the process, depending on the results of which the treatment course. It can be long and should be continued until full recovery is achieved.

Find out the original folk recipe cough treatment. Watch the proposed animation video.

Constant coughing in an adult is a common reason for visiting doctors. most often worries adult patients. Coughing is a reflex symptom that occurs when the body tries to clear the airways of mucus and accumulated dust. Frequent urge to cough may be due to colds. However, sometimes they report more severe abnormalities. A prolonged cough cannot be ignored. Such a symptom should be immediately eliminated. For successful treatment you need to establish the root cause of the deviation. Sometimes, due to constant coughing, there are negative complications. Often they are irreversible. A visit to the doctor is a must.

There can be many reasons for regular coughing and it is not recommended to leave such a symptom unattended.

Main reasons

Strong or light, but persistent coughpathological sign. It appears only in the presence of certain deviations. By itself, a regular cough cannot occur. Only sometimes it can be physiological and be the norm. Such a cough usually does not bring discomfort to a person and he does not pay attention to it.

Physiological coughing usually occurs up to 20 times a day. Its occurrence is possible in an absolutely healthy person.

Pathological frequent and prolonged coughing does not go away on its own. It always needs medical intervention. In the reasons for the appearance negative symptom only a specialist can figure it out. Usually a prolonged cough is present with serious deviations. greatest danger he presents if he is unproductive.

Cough on permanent basis appears in smokers

The most common occurrence persistent cough in adults is associated with:

  • work at an industrial enterprise;
  • the ingress of toxic components into the respiratory organs;
  • prolonged smoking or getting rid of a bad habit;
  • a recent cold or respiratory disease;
  • allergies (in this case, coughing occurs periodically);
  • presence cancerous tumors in the body;
  • deviations of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the presence of osteochondrosis or some other diseases of the back;
  • deviations in the functioning of the heart and vascular system;
  • lack of oxygen in the body;
  • the presence of certain hereditary pathologies;

Coughing may persist after a cold

  • bronchial asthma;
  • lung diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • deviations in the work of the nervous system;
  • living in an extremely polluted area.

Persistent cough most disturbs patients after waking up and at night. In the afternoon the symptom is less expressed. The cause of the disease can only be determined by passing certain tests. It is impossible to do this on your own.

To the most common reason a prolonged cough is referred to as an allergic reaction. The patient may ignore the present signs and for a long period of time not even suspect that he has an individual intolerance to something. In this case, the fight against cough traditional drugs may be ineffective. The only way to get rid of the symptom is to eliminate the allergen. Used for treatment antihistamines. Upon contact with an allergen, coughing may be accompanied by asthma attacks and excessive tearing.

Cough - common symptom with lung diseases

The doctor must deal with the causes of the onset of the disease before establishing a diagnosis. Without finding out the root cause, he will not be able to recommend drugs for therapy.

Persistent cough is a dangerous symptom

The constant urge to cough can pose a great danger to human life and health. In order to assess the risk, you need to pay attention to concomitant signs. In the presence of certain symptoms urgent need to visit medical institution.

Sometimes an adult may cough for an extended period of time each day. This unpleasant symptom usually accompanied by a host of other unpleasant symptoms. As a rule, the patient complains about:

  • weakness;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • sleep disturbance.

In addition to coughing, the temperature may also rise.

However, there may be more serious symptoms. Usually they include:

  • difficulty in breathing;
  • severe malaise;
  • excessive sweating;
  • rapid weight loss despite a balanced diet;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • redness skin faces.

These symptoms are usually caused by serious violations. For each patient, treatment is selected individually. Usually, specialists take into account a large number of various factors, starting with the underlying disease and ending with the age and weight of the patient.

Against the background of a cough, a person may be disturbed by breathing problems

An urgent need to go to the hospital if the patient not only has symptoms, but his condition is rapidly deteriorating.

He can be diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • pneumonia and bronchitis in a chronic form;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pathologies in the work of the cardiovascular system.

The cause of a cough with other symptoms may be a cancerous tumor

These diseases are of great danger to the patient. Only a doctor can help to cope with the disease that has arisen. Once you start using the medicines, coughing will be much easier. At untimely therapy diseases become chronic. At this stage of development, it is much more difficult to get rid of the disease. Some of the ailments listed above can cause lethal outcome at the patient.

Even the presence of a lung, but regular coughing is a significant reason to visit a medical facility. Ignoring such a sign can lead to a rapid deterioration in the condition. There may be irreversible consequences.

Neurogenic cough

Common cause persistent cough in adults - emotional overstrain. Of course, constant stressful situations adversely affect human health. Sometimes they can cause the development serious illnesses. Often a person coughs when transferred nervous breakdown. In this case, there are annoying factors that affect the brain. They are prerequisites for the emergence of a cough reflex.

Coughing can be observed against the background of emotional overstrain

A mild cough that occurs during emotional overstrain is commonly called neurogenic. It occurs without underlying disease and has characteristic differences. Patients usually complain about:

  • mild bouts of unproductive coughing;
  • the occurrence of a paroxysmal cough during a period of emotional overstrain.

Symptoms worsen when a person experiences stress. It disappears during the calm period. The main symptoms may be accompanied by excessive tearing. Usually severe attacks coughing provokes the appearance of a gag reflex. coughing neurogenic type does not occur at night.

Neurogenic cough usually has a barking character. It does not cause significant discomfort to the patient and is not accompanied by other negative symptoms.

In the treatment of cough on the background of emotional disorders, a psychotherapist's consultation may be required.

This cough is usually present for a long period of time. It will disappear completely after proper treatment. But even in the presence of mild neurogenic coughs, the patient needs treatment. With such an ailment, he needs to visit a psychotherapist. He will confirm or vice versa, refute the presence of a neurogenic deviation, and also, if necessary, prescribe adequate treatment. It usually does not last long, and the course of treatment usually does not include traditional antitussives. They are ineffective for neurogenic cough. The patient is advised to avoid stressful situations. This can significantly reduce the risk of nervous cough. You can't do without consulting a psychotherapist.

infectious diseases

The cause of frequent and prolonged coughing can be infectious diseases and various inflammatory processes. Their presence can be suspected if an unpleasant symptom is observed for more than a few weeks. Both the upper and lower respiratory tract can be affected. A persistent cough is always present with:

  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis.

The presence of infectious diseases of the nasopharynx causes constant coughing

Cause frequent calls coughing is also a violation in the functioning of the nasopharynx. The most common include:

  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis.

Often, prolonged coughing occurs in the presence of diseases of an infectious type. These include whooping cough. The appearance of this disease is often recorded in young children. In adults, the disease rarely appears.

Usually, with prolonged coughing, the presence of tuberculosis is suspected. In order to confirm or deny it, you need to pass certain tests. In the presence of such a disease, the cough is dry and debilitating.

Taking medications must be agreed with the doctor

In the event that the root cause of the disease is infection or inflammation, the patient is prescribed drug treatment. In some cases, it may be necessary to surgical intervention. If symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist. He will tell you how to eliminate the constant coughing in an adult and identify the causes of the violation.

Medicines can be combined with traditional medicine. Then the treatment will be more effective. Can be preferred medicinal drinks based:

  • wild rose;
  • raspberries;
  • viburnum;
  • mountain ash;
  • currants;
  • lindens.

In addition to medicines for coughing, you can use various natural teas and decoctions.

It is also recommended to take warm baths with the addition of sea ​​salt. ethnoscience does not allow you to get rid of an infectious type of disease or inflammation. However, thanks to it, you can significantly alleviate the course of the disease. Any natural ingredients must be agreed with the doctor.

Why there is a dry cough - the doctor will tell about this in the video:

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