Why dream of finding a wallet with money: meaning and interpretation, what it portends
Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about a Wallet and what does it mean: Seeing a wallet or wallet full of banknotes in a dream means good luck, an empty one means disappointment,...
Herring forshmak: classic recipes for a flavorful snack
Herring forshmak, or, more simply, herring pate, is a fairly well-known, tasty appetizer, great for making sandwiches. Everyone in our family loves mincemeat and I offer you my recipe for making it, very simple and quick. From
Vinaigrette with sauerkraut
The best salad in winter is a vinaigrette with sauerkraut. No mayonnaise. All vegetables are grown in the region of residence. Vinaigrette can be served as a salad, as a side dish or as an independent dish. It is seasoned with vegetable oil, preferably sunflower oil. Optional
Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Federation Foreign Affairs Institutes
In 2018, the Faculty of International Relations at MGIMO celebrated its 75th anniversary. Over the past years, thousands of specialists have been trained who have contributed to strengthening the foreign policy positions of our country in the international arena and to the development of social sciences
Why do you dream about a torn heel?
How curious it is that sometimes in dreams even the simplest and seemingly insignificant things are of great importance. In reality, we are surrounded by these objects every day and do not attach any importance to them, but in the world of dreams everything is different. And if we give this due meaning
Electronic theory of conductivity Basic principles of the theory of electrical conductivity
From the standpoint of classical electronic theory, the high electrical conductivity of metals is due to the presence of a huge number of free electrons, the movement of which obeys the laws of classical Newtonian mechanics. This theory neglects the interaction of electro
Aphorisms and quotes about the kindness and mercy of humanity
| Having touched something good and kind, you are drawn to touch it again and again... this is the magnetism of our life... Our greatest strength lies in the kindness and tenderness of our heart... If one or two friendly words can make a person
It’s better not to get involved with them, the worst couples by zodiac sign The worst couples by zodiac sign be careful
Of course, when building a love relationship, you shouldn’t rely only on the compatibility of signs. But isn’t it advisable to know what awaits people of certain zodiac signs in a future union? Will it be simple or complex, emotional or passive. And if
Prokopenko conspiracy theory
Conspiracy theories. Who rules the world? Igor Prokopenko (No ratings yet) Title: Conspiracy theories. Who rules the world? About the book “Conspiracy Theories. Who rules the world?" Igor Prokopenko Does a world government exist or is all this an invention of political scientists and journals
Outline of an educational event on game creative design: “We have something to be proud of. Outline of educational activities
Outline of an educational event on game creative design: “We have something to be proud of” (form of implementation - KTD) Completed by: Anastasia Agafonova, teacher of Russian language and literature Zavodoukovsk 2017 Class: 8 Purpose of the event
Aries zodiac signs from Vasilisa
Another horoscope for 2017 - Aquarius woman from Vasilisa Volodina. You will have a lot of interesting things to do and the opportunity to spend time only with important people and fully relax. This year will be busy. 😉 It is very important not to miss your chance, and when