Constantly cold extremities of hands and feet causes. Cold hands and feet with fever. Complex of symptoms without a specific disease

Hands and feet freeze more often and more severely than other parts of the body. The limbs are devoid of subcutaneous fat, they are removed from the center of blood supply, heat exchange is intense - all this makes them particularly vulnerable. Thin blood vessels narrow in the cold, which exacerbates the situation. Vascular contraction can even be due to fatigue and stress, not to mention atherosclerotic changes.

It happens that the hands and feet are constantly cold, even in a warm room. Sometimes a person cannot keep warm under a thick blanket. What is it: a feature of the body or a health problem?

Cold, poorly warmed hands and feet can be not only a variant of the norm, but also warn of a latent disease. If you are bothered by chilliness of the hands and feet, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of the pathology.

Most likely, the reasons lie in circulatory disorders, which are caused by various diseases:

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia, heart rhythm failures lead to weakness of the circulatory system. A person develops shortness of breath, fatigue at the slightest load, memory weakens. The skin becomes moist to the touch, cool; feet are swollen.
  2. Varicose veins - there is a violation of the blood circulation of the legs. Legs hurt in the knees, pulling under the knees. Sometimes there is a stabbing and cutting pain, which disappears at rest. Veins stand out on the legs, they are dilated and swollen, on the surface of the thighs there are spider veins. Legs are constantly swollen.
  3. Diabetes mellitus, when there is a violation in the work of peripheral nerves.
  4. Anemia - lack of iron in the blood slows down the delivery of oxygen to organs and limbs.
  5. Raynaud's syndrome is a violation of blood circulation in the hands and feet. In the cold, due to spasms of blood vessels, the limbs receive less blood, turn pale, turn blue and become numb. Then there is an expansion of blood vessels, the limbs sweat, then freeze again. With frequent circulatory disorders, sores and wounds appear on the surface of the skin.

In men

For men, cold limbs bring a lot of grief. It is important for them to have strong, warm hands for a secure handshake. Icy hands cause a feeling of disgust and discomfort, bewilderment and ridicule among others.

The main causes of cold hands in men:

  • stress;
  • smoking, alcohol;
  • long pastime at the computer / tablet;
  • lack of magnesium in the body;
  • muscle strain.

Obviously, the main cause of cold extremities is circulatory disorders.

Among women

Most often, young women suffer from unreasonable freezing of the hands. But even in the absence of obvious problems, there are reasons. Freezing limbs are caused by:

  • diets;
  • wearing bracelets, rings;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • poor thermoregulation;
  • stress, anxiety.

In the elderly

Older people are often cold and feel chills even when warm. The reasons for this are age-related changes:

  • slowdown of metabolic processes;
  • slowing down of blood circulation;
  • depletion of adipose and muscle tissue.

If the left leg is cold

The most likely reason that one leg is freezing is atherosclerosis: cholesterol plaques block the aorta, which causes a feeling of cold in the leg. There are others:

  1. Increased blood pressure. Vasospasm occurs, capillaries lose their capacity. Due to circulatory disorders, the legs get cold.
  2. Vegetovascular dystonia. With iron deficiency anemia, oxygen is not supplied to the blood.
  3. Varicose veins. Changes the structure and structure of blood vessels, reduces muscle tone. Hormonal changes in hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus and menopause.
  4. Nicotine. It causes vasospasm, which blocks the access of oxygen.
  5. Stroke - due to loss of sensitivity of nerve endings.
  6. Frostbite, even old, forgotten.
  7. Excessive blood viscosity.

Why do feet sweat and get cold?

Any physical or emotional stress leads to profuse sweating. This may be normal for a person, but most likely, we are talking about hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating, which in itself is not a disease, but its symptom. The following ailments lead to excessive sweating:

  • diabetes;
  • thyroid disease;
  • menopause;
  • alcohol and other intoxications;
  • tuberculosis, pneumonia, other infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncology;
  • nervous disorders;
  • flat feet;
  • kidney disease;
  • multiple sclerosis.

The reasons may not be so serious:

  • shoes made of low-quality synthetic materials;
  • anatomical features;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • hypothermia;
  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • synthetic socks.

How to treat if your feet, fingers and toes are cold

The best measures are preventive. It is necessary to increase the tone of blood vessels, improve blood circulation. If fatigue in the legs, swelling of the feet, pain in the feet are noted, you should pay close attention to your health.

The hackneyed phrases like “movement is life” have by no means lost their relevance. Physical exercise will maintain muscle tone, train the heart muscle. Useful running, cycling, exercise "scissors", leg swings, jumping rope. Learn to sit in a cross-legged position so as not to pinch the vessels. At the end of the day, it is necessary to unload the bloodstream. To do this, lie on your back, raise your legs at a right angle to the body.

A contrast shower is useful to strengthen blood vessels. In addition, gentle changes in water temperature will improve blood circulation. At night, it is good to massage the feet with a warming cream. It makes sense to give up smoking, alcohol, strong coffee and tea.

Preference should be given to natural food without preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Choose comfortable shoes made from natural materials.

Women need to remember that high-heeled shoes are harmful to health, and do not wear them for more than 4 hours in a row.

Tight pants, jeans that stretch underwear are not hygienic clothes that disrupt blood circulation.

To overcome the cold fear of hands and feet, the following measures will help:

  • training of the cardiovascular system;
  • taking sedatives to reduce nervous tension;
  • physical activity;
  • daily brisk walks.

Important to know: a contrast shower can be taken 2-3 times a week. The temperature difference should not be too sharp, so as not to harm the body.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine solves problems in a complex way. It is important to strengthen the body as a whole, improve the blood supply to organs and limbs. It is useful to drink broth cooked from homemade chicken, hot rosehip infusion, cranberry juice, eat right and rest.

In summer, it is useful to walk barefoot on morning dew, natural surfaces - pebbles, grass, primer, sand. Thus, you will stretch your feet pointwise, improve blood circulation. In winter, you can use a massage mat.

Such folk remedies are effective:

  1. Natural apple cider vinegar is rubbed into the feet and legs, then wrapped for 15 minutes. Helps with varicose veins, restores veins, dissolves blood clots, eliminates spasms.
  2. Vodka tincture on red capsicum is used for compresses. Socks are moistened with vodka, feet are soared or washed with hot water, ordinary and woolen socks are put on.
  3. Sophora tincture is taken orally. Insist 50 grams of Sophora fruits in 0.5 liters of vodka for 14 days. Drink 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon for 4 months.

Ginger tea with lemon strengthens the immune system and improves blood circulation. You can also add mustard powder to the water and soak your feet. This method warms well and improves blood circulation.


For better blood circulation, it is useful to perform the following exercises:

  1. Lie on the floor, on your stomach. Bend your legs at the knees, alternately reaching with your heels to the buttocks.
  2. Lie on the floor, on your back. Raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees to the body and shake your feet for 2 minutes.
  3. Squeeze the walnuts with effort in the palms, rolling them.
  4. Slowly stand on tiptoe, alternately lowering your feet to the floor.
  5. Do the bike exercise.
  6. Lie on your back, with your feet "write" the words.
  7. Perform forward bends, touching the floor with your fingertips.
  8. Lying on your back, raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees and spread your legs in different directions.
  9. Sitting on a chair, spread the socks to the sides and connect them again.
  10. Sitting on a chair, raise your legs on your toes and lower them.

Treatment of any disease involves adherence to the regime of the day, nutrition, rest. Chilliness of the extremities is no exception. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol is the first and most important step on the road to recovery. Passive smoking is also dangerous, so avoid smoky areas.

An important factor is a balanced diet. Fatty, smoked makes blood viscous, complicates its circulation. It is important to observe the drinking regimen in order to prevent blood clotting. A person needs about two liters of ordinary water per day, in addition to soups, tea, and fruits.

These recommendations are not new. They are even banal. Take care of yourself, take care of yourself. Don't be lazy. Change your lifestyle, don't live "sitting". Do not disturb sleep, nutrition and rest. Go to bed at the same time and no later than eleven at night. Earlier is better. Enjoy life, don't be nervous.

Raynaud's disease

This disease is a common cause of cold fingers, in which blood vessels constrict under low temperatures or stress. At the time of the crisis, the fingers may turn white, then turn blue due to reduced or interrupted blood supply. With the expansion of blood vessels, the fingers acquire a red tint. The crisis is accompanied by numbness or, on the contrary, severe pain. Fortunately, this violation is more unpleasant than dangerous. Simple preventive measures - warm clothes, gloves or mittens, and avoiding severe emotional stress - are sufficient to prevent a crisis.

Autoimmune diseases

Sometimes another disease can trigger Raynaud's disease. Lupus, in which the immune system attacks its own tissues scleroderma, leading to thickening and scarring of the skin and connective tissues; rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. When the underlying disease is treated, the symptoms of Raynaud's disease usually resolve.


Often, cold fingers are the result of a reduced function of the thyroid gland - the "thermostat" of the body. With this disorder, most processes in the body slow down, and symptoms such as fatigue, constipation, weight gain, and a constant feeling of cold appear. Hypothyroidism is most common in women over 50.

Circulatory disorders

It is this violation that is most often suspected with cold fingers. Weakened blood supply occurs with weak heart activity, physical obstruction of blood flow (with cholesterol plaques that narrow the arteries and capillaries) or other reasons. The extremities, being the most distant parts of the body from the heart, experience the maximum effect of reduced blood flow.


Anemia is caused by a low amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. As a result, blood oxygen saturation is reduced. This can be caused by a lack of iron in the body, blood loss (for example, with heavy menstrual bleeding, ulcers, etc.), some forms of cancer, and digestive disorders (for example, with Crohn's disease). In addition to cold hands, anemia is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, and pale skin. In most cases, the symptoms of anemia caused by a lack of iron go away when iron is replenished.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12, found in meat, poultry, eggs, milk and other dairy products, is essential for the formation of red blood cells. The lack of this vitamin can lead to a reduction in their number and, as a result, anemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency is common among vegetarians, vegans, and people over 50 who have impaired absorption of the vitamin. The same goes for people with Crohn's disease. A routine blood test can reveal whether vitamin B12 deficiency is the cause of cold fingers. If so, supplements containing this vitamin may help.

Low pressure

Low blood pressure can be due to many causes, including dehydration, blood loss, certain medications, and endocrine disorders. With low blood pressure, blood flow to the extremities is reduced, concentrating on the internal organs. If you notice other symptoms of low blood pressure, such as dizziness, blurred vision, tiredness, nausea, and weakness, tell your doctor.

stress and anxiety

Stress affects many parts of the body, and fingers are no exception. With chronic stress or anxiety, the body goes into a critical state. Adrenaline levels rise, and as a result, the blood vessels in the extremities constrict, leaving the fingers cold. Controlling stress levels can relieve this symptom.


The medications you are taking may also be the cause of cold fingers. Many medications cause vasoconstriction, especially of the arteries, leading to Raynaud's disease. These drugs include beta-blockers, migraine medications, and over-the-counter decongestants. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to see if the medicine you are taking is causing your cold fingers.


Cold hands can be added to the many negative results of smoking: nicotine causes blood vessels to narrow, and also contributes to the accumulation of plaques on their walls, which, in any case, reduces the blood supply to the extremities.

Why do children and adults have cold hands and feet? Is this normal or does it indicate the development of a disease? How to help the sick with the help of traditional medicine and home remedies? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

The problem of icy hands or feet is quite common, both in children and adults. Some tend not to pay attention to this, considering it a physiological feature of the body. Others refer such signs to possible symptoms of the development of serious diseases.

Why there are cold hands and feet in an adult: reasons

Cold extremities can be the result of a variety of conditions and problems of the body. The most common include circulatory disorders, high blood pressure, feverish conditions in infectious diseases, the effect of low temperature and high humidity.

The human body feels most comfortable in a warm environment. In the event of a change in conditions, for example, a decrease in air temperature, all life support resources are thrown into maintaining the functions of important organs and systems to the detriment of less significant ones (limbs, nose, ears).

If the hands and feet remain cold even in a warm room or in the hot summer season, this is a symptom of a malfunction of the body due to some disease or a consequence of lifestyle.

The main causes of cold extremities are:

  • The presence of pathologies, the list of which is quite large - diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, osteochondrosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, vitamin deficiency, hyperhidrosis, etc.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia is a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. In this case, we are not talking about a disease of individual organs, so the therapy is aimed at correcting the patient's lifestyle and using a number of exercises and techniques to improve the general condition.
  • Genetic predisposition - the physiological structure of blood vessels and capillaries causes them to narrow even with small changes in ambient temperature.
  • Hormonal background - in women aged 18 to 55 years, the syndrome of cold hands and feet is more common, since it is associated with the level of estrogen - the female hormone involved in the process of thermoregulation.
  • Age-related changes - aging of the body causes a slowdown in heat transfer processes, so older people often experience discomfort from the cold indoors and outdoors, they try to dress warmer.
  • Violation of the diet, including diet. The normal functioning of the body is impossible without proper nutrition. When broken down and assimilated, nutrients are converted into energy, which is used to regulate normal body temperature and physical activity. Poor nutrition leads to the expenditure of internal resources of the body and lack of energy.
  • Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating of the extremities. The constant moisture of the hands and feet, especially in the cold season, leads to chilliness and chills in the hands and feet. Such a condition can be a symptom of existing diseases - the thyroid gland, nervous system, cardiovascular system, tumor formations, hormonal disruptions, infectious and fungal infections. Of the external reasons, one can name the wearing of synthetic socks or tights, low-quality shoes, neglect of hygiene rules.
  • Lack of physical activity due to work or a sedentary lifestyle can also cause slow blood flow and, as a result, cold hands and feet.
Chills of the hands and feet are a symptom of many diseases.

Why constantly cold hands and feet, hands and feet: the reason

If you feel cold hands and feet quite regularly and regardless of external factors, this may indicate the development of a disease.

  • With atherosclerosis of the vessels, dizziness, angina pectoris, tinnitus, headaches, pain in the spine, dry skin, and circulatory disorders are possible.
  • Osteochondrosis - causes a violation of blood circulation due to deformation of the intervertebral discs. The patient feels pain in the back, dizziness, numbness of the limbs.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland - insufficient production of hormones leads to a state of rapid fatigue, drowsiness, circulatory disorders, heart rhythm disturbances, and a decrease in metabolism.
  • Diabetes mellitus causes capillary spasms and impaired blood flow. In the subsequent period of the course of the disease, large vessels are involved in the process. In this case, the lower limbs suffer more, which can lead to serious damage to the feet, tissue death and the development of gangrene.
  • Raynaud's syndrome - characterized by spasms of small arterial vessels of the hands and is manifested by a feeling of tingling, numbness, chilliness and pain in the fingers.
  • Anemia - a low level of hemoglobin, vitamin C, folic acid and a lack of iron in the body entails tachycardia, dizziness, weakness, pale skin, chills.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should not delay visiting a doctor for a comprehensive examination and appropriate treatment.

Why do children have cold hands and feet?

Contacting with the external environment, the body of a healthy baby adapts to temperature conditions.

  • The skin, or rather its vessels, react to air temperature. Cool feet and hands of a child are not a problem and should not cause concern to parents if the color and appearance of the skin of the limbs looks normal.
  • Very cold feet and hands with a bluish tint to the skin indicate that the child is cold and uncomfortable. Adults should pay attention to the choice of clothes for a child for home and outings. The thermoregulation system in childhood is designed so that short-term cooling is less dangerous than constant overheating.
  • The reason for the constantly cold hands and feet of a child can also be a rapid growth rate, in which the capillaries do not keep up with the needs of a growing organism and cannot fully deliver blood to the extremities.

Why are the hands and feet cold in a baby, a newborn?

Mothers of very young children often experience panic fear if they notice the cold hands and feet of the baby. At the same time, they try to dress him as warmly as possible, fearing a cold.

Newborn children react to the ambient temperature, and the baby's body forms the correct reaction to changes. The temperature of the baby's limbs is the temperature of the skin. If the hands and nights are cold, this indicates a spasm of the skin vessels. This reaction is a natural mechanism for conserving body heat. Due to it, the immune defense of the baby is built, which will later be the main factor in maintaining health. If each time the mother tries to prevent the slightest cooling, then the child's immunity will be weak.

To help your baby get the thermoregulation process up and running faster, do the following:

  • Bathe the baby in water at the optimum temperature - 37-37.5 ° C in a warm room.
  • Massage your child's entire body daily, paying particular attention to the hands and feet.
  • Repeat simple exercises that the baby likes - bend and unbend the arms and legs, gently rotate the shoulder and hip joints.

Why does a child and an adult have a hot head at a high temperature, and cold hands and feet: causes, treatment

Icy hands and feet on the background of fever and high temperature (more than 39 ° C) are more often observed in young children. In adults, this condition (“white fever”) may be associated with a weakening of the immune system or may be associated with certain chronic diseases.

A decrease in immune defense leads to a physiological state, during which blood rushes to the internal organs, which causes an acute spasm of the vessels of the extremities and a violation of heat transfer. Outwardly, this is expressed by intense pallor of the skin (sometimes to a bluish color).

This type of fever is usually:

  • It occurs against the background of the course of acute infectious diseases of viral etiology - influenza, SARS, parotitis, scarlet fever, diphtheria, chicken pox, whooping cough, measles, rubella.
  • It occurs in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, broncho-pulmonary system, chronic diseases of internal organs.
  • Sometimes it can accompany brain diseases with traumatic injuries and tumor formations, or be a symptom of an allergic reaction.

What should you pay attention to?

  • Put warm socks on the patient, but do not cover them with a blanket.
  • Give an antispasmodic (drotaverine, no-shpa, dicetel) to prevent seizures.
  • The room where the patient is located should not be too hot. Despite the coldness of the extremities and chills, the body temperature remains high.
  • Rubbing the body with alcohol-containing liquids is not recommended - this can lead to increased vascular spasm and weakened heat transfer, the temperature of the internal organs will only increase.
  • You should not deal only with lowering the temperature - normal thermometer readings do not indicate recovery. The patient requires urgent medical care for accurate diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease.

Why cold hands and feet with high blood pressure?

Patients suffering from hypertension often experience palpitations, noise and ringing in the ears, colored spots or "flies" before the eyes, internal heat, followed by chills and severe trembling, chilliness, tingling and numbness of the extremities.

In stressful situations, nervous tension and psycho-emotional stress, blood pressure can increase significantly even in the absence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. To prevent a severe attack, it is useful to take an extract of valerian root, motherwort, a decoction of berries (lingonberries, blackberries, red currants, cranberries) or warm tea with lemon.

In people with vascular disease, chills and trembling in the extremities may indicate the onset of a hypertensive crisis. In this case, it is urgent to measure the pressure and take a medication to reduce it, prescribed by the attending physician.

Why are hands and feet cold when the head hurts?

Migraine is a type of vascular headache. During an attack, the temporal artery expands, which leads to tension in the nerves that encircle it and the release of certain chemicals. These substances provoke an inflammatory process and a further increase in pain.

Migraines are chronic diseases with frequent relapses. Severe pain is accompanied by active pulsation in the temples or occipital lobe, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pale skin, sensitivity to light and sounds, chills, cold hands and feet.

A sharp or pulling headache is also one of the symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia. The list of signs of this disease includes up to 150 symptoms and 40 syndromes. VSD can be expressed as coronary heart disease, hypertension, osteochondrosis, thyrotoxicosis, etc., while examinations and analyzes will not reveal any serious organ pathologies. Therefore, sometimes it can be quite difficult for specialists to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

One of the main complaints of a patient with VVD is poor tolerance to temperature changes. The hands and feet of the patient always remain cold, even in a warm room and hot climate, while the elevated air temperature causes dizziness, weakness and a feeling of lack of air.

Malaise, headaches and chilliness of the extremities are one of the signs of VVD.

How to treat cold hands and feet with drugs?

As already noted, cold extremities are not a separate disease, but only a consequence of other pathologies or inflammatory processes in the body. Treatment of this problem is reduced to the diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease.

With VVD, when the patient's condition is associated only with the functioning of the nervous system, treatment with the following drugs is expected:

  • herbal remedies - extract of valerian root, motherwort, peony tincture
  • antidepressants
  • tranquilizers
  • nootropics

Any medication should be taken under medical supervision.

How to treat cold hands and feet with folk remedies?

If the cause is not associated with any pathology, you should pay attention to some of your own habits and lifestyle:

  • The body must be well protected from the uncomfortable state that occurs when the cold air indoors or outdoors.
  • Choose your wardrobe correctly, when buying new clothes, pay attention to the density and composition of the fabric.
  • Try to always keep your feet warm, for this, carefully choose shoes according to the season and do not save on their quality. Shoes should be soft and comfortable, not squeeze the fingers, thereby complicating blood circulation. Monitor the temperature in your living quarters, do not forget to put on socks and slippers at home.
  • Wearing jewelry - rings, bracelets, watches that pinch the wrist and fingers can cause difficulty in normal blood flow and numbness in the hands.
  • Food is also involved in the body's thermoregulation process. Oriental medicine recommends in the cold season to include in the diet foods that increase blood circulation - garlic, ginger, hot peppers, hot herbal tea, hawthorn infusion.
  • Natural essential oils (eucalyptus, juniper, fir, sandalwood, sweet orange) stimulate blood flow and activate the protective functions of the body. Use any vegetable oil for the massage procedure, adding a few drops of essential oils to it. Such a tool can also be used as first aid in case of hypothermia and the initial degree of frostbite.
  • Physical activity contributes to the saturation of the body with oxygen, stimulates metabolism and blood circulation. With a sedentary lifestyle, such as sedentary work, remember the correct posture at rest and short breaks, during which you do short gymnastics for the arms and legs. In your free time, find time to do daily exercises and walks in the fresh air.
  • A proven remedy for centuries - hot foot baths. Soaring the legs is useful for strengthening blood vessels and improving blood circulation, as well as for hyperhidrosis and fungal infections. To enhance the effect of colds, add 1 tbsp to hot water. a spoonful of mustard or rosemary. For skin problems, take baths with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of baking soda.
  • Hot compresses also activate blood circulation in the extremities. Apply gauze soaked in hot water to the feet for 5 minutes, repeat the procedure several times before going out into the cold.
  • At night, before going outside or after hypothermia, rub your feet with a warming ointment. The following compounds have proven themselves well: Apizartron, Tiger Balm, Finalgon. For children, use Doctor Mom balm, which has a warming and antiseptic effect.

Video: Why hands and feet get cold

Hello dear blog readers! Today I would like to discuss with you one very interesting topic and at the same time give an answer to a question that has long been of interest to many: “why are my hands and feet cold?”. I don’t know about you, but I often suffer from this ailment. Especially in winter: you seem to be sitting in a warm room, in woolen socks and a sweater, but your hands are still cold. As I was told, this is quite an appropriate phenomenon for a growing organism. Like, I stretch, and the capillaries do not keep up with the general pace and do not always competently and in full deliver blood to the extremities. Maybe so, because lately my hands and feet are almost constantly warm - they stopped growing. Well, or slowed down the pace 🙂

So what am I for? Moreover, cold hands and feet are most often a symptom of some kind of illness, rather than an “independent” disease or deviation.

Why are my hands and feet cold again?

So, we will work according to the following scheme: first, I give the cause of the disease, and then I paint all possible ways to solve it.

Everyone, let's go.

1. Violation of blood circulation or a sedentary lifestyle.

It seems banal, but at the same time the most common answers to the question: “why cold hands and feet?”. Ways to solve this problem and eliminate the symptoms are familiar to everyone.

How to fight?

  • move more, start exercising (if this advice seems silly and too simple to you, then I can give an example of its effectiveness: last night I returned to the hostel and my hands, of course, were cold; after staying for about an hour at room temperature, they they didn’t warm up very much, which didn’t make me very happy; but as soon as I worked out for 10 minutes (I), my hands not only warmed up, but downright burned with heat - and this is far from the only case).
  • alternate sitting, walking and standing (as an addition to the previous paragraph).
  • if your feet are cold, then the park helps very well (a time-tested method: pour warm water into the basin and dip your feet into it; you can also add a tablespoon of dry mustard powder, ground black pepper or ginger to the bath with hot water).
  • a general foot massage helps well, or just relieving excessive fatigue (I already wrote about this: just lie on your back and put your legs on the pillow so that they are slightly higher than the body; lie in this position for 3-5 minutes and you will feel noticeable relief ).
  • wear warmer clothes and avoid tight things that slow down the movement of blood in certain parts of the body (hard rubber socks, tight gloves, tight shoes).
  • watch your own (in a sitting position, the feet should be on the floor - try not to cross your legs and do not cross them).
  • do not sit in one place for more than 45 minutes (we sat for 45 minutes, got up and walked, at least to the door and back, but waved our hands along the way - all the limbs would warm up).
  • richly flavor food with all the "hot" spices (red and black pepper, ginger, cardamom, mustard, horseradish, etc.).

2. Often cold hands and feet are the result of smoking and constant stress (I know from my own experience that when I get nervous before an exam, my hands are cold as ice, and my whole body is in a fever).

Nicotine is known to cause vasospasm. Stress has the same effect. Well, if you have been smoking for several years and are nervous a lot, then cold hands and feet syndrome can be caused precisely by this.

How to fight?

  • quit smoking;
  • deal with stress (I gave some recommendations in the article).

3. Diseases.

Sometimes cold hands and feet are just a symptom or side effect of some serious illness. Let's take a brief look at just a few of them (I myself am not a doctor, so I borrowed the information for this item from other resources).

  • Vegetovascular dystonia.

Symptoms: sudden changes in blood pressure, hot flashes and colds, dizziness. Such a person complains of fatigue and unjustified pain in the heart, tingling in certain parts of the body.

What to do: consult a doctor (especially pay attention to the passage of a neurologist and an endocrinologist).

  • Atherosclerosis.

Symptoms: frequent dizziness, noise in the head, dry skin, emaciation, back pain and others.

What to do: first of all, consult a doctor; improve your diet, remove excess salt from the body, cleanse it of toxins and get rid of bad habits.

Here is an excellent article that contains not only a detailed description of this disease, but also a whole list of recommendations.

  • Osteochondrosis.

Symptoms: violation of blood circulation due to deformation of the intervertebral discs. The result is back pain, dizziness, a feeling of aches all over the body and numbness.

What to do: of course, contact a doctor (neurologist), who will draw up a plan for subsequent treatment.

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.

Symptoms: due to a lack of hormones (thyroid gland), the patient has constant lethargy, drowsiness, a certain lethargy in all actions. The pulse also slows down, the skin becomes dry and flaky.

What to do: the answer is still the same - see a doctor (first of all, do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, as well as see an endocrinologist).

  • Lack of iron.

Symptoms: dizziness, pale skin. Also, to all this, increased fatigue and palpitations are added.

What to do: see a doctor, take a blood test.

4. Well, the last, most primitive and “understandable” factor is the weather.

Personally, my hands get colder much less often in summer than in winter or autumn. Why? I think the answer is obvious 🙂

What to do?

  • take warm showers or baths more often (especially in autumn and winter);
  • “change shoes” and “change clothes” in time and do not wait until snow falls on your head;
  • drink more warming (I wanted to write intoxicating :)) drinks (you can try ginger tea, I really like it: a spoonful of honey, a slice of lemon and ground ginger on the tip of a spoon - pour all this with boiling water and drink; also no one has canceled the usual one).


As you can see, dear readers, there are a lot of reasons for this disease. Moreover, it is not always banal “I forgot (a) to wear gloves” or “it’s cold outside.” Sometimes the answer to the question "why cold hands and feet" can be very unpleasant. But you should not despair, because modern medicine, in tandem with folk medicine, can bring anyone to their senses. Just don't forget to add a pinch of mental health to this recipe and you'll be fine.

That's all. Good luck to you, dear readers, and all the best. Take care of your health, both physical and mental, and don't forget to visit my blog pages.

For any person cold feet can cause great discomfort. Often this symptom does not appear alone, but is accompanied by a tingling or change, like blueness. Although in some cases cold feet are not a serious cause for concern. However, in most cases, such a manifestation may indicate the presence of diseases that need to be treated.
Let's look at some possible reasons why are my feet cold which you should definitely pay attention to, as they are the reason for going to the doctor.

Cold feet causes:

  1. Low ambient temperature

When the ambient temperature becomes lower than what we are used to, it is natural that the feet freeze, which can cause the skin to turn blue. In medicine, this phenomenon is called cyanosis. It occurs due to the body's natural response to a sudden drop in temperature, which disrupts blood flow to the limbs, as most of the blood is sent to the center of the body to keep warm. Although some people become worried when they see a change in skin color, cyanosis is usually not a serious condition. The heat gradually returns to the feet, and the color of the skin is restored under the influence of heat. In some cases, simply putting on a pair of socks or walking up to a heat source such as a fireplace or fire is sufficient.

  1. peripheral vascular disease(PVD)

One of the most common causes of cold feet is peripheral vascular disease, which is the blockage of arteries in the extremities by fatty deposits, thereby preventing proper blood circulation to the feet. PVD arises from excessive consumption of fat and fat, which leads to their accumulation in the arteries, thereby narrowing their passages. Fat is gradually deposited on the walls of the arteries, narrowing the channels and soon begins to flow poorly to the lower parts of the limbs. Thus, the lower limbs, where the blood flow is disturbed, begin to cool down very quickly, regardless of the external temperature. In addition to making the feet cold, PVD leaves patients vulnerable to injury and painful ulcers. Therefore, anyone at risk for cold feet should be examined by a doctor to determine if this could be the cause of PVD.

  1. Peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy refers to diseases in which the nerves in the extremities are damaged, resulting in poor signaling in the nervous tissue. Disruption of nerve signal communication is known to cause symptoms such as pain, loss of sensation, and lowering of temperature in the legs. Although peripheral neuropathy can occur in isolation or be triggered by other diseases, it has been found to be most common in diabetic patients. Although the exact relationship between diabetes and nerve damage has not yet been established, experts say that people with diabetes are more likely to suffer from pain and chills in their legs.

  1. Raynaud's disease

This is another reason that temporarily blocks the blood supply to certain parts of the body, usually the toes. Raynaud's disease is caused by both internal and external factors, including cold weather, and anxiety. An individual suffering from this condition has a temporary spasm in the blood vessels due to a trigger that blocks the flow of blood to certain areas of the body. The skin in these areas usually changes color, becoming first white, then blue. When blood flow is restored, skin color returns to normal. In addition to cold, numbness, tingling and pain can be felt in the legs. While there are medications available to help control the symptoms of Raynaud's, it's also helpful in some cases to simply keep warm and avoid cold weather.

  1. Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is a serious condition that is classified as an eating disorder. Individuals' anorexia is abnormally related to their body weight and reduces food intake to alarmingly low proportions. Along with being dangerously fast, these people tend to develop slow heart rates and therefore poor circulation. This can lead to hypothermia, a condition where the body maintains a very low temperature, causing the patient to feel cold all the time. In most cases, the hands and feet become colder, and the cold can spread to all other parts of the body.

  1. frostbite

Frostbite is damage to localized body tissues caused by skin exposure to cold weather. This disease usually affects the hands, feet and lips. Extremely cold weather constricts blood vessels and affects overall blood flow.
As a general rule, people who find themselves in adverse weather conditions and those who participate in sports at high altitudes, such as skiers, are at risk of frostbite. It is possible to feel pain in the affected area, as if the fingers are stinging with needles, together with a sensation of numbness. The longer the legs are exposed to cold weather conditions, the more severe the damage.

  1. scleroderma

Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that affects the connective tissue of the body, mainly the skin on the hands and feet. cold feet is the main source of disability in people suffering from scleroderma. Overproduction can lead to such a condition in the body, and normal environmental factors can also cause scleroderma.
Anyone can get this condition, including children, although it is more common in women than men. As for treatment, there is no specific treatment. But symptoms can be controlled by monitoring blood pressure or gastrointestinal function.

  1. Hypothyroidism

When the thyroid gland is underactive, hypothyroidism occurs. This causes various bodily processes to slow down, and in moderate or severe cases, can lead to a slow heart rate and reduced blood flow. From time to time, the legs may become cold, although not to the point where the skin becomes discolored or bluish. Prompt treatment of hypothyroidism can help relieve many of the symptoms, including cold feet. Therefore, it is recommended that anyone suffering from cold feet along with other signs of ill health should have their thyroid checked periodically.

  1. Buerger's disease

This is a condition caused by inflammation of the small blood vessels in the legs and is usually associated with smoking. Also known as thromboangiitis obliterans, in which impaired circulation affects the sensitivity to cold. It is associated with Raynaud's phenomenon, when the inflamed walls of the arteries impede blood flow, which leads to the formation of blood clots. With this disease, the blood vessels narrow due to smoking and in some cases so much that they even destroy skin tissue.
Buerger's disease is rare and usually affects men in the 20-40 age group. Therefore, it is important for those suffering from Buerger's disease to stop smoking completely in order to restore their blood circulation.

  1. Anemia

Anemia is often a symptom of a number of diseases that can either be associated with damage to the blood system, or not depend on it. Anemia leads to inflammation of the tongue, the manifestation of cold hands and feet. In this state, a constant feeling of coldness, especially in the legs, is normal. Other symptoms that may accompany cold feet include pale skin, brittle nails, chest pain, poor appetite, and irregular heartbeats. If you or your child often has cold feet, you should see a doctor, as this symptom may indicate iron deficiency anemia.

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