Causes of a cough without a cold. What does persistent coughing indicate?

Cough is a specific defense of the body, which is a symptom of the disease. Thanks to coughing, the body tries to remove through the respiratory tract elements that make breathing difficult and affect cough receptors. The duration is divided into: acute, protracted and chronic. There are two types of cough: dry and wet. For the treatment of wet cough, mucolytic and expectorant drugs are used, and for dry cough, cough soothing drugs are used.

What is a cough?

Cough is a symptom that is a protective reaction of the body.

Why does cough occur? With the help of a cough, the respiratory organs are cleansed of excess secretion and microbes. Cough is of a different nature and its treatment depends on it. Microorganisms, dust, sputum and everything that makes breathing difficult are removed from the respiratory tract through the glottis, thanks to coughing shocks, and thus, the body reflexively tries to get rid of “extra” elements on its own.

The nature of the cough depends on the level at which the exposure to the pathogenic microbe occurred. If the back wall of the pharynx is inflamed - this is pharyngitis, while the cough is superficial. If the infection is localized on the trachea and vocal cords, then tracheitis or laryngitis occurs, in which case the cough is irritating, rough, and gives a lot of discomfort. At this stage, it is very important to start treatment on time, otherwise the disease may be complicated by pneumonia or bronchitis.

Causative agents of cough

The causative agents of cough can be diseases of the following origin:

  • Viral;

  • Bacterial;

  • Allergic.
In addition to these three types of the origin of the disease, the unsatisfactory condition of the air or the high content of dust in it can cause a cough.

In most cases, the process of coughing is quite simple: a significant amount of mucus is produced in the lungs, and the body tries to get rid of this mucus through coughing.

The reasons

Dry cough

Let's look at the causes of dry cough in adults and children. Dry cough is the result of irritation of the cough receptors. These receptors are dispersed in different parts of the body: in the trachea, pharynx, at the place where the bronchi divide, in the paranasal sinuses and in the stomach. When something affects these receptors, the urge to cough and the cough itself may begin.

Moist cough

Wet cough is a cough with phlegm, its causes, as a rule, are inflammatory processes that directly occur in the respiratory system. With this type of cough, the body tries to remove and get rid of the accumulated sputum. Site specialists strongly draw your attention to the fact that if sputum does not leave, then its large accumulation will disrupt the ventilation of the lungs, which can lead to inflammation.

Cough for no reason

Very often, many complain about the so-called "cough for no reason", but this is nonsense. If there is a cough, then a priori it cannot be without a reason, something still provokes its occurrence, which means that there is a reason.

If a cough without a reason is understood as a situation where the occurrence of a cough was not preceded by some obvious reason, and at the same time a cough without fever is observed, then most likely this is a manifestation of an allergic reaction or on a nervous basis. If such a cough persists for more than a week, then you should consult a doctor.

Establishing the cause of a cough is simply necessary, as it can be a harbinger of serious illness!

Night cough

It is also worth noting the so-called nocturnal cough, when it occurs or intensifies at night, especially in a child. In this case, the horizontal position of the body is the culprit. In this position, the mucus from the nasopharynx cannot be absorbed, and its accumulation simply clogs the nasopharynx, which leads to a reflex cough. The same picture as in the nasopharynx is also observed in the lungs, since in this position the sputum resolves very, very slowly, so the blood supply to the lungs worsens in a person, which also leads to coughing.

Along with this, a nocturnal cough may be the result of a change in the microclimate of the apartment at night. The fact is that at night the air becomes colder and dryer, because of this, the membranes of the larynx are irritated, which actually lead to bouts of reflex coughing. At the same time, stronger and more frequent coughing fits can be observed at night than during the day. This is due to the fact that being in a horizontal position, it becomes more difficult for a person to cough, because of this, the intensity of coughing and the duration of his urges increase.

Types of cough

There are two types of cough - dry and wet. With a wet cough, sputum is excreted from the body, which in itself is a necessity for the body, since it is she who causes cough and inflammation in the body. Thus, the withdrawal of sputum is a benefit for the body, and therefore, such a cough is productive. As for dry cough, it does not bring any benefit to the body and is useless for humans, which means it is unproductive.

Dry cough

At the beginning of the disease and at the end, the patient develops a dry cough. With this type of cough, sputum is absent. As soon as it appears, the cough becomes wet.

The main feature of this type of cough is that the patient wants to cough all the time, get rid of something superfluous in the throat and chest. If, after several attempts to cough up, this cannot be done, then you should not continue, because coughing can disrupt the integrity of small blood vessels in the vocal cords, this leads to a disastrous result: hoarseness or even.

In the initial stage of the disease, for example, with respiratory infections, one should try to make the dry cough become wet. For this, special mucolytic and expectorant drugs are used.

When you are on the mend and the wet cough is over and turned into a protracted dry one, you can get rid of it with the help of drugs that suppress the cough reflex. An excruciating cough can provoke a rise in blood pressure, cause insomnia, and in severe cases, cardiopulmonary failure.

Moist cough

A wet cough is considered productive. Sputum is a good breeding ground for the development of microorganisms, it accumulates in the bronchi and is excreted with the help of coughing. In this case, we can safely talk about the benefits of coughing. However, if the cough does not go away in any way, then the disease becomes chronic and sputum is separated worse and is almost not excreted from the body. In such cases, treatment is carried out with the help of expectorants, which thin the sputum and contribute to its easier removal.

It is necessary that sputum when coughing must necessarily leave the body, for this it must be expectorated, that is, spit out.

In addition, cough can be divided according to the period of its duration.

Duration of cough

If the cough arose as a result of the usual, then it should pass in a week. If the trachea and vocal cords are involved, then the cough can last up to two weeks.

As a rule, the duration of the cough is divided into: acute, protracted and chronic:

Acute cough. This cough lasts for 3 weeks. A feature of acute cough is that it is constant, that is, the patient coughs almost constantly. Such a cough helps to cleanse the body of sputum. Most often, acute cough is inherent in respiratory diseases, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis, etc.

lingering cough. This cough starts after 3 weeks of acute cough and can last up to 3 months. If in the case of an acute cough the patient coughs constantly, then the so-called undulating bursts are characteristic of a protracted cough (there may be no cough for one or several days, then it will appear for a while and then disappear again), and the cough may also be at a certain time (only during the day or just at night). This type of cough may indicate that the cough is gradually becoming chronic.

chronic cough. As for this type of cough, it begins after 3 months of duration. Chronic cough can be both the cause of an untreated primary source disease and its complication, and a consequence of the presence of very dangerous diseases in the body: lung tumors, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, heart failure, etc. In most cases, this type of cough is intermittent, that is, it has both exacerbations and breaks between manifestations: on certain days or times of the day, or due to an exacerbation of the disease that led to chronic cough.

What to do when coughing?

First you need to establish the cause of the cough and take measures to eliminate it. Treatment of cough in this case takes place as a concomitant process in the treatment of the underlying disease. From the cause and nature of the cough, the doctor prescribes medications.

Establishing the cause

Establishing the cause of a cough, that is, a disease whose symptom is a cough, is simply necessary. Without this, taking action to treat cough is wrong and even dangerous to health. This is due to the fact that coughing is a symptom, so it is provoked by a third-party process. That is why, in order to cure a cough, you just need to eliminate the disease or other factors that provoke it. Cough can be "masked", but this will not get rid of its cause, and therefore, the cough will continue and gradually begin to turn into a chronic form.

Cough tends to become more complicated, especially in children, in whom, for example, bronchitis can easily turn into. There is only one way out: visit a doctor as soon as possible to eliminate the cause and immediately begin treatment. You do not need to engage in self-treatment of cough, no matter what nature it is, in order to avoid complex consequences.

It is important to remember that cough treatment must be carried out in full until complete recovery. An important symptom is the occurrence of a cough during the transition from heat to cold, which means that the inflammatory process has not been completely eliminated.

Medical treatment


These days, there are a very large number of dry cough remedies to help it transition to a wet one, as well as to get rid of a dry cough. For this purpose:

  • Mucolytics (used to thin sputum);

  • Expectorants (make coughing shocks stronger so that liquefied sputum comes out);

  • Soothing (reduce cough activity, used for dry cough).
That is why in so many drugs it is easy to get confused and harm self-medication. Only a doctor can choose the right drugs based on the type of cough, examination results and diagnosis.

Medicines and syrups

In the fight against cough, medicines are used, which consist of herbal expectorants (anise oil, licorice root and marshmallow). They stimulate the motor function of the respiratory tract.

Also, sweet syrups are used in the treatment, which should be used only as directed by a doctor. Do not use cough syrups on an empty stomach. Before taking the medicine, you must eat.


At the very beginning of the disease, as soon as it starts to tickle in the throat, gargling with saline solution with chlorophyllipt helps. For one glass of hot water, 1 tablespoon of salt and chlorophyllipt.


For complex therapy for diseases of the respiratory tract (, acute respiratory infections,), immunomodulators are often prescribed to increase the body's defenses and reduce the frequency and severity of the course of diseases. Also, immunomodulators are often used for prophylactic purposes.


With SARS, acute respiratory infections, trachitis and bronchitis, cough can be cured with a certain rubbing. It won't be too hard to make it. First you need to rub the back and chest of the child with a mitten worn on the hand, and then grease with a warming ointment or eucalyptus balm. Rubbing is carried out smoothly and slowly (no more than 60 movements in one minute). Do not rub for a long time in one place, in order to avoid irritation and damage to the delicate skin of the baby.


Antibiotics are also used. But they don't cure coughs on their own, do they? And only contribute to the treatment of the primary source of coughing. Antibiotics are strictly prescribed by a doctor. Such drugs are prescribed for diseases that are accompanied by a cough, to relieve other serious symptoms: respiratory infections, pneumonia, etc. Specialists use those drugs that have proven themselves in the treatment of a particular disease (if the test result has confirmed sensitivity to a particular active substance). For example, with inflammation of the lungs, which is accompanied by shortness of breath, dry cough and difficulty in nasal breathing, drugs of the penicillin and cephalosporin series are used. If the disease has become severe, then aminoglycosides and sulfonamides are used. Take them for at least 7 days. When the child copes with the disease and gets better, then the cough will disappear.

Other specialized drugs

Aerosols are very easy to use. To combat asthma, antileukotriene drugs are used, which can reduce allergic inflammation and reduce bronchial hyperactivity. They have an effect of approximately 5 to 8 weeks and do not cause addiction in the baby.

There are such diseases when, at the first symptoms of shortness of breath, a cough begins (it is associated with the presence of an allergen), treatment must be started immediately, otherwise suffocation may occur. These diseases include bronchial asthma. If this disease is confirmed in a child by a laboratory (skin tests for household, food, bacterial allergens, spirometry, a blood test for special immunoglobulins), then you should always have the necessary drugs prescribed by your doctor at hand.

Treatment of cough in children

In view of the fact that in adults expectoration occurs better, thanks to more developed muscles, this process is harder and more difficult for children. Therefore, along with all the listed general recommendations for the treatment of cough for adults and children, we will touch on some points in the treatment of children's cough directly.

Plentiful drink

Due to the fact that during the illness the child sweats very much, he loses a large amount of fluid, which causes the mucous membranes to dry out. At this stage, it is very important to provide the child with plenty of fluids.

The amount of liquid drunk is determined by the child himself, if he does not want to drink, then his body does not need it. If the body does not have enough fluid, then the baby will drink as much as he needs. As a drink, it is best to give teas, compotes and milk, the temperature of which is equal to body temperature.


Be sure to pay attention to the microclimate in the apartment. The air should be fresh and slightly humidified, for this you need to periodically ventilate the child's room, and if necessary, perform a forced humidification procedure. The most favorable room temperature for a child is +22°C.


Back in 1952, a discovery took place that allows you to cope with chronic ailments. It turned out that even asthma and allergies, which are accompanied by sneezing, coughing and runny nose, can be cured without pharmaceutical preparations. All this is due to the correct breathing technique. It is worth considering that for each patient it is necessary to individually select breathing exercises, depending on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. Therefore, for the treatment of cough in children, you can use the game. Invite the baby to blow soap bubbles or balloons (this can improve lung ventilation in case of pneumonia).

Folk medicine for cough

Initially, it is worth noting that folk methods are effective when used along with traditional medicine.

Remember: traditional medicine will never replace traditional medicine, but can only act as an additional one.

Herbal preparations. With tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis and pneumonia, herbal preparations are used, from which special infusions are prepared. When using such infusions, they must be shaken, otherwise all the healing properties will remain at the bottom of the glass.

Cough drinks. With laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, anti-cough drinks help very well - a drink from figs, milk with Borjomi. They are able to remove the infection and turn a dry cough into a productive one (sputum discharge).

Inhalations. Inhalations with propolis, asterisk balsam, chlorophyllipt, sage are excellent in fighting infection. It is important to remember that inhalation is not recommended at elevated temperatures.

Black radish with honey. This drug is great for coughing. You need to take one black radish, cut out the core and pour honey into it, then let it brew overnight. In the morning, drain the honey and drink it on an empty stomach.

Drink. Drinking plenty of water is simply a necessary attribute for colds. Suitable fruit drinks, rosehip broth, mousses, herbal decoctions, warm milk.

Inhalation of potato vapours.. Potato decoction helps with bronchitis. Breathing in its vapors, the bronchi warm up perfectly.

Soaring feet. The connection between the lower extremities and the upper respiratory tract is known and proven. With hypothermia of the legs, a spasm of vessels in the upper respiratory tract reflexively occurs and a “vicious circle” is launched. However, this connection can be successfully applied to the treatment of colds, applying rubbing or hot foot baths. Add dry mustard to the water well. After the procedure, you must wear warm socks, otherwise the procedure will be useless.

What is dangerous cough?

Despite the fact that coughing is considered a protective reaction of the body, nevertheless, it can also be dangerous for humans.

First of all, the biggest danger that a cough can carry is its flow into a chronic form. Getting rid of chronic cough is very, very difficult. That is why it is important to treat various diseases in time and, with a prolonged cough, consult a doctor in a timely manner and prevent this process.

With a very strong cough, a rupture of the vessels of the eyes can occur, but this does not carry serious consequences, including for vision. In addition to the eye vessels, a strong cough negatively affects other vessels in the body, which also puts them at risk.

Coughing is dangerous during pregnancy, coughing spasms disrupt the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients, and also provokes placental abruption, which can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

Take care of your health and do not neglect it.

Next article.

Doctors believe that a healthy person cannot cough more than 20 times a day. They are guided by these frameworks in their work. Therefore, if a cough occurs without symptoms of a cold, it causes surprise and concern with an incomprehensible nature of origin. However, there may be hidden causes of the disease that need to be clarified in order to eliminate it.

The reasons

With natural expectoration caused by physiological causes, the lungs are cleared of mucus, dust particles and other foreign bodies, irritating substances. If these symptoms are not due to a cold, you should contact a specialist who will find out the reasons. There may be several.

  • Cough is often associated with allergic reactions of the body.. Moreover, plant pollen, animal hair, dust, and other substances can act as an allergen. In this case, the cough is accompanied by tearing, sneezing or nasal congestion. This type of problem is fairly easy to identify as it occurs or becomes more severe in the presence of the allergen.
  • Chronic cough syndrome can be caused by nervous tension, stress, or mental disorders. Then consultation of the neurologist or the psychiatrist is required.
  • A cough without signs of a cold in an adult may be due to smoking. Cigarette lovers often suffer from this. After waking up in the morning, they usually have an attack of prolonged coughing. It is accompanied by a lot of sputum. Also, nicotine addicts can systematically cough during the day. The disease causes constant irritation of the bronchial mucosa and esophagus.

To get rid of this problem, you just need to give up the addiction, which is fraught with many other consequences. Unfortunately, being able to break up with addiction and wanting to are two different things. But there is no other cure for this problem.

  • Tuberculosis manifests itself as a persistent cough, which may be accompanied by sputum at a later stage in the development of a serious illness. Attacks usually begin in the morning, after a night's rest.
  • Post-infectious cough is observed as a complication after respiratory disease. This happens when the inflammatory process moves lower - into the bronchi. A prolonged cough that causes pain in the chest occurs if the damaged bronchial mucosa is exposed to cold air.
  • Some drugs for hypertension affect the lining of the respiratory tract, causing them to dry out and irritate the receptors. In this regard, there is such a side effect as a dry cough. It can occur after the first use of the drug, and after a long course of treatment. To get rid of the problem, you need to replace this drug with another one. A similar effect can also occur after long-term use of certain antibiotics.
  • With bronchial asthma, prolonged bouts of dry, hacking cough appear, at the end of which sputum is already leaving.
  • One of the symptoms of heart disease is coughing. It is not accompanied by sputum, and this is its difference from bronchial. However, it is usually accompanied by shortness of breath or palpitations, as well as pain in the region of the heart. The occurrence of this type of cough should cause alarm and make you see a doctor.
  • There are cases when a prolonged cough becomes a manifestation of an oncological disease - cancer of the lungs or one of the sections of the chest cavity.
  • A cough in a child may be associated with an attack of laryngitis, whooping cough, or teething processes. Colds have different causes, but the disease is always accompanied by a runny nose, redness of the throat. These symptoms should not be ignored.
  • A fairly common and rather dangerous cause of a severe paroxysmal cough is the ingress of a foreign object into the respiratory tract. In this case, urgent help is needed. Often such cases are associated with young children who have a habit of taking any objects in their mouths.


Given such a wide range of various factors leading to this phenomenon, a thorough examination of the patient is necessary to determine the real cause of chronic cough.

A qualified therapist should pay special attention to its characteristic signs, bad habits of the patient himself, and also analyze all laboratory and instrumental studies, without which an accurate diagnosis is impossible.

In order to determine the causes of a cough without a cold in an adult, an X-ray or tomography of the chest and some special hardware examinations are usually prescribed.

It is also necessary to take into account the nature of the cough. It can be of two types.

  • Productive is distinguished by sputum discharge, it cannot be suppressed. On the contrary, it is necessary to clean the lungs and bronchi from dead bacteria, of which sputum consists. Such a cough indicates that the patient is recovering.
  • With an unproductive cough, sputum is not produced. It is associated with increased sensitivity and, as a result, rapid irritability of the respiratory mucosa. Such a cough without a cold can last up to two months.

The doctor should not disregard the symptoms associated with chronic cough, such as loss of appetite, weakness, fatigue, etc. To clarify the diagnosis, an examination by doctors of various specializations is possible. It is important to correctly diagnose the problem, as the effectiveness of treatment depends on it.

Means to alleviate the condition

If a cough occurs, the causes of which are unknown, you can not self-medicate. This approach will not be effective without addressing the source of the problem.

Therapy prescribed by a specialist should be comprehensive. It will include means both to combat the existing pathology and to alleviate unpleasant symptoms. Depending on the type of disease, the recommended drugs will also differ.

Sometimes a persistent cough is a residual effect after colds. In this case, you can try to alleviate your well-being, reduce the intensity of the cough, or ease the discharge of sputum with home remedies.

When suppressing a productive cough, sputum will begin to collect in the respiratory tract, so it is better to choose substances that thin it:

  • an effective remedy is inhalation with herbal decoctions, a solution of baking soda or using essential oils;
  • warm compresses on the chest area help to speed up the discharge of mucus, for them you can use honey, cottage cheese or prepare gruel from chopped;
  • warming rubbing of the chest with badger fat is very useful;
  • sometimes we apply a light massage in the area of ​​the bronchi;
  • an excellent remedy for removing sputum is radish juice with honey;
  • warm herbal teas, viburnum juice facilitate the discharge of mucus, children and adults can drink decoctions with the addition of honey.

Particularly painful and unpleasant is an unproductive cough with prolonged attacks, which worsens the state of health, exhausting one's strength. Relief of its symptoms at home consists in reducing the number and duration of attacks and softening irritated mucous membranes with folk methods without other drugs.

The following tools are suitable for this:

  • inhalations using jacket-boiled potatoes; its warm vapors relieve irritation and reduce pain during coughing;
  • the patient's condition can be alleviated by regular rinsing with a warm solution of edible salt;
  • with a dry cough, it is important to monitor the humidity in the room and periodically ventilate it; fresh air and sufficient humidity reduce irritation of the respiratory tract, this is also facilitated by warm and plentiful drinking;
  • lemon, due to its unique properties, is often used in folk remedies, its decoction with honey, softened with a few drops of glycerin, should be taken at bedtime and washed down with warm tea.

If an allergic cough occurs, you need to quickly remove the allergen and ventilate the room. If the reaction is caused by plant pollen, on the contrary, close the window to prevent it from entering the room.

Of particular concern is the night cough - warm drinks and fresh air will help to alleviate it.

Folk methods have been tested by many years of practice and are highly effective. However, they are not a panacea, and for some diseases they do not guarantee a cure. Cough for no reason in adults can only be cured by an experienced specialist, and home recipes will complement the prescribed therapy.

Compared with ancestors, modern man is more prone to various diseases accompanied by coughing.

A persistent cough in an adult, the causes and symptoms of which, according to doctors, may be associated with a modification of the causative agent of infectious diseases and other pathologies of the respiratory tract, is increasingly making people seek medical help. Take, for example, the same H1N1 influenza virus. A few years ago, it simply did not exist, and now it has come to a pandemic. Another reason for frequent coughing is a weakened immune system. This leads to a complicated cough, bronchitis and/or pneumonia. Hence the conclusion - a cough must be treated.

What causes cough?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the essence of coughing. Cough is a protective reaction of the body that clears the bronchial tree from foreign objects. When the cough receptors are stimulated, a deep breath occurs, and after a jerky exhalation, the bronchopulmonary tracts are cleared. If the cough is acute, which lasts less than three weeks, then the main reasons leading to irritation of the corresponding receptors are:

  • acute bronchitis;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • pneumonia;
  • ingress of foreign bodies and other factors.

Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate the cause of this acute complication. With chronic persistent dry cough in an adult, the causes of the disease may be due to obstructive pulmonary pathology, bronchial asthma, and so on. A persistent and prolonged cough gives a person a lot of inconvenience:

  • insomnia appears;
  • headache;
  • general weakness and weakness of the body;
  • there is a change in habitual way of life.

What you need to know before taking cough suppressants?

Important! First of all, it is necessary to determine the productivity of the unconditioned reflex, that is, the presence or absence of sputum in the patient.

With an unproductive (dry) cough, in which the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles hurt, it is possible to use direct antitussives. However, the range of direct-acting pharmacological preparations is quite limited. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a true causal relationship for the occurrence of a constantly dry cough in an adult. What to do in this case? Naturally, see a doctor.

If the cough is productive, that is, with sputum production, then the scheme of medical exposure is fundamentally different. The task is not to suppress the reflex, but to make the constant cough with sputum in an adult become as effective as possible, that is, to contribute to the speedy discharge of bronchial secretions.

How to treat a cold cough?

First of all, for colds and coughs, a plentiful warm drink is useful, which removes toxic substances from the body left over from infectious agents. It will be useful to steam your legs and rub your feet. The fact is that hypothermia of the legs leads to spasm of the vessels of the upper respiratory tract, thereby opening the gates of infection, and warming procedures start the reverse process.

On a note! With a constant cough in an adult without fever, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

To do this, you need to walk in the fresh air at an average pace so that there is no shortness of breath. As for the treatment of the cough itself, the main thing here is to help the body remove the accumulated sputum from the bronchi. For these purposes, a group of pharmacological drugs was created, under the general name - mucolytics.

whooping cough is back

It would seem that this acute airborne anthroponotic bacterial infection lingered forever in the last century. However, more and more often, with a biochemical laboratory examination of the causes of chronic cough, the diagnosis of whooping cough is determined. This is especially true for the elderly, whose immune system weakens over the years. So, the so-called paroxysmal "barking" cough, which causes spasm of the respiratory system, is increasingly being detected in people of this age category. Bordetella pertussis is a pertussis bacterial bacillus that can enter the body of an elderly person. How to recognize whooping cough in an adult?

The general course of the disease lasts approximately one and a half to two months, and is conditionally divided into three stages:

  1. The catarrhal period (10-14 days) is manifested by a prolonged unproductive cough without a temperature increase in the body. The symptoms of the disease are very similar to those of an acute viral infection. However, all medications are ineffective, and the cough becomes more intense and paroxysmal.
  2. The paroxysmal period, which can drag on for a month or more, is characterized by specific symptoms. At this stage, it is possible to accurately differentiate the nature of the cough and adequately carry out therapeutic measures aimed at preventing possible complications. The treatment regimen is selected based on the results of a laboratory study.
  3. Gradually, the number of attacks of prolonged dry cough decreases, which indicates recovery. This period is preceded by long days of exhausting treatment.

How to prevent whooping cough in the elderly? The most effective way to avoid infection is to revaccinate an adult. It should be remembered that whooping cough is a very dangerous disease. It is no coincidence that WHO (World Health Organization) classifies the disease as one of the most dangerous diseases of the 21st century. Every year, up to 250 million people die from pertussis infection worldwide. At the first signs of the disease, paroxysmal cough is treated with antibiotics and antihistamines, which relieve inflammation on the mucous membrane.

On a note! The prevention of the disease will be the creation of a humid air environment for the elderly, since dry air is very dangerous for the mucous membrane, this aggravates the symptoms of the disease and weakens the general condition of the person.

Specific Causes of Cough

What can provoke a constant cough in an adult without fever? The causes of manifestation can be very different:

  • Increased acidity of the stomach, not always can be manifested by heartburn. In 40% of cases, acidity is increased, but there is no heartburn. What is going on? When acidic contents are thrown into the esophagus, cough receptors can come into play, which, when irritated, cause a cough. The approach is this, if a chronic dry cough appears, but there is no cold, then you can safely drink a pill that lowers the acidity of the stomach.

  • Allergies to household dust, plant pollen, pet dander and other harmful atmospheric components may be accompanied by a persistent dry cough.
  • Perfumes and cosmetics, as well as household chemicals, can adversely affect the respiratory tract, causing a constant and prolonged unproductive cough, without obvious symptoms of colds and fever.
  • Long-term use of drugs to stabilize blood pressure can cause a side effect in the form of a persistent dry cough.
  • After prolonged physical activity, a so-called heart cough appears, which does not produce sputum, and the body temperature is normal. All this is due to a malfunction of the left ventricle, when stagnant processes occur in the lung.

Smoker's cough is a separate issue and a causal relationship of irritated mucous membrane of the bronchial tree. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease causes a narrowing of the bronchi, in which a large amount of viscous bronchial secretion accumulates, which does not move well from the mucosa, causing a long, incessant cough of unproductive properties. Violation of the supply of oxygen to the body leads to a feeling of suffocation and a feeling of pre-syncope. Why is a smoker's cough dangerous? The thing is that vital human organs such as the liver, heart, kidneys, and brain receive less oxygen. This leads to the progression of the intellectual functions of the body, that is, the person becomes dumber. In such people, problems with blood supply begin, for example, the development of obliterating endarteritis, a chronic disease of the arterial vessels of the legs, which leads to necrosis of living tissues, that is, to gangrene.

The therapeutic and prophylactic effect of a prolonged dry or wet cough will be the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards and a healthy lifestyle without habits harmful to the body.

Take care of yourself and be always healthy!

The human body often reacts to any irritant or inflammatory process with a cough. Often, this symptom appears with viral, bacterial infections, allergies. With the help of a wet cough, the lungs and bronchi are cleared of sputum, allergens, but when coughing, this can be a “bell” about the presence of a number of pathologies or allergic reactions. In practice, coughing without cold symptoms is common. What are the causes of such a cough and what to do when the cough bothers, but there are no other catarrhal symptoms?

A cough that manifests itself without symptoms of a cold can be a sign of both minor disorders in the respiratory system or ENT organs, and a symptom of severe pathologies:

  • chronic disease of the lungs, bronchi;
  • residual effects in the lungs after an infectious disease.

A doctor should be consulted in such situations when you suffer from pain in the chest area with prolonged coughing or when blood clots are found in the sputum.

Other causes of coughing may also include:

  • a person has a certain disease that occurs in a latent form;
  • the disease develops in the incubation stage;
  • a foreign body is present in the respiratory organs of a person;
  • the patient has a psychological or mental disorder.

The main causes of non-cold cough in children

Children can suffer from such an ailment due to acute laryngitis, secondhand smoke, or emotional disorders. Babies get sick with a non-cold cough due to teething. If the baby coughs, there is nothing abnormal in this. It cleanses its bronchi naturally. A cough without a cold in a child is physiological and does not need to be treated.

  • Impact on the respiratory tract of external stimuli. Household chemicals, perfumes, houseplants and tobacco smoke;
  • Measles;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Pleurisy;
  • physiological factor. In newly born babies, during the first year of life, their respiratory organs are cleared of mucus and dust. For these reasons, the baby may cough in the morning or at night. In this case, no other symptoms should be observed.

If the child coughs for a long period of time, and at night this symptom intensifies, you should definitely consult a doctor. Children can suffer not only from a dry, non-cold cough, but also from a wet one. The second type of cough is the most dangerous. It is necessary to immediately find out its causes.

Coughing for no reason is a health hazard for both adults and children. If you want to permanently get rid of this disease, you should contact a qualified specialist immediately.

What to treat?

Therapy for an unreasonable cough should be carried out after you clearly find out its cause. If this ailment gives you discomfort and pain, you need to alleviate it.

  • With frequent coughing, medicines to thin sputum and drink plenty of water will bring benefits. It is not necessary to try to suppress this symptom, since this reflex appears to eliminate the irritating factor.
  • Salt water gargles help relieve non-cold coughs and sore throats.
  • Stopping smoking will help you overcome your cough.
  • Use of a humidifier. The oxygen must not be dry, as it can irritate the lungs.
  • The effectiveness and frequency of coughing is easily eliminated by steam inhalations with essential oils.

It is not necessary to rush to the specialists at the first cough. In some situations, it may be a mild allergic reaction to contaminated oxygen, citrus fruits, detergents, and certain odors. Such a cough is gaining momentum with direct contact with an irritant. Once you eliminate the allergen, the main symptom will also disappear. The danger of an allergic cough lies in its possible transformation into bronchial asthma.

Whooping cough is a dangerous respiratory disease, but in addition to paroxysmal cough, there are other pronounced symptoms that require inpatient treatment. Long attacks overtake the patient at night. It is necessary to treat this disease in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor. Home medicine will not help, but only aggravate the situation.

In the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory organs of a person, he suffers from a sharp and painful cough, asthma attacks. This situation is extremely dangerous. A person is faced with the problem of inhalation dissatisfaction and complicated breathing. You can only deal with this cause with the help of a doctor.

Psychological stress and frequent stress also cause a non-cold cough. Antitussive drugs with such a deviation from the norm will not help, you should consult a neurologist and psychotherapist.

Only a medical examination can determine the exact cause of a cough without a cold in an adult. An independent determination of the factor that led to its occurrence may be incorrect.

A cough in a child is not a cold that causes great discomfort to the baby. Often parents notice that the baby suffers from this symptom at night. This can signal both the pathology developing in the body and the influence of adverse factors.

How to Treat a Cough Without the Signs of a Cold

It is quite difficult to cure a cough for no reason, especially if you are far from medicine. Treatment of such a symptom should be targeted. You will not be able to deal with the problem on your own. You can only alleviate the patient's condition by such methods:

  • humidify the air in the room;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • rinsing the mouth with salt solutions;
  • inhalations to relieve swelling of the larynx;
  • elimination of possible allergens.

These tips will help you relieve a cough without a cold in an adult and in a child. Only a specialist can prescribe drug therapy. If smoking is the cause of the cough, it is best to give up this bad habit forever. The doctor will help you eliminate the root cause, and after undergoing a course of treatment, preventive measures must be observed. An unreasonable cough in an adult (not due to a cold) can be completely eliminated by taking certain medications and taking preventive measures.

The cough reflex is designed to clear the respiratory tract of mucus, is a reaction to swelling, but what are the causes of coughing without a cold in an adult and a child. After all, this factor creates not only obvious discomfort, but also carries dangerous consequences, signals serious diseases of the internal organs.

First of all, you need to find out why the cough occurs. Inside the respiratory organs and channels there is a certain stimulus that provokes a sharp exhalation, that is, a reflex. Also, the cause of a cough can be a foreign body, dust, pollen, as well as other factors that should be understood in more detail.

A cough doesn't always indicate a cold.

According to the generally accepted classification, a person can have a wet, that is, a productive cough and a dry, unproductive one. In the first type, with the help of a reflex, a person pushes the accumulated mucus, a foreign body, from his respiratory tract. In the second case, all efforts to push the irritant out of the respiratory organs will not be successful. What scares people the most is a cough without a cold, and a protracted, painful one. To reassure those who are afraid of serious diseases, as well as give recommendations for action, we will study what diseases cause a cough other than a cold and its main causes. After all, if measures are not taken in time to treat pathological phenomena, the problem can worsen and create a lot of trouble.

Causes of a cough without a cold

Allergic reaction. When substances that cause rejection enter the respiratory tract, whether it be pollen from flowers, plants, chemical components, tissues, odors, an unproductive, dry cough occurs without signs of a cold. Often the condition is accompanied by strong discharge from the nose, that is, a runny nose occurs. An increase in temperature occurs in rare cases. The problem mainly worries in the morning and when in contact with an irritant, it also has a seasonal character when certain plants that cause allergies bloom. In medicine, the symptom is called hay fever. Therefore, it is important to determine the type of allergen and exclude contacts. An allergic response can be caused by:

  • household chemicals for washing and cleaning premises;
  • citrus fruits, exotic fruits, vegetables;
  • berries: strawberries, blackberries, wild strawberries, solanaceous;
  • synthetic fabrics, artificial leather, etc.

If contact with a provoking irritant is not excluded, then a cough without signs of a cold will be permanent and develop into obstructive bronchitis, then asthma - a very dangerous and difficult to treat disease.

Cough not from a cold: causes not related to SARS

foreign body

If adults cannot understand what could cause a cough other than a cold in a child, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the reflex. If it arose suddenly, the baby has difficulty breathing - perhaps a foreign object has got into the respiratory canals. This cause can also cause an unreasonable cough in an adult without a cold. A symptom that causes a painful, unproductive reflex is a great danger. A foreign body blocks a person's breathing and in a matter of minutes can be fatal.

Cough can be a symptom of whooping cough

Whooping cough

Recently, in view of the fact that vaccination against this disease is optional, pertussis has begun to spread. The causative agent is the Bortella pertussis virus, which is highly toxic, but sensitive to sunlight and the environment. When infected, the respiratory tract is affected, which causes a cough without symptoms of a cold. Often accompanied by profuse hemorrhage of the mucosa. Basically, children get sick with whooping cough, adults in rare cases, and then they endure in a mild form. During attacks, the baby may appear on the face of bluish spots, small foci of hemorrhage. Outbreaks of epidemics occur during the cold seasons.

Whooping cough pathogenesis

The infection enters through the air, when a sick person coughs. Upon penetration into the body, the stick releases powerful toxins that poison the body, the vessels expand, which is noticeable with hyperemia of the pharynx. Cough in a child without symptoms of a cold is painful, unproductive and paroxysmal. At the beginning of the disease, a coughing person has a slight rise in temperature, lethargy, fatigue, general malaise. The course of the disease becomes more severe. After a short period, the patient has difficulty breathing, shortness of breath occurs, attacks mainly occur at night. Children have a more severe anamnesis, they tolerate whooping cough in a more complex form, and the temperature rises in rare cases. The symptom is complicated by the load on the entire body and the suppression of the baby's nervous system.

Whooping cough types

With catarrh, it can be confused with SARS, since the disease is accompanied by a runny nose, soreness and pain in the larynx, an increase in the mark on the temperature thermometer.

Convulsive manifests itself with muscle spasms, before its onset there is an aura, restlessness, asthma attacks.

You can identify the disease by the initial symptoms:

  • fever, fever, excessive sweating;
  • headache, muscle pain;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract - nose, throat, trachea, bronchi;
  • discharge from the nose of clear sputum;
  • a painful cough cannot be stopped with the usual drugs.

The incubation period lasts from three weeks to 1.5 months.

Important: you can not ignore vaccination, including refusing to be vaccinated against whooping cough. Vaccinated children do not become infected or carry the disease in a mild, almost imperceptible form, which means there is no risk of serious complications.


If these signs appear, qualified, medical consultation and diagnosis is necessary. To eliminate an infectious disease, an integrated approach is required: special drug therapy and certain rules of conduct:

  • complete isolation of the patient;
  • regular airing of the room and optimal humidification, while the temperature in the room should not exceed 20 degrees;
  • plentiful drink: warm milk, herbal teas, juice, compotes, water.

Antibiotics, specific globulins, drugs to stimulate immunity, antitussives are used as drug therapy.

Important: complex therapy should be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication is strictly unacceptable.

Only a doctor can give an accurate diagnosis and cause of cough


Dry cough without signs of a cold in an adult or in a child can be a symptom of a dangerous disease caused by Koch's wand. The bacterium affects the respiratory system, infection occurs through the air upon contact with a sick person or a carrier of the infection, through food, with intrauterine infection from the mother. The danger of the disease lies in its latent form, often even tuberculosis patients themselves are not even aware of it.

Tuberculosis symptoms

A cough occurs, but not a cold, and if it lasts more than two weeks and is accompanied by chest pains, a dangerous disease can be suspected. Over time, additional symptoms appear:

  • copious sputum streaked with blood;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • excessive sweating at night;
  • fatigue, fatigue even after a long rest;
  • brown, red nodules form under the skin (mainly on the shins);
  • constant subfebrile temperature.

The disease is also dangerous complications. After the respiratory tract is affected, the pathology spreads to other organs, causes pneumothorax (accumulation of fluid in the chest), intestinal obstruction, affects the brain, genitourinary, and skeletal system. If adequate treatment is not taken, death is inevitable.

Tuberculosis treatment

At the slightest hint of symptoms of tuberculosis, you should immediately consult a doctor. For diagnosis, a chest x-ray is performed, skin and sputum samples are taken for examination.

Important: a patient with tuberculosis is subject to mandatory hospitalization.

As a treatment, powerful antibiotics, immunomodulators and stimulants, antitussives are used, therapy should be carried out for at least 6 months. It is necessary to take a course of fortification, as well as follow simple recommendations:

  1. Quit smoking.
  2. Refrain from drinking alcohol.
  3. Ventilate the room regularly.
  4. Engage in an active lifestyle: run, swim, do morning exercises designed to activate blood circulation, kneading the chest.
  5. The diet should consist of healthy and high-calorie foods.
  6. All members of the patient's family should consult a doctor.

Important: Be sure to get vaccinated against tuberculosis. BCG is administered immediately after the birth of a child, an additional vaccination can be done at 12 and 16 years of age. In this case, the body will be completely protected from infection with Koch's wand.

What can cause a cough other than a cold: worms

Often, a cough in a child without other symptoms of a cold can occur due to the presence of worms in the body. Often an unproductive reflex appears and adults take it for SARS, taking the wrong treatment. The body is exposed to an influx of chemicals, but the culprits of the problem - worms, continue to host the baby's body.

Why does a cough occur with worms

The main part of the parents is convinced of the presence of worms, if the child's anus itches, he loses weight dramatically, sleep becomes intermittent, restless. But few of them realize that the larvae and adults of invasions calmly travel through the internal organs, not bypassing the respiratory channels, blocking air access. Only in those cases when a cough in a child without signs of a cold pushes out worms and their larvae, adults are shocked and start to panic.

Toxocara and lung fluke

The first infection occurs through crayfish, crabs or domestic animals swimming in the pond. The source of infection is the lung fluke.

With toxocariasis, the source of infection is domestic animals - dogs, cats. The disease is especially dangerous for babies up to one year of age. The larvae stick to the lung tissue and develop a powerful allergic reaction. When paragonimiasis or toxocariasis occurs, complete destruction of the lungs occurs, a dysfunction that contributes to the development of a serious inflammatory process.

At the beginning, a dry cough occurs, then, if treatment is not taken, the reflex becomes productive with the release of copious amounts of mucus. The sputum may contain blood.

Important: with the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

Cough without signs of a cold due to worms: treatment

Precautionary measures

It is possible to exclude infection with helminthic invasions only if the elementary rules of hygiene are followed.

  1. Wash your hands regularly, not only before eating, but also after coming from the street, talking with friends, etc.
  2. Eat only from clean dishes.
  3. Regularly carry out general cleaning at home, carefully wipe the dust, use disinfectants.
  4. If there is a four-legged friend in the house, be sure to visit the veterinarian on a regular basis, apply antihelminthic therapy to the animal, and also check the child's tests for invasions.
  5. Every day, the baby should take water procedures using antibacterial agents.

Cough without a cold: gallbladder

The cause of dry cough can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which include:

  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • reflux.

These diseases cause a disruption in the work of the sphincter, there is a release of acids into the esophagus, irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, hence the cough without a cold. Also provocateurs of the reflex are neoplasms in the intestinal tract, nodes, hernias.

Gallbladder health problems can also cause coughing

Diagnosis and treatment

To identify the causes, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body with a study of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, a blood test, feces, urine. As a treatment, a comprehensive and individual approach is taken. The diet of the patient is of great importance. It is required to exclude smoked meats, fried, fatty, sweet dishes, pastries. Preference should be given to products with coarse fibers, which contributes to a normal stool and cleansing the body of toxins.

Important: alcohol and smoking are strictly contraindicated. Toxins cause a malfunction of the sphincter, gastric juice is secreted back into the esophagus and there is not only a cough without a cold in a child and an adult, but also the risk of developing neoplasms due to constant irritation of the mucosa.

Disorder of the nervous system

Often there is a strange cough, but there is no cold, and at the same time, after passing a full examination, the person does not reveal any pathologies. Here the reason lies in stress and anxiety, the symptom manifests itself during the period of activity, and calms down at night. Signs require a visit to a neurologist, a child psychologist. During treatment, the doctor prescribes the use of sedatives, sedatives, as well as regular walks in the fresh air, a relaxing rest.

Jogging in the morning helps to strengthen the body and improve immunity

Preventive measures

To prevent a dry cough without a cold or due to a respiratory disease, you need to strengthen your body and take care of your own health. First of all, you need to temper yourself - run in the morning, take a contrast shower. Useful gymnastics, swimming. If a child has weak respiratory organs, it is recommended to enroll in a music school in a class of wind instruments. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, activity will be the key to strong immunity and excellent health.

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