Treatment of periodontitis in adolescents. Treatment with folk remedies. Proper treatment - what is it

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of periodontal tissues. It is manifested by bleeding gums, gradual exposure of the roots of the teeth, loosening and subsequent loss of teeth. According to WHO, more than 80% of people suffer from inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues.

In some cases, periodontitis requires a special approach: this applies to immature children's teeth, for which the consequences can be especially unpleasant, as well as dental diseases in pregnant women. These cases require urgent treatment, but not all remedies may be suitable. How to be in such situations?

The main cause of periodontitis is microbial destruction of periodontal tissues due to poor oral hygiene, which contributes to the attachment of microorganisms to the tooth surface (formation of a bacterial biofilm), the formation of plaque and calculus. The oral cavity is home to 200-400 species of various bacteria, protozoa, viruses and fungi. 20 species are the main "killers" of teeth and gums.

In addition, the following can lead to the development of periodontitis or aggravation of its course: anomalies of the dentition, small vestibule of the mouth, poor heredity, diabetes mellitus and other diseases, violation of the contact point between the teeth, fillings and crowns pressing on the gum. This is very insidious disease, because on early stages proceeds almost asymptomatically. Sometimes there are complaints of a slight bleeding of the gums during brushing.

Methods of combating periodontitisohm

The treatment of periodontitis is a very complex, labor- and time-consuming process requiring active participation in healing process both doctor and patient.

Treatment begins with the procedure of professional oral hygiene (removal of dental deposits), removal of acute inflammatory process gums, for this, the dentist prescribes antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. The main condition for successful treatment is high-quality teeth cleaning! It is necessary to correct uneven teeth at the orthodontist, to carry out plastic surgery short frenulums lips and tongue, deepen the small vestibule of the cavity, replace low-quality fillings and crowns. In the presence of tooth mobility, splinting of the teeth is performed - the teeth are tied together to reduce their mobility.

Components of success in the treatment of periodontitis:

— prevention — quality care behind the oral cavity, correction of teeth, elimination of chronic trauma (short frenulum of the lips and tongue, small vestibule of the oral cavity), high-quality dental filling with restoration of contact points;

- detection of this disease at an early stage,

The problem is that in the early stages this disease practically does not bother the patient. Therefore, when the first signs appear - inflammation and bleeding of the gums - it is necessary to consult a dentist, since periodontitis is easier to treat in the initial stages.

Periodontitis in children

Most people who do not have special knowledge in the field of dentistry believe that periodontitis is an inflammation of the gums. In fact, this is only partly true, since this disease not only inflames the gums, but also begins the process of destruction of the periodontium - the tissues that fix the tooth in the bone. As a result, the tooth loses its connection with the gum, and the patient can easily lose the tooth.

In children, periodontitis is diagnosed much less frequently than in adults, and has some differences in the nature of the disease.

Forms of periodontitis in children

Depending on the age period experts distinguish two forms of this disease in children:

  • prepubertal

It is typical for young children (up to 10 years old), most often occurs during teething or immediately after this process is completed.

This form is asymptomatic, the child does not experience pain. characteristic feature diseases - white coating on the teeth and gums and loosening of milk teeth. If you do not start treatment at the earliest short time, the teeth fall out much earlier than their due date.

The danger lies in the fact that there is a strong destruction bone tissue around the teeth pathological process begins to affect the rudiments permanent teeth, which causes further serious problems in their growth and development.

  • Adolescent (pubertal)

As the name suggests, it occurs in adolescence. With this form, the alveolar processes of the jaws are rapidly destroyed.

The child may complain of itching, feeling of fullness of the gums and heat, appears bad smell from the mouth, the saliva becomes thick. For more late stages pus begins to stand out from the periodontal pockets.

Causes of periodontitis in children

  • the most common - insufficient hygiene oral cavity causing reproduction harmful bacteria in the baby's mouth
  • anomalies in the growth and development of teeth or jaw bones (for example, bite defects) - in this case, the process of chewing food is disturbed, which leads to problems with the gums;
  • the habit of chewing only on one side - in this case, the second half of the teeth is not cleaned of food particles and a characteristic plaque appears on them;
  • congenital defects in the structure of the lips, tongue, as well as a short frenulum - they all provoke an increase in the number harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity, as they negatively affect the chewing process;
  • gum injuries - they can be caused by such reasons as the habit of biting nails or objects (pencils, pens), wearing braces, excessive consumption of hard foods.

Features of the treatment of periodontitis in children

If you suspect a child has periodontitis, contact a specialist immediately. Only doctors can confirm such a serious diagnosis and give recommendations for the treatment of the disease.

In this case, first of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease and, depending on this, take certain measures: correct the bite, teach the baby to brush his teeth correctly or cut the bridle.

In addition to eliminating the cause, it is imperative to carry out complex treatment to be prescribed by the doctor.

Keep in mind that ensuring your child's oral hygiene is almost always enough to prevent this dangerous disease. The kid should brush his teeth 2 times a day, the duration of brushing at the same time is at least 2 minutes. Do not be lazy to control the process, watching how well it flows. And be sure to make sure that the toothpaste is appropriate for the age of the baby, and the brush is changed every 3 months.

Periodontitis refers to inflammatory diseases of the periodontal tissues (surrounding the tooth). The cause of this disease is often untreated gingivitis, as well as insufficient oral hygiene. All this can be aggravated against the background of hormonal changes during pregnancy, which is an additional provoking factor.

Let us consider in more detail the symptoms that accompany periodontitis in pregnant women.

  1. Inflammation of the edge of the gums, as well as the periodontal papillae, which is expressed in their redness (or cyanosis), swelling.
  2. Bleeding gums while brushing teeth.
  3. The presence of plaque, which can be either soft or hard in the form of tartar. In the latter case, hard deposits can be supra- and subgingival.
  4. Destruction of bone tissue. At mild degree periodontitis, the bone atrophies by about 1/3 of the root length. More pronounced atrophic processes (with the destruction of the bone by 2/3 or more) occur with severe forms periodontitis.
  5. When examined by a doctor, the formation of periodontal pockets is detected, the depth of which can be different. Due to the formation of such pockets, the connection between the teeth and gums deteriorates.
  6. Increased tooth mobility, most pronounced this symptom with severe periodontitis.
  7. The smell from the mouth appears due to the accumulation serous-purulent exudate in periodontal pockets.

Treatment of periodontitis during pregnancy consists primarily in the removal of dental plaque. It is best to carry out this procedure in the second trimester of pregnancy. At the same time, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy, which consists in performing antiseptic applications and rinses. Such treatment is carried out in a course after the removal of dental deposits.

As applications on the gums, Metrogil-dent gel, Holisal can be used. For rinses, your doctor may recommend non-alcoholic herbal rinses, fluoride rinses, and Chlorhexidine solution.

Part of the treatment of periodontitis is the use of anti-inflammatory pastes with high content extracts medicinal herbs. At the same time, oral hygiene needs to be given more attention, using for thorough cleaning dental floss, as well as an irrigator.

Laser surgery presents effective method removal of excess tissue, restoring normal appearance oral mucosa. The whole procedure takes several minutes. And it has a number of advantages over traditional surgical treatment with a scalpel. The most important of them include absolute bloodlessness and sterility of manipulation, as well as accelerated healing.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce effective treatment laser periodontitis. Procedures laser dentistry often combined with classical surgical interventions. However, in this case, the effect is achieved quickly and painlessly, it is distinguished by the absence of blood loss and a long rehabilitation period.

This is especially important for children - the painlessness of the procedure will help to avoid fear of further visits to the dentist - and for pregnant women who are contraindicated extra stress. Another important topic:

Many patients notice positive dynamics after the first procedure. laser treatment: decreasing pain syndrome on palpation and contact with various irritants, bleeding and the separation of purulent substance from periodontal pockets decrease.

Laser exposure is also extremely effective in eliminating cysts. Formerly classic dental treatment involved the extraction of a tooth to eliminate the cyst. Today, thanks to laser techniques, the integrity of the tooth is almost always possible to maintain.

Dentists use the following varieties:

— Laser plasty of short frenums of the lips and tongue, including for children.

- Laser plastic surgery of the small vestibule of the oral cavity with surgical lasers.

– Virtually painless laser pocket curettage.

- Laser gingivectomy - removal of hypertrophied gums.

– Laser correction of the gingival margin.

When laser treatment of periodontal pockets with gingivitis and periodontitis, a quick and good result. The laser affects even those microbes that may be resistant to antibiotics and antiseptics. There is no bleeding and inflammatory phenomena, in some cases, bone tissue regeneration is observed, which is confirmed x-ray studies. Especially effective is the use of laser ablation in the initial stages of the disease.

If the disease was detected at an early stage, one visit to the dentist is enough for the patient to completely heal the affected areas with the help of a laser beam. If periodontitis is already advanced, two or more procedures may be required, which are carried out at a time interval of a week. It should be noted that laser exposure is essentially the same surgical technique, which can supplement or completely replace invasive surgical treatment.

An alternative technique allows you to treat your teeth in a calm environment, the procedure is absolutely painless. Patients with low pain threshold sometimes suggested local anesthesia using a mild anesthetic. The operation is bloodless because laser ray“solders” the vessels immediately after contact with them.

Like any other alternative method treatment, laser has its own contraindications:

  1. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in severe form;
  2. Dysfunctions and severe pathologies of cardio-vascular system, chronic diseases hearts;
  3. Oncological diseases and neoplasms of various etiologies;
  4. Open form of tuberculosis;
  5. autoimmune disorders;
  6. Severe blood diseases;
  7. Severe lesions in the oral cavity;
  8. Postinfarction rehabilitation;
  9. Complicated vascular disease.

Laser treatment has no contraindications during pregnancy and lactation.

A common disease that many people experience is periodontitis. This is an inflammatory disease of the soft tissues, due to which the tooth is attached to the jaw. Periodontitis mainly occurs in the elderly, but can also occur in children. Its danger is that it is difficult to treat.

Causes of periodontitis in children and adults

In most cases, inflammation of the periodontium is provoked by the deposition of stones on the teeth. Gradually, they begin to harden and grow into the depth of the gums. The resulting plaques are difficult to clean.

Possible reasons for the development of periodontitis:

  • Malocclusion
  • Low quality dentures
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Avitaminosis
  • Diabetes
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Blood diseases
  • chronic infectious diseases
  • Improper nutrition
  • Presence of caries
  • The influence of certain medications

May contribute to the development of periodontitis poor quality filling teeth. In a poorly sealed tooth, the filling may protrude over the edge, making it impossible to completely remove plaque. Also, if the filling does not fit properly, various microorganisms can enter the root of the tooth, causing an inflammatory process.

If you start the disease and do not take any measures, then this contributes to the atrophy of the dental apparatus. As a result, the teeth fall out.
Pieces of food can get stuck between the teeth and also provoke development.

Types of periodontitis

With the development of periodontitis, bad breath appears, the gums begin to bleed, the neck of the tooth is also exposed and discomfort is felt.

If you do not take measures to eliminate these signs, then this will lead to the further development of the disease.

There are several types of periodontitis, taking into account the degree of prevalence: localized and generalized. Each of them has its own distinctive features.

With localized periodontitis, an area of ​​several teeth is affected. Usually given form develops with an incorrect bite, during filling, the ingress of arsenic paste on the gums, etc.

Localized periodontitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort when chewing
  • Formation of dental pockets
  • Tooth mobility
  • Redness
  • Bad breath

Pain may also occur when food gets between the teeth in the affected area. Pain occurs when biting or chewing food.
Generalized periodontitis is characterized by the defeat of two dentitions. In contrast to the localized form, it acquires a chronic course.

Symptoms of generalized periodontitis:

  • Inflammation of the gums
  • Bone resorption
  • Bleeding and pain around the teeth
  • Purulent discharge from the gums
  • dental plaque and

Aggressive periodontitis can be distinguished separately. This form is characterized by the rapid spread of the inflammatory process and the formation of deep pockets of 8-10 mm.

Depending on the form of the disease, acute and chronic periodontitis are distinguished.

The acute form is characterized sharp pain, bleeding, swelling and redness of the gums, a slight displacement of the teeth. Inflammatory process with secretion occurs after penetration pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the symptoms of periodontitis intensify. As a result, the acute form becomes chronic.

Chronic periodontitis occurs with gingivitis. Being in the oral cavity, pathogens penetrate into the gap between the gums and teeth and form small pathological pockets.

Possible exacerbation of chronic periodontitis against the background of deterioration general condition patient for various reasons.

A patient with increased symptoms and signs of periodontitis may experience fever, redness and swelling of the gums, as well as the release of pus.

Periodontitis in children

Children's periodontitis is of two types:

  • Prepubertal periodontitis. Seen in children under 11 years of age. Usually begins with the eruption of milk teeth or a little later. This form develops with improper oral hygiene, a violation or change in the hormonal background. The child does not feel pain, but the teeth begin to become covered with a white coating and are characterized by mobility. In the future, this can lead to loss of milk teeth.
  • pubertal periodontitis. Occurs in adolescence. The disease is different the following symptoms: itching and heat in the gums, bad breath, thick saliva, pus. Causes that provoke the development of periodontitis: lack of vitamins, heart disease, weakened immune system, diseases endocrine system.

  • Juvenile periodontitis. This form is characterized by severe damage to the gums with the rapid development of the destructive process. In most cases, it is asymptomatic or signs appear, but slightly.
  • Juvenile periodontitis. It is observed in children aged 15-16 years. Inflammation of the gums is minor with severe destruction alveolar processes. This form develops with the formation of pockets in the area of ​​the incisors. The main reason is hormonal imbalance. Often this form has a genetic predisposition.

Children should undergo regular dental examinations in order to timely identify periodontitis and prescribe.

Degrees of periodontitis

Depending on the severity of the disease, 3 degrees of periodontitis can be distinguished:

  • Easy degree. The formation of a periodontal pocket measuring 3.5 mm is characteristic. Pain is minor. On the initial stage treatment is reduced to the removal of plaque and stones. To remove the inflammatory process, periodontal canals are washed.
  • Average degree. The depth of the pathological pocket is 5 mm. The neck of the teeth reacts to the use of cold and hot dishes. Small gaps appear between the teeth, and tooth mobility is also noted. Treatment consists in the removal of dental plaque, the cleansing of accumulated pus under the gums, and the excision of the tissues of the periodontal canal. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, it will subsequently be impossible to whiten the teeth and carry out implantation.
  • Severe degree. Pathological pockets reach a depth of more than 6 mm. The patient has severe bleeding of the gums, loosening of the teeth and even spontaneous loss. The patient's condition is deteriorating greatly. At a severe stage of periodontitis, an operation is performed to restore the damaged area and.

Periodontitis is a dangerous disease of the oral cavity, which can lead to serious complications if treatment is not prescribed in a timely manner. During the inflammatory process, a large number of pathogens develop. As a result, cytokines are produced and, if they enter the pancreas, damage it. In the future, the production of insulin is disrupted and diabetes develops.

Pathogenic bacteria that cause periodontitis can adversely affect circulatory system, resulting in a heart attack or.

Microorganisms can also spread to organs respiratory system. To prevent the development of periodontitis and its complications, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner for the treatment of this pathology.

How to distinguish between periodontitis and periodontal disease

In periodontitis, an inflammatory process occurs in the bone tissue of the tooth. Periodontitis, unlike periodontitis, is quite rare. This disease is characterized by the absence of an inflammatory process.

Periodontitis in many cases begins acutely within 7-14 days, and periodontal disease is characterized by a long course, in which tissue destruction occurs.

The symptoms of the two dental diseases also differ. Periodontal disease is not characterized by the formation of gum pockets and the release of purulent contents. Teeth only move advanced cases if its root is half open.

Consequences of two diseases - loss of teeth. Periodontal disease is an insidious disease, since it is impossible to identify symptoms at home. This can be done by an experienced dentist.

Each of the diseases requires immediate treatment.

How is periodontitis treated?

To diagnose the disease, an examination of the oral cavity, palpation lymph nodes under the jaw CT scan and, if necessary, ultrasound diagnostics.

Treatment of periodontitis is aimed at eliminating the pathological pocket and. In advanced cases, the diseased tooth is removed to save the alveolar area.

The treatment of the disease depends on many factors: the type of periodontitis, the degree, the condition of the body, etc.

If periodontitis is detected at the initial stage, the treatment is treated with antibacterial drugs and antibiotics, which prevent the further spread of the infection. Antibacterial drugs applied externally. The patient must carefully care for the oral cavity, use therapeutic toothpastes and gels: Parodium, Metrogil Denta, Zilaktin, Solcoseryl, Apident-active, etc.

The laser is widely used in the treatment of childhood periodontitis. This procedure is painless.

Cleaning and polishing of the roots of the teeth is also carried out, which is carried out using ultrasonic equipment and under local anesthesia. This procedure is also performed during surgery. After this manipulation, the sensitivity of the teeth increases. it state will pass in a few weeks.

If the teeth are too mobile, then splinting is used, which helps to keep them from falling out. Splinting can be temporary or permanent.

The dentist for each individually selects the method of immobilization of the teeth.

To surgical treatment resorted to severe periodontitis. The dentist is processing pathological pockets, which are about 5 mm. After that, maintenance therapy is prescribed to reduce the risk of exacerbation or relapse. You can eat after curettage after 5-6 hours after the procedure.

With extensive formation of gum pockets, flap operation. The doctor makes 2 incisions on the gum and cleans the pus, scrapes out the granulations and epithelial tissue. Then bandages are applied, which are removed on the 5-6th day.

After the main treatment, the recovery stage follows, which involves the use of physiotherapeutic methods: electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, vibration therapy, etc.

Treatment with folk methods

Treatment folk ways effective for mild periodontitis. To relieve inflammation and bleeding of the gums, as well as to eliminate halitosis, rinsing is carried out. medicinal herbs. To do this, you can use chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort, seaweed, wild rose. To get an infusion, you should pour one spoon of any herb hot water and let it stand.

An excellent folk remedy for gum inflammation is sunflower oil. They can rinse your mouth or hold in your mouth for a while.

For the treatment of periodontitis, you can use chokeberry with honey. Take a glass of rowan berries and chop. Then add 50 g of honey and mix well. This healing mixture has an anti-inflammatory effect. Children take the mixture in a teaspoon for a month.

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the development of an inflammatory process in the bone tissues of the teeth, as well as the formation of a pathological pocket.

  1. It is important to detect defects in the teeth in a timely manner and treat them.
  2. You should properly care for your teeth and teach the younger ones to do so. Brush your teeth for 3 minutes. The brush should be changed every 3-4 months.
  3. It is better to use a paste containing fluorine, chlorhexidine or triclosan. Substances help destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation. It is also advisable to use balms and rinses after brushing your teeth. Choose the right one toothpaste the dentist will help.
  4. It should be remembered that frequent use medicinal rinses, can lead to the development of dysbacteriosis in the oral cavity.
  5. If necessary, use dental floss to remove plaque in hard to reach areas.
  6. To exclude vitamin deficiency, one should adhere to the correct and balanced nutrition. Vegetables and fruits should be present in large quantities in the diet. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of sweet and starchy foods.
  7. It is important to get checked regularly. If plaque or tartar is found, it should be removed.
  8. Be sure to treat comorbidities.

When watching the video, you can learn about problems with your teeth.

Periodontitis - dental disease, until recently found mainly in adults. However, over the past few years, patients with this problem are increasingly turning to the dentist. childhood schoolchildren aged 9-12. Experts attribute the increase in the incidence of periodontal disease in children with an increasing deficiency of certain trace elements and minerals, an abundance of food and drinks rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, in which there are practically no nutrients such as proteins, fats, unsaturated fatty acid, vitamins. As a result of the lack essential minerals the nutrition of the tissues surrounding the tooth, that is, the periodontium - the gums and the bone tissue of the jaws, is disrupted.

Parodontosis in children is a rare but dangerous disease.

Over time, dystrophic-degenerative processes develop in the gums and in the alveolar processes of the jaws, which, if left untreated, lead to loosening and loss of teeth, as well as to rarefaction and destruction of the jaws themselves. Another complication running process there may be an inflammatory process in the mentioned tissues - periodontitis, which is manifested by hyperemia, bleeding and pain in the gums.

Causes of periodontal disease in children

Most common causes children's periodontal disease, in addition to alimentary (malnutrition), can be called a weakening of local immune factors as a result of a violation of the integrity of tooth enamel, ineffective treatment of other dental diseases, allergic reactions for medicines that come into contact with the oral cavity. Promotes the development of periodontal disease poor hygiene oral cavity, lack of the habit of brushing teeth before going to bed, the custom of feeding the child late in the evening or at night. As a result of the constant presence of bacterial plaque on the teeth, tartar is formed, which damages the gums and disrupts the nutrition of tooth enamel. Plays a significant role genetic predisposition, which manifests itself in the structural features of tooth enamel, blood supply to the oral cavity, as well as in the efficiency of work salivary glands. That is, if one and even more so both parents developed periodontal disease, then the risk of getting sick in a child is much higher than in the general population.

Lack of solid food is one of the causes of periodontal disease

The following factors predispose to the development of periodontal disease:

  • violations in the work of immunity, including local;
  • allergic reactions involving gum tissues;
  • glandular dysfunction internal secretion and salivary glands;
  • common diseases occurring with generalized dystrophic lesions
  • various organs and tissues of the child's body, diabetes and diabetes insipidus, rheumatoid arthritis and other connective tissue pathology;
  • neurological pathology;
  • insufficient hygiene measures;
  • previous inflammatory diseases gums and periodontal tissues;
  • low level of dental care;
  • genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of periodontal disease

When the disease is at an early stage of its development and only affects the lower periodontium, the child may not feel any discomfort in the mouth. Clinical manifestations in the debut of the disease, most often, they are absent or erased, so the beginning of the process goes unnoticed. The first sign that can alert parents to the development of periodontal disease in a child is an increase in tooth sensitivity to hot and cold, as well as sour foods, discomfort or even pain when exposed to cold air on tooth enamel.

The initial stage - whitening of the gums

The course of periodontal disease in children is usually acute, in contrast to adults, in whom this pathology of the oral cavity has a chronic, long-term course.

Exposing the neck of the teeth - the second stage

Therefore, if the onset of the disease still remains unnoticed and periodontal disease progresses, the following symptoms will quickly develop in a child:

  • discoloration of tooth enamel, which becomes yellowish or grayish, with the appearance of spots;
  • dim, pale color gums;
  • itching or burning sensation in the gums;
  • bad breath;
  • exposure of the neck of the tooth root from under the gum tissue: the teeth seem to lengthen, the gaps between them increase;
  • loosening of teeth with their subsequent loss.

Divergence of teeth in periodontal disease

Diagnosis of the disease

At the first suspicion of a disease in a child, parents should immediately contact a specialized specialist, since periodontal disease progresses rapidly with the rapid development of irreversible complications - gum atrophy, destruction of the jaw bone tissue and tooth loss. In addition to the characteristic complaints, an examination of the oral cavity, which reveals the pale color of the gums, their friability, yellowish or gray shade, thinning of tooth enamel, exposed roots of teeth that look like elongated or wedge teeth X-ray method is used for final diagnosis.

Acute course of periodontal disease in a child

On the x-ray clearly visible rarefaction of the bone tissue of the jaws, the presence of tartar, a change in the position of the teeth in the alveolar processes of the jaws.

Given that the cause of the disease can be various dysfunctions of the body, in addition to examining a dentist, consultation with an endocrinologist, neuropathologist and pediatrician may be recommended.

Proper treatment - what is it?

The symptoms and treatment of periodontal disease in children are similar to those in adults, with the only difference being that the process in childhood develops very quickly and it is recommended to start therapy immediately after the diagnosis of the disease. Detected in the early stages, periodontal disease can be successfully treated due to the high ability of the child's body to regenerate. At timely treatment the structure of the bone tissue of the jaws, gums and tooth enamel is restored almost completely, since the pathological process extends to immature tissues, which will certainly be updated. That is why the treatment of periodontal disease in children is more promising than in adults. However, at all stages of the disease, including the initial ones, it is necessary to be treated by a qualified specialist.

At home, parents can still apply additional therapeutic measures:

  • gum massage, during which the blood supply to tissues improves: massage should be carried out very carefully due to the increased fragility and vulnerability of the gums, especially with developed tooth mobility;
  • rinsing the mouth with special rinses prescribed by the dentist.

Treatment by a specialist - periodontist, complex. It includes a thorough sanitation of the oral cavity and physiotherapy aimed at improving blood circulation in the tissues surrounding the tooth. In the initial stage of the disease, these measures are sufficient for a complete cure.

The following physiotherapy treatment may be prescribed:

  • gum massage;
  • darsonvalization or exposure to impulses of various frequencies on the oral mucosa;
  • sanitation of the oral cavity, during which tartar and plaque are removed by hardware or mechanical means.

The key to successful treatment is the maximum sanitation of the oral cavity, the elimination of all foci of inflammation in the oral cavity. After hardware cleaning from tartar, the roots of the teeth usually remain bare, so a varnish containing fluorine is applied to them.

Additional drug treatment, which may include immunomodulatory drugs, drugs containing hormones, as well as vitamin complexes, including vitamins of group B, vitamin A, PP and C.

Parodontosis in children can occur in extremely severe forms, and in these cases, surgical treatment is prescribed.

It is necessary in situations where tartar cannot be removed either by hardware cleaning or mechanically. Then they resort to a surgical incision of the gums and the tartar is removed with specialized tools.

After recession surgery for periodontal disease

Surgical intervention is prescribed if the processes of atrophy in the tissue of the tooth and in the tissues surrounding it are very pronounced. In this situation, part of the gum is removed, tartar is removed, the neck of the root of the tooth is polished and covered with special protective agents, and then the removed part of the gum is sewn back, restoring the function of the gum and cosmetic defect. The meaning of this surgical manipulation is that the fixation of the tooth in the alveolar socket will be restored and the destruction of the jaw bone tissue will be prevented.

In the course of treatment, a clinical examination of all patients is carried out, which involves regular visits to the dentist to prevent the progression and recurrence of the disease.

What should be the preventive measures

To prevent the development of periodontal disease in a child, oral hygiene should be carefully observed. Parents need to keep their teeth clean already with the advent of the first milk tooth. Hygiene measures include brushing your teeth twice a day with special children's toothbrushes and age-appropriate toothpastes. It is important to take care of the child's nutrition, make sure that the diet is complete, enriched with trace elements and vitamins, limit refined, simple carbohydrates, especially at night, to give preference to solid, and unpasted food.

Teeth cleaning - prevention of periodontal disease

Approximately from the age of two years, it is worth visiting the dentist regularly, which will allow in the early stages to detect not only periodontal disease, caries, but also other dental diseases, carry out sanitation in time and avoid unpleasant complications.

Periodontitis is a disease in which all periodontal tissues become inflamed. Inflammation of the gums occurs, destruction of muscle ligaments, pathological periodontal (so-called periodontal) pockets are formed, the process affects the bone, then teeth begin to loosen and fall out.

Periodontitis in children is most often detected at the age of 9-10 years. And although this is not the most common dental disease, it occurs only in 3 - 5% of children, nothing guarantees that this trouble will bypass your child.

The peculiarities of the course of periodontitis in children is that the inflammatory process affects functionally immature growing constantly rebuilding tissues, which sometimes respond inadequately even to minor damage.

In addition to the standard division by prevalence into local and generalized, as well as into chronic and acute - according to the nature of the course, children's periodontitis is divided into prepubertal and pubertal.

Prepubertal periodontitis

It begins in the process of eruption of milk teeth or immediately after its completion. It is characterized by a violation of the connection of the gums with the tooth and a serious destruction (change in the structure) of the bone. Prepubertal periodontitis already at a very early age leads to loss a large number milk teeth, after which the inflammatory process extends to the rudiments of permanent teeth. The reasons for the development of prepubertal periodontitis are most often weakened immunity, as well as the presence in the oral cavity of a child specific species microorganisms, the initial carriers of which in most cases are the parents of the baby.

Pubertal periodontitis

In adolescence, insufficiently thorough oral hygiene, changes in hormonal levels, various forms anomalies in the structure of the teeth, for example, an open bite, and many other reasons lead to the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Itching, a feeling of fullness in the gums, bad breath in a child, thickening of saliva, discharge from periodontal pockets and loosening of teeth are the main symptoms of pubertal, or teenage, periodontitis.

The main cause of periodontitis is age-related features

It would seem that it could provoke the occurrence of such unpleasant disease The child has? It is precisely the features of childhood that mainly lead to the occurrence of periodontitis. There are also a number of etiological factors that cause periodontitis, which are divided into two groups.

1. Local factors

Not enough high level oral hygiene

The inability to properly brush your teeth with a special children's toothbrush and the unwillingness to regularly carry out hygiene procedures lead to the accumulation of microorganisms in the periodontal pockets, and the toxins they release trigger the inflammatory process.

Short frenulum of the tongue or lips

Insufficiently long frenulums provoke atrophy and inflammation of the adjacent gum area due to the constant tension of the frenulum fibers. The inflammatory process is localized in the region of the lower central teeth.

Chewing food on one side

The habit of chewing food on one side is fraught with the accumulation of plaque on the teeth that are not involved in chewing. It is necessary to explain to the child that food should be chewed on both the left and right sides.

Anomalies and deformities of the dentition

The development of the inflammatory process in periodontal tissues can be due to both functional overload of certain teeth and insufficient load on them. The reason for this are malocclusion or an incomplete set of teeth (permanent teeth have not yet grown, and some of the milk teeth have already fallen out).

gum injury

This group of factors provoking the occurrence and development of periodontitis includes chronic gum injuries caused by destroyed teeth or parts of braces, as well as filling defects and damage to periodontal tissues by nails, pens, hair clips.

The nature of nutrition

Too soft food does not contribute to a sufficient load on the chewing apparatus of the child and self-cleaning of the teeth, resulting in the accumulation of plaque at their base, and as a result, the appearance of tartar in children.

2. Systemic factors and background diseases

Some diseases, such as beriberi, disruption of the endocrine system, congenital heart disease, diabetes mellitus, can serve as risk factors. In addition, a weakened immune system often contributes to the development of periodontitis in children.

Treatment of periodontitis in children: the work of professionals

Non-surgical methods of treatment of the inflammatory process of periodontal tissues are the same as in adults. This includes professional hygiene oral cavity and various physiotherapy procedures. It may also be required surgical interventions, for example, correction of the frenulum of the lip. In any case, before the appointment of certain procedures, the child needs to visit pediatric dentistry for consultation with three specialists - a general practitioner, a surgeon and an orthodontist. They will determine real reasons development of periodontitis and develop individual plan treatment.

It is also important to exclude systemic diseases that can provoke periodontitis. Their treatment must be carried out with the participation of a specialist of the appropriate profile.

We treat periodontitis with herbs: traditional medicine

Inflammation of periodontal tissues can indeed be stopped on their own, but only in the early stages.

It should be understood that in the later stages, periodontitis can only be cured by a dentist using technically sophisticated techniques, and folk remedies will be most effective in treating gingivitis in children (gum disease that precedes the spread of the inflammatory process to other periodontal tissues) and only at the very beginning of its transition to periodontitis.

Of the phytotherapeutic agents, the most effective in the treatment of the inflammatory process of periodontal tissues is comfrey. Its action is based on antiseptic, stimulating and local soothing properties, it also helps to improve regenerative processes in tissues. It is better if the treatment of periodontitis at home is accompanied by other preventive measures: teach your child to brush their teeth correctly, convince him that this must be done regularly, inspire him to chew on both sides, and also tell him that it is advisable to use a mouthwash.

Cost of treatment

The cost of fighting periodontitis will depend on the complexity clinical case. Sometimes it's enough to consider the price ultrasonic cleaning, and in more complex cases, the cost of correcting the lip frenulum, as well as the cost of physiotherapy and other procedures, should be added to the costs.

Periodontitis - serious illness, leading to very backfire in particular to loss of teeth. Thorough oral hygiene, enough hard food, no bad habits and regular visits to pediatric dentist - important aspects prevention of the inflammatory process of periodontal tissues in children.

Periodontitis in children is a consequence of improper and irregular processing of the oral cavity. After all, after eating, particles of food remain on the gums, tongue, teeth. They are an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microbes. The formation of plaque and its untimely removal leads to the appearance of caries and stomatitis.

What is Pediatric Periodontitis

Violations acid-base balance in the oral cavity lead to deterioration of the enamel of the teeth. When enamel comes into contact with acid, calcium is washed out. If restoration measures are not taken, the likelihood of periodontitis increases. It is a common disease in children. Periodontitis is a disease inflammatory nature soft tissues that hold the teeth to the jaw. The main disadvantage of which is considered bad treatment. Great efforts are needed to get rid of it. At not timely handling in medical institution there is Great chance lose a tooth.

Types of periodontitis

Periodontitis in children is prepubertal and pubertal. The first occurs in children under the age of eleven and manifests itself during the eruption of the first teeth (milk). The causes of which are changes in the composition of hormones. Also weak immune defense and poor oral hygiene. With such damage to the teeth, the child does not feel discomfort. There is mobility of the teeth and plaque on them. In this case, the teeth fall out and the disease passes to the erupting permanent teeth.

For the pubertal appearance, the reasons are characteristic: bite pathologies, poor oral hygiene. Here the child feels a burning sensation and heat of the gums, it is felt from the mouth bad smell saliva acquires a thick consistency. In the advanced form, pus is formed and released. The disease affects adolescent children.

There are also juvenile and juvenile periodontitis. The first is accompanied by damage to the gums, with a rapidly destructible effect. There are practically no signs of the disease and it spreads without symptoms. Juvenile is inherent in children at the age of fifteen. There is a slight destruction of the alveolar processes. This species causes the formation of pockets near the teeth - incisors. The first reason is changes in the hormonal background. Juvenile periodontitis is often hereditary.

Degrees of defeat

Periodontitis - serious illness oral cavity, which will provoke serious complications if treatment is not provided on time. Parallel to inflammation, pathogenic organisms develop. This results in the production of a cytokine. When it enters the pancreas, damage occurs. The formation of insulin is impaired, the likelihood of developing diabetes increases.

There are three degrees of periodontitis:

Mild lesions. With it, periodontal pockets up to 3.5 millimeters deep are formed. Pain is practically not felt. On the early dates treatment is done by cleaning the teeth from plaque. To get rid of discomfort, the tubules are washed.
Medium damage. The depth of the pocket with it is about 5 millimeters. When using cold and hot, pain is manifested. The teeth begin to loosen and gaps form between them. To cure this degree, it is necessary to remove plaque and completely remove the pus that has collected near the gums. Be sure to separate the infected tissue. With untimely assistance, it is impossible to clean the tooth and implant.
Severe injuries. Periodontal pockets grow from 6 millimeters. Characterized by a strong discharge of blood from the gums, loosening of the teeth and arbitrary loss. There are sharp toothaches. Treatment consists in operating on the damaged area.

In advanced periodontitis, bacteria that cause tooth decay can negative impact to the circulatory system. This can lead to a heart attack or atherosclerosis. Pathogenic organisms are rare, but carried to parts of the respiratory system. This can be avoided with proper and timely treatment to a medical institution.

Periodontitis in the early stages is asymptomatic. Therefore, parents do not take their children to the dentist. Over time, the symptoms begin to increase and become noticeable.

Chronic periodontitis is characterized by:

  • sharp jumps in pain in the gums;
  • bright red gums;
  • inflammation and swelling of the gum mucosa;
  • discharge of pus from the periodontal canals;
  • manifestation of malaise and weakness;
  • increase in body temperature.

If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to take the child to a medical facility as soon as possible.

If you ignore these signs, children are subject to the development of CNS disorders, rheumatism, metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus and hormonal system failures.

The main signs of periodontitis are:

  • increased bleeding during chewing and brushing;
  • bad breath that does not stop after oral hygiene;
  • asthenia;
  • enamel and gums are affected by hard plaque;
  • the appearance of tubules between the teeth;
  • pulsation and itching of the gums;
  • tooth mobility;
  • mucosal discoloration.

Diagnosis of periodontitis

To prevent problems with the child's oral cavity, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis in a timely manner. The most common diagnostic methods are:

  1. inspection. The first measure in which the state of the oral cavity is visible. The tongue and its position are checked, how the bridle is attached, in what condition the gums and saliva glands are, the presence of caries on the teeth;
  2. palpation of lymph nodes. Their inflammation and soreness are checked;
  3. tomography of teeth by means of a computer;
  4. Doppler ultrasound.

This may include donating blood general analysis, analyze periodontal pockets, identify the level of immunoglobulin and neutral fat.

Reasons for the development of the disease

In order not to become a victim of periodontitis, you need to know what factors affect the manifestation of the disease. Parents should be attentive to the sources of diseases of the child's oral cavity.

Common causes of periodontitis include:

  • incomplete or improper cleaning of the oral cavity. As a result, it remains soft plaque on the teeth from food. This formation contains dead cells, food particles, bacteria. It can bear great harm health of teeth and gums. Accumulating, plaque passes into the gum and causes processes of an inflammatory nature;
  • malnutrition, which results in a lack of nutrients in the body;
  • frequent consumption of non-solid foods. A person must create a load on the gums, in other words massage, by chewing solid food;
  • poor quality fillings and other structures that cause mucosal injury;
  • the presence of anomalies in the structure of the bite. Thus, when chewing, the load is not evenly applied to the entire jaw;
  • diseases from dentistry: stomatitis and gingivitis;
  • poor immune defense of the body, which does not prevent the development of pathogens;
  • frequent minor injuries of the mucosa and teeth;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • increased tone of the muscles responsible for chewing;
  • chemical effect on tooth enamel;
  • manifestations of drug allergy.

Basically, with the manifestations of periodontitis, the child has several factors.

Local factors

Among local factors common are gingivitis (inflammation of the gingival margin, which is adjacent to the teeth) and anomalies of the occlusal-articulatory nature. These diseases in rare cases lead to the appearance of periodontitis. Must be chronic.

Teeth grinding during sleep leads to bite deformation, resulting in periodontal disease.

If the child has an overbite open type, then plaque formation occurs, which causes the appearance of gingivitis, periodontitis and less often atrophy.

With a weak functioning of the thyroid gland, a severe form of hypothyroidism occurs (inflammation with swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue). The mucosa becomes pale, dry, inflamed and there is a delay in teething.

This may include Graves' disease, in which there is atrophy of bone tissue in the body and loosening of the teeth. Down's disease is a focus of periodontitis, because there is a violation in the formation of teeth and tissues of the oral cavity, bones.

Treatment of periodontitis in children is an important task that requires proper professional approach. The recovery course should be comprehensive and include activities that will eliminate the resulting symptoms and stop further development illness.

To determine the method of treatment, it is necessary to consider:

  • how severely the function of the temporomandibular joint is impaired;
  • the likelihood of tooth loss;
  • the presence of somatic diseases;
  • the severity of the destruction of the alveolar bone;
  • what is the stage of dental looseness.

For children, in the treatment of periodontitis, the following measures are used:

  1. removal of caries plaque, bite correction by applying plates;
  2. professional teeth cleaning;
  3. polishing the enamel surface using a varnish containing fluorine;
  4. conducting training activities on proper brushing teeth and gums;
  5. When the state is running, the periodontal pockets and the spaces between the teeth are cleaned;
  6. Applying dressings with medicinal substances;
  7. Appointment of a course of topical antibiotics;
  8. A course of vitamins for strengthening protective function immune system;
  9. Maintaining proper oral hygiene.

The doctor will conduct all the studies, receive the results of the diagnosis and determine how to treat the disease.

Treatment of children's periodontitis is possible with the help of home methods. If the disease is of the first degree of damage, to relieve inflammation, pain and get rid of an unpleasant odor, use herbal tinctures to rinse the mouth. Infusions are prepared in the calculation - a tablespoon of herbs per 250 milliliters hot water. The plant is flooded with water. The infusion takes about 15 minutes to prepare.

Sunflower oil is considered a good remedy for inflammation in the oral cavity. It is used as a mouthwash.

To get rid of periodontitis, honey with black ash is used. Grind a glass of berries and add about 50 grams of honey. Mix all this thoroughly. Children should consume a lot for a month in a teaspoon. This will not only help improve dental health, but also replenish the body's supply of nutrients.

To get rid of severe pain helps sage decoction. Prepared at the rate - a teaspoon of chopped herbs is poured into 150 milliliters of hot water, leave to infuse for a while. Use the infusion 4-5 times a day. Rinse warm and keep in mouth until cool.

Prevention of children's periodontitis

Prevention of this disease is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary.

The primary consists of integrated strengthening organism. This is an improvement metabolic processes, restoration of the protective function of immunity and others. The secondary focuses on the cleanliness of the oral cavity. The tertiary consists of treating the body in general.

  • Teeth brushing should be done twice a day. It is necessary to teach your child to use dental floss to remove food debris and rinse his mouth. by special means. Do not forget that brushing your teeth has its own rules. AT last minutes procedures it is worth doing a massage for the gums and thoroughly cleaning the tongue.
  • To prevent parallel diseases or diseases that cause periodontitis, it is necessary to keep the child in proper nutrition.
  • Create for a child correct routine day and try to prevent stressful situations. Which can reduce the protection of the immune system and lead to the development of diseases.

We need to take our children's health seriously. Except parents, no one can create for a child healthy life. Using the above information about childhood periodontitis, each parent will be able to identify the disease in the early stages and stop its spread.

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