Therapy without side effects: treatment of COPD with folk remedies at home. Treatment for COPD

COPD is a disease that not everyone is familiar with, as it is not so common. In fact, this abbreviation stands for quite simply, it is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. And in order to recover, it is not necessary to take expensive drugs, you can use folk remedies for lung disease. But these methods are not always effective, sometimes it is enough just to review your diet or apply other measures that contribute to the improvement of a person.

In order to achieve an effective result from such procedures, it is necessary to engage in treatment in a complex, folk methods alone will not be enough. How you can get rid of this disease will be discussed below. It is worth noting that the initial stages of the disease are much easier to cure, which is why at the first symptoms of the disease you need to consult a doctor.

As mentioned above, in order to cure a disease such as COPD, it will not be enough to take some drugs, no matter the drug level or not. It is necessary to review the daily routine and use the following recommendations:

  • Review your diet. First of all, in the treatment of any disease, you need to start eating right and get as many vitamins as possible with your food. Nutrition, first of all, should be balanced and rich in protein. The following foods should be included in your diet: fish, meat, legumes, soy, dairy products;
  • Refuse to work in difficult conditions. A patient with COPD should not work with harmful working conditions;
  • Minimize contact with sick people, mainly for SARS. You should not contact even with sick children;
  • Give up smoking. Everyone knows that smoking can have a bad effect on a person’s lungs, and therefore the addiction must be abandoned;
  • Start playing sports. Sport has a fruitful effect on a person and his body. If you do not have time to regularly engage in physical activity, then you can at least do morning exercises. It is advisable to constantly carry out breathing exercises. But it is necessary to rationally distribute the load on your body, do not overdo it.

These methods can also be called prevention from COPD disease, if they are followed, a person is unlikely to get sick with a similar disease.

Herbal preparations

Treatment of COPD with folk remedies is one of the effective measures that many people suffering from this disease resort to. In fact, there are many ways that you can get rid of this disease. Below we will consider the simplest and at the same time effective methods.

In order to overcome COPD, use the following recipe:

  1. Mix 100 gr. sage, 200 gr. mallow and the same amount of chamomile;
  2. Turn herbs into powder using a blender;
  3. Then pour the powder with hot water in the following ratio: 1 tablespoon per glass of water;
  4. Leave the medicine to infuse for an hour.

This recipe is effective, but it should not be used for more than two months. If after using it the disease has not gone away, then it is recommended to change the recipe. The medicine should be taken twice a day, at any time of the day.

There is another equally effective prescription for the treatment of COPD. For it, we need to mix the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of chamomile;
  • 200 grams of eucalyptus;
  • 100 grams of flax;
  • 200 grams of linden flowers.

After all the herbs are mixed, you need to follow the steps described in the recipe above. COPD disease treatment with folk remedies, which will be described in the article, is not so common today, and therefore not every person knows how to get rid of this disease. You can overcome the disease using dried nettle roots. A syrup is prepared from them, which can be used at any time of the day, at least 3 times. To prepare it, use the following recipe:

  1. Take nettle roots and sugar;
  2. Mix the two ingredients in a ratio of 2/3;
  3. You need to mix them until a homogeneous mass;
  4. Leave the resulting syrup for at least 6 hours.

Above, folk methods for the treatment of COPD were described, which, compared to drug treatment, do not harm a person and have a good effect in the fight against this disease.

In order to get rid of the symptoms of COPD, you can use the following recipe:

  1. You need to take 8 teaspoons of the following components; calamus, clover, knotweed, nettle, elecampane root;
  2. Add three tablespoons of the following ingredients: licorice root, eucalyptus, bergenia;
  3. Add to these herbs 5 tablespoons of plantain;
  4. Mix all ingredients;
  5. Take one tablespoon of the mixture;
  6. Pour it with a glass of boiling water;
  7. Put the resulting mixture on a slow fire and boil for ten minutes;
  8. Cool the broth;
  9. Strain it.

On the day you need to drink a whole glass of water, dividing it into three doses. It is worth taking the medicine before a meal or an hour after a meal. In order for the medicine to be effective, it must be taken warm. There is another similar recipe that is prepared in the same way, but its composition will be excellent.

To prepare another medicine, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Ten spoons of St. John's wort;
  • Eight spoons of thyme, raspberries, calamus, oregano, lingonberries;
  • Seven spoons of plantain;
  • Six spoons of elecampane;
  • Five spoons of wild rosemary;
  • Four spoons of needles.

This recipe is also considered effective. If you are not allergic to such herbs, then you can safely use them for your treatment.

Miscellaneous Methods

In order to overcome COPD disease, you can resort to treatment with folk remedies that will be within the power of every person. Many people believe that salt can only harm the respiratory tract, however, this is completely wrong and thanks to salt, you can overcome such a disease as COPD.

In order to overcome such a serious illness, you can regularly visit a salt cave or do salt-based inhalations. Of course, we should not forget about the methods described above, which have nothing to do with treatment. It's about nutrition and rethinking your diet.


Below will be listed how to treat COPD with folk remedies. The simplest recipes that anyone can follow will be given. Below will be listed a recipe for COPD, the main ingredient of which is radish. To prepare it, you can use the following recipe:

  1. Take three hundred grams of black radish and the same amount of beets;
  2. Grate the fruits;
  3. Boil a liter of water;
  4. Cool the water;
  5. Add it to the gruel of beets and radishes;
  6. Infuse the medicine for three hours.

Above, it was told about how to cure COPD with folk remedies. But it is worth noting that self-treatment can not always solve the problem that has arisen, before proceeding with any treatment, you need to get a doctor's consultation. After all, only a doctor can determine the disease and prescribe the right treatment.

What are the signs and symptoms of COPD?

COPD is a slowly progressive disease and there are many ways to assess what stage of chronic obstructive disease a person has by commonly occurring symptoms.

Usually, the first signs and symptoms of COPD include a cough (mostly in the morning), with colorless or white mucus (phlegm).

The most significant symptom of COPD is shortness of breath. Previously, this symptom may occasionally occur with exertion, and may eventually progress to choking, even with mild exertion. Some people may have wheezing (a whistling sound or hissing sound when breathing). Signs and symptoms of COPD include:

  • Cough with sputum, usually colorless in small amounts
  • Acute chest pain
  • Shortness of breath (usually occurs in patients 60 years of age or older)
  • Shortness of breath (especially on exertion)

As the disease progresses from moderate to increasing in severity:

  • Respiratory failure with mild exercise (stair climbing)
  • Rapid breathing (tachypnea)
  • Bluish discoloration of the skin (cyanosis)
  • Use of respiratory muscle accessories
  • Swelling of the extremities (peripheral edema)
  • Excessive expansion of the lungs (hyperinflation)
  • Wheezing in the lungs
  • Increased pulsations of the jugular vein

What increases the risk of developing COPD?

People who smoke tobacco are at the highest risk for developing COPD. Other risk factors include exposure to secondhand smoke and exposure to high levels of air pollution, especially air pollution. In addition, people with airway hypersensitivity, such as those with chronic asthma, are at increased risk.

There is a genetic factor called alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency that puts a small percentage (less than 1%) of people at higher risk of developing COPD (and emphysema) because the protective factor (alpha-1 antitrypsin protein) for lung tissue elasticity is reduced or absent .

Other factors that may increase your risk of developing COPD include

  • intravenous drug use
  • immunodeficiency syndromes
  • vasculitis syndrome
  • connective tissue diseases
  • genetic problems such as Salla's disease (an autosomal recessive disorder of the storage of sialic acid in the body).

Lifestyle changes (diet, exercise) and home remedies for people with COPD

The most effective way to prevent and treat COPD is to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke. If you use tobacco products, stop smoking immediately.

If a person with COPD has mild to moderate symptoms, they can often benefit from a combination of exercises that can increase their endurance and slow the progression of the disease.

Diet, Supplementation, and Complementary Medicine Therapy for COPD

A number of "folk" supplements and foods are reported to be helpful in reducing COPD symptoms. Home remedies for COPD include:

  • Vitamin E to improve lung function
  • Omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation (found in supplements or foods such as salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, soybeans, canola oil)
  • Antioxidants to reduce inflammation (found in cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, green tea, red grapes)
  • Breathing techniques relaxation therapy, meditation
  • Acupuncture COPD symptom reduction by needle placement

A person with COPD should discuss the use of any home remedies or supplements with their healthcare provider before starting such treatment because some treatments may interfere with ongoing therapy.


Bronchodilators are used to treat COPD because they open up the airways—the tubes—and allow air to pass more freely in and out of the lung tissue. There are short-term (several hours) and long-term (12 or more hours) types of bronchodilators.

Some short term medications include:

  • albuterol (Ventolin, Proventil),
  • metaproterenol (alupent),
  • Levalbuterol (Xopenex),
  • pirbuterol (Maxair).

Some long-term bronchodilators include:

  • salmeterol (Serevent),
  • formoterol (Foradil),
  • arformoterol (Brovana),
  • Indacaterol (Arcapta).
  • Anticholinergic bronchodilators include:
  • ipratropium (Atrovent),
  • tiotropium (Spiriva), and
  • aclidinium (Tudorza).

Other bronchodilators such as theophylline (Elixophyllin, Theo-24) are sometimes used but discouraged due to unwanted side effects including anxiety, tremors, seizures, and arrhythmias.

In addition, the market is consolidating for drugs using steroids and long-acting bronchodilators. Roflumilast (Daxas, Daliresp) is a new drug that inhibits a phosphodiesterase type 4 enzyme that has been used in patients with symptoms of chronic bronchitis

Treatment of COPD with folk remedies at home

Intravenous use of hydrogen peroxide

(H2O2) for the treatment of asthma and other forms of COPD has been described many times in the natural medicine literature. Two physicians in particular, William Campbell Douglas MD and Dr. Richard Schulze, have described the use of hydrogen peroxide to treat asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema with remarkable results.

Professor Neumyvakin also recommends the use of peroxide inside (add to water). Or drip into the rectum (since no one from the doctors will agree to drip into a vein) - the second practically replaces the intravenous administration of hydrogen peroxide. This is the usual hydrogen peroxide that is sold in our pharmacies.

One of the most effective treatments for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is steam inhalation.

Vapors directly deliver medicinal substances to the lungs. At the same time, blood vessels expand, metabolism increases, swelling and inflammation are removed. In addition, healing inhalation steam destroys pathogenic organisms, restores the mucous membrane of the lungs.
When using inhalations, a number of rules must be observed: steam inhalation should not be done in case of an acute inflammatory process, since heating will additionally increase tissue swelling and further expand blood vessels; the procedure can last no more than ten minutes; After physical activity and eating, at least half an hour should pass.

  • Steam inhalation with sea salt: 3 tbsp. l/liter Chop the onion, put in a glass. Hold the glass tightly to your mouth. Inhale the onion phytoncides deeply with your mouth, holding the exhalation. Exhale through the nose.
    Add essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, chamomile to a pot of boiling water. Use oils in very small quantities. Enough 3 - 5 cap. Breathe in vapors, covered with a towel.
    Breathe in the steam of boiled potato peels
  • Breathe over decoctions of herbs: oregano, mint, calendula, chamomile, needles, rosemary. Herbs can be combined.
    Another option: one glass of water and 5 grams of baking soda.

Ingestion of various decoctions and infusions


  • 200 g chamomile
  • 100 g sage
  • 200 g mallow

Thoroughly mix all three components, then beat them with a mixer until a state close to powder. After that, prepare the infusion by pouring boiling water over the mixture at the rate of one tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour. It is best to take twice a day at any convenient time for two months. After that, you will need to switch to another recipe.


  • 200 g eucalyptus
  • 100 g flax seed
  • 200 g chamomile
  • 200 g linden flowers

Pre-dry all the herbs, then grind them thoroughly and brew. The proportion is the same - 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water. You also need to take it twice a day for two months.

Another recipe can be used to help drug treatment. This collection will help relieve fatigue and improve the release of sputum from the body. It will be necessary to prepare 100 g of chamomile, sweet clover, forest mallow, licorice root, marshmallow root and anise berries. Take also 300 g of flax seeds. All these components will need to be thoroughly dried, crushed and mixed. Then boil the mixture with boiling water. For two and a half tablespoons of the mixture, take half a liter of boiling water. Insist for half an hour, then filter and take in the same way as the previous collections.

Using food to treat COPD

For the treatment of COPD at home, traditional medicine also suggests using certain foods. For example, black radish, which, as you know, is often used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

An infusion is prepared from black radish and beets, taken in the same amount (0.3 kg each). Vegetables should be grated on a fine grater and mixed with cooled boiled water (1 l). Insist 3 hours. Reception mode - 3 times a day for 4 tbsp. spoons for 30 days. After completion of the course, a break of 7-10 days is required. After that, if necessary, the treatment can be repeated.

For treatment, milk is used in a warm form and with various additives. Several options for treating COPD with milk:

  1. 1 teaspoon badger fat or lard for 250 ml of hot milk.
  2. 1 teaspoon of Icelandic moss is brewed with 200 ml of hot milk. It is taken three times a day for 0.5 cups.
  3. .

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a progressive disease with a partial irreversible violation of the passage of air through the respiratory tract and the addition of an inflammatory process. Large and small bronchi are predominantly affected. Due to the long course of the disease, pathological changes gradually increase, causing oxygen deficiency in the body.

COPD, as a pathological condition of the respiratory system, may include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, bronchiectasis, and cases of cystic fibrosis. Each of these diseases is caused by separate causes. It is possible to single out the factors under which the transformation into COPD occurs:

  • smoking - active or passive;
  • inhalation of polluted air - at work, while living near industrial areas;
  • accession of acute viral or bacterial infections;
  • long-term oxygen therapy.

If the disease does not develop against the background of other obstructive disorders (asthma, bronchiectasis), then its initial stage may not manifest itself in any way. At stage II, there is a persistent cough with sputum, shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air.

During the transition to stage III, the symptoms increase, the cough intensifies and becomes permanent. Due to shortness of breath, it is difficult for the patient to endure light physical exertion, exacerbations can be life-threatening. At stage IV, respiratory and heart failure develops.

Therapeutic measures

In the treatment of COPD with folk remedies, the goal is to remove sputum from the bronchi in order to facilitate breathing and provide oxygen to the tissues. Herbs with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects are added to the recipes, which will act on the pathogenic microflora and slow down the development of obstruction.

One-component preparations

- a folk remedy that has long established itself as a thinning, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Its properties are due to the essential oils it contains. Decoction recipe: 2 tsp. put seeds in a thermos, pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, drink 4 doses a day.

Iceland moss thins phlegm and reduces the activity of inflammation in the bronchi. Take 20 g of dry moss, pour 500 ml of hot water, boil, leave for 30 minutes and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Moss flavonoids have the ability to anesthetize inflamed bronchi. The healing properties of the decoction can be enhanced by combining it with honey.

Hawthorn infusion is effective in all inflammatory processes in the body. With this disease, they drink an infusion of fruits. Flavonoids, carotene and vitamins give a stable result in the treatment of inflammation, but the intake should be long-term. Pour 100 g of hawthorn berries with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10. Infuse for 40 minutes, strain, drink 200 ml 3 times a day before meals. Hawthorn is useful in stage II to prevent heart failure.

Heather shows strong antiseptic and thinning properties in COPD. Prepare the infusion as follows: 1 tbsp. l. chopped sprigs of heather brew 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour, strain, drink a day in 3 divided doses.

Black elderberry flowers are used to help loosen phlegm. Take 20 g of flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Elderberry flowers have pronounced antibacterial properties, promote sweating, thin the bronchial secret. Drink ¼ cup 3-4 times a day before meals. You can add 1 tsp. honey for 1 glass of decoction.

bird mountaineer

Bird mountaineer is a commonly used folk remedy for inflammatory diseases. For the treatment of obstructive processes, you can use a decoction of a dry plant or fresh juice. To prepare a decoction, brew 20 g of highlander grass in 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. In the summer, you can squeeze the juice from the grass and take 20 drops (1 tsp) 3 times a day.

Medicines in milk

A decoction of comfrey for the treatment of COPD at home is prepared with milk. Pour 20 g of crushed 500 ml of hot milk and place in a ceramic or enamel dish in the oven for 6-7 hours, avoiding boiling. The resulting broth take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

It has the properties to activate metabolic processes, purify the blood and eliminate advanced forms of inflammation. For the treatment of obstructive processes, stir 1 tsp. badger fat in 250 ml of hot milk. Drink milk with fat before bed for at least 2 weeks.

This method will be useful due to the content of high doses of vitamin C and organic acids that thin sputum. Take 6 medium heads of onion, 1 head of garlic, peel and chop. Pour 1 liter of hot milk, boil for up to 15 minutes, leave for 2-3 hours, squeeze. Drink ½ cup after meals.

Recipes based on elecampane and coltsfoot

High finds its use in COPD as an effective anti-inflammatory folk remedy. With its help, you can successfully treat various pathologies of the bronchi with the separation of viscous sputum.

Take 20 g of elecampane leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour, drain, add 10 g of honey, stir and drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. In the form of a tincture, the properties of the plant are even stronger. Elecampane tincture is made from rhizomes. Take 25 g of crushed roots, pour 100 ml of 40 or 70% alcohol, leave for 2-3 days in the dark. Strain the tincture, drink 3 times a day, 25 drops.

If COPD develops against the background of bronchial asthma, a potent option is recommended - elecampane root juice mixed with in a 1: 1 ratio. Take 1 tsp. juice with honey 3 times a day before meals.

Coltsfoot is able to cure even a neglected inflammatory process due to the content of organic acids with a diluting effect and substances that restore the epithelium of the bronchi.

Take 10 g (5 sheets) of coltsfoot, brew for 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and drink 2-3 tbsp. l. every 2-3 hours. From freshly brewed warm leaves, make a compress on the sternum area, wrapping gauze on top. Keep until completely cool.

The mother-and-stepmother's tincture of flowers is prepared as follows: put fresh flowers in a jar and pour vodka in a ratio of 1: 1. The tincture is recommended for those who develop puffiness, at III and higher stages of the disease. Infuse for 10 days in a dark place, filter. Take 30 drops 30 minutes before meals.

Ginger tincture

contains substances that give a warming effect on the body, purify the blood, strengthen the immune system. Ginger has strong antiseptic properties and stimulates expectoration. At home, prepare a tincture of ginger in alcohol or vodka. Grind the roots to make a full glass (200 g). Pour the root in a glass dish with 0.5 liters of alcohol, leave in the light (14 days), stirring constantly. After the expiration date, filter the tincture and drink 1 tsp. (dilute in water) 2 times a day.

Herbal preparations

Mix 100 g, 200 g each of chamomile and mallow flowers. The collection improves immunity, dilutes the bronchial secretion, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the nervous system. Brew 1 tbsp. l. crushed mixture in 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drink 100 ml 2 times a day for a month, then change to another collection.

Mix dry herbs - lungwort, sage and in ratios 2:2:2:1. This collection is useful as an anti-inflammatory and sedative, as increased irritability is observed in patients with this disease. Take 2 tbsp. l. mixture, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain the infusion from herbs, heat and dilute 2 tbsp. l. spoons of honey. Drink an infusion of 50 ml 4 times a day before meals.

Infusion of beetroot and black radish dilutes sputum and eliminates obstruction of small bronchi. Radish is a powerful detoxifier, it also contains antiseptic substances and relieves spasms of smooth muscles. Grate beets (up to 300 g) and the same amount of black radish on a fine grater. Pour a mixture of root crops with 1 liter of hot water, leave for 3 hours. Squeeze out the infusion from the cake and drink in portions of 100 ml throughout the day.

Mix equal amounts of anise and dill seeds, young pine buds, thyme herb, knotweed herb and licorice root. This collection, with a high content of vitamin C, tannins and organic acids, exhibits expectorant, enveloping, diuretic and sedative properties. Take 2 tbsp. l. chopped herbs, pour 300 ml of water at a temperature of 20 ° C, leave for 2 hours, boil for 3 minutes, let cool and strain. Drink the entire broth per day in 3 divided doses.

A complex expectorant and anti-inflammatory collection is prepared from the flowers and leaves of the coltsfoot, comfrey root, couch grass rhizomes, mullein flowers, black elderberry and linden inflorescences. All components are taken in equal proportions. Take 1 tbsp. l. collection for 1 cup of water, but first boil the water with the rhizomes of comfrey and couch grass, boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat and then put all the other herbs in this broth. In this way, useful substances are extracted from herbs to the maximum. Infuse the collection under the lid for up to 30 minutes, strain and drink a day, dividing into 3 doses. After taking the decoction, severe sweating occurs and abundant sputum leaves.

Nettle syrup and inhalation

Stinging nettle

A unique remedy can be prepared from the rhizomes of stinging nettle with the addition of sugar. Take 2 parts of fresh nettle rhizomes and 3 parts of granulated sugar, grind into a homogeneous mass. Leave for 6 hours to brew. The released syrup drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Nettle helps to reduce the activity of the inflammatory process and acts as a general tonic.

As an auxiliary method, inhalations with decoctions or oils can be used. In the form of inhalations, medicinal substances enter directly into the bronchial mucosa, having a much stronger effect. During exacerbations, inhalations cannot be done, since hot air and steam will lead to a deterioration in the condition.

On 1 liter of boiling water, drop 3 drops of essential oils of eucalyptus, chamomile or pine. You can do the procedure with one essential oil or in combination. Eucalyptus oil has the ability to expand the lumen of the bronchi and facilitate breathing.

In 1 liter of boiling water dissolve 3 tbsp. l. natural sea salt without dyes and additives. Cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam for 15-20 minutes.

During the period of remission

If the symptoms have subsided or do not bother at all, this is not a reason to stop treatment. To prevent exacerbations of the process, you can take decoctions and fees.

Mix 100 g of flax seed, 200 g of chamomile flowers, linden inflorescences and eucalyptus leaves, brew 2 tsp. collection of 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 40 minutes, strain, drink the decoction in 2 doses - in the morning and in the evening.

Brew herbal inhalation collection - 2 tbsp. l. , chamomile and calendula flowers per 1 liter of boiling water, let stand under the lid for 3-5 minutes and breathe in hot steam. You can brew herbs separately.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD for short, is progressive disease, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the lungs.

At the same time, a person has shortness of breath, cough with sputum, acute pain in the chest.

This lung disease is isolated as a separate pathology.. Although previously COPD was identified with emphysema and obstructive bronchitis. These two pathologies may be part of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

How effective is the treatment of COPD disease with folk remedies

Traditional medicine includes various natural components that can provide antibacterial, expectorant, mucolytic, immunomodulatory and antioxidant action, i.e. everything that is necessary for the treatment of COPD.

Due to the fact that there are a sufficient number of plants that can help in the treatment of COPD, a lot of various recipes have been developed. All of them are aimed at the following:

  • getting rid of shortness of breath and cough;
  • stopping the progressive nature of COPD;
  • launch of reparation processes in the body;
  • removal of sputum from the respiratory tract;
  • increase in vitality.

Important! Since COPD cannot be cured, the only exception is the early stage of the disease, traditional methods are most often unable to completely remove the symptoms of inflammation. Basically them aim to reduce symptoms of COPD so that the disease does not progress further.

In addition, since the disease is very serious and a fatal outcome is possible, treatment only with folk methods will not be able to cope with the disease. Such a method becomes auxiliary to the main therapy COPD .

Before you start using recipes from natural ingredients, be sure to consult with a specialist.

COPD home treatments: what is it?

Treatment methods may be aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease or its symptoms. Methods of treating COPD with the help of traditional medicine recipes are symptomatic, i.e. aimed at reducing the symptoms of the disease.

Recipes for combating COPD are presented in the form of decoctions, infusions. However, the most commonly used folk remedy are inhalation. Means are delivered to the lungs by medical components in a direct way. This is accompanied by the removal of edema and inflammation in COPD.

Reference. The steam generated during inhalation rids the lungs of harmful organisms, thereby restoration of the mucous membrane with COPD .

The inhalation method for COPD should be carried out subject to certain instructions:

  • If the inflammation is in an acute stage, then inhalation is contraindicated. This is due to the fact that steam can increase tissue edema and further expand blood vessels.
  • The process may take no more than ten minutes.
  • Inhalation after exercise, eating can be carried out at least half an hour later.

The inhalation method of treating COPD includes a whole variety of prescriptions for:

  • Breathe over decoctions of herbs: oregano, mint, calendula, chamomile, needles, wild rosemary.

Photo 1. A woman performs inhalations over a decoction of herbs. A towel is put on the head to keep warm longer.

  • Add to a pot of boiling water essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, chamomile. Use oils in very small quantities. Enough 3 - 5 cap. Breathe in vapors, covered with a towel.
  • Breathe in the steam of cooked potato peels.
  • Steam inhalation with sea salt: 3 tbsp. l/liter

Using Ginger, Turmeric, and Onions

Ginger, turmeric, onion, garlic are excellent remedies for COPD therapy. They should be applied in the form of decoctions and tinctures. In this form, the action of nutrients is most effective.

So, ginger root has an expectorant, antiseptic effect in COPD. Its benefit lies in the ability to expel sputum. From two hundred grams minced ginger, sprinkled half a liter vodka can be made into a tincture. The main thing is to insist the mixture in a dark place. in a week. It is recommended to apply the tincture 2 times a day, one teaspoon.

Another way to prepare traditional medicine recipes is a decoction. In order to thin the sputum in COPD, onions and garlic cope.

The decoction is prepared as follows:

  • cleared 6 onions and one head of garlic from the husk;
  • coarsely cut and poured liter of milk;
  • the mixture is brought to a boil and boiled within 10 minutes;
  • cools and strains.

Drink a decoction should be half a glass three times a day after meals.

Important! A decoction of onion and garlic in milk is best stored in the refrigerator, but consumed warm.

Other recipes

In addition to ginger, onion, garlic, COPD can also be treated with other folk remedies, for example, multi-component collections. One of them may be a mixture of lungwort, plantain, sage and wormwood. An infusion is made from these herbs as follows:

  • the listed herbs are dried and crushed;
  • is taken ½ part wormwood and 1 whole part of the remaining components;
  • is taken 2 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture, poured into half liter jar, are poured with boiling water;

  • the liquid is infused in two hours;
  • filtered;
  • to the resulting infusion is added 4 teaspoons of honey.

To strengthen the lungs, people use a natural component that can only be found in spring - this is birch sap. Store birch sap only in a cool place so that it does not ferment. For COPD therapy, birch sap is combined with milk in the ratio 3:1 adding a pinch of flour per 250 ml mixture. Drinking this drink once a day.

Reference. Birch sap can serve excellent prophylactic against various diseases, including COPD, as its intake strengthens the immune system.

You should drink the infusion 50 ml three times a day before meals.

In addition to recipes consisting of natural ingredients, traditional medicine methods include breathing exercises and exercise.

Their goal is to save the patient from shortness of breath, strengthen the intercostal and diaphragmatic muscles, and improve lung ventilation in COPD.

Photo 2. Therapeutic breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method. The complex consists of nine exercises.

The following are examples of different breathing exercises:

  • Take a jar, pour water into it, lower the cocktail tube. Take a deep breath and slowly exhale the air into the tube. Repeat actions within 10 minutes.
  • Repeat counting numbers: one, two, three, exhaling well while keeping your stomach in. On the word "four" you should stick out the abdominal wall and take a deep breath, cough well.
  • Take a lying position on your back, while exhaling - pull your legs towards your stomach with bent knees, catch with your hands, exhale to the end. Then take a good breath with the diaphragm and return to the starting position.
  • Stand up, spread your arms to the sides, inhale, quickly wrap your arms around yourself, as if hugging, exhale strongly.

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Alternative methods for emphysema and chronic bronchitis

Symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and chronic bronchitis are similar. Therefore, many traditional medicines used in relation to COPD, suitable for two other diseases.

The main method of COPD therapy is inhalation. An excellent remedy for this method is eucalyptus.

Photo 3. Packing of dried leaves of the eucalyptus rod, weighing 75 g. The substance is suitable for the preparation of inhalations.

You need to prepare it in the following way:

  • take dried eucalyptus leaves;
  • fill them with water, put on fire, boil for 7 minutes;
  • decoction for inhalation is ready.

Inhalation is carried out twice a day.

Attention! Instead of eucalyptus leaves, essential oil can be used. But you need to add it to the water after it boils.

Garlic helps in the fight against the symptoms of lung diseases. A special potion is made from garlic, honey and lemons. The recipe for its preparation is as follows:

  • used 10 heads of garlic, a liter of liquid honey, 10 lemons;
  • squeezed juice from lemons;
  • peeled garlic finely chopped, added to lemon juice;
  • honey is added to the components, mixes well;
  • the drug is poured into a glass jar, and placed in a dark place for a week.

The medicine you receive should be taken one teaspoon 4 times a day.

How to treat a disease in adults

Therapy for COPD is to reduce the symptoms of the disease.

But adults already have a history of diseases behind their backs, possible allergic reactions, therefore, the selection of folk remedies should be studied in detail, since each natural component has its own contraindications and restrictions in use.

It is important not to harm the body and not to add other exacerbated or new diseases to COPD.

In addition, it is impossible to cope with the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease without an integrated approach. It is necessary not only to take medication, additional methods of traditional medicine, but also carry out the following points:

  • change lifestyle- do not smoke, do not abuse substances with strong odors, avoid polluted air, dampness;
  • change your diet- eat more light foods that have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect: fruits, all types of cabbage, fresh juices, olive and flaxseed oils, etc., do not drink carbonated drinks, eat less soy oil products;

general description


Nutritional supplements

general description

What is COPD? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of serious respiratory disorders that includes chronic bronchitis, asthma and emphysema, or may be a combination of two or more of these diseases. It is a progressive, irreversible, and debilitating lung disease that often begins with a morning cough with mucus and, as the disease progresses, is accompanied by shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. It is the fourth leading cause of death in the US (according to the Centers for Disease Control) and affects more than 16 million Americans. Most deaths (3-5 million per year) are associated with cardiovascular complications of COPD.

Chronic asthma (recurring bronchospasm) is often a reaction to infection, smoke, cold air, exercise, pollen, or other irritants.

Other triggers for COPD are environmental pollution, chemical fumes, including most household cleaners and aerosols, dust, mold, and, of course, active or passive smoking. Miners and people who deal with grain are also prone to chronic bronchitis.

Chronic bronchitis (permanent inflammation of the bronchi) is caused by a bacterial or viral infection. It is accompanied by a chronic cough that lasts at least two to three months and loose mucus. Chronic bronchitis affects 9 million Americans, and this number is growing rapidly.

Emphysema results from damage to the walls that separate the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. As this process progresses, the lungs lose elasticity and become so weak that breathing becomes difficult. Smoking is the main cause of emphysema. In addition, researchers from the Columbia University Medical Center (New York) concluded that COPD and, in particular, emphysema, are associated with the intake of food containing nitrites. Researchers have shown that there is a correlation of emphysema with eating 14 or more servings (serving - 100 g) of canned meat per month. So if you have COPD, one of the lifestyle changes to make is to stop eating hot dogs, bacon, and corned beef.
Symptoms of COPD

Feeling of tightness in the chest

Cough with mucus

Shortness of breath that gets worse even with mild physical activity


Frequent respiratory infections

Hard breath

COPD is accompanied by shortness of breath not only when climbing stairs, but also when doing light exercise and even when walking around the room. In severe cases, the patient with great difficulty performs normal breathing. In addition, COPD can cause coughing, wheezing and chest tightness, as well as difficulty breathing.

A team of researchers at the University of Virginia led by Dr. Benjamin Gaston found that asthma attacks can cause high levels of acid in the lungs. Additional research has shown that the acid-base balance in a person with COPD is affected by shortness of breath, which builds up acidic carbon dioxide (CO2), which can rise to levels that exacerbate COPD. Carbon dioxide must be expelled to maintain proper body pH, so the respiratory system responds to an increase in acidity (decrease in pH) by increasing the rate and depth of breathing.

The use of steroid drugs helps to return the pH to normal, but steroids cannot be used for a long time due to side effects, one of which is bone loss (osteoporosis). In this case, the problem can be addressed using lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements, which can help stop the disease from worsening.

As part of the wellness program below, you need to follow a certain diet and monitor body pH, for which you should buy a set of litmus test strips to measure urine pH (the lower the pH, the higher the acidity).

Although there is no known effective treatment for COPD, lifestyle changes and dietary supplementation can slow down and in some cases partially reverse the course of the disease.

If you were recently diagnosed with COPD and immediately started a wellness program, your long-term results will be much better. Below, we will give you information about some of the COPD treatments you can try and a list of nutritional supplements you can take as part of your wellness program.
Traditional treatments for COPD

Bronchodilators are usually the first line of defense used in medical practice. Albuterol (Proventil) is one of the most common drugs, but there are others. It is used orally, as well as an inhalation dosage form.

In a startling study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the authors concluded that COPD drugs are a significant contributor to COPD mortality. It reports inhaled anticholinergic drugs and indicates that they lead to an increased risk of heart attacks by more than 50%, as well as an increased risk of death from cardiovascular events by more than 80%. This data is so overwhelming that if you are using one of these drugs, work closely with your doctor.

Steroids can be an effective way to fight lung inflammation, but they cannot be used in the long term, as they often have side effects - osteoporosis, stomach irritation, cataracts, bruising. For this reason, they are only reserved for those who have an acute breathing problem and should only be used for a short time.

Antibiotics are used when there are infections. Overuse of antibiotics can lead to other diseases, and over time, their effectiveness decreases (addiction). If you use antibiotics, be sure to also take probiotics during your course of antibiotics and for a week or more afterward to help rebuild your gut flora afterwards.
Lifestyle and wellness program

A multi-pronged approach is likely the best way to fight COPD. You can act erratically, taking medication or supplements as needed, but in the long run, lifestyle and nutritional changes, as well as proper breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, along with moderate exercise and nutritional supplements, will lead to much more beneficial results. Try to deal with the underlying causes of the disease, not limited to fighting the symptoms.
Lifestyle change

Quit smoking! If you smoke or are among smokers, stop smoking and stay away from tobacco smoke. Your recovery starts here.

Avoid scented candles and personal care products (cosmetics, perfumes, soaps, deodorants, etc.)

Do not drive during rush hour when the amount of exhaust gases in the environment rises sharply

Avoid all types of aerosols and sources of strong odors. They will irritate your bronchial tubes and aggravate your condition. The same irritants include almost all cleaning products that are used in your home. Instead, use natural non-spray products. You can use baking soda or vinegar.

If you have dry-cleaned clothes, air them well before placing them in the closet, otherwise headaches or other allergic reactions may occur.

If you live in an area with high air pollution, limit your time outside.

Avoid people who have a cold, as people with COPD are much more susceptible to infection and can easily catch a cold. Rhinoviruses, one of the main causes of the common cold, are known to exacerbate complications from COPD and can lead to pneumonia, the leading cause of death for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. You should know that if you start coughing up greenish, yellowish, or brownish sputum, then it is a bacterial infection and you should see your doctor right away. The cornerstone of a wellness program is to strengthen your immune system. More on this later.

Eat food in small portions, designed for several meals a day. Overloading the stomach causes pressure on the diaphragm, resulting in breathing discomfort.

If you have mold in your home or workplace, clean it up or relocate it. Mold is one of the main triggers of COPD symptoms.

If your home has fan equipment and air ducts, dust them at least once a year. Consider installing a filter in them to keep the system clean of pollen, dust, mold, and other particles.

Keep the humidity in the room at an optimal level of 30-55%. You can buy a humidity monitor and if it's too high use a dehumidifier and if it's too low use a humidifier.

Buy a negative ion generator. The air will be purified by adding negative ions to it, which attract positively charged microparticles of dust, wool and other irritants. This device will be especially important when your house or apartment is tightly closed and not ventilated.
Change in diet

A good diet for lung disease should include fruits, vegetables, juices, high-fiber foods, fats high in omega-3 fatty acids (olive oil and flaxseed oil), fish, and chicken. Such a diet is rich in natural anti-inflammatory substances and antioxidants, and it will not overload the digestive system.

One study showed an inverse relationship between vegetable consumption and chronic bronchitis. Avoid acidic foods if you want to keep your body pH alkaline as a way to reduce processes that can trigger COPD symptoms. Although, as a rule, fruits are acidic (pH<7), имеет значение реакция в организме, а фрукты в этом отношении полезны, так как в организме дают, в основном, щелочное значение рН>7.

Buy a set of litmus test strips and track your body's acidity by measuring the pH value of your urine with the strips. Build a graph of pH changes depending on the time of day and date, noting on it any aggravation of your condition. Mark points on it before and after the attack, fix what you ate and drank before the attack, and see if there is a connection between these data. Many foods and lifestyles can trigger an attack, so you need to learn how to control this situation. If your pH is low, use nutritional supplements that reduce body acidity (increase pH). Keeping track of pH should be part of your daily routine, especially if you have chronic conditions.

Stop eating processed meats: hot dogs, bacon, corned beef, ready-to-eat lunches. They are prepared with nitrites, which cause an increased risk of developing COPD. Other dietary factors also contribute to this, such as a lack of vitamin C and other antioxidants.

A 2007 study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that a high-fiber diet is very beneficial in reducing the risk of COPD. Study participants who were in the group that ate any high-fiber foods had a 15% reduction in COPD risk, while other participants who received fiber primarily from fruits had a 38% reduction in COPD risk. This result is very important, as it once again shows how important the composition of food is for your health. Make increasing your fiber intake part of your wellness program.

A study performed at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine reports the need for antioxidant protection for those suffering from emphysema. A substance called sulforaphane, which is found in cruciferous vegetables such as bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, and wasabi (Japanese horseradish), has proved to be very effective as such protection. The highest amount of sulforaphane is found in broccoli. This compound appears to help protect the lungs from inflammatory damage, especially in smokers.

Make sure you also use the antioxidants found in colorful fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, carrots, etc. You can also take carotenoid supplements such as lycopene, lutein, and beta-carotene, as well as bioflavonoid supplements.

Avoid the following:

Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners (included in sodas)

Dairy - eliminate all dairy

Fast foods (use a lot of omega-6 fatty acids from soybean oil)

Monosodium glutamate and all supplements containing monosodium glutamate

Oils containing omega-6 fatty acids (rapeseed, corn, peanut, sunflower, soybean). Most omega-6 oils tend to increase inflammation.

processed meat

Saturated fats

Snacks, cookies, crackers (soybean oil)

Carbonated drinks (very acidic)

soy proteins

Wheat - Eliminate all wheat products
Breathing techniques

One of the most important things you can do to alleviate COPD is to learn healthy breathing techniques that will strengthen your lung function and keep your pH within the proper acid-base balance. Most people breathe incorrectly, and if you learn how to breathe, you can significantly improve your health.

Talk to your doctor, who can help you find the breathing system that's right for you. Years of research show that there are many beneficial respiratory systems in the world. The Chinese have long used breathing techniques to treat many diseases, yoga and meditation also use various breathing techniques.
Physical exercises

At first glance, it may seem counterintuitive to exercise when you have trouble breathing, but one study published in the journal Circulation in 2001 stated, “A six-month endurance exercise program leads to recovery of lung function after thirty years of lung disease.”

Just do not overdo it and always check the condition of the air for the absence of irritants in the place where you are going to practice. Work with your doctor to find an exercise program that's right for you.
Nutritional supplements

A comprehensive nutritional program usually halts the progression of the disease and may even partially eliminate it. Typically, such a wellness program is aimed at increasing antioxidant processes, reducing inflammation and stimulating the immune system to protect against infections.

The following is a list of nutrients that act in these three ways:

Antioxidants are an important defense for the lungs

CoQ-10 - coenzyme Q10

Glutathione - one of the most powerful antioxidants (walnuts, tomatoes)

Green tea


Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin E (Mixed Tocopherols)

Anti-inflammatory drugs - reducing inflammation in the lungs and bronchi, are absolutely necessary to fight COPD diseases

borage oil



NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine)

Omega 3 fatty acids


Vitamin D-3

Immune system stimulants - to reduce the risk of infection. They are especially important for people with chronic COPD, as infection can lead to pneumonia, which is the leading cause of death.

AHCC (see below)

Maitake (D-fraction of the product)

Beta-carotene - 300 mg per day

Developed in Japan in 1984 from ingredients extracted from several types of mushrooms, AHCC has been successfully used to treat a wide range of conditions, from minor illnesses such as colds and flu to serious illnesses such as cancer, hepatitis, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. It is currently the world's most researched dietary supplement for immune system support (over 80 studies).

AHCC is a highly effective immunomodulator used in more than 700 clinics as a standard prophylactic for all incoming patients to reduce the risk of nosocomial infections.

Coenzyme (coenzyme) Q-10, better known as CoQ-10, is an excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, increases energy at the cellular level, and also helps fight infection. This supplement is especially important if you are taking any of the statin class drugs, as they destroy CoQ-10, reducing its levels in the body. Dosage: 50 mg twice a day.

Curcumin, the yellowing component of turmeric, has been shown in several studies to reduce airway inflammation and protect against the progression of lung cancer. Since many COPD patients have been heavy smokers, this supplement may benefit them in two ways - reducing airway inflammation and suppressing infection in the mucus. By helping to reduce inflammation, curcumin makes it easier to breathe, and by helping to reduce infection, it reduces the threat of pneumonia, one of the leading causes of death in COPD patients. Because of this, turmeric is highly recommended for inclusion in a wellness program, especially if you often get infections.

Enzymes. Enzyme deficiency leads to a variety of health problems, including acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma, inflammation, and food allergies, conditions that are part of the overall COPD disease. Enzymes regulate all chemical reactions in the body, and if they are not enough, then these reactions that the body needs are weakened and the risk of COPD increases. Enzyme deficiency correction helps digestion and absorption of nutrients, bringing the functioning of the body into dynamic balance.

Flaxseed oil - 1.5 tablespoons per day to improve the surface properties of all cells. Flaxseed oil is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Glutathione. It has been found that healthy people have a high concentration of glutathione, but people with COPD lack it. How to eliminate this shortage?

Jonathan W. Wright, MD, uses glutathione as an inhaled treatment for COPD in his practice. Glutathione is the most effective agent against free radicals in the respiratory tract, which is confirmed by dozens of studies. It significantly improves breathing. Dr. Wright recommends 120-200 mg twice a day, but other doctors use 300 mg twice a day. This inhalation agent must be prepared by a pharmacist by compounding the components according to a doctor's prescription.

Iodine can help a lot with COPD. It penetrates well into the mucus, facilitating its removal and helping to fight infections. Consult a physician before use.

Lecithin - 1.5 tablespoons along with vitamin E and linseed oil, to improve the surface properties of all cells.

L-carnitine - has been shown to provide significant relief to COPD patients. 2000 mg twice a day.

Lycopene - 15 mg twice a day.

Magnesium - helps to relax and expand the smooth lining of the bronchioles (small bronchi). Dr. Wright recommends taking 300-400 mg of magnesium citrate daily. You can try increasing your intake to 400-500 mg twice a day. Magnesium can cause diarrhea, so you'll need to make adjustments accordingly.

Maitake D-Fraction is a powerful immune booster derived from the Maitake mushroom. It is one of the most recommended immunity boosters.

NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine). Jonathan Wright recommends taking this supplement at 500mg three times daily to thin thick bronchial secretions. He also recommends taking 30mg zinc picolinate and 2mg copper sebacate if you are taking NAC for more than a few months, with zinc, copper and NAC taken separately as they bind to each other and are excreted from the body. It should be emphasized that the antioxidant NAC reduces inflammation in the airways, is a precursor of glutathione and has been used against chronic bronchitis for almost 40 years.

Quercetin is a flavonoid that has a remarkable ability to inhibit the reproduction of rhinoviruses that cause inflammation in the respiratory tract, a very important factor in normalizing breathing. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant. With these two properties, quercetin should be part of your wellness program.

Vitamin A - 50,000 IU per day is recommended to maintain the health of bronchial tube cells. It is very important to take vitamin A during periods of exacerbations of COPD due to the fact that it catalyzes the removal of the most active forms of oxygen radicals.

Vitamin C. Researchers at the University of Nottingham in the UK found that those who consumed large amounts of vitamin C or consumed foods rich in vitamin C and magnesium had significantly better lung function. You can start with 1 g per day and gradually increase until you notice bowel discomfort. The optimal intake level can reach 10 g per day.

Vitamin D3. Dr. Wright recommends 5000-10000 IU daily. People with COPD are often deficient in vitamin D. In 2011, a presentation was made at the International Conference of the American Thoracic Society regarding the use of high doses of vitamin D to help people with COPD. It was about the results of a study in which one group of participants were given increased doses of vitamin D3 for three months. It was found that exercise capacity and respiratory muscle strength showed a significant increase when vitamin D3 was added to the pulmonary rehabilitation program.

Vitamin E in the amount of 400-600 IU (mixed tocopherols) was used to improve the surface properties of all cells. A Cornell University study showed that high vitamin E intake reduced the risk of developing COPD in women (men were not included in this study).
Other Treatments for COPD

Halotherapy, also known as salt therapy or speleotherapy, uses a dry microaerosol salt mist that the patient inhales. This therapy was first developed in the middle of the 18th century in Poland, when doctors noticed that workers in salt mines did not get lung diseases. As a result, salt clinics began to spring up rapidly throughout Eastern Europe.

Halotherapy has developed into a successful treatment for asthma, chronic bronchitis and all diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. It is an important way to treat respiratory problems in pregnant women as it does not have any side effects and can be used without harm to the unborn child.

Clinical studies have shown that salt therapy has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, as a result of which swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory passages disappears and they expand, restoring normal mucus transport and clear bronchi.

To use speleotherapy, you need to come to one of the salt caves in Europe, which are adapted for this type of treatment. Since it is inconvenient and expensive, it is better to use salt chambers, which are available in almost every city.

Hydrogen peroxide treatment and ozone therapy are two forms of oxygen therapy that are not recognized by most doctors but work well in many cases. Ozone therapy, for example, was developed in Germany over 100 years ago and has been successfully used to treat many diseases.

The intravenous use of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for the treatment of asthma and other forms of COPD has been described extensively in the natural medicine literature. Two physicians in particular, William Campbell Douglas MD and Dr. Richard Schulze, have described the use of hydrogen peroxide to treat asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema with remarkable results.

Potentiated insulin therapy, abbreviated as IPT, is a very interesting and powerful treatment for COPD. If almost any drug is introduced into the body along with insulin, the effect of the drug is greatly increased. This type of treatment was developed back in the early 1920s by Dr. Donato Pérez Garcia. It has been used to treat many diseases, but primarily as an adjunct to chemotherapy. In addition, diseases associated with COPD - asthma, allergic bronchitis, emphysema and many others - have been successfully treated with this method.

Magnetic Molecular Activator (MME) is another therapy that has been used with great success in COPD patients. It is a safe, painless and non-invasive treatment. Its essence boils down to the acceleration of normal chemical reactions in the body, providing, among other things, oxygen carrying capacity, absorption of nutrients, removal of metabolic waste products, reduction of free radicals, tissue regeneration and healing. This technology, influencing the biochemical and electromagnetic processes in the body, enhances its ability to self-heal.

Experience has shown that for significant improvements in the condition of patients, about 100 procedures are required. Unfortunately, there are only a few clinics in the US that offer this type of treatment at this time. Information about these clinics can be found at

oxygen therapy. Most people with COPD do not need supplemental oxygen, but if testing shows that your oxygen levels are too low, oxygen therapy can prevent the heart from being overworked. Traditional oxygen therapy uses a cylinder of oxygen and plastic tubes that are inserted into the nose. This method works well, but severely limits your mobility. You can track your oxygen levels by purchasing a finger meter, which measures not only the oxygen content in your blood, but also your heart rate.

Note: Remember that it will take a long time for a significant improvement in your health - from several weeks to several months. Therefore, be patient and persistently use your chosen COPD treatment and wellness program, then success will surely come.

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