What does igg analysis mean. Types of tests for cytomegalovirus (CMV) and their interpretation. It can be decrypted by a qualified specialist

Immunoglobulins are proteins that act as specific antibodies in response to antigen stimulation and are responsible for humoral immunity. Changes in the level of immunoglobulins are observed in many diseases of the immune system, including cancer, liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Serum immunoelectrophoresis can identify IgG, IgA and IgM. The level of immunoglobulins of each of these classes is determined using the methods of radial immunodiffusion and nephelometry. In some laboratories, immunoglobulins are examined by indirect immunofluorescence and radioimmunoassay.

Immunoglobulin G (IgG) proteins, represents a class of antibodies G. They make up about 80% of all immunoglobulins. Antibodies of the IgG class provide long-term humoral immunity in infectious diseases, i.e. they represent antibodies of the secondary immune response to foreign substances. Antibodies against viruses, bacteria, toxins are IgG. The content of this class of immunoglobulins increases in chronic and recurrent infections. The determination is carried out with various kinds of infectious process, acute and chronic liver diseases, autoimmune diseases, chronic pyelonephritis, rheumatism, collagenoses, multiple myeloma, diseases leading to the depletion of the immune system.

Immunoglobulin E (IgE)- protein, represents a class of E antibodies responsible for the development of allergic reactions. IgE is found mainly on skin cells, mucous membranes (respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract), mast cells, basophils. Upon contact with an allergen, immunoglobulin E forms a complex on the cell surface, contributing to the release of histamine, serotonin and other active substances, leading to the development of clinical manifestations of anaphylaxis, an inflammatory reaction, in the form of asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis. By determining specific IgE in the blood serum, it is possible to identify allergens to which an allergic reaction occurs. It is prescribed for atopic bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, suspicion of helminths.

The norm of which is an important indicator, reflect the state of the body. This analysis is often prescribed to women who are carrying a baby, those who are planning a pregnancy, to young mothers.

Medical indications

Why is cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin tested? Increased and frequent testing is explained by the spread of infection in the modern world. Humanity has become more prone to disease, susceptible to a number of infections. The causative agent adversely affects the development of the fetus when the expectant mother is infected.

Cytomegalovirus is associated with the appearance of many childhood pathologies. It has been proven that the virus provokes the development of:

  • atypical pneumonia;
  • mental disorders;
  • hearing loss;
  • vision problems.

The presence of CMV in the body strongly affects organ transplantation. The infection leaves its mark on the treatment of immunodeficiency states. To determine the pathogen in the blood, tests are used to analyze the level of IgG. This is the most common, accurate and at the same time affordable way to check. The results are obtained in relative units. Each such unit may vary. It all depends on the laboratory, the equipment and reagents used.

Physicians refuse the term "IgG indicator standard for cytomegalovirus". Normally, antibodies in an adult should simply be present. This means that a person has already encountered such an infection and is able to protect himself from re-entering it. Such carriers are 9 out of 10 inhabitants of the planet. These normal levels of antibodies indicate the reactivity and usefulness of the immune system.

Antibodies against the virus are produced constantly and for life. Therefore, if they are present, it is impossible to talk about infection with cytomegalovirus. To confirm all suspicions, a detailed examination of women and men is mandatory.

Antibody titer

The norm indicators, as well as the concentration of antibodies in the body itself, is expressed as a titer. This is the highest serum dilution at which a positive reaction to the presence of this substance is still preserved. All studies of this kind use dilutions that are multiples of two (paired): 1:2, 1:6. The value does not make it possible to count hematological immunoglobulins. But by means of the title one can get an idea of ​​their combined activity and strength. Such information greatly accelerates the receipt of other analyzes.

The titers of the substance, like immunoglobulins to the virus, do not have standards. This is an individual reaction of the body, which depends on a number of factors and circumstances, including:

  • body condition;
  • Lifestyle;
  • activity of the immune system;
  • the presence of chronic infections and ailments in the acute phase;
  • activity and peculiarity of metabolism;
  • patient's age.

To facilitate the ability to interpret test results, it is customary to use the concept of "diagnostic titer". These values ​​show some specific dilution of the serum, with a positive reaction of which they indicate the presence of the virus. A positive reaction to the pathogen will be considered if g to cytomegalovirus is detected at a dilution of 1:100.

The arsenal of modern immunological laboratories has more than several dozen different systems for counting cmv igg. Each of them has its own sensitivity and consists of different components. They are united by only one principle of research - the basics of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

The essence of diagnostics

The test results are determined by the degree (intensity) of staining of the solution, to which the patient's serum is added. This is how the optical density of the solution is determined, which is compared with controls (obviously positive and negative samples). This procedure is very accurate, but extremely laborious and lengthy. To speed up the results, each system is adjusted to one serum dilution (unit) of blood. This information is usually indicated in the instructions for the test system.

The technique greatly facilitates the diagnosis, since there is no need to prepare multiple dilutions. Data on units (units) of antibodies can be obtained within a few hours.

Each laboratory gives its own values ​​of diagnostic titers. Therefore, in order to obtain reliable data, it is necessary to get acquainted in detail with all the parameters of the required test system. Typically, the manufacturer indicates the so-called reference units (ref. units), in which the result is considered positive or negative.

Therefore, on the analysis form, the indicator is usually indicated as follows:

  • norm - up to 0.3;
  • the result is 0.8 (positive value).

The norm of this study is considered to be the optical density of the control sample, in which there are no antibodies to cytomegalovirus.

Information about antibodies

Class M, G, A antibodies play an important role in protecting the body. - not an exception. So, in the body of an adult and a baby, when a virus penetrates, cellular immunity is first activated.

Phagocytes (macrophages, neutrophils) are intensively produced, which immediately surround the infection and destroy it. Macrophages carry the protein shell of the virus to helpers (special T-lymphocytes), which stimulate B-lymphocytes. Activation of these cells implies increased production of immunoglobulins. The level of antibodies progressively increases, protecting the body from the pathogen.

Antibodies are classified as soluble, biologically active substances that circulate freely in the blood and interstitial fluid. Often they can be found on the surface of B-lymphocytes. Their main task is to protect every milliliter of blood, every centimeter of the body from the reproduction of infectious agents.

These substances provide fast, reliable, lifelong immunity to certain infections after they have been transferred.

Immunoglobulins are necessary for the development of protective forms of inflammatory and allergic reactions. It is customary to distinguish 5 main classes of antibodies. Each of them differs in structural features, mass, type of reactivity. So, in every milliliter of blood during viral attacks, there are classes M and G.

Antibodies M - the first defense of the body. Immediately after contact with the pathogen, their concentration increases sharply. They last up to 20 weeks. Therefore, the presence of these components in the analysis indicates a recent infection. With the reactivation of a long-standing infection, these substances also appear, but in much smaller quantities. To distinguish primary infection, assess the avidity of antibodies. We are talking about the activity of substances, the strength of their binding to viral particles.

Class G - later protection components. Often they first appear in the blood only a month after infection. But their initial avidity is minimal. After 2-3 weeks, the avidity of immunoglobulins becomes maximum. These antibodies provide lifelong immunity because they remain in the body for life. At the slightest prerequisites for reinfection, the synthesis of these elements increases dramatically.

Deciphering the immunological analysis

The activity of immunity is a purely individual trait of the body. Therefore, there are no clear criteria and standards for these values.

Often, class G antibodies rise sharply 4 to 6 weeks after infection. Further, the concentration gradually decreases, remaining minimal on a permanent basis.

To accurately decipher the results of the study, a medical consultation is required. In the resulting form, reference (permissible) fluctuations of a particular indicator are usually indicated side by side. Values ​​can be given in arbitrary, optical units. They are often expressed in units per milliliter (mL) or titrated.

Each laboratory must provide its own standards. Without reference values ​​or an appropriate interpretation, the doctor simply will not be able to interpret the data received. Simply, each laboratory institution has its own normative values, according to which the results must be evaluated.

An increase in IgG alone is not a sign of illness. A jump in antibody titer indicates only contact in the past. To determine the stage and activity of the pathological process, evaluate. The interpretation of this indicator is as follows:

  1. Low avid elements indicate the presence of a fresh, primary infection.
  2. Highly avid - a sign of reactivation of a long-standing chronic form of the disease, immunoglobulins are often constantly present, but in minimal concentrations. This is a sign of lifelong carriage of the virus.

Only an immunological examination does not provide complete information about the degree of damage to the body. To detail the patient's condition, it is recommended to conduct complex immunological and molecular biological testing. Often, ELISA, avidity assessment, polymerase chain reaction for the presence of a virus in a bioliquid are used.

Testing pregnant women for the presence of antibodies to CMV is an extremely important study. This is associated with a great risk of infection for the baby. The primary form of infection often provokes abortions, the development of anomalies or long-term complications.

Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, it is always necessary to pass the necessary mandatory tests on time. An antibody test should be done before 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. If it is necessary to repeat the study, it is extremely important to pass it within the specified time frame. The life and health of the child may depend on this.

Human immunity has many ways to protect against infectious agents. One such means is the production of immunoglobulins or antibodies. At their core, these are proteins that have the ability to bind to strictly defined antigens. Their antibodies are neutralized, producing a strong immunity to a specific viral strain. The production of immunoglobulins occurs only upon contact with the antigen, which corresponds to the type of antibody. Two types of immunoglobulins are important for the diagnosis of the disease - IgM and IgG.

What are IgG antibodies

Antibodies of the IgG class are protein compounds in blood plasma (glycoproteins), the main task of which is to protect the body from infection. Immunoglobulins are produced by cells of the immune system in response to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (bacterial, viral, fungal). These antibodies are responsible for strong immunity to a particular pathogen. The concentration of the number of immunoglobulins is expressed in certain titers.

If antibodies are positive in the results of IgG tests, this indicates that the person is a carrier of a certain virus. It all depends on quantitative indicators. A high level of G class antibodies indicates the presence of chronic infection, multiple myeloma, granulomatosis. Low stable rates confirm a person’s strong immunity to the disease that he has already suffered.

The amount of immunoglobulin type IgG in the blood serum reaches about 75-80% of the total proportion of antibodies. These protective proteins are negligible, so they can cross the placenta. This ability provides immune protection to the fetus and the child in the future. In the blood, antibodies of this class do not appear immediately, but 3-5 days after infection. Immunoglobulins of the IgG class, in addition to the protective function, neutralize some toxins of bacterial origin, inhibit the development of allergic reactions.

Indications for testing

IgG antibodies are important in the diagnosis of many diseases. The analysis is prescribed for the following purposes:

  • assessment of the ability of local immunity to quickly respond to antigens;
  • establishing the causes of frequent viral, infectious diseases;
  • determination of immunodeficiency and its degree;
  • assessment of the state of the immune system in the detection of autoimmune diseases;
  • determination of blood composition in the diagnosis of hematological problems;
  • myeloma course dynamics;
  • determination of the effectiveness of substitution therapy with immunoglobulin preparations.

A blood test for antibodies helps to determine the presence of the virus in the blood and the degree of its activity. Tests are necessary for people with weakened immune systems. These include:

  • pregnant women;
  • cancer patients;
  • HIV-infected people;
  • patients who have undergone an organ transplant;
  • people who often suffer from viral diseases or have suffered them (rubella, hepatitis).

There is a certain norm for G antibodies. Each laboratory can set its own range of values. The average values ​​of the norm are as follows:

Newborns up to 1 month old

Children up to a year

Children 1-2 years old

Children over 2 years old and adults under 80 years old



Errors in antibody test results do occur. The following factors can distort the data:

  1. smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  2. excessive excitement, constant stress;
  3. intensive sports training;
  4. radiation exposure;
  5. a large loss of proteins due to diseases of the intestines, liver, kidneys;
  6. burns covering more than 40% of the body surface.

The results of the analysis for antibodies are affected by the intake of medications. These include:

  • means to increase immunity, used for a long time;
  • hormonal drugs (oral contraceptives, estrogen);
  • means for artificial suppression of immunity;
  • preparations of gold (Aurothiomalate);
  • cytostatics (fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide);
  • Carbamazepine, Methylprednisolone, Valproic acid, Phenytoin.

Cytomegalovirus IgG positive - what does it mean

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a type 5 herpes virus. The infection is transmitted by transplacental, sexual, blood transfusion and household routes. The virus is found in saliva, urine, semen, and vaginal secretions. Diagnosis is reduced to the search for specific antibodies in human biomaterial using PCR, ELISA, cytology. If the result for cytomegalovirus IgG is positive, this means that the virus is in the body and does not pose a danger to people with strong immunity. For persons with weakened protective functions of the body, a positive result is dangerous reactivation.

When deciphering the analysis data for CMV, the avidity index is important. This is a measure of the strength of the bond between antigen and antibody. Distinguish between low and high avidity index. The digital interpretation of avidity values ​​is as follows:

  • A zero index indicates that there is no infection in the body.
  • Below 50% - primary infection.
  • 50-60% - an indeterminate result requiring re-analysis in a month.
  • 60% or more - chronic infection, but the body copes with it due to strong immunity.

The child has

In children older than 1 year, the result of CMV IgG is positive, indicating a stable immunity to this type of herpes. Most likely, the primary CMV infection was a minor illness with fever, sore throat, as in measles. In this case, efforts should be directed to maintaining the immunity of the child. This can be done with the help of hardening, sports activities, vitamin therapy. Under these conditions, the virus will not affect the quality of life of the child.

The situation is more complicated with newborns and babies up to 1 year old. Their immune system is in its infancy, so the body cannot fully defend itself by producing antibodies. Therapy of the cytomegalovirus of the infant is also aimed at strengthening the immune system. During an exacerbation, lymph nodes may increase, rashes may appear. Infection of newborns threatens with the following problems:

  • diphtheria infection, pneumonia;
  • damage to the liver, spleen (jaundice);
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • decreased vision and hearing;
  • encephalitis.

What does CMV IgG positive mean in pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, the woman's immunity is significantly weakened. The condition can be aggravated by a negative Rh factor of the mother, which reduces protective functions. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is important to be tested for all possible infections. If the result for CMV IgG is positive, this indicates that the mother is a carrier of the infection, but she has already developed immunity to this type of herpes. With this result, there is no danger to the health of the unborn child.

If a positive test is obtained in the third trimester, it should be evaluated in combination with antibodies of the IgM class. In the case of a positive result of both types of immunoglobulins, the risk of infection of the fetus is very high, because. maternal infection occurred. This may affect the development of the vital systems of the baby in the future. With positive IgG titers and negative IgM, the disease is dormant and controlled by the developed immunity of the mother, which will protect the child for some time.

In people with immunodeficiency

An immunodeficiency state leads to a decrease in the synthesis of class G antibodies. After the initial infection with CMV, this process occurs constantly. In this regard, the virus passes from the latent stage to the active phase - it destroys the cells of the nervous system, salivary glands, affects the tissues of the brain, internal organs. If immunity is not restored, severe forms of diseases (hepatitis, bleeding in the stomach) may develop.

Patients with immunodeficiency need constant monitoring of virus activity. To do this, you need to take blood samples for antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG every 2-3 weeks. It is also necessary to control the avidity index of both types of immunoglobulins. During immunosuppressive therapy (oncology, autoimmune diseases, transplantation), patients are required to undergo a diagnostic analysis to prevent the development of infection with antiviral drugs.

IgG positive, IgM negative

Carriers of cytomegalovirus are about 80% of the world's population. At the same time, the infection does not cause any problems for people with a strong immune system. If the result of the analysis for antibodies is IgM negative and IgG positive, there is no reason for treatment - the course of the disease is latent, the body has acquired a strong immunity to the virus and medication is not required.

CMV is not completely cured, but only stopped when the defense system is dysfunctional. Antibodies to cytomegalovirus will be present in human serum throughout life. Detection in the assays of IgG to CMV is an informative result for taking certain measures. To control the virus, it is necessary to treat chronic diseases in a timely manner, strengthen the immune system, and lead a healthy lifestyle. Compliance with preventive measures will minimize the risk of virus reactivation and its possible complications.

At the Lab4U online laboratory, we want each of you to be able to take care of your health. To do this, we simply and clearly talk about the indicators of the body.

In the Lab4U online laboratory, serological studies are made to detect pathogen antigens and specific antibodies to them - this is the most accurate method for diagnosing infectious diseases. "Why do I need to take an antibody test to diagnose infections?". Such a question may arise after the doctor's referral to the laboratory. Let's try to answer it.


What are antibodies? And how to decipher the results of the analysis?

Antibodies are proteins that the immune system produces in response to an infection. In laboratory diagnostics, it is antibodies that serve as a marker of infection. The general rule for preparing for an antibody test is to donate blood from a vein on an empty stomach (at least four hours must pass after eating). In a modern laboratory, blood serum is examined on an automatic analyzer using appropriate reagents. Sometimes serological testing for antibodies is the only way to diagnose infectious diseases.

Tests for infections can be qualitative (give an answer if there is an infection in the blood) and quantitative (show the level of antibodies in the blood). The rate of antibodies for each infection is different (for some, they should not be at all). Reference values ​​​​(normal indicators) of antibodies can be obtained with the result of the analysis.
In the Lab4U online laboratory, you can pass at one time and

Various classes of antibodies IgG, IgM, IgA

ELISA detects infection antibodies belonging to different Ig classes (G, A, M). Antibodies to the virus, in the presence of infection, are determined at a very early stage, which ensures effective diagnosis and control of the course of diseases. The most common methods for diagnosing infections are tests for antibodies of the IgM class (acute phase of the course of infection) and antibodies of the IgG class (resistant immunity to infection). These antibodies are determined for most infections.

However, one of the most common tests does not differentiate the type of antibodies, since the presence of antibodies to the viruses of these infections automatically suggests a chronic course of the disease and is a contraindication, for example, for serious surgical interventions. Therefore, it is important to refute or confirm the diagnosis.

A detailed diagnosis of the type and amount of antibodies in a diagnosed disease can be done by testing for each specific infection and type of antibody. Primary infection is detected by the detection of a diagnostically significant level of IgM antibodies in a blood sample or a significant increase in the number of IgA or IgG antibodies in paired sera taken at an interval of 1-4 weeks.

Reinfection, or re-infection, is detected by a rapid rise in the level of IgA or IgG antibodies. IgA antibodies are higher in older patients and are more accurate in diagnosing current infection in adults.

A past infection in the blood is defined as elevated IgG antibodies without an increase in their concentration in paired samples taken at an interval of 2 weeks. At the same time, there are no antibodies of the IgM and A classes.

IgM antibodies

Their concentration rises shortly after the disease. IgM antibodies are detected as early as 5 days after its onset and reach a peak in the interval from one to four weeks, then decrease to diagnostically insignificant levels within several months even without treatment. However, for a complete diagnosis, it is not enough to determine only class M antibodies: the absence of this class of antibodies does not mean the absence of the disease. There is no acute form of the disease, but it can be chronic.

IgM antibodies are of great importance in the diagnosis of childhood infections (rubella, whooping cough, chickenpox), which are easily transmitted by airborne droplets, since it is important to identify the disease as early as possible and isolate the sick person.

IgG antibodies

The main role of IgG antibodies is the long-term protection of the body against most bacteria and viruses - although their production is slower, the response to an antigenic stimulus remains more stable than that of IgM class antibodies.

IgG antibody levels rise more slowly (15-20 days after the onset of the disease) than IgM, but remain elevated longer, so they may show a long-term infection in the absence of IgM antibodies. IgG levels may be low for many years, but with repeated exposure to the same antigen, IgG antibody levels rise rapidly.

For a complete diagnostic picture, it is necessary to determine IgA and IgG antibodies simultaneously. If the IgA result is unclear, confirmation is by IgM determination. In the case of a positive result and for an accurate diagnosis, a second test, taken 8-14 days after the first, should be checked in parallel to determine the increase in the concentration of IgG. The results of the analysis should be interpreted in conjunction with information obtained in other diagnostic procedures.

IgG antibodies, in particular, are used for diagnosis - one of the causes of ulcers and gastritis.

IgA antibodies

They appear in serum 10-14 days after the onset of the disease, and at first they can even be found in seminal and vaginal fluids. The level of IgA antibodies usually decreases by 2-4 months after infection in case of successful treatment. With re-infection, the level of IgA antibodies again increases. If the level of IgA does not fall after the treatment, then this is a sign of a chronic form of infection.

Antibody testing in the diagnosis of TORCH infections

The abbreviation TORCH appeared in the 70s of the last century, and consists of capital letters of the Latin names of a group of infections, the distinguishing feature of which is that, with relative safety for children and adults, TORCH infections during pregnancy are extremely dangerous.

Often, infection of a woman with TORCH-complex infections during pregnancy (the presence of only IgM antibodies in the blood) is an indication for its termination.


Sometimes, having found IgG antibodies in the results of the analysis, for example, toxoplasmosis or herpes, patients panic, not looking at the fact that IgM antibodies, which indicate the presence of a current infection, may be completely absent. In this case, the analysis indicates a previous infection, to which immunity has developed.

In any case, it is better to entrust the interpretation of the results of the analysis to the doctor, and with him, if necessary, decide on the tactics of treatment. And you can trust us to take tests.

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Cytomegalovirus is a highly virulent (ie, highly contagious) viral agent capable of infecting humans in a variety of ways. According to the classification, cytomegalovirus (or cmv) is a type 5 strain of herpes. Due to the high degree of aggressiveness, this pathogen is present in a latent state in 95-98% of people around the planet. Not everyone develops cytomegaly, since the immune system restrains the viral lesion by producing special antibodies to fight the pathogen. Which ones and when remains to be seen.

Types of antibodies

The human immune system produces several types of antibodies to fight various pathogens. There are several types of immunoglobulins: A, G, M, E, D. Each type is responsible for a specific function of protective structures. Some fight against viral pathogens, others with pathogenic microorganisms, others initiate reactions of antihistamine and detoxification properties. Diagnostic value in the case of cytomegalovirus have anti-immunoglobulins of classes G and M (IgG and IgM).

Enzymatic blood tests such as ELISA are used to diagnose the presence or absence of cytomegalovirus in the body. Separately, PCR tests are prescribed to detect virus DNA in the bloodstream, but this is a completely different study.

About the differences between IgG and IgM immunoglobulins

Enzymatic substances of the two described classes differ in their functional significance.

Immunoglobulins type M (IgM) are responsible for the primary response of the body's defense system. As soon as a viral agent (in particular, CMV) enters the body, the immune system begins to produce so-called fast substances (antibodies) to fight the pathogen. Class M enzymatic components differ in significant sizes, but are suitable only for a rapid response and destroy the virus here and now. They do not form cellular memory, therefore such immunity is temporary. The reaction lasts up to 5 months.

G-immunoglobulins (IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus) are smaller. They are produced by the protective structure of the body much later, after several weeks or even months. Actively produced for life. Anti cmv ​​IgG form a stable memory, so they contain the virus throughout the patient's life.

Despite this, persistent immunity to cytomegalovirus is not observed. It is enough for the immune system to fail, as the symptoms flare up with renewed vigor and the disease becomes acute.

Characteristics and quantitative-qualitative combination of test results

The results of these two immunological analyzes may be different in quantitative and qualitative terms. Depending on the combination of two factors, the following variations are distinguished:

  1. Both figures are negative. In this case, there is no infection with cytomegalovirus. This is an extremely rare situation, which in medical practice occurs in no more than 2% of cases. It is considered more casuistry than the norm. This, as already mentioned, is a highly virulent organism.
  2. Anti cmv ​​IgG is negative, IgM is elevated. It means the acute phase of the disease, since immunity as such has not yet been formed. The process is characterized by vivid symptoms. Among the typical symptoms of an acute lesion, one can distinguish: an increase in body temperature to subfebrile-febrile levels, respiratory failure (due to the development of secondary pneumonia), skin rashes that look like papules of various sizes and shapes, problems with the throat, kidneys, bladder, secondary lymphadenitis. Not always the clinical picture is bright enough to determine the acute process. If the response of the immune system is strong enough, there may be no severe symptoms.
  3. What does Cmv IgG positive mean, IgM also positive? Positive (increased) results on two indicators mean the subacute phase. The body has already adapted to the onset of the disease and the activity of the virus and began to form a strong immunity for life-long containment of cytomegalovirus. During this period, symptoms as such may be absent, from time to time the body temperature rises, single skin rashes, tonsillitis (tonsillitis) are found. This is the most critical moment for specific treatment.
  4. The analysis for IgG is positive, for IgM - negative. This type of combination indicates the transition of the disease to the latent stage. While maintaining normal immunity, cytomegaly does not develop. This ratio of results is most common in clinical practice. The result is observed in almost every representative of the human race. However, during the period of gestation, high values ​​​​(above normal) of IgG can lead to repeated cytomegaly and problems with the child. This must be taken into account when planning a pregnancy. An additional danger is such a result when an immunodeficiency virus is detected. In this case, cytomegalovirus is a mortal danger, and the presence of a high value of immunoglobulin G says little.

Briefly about avidity, deciphering the results of the analysis

Avidity is a significant indicator of the functioning of the immune system and the state of the virus in the body. According to medical science, avidity is understood as the degree of connectivity of the antigen-antibody complex. The antigen in this case is a virus of the cytomegalovirus type, antibodies are specific immunoglobulins. The stronger the bond between antigen and antibody, the higher the avidity. Avidity can also be defined as the ratio of the number of antibodies to the number of pathogenic viral or infectious agents. The results are decoded as follows:

  1. Low avidity is observed if the amount of antibodies does not exceed 50%. In this case, with a high degree of probability, an increase in IgM and negative IgG values ​​are detected. There is a fresh infection. Specific immunity is just beginning to develop.
  2. Average avidity. Immunity continues to form and is in the range of 55-60%. The average indicators are considered uninformative, therefore, a second examination of the biological material is required after 1-2 weeks from the date of delivery. It is possible that the infection is fresh and the body has not adjusted and adapted enough.
  3. High avidity. Characterized by a number above 60 percent. Antibodies are produced actively and bind tightly to the proteins of viral agents. We are talking about persistent immunity (which, however, does not exclude the re-formation of cytomegaly). The body's defense system keeps pathological structures, as they say, "in check".

Rates may vary from patient to patient. In many ways, the results depend on the general health of the person, his age and gender (demographic characteristics).

Only doctors should deal with the interpretation of the results, however, in order to understand whether the value is normal or not, you need to compare the result with the reference indicator. As a rule, it is indicated on the form.

Normal titers (concentration of antibodies in the biological fluid) IgG are within 250 units. Everything above is already a critical indicator, indicating the acute course of the disease and the active work of the immune system. An immunoglobulin level of up to 140 units means contact with cytomegalovirus in the past and the absence of an acute process at the moment. However, despite the above, it is quite possible that the body copes with the infection in this way. The main indicator is the absence or presence of symptoms. It is necessary to interpret the results of the analyzes in conjunction with the avidity index.

Elevated values ​​of specific immunoglobulins often indicate infection with cytomegalovirus. IgG for old, IgM - for fresh (not always). It is possible to determine the nature of the process and its prescription by the ratio of quantitative and qualitative indicators of analyzes. It is important to consider the degree of avidity. So you can definitely say something. The general condition of the patient also plays a significant role. The body may well cope with the virus, and well-being will come with outwardly critical indicators.

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