Discharge after lactation. Galactorrhea: excretion of colostrum outside of feeding; elevated prolactin levels; parlodel. Why can the chest hurt at the end of breastfeeding

AT normal situation in the mammary gland, milk is produced and excreted. Galactorrhea is a process in which colostrum is released after the cessation of feeding after six months. This period of time is considered normal, but if there is a discharge in the future, you need to go to the doctor.

Types of secretions

The occurrence of secretions is carried out with the help of milk holes. Each nipple contains about ten holes. The fluid comes out of the glands when pressed, but it happens that it is released on its own. It can be watery, thick, white, yellow or greenish in color.

If there are wounds inside, then the liquid may be Brown color and have blood streaks. Women rarely experience this condition, and women who have experienced several periods of pregnancy and childbirth - quite often.

If colostrum is secreted while expecting a baby, then this is normal. In this way, female body preparing for breastfeeding. In the middle of pregnancy, there is a small amount of discharge from the breast, they are transparent or white. Colostrum appears before the process of childbirth or after their implementation.

Levels of intensity of pathological secretions:

  • the presence of discharge when pressing on the chest;
  • independent appearance of liquid;
  • liquid appears with medium intensity;
  • secretions come out in a jet.

The intensity determines the identification of the reason why colostrum remains after the end of breastfeeding. An important point is to keep the breasts clean, underwear should be comfortable, fit in size, the material is only natural without bones.

The reasons

The hormonal sphere regulates the production of colostrum. We are talking about prolactan, and the pituitary gland controls how this hormone is released into the plasma.

Reasons for violations:

  1. side effects of contraceptives;
  2. the presence of pathologies in the ovaries;
  3. diseases of the adrenal glands;
  4. injuries or tumors of the pituitary-hypothalamic system;
  5. the use of certain herbal tinctures;
  6. liver failure;
  7. wrong underwear;
  8. violations at work thyroid gland.

There are times when a secondary symptom is cancer. But such situations are quite rare.

How to stop colostrum:

  • wear closed clothes so that the baby does not get to the breast;
  • send the child to his grandmother for a few days so that he does not see his mother;
  • seal the nipples with adhesive tape and tell the baby that there is no more milk;
  • smear nipples with products bad taste that will not harm the health of the child;
  • gradually stop feeding.

Milk after the cessation of lactation may occur for other reasons. Such a process is called idiopathic. Its causes have not been fully elucidated. This kind of galactorrhea can manifest itself in different ages, as well as in the male half.


It should be remembered that for pathology, many take the usual release of colostrum after the end of breastfeeding. It all depends on individual features female body.

There are certain factors that indicate pathological processes:

  • unstable periods;
  • acne on the surface of the skin;
  • violation in the functioning of the senses, circling and pain in the head;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • the presence of discharge from the nipples of a yellowish tint;
  • appearance hairline on the chest, face.

As a result, if colostrum after feeding occurs as a pathology, then this indicates a violation in the hormonal sphere. It must be remembered that more than one system in the body is affected.

How long does colostrum flow after a feed is stopped? Allocation is observed up to six months. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. The release of colostrum after the cessation of feeding can last up to two years. Accordingly, you need to consult a doctor if two symptoms are observed.

How much colostrum is released after lactation is stopped? Liquid occurs in the process of pressing the nipple, and sometimes there is spontaneous discharge. Most often it is a couple of drops or a very intense flow of milk.


For the treatment process pathological form Galactorrhea is influenced by the cause of its occurrence. For any disease, there is a narrow range of specific remedies. In the treatment of infertility, pituitary tumors, diseases of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, colostrum is a consequence of this therapy.

Preparations. If the secretion of colostrum is side effect taking medications, then such drugs should be excluded from therapy and consult a doctor. For regulation hormonal background the most commonly used are Bromocriptine, Pergolide, Cyclodinone, Cabergoline. Medications lower prolactin levels and colostrum production stops.

Change of contraceptives. If used oral contraceptives, then other methods should be chosen. When we are talking about antidepressants, they are present in a wide range, and you can easily find an analogue.

Some women claim that they have not been feeding for a year, but they have colostrum. it normal process, since fluid is released during the pumping movement even after the end of feeding.

Colostrum can be released for up to three years, but it is still advisable to consult a doctor and get tested for prolactin.

So that during the period breastfeeding there were no cracks on the nipples; at the end of bearing the baby, it is necessary to rub the chest with a coarse towel. Then there will be no wounds. If they come out of the chest purulent discharge, the temperature rises, which means that an infection has entered the milk ducts.

Infrequently, diseases occur due to the breast, because the body regulates the work of the mammary glands well, they quickly respond to therapy. The appearance of discharge from the chest is not always a pathology, despite the fact that women complain that colostrum does not pass. Thus, one should not forget that various non-standard manifestations in the form strange smell, shade, a large number require medical attention and treatment.

Indeed, nursing mothers confirm that colostrum is released a year after feeding. In fact, bad moment but what can you do. The main thing is that it does not contribute to the manifestation of diseases.

: Hello! Actually the safest maternal organism way is the gradual reduction of lactation. It takes about two to three weeks for the milk production to fade - during this time the breast will stop engorging. And although a small amount of milk in the breast can remain for a long time, there is nothing wrong with that. This or that degree of discharge from the mammary gland (including white drops, transparent drops, a trickle, etc.) can remain normal for 3 years after any (ending in childbirth or interruption at any time), and after any period of breastfeeding. This condition is maintained by self-palpation of the nipple (during this manipulation, the level of prolactin increases by 8-10 times), by taking various medicines and some substances, even wearing a tight bra, excessive stimulation of the glands during sex, and a number of other factors. In addition, the age of the child at which the weaning occurred, how many attachments the child was weaned from, how the weaning went (sharply or gradually), even psychological features mother. As for the spontaneous separation of milk from the nipple (the so-called "leakage") - it can normally occur within 3-6 months after the last application and is most often provoked trigger factors oxytocin reflex (hot drinks, baths, thoughts about a child, etc.). The reason for consulting a doctor may be a situation if milk continues to flow from the breast on its own (not with expressing movements!) 3-6 months after the cessation of feeding. It is also worth noting that the release of milk in drops when pressing on the nipple and after 3 years from the moment of weaning in itself is not a basis for the uncontrolled prescription of drug lactation blockers. In some cases, the discharge persists for more than three years, even for a lifetime, and is not always a guarantee of any pathology hormonal system or mammary gland (however, the decision on further examination is made by the doctor based on the examination data, when assessing the totality of factors). The reason for a visit to the doctor may be the appearance of violations menstrual cycle, change in the nature of discharge from the mammary glands, secondary. At the very beginning, when the mother stops feeding the baby, the breasts can fill up with milk, become hot and painful. Your task is to monitor the condition of the chest. It can be full, but should be soft. It depends on the number of feedings, how many you have finished. The more feedings you had before weaning, the more often and longer you will have to pump. Then the main goal of the mother is to reduce the production of milk and alleviate discomfort. Regular pumping (by hand or with a breast pump) will be required as soon as the breasts are full. You need to express your breasts only to a feeling of relief - if you try to empty it to the last drop, this will only contribute to increased milk production, because milk is produced in response to breast stimulation. Cold compresses or breast wraps (juicy cabbage leaves or gauze soaked in cool whey) can be used to reduce breast swelling and discomfort from the influx of milk. Infusions and mints help reduce milk production. Physiologically, involution can be divided into two stages. The active stage begins with the cessation of feeding, when the level of prolactin decreases markedly, cell destruction begins. And the remodeling stage involves the destruction of the alveoli. This final restructuring takes several days - the holes on the nipple close, milk is excreted from the nipple with great difficulty, the breast is soft and “empty”, the composition of the fluid remaining in the breast is specific: many anti-infective factors (macrophages, phagocytes, leukocytes, etc.), which is similar to the composition colostrum. Finally, the mammary gland becomes non-nursing 40 days after the last feeding. The glandular tissue begins to be replaced by adipose tissue, and the mammary gland returns to the state of the breast of a “mature virgin”. A few more tips: - Do not consume dairy products. - Wear a tight but not tight bra. - Avoid situations in which thinking about feeding can trigger a rush of milk. - Do not bandage your chest. - Contact a lactation consultant, a doctor (mammologist or obstetrician-gynecologist) and carry out the cessation of lactation under his supervision. All the best!

When a mother stops putting her baby to the breast, milk does not stop producing immediately. Especially many problems arise if for some reason the feeding of the child is stopped abruptly. The chest is poured, it starts to hurt, seals and even an abscess may occur in it. This usually occurs 2-3 days after HB clotting, and is most often limited to tolerable pain, tingling, and mild inflammation. If the baby was applied actively, then problems can begin already on the first day. To prevent serious health consequences, during this period, you need to be very careful about the condition of the breast.

What Not to Do

A lot is connected with the folding of the GW various methods traditional medicine. Some of them really help. Some are useless. But there are also frankly harmful and even dangerous ones. Sometimes a recipe is passed down from generation to generation, but the reason for its use is lost. And they begin to use a seemingly good method in such a way that they get harm instead of good.

If more than six months have passed after childbirth, then it is practically useless to drink hormones to reduce lactation. The fact is that at this time the production of milk is regulated by the emptying of the breast: how much milk is gone, so much comes. BUT hormonal pills harmful to the body, for example, Bromkriptin can lead to myocardial infarction. Dostinex also has unpleasant side effects. So don't experiment with hormonal drugs independently, without a doctor's prescription.

Bromocriptine mesylate (Bromolactin, Krypton, Parlodel) is a drug that suppresses the production of prolactin. In the US, it is not used to suppress lactation due to the possibility of dangerous side effects, including peripheral vasoconstriction, hypotension, myocardial infarction, convulsions, stroke, and death. About little things like headache, nausea and vomiting, compared to the above, you can not even mention it.

Cabergoline (Dostinex) is used to suppress lactation in Russia and several European countries. It is made on the basis of ergot extract. Side effects common and unpleasant: headache, dizziness, fatigue, nosebleeds. In this state, it is extremely difficult to take care of the baby, so it is necessary to discuss with the doctor whether the use of the drug is necessary.

Often recommended by grandmothers and even some midwives, the method of bandaging the breast is useless and dangerous. Once upon a time in the villages, the breast was bandaged not to stop the flow of milk, but to show the baby that the breast had disappeared and there was nothing more to suck. Bandaging does not reduce the amount of incoming milk, but worsens the blood supply mammary glands, and increases the likelihood of pain and mastitis.

You don't need to warm your chest. An exception can be made only for a warm shower to relieve pumping and pain during them.

There is no need to starve and not drink. You need to eat as usual. Lactation is not caused by the amount of fluid you drink, but by prolactin, so fluid restriction is completely useless. Studies have shown that if a woman drinks more than 2.5 liters of water per day, this significantly reduces the likelihood of developing lactostasis. You just have to avoid hot drinks for a while, as they provoke milk rushes. Dietary restrictions also do not contribute to a decrease in the amount of milk; only complete exhaustion reduces lactation.

What do we have to do

Usually discomfort after curtailment, HBs last no more than 2-3 weeks. If you turn off the feeding slowly and gradually, then no pain may not be at all. But if the pain is still there, then it cannot be ignored.

  1. If for some reason the attachment of the baby to the breast stopped abruptly, then it is necessary to imitate the gradual folding of the breastfeeding as much as possible.
  2. At all times, including at night, wear a comfortable, non-pressing but well-supporting bra.
  3. To reduce pain, burning and swelling, apply cold compresses. You can use a piece of ice wrapped in a towel. Good for chilled in the freezer cabbage leaves. You can pre-beat them with a hammer, roll them with a rolling pin or just crush them.
  4. Because the baby won't eat anymore breast milk, i.e. mom is no longer nursing, then she can take painkillers: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or any other.
  5. If you still have milk, express regularly with your hands or with a breast pump. This should be done several times a day, gradually reducing the number of procedures. The chest does not need to be completely emptied, it is enough to express to a state of relief. In this case, lactation will be practically not stimulated, and the amount of milk will gradually decrease, and stagnation will not form in the breast. You don't have to be afraid of pumping. Only complete pumping has a strong lactagon effect.
  6. Can I have a drink herbal infusions. It is believed that sage, mint and parsley help stop lactation. Just do not forget that herbs only help the process. Sage is brewed at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of boiling water. With mint, you can not only drink tea, but also add it to salads and desserts.
  7. Light sedatives, for example, Novopassit, motherwort or valerian, will not interfere either.
  8. Temporarily exclude from the diet those foods that caused flushes of milk.
  9. If redness appears on the chest, or the temperature rises, then immediately consult a doctor.

Why can the chest hurt at the end of breastfeeding

If the breast is a little stinging, but at the same time it is soft, without seals, then this means that there is a slight inflammation, but there is no lactostasis. Such inflammation is well treated with cold. You can attach a piece of ice wrapped in a clean towel or a frozen piece of meat (packed of course). The exposure to cold should last approximately 10-15 minutes.

If there are seals in the chest, then this is already lactostasis. Minor congestion can be cleared up fairly easily with pumping, massage, and cold compresses. In more severe cases the whole chest stiffens and hurts, the temperature rises. Lactostasis can turn into mastitis. In the most difficult cases, there is purulent abscess and may need surgery.

Sometimes pain occurs due to a sudden jump in the sensitivity of the nipples. It depends on the physiological characteristics women and not dangerous to health.

Milk secretion after curdling of breastfeeding

After the last feeding of the baby, milk can be very small quantities to form in the chest for quite a long time, up to three years. It can occur after any pregnancy and after any period of breastfeeding. To maintain such a minimum lactation can various factors: tight bra, stimulation of the nipples during sex, taking certain medications. Sometimes women themselves provoke this process by constantly checking whether they still have milk.

Spontaneous secretion of milk from the nipples can last from 3 to 6 months. Usually provoked by hot drinks, baths, and sometimes just thinking about the baby.

The appearance of drops of milk when pressed, even after three years, is not always a symptom hormonal disorders. But you still need to see a doctor. If the secretion of milk is accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle or infertility, then a visit to the doctor is required.

Laktostasis after curtailing breastfeeding

If breastfeeding stops abruptly, then milk in the breast does not cease to form. In the absence of an outflow, the milk stagnates, the chest becomes stone, it starts to hurt, tingling is felt. If you let this problem take its course, then it is quite possible to wait for mastitis and even an abscess. In this case, the problem can only be solved by surgery.

As soon as the chest began to ache, and even small seals, treatment should be started immediately. You need to take painkillers. Strain after a while. You can do this under a warm (not hot) shower. If it is difficult to express on your own, then you can ask for help. This is especially true if the entire chest is stone, and it hurts even to touch it. Painkillers will help, but the pain will most likely not be completely removed.

Pumping is carried out using a fatty cream or oil, which lubricates the woman's breasts and the massage therapist's hands. The breast is decanted with gentle movements from the base to the nipple. It is necessary to decant until the seals are completely eliminated. You need to carefully work out all the slices. If there is a seal in at least one, then against the background general relief state it is easy to bring the situation to purulent inflammation precisely in this segment of the chest.

In some cases, you may need to drink Dostinex or Bromocriptine. But the decision on the need for medication must be made by the doctor. In addition to drugs that stop lactation, you may need to take antibiotics.

When to go to the doctor

If seals have formed in the chest, and they could not be dealt with immediately, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the chest turns red, and the woman has a fever, then a visit to the doctor must be made without delay.

After stopping breastfeeding, milk can be released for a long time, up to three years. But if the discharge suddenly becomes brown, with an admixture of blood, then it is imperative to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

A meeting with a doctor is also necessary if, after 3 years from the moment of stopping breastfeeding, milk continues to be secreted, and this is accompanied by menstrual irregularities, infertility, and also if the color and nature of discharge from the breast suddenly change.

The least likely pain after cessation of breastfeeding, if the process was gradual. It is even better if self-weaning occurs, i.e. the child has just grown. But even if an abrupt cessation of feeding is necessary, it is possible to curtail breastfeeding without serious consequences for health, if done correctly.

Good morning.
I apologize for not answering for a long time, due to the pre-holiday hustle and bustle, now is a very busy schedule.
Spontaneous separation of milk from the nipple (the so-called "leakage") - it can normally occur within 3-6 months after the last application, triggered by prolactin and oxytocin reflex triggers (hot drinks, baths, thoughts about the child, etc. ).
This or that degree of discharge from the mammary gland (including white drops, transparent drops, a trickle, etc.) can remain NORMAL FOR 3 YEARS after ANY pregnancy (ending in childbirth or interruption at any time).
About prolactin - this analysis is done to exclude galactorrhea.
If you are concerned about the following:
Constant or intermittent discharge from the nipples, similar to milk, without traces of blood;
Allocations can appear both on their own and as a result of pressure on the nipple;
One or both breasts are affected;
Absence of menstruation or irregular periods;
Headaches and/or blurred vision
Prolactin analysis.
Donate blood from a vein:
For 1 day to exclude sexual intercourse and thermal effects (sauna), for 1 hour - smoking. Since the level of prolactin big influence render stressful situations, it is desirable to exclude factors that affect the results of research: physical stress(running, climbing stairs), emotional arousal. Therefore, before the procedure, you should rest for 10-15 minutes in the waiting room, calm down.

Biomaterial for research must be taken on an empty stomach. Between the last meal and blood sampling, at least 8 hours should elapse (preferably at least 12 hours). Juice, tea, coffee (especially with sugar) are not allowed. You can drink water.
About the hormone itself:
Prolactin is produced in the pituitary gland. During pregnancy, it is also produced in the endometrium. During pregnancy, prolactin maintains existence corpus luteum and the production of progesterone, stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands and the formation of milk. This is one of the hormones that contribute to the formation of sexual behavior. Prolactin regulates water-salt exchange, delaying the excretion of water and sodium by the kidneys, stimulates the absorption of calcium.

Daily secretion of prolactin has a pulsating character. During sleep, its level rises. After awakening, the concentration of prolactin decreases sharply, reaching a minimum in the late morning hours. After noon, the level of the hormone increases. In the absence of stress, daily fluctuations in levels are within normal values. During the menstrual cycle in the first phase, the level of prolactin is higher than in the second. From the 8th week of pregnancy, the level of prolactin rises, reaching a peak at 20-25 weeks, then decreases immediately before childbirth and increases again during lactation.
By the way, scientists from the Kimmel Cancer Center have found a mechanism by which the hormone responsible for milk production blocks the oncogene that makes breast cancer more aggressive. (I wrote in the topic about weaning that long-term preservation of breastfeeding protects the mother from breast cancer).
You can also ask me questions about the analysis, but it's better to write in a personal, since the matter is confidential

It is called involution and implies a physiological process in which the natural completion of breastfeeding occurs. Usually, involution occurs during the period when the baby reaches 1.5 - 2 years. At this age, he no longer feels an urgent need for mother's breast milk.

The scheme of action of this physiological process can be described as follows: the pituitary gland begins to produce the hormone prolactin less, as a result of which the female body ceases to respond to the increasing need of the child for milk. At the same time, it continues to be produced for some time, but in much smaller quantities.

A reasonable question is how long does this process take? Total duration involution can be from 1.5 to 3 months.

Important. You should know that if the signs of involution appeared much earlier than the established period, then the woman may have a hormonal deficiency. This problem should be treated.

Initiated by mother

Quite often there are situations when a woman of her own free will decides to stop breastfeeding. We can list a few of the most typical reasons such a solution:

  • the illusion that the baby does not have enough milk;
  • the inability to accurately determine how much the baby drank milk;
  • the child does not take the breast, and the mother does not have the patience to teach him this process;
  • chronic fatigue and postpartum depression;
  • the desire to preserve the original shape of the mammary glands.

Forced stop feeding

Assumes the presence of circumstances that force a woman to switch to artificial feeding. So, here are a few of the reasons:

  • Exit to work.
  • The child has galactosemia (lactose intolerance).
  • Mom's presence infectious diseases(for example, chickenpox, measles, hepatitis, etc.). AT this case breastfeeding is stopped only for a while while the woman is being treated.
  • The child was born prematurely or has severe pathologies(violation cerebral circulation, metabolic problems, etc.).

Thus, of all the above options for stopping breastfeeding, the most preferred way to end lactation is involution. Only she is able to provide the most soft and smooth care from the breast.

How to stop lactation?

First of all, to stop breastfeeding, you need to choose the most appropriate period. You should not do this during the illness of the child or if there have been accidents in his life. drastic changes(for example, mom went to work, etc.).

After the most favorable period to complete lactation is selected, you must proceed to the following steps:

  1. First, you should stop daytime feedings. Alternatively, the child can be offered juice, an apple, or a cookie.
  2. Next, you need to remove the morning feeding. In order to distract the baby, you can call dad or, for example, offer a new toy.
  3. Eliminate feeding before bed. This step is the final one. Instead of a breast, you can read a fairy tale to your child or sit near his crib.

It should be noted that at the same time a woman should take care of her breasts, making the process of completing lactation as painless as possible. For this you need:

  • Gradually express the chest, and this should not be done until it is completely empty. Otherwise, milk production will be stimulated.
  • Wear a bra that is supportive but not tight.
  • With the appearance of edema of the mammary glands, compresses can be applied.

You should know that impossible in safe ways stop lactation for short span time. The amount of milk produced decreases gradually. It is best to stretch this process for 2-3 months.

We offer you to watch a video on how to properly stop lactation:

When does it disappear?

The very concept of "burnout" implies a decrease in the amount of milk in the breast. At the same time, the hormones prolactin and oxytocin are responsible for its production. If their level decreases, then, accordingly, the amount of milk produced also decreases. This directly depends on the frequency of attachment of the child to the breast.

How much time exactly will it take to this moment it is not known, that is there are no clearly established time limits within which milk burns out. This process is highly individual. For one woman, milk burns out a week after breastfeeding is completed, for another, after a couple of months.

Milk is stored in the mammary glands for 40 days from the end of breastfeeding. In addition, residues can be allocated for a whole six months.

For illness and stress

There are among the people misconception that diseases (flu, SARS, etc.) contribute to the burning of milk in the breast. Moreover, this is associated with an increase in body temperature, engorgement, or vice versa, a feeling of emptiness in the mammary glands. However, this is a fundamentally wrong assumption.

The point is that as the temperature rises, human body begins to experience a greater need for water, as a result of which dehydration occurs quickly. At the same time, due to the fact that breast milk is almost 90% water, then, accordingly, its deficiency negatively affects lactation. Temperature has nothing to do with it.

If the mother is ill, breastfeeding should not be interrupted. However, in order to protect the child from viruses, it is necessary to wear a mask and keep all contacts to a minimum (kisses, hugs, etc.).

Often, a nursing mother experiences stress, overwork and a breakdown. At the same time, a decrease in lactation can also be observed. Faced with similar situation, many women believe that they have had a burnout of milk due to stress. However, this opinion is erroneous. Under the influence of stress, lactation can be disturbed, but not completely disappear. Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to overcome stress and continue breastfeeding. In time, everything will return to normal.

What can not be done at the end of the GW?

Exists whole list warnings that a woman must take into account when deciding to wean a child from the breast. So, the main ones are:

  1. You can not stop breastfeeding suddenly, as this will be a serious stress for a fragile baby.
  2. For the purpose of weaning a child, it is not worth leaving him for for a long time. This could be bad for psycho-emotional state and mother and baby.
  3. In no case should you tighten the breast in order to reduce lactation. Such actions can lead to swelling of the mammary glands, as well as the development of lactostasis and mastitis.
  4. You can not smear the nipples with brilliant green or mustard, so that the child no longer wants to take the breast.
  5. You should not leave the breast unexpressed, as this will contribute to the formation of stagnation, which will ultimately lead to lactostasis and mastitis.

In this way, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be approached with all responsibility. In addition, it is recommended that you first consult with a breastfeeding specialist. The process of completing lactation should go as smoothly and painlessly as possible for both the baby and the mother.

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