Frequent bleeding. Menstruation and bleeding - differences and characteristic signs. Video: Uterine bleeding: causes, how to stop, treatment

Many female diseases characterized by symptoms such as uterine bleeding . This condition requires immediate medical care because it is life-threatening and can be fatal. Stopping blood loss is quite difficult due to the variety of reasons by which it could be caused.

The uterus consists of several layers: perimetrium, myometrium and endometrium. The last layer - the endometrium, consists of two balls: the main and functional. Rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium is called menstruation.

But due to a failure in hormonal system of the body, part of it can remain inside along with dilated vessels and glands that begin to bleed. In medicine, this condition is called dysfunctional uterine bleeding.


There are a large number of reasons that provoke uterine bleeding, but to simplify medical diagnosis and simplify understanding, they were divided into two categories: non-genital (disturbances in the organs and systems of the body) and genital (pathologies of the genital area).

The first type includes:

  • Infections (measles, influenza, sepsis, typhoid fever);
  • Blood diseases (hemophilia, hemorrhagic vasculitis, lack of vitamin C, K, etc.);
  • cirrhosis;
  • Cardiovascular disorders (atherosclerosis, high blood pressure etc.);
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Causes of uterine bleeding of the second category:

  • Discirculatory uterine bleeding (during puberty, puberty, menopause);
  • Tumors of the uterus or ovaries;
  • Infectious and inflammatory pathologies (cervicitis, erosion, endocervicosis, vaginitis, endometritis);
  • Injury to the uterus;
  • Rupture of the ovary or its cysts.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)

Normally, during menstruation, the amount of blood loss is 30-40 ml, a maximum of 80. With DMK - more than 100 ml. Dysfunctional bleeding can coincide with menstrual bleeding (abundant and prolonged) or pass independently of them (of varying intensity and regularity).

DMC is often seen in women reproductive age 30-40 years old. The main cause of the pathology is expressed in violation of the ovulation process, when the endometrium is not completely rejected.

Often, DMC is quite abundant, since with a hormonal disorder, the function of platelets (cells of the coagulation system) decreases, as a result of which the blood liquefies.

A fairly large number of reasons can lead to an imbalance of hormones:

  • In the pubertal period, from 12 to 18 years: infections (acute, chronic), hypovitaminosis, physical overstrain, mental trauma;
  • In reproductive age: stress, complicated childbirth and abortion, disruption of the endocrine glands, inflammation of the genital organs;
  • With menopause: acute / chronic infections, neuropsychic injuries.

However, it is worth noting that often DMC appear due to a number of other reasons: overweight, blood diseases, taking certain medications, strict diets, climate change. But they never occur due to pregnancy or neoplasm.

Symptoms of uterine bleeding

  • dizziness, fainting, general weakness;
  • pale skin;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Accelerated or weak pulse;
  • downgrade blood pressure;
  • Discharge of blood from the vagina;
  • Large number of blood clots during menstruation. A pad or tampon gets wet quickly, you have to change them every hour or two;
  • Menstruation lasts more than 7-8 days (normal 3-8);
  • Bleeding after sex;
  • Allocations most often do not coincide with menstrual flow.

During puberty, they are usually long, last longer than the established norm, the interval is less than 21 days, blood loss is plentiful (more than 100-120 ml per day).

Bleeding that appears after a delay in menstruation usually speaks of their functional nature.

Fibroids, adenomyosis and blood diseases are characterized by cyclic and very copious secretions.

What to do with uterine bleeding?

The first thing to do is call ambulance. This is especially true for pregnant women and those cases where the condition worsens very quickly. It is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible, because every minute can be decisive.

The second is to consult a doctor on his own, because only a specialist will be able to give an adequate assessment, assessing the condition of the woman and finding out the cause.

You can not: apply warm heating pads, douche, take warm baths, use medications that reduce the uterus.

How to stop uterine bleeding:

  • Observe bed rest. Legs should be kept in an elevated position, for example, by placing a roller or pillow under them. This will allow the blood to function in vital organs (kidneys, liver, brain). With significant blood loss - will reduce the risk of fainting, severe complications;
  • Coldness in the lower abdomen. It could be an ice pack wrapped in cloth to prevent frostbite, or a heating pad filled with cold water. Ice is kept for 10-15 minutes, then a 5-minute break is taken. Repeat manipulations for 1-2 hours. Cold constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing bleeding;
  • Replenish water balance organism. If it is not possible to put a dropper, drinking plenty of water will help, for example, sweet tea, rosehip broth, water, etc. Water in this case will make up for the loss of fluid that came out with the blood. Glucose nourishes the tissues and, most importantly, the nerve cells of the brain;
  • Medicines. They should be taken only after consulting a doctor or in an emergency: Dicinon (0.25 g orally 4 r / d), Calcium gluconate (1 tab. 4 r / d), Aminocaproic acid (30 ml 5 r / d), Vikasol (0.015 g 3 times a day), tincture of nettle or water pepper (100 ml 3 times a day). The above funds increase the activity of the muscles of the uterus, but it is not recommended to take them during pregnancy.

Measures taken in a hospital setting

Some hemostatic agents used for uterine bleeding have already been listed above, for example, Aminocaproic acid, Dicynon. However, in a medical facility, they are administered either intravenously or intramuscularly. At home, these procedures are not performed. Everything should be carried out under the supervision of doctors and medical staff.

Can be used to stop blood loss hormonal preparations, for example, combined oral contraceptives(monophasic) or gestogens. This method is suitable for nulliparous young women who are not at risk of developing tumors in the endometrium.

Also, hormonal agents are used in the case when a woman underwent curettage for diagnostic purposes less than 3 months ago, and at the same time she did not have any pathology in the endometrium.

The second option is hemostatic drugs. In addition to the above, Tranexam is used, as well as Askorutin to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and to tone the uterus, Ergotal and Oxytocin.

Methods are also used surgical stop bleeding. The main one and the most effective is the cervical canal. It is carried out for women of reproductive age and during menopause.

For the same purposes, cold treatment, or cryodestruction, is prescribed. With the help of liquid nitrogen, the upper modified layer of the uterus is destroyed. This procedure has no contraindications and gives a stable positive result.

- this is a condition in which blood is poured either into the natural cavity of the body (stomach, bladder, uterus, lungs, joint cavity, etc.), or into a space artificially formed by the outflow of blood (retroperitoneal, intermuscular). Symptoms internal bleeding depend on its location and degree of blood loss, usually include dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, loss of consciousness. Pathology is diagnosed on the basis of external examination data, the results of radiography, CT, MRI and endoscopic studies. Treatment - infusion therapy, surgical elimination of the source of bleeding.


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General information

Internal bleeding - loss of blood, in which blood does not flow out, but into one of the cavities human body. The cause may be an injury or a chronic disease. The massive nature of blood loss, late treatment of patients for help and diagnostic difficulties in identifying this pathology increase the severity of the problem and turn internal bleeding into a serious threat to the life of patients. Treatment is carried out by specialists in the field of clinical traumatology, abdominal and thoracic surgery, neurosurgery, vascular surgery.

The reasons

The cause of internal bleeding can be both trauma and some chronic diseases. Massive, life-threatening post-traumatic bleeding into the abdominal cavity can develop as a result of blunt trauma to the abdomen with damage to the spleen and liver, less often - the pancreas, intestines or mesentery (when hit, falling from a height, car accident, etc.). Bleeding into the pleural cavity usually occurs with multiple fractures of the ribs with damage to the intercostal vessels and pleura. In rare cases, it is caused by fractures of 1-2 ribs.

Bleeding into the cranial cavity is one of the dangerous complications traumatic brain injury. Since the skull, unlike other natural cavities, has a rigidly fixed volume, even a small amount of outflowing blood causes compression brain structures and poses a threat to the life of the patient. It should be borne in mind that intracranial bleeding can develop not only immediately after the injury, but also after several hours or even days, sometimes against the background of complete well-being.

Bleeding into the joint cavity can be caused by both intra-articular fracture and contusion. It does not represent an immediate danger to life, however, if left untreated, it can lead to serious complications.

A significant share of total internal bleeding is bleeding into the cavity of an organ, developing as a result of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract: malignant tumors, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, erosive gastritis, varicose veins of the esophagus with cirrhosis of the liver, etc. In surgical practice, Mallory-Weiss syndrome is also often found - cracks in the esophagus due to alcohol abuse or a single heavy meal.

Another fairly common cause of internal bleeding is gynecological diseases: ovarian ruptures, ectopic pregnancy, etc. B gynecological practice there are internal bleeding after abortions. There may also be internal bleeding with placenta previa or premature detachment, postpartum hemorrhage with retained placenta, uterine ruptures and birth canal.


There are several classifications of internal bleeding:

  • Based on the cause: mechanical (due to damage to blood vessels in trauma) and arrosive (due to damage to vascular wall with necrosis, germination and decay of the tumor or destructive process). In addition, diapedetic bleeding is distinguished, which occurs due to an increase in the permeability of the wall. small vessels(for example, with scurvy or sepsis).
  • Based on the volume of blood loss: mild (up to 500 ml or 10-15% of the circulating blood volume), moderate (500-1000 ml or 16-20% BCC), severe (1000-1500 ml or 21-30% BCC), massive (more than 1500 ml or more than 30% BCC), fatal (more than 2500-3000 ml or more than 50-60% BCC), absolutely fatal (more than 3000-3500 ml or more than 60% BCC).
  • Given the nature of the damaged vessel: arterial, venous, capillary and mixed (for example, from an artery and a vein or from a vein and capillaries). If blood leaks from the capillaries of any parenchymal organ(liver, spleen, etc.), such bleeding is called parenchymal.
  • Based on localization: gastrointestinal (into the cavity of the esophagus, stomach or intestines), into the pleural cavity (hemothorax), into the pericardial sac (hemopericardium), into the joint cavity, etc.
  • Taking into account the place of accumulation of the spilled blood: abdominal (into the pleural, abdominal, and other cavities) and interstitial (into the thickness of tissues with their impregnation).
  • Given the presence or absence of obvious signs of bleeding: obvious, in which the blood, even after some time and in an altered form, “comes out” through natural holes(for example, by staining the stool black), and latent, in which it remains in the body cavity.
  • Taking into account the time of occurrence: primary, occurring immediately after traumatic injury vascular wall, and secondary, developing some time after the injury. In turn, secondary bleeding is divided into early (develops on days 1-5 due to slipping of the ligature or expulsion of a blood clot) and late (usually occurs on days 10-15 due to purulent fusion of a thrombus, necrosis of the vessel wall, etc.) .

Symptoms of internal bleeding

General early signs this pathology are general weakness, drowsiness, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, dizziness, cold sweat, thirst, darkening in the eyes. Possible fainting. The intensity of blood loss can be judged both by changes in pulse and blood pressure, and by other clinical signs. With little blood loss, there is a slight increase in heart rate (up to 80 beats / min) and a slight decrease in blood pressure, in some cases clinical symptoms may be missing.

About internal bleeding moderate indicates a drop in systolic pressure to 90-80 mm. rt. Art. and increased heart rate (tachycardia) up to 90-100 beats / min. The skin is pale, there is a coldness of the extremities and a slight increase in breathing. Possible dry mouth, fainting, dizziness, nausea, weakness, severe weakness, slow reaction.

AT severe cases there is a decrease in systolic pressure to 80 mm. rt. Art. and below, increased heart rate up to 110 and above beats / min. There is a strong acceleration and disturbance of the rhythm of breathing, sticky cold sweat, yawning, pathological drowsiness, tremor of the hands, darkening of the eyes, indifference, apathy, nausea and vomiting, a decrease in the amount of urine excreted, excruciating thirst, blackout of consciousness, a sharp pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, cyanosis limbs, lips and nasolabial triangle.

With massive internal bleeding, the pressure drops to 60 mm Hg. Art., there is an increase in heart rate up to 140-160 beats / min. Characteristically periodic breathing(Cheyne-Stokes), absence or confusion of consciousness, delirium, severe pallor, sometimes with a bluish-gray tint, cold sweat. The look is indifferent, the eyes are sunken, the facial features are pointed.

With fatal blood loss, coma develops. Systolic pressure drops to 60 mm Hg. Art. or not defined. An agonal breathing, sharp bradycardia with a heart rate of 2-10 beats/min., convulsions, dilated pupils, involuntary excretion of feces and urine. The skin is cold, dry, "marbled". Agony and death follow.

Treatment of internal bleeding

It is necessary to ensure the delivery of the patient to the department as soon as possible specialized care. The patient needs to be kept calm. If a hemothorax or pulmonary bleeding is suspected, the patient is given a semi-sitting position, with blood loss in other areas, they are laid on a flat surface. Cold (eg, ice pack) should be applied to the area of ​​the suspected source of bleeding. It is strictly forbidden to heat the affected area, give enemas, give laxatives, or inject drugs into the body that stimulate cardiac activity.

Patients are admitted to the hospital. The choice of department is carried out taking into account the source of internal bleeding. Treatment of traumatic hemothorax is carried out by traumatologists, non-traumatic hemothorax and pulmonary bleeding– thoracic surgeons, intracranial hematomas- neurosurgeons, uterine bleeding - gynecologists. In case of blunt trauma of the abdomen and gastrointestinal bleeding, hospitalization is carried out in the department of general surgery.

The main tasks in this case are an urgent stop of internal bleeding, compensation for blood loss and improvement of microcirculation. From the very beginning of treatment, to prevent empty heart syndrome (reflex cardiac arrest due to a decrease in the volume of BCC), restore the volume of circulating fluid and prevent hypovolemic shock, a jet transfusion of 5% glucose solution is performed, physiological saline, blood, plasma and blood substitutes.

Sometimes internal bleeding is stopped by tamponade or cauterization of the bleeding area. However, in most cases, urgent surgical intervention under anesthesia is required. With signs hemorrhagic shock or the threat of its occurrence at all stages (preparation for surgery, surgery, the period after surgery), transfusion measures are performed.

Internal bleeding due to ectopic pregnancy is an indication for emergency surgical intervention. With dysfunctional uterine bleeding, tamponade of the uterine cavity is performed, with massive bleeding due to abortion, birth trauma, and after childbirth, surgery is performed.

Infusion therapy is carried out under the control of blood pressure, cardiac output, central venous pressure and hourly diuresis. The volume of infusion is determined taking into account the severity of blood loss. Blood substitutes of hemodynamic action are used: dextran, rheopolyglucin, solutions of salts and sugars, as well as blood products (albumin, fresh frozen plasma, erythrocyte mass).

Uterine bleeding- discharge of blood from the uterus. Observed in women:

  1. normal - during menstruation (this bleeding is not dangerous, although it can be abundant with clots);
  2. with pathology - it is necessary urgent appeal to a gynecologist, since this type of blood loss cannot be stopped at home.

Profuse bleeding from uterus danger sign troubles in the female body. In no case should this symptom be ignored, because a person can weaken and die from blood loss. Severe blood loss through damaged uterine tissues is most often observed in complicated childbirth with tears and ruptures of the muscular uterine walls.

Let's talk about how to stop heavy uterine bleeding with clots during menstruation and pathologies from the uterus at home.


Always call an ambulance with rapid blood loss emergency care and take first aid measures to stop or at least reduce the intensity of bleeding!

Bleeding from the uterus: norm and pathology

Uterine bleeding is observed monthly in healthy women of reproductive age. Consider the signs of difference between menstruation and pathological hemorrhage:

  1. regularity - menstruation occurs once every 21-30 days, not more often;
  2. profusion - during menstruation, the discharge of blood from the uterus increases in the first three days, and then decreases;
  3. sore sensations - during menstruation, as a rule, there is a slight discomfort or absence of pain;
  4. duration - menstruation lasts up to 7 days, and abnormal bleeding is usually longer.

Bleeding can also be observed in girls who have not yet entered puberty.

Hemorrhages: causes of development

Pathological discharge of blood from the uterus can appear at any age. Usually, in girls and young girls, serious treatment given state does not require. But with menopause, the outflow of blood from the genitals of a woman is an alarming sign. You need an urgent consultation with a gynecologist!

Pathological profuse and moderate uterine bleeding cause:

  1. functional failures of the physiological complex hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries;
  2. hyperplasia (growth) of the endometrium (accompanied by prolonged heavy bleeding), because with endometrial hyperplasia, the mucous membrane of the uterus is rejected;
  3. diseases of the uterus and its appendages, including neoplasms (intense bleeding with uterine myoma);
  4. somatic pathologies (liver diseases);
  5. low blood clotting (usually uterine bleeding is combined with hemorrhages from the nose, gums, cuts);
  6. violations in the activity of the thyroid gland;
  7. complicated pregnancy and difficult childbirth;
  8. anemia;
  9. application contraceptives- oral and intrauterine, medicines, blood thinners;
  10. uncontrolled, untreated hypertension.

First aid: how to stop uterine bleeding at home

If signs and symptoms of uterine bleeding are found, urgently call an emergency ambulance. Especially if the bleeding has opened in a pregnant woman.

External signs: what it looks like

The woman outwardly looks very pale, weakened, she has a weak pulse, low blood pressure.

Subjective symptoms: what complains about, what reports

The woman experiences (reports) about great weakness, fainting state.

What can and should be done

First aid for uterine bleeding at home is, if not completely stopping the blood, then at least slowing down its loss. You need to call a gynecologist or an ambulance paramedic, or take her to a first aid station, gynecological department(surgical) hospital at the place of residence (or location).

Find out the reason why there is blood may not be possible without an examination by a specialist.

  1. Lay the patient down, give her rest. It is recommended to raise the legs for better blood supply to vital organs, to prevent loss of consciousness.
  2. Place an ice pack on the woman's lower abdomen ( plastic bottle with frozen or cold water). After 15 minutes, take a five-minute break.
  3. Give the patient a plentiful warm drink - to replenish the fluid: black tea, rosehip broth, plain water.
  4. Give a hemostatic Dicynon).

What Not to Do

  1. warm the stomach
  2. take a hot bath;
  3. take medicines that cause uterine contractions;
  4. douche.

Be careful about self-administration of medicines due to side effects. After the arrival of the ambulance team, further therapy is usually carried out in a hospital setting.

After childbirth, bleeding from the uterus at low pressure is often caused by poor tone of the uterine muscles.

Medical treatment

With uterine bleeding, hemostatic drugs are used along with hormonal agents.

Typically, such drugs are prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections or intravenous infusions in saline (they put a "system"):

  1. Aminocaproic acid;
  2. Vikasol;
  3. Dicynon;
  4. calcium chloride;
  5. Contrykal;
  6. Oxytocin;
  7. Traneksam;
  8. fibrinogen;
  9. Etamzilat.

With heavy bleeding from the uterus with clots, the same drugs are used intravenously. So they act faster.

Folk remedies at home

For uncomplicated and non-dangerous uterine bleeding, with the permission of a gynecologist, some folk remedies.

home remedies in the form medicinal plants and herbs are unacceptable to uncontrolled use. Daily intake is limited to three tablespoons.

The combination of official medical methods of therapy and treatment with traditional medicine helps to quickly stop bleeding and prevent recurrence of the disease.


The pouch contains:

  1. acids (acetic and malic);
  2. vitamins K and C;
  3. tannin (phenolic compound with tannic properties);
  4. essential oils.

Grass allows you to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce pressure and increase blood viscosity.

In order to prepare the infusion, take 3 teaspoons of the kidney mountaineer, pour 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours, wrapped. Apply the infusion inside three times a day, 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach.

Contraindications: not to be used

  1. when carrying a child;
  2. with renal pathologies;
  3. with diseases of the urinary system;
  4. with thrombosis and cardiovascular disorders.

water pepper

This plant is beneficial for reproductive organs women thanks to the components in its composition:

  1. organic acids;
  2. tannin;
  3. vitamin K;
  4. cardiac glycosides (rutin, polygoperine);
  5. essential oils.

With uterine bleeding, tincture of water pepper improves blood clotting, tones the vessels of the uterus, and stabilizes the work of its smooth muscles. The tincture is very effective in bleeding after childbirth.

Recipe: raw materials are crushed, 1 tablespoon of herbs is poured into 1 cup of boiling water. 2 hours insist, wrapping the vessel, filter. Take a tincture of water pepper before meals, 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Remember: Water pepper is contraindicated for girls under 12 and pregnant women.

Contraindications: Do not use with

  1. ischemia;
  2. hypertension;
  3. thrombophlebitis;
  4. kidney diseases;
  5. brain pathologies;
  6. individual intolerance.

Ready liquid extract water pepper can be bought at the pharmacy. Truth for those who are contraindicated ethanol, there is an alternative remedy: tablets Hydropiperine.

Shepherd's bag

Preparations made on the basis of medicinal herbs - shepherd's purse - are widely used for uterine bleeding. it medicinal plant contains:

  1. alkaloids;
  2. organic acids;
  3. glycosides;
  4. choline;
  5. vitamin C;
  6. tannin;
  7. riboflavin.

The components of the shepherd's purse stimulate the secretion of fibrin (this improves blood clotting and causes uterine contractions).


  1. pregnancy,
  2. haemorrhoids.


AT traditional medicine medicinal properties nettle, with uterine bleeding, is used as well as in folk. The properties of nettle help to stop the blood, because it contains a number of:

  1. organic acids;
  2. vitamins K, C, A, B;
  3. phytoncides;
  4. esculin;
  5. glycosides;
  6. tannin.

You can buy a ready-made nettle extract at the pharmacy and take it daily three times a day, 20-35 drops in a tablespoon of water, this will normalize the menstrual cycle.

To prepare a nettle decoction, do the following: pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for several minutes. Further, cool, filter. Take orally before meals 2 tablespoons three to five times a day.

Nettle is contraindicated in:

  1. hypertension;
  2. kidney disease;
  3. thrombophlebitis.

Popular folk recipes

I give as an example a list of folk recipes that in the past folk healers pacified or stopped bleeding.

  1. Clear peel from six oranges. Put the peel in a saucepan with one and a half liters of water. Then put on fire and boil until the entire volume is boiled down to half a liter. Take orally one-fourth of a glass three times a day.
  2. One tablespoon yarrow slowly simmer on fire in one glass of water for about ten minutes. Drink a decoction of one third of a glass three times a day before meals.
  3. Take one teaspoon horsetail , pour a glass of boiling water in a jar, insist 2 hours, wrapped. Strain and take orally 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  4. Dry grape leaves ground into powder. Take orally 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon of the powder.
  5. Three tablespoons clover pour a glass of boiling water and insist 2 hours, wrapped. Drink like tea.
  6. 2 tablespoons raspberry leaf pour one glass of boiling water, insist for 2 hours, wrapped. Take half a glass four times a day.
  7. Take 1 tablespoon Hypericum and pour 1 glass of boiling water, wrap, insist 2 hours. Take orally 3 times a day, one third of a glass.

At home, you can stop uterine bleeding that is not dangerous during menstruation. Here comes the stop heavy bleeding is the task of the experts.

Before you choose any remedy to stop or reduce the outflow of blood - consult a gynecologist!

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Maria Milani - Women's Health Academy -

Uterine fibroids are often accompanied by profuse monthly or bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle, which is often not due to the fibroids themselves, but to concomitant internal and external endometriosis or adenomyosis.

Such conditions can harm a woman - losing a large amount of blood, the body experiences oxygen starvation anemia develops. However, uterine bleeding is most dangerous in the presence of fibroids - every woman should know how to stop it and prevent the development of hemorrhagic shock.

Consider the questions:

  1. How is uterine bleeding manifested?
  2. Why is bleeding longer and harder to stop with fibroids?
  3. What to do with uterine bleeding?
  4. Prevention of uterine bleeding.

You can learn more about how to defeat the disease on your own and avoid the removal of fibroids in the book “Uterine Fibroids. How to become healthy”, where are collected effective methods strengthening women's health.

You can get the book for free on the website in the Free section -

Maria Milani and the Women's Health Academy are with you.


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  • Official site of the Women's Academy of Health

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“Method of G.N. Sytin was checked more than once by the USSR Ministry of Health, the Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. V.P. Serbian. The conclusions of authoritative commissions are unequivocal: the method is recognized as consistent and effective. But its application was restrained by the conservatism of some representatives of our official medicine” (candidate philosophical sciences V. I. Vyunitsky).

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There are pills that stop this thing, and it is believed that they help if they have already begun. In any case, only a gynecologist can help and prescribe a medicine, drug or procedure and give advice on how to stop them for a day at home at home, if they are plentiful and whether this can be done if they go for a long time.

Some girls say it helps to use drugs dicynone, vikasol that stop bleeding, if with clots quickly reduce this matter and eliminate pain even with menopause or for 1 day, when they go for a long time. There are profuse periods with clots, like blood pouring from a bucket. How are menstruation going?

strong ethnoscience and folk remedies recommend stopping in different ways, including nettle will help for a couple of days and urgently for an hour. If they are long and do not end, they can write out tranexam, but you only need to find out everything from a doctor, and not at school or from a friend. Someone advises to do everything lemon and others are treated analgin, take water pepper, etamsylate, get an injection on the first day or 2 weeks when it passes, as well as on the last day, take birth control and learn how to take vikasol after menstruation, to remove the daub.

The problem happens with fibroids, 9 days in a row when they heal dicynone long or protracted duphaston. Sometimes it helps for a few hours. askorutin, but all methods do not give a guarantee if the doctor does not do an examination. There are lemon-colored discharge in women. What happens in the body during menstruation.

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Before taking anything, you should definitely consult your doctor. Because the discharge that a woman takes for menstruation can actually be uterine bleeding.

A hemostatic agent is prescribed in order to avoid the development of anemia, if the daily blood loss exceeds 80 ml. Visually, this means that a pad with a high degree and volume of absorption is changed every 1-2 hours.

Uterine bleeding, characterized by bright red discharge and intense outflow, requires the intervention of a doctor.

What hemostatic agents can be used:

  1. "Etamzilat" or "dicynon";
  2. Vikasol is tablets and injections. When administered intramuscularly, it is more effective, but rather painful. This is an old-style drug, and it has newer counterparts.
  3. "Tranexam" - it is very effective, quickly helps.

The doctor may also prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs if the bleeding is painful, as well as oxytocin and calcium chloride intravenously.

If bleeding occurs in a girl with an unsettled cycle, the doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives.

Of the herbs that effectively stop bleeding - nettle, yarrow, water pepper extract, peppermint and shepherd's purse. However, they should also be taken under the supervision of a specialist.

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Fitosbor " Katerina"Successfully used in the treatment of uterine bleeding and complex phytotherapy of uterine fibroids.

So we discussed the topic of how to stop heavy uterine bleeding with clots during menstruation and pathologies from the uterus at home.

is the discharge of blood from the uterus. Most often it is serious symptom diseases of the female body. Any uterine bleeding should be diagnosed in time, and the woman should receive medical assistance Ignoring similar symptom leads to serious consequences, up to lethal outcome. It is important to know that normal uterine bleeding includes only menstruation, the duration of which is up to 5 days, with stable interruptions, 28 days long. All other bleeding is a pathology and requires medical supervision.

According to statistics, uterine bleeding, bearing pathological character, in 25% of cases are associated with organic diseases of this organ or ovaries. The remaining 75% are associated with hormonal disorders and diseases of the genital area.

Menstruation (menstruation) is the only physiological normal view uterine bleeding. Usually its duration is from three to five days, and the interval between menstruation (menstrual cycle) normally lasts from 21 to 35 days. Most often, the first couple of days of menstruation are not abundant, the next two are intensified and, at the end, again become scarce; blood loss these days should be no more than 80 ml. Otherwise, iron deficiency anemia develops.

In healthy women, menstruation is painless. In case of pain, weakness and a woman should consult a doctor.

The onset of menstruation usually occurs at 11-15 years of age and lasts until the end reproductive period(menopause). During pregnancy and breastfeeding menstruation is absent, but this phenomenon is temporary.

It is important to remember that early appearance spotting in girls (up to 10 years old), as well as in women after menopause (45–55 years old) is an alarming sign serious illnesses.

Sometimes spotting in the middle of the cycle (on the 10-15th day after the end) can become a variant of the norm. Their cause is hormonal fluctuations after ovulation: uterine vessels become too permeable, so vaginal discharge may contain blood. Such discharge should not last more than two days. Sometimes the cause of spotting becomes an inflammatory process, so a woman should definitely consult a gynecologist.

A variant of the norm is also implantation bleeding, which occurs as a result of the introduction of the embryo into the uterine wall. This process occurs a week after conception.

Why are uterine bleeding dangerous?

Uterine bleeding has the ability to increase rapidly, not stop for a long time and hard to stop.

Therefore, depending on what type of bleeding a woman has, it can be dangerous with such consequences as:

    With moderate but regular blood loss, it can develop varying degrees gravity. It begins if the volume of released blood is 80 ml. Although at similar conditions there is no direct threat to the life of a woman, however, this process cannot be left without attention.

    A large loss of blood may be due to simultaneous heavy bleeding, which is difficult to stop. Most often, surgery is required, with the replacement of lost blood and removal of the uterus.

    The risk of progression of the underlying disease. In this case, we are talking about small blood loss, to which the woman does not pay attention and does not go for medical help. At the same time, blood loss, even in a small amount, can eventually lead either to profuse bleeding, or to the fact that the disease that caused it will go into a neglected form.

    Risk of bleeding in pregnant women or women in postpartum period is that it can end in a state of shock. The intensity and severity of this condition is due to the fact that the uterus is not able to fully contract and stop blood loss on its own.

There are many reasons that can cause uterine bleeding. In order to systematize them, it should be understood that the resulting blood loss can be a malfunction in organ systems, as well as disorders in the genital area.

Extragenital causes of uterine bleeding, that is, those caused by disorders in the work of non-genital organs include:

    Diseases of the hematopoietic system, these are: hemophilia, low level vitamin C and K, etc.

    Prolapse of the urethra.

    Violations in activity of cardio-vascular system, for example, etc.

    Reduced functionality.

The causes of uterine bleeding are genital, in turn, may be associated with the bearing of a child by a woman.

During pregnancy, the following causes of bleeding from the uterus are distinguished:

    Ectopic pregnancy.

    Pathologies gestational sac.

    The presence of a scar on the uterus.

    Placenta previa, its low location or early detachment.

    Various processes of destruction of uterine tissues.

    Rupture of the uterus during labor.

    Injury to the birth canal (vagina or vulva).

    Infringement or delay of the departed placenta.


    trophoblastic disease.



Genital bleeding can occur in a woman who is not carrying a child. Causes for them include:

    Dyscirculatory bleeding, which, in turn, can be climateric, reproductive and juvenile.

    Chronic fatigue syndrome, especially enhanced by starvation and exhaustion of the body, can also cause bleeding.

    Pronounced hormonal disorders occur during puberty girls, during pregnancy and after childbirth, after abortion.

    Sometimes hereditary predisposition and taking certain hormonal pills can affect.

    Prolonged bleeding can develop against the background of a medical abortion, which in recent times gaining momentum in popularity.

For the treatment of bleeding caused by hormonal disruptions required individual approach. It will depend on the cause that caused bloody discharge from the uterus.

Uterine bleeding after cesarean

After operation caesarean section woman should be under medical supervision. Most often, bleeding lasts a little longer than after childbirth. naturally. This is due to the fact that it is formed on the uterus, which makes it difficult to contract. Normally, bleeding stops completely after a couple of months. If it continues, then the woman needs to report this problem to the doctor.

The cause of pathological bleeding after surgery is most often hemostasis. Therefore, to eliminate this problem, doctors must carefully but carefully scrape the walls of the uterus. If bleeding cannot be stopped, extirpation is required.

If the bleeding is hypotonic, then it is not always possible to stop it, since it occurs after the uterus begins to contract. Profuse blood loss can lead to hypotonic shock. Replenishment of blood supplies by transfusion and manual examination of the uterus are necessary in order to detect possible remains of the placenta, determine the contractile function of the uterus and establish the existing rupture.

The critical measure that doctors take to save a woman's life is the removal of the uterus. This method is used if bleeding after caesarean section by other means (electrical stimulation of the uterus, ligation of blood vessels, administration of uterotonics) cannot be stopped.

Types of pathological uterine bleeding

Gynecologists divide uterine bleeding into many types. But there are those that are most common:

    Juvenile bleeding. They are characteristic of the onset of puberty in girls. They can be caused by a number of factors, for example, frequent illnesses, increased physical activity, poor nutrition, etc. Depending on the amount of blood lost, such bleeding can lead to anemia of varying severity.

    About profuse uterine bleeding should be said if it is not accompanied by pain. In this case, the volume of fluid lost may vary. There are many reasons, it can be an abortion, and vaginal infections, and taking hormone-containing drugs, etc.

    Acyclic bleeding characterized by the fact that it appears in the intervals between menstrual cycles. It can be caused by fibroids, endometriosis and other pathologies. If acyclic bleeding is observed regularly, then a doctor's consultation is necessary. Although this type is not always a symptom of any pathology.

    Anovulatory bleeding is typical for women who have entered the period of menopause and for adolescents undergoing puberty. It is caused by the fact that the maturation of the follicles and the production of progesterone are disturbed, in the absence of ovulation. This species is dangerous because, without treatment, it can provoke the development of malignant tumors.

    dysfunctional occurs when the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted. A distinctive feature is that it occurs after menstruation has been absent for a long time, and blood loss with it is plentiful.

    Hypotonic bleeding occurs due to low tone of the myometrium, after an abortion, etc. most often appears after childbirth.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding includes those that are associated with a violation of the production of sex hormones produced by the endocrine glands. They can appear at almost any age, both during puberty and during menopause, and in the reproductive period of a woman's life. This pathology is widespread.

This type of bleeding is expressed by the fact that the period of menstruation is lengthened, and the amount of fluid lost increases. Without treatment, it always leads to the development of anemia. Main feature - prolonged absence menstruation, sometimes up to six months, and then the occurrence of bleeding, which has a different strength.

Dysfunctional bleeding can be ovulatory (concerns women of reproductive age) and anovulatory (more common in adolescents and premenopausal women). Cycle disorders in this case are expressed in abundant and irregular periods, with long (more than 35 days) and short-term (less than 21 days) intervals, in the absence of menstruation for more than six months.

The treatment strategy depends on the age of the patient and whether she has concomitant pathology. It can be either medical or surgical. However, in adolescence, surgery is resorted to only in emergency cases. Conservative therapy consists in taking hormones. If left untreated, dysfunctional uterine bleeding can lead to miscarriage, anemia chronic nature, endometrial cancer, shock and even death.

Atonic uterine bleeding

Atonic bleeding is characterized by the fact that it is formed when the uterus becomes unable to contract. Absence contractility in obstetric practice it is called the uterus of Kuveler. Feature atonic bleeding - zero tone and a similar reaction to the introduction of uterotonics.

When there is no way to stop the bleeding with specialized preparations, a thick suture is applied to the posterior lip of the cervix, clamps are additionally applied to clamp the uterine artery.

If these methods were ineffective, and blood loss could not be stopped, then they are considered as preparation for an operation to remove the uterus. Mass loss of blood is considered to be from 1200 ml. Before the uterus is completely removed, attempts are made to ligate the vessels using the Tsitsishvili method, electrical stimulation (this method is becoming less popular, and doctors are gradually abandoning it), acupuncture. It is important to constantly replenish the reserves of lost blood.

This type is characterized by the fact that the tone of the myometrium decreases. Such bleeding occurs when the fetal egg is retained in the uterine cavity, during the separation of the placenta, after its release. The reason lies in the uterus after childbirth, when contractions occur rarely and are spontaneous. The critical degree of such a state is referred to as atony, when contractions are completely absent.

The main tasks facing physicians are:

    Stop bleeding as soon as possible.

    Replenishment of the BCC deficit.

    Avoiding blood loss of more than 1200 ml.

    Tracking blood pressure and preventing it from falling to a critical level.

Treatment is aimed at ensuring that the motor function of the uterus is restored as soon as possible. If there are remnants of the fetal egg, then it must be removed either by hand or with a curette. When hypotonic bleeding occurs after childbirth, it is necessary to squeeze out the placenta as soon as possible, if it does not work, then it is removed manually. Most often, it is the removal of the placenta that helps restore motor function uterus. If necessary, her gentle massage on the fist is carried out.

As drugs, the introduction of pituitrin or oxytocin is indicated. Effective in some cases is the imposition of a bubble on the abdomen containing ice or irritation of the uterus with ether. To this end, in posterior fornix a moistened swab is inserted into the vagina. If hypotension does not respond to this therapy, then measures are taken that are characteristic of uterine atony.

Acyclic uterine bleeding

Acyclic uterine bleeding is called metrorrhagia. It is not associated with the menstrual cycle, which is normal, it is characterized by the complete absence of any periodicity.

This condition can occur suddenly and be associated with the pregnancy of a woman, with an incomplete abortion, with placenta previa, with the development of an ectopic pregnancy, retention of part of the placenta, etc.

Acyclic bleeding, if a woman does not bear a child, can be observed with pathologies such as uterine fibroids, benign tumors. If the tumor is malignant, then metrorrhagia is observed at the stage of its decay.

It is not possible to describe the degree of intensity of blood loss, since the discharge can be spotting, abundant, with impurities blood clots and without them.

It is important to pay close attention to acyclic bleeding for women who are in menopause, both at its initial stage and several years later, after the cessation of constant menstruation. In no case should they be perceived as renewed ovulation. Metrorrhagia in this period requires careful study, as they are often signs of a malignant process, for example,.

Breakthrough uterine bleeding

Breakthrough uterine bleeding develops against the background of hormonal disorders. They are characterized by an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. Sometimes this type of bleeding occurs when a woman takes oral contraceptives. In this case, breakthrough bleeding is an adaptation reaction to the drug. If, after taking the prescribed remedy, bleeding occurs that does not correspond to the menstrual cycle, then it is necessary to consult a doctor about adjusting the dose or replacing the remedy.

Breakthrough bleeding can also be observed when the uterine wall is damaged by a spiral. This cannot be ignored, the spiral must be removed immediately.

Most often, blood loss from breakthrough bleeding is minor, however, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

Anovulatory uterine bleeding

These bleedings occur during the break between menstruation, their causes are varied, including they can be a manifestation of any disease. Most often, anovulatory bleeding is prolonged in time, lasts more than 10 days, and is acyclic. Women suffer such blood loss either during the extinction of reproductive function, or during its formation.

This bleeding is also called single-phase, during its opening it does not form corpus luteum, the development of the follicle occurs with disturbances, ovulation is absent.

This bleeding can be hyperestrogenic, when the follicle matures but does not rupture, and hypoestrogenic, when several follicles mature but do not fully mature.

Rarely, anovular uterine bleeding occurs during the reproductive period of a woman's life. Similar phenomena are associated with violations of the hypophozotropic zone, after suffering, poisoning, infections.

Among adolescents, according to statistics, this type of bleeding is quite common. Such violations account for up to 12% of all gynecological diseases. In this case, the decisive factor may be irrational nutrition, mental trauma, physiological overload.

Discirculatory uterine bleeding

The occurrence of discirculatory uterine bleeding is caused by impaired ovarian function. Sometimes the impetus is provided by external factors such as transferred viral infections, stress, etc. Blood loss is not great, observed after menstruation was absent for a long time.

Often, women observe the presence of clots in uterine bleeding. Most often, doctors explain their appearance by the fact that the uterus during prenatal development, has undergone certain anomalies. Therefore, the blood stagnates in its cavity, forming clots.

Most often, menstruation causes more pronounced discomfort in such women, especially when it occurs with an increased hormonal background. Sometimes just like this congenital anomaly can cause increased bleeding and the presence of numerous clots in the secretions.

In addition to the fact that anomalies are congenital in nature, they can be acquired during life. Similar phenomena are associated with the professional characteristics of a woman and with the abuse bad habits. Often during menstruation with blood clots, women experience strong cutting pains. In order to exclude the presence of a pathological process, it is important to seek advice from a gynecologist.

Sometimes changes in the hormonal background can also lead to the formation of clots. To clarify the cause, you need to pass a series of tests, including thyroid hormones and adrenal hormones, and examine the level of progesterone and estrogen.

The presence of clots severe pain lower abdomen, profuse blood loss during menstruation, acyclic mini-bleeding - all this most often indicates endometriosis. Such a diagnosis is established after a thorough diagnosis and requires appropriate treatment.

Sometimes the cause can be poor blood clotting and some complications that have arisen after childbirth.

Uterine bleeding during pregnancy

The most common causes of uterine bleeding during pregnancy are miscarriage, uterine disease, ectopic pregnancy, and damage to the placenta.

A miscarriage is accompanied by severe cramping pains in the lower abdomen, bleeding is intense, the color of the blood is from bright scarlet to dark. In ectopic pregnancy, bleeding is accompanied by deterioration general condition, malaise, nausea, sweating and. Blood is dark in color and usually comes out in clots.

Damage to the blood vessels of the cervix during pregnancy can occur during sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination. This bleeding is usually not heavy or prolonged.

If the placenta is damaged or previa, uterine bleeding may occur in the second or third trimester. The bleeding is usually very heavy. It poses a serious threat to the life and health of the expectant mother and her child.

It should be remembered that uterine bleeding in pregnant women is very dangerous, so a woman must definitely call a medical team that will provide her with urgent assistance.

First aid for uterine bleeding is to call an ambulance as soon as possible. This is especially true in the case when a woman is carrying a child, her blood loss is plentiful, her condition worsens sharply. In this case, every minute counts. If it is not possible to call a team of doctors, then it is necessary to take the woman to the hospital on her own.

Any uterine bleeding is a serious threat to life and health, so the reaction must be appropriate.

It is strictly forbidden to apply a hot or warm heating pad to the stomach in case of dysfunctional bleeding, douching with any compositions, take a bath, use drugs that promote uterine contraction.

Independently, at home until the ambulance arrives, a woman can be helped as follows:

    The woman must be put to bed, preferably on her back, and her legs placed on some kind of elevation. To do this, you can put a pillow or a roller from a blanket. Thus, it will be possible to preserve the consciousness of the patient, especially if the blood loss is impressive.

    Something cold should be applied to the stomach. If there was no heating pad at hand, then the ice can be wrapped in a regular cloth. You can replace the ice with an ordinary bottle filled with cold water. Cold exposure time - up to 15 minutes, then a break of 5 minutes. This will achieve vasoconstriction, and therefore somewhat reduce bleeding.

    The woman needs to drink. Since it is not possible to put a dropper at home, you need to offer the patient plenty of fluids. Suitable ordinary water and sweet tea. This will contribute to the loss of fluid along with the blood, glucose will provide nutrition nerve cells brain.

To the reception medications should be treated with extreme caution, especially if a woman is carrying a child. Before taking them, you should always consult with your doctor, but sometimes it happens that there is no such possibility. Therefore, it is necessary to know the names of hemostatic agents and their minimum dosage. These include Vikasol (taken 3 times a day, at a dosage of 0.015 g), vitamin C(maximum daily dose 1g), Dicyon (taken 4 times a day, at a dosage of 0.25), calcium gluconate (1 tablet up to 4 times a day). Before use, it is important to remember that all drugs have side effects.

How to stop uterine bleeding?

When the ambulance arrives at the scene, its actions will be as follows:

    A bubble containing ice is applied to the woman's stomach.

    If the bleeding is heavy, then the woman should be taken to the car on a stretcher.

    Hospitalization of the patient with transfer directly to a specialist.

    The introduction of a solution of sulfate, with a threat or the onset of a miscarriage. Or if a spontaneous abortion occurs, the woman is given intravenous calcium chloride and ascorbic acid diluted in glucose. An injection of Etamzilat can be made.

Doctors in the hospital use hormonal drugs to stop bleeding, in the event that a woman has not yet given birth, she does not have a suspicion of a tumor. Hormonal agents include Jeannine Regulon, etc. On the first day they give overdose(up to 6 tablets), in the following days one tablet less, bringing up to 1 piece. Sometimes gestogens are used, but it can be used only in the absence of severe anemia.

Hemostatic agents can also be used, for example, Dicinon, Vikasol, Askorutin, Aminocaproic acid.

Sometimes surgery is used, such as uterine curettage ( effective method stopping blood loss), cryodistruction (method without contraindications), laser removal endometrium (used in those women who do not plan to have more children).

Treatment of uterine bleeding largely depends on its causes and the age of the patient.

Adolescents are most often prescribed drugs that reduce the uterus, drugs that stop blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is also recommended to take, herbal medicine, less often - hormonal drugs that regulate the menstrual cycle. Women of reproductive age are prescribed hormonal drugs, sometimes surgical operations are performed (for fibroids, endometriosis of the uterus, etc.) After menopause, uterine bleeding most often indicates oncological pathologies of the uterus and ovaries, so treatment requires predominantly surgical intervention, including appendages.

In treatment, it is most important to diagnose the causes of bleeding in time, so sick women should seek medical help without delay.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology obtained from the Russian State medical university Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

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Uterine bleeding can occur in women of any age. AT juvenile period, as well as postmenopausal any vaginal discharge blood are pathological in nature, therefore they are the reason for mandatory attendance doctor.

In women of reproductive age, the pathology can be functional: menstruation and obstetric bleeding.

Pathological manifestations of blood include all other bloody discharge from the genitals, which can occur both during menstruation and in the “dry” period of the cycle.

How to distinguish simple menstruation from bleeding? And what drugs can accompany the treatment of the disease? We understand.

Reasons that awaken the disease

The reasons for the occurrence of abnormal uterine bleeding can be:

  • violation hormonal background;
  • inflammatory, structural and other gynecological disorders;
  • extragenital, that is, diseases not related to the genitals, for example, liver damage or blood clotting disorders;
  • disorders during pregnancy and spontaneous abortion.

In most cases, the appearance of a violation is preceded by a hormonal condition in which the corpus luteum does not develop during the anovulatory cycle.

The most common cause of sexual ailments is hormonal failure.

As a result, in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, an insufficient amount of progesterone is produced, while estradiol, on the contrary, is produced in excess.

Under the influence a large number the latter, the endometrium grows intensively and condenses so much that blood vessels no longer able to feed it. As a result, the endometrium dies and begins to exit the uterine cavity, accompanied by blood..

On the early stage pregnancy blood can occur during spontaneous abortion. AT rare cases it accompanies ectopic pregnancy. In the second or third trimester, this may occur due to rupture, presentation or polyposis of the placenta, cystic mole.

The disease can be caused by changes in the structure of the genital organs: endometriosis, malignant formations, polyps of the endometrium and cervix, submucosal fibroids or the birth of a node, hyperplasia, as well as damage to the vagina, cervix or body of the uterus, a foreign body in the vagina, cervicitis, atrophic vaginitis.

Dysfunctional bleeding may indicate the presence functional cysts, polycystic ovaries.

Bleeding can be the result of hypothyroidism or hyperprolactemia, as well as certain liver diseases and reduced blood clotting, may be a side effect after taking certain drugs, as well as contraceptive hormonal drugs.


Bleeding can occur in women of all ages, even girls. Depending on the age of the patient, they can be divided into the following types.

Bleeding in newborns

In the first week of life, due to a sharp restructuring of the hormonal background, girls sometimes experience vaginal discharge of various types, including bloody ones. They are of a meager nature, last only a few days, and do not require treatment.

During puberty

Occur in girls aged 11–18 years due to hormonal changes body, psycho-emotional disorder or various diseases sexual sphere.

At reproductive age

They can be both physiological, that is, menstrual or obstetric, and abnormal.

menopausal period

Associated with diseases of the genital organs and hormonal disorders.

Dysfunctional bleeding (ovulatory and anovulatory)

It is much more common than other types of uterine bleeding.

Occurs at any age against the background of malfunctions of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands or ovaries and subsequent hormonal imbalance.

Dysfunctional bleeding is much more common than other types

Quite often, the causes of bleeding are stress, mental or physical overwork, climate change, as well as endocrine diseases and inflammation of the genital organs (appendages, uterus, ovaries).

ovulatory bleeding occur mainly in women of reproductive age. Accompanied by spotting spotting on the eve and after menstruation, as well as in the middle of the cycle. Can accompany infertility and miscarriage.

Anovulatory bleeding appear after a delay in menstruation and differ in their duration (7 days or more, sometimes up to several months). They are moderate or profuse, but due to the duration, they almost always lead to anemia.


Juvenile is called bleeding in girls during puberty. The most common cause of their occurrence is ovarian dysfunction due to chronic infections, strong physical activity, malnutrition, rapid growth and stress. Juvenile is characterized by seasonality and anovulation, that is, the absence of ovulation.

With menopause

In premenopause, there is a gradual extinction of reproductive functions and a significant restructuring of the hormonal background.

As a result - frequent phenomena of blood loss, which often turn out to be signs of serious diseases of a benign (uterine leiomyoma, polyps) or malignant nature. In the postmenopausal period, bleeding is the first signal of the development of the disease and serious reason see a doctor.

During pregnancy

Any discharge of blood from the genital organs of a pregnant woman, except for obstetric (associated with childbirth) or implantation (occurring on the 7th day after the fertilization of the egg during its introduction into the endometrium), is a pathology. On the early stages Pregnancy blood loss can occur with the threat of termination of pregnancy, abortion in progress or interrupted ectopic pregnancy.

From the middle of the second trimester, vaginal bleeding may be associated with placenta previa and abruption, uterine rupture. Any of these cases is extremely dangerous for the health of the fetus and the expectant mother and sometimes requires an emergency caesarean section.


Occurs against the background of taking hormonal contraceptives, they are meager and short-lived and are a sign of adaptation to the drug. Most often, when breakthrough bleeding reconsider the dosage of the drug: first increase, and after the disappearance of symptoms again reduce.

Damage can also bleed intrauterine device uterus. In this case, the spiral is removed as soon as possible.


The most dangerous type of uterine blood loss. It is a severe bleeding, somewhat reminiscent of menstruation in nature. It can occur both during menstruation and in the "dry" period of the menstrual cycle.

Due severe blood loss profuse appearance may a short time cause anemia and become a serious threat to the life of the patient. Doesn't stop when drug therapy, is cured by separate curettage.

The strongest blood flows from the uterus occur with injuries of the genital organs, as well as in the presence of submucosal myomatous nodes. Treatment is carried out in a hospital and often requires surgical intervention.

By what symptoms can menstruation (including heavy menstruation) be distinguished from bleeding

Almost any bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle are uterine bleeding and serve as a reason for immediate medical attention. Bleeding that opens during menstruation should be learned to distinguish from menstrual.

Such bleeding is characterized by:

  1. an increase in the abundance of secretions and the need to change the pad in less than 2 hours;
  2. change in the duration of the discharge: in contrast to normal menstruation blood can go less than 3 or more than 7 days;
  3. violation of the regularity of the discharge: if "menstruation" comes more often than after 21 days, or less often than after 35;
  4. any spotting after intercourse;
  5. bleeding in girls under 10–11 years of age or in a postmenopausal woman.

What to do if heavy bleeding starts?

Any suspicion is a reason for a mandatory visit to the gynecologist. If there is heavy bleeding, you should call an ambulance.

Any suspicion of the onset of uterine bleeding is a reason for a mandatory visit to the gynecologist

In anticipation of the arrival of the doctor, it is necessary to lie down, remove the pillow from under the head and put it under the legs, raise the pelvis (put a towel roll on it).

Cold can be applied to the lower abdomen. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is necessary to move as little as possible, you can not eat or drink anything.

How is the treatment

First of all, the treatment is aimed at stopping the blood and replenishing it. Further, the cause of the disease is eliminated and relapse prevention is carried out.

Stopping bleeding in emergency cases requires surgical intervention - separate diagnostic curettage, which allows not only to stop the release of blood, but also to determine the cause of its occurrence.

Curettage is carried out in most cases in women in menopause, less often in women of reproductive age and almost never in girls and girls. Hormonal hemostasis is also used to stop: in large doses prescribed oral contraceptives.

Hemostatic agents

Most often used in symptomatic therapy the following drugs:

  • etamsylate;
  • vikasol;
  • dicynone;
  • amino capric acid;
  • calcium preparations.

A hemostatic effect in such cases is also possessed by means that reduce the uterus:

  • hyphotocin;
  • oxytocin;
  • pituitrin and others.

Menopause begins imperceptibly and over time

The menopause begins imperceptibly and over time, the quality of life of a woman begins to deteriorate, find out in order to respond in time and not trigger the syndrome. The uterus is the main reproductive organ of a woman, subject to many diseases, get acquainted with the classifications of hyperplasia and what it is in the dedicated this disease. The reasons for the development of mastopathy written off in the article can be eliminated without the intervention of doctors.

Drugs used for uterine bleeding in women

To instantly stop blood loss, oral contraceptives mersilon, rigevidon, non-ovlon, marvelon and others are prescribed.

During symptomatic therapy appoint:

  1. hemostatic;
  2. drugs that reduce the uterus;
  3. with anemia - iron preparations (fenules, maltofer) or blood components (erythrocyte mass, frozen plasma);
  4. vasoconstrictor and a complex of vitamins: ascorutin, folic and ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin.

After stopping the blood, prevention of relapses and elimination of the cause of the disease are carried out.

Proven folk recipes for this disease

AT complex therapy in the treatment of uterine bleeding, folk remedies are often used.

Prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves and 1 tbsp. water, boil for 10 minutes. Take a tablespoon every 3-4 hours.

nettle tea


The peel of 6-7 oranges is poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water and boiled down to 0.5 liters. The decoction is taken three times a day for 4 tbsp. l.

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