How to measure blood pressure with a mechanical sphygmomanometer. How to measure blood pressure with a mechanical sphygmomanometer. Who needs constant blood pressure monitoring

Modern society suffering from symptoms of hypertension. Hypertension is a malfunction of the body, as a result of an increase in blood pressure. Changes in the weather, emotional stress, stress, change of scenery can affect such changes. A person should be able to independently determine the state of his pressure. Therefore, it is so important to be competent in the question of how to measure pressure with a manual sphygmomanometer.

Many people think that it is vital to know your working pressure, at which a person feels great and can carry out any kind of activity. This is a very common mistake, since in most cases it is necessary to strive to normalize the level of blood pressure. The exception is the elderly, who are recommended to reduce the pressure to 150/90 mm Hg. Art.

Portal expert. Doctor the highest category Taras Nevelychuk.

Many doctors advise their patients with hypertension to keep a regular diary. Only instead of the usual records, a person should enter data on his blood pressure (BP), after his daily measurement. With the help of such a diary, your doctor will be able to monitor the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.

Pressure is measured twice a day:

  • In the morning, immediately after waking up, before the first meal;
  • In the evening, after taking medicines.

Blood pressure monitors are used to measure pressure. They are a small device that allows you to accurately determine the blood pressure of a person.

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Types of tonometers

Initially, it is worth noting that the device with which you can easily measure blood pressure can be of several types:

  1. Mechanical tonometer. This device is a kit that includes a Velcro cuff with a pneumatic chamber, a pressure gauge, a connecting hose and a rubber bulb with an unwinding valve. Additionally, a stethoscope is used.
  2. Semi-automatic tonometer. To measure blood pressure, it is necessary to provide air supply to the pneumatic chamber. This happens when squeezing a rubber pear with a hand. This device differs from the first one in that all information about the level of blood pressure is displayed on the display. Thus, a person only needs to inflate the cuff with a pear, the device will do the rest. BP indicators are determined using the oscillometric method. The semi-automatic tonometer operates using a battery or accumulator.
  3. Automatic tonometers. Most modern device to measure blood pressure. Manual air supply is no longer required. All the patient needs to do is place the cuff slightly above the elbow and start the device. The device will independently measure the pressure, and the result will be displayed on the instrument screen.

To date, all three types of tonometers are used. Many pharmacies use automatic blood pressure monitors, with the help of which anyone can find out their blood pressure indicators. They are simple, easy to use, and at the same time, a person does not have a question about how to measure pressure with a tonometer.

However, in medical institutions, a mechanical tonometer is more preferred. It has many advantages: it does not break, does not require batteries and accumulators. And most importantly, it most accurately determines a person's blood pressure.

Preparation for pressure measurement

Very often, when measuring blood pressure, even with such a reliable tonometer as a mechanical one, there are discrepancies between the result obtained and general condition person. This may be due to improper preparation of the patient for this procedure.

Correct pressure measurement mechanical tonometer requires the following recommendations:

  • The patient should be in a state of complete rest (10-15 minutes before the start of pressure measurement);
  • You can not drink coffee and alcohol before the procedure;
  • Refuse cigarettes (for 1-2 hours);
  • Refrain from eating (for 20-30 minutes).

Step-by-step instruction

How to measure blood pressure with a mechanical sphygmomanometer:

  1. Take a seated position (a sofa chair or armchair is suitable for this).
  2. Lean back on the back of the chair, and rest your legs on the floor (it is not recommended to cross them, press them, throw them on top of each other, etc.).
  3. The left hand is released from clothing, placed on a table or on any other flat surface. The main thing is that it should not be a canopy.
  4. Open the cuff, insert your arm into it and fasten it slightly above (2-3 cm) the elbow bend.
  5. Attach the part of the stethoscope in the form of a small metal disc to the inside of the elbow. It is important that a pulsating artery be clearly felt in this place.
  6. If you are carrying out this procedure for the first time and still do not quite understand how to correctly measure the pressure with a mechanical tonometer, then first feel the pulse with your fingers. In the future, you will already know exactly where to apply the metal part of the stethoscope.
  7. Then insert the hearing aid of the stethoscope into your ears.
  8. Make sure the blower wheel on the blower is tightly closed.
  9. Position the rubber bulb of the tonometer in the brush and begin to manually supply air. The hand on the dial will start moving. After it reaches the mark of 200-220 mm. rt. Art., stop squeezing the pear and slowly start spinning the wheel. The air should come out slowly, about 4 mm Hg. Art. per second.
  10. As the air descends, you should hear a pulse. The number on which the arrow will be on the first hit is yours systolic pressure(i.e. top). The pulse will be heard for some time. The value at which the arrow will be on the last beat is your diastolic arterial pressure(i.e. bottom).
  11. Take your blood pressure on the other arm. Consider more reliable high values. In the future, measure the pressure on the arm where it is higher.
  12. Both results must be recorded or memorized.

In general, this process will take you a few minutes. This procedure must be carried out daily, fixing the data obtained. Thus, you can determine the averages of your upper and.

Common Mistakes

The following is a list of the most common errors that can lead to an incorrect result after measuring blood pressure, and as a result, to an erroneous diagnosis:

  1. Incorrect preparation for measuring blood pressure. It is very important not to overload the body with physical activity before the procedure (including fast hiking and light jogging).
  2. Rolling up sleeves. In this case, the wrapped cloth compresses the hand, cutting off the natural blood circulation, which will lead to an incorrect result. The best solution will put on a T-shirt or a short-sleeved sweater in advance. But if you've already come to medical institution with long sleeves, you can just pull your hand out of it.
  3. Wrong size cuff. It is important that the size of the blood pressure monitor cuff matches the circumference of your arm. When measuring blood pressure, it should fit tightly around the arm and not slip off.
  4. Hand position. Your hand should be on a horizontal surface, about the same level as your heart. It is unacceptable for it to hang down or strain. This will give a false result.

We hope that this information will help you deal with the question of how to measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer. It is enough to carry out the procedure several times on your own or apply the theoretical knowledge gained on your close person. You will succeed!

People suffering from fluctuations in blood pressure (BP), especially hypertensive patients, need to control their own blood pressure. This will allow you to monitor the effectiveness of the drugs taken in order to avoid hypertensive crises and other complications of the disease. Since hypertension has become much younger in recent decades, healthy people it is recommended to measure blood pressure already after 40 years for the purpose of prevention. Consider how to correctly measure pressure with a tonometer, which tonometer to choose, how to measure blood pressure correctly, what can and cannot be done before measuring pressure.

Three types of tonometers are used to measure pressure: mechanical (manual), semi-automatic, automatic (electronic). measure pressure automatic blood pressure monitor convenient and easy, but the device must be constantly charged from the mains or buy batteries for it. The electronic tonometer measures in automatic mode: it pumps air into the pear itself and displays the indicators on the screen. But, like any automation, it is too sensitive, requires especially careful handling, and breaks easily.

BP measurement semi-automatic tonometer passes just as easily. Its difference from the automatic one is that the air is pumped into the pear manually, and the readings are analyzed automatically, after which they are displayed on the screen. Semi-automatic is cheaper in cost, not as sensitive, but requires initial skills in measuring pressure.

There are blood pressure monitors that measure pressure in the wrist area: they are easily fixed on the arm. But they, however, are not recommended for people with atherosclerosis.

Most doctors and health workers use manual (mechanical) blood pressure monitors. They are cheaper in cost, they do not need to be constantly charged. Manual measurement allows you to most accurately determine blood pressure if practical skills have been worked out and there is knowledge of how to measure pressure with a manual tonometer. Moreover, if the measurements of mechanical and electronic tonometers differ from each other, then the data obtained precisely through manual measurement are taken as the basis.
The disadvantage of a mechanical device: its use requires special knowledge and good hearing in blood pressure monitors. If you have hearing problems or learning difficulties, it is better to choose automatic or semi-automatic types of devices. It is not difficult to learn how to use a manual tonometer.

Manual tonometer device

The mechanical tonometer consists of:

  • cuffs with metal ring and tube;
  • a pressure gauge with a dial under glass, some models have a cuff pocket at the back of the pressure gauge;
  • an air-injecting pear with a wheel attached to it for releasing air;
  • stethoscope with binaural tube and hearing aid, tube and stethoscope head.

For the most accurate measurement it is necessary not only to know how to correctly measure pressure with this device, but also how to prepare for this process.

How to measure pressure manually step by step:

  1. In a sitting position, place yourself at the table, putting your hand on its surface so that the level of the fixed cuff is at the level of the heart.
  2. Put on and fasten the cuff tightly on the Velcro fastener. The lower edge of the cuff should exceed the level of the elbow by about 2-3 centimeters.
  3. Attach the head of the stethoscope in the form of a metal disk to inside elbow, to the pulsating artery , hold it.
  4. Insert Hearing Aids from a stethoscope.
  5. Before you start pumping air into the pear, you need to make sure that the wheel with which it is lowered is securely twisted.
  6. Inflate the cuff with a pear until the pressure gauge needle crosses the 200 mm Hg mark. Art. In hypertensive patients, the mark can be 220 mm Hg. Art.
  7. After the cuff swells to the desired level, deflate the air by slowly unscrewing the wheel specially designed for this under the pear, by about 4 mm Hg. st./sec.
  8. Since the pumped air in the cuff begins to put pressure on large artery pulse can be easily heard. It is necessary to notice in time at what mark of the manometer scale the first heart beat was heard. To do this, you must simultaneously monitor the dial and listen to the pulse. This is why people with hearing impairments are unlikely to be able to use a hand-held BP monitor. The first beat is the value of the upper, systolic, pressure.
  9. Continue measuring by gradually unscrewing the wheel.

  1. The last heartbeat heard is a reading of the lower, diastolic, blood pressure.
  2. Write the measurements as a fraction. For example, 120/80, where the first value is the indicator of the upper, the second digit is the indicator of the lower blood pressure.
  3. If there is a need for a more accurate measurement, the manipulation is carried out several times, taking a break for five minutes. You can measure blood pressure in both arms. The result is taken as a basis on the arm on which the pressure was higher. With a three-time measurement, the arithmetic mean of all data is calculated.

Common mistakes made when measuring pressure

In order to more accurately take the readings of the tonometer, it is necessary to avoid typical errors that can affect the result:

  • There is no need to worry before measuring blood pressure: pressure is measured in a relaxed state for at least five minutes after any physical activity.
  • An hour before the procedure, it is not recommended to drink coffee, alcohol or stimulating energy drinks.
  • You can not be distracted at this time: talk, move, dangle your legs. Breathe freely, without deep breaths or breath holding.
  • Sleeve roll up. If the sleeve sits tightly on the arm, and the fabric of the clothing is thin, the cuff is fixed directly to the fabric. The raised sleeve must not be allowed to squeeze the arm, this will inevitably affect the result. If a person is going to the clinic, knowing that they will measure his pressure, it is worth wearing loose clothes or one that can be easily removed at the doctor's appointment.

  • Cuff too long. When choosing a tonometer, you need to pay attention to the length and width of the cuff. When fastening, it should be about 2-3 cm above the elbow. fat people when buying, you need to pay attention to the width of the cuff of the device.
  • The cuff is loose. In order for measurements to be accurate, it is necessary to achieve a snug fit of the cuff to the arm. If the patient feels that it is loose, this should be reported.
  • The hand lies above the level of the heart or hangs in front of the table. The hand should be in a relaxed state, located at the level of the heart.
  • Wrong body position. In a sitting position, the back leans on the back of the chair, the legs are parallel. You can not hunch your back, cross your legs or put them crosswise. You need to sit comfortably, closer to the back of the chair, and not on the edge.
  • You can not quickly release air from the pear wheel. If the air descends quickly, the lower pressure will be lower than the real one.
  • Frequent measurements. Measure the pressure the first two times with breaks of five minutes, and starting from the third - seven minutes. It is recommended to take readings in the morning immediately after sleep and in the evening before bedtime. Morning blood pressure results are especially important for hypotensive patients.

Other features of blood pressure measurement

In addition to these errors, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each organism. Some people, such as the elderly and children, have a so-called white coat syndrome, when the pressure changes from one kind of doctor. At the same time, at home, the pressure is one, and when visiting the clinic, it is completely different.

Of particular difficulty is the diagnosis of hypotension: the pressure in the hospital walls seems to be normal, but in fact it is increased in a hypotensive patient.

That is why after 40 years it is so important to keep a watch at home with a diary entry. Especially if there are any signs of ailments characteristic of cardiovascular disease. Taking home blood pressure measurements will help your doctor more accurately determine the extent of your disease, rather than relying solely on hospital measurements for your doctor's examination.

A person who regularly maintains control over his own blood pressure, is more responsible for medical prescriptions, he is organized and disciplined in taking medicines. In addition, such self-control allows you to notice under what circumstances blood pressure rises or falls in a particular person. Perhaps certain circumstances contributed to this: medication,
strong excitement, drinking a cup of coffee, drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco. In this case, you need to exclude harmful factors. Measurements should be carried out at a comfortable room temperature, preferably at the same time of day, before eating.

Approximate indicators of normal pressure

Each age has its own characteristics of blood pressure:

  1. For 16-20 years old, the norm is 100-120 / 70-80 mm Hg. Art.
  2. For 20-40 years old: 120-130/70-80 mmHg Art.
  3. For 40-60 years old: up to 140/up to 90 mm Hg. Art.
  4. Ages 60 and older: 150/90 mmHg Art.

The numbers characterizing blood pressure can change significantly, so monitoring the dynamics of its fluctuations has great value, in the recognition of many diseases. To determine the value of blood pressure, specialized devices are used - tonometers.

They are widely used in medical institutions and living conditions. If you have any questions about how to measure pressure with an electronic tonometer, then below you will select a detailed instruction.

Preliminary preparation for measurement.

There is a small amount of actions that must be performed before the measurement and at the stage of the measurements, in order to eliminate the error of the survey data, you need to follow the following rules:

Measurement of pressure by a semi-automatic electronic tonometer with a cuff on the shoulder.

The process of pressure measurement begins with the choice of the required position in the chair and the installation of the tonometer cuff on the upper arm.

Semi-automatic devices have good measurement accuracy. To determine the pressure with such an apparatus, you need to pump air into the cuff through a system of valves and a rubber bulb. Place the pear in the hand that is not wearing a cuff.

The very first measurement is best done on the right and left hand. If the discrepancy in a series of measurements exceeds 10 millimeters of mercury, then subsequent readings are best done from the hand that showed greater result. In the presence of arrhythmia of heart contractions, this device needs to take 3 measurements, within 10 minutes, and independently calculate the average value of your pressure, which will be closest to the actual values.

Measurement of pressure by an automatic electronic tonometer with a cuff on the shoulder.

Preparation for measuring blood pressure begins with choosing a comfortable posture, positioning in a chair, and installing a tonometer cuff on the shoulder:

Various modifications of such devices are equipped with motion sensors, pointers high blood pressure, intelligent systems that allow you to receive measurement data in the event of an arrhythmia of heart contractions. These and many other functions of the instruments help and facilitate measurements and increase their accuracy.

Measurement of pressure by an automatic electronic tonometer with a cuff on the forearm.

Preparation for pressure measurement begins with choosing a position that is comfortable for you and placing the cuff on your wrist.

When using the machine for the first time, take measurements on the left and right hand. Always carry out further pressure readings on the arm, where they turned out to be higher. A discrepancy of up to 10 millimeters of mercury is the norm. Various Models These devices are equipped with motion sensors, high blood pressure indicators, a control system for taking pressure parameters, which allows obtaining data in case of arrhythmia of heart contractions. These features of the instruments help in making measurements and increase their accuracy.


This article provides the rules for taking measurements for 3 types of electronic tonometers. Some owners claim that the data of these devices differ from the values ​​​​obtained with the help of devices using the principle of sphygmomanometers. This can be answered that when using sphygmomanometers, honed skills and great skill in recognizing Korotkoff noises, on which pressure determination is based, are required. The subjective factor interferes with the accuracy of these definitions. human perception events. The presence of an arrhythmia in a patient does not make it possible to accurately determine the characteristics of blood pressure with such a device.
Electronic blood pressure monitors use special sensors and software, allowing you to accurately set the pressure parameters. Like any precision device, they need strict observance measurement technology. Even small deviations from the measurement rules affect the accuracy of the readings. The presence of heart disease makes it much more difficult to obtain the necessary data. For such cases, electronic tonometers have been created offering, depending on the model, a wide choice additional features. But you should always keep in mind that no matter how modern your device is, it will only be a control tool in the treatment of a disease. And all the measurements carried out have one goal. Help your doctor choose best method and a treatment plan for your condition.

How to measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer is always a timely and relevant question. There are epidemics all the time in the world, but none has taken as many lives as cardiovascular pathologies. According to statistics, it is diseases of this category that are most often the cause of death. Today, every third inhabitant on the planet has problems with an increase in blood pressure.

If you are constantly haunted by headaches, dizziness, nausea, you should Special attention pay attention to your health, in particular, to the work of the heart and blood vessels. And the first thing to do in this area is to learn how to properly control pressure. For this there is special device- tonometer.

In the pharmacy you can see a wide range of such devices: from electronic to mechanical. For a person who first encountered the problem of blood pressure, it will be difficult to choose a good blood pressure monitor. Due to ignorance of all the intricacies of measurement and the complexity (at first glance) of the procedure, people often prefer automatic options. But such devices are not practical. Although they do not require additional human intervention, they often break down and constantly require the purchase of batteries.

The mechanical version is much more convenient in this regard. Although it requires minimal skills, but having acquired it once, you can be sure that at the right time it will not let you down, that is, it will work for sure.

Features of a mechanical tonometer

Such devices differ significantly from their electronic counterparts. They do an excellent job with their task and show very accurate results measurements (the error can be as little as ±3 mmHg). It is for this reason that mechanical tonometers are more often used by physicians than others.

These devices are unpretentious, they are suitable for all people. The air pressure in them is balanced by a hermetic device with a flexible membrane. Depending on how the membrane is bent, the arrow on the pressure gauge moves along the dial.

These devices are safe, they do not contain mercury and, if mechanical damage will not harm a person. Their weight is small, only about 300 grams, high-quality devices are not sensitive to shaking and minor shocks.

The only "weak" part is the membrane. An element made of flexible material is very susceptible to temperature changes. Over time, the sensitivity of this part decreases. If you purchase a mechanical tonometer with a metal membrane, you should be aware that over time, its elasticity decreases, and in case of high humidity, it is susceptible to corrosion.

In addition, mechanical devices "do not like" dust and dirt. In order for them to always accurately show the parameters, calibration and cleaning should be carried out from time to time.

Preparing to measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer

The process itself is not complicated. But still there are certain points that must be followed in order to correctly determine the numbers on the pressure gauge.

  1. An hour before the procedure, you should refrain from drinking any strong drinks and cigarettes.
  2. You can not measure blood pressure to a person who really wants to go to the toilet. Full bladder increase the tonometer readings by ten millimeters.
  3. The temperature in the room should be 22-24 degrees.
  4. It is necessary that the room has a quiet, calm atmosphere.
  5. During the procedure, the legs should stand straight (it is impossible to cross), it is also forbidden to speak and change the position of the body.

Measuring pressure with a mechanical tonometer

The pressure of blood on the lining of the arteries of each person depends on many factors. In particular, millimeters of mercury can increase with age, weather changes, body position, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The latter reason requires special monitoring of blood pressure indicators.

Measurement of pressure with a mechanical tonometer consists of several stages:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to make sure that the person did not drink alcohol, did not take any medications, and did not smoke cigarettes. Since these factors greatly affect blood pressure indicators.

  • He must sit comfortably. During the process, the patient should not talk. The hand must be level chest. This position allows you to achieve the most accurate indicators. The limb is freed from clothing. If it was necessary to roll up the sleeve, he should not pinch it at the top. The arm must be bent at the elbow and placed on a table or armrest. You can't support it with your other hand.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the measurement of blood pressure in a child. Children (and sometimes adults) are afraid of the procedure. This greatly affects the true performance of the tonometer. In such cases, it would be appropriate to ask little man take a few deep breaths or pre-distract with a conversation, explain how everything is happening and that there is nothing to worry about.
  • The cuff of the tonometer is wrapped around the forearm (you must first check that there is no air in it at all) in such a way that its lower edge is two or three centimeters above the elbow bend, and the tubes come out to the elbow bend. It should fit the hand well, but not be too tight. If the cuff is applied too loosely, the tonometer will show underestimated results, if it is too tight, the numbers can be overestimated. The fit is considered optimal when it is difficult to put two fingers under it. Problems may arise when blood pressure is measured very big man because the cuff size may not match the size of his forearm. In such cases, in order to measure blood pressure, you will have to contact a medical institution.

  • You will need to find the brachial artery and place a sound membrane on it, that is, just above the elbow bend. It is important that the head of the phonendoscope does not touch the cuff. It should be just below its edge, otherwise it may create additional noise that can interfere with hearing the blood pulse. It is also not recommended to hold the membrane part thumb. It will reflect its own pulse, which will make it difficult to hear the tones of the person whose blood pressure is being measured. It is best to hold the head of the phonendoscope with your index or middle finger.
  • When the cuff is fixed and the membrane is in place, you need to take a pear in your other hand and close the valve on it. This is done so that during the injection of air it does not come out. The screw is twisted clockwise until it stops.
  • At the next stage, by repeatedly pressing the pear, the air is pumped into the cuff. It is necessary to compress and decompress this element until the arrow on the pressure gauge screen rises twenty divisions above the expected values. If this is done for the first time and there are suspicions that the blood pressure is very high, it will be correct to pump air until the pointer on the screen reaches 180 mmHg. Art.
  • After that, slowly open the pear valve. Air should not come out very quickly. Approximate speed 2 mmHg. Art. in one second.
  • It is necessary to carefully listen to the noise that the membrane transmits. The first knocking sounds must be remembered. These will be systolic pressure numbers. That is, indicators of the moment when blood presses on the walls of the artery during the contraction of the heart.

Many people feel the need for constant monitoring of blood pressure (BP). This is especially true when there is hypertension, hypotension, diabetes. To independently measure pressure indicators, you can use a mechanical tonometer. This is an affordable device that is highly accurate. So, how to measure pressure with a manual tonometer?

To keep your well-being under control, it is not enough just to measure the pressure. It is very important to correctly interpret the obtained values. Then, if the parameters deviate from the norm, it will be possible to react in time and consult a qualified doctor - a neuropathologist, cardiologist or therapist.

Pressure indicators depend on gender and age category. Average normal parameters are 120/80 mm Hg. Art. However, in people over 50 years of age, values ​​of the order of 135/85 mm Hg are considered normal. Art.

Blood pressure parameters are individual. However, significant deviations from the norm indicate the development of pathology. The following factors influence the indicator changes:

The manual tonometer includes a number of elements:

Preparing to measure blood pressure

To accurately measure systolic and diastolic (upper and lower) pressure, you need to have certain skills. Of great importance is also special training. Doctors recommend following these rules:

  1. At least 1 hour before measuring pressure, you should stop smoking, drinking alcohol and products containing caffeine. It is also worth refraining from physical exertion;
  2. You should not measure if you want to go to the toilet. A full bladder can increase readings by about 10 points.
  3. Measure pressure should be in a comfortable environment. This should be done at room temperature.
  4. The measurement should be taken in sitting position. In this case, the patient should at least 5 minutes before the manipulation relax and be in a calm state.
  5. The arm to be cuffed should be positioned so that the elbow is at heart level.
  6. It is important to relax your hand well.
  7. During the procedure, it is forbidden to speak or move.
  8. If you need to perform several measurements between them, you should take a break of 3-5 minutes. Due to this, the pressure in the vessels after squeezing the cuff is normalized.

If there are deviations in the work of the heart and blood vessels, the pressure should be measured regularly with a manual tonometer. At home, it is recommended to adhere to the following schedule:

  1. In the morning. The first measurement is performed 1 hour after waking up. It is important to consider that before this it is forbidden to take hot shower, drink coffee, alcoholic drinks and heavy food.
  2. In the evening. The second time the measurement is performed in the evening. This allows you to compare the received values.
  3. By feeling. Additional measurements should be carried out, focusing on the state of human health. The reason may be symptoms such as dizziness or headache.

Important: In the absence of complaints in a person, pressure measurement should be carried out no more than 1 time in 2 days. With more frequent procedures, there is a risk of high vascular fragility. There is also the possibility of swelling and stagnation of the lymph.

Rules for measuring blood pressure

Many people are interested in how to correctly measure pressure with a mechanical tonometer. The following is an instruction that describes step by step the steps necessary to obtain reliable results:

The procedure for measuring pressure takes just a few minutes. It needs to be done every day. The obtained values ​​should be recorded. This will help determine the average parameters of the upper and lower blood pressure.

Pressure measurement with a tonometer can also be carried out in horizontal position. This is usually required when serious violation well-being - for example, the appearance of severe dizziness.

The arm should be relaxed and placed along the body. It must be raised to the central part of the chest. A pillow that is placed under the elbow and shoulder will help facilitate the process of measuring pressure.

Common Mistakes

To use a manual mechanical tonometer correctly, you should know which typical mistakes people do. The following factors affect the performance of the meter:

Important: Before measuring blood pressure, be sure to exclude emotional stress. The procedure is performed in a relaxed state. After any physical activity, at least 5 minutes should pass.

To measure the pressure with a mechanical tonometer correctly, it is forbidden to take coffee 1 hour before the manipulation, alcoholic drinks or energy. During the procedure, you can not be distracted - talk or move. Breathing should be free. Don't do it deep breaths or hold your breath.

In addition, it is worth considering the characteristics of each organism. An elderly person or a child has a so-called white coat syndrome. In this case, the pressure varies from one type medical worker. In such a situation, at home, the value of blood pressure is one, and at the reception in the clinic - another.

Difficulties are the diagnosis of hypotension. The pressure in the hospital seems normal, while in reality it is elevated in a hypotensive patient. Therefore, after 40 years, it is so important to observe and write down all the values ​​in a diary. This is especially true for symptoms of cardiovascular pathologies.

Measurement of pressure is an important procedure that allows you to assess the state of human health. To determine this indicator yourself, you can use manual blood pressure monitor. Compliance with the algorithm of the procedure allows you to get the most accurate results.

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