Nutrition and diet for varicose veins. Products for varicose veins (varicose veins): blood thinners, useful, prohibited, harmful

Proper nutrition with varicose veins plays a big role and is part of the general therapy in the treatment of the disease. Compliance with a certain diet and control in nutrition will help not only to effectively deal with the signs of varicose veins, but also to improve the general condition of the body.

There are no very big restrictions in such a diet, it is only important to make your diet balanced and healthy. Improper nutrition and non-compliance with certain norms in food can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and significantly slow down the healing process.

The main direction in nutrition for varicose veins is the cleaning and strengthening of blood vessels, as well as blood thinning to prevent the formation of blood clots.

There are a number of vitamins that help reduce the signs of the disease and strengthen the walls of the veins:

  • vitamin C, they are rich in foods such as citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, strawberries, rose hips, gooseberries, currants, bell peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, parsley, dill;
  • rutin, it is found in foods such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit, rose hips, blackcurrants, tea, nuts;
  • vitamin E contributes to the elasticity of the veins, they are rich in green onions, beans, onions, vegetable oils, lettuce, lentils, peas, egg yolk, wheat, liver, vegetable oil;
  • fiber for cleansing the body, it is found in fruits and vegetables, bran;
  • bioflavonoids - they prevent the formation of blood clots, are found in cherries and cherries;
  • products that are involved in the synthesis of elastin are lobsters, squids, oysters, shrimps, mussels.

What can and should be eaten with varicose veins?

Nutrition for varicose veins must necessarily include cereals - this is a source of nutrients and vitamins. Rye porridge is especially useful; medical experts recommend using it after vein surgery up to 5 times a week.

What foods for varicose veins will only benefit the body and help stop the course of the disease? Doctors know the answer to this question, and any patient will be able to find out what should be in the daily diet. But very few people suffering from varicose veins want to stick to the rules, even though they know that junk food can have a negative impact on the development of the disease.

Here are some dishes and foods that are useful for varicose veins that you need to eat:

  • Green tea and blackcurrant leaf tea help thin the blood and are antioxidants.
  • Okroshka and green cabbage soup cooked without concentrated meat broth.
  • Jelly, fruit drink, kissel.
  • Seafood is rich in copper, which is involved in the creation of protein and makes blood vessels more elastic and strong.
  • Sea kale contains flavonoids, which are food antioxidants, have an anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect on small vessels - capillaries.
  • Fresh vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil will help make the walls of the veins more elastic.
  • Beef liver also has a positive effect on the course of varicose veins.
Certain foods for varicose veins are useful because they significantly reduce the possible risk of blood clots. These foods include garlic, onions, olive oil, cherries, red currants, and lemons. These products thin the blood, which is a very important measure for the prevention of thrombophlebitis.

With varicose veins, constipation should be avoided, since with this pathology the load on the veins increases and general intoxication of the body develops. Products for varicose veins that will help avoid constipation: beets, plums, figs, dried apricots, carrots, prunes, apples, bran bread, yogurt, kefir (one-day), black bread.

What drinks are good for varicose veins?

Do not forget about the most important thing - clean drinking water. It should be consumed at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

To improve the course of the disease with varicose veins, it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen. Drinking plenty of fluids is very beneficial, as it thins the blood and reduces the risk of blood clots. In addition, water and healthy drinks optimize the water-salt balance in the body.

Green tea, fruit drinks (especially cranberry and lingonberry), compotes, fruit and vegetable juices (from sea buckthorn, black currant and chokeberry) are useful for varicose veins.

In season, watermelon and melons can be consumed in large quantities.

What should not be eaten with varicose veins?

Patients with varicose veins should give up alcoholic beverages and beer, as these products retain water in the body and create an increased burden on the kidneys!

Although nutrition for varicose veins of the legs should be varied, some foods and dishes should be discarded or reduced to a minimum.

Do not get carried away with fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods. Such dishes make the blood more viscous and increase the risk of developing thrombophlebitis.

Salt foods moderately. Excess salt negatively affects the properties of the blood and leads to edema. Various saturated meat broths, marinades, jelly increase blood viscosity.

Drinking coffee and black tea is allowed up to 2 cups a day, and if possible, it is better to replace them with green tea or tea from fruits and herbs.

Do not abuse confectionery and sweets. This is especially true for overweight patients, since extra pounds create an increased load on the blood vessels and contribute to the rapid development of the disease.

Drinks for varicose veins

The diet for varicose veins begins with the correct drinking regimen. There is a recommendation that before making changes in the diet, you should complete an 8-day course of the juice diet. Juice should be drunk from fresh vegetables and fruits.

Juice from chokeberry, sea buckthorn, black currant helps very effectively. Be sure to drink cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks. You can also use green tea. Compotes are ideal for proper drinking regimen. From folk methods of treating veins, nettle tincture is suitable. It gives a rejuvenating effect.

How effective is the treatment of varicose veins by fasting?

Often this method is used as a radical method of losing weight. Sometimes unloading the body is very useful, but at the same time, a person should consult a nutritionist. Not all patients who have varicose veins can resort to fasting. To do this, you need to have a healthy digestive system.

Do not choose the fasting method as the only way to treat. It can give results if complex treatment of varicose veins is used.

Proper nutrition with varicose veins really gives a positive trend. But do not forget that high-quality drug therapy under the supervision of a specialist must take place.

Varicose veins in the legs are a global problem, especially for the fair sex. To combat this pathology, a lot of medications are directed in the form of tablets, creams and ointments, as well as special compression stockings and elastic bandages.

However, scientists managed to prove that proper nutrition for varicose veins in the legs can significantly improve well-being and minimize. To do this, it is enough to give up harmful products and fill your diet with a well-designed diet menu.

Varicose veins are called because of poor blood circulation and stagnant processes. The veins become swollen, pronounced on the surface of the skin, acquire a bluish tint.

Gradually, nodules appear, the valve flaps are destroyed or completely closed, which disrupts natural blood flow. Often varicose veins are accompanied by an unattractive vascular network and bulging veins.

According to statistics, every fourth inhabitant of the planet suffers from this pathology. The main causes of varicose veins are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • regular stress, nervous disorders;
  • circulatory disorders due to pathological formation (thrombus, tumor).

Very often, varicose veins are an "occupational" disease. those who, by the nature of their profession, are forced to be on their feet for a long time (for example, sellers, stewardesses, waiters) or, on the contrary, employees who spend working time in a sitting position (primarily for office workers).

List of allowed products for varicose veins

Useful foods for varicose veins are very diverse, so a diet based solely on permitted foods will not cause discomfort.

Proper nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of varicose veins.

So, the list of allowed products for varicose veins on the legs is as follows:

  • seafood;
  • lean meat;
  • any foods rich in fiber;
  • vegetables, fruits, dried fruits (it is recommended to pay special attention to cherries, raspberries, kiwi, currants and citrus fruits);
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • wheat;
  • onions and garlic (help improve blood clotting, prevent the formation of blood clots);
  • seasonings (ginger, thyme, curry and turmeric, in addition to amazing taste data, actively contribute to improving blood flow and the general condition of the blood).

Separately, it is worth noting the level of fluid intake. With varicose veins, it is recommended to drink plenty of water. Plain water can be replaced with green or herbal tea, freshly squeezed juices, rose hips.

Salads can and should be seasoned with olive oil, it has a beneficial effect on blood composition.

What not to eat with varicose veins

It's time to find out what is impossible with varicose veins. It is necessary to pay close attention to this list and completely exclude these products, even if there are especially favorite ones among them.

Prohibited products include:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • any smoked products;
  • spicy and salty;
  • marinades;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • confectionery;
  • muffin;
  • canned foods.

Important information for coffee lovers! Coffee and varicose veins are absolutely incompatible!

It is also harmful for varicose veins to cook rich meat broths and drink black tea.

Is it possible to drink alcohol with varicose veins?

One of the most important questions for many is whether it is possible to drink alcoholic beverages with varicose veins? Fans of strong drinks are convinced that alcohol will only benefit, because it helps to expand blood vessels and improve blood flow.

However, it should be noted that the expansion of blood vessels when alcohol enters the blood is only the first stage. After some time, the second stage occurs - vasoconstriction!

With varicose veins, damaged, thickened, dilated and tortuous veins after alcohol ingestion will begin to expand even more. Varicose nodes and the vascular wall will also be negatively affected.

Ultimately, even a small dose of alcohol can lead to rupture of blood vessels and internal bleeding. If not carried out in time, a fatal outcome is possible.

However, doctors managed to determine a dose of strong alcohol that is safe for health. For women, it is 15 grams, for men, 30 grams is acceptable. Is it worth risking your health and checking whether such a miniature dosage of alcohol is actually safe?

As for beer and varicose veins on the legs. Despite the fact that the degree of alcohol in beer is lower than in vodka or cognac, you should not abuse it. Carried away by an intoxicating drink, you can significantly exceed all permissible limits and harm your health.

In the presence of a disease such as varicose veins, it is strongly recommended to completely exclude any alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks for the period of treatment!

Diet rules for varicose veins

It is worth considering that it is necessary not only to consume healthy products, but also to do it correctly. Strict adherence to simple rules help you get the most out of your diet.

  1. Breakfast was rich and nutritious!
  2. It is necessary to consume food in small portions, but often! It is worth forgetting about three meals a day. From now on, you should eat 5-6 times a day.
  3. Do not drink water while eating! This provokes liquefaction of gastric juice. You can quench your thirst 30-40 minutes before a meal and an hour after a meal.
  4. Do not eat late at night, before bed! Refusing to eat is recommended no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Diet menu options for varicose veins

Following a diet for varicose veins of the lower extremities will normalize blood flow, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins that impede the functioning of the circulatory system, and also reduce the load on damaged veins.

The table shows multiple dietary options with varicose veins.

Diet N°1Start the morning with porridge and vegetable salad.

As a light snack - green tea and a handful of raisins.

For lunch - a light soup with chicken fillet and vegetable stew.

In the evening you can have a snack with seafood salad.

For dinner - fruit salad and low-fat yogurt.

Diet N°2For breakfast - herbal tea, a slice of black bread with a slice of hard cheese and tomato slices.

During the day, satisfy a slight hunger with natural low-fat yogurt with the addition of fruits.

Lunch - mashed potatoes and steamed fish.

In the evening, you can eat a serving of vegetable salad.

Before going to bed, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Diet N°3Start the day with cottage cheese with the addition of dried fruits and raisins.

Enjoy fruit during the day.

For lunch - wheat porridge and steamed meatballs.

With a feeling of slight hunger, drink a glass of tomato juice, you can eat a couple of bread rolls.

For dinner - chicken breast (boiled or steamed), vegetable stew.

The presented menu options can be alternated. For maximum therapeutic effect before starting a diet it is recommended to consult with a phlebologist! Also, consultation with a doctor is necessary to prevent the adverse effects of the diet.

Since any diet is in some way stressful for the body, a radical change in diet can lead to a deterioration in overall well-being. In addition, according to individual health characteristics, there may be contraindications.


Food for varicose veins does not require high professionalism in cooking or significant financial costs. However, following a simple and tasty diet menu will help not only reduce, restoring normal blood flow, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

You can quickly get rid of varicose veins with the help of:

  • laser surgery;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • vein removal.

However, there is also a simpler and completely painless method for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins - following a special diet developed by phlebologists.

Basic principles of diet for varicose veins

To get rid of ugly painful veins on the legs will help a qualitative change in the mode and style of nutrition.

The diet for varicose veins is based on the following principles:

Products that form the basis of the diet for varicose veins

As already mentioned, with varicose veins in the diet, preference should be given to foods rich in bioflavonoids, antioxidants and fiber. Therefore, the diet menu may include mainly the following products:

Important!All permitted foods can be boiled, steamed, stewed, baked with herbs and spices. Salt intake should be limited, and if possible, completely removed from the diet for at least a month. You also need to completely abandon fried foods, as it increases the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Foods to avoid with varicose veins

Prohibited products include:

  • semi-finished products, fast food;
  • smoked products and canned food;
  • sausages;
  • meat broths and jellies;
  • fat-rich food;
  • sugar and sweeteners;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • sweet pastries;
  • alcohol, coffee and black tea.

By abandoning these products, you will get rid of hemorrhoids and venous stasis, you can lose a few extra pounds and forget about such a problem as. This diet can be followed for as long as necessary.

When following a special diet, it is important to consider both the lists of recommended and prohibited foods, and how to use them.

The main rules of the diet, which should be strictly adhered to, include:

  1. Fractional nutrition. That is, you need to eat often (5-6 times a day), but in small portions. The purpose of this rule is to evenly distribute the load on the digestive and circulatory systems.
  2. Breakfast- this is a mandatory meal, and it should be complete: the body should receive half of the daily intake of proteins and carbohydrates in the morning. If there is no appetite, then you should try to wake up half an hour earlier.
  3. late dinner. The last meal should be no later than 18-19 hours.
  4. It is not recommended to drink while eating, because water dilutes gastric juice and worsens digestion. It is better to drink half a glass of water 15-20 minutes before the start of the meal. This technique contributes to a faster arrival of a feeling of satiety when eating less food.
  5. It is not recommended to read or watch videos while eating. because without concentration on food, a person often overeats. It is worth knowing that the acetylcholine receptors responsible for the feeling of hunger are saturated only after about half an hour, so it is useful to stop eating with a slight feeling of hunger.

Some tips for eating permitted foods:

  • must be on the menu every day porridge, since they are perfectly absorbed by the body, are a source of complex carbohydrates and contribute to the establishment of the digestive process;
  • try to eat one plate at every meal salad of fresh vegetables and herbs. Do not forget that beta-carotene and retinol are fat-soluble vitamins, so salads from products that supply these trace elements should definitely be seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • in the hot season, indispensable helpers in the diet are cold soups(okroshka, green cabbage soup, beetroot, etc.). Such food will not only quench your thirst, but will also be quite nutritious for the body.
  • from beef liver, which is very useful for the body, you can cook an excellent pate. To do this, this offal is boiled with vegetables, twisted in a meat grinder and seasoned with vegetable oil and spices.
  • to diversify the drinking regimen allows a huge range of herbal teas, which have not only different healing properties, but also different taste and aroma. It is worth paying attention to teas from such useful plants as:, etc. Also, wonderful fragrant tea is obtained by brewing twigs and leaves of raspberries and currants.

Removal of toxins and diet for varicose veins

It probably does not make sense to talk again about how harmful the slag masses are to the body, which eventually accumulate in various places of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the blood vessels. However, it is worth noting that the above diet perfectly contributes to the removal of these same toxins. And in order to make the process of cleaning the body more efficient and fast, it is worth periodically arranging the so-called " fasting days».

The main task during the “cleansing” of the body is to limit food intake as much as possible and focus on drinking. The recommended volume of fluid consumed during fasting days is two liters or more.

It is very important, at the end of the “cleansing” process, not to break loose and not eat more food than necessary, otherwise all the efforts made earlier will not make sense and will not bring the proper result.

Menu options for a diet for varicose veins

Option number 1

  • Breakfast- oatmeal with a handful of nuts and raisins, green tea, a couple of crackers.
  • First snack- two green apples.
  • Dinner- fish soup, whole grain bread, buckwheat porridge, baked beetroot salad.
  • Second snack- cottage cheese with blueberries.
  • Dinner- boiled potatoes in their skins, tomato and bell pepper salad, ginger tea.

Option number 2

  • Breakfast- corn porridge with prunes and dried apricots, yogurt.
  • First snack- salad of avocado and chicken fillet.
  • Dinner- vegetable stew, ginger tea, bread with currant jam.
  • Second snack- fruit salad.
  • Dinner- grilled fish with vegetables.

Option number 3

  • Breakfast- omelet with vegetables, green tea, croutons with honey.
  • First snack- yogurt and banana
  • Dinner- Vegetarian cabbage soup, whole grain bread, mint tea.
  • Second snack- salad with tomato and cheese.
  • Dinner- peppers stuffed with natural rice, carrots, onions, herbs and garlic, a glass of kefir.

Option number 4

  • Breakfast- buckwheat porridge, cabbage and cucumber salad, ginger tea.
  • First snack- orange and banana.
  • Dinner- boiled asparagus, whole grain bread with beef liver pate, green tea, blueberry jam.
  • Second snack- seafood salad.
  • Dinner- a casserole of vegetables with cheese.

Option number 5

  • Breakfast- barley porridge with raisins, fruit tea, crackers with jam.
  • First snack- cottage cheese with dried fruits and nuts.
  • Dinner- vegetable soup with the addition of rice cereal, homemade lemonade.
  • Second snack- Greek salad".
  • Dinner- steamed vegetables, baked fish, berry smoothie.

Fasting and color diet

There are times when nutritionists recommend for varicose veins therapeutic fasting. However, it should be noted right away that this method is not suitable for everyone and has many contraindications. And even those people who, for health reasons, can afford fasting, must go through a serious preparatory stage.


> This rather radical method for varicose veins does not have any positive effect if used alone, as the only treatment. Worthwhile results can be achieved with a combination of fasting with adequate drug treatment. Only this approach allows you to speed up the healing process with varicose veins.

Another interesting trend in nutrition, which is often recommended by experts to people with varicose veins, is color diet.

The basis of this system is the daily change in the diet of plant products according to their color. Nutritionists justify this approach by the fact that the colors of vegetables and fruits indicate the presence in them of certain beneficial trace elements and substances that have a beneficial effect on the state of the blood and blood vessels. In addition, the digestive system is much easier to cope with the digestion of foods of the same color, supplying the same substances to the body.

According to the principles of the color diet, every day, foods of any one color from the five main ones below are included in the diet:

  • Blue colour

Every fourth woman and every tenth man experience swelling, burning sensation and dilation of the calf veins. All these are symptoms of developing venous insufficiency, a serious disease, dangerous for its complications. What should be the diet and nutrition for varicose veins in order to avoid serious consequences?

A little about the disease

Veins, vessels that carry blood to the heart muscle, are equipped with special valves that allow fluid to be transported in all directions, including vertically upwards. After the ejection of blood, they, like a small gate, firmly close their doors, preventing the blood flow from rushing down again. But, being in a state of spasm, the valves become insolvent, and part of the blood freely penetrates back, expanding the veins and creating heaviness in the lower extremities.

The onset of the disease is indicated as the first to suffer are small vessels under the skin, noticeable tubercles appear and, finally, pain and swelling that cause suffering to a person. A diet for varicose veins of the lower extremities is not able to completely eliminate the problem, but in combination with wearing compression underwear, daily exercises for the feet and foot baths, it can significantly improve the condition, removing the risk of complications. The most serious of these are phlebitis (inflammation of the veins), the formation of ulcers on the skin and the occurrence of blood clots - blood clots, a deadly disease.

The main causes of the disease

Genetic predisposition is one of the main reasons Women are more susceptible to it. This is facilitated by improperly selected hormonal contraception and pregnancy. With it, pressure is created on the pelvic organs, in which varicose veins can also develop. A sedentary lifestyle, being in a static upright position for a long time, being overweight creates increased pressure on the veins of the legs, provoking the disease.

At risk are elderly people suffering from constipation, workers who lift heavy loads, as well as people with chronic diseases associated with frequent sneezing and prolonged coughing. A person with a predisposition has already been shown a diet for varicose veins in order to minimize the risk of developing the disease.

What should be eliminated from the diet

Based on the known causes of the disease, products should be excluded from consumption:

The list of undesirable dishes includes fatty meats and fish and strong rich broths from them, smoked meats and canned food, spicy, sweet and salty foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee and whole milk. The diet for varicose veins requires the rejection of the use of products made from premium flour, jelly, stew and marinades. Food from a series of semi-finished products, fast food and other fast food, products with dyes, GMOs and everything containing the “E” coding must be categorically excluded from the menu.

calorie restriction

Overweight people need to control calorie consumption, remembering that even a 10% decrease in body weight can lead to a significant improvement in the condition. To spend more calories than you take in with food, you need to:

Reducing the calorie content of food by 900 kcal per day can lead to a weight loss of 500 g per week. It is impossible to starve and leave the body without the necessary vitamins and minerals. This will lead to a decrease in hormone levels, a slowdown in metabolism and the destruction of muscle tissue. A diet for varicose veins on the legs requires five meals a day, which allows you to exclude snacks using flour products and sugary drinks, drinking water (up to 2 liters) a day between meals and a variety of menus rich in multivitamins and fiber.

Importance of Vitamin C

Vitamin C provides the synthesis of elastin and collagen, necessary for the good condition of the veins, and also improves blood circulation. Its effect is enhanced when interacting with vitamin E. Deficiency of foods saturated with these vitamins leads to an exacerbation of the disease of the lower extremities. A diet for varicose veins should include fruits such as avocados, which, in addition to the necessary elixir of life, contain glutathione, a substance that protects the cardiovascular system.

A large amount of vitamin C is found in bell pepper, Brussels sprouts, dill, celery. Vegetables are best consumed with vegetable oil. The leader in the content of vitamin C is rose hips, a decoction of which can be drunk before breakfast, which will contribute to a good metabolism. Oranges and lemons, strawberries and raspberries are desirable on the dinner table of every person at risk for the disease.

fiber intake

The peculiarity of fiber is the lack of nutritional value with great importance for the digestive system. Conventionally, it can be divided into two types: soluble and insoluble. The difference is that the first, when combined with water, turns into a gel-like mass, and the second is not subject to any changes when passing through the digestive tract. Soluble fiber is indispensable in the fight against constipation, as it changes the consistency of feces. Diet for varicose veins should include

The best representatives of soluble fiber are beans, apples, pears, flax seeds, oats and carrots. The role of insoluble fiber (greens, nuts, seeds and grain husks) should not be underestimated. It, like a sponge, absorbs and retains toxins, removing them from the body, helping to cleanse the intestines.

The need for bioflavonoids

Substances produced by plants that promote the absorption of vitamin C are often referred to as vitamin C2. These are bioflavonoids, of which rutin, quercetin, hesperidin and catechin are well studied. They are able to strengthen the walls of capillaries, prevent bleeding, improve blood circulation in the heart muscle, perfectly relax both blood vessels and digestive ducts. Unique substances leave the body with urine and sweat without oversaturating it. Eating foods rich in flavonoids is included in the complex treatment of varicose veins.

The diet includes citrus fruits, buckwheat, apple skins, which contain the necessary rutin and hesperidin. Onions, green tea, dark grapes, red wine and St. John's wort contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize intestinal toxins. Green tea, along with apples, grapes and berries, also includes catechin, which strengthens the walls of capillary vessels.

Important foods for the prevention of varicose veins

Of the berries, one of the best products is blueberries. Being a source of vitamins C and E, it additionally includes collagen and anthocyanidin, which contributes to the restoration of proteins that form the walls of blood vessels. In addition, blueberries are a supplier of soluble and insoluble fiber, which makes them indispensable on the menu. As a seasoning for various dishes, a diet for varicose veins should include rosemary, which improves blood circulation. It contains ursolic acid, which can strengthen capillaries.

With damage to the veins, the body cannot cope with the dissolution of fibrin. This makes them painful and tight. There is a plant that can help blood vessels by improving their circulation - this is ginger. It is called a superfood for its healing properties. According to its environmental friendliness, asparagus stands out, protecting blood vessels from ruptures. It is undeservedly not among the most consumed products, which is unfair. More popular beetroot reduces the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which can damage the walls of blood vessels.

Diet for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis

In the case of a severe form of the disease and the occurrence of a complication in the form of thrombophlebitis, nutrition must be treated with particular care, observing its regimen and excluding unwanted foods. An example menu might look like this:

Day IDay IIDay III
BreakfastOatmeal on the water with raisins, figs or prunes.Low-fat cottage cheese with honey, berries or fruits.Rice pudding with prunes or dried apricots.
LunchSmoothie: kiwi and orange with honey.Fruit mousse.Baked pear.
DinnerVegetable salad, white meat chicken soup, Borodino bread.Meat okroshka on whey or kefir using low-fat veal, baked eggplant, grain bread.Onion soup, vegetable casserole, rye crackers.
afternoon teaSalad of carrots and apples with yogurt.Green tea with dried apricots or nuts.Vegetable juice (beets, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin).
DinnerSeaweed salad, a portion of river fish, wheat bread baked yesterday.Beet salad, liver goulash, buckwheat porridge,Chicken meatballs or stuffed peppers with chicken meat, mashed potatoes, Borodino bread.

The diet of the legs should include plenty of drinking in between meals: water with lemon, honey, rose hips, mineral, regular filtered and always at room temperature.

What we eat has a direct impact on the state of the body.

Special nutrition prescribed by doctors is actively used in the treatment of a number of diseases and pathological conditions.

With varicose veins, a diet developed by phlebologists is also used, the purpose of which is to normalize blood flow, improve the walls of blood vessels and reduce vascular networks.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

The diet can be used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Essential trace elements

People prone to varicose veins should consume foods containing antioxidants and flavonoids. These components are necessary to prevent damage to the walls of blood vessels and strengthen them.

Berries are especially useful for varicose veins, as they contain a high content of rutin. Flavonoids are also found in citrus fruits and apples.

They fight stagnation by normalizing the water-salt balance and adjusting loads. It is necessary to monitor the viscosity of the blood, preventing its increase, as this is especially dangerous for people with varicose veins.

This can be controlled by drinking enough fluids (at least 2 liters per day), as well as eliminating factors that contribute to dehydration.

Blood flow can be impaired by the fibrin protein. Certain foods can lower protein levels: ginger tea, onion, garlic.

The outflow of blood can be disturbed due to constant constipation. Due to improper functioning of the intestines, blood flow in the legs slows down, and the accumulated toxins worsen the quality of the blood.

In order for the gastrointestinal tract to function normally, it is necessary to regularly consume foods rich in fiber.

Some spices (mild) may also be used. Nutmeg is especially useful. It can be added when cooking or make a special healing drink.

Powdered nuts are poured into a glass of hot water, a little honey is added and infused for 15 minutes. Take the resulting remedy twice a day: in the morning 40 minutes before breakfast and in the evening, after 40 minutes after dinner.

Eating fatty foods should be minimized or completely eliminated. Foods with a high fat content increase the density of the blood, and also increase the risk of atherosclerosis, which is accompanied by a narrowing of the lumen of the vessels.

Healthy foods for varicose veins in the legs

To restore the elasticity of blood vessels, to prevent damage, it is necessary to use products containing rutin. This substance can be found in wild rose, chokeberry, green tea, lemons.

You also need beta-carotene (carrots, tomatoes, apricots, pumpkin) and vitamin E (nuts, sprouted grains, beef liver and cod liver, seeds). Together with broccoli, egg yolk, brewer's yeast, the necessary pantothenic acid enters the body.

Copper involved in the synthesis of elastin can be obtained from seafood (fish, crabs, squid), as well as from the yolk, bran, sprouted grains of wheat. The use of jacket potatoes, carrots, soy products, cabbage, freshly squeezed juices from carrots, spinach, and tomatoes will bring benefits.

It is recommended to do unloading several days a week, giving preference to fruits or dairy products. These days, and better at all, it is necessary to abandon animal fats. For cooking, it is better to use olive, vegetable, linseed oils.

Be sure to eat raspberries, as they contain a substance similar in their action to aspirin, which helps reduce blood viscosity and prevents the development of blood clots.

The list of blood-thinning foods also includes: tomatoes, beets, sauerkraut, oranges, lemons, blackberries, cranberries, honey.

The main part of the diet for varicose veins on the legs is precisely fruits and vegetables - at least 70-75%.

Such attention is paid to them not only because of the saturation with vitamins and microelements, but also because of the high fiber content, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

From drinks it is better to give preference to the following:

  • green tea;
  • juices from fresh vegetables, berries, fruits;
  • cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks;
  • compotes.

Menu for the week

You can take the proposed menu as a basis.








What to eat is prohibited

With varicose veins, the following food groups should be excluded:

  • Spicy, smoked, fried. Ideally, these products should be eliminated completely. If this does not work, then at least try to use them in minimal quantities.
  • Salt. Its use should also be minimized, as it causes fluid retention in the body, resulting in edema.
  • Canned food, jelly.
  • Marinades and strong meat broths are also prohibited, as they increase the density of the blood.
  • Black tea and coffee (if it is impossible to refuse - no more than 2 cups a day).
  • Sweet pastries, confectionery.
  • Alcohol (including soft drinks, beer).

Top 10 products that are most effective

Nutrition for varicose veins on the legs must necessarily include the use of the following products:

brown rice
  • Consuming the fiber found in brown rice in large quantities helps to reduce excessive pressure, which helps to reduce the pain that occurs with varicose veins.
  • The benefits of fiber and that it prevents the development of chronic constipation - one of the factors that affect the development of pathology.
  • Buckwheat is rich in rutin, 100 g contains about 0.48 mg of this substance.
  • It makes the walls of blood vessels stronger, improves blood circulation.
  • Grapes contain tannin, which helps to reduce swelling and inflammation, strengthen capillaries.
  • It also contains tannins that prevent the accumulation of blood in the veins.
Leaf salad One of the best sources of copper, which is essential for strengthening blood vessels and eliminating inflammation inside the veins.
  • Apples are a simple way to prevent the development of varicose veins, because they contain the flavonoid quercetin.
  • This substance has anti-inflammatory properties and also improves blood circulation.
horse chestnut
  • Chestnut is perfect for dietary nutrition for varicose veins.
  • It contains the substance aescin, which helps fight varicose veins due to its vasoconstrictive action.
  • Also, horse chestnut stimulates the production of nitric oxide, removes inflammation, and therefore successfully copes with the occurrence of edema.
  • Oranges can be included in the daily diet.
  • Thanks to flavonoids and a high content of vitamin C, regular consumption of oranges strengthens blood vessels.
  • Blueberries are one of the healthiest berries. With varicose veins, it is used to normalize blood circulation and relax blood vessels.
  • It contains a large amount of anthocyanin, which protects blood vessels from destruction under the influence of free radicals.
  • This nut is one of the best sources of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant.
  • 100 grams of almonds contain 26.2 mg of vitamin E.
  • Due to such a high content of this element, almonds help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, relieving pain in varicose veins.
  • Experts recommend eating a small portion of nuts daily, both for the purpose of prevention and for the treatment of an existing pathology.
A pineapple
  • Everyone who wants to lose weight knows about the content of bromelain in pineapple, which promotes the breakdown of fat.
  • But not only this is its beneficial effect on the body.
  • Bromelain normalizes blood circulation, and also reduces pain and swelling.

How to lose weight?

People with varicose veins are often overweight. Therefore, those who are at risk for vascular disease need to control body weight:

  • You should abandon bakery products, limiting yourself to eating 3 slices of bread. It is necessary to introduce a restriction, but you cannot refuse bread altogether, since it is a source of alkaline substances that neutralize excess acids that occur during digestion.
  • Those who want to lose weight and improve the condition of blood vessels with varicose veins should also refuse to add salt to food.
  • A diet for varicose veins of the lower extremities should contain cereals from different cereals. It is recommended to add honey as an additive. Honey can be eaten separately, a few tablespoons every day.
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets, but since most people find it difficult to give up confectionery, it is better to replace them with nuts or jam.
  • A diet that includes seafood has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels. Beef liver is also useful. Of the first courses, green cabbage soup and okroshka are recommended. Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible.
  • Be sure to control the amount of food consumed. Drink a glass of water 15 minutes before a meal, then the likelihood of overeating will decrease.
  • It is recommended to drink green tea, you can also brew fresh currant leaves.
You should take nutrition very seriously with varicose veins, as getting rid of excess weight will significantly improve your well-being, reducing the load on the vessels.
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