Glycine side reactions. Glycine: side effects and indications for use. Prohibitions on treatment

Glycine is used to increase brain activity. AT recent times there are many drugs in pharmacies that contain it. For the most part, they are affordable. But the question arises, are glycine preparations really as useful as the manufacturers claim?

Operating principle

Glycine is always present in your body, even if you have never taken glycine, do not know what it is for, and do not even know what it is. Another name for the substance is aminoacetic acid. It belongs to the class of amino acids and is produced by the human body, being one of the 20 essential amino acids, necessary for normal development and functioning. This amino acid has many important functions in the body, primarily in the nervous system.

The parasympathetic nervous system, which operates at rest, is responsible for many body functions. However, the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is activated during stress, is also important. Modern people more and more prone to stress - this is due to the rhythm of life - many of us rush, run, worry for a variety of reasons. Such a life leads to stress, reduced concentration and mental performance, bad memory, worsening sleep.

These problems are designed to solve glycine. It has the properties of a neurotransmitter and is part of the proteins responsible for the processes of inhibition in the nervous system. Also, this amino acid has alpha-adrenergic blocking, antioxidant and antitoxic effects. Glycine is also found in many foods, such as nuts and eggs.

What can glycine protect against:

  • Psycho-emotional stress
  • Aggressiveness
  • Conflict
  • Insufficient social adaptation
  • Bad mood
  • Vegetovascular disorders
  • Craving for sweets

In addition, the drug can be used as one of the means for complex therapy diseases such as:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Poisoning by alcohol and other substances that depress the central nervous system

It should be borne in mind that scientific evidence serious effect of glycine when used as a means of improving mental performance in healthy people, does not exist. And this is understandable, because since glycine is synthesized in the body, healthy nerve cells the extra amino acid is not really needed. Another thing is the damage to the tissues of the nervous system, when there is not enough substance in the body. The benefits of amino acids in various brain injuries are undeniable. In particular, glycine is important for children, especially infants, who have postpartum injuries that negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system. There are also studies proving improved sleep as a result of taking glycine preparations. However, in any case, taking the drug in moderate doses will not harm the body, because this substance is used even as food additive(as a sweetener).


Glycine is available in the form of tablets. The recommended method of application is resorption under the tongue. Glycine has a sweetish taste (hence its name - "glycis" in Greek means "sweet"), and therefore children take it with pleasure. You do not need to take the tablet with water. The effectiveness of glycine does not depend on food intake. Shelf life when stored at a temperature not exceeding +25 ºС is 3 years.


The composition of the drug, in addition to the amino acid itself, includes excipients: 1 mg of methylcellulose, 1 mg of magnesium stearate. Weight active substance- 100 mg.

Glycine preparations are also produced, which include B vitamins - B1, B6 and B12, as well as tablets with a different dosage.


Glycine also has analogues, but it is still the same drug with other names - Glycine Forte Evalar (300 and 600 mg tablets), Glycine-Canon (1000 mg tablets), Glycine-Bio, Glycine Active, Glycine-Vis (capsules 300 mg). Glycine Forte Evalar and Glycine-Vis also contain B vitamins, which are designed to enhance beneficial effect amino acids on nervous activity. In addition, these products, like Glycine Active, are not medicines, but dietary supplements.

Indirect analogues of glycine can also include other nootropic drugs such as tryptophan, phenotropil, piracetam, glutamic acid, Mexidol, etc. However, their mechanism of action is somewhat different and in most cases they cannot replace glycine.

Indications for use

A doctor may prescribe glycine in the following cases:

  • Deviant child behavior
  • Low mental performance
  • Neuroses and neurosis-like states
  • Vegetovascular dystonia
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Perinatal damage to the nervous system
  • Ischemic stroke

Contraindications and side effects

Glycine has almost no contraindications. He may be appointed infants, adults and the elderly. The drug is allowed during pregnancy and lactation. The most serious contraindication is individual intolerance to the substances that make up the tablet.

There are also few side effects of glycine. Rare side effects are lethargy, weakness, drowsiness, low blood pressure. Therefore, the drug should be used with caution in people with arterial hypotension. The effect of the drug on the concentration of attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions was not found.

Since glycine is a natural substance for the body, it does not accumulate in the tissues, but is quickly broken down and excreted from the body. Of the interactions with other drugs, it should be noted the weakening of the action of neuroleptics, antidepressants, hypnotics and anticonvulsants. In pharmacies, the drug is dispensed without a prescription.

Instructions for use for adults

When prescribing glycine tablets, the doctor gives instructions for use suitable for each specific case. The recommended dose depends on the disease.

In the treatment of brain lesions with glycine preparations, the dosage is the same. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, but can be extended up to 1 month.

In ischemic stroke - 10 tablets under the tongue within 3-6 hours after the stroke, then 10 tablets per day for 5 days, then 3 tablets per day for a month.

With drug, alcohol addiction, toxic encephalopathy - 2-3 tablets per day for a month.

Instructions for use for children

With a decrease in performance, deviant behavior children should usually take 2-3 tablets of 100 mg 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is 2-4 weeks.

Giving glycine to children under 3 years of age is necessary in half the dose (50 mg instead of 100).

If glycine is needed to an infant who cannot take a pill, then the drug is given to the mother, and the amino acid enters children's body through breast milk.

With the modern rhythm of life, the human body often cannot cope with the stress. For supporting general condition health experts advise taking Glycine, which provides positive impact to all organs and systems.

Glycine, what it is for, effects on the body

Despite the popularity and a large number of reviews about the drug, what is Glycine, what is it for, with medical point vision, not many people know.

The drug belongs to the group of replaceable amino acids involved in almost all biochemical processes that occur in the body. highest degree impact, designed for the functionality of the central nervous system, to maintain normal psychological state person.

Glycine is produced only in the form of tablets that need to be absorbed for an accelerated action of the drug. The composition of the drug includes microencapsulated acetic amino acid, at a dosage of 100 mg. Pharmaceutical companies also produce the drug - Glycine Forte. It additionally contains B vitamins, and the amino acid dose is 300/500 mg.

The instruction indicates that the effect of Glycine on the body helps to accelerate metabolic processes, normalizes and activates the functions of the central nervous system, regulates, regulates the action of brain glutamate receptors, and also has an adrenoblocking, antitoxic and antioxidant effect.

The article will tell about the drug "Glycine". About the simplest amino acid that has a sedative effect.

Glycine is a non-essential simple aliphatic amino acid. Normally, it is produced in every healthy human body. When it enters the digestive system, the amino acid is absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the liver, where it is subsequently used to build the necessary protein structures.

"Glycine" instructions for use

When the drug is used under the tongue, glycine bypasses the intestinal passage phase and enters the bloodstream directly to the brain. Getting to the structures of the brain, glycine acts as a neurotransmitter that acts on the receptors of the brain. Under the influence of the amino acid, the brain begins to produce less excitatory mediators, and increases the production of GABA, which has an inhibitory effect.

"Glycine" effect on the body
  • Glycine has emotional and mental stress, reduces conflict and aggressive mood, helps to increase adaptive activity in society. Glycine also helps to normalize sleep and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  • Amino acid improves mood and activates brain activity, increasing efficiency. People suffering vegetative-vascular dystonia, helps to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system
  • Glycine helps reduce the symptoms of disorders brain activity with ischemic stroke or TBI. It also reduces the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain and other drugs that adversely affect the central nervous system.

"Glycine" indications for use

Indications for the use of this amino acid follow from the effects listed above.

These indications are:

Emotional and mental tension during stressful situations
downgrade mental capacity to work
Hyperactive behavior in children adolescence
A history of ischemic brain injury
Diseases of the nervous system associated with increased excitability, nervousness, disorder vegetative-vascular systems

It should be understood that the effectiveness of the drug does not manifest itself simultaneously, but acts on a trailer of accumulation.

"Glycine" contraindications

There are no specific contraindications to taking the discussed amino acid. Since glycine is a substance that is normally present in the human body, medicinal product well tolerated and not contraindicated on age categories not pregnant.

The only restriction to the intake of glycine is poor tolerance medication by man.

"Glycine" for children

"Glycine" for children

Glycine is one of the few drugs that not contraindicated for use in childhood and not may cause any side effects in a child, provided there is no individual intolerance.

it not a pharmaceutically synthesized drug and not sedative plant origin, a naturally reproducible body amino acid.

"Glycine" side effect

  • The advantage of this proposed remedy is the absence of bright and pronounced side effects.
    Their manifestation can be observed only under the condition of allergic reactions to the drug.
  • Allergy symptoms in this case classic - in the form of urticaria or hyperemia skin possible presence of itching or a slight increase in body temperature
  • All of the above symptoms disappear on their own with a decrease in dose or withdrawal of the drug.

"Glycine" dosage

Of course, the dosage of the drug depends on the disease and the age of the patient. But the principle of taking the medicine is the same for everyone.

"Glycine" dosage
  • Glycine is prescribed to be taken sublingually, that is, under the tongue. The tablet is left in the sublingual fossa until it is completely dissolved.
  • In the case of emotional and mental overload, memory impairment, decreased performance and hyperactivity adolescents, glycine is prescribed at a dose of 1 to 3 tablets per day. In this case, the course of treatment should be at least two weeks, but not exceed the duration of more than a month.
  • With increased excitability, which is in the nature of organic or functional disorders, or with apathy and sleep disturbances, also at the age of less than 3 years, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 0.05 g up to 3 times a day. The course is up to 14 days, then daily dosage reduced to a single dose
  • If the age of the child is more than 3 years, then the dose corresponds to adult calculations.
  • In case of sleep rhythm disturbances, it is recommended to take the drug 30 minutes before bedtime at a dose of 0.5 to 1 tablet
  • If there is a history ischemic lesion brain, then the medicine is prescribed in a large dose of 10 tablets, put on the cheek and pour 1 tsp. water in acute condition cerebral ischemia (first 6 hours), then leave the same dose for another 5 days, after 5 days the dose is reduced to 2 tablets 3 times a day for a month
  • The drug is used in narcology as a means of increasing mental performance, with psychological problems and manifestations of pathologies of brain activity at a dose of 1 tablet 3 times a day for one month

"Glycine" interaction with other drugs

The amino acid has a debilitating effect on the use of neuroleptics, antidepressants drugs , anxiolytic drugs, hypnotics and anticonvulsants.


Structural analogues for the active substance:
Glycine ozone
Glycine forte
Glycine Forte Evalar

"Glycine" reviews

This is a fairly inexpensive drug and at the same time quite effective. It should be noted that at the beginning of the reception there is a rather strong hypnotic effect, but it passes after a short time adaptation.
A big plus is that the remedy can be used in young children and the absence of side effects of the drug.

Video: Amino acid glycine. Real effects. Sedation

Glycine is a psychoanaleptic drug that improves brain metabolism.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of Glycine is sublingual tablets.

The active substance of the drug is microencapsulated glycine. Its concentration in one tablet is 100 mg.

Auxiliary components of the drug are represented by magnesium stearate and water-soluble methylcellulose.

Glycine is sold in blister packs of 50 tablets.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, glycine, the active ingredient of the drug, is a metabolic regulator that has alpha1-adrenergic blocking, antitoxic and antioxidant effects, and also has glycine and GABAergic properties, regulates the activity of glutamate receptors. Thanks to the described properties, Glycine:

  • Improves mood;
  • Increases mental performance;
  • Reduces conflict, aggressiveness;
  • Improves psycho-emotional state;
  • Increases social adaptation;
  • Facilitates falling asleep, normalizes sleep;
  • Reduces vegetative-vascular disorders (including menopause);
  • Reduces toxic effect alcohol and other drugs that depress the central nervous system;
  • Reduces the severity of brain disorders in TBI and ischemic stroke.

In accordance with the instructions, Glycine is advisable to use when:

  • stressful situations, including psycho-emotional stress(including in conflict situations, during exams, etc.);
  • Decreased mental performance;
  • organic and functional diseases nervous system, accompanied by emotional instability, increased excitability, sleep disturbance, mental decline: with neurosis, the consequences of traumatic brain injury and neuroinfection, neurosis-like states, vegetative-vascular dystonia, different forms encephalopathy (including the perinatal form and the defeat of alcoholic origin);
  • Deviant forms of behavior in children and adolescents;
  • Ischemic stroke.


The only contraindication to the use of Glycine, according to the instructions, is hypersensitivity to its active or any auxiliary component.

Method of application and dosage

Glycine is intended for sublingual use. If necessary, the tablet can be crushed into powder and applied buccally (i.e. by placing between upper lip and gum until completely dissolved).

Children, adolescents and adults with temporary emotional difficulties (including decreased attention, memory and / or mental performance), as well as psycho-emotional stress, deviant forms behavior, mental retardation, the drug is usually prescribed 1 tablet two or three times a day. Treatment can last from 14 to 30 days.

With organic and functional lesions of the nervous system, which are accompanied by sleep disorders, emotional lability, increased excitability, Glycine is prescribed:

  • Children under 3 years old - 1/2 tablet 2-3 times a day for 7-14 days, then 1 whole tablet for another 7-10 days. Daily dose fluctuates within 100-150 mg, the maximum allowable course dose is 2600 mg;
  • Children over 3 years old and adult patients - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-14 days, in some cases the duration is increased to 1 month. If necessary, with a 30-day break, a second course of therapy is carried out.

For sleep disorders, Glycine should be taken at bedtime (no more than 20 minutes) 1/2-1 tablet, depending on age.

With ischemic brain stroke the drug is prescribed during the first 3-6 hours after the attack. The daily dose of Glycine can reach 1000 mg. The patient should be given medicine buccally or sublingually with 1 tsp. water. In high doses, the drug is taken for 1-5 days (as prescribed by a doctor), then for 30 days - 1-2 tablets three times a day.

As a means of reducing psycho-emotional stress and increasing mental performance during remission in encephalopathy, organic lesions peripheral and central nervous system, Glycine is used in narcology. Assign the drug 1 tablet two or three times a day. The standard course lasts from 14 to 30 days. As necessary, courses are repeated up to 6 times a year.

Side effects

According to the instructions and reviews of doctors, in general, the use of Glycine is well tolerated. AT rare cases, mainly in case of hypersensitivity to the components, there are allergic reactions.

special instructions

With simultaneous use of Glycine reduces the severity of side effects of antidepressants, anxiolytics, as well as anticonvulsants, hypnotics and antipsychotics.


Synonyms of Glycine, i.e. drugs with the same active substance, are: Glycine forte, Glycine Ozone, Glycine-MCFP, Glycine-Bio, Glycine-Bio Farmaplant, Glycine-Canon.

The same pharmacological subgroup (“Psychostimulants and nootropics”) includes the following: medicines: Amilonosar, Acephene, Bravinton, Vero-Vinpocetine, Vinpotropil, Vinpocetine, Vincetine, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginkgoum, Gopantam, Demanol, Idebenone, Cavinton, Calcium Gopanthenate, Carnicetin, Cogitum, Combitropil, Cortexin, Lucetam, Memotropil, Minisem, Neuromet, Noben , NooKam, Nooklerin, Noopept, Nootropil, Omaron, Pantogam, Pantocalcin, Picamilon, Picanoil, Picogam, Piracesin, Piracetam, Pyriditol, Semax, Telektol, Phezam, Ceraxon, Cerebrolysate, Cerebrolysin, Encephabol, Escotropil, etc.

Long and successfully used to treat disorders of the nervous system, Glycine is not dangerous if prescribed by a doctor. Amino acids are the components of proteins - each of them has its own function in the human body.

Glycine, or aminoacetic acid, is involved in many processes in the body, but essential function is to ensure the functioning of the central nervous system, which makes it especially important for humans. A drug with this name is freely sold in pharmacies and is one of the most commonly used drugs in neuropathology. The name of the substance is associated with its sweetish taste.

Glycine, benefits and harms

The tool is a complex of glycine (aminoacetic acid) and excipients:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • methylcellulose.

Glycine packaging

Release form - tablets, microcapsules, powder. Aminoacetic acid - main component The drug can be synthesized in the human body or introduced into it from the outside. With its help, many compounds needed by cells are produced. human body. The amino acid is involved in the processes that ensure human life, effectively affects the central nervous system person, regulating his psycho-emotional state.

Glycine is involved in the synthesis of immunoglobulins and compounds that protect the body, which makes it an important participant in the process of ensuring the body's defense. It is involved in the work of human muscles(as an element in the synthesis of "fuel" for their work - creatine). The production of collagen, which is directly responsible for the condition of bones and joints, depends on the level of this compound in the body.

The drug containing aminoacetic acid is widely used by neuropathologists for the treatment of patients suffering from ischemic stroke and for the prevention of such conditions.

For the normal course of the processes in which glycine takes part, it is necessary to maintain the required level in the tissues. On one's own human body is capable of producing up to 3 grams of aminoacetic acid, the required norm, according to scientists, is up to 13 grams (although there are scientists who call much smaller data, 0.3 g for adults and 0.8 g for athletes).

Glycine - a drug to reduce nervous tension

At good nutrition a person can get up to 2 g of this amino acid with food. The role of aminoacetic acid in enabling the brain to withstand prolonged overloads is undeniable. Glycine is responsible for the level of concentration, psycho-emotional mood.

After taking a drug that increases the level of aminoacetic acid, a person becomes more calm and balanced, capable of a longer concentration when doing mental work. These possibilities of the substance make it useful for students and students during the sessions.

Glycine for children and adults can be taken with:

  • mental overload;
  • delay social adaptation practically healthy child;
  • stress load;
  • sleep disorders, VVD;
  • emotional disorders, anxiety;
  • encephalopathy and strokes;
  • climacteric disorders.

The lack of this substance in the body can be signaled by memory impairment, muscle weakness, sleep disturbances and depression. Violations in the activity of the body can only be introduced by a constant intake of glycine, taken as a medicine, for a long time.

Can you die from glycine?

It, like all substances, can cause individual reactions when an additional amount is introduced into the body. In the entire history of the clinical use of the drug, there are no recorded cases of death from its use.

Information on the packaging of glycine

Why is glycine dangerous?

Taking the medicine worsens the state of health in patients with a tendency to low blood pressure. An overdose of the drug causes hypotension, a state of weakness and increased heart rate.

The remedy, despite its non-prescription sale, is a drug that acts directly on the brain, so uncontrolled intake should not be allowed. Excretion occurs through the kidneys, special care is required when prescribing to patients who have impaired renal function in order to prevent the occurrence of acute renal failure.

Glycine is one of the most used drugs in neurology and psychiatry, but it cannot be attributed to drugs with unambiguously proven effects, there is a possibility that the drug will cause individual reaction. Reviews of patients about how the drug acts on the body are diametrically opposed.

Is glycine addictive?

Aminoacetic acid is not in principle medicinal substance, it is produced by the body as a non-essential amino acid, therefore, theoretically, it cannot be addictive or addictive.

Some patients complain of a decrease in performance and emotional depression when the drug is withdrawn. Glycine and alcohol show compatibility, which reduces the effects of CNS poisoning with decay products in the treatment of hangover.

Description of glycine

Glycine as a drug

Glycine reduces the side effects of psychotropic substances and antidepressants, at the same time enhances the effect of anticonvulsants prescribed for epilepsy in their joint application. The agent is a non-drug non-drug amino acid, sold over the counter, Glycine is allowed to be taken by young children up to a year old, pregnant women.

If a woman is accustomed to using the drug, it has a good effect on her, the doctor may prescribe long-term use of the drug, up to the first weeks after childbirth. The use of the drug in this case is justified by the improvement in the woman's condition.

Glycine side effects

When using the drug, an allergic reaction to the drug is prescribed in the instructions as possible phenomenon. Long-term or uncontrolled use of Glycine may have side effects - a decrease in blood pressure and a drop in the production of adrenaline in the body, which will cause slow reactions and lethargy.

Allergy to glycine symptoms

According to the instructions, side effects when consumed may be allergic reactions in various forms(itching, redness of the skin, rash, blisters) in particular severe cases Quincke's edema is possible.

Allergy to Glycine can manifest itself:

  • immediately after taking the drug;
  • one day after the first dose of the drug;
  • 5-6 days after the start of using the product.

Indications for the use of glycine

To stop the reaction, carry out:

  • drug withdrawal;
  • trying to induce vomiting;
  • use a large amount of liquid to remove excess substances from the body;
  • give sorbents ( Activated carbon, Polysorb);
  • call a doctor.

Glycine overdose

With unauthorized use or too long a course of treatment, symptoms of an overdose of Glycine may occur. The patient during treatment should take as many tablets as needed according to the doctor's prescription, usual dose- 1 tablet 2-3 times a day under the tongue. It is customary to prescribe the highest dose for ischemic stroke - 10 tablets for 3-4 hours under the tongue, the increased dosage usually lasts no longer than 3-4 days.

Glycine overdose symptoms

Signs of abuse of the drug are expressed in:

  • feeling constant fatigue, weakness and lethargy;
  • constantly low pressure;
  • allergic manifestations - rash, itching, dermatitis.

Is it possible to get poisoned with glycine? In especially severe cases, if the drug is not stopped, or measures to remove the drug from the body are not taken, it may occur protein poisoning caused by glycine.

Fragment of instructions for the use of glycine

The mechanism of occurrence of this condition is a violation of the metabolism of proteins in the body, which manifest themselves:

  • increasing weakness;
  • reduced pressure;
  • dizziness and fainting.

In case of untimely assistance to the patient, there is:

Additional symptoms of an overdose of the drug are:

  • a state of general lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • violation of coordination of movements and orientation in space;
  • apathy and indifference;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • cough, difficulty breathing;
  • headache attacks.

You can get poisoned with Glycine in case of violations in the doses of the drug prescribed by a doctor or as a result of self-medication.

Glycine should be taken strictly according to indications

Glycine overdose in a child

Symptoms of a violation of the dosage of the drug in children do not differ from symptoms in adults:

  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy, lack of interest in what is happening;
  • decrease in overall muscle tone;
  • flatulence and increased gas formation.

To get a child out of disease state measures should be taken to stabilize the state of health.

lethal dose of glycine

There are no indications in the literature that Glycine is dangerous. There are no reports of cases of poisoning with a drug with lethal outcome. Accordingly, the dose of tablets is not indicated, which can cause symptoms incompatible with life.

Help with overdose

If you feel unwell after taking Glycine, when an overdose is established, standard measures are used:

  • inducing vomiting;
  • plentiful drink;
  • acceptance by the patient of sorbents;

If measures to relieve the condition are ineffective, you should resort to the help of doctors.

Health implications

Signs of glycine poisoning - weakness, decreased overall tone

An overdose of aminoacetic acid is not dangerous to human health if he does not have an individual intolerance to the drug.

Glycine overdose consequences in adults

The agent is quickly excreted from the body and does not cause health disorders in adults. The most serious are the decrease in the general tone of the body and the intensity mental activity. Dizziness is extremely rare.

Glycine overdose consequences in children

If a child accidentally drinks too many pills and is given first aid, then possible consequences- lethargy and drowsiness. About distant dangerous consequences there is no information for the body of children.


Watch this video for details on side effects when taking glycine and other nootropic drugs.

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