Nervous cough symptoms and treatment. Nervous cough in a child (neurological). Nervous cough in children

When a person is healthy, he does not think about how his thoughts can affect general state. But the moment the disease sets in, there is logical question: "Does the state of mind affect the course of the disease?" The answer to it is quite simple: “Definitely, yes!” Moreover, psychological causes can become the basis for the development of many diseases. Nervous cough is proof of that. On the medical language this phenomenon is called psychosomatics.

Nervous cough: the causes of its development

If the occurrence of an involuntary action of the usual type requires exposure to the body of pathogens (bacteria, infections, viruses, etc.), then in this case this factor is absent. Psychogenic cough also has nothing to do with self-hypnosis. The reason for its development is considered psychosomatics. That is, a protective reaction of the body to the onset of an undesirable situation for a person. A striking example of this can be a child's refusal to go to school on a certain day (did not learn the lessons, will test). The baby in the background stressful condition the temperature may rise sharply, a reflex act and other symptoms characteristic of psychosomatics appear.

Nervous cough: symptoms

The main symptom of an involuntary act is the rapid (paroxysmal) appearance of a neurological cough, which immediately disappears immediately after removal. annoying factor. There is another kind of disease. In this case, there is not a paroxysmal development of the disease, but a long one. An involuntary act can be recorded for several weeks and even months, years. May be present nervous tick. The sound of the neurotic cough of the act is very sonorous. Sputum production is completely absent. The main symptom is the presence reflex action at total absence any prerequisites for this, that is, analyzes show that the person is absolutely healthy. Also a sign of a nervous cough is its absence during deep sleep. This is due to the fact that a person is completely relaxed, that is, no negative impact to the psyche.

Nervous cough: treatment

How to treat a reflex act if the cause of its occurrence lies in a psychological disorder? Certainly calming. medicines and herbal preparations containing motherwort, peppermint, etc. But this helps only when the involuntary action has a paroxysmal character. What to do if a nervous cough accompanies a person for several months? Here already we are talking not just about nervous breakdown or the impact of an upcoming event (for example, passing a session or traveling to unpleasant people). In such a situation, the help of a qualified psychologist is necessary, since the person himself may not understand the causes of the disorder. In addition to visiting a doctor, it is necessary to undergo special relaxing therapy. Baths with sea salt and aromatic oils, massages. Preferably before bed hiking, the duration of which should not be less than 15-20 minutes.

Cough is a reflex clearing respiratory tract with the penetration of foreign bodies or substances. However, the cough that accompanies some nervous disorders, occurs in the absence of irritation of the receptors. Neurogenic cough is a symptom of a disease of the nervous system and occurs as a result of the action of the central parts of the brain responsible for the cough reflex. AT this case irritation comes from the cerebral cortex. With neurogenic cough no somatic cause, namely, the disease that causes it. Only after the exclusion of pathologies and all diseases that can cause a cough symptom, one can talk about its psychogenic, neurotic origin. Such a cough can be a symptom (one of many) of hysteria.

Features of neurogenic cough

Attacks of voiced, frequent, dry cough.

Strengthening of the seizure stressful situations.

No cough in calm state, during sleep.

With mental disorders or simulation, cough occurs in stressful situations. Inevitably, the expectation of its appearance provokes a cough. Often there is a neurogenic cough in children before a performance, to draw attention to themselves, at a party, with excitement, i.e. with great mental stress. Neurogenic cough is a manifestation of irritating mental and psychological unrest. Treatment should be done by psychotherapists. Only a psychotherapist can discover the substratum in the conscious or unconscious psychism of such a patient and reveal the causes and conditions disturbing, fear or torment of conscience, manifested in the form of a neurogenic cough. In any case, the primary role of coughing is protection. This means that by coughing, a person defends himself from the penetration of a foreign substance and tries to eliminate it. The act of coughing is triggered by irritation and is voluntary or unconscious. Called arbitrarily, it is artificial symptom that helps to attract attention and achieve benefits.

Nervous cough, as an unconscious and automatic action, is random (with tense silence, confusion) or prolonged, fixed. The latter is typical for patients who have had a pulmonary disease and continue to cough after recovery, due to the consolidation of the reflex. The cough becomes somewhat of a tic. In another case, coughing nervous ground occurs against the background of mental vague, obscured experiences that take place in the subconscious. This painful attitude can be a way to arouse compassion and affection, or a "refuge" from surging problems.

Need to take medication central action on the medulla, in which the functions of the cough center are suppressed.

Alternative treatment nervous cough

Infusions are prepared at the rate of 15 g of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water.

Collection (heather, cudweed, valerian, motherwort) relieves attacks of neurogenic cough, helps with upset nerves, relieves feelings of fear.

By itself, the evasive peony relieves neurasthenic conditions, improves sleep, and restores calmness.

Valerian reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, relieves nervous excitement, neurotic symptoms.

Thyme perfectly relieves stress, strengthens nerves.

Baths with decoctions

Chamomile eliminates nervous cough, soothes with nervousness.

Valerian will help with convulsive states larynx, nerves.

Lavender restores nervous system and major blood vessels.

Alcohol tinctures are taken by adults for 30 drops, children - by the number of years.

Aralia Manchurian is indicated for astheno-depressive and asthenic conditions, neurasthenia, overwork as a tonic.
Thigh-stoner has long been used as an antitussive, we remove the symptom.
Hawthorn is useful for excitability and angioneuroses, enhances coronary cerebral circulation.
Angelica (dubnik) medicinal soothes with hysteria and convulsions.
Echinopanax (lure) - a stimulant for asthenia, depressive states, neurasthenia on the background of hypertension. Nervous cough, irritability, fatigue disappear, sleep improves, cheerfulness and confidence appear.
Nettle is a good tonic, improves blood, makes a person active, cheerful.
Leuzea safflower is indicated for nervous coughs caused by mental fatigue and irritability.
Peony roots are prescribed for a neurasthenic condition. Peony tincture has a calming effect, has an anticonvulsant property (relieves a coughing fit).
Sleep grass calms patients with hysteria, helps with neurogenic cough, increased tone sympathetic nervous system.
Motherwort restores calmness, restores breathing, suppresses the urge to cough.
Eleutherococcus creates a favorable background for nervous diseases.

Here we are on the website and talked about a nervous cough, its treatment folk remedies. But choosing suitable remedy, remember - each disease has its own mental component, arising from the social context. Remember that all plants have contraindications. Therefore, you need to take this into account when choosing a recipe. Just do not consider this an obstacle to treatment. Get well, take care of your loved ones, and be healthy!

Usually a cough is a symptom of some disease of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. But in some cases, the cause of this unpleasant manifestation may not be an infection at all, but a psychosomatic disorder. Of course, this symptom prevents a person from leading full image life and negatively affects his well-being. Unlike a normal cough caused by an illness, a nervous cough is almost impossible to treat.

Main symptoms

Nervous cough is dry, sonorous, often it can be compared with loud dog barking or goose cry. The main feature is that a nervous cough in a person usually appears when he experiences severe mental stress. Expectation of some serious event, strong excitement, stressful situation - all these factors can provoke.

But it is worth noting that it is not treatable, so it can appear for a long period. The main symptom by which this type of cough can be diagnosed in a patient is that it disappears in a calm environment and during sleep. This disease, unlike infectious or viral diseases, does not affect appetite and sleep. As a rule, when examining a patient, the doctor does not find any pathologies in the organs of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Unless, of course, serious drugs have been treated with an incorrect diagnosis, which can lead to disruption of the respiratory system.

A nervous cough may appear in a patient who has had a serious lung disease. After recovery, he will cough out of habit. Cough and nervous tic in this case will appear as a result of fixing the reflex. It can also occur in people who feel constant anxiety and excitement. It can be a way that helps the patient to arouse compassion and sympathy in others. It is important to know that even with a nervous cough, the symptoms can be understandable, to establish correct diagnosis only a doctor can. Self-medication can adversely affect your health.

Causes of psychogenic cough

Most often, a nervous cough appears in people who regularly experience physical and emotional overload. Hyperventilation syndrome may also be the cause of this symptom. Such a process caused psychosomatic disorders may also occur in children and adolescents. Children are more emotional and sensitive, often tend to dramatize the situation and react more strongly to stress and criticism.
Nervous cough can be caused by the following reasons:

  • tense atmosphere at work and at home;
  • the need to do an unloved thing;
  • quarrels, exams, stress, loneliness;
  • as a reflective reflex in the illness of other people.

Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to determine the cause of such a process, treatment without this will be impossible.

How is the treatment going?

You should know that a cough caused by a psychogenic factor cannot be treated with medication. It is necessary to provide the patient with a calm psychological environment, create all conditions for a comfortable stay, eliminate nervous and physical overstrain. Correct Mode day, in which periods of activity will alternate with a period of rest, will help to eliminate loads.

At the beginning of the attack, you can try to distract the patient. With a nervous cough, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. He will correctly assess the patient's condition, if necessary, he can advise him to undergo a course of psychotherapy in order to find out real reasons appearance this disease. It can help to alleviate the patient's condition by mastering the techniques of relaxation and relaxation.

The appearance of cough in children

This type of cough in children, as in adults, mainly appears due to severe stress. Most often it occurs in children in school age. Increased workload at school, stressful situation in the family, exams, conflicts with peers - all these factors can provoke the occurrence of a nervous cough in children.
In order to distinguish the nervous origin coughing fits in a child from the usual, which appears with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to observe the symptoms. The following signs indicate the psychogenic nature of the disorder:

  • cough is dry and does not change for a long time;
  • does not happen at night;
  • sputum is not separated;
  • does not increase with physical activity;
  • medicines don't help.

In the presence of a nervous cough in children, treatment must be dealt with experienced doctor. The diagnosis can only be made after a thorough examination. Increased nervousness in a child, in addition to coughing, it may be accompanied by frequent blinking or other movements characteristic of a mental disorder.

Consultation with a doctor will help to understand why this has arisen. unpleasant symptom and how to remove it. First of all, you need to create a comfortable emotional environment. In no case should you scold the child for coughing, this can only aggravate the situation in the future. You need to try to focus less on coughing. The child will benefit from moderate physical exercise, you can write it down in some sports section.
A well-thought-out daily routine will help reduce the frequency of attacks in the treatment of nervous cough. It is necessary to ensure that the child goes to bed on time and does not sit up for a long time at the computer and TV. Avoid foods and drinks that contain caffeine, such as chocolate, coffee, and tea. As much as possible, you should eat foods with high content magnesium - green vegetables and nuts.
In some cases, the doctor may prescribe sedatives and antidepressants to the child. Sometimes you have to resort to pretty unusual method treatment is hypnosis. Usually it is effective, and many people get rid of a nervous cough, but this method cannot be used in the treatment of children.

When a child develops a neurological cough, the symptoms are usually attributed to a throat or lung problem. However, not many people know that the problems can be much more complicated. In addition to a cold or infection, cough in adults and children manifests itself as one of the symptoms of a mental disorder.

A neurogenic cough in the chest is so irritable that it makes the child uncomfortable and unable to breathe.

In this regard, the normal way of life is disturbed, badly reflecting on his physical condition. The most unpleasant thing in a situation with a cough formed on a nervous basis is that treatment is almost impossible.

Why does a nervous cough occur?

Often a long, bothersome cough can occur due to psychological disorders. This disease is very easy to confuse with bronchitis, pneumonia, although in fact they have nothing in common. Such a cough is diagnosed only by a neuropathologist.

For the first time, a neurological cough with wheezing in a child appears at the age of 3 years. You also need to know that children preschool age will cough less intensely than teenage schoolchildren. Treatment in this case is not carried out, so there is a chance that by the age of 18, when the nervous system is fully formed, like in an adult, the disease will recede.

The reason for this kind of cough in children is quite clear. As a rule, it occurs after severe stressful situations, brain strain and other problems associated with the nervous system.

Important! Any strong emotions (excitement, excitement, fear, anxiety, stress) can be the main causes of such a cough.

This is especially true when the child begins to worry about studies, relationships with friends, communication with people unfamiliar to the baby. Also, a nervous cough may appear due to fear of being punished for misconduct or not living up to the expectations of their parents. The negative atmosphere in the house, scandals, quarrels, misunderstandings, dissatisfaction, strictness of parents can also lead to the appearance of a neurasthenic cough.

AT rare cases such a symptom may appear after a complicated illness with a real cough. One more psychological reason The appearance of a cough is a test of attracting attention, lack of support, sympathy, as well as unwillingness to do anything.

Shortness of breath could be another strong reason. As a rule, it is combined with yawning, shortness of breath, rapid pulse. Sometimes this is a banal mistake of parents who failed to pay attention to their child in time, thinking that the child has wheezing, soreness and nervous cough not from nervosa, but from SARS or inflammation of the respiratory tract. In such a situation, a nervous cough begins to attract the attention of parents and others well.

What symptoms appear on a nervous basis?

To diagnose the pathology, a large program was created in which there are signs indicating the appearance of not a respiratory, but a stress cough. This is commonly referred to as a vocal tic. Allocate the following symptoms nervous cough in children:

When such an attack appears, it rather carries demonstrativeness, attracting attention, and can be loud. In addition, the child begins to complain of chest pain, sore throat, heart rate disturbance, fear, panic. If the baby usually does not have sputum during an attack, wheezing in the lungs, then after a serious panic and hysteria, it will appear. After an attack, the child almost always has a hoarse voice.

How to diagnose and treat neurotic cough?

To determine what kind of cough a child has, it is necessary to take him for a consultation with a doctor, undergo laboratory tests, diagnostics mental state baby.

The clinical picture becomes clear only when all variants of viral and respiratory diseases are swept aside in a child, Special attention given to asthma.

Carefully it is necessary to listen to wheezing when breathing in a child in the chest. In order to correctly diagnose the cause, it is necessary to go through doctors: a neurologist, a psychologist, an otolaryngologist, a pulmonologist, an allergist. In the presence of wheezing in the lungs, chest pain, a fluorography should be done. If such problems continue for more than 4 months, then the disease becomes chronic. On the chronic stage in 15%, doctors find mental problems in a person.

Babies are prescribed treatment only when the exact clinical picture diseases. As mentioned earlier, the treatment of a sore throat is possible, but the neurasthenic manifestation of a cough is practically incurable.

Therefore, many parents have a question: how to treat a child when his voice is hoarse and his cough is haunted? The only option for recovery is to find and eliminate the causes of the child's worries, anxieties, and protect them from stressful situations. This is where counseling can help. child psychologist. It will help to find the cause and correct the behavior of the baby. Also, in the process of correction, parents should heed the advice of a psychotherapist.

The treatment is to take the lungs sedatives plant based. For these purposes, herbal soothing teas, infusions, herbal extracts are suitable. Massage procedures, art therapy, acupuncture can also help.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the daily routine, reduce the number of hours of sitting at the TV and computer, and also increase the time of walking on fresh air, physical education.

As preventive measures it is necessary to improve the situation in the house and eliminate all stressful situations, worries, anxieties and experiences for the baby. Help your child adjust to school preschool Show them how to deal with their fears and anxieties. At correct therapy, acceptance multivitamin complexes, settling the regime of the day, all these measures will significantly reduce nervous tension and wheezing cough will recede.

In addition to medical advice, it will also be useful folk methods. Together with your doctor, you need to draw up a dosage regimen medicinal fees, herbs, decoctions and teas. Excellent sedative effect have the following plants:

  • peppermint;
  • valerian roots;
  • motherwort;
  • peony flowers;
  • thyme herb.

Taking this tea will be extremely beneficial, and it is best to take it several times a day - this will help the child to prevent hoarseness.

It is better to exclude black tea and carbonated drinks at this time. Especially such herbal teas will be useful before going to bed, they help to normalize sleep and relieve stress. Do such herbal drink quite simple: 1 tbsp. l. collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for about 25-20 minutes. Then the tea is filtered and given to the child.

To improve respiratory reflex you can use baths with the addition sea ​​salt, various vegetable fees. It is good to make baths with extracts of needles and chamomile. Make the bath warm, bathe no more than 20 minutes. Do these procedures several times a week before going to bed on a full stomach.

However, it is worth remembering that it is not necessary to independently prescribe a medicinal and herbal therapy on one's own.

The nature of the occurrence of seizures, both in adults and in children, may be different, but a nervous cough has its own characteristics. Frequent symptoms, arising suddenly, may indicate that they appeared due to:

  • forced performance of unloved duties;
  • unfavorable psychological atmosphere at home or at work;
  • loneliness, stress;
  • response reflex to the constant complaints of sick people and other negative factors.

The result of a neurotic cough can also be excessive overload of the body, both emotional and physical. Children, as a rule, are more acutely experiencing non-standard situations associated with increased load on their psyche. For this reason, they may also have seizures. Sometimes, in order to attract attention, children begin to cough, or when they are nervous before an important exam, speaking in public, they have the same symptoms. Disruption of the nervous system, coughing in adults, is less common than in children and adolescents.

Child experiencing increased attention during a cold, unconsciously reinforces the reflex in order to prolong the increased attention of adults to themselves.

Seizures often become bad habit and in adults, when they, feigning illness, arouse pity or sympathy for themselves. As a result, the reflex is firmly fixed in the subconscious, and any negative environment, human environment accompanied by a prolonged dry cough. Appearance emotional fatigue, and, as a result, irritability imposes an additional negative effect, and a nervous cough can last for a long time.

A nervous breakdown that causes debilitating attacks negatively affects full life man, his well-being. Unlike the symptoms of respiratory disease caused by infections, neurotic cough is practically not cured. It can occur at the most inopportune occasion, and this causes a negative attitude among others. Nervous cough and its symptoms can appear for years, but during the examination, doctors do not find pathological changes in the lungs or bronchi.

Sometimes neurogenic cough is fixed in people who have had serious lung diseases when the patient is already completely healthy, but the cough reflex remains. Adults and children continue to cough out of habit, and it manifests itself with barking shrill notes, not accompanied by an outflow of sputum. The center of the brain where production takes place cough reflex, reacts equally to negative and positive emotional outbursts, therefore, joyful events for a person are accompanied by a cough, but after it comes, the cough recedes.

Signs of a nervous cough

The cough reflex occurs as a result of causes affecting the neurons of the cerebral cortex, such psychosomatic abnormalities are typical when a child or adult:

  • symptoms appear only in daytime, and in the evening the attacks intensify;
  • the maximum exacerbation occurs in autumn and winter;
  • cough becomes obsessive, dry;
  • there are no signs of viral diseases;
  • do not have the effect of traditional medicines;
  • cough worsens in stressful situations, does not appear at night when the brain is resting.

Improper treatment can lead to major changes in respiratory organs therefore, at the first suspicion of a malfunction of the nervous system, it is necessary to contact a psychotherapist. The doctor will professionally assess the patient's mental state, prescribe therapy or give recommendations on how to change your lifestyle, if possible. A calm environment, an enthusiastic activity that distracts from problems that torment the soul, can lead to the fact that a nervous cough will disappear altogether.

Features of children's neurotic cough

The child's psyche is fragile and the upbringing of a child or teenager should take place in conditions of trust, attentive attitude to his psychological features. A violent reaction to emerging circumstances, the dramatization of critical remarks addressed to him provoke a paroxysmal neurological cough in a child, but the symptoms his disappear into a calm friendly environment. Adults need:

  • during seizures, try to distract the child to something interesting, exciting;
  • provide the child with moderate physical activity;
  • limit the number of hours spent at the TV or computer;
  • Eliminate chocolate and all foods containing caffeine from your diet.

Preventive measures for prevention, treatment psychosomatic illness in children can be carried out by taking sedatives herbal remedies, massage. For adults, the effect can be brought by individual sessions of psychotherapy on the recommendation of a doctor, taking tranquilizers, and other methods, including folk ones.

Diagnosis and treatment

Neurotic cough in children and adults is detected by excluding respiratory diseases in history and laboratory research. With the complete exclusion of viral influence, cough due to emotional arousal indicates a mental disorder. Without the help of a qualified psychotherapist, symptoms and treatment can be misjudged. The wrong direction of therapy can mask real reason and by doing so he puts himself in danger.

Early diagnosis helps to identify mental disorder and provide appropriate therapy.

To eliminate a nervous cough and the causes of its occurrence, children and adults need to follow a set of measures aimed at stabilizing their mental state. This will help unconventional methods, which are popular among the population and bring positive effect In many cases. Benefit and relief will not bring standard methods cough control. You can be treated with sedatives created on the basis of natural raw materials: herbal infusions, aromatic baths, therapeutic massage. Psychotherapeutic sessions in many ways help children and adults during strong emotional experiences.

Soothing tea

Several varieties of herbs, always available on the market, will reduce overexcitation during the day, calm down before bedtime. Tea with a nervous cough is drunk from 2 to 3 times, it is necessary to take it at night - this helps to relieve daytime stress and fast falling asleep. herbal collection pour boiling water and insist half an hour. Herbs are used:

  • motherwort, valerian, heather (calm the nervous system, relieve children's fears);
  • peony (relieves attacks of neurasthenia);
  • thyme();
  • lavender (improves blood circulation, restores the central nervous system).

Phytocollection gently affects the central nervous system without depressing it, so neurogenic cough can disappear thanks to special procedures.

During the reception, the patient decreases side symptoms: irritability, feeling of fear or anxiety, increased efficiency, improved mood.

Infusions also contribute to the normalization endocrine system, improve digestion.

Soothing baths

For adults and children positive influence provide water phytotherapy. Overfatigue, stress, affecting a calm sleep, can be removed an hour or two before bedtime, taking a bath with the addition of sea salt and soothing decoctions.

Alcohol tinctures

Alcohol sedatives should not be used neurological abnormalities use, especially for children! Adults with contraindications for serious mental disorders, peptic ulcer stomach, with diabetes and other diseases, it is better to use other means that normalize increased excitability.

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