How to recognize the formation of blood clots in time. Blood clots in the vessels: diagnostic measures Do all people have blood clots

For a long time, the word "thrombus" has become frightening for people. And not in vain, because it can lead to stroke, thrombosis, atherosclerosis. How can you take care of yourself to avoid blood clots?

But a blood clot is not as terrible as it seems. First of all, the formation of blood clots is necessary in case of bleeding.

Their task is to stop blood loss and thus save lives. But sometimes pathologies can occur if blood clots simply appear on their own in the vessels, and this can lead to sad consequences.

The main reasons for their formation:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • pregnancy. After childbirth, the risk is also great;
  • frequent dehydration;
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • a catheter that is in the vein for a long time. It causes damage to the walls of the vein, which increases the risk of thrombosis;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • transferred operations;
  • obesity;
  • smoking;
  • heredity.

What should make you get tested?

Thrombi can form in almost any vessel. Therefore, you should pay attention to common symptoms that should alert:

You can check their presence in the body yourself. To do this, you need to carefully examine your limbs. If the veins are swollen and reddened, when you press them, pain occurs, or the area of ​​reddened skin is hot, then we can talk about thrombophlebitis.

If there are even the slightest symptoms or concerns, then you need to undergo an examination to confirm or refute the presence of clots.

The principles of diagnosis for the presence of blood clots in the body are as follows:

After such an examination, detailed information about the state of the body will be obtained, and the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis.

Of course, diagnostic centers, hospitals, clinics are always better in the capital and big cities.

In Moscow, you can contact the Center for Innovative Phlebology. Everything is arranged there according to the latest trends in medicine. Reception of a specialist will cost from 1500 rubles. The total cost of the examination will be slightly more than 5,000 rubles.

MedikCity is also good for diagnosis and treatment. This clinic is multidisciplinary, while the phlebology department is quite large. The latest equipment is used there, professionals work there. The cost of the examination is from 5000 rubles. This amount includes a consultation with a doctor, and ultrasound, and tests.

There is an Innovative Vascular Center in St. Petersburg. It was created precisely in order to determine the presence of tendencies to thrombosis, to prevent strokes and other diseases. Phlebologist appointment costs 1000 rubles. The entire examination with analyzes will cost about 4-5 thousand rubles. The Medinef clinic will also not refuse the study.

The cost of diagnostics in such clinics fluctuates around 4000 rubles. The price will depend on the number of procedures and tests.

Risk group and treatment

Each disease has a risk group - people who are more likely to be affected by the disease.

People at risk for thrombosis include:

Any disease requires immediate treatment. After all, it is much easier to carry it out at the initial stage.

It is very important not to start the disease, otherwise the consequences will help to be very sad.

If there are blood clots in the body, then treatment is reduced to taking anticoagulants. These medicines prevent the growth of a blood clot. Modern medicines include:

But these are only those drugs that are used to prevent the growth of clots. More medicines are needed to help dissolve them. They should be prescribed only by a doctor who owns the full history of the patient.

In cases where medical treatment does not give any results, a surgical method may be needed.

Surgical operations are divided into several types:

In addition to treatment, lifestyle is very important. You need to follow a diet and exercise. In the diet you need to include products useful for blood vessels:

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

In our century, the highest mortality from strokes and heart attacks, so it is so important to monitor the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Clots can bring a lot of harm, sometimes even lead to death.

It is very important to seek help and undergo medical treatment in time.

The examination does not take much time and money, but it can save a life. It is especially important to consult a doctor if there are even the slightest symptoms of the disease.

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Today, the question of how to detect a blood clot in a timely manner is leading in relevance in the medical field. As you know, diseases of the cardiovascular system are the most dangerous in terms of complications and mortality. The appearance of even one blood clot can cause the development of serious pathologies in the body.

Every year, statistics record an increasing number of patients who were not lucky enough to face this problem. The main cause of all thrombosis is pathological stagnation of blood in the vessels. This is influenced by many factors, which we will discuss below.

Why do blood clots appear

The symptoms and treatment applied to thrombophlebitis depends on the root cause of the pathology in the vessel. Abnormalities found in patients often depend on the presence of the following factors:

  1. The presence in the body of an infection that can provoke an inflammatory process inside the vessel. In order to avoid trouble, you need to regularly check your health.
  2. Consequences resulting from the fact that the patient did not pass a full test for residual symptoms after suffering serious illnesses. The latter include oncological processes, severe allergic reactions, drug addiction.
  3. Injury to veins and arteries due to blows, abrasions, hematomas. Damage to blood vessels can also occur after an unsuccessful surgical intervention, the installation of a catheter in a vein.
  4. Fluctuating blood counts for no reason. In the composition of blood particles, indicators of the number of erythrocytes, density, and coagulation level can dramatically change their value.
  5. Too slow movement of blood through the veins due to a wide variety of factors (pathological process in the body, changes in hormonal levels).
  6. Passive pastime, monotonous sedentary work. Trouble happens to people who spend a long time in a row in one position of the body.
  7. Insufficient amount of fluid consumed by a person.
  8. Excessive pressure on the walls of blood vessels during intense sports training, hard physical labor, wearing high heels.

Diagnosis of superficial thrombosis

Finding out if you have a tendency to thrombosis is not easy, however, there are clear signs by which you can suspect the presence of a blood clot. After a thorough check, you should see a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • excessively dense areas, as well as uneven surfaces on the skin of the legs, indicate the presence of a blood clot;
  • painful sensations of a pulling nature, especially in places of damage to blood vessels;
  • venous plaques, redness in some places of the vessels, itching and inflammation of the skin;
  • intense pain in the lower back, as well as in the region of the lower sacrum;
  • if there is a blood clot in the leg, then the place where the affected vessel passes will be hot;
  • Great fatigue and immobility of the limbs after active pastime.

Diagnosis of deep blood clots

Clinical blood test

A clinical blood test is one of the most reliable ways to find out if a person has a problem with a blood clot or not.

The study is necessary to identify real problems with blood clotting in the body.

In most cases, the results of the analysis will show how likely thrombosis or the occurrence of plaques in the vessels. If you have already tried to determine a blood clot by a blood test earlier, then the doctor will be able to track changes in dynamics.

Biochemical analysis allows you to identify the formation of blood clots in the internal organs, to assess their overall performance and functionality.

The undeniable advantage of the study is the ability to determine the microorganisms involved in the formation of the inflammatory process.

A detailed study of blood particles in the section will help to reliably assess the risks of blood clots, to establish the real number of platelets in the blood.

Ultrasound procedure

The most likely to detect signs of thrombophlebitis in a vein is the study of blood vessels using ultrasound radiation. Of particular importance is the detection of asymptomatic venous thrombosis in patients at an early stage.

At risk for thrombosis are patients with fractures and bruises of the body, hematomas, interventions to remove tumors.

Blood clots during ultrasound can be detected with vein thrombosis in the thigh and under the knees.

However, this method does not always bring the desired results when scanning the veins of the legs and small pelvis. As practice shows, in most patients, ultrasound has become only an additional technique in the study of pelvic veins.

The disease itself can be 100% confirmed only with the presence of the results of venography. In order for an ultrasound examination to be successful, it must be performed at the time the limb is on weight, as well as with a pronounced swelling of the damaged veins.


This type of study helps to determine if there are blood clots in the body using x-rays.

Thus, all suspicious vessels are checked for such a dangerous process as the formation of blood clots.

Due to the fact that the vascular structure is not fully displayed on the original image, it will not be possible to check for the presence of blood clots in the vessels with a standard x-ray. This is possible only if there is a substance in the human body that makes contrasting areas of blood vessels where there is a blood clot.

There are currently more than 100 types of phlebography methods for combating thrombosis. However, they do not have significant differences from each other in terms of diagnosis. Scientists around the world say that work will be carried out to improve this method.

The efforts of specialists are also aimed at making the study more versatile and safe.

Like any other intervention, phlebography has a number of contraindications. These include the period of childbearing and breastfeeding, early childhood and old age. Patients who have a tendency to allergies, chronic hepatic or renal pathologies should be careful.


This study is one of the subtypes of angiography, which allows to identify a thrombus as an obstacle to normal blood flow through the vessels. As with the previous method, a contrast agent is injected only into the arteries, and not the veins of the patient.

Arteriography is considered the most effective way to detect a blood clot, as well as assess the state of the whole organism.

After the specialist manages to examine the results of the examination, you will find out what condition the arteries are in, whether there are neoplasms close to the vessels, narrowing of the blood channels, stagnation and blockage, and problems in blood pressure.

Not a single phlebologist will be able to choose the right method of treatment until a high-quality and comprehensive diagnosis is carried out. In this regard, angiography makes it possible to make a reliable diagnosis, as well as to identify the location of the problem.

However, compared to other sections of angiography, this procedure is the most painful for the patient.

The reason for this is the high speed of movement of contrast through the arteries. As a rule, local anesthesia is applied to the patient. In the case of an increased susceptibility to pain in a patient, an additional anesthetic solution is administered to him.

Treatment of detected blood clots

Checking for thrombosis in the organs is only the first step towards normalizing your condition. To counteract thrombosis, the patient is prescribed the following drugs:

  • anticoagulants (stop further growth and development of a blood clot);
  • thrombolytics (with their help re-emerging thromboses resolve).

Important information! Only a specialist in the field of phlebology should determine the appropriate drugs to correct the situation and thin the blood!

In many cases of thrombophlebitis, the disease does not make itself felt for quite a long time.

The patient feels as usual, and at this time the clots continue to accumulate, clogging his blood vessels. In the period of the next exacerbation, surgical intervention may be urgently required. Surgical treatment also takes place if the conservative did not give the expected results.


Depending on where the thrombus is localized, the symptoms also manifest themselves in different ways.

Most often, it is formed in the vessels of the limbs, and in this case, the signs will be of the following nature:

  • sharp pain at the site of the lesion, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and swelling, as if something is bursting from the inside;
  • the skin turns blue and becomes cold in the place of edema;
  • chills, fever, feeling of weakness appear.

When the vessels of the digestive system are affected, thrombosis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • bouts of acute excruciating pain in the abdomen;
  • vomiting and loose stools mixed with blood.

If the target of a dangerous process is the vessels of the brain or the carotid artery, which is prone to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, the signs of the disease will be as follows:

  • sudden numbness in an arm or leg;
  • difficulty speaking;
  • double vision;
  • severe hoop-compressing headache.

The most insidious is the defeat of the coronary artery, because in atypical cases, pain can be mild, resemble heartburn, and disguise itself as other ailments. Whereas the risk of a heart attack in this situation is great.

Basically, with a blood clot in the heart, symptoms of angina pectoris appear - a burning sensation in the chest area, behind the sternum, sometimes in the esophagus, pain radiating to the left arm.

Pulmonary embolism is also a common cause of sudden death because clots in the respiratory system irritate the lungs and cause:

  • coughing up blood;
  • labored breathing;
  • cardiopalmus.

The reasons

A sedentary sedentary lifestyle - hypodynamia - a real scourge of the modern generation, is one of the main causes of blood clots.

If the rules of proper nutrition are still ignored, overweight, cigarettes and alcohol, nervous stress take place - all this vicious "set" leads to the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body.

Accordingly, such a lifestyle will sooner or later lead to vasoconstriction, loss of elasticity, and further damage.

Additional risk factors are diseases in the circulatory system, disorders of the blood coagulation function.

It is important to take into account hereditary predisposition, therefore, if close relatives suffered from thrombosis, cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to play it safe.

At the first signs, as soon as possible, undergo a preventive examination by a doctor and, according to his appointment, check the vessels for the presence of plaques, pass the necessary tests.


Currently, medicine has a variety of modern devices, tools and methods that help doctors identify cardiovascular diseases at an early stage.

Diagnostics can be planned and emergency.

Planned includes the following studies:

  • blood cholesterol test;
  • blood coagulation test - coagulogram;
  • blood chemistry.

Emergency diagnostics:

  • ultrasound duplex scanning of the veins, during which their diameter is measured, the blood flow velocity is determined;
  • phlebography and angiography - a radiopaque substance is introduced into the vascular bed, with which you can determine the presence of a blood clot on an x-ray, check and evaluate the condition of the veins and capillaries.

If pulmonary embolism is suspected, in addition to computed tomography, additional studies are needed:

  • electrocardiogram - a method that will allow you to notice deviations;
  • ventilation and perfusion scan, which helps to determine the location of those areas of the lungs where air does not enter, and compare it with the movement of blood flow.


It involves taking anticoagulants that affect various stages of blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots. Blood clots are also used. All medicines are taken only as prescribed by a doctor in a strictly specified dosage.

In difficult cases, when treatment does not give effective results, surgical intervention aimed at removing blood clots or dilating blood vessels helps:

  • cardiac catheterization;
  • catheter-directed thrombolysis;
  • thrombectomy.


Prevention consists primarily in the timely appeal to medical specialists and the adoption of appropriate measures. In many cases, avoiding serious consequences allows the prevention of the occurrence of the risk factors themselves and the correct lifestyle.

The right way of life means:

  • regular aerobic exercise: walking, running, jumping, cycling, rowing, cardio training, swimming;
  • drinking enough water: dehydration contributes to the formation of a high concentration of platelets in the blood (thickening of the blood) and, thus, provokes the formation of blood clots;
  • the inclusion of products that reduce the concentration of cholesterol, thin the blood and increase the elasticity of blood vessels - garlic, fish, citrus fruits;
  • to give up smoking.

Moderate physical activity, hardening procedures and diet will minimize vascular thrombosis and prolong the life of the patient.

Causes of vein thrombosis

The main contributing factor to thrombosis is a violation of blood clotting in the direction of acceleration. In 70% of cases, thrombosis affects the large (main) veins of the legs and arms. Thrombosis of the femoral and popliteal area is life-threatening. It is in them that blood clots are formed that have the ability to detach, move with embolism (blockage) of blood vessels.

Thrombus formation is based on three main pathogenetic mechanisms:

  • damage to the vascular wall by bacterial toxins or traumatic effects;
  • violation of blood clotting processes in the direction of increasing clotting, as a result of the use of medications, chemicals, congenital diseases that cause abnormal changes in blood cells (platelets);
  • slowing down of blood flow in the area of ​​the vascular bed due to improper operation of the valve apparatus of the veins. A decrease in the rate of blood circulation can cause mechanical compression of the vessel.

Factors contributing to the appearance of vein thrombosis:

  • age over 40;
  • surgical interventions on the organs of the chest, abdominal cavity, with injuries;
  • immobile position of the patient for a long period;
  • obesity;
  • smoking;
  • sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work.

Causes of thrombosis:

  • hand vein catheterization;
  • installation of pacemakers;
  • hormone therapy of gynecological diseases for a long period;
  • the use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • early postpartum period;
  • long-term severe infectious processes (exposure to toxins on blood vessels).

Signs and symptoms of venous thrombosis

Thrombosis of the brachial veins manifests itself:

  • pain along the vein;
  • the formation of a venous cord with inflammation;
  • slight swelling.

This type of thrombosis occurs in hospitals due to long-term treatment with intravenous solutions. It is also a reaction to finding a needle, a catheter in a vein.

Thrombosis of the superficial veins of the leg is accompanied by:

  • pain at the site of thrombus formation;
  • determination of a painful and dense strand of the pathological section of the vein during a digital examination;
  • redness of the skin in a painful place;
  • local temperature response.

If deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities occurs, in particular in the popliteal vein, femoral, iliac, then the following painful manifestations are noted:

  • gradually increasing pastous (unexpressed) swelling of the leg;
  • altered skin sensitivity, feeling of "running goosebumps";
  • aching-drawing pains in the area of ​​thrombus formation;
  • discoloration of the skin, hair loss over the site of thrombus formation.

Symptoms of thrombosis of the lower extremities have a clear picture and errors in the diagnosis are extremely rare.

With thrombosis of the portal vein (pylethrombosis) occurs:

  • enlargement of the spleen;
  • accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting.

These changes occur as a result of increased pressure in the venous bed of the portal vein.

Thrombogenesis of the renal vein system proceeds with:

  • intense aching pain in the lower back on the side of the lesion;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine;
  • edema, increased blood pressure.

Mesenteric vein thrombosis occurs predominantly in the elderly. Its frequency has been increasing in recent years. The most pronounced lesion is in the superior mesenteric vein, usually associated with thrombosis of the mesenteric artery.

Occurs after:

  • abdominal injuries;
  • suppurative processes of the abdominal cavity;
  • cirrhotic changes in the liver tissue with a pronounced increase in pressure in the portal vein system;
  • occurrence of neoformational processes;
  • development of chronic circulatory failure.

Note:the most formidable complication of this type of thrombosis is intestinal infarction of venous origin. Arises and develops slowly.

Complaints with mesenteric thrombosis:

  • increasing pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea turning into vomiting;
  • diarrhea with bloody-mucous contents;
  • bloating.

The described painful changes indicate the development of intestinal obstruction.

  • increase in body temperature;
  • severe weakness;
  • drop in blood pressure and heart rate.

Important:these are very formidable signs of developing inflammation of the peritoneum - peritonitis, which is subject to emergency treatment for health reasons.

Thrombosis of the hemorrhoid

Pathology is a complication of hemorrhoids. It develops as a result of circulatory disorders in the varicose veins of the rectum with spasm of the anal sphincter. The node located in the pressure zone swells, necrotic processes develop in it.

Thrombosis can be:

  • external (thrombus is formed in the hemorrhoidal nodes that have come out, behind the sphincter);
  • internal.

The most common is external thrombosis.

Hemorrhoidal thrombosis contribute to:

  • protracted childbirth;
  • engaging in heavy physical labor;
  • power sports overload;
  • anal sex;
  • constipation.

Patients with acute thrombosis of the hemorrhoid complain of severe pain in the rectum and anus during defecation, especially with strong straining. The pain is accompanied by a sensation of a foreign body.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the patient's complaints, examination data.

For some types of thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities, functional tests are used:

  • Lowenberg. A tonometer cuff is placed above the knee. At a pressure of about 100 mm Hg. Art. pain appears. On a healthy limb, pain does not occur even at 150-180 mm Hg. Art.
  • Pratt-1. In the supine position, the legs are lifted up and held for several minutes. The circumference of the lower leg in cm is preliminarily measured. Then an elastic bandage is applied to the limbs, rising from the fingers higher. In this case, the subcutaneous vessels are subjected to compression, the blood drains through the collateral veins into a deep network. After 10 minutes of walking, the bandage is removed. With deep vein thrombosis, pain and an increase in the volume of the lower leg appear.
  • Homans. Position lying on the back. Legs at the knees must be bent. When pulling the foot “on itself”, a sharp pain appears in the calf muscle, the skin over it turns pale.
  • Mayo-Pratt. A roller is placed under the sore leg of the lying patient. Massage strokes push the blood out of the superficial veins. Then a tourniquet is applied to the upper thigh, with which the patient is asked to walk for about half an hour. Deep vein thrombosis of the legs is accompanied by a feeling of fullness and pain.

The study is complemented by data dopplerography. This is a method that allows you to find out the dynamics of the passage of blood through the vascular bed. It is based on the registration of the reflected ultrasonic signal from blood cells. Unfortunately, it does not allow obtaining data from deep veins.

In favor of the presence of thrombosis says:

  • lack of movement of blood in the inspiratory phase;
  • lack of increased blood flow in the femoral vein after emptying the superficial veins;
  • slowing down the movement of blood in certain parts of the vascular bed;
  • difference in the speed of blood flow in the two limbs.

A clear method for diagnosing thrombosis is angiography- Examination of the vessel using X-rays and adding a contrast agent to it.

For studies of veins, one of the options for angiography is used -.

On phlebographic images and during dynamic observation, the following is recorded:

  • the effect of a “chopped vein” - a blood clot does not allow free passage of contrast through the vessel;
  • significantly narrowed vein lumen;
  • contour irregularity "roughness" of the vessel wall due to existing atherosclerotic deposits (plaques);
  • visualization of a thrombus in the form of a rounded formation in contact with the vessel wall.

Important:the patient's blood is necessarily examined, in addition to clinical analysis, clotting factors are examined, a coagulogram is made.

Treatment of vein thrombosis

The sooner thrombosis treatment is started, the better the outcome. Measures to eliminate the pathology can be carried out on an outpatient basis, or in a hospital, depending on the severity of the process, its phase, and the presence of complications.

There are two main types of treatment:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

The goals of medical measures:

  • restoration of patency of the vein;
  • stop the spread of the thrombotic process;
  • measures to prevent complications of thrombosis;
  • prevention of disorders that cause trophic tissue disorders.

General principles of conservative therapy of vein thrombosis

Drug therapy involves the impact on various pathogenetic links of thrombus formation.

The main directions of conservative measures:

With the development of septic complications, therapy is supplemented with antibiotics.

Note:treatment is carried out under the mandatory control of blood tests, coagulograms.

In the case of developed mesenteric thrombosis, surgical treatment is the main type of assistance. The patient is prepared by medical correction of circulatory processes, the necessary diagnostic methods are carried out. During the operation, a section of the necrotic intestine is excised, the embolus is removed, and a bypass circulation is formed. After the operation, long-term drug therapy is prescribed.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins at the present stage responds well to treatment with minimally invasive techniques, including radio wave methods, electrocoagulation, surgical removal of the node, followed by vascular plasty.

Surgical treatment of thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities is carried out by direct access. A catheter approach to the affected area of ​​the vein is also used. The thrombus is excised, the main veins are tied off. The outflow of blood is taken over by collateral veins.

Thrombosis prevention

We recommend reading: Methods for cleansing blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots

Measures to prevent vein thrombosis include eliminating physical inactivity, following a diet that provides for a reduction in fatty foods, limiting the intake of carbohydrates. In the case of varicose veins of the lower extremities, it is necessary to wear compression devices. Useful systematic pouring cold water on the feet, contrast showers, moderate exercise.

You will receive more complete information about the causes of vein thrombosis, methods of treating this disease and methods of prevention by watching this video review:

Stepanenko Vladimir, surgeon

    Blood analysis


    The main purpose of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is to identify infectious diseases, tumor markers, and hormonal disorders.

    When conducting enzyme immunoassay, quantitative and qualitative indicators of antibodies and hormones are determined. This is a highly informative method that allows you to accurately diagnose.

    There are several options for conducting the analysis itself, which affects the timing of the results. However, on average, the results are ready in 1-10 days.

    During the analysis, antibodies of various types are established - immunoglobulins M, A, G. Each of them has its own time of occurrence.

    Approximately on the 5th day of the disease, IgM appear, which can be observed over the next 5-6 weeks. Then the IgGs show up. They may appear over a long period of time. Their growth indicates the presence of infection.

    IgA can be detected for 2-4 weeks, but 80% of them are part of the secretion of mucous membranes, not blood. The decrease in the number of these immunoglobulins begins after 2-8 weeks, which indicates the process of destruction of the infection. If these antibodies are detected during re-analysis (after recovery), we are talking about the presence of a chronic infection.

    Serum is a clear liquid that separates from a blood clot after blood clots. It is the serum that is analyzed in enzyme immunoassay.

    During the analysis, the interaction of antibodies with antigens with the participation of enzymes is studied. The reaction is manifested by a color change in the test tube, which is compared with a special scale.

    The sequence of actions in the analysis:

    • a specialist prepares antigens (these can be hormones or substances that provoke an allergic reaction);
    • receiving blood serum;
    • serum is added to test tubes with materials and a reaction is obtained;
    • antibodies are identified using indicators.

    ELISA is reliable. At the same time, in case of violation of the technology of analysis or blood sampling, as well as in the presence of hidden systemic diseases, it is possible to obtain a result that differs from reality.

    When diagnosing thrombosis, a specialist detects antibodies to cardiolipin, which are markers of APS.


    Laboratory diagnosis of thrombosis also implies a referral to a coagulogram. The coagulogram includes a number of blood parameters, which determine the level of its coagulability. Increased coagulability causes thrombosis and thromboembolism.

    Coagulation parameters are indicative, the full picture is reflected by the analysis of clotting factors, of which there are 13.

    The accuracy of the analysis depends on compliance with certain rules:

    • Blood should be taken on an empty stomach, i.e. food is not consumed from 8 to 12 hours before the test. Dinner should be light, and any alcohol, including beer, is strictly prohibited.
    • An hour before donating blood, you should not drink juice, coffee, tea.
    • 15-20 minutes before the procedure, you are allowed to drink a glass of water.
    • It is necessary to avoid significant physical exertion, overwork.
    • If the patient is forced to take anticoagulants, the specialist should be informed about this.
    • do not take a blood test in a state of stress and overwork;
    • if dizziness is observed, there is a deterioration in health from the type of blood, the medical worker should be warned - in such cases, the analysis is taken by laying the patient on the couch.

    Indicators studied during the delivery of a coagulogram

    Clotting time
    • Blood is taken from the cubital vein in a volume of 2 ml.
    • This volume is divided into equal parts and placed in different test tubes in a water bath corresponding to body temperature.
    • At the same moment, the stopwatch is turned on and the time during which the clot is formed is recorded.
    • The final score is determined as the average of the results of two tubes.
    • Normally, the indicator should be from 5 to 10 minutes.
    • If the result approaches or exceeds 15 minutes, this indicates a deficiency of the prothrombinase enzyme. This may be due to the use of heparin or a side effect of taking birth control pills.
    Prothrombin index
    • The procedure is similar to the previous one, however, solutions of calcium chloride and thromboplastin are added to the test tube. Thus, the ability of blood to coagulate with a sufficient level of thromboplastin is analyzed.
    • Normally, the indicator should be from 10 to 20 seconds.
    • The reason for exceeding the indicator is a violation of the synthesis of the enzyme prothrombinase, prothrombin and fibrinogen, which can lead to liver disease, vitamin deficiency, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, and dysbacteriosis.
    • Another possible reason is the use of anticoagulants, hormonal contraceptives, so the patient's condition should be monitored when prescribing them.
    • The result is expressed as a percentage between the norm and the obtained indicator. In the absence of violations, it should be 90-105%.
    Activated partial thromboplastin time
    • The most sensitive of all analysis indicators. It allows you to determine the insufficiency of clotting factors.
    • It is a plasma modification reaction with the addition of phospholipids.
    • Normally, the indicator is 38-55 seconds. If the result is below the norm, there is a possibility of developing thrombosis.
    Plasma fibrinogen When combined with certain substances, fibrinogen turns into fibrin. Its threads are dyed with a special solution or weighed, obtaining a quantitative indicator, which should be equal to from 5.9 to 11.7 µmol / l. Thrombosis is indicated by an excess of the norm.

    These indicators are included in the "shortened" version of the analysis.

    If necessary, you can also study:

    • thrombin time;
    • retraction of a blood clot;
    • plasma recalcification period;
    • thrombotest;
    • plasma resistance to heparin;
    • fibrinolytic activity.

    Molecular genetic

    This analysis is prescribed when there is a suspicion of a hereditary form of thrombosis.

    The analysis makes it possible to identify genetic markers to determine the risk of a hereditary disease and the likelihood of complications, and also helps in planning preventive measures.

    Functional trials

    Functional tests are carried out in order to assess the condition of the saphenous veins. However, they will not help determine the location of the thrombus.

    Instrumental methods for diagnosing thrombosis

    Thrombosis can be diagnosed using the following methods:

    Angiography Through a small puncture in the vein, a radiopaque substance is injected using a catheter. This is followed by a CT scan or x-ray. This allows you to see the thrombosed vein and the location of the thrombus. The advantage of this method is the ability to obtain information even about a fresh thrombus, which is impossible with ultrasound.

    Angiography can detect the following changes characteristic of thrombosis:

    • unevenness, roughness of the vascular walls;
    • narrowing of the lumen of the vein, the picture shows that the contrast agent flows around the thrombus;
    • with a parietal thrombus - an unstained space near the vascular wall;
    • “chopped off” vein - when the vessel is blocked by a blood clot.
    doppler ultrasound
    • This research method has no contraindications, it is painless and safe. Ultrasound makes it possible to conduct a quick assessment of the state of the vessels and determine the places of blood reflux from deep vessels to superficial ones.
    • The method is based on the ability of ultrasonic waves to be reflected from circulating blood, as well as on the different frequencies of vibrations that accompany the passage through tissues. The vibrations are transmitted to highly sensitive sensors, and then to the device, which reflects them in a graphic or sound form.
    • The procedure does not require any special preparation, it can be repeated several times if necessary.
    • During the study, the patient lies on the couch, placing the legs shoulder-width apart and turning the feet. If it is necessary to study the blood flow in the small saphenous or popliteal vein, then the patient lies on his stomach.
    • The procedure involves a breathing and compression test. To obtain information, the specialist runs sensors through the veins. The procedure can take from 20 to 40 minutes.
    • Dopplerography allows you to assess the state of blood flow, the presence of changes in it and their causes. In the absence of violations, the specialist sees the smooth walls of the vessels, their unchanged lumen, rhythmically moving valves. The movement of blood is in direct connection with respiratory activity.
    • Based on the data obtained, a decision is made on the need for further diagnostic measures.
    Phlebography X-ray research method based on the introduction of a contrast agent.

    It can only be used as an additional method, as it gives a high radiation exposure, and also creates the possibility of developing phlebitis, irritation, and tissue necrosis at the puncture site.

    In addition, this research method is characterized by high cost.

    Purpose of phlebography:

    • confirmation of deep vein thrombosis;
    • carrying out differential diagnostics of thrombosis and violation of venous outflow;
    • analysis of congenital vascular anomalies;
    • studying the operation of vein valves;
    • selection of a vein for shunting.

    There are certain rules for the procedure:

    • for 4 hours before the study, it is forbidden to eat, it is allowed to drink water;
    • in some cases, it is necessary to undergo a blood coagulation test, as well as an analysis of the work of the kidneys;
    • the patient must be warned that the introduction of a contrast agent into the vessel can cause burning;
    • there must be confirmation of the absence of allergic reactions to iodine-containing components;
    • the patient should be informed about possible side effects (they are rare): nausea, itching, shortness of breath;
    • before the examination, it may be necessary to cancel or reduce the dose of anticoagulants;
    • if necessary, it is recommended to take sedatives.

    Research progress:

    • The patient is positioned vertically on the x-ray table, without leaning on the limb in which the blood flow is being studied. A tourniquet is applied to the ankle area to facilitate the filling of the veins with a contrast agent. The specialist slowly injects the solution into a superficial vein.
    • If due to swelling it is not possible to perform a venipuncture, the doctor performs a venesection. With the help of the device, the distribution of the contrast solution in the vessels is studied, and pictures are taken in various projections.
    • The table is lowered, the limb is raised and another solution is injected into it - designed to remove the radiopaque substance. The needle is removed only after confirmation of the removal of the substance from the vessel. The injection site is covered with a bandage.

    The procedure should be accompanied by the determination of the main physiological parameters, the pulse of the arteries.

    To reduce the pain of the procedure, the patient is prescribed analgesics. It is necessary to monitor the patient's condition in order to timely detect the development of an allergic reaction. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a late reaction to the introduction of a contrast solution.

    To quickly remove the substance from the body, it is recommended to consume a large amount of liquid. You should most closely monitor the likelihood of developing an allergy to the drug within half an hour after its administration.

    In the presence of disturbances in the blood flow, uneven filling, interruption of the flow of a substance, and a change in the direction of movement can be detected.

    When conducting a study, it is necessary to monitor the factors that may affect the reliability of the results:

    • support on the limb in which the blood flow is examined;
    • leg movement during the procedure;
    • tight tourniquet;
    • improper administration or dilution of the solution;
    • delay in taking pictures;
    • edema, thrombosis in history, overweight, phlegmon of fatty tissue.
    • The study allows you to study hemodynamics and microcirculation in the limbs, the filling of blood vessels at rest and under the influence of physical activity. The method is not widely used due to the high strict adherence to the survey technique and subsequent data processing.
    • During the procedure, electrodes are placed on the lower extremities, which transmit resistance fluctuations and record them in the form of a graphic curve.
    • Rheovasography can be longitudinal, transverse, longitudinal-transverse - it depends on the application of the electrodes. In the longitudinal version, the electrodes are installed on one surface of the limb, in the transverse version, on the same zones on opposite sides of the leg. The second method allows you to evaluate not only the fullness of the vessels, but also the speed of the passage of the pulse wave.
    • In the combined version, the sensors are installed at different levels and on opposite surfaces of the limb.
    • According to its informative characteristics, rheovasography is not as useful as ultrasound or angiography. Biased data can be obtained in cases of increased venous pressure due to post-phlebitis disease, heart failure, partial vein occlusion, local thrombosis, vasoconstriction.
    • Of great importance for obtaining accurate results are external factors: a cold room, clothing that squeezes blood vessels, swelling, and many others.
    • Before starting the procedure, the patient should rest for 10-15 minutes. 2 days before the procedure, vascular preparations are canceled, and you can not smoke or eat for 3 hours.
    • The procedure should be carried out in a room with a temperature of about 20 degrees and in the absence of any external stimuli. The patient is fitted with sensors in such a way that they fit snugly against the skin, but do not affect blood circulation.
    • The study consists in the passage of high-frequency pulses through the tissues under study. As a result, resistance is determined. At the same time, visual control over the information recorded graphically is necessary.
    • The study can be supplemented by the performance of pharmacological or functional tests.
    • The analysis of the obtained rheovasogram consists in studying the resulting curve, taking into account the nature and symmetry of the waves, amplitude, rise and fall of the dicrotic tooth. The resulting curve allows you to calculate a large number of calculated indicators.
    duplex scanning
    • This research method is highly informative. It allows you to get a comprehensive amount of information about the state of both superficial and deep-seated vessels.
    • The advantage of the method is the ability not only to obtain the necessary data, but also to visualize the vessels. The method is a combination of conventional ultrasound and the use of Doppler technology to study blood flow.
    • This method is one of the most important in phlebology. It allows you to see the vessels along their length and at the same time get information about how the blood flow is carried out. Duplex examination can be simple or extended.
    • Depending on how much information you need to get, the duration of the procedure also depends. Basic data can be obtained in 10 minutes, while a full-fledged study will take 40-50 minutes.
    • The procedure is as follows: first, the phlebologist examines the patient's limbs in daylight. This is necessary to identify areas that need special attention when scanning.
    • The examination should be carried out lying down and standing. When the patient is in the supine position, deep veins are examined, in the standing position - superficial.
    • The procedure must be supplemented by functional tests. In this case, it is necessary to study every centimeter of the venous system, since there is a preclinical stage of the disease that does not manifest itself, but can be detected using ultrasound.
    • In thrombosis, duplex scanning is accompanied by 2 characteristic features: the detection of intraluminal inclusions, as well as the incompressibility of the sensors. The specialist can detect thickening of the vascular wall.
    • At the same time, it is important to know that a fresh thrombus has the same echo density as blood, so other indicators must be monitored. Only over time, the thrombus will thicken, and therefore, it will be possible to determine it.

The natural consistency of blood is liquid, it is this condition that contributes to the proper metabolism and current that are carried out in the tissues. The formation of a blood clot disrupts the normal functioning of organs, and this can cause negative manifestations.

Thrombosis is a pathology characterized by the formation of blood clots, that is, blood clots appear in the bloodstream, filling the gaps of blood vessels.

In this case, ischemic and hypoxic disorders in tissues can develop. Therefore, everyone should know how to determine the presence of the disease.

The first symptoms of a blood clot

Signs of thrombosis may vary by location. Thus, the following clinical picture is noted:

During the diagnosis, the doctor may identify other symptoms of thrombosis, which are reflected in the results of the studies.

In any case, with any changes in the body, a visit to the doctor is simply necessary.

If a blood clot is suspected, specialists prescribe the following studies:

Manifestations of pathology depending on the type of disease

In medicine, 2 forms of the disease have been noted: thrombosis, which affects the veins and arteries. How to recognize blood clots in case of development of one of the forms?

Vein damage

In this case, the formation of blood clots occurs inside the deep veins. Often, vein thrombosis is observed in the lower extremities, although development in other areas is not excluded. With venous thrombosis, pain, redness in the affected area, and swelling are observed. Venous thrombosis can be of several types:

Arterial damage

Thrombosis can also be arterial. Moreover, this form often proceeds along with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, so you can also find another name for the disease - atherothrombosis. Often the cause of the development of pathology is atrial fibrillation, which provokes a violation of the blood flow. As a result of arterial thrombosis, arterial embolism can develop, which can provoke a heart attack. There are several forms of arterial thrombosis, which depend on the location of the thrombus:

How do complications manifest themselves?

With improper or untimely treatment, a severe form can cause serious complications. Thus, the following signs are distinguished:

If you experience at least one of the symptoms described above, you should immediately contact a specialist. With proper and timely therapy, the prognosis is usually favorable. Inattention to one's own health can cost lives.

Feedback from our reader - Alexandra Savelyeva

I recently read an article that talks about natural Choledol syrup for the prevention of blood clots, by lowering cholesterol and normalizing the cardiovascular system. With the help of this syrup, you can QUICKLY lower CHOLESTEROL, restore blood vessels, remove cholesterol plaques, eliminate atherosclerosis, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, purify blood and lymph at home.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered one package. I noticed changes within a week: the heaviness in my legs disappeared, my legs stopped swelling, I began to feel better, strength and energy appeared. Analyzes showed a decrease in CHOLESTEROL to NORM. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

Elena Malysheva recommends a new method based on the modern drug Choledol for the prevention of TOMBS, lowering the level of CHOLESTEROL in the body.

It contains amaranth seeds and juice, and other natural ingredients that effectively fight blood clots, lower cholesterol, normalize vein tone, purify blood and lymph, prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques, and improve the general condition of the body. In this case, only natural ingredients are used, no chemicals and hormones!

Do you still think that it is impossible to FULLY CURE?

Have you been suffering for a long time from heaviness in the legs and edema, which intensifies by the end of the day, constant headaches, migraines, severe shortness of breath at the slightest exertion, and, in addition to all this, pronounced HYPERTENSION? Did you know that all these symptoms may indicate an elevated level of CHOLESTEROL in your body, which can lead to blood clots?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, the fight against pathology is not on your side. Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can all these symptoms be tolerated? And how much money and time have you already "leaked" for ineffective treatment of SYMPTOMS, and not the disease itself? After all, it is more correct to treat not the symptoms of the disease, but the disease itself! Do you agree?

Few people know what danger is the presence of blockage of veins in the human body. Their appearance is provoked by a number of factors that, if not diagnosed in time, can lead to death. The disease in which blood clots form is called thrombosis. With the correct and timely diagnosis of the disease, the risk of exposing yourself to fatal diseases is greatly reduced.

How and why blood clots appear

First of all, a thrombus is a blood clot that forms in the vascular system or. There are two types of this education:

  • parietal;
  • obturating.

Parietal thrombi often appear in the cardiac region and large veins in the legs. Obturating thrombi are localized in small vessels. The appearance may be preceded by a violation in the coagulation system. Often, clots form in the place where there is damage to the walls of blood vessels. After the appearance, the process of inflammation begins, which leads to the formation and deposition of fibrin filaments.

This is how a primary thrombus appears, which, as blood enters it and the layering of thrombic masses, increases in size. If the clot is located in the vessel for a long enough time, it breaks off, and in its place there is a blockage of the blood flow. This process is fatal in most cases.

The following reasons can lead to the appearance of blood clots:

  • slow or fast blood flow;
  • violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • sedentary lifestyle or paralysis of the body;
  • abrupt changes in the hormonal background (taking hormonal drugs, abortion or pregnancy);
  • violation in the activity of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis;
  • trauma and surgery;
  • heredity.

The main symptoms of a blood clot in the body

Depending on which part of the body the thrombosis has appeared, the symptoms may differ. If the blockage appears in a large vein, the patient may shiver, and severe pain appears in the damaged area. If a blood clot has formed in a superficial vein, it can be felt quite easily with your fingers. It becomes slightly swollen, and with pulsation, painful sensations appear.

Regardless of in which part of the body thrombosis has appeared, the affected area becomes red and swollen. When it is formed on the lower extremities, a person experiences a feeling of pain and cramps in the calf muscles. If this pathology moves to a new level, peeling and redness appear on the skin, which soon becomes blue.

Very often, such signs indicate the presence in the human body of a disease called. If it comes off, it can lead to sad consequences. If the disease is localized in the area of ​​the brain, this leads to vascular obstruction, and as a result, to a stroke.

How to determine the presence of blood clots in the body

How to determine if there are blood clots in the body or not? This can be done using special procedures. Before recognizing blood clots, you need to carefully examine the legs, because it is on this part of the body that blood clots appear, which pose a particular danger to the body.

It is possible to speak confidently about the presence of thrombophlebitis only if there are seals and redness on the skin, as well as pain during palpation.

There are also secondary signs that may indicate a disease:

  • malaise;
  • general weakness;
  • temperature rise.

If such symptoms are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will conduct an initial examination of the affected area of ​​the body, prescribe a special examination, including a blood test, ultrasound diagnostics, angiography, etc. It is worth noting that in certain cases it is simply impossible to do without surgical intervention.

Surgery can be avoided if the resulting blood clot can be removed with invasive therapy. This process involves injecting a drug directly into the clot itself in a specific part of the body.

Special actions for the clot to resolve

For resorption of thrombosis, they can be prescribed, they also relieve inflammation and lower the temperature. To reduce the likelihood of blood clots, anticoagulant-based agents are used. In the process of taking drugs, it is recommended to monitor the process of blood clotting in order to avoid bleeding.

For external use, special ointments and creams based on heparin are used, which are rubbed onto the affected areas of the body.

Disease prevention

If the cause of the possible occurrence of the disease is clear, you can prevent this process yourself. The first rule is to lead an active lifestyle, thus preventing stagnation of blood in the veins. People who have undergone surgery and serious injuries are also at risk. It is necessary to try to avoid these phenomena.

It is also necessary to carry out diagnostic studies in time, which can reveal a predisposition to the appearance of thrombosis and blockage of the veins. Timely diagnosis of the disease and monitoring of the cardiovascular system have saved the lives of millions of people.

Complication of the disease

Many patients do not even suspect that their body has such a pathology as thrombosis. That is why they can live for a long time without complications, until one day a terrible thing happens. It is all the fault of incorrect or untimely diagnosis of the disease, which many do not even pay attention to.

Blockage of the veins or thrombosis can lead to such problems:

  • people over 40 have an increased risk of strokes or heart attacks;
  • rupture of a blood clot, which entails death;
  • chronic pain in the legs or head area;
  • complication of chronic diseases;
  • lung failure.

To avoid these complications or even death, you need to carefully monitor your health and diagnose and prevent the disease in time to identify symptoms. It is not difficult to identify symptoms in the early stages, even on your own, without the help of a doctor. To do this, you just need to listen to your body and pay attention to any kind of change in a particular organ.

Based on the information and advice of doctors, the question of how to recognize blood clots in the body will not be so difficult and will help to identify the disease in the early stages.

Cardiovascular diseases rank first in terms of mortality in the world. One of the most common causes of death is the formation of a blood clot.

A thrombus is a blood clot that appears in a vessel and clogs it.

As a result, blood circulation through such a vessel is either completely absent or slows down. Tissues receive less nutrients and begin to die.

In some cases, a blood clot can move through the circulatory system.

So, getting into the pulmonary artery, it can make a person disabled, or lead to quick death. That is why it is very important to check blood vessels for blood clots.

How to detect a blood clot: causes of appearance

To learn how to check the vessels for the presence of blood clots, you must first understand the causes of their occurrence.

Clots are designed to stop bleeding, protecting our body from blood loss, but if the anti-coagulation function does not work properly, then clots cause irreparable harm to health.

How to determine the presence of blood clots in the vessels?

Their occurrence, first of all, affects people who have problems with the circulatory system:

  • Vascular damage.
  • Violation of the functionality of the blood flow.
  • Malfunctions in the coagulation system.

Thrombus formation can lead to:

1 Inactive lifestyle, bad habits.
2 Malignant tumors, diseases of the liver and kidneys.
3 Frequent flights.
4 Changes in hormonal levels (pregnancy, diseases of the endocrine system, taking certain medications).
5 Trauma, surgery, prolonged use of a venous catheter.
6 Dehydration of the body.
7 Violations in the work of the heart.
8 Obesity.
9 Heredity.

Symptoms of blood clots in the body

How to identify blood clots in the body? Signs of their presence depend on localization.

So, thrombosis of the abdominal cavity is accompanied by:

  • Pain in the abdomen.
  • Vomit.
  • diarrhea.
  • Blood in stool.

How to check blood vessels for blood clotsin the limbs?

This is manifested by the following signs:

  • Discomfort, pain at the site of injury.
  • Edema.
  • Skin blanching.
  • The influx of heat to the damaged area.

How to detect blood clots in the vesselsbrain?

The brain is responsible for all the functions of our body, so the symptoms can be very different:

  • Impaired vision, hearing, speech.
  • Paralysis.
  • Weakness.
  • The appearance of seizures.
  • Stroke.

How to determine the presence of blood clots in the vesselshearts? We recommend that you learn more about blood clots in the left ventricle of the heart.

This can be facilitated by:

  • Dyspnea.
  • Pain in sternum radiating to left arm.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Difficulty breathing.

How can you check for blood clots in your arteries?lungs?

Signs of their presence are as follows:

  • Cough with splashes of blood.
  • Chest pain.
  • Increased heartbeat.
  • Labored breathing.

Almost all of these symptoms are characteristic of many diseases.

For a more thorough diagnosis, you need to go to the clinic, where they will check the vessels for blood clots, conduct examinations and prescribe control tests.

If you suspect the presence of blood clots, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to detect blood clots in the body: diagnostics

A qualified specialist, after listening to your complaints and assuming the presence of a clot, should conduct an analysis for blood clots, including:

  1. blood donation
  2. Phlebography of veins
  3. Arteriography

Additionally, for the diagnosis of a pulmonary artery thrombus, studies may be required:

  1. X-ray (to exclude other diseases).
  2. Electrocardiogram of the heart.
  3. CT scan.
  4. Ventilation - perfusion scan (method of comparing air circulation with blood flow).

After such a thorough check for blood clots, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

Checking blood vessels for blood clots: treatment

Drug treatment of detected blood clots consists of taking the following drugs:

  • Anticoagulants - to stop the growth of a blood clot.
  • Thrombolytics - for resorption of existing blood clots.

You also need to take medications that thin the blood. All appointments are made only by the attending physician!

Since there are often no signs of a blood clot in the body, no attempts are made to get rid of clots, and in case of exacerbation, the patient immediately goes to the operating table.

Depending on the location of the thrombus, there may be either local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Surgery is also used when conservative therapy fails.

The methods of surgical intervention are as follows:

  1. Cardiac catheterization- insertion of a catheter through the aorta into the heart.

  2. Catheter- directed thrombolysis - the introduction of a drug into the site of the blood clot to dissolve it.

  3. Thrombectomy- an operation to cut a blood clot from a vessel (used in the absence of a positive result from the first two methods or on an emergency basis).

Videos thrombus formation

How to check for blood clots: prevention

The best way to avoid the appearance of blood clots, so that later you do not have to think about how to determine whether there is a blood clot or not, is to perform simple preventive measures:

  1. Engage in moderate physical activity every day (exercises, running, swimming, cycling or walking).
  2. Adjust nutrition and eat more foods that have an antithrombotic effect and thin the blood (buckwheat, apples, lemons, garlic, oranges, tea, grapefruits, pineapples, onions, fish, cherries, cherries).
  3. Drink plenty of water, about 2-2.5 liters per day.
  4. Regularly be observed by a therapist, take blood tests, if necessary, visit a hematologist and phlebologist.
  5. Give up bad habits, normalize sleep, take measures to strengthen immunity.
  6. Coordinate with the doctor the intake of traditional medicine recipes to strengthen blood vessels and resolve existing blood clots (decoctions of a mixture of chamomile, plantain and yarrow, as well as verbena infusion). It is possible to apply special lotions to the affected area.

What is a blood clot in the leg

If blood clots form in the superficial veins of the lower extremities, then a thrombosis has occurred on the leg. As a rule, a blood clot completely or partially clogs the vessels, which can lead to extremely negative consequences. In vein thrombosis, blood does not move freely through the veins. Due to a violation of the outflow, stagnation occurs, accompanied by swelling and blueness of the skin. A thrombus is a consequence of the poor performance of the anticoagulant system when it thickens.

More often, clots appear in the area of ​​damage to the vascular walls or in the area of ​​localization of atherosclerotic plaques. Over time, fibrin threads are deposited there and microinflammation develops, which is the cause of the first thrombus. The clot grows due to the layering of thrombotic masses. When there is an excess of them, blood flow stops in the lower limb.

What causes a blood clot in a person

At first, the thrombus is soft, but over time, the structure thickens. Under the pressure of blood, the clot breaks away from the vascular wall, collapsing into fragments. Some of them undergo destruction, others move to the organs, representing a serious danger to the further functioning of the body. Blood clots that form in large veins are especially dangerous. After detachment, they migrate through the bloodstream, causing stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, and death.

The risk group includes the following group of people:

  • men over 40;
  • women during menopause;
  • with obesity;
  • with malnutrition;
  • drinking large amounts of alcohol;
  • with reduced activity (physical);
  • pregnant women;
  • after surgery on large joints or the abdominal cavity;
  • coffee abusers;
  • smokers;
  • cancer patients;
  • taking hormonal drugs.

How to recognize blood clots

It is very difficult to determine thrombosis of the legs by the first signs. An insidious formation is often formed in the leg due to a long standing position, so the symptoms of the disease can be easily confused with ordinary physical fatigue of the lower extremities. The key signs of a blood clot in the leg is a change in skin color. In the affected area, the skin becomes reddish-bluish, the process is accompanied by swelling and pain.

What does a thrombus look like?

To see a blood clot in a vein on the leg, you need to carefully examine the lower limbs. If redness or indurations are found in the area of ​​the arteries, pain on palpation, then we can talk about thrombophlebitis. Sometimes in a compacted place the temperature is significantly increased. Often the symptoms of a blood clot in the leg are not present at all, but visually the neoplasm is visible by small swelling and bluish areas.


After the formation of a blood clot in a vein, completely different symptoms can appear. Often, the patient has pain in the calf muscles when bending the feet, bursting in the area of ​​the affected vessels, inflammation of the knee joints, severe heaviness of the legs, especially at the end of the day. Secondary symptoms - general malaise, weakness, high fever, swelling.

Lying patients often suffer from phlebothrombosis of the deep veins of the legs. Seeing a doctor after the first symptoms of a blood clot in the leg is a must. The doctor will evaluate the signs of the pathology of the body, prescribe diagnostic procedures: ultrasound scanning and blood clotting tests. The method of treatment is chosen individually, depending on the type and location of the thrombus, the presence of concomitant diseases.

Symptoms of a detached blood clot

Immediately after the detachment of a dense clot in a person, an increase in heart rate and a decrease in pressure occur. The blood supply to the organs deteriorates, collapse occurs, accompanied by retrosternal pain. These symptoms are typical for myocardial infarction. The patient has urinary retention, there are difficulties with pronunciation of words, swallowing food, sometimes the person loses consciousness. Due to the failure of the stomach and the fullness of the internal organs, pain in the abdomen is felt.

Lack of air and shortness of breath cause respiratory failure, which provokes cyanosis. Often, infarction pneumonia develops or pleurisy is detected, in which body temperature increases. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by hemoptysis. If the thrombus is not treated, then after a while, reactions of the immune system appear: a rash appears on the skin, reactive pleurisy develops, and the concentration of eosinophils in the blood increases.

What to do with a blood clot in the leg

As soon as the first signs of a blood clot in the leg are noticed, the patient should immediately be provided with bed rest, complete rest and call an ambulance. It is impossible to predict the future fate of the patient, because sometimes death occurs within a few minutes. To save the patient, the doctor makes a decision based on the situation. Thrombus localization is important. If a person can be taken to the hospital in time, the following measures will be taken to save his life:

  • surgery to remove a stuck clot;
  • installation of a venous cava filter, which is able to intercept a detached blood clot;
  • the introduction of a large amount of anticoagulant into the vessel (often using Heparin).

Although deep vein thrombosis is tantamount to disaster, rupture of a blood clot in the lower extremities is rare. For this to happen, three reasons must converge:

  1. Inflammation of the veins. Pathology is signaled even by the initial degree of varicose veins. The presence of spider veins on the legs is already a mild inflammatory process. He needs timely therapy so as not to wait for the formation of a blood clot.
  2. Deceleration of blood flow. Occurs with a sedentary lifestyle. Without the work of the muscular system, there will be no normal tone of the venous walls. You don't have to do strength training or run. You need to walk regularly and learn how to breathe with your stomach to help blood circulation.
  3. Increased blood clotting. As a result of malnutrition, blood viscosity increases, clots form. To liquefy, it is necessary to include in the diet foods such as beets, garlic, oatmeal, eggs, sunflower seeds, and sour-milk products. In addition to a special diet, you can additionally take medicines (Aspirin).


Sometimes blood clots resolve on their own. This happens with a healthy diet, active lifestyle, refusal to drink alcohol and smoking. However, this does not happen right away. Sometimes it takes several years to get rid of a blood clot. If the disease is not treated, then circulatory disorders can lead to poor skin condition, dry mucous membranes, and autoimmune changes. As a result of insufficient nutrition of tissues, their death will gradually occur - gangrene will occur, which will lead to the loss of a limb.


Depending on where the thrombus is localized, the symptoms also manifest themselves in different ways.

Most often, it is formed in the vessels of the limbs, and in this case, the signs will be of the following nature:

  • sharp pain at the site of the lesion, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and swelling, as if something is bursting from the inside;
  • the skin turns blue and becomes cold in the place of edema;
  • chills, fever, feeling of weakness appear.

When the vessels of the digestive system are affected, thrombosis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • bouts of acute excruciating pain in the abdomen;
  • vomiting and loose stools mixed with blood.

If the target of a dangerous process is the vessels of the brain or the carotid artery, which is prone to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, the signs of the disease will be as follows:

  • sudden numbness in an arm or leg;
  • difficulty speaking;
  • double vision;
  • severe hoop-compressing headache.

The most insidious is the defeat of the coronary artery, because in atypical cases, pain can be mild, resemble heartburn, and disguise itself as other ailments. Whereas the risk of a heart attack in this situation is great.

Basically, with a blood clot in the heart, symptoms of angina pectoris appear - a burning sensation in the chest area, behind the sternum, sometimes in the esophagus, pain radiating to the left arm.

Pulmonary embolism is also a common cause of sudden death because clots in the respiratory system irritate the lungs and cause:

  • coughing up blood;
  • labored breathing;
  • cardiopalmus.

The reasons

A sedentary sedentary lifestyle - hypodynamia - a real scourge of the modern generation, is one of the main causes of blood clots.

If the rules of proper nutrition are still ignored, overweight, cigarettes and alcohol, nervous stress take place - all this vicious "set" leads to the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body.

Accordingly, such a lifestyle will sooner or later lead to vasoconstriction, loss of elasticity, and further damage.

Additional risk factors are diseases in the circulatory system, disorders of the blood coagulation function.

It is important to take into account hereditary predisposition, therefore, if close relatives suffered from thrombosis, cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to play it safe.

At the first signs, as soon as possible, undergo a preventive examination by a doctor and, according to his appointment, check the vessels for the presence of plaques, pass the necessary tests.


Currently, medicine has a variety of modern devices, tools and methods that help doctors identify cardiovascular diseases at an early stage.

Diagnostics can be planned and emergency.

Planned includes the following studies:

  • blood cholesterol test;
  • blood coagulation test - coagulogram;
  • blood chemistry.

Emergency diagnostics:

  • ultrasound duplex scanning of the veins, during which their diameter is measured, the blood flow velocity is determined;
  • phlebography and angiography - a radiopaque substance is introduced into the vascular bed, with which you can determine the presence of a blood clot on an x-ray, check and evaluate the condition of the veins and capillaries.

If pulmonary embolism is suspected, in addition to computed tomography, additional studies are needed:

  • electrocardiogram - a method that will allow you to notice deviations;
  • ventilation and perfusion scan, which helps to determine the location of those areas of the lungs where air does not enter, and compare it with the movement of blood flow.


It involves taking anticoagulants that affect various stages of blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots. Blood clots are also used. All medicines are taken only as prescribed by a doctor in a strictly specified dosage.

In difficult cases, when treatment does not give effective results, surgical intervention aimed at removing blood clots or dilating blood vessels helps:

  • cardiac catheterization;
  • catheter-directed thrombolysis;
  • thrombectomy.


Prevention consists primarily in the timely appeal to medical specialists and the adoption of appropriate measures. In many cases, avoiding serious consequences allows the prevention of the occurrence of the risk factors themselves and the correct lifestyle.

The right way of life means:

  • regular aerobic exercise: walking, running, jumping, cycling, rowing, cardio training, swimming;
  • drinking enough water: dehydration contributes to the formation of a high concentration of platelets in the blood (thickening of the blood) and, thus, provokes the formation of blood clots;
  • the inclusion of products that reduce the concentration of cholesterol, thin the blood and increase the elasticity of blood vessels - garlic, fish, citrus fruits;
  • to give up smoking.

Moderate physical activity, hardening procedures and diet will minimize vascular thrombosis and prolong the life of the patient.

Why do blood clots occur?

If there is a blood clot in your body, then the reason for this may be a violation of the anticoagulant and coagulation systems, when there is an increase in coagulation and blood clotting. Usually, clots appear in places where the walls of blood vessels are damaged or in an area that has atherosclerotic plaques. Then the process of microinflammation begins, and as a result, the deposition of fibrin threads.

This leads to the formation of a primary thrombus. An increase in the clot is carried out by layering thrombic masses both against the blood flow and along it. If there is already a thrombus, then it is separated and the blood flow is blocked. This phenomenon is often fatal.

Causes of blood clots

  • decrease in blood flow;
  • damage to the walls of blood vessels;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • prolonged immobility (paralysis, work specifics);
  • changes in the hormonal background (abortion, pregnancy, diseases of the endocrine system, taking hormonal drugs);
  • injury, trauma, surgery;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, atherosclerosis);
  • genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of a blood clot

Symptoms may vary depending on which part of the channel it is in. For example, a blood clot in a deep vein may be accompanied by chills, fever, blueness, and severe pain. But in some cases, the course is not accompanied by symptoms. If the location of the pathology is a superficial vein, then it can be felt, the vessel becomes denser to the touch, and in case of palpation, the sensations become painful.

The area affected by the thrombus becomes swollen, reddish and hot. If the thrombus is in the lower limb, then the person feels pain in the calves and cramps in the calf muscles. If inflammation of the vein occurs, and a blood clot forms in its lumen, then in medicine this phenomenon is called thrombophlebitis. In this case, the main symptoms are tissue swelling, redness, bruising, fever, pain in the affected area. At a new stage of the disease, peeling of the skin occurs, the color changes, a bluish tint is added.

Often these symptoms become a complication of varicose veins. If a blood clot breaks off on the leg, then there can be very sad consequences. The clot can get stuck anywhere in the circulatory system. This is a very dangerous phenomenon that can often lead to death, for example, with blockage of the pulmonary artery. When the localization of the pathology is the head, then obstruction of the vessels of the brain occurs, leading to a stroke.

The first symptoms of a stroke are loss of balance, impaired speech and paralysis of the limbs. Blockage of blood vessels in the extremities leads to peritonitis and mesenteric thrombosis. Damage to the vessel of the feasting heart causes myocardial infarction.

How to prevent blood clots

For preventive purposes, you should follow some rules to reduce the likelihood of blood clots:

  • do not stay in one position for a long time. If this is not possible, then do at least small, but intermittent movements;
  • try to move more;
  • eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, control your blood pressure.

How to determine the presence of a thrombus?

First of all, you should carefully examine the legs, because most often it is in the limbs that clots appear. You can talk about thrombophlebitis if redness and induration in the vein area, as well as pain when pressed, are detected. In addition, in the area with the lesion, the temperature often rises.

The secondary signs of the disease can be considered: malaise, general weakness, fever. It should be noted that in patients who are unable to walk, phlebothrombosis of deep veins on the legs often occurs. After such a phenomenon, it is necessary to visit a doctor. The doctor will evaluate the thrombosis that has arisen on the legs, prescribe an ultrasound scan, tests to check blood coagulation.

If the blood clots formed in the legs gave a complication, then in some situations one cannot do without surgical intervention. During surgery, a pathological blood clot is removed. This action in medicine is called thrombectomy.

In the case of a floating thrombus, the decision on the need to use antiplatelet agents should be made exclusively by the attending physician, since the consequences of taking it can cause detachment. If the veins of the legs become its localization, then a special filter can be installed and thrombolytic therapy can be done. In this case, the detached clot will not be able to move on.

Another way to remove a blood clot is minimally invasive, it lies in passing the medicine through the catheter directly to the clot. Using such a catheter, absorbable special preparations are introduced: Urokinase, Streptokinase and Alteptase. In this way, you can dissolve, for example, a blood clot in the pulmonary artery.

How to dissolve a blood clot?

  • antibiotics can be prescribed to relieve inflammation, with purulent processes, at elevated temperature;
  • anticoagulants are used to reduce the chance of clots. First, you can take low molecular weight heparins, then tablets. At this time, you need to monitor blood clotting so that bleeding does not occur;
  • anti-inflammatory non-standard drugs relieve inflammation and pain, prevent the appearance of blood clots;
  • fibrinolytics are used to dissolve pathological clots;
  • vessel walls can be strengthened with Rutozid and Detralex, as well as their analogues;
  • you can use gels, creams and ointments based on heparin;
  • chronic superficial thrombophlebitis can be cured using physiotherapy (UV irradiation, infrared rays).

To correct the blood flow in the veins, elastic bandages and bandages are used - elastic compression. Often there is a need to apply such a bandage to the entire limb. In the period up to two weeks, compression is needed around the clock using elastic bandages of medium extensibility.

After the inflammatory symptoms have passed, compression is carried out only during the day, when intense physical activity occurs. In this case, a special slimming jersey is used. In this case, bandaging with elastic bandages should be prescribed only by a doctor, since it may be contraindicated in some cases.

A fairly effective way to treat leeches is hirudotherapy. But, it should be noted that it is recommended to take the course only in a medical institution under the supervision of doctors. Hirudotherapy can not be used in the presence of purulent thrombophlebitis.

It is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet. It is necessary to use foods that can strengthen the walls of blood vessels: garlic, onions, melon, watermelon, pineapple, ginger, as well as more vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of fluid per day. In case of exacerbation of the disease, delete from the diet: fish, meat, peas, beans, soybeans, black currants, rose hips and bananas.

In summarizing

You can determine the presence of a blood clot at home, however, trying to cure it at home is strictly prohibited. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to urgently go to the hospital, as the lack of proper treatment can lead to death.

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