How do you get diabetes. How not to get diabetes by listening to your body? Weight loss: sports, physical activity

The reasons for which it is possible to get diabetes are not exactly established. Basically, hereditary predisposition and obesity are distinguished as factors influencing the occurrence of DM ( diabetes). The symptomatology of the disease depends on the type of disease, the age of the patient, and the pathology of development. Type 2 diabetes is difficult to recognize and often becomes known after the onset of other diseases. You should play sports, control nutrition and avoid stress.

Causes and symptoms of diabetes

Medicine has not yet been able to determine the clear causes of diabetes mellitus. A person can develop diabetes for the following reasons:

  • genetic predisposition - higher risk of a hereditary factor in type 2 diabetes than type 1;
  • nervous disorders, stress, depression;
  • obesity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • effects of pancreatitis.

DM develops when the beta cells in the pancreas are damaged. There is an increased risk of developing the disease in immunocompromised children after a cold. According to medical data, protein intake from cow's milk becomes the cause of the disease. Symptoms:

  • strong incessant thirst;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • rapid weight loss and feelings of hunger;
  • slow healing of injured skin areas;
  • numbness of the fingertips;
  • chronic fatigue and weakness;
  • memory deterioration.

Type 1 disease is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, head, vomiting and bad smell acetone with oral cavity. The 2nd type of ailment is difficult to recognize until it provokes other diseases.

Who can get diabetes?

In diabetes mellitus, the pancreas is unable to secrete required amount insulin.

special group, which has an exact probability of developing diabetes mellitus, has not been identified. The most predisposed to the disease are people in whose families there are diabetics (heredity). The second most likely risk group are obese people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, and their diet and diet are wrong. A woman in a position who has gained 17 kg or more during pregnancy, when the weight of the fetus is 4-5 kg, is in the group increased risk development of pathology. You can get diabetes mellitus due to the transfer viral infections that can be contracted from carriers: hepatitis, chicken pox, rubella.

Diabetes, as you know, is of two types: the first - insulin-dependent, which usually affects young people, and type 2 diabetes - non-insulin-dependent, or, as it is also called, senile. Unfortunately, they have not yet learned how to prevent type 1 diabetes, but it is quite possible to delay the onset of senile diabetes as much as possible. There would be a desire.

Who is at risk

PRACTICALLY all people over 40 who are overweight and in a sedentary manner life. The likelihood of type 2 diabetes is also high if a woman has high blood sugar during pregnancy. Those with a family history of insulin-dependent diabetes are at particular risk. The predisposition to it can be inherited.

All people with a family history of diabetes mellitus should take a blood test for sugar twice a year and consult an endocrinologist.

In adulthood, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent) increases in all people, so it makes sense to periodically inquire about such parameters of your health as blood sugar levels, arterial pressure and cholesterol levels. This is the minimum that will allow you not to miss the first signs of formidable diseases - diabetes and heart problems.

We eat what we need and how much we need

The MOST well-known method of prevention, which even non-diabetics know about, is a diet that requires two main restrictions: carbohydrate restriction and calorie restriction. Carbohydrate restriction is necessary in order not to burden the pancreas, calorie restriction - so as not to get fat.

At the same time, you should eat varied, follow a diet (5-6 times a day), do not overeat, cook properly (more boiled food and dishes cooked in the oven or steamed).

First of all, it is necessary to sharply limit, and ideally eliminate altogether easily digestible carbohydrates- sugar and sweets.

Eat more vegetables and greens, since the carbohydrates contained in them are absorbed and absorbed by the body more slowly, without causing sharp increase blood sugar levels.

Vegetables and fruits are divided into three groups according to their carbohydrate content. Least of all carbohydrates in cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant. A little more - in carrots, onion, radishes, beets, citrus fruits, strawberries, black and red currants, cranberries, raspberries, apricots, pears. Most carbohydrates in potatoes, bananas, grapes, sweet varieties of apples, dates, figs. These fruits and vegetables can and should be eaten, because potatoes, for example, especially in winter, are an excellent source of potassium and vitamin C, but the amount of carbohydrates they contain must be taken into account.

Try to eat more foods containing dietary fiber, because they form insoluble and non-absorbable complexes with other food components ( simple sugars, cholesterol) and remove them from the body, which means that the level of blood sugar and cholesterol decreases. So choose bread from wholemeal flour, with bran, rye, it is better to refuse white and fancy bread. A large number of dietary fiber contain oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley, corn grits- give preference to them.

Do not forget about protein foods, because insulin deficiency leads not only to a violation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism but also to disruption of protein synthesis. Animal proteins contain everything essential amino acids in the most favorable ratio, but besides this, animal fats are the main supplier of cholesterol, so you need to find a middle ground: eat fish, lean meat, low-fat dairy products. Be aware that many foods contain hidden fats: boiled sausages (even without visible fat), walnuts, roasted pistachios, bouillon cubes, seeds.

If you have overweight body, watch the calorie content of products.

Drink smart! moderate use alcohol (5 - 29.9 g per day for men and about 5 - 19.9 g per day for women) leads to a decrease in the incidence of type 2 diabetes. According to a study published in the journal Diabetes Care, the risk of this disease increases with the consumption of large doses alcohol, especially in young women.

Quit smoking! Smoking contributes both to the development of diabetes and its complications.

Control your weight. Often, it is obesity that provokes the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Doable physical exercise necessary daily: at least 30 minutes a day you need to do certain exercises, walk, swim, etc.

Watch your blood pressure. It is known that high blood pressure may lead to breach carbohydrate metabolism. According to some reports, it threatens 60% of people suffering from hypertension. For this reason, anyone with hypertension should monitor their blood sugar levels so as not to miss the first signs of impending diabetes. Conversely, all people with type 2 diabetes should check their blood pressure regularly to know if Negative influence diabetes on blood vessels, because a person dies not from diabetes itself, but from its complications, most often these are damage to the vessels of the eyes, heart, and legs. The optimal blood pressure in diabetic patients should not exceed 130/80 mm Hg. Art. If the pressure readings are higher than 140 to 90, systematic medical treatment should be started.

Watch your cholesterol levels.

Is the skin worth it?

IT IS CLEAR that changing your habitual diet and starting to move is the most difficult thing, it’s easier to think that you can’t run away from old age and its accompanying diseases, and in best case limited to pills. But here's what the science says: In Finland, a study was conducted during which people with impaired glucose tolerance were divided into 2 groups. Patients of the first group were recommended to significantly change their lifestyle, primarily to reduce body weight and increase physical activity.

Those included in the second group continued to adhere to the usual diet and physical activity. After 3.2 years of follow-up, it was shown that lifestyle changes led to a 58% reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A similar study, with practically the same results, was also carried out in the United States. In China, a 6-year follow-up showed that in groups with impaired carbohydrate tolerance, following a diet reduced the risk of developing diabetes by 31%, increased physical activity by 46%, a combination of diet and exercise- by 42%. Agree, the numbers are very optimistic.

Modern research and scientific achievements have made significant progress in the fight against dangerous diseases, including those with chronic diseases.

One of the most insidious diseasesdiabetes. It can not only spoil the quality of a person's life, but also make him disabled.

Diabetes has a destructive effect on tissues and all vessels. severe forms diseases can lead to gangrene and even amputation of limbs.

Representatives of the scientific community spoke about seven ways to prevent diabetes.

Refusal of food that has undergone industrial processing

In products that have been processed at the factory, most often sugar is contained in large quantities. Especially the product is unsafe if it contains artificial sweeteners.

One of the main causes of diabetes is the accumulation and increase of glucose in the body. The development of insulin resistance also contributes to the disease. Experts advise including more unprocessed foods in the diet and virtually eliminating store-bought sweets from it.

You can kill the desire to eat sweets with sour foods.

Refuse food if its glycemic index exceeds 35

(GI) is a measure of the rate at which carbohydrates are converted into glucose. The higher its performance, the faster glucose is released, which increases the amount of sugar in the body.

High GI foods include all sweets and desserts made from flour, pastries, and white bread.

sleep well

A rested body will not require large amounts of glucose, so it is very important to get good sleep.

Develop stress resilience

stressful situations push many people to eat more sweets, resulting in increased insulin production. Addiction to it is associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes.

According to experts, physical activity, especially if you do your favorite sport, it helps to relieve stress and improves emotional well-being.

Include enough protein in your diet

There should be enough protein in the diet. Nutritionists claim that it's best that he be plant origin(soy, lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas).

Add alkaline foods to your diet

Foods that contain alkali normalize the amount of sugar in the blood. These foods include vegetables, all greens, cabbage, unsweetened fruits and berries, garlic. Lemon, despite its sour taste, has high level alkalinity. So don't forget to include it in your diet.

Drink more liquid

For people who drink enough liquids, the likelihood of an increase in blood density due to an increase in sugar in the body is reduced. Otherwise, you are more likely to develop diabetes and insulin resistance.

In addition to the above methods of preventing diabetes, it is important not to forget periodically control blood sugar. This can be done by taking a routine blood test.

Scientists hope that preventive measures help people avoid dangerous disease which spares neither adults nor children.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the human body elevated level sugar and lack of the hormone insulin. This disease very dangerous to life, as heavy and serious violation metabolism can eventually lead to blindness, leg amputation, or kidney failure.

That is why it is very important for a person not to enter the risk group for this disease and take care in advance how not to get diabetes.

Types of diabetes and their causes

As you know, this disease is divided into two types:

  • Type 1 - insulin dependent,
  • Type 2 is non-insulin dependent.

In order to understand how not to get diabetes, you first need to find out what insulin is and why it is so important for the normal existence of the body.

This hormone is produced by the pancreas, or rather its endocrine cells. Without insulin, metabolism is impossible, and, consequently, life itself is impossible. After all, it is this substance that lowers the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood.

Glucose is a very important source of energy that a person receives during meals. At normal functioning insulin removes sugar from the bloodstream and delivers it to muscle cells, liver and other places where it is converted into the right energy. If a this process is disturbed, then diabetes occurs, or rather, the level of glucose in the blood rises.

Type 1 diabetes - insulin dependent

With such a disease human body unable to independently produce insulin, which requires its input from the outside. As a rule, the cause of this deviation is the death of more than 90 percent endocrine cells pancreas.

Type 2 diabetes - non-insulin dependent

This type is characterized by the fact that the body produces a normal or overestimated amount of insulin, but insulin resistance occurs. In other words, the human body no longer responds to its insulin and blood glucose levels do not drop. The causes of such a disease can be overweight, endocrine and of cardio-vascular system as well as problems with the pancreas.

Habits that prevent diabetes

In order to protect your body as much as possible from this disease, it is necessary throughout life to observe special rules that are aimed at significant reduction the risk of this disease.

Rule number 1 - watch your own weight. Just three decades ago, diabetes was considered a companion only of the elderly, who are more prone to obesity. However, today this disease is significantly “younger” and can manifest itself even in adolescents. That is why experts recommend that you always monitor your weight and try not to exceed its prescribed norm.

Rule #2 - balanced diet nutrition. If a person has a habit of including in his diet a large number of fried, greasy and sweet food, then he automatically falls into the risk zone of diabetes. In connection with this fact, you should definitely change your eating habits and pay more attention to fresh fruit and vegetables

(carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, broccoli, Bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, unsweetened apples, grapefruit, etc.), whole grains and legumes.

In addition, it is necessary to abandon the use of carbonated and sugary drinks. It is best to drink two liters every day plain water as well as coffee and tea without sugar.

Rule number 3 - moderate food intake. As you know, overeating is a time bomb in the case of diabetes. After all, bulimia very often causes obesity, which can further lead to the development of a non-insulin-dependent disease. That is why it is extremely important to control your impulses to overeat and avoid eating excessively high-calorie foods at one time.

Rule number 4 - get rid of bad habits. It should be noted that those people who abuse alcoholic drinks and constantly smoke, have a huge chance of getting diabetes, unlike those who do not have these habits.

Rule number 5 - regularly monitor your health. It is generally accepted that diabetes is very often hereditary. That is why if there are or were such people in your family who had this disease, then you are at risk. In order to avoid the fate of their relatives, experts recommend donating blood for sugar and other tests twice a year to help identify abnormalities in the body.

It should be noted that with cardiac or vascular diseases, as well as at high cholesterol, a person should also apply every year to medical institution for the necessary examination.

On the day of the fight against a terrible disease - advice from doctors

World Diabetes Day, celebrated on November 14, was devoted to the theme of healthy eating this year. After all, there is a direct connection between overweight and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is scientifically proven. And this means that two-thirds of Russians are at risk for the development of diabetes today. What and how to eat to avoid this disease? Experts told about this "MK".

Every 5 seconds in the world someone gets sick with diabetes, and every 7 seconds someone dies from this disease, which has received the status of a non-communicable epidemic of the 21st century. According to the Diabetes Atlas of the International Diabetes Federation, there are 382 million people with diabetes in the world (that's three times more than in 1990!). And by 2035, the number of diabetic patients in the world will grow to half a billion people - that is, every tenth person on earth will get sick.

In Russia, officially there are already 3.9 million such patients. “In reality, there are much more patients, at least 10.9 million,” says the chief pediatric endocrinologist Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Director of the Institute of Pediatric Endocrinology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, President of the Russian Diabetes Association LLC Valentina Peterkova. - Diabetes does not hurt and can be secretive for many years. Overweight is the leading cause of both the development of the disease itself and its accompanying complications. But the number of overweight people in our country is growing. If we can stop the obesity epidemic, we will stop the type 2 diabetes epidemic.”

The first thing that doctors recommend both for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and for people with such a diagnosis is to lose weight. But this does not mean "go on a diet." “Every diet involves reducing the total caloric content of the diet in one form or another. For example, forbidding food certain products or combine one with the other. Miracles do not happen - in order to lose weight, in any case, you will have to eat less. And the basics of proper nutrition must be followed constantly. Without this treatment, even the most modern drugs will not be effective, ”says the head of the department of program education and treatment of the Endocrinological scientific center Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Alexander Mayorov.

Our expert advises to start weight loss by limiting the caloric content of the diet by 500-1000 kilocalories. The easiest way to do this is to reduce the usual portions by half. And also by removing or significantly limiting the use of high-calorie "sweets" rich in fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. These include fatty varieties meat, butter, including vegetable, lard, sausages, smoked meats, fatty dairy products, poultry skin, canned food, seeds and nuts. Doctors recommend adding all these products to the “red list”. As in a traffic light, red will symbolize danger. “Many people believe that butter has more calories than vegetable oil. Actually in 100 g butter 720 kcal, and 100 g of vegetable - 900 kcal, this is the highest calorie content in nature. And many do not consider nuts for food, while one bag contains half of the daily energy requirement, ”the doctors say. Doctors also include sweets on the red list, including honey, which, it turns out, raises glucose levels much faster than pure sugar.

For the prevention of diabetes mellitus in children school meals Since 2009, sugary carbonated drinks, spreads, mayonnaise, deep-fried food have been banned, says Valentina Peterkova.

Next list products need to be dyed yellow light- this includes foods that should be consumed in moderation, that is, in the amount of half the usual portion. These include proteins and carbohydrates: lean meat, lean fish, low-fat dairy, grains, legumes, cereals, pasta, eggs, bread (white and black have the same calories!)

Finally, there are a number of foods, mainly vegetables and herbs, that you can eat without restrictions. This "green list" includes cabbage, cucumbers, leaf salad, greens, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, beets, carrots, green beans, radish, radish. For example, the number of calories in one piece of bread is equal to the number of calories in two kilograms of cucumbers.

Doctors add that in no case should you starve! Approximate daily calorie content should not be below 1200 kcal for women and 1500 kcal for men.

What to do if you (like the vast majority of people) do not know how to calculate calories? Doctors say that this is not necessary. “The important thing is not how many calories a person consumed, but how much he reduced his usual diet. The indicator will be weight loss. The rate of weight loss should be very slow - no more than 0.5 kg per week. If the weight does not decrease, then the person does not follow the diet, ”says Dr. Mayorov.

For people with type 2 diabetes, one of the main goals of changing the diet is also to prevent a significant increase in blood glucose (sugar) levels. As a rule, it rises after taking carbohydrates.

One of the common myths is that people with diabetes should not eat carbohydrates, in particular, bread, potatoes, pasta. In addition, it is generally accepted that these products are contraindicated for people who want to lose weight. It's a delusion! If you eat them without fat and in moderation, they are not dangerous for the figure. Carbohydrates are the basis of our nutrition, a source of energy for our body. The exception is easily digestible carbohydrates in pure form such as sugar, honey, fruit juices. They immediately and very strongly increase the level of blood glucose. Well, everyone, without exception, should keep in mind that in order to maintain slim figure half of your plate should be vegetables, less than a third - fats and about 15% proteins. However, the amount of carbohydrates needed per day depends on the needs of a person, taking into account his physical activity. The latter should take at least 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity, and even better would be at least 1 hour a day, continues Alexander Mayorov.

By themselves fatty foods glucose levels do not increase, but they lead to accumulation excess weight which is a risk factor for DM. But (few people know about it) seriously increases blood glucose levels fat-free kefir. Long years Soviet doctors said that sour fruits much more useful for diabetes than sweets, as they do not affect glucose levels. But in last years scientists have found that both green apples and bananas increase sugar in the same way.

The most useful, according to experts, are foods rich in plant fibers ( whole wheat bread, vegetables, herbs), unsaturated fatty acids(fish) and non-caloric sweeteners.

Many people believe that diabetes develops in those who eat a lot of sweets. However, sugary foods by themselves do not increase blood glucose levels. “Excessive consumption of sweets can lead to weight gain, which increases the risk of developing diabetes, but a slender person who eats only cakes has a much lower risk than a fat person who does not eat sweets,” doctors say.

Alcohol experts do not prohibit completely, but advise to significantly limit it. Also because of his high calorie. For example, 1 gram of alcohol contains 7 kilocalories. “The fact that beer has more calories than spirits is a myth, beer is the lowest calorie of all alcoholic beverages, 100 grams have the same calories as fruit juice. However, beer is drunk much more. And in two bottles of a foamy drink - already 500 kilocalories, ”continues Alexander Mayorov.

Doctors emphasize that even with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, you can become a long-liver if you eat right, keep healthy lifestyle life and follow the recommendations of the doctor. By the way, in the last two years in Russia they began to award Dr. Joslin medals (they are given to patients who have lived for more than 50 years with diabetes) - we already have 20 medalists.

Our experts note that there are no people who cannot lose weight. "Many people say: I'm getting fat because of hormonal disorders, or tablets, or such heredity, or the constitution. But pounds of weight are taken from food, not from heredity. That's why proper nutrition should become a habit for everyone,” says Alexander Mayorov.

In 43 cities of Russia, 57 regional educational centers for patients with diabetes have already opened, where patients can receive similar advice on how to lead a lifestyle with this disease. The study showed that after training there, 93% of patients began to better follow the doctor's prescriptions, and 90.7% better understand the meaning of insulin therapy.

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