Panic attacks in a child 7. Panic attacks, symptoms and signs of such a condition. Pathological causes of the condition

A panic attack is a state of increased excruciating anxiety combined with fear and unpleasant somatic symptoms. Similar phenomena appear precisely in adolescence, when the human nervous system is very vulnerable.

This question is within the competence of psychologists and psychotherapists, and not some other doctors. Therefore, if panic attacks occur too often and interfere with a fulfilling life, you should seek the advice of an appropriate specialist.

In adolescence, a person is faced with the problem of becoming a person, but still cannot clearly define his views and goals. Many factors put pressure on him - criticism of teachers and parents, communication with peers, the influence of the Internet and the street.

Negative experiences accumulate and provoke sudden outbursts of negative emotions. It is difficult even for a mature person to control panic attacks, while teenagers endure such a condition especially hard.

panic attack has following symptoms:

  • confusion of thoughts, loss of control over speech and emotions;
  • heavy breathing, shortness of breath;
  • frequent pulse, pressure surges;
  • tremor, trembling, chills;
  • sweating;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • dry mouth, pale skin;
  • fear of going crazy or dying.

A person may show several signs at once, as well as insomnia, depression, and a depressed state. In this case, the internal tension can persist for quite a long time. This phenomenon cannot be ignored. because it can end in a nervous breakdown or even suicide. In adolescence, a person begins to perceive the world as hostile, feels lonely and abandoned.

Panic creates unfounded fears which often develop into serious phobias. Panic attacks in adolescents are facilitated by behavioral stereotypes imposed from childhood. When a child tries to express emotions, parents scold him, saying - "shut your mouth!" or “stop crying!”.

At an older age, they teach him that in any situation you need to behave with restraint and decently. Most parents conduct such education in a raised voice, in a rude, frightening form. As a result child's self-esteem drops, he is afraid to express his opinion, to prove himself in society. It suppresses feelings and emotions, which in the future results in panic attacks.

Often seemingly quiet and calm teenagers commit stupid spontaneous acts, show aggression and cruelty.

Adults believe that such behavior is not typical for them, however, such manifestations most often occur in notorious adolescents, such “gray mice”. The volcano of constantly suppressed emotions must find a way out somewhere.. A good option could be sports sections, dancing or other activities that require physical activity. Thus, a teenager throws out spiritual negativity and tension through the body.

Psychologists consider creativity to be a good way to transform emotions.. It allows you to get rid of experiences, giving them a different form (music, poetry, prose, paintings). If a teenager does not find ways to release his emotions, they destroy him from exhaustion. Against this background, conflicts arise with parents, teachers, friends and relatives. It is difficult for a teenager to figure out who supports him and who is trying to harm him. Often he compensates for disharmony with alcohol and drugs.

Panic attacks are much more common in girls than in boys. This is explained by the female gender is naturally more sensitive and emotional. Do not take this as a ladies' whims. If a girl has become nervous, tearful, her mood and desires often change - this is an alarm signal for both parents and the teenager himself.

The prognosis for the treatment of such conditions is good. It is possible to get rid of them without resorting to medications. Sometimes a few conversations with a psychologist are enough. However, a favorable outcome is possible only if there is a trusting relationship between parents and the child. After all, an unhealthy family environment is the first factor in the development of neuroses and other mental disorders in adolescents. If parents do not pay due attention to the child, do not seek to understand and hear him, he finds solace in dubious companies and subcultures.

What if a panic attack did happen?

It should be remembered that it can arise quite suddenly, so you need to be prepared to meet it. Here are some ways to fight with a panic attack

  • Breath control

Try to slow down your breathing so that its frequency does not exceed 4-5 breaths per minute. Place your hands on your upper abdomen. It is better to close your eyes while doing this. You can practice this exercise at home in a relaxed environment.

  • red herring

You can remember something pleasant or even funny. Of course, it is very difficult to switch from a negative state, but you should turn your thoughts in a different direction, stop thinking about what actually caused the attack.

  • Eat something or drink (but not alcohol). It is necessary to break the vicious circle of panic by shifting the attention of the body to other actions.

The periods between panic attacks can be characterized by a complete absence of negative symptoms, as well as chronic anxiety and tension. Blocking panic manifestations with sedatives only exacerbates the problem.

Need a professional correction of a psychologist. In adolescence, it is generally not recommended to take any medication in the fight against psychological disorders. The instability of the nervous system of adolescents is a natural phenomenon that can be regulated without the help of pharmacology.

It is important to replace the disorder in time and start effective therapy, otherwise such phenomena are fraught with severe depression, which can break a person from the inside. Chronic neuroses severely limit personal development and significantly reduce the quality of life.

- sudden provoked or causeless attacks of fear, accompanied by autonomic disorders. The attack lasts up to 20-25 minutes, anxiety turns into panic, blood pressure rises, breathing quickens, heartbeat increases, tremor of the limbs occurs. Often there are violations of the digestive tract, urinary system. The main diagnostics is carried out by a psychiatrist, if necessary, supplemented by an examination by a clinical psychologist, a neurologist. Treatment includes the use of medications to stop attacks, psychotherapy to prevent their subsequent development.

General information

Panic is a normal reaction of the body in the event of a life-threatening situation. Fear mobilizes the functions of the body: adrenaline is released, the pulse quickens, the heartbeat accelerates, the instinct of self-preservation is activated. Formed readiness to escape, attack. In pathological cases, this chain of reactions is triggered without an external dangerous situation. The term "panic attacks" as a separate clinical unit has been used since 1980, its synonyms are "panic disorder", "paroxysmal anxiety". In neurology, the disease is referred to as a vegetative-vascular crisis. The prevalence in the population is 3%. Among children, schoolchildren are more susceptible to the disease.

Causes of panic attacks in children

Panic disorder develops as a result of the interaction of biological, psychological, social factors. The biological causes of the disease include:

  • Damage to the nervous system. Attacks are provoked by violations of autonomic regulation, pre- and postnatal injuries, neurological infections.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Puberty, the onset of sexual activity, menstruation are periods of increased risk of developing the disease.
  • Intoxication. Alcohol abuse, drug addiction, drug poisoning increase the likelihood of the disease.
  • Hereditary burden. There is a genetic basis for panic attacks: the incidence of first-line relatives is 15-17%.

The psychological causes of panic disorder are certain characterological features. The following features predispose to the development of the disease:

  • Demonstrativeness. The basis is the thirst for attention, recognition from others, the desire to show oneself from the best side, to be in the spotlight.
  • Hypochondria. Constant attention to one's own well-being, increased tension, nervousness with deteriorating health provoke panic attacks of a similar nature.
  • Anxious anxiety. Children are distinguished by increased suggestibility, impressionability. Anxiety becomes the basis for the development of panic disorder.

Social factors include an unfavorable family situation: alcoholism of parents, conflicts, violence, emotional coldness (deprivation of the need for close relationships), difficult material and living conditions. The common pathological basis of these situations is fear, uncertainty, the need to protect oneself.


The pathogenesis of panic attacks in children is based on the interaction of neurobiological and socio-psychological factors. The first group is represented by the specific activity of the limbic system. It is provoked by a change in the balance of neurotransmitters and hormones: increased secretion of catecholamines, serotonin, accelerated metabolism of norepinephrine, and a decrease in the concentration of GABA. The biological factor of predisposition to phobic, panic disorders is activated by specific life circumstances: frequent stress, authoritarian upbringing, emotionally cold attitude, increased demands. In such situations, constant vigilance against hostile influences is necessary, functional complexes of the body are formed, preparing for an attack, flight. Their basis is a feeling of fear, panic.


Panic attacks in childhood can vary greatly in symptoms. According to the extent of manifestations associated with panic, in pediatrics there are:

  • Large, extended seizures. At least 4 symptoms are present. The frequency of attacks is one per week/month.
  • Small seizures. Presence of less than 4 symptoms. Occur several times a day.

Another classification is based on the severity of certain seizure symptoms. Allocate vegetative, hyperventilation, phobic, conversion, senestopathic, affective (depressive-dysphoric) panic attacks.

Symptoms of panic attacks in children

Seizures occur spontaneously, are not objectively associated with situations of threat to life or real danger, subjective fear can be detected - fear of going out into the street, talking to a stranger. The central place in the clinical picture is occupied by an episode of intense fear, inexplicable discomfort - paroxysmal anxiety. It develops suddenly, unfolds in 3-10 minutes, lasts 10-20 minutes. The intensity of symptoms varies from internal tension to severe panic.

Frequent vegetative signs are increased, rapid heartbeat, sweating, dry mouth, tremor, trembling. Difficulty breathing, a feeling of lack of air, a feeling of pressure and pain in the chest, nausea, discomfort in the abdomen may be present. In young children, there is vomiting, involuntary emptying of the intestines, bladder. Sometimes there is a sensation of a lump in the throat, coordination of movements is disturbed, the gait becomes shaky, visual acuity and hearing decrease, convulsions develop, pseudoparesis of the limbs, numbness, tingling.

The mental state is characterized by a slight clouding of consciousness: dizziness, instability, fainting, spatial disorientation. There is a feeling that the surroundings are unreal. Causeless fear transforms into fear of death, loss of control, insanity. The patient looks frightened, confused. Crying is uncharacteristic, sobs, screams are often present. After an attack, the child is weak, looks tired, cries.

Panic attacks often develop during the day, are characteristic of the period of wakefulness, but seizures are also possible in a dream. The onset of symptoms exclusively at night is extremely rare. In some children, an attack of fear occurs before falling asleep or immediately after it, during sleep, after accidentally waking up at night. In such cases, insomnia is added to the main symptoms.


Without appropriate treatment, panic attacks in children cause mental and somatic complications. Intensive production of stress hormones can provoke neurosis, epilepsy, heart disease, blood vessels, neuralgia, fainting, accompanied by a risk of injury. The long course of panic disorder leads to depression, the formation of phobias, social maladaptation: the child is constantly depressed, not interested in learning, has no hobbies, tense due to the possible development of panic, afraid to leave the house, to be alone (without help).


Often the diagnosis of panic attacks begins with a visit to a pediatrician, a pediatric neurologist, but between attacks no abnormalities in the nervous system or internal organs are found. The results of laboratory, instrumental studies are normal. Specific diagnosis of the disorder is carried out by:

  • Psychiatrist. The specialist conducts a survey of the patient, parents: clarifies when the attacks first appeared, what is their frequency, whether there are factors that provoke panic, whether close relatives suffer from panic disorder. When making a diagnosis, neurological examination data are taken into account. To obtain additional information about the emotional-personal sphere, the doctor may refer the patient for a psychological examination.
  • Medical psychologist. Psychodiagnostics is carried out to identify the child's emotional, personal prerequisites for the formation of panic attacks. The level of tension, the tendency to phobias, fears, the presence of demonstrative, hypochondriacal, anxious and suspicious character traits are determined. Preschoolers and younger schoolchildren are examined by projective methods, adolescents - by questionnaires.

Panic attacks in pediatric patients must be differentiated from diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine systems, as well as from the effects of the use of stimulant drugs. For this purpose, the patient is referred to the relevant narrow specialists (to exclude somatic pathology).

Treatment of panic attacks in children

The treatment of panic disorder has two directions: the relief of attacks and the prevention of their further development. The complex of therapeutic measures includes:

  • Medical treatment. Drugs are selected by a child psychiatrist, taking into account the child's age, frequency, and extent of attacks. Tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants, selective serotonergic drugs, MAO inhibitors, benzodiazepines are prescribed. Tricyclic antidepressants are indicated for phobic symptoms, depression, anticipatory anxiety. The disadvantage of these drugs is a long latent period. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are most commonly used in children because of their low side effects, safe long-term use, and elimination of anxiety without a sedative component. Benzodiazepines are prescribed for a quick therapeutic effect, but they are less safe and do not stop agoraphobia.
  • Psychotherapy. Cognitive-behavioral methods, breathing exercises, auto-training are used. The child learns to manage emotions, analyze situations that provoke panic attacks. Through breathing techniques, it controls vegetative changes in the body. Learn to relax and reduce anxiety.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis of panic attacks in children is favorable in the absence of comorbid conditions - anxiety, depression, hypochondria. The more tragic the child perceives seizures, the more often they are reinforced by the anxious attention of parents and medical workers, the more likely complications are - agoraphobia, maladaptation in society. Prevention of panic disorder - the creation of home comfort, maintaining close intra-family relationships. Important emotional interest in the life of the child, moral support, unconditional acceptance. Relapse prevention is based on periodic visits to a psychotherapist, taking medication without focusing on the disease. Statements like: “If you don’t take pills, the attacks will start again” are unacceptable. In a tense school environment, it is worth discussing the presence of the disease with a school psychologist, class teacher.

Panic attacks in children are characterized by separate episodes, lasting about 20 minutes each. The appearance of fear and anxiety is known to all people, but if such a condition occurs regularly and the patient is not able to control what is happening, then there is a serious persistent disorder.

The emergence of a feeling of fear is a manifestation of the normal reaction of the human body to stay in stressful situations. In a normal state, the feeling of anxiety recedes after the elimination of the root causes. But, as the results of many studies show, about 4% of the population are exposed to regular. And among this category of patients, a significant proportion is occupied by children.

Causes of Panic Attacks in Children

The occurrence of panic attacks in a child can be triggered by various shock and subshock mental traumas that can cause a state of acute fright or protracted psychotraumatic situations.

Many of the contributing factors to disease consist of internal and external conditions. The first category is represented by anxious and suspicious character traits and a manifestation of mental immaturity, which should be understood as increased impressionability and suggestibility. A certain role is also assigned to recessive genetic transmission from parents.

A panic attack can be triggered by autonomic regulation disorders, natal and postnatal injuries, neuroinfections, intoxication, hypothermia, and excessive physical exertion.

Panic attacks in a child can also develop against the background of family problems. All quarrels that occur between relatives can forever leave a mark on the child's psyche.

According to experts, people who have too weak a system of protection against stress with an insufficient amount of hormones responsible for resisting physical and emotional overload are more susceptible to the occurrence of panic attacks.

Panic attacks are often characterized by spontaneous onset, but over time, children may begin to associate these processes with some external conditions.

So, quite often, panic attacks develop against the background of a disorder such as agoraphobia. This disease refers to the fear of being in a place or in conditions from which it is extremely difficult to get out. Children with this disease do not want to go to school, public places or perform any other normal activities.

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Symptoms of panic attacks in children

The clinical picture of the disease is characterized by paroxysmal panic. Attacks can last from 10 minutes to several hours. The child begins to be overcome by panic and fear, accompanied by prolonged restless movements and various disorders of a somato-neurological nature, represented by palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, discomfort in the chest, and the appearance of trembling.

Older children during attacks are characterized by extreme hypochondria. They begin to be disturbed by a feeling of fear regarding a possible cardiac arrest, lack of air, difficulty swallowing. Children begin to be frightened by erroneous guesses about serious illnesses, approaching death. Such fears are soon passed on to family and friends.

Minor signs accompanying panic attacks:

  • chills;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and abdominal discomfort;
  • numbness of the skin on the arms and legs;
  • pallor and subsequent flushing of the skin.

Often the completion of the attack is accompanied by increased urine output.

Depending on the duration of the attacks, the child may experience various symptoms. So, with attacks lasting several minutes, the child is overcome by a feeling of malaise, headache and facial pain, nausea, pain in the heart, pale skin, nausea, increased sweating, changes in heartbeat and respiratory failure.

With longer attacks, the symptoms are supplemented by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cerebral and focal neurological disorders.

The most severe is the first panic attack, which is characterized by a pronounced affect and an increase in blood pressure. Some patients even experience loss of consciousness during the first attack. Symptoms of subsequent attacks are not so pronounced.

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Diagnosis of panic attacks in children

Psychologists and psychotherapists deal with the definition of such problems. To make a correct diagnosis, the specialist will have to first analyze the symptoms indicated by the patient. In this case, the following information will be required:

  • when such attacks first appeared;
  • the frequency of repetition of seizures;
  • factors provoking deterioration of the condition;
  • the presence of similar problems in one of the family members;
  • the existence of conflict situations related to work or family members;
  • whether the patient is experiencing syncope.

For diagnosis, a specialist may also need additional information, which he can obtain through a neurological examination. But in the period between attacks it is quite difficult to detect deviations of a neurological nature. Attacks are accompanied by dilated pupils, changes in heart rate and breathing.

Panic attack syndrome is a complex psychological condition that can appear in both adulthood and childhood. Do not confuse panic attacks with ordinary fears, because these two conditions have significant differences from each other.

Panic attack syndrome is a complex psychological condition that can appear in both adulthood and childhood. Do not confuse panic attacks with ordinary fears, because these two conditions have significant differences from each other. What are panic attacks?

If it is important to know what a panic attack is, symptoms, causes, then the main factor here is suddenness.

Attacks appear suddenly, most often at night. In just a few minutes, they reach their greatest intensity. A person feels strong fear and anxiety, while even for himself he cannot determine the cause of such a state.

Concomitant symptoms - palpitations, hand tremors, chest pain, shortness of breath, a feeling of complete unreality of what is happening.

It can also rise, so there is a headache, dizziness, nausea. Panic attacks also occur during the day, but much less frequently than at night. When a person is left alone, the risk of the syndrome increases several times.

Panic attacks, symptoms and signs of such a condition

Signs appear individually, but usually there is always a feeling of inexplicable anxiety, anxiety, strong unreasonable fear. Usually this condition goes away on its own in half an hour, sometimes a person feels a sense of anxiety for two hours, but no more.

The reasons

If you are interested in the reasons and, then initially it is worth noting that they are spontaneous and provoked.

Factors that trigger an attack may include:

  • physiogenic;
  • biological;
  • psychogenic.

The most common causes of panic attacks are experienced severe stress or shock, protracted traumatic situations.

Panic attacks in children can appear as a result of moving, divorce of parents, constant quarrels with adults, constant problems at school. Very often, the causes of panic attacks are an unfavorable family environment, alcoholism of parents. Panic attacks themselves are not dangerous, but the consequences of their occurrence can be unpredictable. If you do not deal with the treatment of panic attacks, especially in childhood and adolescence, then there may be risks of various phobias. Also, panic attacks can provoke the appearance of other diseases, for example: bronchial asthma, migraine. It is also worth noting that in many cases, constant and severe panic attacks can cause a protracted one, which will subsequently lead to. This condition is especially dangerous for children and adolescents, because their psyche has not yet fully strengthened, they still do not know how to cope with stressful situations.


Diagnosis of panic attacks begins with a visit to the doctor, who collects an anamnesis and conducts a survey. If you are worried about panic attacks, the doctor you need to contact first of all is a psychologist and a psychiatrist. If panic attacks are diagnosed in children, then this deviation must necessarily be differentiated with other diseases - the cardiovascular system, nervous, endocrine. It is worth noting that such a syndrome can also appear as a consequence of taking certain medications. If you are worried about panic attacks, a psychologist can help only if psychogenic factors are the cause of the problem. In any other cases, it is necessary to contact a psychiatrist and treat concomitant diseases.

How to beat panic attacks?

The issue is complex, but it can be solved with the right approach. It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of panic attacks on your own and forever, but it is possible if you have a strong will and motivation. You need to be clear about your goals and desires. If attempts to get rid of panic attacks on your own have become unsuccessful, do not delay contacting your doctor - and he will definitely be able to find a solution to the problem.

Treatment and relief from panic attacks

Life without a panic attack and all is possible, this has already been proven by many who have survived this disease and were able to overcome it. If you suffer from panic attacks, Kurpatov wrote an excellent book that is worth reading for those who decide to get rid of the obsessive state on their own. In general, in total, in order for panic attacks to pass, complex treatment is required - medication, psychotherapy and physiotherapy. Drug treatment should be treated with extreme caution, especially in childhood. Never engage in self-treatment, because panic attacks are prescribed mainly psychotropic, sedative and sedative drugs. Even strong tranquilizers can also be prescribed. The purpose of drugs depends primarily on the age of the patient and the complexity of the disease, its course. Their overdose and misuse can lead to dire consequences. The drug treatment regimen should be developed individually by the doctor. The patient must strictly adhere to it and follow all recommendations. If we talk about psychotherapy for this disease, then individual psychological conversations, auto-trainings are held with the patient. Cognitive-behavioral methods, breathing exercises, yoga are also very effective. The main thing is that the patient learns to manage his emotions, learns to analyze situations that usually lead to panic attacks.

Treatment prognosis

In order for panic attacks to go completely, you should go through a full course of treatment, learn how to manage your emotions and situations. If you follow all the prescriptions and recommendations of the doctor, then panic attacks can be defeated forever. For effective treatment of panic attacks, it is very important to determine the cause of their occurrence.

It is important not to let everything take its course, but to start treatment. See a doctor for a diagnosis. Panic attacks are not dangerous, but their complications are dangerous.

In childhood, it is very important to prevent relapses of the disease, which are quite common. You can never focus on the fact that the child is sick, and even more so on the fact that there are psychological deviations. This acts as an aggravating factor and only aggravates the situation. With a child, it is necessary to periodically, but regularly visit a psychologist or psychotherapist, but do not focus on this fact. Statements in terms of not taking pills are not allowed, you will get sick again. It is necessary to interest the child, to help him. If you see that he cannot cope with the situation on his own, help him, talk, motivate him properly. It is important not to leave the child alone with his problem, prolonged and frequent panic attacks can lead not only to depression, but also to suicide.

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