Feeling dizzy how to help. Reasons for dizziness. The manifestation of pathology or a reaction to an external stimulus: how to determine

Severe dizziness often occurs due to a pressure drop. Especially often this syndrome occurs in the elderly, it is accompanied by palpitations, weakness and other signs. Fight disease in this case it is possible only for a short time, since it is caused by a weakening of the body system. But this is only one of the reasons for the manifestation of very severe dizziness and nausea. To understand the rest, you need to understand the origins of sensations.

What is dizziness

Although we wrote about this repeatedly, but often in a critical situation human memory does not remember the most important. So it would not be superfluous to recall: dizziness or vertigo syndrome is a manifestation of a condition in which stability and equilibrium position in space are not felt.

90% of patients describe severe dizziness as a sensation of rotation of the surrounding world. There are also descriptions: the soil leaves from under the feet, a person flies into the abyss or is in a state of free fall.

The reasons for such an indisposition in its true nature are that the vestibular apparatus is disturbed and sends false impulses to the brain. This unit is in the area occipital lobe and consists of an inner ear filled with fluid and perceiving signals regarding the position of our body and objects relative to it. Let's imagine a long ride on a carousel or a ship's pitching: the device, as it were, is tuned to the incoming impulses, and when the movements stop, our brain literally does not understand what to do, it continues to interpret them.

As a result, severe dizziness appears, the person is overcome by bouts of nausea and the heartbeat quickens, others appear. autonomic symptoms, which do not show themselves very well in normal condition. For example, pale skin.

How to identify false dizziness

You can guess that the onset of dizziness is not always associated with motion sickness. Often the symptoms occur "out of the blue", and even in the supine position after sleep. Inexplicable at first glance, in fact, they have a very dangerous nature and background. For example, dizziness may be accompanied by problems with hearing or vision. If at the same time there are also headaches, we can talk about problems with the vessels of the brain, blocking the blood supply.

False dizziness or it would be more correct to say that dizziness as a symptom of another disease is accompanied by prolonged manifestations of similar symptoms:

  • Unreasonable attacks of vomiting and nausea, even if there is not the slightest suspicion of food allergies or poisoning.
  • The appearance of dark spots in the eyes, fireflies or bright stripes. Possible short-term loss of vision in one eye.
  • The heartbeat quickens, breathing too, there is increased sweating or fever.
  • Dizziness does not recede even in the prone position, sometimes it even intensifies.
  • Problems with other senses may arise - hearing loss (usually unilateral), intolerance to strong odors, or taste distortions.
  • Weakness all over the body up to paretic manifestations.
  • Proximity to fainting, especially under reduced pressure.

All these symptoms cause oxygen starvation of the brain, it can be taken as the root cause of dizziness and nausea. Various causes lead to it, but most often - drops in blood pressure, hypotension.

Warning: do not confuse the symptoms. For example, if deafness overcomes without dizziness and pain in the ear, we are talking about the disease of the ENT system. If single vision problems occur, inflammation is possible optic nerve or diseases of an ophthalmic nature, etc.

Our readers write

Topic: Got rid of dizziness!

From: Maria B. ( [email protected])

To: Website Administration /

Hello! My name is
Maria, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to overcome my causeless dizziness. I'm leading active image life, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

When I turned 30 years old, I first felt such unpleasant symptoms how headache, dizziness, periodic "compression" of the heart, sometimes there was simply not enough air. I attributed it all to sedentary image life, irregular schedule, poor diet and smoking. I went around all the ENT doctors in the city, everyone was sent to neuropathologists, they did a bunch of tests, MRI, checked blood vessels and only shrugged, and it cost a lot of money ...

Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. This article literally pulled me out of the world. For the last 2 years I have started to move more, in spring and summer I go to the country every day, now I also travel around the world. And no dizziness!

Who wants to live a long and energetic life without dizziness, epileptic attacks, strokes, heart attacks and pressure surges, take 5 minutes and read this article.

Causes of nausea and increased dizziness

Consider in detail the problems that can cause dizziness strong character and in the prone position, and in any other state of the body. As the most likely of them - very sharp drop pressure caused by vasoconstriction and provoking heart palpitations and weakness. Causes this phenomenon deviation in work of cardio-vascular system. In older people, for example, the walls of blood vessels become thinner, the heart muscle loses its former elasticity, as a result, some places are very susceptible to ischemic attacks.

On the other hand, why does each of us experience dizziness and darkening in the eyes when getting up abruptly from a squat or from bed? In the supine position, the blood in our body is not redistributed as usual, and when we get up, our vessels cannot cope with the sharp pumping and transport of blood throughout the body. This is a short-term spike in blood pressure, it should pass in a few seconds. If it does not go away, the patient loses consciousness, this already speaks of problems. pathological. The first thing to do is to see a doctor for an examination.

Among the reasons for such deviations, according to medical practice, there are about a hundred. But we will give only the most probable of them, affecting about 90-95% of patients. So:

  1. Vestibular vertigo in congenital pathology of the brain. It happens that a child is born with lesions of the peripheral or central nervous system, cerebral palsy, disorders in the cerebellum. What to do in such cases? Decide on an operation or live in a state of increased control over the body.
  2. BPPV is paroxysmal positional vertigo that often accompanies palpitations in the elderly. Its causes are the impact on the receptors of the inner ear of small microotoliths formed as a result of deviations in metabolism. In this case, the treatment is quite simple - a pill for dizziness.
  3. A disease of the inner ear, called Meniere's disease, can lead to total deafness if left untreated. timely treatment. Also accompanied by bouts of nausea.
  4. Anemia and deficiency of certain substances in the body. Often associated with thyroid problems, iron deficiency or a lack of potassium, without which the work of the heart is very difficult.
  5. A completely natural cause of dizziness and nausea - past illness or severe bleeding. For example, childbirth, menstruation, or menopausal conditions in women cause heart palpitations, weakness, headaches, and other symptoms.
  6. The postponed heart attack or stroke responds for a long time with dizziness and attacks of a vegetative nature in a sitting or lying position.

False reasons

It also happens that in a normal state of the body, the body misleads us. Most often, the reasons are still in problems with the CC system or blood pressure. However, there are external factors that affect our body. Such as traumatic brain injury or the release of a large amount of the hormone adrenaline into the blood. As for the stress factor, very large mental stress and experiences also lead to the appearance of dizziness, up to a fainting state. Before overworking or exposing yourself nervous stress, think about the fact that the resource of our body is not eternal.

How to recognize a state close to critical? In addition to nausea and weakness of a person, an unreasonable feeling of anxiety and fear overcomes, it gets dark in the eyes, pallor appears and appears cold sweat. All these signs are called "Turgenev young ladies' syndrome."

Another common misconception is secondary paresis after orthopedic diseases, stroke or heart attack, fracture, etc. The main difference is the absence of vertigo syndromes in the sitting or lying position.

Cervical osteochondrosis causes dizziness but without nausea. This is due to pinching of the arteries when the head moves to the right or left. Finally, the head can spin with oxygen starvation - in flight, when lowering to great depth or rising to a height, with the onset of phobias and symptoms of a psychogenic nature.

Remember that only by establishing the true causes of the disease (which often requires an examination of the brain and cardiovascular system), we can talk about full treatment. You should contact a neurologist, if you suspect a deviation of a traumatic nature - a surgeon or orthopedist who will tell you what to do in your case.

Dizziness under any circumstances is an individual sensation, which varies depending on the psychological perception of it by a particular person. Usually, people complain of a feeling of falling, rotation, turning over, both of the body and surrounding objects.

According to the latest medical data, this is the second most common symptom after the dorsal and with which patients go to the doctors. Every fourth person who came to see a doctor indicates that they have given symptom, while in the elderly group 4 out of 5 patients suffer from this pathogenic condition.


The basic symptoms of dizziness include a subjective feeling of instability and disorientation in space, accompanied by a false rotational movement of the body or the environment. Often, given state accompanied by tinnitus or unilateral deafness, darkening in the eyes, a sense of anxiety, general weakness, foreboding loss of consciousness. Unpleasant sensations intensify when trying to start moving, sharp turns of the head.

Causes of dizziness

The systemic mechanism of dizziness is based on an imbalance of sensory information entering the brain from basic afferent systems - vestibular apparatus, as well as visual and proprioceptive complexes. In this case, the incoming information undergoes cortical processing and forms an incorrect feedback with efferent link.

Modern medicine has up to 80 diseases that can manifest the above symptoms - these are various pathologies of the neurological, cardiovascular, mental, ophthalmological, endocrinological, otolaryngological systems of the body. Also, dizziness can be of a physiological nature and be caused by objective or subjective ( individual characteristics organism) factors.

Dizziness in a healthy person causes

  • Adrenaline rush. The stress hormone increases blood pressure, constricts blood vessels and thus produces temporary violation delivery of oxygen to the brain, which negatively affects the signal processing of afferent systems.
  • Rapid non-linear movement of the body. At sudden movements With constant change their vectors in several planes, the organs of balance do not have time to adapt and correctly apply nerve impulses to the brain (a typical example is merry-go-round riding).
  • Violations of the focus of the organs of vision. When concentrating the gaze on a fixed point for a long period of time and then changing this state to a dynamic one, there is a feeling of rotation of the environment.
  • prepubertal period. In adolescents active in this period of time, the vessels and brain are still in the growth stage, while sharp turns, inclinations, rotational movements can be incorrectly interpreted by the nervous system.
  • Bad nutrition. With a lack of glucose in the body, dizziness very often occurs, and the modern rhythm of life of a city dweller often does not allow proper nutrition, as a result of which this monosaccharide is constantly lacking.

The most common pathogenic causes

  • Cardiovascular diseases. , ischemia, venous thrombosis, rheumatic heart disease, problems with peripheral arteries and other problems can cause severe dizziness with loss of consciousness.
  • Otolaryngological diseases. Most often, dizziness is caused in this case by Meniere's disease, as well as vestibular neuritis. The symptom is often accompanied by hearing loss.
  • neurological problems. Basilar migraine and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are diagnosed in almost a third of all applied patients. Sudden short-term attacks are accompanied by involuntary eye movement. A little less often, psychogenic dizziness occurs.
  • - symptoms are similar to the classic neurological problems, but usually lasts longer and in a more “blurred form”, is effectively eliminated by an experienced vertebrologist.
  • Tumors of the brain. In oncological practice, doctors note the appearance of symptoms of dizziness along with headache, impaired trophism of peripheral systems, and increased intracranial pressure.
  • Taking a number of drugs that cause adverse reactions in the form of dizziness, in particular tranquilizers, sedatives, some antiseptics and antibiotics.
  • Bad habits - frequent smoking hangover syndrome.

The head is spinning. Treatment

There is no specific treatment for dizziness, since this condition can be a symptom of more than eight dozen different diseases or physiological feature. Therapy for vertigo is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms, in any case, it is necessary to undergo complex diagnostics, to determine true reason Problems.


Most often, to stop or prevent the occurrence of another attack, cinnarizine, scopolamine, motilium, betahistine or diphenhydramine are prescribed. The dosage of drugs is selected individually and depends on a number of factors - the current state of the body, the cause of the symptom, return, etc.


Reduces attacks of dizziness in most cases, limiting the use of coffee, chocolate, tea, alcohol, tobacco, salt and liquids.

Folk remedies

  • Brew a teaspoon of clover inflorescence in a glass of water, boil for five minutes, strain and drink a tablespoon five times a day for a week.
  • Periodically inhale the smell of a freshly cut bulb.
  • Pour four tablespoons of hawthorn inflorescence with a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion and drink a glass three times a day for seven days.
  • Before meals, eat one teaspoon of ground kelp (preferably in powdered form) with the same amount of water.

Any procedure for symptomatic treatment must be coordinated with a specialist doctor. Until the final determination of the diagnosis and, accordingly, the cause of the symptom, it will be a therapist, later - narrow specialists.

When should you immediately consult a doctor?

You need to contact a qualified professional as soon as possible. medical specialist if dizziness is accompanied sharp rise temperature, vomiting, headache along with weakness in the legs and arms, with loss of consciousness, and vertigo that does not pass for more than an hour. Also, it is worth paying attention to the symptom without additional pathogenic factors, hypertensive patients and patients with diabetes mellitus.

Useful video

Dizziness. Causes, symptoms and treatment

What makes your head spin

Dizziness is one of the most common complaints of patients in medical practice. She reflects distorted perception sick position of his body in space and a feeling of imaginary movement own body or the environment. Why does this happen, and what to do in such a situation?

Symptoms of dizziness

The spectrum of diseases causing dizziness, is very broad and includes both neurological and somatic diseases. Many are benign and non-life-threatening (eg, peripheral vestibulopathy or autonomic paroxysms), others (for example, violations heart rate or stroke) are medical emergencies.

Patients refer to a variety of sensations as dizziness. Therefore, first of all, you should ask the patient to describe them in more detail in order to attribute dizziness to one of its 4 main options.

Types of dizziness and their manifestations

vestibular vertigo associated with damage to or physiological stimulation of peripheral or central vestibular structures (inner ear, vestibular nerve, vestibular nuclei in the brainstem or their connections), usually characterized by a sensation of rotation, often in a certain direction (right or left), or a sensation of shifting forward or backward (linear vertigo). The phenomenon is often accompanied

  • violation of balance and walking (vestibular ataxia) with a tendency to fall in a certain direction,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • nystagmus.

Dizziness with fainting associated with orthostatic hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia or hypoglycemic state. This type is characterized

  • feeling stupid,
  • gravity
  • or "fog" in the head.

Patients are often referred to as dizzy feeling of instability that occurs when there is a violation of walking of various origins.

Psychogenic (psychophysiological) dizziness develops in patients with neurosis and psychopathy. Sometimes it appears paroxysmal, accompanied by feelings of anxiety or fear, often against the background of hyperventilation syndrome. In other cases, it occurs in a specific situation (for example, when shopping, traveling on public transport, crossing a bridge, in an empty room, or at a concert) and is a sign of a phobic neurosis. Psychogenic dizziness usually has no rotational character, is associated with a feeling of unsteadiness and is often aggravated by walking. This type is characterized by the absence of nystagmus even at the time of severe dizziness.

Diagnosis of diseases accompanied by dizziness

Collecting an anamnesis, you should find out if the patient has had similar episodes in the past. Newly occurring acute vestibular vertigo should always be alert for ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. Rapidly developing dizziness associated with pre-syncope may indicate a disease of the cardiovascular system, including myocardial infarction.

A more gradual development of the disease indicates in favor of

  • drug intoxication,
  • infection,
  • brain tumors,
  • demyelinating disease (multiple sclerosis).

Recurrent exacerbations are often associated with Meniere's disease or benign positional vertigo.

Associated symptoms of dizziness

It is important to evaluate concomitant symptoms dizziness. The appearance of a stupor in a patient with vertigo indicates an ischemic or hemorrhagic lesion of the brainstem or cerebellum and often heralds the development of coma and herniation. But often the depression of consciousness is also associated with intoxication, including drug intoxication, hypoglycemia and other metabolic disorders.

Often, accompanying symptoms indicate the nature of dizziness.

Dizziness when standing up indicates orthostatic hypotension;

dizziness, aggravated by turning the head, is a sign of vestibulopathy.

In favor of a stroke, double vision, dysarthria, ataxia, paresis of facial muscles, and deviation of the tongue testify.

Tinnitus and hearing loss indicate damage to the inner ear. It is important to look at the outside ear canal in order to detect herpetic eruptions: dizziness may be the first manifestation of Ramsay Hunt syndrome ( herpetic lesion knee joint).

Symptoms of vestibular vertigo

If vertigo is vestibular in nature, one should try to classify it as central or peripheral. Signs of central vertigo are:

concomitant stem symptoms (double vision, dysarthria, ataxia, etc.),

vertical or purely horizontal nystagmus directed to both sides,

no severe nausea or vomiting,

persistent dizziness.

Although peripheral vertigo often looks more severe than central vertigo, it is much less dangerous. In favor of peripheral vestibulopathy testify:

intense rotational vertigo that goes away at rest, but is aggravated by the slightest movement of the head;

horizontal rotatory nystagmus, detected when looking away from the affected labyrinth;

repeated vomiting;

noise in the ear and hearing loss;

reduction of nystagmus and dizziness when fixing the gaze.

Causes of dizziness

Benign positional vertigo occurs at any age but is more common after age 60. Sometimes it is preceded by a traumatic brain injury, otitis, ischemia in the vertebrobasilar basin, but in half of the cases the cause cannot be found out. The clinical picture is very characteristic - short-term attacks of dizziness, repeated whenever the patient changes the position of the body (gets out of bed or lies down in it, turns from side to side, tilts or throws back his head, stretches his neck). The disease is associated with the formation of otoliths in the posterior semicircular canal (canalolithiasis). Shifting under the action of gravity, the otoliths irritate the vestibular receptors of the dome of the semicircular canal and cause a paroxysm of dizziness.

If there are additional neurological symptoms other causes of positional vertigo, including tumors of the posterior cranial fossa, stem stroke. A special technique has been developed that allows using head movements to remove the otolith from the posterior semicircular canal, shifting it to an insensitive zone (the vestibule of the inner ear). Drug therapy usually ineffective. The cause of positional dizziness may also be alcohol, which changes the density of the endolymph.

Causes of vestibular vertigo

The main causes of peripheral dizziness:

  • benign positional vertigo
  • vestibular neuritis,
  • meniere's disease,
  • traumatic brain injury.

The main factors in the development of central vestibular vertigo:

  • vertebrobasilar insufficiency,
  • stroke of the brainstem or cerebellum,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • tumors of the posterior cranial fossa,
  • basilar migraine.

Vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis - the cause of dizziness

Vestibular neuritis (acute peripheral vestibulopathy) is one of the most common causes of feeling insecure in determining one's position, associated with damage to the peripheral vestibular apparatus or the vestibular nerve. The disease is possible at any age. In some cases, a few weeks before the onset of the disease, infection of the upper respiratory tract, which indicates the possible viral nature of the disease. A similar syndrome can be observed with neurosyphilis and herpes zoster. Vestibular neuritis is manifested by acutely developing severe rotational dizziness, nausea, repeated vomiting without hearing loss and other neurological symptoms.

In cases where a similar vestibular syndrome is combined with hearing impairment, labyrinthitis is diagnosed. The slightest movement of the head increases dizziness, so patients sometimes deliberately support their head. Severe dizziness with repeated vomiting usually lasts no more than 3 to 4 days, but full recovery occurs within a few weeks, and in the elderly it can be delayed for several months. In mild cases it is possible ambulatory treatment. A short course of corticosteroids sometimes has a positive effect. In the early days, drugs are used that reduce vestibular symptoms, but as soon as the condition improves, they are canceled, and vestibular gymnastics becomes the basis of treatment.

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency as a cause of apparent rotation of surrounding objects during dizziness

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency - common cause dizziness in elderly patients with vascular risk factors. The cause of dizziness may be ischemia of the labyrinth, vestibular nerve and / or brain stem. Dizziness begins acutely, lasts for several minutes and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and imbalance. Ischemia of the adjacent parts of the trunk usually causes additional symptoms: blurred vision, double vision, dysarthria, falls, weakness and numbness in the limbs, which may occur simultaneously with dizziness or separately.

Vertigo attacks are often the first symptom of vertebrobasilar insufficiency, but if these episodes recur for many months and even more years, and no other symptoms appear, then the diagnosis of vertebrobasilar insufficiency should be questioned.

The cause of vertebrobasilar insufficiency can be:

atherosclerosis of the subclavian, vertebral or basilar artery,

less often cardiogenic embolism,

increased viscosity blood (hyperlipidemia, hyperfibrinogenemia, polycythemia, etc.),


Contrary to popular belief, vertebrobasilar insufficiency can rarely be explained by purely mechanical compression. vertebral arteries conditioned cervical osteochondrosis. In the diagnosis, attention should be paid to the presence of concomitant neurological symptoms, vascular factors risk ( arterial hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia). sick young age needs further investigation to rule out systemic disease or vascular anomaly. Treatment of vertebrobasilar insufficiency includes correction of risk factors, the use of antiplatelet agents (Aspirin) and vasoactive agents.

Meniere's disease as the cause of the illusion of movement

Meniere's disease is manifested by 4 main symptoms: episodic dizziness, noise in the ear, a feeling of congestion and fullness in the ear, fluctuating hearing loss. The dizziness peaks within a few minutes and then regresses within a few hours. After an acute episode, unsteadiness and moderate dizziness persist for several days. At an early stage, hearing loss is reversible, but from attack to attack, hearing is gradually lost. Noise in the ear becomes constant, increasing before and during an attack.

The frequency of attacks is variable, sometimes they are separated by long-term remissions. Some patients experience sudden falls without loss of consciousness or associated neurological disorders caused by irritation of the vestibular receptors with a sudden increase in pressure during inner ear. Treatment of an attack is built in the same way as with vestibular neuritis. Preventive treatment includes the use of betahistine, salt restriction, the appointment of diuretics, Verapamil in combination with Meclizine and Lorazepam.

Medical causes of dizziness

You need to find out if the patient has recently started taking new drugs. Iatrogenic vertigo is usually non-rotational and can be caused by

  • antiepileptic drugs,
  • antidepressants,
  • antihypertensive drugs (especially enalapril),
  • antiulcer drugs (Ranitidine or Cimetidine),
  • antibiotics (streptomycin)
  • Aspirin and salicylates
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Indomethacin, Naproxen),
  • neuroleptics,
  • tranquilizers,
  • Digoxin.

Other causes of incorrect awareness of the position of your body

Paroxysms of dizziness may be the only manifestation migraine. Migraine headaches are especially common in girls. adolescence. Many of these patients have a tendency to motion sickness and a positive family history.

Brief dizziness may be a manifestation of an epileptic seizure, but in this case it is often accompanied by stereotypical sensory (visual hallucinations), vegetative (epigastric discomfort, nausea, salivation) or motor (chewing movements) phenomena, as well as impaired consciousness, due to which during an attack, contact with the patient is at least temporarily lost.

More persistent dizziness, often accompanied by hearing loss, occurs when the internal auditory artery is blocked. Acutely developed dizziness, accompanied by cerebellar ataxia, nystagmus and sometimes rigidity neck muscles, may be a manifestation of cerebellar infarction or hemorrhage - conditions that require emergency intervention due to the threat of compression of the brain stem and rapid death.

Treatment of dizziness

Patients with acute dizziness, especially for the first time developed, it is advisable to hospitalize. On the spot, you can stop the heart rhythm disorder or hypoglycemia. Dizziness can be reduced with Diazepam (Relanium), 5-10 mg intravenously or intramuscularly. With severe nausea and vomiting, Metoclopramide (Cerucal), 10 mg intravenously or intramuscularly, Domperidone (Motilium), 10 mg orally, phenothiazines (Aminazine, 25 mg intramuscularly, Torekan, 6.5-13 mg intramuscularly or rectally in a suppository, Meterazin, 5–10 mg orally), Droperidol 2.5–5 mg IV or IM, Ondansetron (Zofran) 0.15 mg/kg in 50 ml 5% glucose, or isotonic solution sodium chloride or 4-8 mg orally.

It is also possible to use Scopolamine, 0.2 - 0.5 mg subcutaneously, Diphenhydramine, 10 - 20 mg intramuscularly, for the treatment of dizziness.

In peripheral vestibulopathies, Meclizine (Bonin), 25–50 mg orally 1–3 times a day, is effective in the treatment of dizziness. When consciousness is depressed in a patient with suspected ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, the introduction of osmotic diuretics (Mannitol, 200-400 ml of a 20% solution) and hospitalization in a hospital with a neurosurgical department are necessary.

Dizziness can occur in many ways various reasons, including relatively harmless reasons, and serious diseases. A person can stabilize his condition on his own at home with the help of folk remedies, as well as first aid preparations. If the head is spinning systematically, then it is necessary to look for reasons for this, to be examined, since this can be dangerous for the patient's life.

Causes of dizziness

Dizziness is a condition when a person loses stability and orientation, it seems to him that the space around him is moving. This sensation arises due to disturbances in the work of the vestibular, visual and tactile systems. The reasons for this may be the most harmless, not threatening to life or damage to health:

  • Malnutrition. The head can spin not only with prolonged fasting but also due to missed meals in the morning or afternoon. In this case, it is recommended to eat tightly, drink something sweet, and the unpleasant sensation will pass by itself.
  • Fatigue. Constant overload, stress, lack of sleep affect the state of the nervous system. For this reason, not only dizziness may appear, but also other symptoms - migraines, weakness in the body, nervous tics, and the like.
  • Pregnancy. If the head is spinning infrequently during pregnancy, but there is nothing to worry about, this is one of the symptoms of toxicosis.
  • Profuse bleeding during menstruation. Due to the loss of iron, weakness, dizziness may occur, in the event that the symptoms during the period critical days arise on permanent basis, you need to consult a doctor - he will prescribe hormonal contraceptives that stabilize the situation.

Also, the cause may be a sharp rise from a horizontal position, lack of air in the room, excessive exercise stress. If the loss of orientation in space occurs once or under certain circumstances, then there is nothing to worry about.

Seek medical attention if dizziness is sudden and occurs frequently. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia. It is one of the most common reasons. The person looks sickly, pale, he faints, his body feels weak, tired. ​
  • Diseases of the cervical spine- trauma, spondylosis. Usually the patient has strong pain in the neck, and with sudden movements, turns, the head begins to spin more strongly.
  • Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Without treatment and therapy, pathology can develop into chronic form. For illness and vomiting, weakness, poor health, disturbances in the work of the visual organs.
  • Violation of the blood supply to the inner ear and parts of the brain. Usually dizziness occurs when you stay in one position for a long time - sitting or lying down. There is severe pain in the neck, tension, discomfort.
  • Psychogenic dizziness. Occur in excessive emotional people. There is confusion, fatigue, hysteria, fear, migraines.
  • Arterial pressure. With an increase or decrease in pressure, a person feels weakness, instability, loss of control over his body, fatigue.
  • Vertigo. A disease of the vestibular apparatus, which is characterized by a violation of the transmission of information from the periphery to the nerve centers. Often accompanied by otitis, nausea and vomiting, weakness in the body.

At mental disorders, as well as psychological problems dizziness is also not uncommon. For example, during periods of exacerbation prolonged depressions, phobias, panic attacks, psychosis, hallucinations and the like.

Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of the disease will depend on the diagnosis. Initially, a person needs to contact a neurologist. The doctor will prescribe a comprehensive examination, as a result of which certain drugs or procedures will be prescribed. If you suspect iron deficiency anemia The patient will have to take a blood test.

Often the specialist prescribes additional medicines to address the root cause of dizziness and maximize the effectiveness of treatment. It could be antidepressants vitamin supplements, antihistamines, antipsychotics, nootropics and so on. It is impossible to take medications on your own without consulting a doctor, as this can exacerbate the symptoms.

What to do when dizzy

First aid

Most often, the head begins to spin abruptly and unexpectedly, so a person needs first aid to avoid fainting:

  1. It is advisable to lie on the bed or, if it is not possible to take horizontal position, sit down and fold your hands on your lap or table, resting your head on them.
  2. You need to close your eyes, relax and hold in this position for 1-2 minutes. If the condition does not improve, you should not get up, you must wait until the moment when the head stops spinning.
  3. When you feel a little better, it is recommended to eat or drink something sweet: tea, a lollipop, a piece of sugar. By increasing the level of glucose in the body, you can quickly achieve the normalization of your normal state.
  4. After half an hour or an hour after the incident, you should eat, especially if before that the person was hungry. Food should be light, but satisfying - cereals, cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy products are suitable.
  5. To relieve dizziness you need to do deep breaths and exhale while sitting either lying position. On this day you can not smoke, drink alcoholic drinks, even in small quantities.

There are also general-purpose drugs that can normalize the patient's well-being, but you should not drink them too often without consulting a doctor. With severe dizziness, you can drink Ibuprofen or Pentalgin.

Treatment with folk remedies

You can quickly get rid of dizziness at home. The following will help folk remedies:

  • ginger tea;
  • beetroot juice;
  • carrot juice;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • grapefruit juice;
  • tincture of hibiscus;
  • tea from seeds and parsley;
  • dill infusion;
  • alcohol tincture of garlic;
  • decoction of red hawthorn;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • green tea with a few drops of apple cider vinegar;
  • melissa tea;
  • mint tea;
  • Jasmine tea;
  • lime tea.

You need to drink drinks throughout the day after the malaise has appeared. It is easy to prepare them even at home, while simple recipes help relieve dizziness and nausea in just 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to boil water and pour 1-1.5 teaspoons of a dry plant into it. Herbs can be mixed with each other by adding honey or sugar to them. It is also recommended to drink them in bite with sweet fruits or dried fruits, nuts, berries.

Teas, juices and herbal tinctures are effective only if the head is spinning once - from overwork, lack of sleep, hunger, and the like. If this phenomenon is frequent, then only medicines can help and home treatments will be useless.

Aromatherapy is no less effective. Oils of mint, rosemary, camphor, tea tree, roses, citrus fruits can help if the head is not very dizzy. You should not take baths with them, as being in hot or warm water during poor health and loss of orientation is contraindicated. The smell of oils or aromatic salts should be inhaled for 1-2 minutes. You can also purchase special scented candles containing natural ingredients.

Home treatment will be most effective if you lead healthy lifestyle life. Some help with this simple recommendations and tips:

  • Daily regime. It is important to go to bed and get up at the same time, without making large gaps between sleep. If a person falls asleep, then early in the evening, then closer to the morning, then the head will be constantly spinning, to which other symptoms will be added.
  • Proper nutrition. You need to watch your diet. It must contain products that replenish all minerals, vitamins. It is advisable to give up alcohol, coffee, salty and sweet foods, or consume them in moderation without overeating.
  • Physical activity and lifestyle. A person who spends a lot of time in a sitting position should exercise regularly. You need to warm up at least every half hour for a few seconds. Even better, if sports are regular - this is another way to normalize your condition and cure dizziness at home. But you should warm up only if a person feels good, does not lose orientation.
  • Walks in the open air. Even a short stay in the fresh air will help to normalize well-being, especially if the patient most spends his time in stuffy room. You should also open the window before going to bed, ventilate the apartment more often or purchase a special humidifier.
  • Thermal impact. For people suffering from severe dizziness, one more effective method treatment at home will turn out to be an ordinary heating pad. It should be applied to the back of the head, while in a supine position. It is advisable to wait at least 10 minutes.
  • Massage. Massage of the temples and the back of the head will help both after dizziness and at its height. Don't put too much pressure on your head. You can use special hand massagers or a regular comb with large quantity teeth.

With frequent dizziness, you should pay attention to the quality of sleep. It is not recommended to sleep without a pillow or, conversely, on a pillow that is too high. This is especially important in diseases of the cervical spine. It will be possible to minimize or completely remove dizziness with osteochondrosis if you choose a comfortable pillow so that the neck does not overstrain during sleep. ​

Dizziness is not always a pathological condition that can manifest itself in any person, regardless of age, occupation, gender. Sometimes it is diagnosed even in children. It is useful for every person to know what to do if their head is spinning. In this case, he can control his health, try to cope with the pathological condition as quickly as possible or prevent its occurrence using medications and folk remedies.

Why does dizziness appear?

It cannot be considered a separate disease. However, it can be a symptom of a serious health problem. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out those. In some cases, you don't have to worry. For example, there is physiological causes dizziness:

  1. Transferred stress, provoking the release of a large amount of adrenaline. It causes vasospasm, oxygen is poorly supplied to the brain. This is what causes dizziness.
  2. A trip in transport or riding on a carousel. Here the reason is not enough good functionality of the vestibular apparatus. Unpleasant sensations pass as soon as the factor provoking them disappears. In order for this situation not to happen again, it is better to train the vestibular apparatus.
  3. Prolonged adherence to a diet in which the level of glucose in the blood decreases.

The otolaryngologist, Dr. medical center in Tel Aviv Vladimir Tsilker:

However, there are reasons why you need to contact a therapist or neurologist. For example, a symptom such as dizziness can cause the following diseases:

  • Damage to the vestibular apparatus due to inflammation of the ear. Here, the ENT doctor must provide assistance to the patient. The patient has such symptoms of the disease as cold sweat, nausea and even vomiting.
  • A brain tumor. It is characterized by the gradual development of symptoms. In addition to dizziness, pain may be present, as well as hearing loss on one side.

  • . In this case, dizziness lasts long enough, and the attack itself appears suddenly. A feature of the disease is that a person perceives a whisper well, but does not hear ordinary speech.
  • Rupture of the ear membrane due to trauma.
  • Migraine.

  • Trauma to the skull, accompanied by.
  • Stroke. A person is not only dizzy, but speech and coordination of movements are also disturbed.

If the patient has an incorrectly established cause of dizziness, then the treatment will be incorrect. O positive effect, of course, you have to forget, but you can additionally harm the patient.

First aid for dizziness

If a person suddenly feels dizzy, and this condition is accompanied by other symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor. Moreover, you will need the help of not only a therapist, but also other specialists. For example, you should consult with a neurologist, cardiologist, ENT. These specialists will help eliminate the root cause of dizziness.

First aid involves the following actions:

  1. It is best to first lie down on the bed, and put a cold wet towel on your forehead. At the same time, a person should tell relatives that he is ill.
  2. It is important to fix your eyes on some fixed object - this will help to quickly eliminate the sensation of rotation of objects.
  3. First aid can be provided with a cup strong coffee. Only the drink should be cold.

Often dizziness provokes fainting. Therefore, you should know how to provide first aid if necessary.

  1. If a person has it, then at home it can be dealt with with the help of mint infusion. Drink it after lunch and dinner every day.
  2. If dizziness is accompanied by other symptoms, especially neurological ones, you should immediately call an ambulance. It is better not to take medications before the doctors arrive, so as not to “lubricate” the clinical picture.
  1. It is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air into the room.
  2. Tight clothing should be removed.

Very often, dizziness, in combination with other symptoms, may indicate manifestations of a stroke. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize it and call an ambulance in time.

  1. If the patient has dentures in his mouth, then they must be removed.
  2. Breathe should be full chest.
  3. You need to drink a glass of water.
  4. If unpleasant symptoms appeared due to a decrease in blood glucose levels, then it is better to eat something sweet.

Medical treatment for dizziness

A person tries to remove almost any ailment with the help of pills. However, in most cases, the patient does not even know what kind of medicine he needs. Drinking any pills just to get relief is not worth it, as this can only aggravate the situation. Medical treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Depending on the cause that caused the pathology, the patient may need such drugs:

  • Means for lowering blood pressure.
  • Specific drugs with which you can reduce the intensity of dizziness: "Betagestin".

In the pharmacy you will find the drug "Betaserk" with the active substance betahistine. The cost will be 635 rubles for 30 tablets

  • Medicines containing iron to help treat anemia.
  • Vasodilator drugs: "Trental". You will have to drink such pills if the patient has osteochondrosis of the cervical region, as well as problems with cerebral circulation.

In some cases, the patient may be prescribed injections for treatment. A single dose should not be more than 2 ml. If the head is spinning very strongly and often, then you can not treat yourself.

What to do with dizziness at home?

To eliminate attacks of vertigo, you can use not only pills, but also folk remedies that are considered safer. But it is better not to use them on your own. Before starting herbal treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor, undergo a thorough examination, for example, an MRI of the brain. This will help eliminate serious pathologies with which folk remedies do not always cope.

You can get answers to the most frequently asked questions about MRI from Ilya Efimovich Shpunt, a radiologist at the MIBS “Yaroslavl”:

If herbal treatment was allowed, then the following recipes will help to cope with dizziness:

  • Melissa decoction. This remedy is additionally soothing. nervous system. You can drink a decoction instead of tea, just steam a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of water.
  • It is also useful to eat a tablespoon of seaweed before meals.
  • Nettle decoction. A tablespoon of raw materials should be steamed with half a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist 4 hours, after which the broth is filtered and mixed with 100 ml apple juice. It is better to drink this remedy before meals.
  • Aromatherapy is a great help to a person suffering from frequent dizziness. Thyme, sage and rosemary oils are used for treatment.
  • Celery juice. This remedy is used for treatment very often. With it, you can increase the pressure. For cooking medicinal product it is enough to use a juicer and a washed plant. Juice should be drunk daily.

  • Ginger. This remedy is used in powder form. The root helps to restore cerebral circulation.
  • Ginkgo biloba. Using this remedy can help improve blood flow in the inner ear. You can buy it in the form of dried sheets or tablets.
  • White mistletoe tea. This plant is very effective for. To prepare the product, you need to pour several branches of the plant with boiling water. You need to drink tea when an attack begins.
  • A decoction of clover. The presented tool is prepared very simply. It is enough just to pour 200 ml of boiling water into 1 teaspoon of raw materials. Next, the mixture is put on a small fire for 5 minutes. Now you can strain the liquid and drink it in a tablespoon up to 5 times a day.
  • Parsley infusion. This remedy is also good for the treatment of dizziness. A tablespoon of seeds must be poured into a glass cool water. The product should be infused for about 8 hours. After this, the infusion must be filtered. It is required to drink 200 ml of funds for 4 sets.

At home, treatment can be carried out with a massage of the forehead and temples, as well as in the direction from the top of the head to the top of the ear. The session usually lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Gymnastics to eliminate dizziness

Regular physical exercises help get rid of discomfort that are repeated frequently. Such treatment will make it possible to restore normal blood circulation, muscle tone, and good health.

The following exercises may help:

  1. The head should be slowly tilted forward and lowered as low as possible. Next, it must be lifted, and slowly and carefully.
  2. It is required to carry out alternate tilts to the left and also to the right.
  3. Now you can try to write a figure eight with your head from left to right, as well as from bottom to top.

Naturally, this pathological condition cannot be taken lightly. Coping with exercise alone serious illness fail.

What to do if you feel dizzy: preventive measures

If and often, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. However, it is best to avoid such pathological condition. For this, the following preventive measures are required:

  1. Eat properly and nutritiously. Nuts should be included in the diet hard cheese, fish, as well as other products that contain phosphorus.
  2. Helps prevent disease cold and hot shower and dousing with cold water. It is important not to rush and lower the temperature of the water gradually.
  3. It is important to consume enough water, as dehydration can change blood pressure.

The benefits of water for our body are not so obvious to many, so we do not pay due attention to fluid intake.

  1. If the patient has a tendency to severe dizziness, then he should try not to move abruptly or quickly. It is advisable to have a stable support during an attack, as this can help not to fall.
  2. It is advisable to get more rest, as well as protect yourself from viral or infectious diseases. Treatment of any pathologies should begin as soon as the first symptoms appear.
  3. Women with such a problem are better to give up high heels.

A visual diagram of how harmless love for high heels affects health

These measures will help to avoid recurrence of dizziness. You can also use these tips:

  • In hot weather, it is better to use a cap and goggles.
  • It's best to carry a small bottle of water with you at all times, as well as a bar of chocolate or a few candies.

Dizziness is not a disease, but a symptom. If you often feel dizzy, it is better to play it safe and be examined.

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