How to Quit Smoking: What Happens When You Quit Cigarettes. What are the consequences of years of smoking?

Smoking is such a tricky thing that it seems like you were going to start just a fleeting romance with a cigarette, but you yourself don’t understand how it happened that you became inseparable and have been walking hand in hand through life for N-th number of years. You are together in any weather, under any circumstances, day, night, holidays and weekdays. And it begins to seem that only death can separate you. But maybe not to go to extremes?

Many begin to indulge in cigarettes at a very young age. They hide, they are ashamed, everyone understands about the harm to health, but they do not believe that they have the strength to quit. And smoke for years...

We asked three girls, whose smoking experience was 8-10 years, and who nevertheless managed to give up this addiction, to tell their stories in full detail.

Victoria, 22, student

Smoker experience: about 10 years

Norm: pack for 2 days

Quit: a year ago.

I first tried a cigarette at the age of 13. And don't think I was the only one. Our entire yard has dabbled in cigarettes since that age. Anticipating the judgment of what was bad family or something like that, I say right away: my family is prosperous, wonderful parents, they are engaged in their own business. There is no education at all here.

Sometimes she indulged in cigarettes with her girlfriend, somewhere, so that no one could see from the adults. So it was until the moment when I entered, and, so to speak, escaped from the nest. Everyone smoked, and so did I. Then I smoked alone when it was boring or fun, in general, always. Imperceptibly, cigarettes have become a part of my life. I felt good, and all these inscriptions on the pack about cancer or heart disease - it seemed that this was not about me, I was only indulging. In my second year, I already knew that I couldn’t just take and give up cigarettes, but, in fact, I didn’t really care. Until the moment when I stopped any of my actions to end with a cigarette. I’ll sit on a couple - I’ll go out for a smoke, I wrote an essay - I went out to smoke, I had breakfast - I smoked and so on.

Already in the fourth year I realized that cigarettes affect my health. Understood - it's not that awareness would come, but I felt it. It became more difficult to wake up, after you smoked a cigarette, I didn’t want to do anything, my throat started to hurt more often (I think because I smoked in the cold, but in general in any weather), sputum constantly coughed up, my heart beat faster. And so she lived.

Of course, the family didn't know about it. In any case, they pretended not to know. In my family, I was ashamed to admit that I smoke. Although the husband (then still a boyfriend) knew. But he never forbade me to smoke, he just said once that he would be nicer if I didn't smoke. In general, women are terribly annoyed when a man forbids smoking.

Now I am a fifth-year student and have not smoked for a year. How did I quit? I just realized that it can't last forever. I realized that I was killing myself. I used to know this too, but at that moment I let it through me and simply gave up cigarettes. It was in the morning: I woke up and felt (for the umpteenth time) that in my mouth bad taste, tickling, incomprehensible laziness ... I knew it was from cigarettes, and I said to myself - I won’t smoke anymore. That's how it all happened - in one morning. And I haven't smoked a single cigarette since.

Oddly enough, there was no craving to smoke in the first days. But after a week, the desire began to arise strong. This went on for over a month. You know, the severity was not so much that I did not receive a dose of nicotine, but that my lifestyle began to change. There were no more these cigarette pauses, the actions ended by themselves. Now I'm used to it, but I still sometimes find myself thinking that I want to smoke a cigarette. This is especially felt when you drink or sit in a good company where they smoke. In such a case, in order not to break loose, I bought myself an electronic cigarette and filled it with liquid without nicotine. It turns out like an inhaler. It helps to dull the desire to inhale properly.

My life hasn't changed much, but you know, it's more boring without cigarettes. Would I smoke if it was done harmlessly? Yes. With health, it probably got better, but everything happens so gradually that it’s hard to say for sure. I didn’t gain weight: as I weighed my 50 kg, I still weigh.

What I want to say to girls who want to quit. If you really want to do it, then you will do it, otherwise you are not being honest with yourself.

And another vital observation: if you still quit smoking, then you should not talk about it to everyone and everything. Let this be your personal victory.

Olga, 33 years old, office manager

Smoker experience: 18 years

Norm: 2 packs for three days.

Quit: 2.5 years ago

- I had my first experience with cigarettes at the age of 11. My parents bought cigarettes in blocks and kept them in a closet. I was a tomboy and always hung around with the boys in the yard, it happened - I dragged my parents' cigarettes to them. At the age of 13-14, I started studying at a technical school, everyone smoked there, and then it began to form into a habit. Of course, the parents did not know, but once on parent meeting mother was shamed by the teacher of Russian literature and language. The thrashing was serious, but it did not discourage the hunt. After 20 years, there were a couple of meager attempts to quit, but I lasted a maximum of two weeks.

By the age of 30, the understanding that someday it would still be necessary to quit smoking, and the thought, why not do it now, was constantly spinning in my head. But there were always excuses like: “summer is over”, “too difficult period”, “if I quit, then this is plus 10-15 kg, and excess weight so in abundance”, “now a cigarette is the only joy and friend”, “here a loved one will appear, then for sure.”

In many things, I need to push myself to the limit, so that I already become directly sick of myself. That's what happened with cigarettes. By the age of 31, this moment had come. I didn’t like the smell of tobacco from me, I didn’t like hanging around all sorts of corners, going out into the street in bad weather while working. In the end, I really wanted to prove to myself that I can do it and should at least try.

Once upon a time there were attempts to read the book by Allen Kara " easy way quit smoking,” but the little monster inside me wouldn’t let me finish the job. Somehow I stumbled upon the video format of this book. It was decided to sit down to watch. There were several packs of cigarettes at home. The film ran for two hours. At the second hour, a dream began to take possession of me, but I promised myself to finish watching it no matter what, and then - come what may. The dream was interrupted by a cigarette. At the end of the film, she smoked the last cigarette in her life, broke all the rest and sent them to the bucket.

The first few days were not easy, I always wanted to occupy my hands with something, so all the office that was at hand went to waste (I bent paper clips, tore pieces of paper, broke pens, toothpicks). There was a desire to wash this withdrawal with alcohol, but after a couple of glasses, the desire to take a puff became unbearable, especially if there were smoking friends. Having enlisted the support of friends in social networks, I lived through the most difficult week, then the second ...

On the third came freedom with a very happy face. I wanted to shout to the whole world that it's not so difficult, the main thing is to hold out for that very notorious 21 days. I recovered by about 5 kg, although I did not want to seize either seeds or something else. The sense of smell became very aggravated, and it became unpleasant when the smell of smoke from the neighboring balcony came through the open window.

Of course, there was confidence in their abilities, a desire for new victories in working on themselves. Six months later, I no longer ate pork and sausages, and was very carried away healthy eating. A year later, I completely gave up meat. Something like excitement to test their human strength. Felt somewhat frustrated with a couple of relapses after two years total absence cigarettes - but it's always alcohol. I don’t know if this “little monster” will come back to me again, reminding me of itself every hour and convulsing when there are no cigarettes ... But the feeling of freedom from this addiction has not left me yet. And I know for sure that it takes quite a bit of time to be free and happy, if there is a real desire.

Natalia, 26 years old, consultant

Smoker experience: 8 years

Norm: a pack for 2-3 days

Quit: 3 years ago

I started smoking in the ninth grade. Everything was very banal: somehow, before a disco, we gathered with friends, and one of them had cigarettes with her. They've smoked before and I haven't tried it yet. The girls suggested: "Natasha, take a puff - you'll like it!" I didn’t really want to, and there was never any interest in smoking, but, not understanding what trap I was falling into, I took it and dragged on. Of course, she began to cough, and this disgusting smoke immediately turned her head. But with each puff it became somehow easier, the cough disappeared, and this slight dizziness starting to like it...

That's how it all started. We went every Saturday for a walk in large groups, in which, basically, everyone smoked. So, of course, I smoked too. In the beginning, I only smoked on Saturdays, a kind of established tradition. She smoked literally 1-2 cigarettes, and then “through sticks” (she broke branches, folded them and inserted a cigarette between them). Then I rubbed the whole thing with some napkins, ate chewing gum, etc. “If only dad didn’t get wind of it,” I thought. But then the habit took its toll: a week I smoked a pack, hiding somewhere in the neighborhood or behind the school. I liked cigarette smoke, there was some kind of buzz from this.

After the 11th grade, I entered and moved to Minsk. Parental control weakened, and here I already became a full-fledged smoker. I lived in a hostel for the first time, my friend and I always went out for a smoke break on the balconies. I started dating a guy who shamelessly smoked and could easily smoke a pack of cigarettes in a day, well, I followed him. A pack of cigarettes left in 2-3 days. At school, between couples, she ran out at every break for a smoke break. In general, dragged me to the fullest.

I didn't think about quitting smoking until I met my current boyfriend. He is a non-smoker and before me he smoking girls never met. And after we spent a year together, he said: “Natasha, I want you to quit smoking. You have a birthday in a couple of days, after the birthday you stop. I don't want to date a smoker." I agreed.

Thought it would be easy. That I am not such a heavy smoker, that people sometimes smoke from the age of 12 ... At first, of course, it was interesting - sports interest. I was fully confident that I could easily handle everything. After all, my friends have already quit - so I can.

The first days were filled with faith and good mood. Then everything disappeared in an instant. Withdrawal began, I wanted to smoke at least one cigarette. One and that's it. I stood next to smoking comrades and greedily inhaled cigarette smoke. As for food, I constantly wanted to eat, something to eat, chew. Now it sounds funny, but then I was not laughing. The first two weeks were the hardest. Then the desire to smoke every day arose less and less. And after the first month of non-smoking, I began to forget what it is.

The first and very important change that I noticed was that my headaches stopped in the morning. I used to wake up every morning with a heavy head. And now - no.

The second is the absence of the ubiquitous smell of cigarettes: neither hair, nor clothes, nor hands - nothing stank. It is the word "stink" that fits here most of all.

Third, I gained weight good sense this word. I didn’t get fat, but just my cherished missing kilograms returned, since I myself am very thin. I began to eat normally - after all, cigarette smoke used to kill a healthy appetite. Over time, I even woke up a wild dislike for people who smoke. I walk down the street - they smoke, I stand at the bus stop - they smoke. Everywhere and everyone smokes. The cigarette smell irritated me, I was constantly indignant inside. But then it all vanished. Now I calmly walk past people who smoke and treat them with understanding. It also helped that most of my friends, and now all of my friends, also do not smoke.

After some time without cigarettes, my whole life slowly began to get on the right track: some new beginnings appeared, I actively went in for sports. I am sure that many people understand that cigarettes are bad, but they do not fully realize that cigarettes destroy health, suck their money and cloud their thoughts. Most people think they can always quit smoking, that it's not an addiction. Many people think that they are still young, and that they have huge reserves of strength and health. But once you drop one bad habit, you will definitely throw both the second and the third. All good things will be attracted by a magnet. The most banal joy - you will begin to enjoy food and smells, you will begin to smell aromas. And for those who still don’t dare to quit, I want to say: “Well, at least you try.” If it doesn't work, try again, and again, and so on until you succeed. It's much easier than you think.

Vladimir Pikirenya, psychiatrist-narcologist, assistant of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, Belarusian State Medical University:

Nicotine addiction is one of the most strong dependencies. If we evaluate this strength by the number of successful quitters, then statistics show that among those who quit smoking on their own, after 5 years only 2% remain in the ranks of non-smokers. There are several reasons for this:

  • The harmful effects of smoking are not as obvious as those of other substances. For example, when alcohol is abused, a person feels bad in the morning, his head hurts, nausea, weakness, and insomnia develop. At the same time, even in a long-term smoker, there may be practically no clearly noticeable consequences. Therefore, the motivation to quit smoking is initially low.
  • In addition, smoking is a kind of "ritual", and in many cases is a socially desirable behavior. So, we all know enough is enough most of issues are resolved not only at the negotiating table or at the workplace, but in the smoking room, when a common activity encourages informal communication.
  • Great both physically and psychological dependence from nicotine. The first is manifested in the fact that the physical discomfort begins within a few hours after the last puff and gradually increases, reaching its peak on the third or fourth day and lasting about 2 weeks. The psychological craving is more stable, and is especially strong in the first months. On the whole, the desire to "drag", to hold a cigarette in one's hand, to join the ritual sometimes persists throughout the first year. For girls, an additional obstacle in quitting smoking may be an increase in appetite and the associated weight gain.

How to quit smoking?

It should be recognized that there is no single way that is suitable for everyone. Adherents of a quick refusal can be helped quite widely famous book A. Carra "An easy way to quit smoking." Also, many people use the so-called "encoding", and although this method has no scientific confirmation of effectiveness, for some it can be a good support.

Gradually, you can also throw in different ways. Reduce the number of cigarettes per day, gradually switch to lighter cigarettes, do not finish smoking the cigarettes you have started, use electronic cigarettes with a gradual decrease in the amount of nicotine in the liquid, a nicotine patch or chewing gum with nicotine. All this allows a person to deal with addiction in stages, because with this approach, you first learn to cope with psychological component addictions, and then you struggle with the physical.

Some antidepressants can serve as good support for quitting smoking, because they help reduce the psychological craving for smoking, mood swings, and irritability. Some antidepressants help you manage your weight better by reducing your appetite.

For some, it is easier to endure this period by working with a psychologist, many studies say that physical exercise helps reduce cravings for smoking.

Very often people break down when drinking alcohol. This happens because even a small amount of alcohol significantly weakens a person's ability to control their desires. In addition, the pleasure mechanism of drinking alcohol overlaps with that of nicotine, which causes cross cravings.

But I want to draw your attention to the fact that even if you didn’t completely manage to give up nicotine the first time, this is not a reason to give up, but an opportunity to analyze yourself and work on your mistakes. For your body, even a short break and the opportunity to clear yourself of tobacco smoke will be a rest.

Hello Dear Psychologist! I would like to understand myself
we lived with a young man for 1.5 years
everything was just great
if not for one BUT! He smoked or smokes cannabis
he is 29 years old
These were his first serious relationship! Been smoking this crap for over 10 years! The man is definitely aggressive.
but I adjusted to him, and everything was fine with us
Insisted on quitting smoking! He occasionally threw
but came back to it again and again! At that time we lived together ... in our little world
which I created
took care of him! And now the moment has come
when we quarreled over this cannabis
he decided to abandon me! Said
that we need to part with you
we haven't met in a month
and this month she and her mother rented an apartment
and he moved to live with his mother in a cottage
out of town
that is, it is like a small village
Then we reconciled
I tried to reconcile! We began to live in this very village
along with his mom! We have a good relationship with his mother.
but the more I lived there
the more I yearned for that little world
just the two of him! Where there is no interference from his mother
no advice
And there was such an impression
that we have formed a triangle
he ... his mother and somewhere far away I am! I tried my best to get used to this place
but couldn't
I was always drawn home
there was a terrible longing for the city! When I was alone at home
I cried a lot and didn't know what to do! Tried
brought comfort
did the cleaning
but his mother was unscrupulous in this regard
that is, every day I felt like a governess
everything is scattered in her kitchen
scattered ... on the contrary, everything is in its place
everywhere is clean
and such chaos I had every day in my head
And the moment came when my mother recognized him
that he smokes cannabis
because you can't hide it
all the signs are there! I printed special literature for her
to convey
that he needs to be treated, and this is not a joke
And we started the attack together
It was hard, of course.
he sent us to 3 letters
and that we are complete fools, etc. but still decided to go to the narcologist
I was with my mom at the time! He came and said
that he doesn't love me and that he doesn't need me
that's exactly what he said
although a day ago still loved! I was shocked! This is how we broke up almost 2 months ago
Now he texts periodically
Come to visit! Come to visit! How are you, etc
as if nothing had happened
why is that? why is it so easy for a person to refuse me a second time? And I don't understand how I feel about him
I want everything back
start over
but before my eyes this VILLAGE and his mother with stupid conversations
I feel like he wants me back too
I'd rather live in a hut with him
but together
only double
I'm completely lost!!! Sorry for such a long letter

Katya, Moscow, 25 years old

Family Psychologist Answer:

Hello Katya.

You yourself wrote that smoking cannabis makes a person aggressive and unbalanced. Although this drug is considered the weakest, nevertheless, it has a lot of negative consequences. For the sake of it, addicts are ready to give up everything that is dearest, they later regret it, and then again and again they go in the same circle. An experience of 10 years is a very long time, it is almost impossible to quit on your own. You definitely need the help of experts. From narcologists to psychologists, plus a change of scenery and social circle. Understand your feelings, otherwise I got the impression that you are more afraid of the village and your mother than the fact that the young man is really addicted to drugs, and everything is very serious in fact.

Sincerely, Belomoitseva Natalya Alekseevna.

I started smoking very early - at the age of 14. Then it was fashionable. 90s, yo-my

I liked smoking and I quickly got involved and began to smoke a lot. And I didn’t like “light” cigarettes, I preferred stronger ones. For example, the best were Marlboro red cigarettes or Captain Black in general (those who tried it will understand, after them light cigarettes were not even felt). I smoked at least a pack a day. Yes.

I smoked for no less than 8 years.

It's scary to even think about it now.

At the age of 20, I met my future husband, who more than a year he endured an "ashtray" next to him only occasionally making attempts to reason with me (he himself does not smoke). I was sure that a cigarette and I were inseparable concepts and I was not going to quit smoking at all.

But then the day came when my then still future husband made me an offer.

When I agreed, he asked me to try for the wedding, if not quit, then at least learn to smoke less. I remember I laughed it off at the time.

But then all night I thought about his request. And also about the fact that my grandmother died of lung cancer at the age of 56 (she smoked the notorious Belomorkanal all her life). And that soon we will want to have children (unfortunately, this did not work out, due to doctors...

In the morning I woke up, smoked my last cigarette and everything ... as cut off.

No breaking, no regrets about leaving the habit. Even at parties, gatherings, I calmly did not smoke, although out of habit I went outside with smoking friends / girlfriends, but I took either a glass (if I drank alcohol) or a mug of tea with me and calmly talked without a cigarette. So I did not feel any particular isolation from society.

After a couple of weeks, I began to have an aversion to people who smoke. Rather, the smell emanating from them. Apparently it was the reaction of the body to abrupt rejection from smoking.

For about half a year, the smell of smoking people caused me attacks of nausea and disgust, I even stopped in pairs (then I studied at the university) to sit at the same desk with my best friend, which, of course, caused her resentment and misunderstanding. Now everything is back to normal and smoking people I communicate absolutely calmly (although the smell emanating from them is still not very pleasant).

After quitting smoking, I didn’t eat anymore, I didn’t have bad habits like seeds and candy. I didn't get fat and I didn't become a crazy hysteric. In general, nothing has changed. The only thing I didn’t understand for some time was what to do with the freed time (and it was freed up a lot - imagine how much time it takes to smoke a pack of cigarettes ... that is, I have an extra hour in the day that can be spent usefully).

I generally keep quiet about the money saved. How much does a pack of good cigarettes cost now? Rubles 70-80-100? That is, I save up to 700 rubles a week, and over 10 years ... thousand

250 I didn't smoke. The amount is impressive.

About health.

As much as I would not like, but the smoky 8 years have not passed in vain for me and you will not return the lost health. Of course, the body has the ability to recover, but there is a limit to everything. Now at the age of just over 30 I have enough health problems (including for women) and I am sure that some of them are the consequences of my mindless smoking.


As you can see, in order to quit smoking, I did not need any expensive drugs, no abstruse books, and not a single session with a psychotherapist. Just a request from a loved one and a night spent alone with your thoughts.

I am sure that until a person himself wants and does not realize his need to quit smoking, no superfood methods will help him.

I am now.

They say there are no former drug addicts, alcoholics and smokers.

And they don't say it without reason.

Yes, I have not smoked for 10 years and yes, I managed to quit smoking quite easily.

Yes, I now work for a "non-smoking and non-drinking" company, where you can easily get fired for one cigarette.

I will not deceive you - several times in 10 years I gave myself slack and smoked a cigarette (just in the above cases).

And what was my disappointment when the real pleasure of a smoked cigarette did not meet expectations. And more often it was just unpleasant at all and then the lungs hurt.

Now, when my hands reach for a cigarette, I just remind myself that now this does not bring me pleasure and the desire disappears.

But still, I can't call myself completely free from cigarettes. Because I gave up smoking only because of its health environment. Because I repeat - I liked smoking.

And therefore - it is better not to start at all.

But there were no brains at the age of 14 ...


Start smoking at age 10

Nicotine addiction leads to serious demographic consequences: it has a detrimental effect on health, leads to oncological, cardiovascular and 20 other serious diseases; may adversely affect the health of future children, especially if a girl smokes; significantly increases the risk of introducing young people to the consumption of such types of drugs as hashish, marijuana, hemp.

The results of the study indicate that from 1990 to 2001, the age of first-time smokers decreased from 15.2 to 10.1 years (Table 1). Girls, on average, begin to consume nicotine 1.5 years later than boys. Among 13-year-olds, every second (48%) smokes, at 16-17 years old - two out of three (66%), and at 18 years old - three out of four (75.5%) . Among working youth (under 23 years of age) there are 81.2% of smokers, among those who do not work and do not study - 83.2%, and among students it is much less - 55%.

Most heavy young smokers are in poor families, where, accordingly, the general culture of health is lower (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Share of frequent smokers among young people from families with different levels welfare, %

Average rate consumption is 12 cigarettes a day: for boys - 14, for girls - 10. Those who do not work and do not study (15.7 cigarettes a day) or are already working (14.9) smoke more. Students have a lower norm - an average of 10.5 cigarettes. According to their own confessions, they smoke often - 31.7%, not very often - 23.5%, rarely - 9.1%. Among young men, 68.6% smokers, among girls - 53.9%. If the results of the study are extended to the general population, it turns out that 6.7 of the 11 million people studied age group consume nicotine with varying frequency.

average cost one pack of cigarettes bought by young people is 15 rubles 21 kopecks. Thus, it turns out that teenagers and young people aged 12-22 spend about 700 million dollars a year on cigarettes. Tobacco companies duly appreciate such a serious buyer, encouraging smoking in every possible way, holding contests, shows with playing cigarette blocks, offering to enjoy the taste and aroma of cigarettes of well-known brands for free. The following fact is also significant: 60.7% of the smokers surveyed buy mainly imported cigarettes. However, most of the Russian factories with their trademarks are owned by foreign capital. This reflects a trend of reorientation of foreign tobacco manufacturers being squeezed out of Western markets under pressure from local supporters. healthy lifestyle life, to the "omnivorous" Russian market. Let us point out in this connection that, for example, in the United States, the proportion of smokers has almost halved - to 28% among men and 18% among women. Therefore, the growth of profits from the production and sale of cigarettes within the United States in the largest American tobacco company"Philip Morris" for 1990-2000 was only 16%, while in developing countries(in this case Russia is among them) this figure reached 256% over the same 10 years. Investments in the Russian tobacco industry quickly pay off, as the amount of excise tax in Russia does not rise above 12% (in a number of EU countries it reaches 57%). Not surprisingly, the production and sale tobacco products in Russia is constantly growing. According to the data of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the indices of the physical volume of sales of cigarettes and cigarettes (as a percentage of the previous year) in 2000 was 116%, in 2001 - 120%, in 2002 the growth continued.

8 - medical specialists In the United States, tobacco smoking is considered a form of drug addiction and refers to drug addiction as "the abuse of alcohol, nicotine, opiates, cocaine, medicines and getting used to their excessive use "see Fridman L.S., Fleming N.F., Roberte D.Kh., Haiman S.E. Narcology. M., St. Petersburg: BINOM-Nevsky Dialect, 2000. p.6
9 - Hereinafter, only those young people who live in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and regional centers are taken as 100%. Note. ed.
10 - For example, the production of the popular "Java" is controlled by the Anglo-American company "British-American Tobacco", which also produces "Herzegovina-Flor", "Russian", "Evening", "Cosmos", "Golden Fleece" and other varieties of cigarettes; a controlling stake in the manufacturer of cigarettes "Peter I", "Prince", "Belomorkanal", "Russian Style", "Cosmos", "Nevsky", etc. - from the Japanese "Japan Tabacco Inc."; the American company "Philip Morris" produces cigarettes "Optima", "Soyuz-Apollo", "Soyuz-Apollo special", etc.; German "Reemtsma AO" - filter cigarettes "Prima Lux", "Prima Silver", "Maxim", etc.; British "Gallaher Group Pic" produces "Moscow", "Arbat", "Kameya", "Troika", "Prima" (without filter), "Pegasus", "Our brand", "Capital" and others. In 2001, the British bought the Moscow tobacco factory "Dukat" and plan to further expand the production and supply of cigarettes to Russia due to the annual decline in demand in the UK itself
11 - Arguments and facts. 2000. No. 45, November 8
12 - Vedomosti. 2001. October 24.
13 - Russia in numbers, 2002 p.259

Smoking is an addiction that can be put on a par with drug addiction and alcoholism. Nicotine takes part in metabolic processes, so it can be difficult to get rid of a bad addiction, but it is necessary to do this in order to maintain health. What happens to the body when you quit smoking? Are there always consequences? positive character?

The positive and negative effects of quitting smoking

After giving up cigarettes, changes begin to occur in all body systems, all toxic substances, toxins begin to be gradually eliminated, oxygen deficiency in tissues disappears. On the full recovery body after prolonged nicotine addiction it will take several years, but a person will feel better in 7-10 days.

Ex-smokers gradually normalize blood circulation and pressure, restore blood vessels. Getting rid of addiction, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular, oncological pathologies, avoid premature aging and death.

The respiratory organs are most affected by poisonous tars when smoking. What happens to the lungs after getting rid of an addiction? Lungs restore their function, increase vital capacity lungs. The bronchi are cleared, shortness of breath disappears, the sense of smell improves, the condition of the teeth improves, disappears bad smell from mouth.

What happens in a man's body? In addition to a general improvement in well-being, it begins to work better reproductive system. Nicotine destroys great amount spermatozoa, or makes them weak, unviable. Smoking is one of the main factors male infertility and impotence.

What negative changes occur in the body:

  • temporary decrease in immunity former smokers prone to colds, they often develop stomatitis, ulcers in oral cavity;
  • getting worse psycho-emotional state, depressions, nightmares, irascibility, irritability appear - this is due to a deficiency of the hormone of joy dopamine, which entered the body after each smoked cigarette;
  • dizziness, attacks of severe headache, slow heartbeat;
  • dermatological problems in the form of acne and rashes;
  • sore throat, rhinitis, cough without other signs of colds;
  • constant feeling of hunger, cramps in the stomach.

Important! Sharp set weight - this problem often occurs when a person quits smoking. Against the backdrop of negative experiences and stress, people begin to absorb a lot of harmful and high-calorie foods. It is necessary to properly compose a diet so that one addiction does not develop into another addiction.

First changes

The body has an amazing ability to recover, positive changes begin to occur even after a few hours without nicotine. To increase motivation, you can keep a diary of quitting smoking, where you note all the sensations and emotions that arise in the process of giving up addiction. In the diary, you can see the entire path traveled by the clock, improvements - this will help you not to break loose, to refrain from smoking cigarettes in particularly difficult moments.

During the first day, changes in the composition of the blood begin, the level of nicotine and carbon dioxide decreases, and the concentration of oxygen increases.

Important! By the end of the first day without nicotine carbon dioxide completely out of the body.

This may cause weakness, loss of appetite, problems with sleep begin. The desire to smoke arises often - you can get rid of it only with the help of willpower, you can be distracted by household chores, a walk, playing sports.

After the first day, euphoria from the accepted right decision passes, the condition may worsen.

Table of changes by day during the first week

DayFeelWhat happens in the body
1 Anxiety is moderate, sleep quality is deteriorating, appetite may be completely absentdisappears oxygen starvation improves the transport function of erythrocytes
2 Irritability, sharp drops mood, there is a craving for products with strong odors. Shortness of breath begins, cough and pain in the abdomen torment, the frequency of urination increases. Insomnia, skin itchingThe mucosa of the digestive organs begins to recover. Strongly felt nicotine starvation
3 Pronounced withdrawal syndrome, nervousness, poor sleep, accompanied by nightmaresThe mucous and ciliated epithelium of the bronchi is restored. The content of dopamine (hormone of joy) in the blood decreases. Blood supply to the brain and heart improves, vascular tone normalizes, the amount of mucus in the stomach decreases
4 You can stop attacks of irritability only with the help of medications, sleep is superficial. May rise arterial pressure, there will be tinnitus, slight swelling of some parts of the body. The coughing fits get worseThe lungs and bronchi continue to recover. Peristalsis worsens - constipation may begin
5 On this day, breakdowns most often occur. Improves taste and smell. When coughing, the mucus is dark in color.The oral mucosa begins to recover, the respiratory organs are restored at deeper levels
6 The mood is unstable. Tremor starts upper limbs nausea, increased sweating. Constant feeling thirst frequent urges to urination. When coughing, blood appears in the mucusThe functions of the digestive system are restored
7 Appears strong feeling hunger, the skin begins to peel offThe restructuring of the body is completed, the stage of active recovery begins

Important! When you stop smoking abruptly, the chance to say goodbye to addiction increases significantly. On the third day, at the cellular level, there is a decrease in the need for nicotine, which will not happen with the gradual abandonment of a bad habit.

After 2 weeks, the bronchi completely heal, there is a complete renewal of platelets, the condition of the walls of the vessels improves. Coughing fits become less frequent, but in heavy smokers, sputum will leave for a long time. Skin color improves, yellowness disappears from the fingers.

What happens to the body during the year

By the end of the fourth week, the recovery of the body at the cellular level begins, but it is after a month that the probability of a breakdown is very high.

How the body is updated by months

MonthChanges in the body
1 Epithelial cells have been updated, cell synthesis begins without nicotine and tobacco combustion products
2 The cells of the epidermis are renewed, dry skin disappears, gray and yellowish color faces, vessels continue to be updated. Cravings for smoking are minimal, but there is a lack of rituals that have been associated with smoking a cigarette
3 Complete restoration of blood vessels begins, their tone improves. Physical craving for nicotine is practically absent, psychological dependence is reduced. Sleep normalizes, dizziness and headache attacks practically do not bother, appetite remains slightly increased
4 Skin cells are completely renewed, a healthy glow appears, dermatological problems disappear. The production of enzymes by the digestive organs is normalized, nutrients are absorbed better, stool normalizes
5 Only at this point does the liver begin to recover. Recovery of the lungs continues, mucus is practically absent when coughing
6 The blood is completely cleansed laboratory indicators come back to normal. The recovery of liver cells continues. It becomes easier to breathe, shortness of breath disappears completely
7 The perception of tastes and smells is enhanced, the olfactory and taste buds are fully restored
8 Virtually no cough or mucus
9 Another turning point when a person can break
10 Improving condition vocal cords disappears hoarseness in the voice
11 You can start active strength training
12 We can safely say that the addiction is over. The risk of heart attack is reduced by 50%, stroke - by 30%, the likelihood of developing liver and lung cancer - by 85%.

Important! Do not take during the first 3 months of quitting smoking strong drugs, only the use of light sedatives is allowed.

What happens in a woman's body

The number of women who smoke is increasing every year, but the process of getting rid of addiction is more difficult for them. Smoking helps women cope with stress, life's troubles. In the female brain there are more receptors that respond to the hormone of joy. It can be difficult for women who smoke to get pregnant, there is a high probability of developing pathologies in the fetus, difficult childbirth.

Changes in the female body:

  • the complexion improves, flabbiness of the skin disappears, the synthesis of elastin and collagen normalizes, the likelihood of premature aging decreases;
  • reduces the likelihood of age spots, rosacea disappears;
  • gum tissue is restored, the color of tooth enamel improves;
  • yellowness on the fingers disappears;
  • Stops the process of hair loss smoking women suffer from early baldness;
  • cellulite becomes less noticeable;

When quitting smoking, constipation may begin, respiratory diseases often develop, and excess weight appears.

Important! Women should not start to get rid of nicotine addiction during menstruation - this can lead to rapid weight gain.

Quitting smoking is difficult, but very important step to long and healthy life. No need to worry anymore that there are no cigarettes in the morning, the unpleasant smell from clothes and hair disappears, the complexion improves. Does not bother shortness of breath, it is easier to play sports and physical work. Saved money can be spent on more pleasant and useful things.

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