What to do if the animal swallowed a foreign object. Foreign body in dog's esophagus

Dogs are curious by nature. They love to explore new places, smells and tastes. Unfortunately, this curiosity can lead to trouble. Dogs are renowned for their ability to swallow paper, fabrics, clothing, sticks, bones, food packaging, rocks, and other foreign objects. Many of these objects pass through the animal's gastrointestinal tract without problems. And this happens quite often when dog owners report various objects in the animal's stool or vomit.

However, it is also quite common and can be life threatening for a dog when a foreign body obstructs its gastrointestinal tract. Although most foreign bodies leave the dog's gastrointestinal tract unhindered, obstruction, or constipation, that may result from a foreign object can only be resolved with surgical removal.

How do you know if a dog has eaten a foreign body?

  • Most pets that have ingested a foreign body will show some of the following symptoms:
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal soreness
  • Decreased appetite or anorexia
  • Straining during bowel movements and small amounts of stool
  • Weakness
  • Behavioral changes, such as biting or growling when touching the abdomen

How is the condition diagnosed?

After taking a thorough medical history, the veterinarian will most likely perform a complete physical exam on the dog. If a foreign body is suspected, an abdominal x-ray will be taken. In addition, the veterinarian may recommend blood and urine tests if the dog's health deteriorates, or to look for other causes such as pancreatitis, enteritis, infections, or hormonal disorders such as Addison's disease.

Treatment of the condition

If obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract due to a foreign body has been diagnosed or suspected, then exploratory surgery may be recommended.

The amount of time is critical because obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract often compromises the animal's health and "cuts off" the blood supply to many vital tissues. If the blood supply is interrupted for more than a few hours, these tissues can begin to die, which can cause irreparable damage to the body or cause shock.

In some cases, the foreign body may move on its own. In this case, the veterinarian may recommend hospitalization of the dog to ensure close monitoring of its condition.

What are the predictions?

The forecast is based on:

  1. The location of the foreign body
  2. Duration of obstruction
  3. Size, shape and characteristics of the foreign body
  4. The health status of the dog before it swallowed the foreign body

Your veterinarian should give you a detailed treatment plan as well as an accurate prognosis based on your pet's condition.

The curiosity of our four-legged explorers knows no bounds. They are ready to try on the tooth not only new delicacies, but also everything that comes their way. Is it any wonder that at one fine moment they swallow some, be it a stick, paper or a piece of rubber toy. Fortunately, in most cases, these things pass through the digestive tract without problems, surprising the owners at the exit with the quirkiness of the pet's culinary preferences. However, sometimes luck changes the animal, and the foreign body is firmly stuck in the stomach or intestines.

Without a timely response, such a situation can cost the health, and even the life of your four-legged pet, which is why it is so important to recognize the danger in time and seek help.

How to know if a dog has eaten a foreign body

Even if you didn’t notice how the inedible object disappeared into the dog’s mouth, you should be alerted by signs indicating a possible obstruction:

  • Vomit. Involuntary eruption of ingested food or water occurs immediately after eating or drinking. However, if it is not the stomach that is clogged, but the intestines, it can take from a few minutes to a couple of hours from the moment of the meal. The main thing that should alert the owner is the regularity of vomiting. That is, everything that the dog tries to swallow comes back after a short time.
  • Diarrhea. Liquid stools often contain large amounts of mucus or traces of blood. If the dog swallowed a sharp object that injured the walls of the stomach or intestines, the stool may be black - a sign of heavy internal bleeding.
  • Soreness of the abdomen. The posture of the animal speaks of pain - a hunched back and a tense, tucked-up stomach. The dog does not allow himself to be touched, whines when touched to the peritoneum.
  • Lack of appetite. The dog is not only the usual food, but also a treat. Most often, the animal does not even approach the bowl, or, becoming interested for a second, sniffs and turns away.
  • Strain during defecation. The dog sits down several times, straining, groans and groans, sometimes squeals during the act of defecation. As a rule, when the gastrointestinal tract is blocked by a foreign body, only small portions of feces come out of the animal. This, by the way, is another of the main signs of obstruction.
  • Weakness. Loss of fluid and electrolytes important for life (potassium, sodium) leads to dehydration of the body and, as a result, weakness and depression. You can check how dehydrated your pet's body is with a simple test: grab the dog's skin with two fingers and pull it as far as possible. If the skin does not even out within a few seconds, fluid loss has reached a critical point.
  • Change in behavior. Lack of interest in life, depression and unwillingness to communicate indicate that the dog is not feeling well. In addition, manifestations of aggression are possible when trying to feel the stomach or examine the pet's mouth.
  • Cough. If the foreign body is lodged in the throat or airway, the dog may try to get rid of the object. In this case, there may be increased salivation and convulsive attempts to swallow.

The insidiousness of this condition is that the symptoms of obstruction do not appear immediately. For several days or even weeks after swallowing the object, the dog may feel well, and the above signs may appear intermittently or not at all. However, then the condition of the animal deteriorates sharply.

Medical diagnostics

At the first sign of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract, we recommend that you immediately consult a doctor. Remember that such a problem is very difficult to diagnose, as they say, "by eye" - only clinical studies can confirm or refute the diagnosis.

  • Palpation of the abdominal cavity. If the foreign body is quite large and dense, such as a rubber ball, it is quite possible to feel it through the walls of the stomach. However, even if nothing is found on palpation, this is not a reason to exhale with relief. A huge number of items, such as a rag, a bag or a thread, cannot be felt by hand.
  • X-ray. During the study, stones, metal and rubber objects are clearly visible. Or, if the foreign body is not detected, the doctor may notice changes in the internal organs that are characteristic of the presence of a foreign body.
  • radiographic study. To track the progress of the object through the stomach and intestines, a contrast agent (most often barium) is used, which is given to the dog inside.
  • Endoscopy. Today it is considered the best method for diagnosing a foreign body.
  • Laboratory research. To rule out other causes of your pet's discomfort, the doctor may prescribe a blood test for a biochemical analysis.

What to do?

The main problem in this situation is the critical amount of time allotted for the choice of therapy and the actual treatment. A foreign body compresses vital vessels, leading to tissue necrosis and the development of peritonitis. That is why it is so important for owners to listen to the recommendations of the veterinarian and follow his instructions, because we are talking about the life of a pet.

If the item is stuck shallowly and, you can try to get it with your hand, tweezers or medical forceps. To avoid injury, a special latch is inserted into the animal's mouth to prevent jaw compression.

If ingestion of a foreign body is noticed immediately, the best course of action is to induce the dog to vomit with a 1.5% hydrogen peroxide solution. Peroxide, entering the gastrointestinal tract, expands, irritating the walls of the stomach. As a general rule, if vomiting is induced within 2 hours of ingestion, the item will come out without causing much harm.

Another effective way to induce vomiting is to pour a tablespoon of salt on the root of the dog's tongue (the dose is given for a large dog). Irritation of the receptors leads to an involuntary gag reflex. Just do not forget to offer the dog water later - salt and subsequent vomiting causes intense thirst.

To envelop a foreign body and facilitate its passage through the gastrointestinal tract, vaseline oil is used, which is poured into the dog's mouth. Due to the fact that this substance is not absorbed by the walls of the stomach, it helps to reduce the muscles of the intestine and smoother passage of the object through the digestive tract.

If a sharp object, such as a needle, gets into the stomach, it is recommended to moisten a small piece of cotton wool with vaseline oil and feed it to the pet. Cotton fibers wrap around the tip and the object, without causing harm, will come out with the feces.

If the foreign body does not come out on its own, the doctor may recommend surgery. During the operation, the veterinarian opens the intestinal wall and removes the object. In case of detection of necrotic areas, a resection (excision) of a part of the stomach or intestines is performed.

After the end of the operation, the animal must be under to prevent the opening of internal bleeding or the development of peritonitis.

What not to do

Sometimes, wanting to help a pet, the owners, unwittingly, significantly worsen its condition by performing unnecessary or dangerous actions. What should not be done under any circumstances?

  • Pull the object yourself from the throat or anus. Trying to get a protruding object, you can further injure the walls of the stomach or larynx. Especially dangerous is the removal of hard or sharp objects, as well as bodies with a jagged surface. It is no less dangerous to pull out various threads or ropes. In the process of passing through the gastrointestinal tract, they can get confused or, clinging to something, lead to ruptures of the walls of the stomach or intestines.
  • Give antiemetics. Medicinal substances that block vomiting urges do not improve the situation in any way, but only deprive the animal of the chance to get rid of the foreign body on its own and blur the clinical picture of the disease.
  • Do an enema. Firstly, the enema irritates the intestinal walls, and secondly, if a foreign body has led to a blockage, water, not finding a way out, can lead to rupture of internal organs and peritonitis.
  • Give food or water. Any products that enter the gastrointestinal tract cause new bouts of vomiting, which leads to rapid dehydration of the animal.

The following items are of particular danger to our pets:

  • Batteries. The acid contained in the batteries can enter the dog's stomach, causing a chemical burn and.
  • Magnets. Small magnetic balls swallowed by an animal are unevenly distributed in the gastrointestinal tract and, through the walls of the stomach or intestines, literally stick to each other, clamping living tissues together. Necrosis and foci of inflammation form very quickly at the junction.
  • Cotton swabs. Absorbing water and increasing in size, tampons, firstly, accelerate dehydration, and secondly, tightly clog the lumen, practically not moving due to the fleecy cotton structure.
  • Threads and rubber bands. A long thread, despite its thinness, can cause great trouble. The rings of the gastrointestinal tract are literally strung on it and gather into an accordion, also causing necrosis and rupture of intestinal sections. The elastic band, having contracted, can, like a fishing line, cut fabrics.
  • Cat litter. Any liquid that gets on the filler granules causes them to stick together into a lump. Once in the dog's stomach, the filler increases several times in size and causes obstruction.

How to keep your dog safe

To avoid the horrors described above, simply do not let your dog eat inedible or dangerous items:

  • If the pet is prone to, keep it on a walk on a leash or wear a muzzle that covers its mouth.
  • Do not give him with sharp edges, but it is better to exclude boiled bones from the diet altogether.
  • Offer for leisure large sizes that cannot be swallowed. The safest are toys made of solid rubber, from which it is impossible to bite off a piece.
  • Let your pet chew on dried treats only in your presence and take small pieces in a timely manner.
  • At home, remove all small and unsafe objects from your field of vision. Hide all kinds of magnetic constructors and puzzles away from sin.

And, most importantly, devote as much time as possible to the dog, teach her not to pick up anything on the street or in the apartment, and if she takes something in her mouth, spit it out on command. So you are guaranteed to save your own nerves, as well as the life and health of your beloved four-legged friend.

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Most pet owners face this question at least once in their lives. Every owner of a dog or cat, finding himself in such a situation, should know how to help his pet.

Let's ask this question Alina Octopus , leading surgeon. Our four-legged pets are surrounded by a very wide variety of objects, and there are a lot of reasons due to which animals begin to eat foreign bodies. A foreign object can enter the gastrointestinal tract during play, feeding, due to a lack of nutrients in the diet, intestinal invasions, etc.

In any case, we recommend that owners immediately take their pet to a veterinary clinic. I will talk about the problem associated with foreign bodies in the upper digestive tract, and the method of its elimination - esophagogastroduodenoscopy (gastroscopy). Most often, foreign bodies such as bones, cartilage, etc. are found in the esophagus.

The clinical picture in such a situation is characterized by salivation, vomiting, soreness and anxiety of the animal. Large foreign objects that have passed the esophagus most often remain in the stomach. They can stay there for a very long time. There may be no symptoms, or occasional vomiting may be observed, while stools are usually present.

If a foreign body has entered the lumen of the duodenum, it will be difficult to remove it. Further, it begins to move through the intestines and stops most often in places of physiological narrowing. The diagnosis of a foreign body in the upper digestive tract is made on the basis of an anamnesis - a detailed questioning of the owner of the animal about the symptoms that have appeared, the conditions of feeding and keeping, the possibility of eating a foreign body, the clinical picture, X-ray and endoscopic studies.

If the localization of a foreign body in the upper gastrointestinal tract is confirmed and the size of the object itself allows it to be removed through the cardiac sphincter (for example, a coin, ring, button, sock, needle, etc.), then an endoscopic method can be used. Endoscopic extraction must be carried out urgently, without waiting for the penetration of a foreign body into the intestine. The animal is examined under anesthesia in order to avoid the development of pain during the procedure.

Endoscopic examination begins sequentially with the oral cavity, carefully examines the pharynx, all physiological narrowing of the esophagus, ends with the stomach and duodenum. To extract objects, special devices of various modifications are used: grippers, loops, baskets, etc. If the foreign body cannot be removed due to its large size or there is a risk of injury to the esophagus and stomach, then there is a need to use a surgical method.

At this stage in the development of veterinary medicine, the endoscopic method of extracting foreign bodies from the upper gastrointestinal tract is superior to the surgical one: this method is considered less traumatic for the animal's body and there is no complex postoperative rehabilitation (antibiotic therapy, intravenous infusion of nutrient solutions, starvation diet). Here is one of the clinical cases from my practice: the French bulldog, according to the owner, swallowed nylon socks.

Within half an hour, the owners turned to our clinic, where we removed the foreign body using modern equipment - with the help of a gastroscope; The animal did not need surgery. Once again I want to note that the main advantage of gastroscopy is its safety for the animal. Regardless of whether the procedure is planned or urgent, you can be completely sure that your pet will not suffer, and his treatment after the study will be faster and more effective.

Various third-party objects (bones, plastic bags, toys, peas, beads, needles, pieces of glass, rubber balls, items of clothing, buttons and other foreign objects) can end up in the ears, between the pads of the paws, in the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, gastrointestinal tract , thereby causing the dog unpleasant, painful sensations and severe discomfort. In severe cases, foreign objects in the body of your four-legged friend can cause intestinal, pulmonary bleeding, provoke the development of inflammatory processes in various organs and body systems.

Most often, foreign objects enter the body of dogs during active play or changes in behavioral reflexes, which may indicate the development of any abnormalities in your dog's body (rabies, Aujeszky's disease, nervous disorders). Often, the owners themselves are to blame for this behavior of the dog, who allow the pet to pick up inedible objects from the ground, or when leaving the house they forget to hide small and dangerous objects for the dog’s health that the puppy can try on the tooth. Symptoms and manifestations that indicate the presence of a foreign body in the animal's body depend on the place of its localization and the duration of stay in the animal's body. It is worth noting that the danger lies in the fact that foreign objects can get stuck in any part of the gastrointestinal tract, while the symptoms may not immediately appear.

In any case, you should immediately contact a veterinarian or take the dog to a veterinary clinic for examination!

Foreign objects in the pharynx, esophagus of the dog

The presence of third-party elements in the pharynx, esophagus can be indicated by difficulty breathing, coughing fits, refusal of food, water, anxiety, the dog rubs its muzzle with its paw, constantly coughs, cannot bark, vomiting, nausea, increased salivation (hypersalivation) are noted. There may be fever, soreness and swelling in the pharynx. Partial blockage of the esophagus is fraught with the development of the inflammatory process and tissue necrosis. In addition, foreign bodies cause injury near the located soft tissues, the development of phlegmous inflammation. In severe, advanced cases, attacks of asphyxia (suffocation), bleeding are possible, so you need to remove third-party objects from the throat as soon as possible. It is best to take the pet to the veterinary clinic for x-rays. Signs depend on the size and location of foreign bodies in the pharynx or esophagus.

First aid

You can try to independently remove a third-party object from the throat. To do this, the dog must be well fixed in a prone position on a table or on a flat surface. Then open the mouth with the handle of a cutlery, press the root of the tongue and try to grab the object stuck in the throat with tweezers or two fingers. If you cannot remove the stuck object yourself, you should contact the clinic as soon as possible.

Foreign object in the stomach

Very often in play or just out of curiosity, dogs, especially puppies, may accidentally swallow an inedible object. Objects that animals can swallow have a different configuration, size, texture. These can be pieces of walls, plastic bags, fragments of toys, balls, threads, ropes, stones, large pieces of bones (tubular bones). The presence of foreign objects in any part of the gastrointestinal tract leads to irritation of the mucous membranes, disruption of peristalsis, deterioration in the absorption of nutrients, blockage, intestinal obstruction, and internal bleeding. The first signs that may indicate the presence of third-party items:

    Appetite disturbance. The dog may refuse food and favorite treats.

    Restless behavior. The animal whines, constantly looks to its side, lies on the cold floor with its stomach, takes unnatural poses.

    On palpation of the peritoneum, the dog experiences discomfort.

    There are repeated bouts of vomiting, shortness of breath, lethargy, apathy, decreased activity.

    When the rectum is blocked, the dog whines, trying to empty itself, constantly looking back at its side, tail.

    Diarrhea followed by constipation. Lack of emptying indicates that a third-party body has caused intestinal obstruction.

It is possible to establish the presence and localization of third-party objects only by conducting a comprehensive diagnosis, namely, radiography, ultrasound examination, computed tomography, and testing for pancreatic lipase. In any case, if you notice a deterioration in the condition of the pet, a change in behavior, you should not wait a minute and take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible, as every day can cost your dog's life. In most cases, the foreign body is removed surgically under local or general anesthesia.

If the foreign body is in the intestines and is small, you can give your pet a laxative. If after 3-4 hours no changes have occurred, wearing rubber gloves, you can try to pull out the foreign object yourself through the anus. In order not to irritate the intestinal walls and not injure the animal, the fingers of gloves are lubricated with vaseline ointment.

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When, due to various injuries or dangerous diseases, it is necessary to immediately transport your pet to a veterinary clinic.

Most often, foreign objects enter the body of dogs during active games.

Foreign bodies in tissues and organs in a dog

Causes of the disease

Usually this is the ingestion of inedible objects and feeding, playing, walking, etc. Most often, these are nails, pins, needles, hooks, bones, wire, polyethylene, corks, rubber, and other things that a stupid dog puts in his mouth. Sometimes the owners are to blame. Sometimes
even sharp objects come out naturally on their own. More often doctors have to work.
Depend on the "parking" of the foreign body in the dog's body:
oral cavity - violation of swallowing, salivation, urge to vomit, refusal of food, anxiety, the dog rubs his cheek with his paw or on the grass;
larynx - refusal to eat, soreness, fever, swelling, shortness of breath, suffocation, bleeding from injuries;
esophagus - complete and partial blockage, then inflammation and necrosis of the esophagus, if injured, rupture of the esophagus is possible; the dog stretches its neck, while eating - vomiting, possibly lack of swallowing;
stomach and intestines - the dog's condition deteriorates sharply, there is no appetite, thirst, vomiting, peristalsis weakens, there is no defecation. There is usually no bloating (if there is no damage to the walls).
L treatment
Sometimes it is possible to extract the object with a forceps (if it is visible in the throat, then irrigation of the throat with an antiseptic and a daily fast on the water). With the help of emetics and laxatives, you can remove an object that is smooth in shape. Such procedures require skill and courage, the doctor will help with these and more severe cases. The extreme case is abdominal surgery.
Careful attitude to the dog, as to a small child, do not leave dangerous objects in an accessible place. Remove thread with needles.

Foreign bodies enter the body of dogs during games, walks over rough terrain, during hunting and service. These items are most often various needles, nails, screws, pins, hooks, metal and rubber balls, pieces of wood, wood chips, cartilage, bones, polyethylene, corks, rags, rubber, bullets, shot and other things that often get into tissues and dog organs. There were cases when even when sharp objects (needles, nails) were swallowed, they were excreted from the body without outside help.

Foreign bodies in the larynx
. Foreign bodies in the larynx cause injury to surrounding tissues, get stuck in them. An inflammatory process develops, usually phlegmonous. Pain and developing tissue swelling make it difficult to take food and water.
The main symptoms are refusal of food, soreness, fever, due to tissue edema and closure of the lumen of the larynx, breathing becomes difficult, asphyxia develops, which are accompanied by a painful cough and frothy discharge from the nose, and suffocation occurs. When tissue is injured, bleeding is possible. Remove the foreign body from the larynx under general anesthesia, stop the bleeding. If a phlegmonous process is observed in the surrounding tissues, a longitudinal incision is made.
After the operation, follow the diet. In the first 2 days, the dog is given nothing. From the 3rd day to the 7th, milk and meat broth are included in the diet, then small pieces of meat, bread in milk, liquid porridge. Normal feeding begins after the 10th day. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed in the first 5-6 days. The wound is treated with a solution of brilliant green. The sutures are removed on the 12-14th day.

Foreign bodies in the stomach and intestines. Objects not removed from the body, getting into the stomach and intestines, often injure the mucous membrane up to the perforation of the walls. As a result, obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract occurs and, as a result, necrosis of some of its sections.
The general condition of the animal deteriorates sharply, appetite disappears, thirst, vomiting are observed, the act of defecation stops, intestinal motility weakens. From the 2nd to the 3rd day of illness, signs of general anxiety appear, followed by periods of severe depression. Bloating is usually absent.
When treating, it is first recommended to administer emetics subcutaneously (papaverine - 0.1 g, etc.), but only if smooth foreign bodies are detected. If an object with sharp edges is placed on the x-ray, then an operation is indicated to remove it from the stomach or intestines.

Foreign bodies in the esophagus. Various objects that the dog swallows, stuck in the lumen of the esophagus, cause a sudden blockage. With a complete blockage of the esophagus, the dog is worried, stretches its neck, salivation, frequent swallowing movements and the urge to vomit are observed. On palpation in the neck there is a limited painful swelling. In the case of incomplete blockage, the animal's appetite may be preserved, but the dog vomits while eating. There are cases when an acute foreign body ruptures the esophagus and an abscess or phlegmon develops in the tissues.
Before proceeding with treatment, the nature of the foreign body should be established. When smooth foreign bodies are stuck, emetics are administered to the dog (subcutaneously apomorphine - 0.01 g, papaverine - 0.1 g, etc.). You can carefully remove the foreign body with the help of an esophagoscope or try to push it into the stomach with a probe; However, this method is used with caution, as the walls of the esophagus can be torn (which is often the case). If these methods do not help, then they do the operation.

Foreign bodies in the oral cavity
. The disease occurs unexpectedly and is accompanied by profuse salivation, impaired swallowing, urge to vomit, the dog is worried, due to pain, it can rub its cheek on the grass and on the cheek with its paw. The animal refuses food or takes it reluctantly. In the presence of such signs, first of all, rabies should be excluded.
When providing assistance, bandage loops are applied to the upper and lower jaws and the mouth is opened. An oral fixator is inserted and the oral cavity is carefully examined, moving the tongue in different directions.
If a foreign body is found in the oral cavity, it is removed with a forceps, a hemostatic clamp or by hand, subject to safety measures. After removing the foreign body, the oral cavity is irrigated from a syringe with a solution of potassium permanganate 1:1000. For prophylactic purposes, antibiotics are administered intramuscularly after surgery. On the first day, only drink is given.

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