Acute laryngitis. What is acute laryngitis? Causes and prevention of acute laryngitis

The word "laryngitis" in Latin means "disease of the larynx". Acute laryngitis, the symptoms and treatment of which we will now consider, has signs similar to other throat diseases, but more on that below. How to treat acute laryngitis in adults, also read further in the article.

Acute laryngitis - symptoms of the disease

Laryngitis is known to be an inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords. It is characterized by a sudden, very rapid onset, without warning.

A few words about the symptoms of laryngitis in adults. The most obvious and common symptom acute laryngitis is hoarseness, there is even a complete loss of voice. It may feel sore and dry in the throat, as well as pain when swallowing. Adults may develop dry barking cough, shortness of breath, a bluish tint of the skin appears; the mucous membrane of the larynx looks sharply reddened.

sore throat,



dryness of the mucosa.

It is often difficult for a patient with symptoms of acute laryngitis to swallow. His throat turns red, his breath becomes wheezing. Sometimes the patient has a fever, a headache. Often laryngitis is accompanied by a barking dry cough, later turning into a wet one.

Cough in acute laryngitis usually develops after a viral infection. At first, signs of pharyngitis appear - a dry cough, a feeling of dryness in the throat, perspiration. Then the voice becomes hoarse, rough, sometimes completely disappears. Cough in acute laryngitis lasts about a week, but with not proper treatment and permanent violation of the voice mode can go into chronic form.

Visually, with acute laryngitis in adults, the mucous throat looks reddened, sometimes severely; in the area of ​​the folds of the vestibule, the swelling is more pronounced. From the vessels dilated due to inflammation, the blood that leaks can form purple and red dots on the mucous membrane, such as with influenza with complications.

If acute laryngitis occurs in an isolated form, then redness and mucosal infiltration can be observed only in the epiglottis. Often, inflammation in acute laryngitis spreads to the trachea, and then it develops into laryngotracheitis - dangerous complication diseases.

Basically, the symptoms of acute laryngitis go away after a week, while the consequences of the disease can be disturbing for up to two weeks, until they completely disappear.

Symptoms of complications of acute laryngitis in adults

The disease usually responds well to treatment. If laryngitis is not treated, you can earn unpleasant complications. The main complication of laryngitis acute form is stenosis against the background of edema, abscessing of the epiglottis or infiltration. Patients with a similar course of the disease need urgent hospitalization in the ENT hospital.

Especially dangerous false croup- laryngotracheitis or stenosis of the larynx, caused by acute laryngitis in children. Because the larynx of a child small size, swelling of the ligaments can completely block the access of air and cause suffocation. Therefore, it is so important to start the treatment of laryngitis on time.

If complications after laryngitis occur suddenly, consult a doctor. If you have a cough with blood, difficulty swallowing, severe pain, lost voice or hoarseness, then be sure to seek medical help, as complications of laryngitis can become chronic.

How to treat acute laryngitis in adults?

Rarely colds“come alone”: the thing is that many people are used to enduring a cold, as they say, “on their feet”. One of the common diseases that accompany a cold is laryngitis. So, you want to know how to cure laryngitis in adults? Read on for tips on treating this disease.

So, if you feel the symptoms of acute laryngitis, do not panic, but start treatment, seek advice from traditional medicine

Gargle. To treat laryngitis, rinses are prescribed (decoctions medicinal herbs- chamomile, sage)

Steam your feet.

Home treatment for acute laryngitis is to limit the load on the throat. Patients are advised to adhere to the voice mode. This means - do not strain your voice. Don't whisper! It is better to speak quietly, but not in a whisper. So the load on the throat will be less.

It is forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke, eat spicy dishes. Doctors forbid the patient to drink alcohol, smoke, eat spicy seasonings, spices, salty foods, too cold or hot dishes, because. all of the above can irritate the larynx, thereby complicating the process of healing from laryngitis. Doctors strongly recommend refraining from going outside in foggy weather, they advise not to breathe cold and smoky air

Drink more warm. It can be tea, milk, Borjomi. But keep in mind that drinks must be room temperature and not hot. This is especially true of milk with honey, because everyone knows that the properties of honey change when it is heated excessively. Hot in this state is contraindicated for the larynx.

Do inhalations from alkaline water with the addition of herbs. Use recipes traditional medicine. All sorts of sprays and lozenges for the treatment of the throat are excellent. One of the main enemies of laryngitis is warm, moist air, so alkaline-oil inhalations are very effective. They need to be done every 2-3 hours for 15-20 minutes. It's a good idea to put a humidifier in the room of a patient with laryngitis or simply organize the opportunity to breathe steam in the bathroom by turning on hot water.

Use compresses and warm wraps around the neck to treat acute laryngitis.

It is worth attaching mustard plasters.

If after 5-7 days you do not feel better, use antibiotics local action in aerosols, and better - consult a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary drug treatment acute laryngitis. An untreated ailment can become chronic, and then the problem will accompany you for many weeks.

Treatment of acute laryngitis with antibiotics

To avoid complications, as well as in difficult cases, when laryngitis is very neglected or too acute, the doctor suggests treating laryngitis with antibiotics.

Since laryngitis is caused by a variety of pathogens, it is treated with antibiotics. broad action. As a rule, the primary causative agent of laryngitis is a virus, but the viral process often entails an additional bacterial one, and antibiotics should fight against it.

For the treatment of acute laryngitis in adults, natural penicillins, semi-synthetic penicillins, fluoroquinolones (Levoflaxacin, Moxifloxacin), cephalosporins (in the pharmacy it is Zinacef, Aksetin, Cefixime, Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime), macrolides (they are also known to us as Azithromycin, Sumamed, Hemomycin, clarithromycin) are used. ).

However, it must be remembered that the treatment of laryngitis with antibiotics is a strictly individual process. In no case should you take something that somehow helped your friends: "their" drug may not suit you. Antibiotics are selected only by a doctor, focusing on your individual characteristics, the course of the disease, its severity and the type of pathogen that caused laryngitis.

Antibiotics should also be taken strictly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor or instructions. By skipping antibiotics, you can cause the bacteria that overwhelm you to adapt to a weaker concentration of the drug, in the end, it will cease to be fatal to them. You will get not just a disease, but a disease resistant to certain kind antibiotics. Then you have to start all over again.

Therefore, treat the treatment of acute laryngitis in adults with antibiotics carefully, take care of your throat, take your medicines on time. Usually, acute laryngitis, which is conscientiously treated, resolves in about a week.

Traditional treatment of acute laryngitis in adults

For the treatment of acute laryngitis, physiotherapy is used: Sollux on the front of the neck, ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis with Novocaine on the larynx, ultrasound and microwave therapy. If a cough has joined the laryngitis, cough remedies are used.

After laryngitis, patients with voice disorders should be consulted by a phoniatrist to correct therapy. Patients after laryngitis are sent to phonopedia, the purpose of which is to establish a sonorous voice and phonation breathing. Such exercises help to improve the condition of the larynx and prevent the formation of a vestibular-folded voice.

Acute laryngitis can be treated with copious alkaline drink, anti-inflammatory drugs, hot foot baths. Prescribe drugs that relieve swelling of tissues, such as, for example, diphenhydramine and suprastin.

First aid for complications of acute laryngitis

If a patient with laryngitis has an acute cough, shortness of breath, you need to call an ambulance, and before it arrives, do the following:

open the hatch and release chest a patient with laryngitis from tight clothing;

to give the patient with symptoms of acute laryngitis a semi-sitting position;

put the legs of a patient with laryngitis in the maximum warm water, in this case, the blood will move away from the inflamed larynx and, accordingly, will rush to the legs, so the edema will be removed - this is the so-called "distracting" procedure);

do alkaline inhalation, that is, breathe over the steam of water, to which 1 tablespoon of soda is added.

Causes and prevention of acute laryngitis

The acute type causes general hypothermia with a weakening of the body. Such laryngitis is a viral or bacterial infection. Burns and trauma can also cause laryngitis. SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza, whooping cough and other infections of the upper respiratory tract can provoke laryngitis. Acute laryngitis in adulthood can also be caused by vocal cord nodes or polyps, ulcers, age-related changes, ligament paralysis due to a stroke, or pulmonary edema.

The causes of acute laryngitis in children and adults can be infectious diseases - scarlet fever, whooping cough, influenza, less often - diphtheria. Then in complex treatment you will cure the disease and the accompanying laryngitis. But also the causes of acute laryngitis lie in everyday problems - smoking, drinking alcohol, constant or short-term overexertion of the throat. If the air you breathe contains a lot of dust, the risk of developing laryngitis increases many times over.

Prevention of acute laryngitis

The main and decisive importance in the prevention of laryngitis is regular exercise (breathing control), hardening of the body, starting from an earlier age.

It is also important for the prevention of laryngitis to follow what is taught in children's cartoons, wash hands with soap, use disposable wipes, do not touch the nasal and oral cavity. dirty hands and most importantly, avoid close contact with people with SARS. There is also a good old proven method that allows you to avoid any diseases - this is hardening (contrast shower, wiping and dousing cold water). You also need to get enough sleep and spend more time on fresh air.

With all this, for the prevention of acute laryngitis, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia of the body, especially the legs, since it comes from cold feet most of diseases. It is necessary to try to talk less in cold air, in order to avoid hypothermia of the vocal cords. It will be much less likely to get sick if there is less dust in the house and the air is of moderate temperature and humidity.

If, due to the specification of your work, you are in dust or in contact with harmful substances, for the prevention of laryngitis, it is best to work with a respirator or, upon arrival home, do inhalation to cleanse the mucous membranes and respiratory tract from harmful substances

How to prevent complications of laryngitis in adults?

Be sure to take care of your body after you have suffered laryngitis. Complications may require attention if you are a member of the vocal professions. great attention should be given to patients with increased demands on the voice. Treatment of such patients should begin when the first symptoms of laryngitis appear. Great importance is attached to the voice mode, restorative therapy for the prevention of hypotonic dysphonia - a common complication of acute laryngitis.

To relieve discomfort in the throat, suck on cough drops, they moisten the throat with laryngitis and help to cope with laryngitis faster. Choose honey or fruit flavors, mint and menthol dry your throat.

Representatives of vocal professions who have suffered acute laryngitis are required to be under the supervision of a phoniatrist. The frequency of observation of complications of laryngitis is determined depending on the requirements that apply to the quality of the voice, as well as the presence chronic pathology voice device.

Patients for the prevention of complications of acute laryngitis require a daily examination by a specialist after a voice load from the moment of onset labor activity to correct, if necessary, the volume of the voice load.

Be careful and take care of your health!

Throat and respiratory diseases are one of the most frequent pathologies that occurs in children and adults. Acute laryngitis occurs when the glottis and ligaments become inflamed. What medicines and therapeutic agents effective for treatment?

Acute laryngitis - what is it

Laryngitis is an inflammatory process of the respiratory mucosa in the larynx, it can be acute and chronic, infectious and viral. The acute form is often accompanied total loss voices, signs of severe intoxication. With proper treatment, the duration of acute infectious laryngitis no more than 10 days. ICD 10 code - J 04.0.

Forms of acute laryngitis:

  1. Acute catarrhal laryngitis is the mildest and most common form of the disease. The cause of the pathology is infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Manifested by sore throat, hoarseness, coughing fits.
  2. Edema-infiltrative form - it is characterized by severe swelling, shortness of breath, shortness of breath.
  3. Phlegmous laryngitis is an inflammatory process that spreads to nearby tissues of the larynx, accompanied by purulent discharge.
  4. Chondroperichondritis is a severe form of the disease, the inflammatory process affects the cartilage.
  5. Abscess of the larynx - the abscess is located on the seer, which is located at the entrance of the larynx.

Acute obstructive laryngitis - croup, false croup, special form laryngitis, often diagnosed in children before school age. Appears in the background viral diseases characterized by a barking cough, in a hoarse voice, hoarse breath and shortness of breath.

The reasons

Most often, the acute form of laryngitis develops as a complication of viral and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract - SARS, bronchitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis. May develop in the background diabetes, blood diseases, rheumatism and gout.

Main reasons:

  • complication after influenza, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, adenovirus infection;
  • hypothermia of the larynx or the whole organism as a whole;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx against the background of prolonged bronchitis and dry cough;
  • severe forms of tuberculosis;
  • damage to the respiratory organs by fungal microflora;
  • caries.

Chronic laryngitis is often diagnosed in smokers, lovers of strong liquor, adherents of acute and hot food. chronic inflammation ligaments - occupational disease teachers, actors, singers.


In acute laryngitis in adults, pathological processes in the tissues of the mucous membrane of the larynx, defense mechanisms weaken. When accumulated pathogenic microflora expanding in large numbers blood vessels, the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes in the blood increases, severe swelling appears.

A sore throat loses its ability to pass air into enough, the bronchial tree dries up, the vocal cords increase in size - the voice becomes hoarse.

Signs of the disease:

  • severe sore throat, which increases during a conversation, coughing, swallowing;
  • high fever, symptoms of severe intoxication;
  • frequent seizures unproductive cough, sputum separation is insignificant;
  • rhinitis.

Chronic inflammation of the larynx is not so bright clinical picture, manifests itself in the form of a constant feeling foreign body in the throat, dry mucous membranes, dull voice. During exacerbation, mucus may contain blood clots.

Acute laryngitis in children

In children, false croup is most often diagnosed - acute stenosing laryngitis, the disease is characterized by severe swelling of the mucosa, blockage of the gaps with accumulations of sputum, and frequent reflex spasms. The attack begins suddenly, most often during a night's rest.

Disease grades:

  1. At the initial stage, the child becomes restless, breathing becomes noisy, a dry cough appears.
  2. In the second stage, shortness of breath appears, nasolabial triangle takes on a bluish tint.
  3. At the decompensated stage, the skin becomes pale, it protrudes cold sweat, muffled heart sounds, pulse quickens.
  4. Asphyxia - the child cannot breathe, convulsions appear, breathing and heartbeat stop.

Treatment of laryngitis in children requires immediate medical care. Emergency care consists in steam inhalation - in 1.5 liters of boiling water, dissolve 15 g of sea or edible salt. If the child is very small or weak, he should be taken to the bathroom, fill the sink hot water, dilute 50-60 g of soda in it - there should be a lot of steam with a clear smell of soda. The child needs to drink warm milk with Borjomi, tea, calm down.

Important! For treatment, inhalations are used with a nebulizer using Lazolvan, Hydrocartisone.

Acute laryngitis in pregnant women

Laryngitis during pregnancy develops against the background of hypothermia, colds, inhalation of polluted air. The greatest danger to the baby is viral form diseases - fetal pathologies may occur, premature birth, fetal fading.

Acute laryngitis is characterized by a barking cough, hoarse voice, scraping in the throat, swallowing and speaking painfully. When such signs appear, it is necessary to consult with an ENT.

It is difficult to treat laryngitis in pregnant women - most of the drugs are not intended for expectant mothers. Allowed antiviral agents- Viferon, Aflubin. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used topically - Miramistin spray, Efizol lozenges.

At strong cough on the early dates it can be eliminated only with the help of warm, plentiful drink - milk, rosehip broth. In the second half of pregnancy, you can use Sinekod to eliminate cough. The main type of treatment is inhalation with a nebulizer with Borjomi, saline, Dekasan.

How to treat laryngitis, and are antibacterial agents needed? Bacterial laryngitis is diagnosed in every fifth patient, viral or allergic - in every third. The main cause of inflammation of the ligaments - bad habits, unfavorable environmental conditions. Therefore, the advisability of using antibiotics can only be determined by a doctor, after receiving the results of a study of a throat swab.

If the tests showed the presence of bacteria, then appoint antibacterial drugs in the form of lozenges, sprays - Strepsils. Tanum verde, Hexoral.

Strong antibiotics may be prescribed if after 5 days symptomatic therapy signs of severe intoxication do not disappear. The most effective in the treatment of laryngitis are antibacterial agents from the macrolide group - Erythromycin, Clarithromycin.

Important! In acute laryngitis, you can not gargle with soda or salt solutions - these substances can further destroy the tissues of the mucous membrane. It is contraindicated to strongly warm the throat with ointments and compresses.

Treatment in an acute hospital viral laryngitis rarely carried out - only if there are purulent foci of inflammation, the threat of severe edema or stenosis. At home, I recommend doing inhalations using a nebulizer - a special device that turns medications into an aerosol.

Medications for the nebulizer:

  • antibiotics - Miramistin, Dioxidin;
  • means for thinning sputum - ACC, Chymotrypsin;
  • alkaline mineral waters for moisturizing the mucosa, better sputum discharge - Essentuki No. 4, 17.

Acute laryngitis without cough is Lazolvan needed? Lazolvan is one of the most expectorant drugs, reduces the viscosity of sputum, and contributes to its better discharge. If there is no cough, then the use of the drug is impractical.

Complications of acute laryngitis

Most often, laryngitis leads to the development of chronic bronchitis and tonsillitis. In the acute stage, the appearance severe swelling larynx, false croup - a person begins to choke, the skin becomes pale, the nasolabial triangle acquires a bluish tint. Without timely medical attention fatal outcome may come within an hour.

Other complications include a change in the timbre of the voice, the spread of infection to other internal organs, oncological diseases, strong attenuation protective functions organism.

To prevent acute laryngitis, contact with all possible allergens should be excluded, the room should be maintained at an optimal temperature and humidity, and bad habits should be abandoned. People of voice professions need to regularly unload ligaments, breathe mountain or sea air.

Laryngitis belongs to the category of not too dangerous, but debilitating diseases. Normally, it passes completely in 12-14 days, leaving no consequences. But acute laryngitis in children preschool age requires heightened attention, because due to the structural features of the larynx, it can cause an asthma attack. And adults should not take the disease lightly: neglected acute laryngitis easily becomes chronic, and then the attacks will lie in wait for a person at any moment when the immune forces are somewhat weakened.

Causes of acute laryngitis

If you decide to go jogging and went out for training a couple of times in cold and wet weather, while due to the lack of the ability to breathe properly, you were always gasping for air, then be on the lookout: laryngitis can manifest itself in all its glory in the coming days.

If you are a teacher, and every day you have to spend hours explaining complex topics to students (or schoolchildren), take care of your throat: at any moment you may notice symptoms of acute laryngitis.

The most common causes of acute laryngitis are:

  • hypothermia;
  • overvoltage of the vocal cords;
  • exposure to viruses;
  • severe stress;
  • impact adverse conditions environment: dust, gas pollution, harmful production.

If parents have a predisposition to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, then children need to monitor the health of the throat, nose and larynx. Occasionally, the cause of laryngitis is an allergy attack. They can begin with banal rhinitis and sneezing, and then the patient suddenly loses his voice, feels a sore throat.

Sometimes fungi are “guilty” of the disease or pathogenic bacteria. But in most cases, doctors state viral nature illness resulting from a malfunction protective cells organism.

How the disease progresses

The course of acute laryngitis in adults lasts no more than two weeks, if the disease is not complicated by a bacterial infection.

Light form

The mild form is characterized by:

  • hoarseness of voice;
  • sore throat;
  • weakness in the body.

There is no temperature, the condition returns to normal within a week, provided regular gargling and inhalations.

Moderate form

Moderate condition:

  • body temperature rises to subfebrile values ​​(high numbers, more than 38 ° C, indicate the addition bacterial infection);
  • fever is felt;
  • the voice periodically disappears, returns after coughing, and then abruptly “sits down” and may disappear altogether;
  • there is a sensation of a foreign body in the throat;
  • cough appears.

Such laryngitis should be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs for at least 10 days. Symptoms go away within 2 weeks.

Severe form

Most severe course in allergy sufferers and in children under 6 years of age. They have a possibility severe swelling larynx leading to asphyxia. You need to immediately call ambulance". Removed in 2-3 days in a hospital serious condition, then the disease is treated for 12-14 days.

Main symptoms

Sometimes the development of the disease begins against the background of rhinitis, pharyngitis or tonsillitis. Sometimes the gums (or tooth) become inflamed first, and laryngitis appears after a few days.

You can also learn about the symptoms of laryngitis from the following video:

In adults

Acute laryngitis in an adult is manifested by:

  • cough;
  • sore throat;
  • loss of voice.

At the same time, the first two days the cough is dry, unproductive. It causes pain and is very exhausting for the patient. Trying to speak, a person feels tension in the vocal cords.

In children

Laryngitis in children begins rapidly. In the evening the child feels completely healthy, and at night he wakes up from a fit of coughing or from a feeling of suffocation.

Laryngitis in a child is not always immediately accompanied by a cough. Sometimes the onset of an attack is signaled by wheezing, complete aphonia (loss of voice). The child becomes capricious, cries, it is impossible to calm him down.

Parents should know: in such a situation, you can not hesitate. No need to wait for the morning: immediately call an ambulance to stop the attack in time and prevent the development of life-threatening complications for the baby.


The doctor must diagnose the disease. Laryngitis is in the competence of:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • therapist;
  • doctor general practice(family doctor);
  • sometimes, to clarify the picture, you have to connect an allergist.

Diagnosis is based on:

  • examination of the patient;
  • oral questioning;
  • evaluating the results of blood tests.

If the doctor sees a plaque, he diagnoses phlegmonous form laryngitis - one of the most unpleasant, requiring the mandatory prescription of antibiotics. In general, the presence of plaque should alert the specialist and become a reason for a more thorough examination: sometimes diphtheria is “disguised” as such laryngitis, a disease that poses a serious threat to the life of the patient and his loved ones. It is important to differentiate laryngitis from other diseases that have similar external manifestations.

In acute and subacute laryngitis, the throat is red, irritated, swollen. The submandibular and cervical nodes are enlarged and may be painful.

false croup

Laryngitis may progress to false croup. In adults, this happens very rarely. They only do this against the background of allergic laryngitis. School-age children also rarely experience this condition, but kids under 6-7 years old are prone to this dangerous disease.

False croup is swelling of the larynx leading to stenosis. Access to air is blocked, a person cannot breathe, oxygen does not enter the brain. If measures are not taken in time, a fatal outcome is not ruled out.

False croup is similar to true croup, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish them from each other. In any case, even the slightest suspicion of this condition should prompt relatives of the sick person to call an ambulance.

What is the difference between false croup and true croup?

Attacks of false croup often occur in the morning and at night, accompanied by a feeling of fear.

Treatment tactics

The main principle of the treatment of acute laryngitis is an integrated approach.

In adults

Adults are treated with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs (if necessary), antitussive and expectorant drugs, antihistamine tablets. But let's take a closer look:

  1. If the temperature rises to 38 ° C and does not drop for a long time, you can take Ibuprofen.
  2. As drugs that suppress the cough reflex at the first stage of the disease, Sinekod is suitable.
  3. At the second stage, when the cough becomes wet, antitussive tablets are replaced with those that contribute to the thinning and expectoration of sputum: Ambrobene, ACC, Mukaltin.
  4. Bromhexine and Ambroxol are also used.
  5. As antihistamine you can use Suprastin, Claritin, Diazolin.

Features of treatment in children

Children may need to be treated hormonal preparations. Pediatricians often use Dexamethasone and Prednisolone. They well stop asthma attacks and prevent the development of complications.

Let's talk about inhalation

  1. Pulmicort.
  2. Saline.
  3. Berodual.

In the absence of a nebulizer, hot steam inhalations with herbs are allowed:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • eucalyptus.


It is advisable to gargle with Furacilin, Rotokan or Chlorophyllipt.

In this short video, nurse Nastya will tell you how to properly prepare a solution of Furacilin for gargling:


After being removed acute symptoms, the doctor will add physiotherapy treatment:

  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis (providing the introduction of drugs into the mucous membrane of the larynx);
  • magnetotherapy (exposure to magnetic impulses);
  • UV (ultraviolet radiation).

All these methods help to achieve a complete recovery after acute laryngitis.

Folk recipes

Folk treatments include:

  • plentiful warm drink(preferably warm milk with honey);
  • compresses;
  • mustard plasters (they are placed on the chest or on the back of the neck with a wet cough).

3 best recipe for gargling

You can also gargle with sage tincture diluted in water.

But warming the throat or wrapping it with a scarf is not worth it: this can provoke an increase in edema and the disease will last longer.


Fortunately, acute laryngitis rarely causes complications. The most formidable is stenosis of the larynx, but it occurs infrequently.

Other possible outcomes of the disease:

  • the transition of laryngitis into a chronic form with gradual atrophy of the mucous membranes;
  • development against its background infectious disease respiratory tract (laryngotracheitis, bronchitis).

You can prevent these phenomena if you seriously take up the treatment of acute laryngitis and do not stop taking medications and procedures "halfway".


It is unknown why same conditions some people develop acute laryngitis and others do not. But it has been proven that great importance has a state immune system. That's why the best prevention diseases will be

  • hardening;
  • minimizing conversations in raised tones;
  • refusal of spicy and spicy foods;
  • to give up smoking;
  • taking vitamins.

Try to take it easy stressful situations. It will not be possible to avoid them anyway: in the rhythm of modern life, stress is already laid down. But you can learn not to react so sharply to negative events, develop the ability to switch from experiencing to finding ways to solve problems that have arisen.

Children need to be provided good nutrition, follow the daily routine. System douche cool water strengthen immunity and serve reliable prevention laryngitis.

If you or your child is overtaken by laryngitis, try to quickly take all measures for a speedy cure, and in the future - follow the doctor's recommendations. Let this disease remain for you only an unpleasant distant memory!

Often sharp respiratory diseases complicated by laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx. To prevent a complication, you need to know what laryngitis is, the symptoms of the disease, the causes of its occurrence and how to deal with it.

What is laryngitis?

Laryngitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory disease of the larynx and vocal cords of a viral nature. He can be like independent disease, and a consequence of another infectious disease. Most often, acute laryngitis is a complication of SARS, whooping cough, influenza, measles, scarlet fever and other diseases. At untimely treatment it can become chronic.

Varieties of acute laryngitis

Acute catarrhal laryngitis - in the course of the development of the disease, the mucous membrane, submucosal layer and internal muscles throat.

Acute phlegmous laryngitis - pus damage to the outer layers, muscles and ligaments of the larynx, in some cases the disease spreads to cartilage and periosteum.

Causes of acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis is temporary: after the main cause that caused the disease is eliminated, the symptoms of the disease go away. During treatment, the patient should try to talk less so as not to overstrain the inflamed vocal cords. If it is not possible to completely exclude conversations, then they should be in a whisper.

Acute laryngitis - causes:

Viral infections (ARVI, influenza, etc.);

Viral diseases (measles, mumps, whooping cough, etc.);

bacterial infections (eg, diphtheria);

Contact with a patient with ARVI;

Inhalation of cold air;

Hypothermia of the body;

Inhalation of microirritants (caustic and hot vapours);

smoking, alcohol;


chronic diseases;

Disorders of the immune system;

Gastro-esophageal reflux (reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus).

Chronic laryngitis - causes

Chronic laryngitis is a disease that lasts more than three weeks. This form of the disease is caused by prolonged irritation of the vocal cords and larynx. If not treated chronic laryngitis, then it can provoke deformation, injury of the vocal cords or lead to the formation of growths on them.

The main reasons for the development of chronic laryngitis:

Heartburn (gastro-esophageal reflux disease);

External irritants (chemical gases, smoke, allergens);

chronic stroke;

Alcohol abuse;


bacterial and fungal infections;

Worm infestation;

Respiratory infections (flu, SARS, bronchitis, sinusitis);

Harmful production (inhalation of harmful chemicals);

Acute and chronic laryngitis require mandatory treatment. The patient needs to see a specialist to determine the cause of the disease and receive the necessary therapy.

Signs of acute laryngitis in adults

The incubation period of the disease can range from several hours to several days.


The main symptom of acute laryngitis is hoarseness of the voice up to its complete absence;

Acute laryngitis in adults is manifested by perspiration, burning and scratching in the throat;

Dryness in the throat;

Dry barking cough;

Pain in the throat, aggravated by swallowing or talking;

Deterioration general condition patient (weakness, fever - not higher than 37 ° C, in severe cases body temperature rises to 39-40 ° C);

The disease may be accompanied by symptoms of SARS (rhinitis, nasal congestion);

Phlegmous laryngitis and abscess of the larynx are manifested by severe sore throat, swallowing disorder;

If acute laryngitis is accompanied by swelling, then the patient develops shortness of breath, sensations of a coma in the throat.

Symptoms of laryngitis in children

Children under 3 years of age are most susceptible to laryngitis. This is due to the fact that in early age located near the larynx a large number of loose connective tissue, while the larynx itself is narrow. Once in the throat, the infection quickly spreads through the mucous membrane, causing a thickening of the larynx. The inflamed larynx increases in size and prevents air from entering the respiratory tract. This condition is called "acute stenosing laryngitis". In children, this disease can be life threatening. At risk are babies prone to allergic reactions. Older children are much easier to tolerate laryngitis.


Basically, laryngitis develops against the background of SARS or influenza;

There is a strong swelling of the larynx;

High probability of spasm of the respiratory tract;

An increased risk of developing acute dyspnea With serious complication- respiratory failure;

The child has difficulty swallowing, there is a sore throat;

Attacks of shortness of breath mainly appear during sleep (in the supine position);

The child wakes up from an asthma attack with blue lips;

The attack is accompanied by a strong barking cough, while the voice is not changed;

The attack can be repeated every 15-20 minutes;

The seizure may stop on its own.

If the child woke up from an attack of suffocation, parents should immediately call emergency help. It is also important to help the baby, alleviate his condition before the doctors arrive:

First of all, calm the child;

Important: do not lay the child down, otherwise the likelihood of a second attack of suffocation will increase, it is better if he is in a sitting position;

Ventilate the room in which the baby slept so that the air in the room becomes cool;

You can let the child breathe over warm steam;

Warm to soothe baby foot baths, after the procedure, be sure to wipe the legs dry;

Give the child a warm drink;

Never leave a child unattended.

If a child suddenly develops acute laryngitis, only a doctor will tell you how to treat the disease. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Treatment of acute laryngitis in adults

First of all, the patient needs to limit voice loads, it is better to talk in a whisper.

Complete cessation of smoking.

The air in the room where the patient is located should be humid.

The patient is prescribed inhalations, taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The patient is assigned special procedures for the treatment of the larynx medicines. Such treatment is performed by an otolaryngologist using a special laryngeal syringe.

According to indications, the doctor ascribes antibacterial agents.

When diagnosed with acute laryngitis, treatment consists not only of taking medications, but also of observing certain dietary restrictions: hot, cold, spicy and salty food as well as alcohol.


Therapy of complicated forms of laryngitis (phlegmous, edematous and chondroperichondritis laryngitis, laryngeal abscess, laryngeal stenosis) is performed on inpatient treatment.

With edematous laryngitis, decongestants, antihistamines and hormonal drugs are indicated.

Treatment of acute laryngitis in adults in the stage of remission of the disease includes vocal and breathing exercises.

AT emergency produce during suffocation surgical intervention- tracheotomy.

Abscess of the larynx is treated surgically under local anesthesia.

In acute laryngitis, symptoms and treatment are related. The method of therapy directly depends on the severity of the disease.

When the patient is hospitalized, a case history of acute laryngitis is compiled, in which the following information is prescribed:

Anamnesis of life;

Medical history;

Objective research (indicators of physical development);

General examination of the patient;

Musculoskeletal system;

Respiratory system;

The cardiovascular system;

Organs digestive system;

Urogenital system;

Endocrine system;

Nervous system and sense organs.

Treatment of acute laryngitis in adults is prescribed only after filling out the medical history.

Acute laryngitis in children - treatment

In acute laryngitis, not accompanied by stenosis of the larynx, anti-inflammatory therapy with fenspiride is prescribed. Patients older than 2.5 years are shown anti-inflammatory and bactericidal therapy using fusafungin. If the cause of laryngitis is allergic reaction, then antihistamines are prescribed to prevent the development of laryngeal edema, which often accompanies acute laryngitis in children. Treatment also consists of taking antipyretics, antitussives, and mucolytics. These funds are assigned to the child only when necessary.

Acute laryngitis: symptoms and treatment of laryngeal stenosis in children

If the patient was diagnosed with "acute laryngitis" - treatment must be timely, otherwise the disease will become chronic.


When communicating with patients with SARS, use personal protective equipment.

Produce hardening of the body.

Lead a healthy lifestyle.

Avoid hypothermia, drafts.

Maintain Good work immune system, take a multivitamin.

Give up bad habits.

If you have stomach problems, be sure to consult a doctor.

Avoid getting foreign objects, such as fish bones, in your throat.

Avoid contact with allergens, take if necessary antihistamines.

Acute laryngitis is considered one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The disease affects the larynx and vocal cords. As a result, the patient loses his voice and experiences respiratory failure. To eliminate the disease and not earn complications, you need to know the symptoms and causes of the development of the disease.

Acute laryngitis is different from chronic disease that is temporary. After the cause is eliminated, the symptoms of the disease quickly subside. BUT healing process lasts from seven to fourteen days.

Acute laryngitis usually manifests itself due to hypothermia or the penetration of a viral or bacterial infection into the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

It is also customary to refer to the causes of the disease:

  • prolonged overexertion of the vocal cords. This can be affected by screaming, crying loudly, or talking in raised tones;
  • burn or injury to the larynx;
  • unfavorable ecological situation in the city;
  • work for harmful production or with chemicals;
  • the presence of addictions in the form of smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • nasal obstruction due to deviated septum, overgrowth of polyps or enlargement of adenoids;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • long-term drug treatment;
  • the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the nasopharyngeal, nasal or oral cavity;
  • violations of the digestive system, throwing contents from the stomach into the esophagus.

An attack of laryngitis can provoke the use of too salty or spicy dishes, reception cold food or drinks.

Development of acute laryngitis

Many patients are interested in how acute laryngitis proceeds. This process It is customary to divide into several stages in the form:

  1. manifestations of hyperemia of the mucous membrane due to the penetration of a viral or bacterial infection, prolonged smoking or hypothermia, screaming or loud crying;
  2. dilatation of blood vessels in the mucosa as a result of inflammatory process. There is also submucosal transudate effusion and leukocyte infiltration;
  3. change from transudate to exudate. At the same time, it resembles mucus, which may contain streaks of blood or pus;
  4. intoxication of the body from the inflammatory process. There is also swelling of the tissues of the vocal cords, as a result of which the patient develops respiratory failure. AT childhood often develops a false croup, which is characterized by coughing, choking and blue nasolabial triangle.

Symptoms of acute laryngitis

If the patient has acute laryngitis, the symptoms must be known and eliminated in time. The disease is characterized by:

  • manifestation of signs of general malaise, weakness of the body;
  • an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees, a state of chills and fever;
  • emergence pain in the throat, perspiration, discomfort in the larynx, itching and burning;
  • difficulty breathing. As a result, the patient's voice changes. He becomes hoarse and hoarse. This process occurs due to tissue swelling and narrowing of the glottis;
  • paroxysmal cough that torments the patient. In the early days, it is quite difficult to stop it, while it causes severe irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • expectoration of sputum on the third or fourth day after the onset of the first signs.

Diagnosis of acute laryngitis

If acute laryngitis occurs, treatment should begin immediately. But for this it is necessary to correctly diagnose. Only an experienced doctor can do this. He will conduct an examination, which includes:

  1. questioning the patient's complaints;
  2. inspection of the throat and larynx using laryngoscopy. It is especially important to apply this method during development. On examination, the doctor will be able to see the swelling of the larynx, determine the hyperemia of the mucous membrane. Consider the narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. With the development of fibrous or fungal laryngitis, a whitish coating will be on the tissues;
  3. blood and urine donation general analysis. Using these methods, you can see the presence of an inflammatory process. When deciphering the results, attention is paid to the number of ESR and leukocytes. These figures will be significantly higher than the norm;
  4. performing an x-ray examination chest area. This method is needed to differential diagnosis and distinguish laryngitis from pneumonia, bronchitis or tracheitis;
  5. taking a swab from the oral cavity and sputum to determine the causative agent of the disease.

Also, the attending physician needs to conduct a differential diagnosis in order to distinguish acute laryngitis from diphtheria (true croup), syphilis, pneumonia, colds and influenza infections, and allergic edema.

Should be recognized as soon as possible. This will avoid the development of complications and suffocation. To make the recovery process faster, you need to follow special rules. These include:

  • maintaining the temperature in the room at twenty degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the room three times a day for fifteen minutes;
  • air humidification with special device or wet towels
  • compliance with the careful mode for the vocal cords. The patient should refrain from talking even in a whisper for several days;
  • compliance balanced diet. Food should be soft, not hot or cold. It is best to grind food in a blender. Give children pureed food;
  • compliance drinking regime. Drinking water, fruit drinks, compotes, teas and herbal infusions should be done in portions and little by little. The patient should drink at least two liters of fluid per day.

Acute laryngitis treatment process

How is it at home? It is enough to follow the recommendations of the doctor and the plan of drug therapy.
Treatment for acute laryngitis includes:

  1. application antiviral drugs. Appointed if the disease was caused viral infection. The duration of such therapy is five days;
  2. use of antibiotics. They are prescribed if the causative agent is bacteria. Duration treatment course is eight to ten days when taking drugs from penicillin group and five days when using funds from the macrolide group;
  3. taking drugs that include probiotics and bifidobacteria. Appointed at antibiotic therapy. They help to avoid dysbacteriosis in the intestines and improve the functioning of the digestive system. These include Linex, Normobact, Bifiform;
  4. the use of antipyretics. Should only be used in situations where temperature indicators exceed 38.5 degrees. In childhood, preference is given to Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Adults can drink Ibuklin, Ferveks, Antigrippin. Therapy should not exceed more than three to five days;
  5. gargling with decoctions of herbs and solution sea ​​salt. The procedure should be carried out up to ten times a day.

AT mandatory treatment laryngitis include inhalation with a nebulizer or steam. If the manipulations are carried out through an inhaler, then doctors prescribe saline with Berodual or Pulmicort.

AT steam inhalation you can add essential oils of juniper, sage or eucalyptus. Also carry out the procedure with soda with iodine or infusion medicinal herbs. These manipulations should be carried out three to four times a day.

As additional therapy physiotherapy is prescribed. With the manifestation of a dry cough, an excellent effect will have dry heat, UHF, mustard plasters.
When laryngitis enters the second stage, inhalations with mineral alkaline water are prescribed.

To restore the function of the vocal cords, vibromassage and electrophoresis are prescribed.
To eliminate sore throat and pain, doctors advise taking a drink from warm milk, soda, mineral water and linden honey. It is necessary to carry out the procedure up to two times a day before bedtime.

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