How to cure frequent cough at home. How to treat a strong cough and how to get rid of an annoying symptom in an adult at home

Hello everyone!

Each of us, dear readers of my blog, alas, but at least once, but suffered a cough, the main symptom of an autumn cold or winter hypothermia.

In general, coughing is a defensive reaction of our body.

With the help of it, the body releases phlegm in the bronchi, which occurs as a result of inflammation and the multiplication of bacteria.

Therefore, it is always very important to treat the cough correctly, not to suppress it, but to help it fulfill its protective function to the fullest.

I think that many of you have tried to treat cough at home more than once, using various inhalations, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs for this. Yes, the effectiveness of folk remedies for coughing has been tested by time.

But, you can use them only if you are sure of the cause of your cough, i.e. if it is caused by an inflammatory process in the body (ARI, hypothermia), and resulted from inflammatory diseases of the lungs or bronchi.

Therefore, let's take a closer look at how to get rid of a cough so that it is not only effective, but also safe for your health!

How to get rid of a cough - folk recipes

Cough - forced expiration through the mouth, caused by contractions of the muscles of the respiratory tract due to irritation of receptors located along the entire respiratory tract (in the nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, pleura). The physiological role of cough is to cleanse the respiratory tract of foreign substances and prevent mechanical obstacles that impair the patency of the airways

Why do you need a cough?

Folk remedies for coughs are mainly aimed at thinning sputum and its easier separation from the walls of the bronchi, as well as its discharge to the outside.

By cleansing the bronchi, we rid the body of bacteria and relieve inflammation. The inflammation goes away, the cough goes away.

If your cough is dry, choking, caused by nerve irritation, COPD, bronchial asthma, allergic nature, or caused by chronic diseases, the use of folk remedies for coughs may be ineffective and even dangerous.

In this case, you must definitely contact a specialist and do not self-medicate.

Folk recipes for treating cough

I tried to make a selection of the most effective homemade recipes for cough control based on herbs, spices and food.

  • Anise infusion

For the preparation of "Anise infusion" we need the following ingredients:

  • anise - 2 tablespoons seeds
  • honey - 2 tablespoons
  • water - 200 grams (1 cup)

Cooking method:

  1. Making anise infusion is actually one of the easiest.
  2. Place anise seeds in a suitable container and pour boiling water over them.
  3. Then put it on a slow fire for 20 minutes, this will be enough. Next, we will cool our drug to room temperature.
  4. We filter the cooled infusion through gauze or a sieve and add 2 tablespoons of honey to it.
  5. Take the infusion should be inside before meals 3 times a day, 3 tablespoons or 50 grams.

  • Anise-fennel infusion

This infusion also contains anise seeds in its composition and for its preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • anise - 1 teaspoon seeds
  • fennel - 1 teaspoon
  • water - 200 grams (1 cup)

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over anise and fennel seeds, let it brew for half an hour.
  2. As dishes, you can use a thermos, so that the infusion is better brewed.
  3. After brewing and cooling at room temperature, filter the infusion through a sieve or gauze.
    It is taken before meals every 30 minutes at a dosage of 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Turmeric for cough

For cooking, you need to take:

  • turmeric - 1 teaspoon
  • milk - 200 grams (1 cup)

Cooking method:

Add a teaspoon to a glass of milk and bring the drink to a boil.

It should be consumed hot before bed.

Turmeric has a beneficial effect on our body and has a warming effect.

  • Basil tea for cough


  • fresh green basil leaves
  • water - 200 grams (1 cup)

Cooking method:

  • In order to prepare a drink, you need to take green basil leaves and pour boiling water over them, I brew them in a thermos.
  • After the drink is infused, you can take it 2-3 times a day for 50 grams.
  • Green basil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

  • From cough

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • figs - 5 pieces (you can use both fresh and dried)
  • milk - 400 grams (2 cups)

Cooking method:

  1. place in a small saucepan and fill it with two glasses of hot milk, preferably freshly boiled.
  2. We cover the saucepan tightly, giving the opportunity to brew. After the infusion becomes warm, it is ready for use, then we will knead the already soft fruits.
  3. It is recommended to use the infusion 3-5 times a day in the form of heat in half a glass. It is mainly used for bronchitis and tonsillitis.
  • Cough honey

Honey has long been known for its healing properties, and honey in combs is just a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals.

When coughing, especially dry, it is very good to just chew a piece of honeycomb.

  • Pepper paste with honey

Ingredients used:

  • ground black pepper - ¼ teaspoon
  • honey - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

To prepare the potion, we need to mix black ground pepper and honey well.

It is necessary to take the prepared paste by sucking after eating 3 times a day.

  • Cinnamon Paste

To prepare the pasta, take the following ingredients:

  • cinnamon - ½ teaspoon
  • honey - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

To prepare the paste, you will need to mix it so that there are no lumps left. It must be taken by sucking 3-4 times a day.

  • Ginger tea for cough


  • ginger - half a teaspoon of powder
  • cloves - a quarter of a teaspoon
  • cinnamon - a fifth of a teaspoon

Cooking method:

Tea is prepared by mixing all three components, that is: cloves and cinnamon, which are placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water.

Let the tea brew for 30 minutes. You need to drink tea 4-5 times a day.

  • Asafoetida paste for whooping cough and bronchitis

To prepare the pasta you will need:

  • asafoetida - one fifth of a teaspoon
  • onion juice - a quarter of a teaspoon
  • honey - 1 tablespoon

Asafoetida is an Indian spice used in Vedic cooking. It is a good substitute for onions and garlic, while leaving no smell, it is used in powder form.

Cooking method:

To get a healing paste, you need to mix all the ingredients: asafoetida, onion juice and honey. Take the remedy 4 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

  • Infusion on spices for cough

When preparing the infusion, we need:

  • anise - a quarter teaspoon
  • fennel - a quarter teaspoon
  • - a quarter teaspoon
  • dill - a quarter teaspoon
  • coriander - a quarter teaspoon

Cooking method:

It is required to take all the components, placing them in a thermos and pour one glass of boiling water.

Let the composition infuse for half an hour, after which it can be taken one glass 4 times a day.

  • Mandarin decoction for cough

What is the use of this decoction, or rather tangerine peels?

The fact is that tangerines contain a substance - synephrine, which relieves swelling and removes mucus, thanks to which it allows you to remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi.

To get a tangerine broth we need ingredients:

  • peels of fresh tangerines - 2 - 3 medium-sized
  • water - 200 grams (1 cup)

Cooking method:

It is necessary to pour boiling water over the tangerine peels and let them brew for 30 minutes. After the specified time, strain the broth and drink 1 glass on an empty stomach in the morning.

  • Pine decoction

Let's prepare a decoction of pine buds, for which you will need the following components:

  • Dry pine buds - 15-18 pieces
  • Water 1 glass

Pine buds can be bought at any pharmacy.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over pine buds, let it brew for 40-50 minutes.
  2. Then strain and take a decoction of 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day, preferably before meals.

  • Onion gargle for chronic cough

I hope you can find at least one acceptable recipe from the listed recipes, cook it and help your body cleanse your bronchi of phlegm, mucus, bacteria and everything that causes inflammation and provokes a cough.

In general, today, in my opinion, the best way to deal with a cough is inhalation through a nebulizer with saline. This is especially effective for children.

Be healthy and take care of yourself.

And of course, in any case, remember that for any disease, before self-medicating, you should consult a specialist and listen to his opinion.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

This article is for informational purposes only. If you have symptoms of any disease or feel unwell, the first thing to do is consult a doctor! The tips in this resource can help you in emergency situations where qualified medical personnel are not available.

“Doctor, doctor, help, the child began to cough, come!”, “Ambulance? Accept the challenge, the child goes into severe coughing fits” - pediatricians have to listen to such or very similar complaints almost dozens of times during a work shift.

Let's define the concept of "cough" and measures to combat this phenomenon.

Spontaneous exhalation provoked by irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, respiratory tract or bronchi. It has a paroxysmal character.

In bronchial asthma, pneumonia and tuberculosis, coughing occurs from irritation of the lung tissues, since the process itself is aimed at exhalation, it contributes to the rejection and removal of foreign bodies, mucus, sputum formed, and therefore helps to cleanse the lungs, bronchi and respiratory tract.

Doctors call such a cough productive, it is useful for the body, contributes to the speedy recovery of the body, as it removes sputum, if not for this, any respiratory disease would turn into pneumonia - persistent pneumonia.

Other types of cough can easily be classified as non-productive cough, this type includes:

  • dry,
  • barking,
  • wavy-paroxysmal,
  • intrusive.

Such types of cough do not bring with them a positive outcome during the course of the disease and are not a productive process in the body. And they bring severe physical suffering, cause a gag reflex, provoke muscle pain.

By duration, cough can be divided into acute, lasting up to 3 weeks inclusive, lasting from 3 to 8 weeks inclusive.

Cough, the treatment of which is not started in a timely manner, can lead to congestion in the body.

How many unpleasant consequences this necessary symptom can bring. Depending on the type of cough, the appropriate treatment is also selected.

How to treat a cough

All medications are conventionally (since they can have several different directions of action) divided into:

  • thinners - mucolytics,
  • aggravating cough - expectorant,
  • suppressing the functioning of the cough center.

There are combined drugs, for this reason the division is rather conditional.

Unfortunately, there is currently no magic - "golden" cough pill. But let's hope, maybe in the future, they will invent such a medicine.

Treatment of cough in children

There are two approaches to treating cough in children. Traditional, medical treatment or folk remedies for cough.

is a concomitant symptom of many diseases. Therefore, it is necessary not only to eliminate one cough, but also to receive treatment from a doctor for the disease. We will deal with the main methods of treating this symptom.

How to cure a cough in a child

Whatever kind of cough, it is a protective reaction of the body. To facilitate breathing and eliminate dust, harmful microbes and accumulations of sputum, the body reflexively provokes coughing shocks.

For babies, a cough is so dangerous that it rapidly starts in the bronchial area. It can even cause pneumonia. Through this feature of the child's body, it is dangerous to independently select remedies for the treatment of cough. Without fail, the baby must be examined by a doctor.

How to cure a cough in a child

  • Aerosols for special purposes. It happens that a child is diagnosed with bronchial asthma. The parents of this crumb in the home first aid kit certainly need to have special aerosols recommended by the pediatrician. Since with a beginning cough, shortness of breath often appears. And you can't do without a bottle of aerosol. It is necessary to provide emergency care to the child even before visiting a medical institution.
  • Trituration. In addition to medicines, massage will help relieve coughing. To do this, you need a warming ointment or eucalyptus balm. It is necessary to take a small amount of rubbing and rub the chest and back of the crumbs. Movements should be slow and smooth. Then the rubbing will be evenly distributed over the surface of the skin and will effectively perform its healing functions. At the same time, one should not stay too long in one place. After all, the skin of a baby is so delicate and fragile.

How to cure a cough in a child with homeopathy

If the parents are not supporters of chemicals, then they can take the baby to an appointment with a homeopath. He will individually prescribe a suitable cough remedy. The medicine can be purchased at a specialized pharmacy. It is not possible to choose a homeopathic remedy on your own. Since when prescribing it, the doctor takes into account not only the disease, but also the height, age, weight of the baby and even the characteristics of his character. In addition to the prescription, the doctor will issue a medication regimen, which will indicate the time of administration and the dose of the drug.

Mom should remember that the effect of homeopathy does not come from the first days of treatment. The cough may even get worse. But we must be patient and continue to give grains. A little time will pass. And there will be no trace of coughing.

Folk remedies

Medicines can help, but their cost is quite high, in addition, there is a risk of undesirable consequences. Medicines do not always help, bouts of prolonged coughing can cause inconvenience to a sick person for a long time. We will tell you about a less cheap, and less risky way of treatment.

Such methods of treatment have long been considered proven folk remedies - herbs, roots, natural honey and others.

And although their action is not as strong as that of pharmacy counterparts, they still do an excellent job with the task. In addition, proven folk remedies do not have side effects, which cannot be said about medicines.

The beginning of cough treatment is to eliminate the causes of its occurrence. Next, you should find out the nature of the disease, the type of cough.

At this stage, diagnostics should be carried out, tests should be taken, and only after the diagnosis has been established, one or another treatment can be prescribed.

All these procedures are carried out in special institutions. The doctor must make the diagnosis.

And folk recipes can help to recover.

So, let's go directly to the tools themselves.

An excellent option in the treatment of cough are infusions from plants such as mint, chamomile, mother and stepmother, wild rosemary, oregano and many more others. If you do not have some ingredient, it does not matter, the infusion does not lose its healing abilities from the absence of one component.

Mixture based on natural honey

Also a wonderful option is a mixture based on natural May honey.

We will need the following products:

  • a little honey
  • about the same amount of cocoa and butter,
  • two spoons of vodka (moonshine).

All of these components must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This medication should be taken half an hour before meals three times a day.

onion broth

An effective option with a lot of positive reviews is onion broth. So, how to make this tool.

To get started, we need:

  • liter of water,
  • a couple of nice bulbs
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar.

We put the water on the fire and wait for it to boil. When it happens, we put unpeeled onions and sugar in this water, after which we boil for another hour over low heat. After the specified time has elapsed, the broth must be filtered and allowed to cool. It is necessary to consume half a glass four times a day.

Milk based products

Oddly enough, regular milk helps a lot with dry coughs. A little cream is added to half a liter of milk, about the same amount of honey and one egg yolk.

To prepare this remedy, milk must be brought to a boil and add the above ingredients. You can use the drug only warm, six times a day for half a glass.

It is useful to drink warm goat's milk, while melting a piece of butter in it or adding almond oil, honey (but only for those who do not suffer from pancreatitis). It is very good to drink such a drink at night.

Plentiful drink

Drinking plenty of water is one of the most important points in the treatment of dry cough. Since under this condition, the speed of recovery is doubled. During illness, it is advisable to use the following:

  • Warm tea with various additives (lemon, honey, jam).
  • Cranberry juice, various jelly.
  • The aforementioned decoctions of various herbs,
  • Warm goat's milk with a small amount of butter added.
  • Alkaline water without gas
  • Infusion of licorice root.

Another fairly effective method of treating this cough is inhalation.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs

Decoctions of medicinal herbs, in the absence of allergies to them, are decoctions of plantain, mother and stepmothers, licorice, sage, dog rose

Helps and hot tea with lemon, honey, raspberries.

  • Black radish juice with honey
  • Warm mineral alkaline water without gases
  • Licorice root infusions

Folk remedies for cough are widely used to treat children in the first years of life, since folk remedies for cough have less side effect than cough tablets.

Cough remedies for children are very tasty and desirable, such as the Brazilian banana mix.

Grate ripe bananas or chop in a blender, add water with sugar (at the rate of 1 banana per 100 ml of water), the mixture is heated and consumed.

Treatment of dry cough with folk remedies includes the use of animal products, beekeeping and crop products.

Warm milk with soda - a proven folk remedy

Warm milk with honey and the addition of soda, the best way to turn a dry cough into a wet, expectorant one. This remedy is tasty and useful not only for treating cough, but also for strengthening the body.

The treatment of dry cough with folk remedies can be supplemented by a number of additional manipulations, such as inhalation and breathing exercises. Based on the fact that coughing is a process that usually occurs during exhalation, it means that a change in the rate of exhalation of air increases or slows down the rate of a coughing fit.

Attempts to cough can be kept if you apply the following measures:

  • Stretch your mouth into a slit and draw in air, making the sound “FFFFFF”.
  • Tighten the chest muscles.
  • Without relaxing the muscles of the chest, exhale quietly, without making any noise.

The right choice of treatments

Whatever principle of treatment is chosen: drug treatment or treatment with folk remedies, we must remember that treatment must be carried out in combination with an increase in immunity, an increase in the body's defenses.

But the most important thing is prevention.

Causes of dry cough

  • Colds and flu overtake the population during the season of sharp cooling or warming, and the first manifestation of the disease is a runny nose and cough.
  • Cough has different degrees of severity. The cause of cough is irritation of the larynx, trachea and bronchi, and the cough itself is a protective reaction of the body, which is trying to clear the bronchi and lungs in this way.
  • I would like to note that cough is manifested not only with colds and acute respiratory infections, but also with such severe diseases as asthma, tuberculosis, lung cancer, diseases of the nervous system, and so on.
  • Sometimes a person does not know for what reason a cough appeared and writes off everything for a cold, which sometimes may not be entirely justified.
  • To establish a real cough problem, you should visit a therapist and not start self-treatment, since you can not only not get the desired result, but also complicate the problem.
  • People suffered from cough almost at all times and therefore the people have long learned to get rid of it. For example, people believe that the best cough medicine is radish and honey.
  • There are many different recipes and here is one of them. Wash the radish well, cut it in half and cut indentations in each half. Then cut the pulp, pour honey inside, let it brew so that the juice that comes out of the radish mixes with honey. The resulting mixture is taken 1 tablespoon 5 times a day.

Using carrots to treat cough

Carrots are also a good cough medicine. Pre-squeezed carrot juice is mixed with honey and taken in a tablespoon every two hours.

The use of juices of fruits and berries for the treatment of cough

To dilute sputum, they take viburnum or lingonberry juice with honey, and for a good expectorant effect, it is recommended to take honey with lemon, aloe.

The best expectorants from natural raw materials

Some of the best expectorants are:

  • coltsfoot,
  • eucalyptus,
  • plantain,
  • chamomile,
  • Linden,
  • calendula,
  • sage,
  • raspberries and viburnum,
  • mint,
  • sagebrush.

Decoctions and infusions are made from the fees, the recipes of which are varied. The easiest way to prepare a decoction is to fill the leaves of a plant (for example, coltsfoot) with boiling water and infuse such a decoction for two hours.

It helps with coughing and rubbing badger or goose fat into the chest. Some add onion or aloe juice to the fat. After rubbing, you need to wrap yourself up in order to sweat well. Then the disease leaves the body.

Folk remedies are good and effective, but in the modern world, everyone should definitely consult a doctor.

If folk remedies do not help and the cough has not gone away or subsided within five days, consultation with a specialist is required.

You may need to start taking antibiotics. It should be remembered that a neglected cough may be due to bronchitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis, which means that folk remedies will not help here, and individual treatment is required, which only a doctor can establish.

How to treat dry cough

As you know, a dry cough is manifested, as a rule, with diseases such as pleurisy and chronic disease of the serous membrane of the lungs.

This cough leads to rather unpleasant sensations, such as acute pain in the chest, fever, difficulty breathing, and an acceleration of the pulse.

This situation in most cases portends bronchitis. Also, the harbingers of bronchitis are: burning in the chest, severe shortness of breath, weakness.

If you have a cold, you need to drink more fluids.

Cough can be productive - with expectoration of sputum and unproductive - dry. A productive cough should not be suppressed, because in this way the airways are cleared of germs.

Conversely, an unproductive cough should be soothed.

With a productive cough.

How to get rid of a productive cough:

1. Suck on candy canes. This bitter herb has an expectorant effect, helps to get rid of phlegm.

2. Lemon drops help well.

3. Another remedy that you can make yourself from peppermint lozenges + lemon juice + honey. Add candy to lemon juice, heat until they are completely dissolved, add honey and mix. Take 1 tablespoon as needed.

4. Another recipe. 2 tbsp lemon juice + 1 tbsp honey To enhance the action, you can add a little grated onion. Onion provokes coughing and sputum discharge.

5. Arriving at the pharmacy, choose an expectorant syrup that contains guaiafenesin. It thins mucus, making it easier to expel mucus.

For dry cough.

How to get rid of a cough with an unproductive cough:

1. Suck on slippery elm bark lozenges. Slippery elm contains mucus that coats the throat, thereby reducing irritation.

2. If slippery elm is not available, any candy can be sucked. They will increase salivation. You will swallow more often, and this suppresses the cough reflex.

3. You can make a soothing syrup for your throat. Add 5-6 cloves to a glass of honey and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, remove the cloves, and take a tablespoon of honey when you need to calm a cough. Cloves are a good anesthetic, and honey coats a sore throat, protecting it from irritation.

4. Arriving at the pharmacy - look for drugs that suppress cough. They must contain codeine or dextromethorphan.

Medicinal teas.

How to get rid of a cough with medicinal tea.

1. Tea with thyme. Has expectorant action. Relaxes the airways. You can add honey.

2. Tea from Marshmallow officinalis. It envelops the throat, thins phlegm in the bronchi, facilitates expectoration.

3. Tea made from shandra leaves or flowers.

4. Spiced tea: in a glass of boiling water, half a teaspoon of ground ginger + a pinch of ground cloves + a pinch of ground cinnamon. Drink several times a day.

5. Tea with the addition of tincture of licorice root. 45 drops in a glass of hot water. This tea thins mucus and relieves bronchospasm. Licorice can be taken for no more than 3 weeks, as pressure may rise.

External funds.

1. At the pharmacy, buy chest rub based on camphor or menthol. Rub your throat and chest. The cough will decrease. You can't take it inside.

2. Mustard plasters on the chest. They thin out the mucus.

3. Mustard plaster can be made by yourself. Mix mustard powder with flour in a ratio of 1:2. Add water, knead the dough liquid. Spread on a towel, fold in half and attach to your chest. It is not recommended to apply the mixture directly to the skin, as you can get burned. If you make such a dough not on water, but on egg whites, the likelihood of a burn will be less.

An exercise.

1. With a painful, incessant cough, the following exercise will help. Make 5-7 weak fractional coughs + one strong one. So repeat several times. This exercise pushes mucus into the upper airways and pushes it out.

2. If there is someone nearby, ask him to rattle your chest. This thins out the mucus. You need to lie on your stomach, on a hard bed or on the floor on a rug. Have your helper tap your back from the lower back to the neck with cupped palms. Several approaches will make coughing easier.

The child has a barking cough.

Keep your child in the bathroom with hot water running more often. Let it breathe in this vapor. If there is no improvement, call your doctor.

Vitamin D.

According to research by American scientists, vitamin D improves the condition of the respiratory system. A diet high in vitamin D has been shown to help restore normal breathing levels in people with respiratory problems. In the summer, under the influence of the sun, it produces vitamin D in sufficient quantities. But in winter, additional intake is necessary. You can take supplements or buy liquid vitamin D at the pharmacy and put a few drops on bread and eat it before bed.

Chronic dry cough. About the most important thing.

Now you know how to remove a cough at home. Be healthy and prosperous.

Coughing causes discomfort and pain. After reading this article, you will learn how to quickly get rid of a cough.


Part 1

Natural cough remedies

    Try honey. Honey is very good for coughs and soothes sore throats. Some studies show that honey is just as effective for coughs as are some over-the-counter cough medicines. Honey helps to soothe the lining of the throat. Take honey right before bed if your cough keeps you awake.

    Try licorice root tea. Tea with licorice root soothes the respiratory tract, helps reduce inflammation and thin mucus. To make tea, place two tablespoons of dried licorice root in a mug and pour over a glass of water. Insist for 10-15 minutes. Drink twice a day.

    • Do not drink licorice root tea if you are taking steroids or if you have kidney problems.
    • The active ingredient, licorice, may cause negative side effects for some people. Look in health food stores or pharmacies for licorice root glycyrrhizinate or licorice glycyrrhizinate. She's just as effective.
  1. Try thyme tea. Thyme is used in some countries, such as Germany, to treat respiratory problems. The flavonoids found in thyme help to relax the throat muscles and reduce inflammation. Bring water to a boil and add 2 teaspoons chopped thyme. Infuse for 10 minutes. Strain before drinking.

    • Add honey and lemon for additional sedatives. In addition, honey and lemon can make the tea taste more pleasant.
    • Do not use thyme oil internally. Use dried or fresh thyme seeds.
  2. Enjoy sucking caramel. If you don't have cough syrup on hand and don't want to use cough drops to reduce it, you can simply suck on a regular lozenge.

    Try turmeric. Turmeric is a traditional cough remedy that is very effective for coughs, as many have noted. Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of warm milk. If you have a dry cough, try turmeric powder with a teaspoon of honey. To make turmeric tea, mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder with four cups of boiling water. Let the tea brew, strain. Mix with lemon and honey and enjoy this delicious tea.

    Mix mint and ginger with lemon juice. Ginger helps loosen mucus. In addition, ginger and mint relieve irritation in the back of the throat, which provokes coughing. Add honey to this mixture and you have an effective cough remedy.

    Try essential oils. Combining essential oils with water vapor can work wonders. Try tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil, both of which are known to be beneficial to the airways by opening up the airways. In addition, essential oils have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight bacteria and viruses.

    Make a bourbon cough syrup. If you want an effective cough syrup for adults, you can mix some whiskey and warm water with lemon in a mug.

    • In a microwavable mug, mix 60 ml of whiskey, 60 ml of lemon juice and 60-125 ml of water.
    • Heat the mixture in the microwave for 45 seconds.
    • Add 15 ml of honey and microwave again for 45 seconds.
  3. Try Korean folk remedies. If your cough is due to the flu or a cold, you can try making a Korean cold remedy mixture. It includes dried jujube with spices, honey and some other ingredients.

    • In a large saucepan, combine 25 dried jujubes (cut into wedges), one large Asian pear (cut into quarters, no seeds), a 3-inch piece of ginger (cut into wedges), 2-3 cinnamon sticks, and 2.8 liters of water. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil over low heat.
    • Reduce the heat and simmer the mixture for one hour.
    • Strain to separate the rest of the ingredients.
    • To make the tea sweeter, add one to two tablespoons (15-30 ml) of honey. To moisten your throat and stop coughing quickly, enjoy a cup of this warm medicine. All you have to do is try to relax and take deep breaths.
  4. Gargle with salt water. Salt water helps to relieve a sore throat, it also helps to reduce cough and get rid of phlegm. Dilute 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, dissolve completely, and then gargle for 15 seconds. Repeat until you've used up all the water.

    Part 2

    1. Try decongestants. Decongestants reduce the swelling in the airways caused by the common cold, which reduces the feeling of stuffiness and makes it easier to breathe through the nose. You can take decongestants in various forms such as tablets, syrups, and nasal sprays.

      Try lozenges for sucking. The most effective cough drops are mints. These lozenges will reduce the sensitivity of the back of the throat, the cough reflex and reduce coughing.

      Use a medicated cough ointment. An over-the-counter cough ointment contains menthol or camphor and stops both types of cough.

      • This kind of ointment is used for topical application, and in no case should they be used inside.
      • Do not rub such ointments on the breasts of babies.
    2. Try a cough suppressant. A cough suppressant is best for bouts of wet coughing in the middle of the night.

      Use expectorants. The expectorant stimulates coughing and expectoration, which will help to cure the cough faster. If you have a wet cough, an expectorant will thin the mucus and make it easier to cough up. Speeding up expectoration usually speeds up the healing process of coughs and diseases accompanied by coughs.

    Part 3

    other methods

      Drink a lot. This is extremely important if you want to reduce your cough. Fluids help loosen mucus, making your cough clear faster. You can drink a variety of drinks other than alcohol or caffeinated drinks (which detoxify your body) and acidic citrus juices (which irritate your throat).

      Breathe in the warm vapor. When taking a hot shower, inhale the steam. This will reduce nasal congestion and improve mucus discharge. It also helps humidify dry air, which can be a cause of coughing. At night, turn on the humidifier and inhale the warm steam.

      • This remedy is good for coughs due to colds, allergies or asthma.
      • Humidifiers need to be cleaned regularly. Otherwise, they will do more harm than good. Mold, fungi and other bacteria start up inside the mechanism, which spread through the air along with the steam.
    1. Try changing your coughing technique. At first, you will instinctively have a deep, hard cough, but once you get used to it, you will be able to suppress the cough and cough less. This is especially helpful if you have a wet cough. When you have a coughing fit, cough slowly and little by little. This cough will not produce much mucus. End this series of short coughs with one big one. With a small cough you move the phlegm up to the throat, and with a strong cough you bring it out.

      • If you cough in this way, you will reduce throat irritation. Since an irritated throat most often develops into a prolonged cough, reducing the irritation of the throat will help you get rid of the cough faster.
    2. Remove irritants. Chronic cough is usually caused or aggravated by irritants in the air. These irritants can cause chronic cough due to the production of excess phlegm. The most important irritant to avoid is tobacco smoke.

    • Please note that antibiotics are not used in the treatment of cough. They are used only in very rare cases. Antibiotics kill bacteria and nothing else, making them ineffective against viral or non-illness coughs. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics only if there is suspicion that the cough is caused by a bacterial infection.
    • If you have trouble breathing, use an inhaler that you keep with you at all times.
    • Beverages such as coffee or tea can depress your immune system.
    • Drink only warm water, as cold water will irritate your throat.


    • Contact your doctor promptly. Usually, the cough goes away on its own within 10 days, and with the use of the medicines described above, the cough goes away even faster. If the cough lasts two to four weeks, you need to see a doctor. You should also see a doctor if you are coughing up blood, coughing with severe chest pain, fatigue, severe weight loss, chills, or a temperature of 38.3 or higher.

Occurs against the background of an acutely developing inflammatory process and contributes to the rapid removal of microorganisms from the upper respiratory tract. The protective function of cough in this case is a more productive and faster recovery process.

A dry cough, on the other hand, does not bring relief and does not help speed up the healing process. It only increases the irritation of the upper respiratory tract, gradually turning into debilitating attacks, accompanied by spasms of the larynx and suffocation, and often end in vomiting.

Dry cough classification

  • spicy- when the illness lasts no more than 2 weeks;
  • lingering course- with a cough duration of more than a month;
  • chronic dry cough will become when its duration passes the 2-month milestone.

Causes of dry cough

The appearance of a dry cough is usually associated with the fact of an acute respiratory illness suffered the day before. It can be a banal acute respiratory disease, as well as tracheitis, or influenza. The mechanism of occurrence of dry cough is associated with a reflex-protective mechanism aimed at eliminating any factors that irritate the respiratory tract. Scientists have reliably established more than 50 such causes.

There are also reasons that provoke a dry cough, namely, the disease can be a consequence of the presence of pleurisy, bronchial asthma, the presence of foreign bodies in the airways, the presence of bad habits, as well as excessive dryness of the air in the room.

The main symptoms of dry cough

  • spasmodic cough accompanied by periodic urge to vomit, and with a prolonged and unproductive cough, vomiting is possible in the outcome;
  • the disease is accompanied nasal congestion, nasality and hoarse voice;
  • if the disease is a complication of an acute inflammatory process, then local enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes;
  • with acute development of the disease can be subfebrile temperature, sweating, fatigue and lethargy.

Dry cough treatment options

There are traditional medicinal methods for the treatment of dry cough and traditional medicine. All of them are aimed at reducing the intensity of coughing attacks, and if the cough accompanies an acute inflammatory disease, then the treatment is aimed at the appearance of sputum, i.e. dry cough is converted into productive wet.

The success of treatment is 100% in the accurate diagnosis, this allows you to eliminate the cause of the disease. The doctor selects medications for symptomatic treatment, this is necessary to suppress the cough reflex. Such drugs are not curative, but help to avoid pneumothorax and other unpleasant complications.

In order to alleviate the patient's condition as much as possible at home, it is necessary:

  • hold regularly wet cleaning without the use of aggressive detergents;
  • make sure that the temperature in the room did not rise above 25C;
  • provide for the patient plenty of warm drink;
  • hold regularly steam inhalation, ideally buy a nebulizer.

Drug therapy for dry cough

Medicines can be divided into two big groups, the first will include chemicals of central action, and the second - drugs that have an effective effect on the periphery.

For liquefaction and active excretion of sputum mucolytics, the most common are: acetylcysteine, bromhexine, ambroxol, mukaltin, marshmallow syrup.

Effectively suppress the activity of the cough center located in the central nervous system. It will help to use drugs based on drugs. For example, oxeladin, codeine, glycine and others.

Never take cough medicines with expectorants.. They suppress the action of each other, which leads to blockage of the small bronchi with phlegm and can lead to death.

Folk remedies to help fight dry cough

  • Any will do warming agents if the period is not acute. For example, you can take mustard plasters, put honey. jars or rub the chest with warming ointments.
  • An effective way to quickly get rid of dry cough is considered decoction of onion, garlic and milk. To prepare it, you need a medium-sized onion and a small head of garlic. They should be boiled in milk, it is enough to take a quarter liter of milk. Then add a spoonful of honey and a few drops of mint juice to the finished broth. Drink the finished composition in a tablespoon every hour during the day. The next morning, prepare a fresh decoction.
  • Simple and highly effective recipes will help to cure a dry cough quickly in an adult at home, the main thing is not to wait for an instant result and not use them as a panacea. Ideally combine methods of traditional medicine with doctor's prescriptions, then the treatment will be as productive as possible.
  • The easiest way is as follows. Take a small towel and soak it liberally in warm water. Then cover with polyethylene and a linen cloth from above, you can additionally cover it with a warm scarf. In the morning you will feel relief, the cough will become softer.
  • You can draw on the chest at night mesh from This will warm up your airways.
  • Recipes that include ethyl alcohol, also have an excellent result in the fight against dry cough. You can make a mixture of vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees and mix them with honey. It is fashionable to add the yolk of one chicken egg to the composition. Ready homogeneous composition to use a teaspoon three to four times a day.
  • Warm milk with honey- an old and time-tested way to turn a dry cough into a wet one.
  • Suitable for softening mucus application for the night. To do this, take a little fat (ideally use badger) mixed with mustard and alcohol, you can add a little flower honey. The mixture must be evenly distributed over the top. Then wash off as soon as the composition dries.
  • Help with dry cough inhalation. The most effective are garlic and eucalyptus. To prepare garlic you need a glass of water, a couple of cloves of garlic and a teaspoon of soda. Grind the garlic, pour a glass of water and boil. After adding soda and you can breathe, covering yourself with a sheet for 15-20 minutes. Instead of garlic, you can take the leaves of eucalyptus, thyme or coltsfoot.
  • Inhalations can be done with aromatherapy oils, for this purpose, mint, eucalyptus or cedar oil is ideal. A few drops of oil must be placed in 0.5 liters of hot water and breathe in pairs for 10-15 minutes.

Treatment of dry cough from Elena Malysheva (video)

A dry cough can significantly impair the quality of life, so timely treatment will quickly get you back on track. Strictly following the recommendations of the attending physician, you can fast cure dry cough at home how in an adult as well as the child.

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