Second hand smoke. The danger of passive smoking for children and pregnant women. The impact of secondhand hookah smoking

Even if you do not smoke, you will be surrounded by tobacco smoke anyway, because there is always someone who smokes nearby: a neighbor, partner, colleague, relative or friend.

Who is a passive smoker? When someone smokes or uses an e-cigarette (or vape), not all of the smoke or vapor enters the lungs. Most of smoke remains in the air, which is inhaled by the one who is nearby, and affects the body of this person, who is a passive smoker.

Of course, smoking in public places prohibited, but non-smokers are exposed to passive smoking, especially children whose parents smoke. Even if an active smoker cares about their loved ones and carefully chooses a place to smoke, sometimes this does not protect against harm and risks from passive smoking.

What is more harmful - active or passive smoking? In short, passive smoking is not only inhalation of air, which contains the products of decay of cigarettes, cigars, hookah or electronic cigarettes. It's not just tobacco smoke or steam that you can feel or see.

Tobacco smoke contains thousands of toxic and carcinogenic chemical compounds, among which more than 300, including cyanide, DDT (an insecticide banned for use in many countries due to the fact that it can accumulate in the body of animals and humans), ammonia, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, benzene, vinyl chloride, acetone, sulfur , saltpeter, carbon monoxide and many others that cause diseases, including lung cancer and other types of cancer, as well as heart disease, blood vessels, nervous system.

Tobacco smoke contains hazardous chemical compounds that are so microscopic that they are absorbed not only into the skin, but also into fabrics, clothes, walls, and furniture. And they accumulate and stay there for a long time. It is for this reason that smokers are not recommended to smoke indoors, inside their own apartment or car. All these chemicals can irritate the respiratory tract, allergic reactions and lead to poor health, especially affecting children.

Passive smoking from hookah and electronic cigarettes

The vapor of electronic cigarettes, even though it contains less hazardous chemicals, is also dangerous, since most of the electronic nicotine delivery systems (disposable electronic cigarettes, vapes, electronic inhalers) contain nicotine, which is a drug and at the same time very poisonous. It primarily affects the nervous system and immunity. Lethal dose for an adult is less than 0.5 mg. Of course, its toxic substance is dangerous in any quantities and immediately harms the human body.

Artificial flavors pose a considerable danger. They contain chemical substances, which may pose a risk to electronic gadget lovers and people around them. These are diacetyl, acetoin and 2,3-pentanedione.

Diacetyl is used as an oil flavor substitute in foods. It was he who became the reason for the development of bronchiolitis obliterans. This disease was previously discovered in employees of a company that produces popcorn, after which this disease was called "popcorn".

Studies show that in Russia more than 400,000 people die every year from cigarette smoking, including about a third of non-smokers who were exposed to passive smoking. How harmful is passive smoking?

Smoke makes your blood more viscous, raises your "bad" cholesterol and damages your blood vessels and tiny capillaries. This in turn increases the risk of having a stroke or heart attack. Lungs passive smoker are also polluted with harmful substances.

The danger of passive smoking for children and pregnant women

  • Children are the most vulnerable to secondhand smoke because their bodies are only growing and developing, their breathing rate is higher compared to adults.
  • Diseases of children associated with passive smoking:

Passive smoking, like active smoking, is dangerous for the unborn baby during pregnancy. These risks are primarily associated with preterm birth, low birth weight, sudden infant death syndrome, mental capacity and learning problems.

Smoking is social problem!

Alexander Fomin, former smoker with 18 years of experience, the first licensed specialist and chief consultant of the Allen Carr Center in the Russian Federation. Helped more than 10,000 compatriots to quit smoking once and for all. Has 9 summer practice work on the Allen Carr method and successfully trained several new therapists in this method. He took part in editing and voicing books of the series " Easy Way Publishing House "Kind Book".

Hello readers of my blog! Today I will tell you about what passive smoking is and how it affects our health.

The topic of passive smoking has been a concern for me for a long time. In the families of my close friends, it is customary to smoke in the house. Wives are loyal to the habit of their husbands, since the man is the master in their house. According to women, this is not recklessness, but respect for male gender. A man feels like a king and often reminds his wife that it is not the king's business to change his habits. They live, as they say, soul to soul. This way is reminiscent funny story about marriage without quarrels.

A woman who lived with her husband for half a century in peace and harmony was asked: “How did you manage to live so many years in harmony?” The woman replied, “Very simple. After the wedding, my husband and I rode a wagon to our ranch. One horse stumbled, and the husband said indignantly: "One." A few minutes later the horse stumbled again, and this caused the husband great anger. He said, "Two." The ranch was already very close when the horse stumbled again and the husband on the count of "three" shot him. I started crying and screaming and my husband said: “One” ...

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It is difficult to understand and correct male egoism and female lack of rights.

Not everything goes well in family relationships if both parents smoke. In a house where people smoke, there is a special smell. Curtains, clothes, ceilings, walls, furniture are all saturated with cigarette smoke. The foul air from tobacco smoke overshadowed the comfort of home and this can not be reconciled.

Smoking - dangerous habit, from which not only the smoker suffers, but also the people around him. Many families are unaware of the dangers of active and passive smoking, endangering their health and the health of their own children.

From the history of smoking

Tobacco was first brought to Russia in 1585. Under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, those convicted of smoking were first beaten with sticks in the footsteps, those guilty of smoking were subjected to cutting off their noses or ears for the second time. Smoking caused a devastating fire in Moscow in 1634. After this incident, smoking was punished death penalty. Intimidating measures did not bring results. Since 1697, the tobacco trade was officially allowed by Peter I.

Today Russia is one of the countries where people smoke without restrictions.

What is passive smoking?

Tobacco smoke is a major source of indoor air pollution. It contains more than 4,000 chemicals, some of which are toxic substances, and about 60 of them contain components that can be attributed to carcinogens with varying degrees of certainty.

Passive (involuntary) smoking is the unintentional inhalation of someone else's tobacco smoke. Research scientists have proven increased risk the appearance of lung cancer in non-smokers who are forced to be among smokers. The presence of specific tobacco carcinogens was found in the blood of non-smokers. Researchers consider passive smoking one of the causes of lung cancer in non-smokers.

It has been proven that even short-term passive smoking leads to heart disease.

From latest research known:

  • Adults who suffer from secondhand smoke at home and at work have a 60% higher risk of developing asthma than those who live and work in unpolluted areas.
  • In children smoking parents respiratory diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma are twice as likely as children of non-smoking parents.
  • Passive smoking increases the risk of blindness.

Over the past two decades, a lot of evidence has accumulated about the negative effects of passive smoking on health. It has been established that in one hour of being in a smoky room, a passive smoker inhales as much nicotine as an active smoker receives when smoking four cigarettes.

The most vulnerable organs in forced smokers are the respiratory organs. Special Studies showed that lung cancer is the main destiny of not only smokers, but also people who are forced to be in their environment.

Cigarette smoke and its effects

When tobacco is burned, two streams of smoke are formed: the main one (formed during a puff of smoke, it passes through the entire cigarette, is inhaled and exhaled by the smoker) and an additional stream (this is exhaled smoke emitted between puffs from the charred part of the cigarette).

The main flow consists of five hundred gaseous components (solid microparticles, including various toxic compounds), of which carbon monoxide and dioxide are especially harmful.

In the additional stream, the content of carbon monoxide (5 times), ammonia (45 times), nicotine (50 times) is greater than in the main stream.

The smoke exhaled by a smoker contains many times more toxic components than the smoke inhaled by the smoker. This indicates a special danger of passive smoking for others.

The radioactive substance polonium-210 contained in tobacco smoke lingers in the bronchi, causing tumors in the lungs. Smoking one pack of cigarettes a day, the smoker receives a dose of radiation three times higher allowable rate. The dose of ionizing radiation that a smoker receives per year (if you smoke 20 cigarettes a day) is equal to the dose received over the same period of time from 300 x-rays. It is important to know that the body receives the same amount of radioactive substances during active and passive smoking.

Studies have shown that exhaled tobacco smoke contains significantly large quantity substances harmful to health than inhaled.

Smoking process

The act of smoking is to absorb air through the smoldering tobacco. Oxygen from the inhaled air enhances the smoldering of tobacco. The resulting combustion products fill the lungs. An intense breath and a deep puff fill the entire volume of the lungs with smoke.

Smoke, as a product of tobacco smoking, is a physicochemical system that consists of air and tobacco combustion products in the form of solid particles and liquid droplets.

Tobacco smoking can be called dry distillation: when puffed, air passes through smoldering tobacco, heats up to high temperature and with various toxic substances along with the smoke enters the lungs.

Smokers mistakenly believe that cigarette filters make cigarettes harmless. Cigarette filters(pressed, specially treated paper) absorb only 20% of the toxic substances contained in the smoke. The vast majority of toxic components enter the lungs.

The effect of smoking on the body

Hot smoke destroys tooth enamel(microscopic cracks form on the enamel, where pathogenic microbes settle). The teeth are covered with tar, darken and split.

The high temperature of the smoke causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasopharynx (capillary vessels expand, the mucous membranes of the palate and gums are irritated). Salivary glands begin to intensively secrete saliva, which is spat or swallowed along with ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Thus suffers gastrointestinal tract a smoker (appetite is lost, pains appear in the stomach area, and at the same time diseases - gastritis, ulcers, cancer).

Next, tobacco smoke rushes to respiratory tract, causing irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. Long-term smoking causes Chronical bronchitis accompanied by cough in the morning and expectoration of dirty brown sputum.

Smoking hinders the exchange process carbon dioxide(delivered by blood from tissues to the lungs) to oxygen from the air during breathing. Lung capacity and bronchial patency decreases, leading to spasms. Radioactive substances and resins that are part of tobacco smoke lead to the formation of tumors.

Smoking damages the brain and central nervous system.

Nicotine and nicotine addiction

Nicotine - narcotic substance, to which addiction gradually develops: "nicotine addiction."

Nicotine causes the following disorders:

  • Metabolic disease.
  • Excitation of the respiratory and vasomotor centers.
  • exhaustion nerve cells and development of functional nervous disorders.
  • Raise blood pressure.
  • Increase in heart rate.

All this leads to uneconomical work of the heart, and therefore to wear and tear of its muscles. Nicotine addiction manifests itself in headache, dizziness, memory loss, weakening of attention, insomnia, palpitations.

Scientists conducted a study of the effect of smoking on human performance mental labor(pilot) and found that after 3 cigarettes he smoked, there were serious changes:

  • decline visual perception information from devices - by 25%;
  • decrease in the speed of motor reaction - by 20%;
  • a noticeable decrease in the perception of red and green colors;
  • slow adaptation in the dark.

"Light" cigarettes

There are no "light" cigarettes. Smokers think that "light cigarettes" are safer because they contain less nicotine and tar. "Light cigarettes" are highly addictive. To quench thirst and provide the necessary concentration of nicotine in the blood, a smoker needs more of these cigarettes.

The names "light cigarettes" or "soft cigarettes" themselves do not correspond to reality, as they differ extremely high content pitches.

The toxic substances of "light cigarettes" enter the body unevenly, depending on how cigarettes are smoked. With intensive and rapid smoking, four times more tar enters the body than with slow smoking.

Why is smoking dangerous during pregnancy?

Tobacco smoke products cause disturbances in the genetic information of the egg. Their mutagenic effect affects the fetus throughout pregnancy. With one puff, the fetal heart rate accelerates from 130 to 185 beats per minute. The same effect of nicotine on a child occurs with passive smoking.

In a pregnant woman who smokes, the fetus lags behind in development from a lack of nutrients and oxygen. Does a woman who smokes have the right to be called a mother when rewarding her child terrible diseases and trials, threatening him with death?

Consequences of smoking:

  • Defects in the development of the placenta.
  • Violations in the development of the fetus.
  • Small birth weight.
  • Spontaneous miscarriage.
  • premature birth.
  • Sudden infant death.

A child born to a smoking mother is poisoned by nicotine and other poisons with breast milk. Tobacco poison easily penetrates into the blood of babies through the lungs and skin. From the first days of his life, he lags behind in height and weight, suffers from sleep and appetite disorders. In children of smoking parents, there is a lag in mental and physical development. They are prone to many diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, diabetes, allergic diseases ...

Medical studies have shown that children exposed to tobacco smoke in the womb or after birth show behavioral abnormalities (, irritability ...)

Smoking and its effect on the body

Smoking addiction explained conditioned reflex, which is fixed in the smoker's mind with each smoked cigarette. Nicotine and other elements that are part of tobacco smoke are absorbed into the blood and carried by it throughout the body. Already after 2-3 minutes, nicotine penetrates the brain, providing active action on his cells. The smoker feels a surge of energy and vivacity, which soon disappears. it physiological phenomenon due to the fact that after the expansion of blood vessels comes their narrowing. The desire to feel habitual excitation causes the smoker to smoke a new cigarette.

Why do you need to break a bad habit?

After quitting smoking, the quality of life will change, which will manifest itself in an improvement in the sense of smell, in restoring the sensitivity of taste buds, in the disappearance of bad breath, bitterness in the mouth, profuse salivation, in the disappearance of the yellowness of the teeth, in the growth of working capacity; in improving your own health... The most important thing is that your family members will stop suffering from passive smoking.

Tips for those who decide to quit smoking:

  • Remember that quitting smoking can only be difficult on the first day and the first week! (If you smoked 30 cigarettes a day, then every day of the first week of quitting smoking you will be haunted by the desire to smoke the same number of times.)
  • If you have an unbearable desire to smoke, try to distract yourself simple exercise: Relax and close your eyes, inhale slowly and exhale slowly (counting to 5). Repeat this exercise 10 times and feel relief.
  • Do not forget to eat vegetables and fruits (apples, carrots, oranges, tangerines…). Citrus fruit, chewing gum, sugar-free lollipops, juices are good at reducing cravings for a cigarette.
  • Do not take alcohol and high-calorie foods.
  • Don't do things that annoy you (limit your viewing of violent TV shows).
  • Take walks in nature, enjoy communication with nature!
  • Do what you love (hobby)!
  • Distract yourself from the thought of smoking, avoid those where smokes.
  • Remember: one puff is enough to revive the habit again! Think about the benefits of quitting smoking. You always have a choice: you can show weakness and give up, or you can be strong and win.
  • Health - main value person. Be sure of the correctness of your decision!

See you soon!

A passive smoker is a person who does not smoke cigarettes but who does inhale tobacco smoke. Many experts believe that this is much more dangerous. Active smokers exhale the harmful elements that are in the cigarette. A person who does not smoke inhales them, poisoning own organism. If there is an active smoker in the house, all household members suffer.

Smoker in the house - a risk to others

Passive smoke inhalation - dangerous occupation. Most people are not even aware of how negatively this affects their health. Inhalation of toxic smoke harms unborn children, affects the condition of the child and everyone around.

If the expectant mother lives with an active smoker and constantly inhales all the negative elements, this can affect the course of pregnancy. In such cases, the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth increases dramatically. Saved high probability premature birth and sudden infant death. This is due to the weakness of the body, which is difficult to endure the attack of harmful components from the smoke.

Children at any age suffer. The child is most vulnerable to active components found in a cigarette. If the baby systematically inhales smoke during the first 18 months, there is a high probability of developing diseases associated with respiratory system. The child can be plagued by shortness of breath, bronchitis and even pneumonia. Therefore, if parents believe that there is nothing wrong with inhaling smoke, you should familiarize yourself with this information.

Passive smokers, especially children, are prone to colds with complications. They often have a cough with sputum and shortness of breath. Possible development meningococcal infection which results in disability or death.

People who do not smoke, but live with a person who is addicted to this addiction, often suffer from diseases of cardio-vascular system. In their blood, the level of antioxidants decreases, atherosclerosis may develop. Finally, the risk of lung cancer remains.

Summing up, it is necessary to highlight the following facts:

  • passive smoking is dangerous;
  • it causes a lot of complications in the children's body;
  • affects the baby in the womb;
  • leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • affects the respiratory system.

There is ample evidence that this type of smoking increases the risk of stroke, throat, nose and breast cancer.

Why passive smoking is more harmful than active smoking

Secondhand smoking is much more dangerous than primary or conventional. Research on this issue continues to this day, but experts are inclined to believe that such an effect on the body is much more harmful. Many scientists, including those abroad, are concerned about this problem. After all, the trend of smoking is increasing, but at the same time innocent people around suffer.

When a smoker finishes smoking a cigarette, the intake of harmful components into his body stops. In this case, all components remain in the air for some time. That's why negative impact tobacco smoke spreads to others. The decay products of cigarettes get on the hair, are absorbed into clothes, furniture and other items. You don't have to worry if a person has fallen under the negative once. But if there is an active smoker in the house, all pieces of furniture are saturated with harmful poisons. This affects the health of all people living in the apartment.

Passive smokers suffer more due to the inability of the body. A smoker is accustomed to his addiction. His body is fine with it. people leading healthy lifestyle life, the smoke threatens a serious danger. It contains about 4,000 thousand different harmful components. They are thrown into the air, so smokers endanger all the inhabitants of the planet. About 69 substances out of 4000 are carcinogens.

How not to become a hostage to passive smoking

Inhaling or not inhaling smoke is up to each individual. However, in some cases avoid negative impact just impossible. The most radical method is quitting smoking, but few people are ready to take this serious step. 'Cause it's strong bad habit which is difficult to get rid of.

How to behave in everyday life? If there is a person in the house who likes to smoke, it is necessary to secure this habit for others. It is recommended to install additional ventilation in the smoking area.

The air flow will remove all the smoke from the apartment, but at the same time it will enter the air on the street.

This will negatively affect the condition of people outside this apartment.

What to do in the office? According to the law, people are not allowed to smoke in public places, but everyone gets around this ban. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate to the authorities that it is worth creating a special place for smoking. This will protect the life and health of colleagues at work. At the same time, it is necessary to ventilate the premises more often, carry out wet cleaning and shake off dust from objects. Similar action must be repeated in the conditions of a residential apartment.

Passive limitation child smoking. It is recommended to prohibit family members from smoking in the apartment and next to the child. You can not approach the baby for 10 minutes after smoking. Wet cleaning should be carried out more often, using soap solutions. The apartment must be aired about 4 times a day at any time of the year.

“Passive smoking” is a term that refers to the involuntary inhalation of air with tobacco smoke dissolved in it by people surrounding people who are taking a puff on a cigarette. This phenomenon is most noticeable in enclosed spaces. That is why more and more ban measures are being taken.

What is the danger of passive smoking for the human body? Why is it as harmful as it is active? What are the consequences for a person of a systematic presence in the company of smokers?

Mechanism of passive smoking

Smoking produces three types of smoke:

  • primary, directly coming from a smoldering cigarette, not purified by anything and the most harmful;
  • passing through a cigarette, cleaned by a filter and entering the lungs of a smoker;
  • secondary smoke exhaled by a smoker and partially cleared by his lungs.

Passive smoking involves the involuntary inhalation of Types 1 and 3 smoke. The difference between them can be seen even with the naked eye. Secondary smoke is less dense, has more pale color. However, this does not mean that it is safer for the body. A study by the World Health Organization showed that the smoke inhaled by a passive smoker contains a complete set of carcinogens: there are more than 4000 different chemical compounds in it, including CO and CO 2, ammonia, phenol, cyanides. In the lungs of an active smoker, only part of the tar and nicotine settles.

Additional studies by tobacco companies have shown that the concentration of some of the compounds in second-hand smoke even increases. To this is added primary smoke, with which the human body receives ten times more harmful substances than with the one that has passed through the filters.

In this way, passive smoking is even more harmful than active smoking. Everyone should know about this. Despite the fact that active and passive smokers breathe the same air, the former does not get back the smoke that has left his lungs; the second "enjoys" the full range of tobacco combustion products.

The effect of smoke on the body of a passive smoker

Passive smoking and its impact on health became a concern in the early 1970s. tobacco companies with all their might they sowed doubts about the danger of smoke to others; however, it is pointless to argue with this today. Many studies have shown that passive smoking is fraught with the acquisition of:

  • asthma;
  • various types of cancer - a 70% increase in the risk of developing breast cancer in women who have not reached menopause, the appearance of tumors in the lungs, kidneys, and brain is possible;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • weakening of the function of the cardiovascular system;
  • disorders of the nervous system, including higher nervous activity- the risk of developing dementia in people over 50 years of age increases.

The harmful effect on the body accumulates - the more time a person spends in smoky rooms, the more likely the manifestation of certain diseases. If health is already weakened, for example, by diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the constant presence of smoking people nearby becomes a death sentence. According to statistics in the US:

  • passive smoking kills more than 50 thousand people a year;
  • deaths associated with active smoking, about 10 times more;
  • however, involuntary smoke inhalation was the third most preventable factor in fatalities.

There are also changes in the appearance of passive smokers. Smoke is absorbed into the skin, aging it, leading to the formation of wrinkles, discoloration. Damaged nails and hair. The smoke permeates the clothes.

Due to the lack of adaptation of the passive smoker's body to smoke, one of the most common effects is headache. Inhaled poisons cause constriction blood vessels which is the cause of this syndrome. The constant presence in a smoky environment leads to a deterioration in mood, insomnia, overwork.

Impact on the female body

A woman's body is less resistant to harmful compounds found in tobacco smoke. Suffering in particular reproductive system- eggs, which, unlike male germ cells, do not renew themselves, accumulate some of the carcinogens. This can lead to infertility or inability to conceive. healthy child. A passive smoker runs the risk of giving birth to a baby with a developmental delay and a number of genetic abnormalities, even if she stays away from cigarettes directly during pregnancy.

Exposure to smoke in children

The danger of passive smoking is even higher when it affects a child - children's body unable to resist harmful effects as active as an adult. Inhalation of tobacco smoke by a baby leads to:

  • developmental delay, reduced learning ability;
  • asthma, lung infections, complications of bronchitis;
  • blood cancer;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • otolaryngological diseases, including inflammation of the middle ear;
  • allergies;
  • deterioration of the condition of the teeth - the risk of developing caries increases;
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - causeless respiratory arrest in a newborn.

Problems can appear immediately childhood, but they can accumulate and result in serious trouble in the future. The impact is noticeable even if parents or caregivers do not smoke directly in front of the child. The atmosphere in the house is inevitably impregnated with combustion products, which will lead to at least hypersensitivity baby to colds. It is believed that the children of smoking parents get sick on average twice as often as non-smokers.

It is worth noting the psychological impact. A child who constantly observes the addiction of moms and dads to cigarettes, with much more likely want to adopt this behavior in the future.

Consequences of passive smoking during pregnancy

Many smoking women believe that it is enough for them to stop smoking a cigarette during the period of bearing a child, and everything will be in order. However, passive inhalation of smoke causes the body future mother and no less harm to the fetus. Therefore, not only the expectant mother should give up cigarettes, but also the rest of the household. It is better to do this a year before pregnancy.

Passive smokers are at increased risk for the following complications:

  • miscarriage;
  • prematurity, premature birth;
  • stillbirth;
  • placental abruption;
  • profuse bleeding during childbirth.

Chemical compounds are able to penetrate into the body of the fetus and have a teratogenic effect. The likelihood that a child will be born with developmental anomalies and mutations increases. In addition, sudden death of the newborn is possible. In general, the more time a pregnant woman spends in the company of smokers, the less healthy kid will come to light.

The nicotine that enters the blood of the child to be born leads to the fact that the baby is born with an existing addiction. It has been observed that children of smoking parents in maternity hospitals cry more than non-smokers.

In this way, bad habit harms not only the smoker himself, but also the people around him. A single inhalation of someone else's smoke will not lead to the development of diseases. Regular passive smoking becomes no less harmful than active smoking.

Expert opinion

Unfortunately, many smokers, just like non-smokers, underestimate the dangers of passive smoking. According to various sources, the proportion of people directly and indirectly affected by smoking reaches 30%.

Smokers claim "their right" to smoke, while any addiction excludes the right to choose. Unfortunately, the closest people suffer most from passive smoking, and especially children, who not only breathe poisonous smoke, but observe and “absorb” bad habits like sponges.

Not everyone knows about the dangers of passive smoking. Many believe that if they do not hold a smoking cigarette in their hands, but are only next to a smoking person, then nothing threatens their health. Alas, it is not. It is scientifically proven that health is passive smoking person albeit to a lesser extent, but still suffers. It's all your fault harmful substances that he inhales with cigarette smoke.

Both the one who smokes and the one who is nearby should know that with passive smoking, 60% of all toxins and poisons that are part of cigarette smoke enter the human body.

What you need to know about passive smoking

There is no point in reassuring yourself that passive smoking is not harmful. The facts say otherwise.

  • With secondhand smoke, you inhale some of the smoke that hasn't passed through the filter.
  • Passive smoking, like active smoking, leads to lung cancer and other diseases. serious illnesses respiratory tract.
  • Not a single, even the most powerful ventilation system, is able to fully clean the air in the room from cigarette smoke. All the same, you will become a "hostage" of smoking people.
  • Tobacco smoke has a particularly negative effect on children, causing great harm to their fragile organisms.
  • The smoke from cigarettes firmly eats into the objects around you - clothes, fabrics, curtains, wallpaper, upholstered furniture and carpets. Harmful substances constantly enter your body, as the smoke remains on them for a long time.

Harm of passive smoking for adults

Passive smokers, just like active smokers, are susceptible to various diseases although they don't realize it. However, it is.

  • Since almost the entire periodic table is contained in the inhaled smoke, the passive smoker risks the health of his lungs. Since the substances in the smoke are carcinogens, the likelihood of developing bronchial or lung cancer is high.
  • Women may face pathologies such as cervical cancer, cancer Bladder. This unpleasant information is confirmed by sad statistics.
  • Passive smoking leads to cardiovascular disease. Cigarette smoke increases the level of cholesterol in the blood and leads to atherosclerosis, active formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. An increase in blood pressure against the background of passive smoking contributes to the weakening of the heart muscle, the development hypertension, and hence the threat of stroke and heart attack. From circulatory disorders due to blockage of blood vessels by plaques, all tissues and organs inside the body suffer.
  • There is a high probability of developing pathologies from the lungs. it bronchial asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia. If there are active smokers in the family, and they smoke at home, then the condition of patients suffering from the diseases mentioned above is constantly deteriorating.
  • Passive smoking greatly affects the liver and lungs.
  • Carbon monoxide causes great harm to the health of a passive smoker. This substance interacts with blood hemoglobin, preventing normal blood circulation. In this case, carboxyhemoglobin is formed in the blood. The limit of its content in human blood is 4%. Increasing the concentration to 16% can provoke sudden death in cardiovascular patients, and up to 70% in completely healthy people.
  • All harmful substances negatively affect the central nervous system of a passive smoker. Blood counts also worsen, the composition of urine changes.

Harm of passive smoking for children

Children are particularly affected by passive smoking. And parents are sometimes unaware that they predetermine the fate of their child, depriving him of health already in early childhood.

Little children inhaling cigarette smoke are subject to the phenomenon of sudden infant death. Statistics confirm that the mortality rate of children of parents who smoke at home is higher than that of non-smokers. Always confirmed at autopsy increased content nicotine in the blood of a deceased child. Moreover, in a concentration incompatible with life due to the small age. Children of smoking parents are always at risk.

  • Passive smokers are more susceptible to infectious diseases. This also applies to otitis media. Cigarette smoke contributes to the accumulation of exudate in the middle ear, which leads to complicated inflammation. If timely treatment is not carried out, the child may lose his hearing.
  • Also, cigarette smoke adversely affects the growth of the child. Children are underweight, develop poorly, often get sick.
  • In smoking parents, children of the first year are especially susceptible to bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory and viral infections. Risk similar diseases increases by 21%.
  • Do passively smoking children disturbances of work of TsNS are observed. They sleep poorly, become restless, excitable. They are pursued by constant laryngitis, difficulty in breathing may develop.

The hard facts prove that smoking will kill half of those who started smoking passively as children and continued actively into adulthood. In order not to replenish such a terrible statistic, stop smoking. So you will save not only yourself, but your family, friends and people around you.

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