What causes frequent urge to urinate. Causes and treatment of frequent urination in children. Frequent and painful urination: causes.

Frequent urination- this is pathological condition, in which the excretion of urine in a person occurs more than 4 times a day.

In addition, there are frequent urges to urination. In children of the first year of life, the daily amount of pathological urination can be up to 16 times.

The variability of indicators is high, so it is difficult to optimally describe the number of pathological urination that occurs in a person per day.

Urinary excretion increases with abundant water intake. A number of food products have a diuretic effect: lingonberries, cranberries, melons, watermelons. Their use will lead to frequent urination.

Depending on the pathogenetic features, nosology can be divided into the following types:

  1. functional;
  2. Pathological.

Doctors believe that it is necessary to treat the disease in most patients when the number of urination per day exceeds 10 times. An important indicator pathological form disease is the presence additional symptoms: itching, pain, burning during urination.

In addition to problems with frequent urination, there is such a symptom as it indicates possible urinary infections. About what are the reasons painful bowel movements Bladder in men and women, read on our website.

Diet for kidney disease important step on the road to recovery. O proper nutrition with acute and chronic pyelonephritis you will learn .

Frequent urination can be triggered by muscle weakness pelvic floor. Here are examples of sets of exercises that will help strengthen the muscles of the pelvis. Consider other methods - biofeedback and physiotherapy.

Reasons for frequent urination

The causes of frequent urination are divided into categories:

  1. Transient;
  2. dystonic;
  3. urgent;
  4. stressful;
  5. Mixed.

In practice, most urologist patients have 3 forms of the disease: urgent (14%), stressful (50%), combined (32%). Other species account for about 4%.

urgent form occurs with frequent reflex contraction smooth muscle urinary tract. The state is formed when neurological diseases(astheno-vegetative syndrome), muscular dystrophy(myasthenia Glanzmann), inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), pelvis, ureter. At inflammatory diseases(glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis) a person often visits the toilet due to reflex irritation of nerve receptors in the area of ​​​​inflammation of the urethral membrane.

stressful form is formed under the influence of stress. They lead to increased nerve impulses. urinary organs followed by smooth muscle contraction. The cause of pathology in children is a change in position, running, lifting weights, sneezing, laughing, coughing. The condition results in increased pressure on the bladder.

mixed view characterized by the presence of a stress and muscle component. Pathology accompanies many kidney disease: nephrolithiasis, nephroptosis, glomerulonephritis.

Why does frequent urination occur?

Causing factors for frequent urination:

  • Traumatic childbirth in women;
  • hypothermia;
  • Sexual infections;
  • Connective tissue diseases;
  • Gynecological operations (hysterectomy);
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Menopause;
  • estrogen deficiency;
  • Rapid weight loss;
  • estrogen deficiency;
  • Dislocation of the uterus (myoma, dysplasia).

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the uterus is enlarged, which provides increased pressure on the bladder, which creates a feeling of its excessive fullness. To prevent pathological changes it is important not to reduce water intake to eliminate dehydration.

Multiple pregnancy leads to infringement of the bladder with subsequent frequent urination.

Pathology appears in the elderly with problems with the central nervous system.

Neurological conditions lead to a persistent contraction of the smooth muscles of the genitourinary organs with increased reflex urges.

Clinical picture of frequent urination

The clinical picture of frequent urination depends on the form of nosology:

  1. Nocturia - nocturnal urination;
  2. Pollakiuria - daytime frequent urination.

It is considered normal if a person gets up at night to go to the toilet no more than once. When the maximum daily portion of urine is excreted at night, nocturia is diagnosed.

When more than 1.8 liters of urine is excreted per day, this is polyuria. State by functional features divided into permanent and temporary forms.

Dysuria is a condition accompanied by sharp increase urinary frequency. Pathology in some patients is accompanied by the appearance of another urge every 10 minutes.

Dysuric disorders often occur in children 4-5 years old. Signs of pathology occur when the child tries to go to the toilet on his own.

"Syndrome of children's frequency" can be seen more often in boys. Pathology is not associated with organic lesions urinary organs. The reason for it is stress against the background of a change in the usual environment.

The main symptoms of frequent urination in children are:

  1. The excretion of urine is painless;
  2. The baby urinates every 20-30 minutes;
  3. When urinating, a small amount of urine is excreted;
  4. The child is afraid to drink liquid;
  5. Can go to the toilet at night.

In older people, frequent urination without pain is provoked more by organic pathology of the genitourinary organs - inflammatory, neoplastic diseases. The neurological form appears only against the background of brain diseases.

In the elderly, it is difficult to diagnose the cause of the disease, so treatment is rarely effective.

Problem Diagnosis

A urologist deals with the diagnosis of urinary problems.

The specialist knows the anatomical features of the structure and functioning of organs genitourinary system.

The diagnosis is instrumental methods research and sampling of biomaterials for analysis.

What tests to take with frequent urination:

  • Urinalysis according to Nichiporenko;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Biochemical blood test.

The basis for diagnosing the disease is keeping a diary. It records the following:

  1. Number of urges;
  2. Daily volume of urine;
  3. Urine leakage;
  4. Volume of fluid intake.

Daily volume of urine in children under 17 years of age

The document will help the urologist quickly and correctly diagnose nosology.

Excretory urography is used to assess the excretory ability of the kidneys. The method allows you to study the structure of the urinary tract. After evaluating the withdrawal time contrast medium(Urografin), administered intravenously during the study, the urinary capacity of the kidneys is evaluated.

Urological causes of pathology can be established using ultrasound scanning. Already on primary stage in the presence of an organic block in the ureter or pelvis, ultrasound helps to establish the cause of the disease.

Other x-ray methods for diagnosing frequent urination:

  1. Urethrography - examination of the urethra after contrasting;
  2. Cystography - examination of the bladder;
  3. CT scan.

The modern capabilities of large hospitals allow the use of differential diagnosis diseases of the urogenital area, a high-tech and harmless method - magnetic resonance imaging.


Treatment for frequent urination is carried out after establishing the cause of the disease. For stress, the following types of treatment are used:

  • medication;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Method feedback.

Medical treatment includes hormone replacement therapy. It helps well with pathology in women with impaired estrogen production or an imbalance between sex hormones. Clinical researches show that replacement therapy leads to certain disorders in the body:

  • Activation of blood supply;
  • Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor;
  • Increasing the trophic abilities of smooth muscles.

Pelvic floor muscle training using biofeedback is effective in 50% of patients. The procedure involves the stimulation of individual muscle fibers electric shock high frequency.

Physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of urination disorders:

  1. Electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor;
  2. UHF on the lower abdomen;
  3. Myostimulation using urethral and rectal sensors.

Drugs for the treatment of frequent urination:

  • Gutron (midodrine) 5 mg 2 times a day;
  • Distigmine bromide increases signal transmission at neuromuscular synapses;
  • Duloxetine is used for stressful urinary frequency;
  • Spasmex has an antispasmodic, antimuscarinic and local anesthetic effect (if there is frequent and painful urination );
  • Driptan (oxybutynin chloride), detrizutol (tolterodine) - muscarinic receptor antagonists;
  • Vesicar (solifenacin) is a selective M-cholinergic blocker.

Trospium chloride (Spasmex) belongs to the category of parasympatholytics. It is an antagonist of acetylcholine, blocks conduction from the side of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Alpha-blockers are used in the syndrome of imperative urination.

The most common drug from this group is omnic.

For the treatment of frequent urination, it is used at 0.4 mg after meals.

Drugs of this group prevent ischemia of the bladder due to the blockade of alpha1-adrenergic receptors.

From modern medicines to eliminate frequent urination, solifenacin should be isolated. Its effectiveness has been proven by international multicenter studies. Good tolerance and high therapeutic effect solifenacin proven by domestic medical institutions.

With various kidney disease must pass complete diagnostics for correct setting diagnosis. Modern method examination is, indications, preparation for manipulation - read this article.

About how it is done survey urography and what pathologies it helps to identify, read.

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The frequency of urination depends on anatomical structure person, his way of life, the absence or presence chronic diseases. The frequency of urges throughout life may vary. Even within a week, the number of urination may not be the same. It all depends on the triggering factors. The cause may be various pathologies, hormonal changes or the body's normal response to exercise, drinks, and food.

Problems with urination are delicate. Complaints about frequent urges are treated reluctantly. It is inconvenient to talk about it out loud, visits to the doctor are often postponed and this is a big mistake. Only when the symptoms manifest themselves in full force and the discomfort and pain becomes unbearable, women go to the doctor. Similar expectations and untimely appeal may result in health hazards. How to prevent this and rid yourself of the problems associated with private urination? Our article is about this, the goal is to help everyone who is not indifferent to their health and is ready to respond to alarm signals in time.

There are no strict norms for the frequency of urination, there are only conditional limits and average numbers. In this matter, everything is individual and depends on many factors.

The frequency of urges is influenced by the physiological characteristics of the body, age, changes in life and nutrition, drinking regimen, emotional condition, metabolic rate. Variant of the norm 7-10 times a day. If the figures are higher, this should alert.

When it comes to frequent urination, it primarily refers to exceeding a certain comfort threshold. Symptoms are always noticeable, a woman understands that a failure has occurred and the body reacts to malfunctions. This process is becoming more frequent, goes beyond the usual limits and causes anxiety. You should not wait for it to go away on its own and hope that frequent urges are caused large quantity drunk liquid. Everyday recurring symptoms signal violations in the body. The situation requires medical attention.

Causes of frequent urination in women

It is very difficult to figure out the reasons on your own. There are too many of them and which one acts as the main provocateur can be found out only after a thorough examination and compilation clinical picture. This is the business of specialists, thanks to accurate diagnosis and necessary analyzes, the provoking factors that caused the problem are identified.

Among the reasons, there are several groups:

Physiological causes

Physiological reasons include:

    Diets that involve the consumption of large amounts of diuretic foods and fluids.

    Hypothermia. The body adapts to temperature discomfort. The reaction is manifested in frequent urges.

    Increased anxiety, stress. These states cause oxygen starvation in the cells, and this is one of the causes of problems with urination.

    Pregnancy. During this period, the uterus enlarges and presses on the bladder.

Pathologies and disorders of the urinary system

The leading place in this group of reasons is occupied by infectious diseases urinary tract. Consider the most common female pathologies and violations:

    Cystitis. A woman is constantly haunted by the feeling that she has not been freed from urine. To this trouble is added one more -. For the treatment of the disease resort to physiotherapy and phytopreparations.

    Pyelonephritis. Frequent urination and lingering aching pain- symptoms. With an exacerbation, weakness, chills, nausea, and sharp pain are observed. Pyelonephritis is treated for a long time. Painkillers, antispasmodics, antibiotic therapy are prescribed.

    Urethritis. Another disease, accompanied by frequent urination, burning and. At the same time, a woman can feel good, the problem reminds of itself only when visiting the toilet. If you consult a doctor for late stages diseases, getting rid of it will be much more difficult. Treatment is with antibiotics and prebiotics.

    Urolithiasis disease. Urges occur frequently and unexpectedly. This can happen at any time, especially when increasing physical activity. Any urge can provoke active movements. During treatment, diet is required. Appointed medical preparations. Perhaps surgical or physiotherapy treatment.

    An overactive bladder. With this pathology, frequent urges provoke pathological excitability, an increase in the activity of nerve signals. Treatment is aimed at regulating this process.

    Weakening muscle tissue and bladder walls. The amount of urine excreted is insignificant, the urge is always unexpected. In the treatment, special preparations are used and physical exercises strengthening the muscular walls of the bladder.

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Frequent urination as a secondary sign of pathological abnormalities of the body

Violating the usual rhythm of life, frequent urination deprives women of peace and comfort. The period of calm should last 1-2 days, if the symptoms have not disappeared, it's time to see a doctor. Self-treatment and waiting tactics will not lead to good. Unpleasant symptom may disappear, but the disease remains.

Let's highlight the most common female violations when increased urination is only secondary feature pathological processes:

    Gynecological diseases. Frequent urination in many cases accompanies. Formed, increasing and growing, presses on the bladder. The disease develops slowly, this is its danger. A woman who does not visit a gynecologist may not be aware of serious violations in the body. Used in treatment hormonal preparations, and possibly surgical intervention. Weak ligamentous apparatus can cause uterine prolapse. In this case, tissues, pelvic organs, including the bladder, are displaced. treated with hormones, surgery, exercise therapy.

    Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Frequent urination causes problems with blood vessels and heart failure. The process is aggravated at night. Active activity during the day can lead to. They descend at night and express themselves in frequent urination. Therapeutic measures are etiological in nature, they must compensate.

    Diseases of the endocrine system. Frequent urination is one of known symptoms diabetes and diabetes insipidus. In the first case, the treatment uses agents that normalize the level, as well as insulin therapy and a dietary diet. With regard to such rare disease like diabetes insipidus, everything is more serious here. Treatment can be lifelong, most often hormonal drugs are prescribed. In diabetes insipidus, the hypothalamic-pituitary system is disturbed. In addition to frequent urges, the volume of urine increases significantly. It can reach 4-5 liters per day. At the same time, the woman noticeably loses weight, thirst and dryness of the skin appear.

    At the first suspicion of a violation, go to the doctor and tell about the symptoms. The sooner this is done, the greater the chance of maintaining health.

    Author of the article: Lapikova Valentina Vladimirovna, gynecologist, specially for the site site

Frequent urination is a problem faced by both women and men. They talk about such a problem when a person goes to the toilet more than 8-10 times a day. In this case, emptying the bladder can be both painful and painless, depending on the disease that caused this symptomatology.

Clinical picture

It should be remembered that the frequency of emptying the bladder depends on the amount of fluid consumed by a person, and with an increase in the amount of water drunk, it can increase up to 15 times a day. This condition is not pathological and does not require treatment.

If the amount of liquid drunk does not exceed the norm (that is, the amount that a person consumes constantly), and the frequency has increased, one should think about the possibility of a pathological process in the body.

That is, the disorder can be both functional and pathological.

An important criterion pathological disorder is the presence of other symptoms, namely:

  • itching and burning in the urinary canal;
  • cutting;
  • feeling of an incompletely empty bladder.
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discharge from the urethra;
  • fever, weakness, etc.

Causes of the symptom in women

Usually, complaints about such a symptom as frequent urination in women are associated with inflammatory processes in the bladder. (so called this disease) is a common pathology that is rare in men, but which women often encounter due to the structural features of the female urinary canal.

With this pathology, there is a burning sensation, a desire to empty the bladder immediately after urination, sexual dysfunctions, pain in the lower abdomen and not expressed.

Also often this symptom is characteristic of women during pregnancy. In particular, frequent urination during pregnancy is due to high blood pressure on the bladder, due to which its volume decreases. This condition is physiological, therefore, it does not require treatment, the doctor can only advise the woman to drink liquid in small portions so as not to cause overflow of the bladder.

If there is frequent urination in women, the reasons may be age-related changes and hormonal disorders in the body. If we talk about age-related changes, then there is a weakening of muscle elasticity. urinary system, due to which the tone of the bladder decreases and the woman feels the desire to urinate several times more often than before. In addition, a decrease in tone can occur for other reasons - due to childbirth, with diseases female organs(for example, at ).

If we talk about hormonal disorders, then they also cause such a symptom as frequent urination in women without pain. In particular, this may indicate a beginning. Therefore, if this symptom is present, as well as other symptoms characteristic of this pathology, you should consult a doctor.

Diseases and infections can also cause given symptom. In particular, when there is an increase in body temperature, a change in the color and smell of urine, and even the appearance of blood impurities in it, pain in the lower abdomen, burning and cramps during urine output. also causes an increase in the amount of urine released, but, in addition, there will be symptoms such as:

  • hyperthermia;
  • painless frequent urination;
  • drawing pains in the lower back;
  • colic (the most characteristic symptom).

There are other reasons for frequent urination in women, and they are in diseases of the internal organs. For example, such a symptom can be observed with, as well as with neurological disorders work of the pelvic muscles.

Increased acidity of urine can also cause an increase in the number of urges, while the release of urine will be accompanied by a burning sensation in the urethra. Therefore, when such a symptom appears, a thorough examination of the patient is required - a general and detailed urinalysis is required, and other studies are carried out taking into account the symptoms.

Causes of the symptom in men

In men, the causes of frequent urination are completely different and are associated with the structural features of their genitourinary system.

Frequent urination in men in most cases is a sign of a malfunction. prostate. With (inflammation of the prostate gland) and (tumor of the gland), such a syndrome as frequent urination is necessarily present, and the release of urine is painful, accompanied by pain and burning in the urethra.

Men over the age of 50 are more susceptible to this pathology, but sometimes the disease also affects young men, especially those who are promiscuous.

Another common cause of such a symptom as frequent urination in men is the presence of genital infections. These are infections such as:

It should be remembered that in the case of infections, urinary tract, and frequent urination is combined with other symptoms (the presence of secretions, an unpleasant odor, burning and itching, etc.).

Occasionally, men also develop cystitis, but it is usually bacterial in nature when one or another infection enters the bladder.

Atrophic colpitis is an inflammatory-dystrophic change in the tissues of the vaginal membrane. Most often, such deformities are associated with the physiological onset of menopause, but the disease can also be diagnosed in females of childbearing age.

Atrophic vaginitis is a disease of the female reproductive system, which is characterized by the occurrence of dryness in the vagina, due to thinning of tissues, decreased lubrication, a decrease in estrogen levels and the preparation of the female body for aging. Such changes can be natural, caused by the cessation of menstruation, or formed against the background of artificial factors - for example, during treatment with chemotherapy.

Femoral hernia is a sac-like formation, which is characterized by the exit of intestinal loops and omentum beyond abdominal cavity. In this case, internal organs“fall out” into a neoplasm, which externally manifests itself in the form of a tumor in the region of the femoral triangle.

Pain syndrome- an uncomfortable feeling that every person has felt at least once in a lifetime. Such an unpleasant process is accompanied by almost all diseases, therefore this syndrome has many varieties, each of which is characterized by its own causes, symptoms, their intensity, duration and methods of treatment.

Parkinson's disease, also referred to as tremor palsy, is a progressive, progressive condition motor functions and a number of disorders. Parkinson's disease, the symptoms of which gradually worsen over time, develops due to the death in the brain of the corresponding nerve cells, responsible for controlling the movements made. The disease is subject to certain adjustments in symptoms, can last for many years and is incurable.

Vegetovascular dystonia(VSD) is a disease that involves the entire body in the pathological process. Most often bad influence from the autonomic nervous system peripheral nerves, as well as the cardiovascular system. The disease needs to be treated without fail, since in the running form it will give severe consequences to all organs. In addition, medical care will help the patient get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease. AT international classification diseases ICD-10 VVD has the code G24.

Inflammation of the uterus is a pathology that is formed due to the ingress of pathogens into the organ cavity. Quite often, inflammation affects and the fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Therefore, in medicine, these diseases are combined into one group. inflammatory diseases pelvic organs." Doctors in this group of diseases include pathological processes inflammatory nature in the uterus and appendages, pelvic peritoneum and adipose tissue of the small pelvis.

Inflammation of the prostate is a disease that is characteristic only for males and is characterized by inflammatory process in prostate. The disease occurs between the ages of twenty and fifty, but the main risk group is men over thirty.

It is not customary to talk about how often you want to go to the toilet, since such an action is purely personal and individual for each person. When such a process occurs more often than usual, then, probably, everyone normal person begins to think about possible health problems. Many men and women are currently experiencing increased urge to urinate, although the weaker sex is much more concerned about this problem.

It has been proven that frequent urination is accompanied by many diseases of the urinary system, and they, in turn, require prompt and proper treatment. If such a problem is painful and occurs in women, then this most likely indicates a disease.

What to do when urination is carried out without pain? What is the reason, and what measures should be taken in such a situation? In this article, we will get acquainted with the answers to these tricky questions.

Body features

It is known that the kidneys are responsible for the process of creating urine in the human body, while for the process of urination in the body, it is precisely the peripheral and central system. The rate of urination in the average person is three to seven times a day. If a person visits the toilet more than 10 times in 24 hours, then it is already worth thinking about your health, even if there is no pain.

Excessive urination during the day in urology is called polyuria, if more than 3 liters of urine are excreted per day. Frequent nighttime urination is called nocturia if you have to get up during the night to go to the toilet more than once.

There are many reasons why women experience excessive urination. The fact is that the reasons may be in physiological features female body, or have pathological origin, this is due to the fact that many diseases of the genitourinary system of non-infectious or infectious origin characterized by frequent urination.

Based on the foregoing, it should be understood that frequent trips in the bathroom in women they talk only about symptoms that indicate to pay attention to lifestyle and their own health.

Physiological causes of excessive urination

Frequent urination in women without pain causes explained natural causes, in other words, it manifests itself against the background of certain factors that do not affect human health.

Physicians recognize many physiological reasons that provoke frequent urge to urinate:

  • stress, nerve strain and prolonged depressions are very often the cause of the problem in question;
  • the use of various drugs with a diuretic effect. It has been proven that while taking such drugs, the removal of fluid from the body increases;
  • excessive consumption of coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages;
  • to violations salt metabolism leads malnutrition which irritates the bladder fatty food, salty and spicy foods, spices);
  • hypothermia of the body, especially often it is observed when the feet are cold;
  • age changes. The urge to urinate is more common in women climatic period, in comparison with reproductive age. This is due to hormonal changes in female body;
  • period of menstruation in women. During this period, there is usually excess excretion fluids from the female body.

Due to frequent trips to the toilet, women experience great discomfort, both physical and psychological nature. Frequent, painless urination is generally not a threat to women's health, although if trips to the toilet become more frequent over time, disturb at night, besides, there is an admixture of blood in the urine, then it is necessary to visit a doctor. These features do not guarantee serious illness, but better disease to warn than to treat it at the last stage.

Pathological causes of excessive urination in the female

In women, the genitourinary system is characterized high sensitivity to a variety of pathogenic organisms. After they enter the body, they begin to develop various diseases. Most diseases of the urinary system, including diseases of the kidneys and pelvic organs, are characterized by frequent urination, although other symptoms are also observed.

Miscellaneous discharge, pain when emptying the bladder, and worsening general condition observed by doctors in such diseases.

Urolithiasis disease

The presence of stones in the bladder or ureter is the cause of a sharp urge to urinate. They increase during walking and under various loads. For such a disease, the feeling of a full bladder is characteristic, both during and after urination. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen is often observed.


This disease is considered quite common and is accompanied by frequent trips to the toilet. In addition, cystitis is characterized by burning and cutting pain during urination and sensations of a full bladder. More serious cases characterized by urinary incontinence. Doctors with cystitis also note pain in the lower abdomen, which occurs both at night and during the day.

Congenital pathologies of the walls in the bladder

This pathology is characterized by sudden and fairly frequent urges.

Cardiovascular diseases

If excessive urination occurs at night, then this is often due to diseases of the vessels and heart. In addition to nocturia, there may be edema that occurs after the use of diuretics and further withdrawal of fluid from the female body.

Chronic pyelonephritis

In addition to the frequent desire to empty their bladder, many women feel dull pain in the lower back, and their body temperature rises to 39 degrees Celsius. During an exacerbation, the patient is treated with antibacterial drugs.


In the case when the cause of such a problem is a pathological nature, then the treatment is carried out after an accurate diagnosis under the supervision of a doctor.

Frequent urination during pregnancy

As you know, pregnancy refers to a period when all women experience increased urge to urinate. Such a phenomenon is not considered a pathology, but is physiological and normal process and does not affect the fetus in any way.

In the female body in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, hormonal changes are observed, the amount of gonadotropin (chorionic) increases, which often provokes the urge to visit the toilet. Already in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the uterus begins to grow and puts pressure on the bladder. One of the main reasons for frequent visits to the toilet is also considered intensive work kidneys in pregnant women.

Already in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, frequent urination almost does not bother. An exception may be exclusively diseases of the urinary system.

In the 3rd trimester, going to the toilet again becomes more frequent, because the uterus, as in the 1st trimester, presses on the bladder. The kidneys during this period work much faster than usual, in connection with which there is often a desire to empty the bladder.

It must be remembered that increased urge to urinate can be observed at the most various diseases the genitourinary system, in connection with which it is necessary not to delay the visit to the doctor, especially if, in addition to such a problem, there is burning, pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

A woman during pregnancy is fully responsible for the health of the unborn child, which is why the presence of disorders in the body or suspicions about this must be agreed with an experienced doctor.

In what situations and when should you see a doctor

Frequent urination during the day or at night is a symptom that indicates that it is time to change your usual lifestyle. If, in addition, other symptoms occur, then it is imperative to visit a urologist.

The main indications for going to the doctor are the following:

  1. burning and pain during urination;
  2. pain in the lower abdomen;
  3. general weakness in the body;
  4. urinary retention or incontinence;
  5. discharge (bloody) from the genitals;
  6. lack of appetite.

If you have the symptoms listed above and you often want to visit the toilet, then you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. After the examination, the results of the examinations and the collected anamnesis, he will be able to diagnose the patient and prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

It is important to understand that untimely treatment can lead to progression of the disease, which may become chronic in the future and affect negatively reproductive system, or lead to severe consequences for all health.

How to treat frequent urination?

In the case when excessive urination in women has become regular and there are suspicions of its pathological nature, then you must definitely go to the doctor, who, at the end of the examination, must find the cause and prescribe the appropriate solution to the problem.

First of all, a woman should be alerted by frequent trips to the toilet at night and pain different nature during emptying of the bladder.

When the cause of frequent urination is an illness, the treatment will usually depend on the diagnosis made by the doctor. For example, if frequent trips to the toilet are observed against the background of various infectious diseases that caused pathogenic harmful bacteria, then the doctor must prescribe antibiotic therapy for the patient.

If frequent urges to visit the toilet appear against the background of violations in the functionality of the kidneys or as a result of diseases (gynecological), then in this case the doctor prescribes symptomatic therapy, its action is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. In some cases, this problem may be caused by hormonal disorder. In such a situation, after the examination, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs to the patient.

The important fact is that hormonal medications may in some cases cause great harm human body, in connection with which the doctor must prescribe treatment individually for each patient, so as not to harm his health even more.

When there is frequent urination in women without pain, but no pathology is found after complete examination, then the reason may be in the way of life of a woman. The doctor in such cases should give the patient useful advice on the drinking regimen, nutrition, tell how to avoid the factors that provoke the problem under consideration.

If a woman suffers from frequent urination due to a physiological nature, then she is recommended to adhere to the following elementary rules:

  • during urination, it is necessary to tilt the torso forward, which will help empty the bladder completely;
  • limit in evening time fluid intake;
  • doctors recommend going to the toilet on demand;
  • remove from the diet foods that cause thirst (smoked, salty, spicy dishes);
  • limit the use of liquids that have a diuretic effect (rosehip broth, green tea, coffee).

Even painless frequent urination, which bothers long time, should not be ignored. There is no need to neglect your health, because only a timely visit to the doctor will help you find out the real causes of the problem and prescribe effective therapy.

The health of every woman is the most important component of any nation, while the symptoms that arise against the background various violations, the doctor should do it.

Frequent urination in women is not always a cause for alarm.

First, the frequency of emptying the bladder is strictly individual. Secondly, increased urges can be caused by a change in diet and other reasons.In this case, frequent urination usually lasts less than 2 days and is not accompanied by any other painful symptoms.

Seeing a doctor is necessary if a woman feels severe discomfort, while noting pain, a change in the amount of urine excreted, and a violation of the rhythm of life.

Causes of frequent urge to urinate in women

Causes of frequent urination in women

The conditional norm is urination up to 10 times a day (1-2 times per night). However, increased urge is not a pathology if a woman:

  • uses a large number of liquids and coffee (has a pronounced diuretic effect), took alcohol the day before;
  • takes diuretics;
  • trying to lose weight with the help of special fees (often contain diuretic herbs);
  • is going through hormonal changes during menopause;
  • is in old age (after 60 years, 2/3 of urine is excreted at night, which is associated with the physiological aging of the body);
  • survived stressful situation("bear" disease);
  • was in the cold (hypothermia causes spasm of the smooth muscles of the bladder).

In these situations, women have frequent urge to urinate without pain, self-eliminating after exclusion. causative factor(cancellation of diuretics, normalization drinking regime etc.).

Possible diseases, symptoms

If frequent urination is observed for more than 3 days and is accompanied by discomfort, a number of diseases should be excluded.

Pathology of the urinary tract

Every third representative of the fair sex notes frequent urination caused by inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.

Urethritis is an inflammatory process in urethra considered in most cases female disease. The short and wide urethra is the entrance gate for infections.

This factor is aggravated by improper hygiene. In this case, the woman notes a burning sensation in the perineum, the release of mucus from the urethra.

Cystitis is a common disease characterized by inflammation of the bladder mucosa. Frequent urge to urinate with pain in women is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen (pulling, cutting).

AT advanced cases urine changes are detected: blood, cloudy color due to the appearance of protein and an increase in leukocytes.

Pyelonephritis - the development of inflammation in the kidneys - is accompanied by hyperthermia up to 39-40ºC, signs of intoxication (weakness, nausea) and back pain, sometimes radiating to the leg. In the urine, pus and blood elements are detected. Chronization of the process is accompanied by hypertension.

Urolithiasis disease gives characteristic symptoms: urination suddenly stops, although there is a feeling of fullness of the bladder.

Pain extends to suprapubic region and perineum, aggravated by movement (shaking in a car, walking) and during urination.

Muscular weakness of the bladder provokes frequent urges that require immediate urination. The condition resembles the period of pregnancy, however, the amount of urine excreted is sharply reduced (the norm is 150-250 ml).

Progression of muscle weakness leads to urinary incontinence.

The opposite state, giving similar symptoms, - muscle hyperactivity - due to the excitability of the nervous system.

The proximity of the location of the genital organs causes a violation of the function of urination in gynecological diseases.

Uterine fibroids - a tumor that has reached large sizes, compresses the bladder and provokes frequent painless urge to urinate. Associated symptoms: crashes menstrual cycle, pain in the lower abdomen, uterine bleeding.

Accompanied by frequent urination heavy menstruation, pain and spotting from the vagina.

Venereal diseases- many of them (mycoplasmosis,) are often asymptomatic. Others (,) give vivid symptoms: severe pain during urination, itching in the perineum, unpleasantly smelling vaginal discharge (white, purulent, brownish).

Genital herpes (the appearance of sharply painful blisters on the genitals) is also accompanied by frequent urination.

Diseases of other organs and systems

Often, frequent urination is provoked by the following pathological conditions:

  • anemia - occurs muscle weakness Bladder;
  • / - the daily volume of urine increases to 3-5 liters, urine with bad smell, the patient notes thirst, itching in the perineum, dry mouth, weakness and weight loss;
  • cardiovascular pathology - is the cause of the accumulation of fluid in the body of a woman during the day and frequent urge to urinate at night.

Frequent urge to go to the toilet is not a pathology for a pregnant woman, although this condition causes some discomfort, especially when you are in crowded places.

In the first trimester, frequent urination both day and night is due to physiological restructuring hormonal background, in the last trimester - pressure on the bladder of an enlarged uterus and fetal movements.

Less frequent urination looks more suspicious during pregnancy, this condition can negatively affect the development of the fetus.


A mandatory study with frequent urination is a urinalysis. In this case, leukocytes (a sign of an inflammatory process), erythrocytes (in case of damage to the kidneys and bladder mucosa), bacteria / fungi, protein, salts can be detected.

The scope of subsequent diagnostics depends on the recorded symptoms in a woman and may include:

  • advanced urinalysis (sowing, Nechiporenko test, Amburge analysis, etc.);
  • cystoscopy ( endoscopic examination Bladder);
  • gynecological examination and (exclusion of venereal infections);
  • Ultrasound examination of the bladder, kidneys, genital organs;
  • a blood test for sugar, a study of the hormonal background (if myoma is detected);
  • ECG (if heart disease is suspected).

The main goal of the treatment program is to eliminate the causative disease:

Antibiotic therapy- Mandatory in case of inflammation. The choice of the drug, its dosage and duration of use are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the identified pathogen.

For cystitis / pyelonephritis, usually prescribed antibacterial medicines(tablets, injections) a wide range(Amoxicillin) renal antibiotics(Palin), herbal preparations(Phytolysin). The best drug when sowing coli in the urine - Fosfomycin.

Diabetic conditions treated by an endocrinologist using hormonal drugs and hypoglycemic drugs.

Uterine prolapse/myoma, stones in urinary system often require surgical intervention. Surgeons have extensive experience in laser surgery, endoscopic techniques for the restoration of women's health.

Diet - it is desirable to exclude foods that irritate the urinary tract (spices, alcohol, carbonated drinks) from the diet.

Physical exercises - special gymnastics helps to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and prevents the development of urinary incontinence.

Phytotherapy - the most effective medicinal raw material with frequent urination is the herb yarrow (has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps even with senile urinary incontinence).

However, it is worth remembering that any medicinal plant has contraindications, and treatment should be long (at least 2 weeks, with repeated courses).

Physiotherapy - UHF, electrophoresis, mud give good effect with an ongoing inflammatory process.

Recommendations for women with urinary disorders

Limit fluid intake, especially before bed.

Proper hygiene: replace taking a bath with a shower, wash from front to back (excluding the drift of E. coli), follow the recommendations for using tampons and pads during menstruation.

Warming the bladder at home with an already developed infection does not give the desired result.

Painful urge to urinate, accompanied by other symptoms and lasting more than 2-3 days, requires a medical consultation.

Health - main value women. Listen to the signals of your body, do not neglect qualified medical care and be healthy!

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