Pain in the lower abdomen at the pubic bone. Pain in the suprapubic region

A common reason for going to the doctor is aching pain, localized above the pubic bone. Predominantly women come who later are diagnosed with gynecological diseases. Men also experience groin syndrome. The symptom is caused by the development of pathologies or the consequence of injuries.

Possible causes of pain in men and women

Unpleasant, and sometimes unbearable symptoms, are justified by irritation of nerve receptors due to damage or disease. The explanation for the malaise is dysfunction of the internal organs.

You can determine the cause of discomfort by the place of its localization:

  • In the region of the navel. The transverse colon passes here, so the syndrome appears due to violations gastrointestinal tract. Pathologies that cause pain: colitis, polyposis, dysbacteriosis, Crohn's disease, cancer, hernia, as well as obstruction and deformation of the intestinal tubes.
  • In the groin. In this area are the inguinal canals, the ureter and spermatic cord in men, the ovaries and uterine ligament in women. Pain in the very bottom of the abdomen right above the pubic bone indicates pathologies: urethritis, urolithiasis, funiculitis, adnexitis, cyst, neoplasms or tumors.
  • In the middle between the navel and groin. In women, it is characterized by damage to the bladder or uterus: cervical erosion, endometriosis, adnexitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, cyst. In men, this area contains the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and the prostate gland. Therefore, the signs may indicate prostate adenoma, prostatitis, inflammation of the genital organs.
  • Above the pubis on the sides. On the left is the appendix, on the right a little higher - the kidneys. Symptoms may indicate appendicitis, polycystic disease, colitis, salpingitis, swelling, inflammation, or kidney failure.

Pelvic organs in women

The disease state is sometimes explained by trauma or physiological changes:

  • Manifestations of spasmodic syndrome are caused by fractures, bruises, organ damage due to an accident or direct impact.
  • In women, the lower abdomen often hurts, directly on the suprapubic bone, when carrying a child in 2-3 trimesters. The condition is caused by changes in the skeleton: the divergence of bone elements due to the growth of the fetus.
  • In the early stages of an ectopic pregnancy, severe, sharp pain worries. The symptom is caused by a deformation of the fallopian tube, to which the egg is attached. At 8–10 weeks, the canal breaks.
  • In women during menstruation, there is often a pulling discomfort in the pubic region - a tubercle located in the lower abdomen, where the pubic joint is located. The spasm from the groin radiates to the back, due to the expansion of the uterine canal.
  • In old age, women experience pain during menopause and menopause. This is caused by hormonal changes, decreased stamina, calcium deficiency. The body is also rebuilt in girls in adolescence, so spasms occur.

Pain is a useful symptom that serves as a signal to the body for help. To identify pathology, it is important not only to determine the location of the spasm, but also the nature of the manifestations.

Pain symptoms

Pain in the groin area, above the pubis or near the navel indicates pathologies of the pelvic organs. Manifestations can be expressed by localized spasms or give to the lumbar, abdomen, leg. In addition to the pain syndrome, which is aggravated by pressure and movement, concomitant manifestations of diseases appear.

Signs of pathologies in women

Often, the symptoms of malaise in women are caused by infectious or inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.

To avoid complications, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and describe the characteristic manifestations.

The main gynecological diseases that cause pain in the pubic area:

Cervical erosion
  • burning, painful urination;
  • discomfort, dryness during intercourse;
  • discharge with brown patches, sometimes profuse leucorrhoea.
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • can pull during defecation, menstruation, sexual intercourse.
Ovarian cyst
  • soreness in abdominal cavity;
  • feeling of heaviness, bursting;
  • an increase in the abdomen, caused by the accumulation of fluid;
  • intestinal disorders are possible.
  • cycle failures, sweating;
  • mucopurulent discharge;
  • acute abdominal cramps, lower back;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • in the chronic form of pathology, intoxication of the body is observed.

The severity of symptoms depends on the stage of the disease. With the development of the violation, the manifestations are weak, some signs are absent. Relapses are accompanied by acute pain, with infections, the temperature rises.

Signs of pathologies in men

Pain over the pubic bone in the groin in men is caused by the causes of urological dysfunctions. Manifestations are provoked by inflammation, an increase in the size of the genital organs or a neoplasm.

Common pathologies that cause pain syndrome:

  • sluggish jet flow;
  • frequent, painful bowel movements;
  • spasms in the lumbar, groin, genitals;
  • potency and erection disorders;
  • possible mucous discharge.
  • acute pain in the groin area;
  • intermittent flow of urine;
  • weak pressure and slow speed when urinating;
  • increased tension, delay in emptying the bladder;
  • frequent urination, incontinence.
Inflammation of the seminal vesicles or vesiculitis
  • discomfort in the pelvic area;
  • pain during ejaculation;
  • spontaneous ejaculation;
  • blotches of blood streaks in semen;
  • burning during urination, pain during bowel movements;
  • headaches and fever are possible.

Unpleasant sensations are often localized on one side, which indicates the defeat of a particular organ, its right or left side. At an early stage, the pathology is mild, rarely asymptomatic.

Signs of gastrointestinal diseases

Digestive disorders occur in both men and women.

If, in addition to painful tingling, discomfort and spasms, dyspeptic disorders appear, dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract occur in the body.

Abdominal cramps may be accompanied by the following pathologies:

Colitis of the intestine
  • pain during movement, exercise, eating;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • flatulence, bloating, heaviness;
  • false urge to go to the toilet;
  • mucus or blood impurities in the stool;
  • general weakness of the body.
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • increased gas formation;
  • sour smell of feces, discoloration;
  • nausea, belching, poor appetite;
  • unstable stool, diarrhea;
  • dry skin.
Umbilical hernia
  • colicky pains;
  • strongly protruding navel;
  • when pressed, the emptiness of the abdominal cavity is felt;
  • possible intoxication of the body and dyspeptic disorders.
irritable bowel syndrome
  • unstable stool, alternating diarrhea and diarrhea;
  • spasms before bowel movements;
  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • mucous discharge from the anus.
  • constant spasm in the right side;
  • soreness is reflected in the epigastric, lumbar region;
  • loose stools, frequent urination;
  • nausea, reflex vomiting;
  • malaise, weakness.

Even with mild manifestations of the disease, you should immediately go to the hospital. It is better to prevent a possible violation or to detect a pathology at an early stage than to treat a complication surgically.

Which doctor to contact

To make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. The choice of a specialist depends on the symptoms and nature of the pain in the suprapubic region.

Who to visit:

  • They turn to a traumatologist if the syndrome causes difficulty in movement, inability to unbend, “duck gait”.
  • After accidents and serious damage to the integrity of bones and tissues, they turn to the surgeon.
  • With symptoms caused by pregnancy, childbirth, physiological changes in women, an examination by a gynecologist is needed.
  • Men with suspected inflammatory diseases and pathologies genitourinary system need to see a urologist.

In any case, the doctor, after a preliminary diagnosis, if necessary, will give a referral to another specialist, as well as prescribe studies and tests.

Establishing diagnosis

At the appointment, the doctor examines the location of the pain, determines the violations by pressing on the disturbing area. Feels and visually checks the likelihood of an increase in any organ due to inflammation. The patient's task is to accurately reproduce recent events. It is also important to correctly describe the symptoms. What kind of pain, tingling, aching or cutting, where they give it.

After examination and questioning, the doctor sends for additional studies to clarify the diagnosis:

  • blood tests, urine tests, if necessary, feces;
  • MRI or computed tomography;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system;
  • scraping or smear analysis;
  • x-ray.

Additional hardware examinations may be prescribed, depending on the type of pathology. After studying the results, the doctor makes a diagnosis, prescribes medication, home care, and rehabilitation procedures. Most often, therapy is performed in a conservative way. However, in chronic forms of diseases or life-threatening complications, surgical intervention will be required.

Pain over the pubic area is a symptom that should not be ignored. It is recommended to analyze the possible causes of discomfort in order to eliminate them. The best prevention of the syndrome will be a balanced diet, hygiene, control of physical activity, and the elimination of stressful situations.

Pubic bone this is one of the three bones that form the pelvic bone when fused. steam room; two pubic bones, forming the pubic articulation, form the anterior wall of the pelvis. Consists of a body and two branches. The branches and body of the pubic bone form an obturator opening, closed locking membrane.

The pubic bone in women with a regular physique has the form of a roller approximately the thickness of the thumb, which is curved and forms pubic elevation. This bone hangs in a kind of arch over the entrance to the vagina, fused at the edges with the bones of the pelvis, and does not present an obstacle during intercourse.

The pubic bone is one of the components pelvic bone. It is a steam room and, connecting with a cartilaginous disk, the bones form a symphysis (pubic articulation). Pain in the pubic bone is often caused by ongoing pathological processes in the articulation, and not in the soft tissues.

Causes of pain in the pubic bone

If during pregnancy, especially in the second half, you have sharp pains in the pubis, it becomes difficult to walk up the stairs, turn from side to side on the bed and get up from the sofa, and the gait has changed and become like a duck, this may be symphysite.

This disease is associated with softening of the joints of the pelvis and stretching of the pubic joint (which is also called the symphysis - it is an inactive joint and connects the pubic bones) under the influence of the hormone relaxin. The process of softening the interosseous joints is natural, it helps the child to pass more easily through the bone pelvis during childbirth.

But in the case when the pubic joint swells, greatly stretches, becomes mobile, and the frontal bones, accordingly, diverge excessively, pain appears and a diagnosis of "symphysitis" is made. The reasons why this disease occurs are not fully understood. Some scientists are inclined to the version of a lack of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman, some associate the disease with increased relaxin concentration. Perhaps symphysitis is caused by the individual structural features of the woman's body, hereditary characteristics, or her pre-pregnancy problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Women begin to complain of pain in the pelvic bones after childbirth due to symphysiolysis. The syndrome consists of symphysiolysis proper, rupture of the symphysis, and pain in the pelvic bones. Symphysiolysis is characterized by separation between the two pubic bones and instability.

Acute rupture of the symphysis is very painful, and in this case, rest and a pelvic bandage are necessary. Pain in the pelvic bones is characterized soreness of the symphysis and sacroiliac joints. Complaints usually recur after the next pregnancy.

Fractures of the pubic bone usually occur with a direct blow to the pubic bone or with compression of the pelvis. More often they are not accompanied by a significant shift. Patients complain of pain in the pubic bone, aggravated by movement of the legs or probing.

In the supine position, the patient cannot raise the straight leg. This symptom is called the sticky heel symptom. Fractures of the pubic bone may be accompanied by bruising of the bladder. Then there are urinary disorders, pain when urinating.

In some women, the pubis has the shape of a flat saber-shaped bar 3-4 fingers wide, almost half covering the lumen of the vaginal vestibule. With this form of the pubic bone, its lower edge becomes an obstacle, causing sharp pain when trying to insert the male penis into the vagina.

It is especially strongly felt when the penis presses on the periosteum and presses the urethra against the sharp edge of the pubic bone. Pain when pressing on the periosteum is very painful and is repeated, as a rule, with each attempt to resume sexual intercourse. All this contributes to the consolidation of the protective conditioned reflex and the woman's negative attitude towards sexual life. For pain in the pubic bone, you should contact a gynecologist and traumatologist.


The treatment of this pain in the pubic region necessarily includes special gymnastic exercises focused on the muscles of the abdomen and pelvic floor. For example, to perform one of the exercises, you need to get down on all fours and, keeping your back straight, take a breath. Exhaling, the muscles of the pelvic floor should be compressed and not unclenched for 5-10 seconds. Breathing should not be held back, nor should you move your back. At the end of the exercise, the pelvic muscles must be slowly relaxed. This and similar exercises strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvis.

Patients are also prescribed manual therapy, which gently affects the muscles of the pelvis, hips and back. Water is also effective. physical exercises. For pain in the pubic region, treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist. In some cases, he will prescribe the following ways to get rid of pain:

    Acupuncture. This procedure allows you to get rid of pain in the pubic bone, not only women, but also men. The procedure is almost painless, but very effective. The only thing to consider when agreeing to acupuncture is to trust your body only to a doctor who has received special training in this field of treatment;

    Osteopathic consultation, chiropractic. These doctors are able to cope with pains of this nature, so their consultation will be extremely useful;

    Wearing a prenatal bandage. This method of treatment concerns pregnant women suffering from pain in the pubic bone;

    Percutaneous drainage. It is indicated for purulent symphysitis;

    Local injections of glucocorticoids, NVPS - with osteoperiostitis;

    Taking medications containing calcium.

Many pregnant women notice a relief in their condition after such an exercise as "lotus" or "butterfly". Pregnant women should avoid strong physical exertion, go to bed more often with legs stretched out, but also do not forget about movement - despite the presence of pain, it is simply necessary for pregnant women to move.

If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately contact specialist(traumatologist; surgeon; urologist; gynecologist), since pain in the pubic bone cannot appear without a reason.

Pain in the pubic area often becomes a reason for contacting medical specialists. Unpleasant painful sensations can occur as a result of an injury or developmental anomaly, against the background of infectious, oncological diseases, and for a number of other reasons.

Pain above the pubis

Pain in the pubic area may indicate inflammation in the genitourinary system. In men, such pain often accompanies prostatitis, in women - cystitis.

In women, pain above the pubis often signals a malfunction in the gynecological field. Such formidable diseases as adnexitis, endometritis, endometriosis are characterized by pulling and aching pains in the center of the suprapubic zone. As a rule, the pain is intermittent, occurs periodically, and can radiate to the groin. At the same time, the general well-being of patients worsens - they feel unwell, weak, sometimes they shiver.

Unilateral pain often accompanies tumors in the ovaries or bladder. Immediately, the pain can be weak, over time, without proper examination and treatment, it becomes unbearable and is accompanied by discharge.

Severe pain in the pubic area after sexual intercourse may result from a rupture of a neoplasm or cyst. The woman may bleed, develop weakness, hypotension, and fever.

If a woman is pregnant, then sharp, intensifying pain above the pubis and bleeding that has appeared are harbingers of a miscarriage. An ectopic pregnancy is also accompanied by severe pain in this area. The pain may be aching or cramping, the woman feels severe weakness, dizziness, discharge appears.

Pain at the bottom of the pubis

Pain at the bottom of the pubis during intercourse can occur with a congenital pathology of the pubic bone: it is too elongated and presses on the urethra. With such an anomaly, a normal sexual life becomes impossible.

Pain in the pubis during pregnancy

Normally, pregnant women may have moderate pain in the womb area - under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the process of softening of the pelvic bones occurs. With excessive softening of the bones of the pubic joint, they speak of a developing disease - symphysitis. A woman experiences discomfort during descent-ascent or a change in body position, but after the birth of a child, everything returns to normal.

In pathological childbirth, a divergence of the pubic bones or even a rupture of the articulation can occur - symphysiolysis. The woman suffers from sharp pain sensations, she needs rest and rigid bandage fixation.

If there is pain in the pubic area, it is urgent to contact a medical institution. You will need a consultation with a gynecologist, urologist, surgeon and traumatologist. Doctors will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe treatment.

Pain in the pubic area can be the result of the following common diseases:

  • Inflammatory and adhesive processes in the pelvic area.
  • According to gynecology: inflammation of the ovaries, tubes, uterus.
  • Urology: prostatitis, orchitis, cystitis, etc.

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Why does a woman's lower abdomen hurt, what could be the reasons? We need not only work, communication, pleasure, but also good health.

After all, this is the key to a successful life (because a healthy person is a strong, hardy person), and to a good mood (when you are smiling and friendly, people are drawn to you).

Often we are faced with discomfort - pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity.. Especially often women get acquainted with her. It's a terrible pain. Every woman has known that her stomach will not hurt just like that, but only when something is wrong.

Painful sensations cannot be tolerated and it is very unpleasant. Therefore, you need to immediately begin to be treated, otherwise there will be problems.

Do not delay the visit to the doctor if it hurts not for the first time, and not like it hurt before. The gynecologist will determine whether this is somehow related to menstruation or pregnancy.

First, find out the causes of such pain. They are organic and functional. The most important reasons include:

  • Diseases of the genital organs.
  • Insertion of a spiral into the uterus to avoid pregnancy.
  • Acute pathology of the urinary, gallbladder.
  • In connection with the termination of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, with the threat of miscarriage.
  • Irregular menstruation: bleeding or painful periods.
  • Pain associated with ovulation.
  • Stagnation of blood when menstruation is bad.
  • Pain after intercourse.

What is important to pay attention to

First you need to examine yourself. Recognize the exact location of the pain. To better understand where it hurts, put your hand on the wall of the abdomen and very gently press with your fingers, trying to push deep.

Remember where this pressure caused you the most pain. To do this, you need to lie on your back, because the muscles relax and it is easier to press on the stomach.

Reveal the nature of the pain. It can be very sharp, or pulling; like a dagger cutting, or as if constricting, aching, swelling.

Take a close look at what accompanies the discomfort. Perhaps it gets worse when you move, or when you cough, walk, bend, bend over, sigh.

There may also be a state of nausea, fever, or stools. These are very important factors for making a diagnosis.

Try to remember how this pain began to appear and develop. She could appear unexpectedly, after stressful situations, heavy workload or severe cold. Remember how long ago the first pain attack occurred.

What was it like at first: light, and gradually increasing, sudden? Did the pain increase later, and how did it happen, very quickly or over time? Has the pain changed its location? All this is important to note for yourself.

1) Very often the cause is the menstrual cycle. It happens both in the middle of menstruation and during ovulation. These pains may appear along with spotting.

After menstruation, discomfort appears through increased blood circulation in the uterus near the cyst, which increases after the cycle.

2) Not the most pleasant sign may be the threat of a miscarriage. Symptoms in this case will be pain similar to uterine spasms, which are characteristic of contractions. There is also increased bleeding from the vagina dark- Brown color or within a week spotting branches.

The pains are also mild, but at the same time pulling. Often, this kind of pain complains after intercourse. They are unbearably aching, which leads to moral dissatisfaction from the process of intercourse.

3) During pregnancy, pain is possible with rupture of the uterus, untimely detachment of the placenta, premature birth or miscarriage. Such conditions are very unsafe.

Pregnant women need special attention. When they even have a little stomach ache and this all accompanies blood deposits, they need perfect rest, silence and sleep.

4)With an ectopic pregnancy the egg cannot reach the uterus through the narrowed tubes. At the same time, all other signs of pregnancy are present.

After 2-3 weeks, such a pregnancy is violated. After that, on the right or left in the lower abdomen, a sharp pain is felt. Pain, localized in the lower abdomen, increases moderately, and is a harbinger of a state of nausea.

5)Pain also occurs when feeding a newborn in the first days. When the nipples are irritated, oxytocin is released into the blood.

This hormone stimulates the uterus and also makes it contract. Such pain subsides over time and disappears altogether.

6) If a woman is infertile, pain may also occur. They have an expression in the form of liquid white discharge in the pelvic area.

Scientists call this process endometritis when endometrial-like cells spread outside the uterus. Pain begins before the cycle and increases after it. The course of menstruation is completely disrupted.

7) - painful urination, is also the cause of pain. After urination, there may be severe sharp cutting pains along with bloody discharge.

There are no such symptoms - these are diseases with the intestines, etc. When the bladder and kidneys become inflamed, the temperature rises, there is a problem with urination and poor urine tests.

8) Don't forget that oncological diseases affect abdominal pain.

9) Often, the reasons are abortions. After them, women begin to experience pain with contractions of varying duration and heavy bleeding. Also, pain occurs a second time after the fetus has not been completely removed. Symptoms are: pain, bleeding, fever.

10) When pains in the lower abdomen are accompanied on the right side, especially sharply coming and going - this is most likely appendicitis.

If the pain is severe, then there may be internal bleeding. In addition, there may be an unwillingness to eat and nausea, vomiting, bad stools, and fever. In the case when the sensations are periodic, the disease passes into the chronic phase.

11) Intestinal acute obstruction may show signs such as strong contractions, constipation, bloating and vomiting.

You can determine the type of disease by looking at the nature of the symptoms.

1)Cholecystitis. If the pain is in the right hypochondrium, they will give to the right lower back, shoulder, under the shoulder blade, half of the right chest. A sharp character and, as it were, squeezing - this is about them.

There is bitterness in the mouth, bilious vomiting, after which it becomes easier and the temperature rises. This is due to the fact that a strong shaking in vehicles was experienced or a person abused spicy and fatty foods. Check for gallstones.

2) Pain around the abdomen - acute pancreatitis. They happen after the abuse of alcohol, spicy or fatty foods has happened.

They give to the lower back and are accompanied by dry mouth, bad taste, repeated vomiting, after which it only gets worse and the pressure rises. If you do not urgently consult a doctor, you will suffer from necrosis of the pancreas.

3) Pain near the navel - intestinal colic. They appear suddenly, intensified, sharp and with contractions. A person has visible weakness and freezes him.

This happens as a result of eating foods that are rich in fiber - strong coffee, chocolate, and overeating.

4) Pain on one side in the center of the abdomen. There are so strong that it is impossible to lie down and not moan at the same time. They are felt in the perineum and lower back. In this case, a person has repeated urination.

These symptoms appear due to the large consumption of mineral water or watermelon. A kidney stone may pass. Treat it with a heating pad or a hot bath with painkillers.

5) Pain on the right side of the abdomen. They pass into the area under the pit of the stomach, then over time they become stronger. They are able to give into the rectum, intensify in the process of walking.

6) When pain is all over the abdomen- peritonitis may occur, with a possible fatal outcome. It hurts non-stop and is accompanied by nausea, weakness, fever, dryness throughout the oral region.

7) Pain above the pubis on both sides or in the middle. May feel drawn and come on intermittently. Give to the perineum or sides of the abdomen. Occur as a result of hypothermia, the use of acute, great stress.

8) Above the pubis on the left or right side. Occur abruptly, suddenly and strongly manifest. Give in the anus and lead to dizziness or weakness, even fainting is possible.

Most often occur after sexual contact or after 7-14 days with a delay in menstruation. Call 911 because these symptoms show you have a ruptured ovarian cyst.

9) If the pain appeared under the spoon, in the center from above- may appear. Not always, but prickly, sharp, cutting pain, can radiate to the chest area. The stomach seems to be distended.

Nerves can also be the cause, because there is a constant release of hydrochloric acids in the stomach.

10)Pain in the right rear at the level of the belt - renal colic. Accompanied by cutting pain, and gives to the lower abdomen and the side of the genitals. Such pain is like a wave - it accelerates and hurts a lot, then it subsides. The reason is our desire to lose weight.

When a woman who has not given birth yet has excess thinness, then the kidneys descend. Through this, the body lacks abdominal fat, which helps the organs to always be in their places.

In case of pain, first of all lie down on the bed for 20-30 minutes. If the pain has not subsided, then it is serious, and there may be a chronic disease. In any case, do not make sudden movements.

Do useful exercises for the stomach: inhale and exhale, lying on the left side and slightly pressing your knees to your stomach, holding it with your hand.

Girls who are on a zinc diet never know about the painful premenstrual period at all. These are products that contain all the vitamins needed by the body: fish, cabbage, vegetables and fruits, cereals without additives.

Even too cold or hot food can lead to such pain. If the body is used to a certain regimen, gradually move to another, but never do it abruptly.

At a sedentary job, you definitely need to do physical discharges every hour so that there is no stagnation in the blood.

Do not be nervous about trifles - at the same time, our brain also reacts badly to the state of all health. Remember that eternal well-being and health depends on nutrition and a wise approach to difficult situations.

Never make long-term conclusions, and if you don’t understand anything about treatment, consult a doctor. Self-medication can also worsen the situation. One disease may resemble another. Each of them needs individual treatment.

Appreciate your health, because everything that happens to us depends not on a neighbor or a passer-by, but only on us!

Pubis in human anatomy, a soft tissue formation presented in both sexes, located exactly above the external genitalia, respectively, the projection of the pubic fusion and protruding above the surrounding area due to the developed subcutaneous base (fat layer). At the top, the pubis is separated from the abdomen by a pubic groove, from the hips hip grooves.

During puberty the pubis is usually covered to a greater or lesser extent by pubic hair, which may extend to the labia majora (in women), the scrotum (in men), and the lower abdomen (usually in men).

In women, this area above the vulva is often called the tubercle of Venus. It contains nerve endings, so touch and/or pressure can cause sexual arousal.

Pain in the pubic area with diseases

During the period pregnancy, especially in the last trimesters, acute pain in the pubic area can signal a disease such as symphysite. Please note that if it becomes difficult for you to walk up the stairs, turn from side to side on the bed and get up from the sofa, and the gait has changed and has become like a duck, this may be the first manifestation of symphysitis.

This disease is associated with softening of the joints of the pelvis and stretching of the pubic joint (which is also called symphysis, it is an inactive joint and connects the pubic bones) under the influence of the hormone relaxin. The process of softening the interosseous joints is natural, it helps the child to pass more easily through the bone pelvis during childbirth.

But in the case when the pubic joint swells, greatly stretches, becomes mobile, and the frontal bones, accordingly, diverge excessively, pain appears and a diagnosis of "symphysitis" is made. The reasons why this disease occurs are not fully understood. Some doctors are inclined to the version of shortage calcium in the body of a pregnant woman, some associate the disease with an increased concentration of relaxin. Perhaps symphysitis is caused by the individual structural features of the woman's body, hereditary characteristics, or her pre-pregnant problems with musculoskeletal system.

Fractures of the pubic bone usually occur with a direct blow to the pubic area or with compression of the pelvis. More often they are not accompanied by a significant shift. Patients complain of pain in the pubic bone, aggravated by movement of the legs or probing. In the supine position, the patient cannot raise the straight leg. This symptom is called the sticky heel symptom. Fractures of the pubic bone may be accompanied by bladder contusions. Then there are violations of urination, pain during urination.

Pain in the pubic area in women

Many women begin to complain of pain in the pubic area some time after childbirth. It could be symphysiolysis. The syndrome consists of symphysiolysis proper, rupture of the symphysis, and pain in the pelvic bones or symphysis. Symphysiolysis is characterized by separation between the two pubic bones and instability. An acute rupture of the symphysis is very painful, and in this case rest and relaxation are necessary. pelvic brace. Pain in the pubis is characterized by soreness of the symphysis and sacroiliac joints.

In some women, the pubis has the shape of a flat saber-shaped bar 3-4 fingers wide, almost half covering the lumen vaginal vestibule. With this form of the pubic bone, its lower edge becomes an obstacle, causing sharp pain when trying to insert the male penis into the vagina. It is especially strongly felt when the penis presses on the periosteum and presses the urethra against the sharp edge of the pubic bone. Pain when pressing on the periosteum is very painful and is repeated, as a rule, with each attempt to resume sexual intercourse. All this contributes to the consolidation of the protective conditioned reflex and the woman's negative attitude towards sexual life.

If you experience pain in the pubic area, you should seek help from a gynecologist and traumatologist. The specialist will prescribe the necessary studies to determine the true cause of pain; will prescribe treatment and recommend prevention in the future.

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