Acute colitis of the intestine. Laboratory methods of examination. Useful products in the treatment of acute colitis


Spicy - acute inflammation large intestine, most often arising as a result of dysinteria.


Acute colitis most often combined with gastritis and enteritis. Clinical picture depends on the etiology and localization of the process. Common features are: acute onset with diarrhea, fever, colicky pains localized in different parts of the colon. The most intense pains in the form of colic and pain along the colon, as well as (false urges) are observed when the process is localized in the left part of the colon. The chair is frequent, up to 20 or more times a day; at first it has a fecal fetid character, later mucus is released with an admixture of pus, scraps of the mucous membrane. The temperature reaches 38-39°, the tongue is dry and coated, there is no appetite, patients complain of headaches.

Acute colitis proceeds somewhat differently with its predominant localization in the right half of the colon. The disease begins less acutely, the pain is not so intense and is given to the lower back, to the right thigh. Stools no more than 10 times a day and without tenesmus, stools are liquid and fetid, but without visible mucus, blood, pus, since they are digested in the right side of the abdomen. The temperature is predominantly subfebrile, but there is sharp body (general weakness, headache). There is neutrophilic and accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation (ROE). The abdomen is swollen, palpation of the colon is painful. With damage to the caecum in the right iliac region painful pain is felt. A similar cord is palpable in the left iliac region with left-sided colitis.

Acute colitis lasts from several days to 2 weeks and ends with recovery or passes into chronic condition with a tendency to relapse. They can give a variety of complications - narrowing of the lumen sigmoid colon, purulent, gangrenous inflammation with perforation of the intestine, etc.

Causes of occurrence:

Acute colitis most often occurs as a consequence, less often, etc. Acute colitis as comorbidity occurs when eating food contaminated with salmonella, staphylococci, streptococci, bacteria of the Proteus group, Escherichia and paraintestinal coli, with typhoid, paratyphoid, influenza and septic conditions. Sometimes acute colitis develops after eating a rich, poorly cooked and irritating, mainly carbohydrate, food, as well as after taking a number of medicinal substances, in relation to which it is noted hypersensitivity organism. Colitis is also of a toxic nature in case of poisoning with mercury, arsenic, benzene, when toxic substances are released into the lumen of the colon.


For treatment appoint:

Treatment should be etiological. However, regardless of etiology, the following are necessary: ​​a) strict bed rest, and with dysentery, isolation of the patient; b) on the stomach - heating pads and warming compresses; c) the appointment of a complete mechanically and chemically sparing diet and drug therapy.

In the first days of the disease, the patient is given only warm tea without sugar, from the 3rd day mucous decoctions are added. After the diarrhea subsides, broth, vegetable, flour and meat mashed dishes, soups are added to the mucous decoctions. meat broth, fish broths, carrot, fruit juices. Whole fresh milk, black bread, muffins, sausages, legumes, spices, canned food, snacks, raw vegetables and fruits should be excluded from food. The diet should contain 120-150 g of protein, 60-70 g of fat and 300-400 g of carbohydrates, table salt 10 g and vitamins of groups B, C, A. Of the medications, a laxative is prescribed once. AT severe cases its fractional use is recommended for 1-2 days in the form of a 2% solution magnesium sulfate or sodium in the amount of 1 liter per day. It is mandatory to prescribe sulfa drugs - disulfan, sulgin, ftalazol, slowly absorbed from the intestine, 1 g 5-6 times a day for 5-7 days. The use of sulfa drugs is combined with the appointment of antibiotics a wide range actions - chloramphenicol (synthomycin) 0.5 g 3 times a day orally, streptomycin, biomycin, and tetracycline.

With strong tenesmus, suppositories with belladonna or antipyrine microclysters are prescribed (0.5 g per 10 ml of water after a cleansing enema). In case of dehydration of the body, physiological saline, 5% glucose solution in an amount of 500 ml is injected intravenously or subcutaneously. With a fall in cardiac activity, caffeine, cardiasol, cordiamine, etc. are prescribed subcutaneously. In amoebic colitis (amebiasis), emetine sulfate is prescribed at a dose of 0.05 g subcutaneously 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days, and after a five-day break, this treatment repeated 2-3 times.

- it's sharp inflammatory response colonic mucosa in response to exposure to infectious, toxic, pharmacological or endogenous factors. It is manifested by pains mainly in the left side of the abdomen, loose watery stools with impurities of mucus, blood and pus, high fever and symptoms of dehydration. For diagnosis, they collect complaints and anamnesis, palpation of the large intestine, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, general analysis blood, clinical and microbiological analysis feces. For the treatment of the acute form of colitis, antibacterial agents, eubiotics, antispasmodics are prescribed; therapy to combat dehydration.


K52 Other non-infectious gastroenteritis and colitis

General information


On the initial stage for the diagnosis of acute colitis, the proctologist collects complaints and anamnesis. These clinical methods allow us to suspect the cause that could cause the disease. In addition, palpation of the abdomen in the region of the large intestine is performed, in which soreness and rumbling are determined mainly in the left half, which testifies in favor of colitis.

In the diagnosis of acute colitis, instrumental and laboratory methods are used. From instrumental techniques the most informative endoscopy has, in particular, colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. During these studies revealed hyperemia and swelling of the intestinal mucosa. In the case of a severe course of the disease, during endoscopy, pus, hemorrhages, erosion, and even ulcers are visualized on the walls of the large intestine.

From laboratory methods, a general blood test, microbiological examination of feces is carried out. In acute colitis in the general blood test, there is an increase in the number of leukocytes, stab forms and an acceleration of ESR. it non-specific signs inflammation, which allow assessing the severity of the inflammatory process in the colon. In the analysis of feces (coprogram) attracts attention a large number of mucus and blood elements. The chair often has watery character. Microscopy of feces can reveal an abundance of leukocytes, which indicates the bacterial nature of the inflammation. To identify a specific pathogen, a microbiological study of feces is carried out. It allows not only to detect the pathogen, but also to determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Treatment of acute colitis

It is required to observe peace and hunger for several days. Only allowed warm drink such as tea or lemon juice. After a few days, the diet expands by adding porridge to the diet, lean meat and broths. In the next two weeks, patients are advised to refrain from spicy, fatty or fried food, as well as from vegetables and alcohol, which irritate the intestines. This diet corresponds to table number 4. If the disease was caused by eating food contaminated pathogenic microflora or toxins, wash the stomach and colon with warm soda solution in parallel with the appointment of laxatives.

In acute colitis, which is accompanied by severe paroxysmal pain in the intestines, antispasmodics are injected subcutaneously: platifillin, papaverine or atropine. Purpose narcotic analgesics Not recommended. In addition, for the treatment of acute colitis are used sulfa drugs, antesthezin and activated charcoal. From the first days, empirical antibiotic therapy is prescribed, which, after receiving the results bacteriological research feces are adjusted taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. In parallel with antibiotics, patients are prescribed eubiotics and probiotics to normalize the intestinal microflora.

In cases of severe disease, these medical measures supplement with therapy aimed at combating dehydration and collapse. For this purpose, patients with acute colitis are administered cordiamine or sodium benzoate. With the development of heart failure against the background of dehydration, cardiac glycosides are indicated. In addition, in parallel infusion therapy saline or 5% glucose in a volume of up to 2 liters per day. If a patient with acute colitis has persistent intense vomiting, then he is given metoclopramide or chlorpromazine.

Forecast and prevention

To prevent acute colitis, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, which include thorough hand washing before eating. Always wash fruits and vegetables that you eat. Prevention provides heat treatment meat and fish, as well as boiling water. In addition, it is recommended preventive actions aimed at combating viral infections that can cause acute colitis.

Colitis is an inflammatory lesion of the colon of infectious, toxic, autoimmune or other established etiology. The main signs of the disease are pain and impaired digestion, motility and secretion, most patients have dyspeptic symptoms. Symptoms and appropriate treatment of intestinal colitis in adults are determined by its cause and type.

Why this disease develops and what it is, we will consider in more detail in this article. We will also provide guidance on how to proper diet, which is one of milestones therapy.

What is colitis?

Intestinal colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine resulting from damage to the intestines. In most cases, its chronic form develops, as well as ulcerative colitis. unclear etiology, while the intestinal mucosa becomes prone to ulceration.

The simplest bacteria enter the mucous membrane of the colon, damaging it. The onset of the inflammatory process leads to the appearance of symptoms. The wall of the large intestine swells and contracts incorrectly. At the same time, mucus secretion begins, appear adverse symptoms. Appears:

  • pulling or spasmodic pains,
  • stool disorder,
  • tenesmus
  • general weakness of the body.

The reasons

Before treating colitis, it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence, otherwise the treatment becomes in vain: if the cause remains, the disease will remain.

There are several factors that can lead to the appearance of a disease such as intestinal colitis:

  • intestinal infection;
  • bowel dysfunction due to medicines some groups (neuroleptics, lincomycin, laxatives);
  • intestinal ischemia;
  • malnutrition (excess flour, acute, alcohol abuse);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • food allergy;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • heavy metal poisoning (arsenic, lead);
  • hereditary predisposition
  • Also, the reason may be unjustified and too frequent use enemas for treatment and cleansing, uncontrolled intake of laxatives.

Most often, the occurrence of colitis is affected by several etiological factors leading to inflammation in the large intestine, then we are talking about combined colitis.


The disease is usually classified according to several criteria. Depending on the current, there are:

  • Acute colitis - the symptoms of pathology appear sharply, strongly pronounced.
  • Chronic colitis of the intestine- the disease develops slowly, its signs are often blurred, it is difficult to differentiate them from other gastroenterological diseases. The reasons are: infectious diseases(- shigella and salmonella), exposure toxic substances, medicines and etc.

There are the following types of colitis:

ulcerative colitis of the intestine

Atrophic colitis of the intestine

Atrophic colitis is inflammatory process what happens in the large intestine, as a result of which the walls of the intestine are depleted.

The scheme of its treatment directly depends on how colitis happens. For each type and form of flow, individual methods are used.

Symptoms of colitis in adults

Intestinal colitis in adults has a lot of symptoms that are very characteristic:

  • Discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen. Such manifestations accompany intestinal colitis in 90% of cases. Exacerbation of pain is noted after therapeutic procedures, eating, and exposure to mechanical factors (shaking in transport, running, walking, etc.).
  • Constipation or diarrhea, their alternation is sometimes noted;
  • Many patients also experience flatulence, heaviness in the abdomen, bloating.
  • Tenesmus is false call to defecation, associated pain. In this case, the chair may be absent.
  • Detection in the feces of liquid, mucus, streaks of blood, in severe cases - pus.
  • Weakness of the body associated with malabsorption various substances or activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Symptoms of the disease exacerbate during exacerbations and practically disappear during the period of remission.

Painful sensations in colitis of the colon are aching or dull in nature. From time to time, the patient complains of bursting pains. In some patients, the pain may be dull, constant and "diffuse" throughout the abdomen. Then it intensifies, becomes cramping and localized in lower section abdominal cavity: on the left or above the pubis. The attack may be accompanied by the appearance of a urge to defecate or gas discharge.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon can affect both separate parts of the large intestine, and spread to all its departments. The extent of damage can vary from mild inflammation, which causes minor painful spasms and seething in the abdomen, to pronounced ulcerative changes. Colitis can be complicated by inflammation small intestines or stomach.

Stage of colitis Symptoms
Initial On the initial stage disease symptoms are not so pronounced that a person does not notice the presence of a deviation. There may be:
  • skin rashes,
  • thirst,
  • dry mouth
  • violation of the regularity of defecation.
Medium The average degree of colitis in adults is characterized by the following features:
  • an increase in body temperature (maximum up to 38.1),
  • cramping pain and general malaise.

The urge to defecate occurs 4-6 times a day, mainly at night.

heavy Leaks at high temperature(over 38.1) against the background of disorders of cardio-vascular system(tachycardia). Observed:
  • skin pallor,
  • irregular breathing,
  • pains in the abdomen are strong, cramping.

Signs of an acute form of colitis

In the acute course of the disease in adults, the following symptoms are noted:

  • excessive pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes the pain can be located in the epigastric zone;
  • flatulence and active gas formation can be observed;
  • at the time of bowel cleansing, the patient may have significant discomfort, and the urge to go to the toilet themselves can be very painful;
  • traces of blood can be seen in the feces;
  • often the patient has diarrhea;
  • The general condition of the patient is characterized increased fatigue may begin to decrease body weight;
  • in some cases, there is a lack of appetite, nausea appears after eating.

Symptoms of chronic colitis

Symptoms of the chronic form of the disease include:

  • spastic constipation;
  • false urge to defecate, accompanied by flatulence;
  • mild pain in physical activity, as a rule, they are caused by ischemic colitis;
  • aching dull cramping pain covering the entire lower part abdomen, radiating in some cases to the left hypochondrium;
  • headache and nausea.

Call your doctor if you have diarrhea with blood or mucus or if you strong pain in the abdomen, especially when combined with high fever.


Complications of colitis can be the following diseases:

  • if the infection is severe, dehydration and poisoning may occur;
  • at ulcerative lesionsacute blood loss and ;
  • with chronic colitis, there is a decrease in the quality of life ( chronic poisoning organism, as well as all kinds of its consequences);
  • chronic forms of colitis are a risk factor cancer, while signs of colitis may appear directly with tumors.


Diagnostic measures begin in the doctor's office. The examination begins with a questioning of the patient about complaints. The doctor finds out their nature, strength, duration. Determines which diseases the patient has suffered before (history taking).

To diagnose colitis, doctors look for the following symptoms:

  • unstable stool (diarrhea, constipation, change from diarrhea to constipation)
  • pains of a different nature
  • predominantly in the lower abdomen
  • eructation often occurs
  • nausea
  • bitterness in the mouth
  • general weakness
  • headache
  • decrease in working capacity
  • sleep deterioration.

The initial stage also includes an examination of the patient and a palpation method to determine the exact localization of pain. After that, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are assigned.

Laboratory examination methods:

  1. Complete blood count indicates the presence inflammatory changes in the body and anemia (increased amount, shift leukocyte formula to the left, a decrease in the number of red blood cells);
  2. A general urine test indicates dehydration of the body (increased specific gravity, protein admixture);
  3. A biochemical analysis of urine displays the degree of dehydration of the body, loss of blood electrolytes, and indicates the presence of inflammation.

Instrumental methods for the diagnosis of colitis:

  • sigmoidoscopy - an examination of a section of the intestine (up to 30 cm) is carried out, for this, through anus introduce a rectoscope - a special endoscopic apparatus;
  • irrigoscopy - examination of the intestine using an x-ray, before the procedure, the intestines are filled with a contrast agent;
  • colonoscopy - is carried out according to the same principle as sigmoidoscopy, however, a section of the intestine up to one meter long is examined.

Diagnosis in without fail the doctor should put it after lengthy examinations that reveal the state of the intestinal mucosa, the tone and elasticity of its walls.

Treatment of intestinal colitis

In case of exacerbation of chronic or acute colitis in adults, treatment should be carried out in a hospital in the proctology department, if the infectious nature of colitis is found out, then in specialized departments of infectious diseases hospitals.

Treatment involves medication and strict diet. Medical treatment Intestinal colitis in adults involves taking the following groups of drugs:

  1. "No-shpa" ( domestic analogue- "Drotaverine"). Used to relieve spasms. This drug will help numb the symptoms until the doctors tell you exactly how to treat the inflammation of the intestine.
  2. If inflammation in intestinal colitis is caused pathogenic flora, then to reduce its activity and suppress different kinds antibacterial agents. Etiological treatment when it consists in conducting anthelmintic therapy, dysbacteriosis is treated with the help of probiotics.
  3. Pathogenetic therapy consists in prescribing a plentiful drink of alkaline mineral waters. In severe cases, appoint intravenous infusions physiological saline, rheosorbilact and other saline solutions.

In the treatment of acute colitis of the intestine, a saline laxative is used once from medicines. For treatment infectious form use sulfide preparations in combination with antibiotics. Good help symptomatic drugs, Papaverine - with severe pain.

With the development chronic colitis the patient is recommended dispensary observation with regular examination by a specialist and all necessary analyzes. To prevent the recurrence of an exacerbation, the patient needs to normalize nutrition, avoid stress and heavy loads.

It is recommended to use drugs aimed at increasing immunity (aloe extract), reducing inflammation (sulfanilamide suppositories), reducing pain symptoms(spasmaton). Be sure to use vitamin therapy.

To recognize colitis, as well as to prescribe drugs and methods of treatment, you should contact a gastroenterologist or a proctologist, who will determine the optimal solution in each case.


Physiotherapy for colitis is due to the pathogenetic orientation of the impact of the corresponding physical factor and is aimed at improving the motor-evacuation and secretory functions large intestine. For this purpose, and in order to eliminate dangerous symptoms, modern treatment and prevention centers provide following methods physiotherapy:

  • ultraviolet irradiation of local exposure;
  • electrophoresis using drugs (papaverine, drotaverine);
  • paraffin applications on certain areas of the abdomen;
  • mud applications;
  • magnetic therapy.


Diet for colitis

pledge Get well soon the patient is dieting. The main goal of adjusting nutrition and following a special menu for intestinal colitis is to reduce the load on organs digestive system.

  1. A diet for intestinal colitis should consist only of permitted foods.
  2. Meals should be frequent (about 6 times a day), but small.
  3. Dishes should not be hot or cold.
  4. Boiled, mashed foods are best for eating. The consumption of calories is also limited, a day should be no more than 2000 kcal.
  5. During acute period diseases, you can eat only liquid, semi-liquid or well-mashed food, while it is better to cook the products for a couple or boil them well.

Diet for intestinal colitis has the right appoint only a doctor after confirmation of the diagnosis laboratory conditions. Even people suffering chronic form this disease It is not recommended to use it without consulting your doctor.

Allowed products for intestinal colitis:

  • crackers from white bread, biscuits, biscuit;
  • fat-free and diluted broths, soups with boiled cereals or chopped vegetables (potatoes, zucchini);
  • lean meats and poultry and dishes from them (steamed cutlets with rice, meatballs): veal, beef, rabbit, skinless chicken;
  • fish low-fat varieties, boiled or steamed, baked;
  • boiled cereals on the water (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • eggs in the form of a protein omelet or soft-boiled;
  • vegetables: potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots in the form of mashed potatoes, soufflés, casseroles or boiled;
  • baked apples, in the form of puree, peeled and red, decoctions of barberry, black currant, quince; pears, bananas;
  • butter in a small amount;
  • fat-free cottage cheese and non-acidic sour cream;
  • non-sharp and unsalted cheeses;
  • bay leaf, vanillin, cinnamon, a little dill and parsley;
  • chocolate, strong tea, coffee, diluted juices (excluding apricot, grape and plum);
  • marmalade, pastille;
  • kissels, jelly.

All dishes should be boiled, steamed or baked, but without a hard crust. In addition, food is served pureed or crushed. Thus, the intestines have time to break down products before nutrients, which are absorbed into the blood - this achieves mechanical sparing.

Foods that should not be consumed during illness:

  • salted, smoked, spicy, pickled food, any sausages and pickles;
  • vegetables and fruits without additional processing;
  • pastry and various confectionery;
  • wheat, pearl barley, as well as legumes;
  • chocolates, ice cream and all kinds of creams;
  • carbonated drinks, as well as strong tea or coffee (if constipation is present).

Sample menu for the day

Menu 1

Menu 2

  • rubbed rice porrige on the water;
  • steam omelet from two eggs;
  • rosehip broth;
  • biscuit cookies.
afternoon tea
  • skim cheese;
  • jelly.
  • chicken broth with pureed rice and egg flakes;
  • crackers;
  • buckwheat porridge (mashed);
  • boiled chicken;
  • a decoction of dried apples and pears.
afternoon tea mashed baked apple;
  • boiled cod,
  • semolina porridge on the water;
  • green tea.
Before bedtime
  • blueberry jelly.

Thus, it is necessary to strictly monitor nutrition in order to achieve a high therapeutic effect. Food should be fractional, with a minimum of fiber. It is also important to exclude coarse foods, salty, smoked, spicy dishes. All dishes should be served crushed and pureed. This is the only way to quickly forget about colitis.

Folk remedies

Elimination of chronic intestinal colitis and other types can be done with the help of folk remedies. The patient needs to consult a doctor, and not use the funds on their own.

  1. Mint will help relieve the inflammatory process. To prepare two large spoons of this herb, pour 450 ml of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. Take 2-3 tablespoons, 3-4 times a day before meals.
  2. For 500 ml of boiling water, take two tablespoons of dry grass. The mixture is infused in a glass or enamel bowl for two hours. It is better to cover the solution with a tight lid. Take strained infusion for one month. Daily dosage St. John's wort is 250 ml, while this amount is divided into three doses. St. John's wort should be drunk half an hour before meals.
  3. Decoction of chamomile and centaury. One teaspoon of centaury and a teaspoon of chamomile is poured into a glass boiled water and insists. Drink with colitis of the intestine on a tablespoon of infusion for every two hours. After 1-2 months, the dose is reduced, and the intervals between medications are increased;
  4. Pomegranate (peel). Take 20 g of dry peels or 50 g of fresh pomegranate with seeds, boil over low heat for 30 minutes in 200 ml of water. Strain thoroughly. Drink 2 tbsp. l. prepared decoction 2 times a day. Pomegranate broth - very effective remedy for the treatment of allergic colitis and enterocolitis.


For adults, following a few simple recommendations will help prevent colitis:

  • adhere to a balanced diet;
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • include more plant foods in the diet;
  • deal with constipation in a timely manner;
  • do not use antibiotics uncontrollably;
  • apply for medical care at the first symptoms of intestinal problems.

Like any other disease, intestinal colitis is quickly treatable on early stages. Take care of your health and consult a doctor in time.

One of the most common ailments today gastrointestinal tract is acute colitis. Often, the disease develops in parallel with inflammation of the intestinal mucosa or stomach. It is necessary to cure colitis in order to avoid a number of unpleasant consequences.

Acute colitis is an intestinal disease that occurs as a result of the activity of microorganisms, usually salmonella and shigella. Sometimes an ailment is a consequence of the development of a pathogenic environment in an organ or develops under the influence of a virus.

The cause of the disease can be a violation of the regime and quality of nutrition, as well as poisoning bacterial nature. Sometimes the disease is provoked by food allergies, toxins, infectious diseases.

Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa - the result of acupressure harmful factors on the membrane or dysfunction is provoked by bacteria. Such microorganisms enter the human body, and when mucus is produced, they begin to act actively and negatively.


Acute colitis can be identified by specific symptoms.

The first signs of the presence of an ailment are sharp pain in the abdomen, which acquires a "pulling" character or manifests itself in the form of spasms. In addition, a person with colitis loses interest in food, his stomach often growls, loose stools are observed, as well as general weakness and malaise.

Mucus is clearly visible in liquid stools. At severe course colitis is watery, contains a lot of mucus and blood. The frequency of urges can reach 20 times a day. The disease usually causes an increase in the patient's body temperature up to 38 °.

With a severe form of the disease general intoxication manifests itself in specific symptoms. Usually it is a "dry" language with gray coating, severe swelling abdomen, which are replaced by "retraction" due to frequent urges to a bowel movement. With the doctor's palpation of the intestine, pain and rumbling appear in some parts of the organ.


At the beginning of the diagnosis, the doctor usually asks the patient about the manifestation of the disease and takes an anamnesis. Such simple actions help to identify the cause, which became the "push" for the development of the disease. But also the doctor performs palpation of the abdomen in the intestinal area. If pain and rumbling appear in the left half of the organ, then, most likely, acute colitis occurs.

For diagnosis, methods of instrumental and laboratory type are used. most effective instrumental diagnostics is endoscopy. As a result of such an examination, hyperemia and swelling of the intestinal mucosa can be detected. In a severe form of the disease, as a result of endoscopy, pus, blood, erosion, and even ulcers can be found on the walls of the organ.

The most common and frequently used laboratory method is the complete blood count and fecal analysis. The intestine can “stab” if a large number of leukocytes are found in the blood and the ESR is accelerated. All these are signs of inflammation, which is in the human body.

Examining the feces, experts pay attention to the amount of mucus and blood elements. The stool is often watery. In the feces, you can also find a large number of leukocytes, which indicates inflammation bacterial type. To identify the causative agent, microbiological examination feces. In addition to detecting the pathogen, this analysis is able to determine the degree of impact of the antibiotic on the microorganism.

Video “How to treat colitis”

In this video, you will learn what symptoms may indicate the development of acute colitis, and how to treat it.


Acute colitis should be treated in stages, depending on the severity of the disease. Since diarrhea usually accompanies the disease, the patient must definitely drink plenty of fluids. This is explained by the fact that with loose stools, an excessive amount of water is excreted from the body, which negatively affects the work of all organs and systems, and not just the gastrointestinal tract.

To restore the balance of water in the body, it is advisable to use aqueous solutions with sugar and salt. You can drink mineral water and weak tea if the amount of moisture lost is not critical. The solution can enter the body naturally, and maybe through the blood, through intravenous administration. It all depends on the severity of the disease.

The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the patient's diet. Correct Mode nutrition not only unloads the intestines, but also dulls the pain spasm. As a result, the patient's condition improves.

The diet for patients with colitis is quite strict: you can not eat foods that irritate the walls of the stomach or intestines and are poorly digested. Food that provokes rotting and fermentation in the body is also prohibited.

You can not eat fried, sour, spicy, smoked. It is worth refraining from taking raw fruits and vegetables, as well as milk and other “milk”.

If the disease is acute, it is advisable to completely refuse food for two days at the beginning of the attack.

Patients with acute colitis are prescribed treatment, which includes the administration of absorbent drugs to the patient. After all, the disease appears due to the activity of bacteria, which as a result provokes intoxication of the body. And absorbent drugs can eliminate symptoms and the inflammatory process.

If the colitis is minor, let's take activated carbon. Therapy with enveloping preparations is often used: Phosphalugel and Almagel.

Frequent and enzyme therapy. Such treatment is designed to normalize the activity of the digestive system. Festal and Pancreatin are usually used.

In mild cases, an attack of the disease is defeated in two days. A significant role in this case belongs to the diet and taking the necessary medications. In more severe forms it will take several weeks to get rid of the disease.

Colitis can be treated both in the hospital and at home. It all depends on the symptoms and the strength of their manifestation.

If you find yourself showing signs of a disease, consult a doctor immediately, because without proper therapy, colitis can provoke severe complications developing into other diseases. Sometimes such negligence can cause death.

So, if you see a doctor on time, colitis and its attacks can be stopped quickly and absolutely safely for the body. The main thing is to take care of your health.

The large intestine is the final part of the digestive system in which water is absorbed. stool. It consists of several functional departments. The importance of this organ is often downplayed, and they try not to pay attention to diseases as frivolous, and only after acute attacks pain think about what it is main part digestive systems. One such disease is acute colitis.

A severe form of intestinal inflammation is accompanied by pain, vomiting, liquid stool with blood.

What is acute colitis?

Colitis - inflammatory disease large intestine, which can occur in a chronic or acute form. With the disease, the intestinal mucosa is inflamed.

Acute colitis develops in parallel with enteritis or gastritis. The manifestation of colitis depends on the location and origin. It is often a symptom of other diseases. In any case, colitis causes problems with stools, pain, fever.

Acute forms of the disease can last up to 14 days. During this time, the patient either recovers or gains chronic illness. With colitis, there is a chance of getting dangerous complications.

Why does acute colitis develop?

There are many factors that can provoke the development of an acute form of colitis. Among them:

  • exposure to radiation;
  • use of antibiotics for a long time;
  • infections;
  • food or chemical poisoning;
  • diseases caused by bacteria;
  • blood flow disorders, etc.

Most often, colitis develops against the background of bacteriological infection, for example, against the background of salmonellosis or dysentery. Sometimes the cause of acute colitis can be food allergy.


Symptoms of acute colitis may include:

The symptoms associated with acute colitis can vary, as the causes of the disease are varied.

Diagnostic methods

If signs of colitis are found, you should not delay going to the doctor or self-medicate. To identify the etiology of the disease and staging accurate diagnosis the doctor conducts the diagnosis according to the following scheme:

  • conversation, history taking, palpation;
  • general blood analysis;
  • stool analysis;
  • endoscopic examination - colonoscopy;
  • biopsy and histological analysis seized material;
  • rectomanoscopy, in which puffiness is visible, the presence of pus in the intestines and;
  • irrigoscopy.

Sometimes additional diagnostic methods are used.


If the doctor found in a patient sharp shape colitis, he immediately hospitalizes him, while if the disease is caused by an infection, the patient is placed in the infectious diseases department.

The acute form of the disease is not complete without the use of astringent medications in therapy that envelop the intestines. Showing enzymatic agents and anticholinergics. During therapy or after it, the patient is recommended to use probiotics to normalize the intestinal microflora. You may need to instill with dehydration products.

If the disease is caused by the fact that the patient for a long time drank medicines, they are canceled or replaced by others. Often, intestinal motility regulators and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Sometimes you need a glucocorticoid hormone therapy.

During the treatment of colitis, bed rest should be observed.

For the treatment of acute colitis, the patient needs bed rest and a sparing diet. The first day after the attack, food is prohibited. The patient needs to drink a lot. To do this, it is better to use warm clean water or tea without sugar. You need to drink in small sips so as not to swallow air at the same time. On the second day, the patient is allowed to eat. The patient's diet depends on what causes colitis and how it manifests itself.

For constipation, it is recommended to eat soup-puree from vegetables, meat and fish of low-fat varieties, steamed or boiled, vegetables in raw or thermally processed form. Vegetables such as beets, carrots, cauliflower are useful for the digestive organs. The menu can include berries and sour-milk low-fat products. fresh bread you can't eat.

For acute colitis with diarrhea, the menu can include dairy products, grated cereals cooked on water (except for millet and barley), mashed soups, steamed omelettes. It is useful to eat jelly.

If the patient has an acute attack peptic ulcer, starvation diet he is forbidden. Food is allowed, as in other types of illness. It should be remembered that citrus fruits, tomatoes and milk in this case should not be consumed.

The diet is developed for each patient individually. The basic principle is that food should be wholesome and rich in necessary substances. Physiotherapeutic procedures or psychotherapy can be useful for the patient. In case of bowel diseases, spa treatment is recommended.

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