How to get rid of the fear of getting sick with a deadly disease. How to overcome the fear of incurable diseases. A step-by-step plan for independent work with a negative emotional state in cancerophobia

One of the manifestations of human fears is the fear of death. She has her own name - nosophobia, but it is not used so often. There is a fear diseases - phobia causing psychological discomfort. People are never afraid to pick up an abstract disease, most often a specific one, associated with a specific diagnosis. With time similar condition starts to drive people crazy.

There is a phobia that considers anything caused by germs. It's called mysophobia. Thus, several phobias are laid one inside the other, like nesting dolls. The fear of death, also known as thanatophobia, is expressed in the form of nosophobia, and it manifests itself in mysophobia, cancerophobia, or the fear of contracting an incurable disease. Sometimes it is not even specified which one. It's about about deviations in the psyche, so "incurability" is a kind of internal diagnosis.

Nosophobia is part of obsessive-compulsive disorder. But compulsions may not be observed. A classic is the tendency for people to wash their hands after dealing with fear. They have serious forms of manifestation, and people seek to protect themselves from imaginary or obvious sources of the disease. The phobia of poisoning turns into a refusal to eat canned food, raw foods despite the lack of a logical connection. You can get poisoned with boiled food, and canned food practically does not pose a threat.

Fear of getting sick at a certain stage turns into hypochondria. For example, if a person did not enter into sexual intercourse, but suddenly experienced fear from being infected by a partner venereal disease, begins to allegedly observe symptoms of syphilis, AIDS and gonorrhea. He comes up with signs without taking any tests. At some point of hypochondria, he becomes so weak that he cannot even get out of bed. Usually the attack goes away after checking with a doctor. But after a few months, the person comes up with a new conclusion.

Some don't even think they have a problem. And they do not pay attention to the manifestations of the disease:

This has nothing to do with the healthy, normal human drive to be careful. Everyone is afraid of catching a cold, but a person with disorder or impairment may experience panic attacks at the thought of only wearing a sweater. No one wants to get syphilis, but people only manage to do it with syphilophobia when they touch a pen public toilet, and then, for insurance, prescribe a course of antibiotic treatment.

Behind all kinds of behavioral and mental activity is the fear of death. Sometimes it triggers defense mechanisms that require action. The logic becomes clear only if you look at the world through the eyes of a person with mental disorders.

Possible thought movement:

  • Everyone will die. Fear can be called naive and almost childish.
  • Nothing can be done, but how will they die?
  • Of course, from illness.
  • It must be prevented and, if possible, cured.
  • Only those who overcome the disease will survive.

This is not about some kind of disease, but about what death symbolizes in the mind. After all, a person who washes his hands after a handshake does not wash them from germs. This is a kind symbolic action salvation. On the one hand, he heals the body, and on the other hand, the soul, because after washing his hands he is much calmer. He himself understands that they wash so often so as not to think about illnesses. Thus, soap very cleverly becomes a way of dealing with death.

Of course, these pseudological chains are never fully realized. The feeling of self-pity becomes an accompanying experience.

All levels, except the first, require psychological adjustment. Psychotherapy is divided into two main types: awareness of the disorder process and relief. non-drug methods. Most often, the second type represents cognitive therapy . The patient is taught approach fear take it under control or not allow it at all. This is good if there is something to approach physically, for example, to the door handle and more. This method is much more difficult to help a person with a fear of getting cancer - oncophobia.

A number of effective tips for those who wander in the darkness of doubt and fear:

To find out phobias, you just need to familiarize yourself with the special literature. You don't need to see a psychiatrist for this. But it is unlikely to be cured without his help. How to get rid of a phobia depends on individual features and forms of manifestation. For some, a one-time visit to the doctor is enough to overcome fears, and for some, fear will become a sign of schizophrenia that has begun.

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Anxious personalities literally poison their lives constant fear catch an infection, detect a tumor, become disabled

Even in ancient times, people were afraid to get sick - after all, then it meant turning into a beggarly outcast. And until now we say: "they shy away, as if from a plague patient", "they keep aloof, as if I were a leper." But where is the boundary between a normal episode of temporary fear and a pathology that needs to be treated?

Nosophobia: symptoms and causes

The fear of getting sick with something, scientifically nosophobia, is one of the types obsessive fear. There are varieties of nosophobia - cardiophobia (fear of heart disease), cancerophobia (fear of getting cancer), lyssophobia (fear of going crazy). There are more famous name such a state - hypochondria. Hypochondriacs arrive in constant confidence that they are in danger of some kind of disease. They visit doctors regularly. And not just like that, but in order to detect the disease. They refuse to believe even if they are told that they are completely healthy. The symptoms they describe can range from general complaints of fatigue to complaints of pain during internal organs. Moreover, such people sincerely believe in their disease!

As a rule, phobias, including nosophobia, are predominantly affected by individuals with a developed intellect, who are able to immerse themselves in themselves, who have a very colorful imagination. They are able to mentally clearly represent certain ailments, the reaction of fear is turned on as a result of the self-defense reflex. And that's it, the process has begun ... Often a person himself does not realize how his phobia begins. The mechanism of its launch works so quickly that he does not have time to notice what became the main stimulus for the emergence.

Sometimes the causes of nosophobia are associated with various personality disorders. It can be depression, high suspiciousness, anxiety for any reason. Objective factors can also cause nosophobia. For example, serious disease, transferred earlier, and the fear that it will return. Or the launch of a phobia provokes an ailment loved one- It seems to the hypochondriac that he will certainly suffer the same fate.

In addition to these obvious reasons, there may be hidden factors: low self-esteem or chronic depression. Also, one of the causes of hypochondria can be a special social form behavior - a person, without realizing it, with the help of the disease, tries to attract the attention of others.

How to treat it

Unfortunately, a person suffering from nosophobia is rarely able to control his condition. Meanwhile, the symptoms of the disease can have a significant impact on the standard of living of the patient. Often, worrying about non-existent illnesses greatly interferes with work, family, and social life.

It can be difficult to establish that a person is afraid of getting sick. After all, he himself is sure that all his symptoms are associated with a real therapeutic disease. Therefore, the doctor, after diagnosing and finding nothing, can send the patient to a meeting with a psychotherapist. Psychotherapists use a variety of methods to deal with phobias.

First, you will need regular contact with your doctor, whom the nosophobe trusts. Its task is to reduce unnecessary anxiety of the patient.
Secondly, psychotherapy is used, which helps to direct the hypochondriac's thoughts in the right direction, adapt him to stress, and establish relationships with the outside world. The third method is antidepressants, which are used if, in addition to nosophobia, excessively increased anxiety is also observed.

Nosophobia is chronic condition haunting people for years. In many cases, when the patient seems to be cured, unreasonable fear may return. That is why treatment consists in learning to cope with the symptoms of the disease, control them and reduce the problems associated with it.

The great ones also trembled

Fear of illness haunted many famous people. As a child, Mayakovsky lost his father, who died from blood poisoning due to a stupid accident: he filed documents, pricked his finger with a rusty needle and got a fatal infection. This death made such a strong impression on the poet that he carried soap in a box with him all his life and washed his hands after each handshake. Mayakovsky also constantly measured the temperature, plagued loved ones with complaints about bad feeling always suspected in myself terrible diseases. But he was strong man athletic build, and so nothing serious and did not get sick - as you know, the poet committed suicide with a pistol shot at the age of 37.

Another poet suffering from increased anxiety about his health is Sergei Yesenin. He suspected he had throat consumption, was even afraid of an accidental pimple, taking it for symptoms of syphilis, went to consult professors, shared his anxieties with friends - and at the same time drank to death, engaging in self-destruction.

Gogol was shaking all his life for his health, considered himself terminally ill, in letters to friends he described how he went to the toilet, listing in detail all his pains and sufferings.

Writer-humorist Mikhail Zoshchenko wrote letters to his wife in besieged Leningrad from the evacuation, in which he constantly complained of illness. The fear of getting sick was so strong that the writer literally obsessed over his condition.

The popular actor Savely Kramarov was very afraid for his health - he led exclusively healthy lifestyle life, eating healthy food, did not drink or smoke - and yet died in the prime of life from bowel cancer.

And on the contrary, those people who were not afraid to get sick managed to survive even during plague epidemics - like, for example, Nostradamus, who did not use any disinfectants and directly communicated with the sick. Or Napoleon, who in 1811 himself visited the plague barracks to raise the spirits of sick soldiers, and said at the same time: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

We conquer fear

It takes a long time to get rid of a phobia. Of course, there are cases when it is possible to immediately detect the cause that caused it, and eliminate obsessive fears in just a few minutes. For example, one day there comes a moment when a person asks himself the question: “What am I actually afraid of? Maybe just stop it? And that's it, fear disappears by itself. Alas, such cases are quite rare, and it is better to contact a specialist psychologist. But a phobic person can help himself. To do this, do the following:

* Learn to control your body. Obsessive fear causes physiological reactions: they become cotton feet, hands do not obey, and sometimes the whole body. Therefore, a person begins to feel even more strongly that he is sick. The most simple and affordable way combating this condition deep breathing which helps to relax. To train him every day, you can do a series deep breaths and exhalations. After taking a deep breath, you need to hold your breath for 1-2 seconds, and then exhale - so that it seems as if the air itself comes out of the lungs.

* Eliminate panic attacks. Short ones go away on their own, but what about those who are constantly in a state of anxiety and cannot relax in any way? You should tighten all the muscles, hold your breath while inhaling and remain in this state for about a minute. Then sharply relax the muscles and take a deep breath. The exercise can be repeated until the tension in the body disappears.

* Control your imagination. You can imagine your fear in the form of an image or object, and then ... destroy it! There will be a so-called visualization of the phobia. Each person is able to find a specific image that is most suitable for him.

*Have a positive internal dialogue. Usually acute attack fear lasts about 5 minutes, but worrying about it takes much longer. But if a person thinks about the fact that he has already experienced this fear before, but nothing terrible has happened, he will, at least a little, but be freed from the phobia. Next, the patient should be presented, as if from the outside, how he looks, how he breathes. And to think: what would he say to his former self, to the one who is still afraid of something, how he would react to fears from his new position of a free person.

These are just a few simple techniques for overcoming obsessive fear. There are many others that require thorough preparation, and sometimes the mandatory presence of a psychologist. A long-standing phobia becomes part of the personality, so getting rid of it in one fell swoop will not work, and it is not safe. In this case, it would be better to seek help from specialists.

Even if you know all the diseases of our time, we regret to add one more to them - this fear of getting sick. Disease is a paradox. A disease that cannot be treated with medicines. A disease that progresses with the number of flipped pages of a thick medical guide or megabytes of viewed medical sites. Hypochondria or the state of "I'm afraid to get sick" today the site is being treated.

However, we're still a bit skeptical. This is not a disease. The medical society has not officially included it in its terrible list. Now it's just a mental disorder nosophobia, which is idolized by all the owners of pharmaceutical companies. After all, as much money for medicine as hypochondriacs spend is not spent, even by those who are really sick.

Who are they?

These are people with fat medical records, nightmare doctors. They grab at the heart, while their cardiogram can be used as a pass to fly into space. They are so afraid of getting sick that treat a non-existent ulcer, carefully protect themselves from all insects, considering the bite of an ordinary summer mosquito to be fatal.

They are exaggerate any ailment, nausea is a detached ulcer, and headache It's definitely meningitis.

And also "they have tonsillitis, scarlet fever, cholerin, diphtheria, appendicitis, malaria and bronchitis." But the question is, will it help? kind doctor Aibolit, if the problem is "in the head"?

Sometimes hypochondria manifested by pain, ulcers, rash, indigestion, dizziness, abnormal heartbeat. At the same time, fear makes these symptoms stronger, exacerbates and adds new ones. But analyzes are usually “like those of astronauts”. Rarely appear hysterical paralysis, dumbness.

Good news

This is fine. Especially for those who delved deeply into the medical field, not having a long-term relationship with medicine. Even teachers in medical schools joke about the "third-year diagnosis" - having studied all the diseases, students find signs of all at once: from malaria to puerperal fever.

Simulate, sir? Not at all. The hypochondriac really feels everything he says only slightly exaggerated.

Fear of getting sick is real suffering. But since hypochondria has been recognized as a psychosomatic disease, something real must be seen behind every "false" symptom. For example:

"My heart hurts" - "I'm so lonely. I need a lot of your attention."

And also remember that the already almost "literal" statement that "all diseases are from the nerves" has solid grounds. For example, severe stress causes bile from the gallbladder to enter the intestines and this has backfire for the gastrointestinal tract. (By the way, the site site has already written about)

Constant worries lead to disruption hormonal system, and this is a violation of both the cycle and reproductive function, worsening skin condition and mood. We are not talking about the fact that stress provokes miscarriage in pregnant women. And all this, mind you physiologically based processes.

If you carefully examine this topic, it becomes obvious that the fear of getting sick is not a phobia. This is a neurosis. But everything is treated.

« I'm always afraid of getting sick... or I am afraid that one of my relatives will get sick ... I can’t do anything because of this fear, all the time I have anxiety, anxiety, the state of “an important exam tomorrow”, only worse and always ... What should I do? Advise what to drink, maybe? I say right away that I will not go to a psychologist and a psychiatrist, I will not do anything that is not related to medicine. Don't fool me." This is not the only cure.

Research shows that most of people who suffer from depression (and this, by the way, important reason hypochondria), does not have strong employment. Even if they go to work, their head is free for destructive thoughts. Look at a child playing or a creative artist - they do not see anything around.

Therefore, fill your time with those things in the process of which you will not be able to think - active training in the gym, running in the morning, sex at any time of the day, hobbies that you like.

Besides, all this strengthens the immune system and improves the state of the hormonal system. And it's also fun and interesting. To get a taste of life is what you need to get rid of the fear of getting sick with something.

While you are thinking about how terrible it will be to get sick or die, life passes by itself. Which is worse is the big question!

Tip #2: Throw away all medical reference books

By an effort of will not to leave a single one "just in case". On the Internet, all "favorite" sites can be blocked. It's like throwing all the cookies and candy out of the house when you lose weight. Or remove a man from the phone after breaking up.

Out of sight, out of mind. Over time, breaking will be less and when you have nothing to do, you will find something more worthy, than looking for diseases is feeding the fear of getting sick.

Don't stop looking after your health!

Study foods that are rich in vitamins, learn how to cook candied oranges, lingonberry juice, cauliflower casseroles. It is important to make it tasty for relatives so as not to crush them with your healthy lifestyle. Learn herbs and essential oils that boost immunity. In time, you will become a disease prevention guru, and people will turn to you for advice!

Let's think about how to be healthy, don't be afraid to get sick!

Tip number 3. Ask loved ones for what you want

Often lies behind hypochondria thirst for attention, recognition.

A mother who worries about the health of her children (aged 0 to 50) is afraid to let her child “free”, to let him make his mistakes and live his life – even if it’s to go out in the cold without a hat and catch a cold or jump with a parachute and break a leg. Or a woman who is afraid of getting sick herself, wants attention and care.

If you want to be spent time with you, let them invite you to rides or to the cinema, to a restaurant or sauna, and not go to the hospital with you. Ask the children to come visit. Ask - it is not always clear.

Having dissolved in attention and love, we forget about all diseases, even those that really exist. And they go by themselves.

note on the happy people Most of them are beautiful and healthy!

The essence of the game offered by Zhanna Rusetskaya, a psychologist, to get rid of the fear of getting sick: waking up in the morning, you choose the role of any object or person - a lamppost, high mountain in the north, a brick in the wall of an old building, Mother Teresa or a famous boxer. You must stay in this role until you go to bed.

Meaning not to copy outward behavior, a imbued with qualities of this item: snow mountain stamina, unconditional love Mother Teresa, the strength of the brick and the awareness of one's connection with others. This is not theater, this is therapy be different internally.

To pull yourself together and stop worrying about your health and the health of loved ones, you lack the willpower, the courage to let go of the situation, let go of life from under your firm hand, eternal control. For example, a lamppost turns on only when necessary, it shines, it is firm and calm.

Think over the images or ask someone to help you, and you will not only be distracted, but also develop useful qualities character!

If your feelings are too strong, your fear of getting sick manifests itself in severe symptoms- ulcers, rashes, dumbness, dizziness, fainting, it is better to pull yourself together once and take him to a psychologist or better a psychotherapist.

You can also use alternative methods combat this condition, for example, systemic constellations according to the method of Bert Hellinger. If you are really ready for a cure, then listen to lectures and read books on self-development. By gaining knowledge of “why this is happening”, the answer to the question “how to stop it” is at the same moment. Then it's up to the little things. Do.

The most difficult - awareness of the problem. And if you found this article, then we are sure that only the simplest remains ahead!

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Illness is always an unpleasant, debilitating, and sometimes fraught condition. sad consequences. Any sane person cares about maintaining their own health, seeks to prolong youth and push back old age. It is normal for every person to be anxious, to worry and to take certain measures so as not to get sick. Lead a healthy lifestyle preventive actions, do not visit places where there is high risk infection, avoiding contact with virus carriers are natural and correct solutions.

Often an ordinary experience for one's own health develops into panic, irrational fear when an individual is absorbed exclusively in thinking about illnesses, and all his activities are aimed at not getting sick. Nosophobia- obsessive, long-term, uncontrollable and understandable anxiety, in which a person has a fear of a particular disease (in rare cases there are several objects of fear). Nosophobes "choose" for themselves especially life-threatening diseases: intractable, leading to disability or to lethal outcome. Usually, this disorder associated to some extent with the fear of death -.

According to the research data of Russian psychiatrists, this disease in varying degrees severity occurs in 10% of the population. In wide circles, nosophobia is better known under a different name - hypochondria, although in modern psychiatry, hypochondriacal disorder (ICD-10) is mental disorder somatoform type (F45). Quite often, fear in nosophobia is clinical symptom sluggish schizophrenia (F21 "schizotypal disorder" in the adapted Russian version of the ICD-10).

This disorder is quite difficult to diagnose, as when referring to doctors, patients describe symptoms somatic diseases. To refute suspicions of non-existent diseases, the nosophobe has to undergo numerous examinations by various doctors. It takes quite a long time before it is established true reason illness, and in the meantime, nosophobia progresses, presenting the patient with more intense manifestations of panic. The unequivocal cause of the disorder has not been established, however, the factors that act as a favorable background for the appearance of pathological anxiety are clearly defined. Among the most significant:

  • a serious illness suffered by the nosophobe himself or his close relative;
  • personal characteristics of the individual: suspiciousness, impressionability, pessimism, fixation on negative events, hypochondriacal manifestations.

Although the disorder is accompanied by changes in work physiological mechanisms, nosophobia is a reversible psychosomatic illness and timely handling per medical care responds well to treatment.

Like other "global" fears, nosophobia has its subspecies.

Among the fears of disease, a significant number of cases have been recorded - fear of a heart attack. As with other phobic anxiety disorders, main feature The disease lies in the fact that, without having problems with the heart, the classic cardiophobe expects these problems, purposefully looking for symptoms and suffering from vegetative manifestations of fear. Eventually - vicious circle: the patient is in constant stress, which is harmful to the whole body and affects primarily the state of the cardiovascular system.

Among the clinically recorded cases of fears from this group, there are often:

  • fear of infection - molismophobia;
  • fear of pollution -;
  • fear of being bitten by dogs, fear of rabies -;
  • fear of injections.

There are also "exotic" objects of alarm:

  • fear of constipation - coprastasophobia;
  • fear of hemorrhoids - proctophobia;
  • fear of shock - hormephobia;
  • fear of a runny nose - epistaxiophobia;

In persons who have suffered a serious mental shock or are experiencing strong emotional stress, often develops a fear of insanity - dementophobia. The fear of going crazy can also arise against the background of improper upbringing, excessive demands, excessive criticism in childhood by the parents. Just like the fear of the mentally ill - psychophobia, this disorder is a kind of cliché based on fear, intolerance and other negative feelings towards the mentally ill.

One of the most unpleasant and dangerous among pathological disorderscancerophobia(fear of cancer). With this phobia, the patient has intense anxiety about the presence of cancerous tumor. Although carcinophobia does not cause the occurrence malignant formations, but health problems against the background of constant stress are guaranteed to such patients. The complexity of the treatment of the disease lies in the fact that the carcinophobe does not believe the diagnosis made by specialists and assumes that he is not knowingly informed about the real state of affairs.

Other phobias associated with the fear of getting sick:

  • cardiophobia (fear of cardiovascular disease);
  • anginophobia (fear of an attack of angina pectoris);
  • infarctionophobia (fear of myocardial infarction);
  • lyssophobia (fear of going crazy);
  • diabetic phobia (fear of getting diabetes);
  • scotomaphobia (fear of blindness);
  • syphilophobia (fear of contracting syphilis);
  • AIDS phobia (fear of getting AIDS);
  • carcinophobia (fear of getting cancer);
  • acarophobia (fear of getting scabies).

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Many people are concerned about the question of what is cancerophobia: how to get rid of it in short time? This term is commonly referred to as the fear of getting cancer. The name of the term comes from English word"cancer" means cancer.

Carcinophobia: what is it?

cancerophobia occupies one of the first places among the disorders in which people are afraid of getting sick. This is directly related to the fear of losing their life, but they want to get rid of the disease.

This disorder is formed on the basis of the unfavorable ecological situation in the world and a large number sick among friends and relatives. Therefore, such fear cannot be called completely groundless, but it is also impossible to go beyond the reasonable when it is impossible to get rid of it.

Attention! The disease, in most cases, develops on panic attacks ah or as a consequence of hypochondria, as well as other mental disorders that cannot be eliminated.

Patients of polyclinics ask questions to the therapist about what is cancerophobia, how to get rid of it and how to protect the body?

Important! No one is born with this disease, so it is considered acquired, and is one of the nosophobias (fear of getting sick), you need to get rid of it.

Based on the results of a conversation with a psychologist, the source of fear is clarified, from which thoughts about the fear of getting sick begin.

The danger of cancerophobia is that if you do not apply for psychological help, and also do not protect yourself from obsessive thoughts, this will lead to the growth of cancer cells in the body. A person in this state is trying to get more information about the disease, looking for literature on this topic and trying to delve as much as possible into the beginnings of this disease in order to get rid of it.

It's important to know! Often, the first signs of a phobia appear after the loss of loved ones, when it seems to a person that the disease can be inherited or in other ways and will definitely lie in wait for him in the future and not get rid of him.

Causes of carcinophobia

Cancerophobia, how to get rid of it? You need to know its causes. Phobia caused external factors, but not internal diseases. This is a kind of psychogenic illness.

The reasons that can lead to the development of carcinophobia are as follows:

  • The emergence of carcinophobia based on iatrogenic, that is, incorrect actions on the part of a medical specialist;
  • Reaction nervous system after getting rid of cysts and other benign formations;
  • After the death of loved ones from cancer, which occurred in front of a person;
  • Fear, as a result of hypochondria and psychopathic disorder, which cannot be eliminated;
  • Diseases occurring in chronic form, also affect the development of carcinophobia;
  • After the onset of 40 years, the fear of cancerophobia may increase due to the transition to a new age stage;
  • The influence of advertising companies on the formation of the idea of ​​the possible occurrence of cancer and the medicines for its effective disposal;
  • Delirium in schizophrenic disorders;
  • A hereditary factor leading to gloomy thoughts, that is, if there are many people with cancer in the family;
  • Anxiety, as a result of sudden weight loss or a change in taste preferences;
  • people with seizures panic fear more susceptible to this disorder.

The most common reason is loss of loved ones, in which a person already takes the situation upon himself and believes that the same thing will happen to him, causes intrusive thoughts are difficult to get rid of.

The second most common cause is fear. recurrence of past illnesses. This applies to those people who have experienced all the tests and treatment procedures. oncological disease and they don’t want it to happen again, but they want to get rid of this feeling, and get rid of it forever.

However, most people suffering from the fear of illness cannot remember exactly from what moment the manifestations of carcinophobia began and cannot get rid of them. Cancerophobia, how to get rid of with the help of a psychologist? A psychologist can use hypnosis to verify this information. As a rule, many impressionable people become afraid of cancer after watching television programs or reading articles about sick people who are not able to get rid of cancer. Such views begin the development of the disease and the presentation of a sad outcome in case of unsuccessful disposal of the tumor. All these thoughts are caused by impressionability and fantasies. This fear grows gradually and as a result, cancerophobia appears, it needs to be got rid of.

If young people can cope with cancerophobia on their own, then after forty years without a psychologist it is difficult to get rid of it. Cancerophobia, how to get rid of it and get the joy of life, only the doctor who prescribes knows competent treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

Each case of carcinophobia is unique. Symptoms in specific situations are different, but there are those that are unique to this psychological disorder.

These include:

  • life cannot proceed in a familiar environment, because terrifying pictures of the disease constantly appear in thoughts, and it is difficult to get rid of them;
  • a person accepts the situation that fears are unfounded, but it is difficult to fight the fear of cancer;
  • the need to confirm health: tests for tumor markers, passing examinations and other measures to detect the disease;
  • sometimes, aggression is shown towards relatives and friends;
  • gloomy thoughts, it is almost impossible to get rid of them, when confronted with something that indirectly resembles oncology: photographs, stories or videos that describe the fear of death.

With constant thoughts about the fear of cancer, it seems to the patient that the diagnosis is really confirmed, and he begins to believe in it. Emotion rarely shows on his face, as he feels hopeless in relation to the ailment. Muscles show hypo and hypertonicity.

AT advanced cases, decreases mental activity, delusional thoughts and words appear, which ultimately leads to neurological disorders which cannot be eliminated.

If fear occurs paroxysmal, then it is accompanied by the following physiological symptoms:

  • trembling;
  • pain in the abdomen and chest;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • failures and difficulties in respiratory function;
  • violations in digestive system: diarrhea and vomiting.

To emotional symptoms, which are often found in mental disorder, include:

  • the desire to avoid places that are associated with oncology;
  • feelings of guilt and helplessness towards oneself;
  • fear of finding a tumor in the body;
  • preoccupation with events related to cancer.

In addition, added additional symptoms, which manifest themselves in the fear of losing control of oneself or the inability to switch to other topics for conversation, except for oncology.

Important! People suffering from a phobia of illness cannot calm down and get rid of it. Moreover, the initial stage of a panic attack can be a banal thought about cancer. At the same time, the advice “do not worry” has little effect on the consciousness of a carcinophobe, since more effective methods are needed.

Which doctor should I contact?

First of all, you need to contact a therapist, who will later redirect the patient to a hematologist. Hematologists deal with circulatory diseases and also diagnose cancers. It will be known by general analysis blood and other indicators. If the disease is not confirmed, then you should go to a psychotherapist who can help get rid of cancerophobia.

Diagnosis of the disease

Getting rid of oncophobia should begin with a visit to the doctor, where the patient is prescribed comprehensive examination, the purpose of which will be to identify the signs and symptoms of cancerophobia.

Diagnostic methods will depend on the specific case and clinical picture patient with carcinophobia. There is a certain list of studies that a patient with suspected cancerophobia should undergo.

These include:

  1. Sputum and urine analysis;
  2. Complete blood count, if cancerophobia is detected;
  3. Taking a biopsy for cytological and histological examination, to confirm carcinophobia;
  4. MRI, ultrasound and CT.

After passing the tests, a conversation is made with a psychiatrist who knows how to get rid of cancerophobia. First you need to exclude the presence of cancer, and then get rid of cancerophobia. The medical specialist in the course of the conversation finds out from what point the patient experiences fears, and for how long he cannot get rid of them. If the cause is hidden and difficult to identify, then long-term relief from cancerophobia will be required. effective means against cancerophobia are hypnosis, sedatives and psychiatric treatment in order to get rid of carcinophobia.

Treatment methods for cancerophobia

To get rid of cancerophobia caused by various reasons, you must adhere to the assigned medical specialist treatment. Most often, medications and the help of a psychologist are used.


Cancerophobia is recognized as one of the complex diseases which needs to be treated for a long time in order to achieve results. What to do if there are suicidal tendencies? The answer is simple: treatment must occur immediately.

When appointed medicines use tools such as:

  • benzodiazepines, hypnotics, sedatives and anti-anxiety agents;
  • antidepressants, which in most cases are used against anxiety and phobias;
  • beta-blockers that reduce some of the symptoms that accompany cancerophobia: hand tremors, heart palpitations, and others.

If the patient is concerned constant pain in various parts body, then use the means of relieving the symptoms.

If panic attacks are silenced with the help of pills, then the body can get used to chemicals in the composition and cause dependence.

Important! On the early stages struggle with cancerophobia, the patient needs the help of relatives who should participate in group family therapy.

Illness requires timely diagnosis and effective treatment.

by the most the best remedy to combat cancerophobia is considered to be the rejection of medications. In this case, a person can get out of cancerophobia without consequences and get rid of it.

Getting rid of a phobia on your own

Psychologists have developed many techniques that can save a person from carcinophobia. Many of them require the participation of a psychotherapist. There are some that are quite doable on their own.

The brain remembers positive and negative emotions. After visiting the temple, where the smell of incense is present, a person becomes pleasant and calm. When listening to your favorite tune, a pleasant sensation arises in the cerebral cortex. So when tying positive emotions to the earlobe, you need every time you stressful situation associated with cancerophobia touch it. After performing this technique, within a few weeks, the experiences will go away, and negative emotions visit the patient less often.

An important component in the fight against cancerophobia is the cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol. In addition, you need to control the weight and remove it, if any, and stop being afraid of the future.

How not to get cancer?

Reducing the risk of oncology is the rejection of factors that affect the occurrence cancer cells. This is, first of all, the rejection of promiscuous sexual relations and alcohol addiction, then there will be no carcinophobia.

If you concentrate on positive emotions and use only healthy food, not causing oncology, then you can extend the life for many years.


Cancerophobia, how to get rid of it? This is one of the unpleasant phobias, which, unfortunately, in last years occurs more and more frequently. This anxiety disorder is amenable to effective treatment, but for this, efforts must be made not only by the psychotherapist, but also by the patient himself.

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