Pecan nut benefit and harm. Pecan nut: benefits and harms, which is more

In our country, it is not so easy to find a pecan nut, and if it works out, then because of the price, many will refuse to buy it. And yet, nutritionists do not get tired of talking about the benefits of the ingredient for women, men, children and the elderly. At right approach this nutritious delicacy can activate processes that positively affect the general condition of the body.

The products are famous for their therapeutic properties, preventive effect. Finally, the pecan has great taste which can be used in culinary and confectionery business.

general information

The beneficial properties of a valuable food ingredient were known many years ago, and not in one country, but in different parts Sveta. A plant that belongs to the walnut family, it takes root well in a humid and hot climate. In particular, pecans actively bear fruit on those parts of the land that are washed by large bodies of water.

The pecan is the fruit of a deciduous tree that can yield up to 300 years. Sometimes the height of these trees reaches 40 m. The nuts themselves have an elongated shape, their shells are painted in Brown color. On average, the size of a pecan does not exceed 3 cm in length.

Under the shell are the nuclei of saturated beige colour. In appearance, they are very similar walnuts, which is not surprising, given the close family ties of trees. But there are no partitions in pecans, and the taste of the kernels is more soft and lacks tart notes.

For quality, useful and harmful properties pecan, his taste qualities big influence provides the timeliness of harvesting, the correctness of its processing. If the products are harvested before they are fully ripe, their characteristics will not please gourmets and lovers. Therefore, before buying a pecan, you must definitely try it. It is pointless to buy products that do not taste good, just to get benefits from them. Chemical composition such nuclei are far from the optimal and necessary effect on the body, they will not have.

The composition of the pecan nut and its properties

Pecan is a very unusual and controversial nut. 100 g of the product contains 690 kcal, but products from it can be included in the diet for diets. Products that are famous for their energy performance contain a lot of useful substances:

Tip: You can make healthy and nutritious milk from pecans. To do this, grind the kernels in a mortar to a state of homogeneous mass and dilute with water. The concentration of the composition can be adjusted independently. This drink is especially useful for children and pregnant women. It perfectly replenishes the reserves of energy and strength.

  • Vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system and takes part in the synthesis of collagen.
  • Vitamin E. A substance that helps restore and maintain youth. Regular consumption of pecan allows women to years keep your beauty.
  • Vitamin K. Active regulator of blood clotting processes. It contributes more quick recovery people who have undergone surgery.
  • Antioxidants. Nutritionists have counted several dozen substances in pecans that can prevent the destructive effects free radicals on human tissue. These compounds also protect against heart disease, improve the general condition, restore lightness and vigor.
  • unsaturated fatty acids. Participants in metabolic processes that positively affect the functionality of the brain and reduce performance bad cholesterol in blood.
  • Minerals. Pecan contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, fluorine, selenium and manganese. Each of the elements has its own special functions that promote health and reduce the risk of developing diseases.

Health benefits and harms unique nuts are directly related to their freshness. The oily texture of the kernels is not able to maintain the listed substances in optimal condition for a long time. chemical form. Violation of the storage conditions of products leads to their deterioration. If the fruits are bitter, it is better to refuse their use. positive influence they won't provide anyway.

Benefits of pecans for human health

Initially, the peoples of many countries included pecans in their diet only because of its significant nutritional value. People kept large stocks of food in case famine came. Today it is more of a delicacy. Their presence in the menu can lead to the following results:

  1. The body fat content will decrease muscle mass will increase. At the same time, nuts will also satisfy the feeling of hunger, which will reduce daily calorie content diet. According to doctors, it is enough to eat only 2 pecan kernels daily for the product to lead to weight loss.
  2. Chronic fatigue disappears, signs of depression disappear, and the likelihood of developing nervous disorders decreases.
  3. Prevention of vitamin deficiency and deficiency of minerals in tissues is carried out.
  4. Effective cancer prevention and early aging organism.
  5. Pecan nuts are very useful for men. It normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system, increasing the level of testosterone in the blood.
  6. The use of products increases the level of hemoglobin, preventing anemia. Minerals in nut kernels fight bacteria and viruses.
  7. Women who have included pecans in their diet note an improvement in the quality of their hair, nails, and skin. And in nursing mothers, the nutritional value of breast milk increases.

Eating pecans as a child is a pledge normal development and body growth. In old age, the product improves the quality of life by eliminating many unpleasant moments. The ingredient can be eaten raw, fried, or dried for all of the listed effects. It is often used to prepare various healthy desserts and sweets.

Harm and danger of pecans

High calorie and abundance active substances can play in the squad bad joke with people abusing pecans. You can’t eat more than 100 g of nuts per day, but it’s better not to bring it to such high rate. Violation of the rule can lead to the following consequences:

  • The product simply will not be assimilated, provoking excessive load on the digestive organs.
  • An allergy may develop in the form of a headache, a rash on the mucous oral cavity, digestive disorders.
  • With a tendency to overweight the active addition of kilograms will begin.

The introduction of pecans into the diet is strictly prohibited for fatty liver, nut allergies, under the age of 3 years. For pregnant women, it is enough to use the product in the amount of 2 pieces up to 3 times a week.

Rules for choosing and storing pecans

Today, in stores, many nuts are sold in peeled form, wrapped in plastic. In the case of pecans, this is not the best solution. When choosing products, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. We take only unpeeled fruits with a dense but thin shell without chips, cracks and darkening.
  2. Nuts must be tasted, their taste should not be bitter.
  3. Do not take elements that are too light or those that rattle when shaken.

It is also better to store pecans right in the shell. Ideal for this refrigerator or freezer. Products must first be inspected and hermetically packed in containers. Stocks can lie in the refrigerator for up to 4 months, in the freezer - up to 6 months. If the elements began to exude a rancid smell, it is better to throw them away and not use them for food.

No less useful is the oil made from pecans. It is obtained by cold pressing the fruit, which finished products preserves useful substances in its composition as much as possible. Studies have shown that the product taken internally has a beneficial effect on the condition circulatory system. External application of the mass allows you to fight the signs of aging. Another healing product helps to strengthen the immune system and reduces the risk of colds.

They are similar in taste, but the pecan kernels are a little softer and more tender. Pecan is a deciduous tree belonging to the walnut family, reaching a height of 25 - 40 m.

A prerequisite for the ripening of this type of nuts is the presence of hot and humid air in summer, brought from the Gulf of Mexico. The tree can bear fruit for 300 years.

The homeland of the pecan is North America, where he was especially revered. Indian tribes. In the United States, pecans are still one of the favorite nuts, they bake pies, breads, cookies with it, they also add it to salads and hot dishes.

Pecans are best eaten immediately after being shelled (they spoil quickly without the shell).

Useful properties of pecan

Pecans are very high in calories. Only 200 g of the edible part of the fruit provides about 1700 calories, which is more than half the daily human need for them.

Pecans are 70% fat, 11% protein, 14% sugar, making pecan recommended for fatigue and lack of appetite. edible oil pecan, reminiscent of the taste and smell of olive.

One of the varieties of vitamin E, which contains a pecan, can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This conclusion was made by researchers from Purdue University in Indiana. It has been proven that the drug gamma-tocopherol, manufactured in laboratory conditions and containing the mentioned variety of vitamin E, kills sick cells leaving only healthy ones. Scientists intend to use this discovery to treat lung and prostate cancer.

Pecans are a rich source of tannic acid, vitamin E; Pecans also have anti-cancer properties. If eaten in small amounts, they can lower cholesterol levels. Pecans are higher in calories and polyunsaturated fats than other nuts (70%), so should be consumed in moderation (a spoonful five times a day) instead of fatty foods and not in addition to them.

Dangerous properties of pecan

Shelled pecans cannot be stored for a long time, as they quickly deteriorate - bitterness appears in the taste of such nuts.

When using pecans, it is worth remembering the measure. The body can absorb no more than 100 grams of nuts per meal. If you eat more of it, you may experience problems with digestion. With allergies and fatty liver, as well as with a tendency to obesity, it is worth limiting the use of nuts altogether.

It is necessary to significantly limit the amount of pecans in the diet for skin diseases and a tendency to constipation.

Pregnant women should use pecans with caution. A significant amount of protein in its composition can cause an allergy in a woman and provoke intolerance to this product in a baby. The safe rate of pecans for expectant mothers is 2 kernels three times a week.

Pecan fruits are a heavy product for children's digestion. Pediatricians do not advise feeding them to children under 3 years old. When offering nuts to a child, it is worth paying attention to how his body will react. In some babies, these fruits cause severe allergies including suffocation.

Vitamins can exist in nature in various modifications. Recently, scientists discovered special form well-known vitamin E, which protects the arteries from inflammation. The owner of such a wonderful vitamin is an amazing pecan nut, which grows mainly in the United States. Outwardly very similar to walnut (they are related), it differs significantly from it in its composition, and hence in its properties and application. If you know how it affects the body (especially for women), it can be used to solve many different problems, both with health and in terms of rejuvenation.

most nutritious nut

The fruits of almost all walnut trees and shrubs are high in fat, very nutritious and high in calories. But the recognized champion among them is the pecan nut: its calorie content is 736 kcal. And in terms of fat content, according to nutritionists, it has no equal. So a small portion of this product will fully replace the daily intake of fat in the diet. In addition, it contains a lot of other useful substances that determine it. beneficial features:

  • most of all in these nuts is vitamin A, which is an antioxidant and is necessary for eye health, good vision, strengthen bones, beauty skin and hair, to protect the immune system;
  • vitamin E (the very unique form that was discovered recently) is another antioxidant that women need first of all, as it is responsible for their reproductive activity, preserves youth and beauty, and also protects arteries from inflammation;
  • vitamin B9 ( folic acid) regulates the functions of the hematopoietic organs, intestines, liver, strengthens the immune system;
  • vitamin C strengthens the immune system, fights infections, is also an antioxidant that prolongs youth, helps improve conditions with varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
  • choline helps with atherosclerosis and is necessary for normal operation nervous system;
  • potassium, magnesium, iron and other micro and macro elements have a positive effect on most processes occurring in the body.

This is what a treasury is pecan: a person has long learned to use the beneficial properties of this nut for his own good. However, given this composition, rich vegetable fats, you need to know that this product quickly deteriorates, becomes rancid and tasteless, losing its healing powers. That is why it is recommended to store it frozen. It is used both fresh and boiled. And the first area that did not leave him without attention is medicine.

The healing power of pecans

In America, pecans are very fond of in the very different form. It was American scientists who a few years ago began serious research on the medicinal properties of this fruit. In particular, research was carried out at the University of California, Loma Linda. There has been confirmed healing power this nut. Today doctors from different countries It is recommended to use it for the treatment and prevention of a number of different diseases:

  • arthritis, arthrosis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, high cholesterol and other diseases of the circulatory system;
  • cataracts, blepharitis, glaucoma and other eye diseases;
  • infertility (pecan, of course, will not cure it, but will have an excellent concomitant effect for the main therapy);
  • weakened immunity, beriberi;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases associated with the stomach and intestines;
  • disorders in the liver;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • neuroses, mental illness, stress, depression, chronic fatigue, loss of strength;
  • improper metabolism;
  • exhaustion, poor appetite;
  • including such a large number of antioxidants, prevents the development cancers, since that very unique vitamin E is able to determine which cells are infected and which are healthy in order to localize one from the other and prevent the spread of the tumor.

To speed up recovery and protect yourself from various diseases, you need to eat at least every other day 50–60 grams of this amazing Illinois hazel fruit (this is the name of this walnut tree, which is a symbol of the state of Texas). Traditional medicine is rarely wrong in its observations accumulated over the years. Here they are scientifically proven: the pecan is a health benefit beyond any doubt. In addition, it can also help women regain their lost youth and make them more beautiful.

Pecans in the beauty industry

Firstly, the regular use of pecans, this treasure trove of vitamins, will already have a positive effect on appearance. Getting nutrients from enough, the body will work smoothly and fully, as a result, the complexion will become better, the hair will stop falling out, the stratification of nails will stop. Second, by adding pecans to homemade scrubs, you can gently and effectively clean the most dry and sensitive skin. The fats in its composition will not allow it to injure, but, being solid particles, they can remove impurities from the surface of the skin and clean the pores. A few tips will help you transform your appearance.

1. Grind the melon pulp directly with the peel, mix 2 table. spoons of the resulting puree with tea. tablespoon chopped pecans.

2. Grind the apple with the peel, mix 2 table. spoons from 1 table. a spoonful of heavy cream, tea. a spoonful of chopped nuts.

3. Stretch blackcurrant, the resulting puree (1 tablespoon) mixed with the same amount (1 tablespoon) wheat flour, add 1 tsp. a spoonful of chopped nuts, heavy cream.

Medicine, cosmetology, cooking, dietology - where this fruit, marvelous in its properties, is not used! But one cannot but admit that pecans are good and bad in one set. It will depend only on you whether he will become the protector of your health and beauty, or whether he will turn into side effects if you do not know the contraindications for its use.


There are not so many contraindications for the use of these nuts, but they still exist and are associated precisely with the abundance of fats in their composition and high calorie. It is not recommended to eat pecans in large quantities in the following cases:

  • obesity;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • food allergy;
  • diabetes.

If you have not yet discovered the beneficial properties of pecans, be sure to purchase and try. Surely the whole family will like the taste of this fruit, and you can not only improve your health, but also improve the condition of your skin, turning back the clock and forgetting about age.

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Pecan benefits and harms of an exotic fruit due to its constituent elements. This plant contains in its composition a considerable complex of vitamins and trace elements. Pecan is the source fatty acids required by the human body for normal functioning. The use of the fetus has a beneficial effect on the general condition and helps to strengthen protective functions.

From this article you will learn:

Pekan: Description and history of discovery

Photo: pecan

Pecan or Kariya (lat. Carya illinoinensis) is special kind woody plants that belong to the Nut family. The culture is widespread in the Southeastern United States. According to its external data, pecan is similar to a walnut.

The plant was first discovered in the Mississippi Valley. Wild plantations are common in Mexico. The history of the fruit is connected with the native inhabitants of America. The Indians widely used this culture for various purposes. The plant was first discovered in the 16th century, many sources point to this fact. There is speculation that the nut was used to produce an intoxicating drink called Powcohicora.

The Indian population not only used the fruits, but also took care of their distribution. When moving to new unexplored lands, a nut was always taken with them. Thanks to this action, the habitat of the plant has expanded significantly.

In 1761, the fruits were brought to Europe, Great Britain and France. Over time, nuts appeared in Italy and Western Europe. News of the miraculous plant reached Central Asia. In Russia, pecans began to be cultivated only at the beginning of the 20th century.

The origin of the fetus and its distribution

Nuts belong to an ancient family. The predecessors of the plant are found on the Pacific coast and in central parts Europe. The fruits are widely used in North America. Some varieties of pecan were available in Italy and Germany.

The first mention of a nut in the scientific literature was recorded in 1818. This genus is characterized by the presence of 20 plant species. Pecan is the most major representative, which is cultivated for fruit and healthy oil. The natural habitat is considered to be South China, North America and the Mississippi Valley.

Botanical properties of the pecan tree

Pecan is a deciduous tree that reaches a height of 40 meters. For proper maturation, the plant needs hot and humid air. Such a climate is observed in the Gulf of Mexico, where the tree comes from. It bears fruit for 300 years. Harvesting starts from mid-October, in some cases it lasts until April.

Photo: how a pecan tree grows

Pollination of the plant occurs downwind, so the tree is planted in large plantations with each other. Of particular importance are the fruits, in their external characteristics they are similar to walnuts. The aroma of pecans is special, due to its smell and pleasant taste, it is widely used in cooking and cosmetology.

Pecan benefit and harm

The tropical nut is relatively new to the market. Per short period it has managed to take root and become one of the most popular tropical foods. This is due to the unique useful and healing properties. A huge complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements has a positive effect on the body, both an adult and a child.

Chemical composition: vitamins and trace elements in pecans

A fruitful plant is based on many beneficial vitamins and micronutrients. Regular consumption of fruits in small quantities allows you to strengthen the body and normalize many of its functions.

Nut-based vitamins: A, B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, C, E and K. In addition vitamin complex it contains useful macro- and microelements, in particular:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine.

The benefits of pecans are due to their natural and rich composition. The presented amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements is sufficient to maintain the normal functioning of the body. Walnut is natural source energy.

Pecan nut benefit and harm

Nutritional value and calories

The nutritional value fruit is represented by proteins, fats and carbohydrates. 100 g of nuts contains 71.2 g of fat, 9.2 g of protein, 12.3 g of carbohydrates. The high fat content helps replenish energy reserves organism.

pecan nut calories

The calorie content of the product is 736 kcal per 100 g of weight. People suffering overweight, the use of nuts is not recommended.

Health Benefits of Pecans

Useful properties of fruits:

  • antioxidant;
  • rejuvenating;
  • antiviral;
  • restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Pecan: benefits for men, women and children

Nuts help with depressive states and eliminate chronic fatigue. The benefits of pecan for women are to strengthen the hair structure, improve skin and restoration of the nail plate. Regular use of the nut and its oil normalizes the work digestive system. Use during breastfeeding increases nutritional properties milk. This has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the child's body.

The use of pecans - the benefits for men are to increase the level of testosterone in the blood and normalize work reproductive system. The inclusion of the fetus in daily diet compensates for the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements. Nuts help fight bacteria and viruses.

AT childhood the use of fruits allows you to accelerate growth and affect the development of muscle mass. The plant has a positive effect on thought processes and improves memory.

Pecan - the benefits and harms of the nut are due to it unique composition. In spite of great amount positive properties, the plant can negatively affect the human body. Excessive consumption of fruits leads to frequent headaches and the development of a rash in the oral cavity. It is not excluded violation of the digestive system.

Uses of pecans

Pecan benefits and harms: Medicinal properties and dosage forms

A scattering of minerals and vitamins makes the nut not only tasty, but also healthy. He is able to deal with the following diseases and states:

  • anemia
  • beriberi;
  • disorders of the genitourinary system;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • disorders in the liver;
  • cataract;
  • infertility.

Pecan - the benefits for the body are associated with the amount of fruit consumed. The introduction of nuts into the daily diet allows you to:

  • normalize sexual function;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • make up for the deficiency of nutrients;
  • increase efficiency;
  • eliminate fatigue;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • increase endurance;
  • replenish energy reserves;
  • improve eyesight;
  • increase appetite.

The nut is used in various variations, in the form of a decoction, infusion and tincture. The decoction helps to cope with diarrhea, gastritis, inflammatory processes in the mouth, angina. For cooking, you need to take five nuts, peel them and pour water over them. Then boil for about 30 minutes and leave for an hour. Use 1 tbsp. l. before every meal.

Tincture helps to normalize the work of the whole organism and eliminate vitamin deficiency. For cooking, you need to prepare 40 fruits and a liter of vodka. The ingredients are mixed together and sent to glass jar where infused for five weeks. It is necessary to use tincture in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. per day.

The infusion fights inflammatory processes in the body and contributes to the destruction of viruses. For cooking, you need to prepare Art. l. leaves and 200 ml of boiling water. The ingredients are mixed, infused for 30 minutes and filtered. The resulting infusion should be consumed 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.


The oil is produced using cold-pressed technology. This allows you to save all the useful and nutritional properties of the component. The taste of the product is unusual, it partially resembles natural olive oil. The hue is golden, and the aroma is nutty.

Oil based on a tropical fruit has a positive effect on the human body. It has a lot of advantages, the main of which is a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory system. The concentration of nutrients in the nut is high.

The oil is used to prevent colds and restore the skin. It has anti-aging properties and acts as the best prophylactic against atherosclerosis. On its basis, lotions, masks, rubbing and inhalations are made.

Pecan: Application in cosmetology

Pecan is widely used in cosmetology. It allows you to deal with various problems skin, in particular fungus, burns, irritations, swelling, bites, infectious and fungal infections.

Walnut oil is used to restore the skin of the face and strengthen the structure of the hair. Its use is appropriate to strengthen the nail plate. The oil is widely used for massage purposes. It allows you to make the skin supple and elastic. The product is suitable for the care of dry and mature skin. The extract of the plant is used in the basis of masks, lotions and balms.

Use in other areas

Pecan is widely used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. It has a positive effect on the body and contributes to the improvement general condition. The fruit is widely used to decorate culinary masterpieces. It is readily used in cosmetology to restore hair, skin and nails. Finally, it underlies many recipes traditional medicine. This is a multifunctional product with a rich composition.

Application in cooking

Pecan is also used in cooking. It has a high calorie content, but it is considered one of the most useful products. The fruit is the source vital energy.

Pecan: application in cooking

The walnut is used for making sauces and side dishes. It pairs well with fish, poultry, cheese products and mushrooms. The oil is suitable for dressing vegetable salads.

Contraindications for use

The high calorie content of the product contributes to rapid weight gain. The use of the plant is inappropriate in the presence of overweight body. An excessive amount of nuts can lead to the development allergic reactions.

Features of growing at home

The taste of pecans and positive properties, cause increased interest in this plant. In this connection, many people have a completely logical question: is it possible to grow a fruitful tree at home? The plant lives under certain tropical conditions; it is impossible to create them in a garden or summer cottage.

Probability positive outcome is preserved if a person lives in a pleasant zone with mild winters. Too much low temperatures destroy the tree. You can use seedlings and try to plant a plant in a summer cottage. However, you should not expect an early harvest, the tree long time matures, then begins to bear fruit.

Harvesting, storage and which ones are better to buy?

Photo: pecan benefits and harms

Experts recommend choosing the right fruits of the plant. Types of pecans can confuse a potential buyer. In order to avoid force majeure situations, it is necessary to choose only the Kariya variety. Buy nuts should be in an unpeeled form, their shell must be intact, without cracks and damage. In this case, the fruit will retain all its beneficial properties.

During long-term storage, the plant can lose its original taste and become dangerous to health. Walnut cannot be stored for a long time. Optimal conditions to preserve useful properties is cooling chamber. In the refrigerator, the fruits are stored for about 4 months, in the freezer - six months.

I had scant knowledge of what a pecan was. What are the benefits and harms - I didn’t even think about it. Quite by chance, a small article in the local newspaper caught my eye. So much has been written about the benefits of pecans! Interested. Pecan is little known in our country, since the industrial cultivation of this walnut tree is practically not common in our country. Mostly pecan grows in the south of our country, but it is quite frost-resistant, so it can be grown further north. Once I saw on the shelves small bags of pecan kernels brought from the USA were very expensive. Compared to walnuts, pecans have a softer, more buttery taste. I liked.

Photo of pecan fruit on a tree

What are the health benefits of pecans?

Nuts have been part of the human diet for many, many centuries. When the Almighty created our unique planet for Man, He insured this super-intelligent but weak creature for all occasions. He created man as a complex of all trace elements, substances found on Earth. There are plants that are inseparable from human existence, like a reserve train in times of crisis to support or save him. These are nuts, among which pecan is in the first place.

Calorie content, variety of nut fruits is exceptionally high! AI Vavilov very aptly called them "the bread of the future." Yes, indeed, the kernels of any nuts contain a lot of first-class fat, protein, carbohydrates, almost the entire group of vital important vitamins, microelements, other substances. It turns out that nuts are bread with butter, cocoa, fruits at the same time.

But I would call this beautiful creation a great healer. Almonds improve the functioning of the stomach, reanimate the performance of the brain, heart, liver, kidneys. improves vision, which is important for everyone over 40. It also, like the enemy of atherosclerosis, improves the functioning of the brain, lungs (for asthma).

A pecan is a collection of these nuts. He deserves special attention.

Where does the pecan grow?

The long-fruited pecan (carya illinoensis N) comes from the Mississippi Valley (North America). They have long paid attention to it as a valuable culture, harmoniously including everything necessary for life support. human body, which does not require special costs for growing, storing fruits. Industrial cultivation of this crop is significant in the Southeastern United States, where pecan pie and pralines are traditional sweets.

In Russia, the pecan settled at the dawn of the 20th century, starting with Black Sea coast. It is from that period that the Sochi alley of pecans (Research Institute of Horticulture) traces its history. A little later, his seedlings appeared in the Adler park-arboretum "Southern Cultures".

The height of trees can reach up to 50 m with a crown width of up to 40 m. The trunk of a tree at the base reaches a diameter of up to 3 m. A hollow of such a tree in bad weather can cover the rider along with the horse. Young trees freely withstand frosts down to -30°C, so it is not surprising that the long-fruited walnut began to quickly move north.

There are many varieties of pecan at the Adler variety testing site. As the best varieties, Uspek, Indiana, Stuart, and others have become widespread. They already grow in groups on the northern slope of the Caucasus Range, in the Stavropol Territory, the Rostov Region, Ukraine, and Moldova. But it has no industrial significance on the territory of these regions. It is not on the shelves, except that there are bags brought from other countries.

Walnut leaves, photo

Unpaired compound pecan leaves up to 50 cm long. According to its characteristics, the pecan is close to the walnut, because this plant is also dioecious, monoecious, which is very important for its survival. Male staminate catkin flowers hang on two-year-old shoots. And pistillate females are formed in bunches on the shoots of the current year. Usually flowering occurs at the end of spring and beginning of summer, which is not dangerous during spring frosts in the North Caucasus.

Photo of pecan fruits from Sochi

Pecans ripen in September-October, crumble like walnuts. It is the crumbled fruits that are considered ripe. The fruit is a drupe weighing 12-20 g. Due to the variety, the shape of the pecan nut varies from elongated-spherical to elongated oval, 3-6 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter. The pecan kernel is golden brown on the outside, beige inside. The shell is smooth, clean, free from convolutions, cracks, holes, mold. Unshelled nuts should be heavy for their size. The nucleus is similar in shape to the nuclei of walnut, but the convolutions are, as it were, smoother, there are no partitions, i.e. the pecan kernel is easily removed whole from the shell. If unpeeled pecans rattle when shaken, it may mean that the inside is dry and unfit for eating.

It depends on the type of pecan nut whether it is difficult to crack it or not. I came across nuts brought from Sochi. Not large, rather, even smallish. It was hard to break them apart. The shell was quite thick. And the core is small. Great strength put it on - soft-boiled core. If you strike lighter, the nut will remain intact. But judging by the reviews, there are varieties with a thin shell. Such pricks are not difficult.

The shell of a pecan nut has neither a slit nor a hole (like, for example, a walnut). This is both a plus - pests, different bugs cannot penetrate inside, and it is also a minus - it is difficult to split if the shell is thick.

Sometimes I met questions why a pecan is sold cracked. Haven't seen any replies yet. But I think I can answer it.

The reason is a dense but thin shell. Manufacturers make life easier for us, anticipating our difficulties, dissatisfaction when we have to wield a hammer, breaking the shell. I experienced it myself - it is difficult to calculate even the force of a blow with a hammer. You hit a little harder - you get a “porridge” from a nut or it flies into the farthest corner. A little weaker - he lies whole, unharmed. And so, thanks to a crack in the shell - everything turns out perfectly.

I would like to warn: be sure to read the information about the date of packaging, the expiration date. A cracked pecan is not stored for a long time, it becomes rancid, tasteless, even dangerous to health.

Pecan kernels not only taste good, they are healthy, especially when we are talking on lowering cholesterol levels. Not only do they help lower cholesterol levels, but they also cleanse the arteries.

The results of a 2001 study conducted by Loma Linda University (USA) showed that eating just a handful of pecans daily can inhibit unwanted lipid oxidation in the blood, thereby helping to prevent ischemic disease hearts.

Health Benefits of Pecans

The health benefits of pecans are hard to describe. Pecan nuts contain more than 19 vitamins, minerals - A, E, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc. One hundred grams of kernels provide 30% of the recommended daily allowance fiber. Pecan is also natural source high-quality protein that contains very few carbohydrates. Does not contain cholesterol, sodium. Among the nuts, pecans are the fattest - more than 70%. It satisfies hunger well, ideal as a snack for children or adults.

The merits of this nut are very high. The pecan kernel, in addition to the highest quality fat, contains up to 10% pure protein, up to 15% carbohydrates, the entire chain of vitamins, trace elements, and amino acids.

The oil from pecan kernels - nut oil - is superior to olive oil in many ways. Ripe fruits, having thin shell, when shedding, they do not lose their qualities, they are transportable, they can be stored for a long time, while not spoiling at all, without being afraid of pests. But the cleaned ones are not stored for a long time. because of high content fat they rancid, become tasteless.

There is nothing better than eating these valuable pecans for the body during fasting instead of meat or animal fats. Within two or three weeks, you will feel lightness, body strength, eyes will become sharper, your heart will work more calmly, itching and insomnia will disappear. It is your body that is getting rid of vicious toxins accumulated by an illiterate, ruthless attitude towards yourself.

Harm can cause excessive consumption of pecan kernels. Firstly, it can ruin your figure, since pecans are very high in calories. And, secondly, there is a possibility of allergic reactions in susceptible people. In any case, you need to know the measure.

Cultivation and reproduction

Fruiting of pecan trees is annual. When propagated by seeds, the pecan tree begins to bear fruit from 9-14 years. The harvest of a young tree is from 1 to 5 kg. The average yield of a ten to fifteen year old tree is from 8 to 15 kg (US data). Back in the seventies of the last century, pecan production there reached 150 thousand tons per year. Life cycle tree is 300 years old. Old trees yield up to 250 kg of nuts.

Pecan growing technology is completely similar to walnut. This wind-pollinated, light-loving plant grows on soils various types: typically forest, rich in humus, heavy, stony, clayey. But, like most plants, it does not tolerate waterlogging.

Pecan propagates vegetatively or by seeds (seed germination up to 100%). The incidence of plants has not been noticed, there are no pests, even fruits, in comparison with walnuts, are not damaged by them.

Now the pecan has become very widespread not only in the USA and Europe. This therapeutic dietary product should be consumed by everyone. With pecans in your diet, you will live long, not painfully, optimistically rejoicing in the whole world around you.

The nature of the Creator is generous, rich, there are infinitely many unique and beautiful things in it. One of these noble creatures is the pecan.

When I learned in more detail what a pecan is, that its benefits are enormous, and the harm is minimal, I wanted to grow it in my country house. And now I have one pecan seedling growing. He is still very small. He's three years old. Grows very slowly. It is too early to share the experience of growing, but I will definitely tell you about it.

Yes, another small addition: where, at what price, from whom you can buy pecans - read the comments.

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