What can be done with birch buds. Anthelmintic on birch buds. Description and preparation of medicinal raw materials

Birch is the most beautiful tree in Russia, sung in songs and poems by our great-grandfathers. The value of a slender tree is not only in beauty, it is famous for its healing properties. Decoctions, kidneys, have long been used. But most of all they preferred birch buds.

Collection and storage

Bulk procurement of kidneys always falls on winter period. It begins in January, when the trees are in hibernation, and continues until the heat of spring. Shortly before the opening of the upper scales of the kidney. The collection stop time comes in the month of March, although there are some failures, it all depends on weather conditions and region. Raw materials are harvested from only two types of trees - downy birch and warty birch.

Know! Far Eastern birch trees are not officially recognized as phytotherapy, but the medicinal raw materials collected from them have excellent qualities, as well as a wider scope of application and consumption than birch species of European continents.

They cut the buds exclusively from fallen, but still living birch trees, otherwise, with uncontrolled pruning, the tree can be destroyed. Branches are cut, which are knitted into large armfuls, similar to brooms, and hung up to dry in a well-ventilated, cool room for 4-5 weeks. Then the "brooms" are threshed, the husked raw materials are cleaned of unnecessary impurities. in hermetically sealed jars so as not to lose flavor and prevent moisture from entering. For more reliable storage of birch buds, canvas and paper bags are also used.

Useful properties, chemical composition

Enough, here are some of them:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • wound healing;
  • expectorant;
  • anthelmintic.

Birch is a unique tree, it is a natural healer that has collected all the chemical components necessary for a person:

  1. Phytoncides and flavonoids that kill many types of microorganisms.
  2. Saponin, accompanying the outflows of bile and urine from the human body.
  3. Essential oil containing palmitic acid, sesquiterpene alcohol betulol.
  4. More than 17 types of micro and macro elements chemical table Mendeleev.
  5. Coumarin, which has a stimulating and calming effect, dilates the heart vessels, has a beneficial effect on nervous system.
  6. Vitamins needed for normal exchange substances and human life.
  7. Alkaloids that affect the nervous system and the endings of nerve cells.

From the lists compiled, it can be seen that the tree was created by nature not for beauty, but as a living pharmacy rich in content. The most valuable in it are the kidneys. appear with cuts or abrasions. It is enough to apply crushed freshly harvested kidneys to the wounds, they will begin to heal. If the wounds are large, they are washed with decoction or smeared with ointment.

Application in traditional medicine

There are many known cases of curing some ailments precisely by traditional medicine, where herbs, roots, leaves, flowers are involved. medicinal plants. Among them, birch buds are not in last place.

Applicable for chronic bronchitis or bronchial asthma they act as an expectorant.

People who know medicinal plants have been harvesting buds since early spring to help the body cope with autumn colds. They make decoctions from them, which they drink instead of tea, with acute tonsillitis gargle.

A decoction for the throat

Two teaspoons of kidneys pour 2 tbsp. (400 g) boiling water. Leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes. Use with. Gargle each time after eating. Another decoction is drunk at a cold temperature at night, like tea. By morning, the patient will feel relief.

Alcohol tincture

For 200 ml pure alcohol(70%) - 40 g powdered kidneys (dried). Insist in a darkened, non-hot cabinet for 21 days (3 weeks). The infused mixture is filtered, the husk is squeezed out, discarded. Take by dropping the tincture into the water: 1 tbsp. l. boiled water 25-30 drops 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

Application of tincture:

Can be used externally:

  • with any form of eczema;
  • to heal wounds;
  • treatment of bedsores and skin irritations with purulent secretions.

They also use it instead of iodine or brilliant green (brilliant green), it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents.

Attention! Birch buds contain resins that can irritate the body. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to get the advice of an experienced doctor.

What does the tincture treat?

  1. perfectly cope with the disease with edema formed from.
  2. sick and others gastrointestinal diseases infusions of birch buds are recommended to be taken according to the recommendations described in the recipe: for 1 tbsp. l. water - 25-30 drops half an hour before meals.
  3. Alcohol infusion is stored for a long time, it is used even for rheumatic joint pain and polyarthritis. Pain of a aching nature subsides with intensive rubbing into inflamed places (at least twice a day).

Ointments on birch buds

In addition to tinctures, decoctions and infusions, ointments are prepared that exhibit beneficial properties when rubbed into sore spots with arthrosis and rheumatism.

Recipe #1

  • softened butter (unsalted) - 750–800 g;
  • camphor - 5 g;
  • kidneys (dried) - 1 liter jar.


Melted butter and powdered birch buds are placed in clay or enameled dishes, alternating layers. The thickness of each layer should be approximately 1.5 cm. The container is covered with a lid, wrapped in foil, put in a warm oven for a day (very low heat). After a day, camphor is added to the contents.

Application (externally):

Rubbed into sore joints at night every day. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.

Recipe #2

  • lanolin - 200 g;
  • kidneys (dry) - 200 g glass;
  • boiling water - 100 g.


The kidneys are ground into powder, poured with boiling water, insisted for 1 hour. Filter, press the cake, discard. The broth is thickened by evaporation, then mixed with lanolin oil. The exfoliated liquid is drained from the frozen surface of the mass.

Application: externally for eczema.

Useful properties and contraindications for women

Birch bud tincture, as a medicine, is useful to give to patients after unforeseen stresses, for example, to women after a prematurely terminated pregnancy. Or during a difficult menopause. A decoction in the body of women normalizes the violation of hormonal processes.

Contraindicated! Pregnant women at any time, mothers who are breastfeeding.

For feminine charm

The beauty of women has always demanded attention. Since ancient times, simple cosmetic oil infusions on birch buds have been prepared at home. Then they were used to soften and saturate with vitamins the fading or dry skin of the neck and face.

Oil infusion for the face

260 g of olive oil are mixed with buds (birch) - 6 tbsp. l. Let it brew (21 days), filter. Infusion lubricates the skin of the face and neck before going to bed at night.

Oil decoction to strengthen damaged hair (complex composition)


  • kidneys - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • nettle - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chamomile - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lanolin - 1 tsp;
  • egg yolk- 1 PC.;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • olive oil- 70 ml.

Olive oil, lanolin wax, kidneys, chamomile, nettle are mixed. Boil over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Allow to cool slightly (45–50°C), strain, squeeze the herbs soaked in oil. Raw egg yolk, freshly squeezed, is introduced into the oil broth lemon juice, mix. Oil decoction is applied to the hair, starting from the tips, then rubbed into the skin. The head is wrapped with a towel, after an hour the decoction is washed off with shampoo. This procedure strengthens and improves the structure of the hair.

To rinse the hair after washing, a decoction of birch buds is used, it is enough to brew 2-3 tbsp. l. kidneys in 200 ml of boiling water.

Mask for the face

Powdered in equal proportions are mixed: birch buds, chamomile flowers (pharmacy), calendula inflorescences, pour boiling water to a mushy consistency. The resulting mass is placed in gauze, squeezed lightly, a compress is applied to the face and neck. The mask effectively manifests itself in the rash of acne on the skin of the face. This recipe is suitable for curing boils, only the compress is made much smaller in size.

Contraindications for children

Saturated birch broths from the kidneys and teas, before giving to children, you need to consult a pediatrician. And on alcohol, children are completely contraindicated. But only outdoor way application has no restrictions, on the contrary. A strong decoction of the kidneys is used when bathing one-year-old children. Such baths relieve unwanted diaper rash and irritation in babies. Contained, aromatic substances soothe the children's nervous system.

Birch buds have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and diaphoretic action. The healing properties of birch buds are used to combat diseases of the urinary system, hematopoiesis and metabolism. Compresses with birch broth heal wounds well, restore the functions of diseased joints and treat ulcers and burns.

Birch buds - environmentally friendly and efficient folk medicine available to most people

Composition and useful properties


The kidneys contain quite a lot of essential oils, which have a wonderful smell and are used to treat helminthic invasion and diseases. genitourinary system. birch broth- part complex therapy malignant neoplasms.
Beneficial features birch buds are due to the content in them biologically active substances- vitamin PP, flavonoids, tannins, phytoncides. They make the birch a natural first aid kit that grows in abundance in the nearby grove.

It was noted that people living in settlements With large quantity birches are less prone to viral diseases.

Beneficial features

The benefits and harms of birch buds have been scientifically proven. They are used both for the treatment of a number of diseases, and for the prevention of some of them. Birch decoction has a tonic effect and is widely used in cosmetology.
Birch buds have the following healing properties:

  • increase the release of bile
  • have a diuretic effect
  • reduce the symptoms of inflammation in the human body,
  • cleanse the gastrointestinal tract
  • stimulate intestinal peristalsis,
  • disinfect the digestive organs,
  • accelerate blood circulation and lymph flow.

Birch decoction is useful for the following pathologies:

  1. diseases of the digestive system,
  2. pulmonary tuberculosis,
  3. acute respiratory viral infections and the flu
  4. dermatological diseases.

Prevention of baldness, stimulation of growth and improvement of hair structure includes the use of birch broth. Moreover, it has long been known tibetan recipe youth, which is herbal collection from birch buds, chamomile, immortelle, St. John's wort and honey.
Spring is the season when people often suffer from beriberi, experiencing drowsiness, weakness and apathy. Birch broth is a storehouse of vitamins. It replenishes all the missing trace elements in the human body.

When to collect birch buds?

Birch buds are sold in pharmacy network. You can also collect them yourself from January to April, while taking only swollen buds with unopened scales.

If they have already blossomed, then they cannot be used for medicinal purposes.

In winter and spring, they contain a maximum of useful substances. Branches with buds are cut, dried, protected from direct sunlight, and then threshed. Correct collection birch buds and drying guarantee that they will retain their healing properties for two years. Store them in bags made of material or paper or in glassware.

Basic dosage forms

There are various dosage forms and ways to get healing agent into the human body.
  • Birch broth restores the body after colds and gives essential vitamins in the spring, relieving beriberi. Gargling with such a decoction is effective for sore throat, stomatitis, periodontal disease. Birch broth also reduces swelling due to a pronounced diuretic and choleretic action.
  • Alcohol tincture is used as an external agent for healing wounds, eczema, bedsores and abrasions.

    It is strictly forbidden to take the tincture inside, since the harm from alcohol is greater than the benefits of its therapeutic effect.

  • Oil tincture is used externally in dermatology, as well as in proctology for the treatment of hemorrhoids: they put microclysters twice a day.
  • The ointment is rubbed into sore joints with rheumatism or eczema.
  • Birch buds are used in cosmetology for the preparation of masks that strengthen hair.


Contraindications to the use of birch buds are as follows:

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • acute diseases of the urinary system,
  • kidney failure.

Birch buds are prescribed during pregnancy in special occasions as a diuretic. These herbs help to restore impaired functioning of the heart or kidneys, as well as get rid of edema. Diuretic herbs can be used during childbearing only after consultation with a specialist.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Birch is perhaps the most sung tree in poetry and music. However, they admired not only its unusual color of the bark or dangling fluffy earrings - our ancestors knew about the value of birch leaves, sap, bark and buds. Let's talk about birch buds and their medicinal properties today.

What is rich and what is contained in the composition

  • Vitamins: A, carotene, C, PP;
  • minerals: magnesium, calcium, iron, copper;
  • fatty acid;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • saponins;
  • phytoncides;
  • glucose;
  • resins and essential oils;
  • flavonoids: hyperoside, quercetin.

Did you know? In 2001, a Faberge egg was exhibited in Germany for the first time, which, according to many versions, was made in 1917 and was intended for Maria Feodorovna, the wife of the emperor Alexander III. The egg itself is made of Karelian birch wood and is called "Birch".

What is useful, what is treated

As a medicinal raw material, the kidneys have the following properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • diaphoretic;
  • blood-purifying;
  • vasodilator;
  • painkiller;
  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing.

Phytoncides in the composition of the kidneys are able to destroy pathogens - these volatile substances are effective even against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This ability is used in the treatment intestinal infections, mastitis, peritonitis.
Alcohol tincture on raw materials will help cleanse the body of worms. Saponins and alkaloids are involved in the metabolic processes of cells, provide integrity cell membranes improve blood circulation.

Thanks to the action of these substances, the endocrine and reproductive system, is normalized hormonal background, the general tone of the body increases. The diuretic effect of the product helps to get rid of edema caused by diseases of the liver, kidneys, disorders lymphatic system, heart disease.

The bioflavonoids quercetin and hyperoside have vasodilating action, including on coronary vessels. Substances reduce blood viscosity, lower cholesterol, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, these elements have antioxidant properties, help strengthen the immune system. Tannins, together with vitamins, help fight colds, sore throats and respiratory tract, creating an unacceptable habitat for bacteria and viruses.
Kidney-based preparations have an astringent and expectorant effect, helping to remove sputum from the lungs and bronchi. Birch medicine is also used in the treatment of the digestive system: it has an enveloping, softening effect on the irritated mucous membrane, removing pain symptoms and helping to restore the microflora.

Wound healing and antiseptic property used in the treatment of skin diseases: a complex of substances in the composition accelerates the healing process, helps to clean the affected areas from microorganisms. For joint diseases birch medicine used as an anesthetic compress.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Ready-made raw materials can be purchased at a pharmacy, but it is more useful to collect the medicinal material yourself. In this case, you can be sure of its purity and quality.

Where, when and how to collect

It is necessary to harvest raw materials in clean areas: away from highways, industrial zones. Collection time - from January to April, the most useful kidneys those that swelled, but did not have time to open. It is desirable that the day of collection was dry weather. Collecting the buds themselves is a tedious and time-consuming task, so they cut the raw materials along with part of the branches.

How to dry

The collected branches are dried in a ventilated room or in a dryer. It is not recommended to dry high temperatures: the dryer is set to a maximum of 30 ° C, no more. At high temperatures, the buds can germinate. Natural drying lasts about two to three weeks.

Where and how much can be stored

Properly dried raw materials retain their properties for up to two years, provided that they are stored in glass containers, cloth or paper bags.

Application in traditional medicine

AT traditional medicine decoctions, tinctures, tea, ointment are prepared from medicinal raw materials.

Did you know? Syrup is brewed from birch sap, which is not inferior in taste and useful qualities maple. The product after evaporation is light amber in color, with a rich honey-herbaceous taste. Producing countries include the USA, Russia, Canada, Belarus and some European countries.

Alcohol tincture

Alcohol tincture is used both internally and externally.

For outdoor use

500 ml of alcohol and 100 g of dry raw materials insist twenty days. To heal wounds, decontaminate bedsores and treat skin diseases, alcohol rubbing is done.

For internal use

Pour 20 g of kidneys with 100 ml of alcohol, leave for three weeks, strain thoroughly. For edema, liver disease, headaches, as an anthelmintic, take 20 drops, diluted with a tablespoon of water, three times a day for half an hour before meals.


To prepare the ointment, you will need lanolin - you can buy it at a pharmacy. Dry kidneys are poured with boiling water, then filtered. Melt lanolin, add kidney extract to it and leave to cool.

After the lanolin hardens, a liquid will remain on its surface, which must be drained. The remaining mass is used as an ointment for pain in the joints, skin diseases(eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis).


10 grams of raw materials are poured into a glass of water, boiled for about fifteen minutes, filtered. Gargle with a decoction of the throat infectious diseases and oral cavity dental problems, treat colds, diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Diuretic and choleretic effect helps with diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas. Take orally half a glass of decoction three times a day, after meals.

Tea for weight loss: myth or reality

Lose weight with just one use birch tea impossible. Tea can improve digestion and intestinal motility, speed up metabolic processes, breakdown of fats and, accordingly, reduce their deposition.

At the same time, it is desirable to comply correct mode food ( healthy food, a minimum of flour, sweet, etc.), as well as to lead active image life (going to the gym, gymnastics at home). For weight correction, the following recipes are used:

Application in home cosmetology

Vitamins, minerals and others useful elements composition of birch buds make them useful not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Kidney-based products help fight early wrinkles, inflammation and irritation on the skin, nourish the upper layers of the epidermis and saturate them with oxygen.

In industrial cosmetology, raw materials are used in the manufacture of hair care products: strengthening masks, shampoos, balms.

Hair strengthening

To strengthen the hair bag and restore damaged hair, an alcohol tincture is made. 10 grams of kidneys insist in one hundred milliliters of alcohol for about two weeks.

Before applying to the hair roots, the tincture is diluted one to ten with boiled water or a decoction of herbs (chamomile, nettle).

Important! Undiluted product can burn the scalp and cause it to peel.

Facial mask

A tablespoon of birch bud decoction, a teaspoon of honey and blue cosmetic clay (1-2 tsp) are mixed into a thick slurry. Apply to the face thin layer for twenty minutes, then wash off warm water and inflict nutritious cream. The mask will help cleanse pores, improve blood circulation in upper layers epidermis, will give healthy look and tighten the skin.

Hello dear readers. Today our conversation will be about birch buds, we will also consider treatment with birch buds, useful properties, contraindications to the use of birch buds. Birch buds have served people as a medicine since ancient times; they are widely used in folk medicine. Since ancient times, people have paid attention to birch, because it really brings great benefit. Birch is a valuable gift of nature. Take at least Birch juice, which I love very much and try to prepare it every year. After all, birch sap is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Birch sap cleanses the blood of toxins, harmful substances, cholesterol. Helps quench thirst.

During the season it is recommended to drink 5 liters of birch sap. It's even nice to just walk between the birches in a birch grove. According to British studies, the air in a birch grove is ten times cleaner than the air in an operating room. See how I preserve birch sap in my article ““, I can preserve birch sap and prepare birch kvass. In the article you will find recipes with step by step photos.

Of course now everything medicinal herbs can be purchased at a pharmacy. Birch buds are produced in packs or plastic bags of 100 grams. But you can prepare birch buds yourself. FROM therapeutic purpose birch buds need to be collected in early spring during the swelling of the buds, this is around the end of April and the beginning of May. Necessarily, they must be collected while the birch buds have not yet been opened, namely, during the movement of birch sap along the trunk. All this is extremely important, since it is at this time that beneficial substances accumulate in birch buds.

The buds are harvested by hand, cut along with the branches. They are dried in birch dryers, you can lay them out in a thin layer on cloth or paper and thus dry the birch buds. Now, regarding storage. You can store dried birch buds in cotton bags, you can in a glass jar, you can in a paper bag.

Birch buds. Beneficial features

  • Infusions and decoctions prepared from birch buds have choleretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, wound healing, analgesic, antibacterial, anthelmintic properties.
  • A decoction of birch buds can be drunk as a tea chronic fatigue, drowsiness, weakness and irritability.
  • Birch buds are used in dentistry as anti-inflammatory, disinfectant with stomatitis, with periodontal disease.
  • Birch buds contain tannins, fatty acids, carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, resinous substances, essential oil, alkaloids, vitamin PP, C, buckwheat.
  • The essential oil contained in birch buds has disinfectant properties.
  • Preparations from birch buds are used for angina, stomatitis, periodontal disease, colds.
  • A decoction of birch buds helps to reduce the temperature, with a cold.
  • Birch buds are used for edema cardiac origin as a diuretic.
  • Birch buds are used for colds.
  • Birch buds have expectorant properties, so they are useful for bronchitis and coughs.
  • Also, birch buds are used for the preparation of inhalations.
  • With edema, birch buds are used as a diuretic.
  • Externally, a decoction of birch buds is used in the form of compresses for inflammation of the joints.
  • For wounds or cuts, fresh birch leaves are applied to the wound, the wounds are washed with birch broth, ointment from birch buds can be used.
  • Outwardly, preparations from birch buds are used for hemorrhoids in the form of lotions, as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent.
  • Decoctions and infusions of birch buds are used for diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract as a choleretic and antispasmodic.

As you can see, the spectrum of action of birch buds is quite wide. But, in addition to medicine, birch buds are also used in cosmetology. Birch buds are part of face masks, infusion of birch buds is used to rinse hair after washing to strengthen hair and improve its structure.

Birch buds. Contraindications

  • Birch buds are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.
  • With allergies.
  • With caution, birch buds are used for diseases of the urinary and kidneys.
  • Birch buds are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

In any case, before taking preparations from birch buds, be it tea, infusion or decoction, be sure to consult your doctor.

Birch buds. Treatment

A decoction of birch buds. To prepare the broth, you need to take two tablespoons of birch buds, pour half a liter of water over them and put on fire to boil, boil for about ten, fifteen minutes, then strain the broth and bring boiled water to the original volume.

Infusion of birch buds. Pour one tablespoon of birch buds with a glass of boiling water, cover, leave for about an hour, then strain the infusion, bring to the original volume with boiled water.

Ointment from birch buds. You need to take 800 grams of fresh butter and 400 grams of dry birch buds, all this must be laid out in layers in a clay pot, then we cover it and put it in the oven or languish on the oven. It should languish all day, and maybe even a day. The resulting mass is filtered through a sieve and add 7 grams of camphor powder. Mix the ointment on birch buds and put it in a cold place. Such an ointment excellent remedy with rheumatism and pain in the joints, arthritis. Inhalations from birch buds.

Inhalations are most often done for coughs and colds. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of birch buds to half a liter of water, boil for about half an hour. Do inhalations over steam, just be careful not to burn your throat.

Alcohol tincture from birch buds. For half a liter of vodka, you need to take 100 grams of birch buds, we remove all this in a dark place for a week. This tincture rubs sore joints, treats hiccups and headache, abrasions, bedsores, rheumatism. For pain in the ear, soak a piece of cotton wool in alcohol tincture and put it in the affected ear.

Alcoholic tincture of birch buds can rub the body with a cold. Birch buds can be brewed and drunk as tea for beriberi, weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, with signs of seasonal hypovitaminosis.

Also, tea from birch buds helps to cope with a cold, at its first signs, as it has antimicrobial and antiviral action. Birch buds, like birch itself, are simply an invaluable gift of nature. If you have proven recipes for using birch buds, share them with us. Be healthy!

Spring is harvest time medicinal plants. It is during this period that birch buds gain the maximum concentration of nutrients and become a remedy for ailments.

When to collect birch buds?

In early spring, before the leaves bloom, the birch comes to life after the winter. An increased movement of juice begins along the stem vessels of the conducting tissue of the plant. At the same time, along with the collection of birch sap, buds are harvested. They should swell, but not have time to bloom.

The collection of buds by hand takes place along with the branches on which they grow. Early picking before the juice starts moving is useless - medicinal properties raw materials are too small.

In megacities and cities, birch accumulates harmful substances contained in the air and water, so it is optimal to collect raw materials outside the city, in birch groves, away from highways and roads.

The kidneys are covered with brown skin, may have a slightly greenish color. They have a pleasant herbal resinous smell.

Store dried kidneys in bags made of cloth, paper or glassware.

Useful properties of birch buds

The use of dried birch buds is diverse. They have healing properties:

  1. Substances contained in birch buds, phytoncides and flavonoids, have an antibacterial effect and are detrimental to pathogenic microflora;
  2. Preparations with birch buds have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. Sapotonin, which is part of birch buds, has a choleretic, diuretic and diaphoretic effect;
  4. Fresh buds and birch leaves disinfect wounds and promote quick recovery epithelium;
  5. For colds, tracheitis, bronchial diseases, preparations with birch buds are prescribed for better expectoration sputum;
  6. For elimination helminthic invasions infusions and decoctions are used (including in pediatrics);
  7. Unique vitamin composition makes birch buds a means to strengthen immunity, increase vitality

When are birch buds used?

Tibetan collection of longevity

Complex impact the body has a collection consisting of birch buds, St. John's wort, and immortelle. It strengthens and cleanses blood vessels, normalizes metabolic processes, tones, heals the body as a whole, relieves it of excess fluid. stagnant processes.

To prepare the collection at home, you need to take 0.1 kg of each component, grind and mix thoroughly. 1 st. l. the mixture is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes in a closed enameled pan or thermos, filtered.

Consume an hour before bedtime, 0.2 l warm, with the addition of 1 tsp. honey. After gathering, food is not taken until morning.

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