Treatment of organic lesions of the central nervous system. Residual organic lesion of the central nervous system in children

A pathology characterized by cell death in the spinal cord or brain is an organic lesion of the central nervous system. With a severe course of the disease, the human nervous system becomes inferior, he needs constant care, because he cannot serve himself, perform labor duties.

However, with the timely detection of an organic disorder, the prognosis is quite favorable - the activity of the affected cells is restored. The success of treatment is the complexity and usefulness of the treatment, the implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor.

Organic damage to the central nervous system has another name - encephalopathy. Its signs can be detected in most people after 65-75 years, and in some cases even in children - with toxic damage to the structures of the head. In general, experts divide the pathology into congenital and acquired forms - according to the time of traumatization and death of nerve cells.

Classification of pathology:

  • Due to appearance: traumatic, toxic, alcoholic, infectious, radiation, genetic, discirculatory, ischemic.
  • By time of appearance: intrauterine, early childhood, late childhood, adults.
  • By the presence of complications: complicated, uncomplicated.

In the absence of an obvious cause of death of nerve cells and the symptoms accompanying this process, there is an unclear ROP of the central nervous system (residual organic lesion of the central nervous system). At the same time, specialists will recommend additional examination methods in order to correctly classify the disease.

Causes of ROP in children

As a rule, an organic lesion of the central nervous system in children is a congenital pathology, which can be caused by acute severe or mild, but prolonged oxygen starvation of the site, which is formed during intrauterine development of the brain. Excessively long births. Premature abruption of the placenta - the organ responsible for feeding the baby inside the uterus. A significant weakening of the tone of the uterus and subsequent oxygen starvation of tissues.

Less often, the cause of irreversible changes in the nerve cells of the fetus are infections carried by a woman - for example, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, pneumonia. If infectious agents have penetrated the protective membranes of the uterus, then they have an extremely negative effect on the course of pregnancy, especially at the stage of formation of the central head system.

In addition, the appearance of residual organic brain lesions in children can lead to:

  • birth trauma - when the fetus passes through the birth canal of a woman;
  • the propensity of the expectant mother to use tobacco, alcohol products;
  • daily inhalation of toxic substances by a pregnant woman - work in hazardous industries with high indoor gas pollution, for example, in paint and varnish factories.

The mechanism of development of ROP of the CNS in a child can be imagined as a distortion of information during cell division due to breakdowns in the DNA chain - brain structures are formed incorrectly, may become unviable.

Causes in adults

In most cases, specialists indicate various external causes as provoking factors for residual damage.

Traumatic brain injuries - for example, car accidents, household injuries. Infectious lesions - the main microorganisms of the viral nature of Coxsackie, ECHO, as well as herpes viruses, staphylococci, HIV infection. Intoxication - a person's use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, tobacco, or frequent contact with salts of heavy metals, taking certain subgroups of medicines;

Vascular disorders - for example, ischemic / hemorrhagic strokes, atherosclerosis, various anomalies of cerebral vessels. Demyelinating pathologies - most often indicate multiple sclerosis, which is based on the destruction of the sheath of nerve endings. Neurodegenerative conditions are mainly syndromes that occur in old age.

Increasingly, neoplasms - tumors - lead to organic lesions of the central nervous system. In the case of rapid growth, they put pressure on neighboring areas, injuring the cells. The result is an organic syndrome.

Symptoms in children

Signs of damage in babies can be observed from the first days of life. Such children are characterized by tearfulness, irritability, poor appetite and disturbing interrupted sleep. In severe cases, episodes of epilepsy are possible.

At an early stage, it is difficult to identify an organic lesion of the central nervous system even for a highly professional neuropathologist, since the movements of the baby are chaotic, and the intellect is still underdeveloped. However, p With careful examination and questioning of parents, you can establish:

  • violation of the muscle tone of the baby - hypertonicity;
  • involuntary movements of the head, limbs - more intense than it should be in children of the same age;
  • paresis / paralysis;
  • violation of the movements of the eyeballs;
  • sensory dysfunctions.

Closer to the year, organic lesions of the central nervous system will be indicated by symptoms:

  • lagging behind in intellectual development - the baby does not follow the toys, does not speak, does not fulfill the requests addressed to him;
  • a pronounced delay in general physical development - does not hold his head, does not coordinate movements, does not make attempts to crawl, walk;
  • increased fatigue of children - both physical and intellectual, failure to assimilate the training program;
  • emotional immaturity, instability - rapid mood swings, self-absorption, moodiness and tearfulness;
  • various psychopathy - from a tendency to affects to severe depression;
  • infantilism of the personality - the increased dependence of the baby on the parents, even in household trifles.

Timely detection and comprehensive treatment of CNS lesions in childhood makes it possible to compensate for negative manifestations and socialize the baby - he studies and works with his peers almost on a par.

Symptoms in adults

If residual CNS damage in adults is due to vascular changes, it will appear gradually. Others may notice a person's increased absent-mindedness, memory loss, and intellectual capabilities. As the pathological disorder worsens, new symptoms and signs are added:

  • - long, intense, in different parts of the skull;
  • nervousness - excessive, unreasonable, sudden;
  • dizziness - persistent, of varying severity, not associated with other pathologies;
  • jumps in intracranial pressure - sometimes up to significant numbers;
  • attention - scattered, difficult to control;
  • movements - uncoordinated, unsteady gait, fine motor skills suffer, up to the inability to hold a spoon, book, cane;
  • epilepsy - attacks from rare and weak to frequent and severe;
  • mood - changes rapidly, up to hysterical reactions, antisocial behavior.

Residual organic damage in adults is often irreversible, since its causes are tumors, injuries, and vascular pathologies.

A person's quality of life is reduced - he loses the opportunity to take care of himself, perform work duties, becomes a severely disabled person. To prevent this, it is recommended to seek medical help in a timely manner.


With the manifestations of symptoms of an organic lesion of the central nervous system, a specialist will definitely recommend modern methods of laboratory, as well as instrumental diagnostics:

  • blood tests - general, biochemical, for antibodies to infections;
  • tomography - the study of brain structures through a variety of radiographic images;
  • brain tissue, as well as blood vessels;
  • electroencephalography - detection of a focus of pathological brain activity;
  • neurosonography - helps to analyze the conductivity of brain cells, reveals small hemorrhages in the tissue;
  • analysis of cerebrospinal fluid - its excess / lack, inflammatory processes.

According to individual needs, the patient will need to consult an ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, traumatologist, infectious disease specialist.

Only by examining the organic lesion of the central nervous system from all sides, the doctor gets the opportunity to draw up a complete scheme of drug therapy. Success in the fight against a negative state is the timely and complete establishment of provoking causes, as well as the implementation of all prescribed therapeutic measures.

Treatment tactics

Elimination of an organic lesion of the central nervous system is not an easy task, which requires maximum efforts from both doctors and the patient himself. Treatment will require time and effort, as well as finances, since the main emphasis is on rehabilitation - spa courses, specialized training, acupuncture, reflexology.

Only after the main cause of brain damage has been established, it needs to be eliminated - to restore blood circulation, improve nerve conduction of impulses between cells, remove a tumor or a blood clot.

Subgroups of medicines:

  • means for improving local and general blood circulation - nootropics, for example, Piracetam, Phenotropil;
  • drugs for the correction of mental processes, the suppression of perverted desires - Phenozepam, Sonopaks;
  • sedatives - on a plant / synthetic basis.

Additional procedures:

  • massage - correction of muscle activity;
  • acupuncture - impact on the nerve centers;
  • physiotherapy treatment - magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, phonophoresis;
  • swimming;
  • psychotherapeutic impact - classes with a psychologist to establish connections between the patient and the surrounding people, society;
  • speech correction;
  • specialized training.

The ultimate goal of therapeutic measures is to maximize the condition of a person with organic lesions of the central nervous system, improve his quality of life and adapt to the disease. Of course, the main burden of caring for such a patient falls on the shoulders of his relatives. Therefore, doctors also work with them - they teach the skills of administering drugs, the basics of gymnastics, and psychological behavior.

With due diligence, as well as patience, a positive result and return will be obvious - the manifestations of residual encephalopathy will be minimal, life will be active, and self-care will be the maximum possible for the level of damage. ROP is not a sentence at all, but a severe test that can and must be overcome.

The central nervous system (CNS) is the main part of the human nervous system, which consists of an accumulation of nerve cells. In humans, it is represented by the spinal cord and brain. The departments of the central nervous system regulate the activity of individual organs and systems of the body, and generally ensure the unity of its activity. With lesions of the central nervous system, this function is impaired.

Damage to the central nervous system can occur in a child both during fetal development (perinatally) and during childbirth (intranatally). If harmful factors affected the child at the embryonic stage of intrauterine development, then severe defects incompatible with life may occur. After eight weeks of pregnancy, damaging influences no longer cause gross violations, but sometimes slight deviations appear in the formation of the child. After 28 weeks of intrauterine development, damaging effects will not lead to malformations, but a normally formed child may develop some kind of disease.

Perinatal damage to the central nervous system (PP CNS)

This pathology is most recorded in children of the first year of life. This diagnosis implies a violation of the function or structure of the brain of various origins. PP CNS occurs in the perinatal period. It includes antenatal (from the 28th week of intrauterine development to the onset of childbirth), intranatal (the act of childbirth itself) and early neonatal (the first week of a child's life) periods.

The symptoms of PP CNS include an increase in neuro-reflex excitability; decreased muscle tone and reflexes, short-term convulsions and anxiety; muscle hypotension, hyporeflexia; respiratory, cardiac, renal disorders; paresis and paralysis, etc.

The following causes influence the occurrence of perinatal CNS damage: maternal somatic diseases, malnutrition and immaturity of a pregnant woman, acute infectious diseases during pregnancy, hereditary diseases, metabolic disorders, pathological pregnancy, and unfavorable environmental conditions.

According to their origin, all perinatal lesions of the central nervous system can be divided into:

  1. Hypoxic-ischemic damage to the central nervous system. Hypoxic-ischemic damage to the central nervous system occurs due to a lack of oxygen supply to the fetus or its utilization during pregnancy or childbirth;
  2. Traumatic damage to the central nervous system. Traumatic damage to the central nervous system is caused by traumatic damage to the fetal head at the time of delivery;
  3. Hypoxic-traumatic lesion of the central nervous system. Hypoxic-traumatic damage to the central nervous system is characterized by a combination of hypoxia and damage to the cervical spine and the spinal cord located in it;
  4. Hypoxic-hemorrhagic lesion of the central nervous system. Hypoxic-hemorrhagic damage to the central nervous system occurs during birth trauma and is accompanied by impaired cerebral circulation up to hemorrhages.

In recent years, the diagnostic capabilities of children's medical institutions have improved significantly. After one month of a child's life, a neurologist can determine the exact nature and extent of CNS damage, as well as predict the further course of the disease, or completely remove the suspicion of a brain disease. The diagnosis can be characterized by a complete recovery or the development of minimal CNS disorders, as well as severe diseases that require mandatory treatment and regular monitoring by a neuropathologist.

Treatment of the acute period of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system is carried out in a hospital. Drug therapy, massage, physiotherapy and physiotherapy, acupuncture, as well as elements of pedagogical correction are used as the main treatment for the disease.

Organic lesion of the central nervous system

This diagnosis means that the human brain is defective to a certain extent. Pathological changes occur in the substance of the brain. A mild degree of organic damage to the central nervous system is inherent in almost all people and does not require medical intervention. But here the average and severe degree of this disease is already a violation of the activity of the nervous system. Symptoms include freezing spells, sleep disturbance, irritability, rapid distractibility, repetition of phrases, and daytime enuresis. Vision and hearing may deteriorate, coordination of movements may be disturbed. Human immunity decreases, various colds occur.

The causes of organic lesions of the central nervous system are divided into congenital and acquired. The former include cases when, during pregnancy, the child's mother had an infection (ARI, influenza, tonsillitis), took certain medications, smoked and drank alcohol. During periods of psychological stress of the mother, a single blood supply system can transfer stress hormones into the body of the fetus. The influence is exerted by sudden changes in temperature and pressure, exposure to radioactive and toxic substances contained in the air, dissolved in water, food, etc.

Diagnosing an organic lesion of the central nervous system is quite simple. An experienced psychiatrist can determine the presence or absence of organics by the child's face. Nevertheless, the types of disorders in the brain are determined by laboratory diagnostics, which is based on a series of procedures that are harmless to the body and informative for the doctor: ultrasound diagnostics of the brain, electroencephalograms, and rheoencephalograms.

Organic treatment is a very long process. It is mainly medicinal. Drugs are used to treat organic damage to the central nervous system. For example, nootropic drugs can improve brain activity. Vascular preparations are used.

Often, children are diagnosed with "residual lesion of the HNS." Residual organic lesions of the central nervous system are present in children mainly as residual effects of birth trauma and brain disorders. It manifests itself as a disorder of associative thinking, and in more severe cases, neurological disorders. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Various elements of pedagogical correction are used, exercises for concentration of attention, classes with a psychologist and a speech therapist are useful.

The consequences of damage to the central nervous system depend primarily on the degree of the disease. Both a complete recovery and a delay in mental, motor or speech development in a child, various neurological reactions, etc. are possible. It is important that a child receive a full rehabilitation during the first year of life.

Help children with central nervous system disease

At the moment, there are no children with this diagnosis in the care of our foundation. However, you can help sick children with other diagnoses!

Residual-organic - the consequences of structural damage to the brain and spinal cord of the perinatal period. This period corresponds to the period from 154 days of gestation (22 weeks), when the fetal weight reaches 500 g, to the seventh day after birth. Given the modern possibilities of nursing newborns, it is believed that from now on the child remains viable even with premature birth. However, it remains vulnerable to a variety of pathological effects that can adversely affect the functioning of the nervous system.

Origin of residual-organic pathology of the CNS

Factors that adversely affect the development of the fetus and newborn include:

  • chromosomal diseases (mutations and consequences of gametopathies);
  • physical factors (poor ecology, radiation, lack of oxygen consumption);
  • chemical factors (use of medicines, household chemicals, chronic and acute intoxication with alcohol and drugs);
  • malnutrition (starvation, vitamin and mineral depletion of the diet, protein deficiency);
  • diseases of a woman (acute and chronic diseases of the mother);
  • pathological conditions during pregnancy (preeclampsia, damage to the child's place, anomalies of the umbilical cord);
  • deviations in the course of labor (birth weakness, rapid or prolonged labor, premature detachment of the placenta).

Under the influence of these factors, tissue differentiation is disrupted, and fetopathy, intrauterine growth retardation, prematurity are formed, which can subsequently provoke an organic lesion of the central nervous system. The following perinatal pathology leads to the consequences of organic lesions of the central nervous system:

  • traumatic;
  • dismetabolic;
  • infectious.

Clinical manifestations of residual CNS damage

Clinically, organic damage to the central nervous system in children manifests itself from the first days of life. Already at the first examination, a neurologist can find external signs of brain suffering - tonic disorders, tremor of the chin and arms, general anxiety, and a delay in the formation of voluntary movements. With a gross lesion of the brain, focal neurological symptoms are detected.

Sometimes signs of brain damage are detected only during additional examination methods (for example,). In this case, they speak of a clinically silent course of perinatal pathology.

Important! In cases where there are no clinical symptoms of organic pathology of the brain, damage to the nervous system, detected using instrumental diagnostic methods, does not require treatment. All that is needed is dynamic observation and repeated studies.

Residual damage to the central nervous system in children is manifested by:

  • cerebrasthenic syndrome (rapid exhaustion, unreasonable fatigue, mood lability, lack of adaptation to mental and physical stress, tearfulness, irritability, capriciousness);
  • neurosis-like syndrome (tics, enuresis, phobias);
  • encephalopathy (decrease in cognitive functions, scattered focal neurological symptoms);
  • psychopathy (phenomena of affect, aggressive behavior, disinhibition, reduced criticism);
  • organic-psychic infantilism (apato-abulic manifestations, suppression, list, formation of addictions);
  • minimal brain dysfunction (motor hyperactivity disorder with attention deficit).

A detailed decoding of the syndromes can be obtained by watching the thematic video.

Treatment of residual CNS damage

Monitoring of patients with the consequences of an organic CNS lesion, the treatment of which implies a rather long process, should be comprehensive. Taking into account the progression of the disease and the subtype of its course, a personal selection of therapy for each patient is necessary. Comprehensive monitoring is based on the involvement of doctors, relatives and, if possible, friends, teachers, psychologists, and patients themselves in the correction process.

The main areas of treatment include:

  • medical supervision of the general condition of the child;
  • regular examination by a neurologist using neuropsychological techniques, testing;
  • drug therapy (psychostimulants, neuroleptics, tranquilizers, sedatives, vasoactive drugs, vitamin and mineral complexes);
  • non-drug correction (massage, kinesitherapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture);
  • neuropsychological rehabilitation (including);
  • psychotherapeutic impact on the environment of the child;
  • work with teachers in educational institutions and organization of special education.

Important! Comprehensive treatment from the first years of a child's life will help to significantly improve the effectiveness of rehabilitation.

Residual-organic damage to the nervous system is more clearly identified as it matures. They directly correlate with the time and duration of the impact of the damaging factor on the central nervous system.

Residual effects of brain damage in the perinatal period may predispose to the development of cerebral diseases and form a model of deviant behavior. Timely and competent treatment will stop the symptoms, restore the full functioning of the nervous system and socialize the child.

The central nervous system includes the spinal cord and brain. The spinal cord is located in the spinal column and is presented in the form of a cord that starts from the occipital foramen and ends in the lumbar region. The brain is located inside the skull. An organic lesion of the central nervous system means that the human brain is defective. Doctors say that the first stage of this disease can be detected in 99% of people. This stage has no symptoms and does not need treatment. However, stage 2 is a more severe type of lesion, but stage 3 is a serious disease with serious deviations.

The reasons

Brain damage can be congenital or acquired. Congenital pathologies develop if during pregnancy a woman:

  • used alcohol, drugs or smoked
  • had the flu, SARS
  • taking certain drugs that have a toxic effect
  • experienced a lot of stress.

Also, the reasons include hereditary predisposition and too young age of the expectant mother. In addition, organic brain damage can occur with improper management of childbirth and birth trauma.

Acquired damage to the central nervous system occurs after:

  • stroke
  • traumatic brain injury
  • alcohol and drug use
  • infectious diseases (meningitis, meningoencephalitis)

In addition, the lesion can occur against the background of autoimmune diseases and tumor processes in the brain.

Symptoms of damage to the central nervous system:

  • fast fatiguability
  • daytime urinary incontinence
  • incoordination
  • decreased vision and hearing
  • quick distractibility
  • reduced immunity

Children with an organic lesion of the central nervous system are called mentally retarded. Their normal mental development is disturbed, active perception, speech, logical thinking and arbitrary memory are inhibited. For such children, either increased excitability or inertia is characteristic. They have difficulty in forming interests and communicating with peers.

In addition, the physical development of the child also suffers. Such children have an irregular shape of the skull, their general and fine motor skills are impaired, and difficulties arise in the formation of motor automatisms.

Diseases of the central nervous system caused by organic damage to the brain:

  1. Oligophrenia
  2. dementia

Oligophrenia is a disease characterized by mental retardation. Such children have reduced intelligence, they lag behind speech, motor skills, emotions. The disease is often congenital or develops in the first year of life. These people are able to take care of themselves.

The human central nervous system consists of neurons and their processes, when these neurons begin to break down, dementia occurs. Dementia is a disease in which there is a loss of skills and knowledge and the inability to acquire new ones.

The disease is acquired in nature and occurs as a symptom of many diseases:

  • Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia (55-60% of cases)
  • vascular
  • alcoholism
  • brain tumors
  • traumatic brain injury

There are 3 degrees of severity of dementia. At grade 1, the patient is capable of self-service, but social activity is already impaired. At grade 2, the patient requires self-monitoring. At grade 3, the patient does not understand what they are saying to him and does not say anything himself. Not capable of self-care. Needs constant supervision.


Psychiatrists and neurologists deal with organic lesions of the central nervous system. An experienced psychiatrist, looking at the face, can determine if the child has "organic" (organic brain damage). Also, the patients will be assigned a medical examination: ultrasound examination of the brain, electroencephalogram, rheoencephalogram. All these studies will help the doctor to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


The therapy of congenital organic disorders of the brain is a very long process. The child will need a whole range of activities and consultations of all specialists. To improve cerebral circulation, children are prescribed nootropics:

  • Piracetam
  • Oxiracetam
  • phenotropil
  • Semax

Also, children are shown drugs to correct affective lability and suppress perverted cravings:

  • Phenazepam
  • Sonapax

In addition, children need:

  • massage
  • physiotherapy treatment that improves cerebral circulation, reduces muscle spasm
  • classes with a psychologist and defectologist

Before starting to treat acquired brain lesions, it is necessary to find out the cause of their development. After finding out the cause, the doctor will prescribe a treatment aimed at curing the underlying disease and symptomatic therapy. Patients need to prescribe drugs that improve cerebral circulation, moderate exercise, a diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants, as well as antidepressants and antipsychotics.

The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. They are responsible for the normal life of a person. Congenital and acquired organic lesions of the central nervous system began to occur quite often. This is due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, non-compliance with all the rules during pregnancy, and many others. Remember, in order for a child to be born healthy, you need to eat right, give up bad habits and avoid stress and not self-medicate. It must be remembered that many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy. If your child is diagnosed with such a diagnosis, do not lose heart.


If a doctor talks about neuralgia and even VVD, then an ordinary person has at least a rough idea of ​​what it is about. But the diagnosis of “residual organic lesion of the central nervous system”, as a rule, confuses everyone (except physicians). It is clear that this is "something in the head." But what? How dangerous and whether it can be treated - this topic requires a serious approach.

What is hidden behind the complex term?

Before revealing such a medical concept as a residual organic lesion of the central nervous system, it is necessary to understand what is generally understood as an organic disorder. This means that dystrophic changes occur in the brain - cells are destroyed and die, that is, this organ is in an unstable state. The word "residual" indicates that the pathology appeared in a person during the perinatal period (when he was still in the womb) - from 154 days of gestation (in other words, at 22 weeks), when the fetus weighed 500 g, and 7 days after emergence into the world. The disease consists in the fact that the work of the central nervous system organs is disrupted. Thus, a person acquires this pathology as an infant, and it can manifest itself both immediately after birth and in adulthood. The reason for its development in adults is trauma, intoxication (including alcohol, drugs), inflammatory diseases (encephalitis, meningitis).

Why does the brain or spinal cord suffer (it also belongs to the central nervous system)? If we talk about the second, then the reason may be incorrect obstetric care - for example, inaccurate turns of the head when removing the baby. Residual organic brain damage develops due to genetic disorders that are inherited, maternal diseases, abnormal childbirth, stress, malnutrition and behavior of a pregnant woman (in particular, taking dietary supplements, medications that adversely affect the formation of organs of the nervous system), asphyxia during time of childbirth, infectious diseases of a nursing woman and other adverse factors.

Not like everyone else! External signs of a dangerous inheritance

It is quite difficult to detect residual organic CNS damage in children without instrumental methods of examination. Parents may not notice anything unusual in the physical condition and behavior of the baby. But an experienced neurologist is likely to notice alarming symptoms. His attention will be attracted by such characteristic signs of pathology in an infant:

  • involuntary trembling of the upper limbs and chin;
  • unmotivated anxiety;
  • lack of muscle tension (which is typical for newborns);
  • lagging behind the accepted terms of formation of arbitrary movements.

With gross brain damage, the picture of the disease looks like this:

  • paralysis of any of the limbs;
  • blindness;
  • violation of pupil movements, strabismus;
  • reflex failure.

In an older child and an adult, pathology can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • fatigue, unstable mood, inability to adapt to physical and mental stress, increased irritability, capriciousness;
  • tic, fears, nocturnal enuresis;
  • mental anxiety, distraction;
  • poor memory, lag in intellectual and speech development, low learning ability, impaired perception;
  • aggression, agitation, tantrums and, lack of self-criticism;
  • inability to make independent decisions, suppression, dependence;
  • motor hyperactivity;
  • diffuse headache (especially in the morning);
  • progressive loss of vision;
  • sometimes vomiting without nausea;
  • convulsions.

Important! At the first, even minor, signs of organic brain damage, it is recommended to immediately contact a highly qualified specialist, since a timely diagnosis significantly reduces the risk of developing dangerous and irreversible consequences.

Read also:

What diagnostic procedures will confirm the diagnosis?

Today, the following methods are used to diagnose this pathology:

  • MRI of the brain;
  • electroencephalography;
  • raoencephalography.

The patient must be examined by several specialists: a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a defectologist, a speech therapist.

Can the brain be healed?

It must be understood that the term "unspecified residual organic lesion of the central nervous system" (ICB code 10 - G96.9) means several pathologies. Therefore, the choice of therapeutic methods of exposure depends on the prevalence, location, degree of necrosis of the nervous tissue and the patient's condition. The medicinal component of treatment usually includes sedatives, nootropics, tranquilizers, hypnotics, antipsychotics, psychostimulants, drugs that improve cerebral circulation, vitamin complexes. Good results are given by physiotherapy, acupuncture, bioacoustic correction of GM, massage sessions. A child with such a diagnosis needs psychotherapeutic intervention, neuropsychological rehabilitation, and the help of a speech therapist.

Although it is believed that organic lesions of the nervous system are persistent and lifelong, with mild disorders and an integrated approach to therapy, it is still possible to achieve a complete recovery. In severe lesions, brain edema, spasm of the respiratory muscles, and a malfunction of the center that controls the cardiovascular system may develop. Therefore, constant medical monitoring of the patient's condition is indicated. The consequence of this pathology can be epilepsy, mental retardation. In the worst case, when the scale of damage is too great, it can lead to the death of the newborn or fetus.

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