Neurological diseases in children symptoms 2 years. When does a child need a neurologist?

Injuries during childbirth and intrauterine infections can cause this pathology in your baby.

Every person has faced some kind of challenge in their life. A difficult test of the strength of health and psyche is, for example, passing exams or retiring. But the most difficult test for any person is his birth, when the fetus "receives a diploma" of the child.

Our main difference as a biological species is a large brain. This is what they consider main reason that the act of birth is so difficult. And this leads to the fact that during childbirth the risk of getting a child is quite high. injury. This and many other reasons can lead to neurological pathology in newborns.

What neurological pathology newborns?

This term refers to any violations in the work nervous system that occur from the 28th week of fetal development to birth and in the first days after the baby is born. Neurological disease is also called perinatal lesion central nervous system.

Reasons for the development of neurological pathology in newborns

There are many reasons for the appearance of neurological pathology. The most common of them:

  • fetal hypoxia while in the womb
  • asphyxia or intermittent interruption of oxygen supply to the fetus
  • injuries sustained during childbirth
  • intrauterine infections
  • misdevelopment head or spinal cord
  • hemolytic disease newborn
The main types of neurological pathologies in newborns

The main types of neurological pathology in newborns include:

  • perinatal cerebral depression or hypoexcitability
  • perinatal cerebral hyperexcitability
  • hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome
Perinatal cerebral hypoexcitability

The characteristic symptoms of this type of pathology are a decrease in motor activity, a weakening of reflexes such as sucking and swallowing, and a decrease in muscle activity. There is emotional lethargy, passivity, the baby does not show curiosity, does not strive to get closer to a new object, to touch it. Negative emotional reactions. Hypoexcitability can occur intermittently or permanently and have different strength expressiveness. This type of neurological pathology is often observed in premature babies, in children who have experienced hypoxia or suffered a birth injury.

Perinatal cerebral hyperexcitability

Perinatal cerebral hyperexcitability is manifested by motor restlessness, sleep disturbances, emotional instability, a tendency to and increased innate reflexes. Such children often master the things they need at a certain age in time, they are quite inquisitive and sociable, but they are overly emotional and often keep their attention on a certain subject worse. These babies may experience trembling of the chin and twitching of the muscles. The cause of this pathology can be a variety of effects on the fetus.

Hypertension-hydrocephalic syndrome

Unsteady or elevated intracranial pressure can lead to the appearance of hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome. Most often, this syndrome increases the volume of the head. Other diagnostic sign is the disproportion between the front and brain parts of the skull. In a baby, the cranial sutures may spread, diverge or even bulge the fontanel. Neurological symptoms This pathology varies greatly and depends on the severity of the syndrome and its varieties. Children can be irritable, excitable, sleep poorly. And they can be vice versa: lethargic, drowsy with poor appetite. Psychosomatic changes in hydrocephalus can be very diverse from minor to serious, leading to severe developmental delay.

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The sooner we notice the problem, the better.

Most early age a person is very important for his future life. After all, at this time the foundation is laid for future physical well-being and social success. At this age, a whole range of problems can be corrected if they are quickly detected. A number of deviations can pass on their own without the intervention of doctors, the child, as the people say, "outgrows the disease." But if this does not happen, the child may lag behind in development. To avoid this, it is necessary timely diagnosis neurological pathology.

Parents should monitor how the baby reacts to the outside world and if something is wrong, immediately inform the doctor. You also need to be on time. to the pediatrician for scheduled inspections.

If something is wrong with your child, it is important to determine what exactly and take action. possible measures to remove disturbances and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. But one should not show excessive suspiciousness and suspicion, since parental and especially maternal anxiety can be transmitted to the child and provoke him nervous state. If your child has been diagnosed with a neurological pathology, do not rush to panic. Timely correction and elimination pathological disorders help your baby be healthy!

Pediatric neurology - a relatively young branch of medicine, which originated at the junction of two areas: neuropathology and pediatrics. However, it has become very important in the field of clinical disciplines.

This area is one of the most difficult in medicine. Exactly at childhood deviations from development may begin to appear and various pathologies, influencing the formation of neuropsychic activity.

Certainly work neurologist in this area is incredibly responsible, because the further life of the child, his social adaptation, physical and mental health depends on his decision.

In this article, we will look at some of the most frequent illnesses, as well as their diagnosis and methods of treatment. Let's designate the most common neurological diseases in children.

TBI and back injury

Traumatic brain injury includes compression, concussion or bruising of the brain. As a result of TBI, a child may develop asthenic syndrome, characterized by fatigue, irritability, isolation and self-doubt. Also, the patient often develops vegetative dystonia syndrome, which includes arterial hypertension, sinus tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension and impaired thermoregulation.

Spinal cord injuries are divided into contusion and compression. When bruised, one can observe such persistent neurological disorders like paralysis, anesthesia and a variety of pelvic disorders. Another severe consequence with injury is a violation of urination.


This disease characterizes a significant reduction in the skull, which affects the size of the brain. As a result, the child can observe mental insufficiency in one way or another. The disease may be congenital, or it may manifest itself in the first years of a child's life. This is enough serious defect, which affects the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. In some cases, microcephaly can lead to oligophrenia.

Also, with this disease, in addition to mental retardation, defects in speech and motor skills may appear, caused by muscle spasm or paralysis.


Another name for this disease is dropsy of the brain. It is characterized by an increase in the volume of the ventricles of the brain, sometimes to critical sizes, arising from excessive secretion of cerebrospinal fluid and its accumulation in the region of the brain cavities.

Symptoms of hydrocephalus in children most often appear when intrauterine formation which makes it difficult to determine the cause. Because of this disease, a deformation of the skull occurs - a strong bulge of the frontal lobe, a noticeable manifestation venous vessels at the temples, as well as significant expansion fontanelles and upward displacement of the eyes, where they hide under the superciliary arches.


Hyperactivity is expressed in excessive energy and mobility of the child, which often leads to impaired attention. To behavioral features behavior in most cases can be attributed to sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, anxiety and neurological habits (for example, when a child constantly bites his nails).

Because the brain of a child with hyperactivity does not process the information that comes to it, it becomes uncontrollable. It is much harder for such a child to master the skills of reading, writing, etc., and when communicating with peers, conflicts often arise.

The syndrome of this disease often arises for a number of the following reasons:

  • mother's presence chronic diseases during pregnancy;
  • the toxic effect of the mother on the fetus (alcohol, smoking, chemical poisoning, etc.);
  • injuries and bruises of the mother during pregnancy;
  • complications labor activity manifested in hemorrhage, asphyxia;
  • unnatural course of childbirth ( C-section, stimulation of childbirth, rapid birth or, conversely, a delayed course of labor activity)
  • ecology in the region of residence;
  • transmission of certain diseases.

Oligophrenia (aka mental retardation or dementia) is a congenital or acquired form of underdevelopment of the child's psyche. The symptomatology of this disease can be traced in the form of damage to the mind due to inhibition of personality development against the background of pathological abnormalities brain. It often manifests itself in the speech and motor skills of the child, his volitional and emotional qualities.

There are several options for classifying oligophrenia, but we will consider the most traditional:

In this case, the syndrome of oligophrenia can be differentiated and undifferentiated.


This disease is characterized by the fact that a sick child has problems with social adaptation and perception of society. Such patients are rarely able to express their own emotions and practically do not understand other people's manifestations of feelings. Also, autistic people are characterized by speech retardation, in rare forms development - a decrease in mental activity.

Autism in the first place - congenital disease, whose symptoms are manifested in a slightly retarded development of the child: in his poorly developed or absent speech at all, inability to behave in the same way as children of his age, avoiding eye contact.

However, autistic people do not have any characteristic behavior, each case is considered separately. The causes of autism are not known for certain. It can only be stated with certainty that this disease is inherited and is in no way connected with the psychological situation in the family.

Diagnosis and treatment

Below are some of the reasons why you should seek advice and examination by a pediatric neurologist .

The nervous system of a child is one of the most important components of a holistic organism. With the help of the nervous system, not only control over the activity of the whole organism as a whole is carried out, but also the relationship of this organism with the external environment. This relationship is carried out with the help of sensory organs, receptors on the surface of the child's skin.

The nervous system is a very complex formation in the body of a child. Any violation in its well-coordinated activities can lead to the development of quite serious diseases.

The development of the nervous system is uneven. The laying of the brain occurs on early stages pregnancy (1st week prenatal development child). But even after childbirth, the process of division and formation of new nerve cells does not end. The most intensive period of formation of the child's nervous system falls on the first 4 years of life. It is during this period that the child receives more than 50% of the information that helps him in later life. Adverse environmental influences, infectious diseases, injuries during this period lead to the formation largest number neurological diseases.

Also important is physical activity child, which is also controlled by the nervous system. Being inside the uterus, the child takes a certain position, which allows him to occupy a smaller volume. After birth, the child can identify various reflexes. The presence of these reflexes, on the one hand, is associated with the immaturity of the nervous system, and on the other hand, they help the child survive in the environment. Gradually, in the process of maturation of the nervous system, many of the reflexes disappear, but some, such as swallowing, remain with us for life.

Highly importance in the life of the child have sense organs (sight, smell, touch, hearing). These organs help the child navigate environment, form an idea about objects and phenomena, communicate and learn about the world. Any violations of these sense organs lead to the fact that it becomes very difficult for a child to perceive the world, to communicate with his peers. Of no small importance for the formation of communication is speech, which will also be controlled by the nervous system. Speech impairment can be both a consequence of brain damage and organic diseases of the organs involved in the formation of speech. It is necessary to detect in time various violations speech and treat these conditions, since speech is necessary not only for communication, but also proper assimilation received knowledge.

In some cases, it is quite difficult to recognize neurological diseases in children in the early stages, as they may be hidden behind the functional immaturity of the nervous system. In this case, only parents are able to provide all possible assistance. medical workers, as they are next to the child almost 24 hours a day, and can immediately determine whether the child's behavior has changed. feature neurological disorders in children is also the fact that many of them are wounded, timely, correct, although long-term treatment disappear almost completely.

After studying the articles collected in this section, you will be able to learn how to identify various states in children, which may indicate that the child has a pathology of the nervous system and in time to draw the attention of a doctor to this.

A pediatric neurologist is very important specialist occupied by the observation of the central and peripheral nervous system of the child, from his birth to 18 years. What heals pediatric neurologist What does a pediatric neurologist do? Primary task this specialist- periodic observations of the stages of formation and development of the nervous system little patient, during which many progressive pathologies can be prevented. If it is impossible to prevent them and prevention does not help, an experienced pediatric neurologist determines the diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate complex treatment, in most cases, which successfully cures the disease.

Today, there are a lot of different diseases of the nervous system that differ from each other, which are classified in a certain order. We list the main lesions of the nervous system, and answer the question - what does a pediatric neurologist treat.

  • Pathology associated with an infection formed due to exposure to harmful viruses and bacteria. A newborn baby is most susceptible to such infectious disease due to insufficiently developed immunity. That is why doctors do not recommend parents to visit crowded places with a small child.
  • Epilepsy. It can be formed, both as a result of trauma, and congenitally. Consultation and treatment by a neurologist are simply obligatory here.
  • Diseases associated with severe bruises head area, traumatic injuries.
  • toxic pathology. Some drugs and medications, namely their incorrect appointment and use, can provoke a similar damage to the nervous system.
  • genetic pathology. It is transmitted from parents or relatives due to the corresponding heredity.
  • Hypoxia, which in turn was observed in utero in the fetus.

From this video you will learn what can threaten not visiting a neurologist:

What is mmd in neurology in children

MMD is a minimal brain dysfunction caused by acute insufficiency central nervous system disorders mental state child, as well as a number of other dangerous symptoms.

How does mmd manifest itself in neurology in children?

  • Too active behavior, namely constant movements of both arms and legs, lack of perseverance.
  • Quick distraction for the presence of any stimuli.
  • Inability to play alone.
  • Without stopping, he talks, interrupts adults, does not hear others when he is asked questions.
  • Moves from one task to another without completing the first.
  • Loss of things in kindergarten, school, absent-mindedness.

What is neurology in children?

Neurology in children is a complex multifaceted medical discipline that deals with diseases of the nervous system of a small patient. If a qualified specialist doctor nevertheless revealed neurology in a child, this can be explained by the following most common reasons:

  • Obtaining a birth mechanical injury;
  • fetal hypoxia, as well as insufficient oxygen supply due to possible multiple entanglement in utero;
  • complex process of childbirth and labor activity;
  • acute toxicosis of pregnant women throughout the entire period;
  • genetic inheritance.

What is neurology in children of eight years?

The psyche of a child is like plasticine, it is very susceptible to stress, any circumstances, parents, in turn, are advised to ensure that it has not been damaged. In what cases does neurology occur in children? school age, namely 8 years?

  1. Too heavy load on the child's body.
  2. Feeling constant fear caused by the behavior of parents, as well as their pressure.
  3. Adaptation period at school.

Such a neurosis is accompanied by experiences, sometimes stuttering, tic, fainting. At the slightest manifestation of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Consider the most common neurological diseases of newborns, their symptoms. In fact, it is important for every mother to know the symptoms, since almost all neurological problems can be corrected and treated if they are detected in time - at an early stage!

Almost every baby has some kind of neurological problem: one child has problems with tone or sleep, another has increased intracranial pressure, the third is too inhibited or excitable, the fourth is vegetative - due to a violation of the regulation of vascular tone, a mesh appears on his skin subcutaneous capillaries, and the palms and feet are constantly wet and cold ...

Perinatal encephalopathy (PEP), which is also coded as a "syndrome of CNS disorders"

Her signs are found in 8-9 out of 10 newborns. They arise when adverse effects on the nervous system during pregnancy, childbirth and in the first week after the baby is born.

If you notice in time emerging problems and eliminate them with the help of medicines, herbal remedies, massage and physiotherapy, then AED can pass by 4-6 months, maximum - by a year. In mild cases - without consequences, and more serious or not noticed in time neurological problems after a year often result in the so-called minimal brain dysfunction(MMD).

This diagnosis indicates some weakness and vulnerability of the baby's nervous system, but you should not be upset about this. After all main danger- the threat of the formation of a child cerebral palsy(cerebral palsy) - bypassed the crumb side! (For more on what to do if cerebral palsy is diagnosed, see page 62.)

In the first month and then three more times during the year, show the baby to a neurologist. If there is no such specialist in the children's clinic, ask the pediatrician for a referral to the district consultative and diagnostic center.

Intracranial pressure

Under the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, crumbs circulate cerebrospinal fluid- liquor. She feeds nerve cells, carries away end products of an exchange, amortizes blows and concussions. If for some reason more cerebrospinal fluid is produced than flows out, or if external pressure is applied to the head of the crumbs, as during childbirth, intracranial pressure (ICP) increases to a critical level. And since in meninges there are many pain receptors, the child would suffer from an unbearable headache if it were not for the system of sutures and fontanelles, which allows the bones of the skull to diverge, equalizing the pressure.

Thanks to this baby severe pain due to intracranial hypertension, she does not feel, but she feels some discomfort and informs her mother about it. You just need to be able to hear his signals!

Does the baby often cry and spit up often, especially when the weather changes? It looks like he has really high ICP!

Mommy should be alert a bright pattern of saphenous veins, translucent on the temples and bridge of the baby's nose, and sometimes throughout the entire cranial vault. An additional cause for alarm is a white stripe of sclera that periodically appears above the iris of the crumbs, as if he opened his eyes wide in surprise.

  • Beware if the circumference of the head of a monthly crumb exceeds the circumference of the chest by more than 2 cm. Check the seam between parietal bones in the middle of the head (its width should not exceed 0.5 cm), as well as the distance between the opposite edges of the fontanelles - large (normally up to 3 x 3 cm) and small (1 x 1 cm).
  • Keep the situation under control with a neurologist. Due to the compensatory capabilities of sutures and fontanelles, it often happens that on neurosonography or ultrasound of the brain, the doctor detects in a newborn intracranial hypertension, a clinical signs there is no trouble: the baby is satisfied, calm, develops well, sleeps soundly at night ... In this case, treatment is not required - only observation by a specialist.
  • If a increased ICP will begin to cause concern to the child, the doctor will prescribe diuretics that remove excess fluid from under the membranes of the brain of the crumbs.
  • Great remedy for mild hypertension- pharmacy children's tea with horsetail, which has a diuretic effect.

Hypertonicity and hypotonicity of muscles in a newborn

Our biceps and triceps never completely relax - even in a state of sleep, they retain residual tension, which is called muscle tone. In a newborn, it is very high: what is normal for a child in the first weeks of life is a gross pathology for a six-month-old baby.

To fit in mom's tummy, the baby had to shrink into a ball due to overvoltage flexor muscles. It is important that it is not excessive. Muscular hypertension sometimes affects only one half of the child's body. Then the baby lying on its back bends in an arc, turns its head only in one direction, and on the tummy falls on the side where the tone is higher.

Muscular Hypertension Syndrome - one of the most common manifestations of PEP. The tone should be normalized as soon as possible: otherwise the child will lag behind in motor development will have difficulty walking.

This can be avoided doing massage and gymnastics with baby.

Smooth swaying movements relax the clamped muscles. The effect can be achieved by rocking the baby while bathing, as well as on the handles, in the stroller, rocking chair. These movements are great for relaxing tight muscles!

Exercise in the fetal position will be beneficial. Lay the baby on your back, cross your arms on your chest, pull your knees up to your tummy and hold with your left hand, and tilt your baby’s head with your right hand, then gently and rhythmically rock towards you and away from you and from side to side (5-10 times).

Muscular hypotension - the exact opposite of hypertonicity: the arms and legs of the newborn are not pressed to the body, as expected, but are half extended, the resistance to passive extension is insufficient. But in order for the child to actively develop physically and master motor skills, his tone must be normal.

Watch out for changes muscle tone with a neurologist If you don't fight muscular hypotension, the baby will belatedly learn to roll over, crawl, sit and walk, his feet will remain flat, his legs and spine will bend, dislocations will occur in loose joints. You and your doctor must do everything to prevent this from happening.

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