What helps with frequent urination in men. Frequent urination in men. Importance of preventing frequent urination

Frequent urge to urinate in men in most cases develops in violation of the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system. In the heat, with an increase in fluid intake, an increase in the volume of excreted urine is a physiological phenomenon, but while maintaining the drinking regimen, trips for small needs 7 or more times a day should alert.

What diseases cause frequent urination? How many times should you normally empty your bladder day and night? How to treat diseases that provoke a violation of the outflow of urine? Answers in the article.

Norm and pathology

The average frequency of urination in men is 3-6 times a day and 1 time at night. These indicators are a guideline, but changes are possible if the drinking regime is violated.

Possible causes of frequent urination

In most cases, a violation of urine excretion is one of the signs of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. An active inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland, bladder, urethra occurs with characteristic symptoms. The action of microorganisms leads to irritation of the mucous membrane, the appearance of non-specific secretions, pain, false urge to empty the bladder with a small volume of urine.

Types of infectious pathologies:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;

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  • myectomy;
  • removal of a part of the prostate or the affected bladder when oncopathologies of these organs are detected;
  • intestinal plastic;
  • adenoma removal.

Helpful tips for urinary incontinence:

  • before going to an unfamiliar place, it is important to find out if there is a toilet nearby;
  • Avoid drinking plenty of water shortly before bedtime to reduce the chance of nighttime urination.
  • for urinary incontinence, you can purchase special absorbent pads. Devices are not as noticeable as bulkier diapers, but the effect is good. The use of pads prevents the spread of odor and irritation when urine leaks;
  • if the doctor recommended keeping a diary of urination, it is important to regularly make notes in a notebook, take the data with you to the appointment;
  • when buying medicines, clarify whether there is a diuretic effect, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation if the pills are drunk before going out;
  • before important events, a long journey, it is important to reduce the amount of fluid consumed to prevent frequent trips to the restroom;
  • a good option for strengthening muscles -. The urologist explains the benefits of the complex, the procedure. Do not engage in special gymnastics until the approval of the attending physician has been obtained;
  • it is important to know which drinks and foods speed up the production of urine. You should not drink strong coffee, green tea, a decoction of valuable rose hips if you have to leave the house. Parsley, celery, peaches also increase urination, although not as actively as watermelons and melons.

Frequent urges for small needs, even without pain, are an occasion for careful monitoring of the work of the urinary tract. If the volume of fluid received is at the same level, and problems with urine excretion are clearly visible, then you will have to visit a urologist, take urine and blood tests, and do an ultrasound and CT scan. After the diagnosis, it is important to be treated in order to control urination, not to experience discomfort in everyday life.

Video. Specialist of the clinic "Moscow Doctor" about the causes and features of the treatment of frequent urination in men:

Increased need to visit the toilet is typical for some older men. Often this happens without pain. If such a need manifests itself without connection with abundant fluid intake, especially at night, there is reason to understand its causes.

Symptoms of frequent urination

It is considered abnormal if the need to empty the bladder occurs more than a dozen times during the day. Or if you have to do it repeatedly within two hours with normal fluid intake. Only a doctor can professionally assess the situation, taking into account the characteristics of the body of a man.

Doctors believe that evidence of problems with urination may be:

  • violation of the normal sleep pattern, when with the urge to urinate a man is forced to wake up three times a night and more often
  • the need to go to the toilet more than 6 times a day
  • a small amount of urine passed at one time along with frequent attempts to have a bowel movement throughout the day
  • difficulty emptying the bladder, the need to strain, which gives a thin, weak, sometimes intermittent stream
  • marked predominance of nocturnal urine output before daytime
  • cases of an irresistible desire to empty the bladder that occur during the day
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder

The presence of these symptoms are a good reason for contacting a urologist. Preparing for the reception, you should yourself observe the color and amount of urine excreted, its smell, sensations during urination.

This will help the specialist to identify possible causes of the phenomenon that causes discomfort. Clinical studies and complex diagnostics of the urinary system and other internal organs will be required. Based on the results of these events, the doctor prescribes treatment.

How is the cause of the disease diagnosed?

Modern medicine has a large number of the most advanced diagnostic methods that allow you to accurately and quickly identify the causes of excessively frequent urination. However, the urologist, before referring to specific diagnostic methods, should talk in detail with the patient.

For the right choice of a specific diagnostic tool and the correct assessment of its results, it is important for a specialist to obtain information about concomitant diseases, disturbing sensations, and a man’s lifestyle. The anamnesis collected in this way helps to determine the correct strategy for dealing with the disease.

Such diagnostics may include:

  • rectal examination of the prostate, which the doctor holds with his finger
  • biochemical general analysis of blood and urine
  • urofluometry, which allows to assess the state of the bladder and urethra
  • laboratory diagnosis of infections of the genitourinary system
  • computed tomography of the prostate
  • ultrasound examination of the bladder and kidneys
  • detection of the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood

Some of the main causes of frequent urination in men

Regular and frequent need to urinate is caused by various reasons. Physiological causes are associated with the intake of diuretic drugs, the abuse of certain drinks. Pathological - means the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. Stress and other disorders of the nervous system are psycho-emotional causes.

Causes of a physiological nature are sometimes eliminated quite simply. It is enough to normalize the use of alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea, to complete the intake of diuretics. If this does not help, see a doctor.

Among the most common- diseases of an infectious nature that occur in the genitourinary system. They are usually associated with lesions of the urethra, which leads to frequent urge to urinate. When pathogenic microorganisms enter various elements of the genitourinary system, the mucous membrane in the system is irritated, which leads to frequent urination. Genitourinary infections sometimes contribute to the appearance of joint diseases such as arthritis. Their timely detection and effective treatment can save the patient from serious consequences.

Often such urination is caused by diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, prostatitis and prostate adenoma. In the case of diabetes, the function of insulin production in the pancreas is impaired. The water-salt metabolism is deformed, which leads to frequent urination. In diabetes, not associated with a lack of insulin, the kidneys cannot provide normal urine filtration, which in this case leads to frequent urination and profuse urination.

As a result of the formation of kidney stones, they can block the ureter. This leads to the accumulation of urine in the bladder and increased urination. There is a feeling of incomplete urination. Its frequency can be a sign of kidney failure, a violation of the acidic composition of urine, as well as anemia associated with iron deficiency in the body.

In men, starting from the age of 50, the most significant cause of frequent urination is prostatitis. When the prostate gland becomes inflamed, the receptors located in the bladder are irritated. There are sometimes false urges to urinate. With prostate adenoma, neoplasms in the glands of the genitourinary system can squeeze the urethra. The normal outflow of urine is disturbed. The situation is much more complicated with prostate cancer.

Problems with urination are associated with neurotic conditions, emotional stress, and other reasons.

Methods for the treatment of frequent urination in men

The urologist chooses these methods depending on the diagnosis made taking into account the diagnostic results. There is no definitive treatment for frequent urination without pain. It is important to take into account that only a doctor should prescribe medications or other methods of treatment. Self-medication in such cases is unacceptable.

To eliminate the causes of discomfort in urination, apply:

  • antibiotics, if inflammatory infectious processes are detected,
  • drugs that prevent the growth of adenoma and reduce it,
  • hypoglycemic drugs in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, a special diet,
  • therapy with chemical agents and radiation therapy to neutralize oncological phenomena,
  • drugs that prevent urinary retention in men with an enlarged prostate,
  • collagen injections that provide elasticity and strength to the muscle that regulates the opening in the urethra,
  • surgical removal of a malignant tumor or adenoma,
  • operations to replace the affected areas of the bladder or ureter with fragments of the intestine,
  • special physical exercises that strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

The effectiveness of the treatment is facilitated by various physiotherapy procedures prescribed by the doctor, reasonable physical activity.

What does traditional medicine give. Remedies for frequent urination

Along with the means of drug therapy, urologists can recommend traditional medicine. They may be the main treatment after prolonged exacerbations, especially in the elderly.

Drinks made from:

  • rose hips
  • centaury
  • dill seed
  • Hypericum
  • corn silk
  • lime peel
  • branches of cherry or sweet cherry
  • mixtures of parsley, heather and horsetail herbs
  • lingonberry leaves and berries
  • plantain leaves
  • marshmallow officinalis
  • Dill seeds are good for the prevention of inflammatory processes. Due to the antispasmodic effect on the muscles of the bladder wall, its hyperactivity is successfully treated. Ordinary onion peel has high bactericidal properties. Perfectly regulate the functioning of the bladder decoction of cherry or cherry branches, lingonberry leaves and berries.
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  • Decoctions of wild rose and mixtures of parsley grass, heather and horsetail are good for acidifying urine. The plantain leaf has similar qualities. These plants form an environment that is detrimental to pathogens of the urinary system. Saturation with vitamins and unique acids strengthens the immune system. In case of violations of urine output after serious illnesses, decoctions of St. John's wort, as well as centaury or corn stigmas, help well.
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  • A proven folk remedy is the heating of the pelvic organs in an infusion of wormwood.
  • Very often, men who are faced with the problem of frequent urge to urinate are in no hurry to seek help from a urologist, especially if this symptom manifests itself without pain, as well as obvious burning sensations or itching.

    However, men should take into account the fact that the disease is not always pain, and frequent urination not only causes certain inconveniences and great discomfort, but can also be the main signal that something is wrong with the body. Perhaps this indicates the presence of dangerous pathologies in the urethra, or the development of some serious disease.

    In this article, we will consider the problem of frequent urination in men, we will name the main causes and actual methods of treating this symptom at home.

    Causes of frequent urge to urinate in men

    In healthy people, the average volume of urine excreted per day is about 1500 ml, urination occurs on average up to 6 times a day. Increased urination during excitement, hypothermia or abundant fluid intake is considered as a physiological phenomenon.

    The main factors of frequent urination are directly related to malfunctions and diseases of an infectious nature of the genitourinary system, which are caused by:

    • prostate adenoma;
    • genital infections;
    • overactive bladder;

    As you can see, often urination in men without pain, or vice versa with pain, can be caused by many factors. First, it is necessary to include diseases of the bladder and urethra. As a result, the bubble may not be completely emptied, and some amount of biological fluid remains in its cavity. The cause may be inflammatory processes (cystitis, urethritis).

    Secondly, a similar symptom occurs when kidney function is impaired. The most relevant of these are pyelonephritis, chronic kidney failure and glomerulonephritis. Thirdly, frequent urination may be a consequence of the pathology of the prostate gland, intestines.

    Frequent urination in men without pain: causes

    In some cases, frequent urination in men without pain can be a symptom of diabetes insipidus or diabetes mellitus and urinary infections. But on the other hand, everything can only be the result of drinking alcohol, drinking caffeine and green tea, as well as diuretics.

    As you can see, the causes of frequent urge to urinate in men without pain can be of a different nature, and if you have suspicious doubts, it is better to investigate them together with a urologist.

    Urolithiasis disease

    A disease in which stones form in the renal pelvis, ureters, and bladder. Urolithiasis in men is diagnosed much more often than in women. Frequent urination is one of the symptoms of this disease. Pain can disturb patients when a stone passes through the ureter or urethra, often the disease manifests as renal colic, in which the pain syndrome is very intense.

    For treatment, methods are used that contribute to the dissolution of the calculus (litholysis) or its discharge in renal colic. There are methods such as drug litholysis and hardware crushing of stones, the choice of the method of treatment is carried out by the doctor on the basis of examination data.

    Sexual infections

    Frequent urination in men can be observed when various sexually transmitted infections multiply in the genitourinary system.

    The most dangerous are:

    • - a typical symptom of trichomoniasis are inflammatory changes in the urethra.
    • - provoked by a special microorganism (Chlamydia trachomatis), affecting the urinary tract and genitals.
    • - a venereal infection provoked by a coccus of the genus Neisseria.

    These infections lead to damage to the urinary tract and genital organs, irritating their mucous membranes. As a result of such a lesion, the patient is concerned about frequent urination, which worries mainly in the morning. The process is accompanied by pain, the appearance of small blood streaks in the urine, white mucous secretions.


    Prostatitis can cause frequent urination in men both during the day and at night. This is a disease in which inflammation of the posterior and prostatic parts of the urethra, as well as the neck of the bladder, develops. With this pathology, there is an urge to urinate, leading to the release of a few drops of urine.

    Frequent urination with prostatitis can be accompanied by pain. Diagnosis of prostatitis is based on the results of a rectal digital examination, analysis of prostate secretion and ultrasound examination of the organ itself.


    In the elderly, benign prostatic hyperplasia is in second place after prostatitis among the causes of an increase in the number of urges to urinate.

    The proliferation of prostate tissue in the initial stages is accompanied by irritation of nerve receptors during the growth of the periurethral glands located in the wall of the urethra. These glands produce mucus that protects the urethral wall from damage.

    With advanced prostate adenoma, tissue hyperplasia makes it difficult for urine to flow through the urethra, so a person cannot urinate on his own.


    Often, in men who experience frequent urges day and night, the doctor finds inflammation of the urethra. This is an infectious disease that occurs when pathogenic substances from the environment enter the canal. The reason for this is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

    Only after the doctor examines the results of the man's tests, he can prescribe a competent treatment for urethritis. Most often it is carried out with the help of antibiotics of various types. In the treatment of the disease, indicators of liver tests are necessarily taken into account.


    This disease is characterized by dysfunction of the pancreas, namely, insufficient production of a hormone (insulin). This, in turn, leads to a violation of water-salt metabolism and the rapid removal of fluid from the body.

    Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, thirst, dry mouth, as well as irritability and frequent urination.

    Treatment for frequent urination in men

    It should be understood that without proper treatment of frequent urge to urinate in men, the symptoms of the disease can develop into a chronic form. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist, he will also prescribe the appropriate diagnosis to identify the cause of this disease.

    Coming to the doctor, you can hear the following diagnostic questions:

    1. "What additional symptoms accompany."
    2. "What is the patient's fluid intake per day."
    3. Is the patient taking any medications?
    4. "Were there any changes in the appearance of the urine?"
    5. “Since when did urination become more frequent, and at what time of the day does this feature of the body manifest itself.”

    After a medical interview, the doctor prescribes tests, mainly of this kind:

    1. Analysis of urine.
    2. Neurological examination.
    3. Urodynamic study. It is necessary to check the condition of the organs of the genitourinary system.

    After collecting anamnesis, the treatment of frequent urination in men will be selected, depending on the cause of the disease in each case. It is not worth making diagnoses on your own, and self-medicating at home is not worth it, in case of serious diseases, this can aggravate the situation.


    In order to prevent and avoid aggravation of the disease, you need to follow some important rules:

    • compliance with the rules of individual hygiene;
    • moderate sexual relations;
    • limiting fluid intake per day to 1.5 liters;
    • exclusion from the diet of spicy, salty and canned foods;
    • training exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles;
    • proper rest and sleep;
    • maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    Prevention of frequent urination should only take place if it is a symptom of the disease. If this is a normal reaction of the body to the amount of liquid drunk, then this, on the contrary, is a positive aspect, since the body is naturally cleansed.

    Frequent, painless urination is taken seriously by few men if there are no other symptoms. This is a big mistake. Many dangerous pathological conditions and diseases are manifested by frequent painless emptying of the bladder.

    Normally, the act of emitting urine (urine) should occur no more than 7-8 times during the day (every 3-3.5 hours). With an increase in frequency, the presence of the disease should be suspected. The main reasons for frequent painless emptying of the bladder are:

    1. . It is characterized by enlargement of the prostate (prostate gland) and squeezing of the urinary tract. This leads to incomplete emptying of the bladder and often forces you to go to the toilet "in a small way";
    2. Prostate adenoma. The mechanism of violation is similar to that of prostatitis. The curvature of the urinary tract is added to the compression. With adenoma, violations of the act of urination are more pronounced, for a long time. The bladder remains stably overstretched and excitable - for the appearance of a desire to urinate, light pressure on the suprapubic region is sufficient;
    3. Malignant tumor of the prostate. A gradual increase and increase in symptoms is characteristic, which is why patients rarely seek medical help in the initial stages. , small portions is the main sign of prostate cancer;
    4. Dysfunctional disorder of the bladder. For him, a specific frequent and pronounced desire to go to the toilet. In severe cases, urinary incontinence develops. Among the reasons for the development of the condition: tumors, disorders of the nervous regulation of the bladder, Parkinson's disease, etc.;
    5. Diabetes. Increased urination is one of the leading signs of diabetes. In combination with an increased feeling of thirst and a high concentration of glucose in the body, the excretion of water by the kidneys is accelerated. A common symptom is the acetone smell of urine;
    6. Diabetes insipidus. Violations of the nervous and endocrine systems lead to excessive excretion of water and salts dissolved in it by the kidneys. Because of what, patients are constantly thirsty and often urinate in large portions;
    7. Inflammation of the kidneys - pyelo- and glomerulonephritis. Infectious and autoimmune processes in the kidneys often provoke increased urination. But diseases are characterized by the presence of a number of other signs;
    8. Inflammation of the bladder - cystitis. At the initial stages and with mild pathological changes in the organ, there may be an increased painless excretion of urine in small portions. In 90% of cases, other symptoms are present. Provoked by infection;
    9. Urethritis in the chronic stage. The main symptom is the frequent desire to go to the toilet in a small way. May be accompanied by other symptoms. Most often caused by infection;
    10. development of chronic renal failure. The ability of the kidneys to concentrate fluid, proteins and minerals decreases, which leads to frequent urination;
    11. Passage of a urinary stone through the urethra. With urolithiasis (ICD), it is possible to pass stones through natural paths. A migrating stone irritates the wall of the urinary tract, which causes a strong desire to urinate;
    12. The presence of pathology or damage to the spinal cord. Pathological processes in the lower parts of the spinal cord lead to a violation of control over physiological functions. This leads to rapid and often uncontrolled emptying of the bladder.

    When the state is natural

    Often there is a physiological (natural) painless increase in urine output. It is associated with an increase in its formation and excretion from the body. This condition is not accompanied by any pathological symptoms, discomfort. Also, there is no change in the urine stream, there is no appearance of impurities in it. In some situations, it is possible to change the color of the urine.

    The physiological increase in urination is temporary and quickly normalizes after the elimination of the provoking factor. A natural increase in diuresis (urination) is observed in such situations:

    • Eating foods and drinks that have diuretic properties;
    • The use of medications with a diuretic effect;
    • Excessive fluid intake;
    • Unhealthy addiction to alcohol (especially beer);
    • Stress;
    • Mental fatigue;
    • Strong negative emotions;
    • General hypothermia of the body;
    • The use of caffeinated products in large quantities.

    Pathological conditions that cause frequent urination

    In addition to the diseases listed above, increased urination can be observed in such cases:

    • Excessive fear;
    • The presence of uncompensated injuries;
    • The development of an abstinence syndrome - a syndrome of withdrawal of drugs or the use of narcotic substances;
    • For the period of recovery of the bladder after injuries;
    • Frequent loss of consciousness;
    • The development of status epilepticus - seizures of epilepsy are repeated one after another. Involuntary excretion of urine is observed after almost every seizure;
    • Violations of urinary control during or in the short term after the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

    When to see a doctor?

    It is worth consulting a doctor when frequent urination does not go away within 2-3 days after the elimination of possible causes of the development of a physiological condition. In this case, you need to look for a pathological cause of disruption of the urinary system. It is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible after questionable sexual intercourse, injuries, if there are symptoms of diabetes or diabetes insipidus.

    Diseases affecting urination

    The main causes of increased diuresis is the presence of diseases listed in acc. section. They affect the urinary system in different ways, have different pathogenesis (development mechanism) and lead to different consequences. For a better understanding of the physiology of frequent urination, it is necessary to consider these diseases.

    Urolithiasis disease

    Urolithiasis is a disease characterized by impaired functioning of the kidneys, changes in the composition of urine and the formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system. It is worth knowing that stones can form not only in the kidneys, but also in the bladder. The disease can be asymptomatic for a long time, which is why it is often diagnosed at advanced stages.

    Pathological symptoms appear when the stone (s) migrate along the urinary tract or blockage. In 1 case, the main symptom is a bright pain syndrome, in 2 - a violation of urination, up to a complete stop. In most situations, there is an increase in diuresis, but with a decrease in its volume.


    The disease develops due to insufficient production of insulin in the cells of the pancreas or due to its non-absorption by the body. In 1 case, the leading cause is a decrease in the population of specific insulin-producing gland cells. In 2 - a decrease in the number of specific receptors for the hormone on cell membranes. Regardless of the cause, severe metabolic disorders and the progressive development of pathological symptoms are observed.

    Urogenital infections

    A number of urogenital (genitourinary system) infections can cause a violation of urinary excretion, both in the direction of its increase and decrease. Often they cause prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and other diseases. With an isolated lesion of the genital organs, specific symptoms come to the fore, and not diuresis disorders.


    Pyelonephritis is a nonspecific inflammation of the kidneys, with the predominant localization of the pathological process in the tubules of the organ. The main cause of the development of the disease is a bacterial infection. The renal pelvis, calyces, interstitial tissue are often affected. In addition to urination disorders, there are signs of inflammation


    It is an inflammation of the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys, often of autoimmune origin. Increased diuresis is rarely observed, since the symptoms of metabolic disorders and kidney work are dominant.

    Chronic renal failure

    At a pronounced stage, the disease is characterized by an increase in urine output. This is due to a severe disruption in the functioning of the organ, when water and the salts dissolved in it are not absorbed by the body and "fly" through the kidneys. The condition is accompanied by severe concomitant symptoms.


    It is a non-specific inflammatory disease of the urethra (urethra) caused by bacteria or viruses (less often). It is manifested by frequent urge to urinate, symptoms of intoxication, pain and discomfort in the urethra, and pathological discharge from it is possible.


    Inflammation of the bladder. Most often caused by a bacterial infection. In addition to frequent urination in small portions, the presence of pain during emptying of the bladder, temperature changes, weakness, and constant discomfort in the area of ​​the affected organ are specific. In severe cases, blood appears in the urine.

    Prostatitis and prostate adenoma

    Prostatitis is often caused by an infection. An adenoma is an abnormal growth of the glandular part of an organ. Both pathologies lead to an increase in the size of the organ and compression of the urinary tract. Adenoma often develops after 50 years, prostatitis can develop at any age.

    prostate cancer

    A malignant tumor is manifested by a gradual decrease in the amount of urine excreted due to compression of the urinary tract. As compensation, the urge to urinate in men without pain develops. Tumor-specific symptoms are present.

    Possible accompanying symptoms

    The presence of concomitant symptoms depends on the cause of frequent diuresis. In a physiological state, the color of urine and its composition may change slightly. In pathological causes, disease-specific signs are present. It is rational to consider the symptoms accompanying the rapid emission of urine, depending on the pathology that caused it:

    1. Prostatitis: discomfort and / or pain in the perineum, at the root of the penis, without irradiation (spread) to other areas, decreased potency, up to loss, rarely - bloody or cloudy discharge from the penis;
    2. Prostate adenoma: the presence of severe discomfort, pain in the perineum, root of the penis, in the sacrum or pubis, decreased sexual function, changes in the composition of semen, urine, pathological discharge;
    3. Prostate cancer: discomfort and soreness in the groin, perineum, at the base of the penis, at advanced stages, severe pain. There is a violation of sexual function, a change in the composition of semen, urine, stool retention, pathological discharge from the penis, a steady decrease in body weight, progressive weakness;
    4. Diabetes mellitus: increased appetite and increased thirst, reduced tolerance for physical and mental stress, deterioration of the general condition when eating carbohydrate-rich foods, visual impairment. Infections that are difficult to treat often develop;
    5. Diabetes insipidus causes severe mineral imbalances, intense thirst, and nervous changes. Patients are prone to convulsions, loss of consciousness, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    6. Pyelonephritis: severe intoxication (fever, chills, weakness), changes in the composition of urine, the presence of bacteria in it, pain;
    7. Glomerulonephritis: protein metabolism disorders, edema, loss of appetite, performance, weakness, changes in urine composition, progressive increase in blood pressure, development of renal failure;
    8. Cystitis: discomfort and pain in the bladder area, weakness, moderate or mild fever, the appearance of pain during urination. In severe cases;
    9. Urethritis: pain and cramps when urinating, moderate or slight fever, reddening of the penis (especially the head) is possible, the composition of urine changes, there may be pathological discharge;
    10. ICD: pain along the urinary tract (up to unbearable), a slight increase in temperature, a change in the composition of urine, pathological discharge from the penis is possible;
    11. Chronic renal failure: severe disorders of the metabolism of minerals and proteins, edema, disruption of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, pain and discomfort in the lumbar region;
    12. Urogenital infections - the main sign of a sexually transmitted infection is a change in the general condition, the presence of pathological discharge from the penis.


    The initial stage of diagnosis is the collection of complaints and information about the patient, his examination. During this period, the probability of making a correct diagnosis is 60%. If a disease is suspected, the following is prescribed:

    • General urine analysis;
    • General and biochemical blood test;
    • Analysis of blood and urine for sugar;
    • Sowing urine to determine the infectious agent and to test its sensitivity to drugs;
    • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the abdominal cavity, kidneys, prostate;
    • If prostate cancer is suspected, the level of prostate-specific antigen is determined;
    • If a tumor is suspected, including the brain, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is prescribed;
    • In some cases, an X-ray examination of the bladder with contrast is prescribed;
    • In case of doubt in the diagnosis of a tumor, a study with radioactive substances is used;
    • An examination by a urologist and a nephrologist is indicated.


    Treatment depends on the cause of the condition. If the disorder is caused by the presence of a bacterial infection (prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis), antibiotics are used. Before obtaining the results of urine culture and determining the sensitivity of microbes to drugs, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. After receiving the results, the treatment is changed according to the data obtained.

    In the presence of an adenoma, the use is shown:

    • Alpha-blockers (Doxazosin, Genocard, Zoxon, Kamuren, Uromax, Tamsulosin, etc.);
    • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (Finasteride, Dutasteride, Avodart, Duodart, etc.);
    • Tadalafil, Cialis, Tadallis, Cupida-36, etc.

    For the treatment of prostatitis, it is indicated to use:

    • Anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Cyclocoxib, Ketorolac, Metamizole sodium, Meloxicam, Nemesulide, etc.;
    • alpha blockers;
    • Antibiotics (if the cause is a bacterial infection): cephalostorins, penicillins, carbapenems, aminopenicillins, etc.
    • To eliminate the pain symptom, use: Analgin with Diphenhydramine, anti-inflammatory drugs, Ketanov, Ketorolac, etc.

    In diabetes mellitus, the use of drugs to normalize glucose metabolism (Metformin, Bagomet, Glycomet, Glucophage, etc.), insulin (Farmasulin, Aktrapida, Humulin, etc.) is indicated. In diabetes insipidus, analogues of human hormones are used. In case of tumors, the main direction of treatment is neoplasm therapy.

    In the case of KSD, the main goal is to eliminate kidney stones. To do this, you can resort to surgery, the use of ultrasound or drugs. To alleviate the pain syndrome, painkillers are used, including narcotic (Promedol, Tramadol, Morphine) and anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of antispasmodics is widely applicable - Drotaverine, No-shpy, Papaverine, etc.

    With a functional disorder of the nervous regulation of the bladder, pathologies of the nervous system, spinal cord injuries, the treatment of disorders of the nervous system is paramount.

    Important! The selection of drugs should be carried out exclusively by a specialized doctor on an individual basis.


    Diuresis disorders are easier to prevent than to treat. For the purpose of prevention, you should resort to the following methods:

    • Training the muscles of the pelvic floor;
    • Normalize body weight;
    • Have regular sexual intercourse;
    • use contraceptives;
    • Avoid hypothermia and overheating;
    • Regularly see a doctor;
    • Urinate at the first urge, do not endure;
    • Eradicate bad habits;
    • Avoid dehydration;
    • Exercise regularly;
    • Normalize the mode of work and rest.

    Frequent urination is the urge to go to the toilet in a small way, which is observed in an adult more than 10 times a day, provided that he drinks no more than 2 liters of fluid per day. In children under 12-14 years of age, the normal frequency of urination exceeds that of adults and depends on age.

    Frequent urge to urinate should make you think about the cause of this phenomenon.

    The amount and / or volume of daily urine excreted can increase with various diseases. So, similar symptoms can be caused by diseases of the prostate in men and the uterus - inflammation of the kidneys and even a brain tumor. Doctors of narrow specialties should deal with the causes and prescribe the appropriate treatment: urologist, nephrologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist and neurologist. The purpose of our publication is to orient which specialist you need to visit first.

    The norm of trips to the toilet in a small way

    Before considering the causes of frequent urination, it is necessary to assess whether it is really frequent urination. To do this, read the physiological norms:

    Gender, age

    Urination frequency per day

    Daily volume of urine

    Average volume of urine per urination

    grown men

    750-1600 (75% of the liquid drunk per day)

    adult women

    The same amount increases during pregnancy

    The same amount increases during pregnancy

    Children 0-28 days

    Should be 2-2.5 ml/kg/hour divided by the number of urinations

    1000-1500 ml

    These are the values ​​that should be observed under the following conditions:

    • human body temperature - 36.2-36.9 ° C;
    • ambient temperature – less than 30°C;
    • liquid was drunk 30-40 ml / kg of weight (this figure will be different for children under one year of age);
    • did not use diuretics in tablets, as well as rosehip broth, coffee, green tea in large quantities;
    • no shortness of breath and/or rapid breathing.

    At the same time, a person should not urinate at night, a maximum of 1 time, and the volume of urine excreted should not exceed 200-300 ml in an adult.

    Advice! If your or your child's numbers are more than the norm indicated above, then in order to understand the etiology of this condition, you need to measure the total volume of daily urine, and also pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. Further we will consider the frequent urge to the toilet in conjunction with these signs.

    If urination is frequent and painful

    The appearance of this symptom indicates the problems of the urogenital area in both women and men. The localization of pain indirectly indicates the cause, so we will consider it.

    Pain in the lumbar region

    If the kidneys hurt and frequent urination is noted, this usually indicates such pathologies:

    1. . An acute process is hard to miss: there is an increase in temperature and severe pain in the lower back, which can radiate to the stomach. With an exacerbation of chronic sluggish pyelonephritis, frequent urination and pain in the kidneys and lower abdomen come to the fore. In addition, the volume of daily urine will also be increased, and single portions, on the contrary, will be reduced. The color of the urine is usually not changed.
    2. . Single portions of urine are reduced, the color is either normal, or an admixture of blood is visible. People urinate more during the day, but walking around a few times is fine at night. Also, the temperature often rises, and the urine becomes cloudy.

    Soreness in the lower abdomen

    Pain in the lower abdomen that accompanies frequent urination indicates problems with the bladder neck and urethra

    If the bladder hurts and frequent urination, this indicates a pathology of the lower urinary tract:

    1. Inflammation of the urethra (). At the same time, the daily volume of urine increases, it itself becomes cloudy, in it with the “naked eye” you can see mucus, pus or blood. A characteristic symptom - for all the pain of the urination process, there is an insistent desire to urinate at the very end (when the entire volume of urine has been excreted).
    2. . This disease is the most common cause of frequent urination. At the same time: the urine is reddish, sometimes pus is visible in it, it is released with soreness in the pubic area, in small portions, with imperative urges. Body temperature is elevated, symptoms of intoxication are observed: weakness, nausea, loss of appetite.
    3. Tumors in the bladder neck may have manifestations similar to cystitis, but there will be no symptoms of intoxication, pus in the urine and fever.
    4. may have similar manifestations if the calculus blocks the exit of urine. An increase in temperature is possible, but there will be no symptoms of intoxication. Pain can be relieved by taking antispasmodics and changing body position.
    5. prostate adenoma. In this case, the urge to urinate is not painful, but the process itself is felt by pain in the suprapubic region, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. There is also nocturnal urination.
    6. Neurogenic () bladder. In this case, the person's condition is not disturbed, urine does not change color, but frequent urination occurs after a strong urge, painful.
    7. Narrowing of the urethra due to acquired or congenital causes. Other than difficult and painful urination, there are no other symptoms.

    Frequent and painless urination

    Frequent urination without pain is a symptom of a huge number of diseases. Let's try to consider some of them.

    Physiological causes in adults and children

    Urination may become more frequent when:

    • taking a large amount of spicy, sour and salty foods, alcohol. There will be no pain, an increased volume of light urine is excreted, more than 200 ml at a time. Of the other symptoms - only a slight tickling in the urethra during urination;
    • stress, tension, excitement: a large daily amount of urine of the usual color is excreted, while the one-time volume of urination is not increased. There is a feeling that you need to urinate more, although the person has just gone to the toilet;
    • pregnancy: in this case, there will be other signs indicating this condition;
    • along with menstruation;
    • after freezing - within a few hours.

    Pathological causes

    They can be divided into those that cause predominantly nocturnal and increased around the clock urination.

    Frequent urination at night can be caused by:

    1. Cardiovascular insufficiency. In this case, there will be swelling in the legs, sometimes even higher (on the stomach), interruptions in the work of the heart or pain in it, shortness of breath.
    2. Diabetes. There are also increased thirst, dry mouth; the skin becomes dry, wounds and cracks easily appear on it, which do not heal well.
    3. Adenoma and carcinoma of the prostate. Symptoms other than nighttime urination may not be noticed. During the day, a man can feel quite well, only urinate in small portions. You can get more information about these and other male diseases that lead to frequent urination from the article:.

    Urinating equally often both during the day and at night, a person will:

    • diabetes insipidus. At the same time, he is constantly thirsty and drinks a lot, but, unlike the sugar "brother", there is no dry mouth, dryness and itching of the skin;
    • cystocele (bladder prolapse): more common in women who have given birth. In addition to painless frequent urination, urinary incontinence will also be noted: when coughing, lifting weights, laughing, and later - during sexual intercourse;
    • injuries and tumors of the spinal cord;
    • weakness of the muscles that make up the wall of the bladder. The disease begins in childhood, is characterized by the absence of changes in the general condition, but only by frequent urination in small portions of urine, as well as a strong urge to urinate;
    • uterine myoma. In this case, there will also be painful periods, intermenstrual bleeding, a large amount of monthly blood loss;
    • taking diuretic drugs.

    What to do with frequent urination

    Treatment of pollakiuria is prescribed by a doctor, as it directly depends on the cause of this condition.

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