It hurts to write cutting pain in women. Treatment of trichomoniasis and ureaplasmosis. Why there is discomfort when urinating in women

If a woman experiences pain when urinating, this should alert. Unpleasant sensations may indicate the presence of an ailment requiring treatment.

Pain when urinating in women: causes

There are many reasons that can lead to pain during urination. One of the most common of them is urethritis. The pain appears due to swelling of the tissues. It blocks the flow of urine. In this case, the woman experiences:

  • pain during urination, which increases towards the end of emptying;
  • there is a slight increase in body temperature;
  • trips to the toilet may become more frequent, and portions of urine may decrease;
  • in addition to pain, burning may occur;
  • urine becomes darker and acquires a sharp unpleasant odor.

If the disease is not treated on time, the inflammatory process can spread to the kidneys. This can lead to .

Another common cause of painful urination can be the presence of kidney stones. With the development of the disease, salt crystals appear in the urine. They irritate the urinary tract, causing pain. Additionally observed:

  • the appearance of pain in the lumbar region;
  • bloody clots in the urine if the disease is severely advanced;
  • renal colic, which can occur during exercise, movement or shaking.

If the stones are large, when passing through the organs of the urinary system, they can cause severe pain. Calculi are able to scratch the walls of the organs of the urinary system. This can lead to blood in the urine.

Sexual infections (chlamydia, herpes, trichomoniasis,) can also lead to pain. In addition to discomfort during urination, they are accompanied by:

  • the appearance of a rash;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • itching.

The exact list of symptoms depends on the disease that worries the woman. In the presence of genital infections, pain may be a consequence of provoking factors. They can be a general decrease in immunity, sexual intercourse, drinking alcohol or too spicy or salty foods, as well as hypothermia. Diseases can lead to the occurrence or urethritis.

Why does it hurt to write to a girl?

Girls may also experience pain during urination. At the same time, the list of diseases that provoke an unpleasant sensation may vary. Usually girls experience pain in the process of emptying the bladder due to the following reasons:

  1. A foreign body has entered the urethra.
  2. There is a urinary tract infection. Like adult women, girls can suffer from urethritis, and in more severe cases. The first disease is accompanied by burning. Pain usually occurs when urination is completed. If a girl has a frequent desire to visit the toilet, however, urine is excreted in small portions. It may have an unpleasant odor. If the infection has risen to the kidneys, it is worth talking about. With it, the child has a high temperature, which is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region. The process of urination is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, and urine is excreted in a small amount. At the end of the process, blood may appear. This is an alarm signal requiring immediate medical attention.
  3. Vesicopelvic reflux occurred. If a girl has a disease, during urination, urine can fall back into the kidneys. Pain occurs after a bowel movement. The child can hold on to the lower back. After the first urination, the girl may ask to go to the toilet again. In this case, a very small portion of urine will stand out. The process itself is no longer accompanied by pain.
  4. Urolithiasis is observed. Today, the disease has become much younger and can even occur in a child. Stones, suitable for the organs of the urinary system, irritate them and cause pain. Calculi are able to scratch the walls of internal organs, thereby causing the appearance of pus and blood in the urine. The child may complain of severe pain. In this case, cutting colic may occur in the abdomen. Often the disease is accompanied by nausea and restlessness. The child may often change position, trying to find the position in which pain is felt less.
  5. observed. This name was given to inflammation of the external genital organs. If the disease occurs, the girl may experience uncharacteristic discharge. The child may complain of itching and burning. They irritate the vagina and make urination painful.

Pain occurs at the end of urination

If pain occurs at the end of urination, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. If the process is accompanied by a burning sensation, as well as a feeling that the bladder has not been emptied enough, most likely the woman has developed urethritis or acute. In a severe case, both diseases can be observed at the same time. If the disease is started, unpleasant sensations during urination may join.

The appearance of pain after emptying the bladder can be caused by the presence of sand in the urine. It is irritating and causes discomfort. This indicates the presence of urolithiasis.

Painful to write during pregnancy

With the increase in the duration of pregnancy, women often face problems with urination. The frequency of emptying increases significantly, and the process of emptying can become painful. Such pain indicates the presence of the disease. Doctors explain them by the physiology of a woman. Due to the increase in the uterus, pressure on the bladder increases, which leads to discomfort.

However, against the background of pregnancy, pre-existing diseases may worsen, the list of which includes:

The nature of the pain

Having experienced discomfort during urination, a woman should carefully listen to her body. The nature of the pain and additional symptoms that accompany the process can simplify the determination of the cause of this. Acute, sharp, often cutting pain, which causes a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and intensifies at the end of the process, may indicate the course of an infectious process in an acute form.

The passage of a stone that irritates and damages the urinary tract can also be accompanied by similar sensations. If the pain is pulling in nature and has an average intensity, this may indicate the presence of a chronic one.

In addition to the nature of the pain, it is necessary to take into account the frequency of urination, as well as the amount of fluid released. It is also necessary to take into account the frequency of occurrence of unpleasant sensations throughout the day, if they occur systematically. All these questions will be asked by the specialist during the examination.

When should you see a doctor immediately?

Painful urination, which is often observed, can occur with hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, endocrine diseases, and the onset of menopause. You should not postpone a visit to a specialist if the following symptoms are present:

  1. Pain arose after a caesarean section or removal of a cyst, uterus, or fibroids.
  2. There is severe pain after emptying, which is cutting in nature. Women experience abdominal cramps and are also constantly faced with a deceptive urge to urinate.
  3. Unpleasant sensations arose after the start of taking contraceptive drugs or with an installed spiral or cap.
  4. When there is a burning sensation in the urethra, the pain spreads to the whole vagina or perineum.

Identification of pathology

To prescribe adequate treatment, the specialist will conduct a series of studies. Usually, when pain occurs during urination in women, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • a urine and blood test is prescribed;
  • smears are taken from the urethra and vagina. The action is performed in order to identify pathogens;
  • urography is performed. The contrast agent is administered intravenously;
  • PCR diagnostics are performed and provocation methods are used. Diagnostic methods are used if there is a suspicion of sexual infections occurring in a latent form;
  • cystoscopy is performed;
  • a woman is referred for ultrasound of the retroperitoneal space and pelvic organs.

Methods of treatment

After the diagnosis is established, treatment is prescribed. It needs to be started immediately. If a woman has inflammatory diseases, the doctor will prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics and nitrofurans. To get rid of the problem, you need to drink a large amount of warm liquid. Particular attention should be paid to the hygiene of the external genital organs. Carefully observing it, a woman minimizes the likelihood of re-infection.

If a girl has a sexual infection, treatment will have a positive effect only if therapy is carried out for both sexual partners. Otherwise, there is a high chance of re-infection, which will exacerbate the problem and require the use of stronger drugs in high doses. To get rid of genital infections, antibiotics are usually prescribed. The doctor will select the drug to which the specific pathogen is sensitive. The dose and duration of treatment is selected taking into account the specific characteristics of the microorganism and the presence of contraindications.

The detection of urolithiasis will lead to the need for a long course of treatment. A woman will be prescribed drugs that help dissolve stones and remove them from the body in a natural way.

How to prevent the appearance?

To prevent problems with the urinary system, doctors recommend taking preventive measures. A woman must abide by the following rules:

  1. Don't get cold. You need to choose clothes in accordance with the weather conditions. Don't sacrifice health for beauty.
  2. Regular visits to the gynecologist and other specialists. Visits to the doctor should be carried out at least 2 times a year. The appearance of discomfort or other strange symptoms should be the reason for an unscheduled visit.
  3. Wear comfortable underwear. It should be made of natural fabrics, not too much pressure and not restrict movement.
  4. Carry out hygiene measures. It is necessary to take a shower regularly, and only special products should be used for perineal hygiene.
  5. Having experienced the desire to visit the toilet, do not endure. Every urge to urinate must be satisfied.
  6. It is better to minimize the consumption of overly salty, spicy or fried foods, or to exclude them from the daily menu altogether, giving preference to proper nutrition. The diet should include as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
  7. It is necessary to exclude promiscuity. Even if you have a regular sexual partner, it is better to use a condom.

Compliance with simple rules will help minimize the likelihood of problems with urination and the excretory system as a whole.

Urological diseases are a common reason for visiting a doctor. With inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, patients complain that it hurts to write at the end of urination. Such a symptom should be alarming, because it can be a manifestation of a serious illness. Only by conducting a thorough diagnosis and receiving adequate medical treatment, you can achieve a complete recovery.

Pain at the end of urination is the first symptom of acute cystitis, which women suffer much more often than men. An unpleasant burning sensation during the excretion of urine, which develops into acute pain at the end of the act of micturition, indicates that the mucous membrane of the bladder and ureters is inflamed, edematous and hyperemic. Deurination becomes painful and frequent. Sometimes there are droplets of blood in the urine, in which case doctors talk about hematuria.

With urolithiasis, when sand and stones are removed from the kidneys, severe pain appears at the end of urination. There are also cases when the mucous membrane of the urinary tract is not inflamed, but the cause of the pain is an injury or neoplasm. In such a case, it is recommended to contact a urologist for medical assistance.

Women during pregnancy experience discomfort and burning, which is provoked by the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder. In this case, the process is physiological, and the problem goes away without medical intervention after delivery. At the same time, if discomfort and cramps appear after childbirth, then you need to inform the doctor about this. This may be a symptom of rupture of the urethra during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

Causes of the disease in men

Men can also complain that it has become painful to write. This is the first symptom of an inflammatory process in the bladder. In some cases, against the background of cystitis, urethritis develops, which exacerbates the pain.

Enuresis (spontaneous urination) in men is accompanied by pain and burning when passing urine. In the presence of urolithiasis, patients often notice burning and painful contraction of the muscles of the bladder, but this phenomenon is also preceded by pain in the lumbar back.

Young boys may also experience pain and burning when they pee. The pain is so sharp and unpleasant that the kids are afraid to go to the toilet again in a small way. Why are there such problems with the baby? The reason for such troubles is the physiological feature of the development of the male genital organs. In newborn boys, the glans penis is covered by the foreskin. After a year, cavities filled with a secret (smegma) form between the foreskin and the head.

The danger of this secret is that it is a carcinogen, which becomes a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria and fungi. As a result of pathological processes, inflammation occurs - balanitis or balanoposthitis. To save the child from such problems, it is necessary to carefully care for the baby's genitals, using a weak solution of potassium permanganate for baths and washings.

In men, burning occurs with inflammation or prostate adenoma, which are accompanied by the appearance. Venereal diseases make themselves felt by unpleasant sensations when excreting urine. In this case, medical and physiotherapeutic treatment will be needed.

The genitals are a sensitive and delicate part of the human body that requires careful hygienic care. Urologists are constantly faced with the problem of dermatitis in the urogenital area. The reason is the aggressive chemicals that are present in detergents and laundry detergents.

Diagnostic methods

There are many reasons why it becomes painful to write. The further outcome of the disease depends on the correct diagnosis. With untimely diagnosis and treatment, there are adverse consequences for the patient, up to chronic inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area and infertility.

If you experience discomfort or pain while going to the toilet, you should urgently contact a specialized specialist - a urologist. To establish the exact reason why there is pain during the act of urination, the doctor will conduct the necessary examination.

  1. Gathering an anamnesis of the disease.
  2. Examination of the external genital organs with the sampling of biological material.
  3. Laboratory research: blood and urine tests, urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, bacteriological analysis of blood and urine.
  4. Instrumental diagnostic methods: cystoscopy, ultrasound, biopsy.

The appearance of blood elements and leukocytes in urine confirms the development of an acute inflammatory process in the urinary system.

Medical therapy

The tactics of treatment directly depend on why the alarming symptoms arose. Be sure to take broad-spectrum antibiotics. If fungi are the cause of the pain, then a course of antifungal therapy is carried out.

In inflammatory processes in the body, immunomodulatory and restorative treatment is prescribed. Be sure to carry out thorough hygiene of the genital organs with the use of antiseptic solutions (Furacilin, potassium permanganate).

With inflammation of the urinary tract, the use of herbal tinctures and decoctions is effective. Preparations Urolesan, Canephron, Urocholum are made on the basis of medicinal herbs. Helps relieve inflammation tea made from urological herbal collection. Before starting the use of medicines, a consultation with the attending physician is required.

The appearance of the first painful sensations during urination in the stronger sex is a serious reason to think about your own health. This problem is so delicate that most men endure discomfort for years without seeking medical help. Shyness in this case can lead to irreparable consequences: impotence, etc. Leaving pain unattended is very dangerous.

Causes of pain during urination in men

Urination is a necessary physiological process during which processed products and toxins are removed from the body. In a healthy person, the outflow of urine should occur regularly and painlessly. If visits to the toilet are accompanied by pain or pain, then the genitourinary system needs help.

Pain when emptying the bladder can be a symptom of some disease, it never occurs without a cause. Here are the most common factors that provoke pain in men during the outflow of urine:

  1. Inflammation of the lining of the bladder or urethra. During urination, especially closer to completion, there is a contraction of the internal muscles, as a result of which pain and cramps can increase.
  2. Urolithiasis disease. Stones or sand can form both in the kidneys and in the bladder itself. Moving along the urinary tract, these formations injure their mucosa, causing pain.
  3. Violation of the outflow of urine. When any obstacle arises in the way of fluid discharge or narrowing of the urethra occurs due to a tumor, prostate adenoma, etc.

The safest reasons include drinking alcohol, too salty or spicy food, household irritation (bath with sea salt or a new cosmetic product), slight hypothermia.

As a rule, the pains that arise as a result of them are mild in nature and disappear on their own within a few days or even hours. If the sensations intensify and do not disappear for more than two days, you should definitely consult a urologist.

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Possible diseases

In most cases, pain at the end of urination is a symptom of an infectious or non-infectious disease. Pain can be sharp, strong or almost imperceptible, often they are joined by other signs of the disease:

  • Discharge from the head of the penis
  • Renal colic and swelling
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and sacro-lumbar region
  • Itching or burning in the perineum
  • Change in color and smell of urine, blood impurities in it (the most dangerous symptom)

Non-infectious diseases that are quite common in men include:

  1. Urolithiasis, in which the mucosa is not inflamed, but it is regularly injured by pebbles and grains of sand passing along the paths. The movement of the stone is always accompanied by pain in the lower back, groin or abdominal cavity, frequent urge to urinate. The outflow of urine can stop spontaneously, and after a change in body position, resume. Pain can be both unilateral and on both sides, aggravated by movements and physical exertion. At the same time, blood impurities are often observed in the urine, and cramping sensations can last up to several days. Depending on the size of the stones and the condition of the patient, conservative, surgical or instrumental treatment can be prescribed.
  2. Violation of the outflow of urine is more often observed in older men, but youth here is by no means insurance. The most common causes of pathology include prostatitis, prostate adenoma and (moreover, not only the pelvic organs, but also the brain or spinal cord). The initial symptoms can be pain during urination, a feeling of fullness in the groin, a small amount of urine excreted with frequent urges. During the period of exacerbation, cramps, nausea and vomiting join them, the outflow of fluid can completely stop. This condition is life-threatening for the patient and requires emergency measures (use of a catheter or surgery).

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So, pain during urination should alert a man and serve as a reason for a visit to a urologist. The diseases that they signal can be dangerous not only for male strength and health, but also for life.

When the infection is to blame

In young men who are sexually active, infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, can be common causes of painful urination. They are divided into viral, fungal and bacterial. They are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Frequent urination, accompanied by pain, cutting and burning
  • The appearance of discharge from the glans penis, which may be white or yellow-greenish, with or without an unpleasant odor
  • Rashes in the intimate area
  • Potency and ejaculation disorders
  • Change in the structure of sperm, sometimes with blood impurities
  • Fever, general weakness and malaise

Many of these diseases go into, spread to other organs and systems, after which they need longer and more expensive treatment. Also, most venereal infections at the initial stage proceed without pronounced symptoms, and over time lead to very dangerous complications.

Lack of proper and timely treatment can threaten a man with impotence, infertility and other dangerous consequences. Therefore, pain when visiting the toilet should be treated very carefully and prudently.

Diagnosis and treatment

When pain occurs at the end of urination, it is necessary to leave heroism and courage for better times and contact a urologist. What will the doctor be guided by when making a diagnosis:

  1. By talking to the patient and carefully examining the symptoms.
  2. Visual, instrumental inspection and probing.
  3. , blood and smear from the urethra.
  4. Ultrasound of the genitourinary system, cystoscopy, if necessary, MRI or CT (computer or magnetic resonance imaging) can be prescribed.

Pain at the end of urination is an alarming symptom that indicates the presence of a serious illness. It is important to know all the possible causes of pain in order to choose the right treatment to get rid of the problem.

Cystitis is a disease that often occurs in women at different ages. Its main symptom is pain when urinating. The cause of this disease is inflammation in the area of ​​the bladder. It begins due to bacteria that penetrate the urethra and begin to multiply actively. Most often, this problem occurs in women who do not follow the rules of personal hygiene. Another possible reason for the development of cystitis is hypothermia. It is enough to sit on a cold stone step in order to feel the first symptoms of the disease by the evening.

With cystitis, in addition to pain during urination, women may have a fever. In this case, the patient will constantly be tormented by a burning sensation in the urethra. There may be pain in the lower abdomen. Urination will become more frequent. With cystitis, blood clots can be found in the urine.

Urethritis is another disease in which it will be painful for a woman to write. How is this disease different from cystitis? With urethritis, inflammation does not begin in the bladder, but in the urethra.

In pregnant women, pain at the end of urination sometimes occurs due to the fact that the uterus presses on the bladder. A similar symptom that appeared after childbirth may indicate that the urethra is damaged.

Due to a sexual infection, inflammation develops in the vagina. Then the woman will also experience pain when urinating. The cause of such a disease can be unprotected intercourse, weakened immunity, hormonal failure. To determine exactly why the girl faced a similar problem, she needs to see a doctor and take tests.

The pain may appear due to urolithiasis. The urethra is damaged by stones, so there will be a burning sensation. Blood may appear in the urine. Another important symptom of this disease is renal colic. They occur when a stone passes through the ureter.

Wearing tight underwear can also cause burning and pain in the urethra. We must not forget about allergic reactions that can occur on shower gel or personal care products.

It is important to know all the causes of such symptoms. It is worth taking tests, because several factors can provoke the disease at once. A urologist and a gynecologist will be able to accurately diagnose. It is important not to ignore the symptoms, because getting rid of chronic diseases will be very difficult.

Causes of pain in men

What diseases cause pain at the end of urination in men? Pain in the groin can be a sign of prostatitis. Most often, this disease develops in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have chronic diseases. Prolonged sexual abstinence can also provoke the disease. Prostatitis is a disease in which the prostate gland in men becomes inflamed. The patient will feel burning and cutting during and after urination. If you ignore the symptoms, then the discomfort will intensify and will constantly haunt.

Cystitis in men is extremely rare, but urethritis can cause pain. Because of this disease, the urethra becomes inflamed. In addition to pain and burning, the patient may be disturbed by discharge in the morning.

Sexual infections also cause pain at the end of urination in men. In this case, other alarming symptoms often appear. For example, the opening of the urethra may swell and redden. This symptom is typical for gonorrhea. Purulent discharge is also possible. They are present in the urine of those who have trichomoniasis.

In men, as in women, pain can occur due to urolithiasis. In such a situation, the patient will complain of pain in the lower abdomen and blood in the urine.

Treatment of diseases

When choosing a treatment, it is important to consider the causes of the disease. To accurately determine them, you need to visit a urologist. Girls can also turn to a gynecologist. The doctor will send you for tests and prescribe treatment. What drugs help with diseases that cause pain at the end of urination?

With cystitis and urethritis, the specialist will prescribe antibiotics that will destroy the infection. Monural is very effective. This drug has an important advantage: it can be taken during pregnancy. Furadonin or Furagin are often prescribed, which quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease. To increase immunity, it is worth drinking a course of vitamins immediately after treatment or during it.

If the pain was a symptom of urolithiasis, then the stones must be removed. There are 2 methods:

  • crushing by morning sound;
  • surgical intervention.

The patient will be put on a special diet. He will have to reduce the consumption of chocolate, legumes, cottage cheese, cheese, milk. It is necessary to exclude coffee, alcohol and fatty foods from the diet, drink plenty of liquids, for example, mineral water or dried fruit compote.

Doctors often prescribe various herbs. Kidney tea is effective not only for kidney diseases, but also for cystitis. It normalizes the general condition and negatively affects pathogens.

Treatment of prostatitis involves antibiotic therapy. If the disease is started, then a purulent abscess may begin. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary. In chronic prostatitis, the patient will be prescribed a massage that improves blood circulation.

The cause of pain may be a tumor that interferes with the outflow of urine. It is impossible to do without surgical intervention in such a disease. Chemotherapy may be required.

Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. It is important to consider the cause of the onset of the disease. Preparations must be selected individually for each case. If you ignore the pain, there may be complications, one of which is urinary incontinence. Erection problems often occur due to prostatitis, and genital infections, if not treated on time, can lead to infertility.

Folk methods

Traditional medicine has many remedies that help get rid of pain. For cystitis and urethritis, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Linden infusion. For 2 st. l. dry flowers you need to take 2 cups of boiling water. The product should be infused for 30 minutes. Drink in the evening 250 ml.
  2. Infusion of cornflowers. 1 tsp raw materials should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water, infused for 1 hour, drink 2 tbsp before meals. l.
  3. Currant infusion. 3 art. l. dry leaves of blackcurrant pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take the remedy 3 times a day.

Separately, it is worth mentioning fruit drinks from cranberries or lingonberries. If you drink them in large quantities, they will relieve pain and significantly improve the condition. With cystitis, it is important to be warm. It also helps relieve pain. It is worth observing bed rest, applying a heating pad to the stomach or wrapping yourself in a blanket.

There are recipes that help with urolithiasis:

  1. Take a potato peel, wash it and boil it for 30 minutes. Strain the resulting remedy and take 3 times a day. 1 serving - 150 ml.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the beets, cucumbers and carrots. Drink the resulting mixture 4 times a day, 150 ml.
  3. Chop the parsley root, pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Take this remedy 5 times a day, 100 ml.

With urolithiasis, you can drink lemon juice diluted with water.

If the pain is due to a sexual infection, then aloe juice will help. You need to drink 1 tsp. of this remedy 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. You can also treat with garlic juice. Drink it also 3 times a day, but 0.5 tsp each, because it can burn the gastric mucosa. It is best for people with gastrointestinal problems to avoid eating garlic.

A man suffering from prostatitis should pay attention to the following recipes:

  1. For 2 st. l. asparagus root take 1 liter of boiling water. You need to insist this remedy for 30 minutes. Must be taken 3 times a day. One serving is 150 ml. Such an infusion effectively relieves pain, facilitates the general condition.
  2. For 2 st. l. tansy is taken 300 ml of vodka. Take 10 drops of this remedy 2 times a day.
  3. To relieve inflammation, you should drink a decoction of arnica: 2 tbsp. l. raw materials 1 liter of boiling water.

Such treatment will help relieve pain and reduce inflammation, but you should first consult with a specialist to accurately determine the cause of the symptoms and the exact dosage of the funds.


Do not forget about the prevention of the disease. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat regularly and observe the daily routine. I'll have to rethink my diet. It is necessary to exclude from it alcohol and dishes with a lot of spices. It is worth limiting the use of sweets.

You need to empty your bladder on time. This rule must be observed by both men and women. It is also necessary to drink a lot during the day so that pathogenic microorganisms and their waste products are washed out with the liquid. Fruit drinks, compotes and mineral water are especially useful. Do not abuse coffee.

Hypothermia must not be allowed. This rule women must observe from childhood. It is important to always dress for the weather. In winter, sweaters and trousers should be preferred. You can not sit on the cold steps and stone slabs.

It is very important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. A girl should take a shower every day and change her underwear. Empty your bladder before and after sexual intercourse. Don't forget to use condoms. They are especially necessary if a woman often changes sexual partners. By being protected, she will protect herself from infections that can cause pain.

The bladder is located in the lower abdomen, near the pelvis. It has the ability to stretch and shrink. It is presented in the form of a tube attached to it. Urine is excreted through it when emptying.

Inflammatory processes in the bladder and urethra lead to the fact that there is a burning sensation, it becomes painful to write. In medicine, this condition is called cystitis. This inflammation is caused by an infection in the bladder. Women are more susceptible to cystitis, due to the fact that there are fewer of them.

As a rule, cystitis is amenable to therapeutic effects. With proper and timely treatment, you can not only alleviate its symptoms, in particular, when it hurts to write, but also eliminate the root cause of inflammation. In the absence of proper therapy, cystitis can provoke the development of complications, which, in particular, include pyelonephritis. The disease caused by the penetration of a bacterial infection into the urinary tract often contributes to the development of serious, and in some cases, life-threatening consequences. These include, in particular, sepsis and renal failure.

Early diagnosis helps reduce the chance of complications. Therefore, even if it is not very painful to write (and in some cases the sensation can be compared with minor discomfort), you should visit a doctor. A disease not detected in time can go into a chronic stage. In this case, getting rid of it is much more difficult.

The main symptoms of cystitis, in addition to the fact that it hurts to write (especially at the end), include hematuria (pink or bloody urine), fever, frequent urges, an unpleasant (fetid) smell of urine, and its small volume during emission. In addition, chills and high fever are noted. Painful urination can also cause mental disorders. In some cases, people who find it painful to pee begin to experience fear of emptying.

It should be noted that the urethra and bladder are sterile, that is, they do not contain bacteria or other microorganisms. Inflammation can develop as a result of penetration of an external infection. Pathogenic bacteria also have the ability to penetrate into the urethra and bladder from other organs through the blood.

The cause of cystitis may be an increase or inflammation of the irritation caused by intimate hygiene products (aromatic soaps, gels, deodorants). In some cases, inflammation develops after certain types of radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Also, risk factors should include too active sex life (in women), chronic diseases that affect the state of the immune system (diabetes, AIDS and others), kidney and kidney stones, cancer, the presence of a permanent catheter in the bladder.

Treatment of cystitis

It hurts to write to a woman during pregnancy. At this time, she must take care not only of the unborn child, but also of herself. Therefore, if any (more or less important) problem occurs, you should consult a doctor. In many cases, pregnant women do not pay attention to discomfort and pain during urination. However, the causes that caused this condition can be very serious. Pain during urination can develop due to pressure of the uterus on the bladder. As a result, complete emptying does not occur. Stagnant urine causes infection and provokes more frequent urination. The bladder may become inflamed. The presence of blood in the urine of pregnant women in some cases is a very alarming signal. Perhaps this is a threat of miscarriage.

It should be noted that not always in people prone to the development of this pathology, it necessarily occurs. However, not all patients diagnosed with cystitis are at risk.

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