Oncomarker common what. The role of blood tumor markers in the diagnosis of malignant tumors. Reasons for the sharp increase in RAE

The CA 125 tumor marker is a highly specific protein located on the membrane of ovarian epithelial cells affected by oncology. Normally, it can be detected at low levels in endometrial tissues and serous membranes, but there should be practically no protein in the blood.

The appearance of protein in the blood under normal conditions can only be associated with the menstrual cycle, as well as with pregnancy, and then only in the first trimester.

Increased levels of ca125 in the blood indicate malignant degeneration of ovarian tissues. Less commonly, the values ​​of the CA 125 tumor marker increase with the development of oncological neoplasms in other organs (endometrium, liver, stomach, etc.). In fact, CA 125 is a glycoprotein that is actively secreted by tumor cells.

Although, of course, the study of the level of CA 125 is carried out most often for the purpose of early detection of ovarian cancer, as well as for monitoring the dynamics of the activity of the established disease, the spread of the metastatic process, the quality and effectiveness of the therapy, as well as for diagnosing relapses.

What do blood tumor markers show?

In general, the analysis of the levels of oncomarkers is carried out in order to:

  • early detection of malignant neoplasms and their relapses after chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgical removal;
  • control of tumor growth and metastasis;
  • monitoring the quality of treatment;
  • screening for oncological pathologies among high-risk groups, according to their development (smokers, people working in hazardous industries, patients with a burdened family history, etc.).

However, it is important to understand that there are no absolutely specific tumor markers that increase only with a certain type of cancer. They can also increase slightly in severe inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.

Attention. Only an oncologist can answer the question: what does the oncomarker show. It is unacceptable to prescribe this analysis for yourself in private laboratories and interpret it with the help of reference books, colleagues and the Internet. Especially when diagnosing a disease such as cancer, where any mistake can lead to a psychological disaster.

It is also important to remember that the study of tumor markers is not included in the mandatory list of tests during a preventive examination in patients who are not at risk for the development of malignant neoplasms and do not have cancer symptoms.

All studies of oncomarkers should be carried out strictly according to the indications and interpreted in conjunction with other tests. Only on the basis of an elevated tumor marker, the diagnosis is not made.

Oncomarker CA 125. What does it show

A blood test for CA 125 is effectively used in the primary monitoring of oncological processes in the ovaries, diagnosis
recurrent oncological process after treatment, as well as to control the spread of metastases.

Cancer antigen 125 may also increase if the oncological process (or metastases) affects:

  • lining of the uterus,
  • serous membranes,
  • lung tissue,
  • mammary gland,
  • pancreas.

CA 125 will also increase significantly with the spread of metastatic foci from the above organs to the liver.

Attention. The accuracy (otherwise specificity) of the CA-125 assay is not very high. Only cases of at least a two-fold increase in the level of the CA125 marker in the blood should be taken into account (especially for women aged 55 years and older) to confirm the possibility of ovarian cancer.

Also, together with the level of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide), the tumor marker ca 125 can be used in addition to basic studies to assess the severity of HF (heart failure).

Additionally, ca125 is examined for the diagnosis of serous cavitary effusions (pleurisy, peritonitis).

In addition to diagnosing oncological processes, blood for ca 125 is examined for endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and tumors of benign etiology that affect the female reproductive system.

The tumor marker CA 125 is most important in detecting serous-type epithelial ovarian carcinomas, as well as adenocarcinomas of the endometrium and fallopian tubes.

When to get a CA 125 test for women

Analysis of CA 125 for the purpose of primary diagnosis must be taken when symptoms of ovarian cancer appear:

  • regular disruptions in the menstrual cycle (this symptom is not the main one, since some patients may have regular menstruation even with bilateral ovarian cancer);
  • frequent urination with false urges and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • persistent mucous discharge with streaks of blood (unpleasant smell of discharge is rare);
  • persistent pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • constipation, flatulence, heaviness in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, indigestion;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • weakness, weight loss, emotional lability, depression;
  • increased ESR in the general blood test;
  • enlargement of the abdomen due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites).

The main symptoms are quite non-specific and are often regarded by women as a manifestation of ovarian inflammation. Many patients go to the doctor for the first time already with the appearance of ascites. That is, when the tumor reaches a large size and metastasizes.

Important! According to statistics, up to 70% of women go to the doctor for the first time in the later stages of the disease. It should be noted that 95% of cases of ovarian cancer are hereditary.

Specific symptoms are given by two types of malignant neoplasms of the ovaries. These are hormone-producing tumors:

  1. granulosa cell - causes feminization (may be manifested by early puberty in girls, as well as the resumption of uterine bleeding in women during menopause);
  2. adenoblastoma - leads to masculinization (it provokes the growth of a beard, mustache, a decrease in the size of the mammary glands, coarsening of the voice, etc.).

How to donate blood for analysis

The material is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. At least 3 days before the analysis, fatty, fried and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. It is forbidden to drink strong tea (especially with sugar), coffee, juices and sodas. It is also necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages. Smoking is prohibited on the day of the test. The day before blood sampling, physical and emotional stress is excluded.

The physician and laboratory staff must be informed of the drugs being taken. If possible, one week before the study, medication should be stopped.

Important. When donating blood for CA 125, it is necessary to note the day of the menstrual cycle on which the analysis is taken.

Norm SA 125

CA 125 norm in women is less than thirty-five units / ml. Optimal values ​​are below fifteen units/ml.

CA 125 is the age norm - the analysis for a tumor marker does not have age-related fluctuations, however, in women during the menopause, an increase in CA 125 to borderline values ​​\u200b\u200band with a slight excess of normal values ​​may be detected.

Reasons for increasing CA 125

The main reasons for the increase in this tumor marker are malignant neoplasms. CA 125 is elevated when the tumor strikes:

  • organs of the female reproductive system (ca125 - the main diagnostic marker of ovarian cancer);
  • mammary and pancreas;
  • Gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines (especially the rectum));
  • lung tissue;
  • liver (including metastatic lesion).

Of the non-oncological reasons for the increase in the level of the oncomarker, the following should be distinguished:

  • tumors and ovarian cysts of benign origin,
  • borderline tumors (low-grade tumors: serous, mucinous, endometrioid, clear cell (mesonephroid) type),
  • mixed tumors,
  • Brenner tumor.

Also, an increase in CA 125 can lead to:

  • endometriosis,
  • severe infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs,
  • diseases accompanied by serous effusion (pericarditis, pleurisy, etc.),
  • chronic hepatitis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • autoimmune diseases.

Analysis results

CA 125 is normal in women with an ovarian cyst - borderline values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be observed, closer to 35 U / ml or with a slight increase.

Given that in patients with malignant neoplasms affecting the cervix, endometrium, stomach, as well as with benign ovarian tumors, the CA 125 tumor marker also increases. The interpretation of diagnostic results, in this regard, should be based on data from other studies. Only a comprehensive interpretation of the analyzes will help to conduct the correct differential diagnosis and make the correct diagnosis.

Attention! It is important to note that the absence of an elevated CA 125 in a blood test does not allow 100% to exclude the diagnosis of cancer. In some patients, in the first stages, the CA 125 tumor marker does not increase. At the third - fourth stage, the indicator is increased in all patients.

The ca125 assay can be used to monitor the quality of treatment. A decrease in its parameters against the background of chemotherapy or radiation therapy indicates the effectiveness of the treatment.

In women bearing a child, an increase in CA 125 values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be diagnosed. As a rule, deviations in the analyzes are insignificant. The maximum increase in CA125 is observed in the 1st trimester, which can reach a value of 1250 U / ml. However, during uncomplicated pregnancy, the marker level often remains normal.

Borderline values ​​(closer to 35 IU / ml) are detected in women who are breastfeeding. This is not a pathology and does not require treatment.

An increase in the level of the CA 125 tumor marker during pregnancy requires constant monitoring, especially for those women who were previously diagnosed with ovarian cancer or who were diagnosed with pathology of the uterine appendages during the examination.

For reference. In some cases, during pregnancy, the levels of markers CA 125, CA 15-3, as well as CA 19-9 and are controlled. Researches are made both in mother's blood, and in umbilical cord blood. In one study, at elevated levels of these markers, the pregnancy of all subjects (53 pregnant women) ended in a caesarean section.

Cancer is a terrible disease, not always treatable, which dooms a person to a slow and painful extinction. Statistics show the rapid growth of oncology among the population. Enormous medical knowledge and resources have been directed to the fight against cancer. The achievement is the breakthrough of modern diagnostic methods that allow to detect oncological processes in the early phase of development, even before the onset of the tumor process, which makes a complete cure possible. One of the most accurate types of diagnostics should rightfully include a laboratory general blood test for markers of the oncological process. Let's take a closer look at what tumor markers are.

Cancer markers

To understand what tumor markers are, you need to delve a little into medical explanations about markers of tumor processes in the body. An oncological marker is a specific protein that appears in the blood as a result of the development of a tumor process. Cancer markers are produced by cancer cells or the immune system in response to cancer.

Malignant cells secrete antigens in huge quantities, so any excess of the norm of certain tumor markers in the bloodstream clearly indicates the growth of oncology.

It is possible to detect oncological markers by analyzing blood, urine and using histological examination, that is, by taking samples of cancer-affected tissues.

Tumor markers for cancer must meet certain conditions:

  • Appear only with malignant neoplasms.
  • Produced in sufficient quantities to determine the size of the tumor and the stage of the oncological process.
  • Detected in the presence of residual fragments of the tumor in the tissues.
  • Respond with a change in numbers to the course of therapy.
  • Each marker should ideally be organ-specific, that is, diagnose a tumor of a specific organ.

The last point is often not true. Most tumor markers have a considerable list of pathologies of organs and systems, including benign formations. Based on this, the study of a single oncological marker does not provide information about the location of the tumor and a complete picture of the disease. In order to achieve greater information content from the study of oncomarkers, a comprehensive study of several specific protein elements of the blood is carried out. Now it is clear what a tumor marker is and how, by making a general blood test, it is easy to determine its qualitative and quantitative level.

The most important oncological markers and their classification

To date, about 200 different tumor markers have been openly and sufficiently studied in the field of medicine. There is a constant increase in the indicators of the oncological process. But in diagnostic practice, only the main oncomarkers, of which there are about 20, are used. They are divided into two large groups according to the place of detection (humoral or tissue), according to chemical characteristics (glycoproteins and their carbohydrate factors, saccharides, glycolipids and polypeptides, polyamines, immunoglobulins) and for biological purposes.

Classification of oncomarkers for microbiological purposes:

  • Cancer embryonic (oncofetal) antigens (CEA):
    • human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG);
    • globular protein beta-1 gestation;
    • AFP (alpha-fetoprotein);
    • tumor marker CA 125;
    • tumor marker CA 15-3;
    • tumor marker CA 19-9;
    • tumor marker CA 72-4;
    • tumor marker CA 50.
  • Hormonal substances:
    • adrenocorticotropin;
    • vasopressin;
    • calcitonin;
    • placental somatomammotropin;
    • parathyrin;
    • mammotropin.
  • Enzymes:
    • tissue polypeptide-specific antigen;
    • neuro-specific enolase;
    • prostatic acid phosphatase;
    • L-lactate;
    • thymidine kinase group.
  • Receptors:
    • progesterone;
    • estrogen;
    • microglobulin beta-2;
    • immunoglobulins;
    • iron protein.

Researchers in the field of medical diagnostics have developed special comprehensive programs that include a set of complementary tumor markers to make a reliable diagnosis of a particular organ. There are general comprehensive blood tests for cancer markers suitable for both men and women. Thanks to such blood tests, it will be possible to examine your body immediately for the most important ocomarkers, which will save time, money and effort.

What does the presence of tumor markers in the blood indicate?

The values ​​of tumor markers included in the group of main indicators of the tumor process cannot serve as the main criterion for making a final diagnosis. Because most of the substances mentioned are not specific oncomarkers. The most common oncomarkers in the blood include alpha-fetoprotein, which acts as a signaling agent for cancer of the liver, brain, ovaries in women and testicles in men. The CA 125 tumor marker test also establishes oncological processes in the ovaries. According to the metabolic oncomarker tu m2 pk, the growth of malignant tumors in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys, and mammary glands is detected.

The test for hCG in men and non-pregnant women detects the growth of tumor formations of the testes and female genital organs. And in pregnant women, deviations from the norm in the direction of excess or decrease in the chorionic hormone indicate violations of pregnancy or abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Cancer-embryonic antigen (CEA) is produced by epithelial tissues of organs, indicates carcinoma in the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, lungs or mammary glands. The test for total PSA (in free and protein-bound form) determines the presence and growth of a tumor process in the prostate gland.

Calcitonin is exceeded in the body in medullary thyroid oncology. Lactate dehydrogenase deviates from the norm in liver cancer and some types of oncological changes in blood flow. A blood test for placental lactogen is prescribed for suspected cancerous pathologies of the lungs, mammary glands and other organs. Prolactin levels are impaired in adenomas of the kidneys, pituitary gland, and sometimes the respiratory tract. Deviations from the norm of parathyroid hormone indicators are evidence of cancerous processes in the kidneys, liver, lungs, and mammary glands.

Estrogen and progesterone as tumor markers indicate thyroid cancer.

The test for microglobulin beta-2 informs about diseases of the circulatory system of an oncological nature. In complicated cases, at high concentrations, it can accumulate in the soft tissues of various organs, disrupting protein metabolism, a process called amyloid degeneration. Microglobulin beta-2, a non-specific tumor marker, may also indicate renal failure. To detect it, a diagnostic blood test is prescribed, since microglobulin is detected in the urine only in residual concentrations.

The ratio of tumor markers in the blood

In a healthy body, cancer markers are within the normal range. Any deviation from normal values, with rare exceptions, indicates tumor processes. When deciphering the results of a blood test for tumor markers, a medical worker will have to take into account a lot of information obtained in the course of laboratory, instrumental, visual and other diagnostics.

Because, despite the high information content and reliability of the study of blood flow, there is still the possibility of false positive or false negative results. In order to exclude any inaccuracy in the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed a second blood test for tumor markers after a time determined by the doctor.

The norm of indicators of oncomarkers for biological purposes:

tumor markers Permissible rate
Cancer embryonic antigen (CEA, SEA) Up to 2.7 ng/ml
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) From 0 to 5 mU/ml
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) Up to 16 ng/ml
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) Up to 2.9 ng/ml in men and 3.8 ng/ml in women around 45 years of age
Microglobulin beta-2 1.3 to 2.6 mg/l
Ovarian cancer marker CA 125 0 to 29 U/ml
Tumor marker of the gallbladder and pancreas CA 19-9 Up to 33 U/ml
Pancreatic tumor marker CA 50 Up to 24 U/ml
Breast cancer marker CA 15-3 Up to 24 U/ml
Stomach cancer marker CA 72-4 Up to 6.8 U/ml
Specific beta-1 protein 0.6 to 4.4 g/l
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is responsible for resistance to stress 9 to 55 ng/l
Neuron-specific enolase (NSE, NSE) Up to 15 ng/ml
Tissue polyferative antigen (TPA) 84 to 119 U/ml
Acid Prostate Phosphatase (AP, PAP) From 0.2 to 0.62 units/l
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) Up to 247 units/l
Thymidine kinase (TK) From 1.8 to 7.3 U/L
ferritin 24 to 195 µg/l

The body is perfect by its nature - all processes in it are debugged and function normally throughout life. But due to various circumstances, a failure in the activity of any organ or system may occur in the human body. If the symptoms of deviations in well-being are mild, then it makes sense to include in the examination complex a blood test for oncological markers that correspond to the nature of the ailment. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the non-specificity of tumor markers both in diagnosis and in treatment. As well as gender, individual characteristics of the body and age limits.

It would be wrong to associate the probability of developing cancer only with advanced age. Children's departments of cancer centers like this are not sadly overcrowded. Based on this pattern, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the oncology occurrence is strongly influenced by the radiation background of the area of ​​residence, the general ecological situation, bad habits, artificial preservatives and dyes in food, as well as genetically modified additives in it. Based on this, we can conclude that if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, proper diet and from time to time donate blood for the most common tumor markers, then only thanks to these simple actions, it will be possible to significantly reduce the risk of developing oncology.

In contact with

Oncological diseases are considered a real scourge of modern society. In terms of mortality in most countries of the world, cancer and other types of malignant tumors rank second, second only to pathologies of the cardiovascular system. A feature of this group of the disease is the latent and almost asymptomatic onset of the disease - most often, a person simply does not notice the tumor just during the period when it can be eliminated most quickly and effectively. Naturally, the efforts of many medical specialists are aimed at discovering a diagnostic method that makes it possible to detect oncological changes in the body at the earliest stages. One of the results of such research was the development of an analysis for tumor markers.

These compounds are complex, usually of a protein nature, substances. They are normally secreted by cells in small quantities and perform a variety of functions in the body. However, in the presence of a malignant process, the concentration of these substances increases sharply - the tumor marker can be secreted both by the tumor cells themselves and by healthy tissues surrounding the neoplasm.

The value of studying the level of oncomarkers is the ability to detect a pathological process long before the first manifestations of the disease appear. In addition, such an analysis often puts an end to difficult diagnostic situations.

On the other hand, an increase in the level of tumor markers above the established norms does not always clearly indicate a malignant tumor. The level of many indicator compounds can increase during inflammatory processes, organ injuries, and hormonal disruptions. In this case, the medical specialist takes into account not only the direct increase in the level of tumor markers, but also the degree of this increase, clinical symptoms, and the relationship with the results of other research methods and analyzes. Based on this entire diagnostic picture, the cause of pathological changes is determined.

How is the analysis for tumor markers performed?

This type of study differs from others - at least in that they do not simultaneously determine the level of all indicator substances, but only those indicated by the doctor. As a rule, within the framework of one study, the level of one oncomarker is determined, sometimes two or three. The reason for this is the extremely low concentration of these compounds and the complexity of biochemical determination associated with this fact - analysis, for example, of blood for all tumor markers can take a lot of time and effort, not due to diagnostic necessity.

Most often, the level of indicator substances is determined in the blood, but some of them can also be found in other biological fluids - for example, alpha-fetoprotein can be found in bile, UBC is determined in urine. Blood sampling or sampling of another biological fluid is carried out according to the same rules as in the case of other research methods.

Despite all the advantages of early diagnosis, only one positive test for tumor markers cannot be considered a reason for making a terrible diagnosis. Nevertheless, the imperfection of precise equipment, which is still capable of producing a significant number of false positive results, affects (approximately 1-2% of the results of such a study can be considered unreliable). Therefore, this analysis, although it has the highest sensitivity, is used as an auxiliary diagnostic method.

Decoding and interpretation of the study of oncomarkers

After determining the level of the desired indicator substance, the doctor compares the results with the normal content of this oncomarker and adds them to the overall diagnostic picture. This, in fact, is the decoding of the analysis for oncomarkers.

Oncomarker (Research material) - Norma
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) (Blood, sometimes bile, pleural fluid) - no more than 15 ng / ml or 10 international units (IU) per milliliter
Beta-2-Microglobulin (B-2-MG) (Blood) - no more than 20-30 ng / ml
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) (Blood) - no more than 4-6 ng / ml
Cancer-embryonic antigen (CEA) (Blood) - no more than 5 ng / ml
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (Blood) - no more than 5 IU / ml
Neuro-specific enolase (NSE) (Blood) - no more than 10 IU / ml
Cancer Antigen - 125 (CA-125) (Blood) - no more than 30 IU / ml
Cancer Antigen - 15-3 (CA-15-3) (Blood) - no more than 22 IU / ml
Cancer Antigen - 19-9 (CA-19-9) (Blood) - no more than 40 IU / ml
Cancer Antigen - 242 (CA-242) (Blood) - no more than 30 IU / ml
Urinary Bladder Cancer (UBC) (Urine) - 0.12 * 10 -4 μg / μmol, with another method of determination, 15 ng / ml.

Far from always exceeding the norms indicated in the table indicates the presence of a malignant neoplasm. Moreover, a clear indication of the tumor process in most cases is considered to be a five-fold or more increase in the concentration of the tumor marker. Less significant increases have no diagnostic value or indicate pathologies of a different, non-tumor origin.

Characteristics of the main tumor markers

- a protein that is normally located on the surface of fetal cells and some types of pluripotent (stem) cells in an adult. Its slight increase is observed in pregnant women, with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis. A multiple excess of the upper limit of the norm - numbers over 400 IU / ml have a diagnostic value - indicates a primary malignant process in the liver (hepatocellular cancer).

- is located in almost all cells of the body, participates in the control of the immune system, is excreted in the urine in negligible amounts. A slight increase is a symptom of a malfunction of the kidneys, with inflammation, in the case of diagnostically significant numbers, it indicates lymphomas, myelomas and other tumors of lymphocytic origin.

- is a prostate enzyme that controls the viscosity of sperm. It consists of two fractions - free and bound PSA, both the determination of the general level of this oncomarker and the ratio of its fractions to each other are of diagnostic importance. With a value of numbers over 6-8 ng / ml, a man over forty years old has a violation of the prostate gland (hypertrophy or cancer). If the free fraction of the prostate-specific antigen is less than 15% against the background of a general increase, this indicates a malignant process.

- Normally, it is secreted only in infancy by the cells of the digestive system; in adults, its level is most often zero. If this tumor marker is detected, tumors of the digestive tract (stomach, small and large intestines), as well as lung, breast, ovarian and prostate tumors can be suspected. A slight increase occurs in smokers suffering from tuberculosis and autoimmune diseases.

- a hormone, usually secreted by the body of a pregnant woman, necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. Its appearance in non-pregnant women, and even more so in men, almost unequivocally speaks of an oncological disease - tumors of the ovaries in women and testicles in men.

- an enzyme found in certain types of nerve cells, as well as in the cells of the APUD system (a system of cells scattered throughout the body that secrete various hormones). Therefore, an increase in the level of this oncomarker in the blood indicates the degeneration of these tissues. In addition, NSE is elevated in melanoma and some types of lung cancer.

- a specific tumor marker of the female reproductive system - its level rises sharply in cancer of the ovaries, the inner layer of the uterus, mammary glands, and some forms of pancreatic tumors. Physiological fluctuations in the level of this antigen during pregnancy and during the menstrual cycle are characteristic.

- also called mucin-like glycoprotein, is a specific marker of breast cancer. It is very often used to diagnose this pathology and as a control for the development of relapses.

- a specific oncomarker of the digestive tract - its level increases sharply in tumors of the stomach, liver, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas.

- similar in structure to CA-19-9, but more selective - indicates only tumors of the pancreas and rectum.

is a specific marker for bladder cancer. Unlike many other indicator substances, it is determined in the urine, and not in the blood. An unambiguous sign of cancer is considered to be an increase in the level of UBC more than 150 times the normal value.

In some cases, with tumors of various organs, the level of not one tumor marker increases, but several at once. This allows you to do more selective tests for accurate diagnosis of a particular organ:

  • If testicular cancer is suspected, the level of alpha-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin is examined;
  • CA-19-9 and CA-242 are simultaneously elevated in pancreatic tumors;
  • In the differential diagnosis of gastric cancer, a combined analysis is carried out for the level of markers CA-242 and CEA.

Undoubtedly, a malignant neoplasm is an extremely serious disease and a real test for a person and his family. Therefore, early diagnosis with the help of analysis for tumor markers can save his life. On the other hand, one cannot rely only on its results - this study is very subtle and delicate, it is easy to make a mistake in it. Therefore, the determination of any tumor marker should be combined with other methods of clinical diagnostics.

Tumor markers are substances considered to be the waste products of cancer. To determine the presence of cancer, the patient is recommended to take a blood test for tumor markers.

Before being tested for tumor markers, it should be noted that they are proteins or derivatives of them that are produced by cancer cells in the process of their development and growth in the body.

What are tumor markers and their role?

During cancer, there is a production of a substance that is different from normal cells produced by the body.

They can be produced in such quantities, the indicators of which are above the norm. An analysis can show the presence of substances that are in excess in the body. If there may be cancer, then the number of tumor markers exceeds the norm, which is proof that the patient has a disease. Tumor markers can differ among themselves depending on the type of oncology.

If, when taking blood tests, an increase in the number of tumor markers is observed, this indicates the presence of cancer in the body. This analysis is a kind of express method that can be used as a replacement for analyzes.

With its help, it is possible to determine in which of the organs the development of malignant cells is observed. This is especially important when diagnosing cancers characterized by the development of metastases and rapid growth. The analysis is recommended to take if there is a suspicion of cancer of the breast, stomach and larynx.

Why are tumor markers needed?

Tumor markers are represented by enzymes, antigens, hormones or proteins secreted by cancer cells and distinguishable from each other. Some tumors may produce several markers and others only one, which must be taken into account when testing for cancer.

The presence of the CA19-9 marker indicates the presence of gastric and pancreatic cancer. The analysis makes it possible to monitor the development and growth of education, to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

An analysis for window markers is carried out when donating blood or urine. Markers get there during the development and growth of cancer cells, as well as under certain physiological conditions, for example, during pregnancy. Between themselves, markers are divided into two types: the first is highly specific and characterizes each specific case, the second is possible in the presence of a number of specific tumors.

Determination of tumor markers allows you to determine a high-risk group for oncology.

Donating blood for tumor markers, you can determine the primary focus before the start of the examination. It becomes possible to predict the recurrence of cancer or the effectiveness of the surgical intervention.

Frequently identified markers

Speaking about the general analysis for oncomarkers, it should be noted that some markers are more often than others used to diagnose the disease. These include AFP alpha-fetoprotein, which is elevated in about 2/3 of patients with liver cancer, in 5% of its increase indicates testicular and ovarian cancer.

Beta-2 microglobulin is determined, it increases in the presence of myeloma. Its number allows predicting the outcome of the disease, if its level exceeds 3 ng / ml, then this indicates an unfavorable picture. Marker CA 27.29, CA 15-3 indicate the presence of breast cancer. With the development of the disease, an increase in their indicators is observed.

Preparing for blood donation, in ovarian cancer, the CA 125 marker is determined, which exceeds 30 ng / ml. In some cases, it is observed in healthy women, in the presence of endometriosis, in case of exit into the abdominal or pleural cavity, in oncology.

If you decide to donate blood, and a carcinoid-embryonic antigen was detected there, this indicates the presence of oncology of the rectum, but it can characterize cancer of the pancreas, cervix, bladder, liver, thyroid gland, breast or lung. It can occur in healthy people who have a bad habit - smoking.

The marker is not specific, but the polypeptide tissue antigen is characteristic of lung cancer.

Methods for detecting a disease

Speaking about what a blood test for oncomarkers shows, first of all, it is necessary to note the protein secreted by the tumor. They can only be detected by examining body fluids, for example, AFP alpha-fetoprotein makes it possible to suspect the presence of ovarian, testicular or liver cancer, as well as malignant tumors in the mammary glands and lungs.

But its increase is also observed in pathologies of the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis) or kidneys, and during conception, its increased number can lead to fetal pathology. To conduct a study, fluid from the fetal bladder, pleura, blood, or abdominal cavity (ascitic fluid) must be donated.

Serum or blood is taken for prostate-specific antigen, urine or prostate juice may often be required. It may also be required when preparing to search for cancer of the urethra or bladder, as well as kidneys, although in this case, blood will also be required for the study.

There is a donation of blood for tumor markers as a result of its availability. It is necessary to carry out a number of complex biochemical reactions and studies that can be done in the laboratory. And to find out if this is a norm or a deviation, the patient will be able to see the attending physician.

Popular types of cancer

Determining cancer, the main thing is to decipher the received analyzes. In 2/3 of patients, an increase in AFP alpha-fetoprotein is observed, which indicates the presence of liver cancer. The indicator begins to increase with the development of the tumor. The liver tumor marker may increase in chronic hepatitis, in some cases, testicular and ovarian cancer, but the probability is only 5% of cases.

When the analysis is deciphered for oncomarkers, if lymphoma and myeloma are observed, then beta-2 microglobulin rises. The presence of CA27-29 and CA 15-3 indicates breast cancer, but at the first stage of such oncology, its excess is minimal. Rates begin to rise as the disease progresses.

Speaking about what the CA 125 marker is, it indicates the presence of ovarian cancer, it is such an analysis that makes it possible to determine the disease at the examination stage, making a preliminary diagnosis. However, its increase is possible if a woman has another gynecological disease, or lung cancer. An increase in the marker is also observed in people who have had cancer before. As markers of ovarian cancer, LASA-P and CA 72-4 are also detected, but their increase is observed in cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.

Analysis for markers is indicated both in pancreatic cancer and in testing the effectiveness of treatment. In this case, the marker CA 19-9 is determined. Its increase is observed in oncology of the bile ducts or intestinal cancer.

The level of blood samples taken for the determination of tumor markers:

  • once every 30 days during the first year after therapy;
  • once every two months - during the second year after therapy;
  • once a year during the third year after therapy;
  • during the last three to five years after treatment - twice a year, and then every year.

As a result, it should be noted that in 80-90% of patients there is a deviation from the norm in the presence of cancer. Not in all cases, this may indicate the presence of oncology; in some cases, processes in the body that are not related to oncology are possible.

Deciphering the analysis

PSA is a prostate-specific antigen, a tumor marker of the prostate. Determination of the level of this antigen in the male body is carried out after 40 years, especially in the presence of even the smallest prostatic hyperplasia. If the level of the substance turned out to be elevated, then this indicates the presence of prostate cancer in the patient. In some cases, its increase is observed in the presence of benign hypertrophy, prostate trauma and prostatitis.

The norm of PSA in the blood is 4 ng / ml.

thyroglobulin and calcitonin

Calcitonin is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland. Thyroglobulin is a protein produced by the thyroid gland. Both of these compounds are markers of thyroid cancer. When monitoring the level of people with benign nodes in the thyroid gland, it can be noted that they do not have their increase.

AFP alpha-fetoprotein

This type of marker is a fetal cell glycoprotein. Its level is often elevated during pregnancy, as well as in newborns. When deciphering it, an increased indicator indicates the presence of primary liver cancer (not with metastasis of another type of oncology). Its increase is observed in situations where there are liver diseases: cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver toxicity, as well as inflammatory bowel disease.

The norm is 0-10 IU / ml. an increase in AFP of more than 400 U indicates the presence of cancer.


An increase in the level of hCG and ACE indicates the presence of ovarian cancer or the embryonic type of cancer. Its increase is possible with smoking marijuana, pregnancy, testicular failure, cirrhosis of the liver, as well as inflammatory processes in the intestines.

Norm 2.5 U / ml.

CA 15-3 - breast tumor marker

This type of tumor marker increases in the presence of breast cancer (without an increase at the initial stage), and also in ovarian, lung, bladder and endometrial cancer. Its increase is observed in liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis), tuberculosis, lupus, and non-cancerous diseases of the breast.

Norm 31 U / ml.

This tumor marker is often elevated in the presence of cancer of the rectum and colon, pancreas, stomach, liver, bile ducts and gallbladder. It can also increase in the presence of obstruction and inflammation of the biliary tract, inflammatory diseases in the intestines, and pancreatitis.

The norm in the blood is 37 U / ml.

An analysis for this marker is indicated in the determination of cancer of the breast, ovaries, rectum and colon, cervix, uterus, lungs, liver and pancreas. May increase with menopause and pregnancy, the presence of ovarian cysts, endometriosis, pancreatitis, fibroids, peritonitis, liver cirrhosis, pleurisy, after a puncture or abdominal surgery.

Norm 0-35 U / ml


CEA is a marker that detects colorectal, lung, breast, pancreas, stomach, kidney, bladder, and a number of tumors of the liver, ovaries, cervix, and thyroid. The presence of hepatitis, pancreatitis, smoking, gastrointestinal ulcers, intestinal inflammation, liver cirrhosis, hypothyroidism, obstructive processes in the biliary tract and chronic lung disease can affect the increase in the indicators of this oncomarker.

Normal for a non-smoker<2,5 нг/мл, для курящего <5 нг/мл. Если показатель выше 100 нг/мл, то это свидетельствует о наличии метастатического рака.

Tests for tumor markers

Passing oncomarkers, the analysis in some cases can give a false positive result. In order to prevent this from happening, the patient is advised to follow certain tips immediately before his delivery.

You can learn more about how to take tests for oncomarkers in more detail from your doctor, because each specific marker needs its own preparation. For example, before taking the test, eating is prohibited; it is recommended to donate blood only on an empty stomach. The last meal of a person should be no earlier than 8, and ideally 12 hours before taking blood. The food also contains a protein that can give a false positive result if found in the blood.

Like any other analysis, blood for tumor markers should be taken in the morning, the ideal time is considered to be before 11 am. One of the important aspects is that it is forbidden to take alcoholic beverages 3 days before the test.

During this period of time, it is recommended to refrain from consuming fatty foods, not to expose the body to physical exertion. It is not recommended to smoke on the day of the test. It is undesirable to take medicines, if it is impossible to refuse them, then you need to warn the doctor. 7 days before the test for tumor markers, you should not have sex.


You can determine the initial stage of cancer by testing for tumor markers. Even a slight increase in them may indicate the development of oncological processes in the body. Immediately before donating blood, you should follow the rules so that the end result does not turn out to be a false positive. Take care of your health, take all the necessary tests.

You can check the presence of benign and malignant processes in the body using a blood test. It shows the presence of tumor markers. They have different sensitivities, so doctors prescribe several types of tests at once for greater reliability of the results.

What is a "tumor marker test"? How does it give up and why is it needed? These and other questions will be answered in this article.

Tumor markers: definition and composition

A tumor marker or biological marker is a chemical substance secreted by malignant or benign tumor cells. Such waste products are produced not only by pathological cells, but also by healthy ones, but in a smaller volume.

Oncomarkers found in large quantities show that a cancerous process is developing in the body. At the same time, tumor markers form both carcinogenic cells and tissues around the tumor.

Tumor markers are represented by various protein elements or other substances:

  • antigens;
  • Plasma proteins;
  • Enzymes that arose during metabolic processes;
  • Products formed after the collapse of the tumor.

To detect tumor markers, blood is taken for analysis, in rare cases - urine, cerebrospinal fluid, tumor particles.

What is the purpose of testing for tumor markers?

If the quantitative indicators of tumor markers are increased, then the likelihood of developing cancer is high.

Interpretation of test results allows physicians to:

This analysis makes it possible to establish and thereby prevent tumor growth at its initial (“zero”) stage six months earlier than other types of studies can do. It is thanks to the analysis of tumor markers that cancer can be suspected when ultrasound and radiography are not yet able to detect carcinogenic cells.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Analysis for tumor markers has several "advantages":

  • Ease of carrying out;
  • Detects the tumor-like process and its recurrences in the early stages.

However, only on the basis of such an analysis, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis, since it is not always highly specific and does not have a pronounced sensitivity.

Thus, the number of tumor markers can be increased not due to cancer, but due to various processes in the body:

  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • cystic formations.

Varieties of tumor markers

What are tumor markers?

There is a classification according to which they are divided into:

By origin, tumor markers are:

  • receptor;
  • Hormonal;
  • Oncofetal (determined in the tissue structures of the embryo);
  • Enzymatic (there are substances with an identified biological function and an indefinite one).

There are tumor markers, thanks to which doctors are able to establish the exact localization of the tumor process.

Places of localizationCancer markers
UterusCA 19-9, CA 125
ovariesCA125, CA 19-9
Milk glandsCA15-3, CEA
SkinS 100
IntestinesCA 19-9, CA 125
PancreasCA 19-9, CA 72-4
testiclesBHCG, AFP
BladderTPA, Cyfra 21-1

More about some tumor markers

  1. GI markers. For chronic problems with the gastrointestinal tract or unfavorable heredity, patients are recommended to be tested for CA15-3. People who are 50 years of age or older must complete this study. Help clarify the diagnosis:
  • Common gastrointestinal tumor markers - CA 15-3 and LASA-P;
  • For the rectum - CYFRA 21-1;
  • For the sigmoid colon - CA 125;
  • For the sigmoid and rectum - AFP.
  1. Thyroid markers. When tumors of the organ are found:
  • Thyroglobulin. The substance indicates an oncoprocess or relapse.
  • Calcitonin. By its quantity determine the degree and prevalence of medullary cancer.
  1. liver markers. Liver cancer is detected in terms of AFP (its level increases 3 months before the onset of the first symptoms). Confirm the diagnosis with CA 15-3, Ca72-4, Ca 19-9, Ca 242.
  2. Lung markers. The disease is diagnosed by:
  • Non-small cell lung cancer is suspected. This marker is present in nerve cells. Its indicators also increase with neuroblastoma or leukemia.
  • Cyfra-21-1 (identifies carcinogenic epithelial cells).
  • CEA/CEA.
  1. Pancreas markers. Existing indicators:
  • CA 242+CA 19-9. The amount of the first increases with pancreatitis, organ cyst, oncology. The second marker is used as an addition and can also be distinguished by bronzes.
  • CA 72-4 is produced by epithelial cells.
  • CA 50 is the most highly sensitive marker and is a sialoglycoprotein.
  1. Kidney markers:
  • Tu M2-PK - determines the rate of spread of the tumor process. May indicate breast and gastrointestinal cancer.
  • SCC is a glycoprotein formed in the squamous epithelium. Changes the structure of healthy cells.
  1. Brain markers. There are no specific tumor markers for this organ. The totality of indicators of AFP, CYFRA-21.1, PSA, Ca 15-3 gives an idea of ​​brain tumors. Ca 15-3 is also characteristic of breast cancer.
  2. Skin markers. In melanoma, an increased content of TA-90 and S-10 is determined. Their presence in the blood also speaks of metastasis. S100 is a protein indicative of malignant melanoma.
  3. Adrenal markers. An increased concentration of DEA-s in the blood indicates cancer. The analysis is supplemented by REA, SA 242, CHA 72-4. Tu M2-RK is used to diagnose relapses.

Female and male tumor markers

Patients are characterized by such pathological markers:

  • SA-125- released in ovarian cancer. Healthy women have this marker, but in small amounts.
  • SA-15-3- characteristic of breast cancer, more precisely - for carcinoma. It is present not only in the tumor itself, but also in the tissues surrounding it.
  • SCC- speaks in favor of the development of cervical cancer.
  • HE4- is determined in ovarian cancer, endometrium.
  • MCA- indicates a benign or malignant tumor of the breast. Used to control treatment.

In men, the cancer process is indicated by an increase in the following indicators:

  • HCG, AFP- with testicular cancer. Their detection can help identify liver metastases.
  • PSA free prostate antigen.

According to the concentration of the above substances, physicians can draw a conclusion about the transition of a benign tumor to a malignant one.

Rules for testing for oncomarkers

How to donate blood for tumor markers?

In order for the results of the study to be true, doctors recommend adhering to general recommendations:

The main material for the study is blood taken from a patient from a vein.

How much is the analysis for oncomarkers

The study does not take more than 2 days.

How often should this diagnostic procedure be performed? An analysis for oncomarkers is taken at the insistence of a doctor on an individual basis. Patients with cancer treated radically are required to do an analysis once every 4 months.

Tumor markers in healthy patients should not exceed the following figures:

Name of oncomarkerData specific to the norm
CEA3 ng/m
SA 19-937 U/ml
SA 15-328 U/ml
CYFRA 21-13.3 ng/ml
PSA2.5 ng/ml in men under 40
4 ng/ml in men over 40
AFP15 ng/ml
Sa 72-44 U/ml
SA 12534 U/ml
NSE12.5 ng/ml
hCG5 IU/ml

Indications for analysis for tumor markers

Why do an analysis for tumor markers?

Assign a study in the following clinical situations:

Where to take an analysis for oncomerkers and how much does it cost?

An analysis is given for oncomarkers in private clinics or municipal medical institutions. The analysis is carried out as prescribed by the attending physician. The results of the examination may differ if each time they are taken in different clinics. Therefore, experts recommend stopping your choice only at the clinic. The result of the tests is not affected by whether blood donation was free or paid.

The cost of tests for tumor markers is on average 300 rubles (130 hryvnia) and more. The analysis can be carried out free of charge at the state clinic under the policy.

Research pricing depends on:

A well-conducted study for the detection of tumor markers helps to detect cancer in the early stages. Also, such analyzes allow specialists to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for already diagnosed oncopathology. However, tests for tumor markers do not give a complete picture of the cancer: to confirm the diagnosis and further therapy, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Video - tests for tumor markers

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