Modern methods of liposuction. Liposuction methods. Non-invasive or non-surgical liposuction methods - pros and cons, how they work

Getting rid of body fat quickly is the dream of a modern woman. However, not everyone has the opportunity to regularly visit the gym and go for massage sessions. Modern medicine has found a way out with the help of non-surgical liposuction. New technologies make it possible to avoid surgical interventions, breaking the stereotypes that beauty requires sacrifice. It is important to understand that liposuction will never replace proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Non-surgical liposuction: description

Liposuction without surgery affects on the adipose tissue of the patient with ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves. This technology can be applied to the following areas of the body:

  • stomach;
  • waist;
  • caviar;
  • inner thigh;
  • chin;
  • arms;
  • buttocks;
  • cheeks.

Physiotherapy method destruction fat cells. - an easy method of liquefying fatty deposits, followed by excretion through the lymph. This is a painless opportunity to consolidate the result after losing weight. Numerous studies have proven that this type of liposuction is absolutely harmless to the body. The downside of the method is that it takes time to remove the remnants of fat cells through the lymphatic system.

For a one-time withdrawal of a “sticky guest”, there is a vaser option: a probe is inserted under the skin, which breaks up fat deposits with ultrasound, and they are immediately pumped out through a special tube.

When choosing this method over the entire area problem area a drug is injected that destroys the membrane of fat cells. The tissues are liquefied to the state of a microemulsion and are sent with blood to the liver, where they are processed.

If you have chosen this method of liposuction, be prepared to complete a course of 3 to 10 sessions of 20 minutes each, with a break of 2 weeks. There are usually minor inflammations at the injection sites, which quickly pass.

With a laser, you can influence effectively on body fat without affecting other tissues. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia in the following order:

  1. Drawing the contour of the problem area.
  2. Introduction of fiber optic conductor.
  3. Destruction of fat cells and adhesion of blood vessels that feed them.
  4. Activation of collagen production by the body.
  5. Natural removal of body fat.

The whole process takes from 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the volume of deposits.

A new effective method of water-jet liposuction is the introduction of two small cannulas (tubes) under the patient's skin. A solution passes through one that separates fat from other tissues, and the fat layer is immediately removed through the second.

Pain and unwanted marks are absent both during and after liposuction, but it is recommended to give the body a rest in the next 3 days after it.

A high-frequency current is supplied to the problem area, while a specialist monitors it through a special computer program to eliminate the likelihood of injuries and burns. The device is equipped with two electrical conductors: one of which is inserted under the skin through a small incision, and the second remains on the surface. The treated area is heated to 38-40 degrees. During the procedure, the following happens:

  1. Stimulation of collagen production (eliminates the appearance of stretch marks).
  2. The fat is heated, softened and removed through the internal electrical conductor.
  3. Vessels are soldered (eliminates the appearance of bruises and swelling).

Recovery lasts an average of a week, a visible result appears after 2-3 weeks.

Unfortunately, this procedure also has disadvantages:

  • Greater chance of blockage of blood vessels.
  • Negative effect on internal organs.

Shock wave and multi-injection fight against cellulite

It helps not only to remove fat, but is also successfully used in the fight against cellulite. The hardware wave penetrates 4 centimeters under the skin, after which the fatty fluid under local anesthesia is removed through small punctures in the treated area.

The course consists of five procedures lasting about two hours.

During multi-injector correction of the body, many needles are used, with the help of which an ozone-oxygen mixture is injected into the area of ​​the body to be corrected. It very slowly fills the space between fat cells, which makes the session painless. Fat becomes less viscous and breaks down, after which it is emulsified through the lymphatic system.

This technique has a beneficial effect on metabolism, so after a course of such procedures (10-12 sessions), the result will delight you for a long time.

Intervention contraindications

Non-surgical liposuction should not be performed in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Diseases in the treated area of ​​the skin.
  • The presence of metal implants in the treatment area.
  • Installed pacemaker.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Severe kidney and liver disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Diseases in the immune system.
  • Oncology.

The results of non-surgical liposuction of the abdomen or other problem areas are durable after completing the full course. But it is important to remember that the operation:

  • Will not cope with the primary formations of body fat.
  • Will not change metabolism.
  • Will not fix hormonal imbalance.

Abdominoplasty this is a tummy tuck, i.e. its correction in case of stretching of the muscles and skin, which led to the formation of an "apron". This can happen after pregnancy due to a sharp weight loss, as well as as a result of a metabolic disorder, when an excess of fat is formed, to which the skin that has lost its elasticity is attached. "Apron" can also hang with age due to natural causes.

Indications: everyone who needs it, with the exception of women who are just planning a pregnancy, - in the process of bearing a child, the muscles can stretch again. Not very recommended for ladies trying to lose weight, as the result is almost guaranteed to go down the drain.

The operation is done as follows: an incision is made on the anterior abdominal wall, excess tissues below the navel are removed, and the muscles are pulled back to the normal position. A cosmetic suture is applied. The operation costs from $2000

Complications, side effects: depend on individual characteristics, as well as lifestyle.

Liposuction Methods

Liposuction(from Latin lipos - fat and English suction - suction) is not a way to reduce weight!, but - the procedure in most cases is effective only for local removal of fat in certain areas: "buns" on the knees, "popin ears", double chin, etc. .d.i.e. such fat deposits that are difficult or impossible to cope with conservative methods.

Modeling of body contours is indicated for owners of such deposits with normal weight and elastic skin. In young women, the result will be better than in middle-aged ladies. You should not count on liposuction for those who have recently undergone surgery in the same area.

All existing types of liposuction can be divided into two groups. The first includes techniques based on the mechanical crushing of adipose tissue. A classic example of this is vacuum liposuction. The second group is the methods in which adipose tissue is destroyed due to various chemical and physical factors, for example, special solutions or ultrasound.

There are standard, tumescent, ultrasonic, syringe liposuction and hydroliposculpture. A separate item is the method of electronic lipomodelling.

Standard (vacuum) liposuction- a pioneer among other types of fat removal. It is unlikely that there are those who have never heard of this procedure. It is performed as follows: a special hollow needle (cannula) is inserted through small incisions into the subcutaneous fat. With careful movements, the specialist moves the cannula under the skin, thus destroying fat cells, which are immediately removed through a vacuum apparatus. However, you will not feel any of this, as you will sleep soundly - the operation is most often performed under general anesthesia. A simple at first glance, the technique is quite traumatic, but with the help of vacuum liposuction, you can get rid of such a volume of adipose tissue that you will see an impressive result as soon as you remove the compression underwear.

Pros . You can get rid of the largest volumes of fat (up to 10 liters). Low cost compared to other types of liposuction.

Minuses . Typically, general anesthesia is used. The highest probability of bleeding and complications (hematomas, seromas, fat embolism, in rare cases leading to death).

Tumescent liposuction almost indistinguishable from the vacuum method. The only difference is that before starting the procedure, the surgeon injects a special drug (Klein's solution) into the problem area, consisting of saline, anesthetic and vasoconstrictors. As a result, blood vessels constrict, and fat cells, on the contrary, swell, which facilitates their further removal. If during the procedure not standard cannulas are used, but thin (up to 3 mm) hollow needles, this method is called hydroliposculpture. As a rule, it is used as a final procedure after other types of liposuction.

Pros . It is possible to remove large enough volumes, the blood loss is insignificant.

Minuses . Typically, general anesthesia is used. Complications of an aesthetic nature are not uncommon (violation of body contours, pigmentation, chronic swelling).

With the method ultrasonic liposuction fat deposits are first broken up using a special ultrasonic probe, which is inserted directly into the fat layer. The fat cells are then removed with cannulas.

Pros . Minimal blood loss, skin lifting effect.

Minuses . There is a high risk of complications (burns, seromas, skin necrosis in the area of ​​the operation).

Syringe liposuction used in cases where it is necessary to remove a small amount of fat (up to 0.3 l). The operation is carried out manually - instead of vacuum pumps, the surgeon uses syringes. The intervention itself lasts quite a long time, sometimes five to six hours, but thanks to the use of thin syringes, there are no hematomas and edema on the skin.

Pros . Only local anesthesia is used.

Minuses . It is impossible to remove a large amount of adipose tissue.

Electronic lipomodeling many experts call a sensation in liposuction. The method is based on the action of high frequency current, which melts adipose tissue. It happens in the following way. Thin needles are inserted into the tissues, connected to a generator that creates an electric field. Fat liquefied by the current is removed using very thin cannulas. An added bonus: the current speeds up the metabolism of adipocytes (fat cells), so you will lose excess weight for several months after the procedure. Note that no cuts will be made to you. Two or three thinnest punctures are enough, after which no traces will remain on the skin.

Minuses . The technique is not designed to remove large amounts of fat.

After liposuction

Complications, side effects: removing fat is not the same as pouring water out of a glass. According to the description, the operation is simple, but this simplicity is deceptive. If liposuction is unsuccessful, then the most harmless side effect is a slight unevenness of the skin. then there are "lumpy" and the "washboard" effect - after all, the removed fat cells will no longer be restored, but the remaining neighboring ones can easily increase in size if you gain weight, and make your skin play in pits and slides. Liposuction requires a very thorough subsequent rehabilitation with the connection of manual and hardware techniques. This operation has one of the longest and most painful recovery periods. Only elevated temperature can last more than a month. Plus bruises, swelling, pain and the resulting restrictions in movement and even at rest (try to sleep peacefully if the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe former "riding breeches" on the hips is a solid bruise).

Liposuction is a widely used cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to reduce the volume and change the nature (shape) of fat deposits in various areas of the body.

Liposuction is also classified as a bariatric technique, i.e. procedures used to treat obesity. Strictly speaking, this is not entirely true, since liposuction does not affect the causes and pathogenesis of the disease. However, the cosmetic effect of it may be more significant than when trying to get rid of extra pounds in other more conservative ways.

We recommend reading:

Liposuction Methods

Important:during the manipulation, it is possible to pump out up to 2 liters of body fat.

Women most often resort to liposuction of the thighs (to eliminate the so-called "riding breeches"), and also ask cosmetic surgeons to remove unwanted deposits in the buttocks, abdomen, waist and forearm. Chin liposuction is a very popular procedure among clinic patients.

Men, as a rule, want to eliminate excess fat in the neck, chest, as well as on the abdomen and buttocks.

Currently, several methods of fat removal are used in clinics.

The following types of liposuction are among the modern techniques:

  • ultrasonic liposuction (traditional and non-invasive);
  • laser liposuction;
  • radiofrequency liposuction (RF).

Indications for liposuction

The indications for the procedure are the presence of noticeable local deposits of lipid tissue, which cannot be removed by conservative methods such as regular exercise and restrictive diet.

It is desirable that the patient was in good general health and sufficiently elastic skin. Under such conditions, the cosmetic effect will be maximum, and the likelihood of complications will be reduced to zero.

If the skin is flabby, then after the cosmetic procedure it may sag; to eliminate such consequences, additional surgical intervention is often required.

Note:The best results of liposuction can be achieved in patients whose height is average or slightly above average.

Preparation for liposuction

An objective assessment of the volume of excess lipid tissue is carried out by a qualified plastic surgeon. The main task of the specialist in the preoperative period is the preliminary modeling of the patient's figure, the selection of the area with the greatest accumulation of fat.

Before liposuction, the patient must undergo a complete examination and pass a series of tests.

It is mandatory to get a consultation with a therapist, do an ECG and undergo a fluorography.

Tests that need to be taken in preparation for a cosmetic procedure:

  • and (B and C);

10 days before the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to take drugs that affect blood clotting, and it is not recommended to smoke. It is also advisable to carry out bowel cleansing in the clinic.

The duration of manipulations directly depends on the technique and volume of intervention. Liposuction lasts from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours.

Contraindications for liposuction

Liposuction, like most other medical manipulations, has a number of contraindications.

The procedure is not performed for patients diagnosed with:

  • serious chronic diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • other pathologies from the cardiovascular system,
  • blood clotting disorders (for invasive techniques);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • active form;
  • acute infectious diseases (including SARS);
  • mental illness;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • decreased immunity against the background of hormonal therapy.

Liposuction is also contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Until relatively recently, to pump out fat, surgeons had to perform rather large incisions, which increased the risk of bleeding. In addition, a rather traumatic operation was performed only under general anesthesia, and anesthesia not only lengthens the rehabilitation period, but can also cause complications in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Currently, the tumescent technique is widely used. During the operation, one or more small incisions are made through which microcannulas are inserted under the skin to pump out lipid deposits. The relatively small invasiveness of the manipulation made it possible to carry it out under local anesthesia, sometimes supplemented by intravenous administration of sedatives. This not only shortened the postoperative period, but also allowed patients to be conscious during the operation and, if necessary, to comply with the doctor's requests.

The widespread use of the technique was facilitated by the development of a special composition consisting of saline, lidocaine, an antibiotic and adrenaline. Before the operation, this pressure solution is injected into the subcutaneous adipose tissue directly in the area where the fat will be pumped out. In this case, the volume of fluid injected should be approximately equal to the volume of fat that is supposed to be pumped out.

The composition of the drug used makes it possible to achieve high-quality anesthesia, minimize the risk of bleeding and prevent the development of infectious complications. Moreover, interacting with fat, this mixture turns adipose tissue into an emulsion, which makes it easy to pump out unwanted deposits using a vacuum method. To pump out fat, low-traumatic thin cannulas are used, which ensure the accuracy of the procedure and the absence of bruises, seroma and large scars after it.

Note: an important point in carrying out tumescent liposuction is the complete removal of emulsified adipose tissue. Failure to comply with this condition entails the appearance of significant depressions on the patient's body.

In most cases, a few hours after the end of the procedure, the patient can leave the clinic. Full recovery usually takes only 3-4 days, after which the person returns to his usual active life.

The technique of ultrasonic liposuction involves the impact on lipid deposits with high-frequency sound vibrations. Under their influence, the cells of the fat layer (adipocytes) are destroyed, turning into an emulsion.

The undoubted advantage of the ultrasound technique is the ability to prevent blood loss, scarring, as well as the formation of irregularities in the form of pits and bumps. The most commonly performed ultrasound liposuction of the thighs, abdomen and facial area (chin). During the procedure, the effect of tightening the skin is achieved.

During traditional ultrasonic liposuction, the emulsified fat (lysate) is pumped out by means of a device that creates reduced pressure (vacuum suction). To do this, thin titanium cannulas are inserted into small incisions in the skin. Up to 1.5 liters of fat is removed in one session.

There is an innovative non-invasive technique that involves the removal of destroyed lipid tissue through the circulatory and lymphatic systems. It does not require incisions, which eliminates the possibility of complications such as inflammation, suppuration and the formation of postoperative scars.

Note:a non-invasive method is used to eliminate small deposits (for example, with liposuction of the chin). A large amount of fat requires its removal in several stages, since during one session when using this ultrasonic liposuction technique, no more than 500 ml is pumped out.

The best effect is achieved by combining non-invasive ultrasonic liposuction with massage procedures and lymphatic drainage regularly performed after the procedure. Positive changes are fully manifested after a month, when the lipids decomposed to simpler chemical compounds are finally removed from the patient's body.

Important:with a general increase in body weight (in particular, with a tendency to obesity), the positive effect quickly reduces to zero. In this regard, patients are advised to comply with a minimum intake of fatty foods and the so-called. "fast" carbohydrates.

A number of leading clinics currently practice non-invasive liposuction using the Ultrashape device. This device generates a powerful directional stream of ultrasonic vibrations. The unique scanning system optimally distributes energy, eliminating the negative impact on surrounding tissues. Impact zones (from 125 to 315 sq. cm) are determined by interchangeable devices included in the device. In the presence of significant fat deposits, cosmetologists advise the patient to undergo from 3 to 8 sessions, the interval between which should be 3-4 weeks. The procedure is absolutely painless, so even local anesthesia is not required in this case.

After non-invasive ultrasound liposuction, you should follow the drinking regime with the consumption of at least 2 liters of fluid during the day. This will allow the body to quickly get rid of the destroyed fat cells.

Important:ultrasonic liposuction is not performed if the patient has endoprostheses or a pacemaker is installed. Also contraindications are , skin diseases in the area of ​​intended exposureand decompensated form of diabetes mellitus.

Laser liposuction is the most innovative and promising method of getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat deposits. It is based on the ability of laser radiation to selectively and very delicately affect the cell membranes of adipocytes. The diameter of the tube for removing fat is only 1 mm, so during the procedure, not an incision is made, but a puncture.

Since the beam is able to instantly “solder” damaged blood vessels, complications in the form of postoperative hematomas also do not develop. The radiation stimulates the synthesis of collagen, therefore, a lifting effect (skin tightening) is achieved in parallel.

With non-surgical lipolysis, which is performed on small areas of the body, there is no need to pump out the lysate. The content of the destroyed adipocytes enters the bloodstream, undergoes splitting in the liver to simple compounds and is excreted naturally. Laser lipolysis leaves no traces in the form of scars

This technique allows you to eliminate deposits in such difficult areas for the doctor as the upper abdomen, neck and forearms. Provides an excellent cosmetic effect and laser liposuction of the chin.

Radiofrequency liposuction

This technique involves burning fat through radio waves. It warms up adipocytes, turning them into a homogeneous substance that is easily sucked off. The advantage of the technique is the parallel achievement of a lifting effect due to the stimulation of collagen synthesis.

  1. Within a month, avoid significant physical exertion and refrain from visiting baths, saunas and solariums.
  2. Get a massage and lymphatic drainage session.
  3. Organize a balanced diet, eliminating from the diet products that contribute to the set of extra pounds.
  4. For 1-2 months, wear special compression underwear, which will allow you to complete the process of forming new body contours.

Myths and truth about liposuction: experts talk about them in this video review:

Plisov Vladimir, medical commentator

Modern beauty standards impose an aesthetic of refined forms. We are strenuously struggling with extra pounds, sometimes resorting to completely blasphemous methods. The relentless pursuit of the ideal often causes irreparable harm to health. The focus of our review today is liposuction. Let's look at the pros and cons of this procedure, how liposuction methods differ, and also turn to our inner fears: why are we so afraid of surgical methods?


When Diet Doesn't Help

The crazy rhythm of the city often simply does not allow us to build a balance of nutrition in such a way that meals take place at regular intervals and provide our body with a complete set of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. We often eat in fits and starts, and the stress of work often robs us of our appetite, or contributes to improper digestion of food. “At work, I can only force myself to drink a cup of coffee, but in the evening I literally empty the refrigerator,” Svetlana admits. She fights with excess weight tirelessly, but to no avail.

“I preferred not to deny myself the habit of eating a lot and tasty food, because I liked my figure. But recently I discovered that the body suddenly began to put aside “reserves” at the waist, and I simply can’t change the way I eat!” Anastasia complained to us. And there are a lot of such examples among patients.

Complaints about the so-called "fat traps" are frequent - concentrated accumulations of fat in some specific areas: knees, waist, legs, etc. No matter how much a person loses weight, it is impossible to reduce the volume of these zones.

It turns out that not all people psychologically withstand diets, and sometimes only one “problem” zone requires adjustment, and forcing the whole body to lose weight simply does not make sense.

Fat is our enemy?

In an endless marathon of diets, patients begin to hate the very word "fat", but this is not entirely true. From the course of school biology, we are all familiar with the concept of "adipocyte" - a fat cell. This type of cells has been at the center of a dispute among scientists for many years: some argue that their number in the body is unchanged, others insist on the opposite. Why is it important? The fact is that the number and size of adipocytes in our body determines the external shape.

During a diet, fat cells do not go anywhere - they simply decrease in volume, therefore fat removal is much more effective. But you can’t overdo it, because our fat layer is not only a source of disappointment: it warms us, saves energy for new deeds and achievements.

Weapon choice

As soon as we decide to work with the problem areas of our figure, the question arises: which method is the most effective and safe? Here we have a vast field of possibilities in which it is easy to get lost. Let's look at the different options, and dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Let's make a reservation right away that most of us are busy people, with a ragged work schedule, and often frequent business trips. With such a rhythm of life, the course of massages and the miracles of separate nutrition lose all meaning. We need to get rid of excess fat as efficiently, safely and economically as possible. So, we came close to the concept of "liposuction".

First of all, you need to understand that not every procedure is called liposuction. Liposuction is exactly that. surgical surgery to change the nature of fat deposits in certain areas of the body. And this means that non-surgical liposuction simply cannot be, since liposuction is literally “fat removal”, while non-surgical methods offer only means to promote the breakdown of fat, which is then supposed to be removed from the body through the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

Lipolysis is also not liposuction, since it is a “fat-breaking process” and not fat removal. Fat cells destroyed as a result of lipolysis are not removed from the treated area.

After we have agreed on the terms, we will proceed directly to the classification.

What are liposuctions?

Now in more detail:

Invasive method

Mechanism: after preliminary destruction of the integrity of adipocytes, fat is removed through holes in the skin using a special aspiration apparatus.

Historically, several varieties of classical liposuction succeeded each other:

1) Dry is a classic version of liposuction, in which excess fat is mechanically removed using fairly thick cannulas attached to an aspirator, without prior tissue infiltration. The rapid movement of the cannulas through the subcutaneous tunnels through the fat deposits causes the detachment of the fat cells. After that, they are pulled by negative pressure into the cannula through the perforations.

2) Wet Liposuction is considered a more gentle procedure. An anesthetic solution is first introduced into the aspiration zone to soften fatty deposits. Fluid infiltration contributes to the rupture of cell membranes, which greatly facilitates the removal of fat.

3) tumescent liposuction was proposed in 1985. Infiltration is carried out with a special solution, which includes:

- saline,
- soda solution
- anesthetic,
- a vasoconstrictor.

This combination of components, along with an anesthetic effect, contributes to a significant reduction in blood loss and electrolyte loss.

Minuses: work with large cannulas in classical liposuction inevitably damages tissues due to the applied mechanical force, respectively, the procedure as a whole is characterized by more effort, less precision, increased risk of deformation, bruising, increased recovery time after surgery.

What is the result? After such an operation, we will have to experience pain in the area of ​​intervention for too long, and the unevenness of the skin will still force us to find time for massages and cosmetic procedures.

non-invasive method

This is essentially non-surgical liposuction, however, as we said above, this method can be attributed to liposuction very conditionally, since it only promotes the removal of fat through the venous or lymphatic system. It is rather lipolysis and today there are the following types of it:

1) Radiofrequency "liposuction" or electrolipolysis - using two small-diameter electrodes connected to a high-frequency electric field generator, fat cells are destroyed. Electrodes act on adipose tissue in the following way: the inner one is inserted into the adipose tissue under the skin, and the outer one is applied to the skin surface from above, opposite the inner one. Radiofrequency liposuction provides a uniform destruction of fat cells, and as a result, the risk of uneven skin is eliminated.

Minuses: high risk of tissue burns, blockage of blood vessels, negative effects on internal organs.

What is the result? Time wasted, money wasted. But it is likely that both will have to be sought for a trip to other doctors. You probably don't want to take the risk.

2) Chemical "liposuction" - removal of excess fat by introducing a special drug into the fat layer. Chemical liposuction allows you to solve the problem of correction of small areas: knees, chin, etc.

Minuses chemical liposuction: implicit effect, the need for repeated injections of a lipolytic drug, the possibility of allergic reactions.

What is the result? The skin looks like it has been attacked by a huge number of blood-sucking insects, and we are still forced to return to this unpleasant procedure. Having heard from our colleagues and patients numerous negative reviews about chemical non-surgical liposuction, we were convinced of its low efficiency, therefore we offer our patients more effective, safe and effective solutions in the fight against excess fat.

3) In recent years, it has been popular in Russia ultrasonic "liposuction": excess fatty tissue is removed as a result of ultrasonic cavitation. Ultrasonic liposuction “cavitation” is performed using a “tube in tube” device, which allows ultrasonic treatment of adipose tissue. The lipolytic effect is achieved by the destruction of fat cells, their subsequent emulsification and excretion from the body. Non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction has long been considered one of the most effective methods of dealing with body fat, until all its disadvantages and side effects were fully studied.

pros ultrasonic liposuction: effective and uniform destruction of fat cells, no unevenness on the skin, injection marks and other unaesthetic defects. Ultrasonic liposuction, the price of which is certainly higher than other non-invasive methods, solves several problems at once, including the treatment of cellulite, the correction of excess weight and the fight against local fat deposits in hard-to-reach places. In addition, ultrasound liposuction is completely painless and does not require postoperative rehabilitation.

Minuses cavitation liposuction: this type has a large number of side effects:

- After the procedure, many patients experience intestinal inflammation, a clear sign of which is loose stools. The ultrasonic liposuction machine creates low-frequency ultrasonic waves that affect the pancreas and internal organs, which can cause Crohn's disease.

- Dehydration of tissues.

- Destruction of the skin. Burns during the procedure can be both external and internal, when the blood vessels and nerves of the treated area are affected.

What is the result? Non-surgical liposuction cavitation in inexperienced hands is the actual beating of the internal organs. The slightest inaccuracy in the angle of impact, for example, in the abdomen, can cause inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Minimally invasive method

Laser effect on fat deposits with simultaneous removal of destroyed fat cells through micro-punctures. Laser liposuction solves the problem of 2 directions:

- fat removal
- skin tightening.

The surgeons of the clinic "Beauty Doctor" in practice were convinced of the absolute effectiveness of this procedure:

1) Laser lipectomy (liposuction) is potentially less traumatic than ultrasonic liposuction and other invasive and non-invasive methods.

The advantage of this type of intervention is due to the development of a technically advanced laser device. The diameter of the microcannulas is only half a millimeter. Heating changes the viscosity and structure of the fat sucked through micro-punctures, which minimizes tissue trauma. The supply of dosed laser radiation is a safe procedure with an excellent aesthetic result.

2) Result.

In addition to a significant improvement in body contours after surgery, patients note an increase in skin elasticity and smoothness at the laser treatment sites. The ability to control the wavelength that affects a certain area allows you to adjust the heating of tissues, and as a result, the degree of skin tightening. For us, a very important indicator of a good result was the fact that almost all patients recommended this procedure to their friends and relatives.

3) Accuracy and precision.

Very often, we came across requests from patients for the correction of local areas with fatty deposits: above the knees, in the waist, cheeks, chin, etc. The methods of classical liposuction could not give such an accurate result. In the case of laser liposuction, the patient receives exactly the result he expected, and the healing process is reduced several times.

4) Adverse reactions to the procedure are minor and temporary.

The recovery period is much shorter than after classical liposuction and even popular cavitation liposuction.

Compression garments must be worn after the procedure. The term of continuous wearing depends on the area of ​​laser liposuction: from 5 days to 3 weeks. Then the surgeon will designate an individual wearing regimen for you (for example, only at night).

Obvious advantages of laser liposuction: low invasiveness, reliable control of laser exposure, easy maneuverability of the cannula (as a result, the absence of bumps and irregularities), skin tightening in the treated area.

Relative minus: Compression underwear is required.

Why are we so afraid of surgery?

After we have examined in detail the different types of liposuction, we will try to understand: why do many patients prefer non-surgical methods if they do not at all guarantee the absence of complications and side effects? Maybe it's all about poor information: when we do not fully understand the technique of the operation, it seems to us that this is something terrible and incomprehensible, and, therefore, it is better to avoid it. But a high-quality operation saves not only money, but also the nerves that you have to spend during exhausting diets!

So, maybe you should learn more about modern methods of plastic surgery? Sign up for a consultation with a plastic surgeon just to overcome stereotypes and understand that modern plastic surgery is a safe way to become slimmer, more attractive and change something in yourself that cannot be corrected by other methods.

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