Can there be implantation retraction for 2 days. Implantation drop in basal temperature. Additional symptoms of implantation retraction

Implantation retraction what it is - is of interest to many women. In fact, the definition of this term is not found in medical books, and there is very little information about this on the Internet. Someone thinks that implantation retraction basal body temperature- this is the same decrease that can be seen a few hours before ovulation. But in this case, the word “implantation” confuses, which means that this decrease occurs after the egg has been introduced into the uterine cavity (if the pregnancy is normal). Yes, that's right. And implantation retraction is a sharp and short-term (for 1 day) decrease in basal temperature, followed by its stable increase by 37 degrees or more (in the first trimester, until the placenta began to function). It is related to the change hormonal background. That is, during ovulation and the onset of pregnancy, the following changes in BT (approximate) can be noted:

  • in the first 12 days menstrual cycle- 36.8-36.9 degrees;
  • Day 13 (1 day before ovulation - 36.6 degrees);
  • Day 14 (37.2 degrees) - immediately after ovulation;
  • 19 days men. cycle (37 degrees) - this is the implantation retraction on which day it usually occurs, but this phenomenon may be absent, or go unnoticed by the woman, although this is one of the first likely signs of pregnancy;
  • Day 20 - 37.2 degrees and then at about the same level. Implantation retraction on the chart is noted not by many women, and not even all gynecologists know about it.

By the way, pregnancy is indicated not only by a decrease in temperature in the rectum, but also bloody issues from the genital tract. This is the so-called implantation bleeding as a result of the introduction of the egg into the endometrium of the uterus. It is very important to be able to distinguish this absolutely normal phenomenon from other situations, pathologies, in no way connected with interesting position. Embryo implantation usually occurs 6-7 days after unprotected intercourse (or the day of ovulation), and bleeding is very poor, a woman may notice just a few drops of blood or brown discharge on linen. There are no ailments, the stomach does not hurt.

Some associate the term implantation retraction with surgery plastic surgery. Let's dispel this myth. This term is not associated with plastic. But it has to do with every woman in the childbearing age.

To understand in more detail, you need to understand that the menstrual cycle is three phases that replace each other. During the first phase, the body prepares for ovulation, that is, for the maturation of the egg. When the second stage comes, the acidic vaginal environment is replaced by an alkaline one. This is an indispensable factor. Therefore, at this time, the opportunity to conceive a baby is the highest. The last, final phase is, directly, menstruation.
Implantation retraction is a phenomenon characteristic of the second phase. Its duration is usually a day.
This process clearly demonstrates the graph of basal temperatures (BT). It finds its expression in a sharp decrease in BBT followed by a jump to 37°C or more. The phenomenon is fixed in the first trimester of pregnancy. The temperature is close to 37 ° C until the placenta begins to function. During this period of time in the body of a pregnant woman, hormonal changes.

Implantation retraction on the basal temperature chart

The temperature method is used when planning conception or as protection against unplanned pregnancy. The plotting is based on the basal temperature, which is measured in the rectum. It is generally accepted that the method contributes to the detection of pregnancy almost from the first day.
To build a schedule, you need to start your morning by fixing your basal body temperature. All data collected must be recorded. As a result, after a smooth connection of points on the graph, a curve is obtained.
During the first phase of the cycle, the temperature ranges from 37 to 37.5 °C.
After ovulation has ended, the temperature will drop by about one degree. If on the 7th-9th day after ovulation the temperature dropped, and after 24 hours it returned to normal, this may serve as the first sign of implantation retraction. Congratulations, most likely you will become a mother and find the greatest happiness. If fertilization does not take place, the temperature will again be elevated. Perhaps up to 38.5 degrees. And it can remain so until the next menstruation.

Signs of implantation retraction

There are several signs after the discovery of which, we can talk about the implantation that has taken place, that is, the implantation of a fertilized egg in slime layer uterus. It:

- slight discharge that disappears after a couple of days; it is possible that this is implantation bleeding (at the moment the egg is attached to the inner lining of the uterus, the endometrial layer is damaged, which is why discharge appears; at the same time, attention! if in the middle of each cycle you have discharge and pregnancy does not occur, then you need to consult with gynecologist;

- a sharp drop in temperature to the level of the midline for one day in the second phase.

Note that the retraction occurs for several reasons:

  1. due to the production of progesterone, which is responsible for raising the temperature;
  2. due to the release of another hormone - estrogen, which, on the contrary, lowers the temperature.

The combination of these two processes leads to the appearance of implantation retraction.

Implantation retraction on which day occurs

Let's try to clarify exactly when the fall occurs. Consider the 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation, and basal body temperature data. With the onset of fertilization, the following changes in BBT are possible. During the first 12 days of the cycle, the temperature is at around 36.8 - 36.9 ° C. On the 13th day, one day before ovulation, the temperature value drops to 36.6°C. If ovulation has occurred, then on the 14th day your thermometer will show a temperature of 37.1 or 37.2 ° C.

But on the 19th day, the value of the basal temperature will be 37 ° C. Such a small decrease will indicate implantation retraction.
Often women do not pay due attention to this event. Many people just don't notice it. And it speaks of the period of implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. This serves as an inconspicuous, but the first herald of the onset of successful fertilization.

So, on the 20th day of the cycle, the thermometer can show 37.2 ° C. In the future, the temperature will remain at the same level. Therefore, dear women, now you know the name and meaning of such a phenomenon in your personal schedule. Not all gynecologists are privy to the secret of this process.
We wish you happy and mild pregnancy! Listen to the signals of your body and let everything work out for you!

If you are planning a pregnancy, consciously preparing to conceive a child, then you probably know that a woman cannot become pregnant on any day. There are days on which the possibility of conception is very low or equal to zero, and there are days on which it is impossible to miscalculate with conception.

Many women who want to have a baby resort to the method basal temperature measurements .

What is basal body temperature?

Basal temperature is the body temperature at rest. depending from ovarian function she is changing. Changes in ovarian function can be determined by measuring the temperature in the rectum. This is done from the first last day woman's menstrual cycle. For the greatest efficiency, studies are carried out for several months (if the results are the same in the second, then you can stop measuring the basal temperature). Always measure the temperature in the morning, immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed, exactly at the same time. You can measure basal temperature not only in the rectum, but also vaginal and by oral route. Moreover, when measuring the basal temperature in the mouth, the thermometer is held for five minutes, with other methods - for three minutes. At this time, one should not get sick (colds, flu, etc.), one should refrain from taking pills and alcohol, as well as contraception.

Why measure basal temperature?

Measuring your basal body temperature can help you do the following:

  1. identify ovulation (this is the most successful period for conception);
  2. identify the days in which the chance of getting pregnant is minimal (for those who do not want to have a baby yet). Usually this is about five days immediately after the end of menstruation, and the time when the egg is already incapable of fertilization is about five days before the start of menstruation;
  3. identify when critical days come;
  4. identify deviations in your cycle and seek advice from a gynecologist;
  5. find out if you are pregnant (if there was a delay critical days, or they were not the same as usual).

Fall (decrease) in basal temperature

Based on the results of measuring basal temperature, graphs are drawn up, which are divided into two phases.

In the second phase, there may be a sharp decline basal temperature to the midline level for just one day. This decrease is called drop in basal temperature or implantation retraction .

The fall in basal temperature is true sign of pregnancy. Implantation retraction occurs for two reasons:

  1. When pregnancy occurs, a certain amount of the hormone is released into the blood estrogen. It is he who lowers the temperature in the second phase of the graph.
  2. Hormone progesterone, responsible for raising the basal temperature from the middle of the second phase, begins to decline. But when pregnancy occurs, its production resumes. Therefore, we notice such an unusual temperature fluctuation on the graph.

Thus, the implantation drop in basal temperature is caused by a combination of two hormonal shifts (the hormone progesterone and estrogen).

During pregnancy, due to a drop in basal temperature, there is an increase in the second phase of the cycle, similar to ovulation. The graph is no longer two-phase, but three phase. This rise is associated, as already mentioned, with the resumption of progesterone production after implantation. However relying on the drop in basal temperature on the chart is not one hundred percent worth it. Because there were cases of erroneous indications of pregnancy.

Pregnancy has arrived if you had sexual intercourse two or one day before or during ovulation, and the graph shows a clear rise in basal temperature in the so-called third phase (in the middle of the second phase).

If you see a drop in basal temperature and then its increase and suspect you are pregnant, buy and take a pregnancy test. However, not all tests can early dates determine pregnancy, just as it may not determine it in the first weeks of ultrasound. Therefore, you will have to wait a bit so that your guesses can be confirmed.

Especially for - Margo

Most women have never encountered and do not know what an implantation drop in basal temperature is. Although this temperature is measured by many, as it is a popular method of controlling ovulation, which can lead to long-awaited pregnancy.


Implantation retraction is a small drop in temperature in the rectum, which lasts one day and signals the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. A slight and rapid drop in temperature occurs at the moment when the embryo is implanted in the uterine cavity. The temperature in the rectum is also called basal temperature (BT).

Does implantation relapse always happen? It is required to understand that this phenomenon indicates the fertilization of the egg and its penetration into the uterine cavity. There, in the future, the embryo is fixed on the mucous membrane of the uterus. In some cases, after a few days, the embryo exfoliates and leaves the organ. As a result, retraction was present, but pregnancy did not occur.

How long does the implantation drop in basal temperature last? During the introduction of the embryo into the uterine cavity, the body produces the hormone progesterone in a much smaller amount. This provokes a sharp drop in temperature after ovulation. Can there be implantation retraction for 2 days? This phenomenon is transient, therefore, IZ occurs within one day, no more.

If the implantation was successful and pregnancy occurred, then the woman's body begins to intensively produce the hormone estrogen. Simultaneous mutual work of these hormones leads to implantation retraction (ID). It lasts no more than 1 day.


On what day after ovulation does implantation relapse occur? This question has no specific answer. The value depends on several factors, that is, on the length of the menstrual cycle, the day on which ovulation occurred, the time of the last intercourse, and the rate of cell movement along fallopian tube.

Normally, the drop in basal temperature during implantation occurs in the period from the third to the tenth day of the ovulation phase. But most often it falls on the fifth day. If a lady has a short menstrual cycle (21 days), then ovulation occurs on days 10-20, with a four-week cycle, the phenomenon occurs from 17 to 27 days.

In the case of a long menstrual cycle, an implantation drop in basal temperature occurs on the 23rd or 30th day of the cycle.

By measuring the temperature in the rectum, a woman will be able to track the changes that occur in the body throughout the entire menstrual cycle. After ovulation, BBT rises and stays at the same value until the onset of menstruation. If pregnancy occurs, then the indicators remain at the same level. In the variant when there is no conception, then BT falls to the norm (36.60).

Temperature measurement rules:

  1. temperature readings are recorded daily in the morning, without getting out of bed. In this case, it is recommended not to open your eyes;
  2. use the same thermometer;
  3. the duration of the procedure is at least 5 minutes;
  4. basal temperature during implantation retraction will be accurate if this process is carried out for 3 months.

To this method was reliable it is necessary to adhere to these rules. Then, according to the data obtained, a broken line is drawn up and they clearly see when the implantation drop in basal temperature occurs on the graph.


The graph of basal temperature with implantation depression looks something like this. AT initial phase menstrual cycle temperature readings are at around 36.80. it normal performance that persist throughout menstrual bleeding.

Further, the body begins to produce more estrogen and BBT decreases to 36.50. Then comes the day with the smallest temperature indicator. After a couple of hours, the egg leaves the follicles and passes through the fallopian tube. There she will meet with spermatozoa and fertilization will occur. Wherein given temperature rise sharply to 370.

The process will take place under the influence of progesterone, and BT will be within these limits for several days. After that, there will be a slight decrease in the indicator to 36.80, but in about a day the value will rise to 370 or 37.40. The schedule of BT with implantation retraction is obtained as broken line, and the fall itself looks like a tick.

How many degrees is implantation retraction? Temperature values ​​for IS range from 36.8 to 37. Women believe that the presence of a depression on the graph indicates the onset of pregnancy, but this is far from the case. Pregnant women who compiled such a schedule noted the presence of IZ in only 25% of women. The remaining 75% of expectant mothers did not observe such a drop in the schedule.


What processes occur in the body and what does it feel future mom? If you do not take into account the decrease in basal temperature, then a woman may feel the implantation that has occurred in the form of minor blood secretions and aching pain.

When the embryo enters the uterine cavity, it needs to attach to the mucosa of the organ. During this process, there are injuries blood capillaries endometrium. As a result, blood is released, which is sent to cervical canal. In it, it mixes with the mucus and comes out. The lady notes the appearance of a beige or slightly brownish discharge for a couple of days.

At the same time, there may be a slight It's a dull pain. Although most pregnant women leave it unnoticed. And also there is tearfulness, apathy, sharp drops moods.

Many factors affect the woman's body and fluctuations in hormonal levels. Therefore, this method has a large error in the indications of pregnancy.

BT indicators are affected by:

  • stress;
  • psychoemotional reaction;
  • sexual intimacy immediately before temperature measurement;
  • lack of sleep;
  • work in large volumes, which leads to chronic fatigue;
  • the presence of an infection in the body.

By measuring BBT and making a schedule, a woman controls important processes occurring in her body associated with reproductive function.

7 days after ovulation, there is a temperature fluctuation upward or downward. Perhaps this is the first sign of pregnancy, but it will be possible to say for sure after a delay in menstruation.

In preparation for pregnancy, a woman gets acquainted with large quantity new but always medical terms, which characterize different stages gestation. At first, when a woman moves from plans to the desired period of conception, a new term “implantation retraction” appears. What does it mean and when is it observed? How important is it for a woman, what does it indicate? Let's try to understand this issue.

During the period, a woman gets acquainted with a large number of new, but always medical terms that characterize the different stages of gestation. At first, when a woman moves from plans to the desired period of conception, a new term “implantation retraction” appears. What does it mean and when is it observed? How important is it for a woman, what does it indicate? Let's try to understand this issue.

How does the implantation drop in basal temperature occur?

The expression "implantation retraction" is very often heard by those who want to become mothers, it is used in women's forums. If you look into medical dictionaries and reference books, you are unlikely to find an interpretation of this concept there. There is little information about this on the Internet.

A lot of women believe that the implantation retraction (IZ) of basal temperature is its decrease, which characterizes the period of ovulation. But in practice this is not entirely true. The above decrease in temperature occurs in the body of a woman after ovulation, then honor some time after conception. It is a kind of indicator of the introduction into the uterine cavity of an egg fertilized by a spermatozoon. After all, implantation means the introduction, in our case, attachment and the first period of the life of the embryo. IZ manifests itself in a sharp and short-term (approximately one day) decrease in basal temperature, followed by its stable increase to 37 degrees or a little higher. Recall that this stage occurs in the very first days of pregnancy, when the placenta has not yet begun its functional activity.

The phenomenon of implantation retraction is associated with a change in the hormonal background of a woman, in other words, with a restructuring of the body.

On what day does the implantation drop in basal temperature occur?

And now let's try to find out the time frame in which this phenomenon occurs on specific example 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation and basal body temperature (BT) readings. With the onset of conception and pregnancy, such changes in BT are possible. During the first 12 days of the menstrual cycle, the temperature is at the level of 36.8-36.9 degrees. On the 13th day, that is, the day before ovulation, the thermometer readings drop to 36.6 degrees. On the 14th day, if ovulation occurs, the temperature will be slightly above 37 degrees (37.1, 37.2). On the 19th day of the menstrual cycle, BT shows 37 degrees. This is an indicator of implantation retraction, that is, a slight decrease in temperature. Very often, women do not attach importance to such a phenomenon, they simply do not notice such a decrease that characterizes the period of attachment. gestational sac to the wall of the uterus. This is an imperceptible, but the very first likely sign of the onset of a desired pregnancy.

Already on the 20th day of the cycle, the thermometer can show 37.2 degrees, and in the following days the temperature will stay at the same level. Implantation retraction on their individual women is noted, but they do not attach any importance to this. Not even all obstetrician-gynecologists are aware of this phenomenon.

Additional Features

If we talk about the onset of pregnancy, then this is evidenced not only by implantation retraction. characteristic symptom its onset may be small bloody discharge from the vagina. This is called implantation bleeding, which occurs precisely as a result of the "implantation" of a fertilized egg in the endometrium of a woman's uterus. As a rule, embryo implantation occurs a week after unprotected intercourse, the discharge is very small and not all women experience it. At this time, no changes in well-being, pain does not occur.

To believe or not to believe?

On the forums, women ask if implantation retraction always means that pregnancy has really occurred. In practice, it is generally accepted that ID is a likely sign of pregnancy, but not 100%. After all, to determine the FROM, the basal temperature chart needs to be kept for several months. In addition, a lot of factors affect the accuracy of thermometer readings. This is climate change, stress, taking certain medications. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to other signs of pregnancy. Are you feeling nauseous, your breasts have grown, your appetite has increased? Then you are probably still pregnant.

Specially for Elena TOLOCHIK

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