How long after childbirth does the discharge pass. What are postpartum discharge and what is considered normal. The color of normal lochia is an important indicator

Blood discharge after childbirth is a mandatory and quite normal process.

Thus, lochia and the remains of the placenta are removed from the body.

Blood discharge after childbirth: how much can go in the norm and what to do if they are plentiful and do not end for a long time?

Is this cause for concern?

Blood after childbirth: how much does it go and why does it happen?

Postpartum discharge is a natural physiological process, consisting in the rejection of the uterine mucosa by the body. Allocations go regardless of which way the child was born (natural or by caesarean). The birth of a child is the separation of all fruit membranes. The uterus after that is one big bleeding wound.

Restoration of the uterine mucosa begins immediately after the completion of labor. This process is taken over by the uterine glands. In the first days after childbirth, the discharge consists of blood (80%) and the secretion of the uterine glands. Gradually, the amount of blood in the secretions decreases.

Lochia go in both early and late postpartum periods. The early period is considered in the first two hours after childbirth. The next 6-8 weeks is late.

Blood after childbirth: how much goes and what determines the duration

The normal duration of postpartum hemorrhage is about 6 weeks. During this time, a woman loses about one and a half liters of blood. Do not be afraid of such a figure, because the woman's body is ready for this in advance. When pregnancy occurs, significantly more blood begins to circulate in the female body than in an ordinary person.

The duration of bleeding depends on many factors. Breastfeeding significantly shortens this period. In the body of a woman, the relationship between breastfeeding and uterine contraction was initially laid down. Accordingly, the faster the uterus returns to its normal state, the faster the discharge will end.

The duration of the discharge is also affected by the process of delivery. In those women who gave birth naturally, the blood ends faster after childbirth. After a caesarean section, the uterus recovers somewhat longer. This is due to the fact that an incision was made on it, which was subsequently sewn up.

Slightly longer bloody discharge will go on in those women who, in the postpartum period, are subjected to constant stress and heavy physical exertion. This is also why young mothers are recommended to rest more after childbirth and try not to worry.

What other factors affect the duration of discharge from the birth canal:

● multiple pregnancy (the uterus in this case greatly increases in size, which means that the reduction process will be longer);

● impaired blood clotting;

● trauma during childbirth, internal seams;

● large child;

● afterbirth elements that may remain in the birth canal (in this case, the inflammatory process begins);

● contractile feature of the uterus;

● the existence of fibroids or fibroids.

Blood after childbirth: how much goes and what are the rules of personal hygiene during this period

While there is bleeding, there is a high risk of developing an infectious disease. To avoid this, you must adhere to certain rules of personal hygiene. In the postpartum period, they will differ somewhat from the generally accepted and well-known:

● special attention should be paid to sanitary napkins, it is better to choose those designed specifically for postpartum discharge;

● when the discharge becomes not so abundant, you can start using regular menstrual pads, but you should be careful when choosing them: they should have a high degree of absorption;

● change gaskets more often; despite the fact that it is written on the pack of the product that they are able to retain moisture for up to 8 hours, you should not be fooled by advertising, ideally the gasket should be changed every 3-4 hours;

● it is strictly forbidden to use tampons during postpartum discharge, no matter what you are guided by and no matter what manufacturer you choose;

● it is desirable to wash away after each change of a laying;

● this can be done using baby soap, it is also important to follow the water jet: it should be directed from front to back;

● if the doctor has indicated the need for home treatment of sutures, then this should be done using antiseptics - furacilin or potassium permanganate;

Blood discharge after childbirth: how many days can go normally and when should you sound the alarm?

Normal postpartum discharge

The first few days after childbirth, the discharge will be as plentiful as possible. Approximately 400 ml of blood should come out daily. Most often it is not homogeneous, but with mucus or clots. You should not be afraid, this is a completely natural process. That's the way it should be. These days, the discharge is bright red.

After 3 days, the color will gradually change to brown. The closer to the end of the postpartum period (8 weeks), the less discharge will be. Gradually, they will look like menstruation, then they will become light and turn into ordinary mucus.

When to sound the alarm

If a woman notices in the hospital that the discharge has become more intense or less frequent, thicker or, conversely, more watery, you should immediately tell the doctor about it.

Also, postpartum discharge should be monitored after discharge from the hospital. Despite the fact that the recovery process after childbirth is individual for each woman, there are common points that should be the reason for contacting a gynecologist.

What should alert every young mother

Quick stop bleeding. If the lochia stopped going earlier than 5 weeks after giving birth, this is a serious cause for concern. Every woman should know that the functional layer of the endometrium is completely restored no earlier than 40 days after delivery. If the discharge stopped very soon after the appearance of the baby, this does not at all indicate a good ability of the body to recover. Most likely this is due to complications. Often they are infectious. However, it can also be a spasm of the cervix. It traps lochia in its cavity, preventing it from coming out. This situation requires an immediate solution, as it leads to serious consequences.

Red color discharge. 5 days after birth, lochia take on their color. For every woman, it can be individual. But if the discharge remains bright red, as in the first days after childbirth, this urgently needs to be told to the doctor. This may indicate problems such as impaired hematopoiesis or blood clotting.

Lochia color change. If at first the discharge changed its color from red to brown, and after a while, it turned back to red, this also indicates problems. In most cases, this is due to intrauterine bleeding, which urgently needs to be eliminated. Timely contact with a doctor will avoid serious consequences. A repeated change in the color of the blood after childbirth may indicate the existence of a polyp or a rupture of the soft tissues in the birth canal.

The appearance of an odor. If after some time the discharge began to smell (no matter what), it means that an infection has entered the uterine cavity. It can cause endometritis. By consulting a doctor in time and diagnosing a disease, a young mother can avoid such an unpleasant procedure as scraping. It is carried out when other methods of treatment (taking drugs that suppress the development of microorganisms and a forced increase in uterine contractions) have been ineffective.

Blood discharge after childbirth: how many days can go normally and when does menstruation begin?

One hundred percent answer the question: when menstruation comes, it is impossible. Each female body is individual. Usually, if a mother has stopped breastfeeding by the end of the postpartum period, she will soon begin to develop an egg.

For those who continue to breastfeed, menstruation may begin six months after birth, not earlier. At first, the cycle will be irregular. Menstruation can be both scanty and plentiful, both short (up to 1-2 days) and long (up to 7-8 days). You should not be afraid of this, everything is within the normal range. In some mothers, menstruation does not appear until the end of lactation. This option is also considered the norm. This is due to the postpartum production of the hormone prolactin. It stimulates the production of milk for feeding the baby and helps to suppress the formation of hormones in the ovary (ovulation simply does not occur).

The postpartum period is as important as pregnancy and childbirth. At this time, you should also be attentive to your health and condition. At the slightest deviation from the norm, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Don't be afraid to talk about any changes in bleeding that are bothering you. Even if your gynecologist is a man, remember that first of all he is a doctor who is interested in your speedy recovery after childbirth. If something worries you while still in the hospital, be sure to consult with him. Many problems are easy to solve at the stage of their formation, and not in a neglected form.

After being discharged home, do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene and the doctor's recommendations. Remember, your baby needs a healthy and cheerful mother!

The birth of a baby is accompanied by separation of the uterus, resulting in a rupture of a large number of blood vessels. That is why a woman after childbirth begins to be disturbed by discharge, in which, in addition to blood, there are remnants of the placenta, dead remnants of the endometrium.

This process is inevitable, it takes place in every woman in labor, and therefore a woman should know how long the discharge after childbirth lasts in normal and with deviations, and how to avoid the risk of complications.

Postpartum discharge is called lochia. Despite the fact that this phenomenon is considered a natural process, you should pay attention to color, texture and smell. These parameters can be used to judge the presence of inflammatory processes and other postpartum complications.

What discharge occurs after childbirth:

Normally, at any stage of the discharge should not have a sharp unpleasant odor.

Deviations from the norm

A woman should be aware of what signs indicate the presence of a pathological process and how long the discharge after childbirth can last if it deviates from the norm.

If the bleeding stops prematurely, this is an alarm signal, which indicates that there is some kind of obstacle that prevents the mucus from coming out.

This obstacle can be adhesions, blockage of the cervical canal, neoplasms of various etiologies, weak contractile function of the uterus and other reasons that should be urgently established.

Abundant, not reducing in volume lochia indicate trauma to the uterus, ruptures of the birth canal. This phenomenon can occur with poor blood clotting.

An admixture of cheesy whitish clots and a sour smell indicates thrush. This disease is not dangerous, but requires appropriate treatment.

In the postpartum period, the risk of developing inflammatory processes is high. By the nature of the discharge, you can determine whether inflammation is present.

If the lochia has a cloudy hue, purulent elements are found in them, a sharp and unpleasant odor appears, this indicates a complication, the woman will need to immediately consult a doctor.

The situation takes on a threatening character if a woman begins to be disturbed by sharp pains in the lower abdomen. An alarming symptom is an increase in temperature, the appearance of weakness.

The most common inflammatory disease characteristic of the postpartum period is endometritis - inflammation of the uterus. At the same time, the discharge turns brown up to a greenish tint. Lochia take on the smell of rotten meat. There is a general deterioration in the condition and an increase in temperature.

What affects the duration of discharge

Several factors can affect the duration of postpartum discharge. The following factors lengthen the period:

  • after a cesarean section, the uterus contracts more weakly, wounds heal longer, so lochia can be longer in duration;
  • while feeding a baby, a woman begins to actively produce oxytocin, which increases the intensity of secretions;
  • taking a bath, especially hot, increases bleeding, so in the first month after the birth of a baby, it is better for a woman to take a shower rather than a bath;
  • the use of tampons is excluded, this will lead to stagnation of blood in the uterine cavity and inflammatory processes;
  • frequent sexual intercourse in the postpartum period will increase the amount of discharge, sexual intercourse in the first month should be excluded.

Every woman has discharge after giving birth. On average, they last about one or two months.

Any deviations during this period should be taken into account and consult a doctor in a timely manner to exclude the development of serious complications.

For more information about discharge after childbirth, see the following video.

They appear regardless of how the woman gave birth to the child - on her own or with the help of a caesarean section. Discharge begins after the release of the placenta, which was firmly fixed in the uterus by blood vessels. Common vessels connecting the placenta and the surface of the uterus form a wound surface from which blood oozes. Uterine contractions pinch the torn vessels and the gap closes over time. But this does not happen immediately, and sometimes there are problems with wound healing. That is why you should listen to your feelings and consult a doctor in time.

To determine the condition of a woman in labor after childbirth, the main diagnostic criterion for the attending physician is the smell and duration of postpartum discharge. Their consistency and density, nature and time when they become scarce and transparent are also evaluated.

The postpartum period does not occur after the birth of the child, but after the placenta separates. In obstetrics, a distinction is made between the early postpartum period, which lasts 2 hours, and the late period, which is individual in nature, the duration of which can be from 6 to 8 weeks.

How long the late postpartum period will last depends on several interacting factors, and the time required for this can only be predicted approximately. The norm in medicine is a relative concept derived from average statistics, and each patient can go through it in different ways, and not only in relation to others. Even in one woman after each pregnancy and childbirth, postpartum discharge can be different.

postpartum body recovery

The first two hours, in the early postpartum period, which occurred immediately after the separation of the placenta, a bright scarlet, moderately abundant substance will stand out. Normally, this can last about 2 hours, and the bloody nature of the discharge is explained by the outflow of blood from the uterine vessels, on which the wound surface has formed. The uterus, the vessels of which are damaged by the separation of the placenta, begins to contract naturally so that the vessels stop bleeding.

It is believed that the normal level of blood loss is half a percent of the total weight of the puerperal. In some midwifery schools, a figure not exceeding a quarter of a liter will be considered normal.

The difference in the duration of the late postpartum period is due to several factors, the main ones are:

  • contraction of the uterus and its speed;
  • no complications;
  • normal state of the blood coagulation system;
  • physiological birth process;
  • natural postpartum restoration of the female reproductive system.

Under all these conditions, postpartum discharge usually tends to end one and a half months (6 weeks) after the baby is born. If they continue to go much longer than the prescribed period or have stopped earlier, it is necessary to consult with the local gynecologist, be sure to go to see him, even if there are no external signs of complications. Prolonged release of an outwardly harmless substance that has a watery character may indicate an incomplete process of uterine recovery, bloody - lead to the development of anemia, especially detrimental to a woman during breastfeeding, purulent - signal an inflammatory process that has begun.

Normal discharge after childbirth

In the maternity hospital, the patient is under the vigilant attention of doctors. With a favorable set of circumstances, already on the 5-6th day she is discharged home. A copious flow of secretions can normally last 2-3 days, and all this time the state of the body is carefully monitored. Proper supervision is due to the enormous burden that a woman endures during childbirth.

The process, which lasts the first 2-3 days, is due to the presence of a wound surface on the walls of the uterus, and its intensity may increase or decrease under the influence of physical activity or breastfeeding. The fluids released at this time are called lochia by gynecologists, and their normal discharge is considered:

  • bloody color in the first 2-3 days;
  • lower intensity and brown or meaty, not so bright color for 5-6 days;
  • starting from 6-7 days - a white or yellow tint, normally quite light;
  • from 9-10 days should look like an almost transparent substrate, of a meager nature.

Normally, the indicators, intensity and color of the discharge may take on a liquid form, but it is possible that they will stretch slightly. The appearance of blood clots, pain, a longer period of uterine contraction is acceptable. These are the main diagnostic indicators by which one can judge how successfully the process of involution or reverse development of the uterus is going on. The restoration of the physiological state of the puerperal takes longer if the contractility of this organ is weakened, but it can also pass quickly enough if the woman's body is healthy and the birth went without complications.

Pathological postpartum discharge

Subinvolution, or delayed return of the uterus to its normal state, is an indicator that occurs under the influence of certain factors, not always pathological. It is dangerous if the process of uterine contraction lasts longer than normal. Normally, the uterus is a small volume, and its non-contraction can lead to the development of purulent-inflammatory processes.

First, the doctor palpates and palpates the uterus and evaluates the rate of its contraction. If its size has changed little, although it should be small in terms of time, he will insist on a hardware and laboratory examination. Otherwise, slowed down recovery can lead to pathological consequences.

The causes of subinvolution can be called natural processes, and surgery, and pathological complications:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • rapid childbirth;
  • oncological neoplasms (uterine fibroids);
  • polyhydramnios;
  • preeclampsia;
  • prolonged childbirth;
  • remnants of the membranes or placenta.

A rotten smell of discharge, lasting more than a week beyond the prescribed period, may indicate a pathological condition. Bloody or white discharge, in which the uterus continues to hurt, as well as normal in appearance, but flowing for a month or more, should also cause concern. The main indicator to immediately send for research is palpation and the nature of the discharge.

With regard to caesarean section, the uterus after it is reduced more slowly and weaker. The caesarean method involves a longer healing and lochia after it is observed longer and more intense than after physiological childbirth.

Causes of pathological discharge

If deviations from the relative norm are accompanied by alarming symptoms (fever, general malaise, prolonged or early cessation of lochia, sharp or dull pain), then there is a reason for immediate medical attention.

Mucus, curdled clots and a sour smell indicate a developed thrush.

Profuse bleeding and clots resembling meat, an unpleasant odor, a gradual transition from the meat color stage to discharge resembling slop, may indicate acute endometritis. This is an inflammation caused by the remnants of the membranes or blood clots, in which the mucosa needs to be scraped, the removal of pathological residues and disinfection. Otherwise, the most unpredictable consequences are possible.

Things to remember after giving birth

There is no absolute norm in medicine, and how many women had to be convinced of this by their own example when they gave birth for the second and third time. After all, each recovery period proceeds in its own way, with different duration and abundance. Therefore, it is worth focusing on the approximate range of the norm.

The mucous nature of the discharge can be both with a normal and with a pathological change in the process of restoring the uterus to its previous state. White substance - will appear after breastfeeding, or as a result of poor hygiene. Normal lochia can be shorter or longer, depending on the state of the body, ongoing childbirth, uterine contractility.

Any actions should be started only after a medical examination, specialist advice, laboratory tests, any medications should be taken with the knowledge and approval of the doctor. This will help speed up recovery after childbirth.

During childbirth and childbirth, numerous changes occur in the body. After the baby is born, the body gradually returns to its previous state, but rehabilitation takes some time. Postpartum discharge is evidence that the uterus is recovering from a difficult load.

Many young mothers are interested in what should be the discharge after childbirth. What is considered the norm, and what signs require an urgent appeal to specialists? This article is devoted to the answers to these questions.

Why does postpartum discharge occur?

During pregnancy, a new organ is formed - the placenta. The placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus, forming common vessels with it. Due to these vessels, the child receives the nutrients he needs throughout the entire period of intrauterine development.

After the baby is born, the placenta detaches from the uterine wall. As a result, rather large vessels remain open. There is severe bleeding that will last two or three days. This type of discharge is called lochia. The uterus contracts rapidly after childbirth, so the vessels are gradually compressed by muscle fibers, and the discharge disappears.

Lochia are made up of blood cells, as well as plasma, mucus, and epithelial cells that line the uterus.

Lochia after childbirth have their own characteristics at each stage of rehabilitation. If the discharge does not correspond to the norm, doctors should be alert and conduct additional examinations.

The first postpartum discharge is called pure blood, because outwardly they look that way. And this is quite normal. Their duration is approximately 2-3 days. Subsequent discharges are far from the classical understanding of bleeding.

What should be the discharge after childbirth

  • 2-3 days after birth. Discharge after childbirth has a bright red color, plentiful, the usual gasket is not enough.
  • During the first week after childbirth. They are dark reddish brown
  • From 1-6 weeks after birth. Brown discharge changes its color to yellow-brown.
  • 6-8 weeks postpartum. The color of the discharge becomes beige, white-yellow, yellowish or light

Early postpartum period

In the first two to four hours after childbirth, a woman should be under the supervision of doctors and nurses. This is due to the fact that as a result of a violation of the contractility of the uterine muscles, serious bleeding may occur that threaten the life of a young mother. Such bleeding is called hypotonic, they develop due to the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus. That is why, immediately after childbirth, women remain in the birth unit for some time.

After childbirth, blood is normally secreted very intensively, while the total volume of secretions should not exceed 400 ml. Despite the rather impressive amount of blood released, women feel fine. True, severe weakness and dizziness can be observed, which is considered the norm.

To avoid increased bleeding, life-threatening, women who have recently given birth in the department undergo the following procedures:

  1. A special catheter is placed to completely empty the bladder.
  2. Put an ice compress on the stomach.
  3. Drugs are administered intravenously to increase the contractile activity of the uterus.

A woman should pay great attention to her condition: the first hours after childbirth are especially dangerous, quite massive bleeding can develop. If you feel that the diaper is completely soaked with blood, feel pain or severe weakness, immediately notify the staff of the department.

The doctor after childbirth should examine the external genitalia. If a woman has had tears that are not sewn up carefully enough, blood will accumulate in the tissues. In such cases, it is urgent to open the hematoma, empty it and re-sew up the damaged tissue.

Discharge a few days after childbirth

In the first three days after childbirth, lochia should be allocated quite abundantly, although in a smaller volume than in the delivery room: as a rule, the pad is completely soaked in two hours.

Discharge during this period resembles menstrual flow: they contain clots, they have a characteristic smell. During movements, such as walking, the discharge becomes more intense.

However, do not think that the danger has passed: sometimes bleeding can begin a few days after childbirth. To avoid this, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • empty your bladder on time. A woman needs to go to the bathroom at least once every three hours. A full bladder prevents the uterus from contracting properly;
  • feed the baby on demand. When feeding, a woman may feel quite intense pain in the lower abdomen. You should not be afraid of this: this phenomenon is completely normal. Discomfort is associated with increased uterine contractions;
  • Rest as often as possible while lying on your stomach. After childbirth, the tone of the abdominal muscles is weakened, as a result of which the uterus deviates back and the outflow of lochia is disturbed;
  • apply an ice pack to the abdomen several times a day.

If the labor was difficult or the uterus was stretched too much, the doctor may prescribe intramuscular injections of oxytocin.

Bleeding in the postpartum period

The so-called late postpartum hemorrhage can occur for a variety of reasons. For example, if the placenta is not completely expelled, bleeding may begin two or three days after the baby is born. The doctor can determine whether the placenta remains in the uterus during an ultrasound scan. This will require surgery under general anesthesia: doctors will need to clean the uterus and cauterize the blood vessels.

Sometimes bleeding can be caused by a bleeding disorder. It is not easy to stop such bleeding, so it is important to avoid their development. As a rule, women are aware of the presence of diseases that lead to blood clotting disorders, and inform the doctor about them in advance.

Most often, bleeding is due to the fact that the muscles of the uterus do not contract sufficiently intensively. The main danger is that a woman loses a large volume of blood without experiencing pain. To eliminate such bleeding, special drugs are introduced that cause the uterus to contract more intensively. With severe blood loss, blood transfusion and its preparations are recommended.

The complete cessation of discharge threatens health no less than intense bleeding. If for some reason the outflow of secretions is disturbed, the lochia remains in the uterine cavity. The accumulation of lochia must be eliminated in time, otherwise serious inflammatory processes can begin in the uterus that can lead to infertility.

Postpartum discharge after discharge from the hospital

For at least two months after delivery, the discharge will continue. Of course, their volume is gradually decreasing. For example, a week after giving birth, the discharge resembles the usual menstruation. At the same time, their volume is decreasing every day. In addition, the discharge changes color: if at first they are red or brownish, then a couple of weeks after the birth they brighten, acquire a yellowish tint.

In women who feed their baby with breast milk, the discharge stops in a shorter time than in mothers who prefer artificial feeding. Due to the release of oxytocin during feeding, paroxysmal pains in the lower abdomen can be felt, which disappear without a trace a few days after discharge from the hospital.

If heavy bleeding occurs, a doctor should be called immediately.

Symptoms of inflammatory processes

If a woman, after being discharged from the hospital, does not carefully monitor her hygiene or starts sexual activity too early, she may develop inflammation. An inflammatory process should be suspected if:

  1. The discharge has a greenish tint.
  2. They became more liquid and plentiful.
  3. The discharge has an unpleasant odor.
  4. A woman is worried about discomfort in the lower abdomen, fever, weakness and chills.

If you notice these symptoms, you need to urgently see a doctor: inflammation of the uterus can lead to difficulties in carrying subsequent pregnancies and even infertility.

To avoid the development of the inflammatory process, after returning from the hospital, a woman should follow these recommendations:

  • carefully monitor hygiene: wash daily and change pads as often as possible (every 2-3 hours);
  • do not overheat the stomach, that is, do not take a bath;
  • live sexually only after the complete cessation of secretions;
  • it is forbidden to douche: this way you can bring pathogens into the vagina;
  • do not use tampons that interfere with the normal discharge process. In addition, tampons, saturated with secretions, become an excellent environment for the development of pathogens, which can provoke inflammation.

Discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor

One of the characteristics of such secretions is the smell. Normal postpartum discharge smells like blood. This is not surprising, since their main component is blood. After 7 days, after the end of the discharge of scarlet and brown, the smell acquires notes of charm.

An unpleasant smell should be alarming, as this is a consequence of the presence of health problems. Women, on the other hand, characterize it in different ways: “Fish smell”, “Smell of rot”, “Stink”. This is a pretty worrying symptom. Even if the discharge has a light shade, but smells bad, you should go to see a doctor.

Green discharge after childbirth

If the discharge 2 months after childbirth becomes green, then the body's work is clearly disrupted. Green discharge after childbirth is far from normal. Green color indicates the presence of a bacterial infection in the uterus or vagina. It is very important to start treatment right away. Otherwise, there is a possibility of developing endometritis. As a result of the course of this disease, the inner lining of the uterus becomes inflamed.

Green postpartum discharge is characteristic of the following diseases:

  1. Gonorrhea.
  2. Chlamydia.
  3. Gardnelles.

Also, discharge after childbirth becomes green with trichomoniasis. Trichomonas settles in the vagina. If the disease is not treated, then the infection will rise higher and higher over time.

Primary symptoms of trichomoniasis:

  • Foamy discharge
  • Green color
  • Irritation
  • Burning

In some cases, redness of the mucous membranes is observed. With immediate treatment, the disease can be dealt with quite quickly and prevent the infection from spreading further.

Brown and bloody discharge after childbirth

Bloody discharge after childbirth proceeds quite quickly. They usually end a few days after birth.

If brown discharge after childbirth is observed after 2 months, then this should be regarded as a pathological reaction of the body. Coagulated blood is brown. There are enough reasons for such secretions (hormonal failure, menstruation recovery, etc.). Their character may seem unusual, as the hormonal background has changed. Other causes include uterine fibroids and endometriosis.

If spotting is observed or begins 2 months after childbirth, even in the case of breastfeeding, you should seek help from specialists. There can be two explanations for this phenomenon: the onset of the menstrual cycle or inflammation. In this case, the discharge is not always accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Bleeding may be due to the presence of polyps or tumors. They can stop for a while, and after a certain period start again. In this case, you should definitely undergo a medical examination. If it turns out that these discharges are menstrual, then it should be protected. The restoration of the cycle is accompanied by the formation of lactation crises. During the period of menstruation, the amount of milk decreases, this is a natural process. Young mothers should be patient and continue to breastfeed.

Mucous postpartum discharge

A week later, a small amount of mucous discharge after childbirth is normal. At this stage, the uterus continues the cleaning process, the mucous membranes responsible for the formation of mucus restore their work. Over time, the number of allocations will decrease.

In the future, lochia should almost completely disappear. If the formation of mucous secretions continues, then this is a sign of ovulation. Outwardly, they look like a thick mass, somewhat reminiscent of egg white. Ovulation can begin after 2-3 months in the case of the introduction of complementary foods while breastfeeding. Eggs in non-nursing women mature after the second month. In some cases, this process may begin earlier. Getting pregnant at this point is highly discouraged, as the body has not yet had time to recover. Should be carefully protected.

Discharge after childbirth is called lochia. Their number decreases over time, which is explained by the gradual healing of the wound surface, which is formed on the uterine mucosa (endometrium) after the separation of the placenta.

Lochia are composed of blood cells (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets), plasma, sweating from the wound surface of the uterus, dying epithelium lining the uterus, and mucus from the cervical canal. Over time, the composition of lochia changes, so their color also changes. The nature of the lochia should correspond to the days of the postpartum period. In the first days after childbirth (4-5 days after normal delivery and 7-8 days after caesarean section), the woman is in the postpartum department of the maternity hospital under the supervision of medical personnel. But after a woman is discharged home, she controls her condition herself, and her task is to see a doctor if necessary. The amount and nature of discharge after childbirth can speak volumes, and it is important to notice alarming manifestations in time.

Allocations after childbirth in the first hours

The first two hours after childbirth, the woman is in the maternity unit under the supervision of medical personnel, because this period is dangerous for the occurrence of the so-called hypotonic uterine bleeding, which is caused by a violation of the contractile function of the uterus and relaxation of its muscles.

It is good if the discharge after childbirth is bloody, quite abundant, makes up 0.5% of body weight, but not more than 400 ml and does not lead to a violation of the general condition.

To prevent postpartum hemorrhage, immediately after childbirth, the bladder is released (urine is removed through the catheter), ice is placed on the lower abdomen. At the same time, drugs are injected intravenously that reduce the muscles of the uterus. By contracting, the uterus closes off the open blood vessels at the site of the placenta, preventing blood loss.

If you feel that the postpartum bleeding is too heavy (the diaper or sheet is wet), you should immediately tell one of the medical staff about this. It is important to know that while the woman does not experience any pain, however, postpartum bleeding quickly leads to weakness and dizziness.

Also, in the first two hours, bleeding from tissue ruptures of the birth canal may occur if they have not been sutured, so it is important that the doctor carefully examines the vagina and cervix after childbirth. If some gap was not completely sutured, a hematoma (limited accumulation of blood in the tissues) of the perineum or vagina may form. A woman may experience a feeling of fullness in the perineum. In this case, it is necessary to open the hematoma and re-suturing the gap. This operation is performed under intravenous anesthesia.

If the first two hours after childbirth (early postpartum period) have passed safely, the woman is transferred to the postpartum ward.

Discharge after childbirth: hygiene in the postpartum ward

It is good if in the first 2–3 days the lochia is bloody and quite plentiful (about 300 ml in the first 3 days): the pad or diaper is completely filled within 1–2 hours, the lochia comes with clots, has a rotten smell, like menstrual flow . Then the number of lochia decreases, they become dark red with a brown tint. Increased discharge after childbirth during movement is normal. In the postpartum department, the doctor makes a daily round, where, among other indicators of the woman's condition, he assesses the nature and amount of postpartum discharge - for this, he looks at the discharge on a diaper or pad. In a number of maternity hospitals, they insist on the use of diapers, since it is easier for the doctor to assess the nature of the discharge. Usually the doctor asks the woman if there is a lot of discharge during the day.

To prevent postpartum hemorrhage, it is important:

Timely empty the bladder. On the first day, you need to go to the toilet at least every three hours, even if you don’t feel like it. The fact is that a full bladder prevents the normal contraction of the uterus.

Breastfeed your baby on demand. During breastfeeding, the uterus contracts as irritation of the nipples triggers the release of the hormone oxytocin, which has a contracting effect on the uterus. In this case, a woman may feel cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Normally, the discharge increases during feeding.

Lie on your stomach. This is not only the prevention of bleeding, but also prevents the retention of secretions in the uterine cavity. After pregnancy and childbirth, the tone of the abdominal muscles is weakened, so the uterus may deviate backwards, which disrupts the outflow of secretions. But in the position on the stomach, the uterus approaches the anterior abdominal wall, the angle between its body and the neck is smoothed out, which improves the outflow of secretions.

Place an ice pack on the lower abdomen 3-4 times a day. This measure helps to improve the contraction of the muscles of the uterus and uterine vessels.

Discharge after childbirth will continue after discharge from the hospital

It is good if the postpartum discharge lasts 6-8 weeks (this is how long it takes for the reverse development of the uterus after pregnancy and childbirth).

In the first week after childbirth, the discharge is comparable to normal menstruation, only they are more abundant and may contain clots. Every day the number of discharges decreases. Gradually, they acquire a yellowish-white color due to the large amount of mucus, may be mixed with blood. By about the 4th week, scanty spotting is observed, and by the end of the 6-8th week they are already the same as before pregnancy.

In women, postpartum discharge stops faster, as the entire process of the reverse development of the uterus goes through more intensively. At first, there may be cramping pains in the lower abdomen during feeding, but within a few days they pass.

In women who have had a caesarean section, everything happens more slowly, because the uterus contracts worse due to the suture.

Hygiene rules in the postpartum period

Compliance with simple rules will help to avoid infectious complications. From the very first days of the postpartum period, a diverse microbial flora is found in the lochia, which, multiplying, can cause an inflammatory process. Therefore, it is important that lochia does not linger in the uterine cavity and in the vagina.

During the entire period while postpartum discharge continues, you need to use pads or liners. Gaskets should be changed at least every three hours. It is better to use pads with a soft surface, rather than with a mesh, because they show the nature of the discharge better. Pads with fragrances are not recommended - their use increases the risk of allergic reactions. While you are lying down, it is better to use diaper pads so as not to interfere with the release of lochia. Tampons should not be used, as they prevent the removal of secretions from the vagina, instead absorbing them, which can cause the reproduction of microorganisms and provoke the development of an inflammatory process.

You need to wash yourself several times a day (after each visit to the toilet). You need to take a shower daily. The genitals should be washed from the outside, not the inside, from front to back. You can not douche, because in this way you can bring the infection. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to take a bath.

With large volumes of discharge may increase, so don't lift anything heavy.

Compliance with these simple rules will help to avoid postpartum complications.

Warning signs after childbirth

You should seek medical help in the following cases:

  • Discharge after childbirth acquired an unpleasant, pungent odor, purulent character. All this indicates the development of an infectious process in the uterus - endometritis. Most often, endometritis is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and fever.
  • Abundant blood discharge appeared after their number had already begun to decrease, or blood discharge did not stop for a long time. This may be a symptom that parts of the placenta that have not been removed have remained in the uterus, which interfere with its normal contraction.
  • The appearance of curdled discharge indicates the development of thrush. In this case, itching may also appear in the vagina, and redness sometimes occurs on the external genitalia. The risk of this complication increases with antibiotics.
  • Postpartum discharge abruptly stopped. After a caesarean section, this complication is more common than after a natural birth.
  • In case of severe heavy bleeding (when changing several pads within an hour), you need to call an ambulance, and not go to the doctor yourself.

The above complications do not go away on their own. Treatment is needed and should be started as soon as possible. In some cases, you need to go to the hospital.

If complications arise after childbirth, a woman can apply not only to the antenatal clinic, but also (in any case, at any time of the day) to the maternity hospital where the birth took place.

How is the menstrual cycle restored after childbirth?

The timing is different for every woman. After giving birth, her body produces the hormone prolactin, which stimulates milk production. In addition, it suppresses the formation of hormones in the ovaries, and therefore prevents ovulation.

If the child is breastfed, then the regular menstrual cycle of his mother after childbirth will be restored in 5-6 months after childbirth, and may be restored even after the cessation of lactation. Prior to this, menstruation may not be at all, or they may come from time to time. With artificial feeding (the baby receives only milk formula), menstruation is restored, as a rule, by the 2-3rd month after childbirth.

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