Signs of hormonal disorders in women. Causes of female hormonal disruptions and ways to deal with them. Stress and experiences

Recently, women of different ages are increasingly diagnosed with hormonal disorders. They manifest as irregular periods, mood swings, weight gain, hair loss, poor sleep, decreased libido, headaches, chronic fatigue. In the absence of correction, hormonal failure usually ends in problems with the onset of pregnancy, childbearing, the development of pathological formations, including malignant ones, in the female genital organs and mammary glands, and other serious complications.


Principles of hormonal failure recovery

The main female hormones that regulate girls' puberty, the menstrual cycle, and the functions of the reproductive system are estrogen and progesterone. Their concentrations in different phases of the cycle should be within certain limits, and deviations from the norm in one direction or another lead to hormonal failure in the body, which entails a number of negative health consequences, poor health and sometimes even some changes in appearance.

The reasons for such violations of the coordinated work of the hormonal system can be:

  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • nervous stress;
  • weakened immunity;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • abortions;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle;
  • diseases and operations on the organs of the reproductive system.

Hormonal failure in a woman's body can also be caused by natural physiological changes. We are talking about the beginning of puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, menopause. The changes occurring at this time in the absence of deviations are absolutely normal, and the unpleasant symptoms associated with them are temporary and do not require any drug therapy. To make it easier to survive these periods, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, nutrition, rest more, it is permissible to use folk and homeopathic remedies.

If you suspect a hormonal failure, a woman should contact a gynecologist, and the sooner the better. Only a doctor after a thorough examination, including tests for hormones, tests for infections, general and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, will be able to identify the cause of the violations and prescribe adequate therapy.

To restore the hormonal background, in most cases, hormonal preparations are used in combination with a diet, lifestyle correction, physiotherapy, prevention of stressful situations and their negative effects on the body. When genital infections are detected, appropriate antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulating therapy is necessarily prescribed. In some cases (with hormone-producing tumors, myomas, cysts and other pathological formations), surgical treatment is necessary to restore hormonal failure.

Video: Obstetrician-gynecologist about the causes of hormonal failure and methods for its correction

Impact of diet and lifestyle

Risk factors for the development of almost any health problem, including hormonal failure, are unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Violation of hormone levels is often the result of chronic lack of sleep, overwork, increased physical, mental and nervous stress, lack of proper rest and relaxation. In this regard, in the treatment of hormonal failure, an important role is given to the normalization of lifestyle, the observance of the regime of work and rest, the creation of conditions for providing the body with the opportunity to fully restore its strength.

The following recommendations will be extremely helpful:

  • increase time for sleep and rest;
  • give up bad habits, if any;
  • before going to bed, take warm relaxing baths with the addition of decoctions and infusions of herbs that have a sedative and relaxing effect;
  • listen to soothing music at night;
  • spend more time outdoors
  • several times a week to do exercise therapy, yoga or Pilates.

Proper nutrition is also important for maintaining hormonal balance. Girls and women are often addicted to various diets that are not always beneficial to health. With an illiterate approach, they lead to the fact that the body does not receive enough of the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In the treatment of hormonal failure and for its prevention, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet, give preference to fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, exclude or significantly limit the use of sweets, fatty, fried and spicy foods. Foods containing phytoestrogens will be useful. These include mushrooms, cereals and legumes, apples, carrots, pomegranates, pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

Problems with puberty

For the first time, young women may encounter hormonal failure during puberty. To assess the correct development of the reproductive system and the changes taking place in the body, it is recommended to contact a teenage gynecologist and undergo an examination. The following deviations may indicate a hormonal failure during this age period:

  • lack of menstruation before the age of 16;
  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle a year after the first menstruation;
  • excessive or insufficient hair growth;
  • underdevelopment of the mammary glands;
  • lack of secondary sexual characteristics by the age of 14;
  • severe leanness or, conversely, obesity.

To restore hormonal balance in teenage girls, the safest means are used first. These include the organization of a correct and comfortable daily regimen, good rest, a balanced diet, vitamin intake, moderate physical activity, and the prevention of stressful situations. If it is necessary to use drugs, preference is given to homeopathy and remedies based on medicinal plants (cyclodinone).

Particular care should be taken when prescribing hormone-based drugs to adolescents to correct hormonal failure. This is due to the fact that some systems of the body, including the reproductive system, are still under active development, and such “intervention” can lead to unpredictable and difficult to predict health consequences in the future.

Changes during pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, cardinal changes occur in a woman's body, all resources are directed to providing optimal conditions for bearing and giving birth to a healthy child. The production of the main pregnancy-supporting hormone progesterone and estrogen increases. Progesterone stimulates the development of the mammary glands, ensures the fixation of the ovum in the uterus and suppresses the woman's immunity in order to prevent its rejection. Estrogens control the growth of the uterus, accelerate the removal of excess fluid from the body, and normalize blood pressure.

Hormonal failure during pregnancy can lead to the threat of miscarriage, spotting, pain in the lower abdomen, complications in childbirth and the postpartum period, problems with lactation. To prevent the threat of miscarriage, many women who have had a history of problematic pregnancy and menstrual irregularities are prescribed progesterone preparations (utrogestan, duphaston) in the first and second trimesters.

After the birth of the baby and the end of breastfeeding, the hormonal background of the woman gradually returns to its original state. Usually it takes 2-3 months.

Help with menopause

A common cause of hormonal imbalance in women over 40 is menopause. The changes that occur during this period are due to a lack of estrogen and manifest themselves in the form of:

  • frequent and prolonged headaches;
  • sleep disorders;
  • constant fatigue, distracted attention;
  • irritability;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • pain in the joints;
  • depression;
  • night sweats.

Considering that most women tolerate the symptoms of menopause extremely poorly, hormone replacement therapy is most effective to improve their condition during this period. It allows you to compensate for the deficiency of your own hormones with the help of hormonal preparations based on the estrogen ethinyl estradiol and synthetic analogs of progesterone. These funds help to prolong youth, eliminate mood swings, hot flashes, slow down the processes of skin aging, reduce the risk of developing oncological formations in the organs of the reproductive system, osteoporosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Folk remedies to restore hormonal failure

For the treatment of hormonal failure, you can use folk remedies. Particularly useful are infusions and decoctions based on medicinal plants containing phytohormones - substances that have an activity similar to human hormones, but less pronounced:

  • sage contains phytohormones with estrogen-like action, restores the normal structure of the endometrium;
  • goose cinquefoil promotes the production of progesterone;
  • Oxygen regulates the menstrual cycle, increases the production of female sex hormones;
  • fenugreek stimulates the production of prolactin and estrogen, increases the production of breast milk, promotes the speedy recovery of a woman's body after childbirth;
  • mint has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizes hormonal balance, reduces the severity of menopause symptoms.

It should be remembered that any treatment, including alternative methods, must be agreed with a specialist.

Video: Self-massage to restore the menstrual cycle

In the human body, all processes are interconnected. The production of hormones in women during certain periods of life determines the functioning of the reproductive and nervous systems, the endocrine apparatus.

When violations occur in the usual process, the work of the whole organism is distorted. signs of hormonal failure in women are not all associated with the true causes of this condition.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine what causes chronic fatigue, neurosis and deterioration in appearance.

To determine the imbalance of hormones reliably, it is necessary to perform a laboratory examination.

Which doctor to contact in the first place to determine the cause of the failure is a gynecologist or an endocrinologist.

Hormonal disorders in women in most cases are caused by an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone.

They are produced at different periods of the menstrual cycle and are decisive for the functioning of the reproductive system.

Changes in the hormonal background can occur under such circumstances:

lack of ovulation due to the fact that the corpus luteum is not formed, the level of progesterone in the woman's body is at zero, and this becomes a provocateur of an estrogen surge;
diets and severe dietary restrictions if the body does not receive enough nutrients, building protein and energy carbohydrates, then there are signs of endocrine diseases;
genetic factors in women with congenital anomalies of the endocrine apparatus, the symptoms of failure are especially pronounced and are constantly present;
overweight subcutaneous fatty tissue provokes the production of hormones that are not characteristic of the female body;
infectious and inflammatory diseases inflammatory pathologies of the ovaries, sexually transmitted diseases and even a cold can affect the functionality of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
exhausting physical activity strength training leads to the fact that there is an imbalance of hormones;
neurosis against the background of stress, hormones are produced that can reduce the amount of natural ones;
surgical and instrumental interventions in the work of the pelvic organs abortions, childbirth, operations on the ovaries or uterus;
diseases of the reproductive organs neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature;
critical periods within a certain time frame in women, a distortion of the hormonal background occurs.

How hormonal failure manifests itself in women: symptoms, signs of disorders

It can be quite difficult to determine the symptoms of hormonal failure in women on their own.

When in doubt, it is better to contact a specialist and undergo an examination.

Disorders of the endocrine apparatus can be accompanied by the most unexpected symptoms: from mood swings and deterioration of the skin to serious changes in appearance - obesity and hairiness.

Unstable and irregular menstruation

Hormonal imbalance in women, accompanied by a change in the level of estrogen and progesterone, leads to a change in the regularity of menstruation.

As a result, periods do not come on time, they become longer or shorter. The amount of blood released also changes.

Normally, menstruation in women occurs with a break of 3-5 weeks and lasts 3-7 days. It is important that the process is regular.

If the periods are unstable, this can be caused by an anovulatory cycle, polycystic, cystic formations on the ovaries.

Intermenstrual bleeding

Isolation of blood from the genital tract between periods may be a sign of natural processes or pathology.

During ovulation, a follicle opens in the ovary. This is accompanied by damage to small capillaries.

As a result, a woman discovers a spotting, which disappears after 1-2 days.

If the discharge is caused by other reasons, then they are pathological. Intermenstrual bleeding occurs with polyps, fibroids, erosion, as well as hormonal disorders in the ovaries and adrenal glands.

Excessive growth of body hair in places where there was none before

Male-type hair growth in the female body occurs with excessive production of androgens and testosterone.

Such problems often accompany polycystic ovaries, adrenal pathology, metabolic disorders in the body.

Women often try to get rid of a cosmetic defect without trying to deal with its cause. As a result, a vicious circle is formed, and excess hair has to be removed constantly.

Malfunction of the central nervous system

Violation of the hormonal background in women is often accompanied by an excessive sensitivity of the psychological state to ongoing situations.

Things that previously did not deserve attention are now starting to get very annoying. A woman becomes excitable, whiny and even aggressive.

Premenstrual syndrome is especially acute. Outbursts of aggression are replaced by apathy and even depression occurs.

Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome appears in half of patients who have problems with hormones.

This condition manifests itself in the form of decreased performance, drowsiness. Even with minimal physical activity, lack of mental work, a woman complains that she is tired.

In addition to chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders are added.

The patient tells the doctor that she suffers from insomnia or poor sleep with frequent awakenings during the night.

A sharp increase in body weight - swelling

Another sign of hormonal imbalance in women is a change in body weight. In most cases, it increases rather than decreases.

At the same time, physical activity, training, and nutritional correction do not help. The patient may note that the limbs have become swollen, the stomach has grown, and bags under the eyes have appeared.

All this is a consequence of the accumulation and retention of fluid in the body.

Decreased or no sex drive

A decrease in libido during menopause is a natural phenomenon. If the indifference to sex occurs in the reproductive age, then the cause is diseases associated with hormones.

A woman may note that she is no longer attracted to a partner, and his caresses do not cause the same effect.

In addition, the production of mucous secretion is disrupted, dryness and discomfort are felt in the vagina.

Deterioration of hair and nails

With a long-term imbalance of sex hormones, the condition of the hair worsens.

Hair becomes dull, begins to split at the ends and.

With a decrease in the volume of estrogen, the condition of the skin worsens. She becomes flabby, wrinkles appear.

The imbalance of hormones also affects the condition of the nails. The plate becomes brittle, brittle.

Eruptions on the skin in different parts of the body - acne and pruritus, especially in the armpits and in the perineum

With the growth of male hormones, a woman develops acne. Rashes affect not only the face, but also spread to the chest area, armpits.

An imbalance of hormones affects the activity of the sebaceous glands, resulting in the production of a lot of sebum. The rash may occur in the perineum and buttocks.

Often, boils reach large sizes and cause pain.

excessive sweating

Hyperhidrosis occurs in women suffering from a lack of estrogen. An imbalance of sex hormones is expressed in increased activity of the sweat glands.

Sweating is noted not only in the armpits, but also on the palms and feet.

Reproductive disorders problems with conceiving a child

With hormonal failure, almost all women experience infertility. If some cannot conceive, then others cannot endure.

This sign is the most reliable and usually it makes the patient seek medical help.

You can talk about infertility if conception did not take place after one year of regular intimate life without protection.

The secretion of milk from the mammary glands in the absence of breastfeeding

Galactorrhea occurs in women due to a violation of the production of prolactin.

Also, with this sign, you should pay attention to the level of thyroxine, insulin and cortisol.

Frequent excruciating headaches

Headaches with hormonal imbalance are accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

The woman notes pulsating and pressing sensations in the temples. Often patients suffer from migraines.

Decreased visual acuity

Violations in the work of the endocrine apparatus are accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity.

Especially often women complain of eye problems during critical periods of life.

Critical periods of the female body

Hormonal imbalance can occur at any time.

Observations of specialists and medical statistics indicate periods of life in which the likelihood of such problems increases:

  • puberty;
  • pregnancy;
  • postpartum period;
  • after an abortion;
  • before the climax.

Hormonal failure in adolescent girls

Hormonal disruptions in girls are not uncommon. During puberty, the transformation of internal organs and systems occurs.

The active work of the ovaries begins, which is accompanied by the appearance of menarche and the growth of the mammary glands. Normally, this process occurs between 12 and 16 years of age.

If menstruation has not yet begun at the age of 16, the breast has not increased, there is no hair in the armpits and perineum, then this indicates a failure of hormones and a delay in puberty.

Violations are also reported by severe acne, weight gain and headaches.

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth

Pregnancy and the birth of a child is the strongest stress for a woman's body, requiring a lot of time to recover.

During breastfeeding, prolactin and oxytocin are actively produced. At the same time, the work of the ovaries is suppressed. This process is normal and does not require correction.

If, after weaning the child from the breast, the natural background has not been restored within 2-3 months, then this indicates a pathological consequence of a hormonal failure.

Hormonal failure after an abortion

Abortion almost always results in failure.

If childbirth is a natural physiological process, although accompanied by a change in the production of hormones, then artificial termination of pregnancy is always unexpected for the body.

Every third patient after an abortion is faced with a hormonal failure. This is manifested by symptoms:

  • no menstruation;
  • there is uterine bleeding;
  • body weight increases;
  • increased sweating;
  • irritability increases.

Climax: fading of reproductive function

Closer to the age of 50, a woman undergoes a physiological change in the hormonal background.

During this period, menstruation becomes rare and less abundant, the amount of estrogen secreted gradually decreases.

Failures in this age period are accompanied by the following signs:

  • nausea, change in taste preferences;
  • a sharp set of body weight;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • depression and fatigue;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

How to treat

Treatment of hormonal imbalance should be carried out by a doctor. Without a preliminary examination, it will not be possible to solve the problem.

It must be understood that the body of each woman is individual.

If one patient has an imbalance of sex hormones, then another may have problems with the thyroid gland or other functional disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Therapeutic agents: correction of hormonal failure with the help of an individual selection of hormonal preparations

Treatment for hormonal failure in women involves the use of appropriate drugs. For most patients are prescribed.

They are convenient because they already contain a complex of substances that regulate the functioning of the ovaries. Such medicines have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Among the running ones can be noted: Janine, Logest, Novinet, Diane-35. You need to take medicine one pill daily.

If hormonal disorders are more serious and are not caused by ovarian dysfunction, then hormone indicators are studied in detail. Based on the results of the laboratory analysis, medicines are prescribed:

  • , Dexamethasone - with an increase in testosterone, prolactin;
  • , Iprozhin - with insufficiency of the second phase and progesterone deficiency;
  • Proginova, Divigel - with a decrease in estrogen;
  • , Clomiphene - for the treatment of elevated estrogen levels.

The use of vitamin complexes

Vitamin complexes are prescribed to the patient in addition to contraceptives, if the number of micronutrients is disturbed, which is also confirmed by laboratory tests.

Extremely important for women's health:

  • Vitamin E - supports the work of the ovaries, especially in the second phase of the cycle;
  • Vitamin A - promotes the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • Vitamin C - necessary for the proper functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • B vitamins - prevent the formation of hormone-dependent pathologies.

In the pharmacy, you can purchase special complexes designed for women's health: Complivit, Vitrum, Merz Dragee and others.

special diet

In gynecology, hormone intake performs the main therapeutic function. However, without nutrition correction, it is not possible to cure some diseases.

If a woman has a tendency to be overweight or the patient already has, you must follow the basic rules of nutrition:

  • eat food 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • give preference to herbal products;
  • have lean meats in the diet;
  • exclude sugar, sweets and muffins;
  • give up alcohol and tobacco.

Treatment of hormonal failure folk methods

Alternative medicine offers different ways to treat hormonal failure, but doctors are skeptical about such methods. Therapy often includes:

  • - with a lack of progesterone;
  • sage - with a decrease in estrogen;
  • boron uterus - to regulate estrogen and progesterone between themselves.

Women actively use linseed oil, cumin, fenugreek seeds, beetroot juice, cinquefoil and other herbal remedies.

Hormones are biologically active substances produced by the cells of the endocrine glands. They serve as regulators of many processes in the human body. Thanks to hormones, the functioning of the food and immune systems occurs, metabolism is ensured, the constancy of the internal environment is maintained, etc.

The body of a woman from the moment of puberty until the onset of menopause is subject to cyclic hormonal changes that occur monthly. They affect not only its reproductive function, but also the functioning of the whole organism as a whole. A sharp change in the hormonal balance, accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, a failure of the menstrual cycle, a manifestation of symptoms of infertility, is called a hormonal failure. Hormonal imbalance can lead to serious consequences, so its timely detection and treatment is of great importance for a woman's health.

It is interesting! Scientists have found that the increased content of female sex hormones, which are responsible for the reproductive function of a woman, contributes to dyeing her hair in a light color. It is for this reason that men subconsciously prefer blondes to women with dark hair.

The main causes of hormonal imbalance

What is the cause of hormonal imbalance in women? Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered unambiguously, since this condition can be caused by many reasons. To date, there are several main factors that provoke a malfunction in the work of hormones:

Only a doctor can accurately determine what provokes a particular hormonal failure in a woman based on the examination and test results. In order to find the cause of a hormonal failure, doctors, as a rule, take a blood test for hormones, do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and perform laparoscopy.

Symptoms of hormonal failure in women

The symptoms of hormonal failure in women depend on her age, the general condition of the body, and also on the specific cause that provoked the violation of hormone levels. But, despite this, the doctors managed to identify the general symptoms of hormonal failure, characteristic of all cases. They can be conditionally divided into symptoms of the functioning of the genital area, signs of impaired activity of the nervous system and pathology of metabolism.

The main signs of hormonal disorders:

Hormonal disorders in women are fraught with serious consequences, up to the development of infertility and other serious diseases: diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, asthma, etc. Therefore, if you find at least a few symptoms from this list, be sure to contact your gynecologist, because only with the right and timely treatment is it possible to bring the hormonal background back to normal.

Treatment methods for hormonal imbalance in women

After making a diagnosis, having dealt with the cause of the hormonal failure, the doctor determines how to treat this condition. In some cases, the generally accepted treatment for hormonal imbalance includes:

  • Course taking hormonal drugs.
  • Treatment with appropriate drugs of all genital infections detected during the examination.
  • Compliance with a certain diet, depending on what period of a woman's life a hormonal failure occurred.
  • Implementation of surgical intervention if necessary.

It is very important to treat hormonal failure in women during pregnancy, as well as in the postpartum period. Therefore, a pregnant woman should definitely register with the antenatal clinic and pass all the necessary tests as early as possible. Moreover, a pregnant woman needs to inform her doctor about all the unpleasant and unusual sensations that she experiences. In the case of difficult childbirth, accompanied by complications, a woman is recommended to stay under the supervision of doctors for some time after the birth of the child, as well as undergo appropriate treatment.

Remember that medical therapy is always selected individually depending on the results of the tests, so self-medication in case of hormonal imbalance is undesirable. But, this does not mean at all that in case of hormonal failure, alternative methods of treatment cannot be used, for example, as an additional remedy for the main treatment.

Treatment of hormonal disorders with folk remedies

Recipe number 1 - oregano and hops. Herbs such as hops and oregano help to normalize the production of female hormones and regulate menstruation. They can be used both together and separately. To prepare a medicinal infusion, you will need dried and chopped oregano. Take two tablespoons of the mixture, place in a container and pour a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes, the infusion will be ready for use. It is recommended to drink it in a small amount in a warm form before eating food twice a day.

The preparation of a decoction from the second medicinal herb - hops is similar. Only unlike oregano, hops are recommended to be brewed in a thermos in the following proportions: one tablespoon of dried and crushed hops per 250 ml. boiling water. After 8 hours, the broth will be ready for use. Drink it several times a day, about half a glass.

Recipe number 2 - onions. If the occurrence of hormonal failure is associated with amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation, then folk remedies based on onions will be especially effective for the treatment of this pathology. For the preparation of medicinal recipes, you can use both onion scales and the onion itself.

  • Method 1 - onion scales. A recipe using onion scales should be prepared in the following proportions: a glass of onion scales per 500 ml. boiling water. After you have poured boiling water onion scales, you should boil this decoction for 20 minutes. When the infusion has cooled, strain it and drink one tablespoon on an empty stomach.
  • Method 2 - onions. To prepare this recipe, you will need about 5 onions, 4 cloves of garlic, honey and milk. Onion heads should be peeled, washed and finely chopped. Then add 4 chopped garlic cloves to the resulting mixture and pour it all over with milk. After that, the medicinal mixture must be heated. When the onion becomes soft, the medicine should be removed from the heat, add honey to it and let it cool. This drug is recommended to drink three times a day, one tablespoon.

The occurrence of hormonal failure in women is by no means uncommon. Severe stress, an infectious disease, pregnancy, the birth of a child - all these seemingly ordinary events in life can provoke the appearance of this condition. Therefore, it is very important that a woman constantly monitor her health: attend preventive examinations by a doctor, tell him about the slightest changes in her state of health, regularly take tests, etc.

The level of hormones and their balanced interaction have a huge impact on the state of the female body. Hormonal failure is a pathology characterized by insufficient production of sex hormones.

In women, such a failure causes various diseases of the reproductive system and, in combination with impaired immunity, inflammation and sexual infections, causes a number of serious pathologies: menstrual irregularities, uterine fibroids, hyperplasia, polyps and polycystosis.

It is very important to regularly conduct gynecological examinations, because a number of diseases of the reproductive system are asymptomatic, without pain, bleeding and other clinical manifestations.

In this article, we will take a closer look at hormonal failure in women, find out its first signs, and the main symptoms that you should pay attention to. We will not leave unnoticed and topical methods of treating such a problem in women.

The reasons

There are many factors that contribute to hormonal imbalance in women. First of all, this is due to the dependence of the hormonal status on the work of the neuroendocrine regulation of the central nervous system, which is located in the brain, and on the correct functioning of the endocrine glands, they are localized on the periphery.

In this regard, the causes contributing to hormonal disorders can be divided into two large groups:

  1. The reasons, caused by disturbances in the functioning of the central regulation.
  2. The reasons, caused by pathological processes occurring in the peripheral glands. Failures in their work can be caused by tumors, infections, inflammatory processes, etc.

So, let's highlight the main causes of hormonal imbalance in women:

  1. genetic predisposition. Congenital defects of the hormonal system is a rather complex condition that is difficult to correct. As a rule, the main cause for concern in this case is primary amenorrhea (the complete absence of menstruation in girls after 16 years).
  2. Disruptions in the endocrine system(problems with the proper functioning of the pancreas, thyroid and adrenal glands).
  3. At use of oral contraceptives, they contain hormones, so a violation begins, which first manifests itself in excess weight.
  4. because of colds, SARS, acute respiratory infections, hormone levels can often be disturbed. It has been proven that those girls who often suffered from various infectious diseases have problems with hormonal levels in adult life.
  5. Malnutrition when a girl tortures herself with debilitating diets, when food intake is reduced, the body lacks the necessary elements with which certain hormones are produced.
  6. Diseases of a different nature, among which there are bronchial asthma, polycystic ovaries, uterine fibroids, cysts in the chest and frequent pain in the head (migraine).
  7. Surgical operations concerning the internal genital organs in women.
  8. Severe nervous breakdown, stress (including chronic), depression- all of the above often negatively affects the hormonal background of a woman.
  9. Overweight. The more extra pounds a woman has, the higher the likelihood that she will experience a hormonal failure.

Such natural states of a woman as adolescence, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and menopause can affect the imbalance of hormonal levels, but most often the body itself restores the necessary ratio of hormones.

Symptoms of a hormonal imbalance in a woman

The clinical picture of hormonal failure in women is directly related to age and physiological state.

In particular, if the formation of secondary sexual characteristics slows down in adolescents, then in women of childbearing age, the main symptoms concentrate on the menstrual cycle and the ability to conceive.

In this regard, the symptoms of hormonal failure in women can be different, but the most striking signs indicating this pathology are:

  1. Irregular menstruation. Frequent delays in menstruation or their absence for a certain period of time.
  2. Mood swings and irritability. A woman often changes her mood, but mostly she has a bad mood. The manifestation of anger and aggression towards people around, pessimism, frequent depression - all this can be another manifestation of hormonal failure.
  3. Weight gain. Excess weight, fat deposits rapidly appear, while nutrition does not affect. When a woman sits even on a strict diet, eats practically nothing, she still gets better due to a malfunction in hormones.
  4. Decreased sex drive. It happens that with a hormonal failure, women notice a decrease in sexual desire and interest in sexual life.
  5. Hair loss . A common symptom of hormonal failure in women is, which can be very intense.
  6. Headache . Other manifestations may also be characteristic of hormonal failure, but they are already more of an individual character. So, for example, such symptoms can be: the appearance of wrinkles, fibrocystic formations in the chest, uterine fibroids, dryness in the vagina.
  7. Insomnia, fatigue. Due to the fact that a woman's sleep is disturbed, she does not sleep at night, she is tormented by constant weakness, drowsiness. Even when a woman is well rested, she still feels overwhelmed.

Treatment of hormonal failure in a woman is prescribed based on the results of a study of the general hormonal background. Usually, to relieve the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, drugs are prescribed that contain those hormones that are not produced in the woman's body enough or not at all.

Specific and non-specific signs

All those signs that indicate the presence of a hormonal failure in a woman can be divided into two large groups: specific and nonspecific symptoms.

To the first group includes:

  • problems with conceiving a child;
  • an increase in the amount of hair on the body and the rate of their growth;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • a sharp increase in body weight while maintaining the same lifestyle;
  • uterine bleeding not associated with menstruation.

To non-specific signs can be attributed:

  • weakness of a woman;
  • fatigue even in the absence of objective reasons for this;
  • frequent headaches;
  • sleep disturbances (insomnia or, conversely, constant drowsiness);
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa.

As a rule, if such symptoms are detected, the doctor prescribes additional examinations that allow differential diagnosis.

Symptoms in girls

Symptoms of failure in teenage girls:

  1. The mammary glands are poorly developed.
  2. If the girl is already 16 years old, and she still has never had (there were, but very irregular) periods.
  3. Excessive amount of hair on the body or their complete absence.
  4. Excessive thinness, long and thin legs and arms. Weight that does not reach 48 kg.

In many cases, it will be necessary to establish the correct daily routine for the girl and everything goes by itself. But in severe cases, hormonal drugs can be prescribed, which are taken clearly according to the instructions.


Hormonal imbalance causes disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism, so if the cause is not recognized in time, there is a risk of complications, such as:

  • infertility;
  • obesity;
  • osteoporosis;
  • violation of sexual function;
  • gynecological diseases of various origins;
  • hormone-dependent benign or malignant tumors;
  • with an increased risk of developing

It should be borne in mind that dysfunctions and many diseases caused by hormone failure are very difficult to treat. But if you know why hormonal failure occurs, and how you can deal with it, you can greatly facilitate such an unpleasant process.

Treatment of hormonal failure in a woman

Due to the fact that any violation of the hormonal background can lead to quite serious consequences, this condition requires mandatory correction. However, before starting treatment for hormonal failure, a woman should find out the cause that provoked the hormonal shift. To do this, you need to consult an endocrinologist, as well as take a blood test for hormonal status.

Depending on the cause that caused the hormonal failure, treatment can be based on:

  • hormone therapy and / or treatment of genital infections;
  • following a special diet (for example, selenium-zinc for adolescents or vegetarian during menopause);
  • sometimes surgery is required.

However, with hormonal failure in women, in most cases, treatment is associated with replacement therapy, in which a number of artificial preparations are used, similar in structure to the secretion of the gonads, such as Mastodion, Klimadion, Cyclodion. In view of this, the appointment of complex therapy can be carried out only on the basis of laboratory diagnostics.

Also, much attention is paid to nutrition and physical exercises, compliance with the regime of rest and work. Women are often prescribed a diet that increases their intake of fruits and vegetables, herbal infusions and teas, and includes other alternative methods such as nutritional supplements and vitamin complexes. In some clinics, in order to restore the balance of female hormones, hirudotherapy is offered, that is, treatment with leeches.


Everyone knows that it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Therefore, women who do not want to know what hormonal disorders are in women and not have problems with them should do the following as a preventive measure:

  • regularly keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle;
  • monitor the nature of menstrual flow.

And most importantly - to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist twice a year, even if there are no visible reasons for concern - unfortunately, "female" diseases tend not to make themselves felt for the time being.

In today's publication, we would like to raise a very serious, and for many girls painful, issue of hormonal failure. With a hormonal failure, the phrase: "hormones are naughty" - takes on a completely different meaning. If a hormonal failure has occurred in your body, then later in our article we will reveal the following questions:

What is a hormonal imbalance

As you know, in our body there are a large number of hormones that play a very important role for us. Hormones can be said to regulate the metabolism in our body, and also affect various physiological functions.

All hormones must be in a clear balance, but if their level begins to change, that is, their imbalance occurs, then this leads to rather serious consequences. The imbalance of hormones in girls has very serious consequences, and if this situation arises, it must be addressed immediately, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

The female body reacts differently to hormonal failure, and sometimes, it would seem that the usual symptoms can be the result of just a hormonal failure. Let's first look at the list of symptoms that can occur with hormonal failure.

Symptoms of hormonal failure in women

Irregular menstruation

If you have an unstable menstrual cycle: there are often delays in menstruation, or they may not be at all for a certain period of time, then hormonal failure may be the reason for this.

Irritability and mood swings

In the case when you have a frequent change of mood, or it is constantly bad: you break down on others, show aggression and anger that are not characteristic of you in everyday life - this is another sign of a hormonal failure. This can also include frequent depression, pessimism, etc.

Weight gain

Hormonal failure can manifest itself in rapid weight gain, regardless of what food you take. On the one hand, malnutrition can be both a direct factor in gaining weight and serve as a catalyst for the manifestation of hormonal failure, in a word, what we wanted to say is that with an imbalance of hormones in the body, you can gain weight even while on a starvation diet.

Poor sleep and chronic fatigue

Hormonal failure is often accompanied by poor sleep and chronic fatigue. Poor sleep manifests itself in the fact that you cannot fall asleep for a long time, or you do not have a sound sleep and often wake up at night. With regard to chronic fatigue, you constantly experience fatigue despite being active, that is, you can do nothing at all and will feel tired.

Decreased sex drive

There are times when hormonal failure reduces sexual desire and interest in sexual life in girls. You are not turned on by caresses and you simply do not want intimacy.


Along with the above signs of hormonal failure, it can be tested.

Hair loss

Another symptom found in most girls and women who have experienced a hormonal failure is hair loss, and hair can fall out very intensively.

Other reasons

Hormonal failure can also manifest itself in other signs, but for the most part, they already have a more individual character. For example, such signs may be: dryness in the vagina, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic formations in the breast, the appearance of wrinkles, etc.

Causes of hormonal failure

There are two very important hormones in a woman's body: estrogen and progesterone. In most cases, hormonal failure provokes an increased level of estrogen. What are the causes of hormonal imbalance in women:


The most common cause of hormonal failure in women over 40 is the onset of menopause. During this period, the woman's body is rebuilt due to the fact that the production of eggs stops, and this, in turn, greatly affects the intake of the hormone estrogen.


Hormonal imbalance also occurs in girls during puberty, when the reproductive functions of the body are formed. Sometimes the balance of hormones in girls can only normalize after pregnancy and childbirth.

Pregnancy and childbirth

The happiest period in the life of every woman: pregnancy and childbirth can cause hormonal failure, and this happens quite often, but as a rule, the hormonal background normalizes on its own, some time after childbirth.

The use of hormonal drugs

A large number of girls and women use oral - contraceptive pills. This type of drug is based on hormones and therefore their intake can cause hormonal failure in the body.

In addition to hormonal oral contraceptives, hormonal preparations are contained in various other preparations for the treatment of: neuroses, allergic diseases, skin diseases, etc.

Stress and experiences

Often, hormonal failure is preceded by severe stressful situations and frequent experiences. On this basis, hormonal failure can occur due to the fact that our central nervous system affects the endocrine system, which affects the production of hormones. Thus, the stronger our experiences and stresses, the more it affects our hormone balance.

Wrong way of life

Wrong lifestyle includes a large number of factors. This may include the wrong mode of the day, when you experience chronic lack of sleep for a long period of time due to the fact that you sleep less than 8 hours a day. Also, hormonal failure can also cause chronic fatigue syndrome, when you are pretty tired and have little rest, as a result of which the body cannot restore its strength. Drinking alcohol and smoking is another factor that affects hormonal balance.

Improper nutrition

A common cause of hormonal failure in girls and women is malnutrition. First of all, malnutrition is caused by diets that girls totally use. Due to the reduction in food intake, the body does not receive the components it needs to produce certain hormones. The same can be caused by eating the wrong foods, such as frequent consumption of fatty foods, fast food, fast foods and frequent overeating.

Excess weight

The appearance of excess weight, and especially obesity, significantly reduces the production of hormones in the body, which directly affects the imbalance of hormones.

Gynecological problems and diseases

Hormonal failure can also occur as a result of gynecological diseases, when the body focuses its efforts on a disease with an illness, and not on functions aimed at producing hormones. Produced gynecological operations and abortions can also have a negative impact on the production and balance of hormones.


Colds, acute respiratory infections and - cause hormonal failure. It has been established that these diseases suffered by girls in childhood can significantly affect the hormonal background in the future, when she becomes an adult.

Physical exercise

The last reason, which must also be mentioned in the causes of hormonal failure, is the use of heavy physical exertion.

How to treat hormonal failure

If you notice the presence of several symptoms of hormonal failure, then consult a doctor as soon as possible. In this case, you will need to contact a therapist and a gynecologist. For the diagnosis of hormonal failure and its treatment, it is necessary to perform a general blood test and analysis for hormones.

Treatment of hormonal failure is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, since he, on the basis of the symptomatic picture and the results of the tests, determines which hormone levels need to be brought back to normal.

Treatment of hormonal failure is carried out by two methods in parallel: elimination of the causes that attracted to the failure and normalization of the level of hormones by medication. That is, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that provoked the hormonal failure, for example: the use of hormonal contraceptives, improper diets, etc., otherwise there will be no point in treatment, since the hormonal background can be disturbed again. And secondly, it is a medical help to the body to restore the balance of hormones and stimulate their production.

As for the period of treatment of hormonal failure, it all depends on the causes and level of hormone imbalance in the body. Restoration of the hormonal background can occur as a few weeks, so months and years, again, it all depends on the situation.

Prevention of hormonal failure

To prevent hormonal failure in the body, it is necessary to regularly take tests and conduct a medical examination. Also, try to exclude those factors that can lead to hormonal failure, they are described in the reasons.

Please note that at the first symptoms of a hormonal failure, you should immediately consult a doctor and not delay this issue, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences, and the restoration of hormonal levels in this case will require a longer period of time.

The consequences of ignoring hormonal failure can lead to: breast cancer, infertility, obesity, excessive body hair growth and other serious consequences.

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