How can you relieve contractions during childbirth? Childbirth pain relief: with and without medication. Childbirth pain relief: an active movement

A pregnant woman worries about her health and the health of her unborn baby until the last day. If a close person is next to her, her psychological state improves, confidence appears, fears disappear. As a rule, this is a spouse or partner, girlfriend, mother, sister. The presence of relatives during labor has a positive effect on labor, as a woman should relax.
A good atmosphere and positive emotions have a positive effect on the condition of a pregnant woman and on delivery.

Experts do not advise lying down during contractions, unhurried walking helps not only relieve pain, but also speed up labor. The vertical position of a woman before the most crucial moment also favorably affects the child himself, for whom the birth is a rather difficult test. When tilting, swaying, walking, the child takes a comfortable position and stimulates.

In order to relieve pain, doctors advise jumping on a fitball or hanging on a Swedish wall.

For some women, taking a cool shower helps relieve the pain. It allows you to distract from the upcoming birth. But prolonged contact with water, for example, immersion in a pool or bath, leads to weakening of contractions, as a result of which the cervix ceases to open, and labor is delayed.

For the correct course of the prenatal period, it is necessary to concentrate on breathing. Deep inhalations and exhalations help to maintain the strength that will be required during attempts, and also allow you to enrich the child's body with oxygen. The hysterical state and screams exhaust the woman, as a result of which she is not able to quickly give birth to a baby.

Massage during contractions

Massage is a fairly popular and effective way to alleviate the condition during contractions. This happens due to the fact that blood circulation is activated, relaxation and calming of the woman occurs. To obtain the result, it is necessary to massage the lumbosacral region of the back, since there are nerve endings that affect the uterus. Such manipulations can be performed independently or ask a partner. During the contraction itself, the pressure can be more intense than in the interval between them.

If common methods of easing contractions do not help, specialists solve the problem using medication methods. Anesthesia is essential for a painless birth. But such interference in the natural process negatively affects the child and the expectant mother.

Fear of pain during childbirth is rooted in the soul of a woman from the very beginning, and even after giving birth once, she can continue to be afraid. Why it occurs is understandable, everyone says that there is nothing more painful than childbirth. Someone compares labor pain with fractures of 20 bones at once, someone says that it was the biggest pain in his life.

If you are expecting a baby, you, of course, do your best to set yourself up for positive. Thanks to the availability of information comes the understanding that this is a natural process that should not cause much pain. By the end of the term, you calm down and the desire to end the pregnancy becomes stronger than these fears. But the question of whether childbirth is facilitated still remains. Even the most self-confident person should have hope that if it suddenly hurts too much, they will help him.

Do they give painkillers during childbirth?

Of course, it is possible to make childbirth easy and painless, and analgesics during childbirth in one form or another are now used in almost 90% of women in labor. You can do it in such a way that a woman will simply oversleep them, and she will have to be woken up at the most crucial moment.

Pain medication during childbirth has even become a source of additional income for maternity hospitals; almost everywhere you can get this service for a fee (we are talking about epidural anesthesia). In the antenatal clinic, you can be given a list of things necessary for the maternity hospital, so far it may also contain medications designed to weaken contractions.

You now have plenty of chances to think over childbirth, although from the point of view of what is best for mother and child during physiological childbirth, a birth without drugs is, of course, preferable.

How to anesthetize childbirth

There are several options to make childbirth painless. They differ in efficiency and safety. Another question is whether it is necessary. Sometimes loss of pain sensitivity is vital. For example, if the contractions are strong, frequent, but ineffective, and the cervix does not open.

The following methods are used for this process:

  • Physiological. This is a relaxing massage of the lower back, calm music, special breathing techniques and exercises, bath and shower.
  • Spinal and - a special injection during childbirth in the spine with the introduction of drugs to the spinal cord. The most reliable and modern method. Such an injection during childbirth begins to act literally after 5 minutes, completely relieving pain.
  • Other drugs are also used during childbirth, which are administered intramuscularly, intravenously and in other ways. These are mainly antispasmodics, narcotic analgesics and drugs that affect the central nervous system. Even nitrous oxide (an anesthetic) is used, which a woman breathes through a mask, independently adjusting the degree of anesthesia.
  • Acupuncture and other physiotherapeutic methods of influence. Not applicable in all hospitals.

It also happens: at the end of the second stage of labor for about 40 minutes - 1 hour there are very intense, frequent contractions, leading to full disclosure of the cervix. The fatigue that has accumulated over the past hours makes itself felt, there is a strong feeling of pressure on the bottom, the baby presses his head on the cervix and sacral plexus, the head is pressed tightly against the entrance to the small pelvis and there is very little left before the baby is born.

A woman who says a firm "no" to any medical intervention may simply break down at this time. It is at such moments that a woman in labor most often screams - do me a caesarean, do at least something, stop it! But right now it's too late to do anything. If a woman in labor is given a medicine that really relieves pain, the baby may have complications after birth, for example, respiratory depression.

And then the necessary injection is given as a placebo. For example, a no-shpa is introduced, which does not have any effect on the uterus at all. This injection is done only to calm the mother, while she will wait for his action - she will have time to give birth.

How to relieve pain during childbirth on your own

The severity of pain during childbirth largely depends on how the woman in labor perceives the birth act. If you resist contractions, tighten up, then your body quickly gets tired and you begin to feel pain. It often happens that a woman initially expects pain during childbirth and thereby provokes its appearance. It's a vicious circle - the more you resist the contractions, the more the pain, the more the pain, the more you tighten up. The uterus is working hard, but the cervix cannot open - you do not let her do it with your fear.

The pain syndrome increases due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles of the uterus and its resistance to itself: some muscles work to open, while others spasm and do not allow to open. Due to the fact that at present, almost all expectant mothers have the opportunity to attend childbirth preparation courses, and you have the opportunity to learn in advance how to anesthetize childbirth on your own.

In the courses you will learn everything about special breathing and relaxation techniques in childbirth, about exercises that help, you will tune in to the fact that giving birth is not painful, and should not be painful. It’s good if you have a partner with you during childbirth, not necessarily a husband. Even your mother, aunt or girlfriend can act as an assistant during childbirth. She needs to go to these courses with you. Here they will teach you how to make a relaxing massage during childbirth, breathe with the woman in labor, support and guide her at the right moment.

Yes, childbirth cannot be completely painless. Unpleasant sensations, of course, will be. Partly on how much it will be unpleasant and painful for you, you can influence yourself. And remember that if you suddenly can’t cope - there are alternative ways to relieve pain, analgesics are used during childbirth, if you need it, they will help you.

Despite the fact that the birth of a child is a natural process, it causes incredible suffering to the mother. Intense labor pains are noted during contractions, which can last quite a long time, and during the laborious period.

Is it possible to give birth without pain? How to ease contractions, to endure them more calmly? Is it possible to give anesthesia when it hurts a lot? What to do if you are afraid to give birth?

Is natural childbirth possible without pain?

Natural childbirth is always accompanied by severe pain. Their intensity is due to the characteristics of the woman in labor, her pain threshold and state of health. The degree of preparedness of the muscles for the birth process is also important.

Childbirth is divided into three stages:

  • contractions. During them, the cervix opens, which has a large number of receptors. The uterus begins to contract, gradually reducing the time interval between contractions. There is a stretching of the uterine ligaments, the pressure in the peritoneum increases. Soreness is felt throughout the abdomen, radiates to the lower back.
  • Attempts. The child moves down the birth canal, stretching them. The pain is shifted to the area of ​​the vagina, rectum and perineum. It is sharp, has precise localization.
  • The birth of the placenta, or child's place. As a rule, it is completely painless.

Susceptibility to pain can increase if the woman in labor is not mentally prepared for them. The state of panic and fear has a negative effect - the release of hormones of stress and fear of adrenaline and cortisol increases spasms, it becomes more difficult to endure contractions.

Objectively, the pain can be very severe in case of premature delivery, the birth of a large baby, prolonged labor, stimulation of labor with oxytocin, and also if the woman had painful periods before pregnancy.

How to facilitate the birth process?

While pain cannot be completely eliminated, it can be reduced. Not only modern medicines come to the rescue, but also the methods of our ancestors.

A woman should be concerned in advance with the question of how to facilitate childbirth and contractions. There are several ways to anesthetize the birth process, which a pregnant woman learns about in courses for future parents.

Nature itself helps a woman: her body produces a whole complex of hormones that act as an anesthetic. Correct behavior and breathing do wonders. The woman in labor no longer concentrates so much on contractions, she is distracted from unpleasant sensations. In case of a difficult course of childbirth, there are medical workers nearby who, if necessary, will relieve the woman's condition with medication. How to behave during contractions and attempts to make them easier to endure, to make them less painful?

positive attitude

Remember that childbirth is a normal process of the birth of a person, there is no need to be afraid of them. However, you should thoroughly prepare for an important event:

  • Pack a bag for the hospital in advance. In the case of early childbirth, you will not have to rush around the house in search of documents and things.
  • Choose a maternity hospital and an obstetrician. You need to go to the maternity ward and talk with the doctor no later than a month before the upcoming birth.
  • Decide whether the spouse will be present at the birth of the child. If so, then he also needs to undergo psychological preparation (and make the necessary tests on time). Not all men are mentally ready to be near a woman in labor, so you need to decide on this issue as early as possible. You can take your mother or a close friend as a partner.

How can you help yourself be positive? At a pregnancy school, a woman will be given advice on how to relieve pain during contractions, set her in an optimistic mood. Indeed, very soon she will be able to press the long-awaited baby to her chest, what could be more beautiful? You need to go to childbirth with such positive thoughts and emotions.

It has been proven that nervous tension and fear have a negative effect on the opening of the cervix. A long process delivers unbearable suffering to the woman in labor, delays the time of contractions. Many women consider this period to be more difficult compared to attempts, because they pass much faster. Relaxation, calmness and faith in one's own strength will allow you to survive the contractions not so painfully.

If fear haunts a pregnant woman, she cannot cope with it on her own, it makes sense to visit a psychologist. As a rule, the specialist takes in the antenatal clinic. He will tell you how to understand the cause of anxiety, and set the woman in labor for good emotions.

Preparing muscles for childbirth in the last trimester (exercise, massage, diet)

Not only the mind, but also the body should be prepared for childbirth, because soon he will have hard work to do. During pregnancy, a woman is advised to monitor her physical health.

Easy to give birth will help:

  • Daily set of exercises. It aims to strengthen muscles and prevent ruptures. The most famous are Kegel exercises for the muscles of the perineum. They have been proven to reduce the risk of damage to this area and help the uterus recover faster after childbirth.
  • Vagina massage using natural oil. It improves the elasticity of tissues, the likelihood of injury during childbirth is significantly reduced.
  • Dieting. In the last month of pregnancy, you must strictly adhere to a special diet. It is recommended to give up meat, fish and eggs, limit the consumption of dairy products, reduce salt intake. Be sure to eat vegetable oils (olive, linseed). This menu contributes to good tissue stretching and easy passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Comfortable postures during contractions

During contractions, a woman needs to listen to her body and take a position that will allow her to withstand the pain. It is convenient for someone to get on all fours, arching their back, for others it is easier to squat. You can lie on your left side and bend your legs under you.

Only in the process of contractions will a woman be able to choose a position that is comfortable for herself. It is necessary to exclude pressure on the stomach, in all other respects the woman in labor is not limited.

Shower, massage, movement

A warm shower will relax and distract from suffering. Some obstetricians advise sitting in a bath filled with warm water, to some extent it will relieve pain. However, this cannot be done if the waters have broken.

Close people can give the expectant mother a lumbar massage. It is in this area that the pain is intense. During the courses, a partner will be taught how to give a relaxing massage to a woman in labor, it will definitely come in handy during contractions.

Movement in the interval between contractions will speed up the opening of the cervix. You can just walk, climb the stairs or swing on the fitball. You need to stop only for the duration of the contractions, not forgetting to count the intervals between them.

Music and aromatherapy

Music and aromatherapy are a great addition to all the methods described above. They will help to calm down and relax, and this is the key to an easy delivery. Experts note that listening to your favorite songs has a positive effect on the course of childbirth.

Aromatherapy can be used as a pain reliever. It is believed that jasmine oil accelerates labor activity, while lavender and bergamot oil calms. Rose essential oil reduces pain, for this you just need to drop a few drops of the substance into the aroma lamp.

All for fitball!

This is a big ball that you can lean on during fights, lie down on it (we recommend reading:). When the fight has receded, it is allowed to swing on the fitball or even jump. It well removes the load from the spine, distracts the woman in labor from pain.

Fitball is now available in almost all maternity wards. If this is not provided, you can bring the ball with you, it will certainly come in handy. The fitball should be soft, slightly deflated, and you need to select it according to your height.

Proper breathing and… singing!

Proper breathing plays an important role in the birth process. Depending on the stage of childbirth, the way of breathing also differs:

Unreasonable use of painkillers adversely affects the child. No matter how much you want to eliminate the pain, it is better to endure it than to treat the baby later.

Partner childbirth is always a big responsibility: whether a friend, husband or one of the relatives will be with the expectant mother, he should become support and, if possible, alleviate the suffering of the woman in labor. Teachers at prenatal training courses often mention ways to alleviate the suffering of a woman due to contractions, but we decided to systematize this information.

1. Facial massage helps to get rid of stress and relax;

2. Remind the expectant mother to go to the toilet every hour: a full bladder is not only very unpleasant, but also increases the feeling of contractions;

3. Put a cold compress on the neck and face of the woman in labor or lightly moisten with cool water;

4. If doctors do not forbid, you can offer a woman water and light snacks - they will help replenish the energy that the expectant mother loses during contractions;

5. Help the woman in labor to change her position to speed up the process of dilating the cervix. Some positions will be painful, others will give a little respite from pain, your task is to find the best option for her;

6. During contractions, the expectant mother suffers from back pain: massage her lower back, lightly press on the sacrum. Also, the “on all fours” position helps to cope with pain;

7. Be there: Even if a woman doesn't want to be massaged during contractions, feeling the presence and support of a loved one is very important. Encourage her with words, hold her hand;

Light shower. Many doctors agree that water perfectly relaxes muscles and relieves pain, so if there are no contraindications, you can help a woman take a warm shower;

9. Try to distract a woman from pain: if her condition allows, talk to her, listen to your favorite music, read something interesting. Be an intermediary between the woman in labor and the medical staff;

10. Remind her that soon the pain will pass, and the expectant mother will be able to hold her baby in her arms - this always works.

Video: Childbirth without pain

The appearance of contractions

Many first-time moms worry they'll miss the offensive. contractions. In the last weeks of pregnancy, false contractions are observed, which are taken as harbingers of childbirth, but real contractions cannot be confused with anything. Harbingers of contractions can be: discharge of amniotic fluid, the appearance of a mucous plug that clogged the cervix, dull pain in the hips or back. The first contractions are similar to pain and cramps during menstruation, but soon these sensations intensify. When contractions become regular, it's time to rush to the hospital. When the situation stabilizes, the duration of contractions is from 40 seconds.

This is the beginning of the first stage of labor, when the cervix begins to open. If it's the first birth, the muscles of the uterus can contract for 10-12 hours, so don't be scared or worried. You will have a formal survey and the first examination at the maternity hospital, you may be asked to take an analysis for the presence of protein and sugar. If the water has not broken yet, you can take a shower.

Video: How to survive a fight

Comfortable contraction positions

You can relieve pain, or at least get a little distracted, by changing body positions - a birth partner can help you with this.

  • vertical position. Effective at the initial stage of contractions: you can lean against a wall or bed. You can sit on a chair (facing the back), leaning on a pillow. To make it softer to sit, another pillow can be placed on the surface of the chair. Lower your head on your hands, breathe calmly and measuredly, spread your knees to the sides;
  • Kneeling or with support. During contractions, you can put your hands on your husband's shoulders and lean on your feet. Ask for a relaxing massage. You can also kneel, spread your legs, and lower your hands on the pillow. Try to keep your back straight;
  • "On knees". It is most convenient to take this position on the mattress: make forward movements of the pelvis, try to relax between contractions, resting your head on your hands. If you transfer the weight to your hands, then reduce the back pain that the baby's head causes in cephalic presentation (it rests directly on the mother's spine). In the intervals between spasms, you can walk around, massage can be performed by your partner - pressure in a circular motion on the base of the spine is especially effective;
  • Movement helps to cope with pain from contractions - it is worth walking in intervals, keeping your back straight, then the baby's head will rest against the cervix and the opening process will go faster. Try to relax during breaks, focus on breathing. Visit the restroom more often - a full bladder is not the best feeling, and it can interfere with the progress of the fetus.

Second phase of labor or pushing

For a woman, the most difficult time is the end of the first phase, the contractions become long and painful, and also very frequent. At this point, the woman needs help and support, as you may be faced with tears, depression, the expectant mother may begin to chill or begin to fall asleep. Breathe with her, support her, wipe away sweat. If you see that the woman in labor is cold, take care of a warm bathrobe and socks. If you start pushing, call the midwife.

The second period is the expulsion of the fetus, so in addition to contractions, the woman in labor needs to make her own efforts, listen to the guidance of the midwife. The duration of this period is up to several hours.

Video: Breathing during contractions and attempts

Poses for the second phase of childbirth:

  • "On knees". Under the influence of gravity, the lumen of the pelvis opens faster, but you can quickly feel tired. It is best if the husband sits on the edge of the chair and spreads his knees, and you can comfortably sit between them and rest your hands on his hips;
  • On the knees. Less tiring position, it reduces pain. It is best if your spouse supports you so that the body is more stable. If you feel tired, lean on your hands, but keep your back straight;
  • Sitting on the bed. If it's not very comfortable, cover yourself with pillows. With the beginning of attempts, you can lower your head down, and clasp your legs with your hands, do not forget to rest in the interval.


During this period, all that the expectant mother needs is to listen to the instructions of the doctors. As soon as the baby's head appears, you will no longer need to push, relax, catch your breath. After a few contractions, the baby's body will also appear: after the little miracle is placed on the woman's stomach, the torment is quickly forgotten. Then the baby is taken for examination: the neonatologist makes control weighing, measurements, cuts off the umbilical cord.

After giving birth, women are often given an injection that strengthens the contractions of the uterus so that the placenta comes out faster, otherwise, if you wait until it comes off naturally, you can lose a lot of blood. This issue is discussed in advance with the doctor, as well as anesthesia.

Childbirth is a tedious and complicated process, but all the unpleasant sensations are forgotten when you hold the baby in your arms for the first time.

Childbirth is a natural and painful process. Every woman experiences pain differently. Some find it tolerable, others unbearable. It happens that one woman gives birth to a baby without any intervention from the medical staff, while another simply needs this help. In this case, they talk about various. So what are the types of anesthesia and how safe are they?

Psychological pain relief in childbirth

No matter how strange it may seem, but the positive psychological attitude of a woman is an excellent tool to significantly reduce pain during the birth of a baby. If the expectant mother is psychologically ready for the process itself, if she does not “twist” herself, does not “clamp” and wait for pain, then everything will go much easier. It has already been proven that with the onset of labor, many women begin to feel pain just because they are waiting for it. Instead of getting ready for serious work and helping the baby to be born as soon as possible, they begin to be intensely afraid of pain. Self-hypnosis, you see, is a serious thing. Nevertheless, we will not deny that many women, due to any individual characteristics, really experience severe pain.

What can be advised in these cases? To relax. Believe me, wise nature took care of pain relief during childbirth, but women sometimes harm themselves. The pregnant woman must realize and firmly drive into her head: the more she clamps, the more painful it will be for her. And vice versa: pain will be minimal if a woman can relax. If you familiarize yourself with breathing techniques that promote relaxation before childbirth, master them, and apply the acquired knowledge with the onset of labor, then this exam can be passed with a “five plus”. Indeed, in a calm state in the body of a woman in labor, a sufficient amount of endorphin hormones is produced, which can reduce unpleasant physical sensations, help to relax, reduce pain and have a beneficial effect on the course of childbirth. It is also important to listen to the advice of an obstetrician-gynecologist who "commands the parade", then you can significantly alleviate the condition.

Massage helps many women cope with labor pain. It is especially good to stimulate points located in the buttocks and. Moreover, a warm bath helps to relax. This is true if the woman is still at home or if the conditions in the hospital allow. This procedure helps to relax during contractions, relieve muscle tension,.

Childbirth pain relief with acupuncture

Reflexology is one of the safest methods of pain relief during childbirth. This method is suitable for all women in labor without exception, since it is non-drug and does not affect the whole organism, but its certain points. Using this method, you can reduce pain, interrupt the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain, and contribute to the release of pain-relieving hormones.

To tell the truth, with the help of this method, not a complete, but a relative effect on the pain centers occurs, therefore, special means are often used along with acupuncture.

Medical anesthesia for childbirth

Often, for the purpose of pain relief during childbirth, they resort to taking medications. In particular, we are talking about drugs of group A, which includes analgesics. True, they are used in case of emergency: only when the expectant mother cannot do without their use. In general, pain relief with drugs is used if a woman has nausea, vomiting, or if she is too fixated on pain and cannot concentrate on the birth process. Analgesics are administered intravenously, intramuscularly, using compresses (applied to certain places), as inhalers.

Sometimes the doctor decides on the use of Promedol. It is a narcotic substance that is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. He, of course, does not completely relieve the pain, but significantly reduces it. It has already been proven that a single dose of Promedol does not adversely affect the health of the child. However, the second time its use is unacceptable.

In addition to drugs that are part of the group of antispasmodics and drugs, others are used, for example, anesthetics, antipsychotics, tranquilizers.

Epidural anesthesia

During this manipulation, an anesthetic is injected into the space between the lumbar vertebrae in front of the dura mater surrounding the spinal cord. In this case, known anesthetics are used (for example, Lidocaine or Bupivacaine). As a result of this procedure, the roots of large nerves are blocked, and the woman does not feel pain at all. This method of anesthesia allows from time to time, if necessary, "topping up" the anesthetic substance. This is done through a thin catheter. But at the same time, a woman should know that after carrying out this manipulation, she will not be able to move independently for some time.

Unfortunately, this method of anesthesia is not suitable for everyone. If a woman has poor blood clotting or an elevated temperature, if she has neurological diseases, then she will not be suitable. It is also not suitable for women who are obese or allergic to local anesthetics.

Of the "side effects" that often occur as a result of epidural anesthesia, one can note a headache. Sometimes it can last up to three weeks. This happens if the needle is inserted a little deeper than it should be. Today, doctors know how to deal with such consequences and effectively eliminate this pain.

We have reviewed the most popular methods of easing or eliminating the pain that occurs during the most important event in the life of a pregnant woman - the birth of her child. But you should know that the decision on anesthesia during childbirth is made by doctors depending on how severe the pain is, and is applied only on the condition that all manipulations will be safe for the baby.

Specially for- Ksenia Dakhno

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