Prevention of inflammation of the female genital organs. Nonspecific inflammatory diseases of female organs

Chronic inflammatory diseases are fraught with serious complications, often causing infertility and miscarriage.

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. How to protect yourself?

The cause of the development of the inflammatory process, as a rule, is an infection. It follows from this that prevention should first of all be aimed at its elimination. The main route of transmission of infection of gynecological diseases is sexual. Many sexually transmitted diseases are complicated by chronic inflammation of the genital organs. The prevention of sexually transmitted diseases will be discussed in detail in the next chapter of the book. I would like to emphasize that during sexual relations it is necessary to use a condom. This will help preserve both your health and the health of your future children, because it is no secret that many sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy.

It is worth taking into account that the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases is significantly reduced if you have one regular sexual partner. Think about it.

But if you have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, you must undergo a course of treatment, and then regularly undergo examinations for the presence of infection, since often the disease becomes chronic and does not manifest itself.

The development of chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital area is also facilitated by a condition such as bacterial vaginosis, i.e., a violation of the normal microflora of the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis can occur when taking antibiotics, frequent douching with antiseptics, using suppositories for contraception and creams with spermicides. In this regard, taking antibiotics, using local antiseptics is possible only if there are strict indications and as directed by a doctor.

Very often, inflammatory gynecological diseases develop after abortion. Even if an abortion is performed in a special medical facility in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, there is still a high risk of infection in the genital tract. Therefore, in order not to endanger your health, you should think in advance about ways to prevent pregnancy. I would like to note that for the purpose of contraception, you should not use the intrauterine device, which was so popular in our country until recently. This is due to the fact that the intrauterine device creates favorable conditions for the spread of infection from the vagina to the uterus and fallopian tubes.

The provoking factor in the development of inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis is the presence of chronic infections, increased body weight, anemia, decompensated diabetes mellitus. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of developing inflammatory gynecological diseases, one should undergo a detailed medical examination and treatment.

But perhaps the most important thing in prevention is to increase the body's immune defenses. First of all, you need to try to reduce the amount of stressful situations. If this is not possible, reconsider your attitude to the problems that worry you. Learn to relax, relax more, do what you like. To help your body improve immunity, you can use the secrets of traditional medicine.

An effective and pleasant way to protect the body is the use of natural juices. Sauerkraut juice. There is vitamin C, which is necessary for strengthening immunity, in addition, the juice also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Drink it daily for 0.3 cups before meals.

Women's health is a rather fragile thing that requires careful attitude to oneself, attentiveness. Even a tiny wind of change can bring big problems to life for the whole family. After all, nature entrusted a woman with the most valuable and dear thing that she had - this is the ability to give birth to a new, pure person.

And, unfortunately, it so happened that it is inflammatory diseases that take precedence among a number of other diseases. About 70% of girls turn to gynecologists precisely because of the inflammatory process. And how many of those who do not even suspect about it.

And all this can lead to serious consequences in women's health, up to infertility.

Inflammatory diseases in gynecology speak for themselves - these are problems that arise in the female half of humanity. In medicine, their abbreviation sounds VZPO (inflammatory diseases of the genital organs).

Recently, there have been much more of them than our ancestors had. And this despite the fact that in the new century, women pay attention to hygiene more time than before.

The Ministry of Health claims that the reason for this was too much migration of the population on different continents, confusion in the sexual life of young people, poor ecology and, as a result, too weak immunity.

Inflammatory diseases can occur due to the following factors:

  • Mechanical;
  • Thermal;
  • Chemical;
  • The most common causes are infections.

Nature took care of the woman's health and created a biological barrier to stop the inflammatory process in gynecology.

The first barrier is the vaginal microflora. A woman's vagina contains lactic acid, which has grown under the influence of lactic acid bacteria. It is she who does not allow such a problem as the pathology of the flora to develop, with the help of her acidic environment. And the blood, during menstruation, washes away all foreign microorganisms in the vagina and thereby renews it.

True, if a woman has an operation to remove the ovaries or she has a period, the whole system is disrupted, which easily leads to pelvic inflammation in the future.

The second barrier is the cervix. If it has no damage, it remains natural in its parameters. And the mucous membrane is in good condition and has a bactericidal effect, then here the inflammatory process freezes and does not reunite with the internal genital organs. It is clear that in violation of the clarity and lines of the cervix and its contents, the percentage of penetration is much higher.

The female microflora of the vagina is inhabited by many types of microorganisms, but they are not at all dangerous for her. Of course, if a woman has good health, but poor health can cause a number of inflammatory processes. Hypothermia, psychological factors and much more can affect health.

Where does female inflammation come from?

Causes of inflammation "like a woman"

Every woman, while still a little girl, more than once in her childhood heard from adults: "Do not sit on the cold." Mom explained that now the girl would not feel anything, but later, in adulthood, she would regret it more than once. And this is one of the reasons why inflammatory processes often appear in adulthood.

Inflammation "in a feminine way" can lead to adhesions in the fallopian tubes, and as a result, to infertility.

But in fact, inflammatory processes in the female genital area can be for various reasons, and there are a lot of them.

Ways of penetration of inflammatory pathogens are diverse. These include:

  • Spermatozoa can bring inflammations such as gonococci, chlamydia, E. coli and also gonorrhea;
  • Trichomonas;
  • The so-called passive way - through the flow of blood and lymph;
  • External manipulations inside the uterus. For example, probing, examination on a chair using instruments, various operations (artificial abortion, curettage, etc.);
  • , rings and more. It is one of the most used contraceptives. But those who use such methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy automatically increase their risk of getting inflammatory diseases, as much as 3 times. Inflammation can be localized around the contraceptive itself, inside the uterus. Also, the damaged structure of the cervix and its mucous membrane can become a source. Especially with this they do not recommend joking with women who plan to become mothers;
  • If we have already touched on contraception, then we will single out hormonal protection separately. On the contrary, it contributes to the protective barriers of the body. Scientists, when they created them, invested in them a role that modifies the lining of the uterus. After that, it prevents the sperm from getting to the internal organs of the woman. In addition, the process of blood loss during the monthly cycle is being established, which reduces the possibility of the inflammatory process getting inside the uterus;
  • have protective properties against inflammatory diseases;
  • Abortions, curettage - all this can provoke complications in the form of inflammation of the appendages. In general, such a problem will be visible after 5 days, less often after 2-3 weeks. And if a woman had pathogens before the operation, then the chances of VZPO increase dramatically. It also affects the reduced immunity after the operation.
  • postpartum infection. Quite often this can be encountered. If there was a severe pregnancy, postpartum trauma, caesarean section, then the risk increases. Fact: after a planned caesarean section, there are fewer representatives of the beautiful part of humanity suffering from inflammatory diseases than after a sudden caesarean;
  • A variety of operations associated with gynecological problems.
  • Congenital and acquired pathologies. At a newborn age, problems are associated with the endocrine system, the metabolic process, and so on. Transferred childhood and adolescent diseases, where the causative agent was infection. Problems in the nervous system and diseases associated with endocrine disorders, in an adult increase the risk for VZPO;
  • Negligence in taking other antimicrobial agents. If the rules for taking medications are not followed, an inflammatory process in the woman's body can be provoked;
  • Improper nutrition (malnutrition, overeating, unbalanced nutrition, etc.);
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • Unfavorable living conditions;
  • Unfavorable working conditions;
  • Hypothermia of the body;
  • Overheating of the body;
  • Nervous tension;
  • Psychological traumas and their consequences;
  • Lack of a normal sexual life;
  • Constant change of sexual partner;
  • Fear of possible pregnancy;
  • And even one's own dissatisfaction with oneself can provoke inflammatory processes in a woman's body;
  • And other.

As you can see, the reasons can be varied and provoked by external, internal factors and the factor of thought.

Classification of female inflammatory diseases

"Women's" diseases

According to the duration of the disease, the following processes are understood:

  • Acute. About three weeks;
  • Subacute. Up to 1.5 months;
  • Chronic. that have been going on for over two months.

Inflammatory processes occur on:

  • External genitalia. For example, on the vulva;
  • Internal genital organs. These include problems in the uterus, diseases associated with appendages, the pelvis, the vagina, etc.

There are also VZPO of the upper and lower parts of the gynecological organs. Conventionally, they are separated by an internal uterine os.

According to the type of causative agent, VZPO are divided into:

  • Specific. These include diseases that are created by pathogens such as staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • Non-specific. Trichomonas disease, candida, virus, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, Klebsiella, Proteus, chlamydia and others are caused here.

Now consider the most famous and common types of diseases.

Inflammatory process of the lower parts of the female body:

  • Vulvitis. Appears on external female organs. exists in a primary and secondary form, there is an acute and chronic form.
    Symptoms: pain, burning in the perineum and when going to the toilet in a small way. Feeling of self-irritation in the vulva. General malaise, severe leucorrhoea, a person's temperature rises. In appearance, you can see swelling of the labia or partial swelling, small abscesses on them, purulent are possible.
    Treatments prescribe this: refusal of sexual intercourse, the use of ointments, tablets for the vagina, baths, immunotherapy, vitamin therapy. Physiotherapy may be prescribed: UVI of the external genital organs,. use folk methods of treatment with the help of herbs such as oak bark, pharmacy chamomile, etc.
  • Furunculosis of the vulva. These are inflammations that occur with a purulent process in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair follicles of the sebaceous glands.
    Symptoms: redness around the hairs, then they turn into dark red nodules, which eventually turn into swelling, boils. They fester at first, then come out and the wound heals.
    Treatment produce ointments, creams and hygiene.
  • Colpitis or vaginitis. Inflammation in the vagina and its membranes. The causative agents are chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasmas, streptococci, staphylococci and others. This is one of the most popular diseases in the female part. If this disease is started, then the inflammation will move further towards the cervix, to the uterus itself, appendages, and so on. In the end, everything can come to serious consequences, such as infertility,.
    Symptoms: heaviness in the lower abdomen, burning during urination, profuse discharge, purulent discharge. When viewed on a chair, you can see swelling of the vaginal mucosa, rashes, redness, and so on.
    Treatment appointed by the result of a smear. It can be local or general. According to the method, the following are distinguished: douching, treatment with solutions, the introduction of balls, tablets, suppositories, compresses with ointments, creams. Antiviral drugs may be prescribed. At home, the following herbs are used: nettle, elderberry, thick-leaved bergenia, pharmacy chamomile, garlic, celandine and much more.
  • Bartholinitis. Inflammatory process in the large gland of the vestibule of the vagina. At the entrance to the vagina, one or two glands increase, they hurt when pressed, pus may be released. Redness can be found around.
    Symptoms: the patient may have an increase in body temperature and worsen the general condition. If treatment is refused, neoplasms appear in the form of phlegmon, gangrene.
    Treatment: cold compresses, taking a course of antibiotics, rest. In the advanced stage, operations are prescribed.
  • Genital warts. Benign formations on the upper layers of the skin of the perineum. The causative agent is a common virus. You can find it on the labia, in the perineum, in the vagina, in the inguinal folds, on the cervix.
    Symptoms is a copious selection. Their appearance is similar to a mushroom - a cap with a leg. They can be at a distance from each other or gather together. Sometimes, they can secrete pus and emit an unpleasant odor.
    Treatment is to remove them and eliminate the cause. If the cause was identified independently by the patient and treated, then the condylomas are eliminated by themselves.
  • vaginismus. Inflammation manifests itself in the form of nerve contractions inside the vagina. Such a disease may indicate complications of such diseases as a disease of the vulva, vagina. Also, vaginismus can be the result of rough sex or impotence of a sexual partner, and so on.
    being treated anti-inflammatory drugs, hypnosis, with the help of a psychotherapist, etc.
  • Candidiasis (). Inflammatory processes in the vulva, cervix are caused by infections. Pathogens yeast-like fungi, candida.
    Symptoms: itching, burning in the vaginal area, profuse discharge, often curd-like, with a sour smell, pain during lovemaking.
    Treatment prescribe local (cream, vaginal tablet) and ingestion (tablet, capsule).
  • Cervical erosion . Changes in the structure of the mucous membrane of the cervix. Basically, a woman cannot independently detect erosion in herself, she is found at a preventive examination in a gynecologist on a chair. If it is in a neglected form, then it turns into a polyp on the cervix, which can ooze or release blood. If it is not treated further, then after a while you can find cervical cancer in yourself.
    Treatment consists of administration with oils, creams, emulsions with antibiotics. In the absence of positive results of treatment, electrocoagulation is prescribed.

Inflammation in the upper genital organs of a woman:

  • endometritis . Inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the uterus. Often found after menstruation, artificial removal of the fetus. The causative agents are usually infections. Endometritis is chronic and acute.
    Symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, pain when urinating, profuse vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Sometimes the uterus may enlarge. The patient can also observe a high body temperature.
    Treatment: antibacterial drugs are prescribed, mechanical cleaning of the uterine cavity, detoxification. In chronic endometritis, hormone therapy can be prescribed.
  • Adnexitis . This inflammation of the female genital organs is also called salpingo-oophoritis. In this case, we are talking about inflammation and ovaries. Exists with one and two-sided. Most often, the infection comes from the lower genital organs. It can also be carried by Trichomonas, spermatozoa. It is transmitted by sowing the disease, through sexual contact or during manipulations in the middle of the uterus (intrauterine device, abortion, etc.).
    Symptoms little perceptible, sometimes, slight ones can be felt in the groin. If the disease is acute, then the patient's body temperature rises and severe intoxication of the body.
    Treatment is to take a course of antibiotics. A stronger inflammatory process is treated in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. A course of multivitamins, immunostimulating drugs is also prescribed.
  • Pelvioperitonitis . Inflammatory processes in the peritoneal part of the small pelvis. It often happens that inflammation passes from inflammation of the uterus and genital organs. The causative agents are different: staphylococcus, mycoplasma, streptococcus, chlamydia, gonococcus, pathogenic microflora, escherchia, proteus, bacteroid. There are fibrinous and purulent inflammations of pulvilperatonitis.
    By symptomatic sensations, the patient feels chills, fever, vomiting, swelling and pain in the abdomen. In appearance, a woman may have a white coating on the tongue and feel pain in the back of the vagina.
    Treatment disease passes at the hospital, lie down cold on the stomach. Prescribed antibacterial drugs, antiallergic drugs. If the disease is started, then it is quite possible that peritonitis may develop. Then you can't do without surgery.

Infections through "pleasure": inflammation due to sex

Separately, I would like to highlight inflammatory processes that are sexually transmitted. In the modern world, promiscuous sex can lead mankind not only to pleasure, but also to infectious diseases. In nature, there are more than 50 species. Among them: AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and much more.

Anyone should seek help if they notice symptoms of possible illnesses. This will help him avoid many consequences in the future.

Here are a few issues that may be of concern:

  • redness of the penis;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the inguinal folds;
  • strange critical days;
  • wounds in the mouth, on the body, hands;
  • increase in body temperature and the like.

But most often, many diseases are not felt in any way, so it is recommended to be examined by a doctor more often.

In the world there are the following diseases that can be transmitted through sex:

  • Trichomoniasis. The causative agent of Trichomonas. The place of entry is the lower part of the genital organs. This is one of the most common inflammatory processes. In the case of men, this disease can affect the ability to conceive a child. FROM the symptoms are as follows: secretion of white-yellow-gray color with a specific odor. Itching, burning of the labia, vagina, pain during sex. There may be pain when urinating, as with. During the treatment of the disease, sexual contact is excluded, two partners are treated at once.
    Prescribe drugs that are aimed at suppressing Trichomonas in the body. Phytotherapy can serve as an adjuvant. Among medicinal plants, these are: lavender, bird cherry, wormwood, oak bark, birch leaves, pharmacy chamomile and many others.
  • Gonorrhea. It happens in acute and chronic form.
    Symptoms: frequent urination, pain and burning during urination, there may be purulent discharge from the urinary canal, increased bleeding. This disease affects the cervix and urinary canal. If a woman is pregnant, the fetus may also be infected. Treatment is carried out in a hospital with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-allergic drugs. Physical procedures can be prescribed (UVI, UHF, electrophoresis, etc.)
  • Chlamydia. The causative agent of chlamydia. Parallel symptoms of pharyngitis, otitis media, pneumonia and others. A woman with chlamydia may experience itching of the external genital organs, discharge of pus from the vagina. At the stage of treatment, both partners are treated at once, sexual rest is prescribed, a course of immunostimulating drugs, an antibiotic, is drunk.
  • Genital herpes . Such a viral infection is transmitted even through a kiss. Basically, the disease is asymptomatic only, sometimes, it may appear on the vulva, inside the vagina, cervix, in the middle of the perineum. Their appearance is similar to red vesicles 2-3 mm in size, swelling of the skin. Somewhere after 3-7 days, the bubbles burst and purulent sores of varying severity appear in their place. With the appearance of sores, pain, itching, burning in the perineum, vagina, and urethra appear. The body can increase, weakness, fatigue develop, sleep patterns get lost, and more. The causes of genital herpes can be sex, neurological experiences, hypothermia of the body, overwork.
    Treat this disease with the help of acyclovir, ointments, creams, antiallergic drugs, courses of vitamins. Among the folk methods are: sitz baths, douching. In this case, there is a possibility of a return of the disease.

Prevention of inflammatory diseases in gynecology

Preventive measures to prevent inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system are as follows:

  • Personal hygiene, especially intimate;
  • Twice a year;
  • A healthy lifestyle in everything: food, bed, daily routine, etc.;
  • Use of contraception;
  • Order in sexual relations.

Dear women, remember that no one is better at taking care of your health than yourself. A healthy person is a happy person.

Gynecological diseases in women are one of the most frequent reasons for visiting clinics. In the modern world, there are too many factors that have a detrimental effect on women's health: stress, lack of sleep, poor ecology and refined foods, the emergence of new viruses, and pathologies during pregnancy and childbirth.

There are many factors that the female genital area has become so vulnerable, so it is better to know in advance which gynecological diseases are the most common, how to treat them, and most importantly, to prevent their development.

Types of diseases in gynecology and their symptoms

Among the large number of diseases of the genital area in women, 5 main groups can be distinguished:

The most common gynecological diseases include:

Treatment of gynecological diseases is carried out in two ways:

  • surgical intervention- when other treatments fail;
  • conservative way- consists in a drug or non-drug (phytotherapy) effect on the disease.

In addition to treatment, the patient must undergo a course of rehabilitation in specialized clinics or sanatoriums.

Important to remember! You should never self-medicate. One of the most important stages in the treatment of a disease is its accurate diagnosis, which can only be carried out by a specialist.

If conservative therapy is possible, the patient can choose which method she prefers. Even if it is herbal medicine, it should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, as he will be able to determine the effectiveness of the prescribed herbal remedies and check how the recovery is proceeding.

Each group of gynecological diseases is characterized by a specific clinical picture, many symptoms are very specific and are inherent only in problems in the genital area of ​​women:

Any of these symptoms should warrant an appointment with a doctor. A timely diagnosis will prevent the further development of the disease and will allow you to determine what folk or medications can eliminate it at an early stage.

To protect yourself from the occurrence of diseases, doctors recommend visiting a gynecologist 2 times a year. For prevention, use general strengthening or folk remedies, monitor the hygiene of the genital area, eliminate bad habits and do not violate the rules of protection during sexual activity. These simple preventive measures will help maintain women's reproductive health and remain attractive for as long as possible.

Alternative medicine for gynecological ailments

Nowadays, more and more women prefer herbal medicine, especially in the early stages of the disease. This is due to several reasons:

Most often, they are prescribed in the early stages of diseases, or when prevention of gynecological diseases is needed.

Phytopreparations are most effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes, such as vulvitis and adnexitis.

Vulvitis is an inflammation that causes discomfort in everyday life. The genitals of women have a natural barrier against infections in the form of microflora, but when it is broken, the bacteria freely enter the mucous membrane, resulting in an inflammatory process.

It must be treated at an early stage, otherwise the infection will pass to the urethra and bladder. Symptoms of vulvitis: itching, redness, swelling of the genital organs, burning and pain. The most effective folk remedies are preparations based on arnica.

Chronic adnexitis is an inflammatory pathology in the uterine appendages. It affects more and more women of sexually active age. If the disease is not diagnosed on time, the disease quickly passes into the chronic stage. Inflammation is caused by bacteria that enter the vagina with poor hygiene or during intercourse with an infected partner.


  • pulling pain not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the lower back during physical exertion;
  • unpleasant odor in the discharge;
  • frequent urination;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

The disease can be cured with folk remedies based on a hog uterus. A small amount of poison in the plant helps to eliminate even chronic infections. Use 2 methods of treatment:

These are not all diseases that can be cured with folk remedies. In the early stages of diagnosis, most of them respond well to herbal medicine.

Medical therapy

Most often, gynecologists prescribe the following groups of drugs:

The choice of drugs for the treatment of women with gynecological pathologies directly depends on which group of diseases they belong to.

It is important to remember: the use of antibiotics leads to a violation of the intestinal and vaginal microflora, so the doctor must prescribe drugs to restore the flora after the course.

With non-inflammatory processes in the female genital area, the cause of their occurrence is determined. In most cases, the disease is associated with hormonal imbalance in women. It is determined by the amount of hormones in the blood, after which the gynecologist selects the drug.

Since more and more women are now becoming sensitive to antibiotics, they are being replaced by semi-synthetic drugs, which include cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, and some types of penicillins. If you are allergic to chemicals, treatment is possible only with folk remedies.

It is important to remember that treatment can be effective only with long-term use of drugs, when the active substance accumulates in the focus of the disease.

Among antibiotics, the most commonly prescribed for gynecological pathologies are:

  • Oxacillin;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Tseporin;
  • Kanamycin;
  • Fusidin;
  • Nystatin;
  • Rifamycin and others.

Causes of gynecological diseases and their prevention

Illness is a consequence, the cause of which often lies in the wrong lifestyle, bad habits, a frivolous attitude towards one's health and other factors. Below is a table that shows what causes certain pathologies and ways to prevent them.

Type of disease Cause Prevention
Menstrual disorders in women
  • stress;
  • diets;
  • excess weight;
  • lack of sleep;
  • alcohol and drugs.
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • nutrition adjustment;
  • moderate physical activity.
Cervical erosion
  • processes associated with abortion or childbirth;
  • early or rough sexual intercourse;
  • urinary tract infections.
  • hypothermia protection;
  • avoidance of rough sexual intercourse;
  • observance of hygiene rules.
Infections and inflammation
  • violation of the hygiene of the genital organs;
  • unprotected contacts with infected partners.
Always use protection during intercourse
endometriosis Sports and sex during the menstrual cycle Refrain from sexual intercourse for this time and use contraceptives
  • abortions;
  • untreated inflammatory processes.
  • prevent damage to the tissues of the uterus;
  • only engage in safe sex to avoid abortions.
polyps Advanced chronic inflammatory disease Seek medical attention promptly for any symptoms of inflammation.
Malignant formations
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • running true erosion of the cervix.
  • visiting a gynecologist twice a year;
  • taking hormones or natural antioxidants.

Any gynecological problems in women can be avoided if you pay due attention to your health. In this case, the choice of treatment method (folk remedies or medication) is determined by the doctor. It should be remembered that surgery is the most radical method of therapy, which is used in extreme cases when conservative treatment does not work.

Ever since Adam and Eve were allowed to be fruitful and multiply, this generally pleasant process has been accompanied by an ever-increasing set of very unpleasant consequences. Unwanted pregnancy seems to be the most visible of the problems. But venereal diseases and their complications can cause serious physical, psychological and moral suffering, from which not a single person of reproductive age is immune.

Only complete abstinence from sexual intercourse can to some extent exclude the possibility of infection with those types of diseases that are transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. However, you can love yourself as much as you like in solitude, avoiding all kinds of contact with other people, and then find yourself with syphilis, for example, which has penetrated into an unprotected organism through an almost innocent kiss.

An infected person can transmit a sexual infection not only through sperm or, but also through saliva, tears, urine or breast milk. You can get infected in the bath, sitting on a bare shelf, using other people's things: a towel, soap or a washcloth. These things must be strictly individual.

In addition to sexual intimacy, the exchange of infection is possible through household contact, as well as with the help of unsterilized medical and cosmetic instruments. It is not excluded the transmission of sexual diseases in utero from the mother through placental blood to an unborn person. It also risks becoming infected by passing through the birth canal of an infected woman.

Treatment of genital infections is too expensive, often ineffective. As you know, it is better to prevent than to treat any disease. This also applies to the sexual life of every person. Prevention of sexual diseases should come first in interpersonal relations between the sexes.

What to do in order not to get sick?

What needs to be done so that one by no means perfect day does not reveal the symptoms and manifestations of any sexual infection?

  • Of course, the first step is to take a responsible approach to choosing a sexual partner. Accidentally met people who are in your bed can cause any sexually transmitted disease.
  • You should always have at least one condom with you - a universal and first means of protection. It is better to attend, of course, to a large number of them, because one of them may turn out to be defective.
  • You should not indulge in all serious, flaunt your courage and have sex with people at risk for diseases, both mild forms of STDs, and severe forms and especially dangerous diseases.
  • It is important to observe the hygiene of the genital organs both on your own and demand it from a potential or existing partner. Many are ashamed to ask their partner to take a shower before intercourse. Your health is at stake, so shame is inappropriate here. Prevention of sexual diseases is impossible without hygiene.
  • It is better to refuse sex with a partner, even with a condom, if you see a rash, blisters, sores or any plaque in his inguinal region or on the genitals, find unpleasant ones from your own genitals or partner's organs.
  • Remember that you can become infected not only through ordinary sexual intercourse, but also during oral sex. For example, candidiasis or the well-known thrush can affect not only the genitals, but also the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Emergency Prevention Measures

The vast majority of sexual illnesses are exchanged between sexual partners during unprotected contact. For infection to occur, a sufficient number of pathogens must enter the body, overcoming immune and mechanical barriers.

Pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi are constantly present in limited quantities in each of us. For a disease to occur, their population must rise sharply, and weaken.

The best protection against all kinds of diseases remains nature's provided mechanisms for a well-functioning immune system. Effective means of emergency prevention of sexual diseases are mechanical (condoms) and chemical methods of protection (pastes and candles), as well as antiseptic preparations. Sometimes it is enough to go to the toilet after intercourse, having cleaned the urethra from microorganisms with the help, wash the genitals with clean hands and soap, douche the vagina with a weak solution of furacilin or potassium permanganate.

If there is a strong feeling that troubles cannot be avoided, it is advisable to use the iodine preparation betadione in the next couple of hours after contact, which is able to cope with viruses, gonococcus bacteria and unicellular microorganisms, such as Trichomonas.

But it is wiser to avoid casual unprotected sexual intercourse, the measure of danger from which far exceeds the degree of dubious pleasure. Minimizing the likelihood of contracting sexual diseases is quite realistic if you lead an orderly and regular sex life with a partner who deserves love and trust.

Why you still need to go to the gynecologist - my version

It so happened that most women do not like to go to the gynecologist, and postpone this visit to the last, and this is understandable. To go to the doctor, motivation is needed, something should disturb and distract from everyday activity, because the importance of prevention can only be fully felt by a doctor who sees the consequences of neglected diseases every day.

A woman's reproductive system, unlike a man's, exists in a cyclical process that stops only during pregnancy and after menopause. All the rest of the time, processes aimed at preparing for another pregnancy do not stop in a woman’s body, that is, every day a woman has a different hormonal background and processes in the genitals are actively taking place, which does not happen in men.

Obviously, a car that is actively used breaks down more often than one that is in a garage, so the female reproductive system is more susceptible to various disorders and requires more frequent monitoring by a doctor.

Women can be conditionally divided into two groups - those who are normal from the very beginning of menstruation and have no problems with gynecology, and those who have problems starting already from adolescence and they solve them throughout the reproductive period.

The vast majority of gynecological problems and diseases in women from the first group are acquired, that is, they can be prevented.

Below in the table I will present an illustrative example:

Diseases and Conditions Some causes of diseases that can be avoided How to avoid
Menstrual irregularities Stress, lack of sleep, drastic weight loss diets, overweight, increased sports, alcohol and drug abuse Do not test the body for strength
Erosion (ectopia) of the cervix Very early onset of sexual activity before 18 years of age Maybe just wait a little?
Infections, inflammation Unprotected intercourse, personal hygiene violations "Good person" does not mean free of infections. Use a condom or both get tested.
endometriosis One of the possible reasons is sexual intercourse and active sports during menstruation. Clearly refrain from such activity during menstruation, take contraceptives (reduces the volume and duration of menstruation)
uterine fibroids Supposed causes: frequent menstruation, previous inflammation, abortion, curettage, prolonged abstinence from pregnancy. Taking contraceptives (no cyclic processes), avoid damage to the uterus. Get pregnant and give birth more often.
Adenomyosis Abortions, curettage, inflammation, uterine surgery Avoid abortion, curettage, inflammation and surgery - taking hormonal contraceptives.
polyps One suspected cause: chronic inflammation Avoid inflammation.
Functional ovarian cysts, ruptured ovarian cysts A single malfunction of the reproductive system, inflammation. Avoid inflammation, take contraceptives (no ovarian cycles - no cysts)
Painful menstruation Violations of the synthesis of substances that regulate uterine contraction, as well as endometriosis, inflammation, uterine fibroids, and other gynecological diseases Taking contraceptives (eliminates violations in the synthesis of substances). Treatment of other diseases
Ectopic pregnancy Past inflammation of the appendages, intrauterine device, abdominal surgery, smoking Avoid inflammation, surgery and not smoking, taking contraceptives reduces the risk.
Infertility Past inflammations, abortions, operations Avoid inflammation, abortion and surgery
Endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer The very fact of having a cyclic menstrual cycle. Not using contraceptives Taking hormonal contraceptives for a long time.
Cervical cancer human papillomavirus Vaccination before sexual activity. Regular examination by a gynecologist.

Gynecological surgeries that can be avoided:

So, based on these tables, we can distinguish three factors that can protect against gynecological diseases:

  • Taking hormonal contraceptives between pregnancies
  • Regular examination by a gynecologist
  • Avoid infections and inflammation

Hormonal contraceptives - beneficial effects.

After reviewing the tables above, you may get the impression that I am giving too much importance to taking hormonal contraceptives. Most women have a very negative attitude towards them. However, the data presented is not my theory, but simply reflects the results of large clinical studies that have recently been conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Comparing two large groups of women of different ages who took and did not take hormonal contraceptives for 5 years, a significant difference was found in the frequency of gynecological diseases between women from these two groups. It turned out that long-term use of contraceptives provides prevention of most gynecological diseases. That is why in the presented tables there is often an indication of taking hormonal contraceptives.

In general, it is not strange that worldwide the number of women using hormonal contraception reaches 40-60%, and in Russia as a whole 3-4% of women use hormonal contraception, and only in large cities this percentage reaches 15-20%.

It became obvious that between pregnancies the cyclic processes of the reproductive system should be suppressed, since it is precisely in the constant repetition of these processes “idle” that the cause of the formation of disorders leading to the development of gynecological diseases lies. Hormonal contraception provides exactly this temporary suppression of cycling, which ensures the rest of the reproductive system between pregnancies. It is no coincidence that the latest WHO proposals for taking hormonal contraception indicate the need for long-term use of contraception according to the so-called extended scheme, that is, several packs of the drug in a row without interruptions for menstruation. It was in this scheme that even more positive effects of contraception were revealed.

The question arises - Is it possible to protect yourself from gynecological diseases without using hormonal contraception? It is possible, but for this it is necessary to realize the reproductive function more often than it is accepted in modern conditions.

Remember, 100 years ago, almost all families had many children, and now, on average, 2 children are born in a family, that is, a woman spends most of her life outside of pregnancy and breastfeeding. That is why it became necessary to artificially limit the functioning of the reproductive system so that it did not work “idle” for a long time.

It is important to understand that the reproductive system was not given to a woman so that she would menstruate every month. The increased social activity of a woman increasingly overshadows the implementation of the reproductive function and the woman gets used to the fact that menstruation in her life is as normal as breathing and digestion, although in reality it is not. Menstruation is the body's reaction to the absence of pregnancy, and not a cleansing function.

Think about the biological expediency of giving a woman a monthly "holiday" in the form of premenstrual syndrome, abdominal pain and bleeding. In addition, it is known that it is precisely before menstruation that an exacerbation of all chronic diseases occurs.

In general, one can argue for a long time, proving that multiple menstruation is not a physiological norm for a woman, and that in spite of everything, the female body requires its intended use. Obviously, a modern woman cannot implement the program of life the way it was a hundred years ago.

Many women in the modern world have proven that their abilities are much wider and go beyond just childbearing. Therefore, for a modern woman who consciously limits herself in childbearing, hormonal contraceptives can be the best option to protect herself from the formation of gynecological diseases and level poor health during menstruation. They, as it were, preserve the reproductive function until the moment when it is required.

Of course, the situation with the tolerability of contraception is not ideal, someone may even have contraindications to its use, and someone very poorly tolerates all drugs, but we must remember that there are always exceptions and it is impossible to create a remedy that would suit everyone.

Modern drugs are better and better tolerated with each new generation, side effects are less common. The drug can almost always be chosen so that you will not even notice that you are taking contraception. In addition, new forms of drug administration have been created for them - the vaginal ring and the patch, which further simplify the use of contraception.

Based on personal practice, I can say that those of my patients who began to take hormonal contraception (we selected it so that it was well tolerated) began to receive only scheduled examinations and no gynecological problems were found in them.

Regular examination by a gynecologist

Many serious gynecological diseases begin to manifest themselves only in an advanced stage. Fibroids, adenomyosis, ovarian cysts, cervical pathology and a number of other diseases are asymptomatic at the very beginning of their development. To treat these diseases is the easiest and most effective, at the very beginning of their development.

Modern gynecology has the ability to cure most diseases without radical surgery or other aggressive interventions, if these diseases are detected at an early stage.

Here is a very clear example: annually in Russia alone about 800,000 uterine amputations for uterine fibroids are performed. This disease is very successful and is treated and controlled at the initial stage of its development, that is, if women regularly (at least once a year) were examined by a gynecologist and if they did an ultrasound scan once a year, hysterectomy for this disease would be single. After all, most patients with fibroids do not receive a consultation with a gynecologist for years and turn only when they face the problem of heavy menstruation or the enlarged uterus does not begin to be felt through the stomach.

And a small ovarian cyst, a small myomatous node or mild cervical dysplasia - all these conditions do not manifest themselves in any way. You will not be able to detect these changes in yourself in any way, but these changes, detected in time by a doctor, can radically change your destiny. The cyst will not grow to the extent that the entire ovary will have to be removed, a large myomatous node will not raise the question of surgery or expensive embolization, and cervical dysplasia will not form into cancer.

Look at those reasons because of which you do not go to the gynecologist for years and evaluate their materiality, in comparison with the consequences that this may lead to.

  • No time, I work all the time- a visit to the gynecologist in the worst case will take you half a day and these half days must be carved out once a year - this is always possible
  • I am afraid to go because it is painful, unpleasant and humiliating- you can always find an alternative clinic or doctor, or in extreme cases, suffer the peculiarities of "Russian medicine", but can these fears and troubles during the examination be compared with the fact that in the event of an illness, you will have to go to the gynecologist much more often or even go to the hospital for operation?
  • I'm afraid to go, because they will definitely find something with me. Of course, in our country, especially in private medicine, there is such a “bias” towards the search for non-existent diseases. But even if they find more, you can always double-check this data with another doctor, get a second opinion. But they definitely will not miss those changes that can lead to serious consequences in the future. After all, this is how you can “get it” to a situation where fear becomes justified.
  • Nothing worries me, I feel great, my periods are regular, there is no discharge - why get checked? I repeat once again that some diseases do not manifest themselves at the very beginning. For example, serious changes in the cervix or a large endometrial ovarian cyst are completely asymptomatic - the cycle will be regular and the discharge will be normal and you will feel great. These diseases will manifest themselves at a very advanced stage, when the treatment will be long, difficult and expensive and not always with a good prognosis.

Whatever the reasons for which you put off a visit to the gynecologist, they cannot compare with the benefits that a preventive examination provides. Confidence that everything is in order with gynecology can only be given to you by an examination by a doctor. You yourself cannot examine and evaluate all the organs of the reproductive system.

Just make it a rule for yourself once a year to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and ultrasound. It's like a technical inspection for a car - if you go through it regularly, you can always be sure that the car will not let you down along the way, and the parts replaced in time will not lead to more serious breakdowns and expensive repairs.

Infections and inflammation

It is very difficult to deal with this problem, since to a greater extent this problem affects interpersonal relationships. Almost every woman knows that sexual activity can bring not only pleasure, but also the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. Everyone knows that the only way to protect against infections is a condom, but it is not always used.


  • It is somehow not customary for us to show each other certificates of the absence of infections before starting to live a sexual life without a condom. Against the background of feelings and disposition towards a person, the absence of infections is taken for granted, and a request to be tested can be bewildering.
  • Passion - it blinds and at this moment neither of the partners thinks about the consequences.
  • Someone of principle does not use a condom, because they simply do not like to use it and rely on “maybe” regarding possible infection.
  • Alcoholic or other intoxication is often the reason for unprotected sexual intercourse.

How to solve this problem - everyone decides on their own, since there is no universal recipe. Man is an irrational being, subject to passions and reckless and thoughtless actions to the end, often relying on chance and luck.

Infections are not only embarrassing, disgusting and unpleasant, many infections leave serious health problems, the significance of which can be felt later. So, for example, chlamydia often leads to the development of adhesions in the pelvis and obstruction of the patency of the fallopian tubes, which can later manifest itself as infertility or ectopic pregnancy.

Postponed, poorly treated or not cured infections are one of the leading causes of the formation of a number of gynecological diseases. Knowing and understanding this, it is quite easy to make a choice: simple and reliable prevention in the form of using a condom or checking a partner for infections or treating the consequences of past infections.

As for the second group of women, let me remind you that these are those who have problems from the very beginning of the formation of menstruation, it is very important to immediately begin to solve them.

For example, menstruation has not been established, they walk as they want, there is an increase in weight, etc. Not infrequently, women do not pay due attention to this problem, and begin to solve it only when pregnancy does not occur, or when the condition begins to worsen the quality of life. In fact, all such disorders respond very well to treatment if it begins on time.

Thus, you can very effectively protect yourself from most gynecological problems. following a simple formula:

  • Regular examination by a gynecologist + ultrasound (at least once a year)
  • Take hormonal contraceptives between pregnancies or be fully fertile
  • Avoid infections and inflammations, and in case of their occurrence, carry out high-quality and complete treatment.
  • If gynecological problems begin - do not postpone their treatment for a long time.
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