Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis). Causes, symptoms and signs, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Inflammatory process in the body - causes, symptoms and course

Protective and adaptive reaction of the body to the action of a pathogenic stimulus, manifested by the development of changes in blood circulation and an increase in vascular permeability in combination with tissue degeneration and cell proliferation at the site of damage to a tissue or organ.

Symptoms of inflammation are familiar to each of us: there is hardly at least one person who has not had a burn or injury, an infectious disease, he has never rubbed his feet with uncomfortable shoes, has not frozen or dived so that water got into his ears.

Meanwhile, in all these situations, the development of an inflammatory process is possible:

  • Inflammation of the eye - if dust gets into it or you catch an infection.
  • Inflammation of the appendages threatens women with hypothermia, etc.

What is inflammation? This is a kind of distress signal, a universal reaction of the body to damage or irritation of its tissues. Such a reaction is aimed at neutralizing the negative impact of damaging factors and restoring the normal functioning of the affected organs.

Inflammation is the body's response to damaged or irritated cells. In response to this, he tries to get rid of the consequences of the harmful effects and recover. With inflammation, pain can be very severe, because in this way the body gives a signal of serious ill health. What are the possible symptoms of inflammation besides pain?

  • Redness of the skin (including those caused by dilated capillaries).
  • Puffiness, swelling in the disturbing area.
  • Local temperature increase (feeling of heat in a sore spot, while it occurs not necessarily with inflammation of the skin, but also with other inflammatory phenomena).

The chain of appearance of symptoms is as follows: first, in the place where damage or irritation of cells occurs, the vessels dilate, due to which the blood flow becomes slower. The damaged area is filled with blood. The temperature in the area of ​​inflammation rises. The walls of the capillaries become more permeable, and through them leukocytes, macrophage cells, and plasma penetrate into the surrounding tissues. There is a local edema and swelling that affect the nerve endings - they are infringed, provoking an attack of inflammatory pain.

In the pathological process of inflammation are involved:

  • Special proteins are inflammatory mediators (serotonin and cytokine).
  • Macrophages are cells that capture and digest foreign proteins, bacteria, and the body's own dead cells.
  • White blood cells (leukocytes) and lymphocytes.
  • Cytokines are special molecules that are released to the cell surface, through which interaction with other cells occurs (bradykinin, interleukin-1, anti-inflammatory protein provocateur of tumor decay TNF, kallidin).
  • Proteins that affect the process of blood clotting.

Inflammation in adults

inflammation in women

Inflammation in women during pregnancy is associated with a decrease in immunity. What signs indicate pathology?

  • Pain of varying intensity.
  • Discharge with an unpleasant odor.

It should be remembered that acute inflammation of the genital area can cause irreparable damage to pregnancy:

  • It causes anembryony, when an embryo does not form in the fertilized egg.
  • May contribute to embryonic death and miscarriage
  • Spontaneous abortion or premature birth is possible.
  • Another possible complication is infection of the fetus in the womb and even its death.

If a woman has chronic inflammation, it affects the immune system. At the same time, the endometrium tries to reject the embryo, perceiving it as something alien, and even if the embryo manages to gain a foothold, its location close to the cervix has a bad effect on gestation.

Chronic inflammation of the ovaries leads to the formation of adhesions and proliferation of connective tissue, disrupts the functioning of the cilia lining the tubes from the inside, reduces their lumen - all this increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

What else is dangerous chronic inflammation of the reproductive sphere? Immune failure contributes to the production of antibodies to their own tissues, and because of this, microthrombosis of the placenta occurs, which leads to its detachment, abnormalities in the development of the fetus, preeclampsia.

How to avoid inflammatory complications during pregnancy?

  • Dress warmly, avoid hypothermia.
  • Observe personal hygiene, use special intimate cosmetics.
  • Do not swim in questionable waters.
  • Before the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to cure the existing inflammation of the reproductive sphere.

Inflammation in breastfeeding mothers

Inflammation in women during breastfeeding is usually associated with stagnation of milk (lactostasis) due to impaired patency of the ducts of the mammary gland. An acute inflammatory process develops in the chest, and if infection with staphylococcus or streptococcus is added to this, infected mastitis is obtained. The situation is aggravated by improper attachment of the baby to the breast and injury to the nipples.

As a rule, inflammation in a woman develops rapidly:

  • Suddenly, and to high numbers (39-40 ° C), the body temperature rises, the young mother is in a fever, she has a headache.
  • Symptoms of inflammation of the mammary gland appear: severe pain, seals are felt when palpated, the skin becomes hot to the touch, hyperemic (red) areas may appear on it.

Mastitis requires urgent treatment, otherwise there is a risk of starting the disease and even losing part of the breast: difficult cases end with the removal of the affected sector of the mammary gland.

Do I need to stop breastfeeding during treatment? Modern recommendations of doctors boil down to the fact that the ban on HB with mastitis is not justified. On the contrary, a diseased breast requires high-quality emptying, and the baby will do it better than any breast pump or manual pumping. If mastitis has taken a purulent form, before feeding, you need to express milk until the pus ceases to stand out. However, specialist advice is required.

How can a young mother be treated so as not to harm the child? When a slight stagnation appears, it will be useful to apply cool compresses from cabbage and cottage cheese, but alcohol and warming ointments are not recommended. A warm shower can be taken in order to improve milk flow from the breast and empty it as best as possible.

If the temperature continues to rise, and chest pains increase, there is pus, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable. The doctor must prescribe the medicine. In the absence of the effect of antibiotic therapy for two days, surgical assistance is required - puncture and pumping out of pus or removal of the diseased area.

To prevent inflammation of the mammary gland during breastfeeding, you need to observe hygiene, wear comfortable underwear, and prevent stagnation of milk in the chest.

inflammation in men

"Male" inflammation is a delicate topic. It is aggravated by the fact that men do not like to seek help from a doctor, they drag it to the last, and as a result they get an appointment with an already fairly advanced disease. The following inflammatory diseases of the genital area are typical for men:

  • Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate)

The most famous ailment that affects many of the fair sex. Inflammation of the gland occurs due to infection (bacterial, viral, fungal) or stagnation of the prostate secretion or blood in it. Patients are concerned about mild pain and an unpleasant sensation in the perineum, difficulty urinating, discharge from the penis. Prostatitis without proper therapy can lead to male infertility. Treatment consists in prescribing antibiotics, a course of massage, physiotherapy, antispasmodics and drugs to improve the outflow of urine and prostate secretion.

  • Balanitis and balanoposthitis

Inflammation of the head and foreskin of the penis. Most often, inflammation develops in a child, especially if he has phimosis, but sometimes the disease occurs in adults. Patients are concerned about itching, redness and swelling of the head, pain, sometimes the lymph nodes in the groin increase. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease can be complicated by narrowing of the urethra, paraphimosis, sclerosing balanitis. The cause of inflammation is a fungus or a pathogenic bacterium, an infection from the urethra. The disease is treated with antibiotics and local antiseptics. If necessary, a surgical operation (circumcision of the foreskin) is performed.

  • Urethritis

Inflammation affecting the urethra. It is due to the presence of genital infections. Much less often, an allergy or injury can be the cause. The main symptoms of urethritis are burning in the urethra, pain and pain when trying to urinate, purulent purulent-mucous discharge. The danger of inflammation is that along the ascending path, the infection can reach the prostate, testicles, appendages and even the kidneys, and lead to their diseases. Treatment of urethritis consists in the appointment of antibiotics, immunomodulators, the introduction of drugs into the urethra, with a narrowing of the urethra - expansion through special bougies.

  • Inflammation of the testicles and appendages

It is provoked by injuries and infectious diseases (mumps, scarlet fever, influenza), but in most cases the infection comes from other organs of the genitourinary system. Inflammation begins with an acute stage, which is characterized by severe pain, an increase in the scrotum and stretching of the skin on it, and a rise in temperature. Perhaps the development of a purulent process and blockage of the ducts, fraught with infertility. If the disease is not treated, after 10-14 days it can go into a chronic stage: the pain will subside, the temperature will subside, but when the testicle is palpated, a painful formation will be felt. Inflammation is treated with antibiotics, bed rest is required with the scrotum in an elevated state. If necessary, a surgical operation is performed (opening the cavity and removing pus, and in severe cases, removing the testicle).

Inflammation in a child

Inflammation in a child during the neonatal period is a dangerous phenomenon, so it should be controlled by a pediatrician. What inflammatory diseases can overtake a baby who has barely been born?

  • Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac located between the nose and the inner corner of the eye.

It occurs due to the obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal due to the overgrowth of its lumen with the remains of embryonic tissue. Inflammation in a child is manifested by purulent discharge, aggravated by pressure on the inner corner of the eye, redness, relapses after antibiotics are discontinued.

Treatment consists of two stages: conservative and surgical (used if conservative does not help). A conservative way is to massage the lacrimal sac to improve the outflow and patency of the canal, instillation of antibacterial drops into the eye. In the absence of the effect of such treatment, probing of the canals is done. It is performed by an ophthalmologist under local anesthesia. A probe is inserted into the lacrimal canal, and then the lacrimal ducts are washed with an antiseptic. In addition, the baby is prescribed eye drops with an antibiotic, which must be instilled for several days after probing. For a complete cure, one procedure is usually enough.

  • Inflammation of the ear (otitis) is another scourge of newborns.

There are several reasons for the appearance of otitis media. Babies cry a lot, and mucus forms in the nasopharynx, which can clog the Eustachian tube. In addition, they often regurgitate excess milk after feeding, and this excess also contributes to tube blockage. The anatomical structure of the baby's Eustachian tubes also contributes to the development of inflammation: they are rather narrow and short, and the liquid easily clogs them.

A sign of otitis media in babies is anxiety and crying, refusal to suck, fever. Another symptom: if you press on the tragus, the pain intensifies and the child worries more.

Treatment of ear inflammation in newborns has its own characteristics and should only take place under the supervision of a physician. If the eardrum is not damaged, ear drops and turundas with medicine are allowed. To improve the outflow of fluid and relieve swelling, the baby is prescribed vasoconstrictor drops. Sometimes it is possible to act on the Eustachian tube with the best effect with drops in the nose, and not in the ear.

  • Omphalitis (inflammation of the skin and tissue around the navel).

The navel of a newborn, until completely healed, is a large "entrance gate" for infection. Inflammation in this area is quite dangerous, because it can lead to the development of enterocolitis, lymphangitis, peritonitis and other serious complications. The reason for its occurrence is infection due to poor hygiene, intrauterine infection or other diseases of the newborn.

Omphalitis is manifested by fever, restlessness or lethargy, decreased weight gain. Discharge appears from the umbilical wound, the skin around it turns red and becomes hot, and if the vessels are involved in inflammation, red stripes diverge from the navel. Omphalitis can take four forms:

  • catarrhal (slight redness, light discharge from the navel),
  • purulent (discharge from the wound is purulent, the child has a slightly elevated temperature),
  • phlegmonous (at the site of the umbilical wound - an ulcer in which pus accumulates, the baby feels unwell, he has a high body temperature)
  • necrotic - the most severe, when tissue necrosis occurs.

Treatment consists in treating the umbilical wound with antiseptics, with a purulent process, antibiotic ointments are used, the wound is drained. The necrotic form is treated by excision of dead tissue. In addition, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of injections, vitamins, and in case of severe intoxication, intravenous injections of glucose.

Symptoms of inflammation

) is a dangerous disease, which is an inflammation of the lung tissue. Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. Sometimes it also occurs for other reasons - for example, when blood vessels are clogged with blood clots, the nutrition of the lung is disrupted, and the so-called heart attack-pneumonia occurs. Depending on the prevalence of the process, pneumonia can be focal, segmental, lobar and total (capturing the entire lung). When two lungs are affected, the inflammation is called bilateral, the disease of one lung is called "unilateral pneumonia".

Symptoms of inflammation depend on the form of the disease. Classical bacterial pneumonia manifests itself

  • high temperature,
  • severe cough with phlegm
  • shortness of breath.

There is an atypical course of the disease, when the cough is not strong and dry, and the patient is more worried about general malaise, headache and weakness.

Pneumonia is diagnosed by auscultation and percussion, chest x-ray, sputum analysis, complete blood count, and blood gas testing.

Treatment of pneumonia depends on the cause that caused it: the bacterial form requires antibiotics, the viral form requires antiviral agents, and the fungal form requires antifungal drugs. Since the causative agent of severe forms of bacterial pneumonia is Haemophilus influenzae and pneumococcus, vaccination is recommended (especially in risk groups - children, the elderly, debilitated people).

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is due to a general or local infection, oncological diseases, connective tissue diseases, and injuries. Inflamed lymph nodes signal the body's struggle with foreign proteins, bacteria, viruses, and its own altered cells. The increase in nodes in size means that the immune system has increased the number of lymphocytes produced to destroy proteins, bacteria, viruses and pathological cells.

How does inflammation of the lymph nodes manifest itself? Depending on the cause that caused it, and the severity of the process, patients complain of

  • fever and chills,
  • headache and fatigue,
  • a significant increase in the size of the lymph nodes
  • pain in them.

Reddened skin, discomfort when pressed around may indicate that suppuration has begun.

In a child, inflammation of the lymph nodes on the head and neck is often accompanied by a cold.

Treatment of inflammation consists in treating the underlying disease that caused it. If the lymph node is festering, antibiotics are prescribed (a place in the form of ointment dressings and tablets inside), and if there is no effect, it is opened and drained.

Inflammation of the prostate

Inflammation of the prostate gland, or prostatitis, is a common male disease. The reason is infection in the genitals or stagnation in the pelvis, which provokes a sedentary lifestyle, wearing tight underwear, decreased immunity, long sexual abstinence.

Inflammation of the gland is acute, and in the absence of proper treatment, the process becomes chronic. The complaints that the patient makes are usually the following: fever and chills, pain in the lower back, groin, and lower abdomen. Sometimes pain occurs in the anus, perineum and scrotum. Men have difficulty urinating, there are false nocturnal urges to go to the toilet. Inflammation of the prostate gland can lead to male infertility.

It is necessary to treat prostatitis with the help of antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, antispasmodics.

Nerve inflammation is a pathology caused by trauma, impaired blood flow, infection, exposure to toxic substances, and metabolic disorders.

Inflammation of the nerve can occur in two forms:

  • Neuralgia

Irritation of nerve fibers, due to which the patient has a feeling of pain, tingling and numbness at the site of nerve damage, as well as pressure. The skin in the area of ​​the diseased nerve turns red or, conversely, becomes very pale. The most famous variant of neuralgia is the defeat of the trigeminal nerve, when a person complains of severe short-term pain in one half of the face. The cause of this inflammation is infections, diseases of the sinuses and teeth, individual anatomical features (small openings of the skull through which the nerves pass).

  • Neuritis

It is characterized by changes in the nerve itself (sheath, trunk). Symptoms are paralysis, paresis, trophic disorders, changes in sensitivity, if the optic nerves are affected - strabismus, immobility of the eyeball, drooping of the eyelids, loss of vision up to complete blindness.

Treatment of inflammation of the nerves is aimed at the cause that caused it: a bacterial lesion is treated with antibiotics, a viral lesion is treated with antiviral drugs. If the nerve has become inflamed due to injury, the diseased limb is immobilized. A disorder associated with insufficient blood supply requires the appointment of vasodilators. With neuralgia, blockade of the inflamed nerve helps well. In all cases, medications are added to the treatment to reduce swelling and inflammation, painkillers, vitamins of group B. After 12-14 days from the onset of the disease, anticholinesterase drugs and hyaluronidase-based agents are prescribed. A good effect is also given by massage and exercise therapy, physiotherapy (electrophoresis with lidase or novocaine, UHF, pulsed currents, etc.)

Sometimes surgical treatment is used to treat neuritis: decompression, plastic surgery, or suturing of damaged nerves. Neuralgia is treated by cutting the affected nerve endings and decompressing.


Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin is an infectious disease caused by hemolytic streptococcus. The disease begins with symptoms of intoxication: nausea and vomiting, headache, fever. Later, the skin begins to burn and “pull”, it becomes hot, red spots and swelling appear, with a bullous form - blisters with liquid contents. Lymph nodes enlarge, lymphatic vessels become inflamed.

Treatment of erysipelas consists of taking antibiotics, to which hemolytic streptococcus is sensitive. Additionally, ultraviolet irradiation of the skin and laser therapy can be prescribed.

Inflammation of the gums

Inflammation of the gums occurs in many people. Symptoms of the disease are redness and swelling of the gums, putrid breath, pain and bleeding of the gums. The last sign is hard to miss: as a rule, blood oozes every time you brush your teeth or bite into solid food. The pain is sometimes mistaken by patients for a toothache, but when examined by a periodontist, it turns out that the gum still hurts.

Gum inflammation has three degrees:

  • Gingivitis

The mildest form, which is expressed by redness and bleeding of the gums. The cause of inflammation is poor hygiene and the lack of a full chewing load on the teeth. Treatment at this stage consists of proper brushing of the teeth, regular professional care, and exercising the teeth and gums by chewing solid foods.

  • Periodontitis

Inflammation of the gums of moderate severity. Bad breath, swelling and pain are added to red bleeding gums, pockets appear between the teeth and gums, where food remains are clogged, and pathogenic microbes multiply there. The cause of periodontitis can be improper prosthetics, gastrointestinal diseases and other general diseases, lack of proper hygiene. Treatment of inflammation, in addition to eliminating the cause of its occurrence, consists in medical procedures: special medications are placed in periodontal pockets.

  • periodontal disease

The third and most severe degree of inflammation. Here, the inflammation affects the tissue of the tooth and the bone underneath, causing the teeth to become loose and then fall out. Treatment of periodontal disease is carried out in different ways: tartar is removed, periodontal pockets are sanitized, injections are made into the gums, splinting is performed (attachment of a loose tooth to stable neighboring teeth).

Doctors call inflammation of the joints (if one joint is affected, it is monoarthritis, if several - polyarthritis). Pathology begins with inflammation of the internal joint bag, and then spreads to the cartilage and bone heads, tendons and ligaments surrounding the joint tissue.

The causes of arthritis are many: it can be injuries, infections, autoimmune diseases, allergies. Symptoms of joint inflammation include:

  • Pain of varying intensity.
  • Redness and swelling.
  • Local increase in temperature in the area of ​​​​the diseased joint.
  • An increase in the size of the joint.
  • Limited mobility.

Arthritis treatment focuses on addressing the cause of the inflammation. A good effect is given by physiotherapy, intra-articular injections of hormonal drugs, anti-inflammatory therapy.

Inflammation of the appendages is a process that affects the fallopian tubes and ovaries. In medical practice, such inflammation is called salpingo-oophoritis. It occurs when pathogenic microbes enter the tubes and ovaries. Salpingo-oophoritis can be acute or chronic. Patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen and in the groin, aggravated at the end of the chicle before menstruation, discomfort during intercourse and decreased libido, fever (in acute or exacerbation of a chronic process), weakness and fatigue.

Inflammation of the appendages is dangerous because it can lead to female infertility, so women pay close attention to its treatment. Depending on the severity of the process, salpingo-oophoritis is treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, mud applications, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ozone therapy, etc.). A good effect gives a sanatorium recovery. If the disease is not amenable to therapy and the diagnosis is in doubt, they resort to therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy.

Inflammation of the gallbladder

Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) can be stoneless and against the background of cholelithiasis. Stagnation of bile due to impaired outflow, trauma to the walls with stones, the formation of bedsores - all this leads to inflammation of the bladder.

The main symptom of cholecystitis is pain of varying intensity. It can be very strong and short-term with biliary colic or weak, aching, but constant. In addition, patients may be concerned

  • skin itch,
  • feeling of bitterness in the mouth,
  • stool disorder.

The best way to get rid of inflammation of the bladder is its surgical removal (in the presence of stones in the gallbladder). Acalculous cholecystitis is treated conservatively. The most sparing method of removal is laparoscopic, it is used during surgery without exacerbation. If the gallbladder needs to be removed in the midst of acute cholecystitis, surgeons prefer laparotomy.

Inflammation of the ovaries

Inflammation of the ovaries is called oophoritis. The cause of the pathological process is the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms into the reproductive organs. The course of the disease can be acute, subacute and chronic. In the case of acute inflammation, pain in the lower abdomen, a rise in temperature are disturbing; when palpated, tension and soreness are felt in the lower abdomen. Subacute and chronic inflammation is manifested by aching pain in the groin, menstrual irregularities, and general malaise.

Ophoritis and salpingo-oophoritis are treated in the acute stage mainly with antibiotics, in the subacute stage physiotherapy is added. In a chronic process, the entire arsenal of means is used: antibiotics during an exacerbation, physiotherapy, mud therapy, immunostimulants, spa treatment, vitamins.

Inflammation of the ear (otitis media) can be external, middle and internal. The reason in all three cases is the same - the ingress of microbes or fungus, sometimes - an allergy.

Otitis externa is an inflammatory process in the auricle, the symptoms of which are swelling, itching and liquid discharge. Sometimes external otitis is manifested by an abscess located inside the auricle.

Otitis media is a deep-seated inflammation of the inner ear, which is expressed by tinnitus, vomiting and nausea. Patients feel dizzy, their sense of balance suffers.

The most common type of ear inflammation is otitis media. It begins with tolerable pain, which gradually increases and becomes acute. Sometimes the body temperature rises. The pus accumulated in the ear presses on the eardrum, can break through it and come out - in this case, the patient immediately feels relief.

Treatment of ear inflammation depends on the form in which it occurs. For the treatment of external otitis, ointments are enough, and if there is an abscess in the auricle, alcohol lotions will help. With otitis media, local anesthetics and antibiotics, turundas with boric alcohol, and vasoconstrictor drops in the nose are prescribed. Inflammation of the inner ear requires the patient to be in the hospital, bed rest, detoxification therapy and antibiotics.

Inflammation of the ear is considered by many to be a frivolous disease, with which it is not necessary to consult a doctor - and completely in vain. The fact is that improper treatment can lead to sad consequences up to deafness, especially when it comes to internal otitis media. Therefore, it is better to entrust the treatment to a doctor.

skin inflammation

Inflammation of the skin can take many forms:

  • Dermatitis of various origins (contact, seborrheic, allergic)
  • Purulent inflammation (boils, carbuncles, abscesses)
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Erysipelas

Symptoms of the inflammatory process are different: boils, carbuncles and abscesses cause severe pain when pressed, the skin around the center of the formation becomes red and hot. Eczema is characterized by a burning sensation and itching. Dermatitis occurs with the appearance of blisters, swelling, severe redness.

Treatment depends on the type of inflammation. Purulent processes are treated with ointment dressings with an antibiotic, if necessary, the formation is opened surgically. In psoriasis, local treatment is prescribed in the form of ointments, sometimes psychotropic drugs. Dermatitis of allergic origin and eczema are treated with sedatives, ointments based on hormones, naftalan, etc.

Inflammation of the eye has several forms, it can be both acute and chronic. What types of inflammatory eye diseases are most common?

  • Conjunctivitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva) due to infection or allergy. Conjunctivitis can be acute or chronic. The symptoms of inflammation are quite pronounced - swelling and redness of the conjunctiva, tears, fear of light, reddening of the eye protein, and in the case of a purulent process - discharge of pus from the eye. Conjunctivitis is treated based on its form: bacterial - with antibiotics, viral - with antiviral drops, artificial tears, antiviral tablets. The allergic form of conjunctivitis requires limiting contact with the allergen and prescribing antihistamine eye drops. If they do not help, hormone-based drops can be used.

  • Uveitis

Inflammation of the choroid of the eyes. The most dangerous form is inflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eye. Uveitis is characterized by photophobia, redness of the eyes, blurred vision. Self-treatment is categorically contraindicated: you need to urgently consult an ophthalmologist, because the disease threatens with complete blindness. Therapy for uveitis consists in the appointment of painkillers and drugs to dilate the pupil (atropine), anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.

  • Barley

Acute purulent inflammation of the eye (ciliary follicle or sebaceous gland next to the follicle). It is manifested by redness, pain when pressed, and in the case of a large size of barley - and at rest, swelling. A few days later, a yellow “head” appears, which then opens and pus drains out. In most cases, the culprit is Staphylococcus aureus. To prescribe treatment, you should contact an ophthalmologist. As a rule, ointments or drops with an antibiotic are prescribed, with an increase in temperature, antibiotic tablets are taken orally. Sometimes the formation of an abscess requires the help of a surgeon - he opens it and removes the pus.

  • halazion

Chronic inflammatory process affecting the cartilage and sebaceous gland at the edge of the eyelid. It is a formation similar to barley both in appearance and symptoms, but differs from it in a recurrent course. The chalazion is first treated conservatively (with drops, ointments, steroid injections), and if there is no effect, the formation is removed surgically.

Pain with inflammation

Inflammatory pain is the body's distress signal. It is caused by irritation of nerve endings by special substances (inflammatory mediators), irritation of the endings due to edema and swelling, changes in pH and osmotic pressure, imbalance of calcium and potassium ions. However, one is closely related to the other: inflammation increases pain, and pain increases the production of inflammatory mediators.

The nature of pain during inflammation changes over time. If you burn your hand, the pain is unbearable and sharp at first. Over time, it decreases, but at the same time it becomes more common: it can hurt not only at the site of the burn, but also the intact skin around. Why is this happening? The reason is inflammation. The burn provokes the formation of mediators of the inflammatory process, and they contribute to the expansion of capillaries and a more abundant flow of blood, which causes a feeling of warmth and the skin turns red. Due to the excessive release of neurotransmitters, the sensitivity of neurons increases so much that even a simple touch to the skin near the burn causes discomfort. It turns out that pain provokes inflammation, and it causes an increase in pain. Therefore, for the best effect, along with the treatment of the inflammatory process, attention should be paid to high-quality anesthesia.

There are only two causes of inflammation:

  • Cell damage.
  • Exposure to irritants of any kind.

But the circumstances under which contact with stimuli occurs and cells are damaged are much greater:

  • Mechanical injury resulting from impact, friction, compression.
  • Thermal or chemical burns.
  • Frostbite.
  • Electric shock.
  • All kinds of microorganisms are pathogens. Depending on the type of microbes, inflammation can occur in different forms. The most acute form is suppuration.

In medicine, there is a classification of inflammation according to the causes of occurrence:

  • The infectious-inflammatory process is caused by microbes that have penetrated into the tissues: anaerobic ones provoke putrefactive inflammation, aerobic ones - purulent. Infectious inflammation can have an acute and chronic course.
  • Toxic inflammation occurs due to damage to the cells of the body by harmful substances.
  • The autoimmune process is associated with such a pathology of immunity, in which the body begins to produce antibodies against its own healthy tissues. These antibodies damage tissues and cause inflammation.
  • Purulent-septic inflammation
  • Paraneoplastic syndrome occurs in cancer patients due to the fact that organs and systems react to the presence of a tumor and its release of biologically active substances. As a result, a person develops symptoms similar to, for example, rheumatic lesions or scleroderma (hardening of connective tissues).
  • Traumatic and post-traumatic inflammation - any injury is accompanied by a reaction of the body, manifested by pain, swelling and limitation of the functions of the damaged organ or part of the body. So, inflammation of the joints after a blow or pressure leads to the development of post-traumatic arthritis, which causes severe pain, stiffness, crunching and swelling in the area of ​​damage.

Diagnosis for inflammation

Collection of anamnesis

Diagnostic procedures for suspected inflammation begin with anamnesis. The doctor finds out from the patient all the circumstances under which he had pain, how they developed, what worries him at the moment. Examination and history taking is the main means of initial diagnosis of inflammation. As a rule, doctors are interested in:

Anamnesis of a person's life - what chronic diseases does he have, whether there were operations, injuries, in what domestic and social conditions a person lives. Such information is very important - for example, when diagnosing erysipelas, the doctor needs to know whether the patient has had this before, whether he has diabetes, a skin fungus, or immune disorders.

History of the disease - how it began, how it develops at the moment, whether the person sought medical help, what treatment was prescribed, how it worked. For example, if a patient is concerned about inflammation of the joints, you need to find out what caused it (whether there was an injury or a blow), what it expressed - whether the limb became worse to bend, swollen, reddened, how and how the patient was treated on his own before going to the hospital .

An epidemiological history is important in the diagnosis of an infectious and inflammatory process. The doctor is interested in whether the patient has been in contact with sick infectious diseases, whether there have been trips to epidemiologically disadvantaged countries or regions, and if we are talking about an intestinal infection, what and where he ate.

If we are talking about inflammation in women in the reproductive area, a gynecological history is collected: what diseases and gynecological operations used to be, abortions, the nature of the menstrual cycle, etc.

Family history - the presence of cases of the same disease in blood relatives, whether there are hereditary diseases in the family and how many people they affected. A family history suggests that a person has a particular pathology - for example, if there are cases of celiac disease (genetically determined chronic inflammation of the small intestine with impaired absorption of food) in the family, the likelihood of developing the disease increases.

Allergic history makes it possible to establish the presence of inflammation characteristic of allergies. Interrogating the patient, the doctor finds out whether a person has a reaction to food, plants, medicines, vaccinations, how it manifests itself, what medicines are removed.

A nutritional history is relevant when it comes to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder and biliary tract. Here the doctor is interested in the regimen and diet of the patient - how many times a day, what food he eats, in what quantity.

Laboratory tests make it possible to determine the presence of inflammation and clarify its nature. What studies are needed to diagnose the inflammatory process?

  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

A universal marker of acute inflammation, in which changes occur in the blood. The procedure for conducting the analysis is as follows: a tube with an anticoagulant is filled with blood, and then it is left vertically for an hour. During this time, the erythrocytes fall to the bottom of the tube, and the plasma remains at the top. The unit of measurement of ESR is millimeters per hour, that is, how many millimeters of a layer of settled erythrocytes formed in one hour at the bottom of the tube. When the blood is changed under the influence of an acute inflammatory process, the globulins and fibrinogens present in its composition envelop the erythrocytes, they stick together and fall down. The more acute the inflammation, the more such agglutinated red blood cells settle to the bottom. It turns out that a high ESR indicates the presence of acute inflammation.

By the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, it is impossible to understand which organ is affected by the pathological process. In addition, ESR is a non-specific analysis: the indicator can increase not only with inflammation (an increased level occurs during pregnancy, anemia, the use of certain drugs, and even against the background of complete health, it is usually higher in women than in men). Sometimes it happens that inflammation occurs without an increase in ESR at all.

Given all this, other laboratory tests are also used for diagnosis in conjunction with the determination of ESR - for example, an analysis is carried out for C-reactive protein.

  • C-reactive protein (CRP) indicates the acute phase of inflammation and appears in the blood within a few hours after the onset of the pathological process.

The protein is synthesized by the liver, which receives information about the need to increase its production from macrophages (cells responsible for digesting foreign cells, microbes, toxins, own dead cells). CRP is determined by blood serum. The peculiarity of this protein is a short half-life (from half a day to a day), therefore, by its fluctuations, one can quickly judge the effectiveness of the treatment started: if CRP decreases, then the therapy has the desired effect.

CRP is a more specific analysis than ESR. It does not depend on many indicators. which affect the fluctuation of ESR. In addition, ESR responds to an increase or, conversely, a decrease in the intensity of the inflammatory process much more slowly than CRP.

There are other markers of inflammatory processes, but due to their relatively high cost in mass diagnostics, they are used less frequently:

  • Haptoglobin is a plasma protein responsible for the binding of hemoglobin. An increase in its level indicates the presence of acute inflammation.
  • Antistreptolysin - indicates a past acute streptococcal infection and the presence of rheumatism or glomerulonephritis.
  • Rheumatoid factor is an indicator of rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and chronic inflammation. The analysis shows the presence of immunoglobulin antibodies that destroy tissues.

In addition to specific markers of inflammation, other laboratory tests are also used in the diagnosis:

A general blood test with a leukocyte formula - by changes in the proportions and number of leukocytes of various types, one can judge the presence of an inflammatory process. So, a significant increase in the level of neutrophils indicates acute bacterial inflammation.

Sometimes a biochemical blood test is useful - with some types of inflammation, the main indicators change. For example, with pancreatitis, the level of amylase, lipase, trypsin increases. Sometimes an increase in blood glucose indirectly indicates inflammation of the pancreas.

Urinalysis: the appearance of mucus and leukocytes in it is an indicator of the inflammatory process. If an analysis after scarlet fever shows red blood cells, this may indicate the development of glomerulonephritis, a chronic inflammatory disease of the kidneys.

A coprogram (fecal analysis) helps to diagnose an inflammatory process in the intestine: it is indicated by the presence of mucus, epithelium and undigested food, the presence of leukocytes and iodophilic (iodine-stained) flora.

When it is necessary to determine gynecological inflammation in women, laboratory tests of vaginal secretions and smears from the cervical, urethra and cervix come to the aid of the doctor. Sometimes the endometrium is taken from the uterine cavity. The study helps to determine the presence of an inflammatory process, the presence of pathogenic microflora, infectious agents.

"Male" inflammation (prostatitis, urethritis, balanoposthitis, etc.) helps to determine the bacteriological culture of prostate juice, a smear for genital infections.

To diagnose the inflammatory process in the lungs, a general sputum analysis is used. By quantity, color, appearance, the presence of certain cells and fibers, one can judge the presence of bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and purulent damage to the lungs.

By smear and bacteriological culture from the nasopharynx, inflammation in this area can be determined. For example, in frequently ill children, the Epstein-Barr virus, which is responsible for constant colds and the development of infectious mononucleosis, is usually sown. Mononucleosis is accompanied by high fever, damage to the spleen, inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes.

To diagnose the inflammatory process, it is useful to conduct instrumental studies. What are the main types of research?

  • Radiology (X-ray, CT (MSCT - a type of CT))

One of the most common methods of instrumental diagnosis of inflammation. What is its advantage? He attracts patients with the absence of pain and speed of execution, and doctors love X-rays, MRI and MSCT for good information content: in a correctly taken picture, you can see the diseased organ, determine how inflamed it is, whether the inflammation has affected the surrounding organs. This method is quite accurate - especially MRI and MSCT, where the image of the internal organs is recorded in layers with a step of several millimeters. With the help of X-ray, MRI and MSCT, inflammation of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity, chest, limbs, and joints can be diagnosed.

  • Endoscopy

Examination of internal organs by means of a special optical device (endoscope) inserted through natural openings or punctures. Endoscopic examination is good because it allows the doctor to see the surface of organs in multiple magnification, to determine the presence of inflamed areas of the mucosa, and, if necessary, to biopsy the suspicious area. What are the types of endoscopic diagnostics? If pneumonia, tuberculosis or bronchitis is suspected, bronchoscopy is performed, FGDS and colonoscopy are used to diagnose inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cystitis and urethritis can be seen on cystoscopy, and diseases of the female genitalia on hysteroscopy. Laparoscopic endoscopy is used to diagnose inflammation in the abdominal cavity.

  • Ultrasound procedure

Modern ultrasound helps to see inflammation of the lymph nodes, joints, gallbladder, changes in the liver, kidneys, suggest inflammatory diseases of the female genital area.

  • Functional diagnostics

Allows you to identify a violation in the work of an organ or system. For example, if pneumonia or bronchial asthma is suspected, peak flowmetry (shows the maximum expiratory flow of a person), spirometry (estimates the volume and speed of exhalation) is used.

Treatment of inflammation

For the treatment of inflammation, several groups of medicines are used:

  • Antibiotics are prescribed if the bacterial nature of the pathology is proven.

This can be done using a special analysis - seeding with the determination of sensitivity to drugs, when the material is placed in a nutrient medium and wait for the growth of bacteria, and then they check which of the antibiotics kills the grown colonies the fastest. The more accurately and promptly prescribed antibiotics, the greater the chance that the disease will be cured quickly and without consequences. Be sure to require antibiotic therapy for erysipelas of the skin, pneumonia of bacterial origin, advanced inflammation of the ovaries and all diseases in which rapid multiplication of microbes is possible with negative consequences for the patient.

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are fever-lowering drugs that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

They suppress the production of a special cyclooxygenase enzyme, which disrupts the production of prostaglandins (they affect the development of inflammation). NSAIDs are prescribed to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, anesthetize and reduce the temperature.

  • Antihistamines - As the name suggests, they suppress the production of histamine in the body.

Histamine is a substance that regulates the transmission of nerve impulses between cells. It can provoke a spasm of large vessels, expansion and increase in capillary permeability, spasm of smooth muscles, release of adrenaline, increased secretion of digestive enzymes and mucus in the bronchi. Usually, antihistamines are prescribed for allergic inflammation and as a remedy for relieving symptoms during a cold.

  • Hormones are an emergency remedy that is used only for severe inflammation due to the fact that it has contraindications and serious side effects.

The action of hormones is to counteract the production of prostaglandins, block enzymes that destroy cells, reduce the permeability of vascular walls and inhibit the formation of exudate and the growth of connective tissue in the area of ​​inflammation.

Physiotherapy for inflammation

Physical therapy is usually used to treat inflammation in the convalescent stage or chronic disease. Depending on the type of pathology, different types of physiotherapy treatment can be used:

  • Electrophoresis (administration of drugs with the help of electric current).
  • Pulsed electric current therapy (diadynamic therapy) is used to treat inflammation of the nerve.
  • Cryotherapy (cold treatment) - local and general.
  • Laser therapy - its effect is based on the beneficial effects of light radiation with one fixed wavelength.
  • Ultrasound therapy - the effect is based on the effect of ultrasound, which accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, dissolves edema, restores nerve conductivity, and eliminates spasm. Ultrasound therapy has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Mud therapy is a method of physiotherapy, which is used mainly for the treatment of gynecological inflammation in women. Muds have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate the immune system, improve blood flow in the area of ​​application of mud applications.

Depending on the cause of the inflammation, the treatment of the acute form can be surgical or conservative. Conservative therapy consists in the appointment:

  • antibiotics.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • If necessary, antihistamines.
  • If the inflammation is very active, and other drugs do not help well - a short course of hormones (mainly used in autoimmune and allergic processes).

All forces must be directed to the treatment of the acute stage of inflammation, because:

  • It is possible to develop complications that are life-threatening.
  • Untimely or poor-quality therapy can lead to the fact that the process becomes chronic, with frequent exacerbations.

Surgical treatment of inflammation is required when it is not possible to cope with a conservative way. This usually happens with acute cholecystitis, gynecological diseases, appendicitis, purulent inflammation of the fiber (phlegmon) and abscesses.

Treatment of chronic inflammation

The causes of inflammation can be different. Sometimes it is provoked by a chronic infection or other chronic diseases. In this case, the inflammation lasts for a long time, is constantly repeated and aggravated. It is treated surgically and conservatively. Conservative treatment includes medication, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, balneological procedures. Surgical methods are used when a more impressive effect is expected from them than from conservative therapy, and a radical cure for the patient. They try to carry out operations outside the stage of exacerbation in order to reduce possible negative consequences.

What types of chronic inflammation are common, and how are they treated?

  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract - appendicitis, pancreatitis, colitis, etc.

The method of treatment depends on the specific disease - for example, with pancreatitis, a starvation diet, enzymes, painkillers, antioxidants and toxins are first prescribed, and in the absence of effect, surgical removal of part of the gland is performed. Appendicitis is treated mainly immediately surgically, as patients come with acute pain, and it is necessary to remove the source of inflammation as soon as possible.

  • Inflammation of the biliary system (liver, biliary tract and bladder) - most often manifested by cholecystitis.

Acalculous nonpurulent cholecystitis is treated conservatively. In the presence of stones, surgical removal of the gallbladder is often used, and in the acute stage, doctors prefer laparotomy surgery, and in the absence of an exacerbation, a more gentle laparoscopy is possible.

  • Chronic inflammation of the eye (eyelid) due to blockage of the sebaceous gland - chalazion.

Treatment begins conservatively, prescribing hormone injections into the chalazion cavity, eye drops, ointments. If this does not help, the formation is removed surgically on an outpatient basis.

  • Chronic inflammation of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis)

Requires the appointment of local antiseptics (uroseptics), proper drinking regimen, drugs to improve blood circulation in the kidneys.

  • Chronic inflammation of the gynecological sphere

They are treated with an increase in general and local immunity, antibiotics and antimicrobial agents, physiotherapy (ozone therapy and mud therapy help well). If a woman has symptoms of sluggish inflammation of the ovaries, uterus, tubes, but it was not possible to accurately identify the disease using conventional methods, the patient may be prescribed a diagnostic and at the same time therapeutic laparoscopy, during which the diagnosis will become clear and surgical treatment will be performed (dissection of adhesions, resection of the ovaries, restoration patency of pipes).

There are cases when the treatment of inflammation is impossible without surgical intervention. As a rule, acute diseases are brought to the operating table of the patient, and medical assistance should be provided immediately:

  • Acute cholecystitis is an inflammatory process in the gallbladder that affects its walls.

The operation to remove the gallbladder is performed in the presence of stones and the absence of the effect of conservative therapy. Inflammation of the bladder occurs due to a violation of the outflow of bile and its infection with pathogenic bacteria. Untimely treatment of cholecystitis can lead to serious complications when the pathological process captures the surrounding tissue or leads to bladder gangrene. Surgical care consists in removing the diseased organ.

  • Acute inflammation of the pancreas - acute pancreatitis.

Severe inflammation of the gland can be fatal. Surgical treatment of pancreatitis consists in removing the inflamed tissues of the pancreas if conservative treatment is ineffective.

  • Appendicitis

Acute inflammation of the appendix of the caecum, which is currently treated with laparoscopic surgery: the appendix is ​​removed with instruments that are inserted through small punctures, under the control of a video camera.

  • Purulent inflammation of the lymph node (lymphadenitis)

It also requires surgical treatment - suppuration is opened, drained, and then antibiotics are prescribed.

  • Gynecological diseases: acute purulent inflammation of the appendages, ovaries

The reason for an emergency operation, because the rupture of organs and the spread of a purulent process to the abdominal cavity threatens the life of a woman.

  • Purulent diseases of the skin and tissues: boils, abscesses, phlegmon (diffuse inflammation of the fiber without a clear localization).

In this case, the surgeon opens the focus, cleans the cavity of pus, puts drainage, and then the patient is prescribed antibiotic treatment.

  • Acute inflammation of the ENT organs: otitis media, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, etc.

The essence of all operations in this case is to ensure the outflow of purulent contents from closed cavities to the outside. So, if a patient has a purulent inflammation of the ear, he is incised with a tympanic membrane. In the case of acute ethmoiditis and the formation of an abscess, cells of the bone lattice are opened, pus is removed.

  • Pathology of the oral cavity - this includes the treatment of periodontitis, inflammation of the periosteum, osteomyelitis, inflammation of the salivary glands.

Prevention of inflammation

Prevention of inflammatory diseases can be different:

An increase in general immunity is always necessary, regardless of what kind of inflammation we are talking about. Thanks to a strong immune system, pathogens cannot multiply when they enter the body.

In order not to get pneumonia, it is necessary to treat ARVI in a timely manner, not to overcool, and if a person is at risk for pneumococcal infection and diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae, he is shown a preventive vaccination. The risk group includes patients with immune diseases, chronic diseases of the lungs and the cardiovascular system, the elderly (especially those who live in boarding schools) and patients in need of hemodialysis.

To prevent inflammation of the skin of various types (erysipelas, boils, abscesses), you need to properly observe personal hygiene: take a shower daily, use pH-neutral detergents. It is very important to avoid the occurrence of wounds, chafing and diaper rash, and if they do appear, the skin should be treated with antiseptics. Sunburns also damage the skin, damaging the upper protective layer and reducing immunity - therefore, they should be treated without fail (panthenol-based preparations help well). Since erysipelas usually occurs against the background of chronic diseases, attention should be paid to their treatment: diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, endocrine diseases require close monitoring. To improve blood circulation and lymph flow, it is recommended to undergo massage courses twice a year.

To prevent inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, you need to follow a reasonable diet with a restriction of animal fats, fried and cold foods, an increase in the proportion of fiber in the diet and fractional meals. Such a diet prevents the formation of stones and the appearance of gallstone disease, which is often the cause of bladder inflammation.

Prevention of acute pancreatitis consists in following the principles of healthy eating, giving up bad habits, and a healthy lifestyle.

To avoid inflammation of the gums and oral cavity, you need to observe hygiene, treat your teeth in a timely manner, use rinses and good toothpastes.

Prevention of appendicitis is based on the fight against stool disorder and other disorders in the digestive tract, preventing infection from entering the body. This can be achieved by proper nutrition with a high content of fiber, the establishment of a diet. Hygiene will also help - washing vegetables, fruits, berries, washing hands thoroughly before eating.

Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area (inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, vagina and cervix) can be avoided if casual sexual intercourse is avoided, infections are protected, abortions are abandoned in favor of civilized contraceptives. In order not to "limp" local immunity, it is important not to overcool. Hygiene is also required - a regular shower, the rejection of daily pads, it is advisable to use detergents for intimate hygiene.

Inflammation of the joints can be avoided if you exercise, monitor your posture, prevent injuries and excessive load, and monitor your weight.

Since acute inflammation of the lymph nodes usually occurs when they are injured or injured, traumatic situations should be avoided. If the lymph nodes become inflamed due to any chronic infection, you should fight it - after all, as long as it exists, the inflammation will recur.

Inflammation can occur in any organ, and this is not surprising: an inflammatory reaction is a variant of protecting the body from destructive or pathogenic effects on it. The body itself gives a distress signal, which must be responded to in a timely manner, otherwise the untreated disease becomes chronic, and worsens over and over again.

The cause of inflammation can be not only a disease, but also an injury: physical, chemical, temperature. Sometimes even the sun is guilty of malaise - from an excessively long stay under its rays, the skin becomes inflamed and reddens.

Inflammation is treated differently depending on what caused it. Treatment can be surgical (surgery) or conservative (tablets, ointments, physiotherapy, massage, injections). The specific plan of procedures in each case is determined by the doctor, based on the results of the examination. Self-medication for inflammation is not only pointless, but also dangerous - without proper experience and qualifications, it is impossible to accurately diagnose and prescribe competent therapy to oneself. As a result, you waste precious time in vain, and risk getting serious complications. Therefore, you need to remember: any inflammation is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor!

General characteristics of inflammation

Inflammation- protective and adaptive reaction of the whole organism to the action of a pathogenic stimulus, manifested by the development of changes in blood circulation at the site of damage to a tissue or organ and an increase in vascular permeability in combination with tissue degeneration and cell proliferation. Inflammation is a typical pathological process aimed at eliminating a pathogenic stimulus and restoring damaged tissues.

The famous Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov at the end of the 19th century showed for the first time that inflammation is inherent not only in humans, but also in lower animals, even unicellular, albeit in a primitive form. In higher animals and humans, the protective role of inflammation is manifested:

a) in the localization and delimitation of the inflammatory focus from healthy tissues;

b) fixation in place, in the focus of inflammation of the pathogenic factor and its destruction; c) removal of decay products and restoration of tissue integrity; d) the development of immunity in the process of inflammation.

At the same time, I.I. Mechnikov believed that this protective reaction of the body is relative and imperfect, since inflammation is the basis of many diseases, often ending in the death of the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to know the patterns of inflammation development in order to actively intervene in its course and eliminate the threat of death from this process.

To denote inflammation of an organ or tissue, the ending "it" is added to the root of their Latin name: for example, inflammation of the kidneys - nephritis, liver - hepatitis, bladder - cystitis, pleura - pleurisy, etc. etc. Along with this, medicine has preserved the old names for inflammation of some organs: pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs, panaritium - inflammation of the nail bed of the finger, tonsillitis - inflammation of the throat and some others.

2 Causes and conditions of inflammation

The occurrence, course and outcome of inflammation largely depend on the reactivity of the body, which is determined by age, gender, constitutional features, the state of physiological systems, primarily immune, endocrine and nervous, the presence of concomitant diseases. Of no small importance in the development and outcome of inflammation is its localization. For example, an abscess of the brain, inflammation of the larynx in diphtheria are extremely life-threatening.

According to the severity of local and general changes, inflammation is divided into normergic, when the body's response corresponds to the strength and nature of the stimulus; hyperergic, in which the body's response to irritation is much more intense than the action of the stimulus, and hyperergic, when inflammatory changes are mild or not at all pronounced. Inflammation may be limited, but may extend to an entire organ or even to a system, such as the connective tissue system.

3 Stages and mechanisms of inflammation

Characteristic of inflammation, which distinguishes it from all other pathological processes, is the presence of three successive stages of development:

1) alterations,

2) exudation; and 3) cell proliferation. These three stages are necessarily present in the area of ​​any inflammation.

Alteration- tissue damage - is a trigger for the development of the inflammatory process. It leads to the release of a special class of biologically active substances called inflammatory mediators. In general, all the changes that occur in the focus of inflammation under the influence of these substances are aimed at the development of the second stage of the inflammatory process - exudation. Inflammatory mediators change metabolism, physicochemical properties and functions of tissues, rheological properties of blood and functions of formed elements. Inflammatory mediators include biogenic amines - histamine and serotonin. Histamine is released by mast cells in response to tissue damage. It causes pain, expansion of microvessels and an increase in their permeability, activates phagocytosis, enhances the release of other mediators. Serotonin is released from platelets in the blood and alters the microcirculation at the site of inflammation. Lymphocytes secrete mediators called lymphokines, which activate the most important cells of the immune system - T-lymphocytes.

Blood plasma polypeptides - kinins, including kallikreins and bradykinin, cause pain, dilate microvessels and increase the permeability of their walls, activate phagocytosis.

Inflammatory mediators also include some prostaglandins that cause the same effects as kinins, while regulating the intensity of the inflammatory response.

inflammation protective pathogenic

The restructuring of metabolism in the zone of alteration leads to a change in the physicochemical properties of tissues and the development of acidosis in them. Acidosis increases the permeability of blood vessels and lysosome membranes, the breakdown of proteins and the dissociation of salts, thereby causing an increase in oncotic and osmotic pressure in damaged tissues. This, in turn, increases the output of fluid from the vessels, causing the development of exudation, inflammatory edema and tissue infiltration in the area of ​​inflammation.

Exudation- exit, or sweating, from the vessels into the tissue of the liquid part of the blood with the substances in it, as well as blood cells. Exudation occurs very quickly after alteration and is provided primarily by the reaction of the microvasculature in the focus of inflammation. The first reaction of microcirculation vessels and regional blood circulation in response to the action of inflammatory mediators, mainly histamine, is spasm of arterioles and a decrease in arterial blood flow. As a result, tissue ischemia occurs in the area of ​​inflammation, associated with an increase in sympathetic influences. This reaction of vessels is short-lived. The slowdown in the rate of blood flow and a decrease in the volume of flowing blood leads to metabolic disorders in tissues and acidosis. Spasm of arterioles is replaced by their expansion, an increase in blood flow velocity, the volume of flowing blood and an increase in hydrodynamic pressure, i.e. the appearance of arterial hyperemia. The mechanism of its development is very complex and is associated with a weakening of sympathetic and an increase in parasympathetic influences, as well as with the action of inflammatory mediators. Arterial hyperemia promotes an increase in metabolism in the focus of inflammation, increases the influx of leukocytes and antibodies to it, promotes the activation of the lymphatic system, which carries away the decay products of tissues. Hyperemia of the vessels causes an increase in temperature and redness of the site of inflammation.

Arterial hyperemia with the development of inflammation is replaced by venous hyperemia. The blood pressure in the venules and postcapillaries increases, the blood flow slows down, the volume of flowing blood decreases, the venules become tortuous, and jerky blood movements appear in them. In the development of venous hyperemia, the loss of tone by the walls of venules is important due to metabolic disorders and acidosis of tissues in the focus of inflammation, thrombosis of venules, and compression of their edematous fluid. The slowing of the blood flow velocity in venous hyperemia promotes the movement of leukocytes from the center of the blood flow to its periphery and their adherence to the walls of blood vessels. This phenomenon is called the marginal standing of leukocytes, it precedes their exit from the vessels and the transition to the tissues. Venous hyperemia ends with a stoppage of blood, i.e. the occurrence of stasis, which manifests itself first in the venules, and later becomes true, capillary. Lymphatic vessels are overflowing with lymph, the lymph flow slows down, and then stops, as thrombosis of the lymphatic vessels occurs. Thus, the focus of inflammation is isolated from intact tissues. At the same time, blood continues to flow to it, and the outflow of it and lymph is sharply reduced, which prevents the spread of damaging agents, including toxins, throughout the body.

Exudation begins during the period of arterial hyperemia and reaches a maximum during venous hyperemia. The increased release of the liquid part of the blood and substances dissolved in it from the vessels into the tissue is due to several factors. The leading role in the development of exudation is the increase in the permeability of the walls of microvessels under the influence of inflammatory mediators, metabolites (lactic acid, ATP decay products), lysosomal enzymes, imbalance of K and Ca ions, hypoxia and acidosis. The release of fluid is also due to an increase in hydrostatic pressure in microvessels, hyperonkia and hyperosmia of tissues. Morphologically, an increase in vascular permeability is manifested in increased pinocytosis in the vascular endothelium, swelling of the basement membranes. As vascular permeability increases, blood cells begin to leak from the capillaries into the focus of inflammation.

The fluid that accumulates in the focus of inflammation is called exudate. The composition of exudate differs significantly from transudate - accumulation of fluid during edema. The exudate contains a much higher protein content (3-5%), and the exudate contains not only albumins, like transudate, but also proteins with a high molecular weight - globulins and fibrinogen. In exudate, unlike transudate, there are always blood cells - leukocytes (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes), and often erythrocytes, which, accumulating in the focus of inflammation, form an inflammatory infiltrate. Exudation, i.e. the flow of fluid from the vessels into the tissue towards the center of the focus of inflammation, prevents the spread of pathogenic irritant, waste products of microbes and decay products of their own tissues, promotes the entry of leukocytes and other blood cells, antibodies and biologically active substances into the focus of inflammation. The exudate contains active enzymes that are released from dead leukocytes and cell lysosomes. Their action is aimed at the destruction of microbes, melting the remnants of dead cells and tissues. The exudate contains active proteins and polypeptides that stimulate cell proliferation and tissue repair at the final stage of inflammation. At the same time, exudate can compress the nerve trunks and cause pain, disrupt the function of organs and cause pathological changes in them.

Today I would like to publish an article that is devoted to the problem of the inflammatory process in the body. This article is replete with special medical terms, therefore, although it considers the causes and symptoms of inflammation, it will be of interest to few. I publish it primarily for myself. So to speak, note. Well, maybe some of you will find it useful.

The mechanism of development of the inflammatory process

Many external signs of inflammation are explained just by the development of arterial hyperemia. As the inflammatory process increases, arterial hyperemia is gradually replaced by venous hyperemia.

Venous hyperemia is determined by further vasodilation, slowing down of blood flow, the phenomenon of marginal standing of leukocytes and their moderate emigration. A rather sharp increase in filtration processes, a violation of the rheological properties of the blood of the body.

Factors that influence the transition of arterial to venous hyperemia can be divided into two main groups: extravascular and intravascular.

Intravascular factors include - a strong thickening of the blood as a result of the transfer of a certain amount of plasma from the blood to the inflamed (damaged) tissue.

Parietal standing of leukocytes, swelling of the endothelium in an acidic environment, the formation of microthrombi - as a result of platelet aggregation and increased blood clotting.

Excessive accumulation in the focus of the inflammatory process of inflammatory mediators with a vasodilating effect along with hydrogen ions, exudate compression of the walls of veins and lymphatic vessels, these are extravascular factors.

Venous hyperemia initially leads to the development of prestasis - a jerky, pendulum-like movement of blood. During systole, blood moves from the artery to the veins, during diastole - in the opposite direction, since the blood encounters an obstacle to outflow through the vein in the form of increased blood pressure in them. And finally, the flow of blood due to blockage of blood vessels by cell aggregates or microthrombi completely stops, stasis develops.

How does stasis of blood and lymph occur?

Violation of microcirculation is a necessary prerequisite for the development of subsequent stages of inflammation. Only when the blood flow slows down and stops completely, it becomes possible to accumulate inflammatory mediators in a fairly short segment of the vascular bed.

Extravascular migration of leukocytes and their accumulation at the site of injury is one of the main phenomena in the inflammatory response. Without the release of leukocytes and their accumulation in one place in the form of an infiltrate, there is no inflammation.

The accumulation of cells in the focus of inflammation is called an inflammatory infiltrate. The cellular composition of the infiltrate significantly depends on the etiological factor.

In the event that inflammation is caused by pyogenic microbes (streptococci, staphylococci), then neutrophils predominate in the infiltrate. If it is caused by helminths or is allergic in nature, then eosinophilic granulocytes predominate.

In inflammation caused by pathogens of chronic infections (Mycobacterium tuberculosis, anthrax bacilli), the infiltrate contains a large number of mononuclear cells. Different blood cells migrate at different rates.

Mechnikov's law

The sequence of release of leukocytes into the focus of acute inflammation was first described by I. I. Mechnikov and learned the name of Mechnikov's law. According to this law, neutrophils are the first to enter the focus of acute inflammation, 1.5-2 hours after the onset of the altering agent, and the maximum accumulation of these cells occurs after 4-6 hours.

The emigrated neutrophils form an emergency line of defense and prepare the work front for macrophages. No wonder they are called "emergency response" cells. Then, after 3-4 hours, monocytes begin to come out. Last but not least, lymphocytes migrate.

Currently, the sequence of emigration is not explained by the simultaneous appearance of chemokines and molecules specific to different leukocytes.

The main place of leukocyte emigration is the postcapillary venule, since the endothelial cells lining the lumen of the venules have the greatest adhesive ability. The exit from the blood flow through the wall of postcapillary venules of leukocytes is preceded by their marginal standing, sticking to the inner surface of the vessel wall, facing the inflammation.

Adhesion (adhesion) of leukocytes to vascular endothelial cells has been given special attention in recent years, because the control of the process of interaction of leukocytes with the endothelium opens up fundamentally new ways to prevent an inflammatory reaction.

The creation of inhibitors of the synthesis of adhesive proteins or selective blockers of their receptors would make it possible to prevent the release of leukocytes from the vessels, and, consequently, to prevent the development of inflammation.

What is the reason for the higher adhesiveness of the endothelium at the sites of injury? So far, no definitive answer can be given to this question. Now this is associated with many factors, of which the most important is the increase in the synthesis of adhesive proteins by endothelial cells themselves under the influence of certain inflammatory mediators, in particular chemokines.

Adhesins are molecules that control adhesive reactions. They are produced not only by endothelial cells, but also by leukocytes.

Contribute to the adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium of microvessels and the changes that occur in the leukocytes themselves when they are activated. First, neutrophils in the initiation phase of inflammation are activated and form aggregates. Leukotrienes contribute to the aggregation of leukocytes.

And, secondly, some products secreted by the leukocytes themselves (lactoferrin) have adhesive properties and enhance adhesion.

After attaching to the endothelium, leukocytes begin to emigrate, penetrating through the inter-endothelial gaps. Recently, the existence of another way of emigration - transendothelial transfer - has been questioned.

Lymph cleansing video


There are 2 types of inflammation: chronic and acute. An acute process develops as a result of the body's reaction to irritation, injury, infection or an allergen. Chronic inflammation is promoted by an increased load on certain organs, aging of the body, and general overload. Inflammation is manifested by pain, fever. The process proceeds in 3 stages. On the 1st, a reaction develops in response to damage. At the same time, adjacent blood vessels expand, and blood flow to the affected area increases. Together with the blood, nutrients and cells of the immune system enter the site of inflammation.

At the 2nd stage, phagocyte cells fight pathogenic microorganisms. They secrete special substances that destroy pathogenic flora, and also produce antioxidants necessary to protect against possible damage by free radicals. In this case, damaged and dead cells of the body are removed. At the 3rd stage, the focus of inflammation is separated from the surrounding tissues. At the same time, mast cells release histamine, which increases the permeability of blood vessels. As a result, the damaged area is cleared of toxins and toxins.

The most noticeable manifestation of the inflammatory process is fever. A rise in temperature occurs when the immune system acts at its limit in response to inflammation. The following symptoms appear: rapid pulse, rapid breathing, increased sweating. At a high temperature, a cascade of reactions occurs in the body aimed at eliminating the causes of its occurrence. This symptom can last up to 3 days. During this period, the body fights infectious pathogens. Elevated temperature leads to the fact that the ability to reproduce bacteria drops sharply, and the number of protective phagocyte cells increases. As a result, they eliminate pathogenic microorganisms.

An increase in temperature is considered an alarming symptom, and the patient does not experience the most pleasant sensations. However, taking antipyretics is still not recommended, as this leads to an interruption of the natural process of fighting infection. In this case, the disease acquires a protracted course and often recurs. Undesirable preparations at temperatures up to 38.5 ° C. The relief of the condition is facilitated by an increase in the amount of fluid consumed, the intake of vitamin C. With a sharp rise in temperature, you should immediately call a doctor.

Any increase in the optimal body temperature in a person without visible signs and reasons serves as a certain protective reaction of the body to infection. Such an ailment can lead to one or another disease. Often, experts warn that an increase in temperature indicates that the body has entered the fray with the infection, producing interferon and protective antibodies.

Hyperthermia or fever

Thermoregulation of the human body occurs at a special reflex level. The hypothalamus, which belongs to the divisions of the diencephalon, is responsible for its optimal performance. Its functions also include control of the nervous and endocrine systems. It is in it that the centers are located that regulate the cycle of wakefulness and sleep, the feeling of thirst and hunger, body temperature and a large number of other psychosomatic and physiological processes.

Pyrogens, protein substances, take part in the increase in body temperature. They are both secondary (internal) and primary (external - in the form of microbes, bacteria and toxins). When a focus of the disease appears, external pyrogens force the cells of the body to produce secondary protein substances, which send an impulse to the thermoreceptors of the hypothalamus. In turn, he gradually begins to adjust the temperature of the body for the natural mobilization of its protective functions. Thus, until the hypothalamus regulates the existing disturbed temperature balance, the person suffers from fever.

Also, the temperature without symptoms can be with hyperthermia. This happens when the hypothalamus does not take part in its increase: it does not receive a signal to protect the body from infection. This increase in body temperature often occurs as a result of a violation of the heat transfer process, for example, during certain physical exertion.

The main reasons for the rise in temperature

Fever or fever occurs in almost any acute infectious disease. In addition, a similar relapse can be observed during an exacerbation of certain chronic diseases. In the absence of symptoms, a qualified specialist can establish the cause of the elevated body temperature by isolating the pathogen from the blood or the source of infection.

It is much more difficult to identify the cause of elevated body temperature without symptoms if the disease has arisen due to exposure to the body of opportunistic microbes (microplasma, fungi, bacteria) against the background of a local or general decrease in the immune system. In this case, a detailed laboratory study of mucus, sputum, bile and silence should be carried out.

Causes of fever without symptoms can be associated with the following diseases:

Cervicitis is an inflammation of the vaginal part of the cervix, which acts as a protective barrier between the body of the uterus and the external environment. Depending on the location, cervicitis can be internal (endocervicitis) or external (exocervicitis). The nature of the course is acute and chronic.

Causes of cervicitis

This disease rarely occurs on its own. Its companions can be any inflammation or infection of the reproductive system. More often, against the background of weakened immunity, they attack the mucous membrane of the cervix. The causative agents of infections can be:
- staphylococcus;
- ;
- chlamydia;
- treponema;
- gonococcus (more often with endocervicitis);
- candida (with exocervicitis);
- ureplasma;
- human papillomavirus.

The causes of cervicitis can be the use of contraceptives, mechanical damage to the cervix during abortion or installation, active sex life.

If a woman becomes ill with cervicitis during pregnancy, she must notify her doctor about this. Some drugs that are used in the treatment can affect the development of the embryo.

Signs and symptoms of cervicitis

Obvious signs of cervicitis can occur in the acute course of the disease. These symptoms are:
- slight increase in body temperature;
- purulent, bad vaginal discharge;
- smearing discharge of a dark color;
- hot flashes in the pelvic organs;
- pain in the lumbar region;
- Drawing pain at rest or pain during intercourse;
- burning and itching in the vaginal area;
- Pain when urinating.

Chronic cervicitis does not have such pronounced symptoms, it goes unnoticed. A gynecologist can detect and diagnose it during a routine examination or treatment of another problem.
As a rule, women of childbearing age are exposed to the disease, less often it occurs during the menopause.
The danger of cervicitis is that the infection can spread very quickly to nearby organs - appendages, peritoneum, bladder.

Before going to the doctor, you need to refrain from sexual intercourse for 1-2 days. Stop taking medications and using suppositories. Genital hygiene should be performed in the evening, on the eve of the appointment, without douching and detergents.

Treatment of cervicitis

Depending on which infection provoked cervicitis, the doctor prescribes a specific treatment. The course of treatment is also prescribed for the sexual partner, even in the absence of symptoms of the disease, after which tests are prescribed.
If untreated, cervicitis thickens, there is a risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, postpartum infections of the mother.

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Advice 4: Bartholinitis: symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Bartholinitis is a disease that is associated with an inflammatory process that occurs in the large gland of the vestibule of the vagina. Infectious agents quickly penetrate through the excretory ducts, and the pathological process moves to the parenchyma, causing purulent or serous inflammation. Exudate of a purulent nature captures the lobules of a large gland, a false abscess is formed, which can open at any time.

Bartholinitis symptoms

In acute significantly body, there is a general weakness, chills. The external genitalia swell, itching and discharge are disturbing. With an arbitrary breakthrough of the abscess, the general condition of the patient improves, the body temperature decreases.

Diagnosis of bartholinitis

At the first symptoms of bartholinitis, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. External and internal to accurately determine the presence of inflammation. For reliable determination

The main symptoms of gastritis

You should know that such an ailment is initially asymptomatic. The first signs of such a disease begin to appear when, along with inflammation of the internal surfaces of the stomach, their integrity is violated. A person may experience discomfort in the abdomen after eating. Before eating, spasms in the upper lobe of the epigastrium are often noted. A patient with such an ailment can observe frequent belching and bad breath. Moreover, such symptoms may not be present in a person on an ongoing basis, as a rule, they first appear for a while, and then disappear for a certain period. Therefore, many people who have such an ailment attribute the first signs of gastritis to the usual malaise of the body and are in no hurry to seek help from specialists.

Additional symptoms of gastritis

When the disease progresses to a more serious form, a person may begin to experience nausea and vomiting before and after meals. At the same time, undigested food with a very sour taste will come out at first. Subsequently, along with her, the patient can observe bile and mucus. Along with this, body weight will decrease, frequent and severe dizziness, general weakness and pain in the pit of the stomach, which are acute, will occur. At the same time, there may be cramps in the upper abdomen, which will be quite difficult to relieve with analgesics.

Symptoms of acute gastritis

This form of the disease has the above symptoms, and it also manifests itself with other symptoms. So, the patient may experience diarrhea or severe constipation, persistent migraines, tachycardia, fever, excessive production of saliva, due to a violation of food processing by the body. Also, a person can observe a loss of appetite, belching with fetid discharge, heaviness in the stomach, pulling pain after a meal in the stomach and gurgling in it, flatulence. With this disease, the nails become yellow, brittle and exfoliating, and the hair is faded. There may not be enough hemoglobin in the blood, because of this, you will constantly want to sleep.

Having discovered the symptoms of gastritis, it is necessary to visit a specialist as soon as possible. He will conduct a comprehensive examination and identify at what stage the disease is. Depending on this, a comprehensive and effective treatment will be selected that will ensure a speedy recovery.

Anti-inflammatory folk remedies will come to the rescue at the first sign of ailments. And also they can be used for preventive purposes. After all, inflammation is a normal reaction of the body to a viral or fungal infection, damage to the skin and other ailments.

This condition is considered natural, as the body is struggling, but if complications arise, the situation does not change for the better.

Therefore, it is necessary to respond in a timely manner to the deterioration of health, and folk products and herbs will help prevent the development of the disease.

Unlike synthetic drugs, folk remedies do not have side effects, but have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, so they must be used with caution, following the preparation instructions.

With the right attitude to traditional medicine, its recipes gently affect the body and help overcome all its problems.

Herbs with anti-inflammatory action

Anti-inflammatory herbs can be used in the form of restorative, tonic and vitamin preparations. The most popular among them, which have an anti-inflammatory effect:

Effective folk recipes using herbs and fees

Phytotherapy is widely used to treat various diseases. But to speed up the healing process, all recipes of traditional medicine are recommended to be used after consulting a doctor.

Effective remedies for colds:

With bronchitis, astringent and anti-inflammatory herbal preparations will help:

  1. To prepare an effective prescription for bronchitis, you should mix a decoction of oak bark, infusion of sage leaves, St. John's wort, calendula flowers and chamomile.
  2. Has an anti-inflammatory effect remedy from chamomile flowers, currant leaves and string. Take all the ingredients in equal proportions, mix, pour boiling water, leave for one hour and strain.
  3. Peppermint can help with bronchitis. For high efficiency, it must be mixed with yarrow infusion and a decoction of viburnum bark.

For absolute safety and proper use, it is better to use prescriptions after consulting a doctor.

For diseases of the throat, nasopharynx and respiratory tract:

In gynecology, the following herbs are used:

There are folk recipes using herbs that are used in urology:

Herbs with anti-inflammatory action for the intestines must meet the following criteria:

  • have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduce the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • promote mucosal renewal;
  • protect the mucosa from chemical and mechanical damage.

Most popular:

  1. Chamomile leading among herbs with anti-inflammatory effect. It is used in a variety of recipes for both internal and external use. To relieve inflammation in the intestines, you can take tea from this plant. But it is important to consider that chamomile does not eliminate the cause of this pathology. For a persistent anti-inflammatory effect, the plant must be taken for several months in a row.
  2. With dysbacteriosis and swelling, it is recommended to use cumin, fennel, dill, fruits and leaves of raspberries, blueberries, mountain ash.
  3. Decoctions of chamomile, fennel, yarrow, mint, wormwood, calendula effective in dyskinesia.
  4. With constipation, elecampane, buckthorn bark, valerian, marshmallow root, flax seeds will help.
  5. From medicinal herbs, you can prepare a collection for the treatment of acute and chronic gastritis. It will take marshmallow root, couch grass rhizome, fennel fruit, chamomile and licorice root. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions and mixed. Then you need to separate a tablespoon of the collection and pour 500 milliliters of hot water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, remove from the stove, let cool, strain and take a tablespoon before bedtime.

Anti-inflammatory herbs for joints have a complex effect and affect not only cartilage tissue, but also metabolism.

Most used:

  1. willow bark. The active ingredient is salicin, similar in action to aspirin. Willow bark can be combined with other drugs and herbs, so it is often included in the anti-inflammatory collection for the treatment of joints.
  2. lingonberry leaves affect the mineral composition of cartilage tissue, due to this they are the first assistant in the treatment of joints.
  3. For external use will benefit compresses based on cinquefoil, wild rosemary, sweet clover, birch buds.

For dental inflammation:

  1. To quickly relieve a toothache between the cheek and the aching tooth, you can put horse sorrel or valerian leaves. There will be an effect if they are simply chewed.
  2. Reduce toothache infusions for rinses from chamomile, sage, calendula, golden mustache, aloe, oak bark. They can be used for applications and oral baths.
  3. Used for diseases of the teeth and gums decoction or infusion of horsetail. To prepare, you need to stir 2 tablespoons of herbs in a glass of boiling water and insist all night.
  4. Helps with toothache infusion of birch buds. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in this remedy and attach it to the aching tooth. To prepare the tincture, pour 25 grams of kidneys with 100 milliliters of vodka and leave for 8 days in a dark place.

Medicinal herbs for osteochondrosis effectively relieve pain, swelling of the nerve root, inflammation, stimulate and relax muscles. Their use does not have a negative effect on the stomach.

Herbs are used for oral administration, in the form of tinctures and decoctions, as well as externally, as lotions and compresses. Effective Recipes:

  1. To relieve acute pain mix a tablespoon each of sage and mint, then pour 200 milliliters of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. In this infusion, moisten a piece of cotton cloth, apply to the affected joint and wrap it with a scarf for half an hour.
  2. For oral use grass of lemon balm, St. John's wort, wormwood and succession in equal quantities, then add birch buds, dill fruits and walnut leaves there. Mix all the ingredients and pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with boiling water. Insist in a thermos for two hours. Take one hundred milliliters orally three times a day before meals.
  3. Works great infusion of yarrow and calendula. For cooking, you should take a tablespoon of yarrow, three tablespoons of calendula, two tablespoons of licorice and mint. Pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 6 hours. Take 5 times a day for 50 milliliters.

Herbs for oral administration have not only an anti-inflammatory effect, but also the ability to quickly remove toxins from the body.

With inflammation of the lymph nodes:

  1. For the treatment of lymph nodes, you can use clover grass, calamus root and St. John's wort in 2 parts, as well as plantain seeds, wormwood, tricolor violet - 1 part each and some plantain leaves. Grind all the ingredients, separate two tablespoons and pour a liter of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 12 hours. Pass the infusion through gauze and drink the prepared portion for 1 day.
  2. It will help relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes blackhead, toadflax, thyme 1 part each, calamus root, valerian, you argue, lungwort, St. John's wort, oregano - 2 parts each. As well as licorice root and wormwood - 3 parts each, wormwood leaf - 4 parts, birch leaves - 6 parts. All components should be crushed, two tablespoons separated and steamed in a thermos for at least 12 hours. Then strain and take one liter a day in several doses.

Anti-Inflammatory Products

In addition to medicinal herbs, there are anti-inflammatory products, the use of which helps in eliminating inflammatory processes:

  1. Olive oil- contains the substance oleocanthal, which prevents the inflammatory process.
  2. Red wine- has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect due to the content of resveratrol.
  3. Tea- an excellent remedy for eliminating inflammatory processes. White and green tea contains many antioxidants. Its regular use reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
  4. Meat from grass-fed cows- contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.
  5. Fatty fish - counteracts inflammation and prevents heart disease and sudden death.
  6. Cocoa- it contains flavanol, which reduces blood clotting and inflammation.
  7. Cranberry- reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood and prevents cancer. This product is rich in anti-inflammatory antioxidant substances.
  8. Grape- contains resveratrol, helps fight cancer, prevents the development of inflammatory processes.
  9. Effective anti-inflammatory foods are hazelnuts and broccoli.

There is a huge variety of anti-inflammatory herbs and foods. Their correct use will have an effective effect in the fight against inflammatory processes in the body. In addition, they do not harm the stomach.

But you need to use them carefully, you can not use several recipes at the same time. It is better to use such funds after consultation with the doctor.

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  • slowing down blood flow
  • the occurrence of pain
  • swelling,
  • rise in temperature

antibiotics.Inhalations expectorants the lungs are cleared of mucus. Antihistamines

Effective ways to treat inflammation of different parts of the body at home

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes with a cold?

How to get rid of inflammation

Inflammation is one of the most serious problems in world and domestic medicine. This is a fairly old problem that medical professionals are still struggling with today. Usually, some kind of malfunction in the body leads to inflammation.

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Inflammation can begin both from significant injuries and from small cuts that occur daily in a person’s ordinary life. The inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, fever, suppuration, tumors and other unpleasant symptoms.

How to get rid of inflammation

At home, it is possible to get rid of the inflammatory process

How to relieve inflammation at home

antibiotics for inflammation

One of the most important inventions of medicine - antibiotics, are designed specifically to combat any kind of inflammation. Antibiotics have been mass-produced since 1910, but to this day, they are sometimes the only way to save a person. There is no more effective medicine in the fight against inflammation than antibiotics.

antibiotics for inflammation

Over the years, both official and traditional medicine have accumulated many recipes and methods in the fight against inflammation. It has long been believed that there is nothing worse than inflammation, especially if it is chronic. Any damage or injury is necessarily accompanied by inflammation. We encounter many quite often - these are purulent wounds, tumors, fever. The treatment of inflammation is a long and complex process, which has always been very acute.

Of course, many different antibiotics have been invented lately, but do not forget that they have a detrimental effect on internal organs, and often, while curing one organ from inflammation, another organ is subjected to a strong negative effect.

Traditional medicine will help in the treatment of inflammation

Even very skeptical experts are increasingly returning to effective anti-inflammatory recipes that exist in traditional medicine. These recipes are varied and especially effective in the treatment of inflammation in the acute stage. The treatment process is more difficult when we are dealing with chronic inflammation.

Traditional medicine against inflammation

Not all recipes can save you from inflammation, and if the inflammatory process is observed for a long time, and there are no improvements, then you need to consult a doctor!

Consult with a specialist

Celandine will help get rid of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes

You probably know such a plant from childhood, with yellow viscous juice - celandine? This is the best assistant in the treatment of angina of the lymph nodes. To do this, the stems must be cut, then washed, dried, cut as small as possible and poured with ordinary alcohol. In the resulting tincture, moisten the gauze bandage and apply it to the neck so that the lymph nodes are under the bandage, wrap the bandage with a plastic bag on top, wrap it with a shawl or scarf, and leave it overnight. Remove the compress in the morning and rinse your neck with warm water.

We treat inflammation with celandine

It is extremely important, in any inflammatory processes, to give your body a complete rest and sleep. Fatigue and lack of sleep are completely useless here, and will only aggravate the patient's condition. If possible, follow the diet. It's best to eliminate inflammation-increasing foods from your diet, such as pork, lamb, eggs, milk, and yeast. Drink as much water as possible, support your body with vitamins contained in raw vegetables. Most useful pumpkin.

And remember, each person's body is different. Be careful when using herbs, especially if you have a history of allergies, and check with your herbalist to be sure.

Folk advice for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the female genital organs

Treatment with cabbage leaves


Cook a quarter of cabbage until completely softened in half a liter of milk. Then the mixture must be filtered. We heat two bricks in the oven. They took out bricks, poured a decoction on them and sat down over the steam, repeated the procedure several times, after which they wrapped the entire lower part of the body in a warm blanket or blanket. Relief will come after the first time. In total, at least 5-7 such procedures are needed. If there is no cabbage, it can be replaced with 7-8 cloves of garlic.

cabbage is a doctor

After all symptoms are relieved, continue treatment with herbs such as sweet clover or cinquefoil.

Removal of all symptoms with goose cinquefoil

Fresh aloe juice: drink a dessert spoon of juice before meals, 2-3 times a day.

walnut leaves

A decoction of dry walnut leaves is poured with boiling water for 4 hours. You need to drink during the day.

Walnut leaves help

Treatment of gum inflammation with folk remedies

Inflammation of the gums is a common disease, which can be caused by beriberi, improper care of the oral cavity, decreased immunity, disruption of the digestive, endocrine or nervous systems. Treatment is carried out only complex - a special therapeutic toothpaste, rinsing the gums with decoctions of oak bark, needles, sage or chamomile, plus taking multivitamin preparations.

We treat inflammation of the gums

There are a large number of anti-inflammatory methods of treatment with folk remedies. This is the use of medicinal herbs, products, minerals that are effective against various types of inflammation. Each herb, mineral or product works for a specific type of inflammation and for a specific organ.

Source: treat inflammation with folk remedies at home | Folk ways to relieve inflammation

Inflammation of various organs of our body is a very common problem that we have to face at the most inopportune moment. The cause of such inflammations can be various bacteria and pathogenic infections, such as staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, all kinds of viruses and viral bacilli, fungi and other infections.

How can inflammation be treated with folk remedies at home?

Inflammation is a process that appears as a result of tissue damage. It is aimed at combating the agents that caused the damage, as well as repairing damaged tissues. However, a prolonged inflammatory process means that the body needs help.

Each of us needs to know this. After all, inflammation is the most common pathological process that occurs in our body. They lead to:

  • slowing down blood flow
  • the occurrence of pain
  • swelling,
  • rise in temperature
  • and, ultimately, to the violation of the vital activity of the organism.

Therefore, we need to know how to cure inflammation in different parts of the body and how to deal with inflammation at an early stage of its development in order to prevent significant negative consequences.

The universal remedy is antibiotics. They inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria. However, to eliminate the consequences of inflammation, auxiliary drugs and methods of treatment are needed. Most of our organs are prone to inflammation, and each has its own means and methods of treatment. So, with inflammation of the lungs, it is necessary to use expectorants, antihistamines and inhalation drugs. Inhalations used for difficulty breathing and as a means of antibiotic therapy. By using expectorants the lungs are cleared of mucus. Antihistamines serve to reduce pulmonary edema and prevent allergies to other drugs.

Effective ways to treat inflammation of different parts of the body at home

Inflammation can be cured by using various antibacterial and antiviral medicinal herbs and plants in combination with other natural resources. Such treatment allows you to achieve excellent results and get rid of inflammation in a short time.

A common form of inflammation is inflammation of the female genital organs. We recommend that you use medicinal herbs like bay leaf, walnut leaves, blueberry leaves, immortelle, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, sweet clover, nettle, licorice, blackthorn roots and others. It is also considered effective for inflammation of the ovaries to drink tinctures of aloe and pumpkin juice, and linden, thyme and chamomile inflorescences are used as a decoction. Propolis and mummy can also be used.

There are many old effective recipes for inflammation of the lungs, respiratory tract or tuberculosis. In such cases, it is required to use a tincture consisting of St. John's wort, essential oils, a decoction of oats and medicinal herbs, such as violet, pine buds, plantain, aloe, etc. Foods familiar to us, such as honey, onions and garlic, are also quite effective.

In case of inflammation of the larynx, we recommend using gargles with various decoctions and tinctures. For example, you can rinse your mouth with a tincture of ammonia in combination with a small amount of water, as well as a tincture of fresh walnut juice or rose oil. Also, you can prepare a healing ointment from the folk remedy of sage and camphor, they should be mixed with a small amount of honey. In addition, we recommend eating more grapes and pomegranates.

Inflammations are different. If your tooth hurts because your gums are inflamed, and you can’t go to the dentist immediately, you can rinse the tooth with salt. Dilute a tablespoon of salt in a glass of boiled water and carefully but gently rinse the aching tooth. This must be done at least once an hour.

Inflammation can occur due to small scratches - if the redness and swelling does not subside for a long time, consult a doctor, you may need more serious treatment than just herbal tinctures or decoctions. In addition, if you get a scratch, be sure to treat it with hydrogen peroxide and iodine or brilliant green - then more serious measures will not be needed.

For the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries, in addition to antibiotics, take decoctions of medicinal plants: boron uterus, chamomile, calendula. In addition, the use of various medicinal collections, consisting of various herbs, which are used specifically for gynecological diseases, is effective. Herbal decoction is needed for douching, after which tampons or anti-inflammatory suppositories prescribed by a doctor should be placed.

To treat inflammation of the ear, ear drops are used, which have a local therapeutic effect directly in the ear cavity. Ear candles and physiotherapy are also used.

To combat inflammation of the oral cavity, antibacterial sprays or antifungal drugs are used.

There are a lot of diseases associated with inflammation of different parts of the body. In the treatment of most of them, schemes similar to those described above are used. But at the same time, in each case, there are some nuances and subtleties, additional medicines are used. And, although the basis of any anti-inflammatory course is antibiotic therapy, antibiotics alone to cure inflammation are not enough for a complete recovery. Therefore, an individual treatment regimen should be selected by a doctor who decides how to treat inflammation in each case.

How to quickly treat inflammation with colds and sore throats at home?

This question is probably one of the most common. Surely everyone is familiar with the situation when, on the eve of an important business meeting, vacation trip or holiday party, the temperature suddenly rises, the head starts to hurt, the throat is tickled and the joints ache. All these are signs of inflammation that accompanies diseases such as influenza or tonsillitis. And here it is important not only to remove the symptoms of inflammation that disrupt the planned event, but to get rid of inflammation at an early stage. What needs to be done for this?

First of all, take antibiotics - Penicillin (or any other penicillin) or, if you are allergic to it, Erythromycin.

Drink more liquid during inflammation at home: warm water, tea with raspberries or honey, fruit drink, and so on.

Mix in equal proportions crushed leaves of sage, yarrow, St. John's wort and coltsfoot. Measure out two tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for one hour, filter and gargle the finished infusion in the throat to quickly treat inflammation.

Mix one large spoonful of honey with 20 drops of propolis tincture and 5 drops of Lugol's solution. After mixing the ingredients thoroughly, separate a quarter of the composition with a teaspoon and place it under the tongue. Try to dissolve the folk remedy for inflammation as slowly as possible, holding it in your mouth. Repeat the procedure four times a day.

Buy peach, eucalyptus or tea tree oil at the pharmacy. Mix 20 milliliters of purchased oil with 5-7 milliliters of sea buckthorn. Pipette the prepared mixture onto the tonsils with inflammation and lie on your back for half an hour, throwing your head back.

Prepare a two-liter pot of water. Pour a tablespoon of chopped eucalyptus leaves there and the same amount of sage, thyme, pine or birch buds. Put the pan on the fire, bring the folk remedy to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then put it on the table, cover your head with a towel or blanket and breathe over the steam for at least 20 minutes. Having finished the procedure, lie down in bed and cover yourself with a blanket with your head.

Very useful honey-echinacea mixture for resorption. To prepare it, place a spoonful of honey with 20 drops of echinacea tincture in alcohol. The mixture should be sucked after meals, a third of the serving at a time.

Now, knowing how to quickly treat inflammation, you will be ready for any vagaries of your body.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes with a cold?

There are many folk remedies with anti-inflammatory properties. These include not only various medicinal plants, but also minerals. Each of these remedies is suitable for the treatment of inflammation of a particular organ.

For example, celandine is effective in treating inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes. You need to cut off the stems of celandine, wash and dry them, then finely chop and pour alcohol. The resulting tincture should be moistened with a gauze bandage Apply the compress to the inflamed area, covering it with polyethylene on top, and wrapping the neck with a scarf. This procedure should be carried out at night until the inflammation subsides.

To quickly relieve inflammation, you need to follow a certain diet and daily routine. However, nothing particularly difficult in this case is not required, rather the opposite. Sleep should not be neglected - even with a slight lack of sleep, the body's immune system weakens and inflammatory processes intensify. And one sleepless night can negate all your previous treatment.

In case of inflammation, it is also necessary to exclude from your menu some products that contribute to the development of inflammatory processes. These are lamb and pork, beans, milk, wheat, eggs and yeast. But raw fruits and vegetables should be eaten as much as possible. Pumpkin pulp especially helps. And to increase immunity, you need to eat more foods containing vitamin C.

It should be remembered that the body of each person has its own individual characteristics. Therefore, when using this or that medicine for inflammation at home, try to foresee all the nuances, especially the possibility of allergies.

The inflammation can be treated if it is not too serious, but if the swelling does not go away for a long time, go to the hospital, otherwise the consequences can be very serious.

P.S.: Use our tips and recipes and you will forget about diseases forever!

Source: inside you - signs of a chronic inflammatory process in the body

The cause of many diseases, including heart disease, obesity, etc. is chronic inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is an enemy that knows how to disguise itself well, because it is very difficult to independently detect signs of an inflammatory process in the body. However, it is possible to identify this initiator of disease processes if you look closely at the signs of the inflammatory process and consult a doctor in time to undergo the necessary tests. will help you bring the inflammatory process to clean water.

What is inflammation, what are the signs of the inflammatory process in the body?

Inflammation is the body's response to injury. As a rule, we recognize inflammation in the body by typical signs: redness, fever and swelling of the damaged area, as well as restriction of mobility, for example, in the case of a sprained ankle or bruised finger. Chronic inflammation accompanies all diseases ending in "it" - arthritis, hepatitis, bursitis, etc. The inflammatory process can proceed “quietly” inside the body, and a person may not be aware of its presence.

Chronic infections are a very big burden on the immune system and liver, so you need to take care of strengthening the immune system.

If you have found the above signs in yourself, you need to consult a doctor who, based on the tests, will prescribe the necessary treatment and nutrition for inflammation.

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Source: such an inflammatory process, what are its symptoms and treatment

What is inflammation

Many bacterial, fungal or viral infections, abscesses, wounds of various tissues, and other violations of the integrity of the body are accompanied by inflammation, this phenomenon helps to recover faster, but often causes a lot of harm. In order to help the body in time, you need to know what an inflammatory reaction is, how many types it has, the stages of this process, its symptoms and methods of treatment.

Inflammation is an aggressive defensive reaction of the body to a violation of the integrity of any tissue caused by a mechanical, chemical or biological agent. Different stages of the process are aimed at destroying the waste products of dead cells and antigens (viruses, bacteria) that are toxic to the body, and sometimes at utilizing the latter.

Stages of inflammation

There are 3 main stages of inflammation:

  • alteration - damage to the integrity of tissues by any agent;
  • exudation - the influx of fluid with histamine and immune cells to the focus of inflammation;
  • proliferation - healing of tissues, restoration of their integrity.

At each stage, various processes occur that contribute to the protection of the body, described below. Symptoms of inflammation can appear at different stages, but treatment is important at each stage. It depends on the stage of the inflammatory process and the type of antigen.

How is inflammation

To understand the inflammatory response, we can consider a simple situation. Many in adolescence crushed acne, leaving small abscesses on the skin. The latter became convex, within 1-2 days there was redness around them. It was this redness that testified to the initial stage of inflammation.

Contribute to the development of the inflammatory reaction of basophils - blood cells containing histamine - a substance that causes vasodilation, a rush of blood to the site of its release and an increase in temperature. The main role of histamine molecules is to attract other immune cells to the site of damage, so that bacteria or viruses do not penetrate through the abscesses into the epithelium and blood.

The scheme of inflammation is as follows:

  1. At the site of violation of the integrity of the tissue, basophils are destroyed, releasing histamine.
  2. Histamine causes a rush of blood and "attracts" immune cells (macrophages, neutrophils, and others) to the right place.
  3. In the center of inflammation, a slight swelling occurs and the temperature rises.
  4. Immune blood cells actively kill antigens (bacteria, viruses) that enter through abscesses until the latter are covered with traumatic tissue.
  5. After restoring the integrity of the tissue, eosinophils secrete an enzyme - histaminase, which breaks down histamine, and inflammation ends.

Such a simple but powerful scheme helps to provide the body with protection against antigens at every stage of inflammation.

Damage from inflammation

Inflammation is also harmful. It is difficult to say exactly how long the stages of inflammation will last, often they take longer than necessary, for example, due to a lack of histaminase. Also, the accompanying phenomena have a negative effect - fever and swelling. When it comes to a small abscess from a pimple, there is nothing to worry about, but an inflammatory reaction can also occur on a large scale, for example, with tonsillitis, diseases of internal organs, arthritis, then the symptoms will be much more difficult for a person to endure.

How long does inflammation last

An important question is how long the inflammatory process lasts, because when it occurs inside the body it must be treated, otherwise the person will weaken. The duration of inflammation depends on the location, extent, and pathogens that immune cells fight. If we are talking about acne abscesses, then the inflammation lasts no longer than 1-3 days, but in the case of a sore throat, it can drag on for weeks, and sometimes it does not end at all without the help of medications.

Signs of inflammation

Today, medicine helps to effectively treat inflammatory processes, so when you see the signs of inflammation and take the right drugs, you can quickly deal with uninvited guests and make it easier to endure the process of this struggle.

The main symptoms of inflammation are:

  • redness of the area of ​​inflammation;
  • local edema;
  • soreness when touched;
  • local or general increase in temperature;
  • dysfunction (if we are talking about organs).

There are other signs of inflammation: allergic rashes, nausea, fever, but they are individual and rarely appear.

Types of inflammation

Inflammation is a broad concept, therefore, in order to be able to select the appropriate treatment, doctors have created a classification of this phenomenon. There are different types of inflammation, they are grouped depending on:

Forms of inflammation

There are three forms of the inflammatory process:

Acute inflammation is a process whose duration does not exceed several hours or days. A striking example of it is acne abscesses, scratches on the skin, wounds in the mouth and other external injuries caused by a mechanical agent, many of which do not need to be treated (with the exception of, for example, appendicitis).

Subacute inflammation is a pathological phenomenon, the treatment of which takes from 4-5 days to several weeks or months (how long it lasts depends on the location of the focus and the type of antigen). Many in childhood suffered a sore throat, bronchitis, otitis and similar diseases, the inflammatory process in all these cases proceeded in a subacute form.

Chronic inflammation is less common, it is a serious disorder that constantly exhausts the body's immune system. Most often it appears in childhood, and treatment almost does not give results. Diseases such as chronic tonsillitis, autoimmune disorders, cirrhosis and others occur in this form.

Sources of inflammation

The second classification is made based on the source of the inflammatory response. There are 3 main types of inflammatory agents:

Infectious agents include bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa and helminths that attack the external and internal organs of a person with mechanical, chemical, and other types of damage to the integrity of tissues.

An autoimmune agent is the most unpleasant source of inflammation, because it can be treated forever, but there will be no result, because it will always be in the body. The classic example is lupus. This is a disease in which the inflammatory process occurs in the epithelium due to the fact that the immune system "does not recognize" the cells of the body and tries to destroy them.

Treatment of inflammation

To help the body cope with antigens faster and stop inflammation, drug treatment can be carried out. In the pharmacy there are different classes of drugs of different directions:

  • immune suppressors for the treatment of autoimmune disorders;
  • antipyretics based on ibuprofen or aspirin;
  • antibiotics and antiviral drugs;
  • immunostimulants.

The former help to treat the manifestations of autoimmune diseases, reduce the aggressiveness of the immune system to the cells of the body, but are not able to completely eliminate the cause of chronic inflammation.

The latter are used to treat the phenomena accompanying inflammation - temperature, body aches, weakness. When they are taken, the body spends less energy on eliminating these symptoms and quickly copes with the cause of the inflammatory process.

The third group of drugs is heavy artillery, which can be used only if the body itself cannot cope with antigens. Treating a person with antibiotics or antiviral drugs is a responsible task that only a doctor can handle, so do not take them yourself.

Immunostimulants are used when the antigen has already begun to penetrate the body, but the immune system does not respond to it, these drugs are designed not only to treat, but to excite inflammation.

The inflammatory process exhausts the body, it is often difficult to predict how long it will last, but you can help the body cope with it. It is necessary to treat inflammation, taking into account the stage, its source and type of antigen, which are important to understand, but do not prescribe drugs to yourself, but consult a doctor. All site publications

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The information is given for general information only and should not be used for self-treatment.

Do not self-medicate, it can be dangerous. Always consult your doctor.

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Source: the process will recede if you eat it!

The main cause of chronic disease for many people is a systemic inflammatory process that was not treated in time or was not even identified in the initial stages and as a result leads to a full-blown progressive chronic disease. High blood pressure, bacterial and viral infections, arthritis, acid reflux, premature aging, heart disease, cancer and many other common diseases are often associated with inflammation, which must be addressed at the time of occurrence in order to avoid such terrible diseases!

And the best way to do this is to resort to implementing complex lifestyle and dietary changes instead of using drugs that can lead to unforeseen harmful side effects! If your health is being affected by chronic inflammation, the following foods and herbs can help reduce and even eliminate it naturally without the need for medication:

1) Dairy products and drinks. Eat more food and drink more drinks rich in probiotic bacteria - i.e. bacteria that promote a healthy, disease-fighting ecosystem within the gastrointestinal tract is one of the most effective ways to combat natural inflammation. Because Probiotics are vital to the body by effectively breaking down food and making it more bioavailable, they can also help alleviate digestive issues caused by modern foods, which are largely responsible for creating inflammation in the body.

Products include traditional fermented vegetables - kimchi (spicy pickled vegetables, a Korean dish) and sauerkraut, which are among the most popular - traditional miso soup, kefir or yogurt, tempeh (the most easily digestible soy product with a nutty flavor and mild texture), and homemade pickles. Popular probiotic drinks include kombucha tea, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (ACV), and kefir.

2) Omega-3 fatty acids. They act as a natural "lubricant" in the body and are powerful anti-inflammatory agents. You can find omega-3 fatty acids in wild oily fish, hemp and chia seeds, walnuts, domestic eggs and meat. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids reduce oxidative stress in the body and reduce inflammation in the brain, cardiovascular system, and elsewhere, which reduces the risk of developing other serious diseases.

High quality fish oil, hemp oil, chia oil, spirulina, pumpkin seed oil, and walnut oil are excellent sources of omega-3s. Each of these products will help offset the overload of omega-6 fatty acids that enter our body with modern foods, as well as avoid the inflammatory process.

3) Sour cherry. One of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods! It provides serious relief for those people who suffer from arthritis, gout, joint pain and other inflammatory conditions. Sour cherries are so powerful that Oregon Health and Science University researchers recently claimed they have "the highest anti-inflammatory content of any food."

Since they are not widely available fresh - virtually all supermarket cherries are sweet, not sour - the best way to get sour cherries is to buy them in powder, capsule, or juice form. Drinking just the juice of sour cherries every day can significantly improve inflammation markers within a few weeks.

4) Saturated fats. This recommendation may come as a surprise to some readers, but the truth is that the inhabitants of the Earth consume too much omega-6 fatty acids, which are one of the main causes of systemic inflammation. And who can blame them for this, given the fact that the medical system is actually promoting the consumption of omega-6 rich vegetable oils and other inflammation-inducing foods in the body, claiming to be a healthy diet?

Low fat is another cause of inflammation and chronic disease because The body needs a regular intake of healthy fats to keep the circulatory system in good health and maintain healthy blood flow. Consuming healthier saturated fats in the form of coconut oil, homemade meats and butter, lard can not only help reduce inflammation, but also strengthen your bones, improve lung and brain function, and modulate nervous system function.

5) The fruits of the Mexican cactus. Uniquely rich in the powerful bioflavonoid nutrient known as betalain, Mexican cactus fruit is another must-have anti-inflammatory food that is tasty and easy to incorporate into your diet. A member of the quercetin family, betalain helps neutralize free radicals responsible for triggering inflammation and also provides long-term protection against oxidative damage.

A 2012 study published in the journal Alcohol found that Mexican cactus fruit extract helped protect rat cells from inflammatory damage. And an earlier study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that the Mexican cactus fruit has a similar anti-inflammatory effect in humans.

Now you, dear reader of our site, know how to treat inflammation, how to neutralize it in the early stages or avoid it in principle.

Source: at home

Today I would like to publish an article that is devoted to the problem of the inflammatory process in the body. This article is replete with special medical terms, therefore, although it considers the causes and symptoms of inflammation, it will be of interest to few. I publish it primarily for myself. So to speak, note. Well, maybe some of you will find it useful.

The mechanism of development of the inflammatory process

Many external signs of inflammation are explained just by the development of arterial hyperemia. As the inflammatory process increases, arterial hyperemia is gradually replaced by venous hyperemia.

Venous hyperemia is determined by further vasodilation, slowing down of blood flow, the phenomenon of marginal standing of leukocytes and their moderate emigration. A rather sharp increase in filtration processes, a violation of the rheological properties of the blood of the body.

Factors that influence the transition of arterial to venous hyperemia can be divided into two main groups: extravascular and intravascular.

Intravascular factors include - a strong thickening of the blood as a result of the transfer of a certain amount of plasma from the blood to the inflamed (damaged) tissue.

Parietal standing of leukocytes, swelling of the endothelium in an acidic environment, the formation of microthrombi - as a result of platelet aggregation and increased blood clotting.

Excessive accumulation in the focus of the inflammatory process of inflammatory mediators with a vasodilating effect along with hydrogen ions, exudate compression of the walls of veins and lymphatic vessels, these are extravascular factors.

Venous hyperemia initially leads to the development of prestasis - a jerky, pendulum-like movement of blood. During systole, blood moves from the artery to the veins, during diastole - in the opposite direction, since the blood encounters an obstacle to outflow through the vein in the form of increased blood pressure in them. And finally, the flow of blood due to blockage of blood vessels by cell aggregates or microthrombi completely stops, stasis develops.

How does stasis of blood and lymph occur?

Violation of microcirculation is a necessary prerequisite for the development of subsequent stages of inflammation. Only when the blood flow slows down and stops completely, it becomes possible to accumulate inflammatory mediators in a fairly short segment of the vascular bed.

Extravascular migration of leukocytes and their accumulation at the site of injury is one of the main phenomena in the inflammatory response. Without the release of leukocytes and their accumulation in one place in the form of an infiltrate, there is no inflammation.

The accumulation of cells in the focus of inflammation is called an inflammatory infiltrate. The cellular composition of the infiltrate significantly depends on the etiological factor.

In the event that inflammation is caused by pyogenic microbes (streptococci, staphylococci), then neutrophils predominate in the infiltrate. If it is caused by helminths or is allergic in nature, then eosinophilic granulocytes predominate.

In inflammation caused by pathogens of chronic infections (Mycobacterium tuberculosis, anthrax bacilli), the infiltrate contains a large number of mononuclear cells. Different blood cells migrate at different rates.

Mechnikov's law

The sequence of release of leukocytes into the focus of acute inflammation was first described by I. I. Mechnikov and learned the name of Mechnikov's law. According to this law, neutrophils are the first to enter the focus of acute inflammation, 1.5-2 hours after the onset of the altering agent, and the maximum accumulation of these cells occurs after 4-6 hours.

The emigrated neutrophils form an emergency line of defense and prepare the work front for macrophages. No wonder they are called "emergency response" cells. Then, after 3-4 hours, monocytes begin to come out. Last but not least, lymphocytes migrate.

Currently, the sequence of emigration is not explained by the simultaneous appearance of chemokines and molecules specific to different leukocytes.

The main place of leukocyte emigration is the postcapillary venule, since the endothelial cells lining the lumen of the venules have the greatest adhesive ability. The exit from the blood flow through the wall of postcapillary venules of leukocytes is preceded by their marginal standing, sticking to the inner surface of the vessel wall, facing the inflammation.

Adhesion (adhesion) of leukocytes to vascular endothelial cells has been given special attention in recent years, because the control of the process of interaction of leukocytes with the endothelium opens up fundamentally new ways to prevent an inflammatory reaction.

The creation of inhibitors of the synthesis of adhesive proteins or selective blockers of their receptors would make it possible to prevent the release of leukocytes from the vessels, and, consequently, to prevent the development of inflammation.

What is the reason for the higher adhesiveness of the endothelium at the sites of injury? So far, no definitive answer can be given to this question. Now this is associated with many factors, of which the most important is the increase in the synthesis of adhesive proteins by endothelial cells themselves under the influence of certain inflammatory mediators, in particular chemokines.

Adhesins are molecules that control adhesive reactions. They are produced not only by endothelial cells, but also by leukocytes.

Contribute to the adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium of microvessels and the changes that occur in the leukocytes themselves when they are activated. First, neutrophils in the initiation phase of inflammation are activated and form aggregates. Leukotrienes contribute to the aggregation of leukocytes.

And, secondly, some products secreted by the leukocytes themselves (lactoferrin) have adhesive properties and enhance adhesion.

After attaching to the endothelium, leukocytes begin to emigrate, penetrating through the inter-endothelial gaps. Recently, the existence of another way of emigration - transendothelial transfer - has been questioned.

Lymph cleansing video

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How can an unprepared person detect an inflammatory process in his body? What should you pay attention to first of all?

Ivan, any person who listens to his inner feelings will be able to understand that something is wrong. Well-being, a feeling of discomfort, temperature, pain, all this will indicate some kind of inflammatory processes.

Thank you for this story from the inside. Our body is still to study and study. So many subtleties all the time you learn. And it seems like you look outside, well, what is there to study then?

Hello. I am in this state almost all the time. Like there is no temperature (or slightly), but there is an indisposition. Sometimes pustules appear on the body. One doctor suggested taking antibiotics, but somehow I doubt that it is necessary to sit down on them. So I understand, I just have an inflammatory process.

What can you pay attention to?

Nikolai, a wonderful natural “antibiotic” - black walnut extract, although expensive, works great. Drink the course, it will surely get better. This is not the first person to eliminate inflammatory processes of an unclear nature in this way.

Where can you find this extract? Tell me please.

It is available in pharmacies, and even in supermarkets it happens on racks ... In a word, you can find it. Or order on the Internet - I will not give specific addresses, but it is easy to find.

Good afternoon. Such a question, half a year subfebrile temperature, a terrible feeling, like a vegetable, fog in my head. During sleep, late at night and early in the morning the feeling is excellent. Next comes the rise and clear mucus appears from the nose. A bunch of examinations, tests, pills, to no avail. But there is an inflammatory process, stab neutrophils are slightly elevated, and in the city at the beginning of the disease there was streptococcus heme. Groups A. Can you give advice on how this source of eternal inflammation and temperature can be destroyed?

I would be very grateful, it is very difficult to live with a temperature.

Konstantin, I advise you to watch Olga Butakova's video about lymph cleansing. There is a lot of useful information in the material. I added a video to my post.

Source: characteristic signs of inflammation in the body

The inflammatory process is a serious pathology that cannot be treated on its own.

From a young age in the office of an uncle or aunt in a white coat, a frightened child hears these strange words: rhinitis, sinusitis, or, for example, tonsillitis. With age, mysterious diagnoses with the ending "it" are added to the medical record of almost every person. Did you know that all these "its" mean one thing: inflammation of one or another organ. The doctor says nephritis means that the kidneys have caught a cold, arthritis means your joint hurts. Absolutely every structure in the human body can be affected by the inflammatory process. And your body starts to tell you about it quite early and actively.

Five signs of inflammation were identified in ancient times, when not only special medical devices for diagnostics did not exist, but even a simple blood test was out of the question.

Knowing these five characteristic signs of inflammation, you too can determine your disease without any additional methods:

Any inflammatory process in the human body begins with the penetration of a provoking agent into it. It can be a bacterium, a virus, a foreign body, a chemical, or another "provocateur". The body immediately reacts to an unexpected guest, sending its guards to him - leukocyte cells, which are completely unhappy with him and instantly join the battle. In the place of accumulation of exudate, an infiltrate is formed. In the area of ​​the inflammatory process, you will definitely see swelling.

2. Rubor - redness

As a result of the death of damaged cells in the body, special substances are released - inflammatory mediators. First of all, the blood vessels located in the surrounding tissues react to them. To slow down the flow of blood, they expand, fill with blood and the result is the appearance of redness. Thus, redness is another characteristic sign of inflammation.

3. Calor - temperature increase

Vasodilation is an indispensable component of any inflammatory process, also because it must be cleaned up on the battlefield. The blood flow brings oxygen and the necessary building materials to the site of inflammation, and takes away all the decay products. As a result of such active work in the area of ​​​​inflammation, it becomes very hot. The third mandatory sign of inflammation is fever.

The fact that somewhere in the body there is an active fight against the pest must be communicated to the brain, and the best way to do this is some kind of bright and expressive signal. To do this, in almost every part of our body there are special bells - nerve endings. Pain is the best signal for the brain, as a result of which a person understands that something is going wrong in a certain area of ​​his body.

5. Functio laesa - dysfunction

The above signs of inflammation in total give another important symptom of this pathological process - a violation of the function of the affected structure. In a combat area, life cannot continue in the usual way. Therefore, inflammation is always accompanied by functional insufficiency of the affected organ. In some cases, this can be very dangerous for the body, for example, in inflammatory processes of the heart, kidneys or other vital organs.

If you notice these five signs of inflammation in yourself, you urgently need to see a doctor.

Remember that the inflammatory process is a serious pathology that cannot be treated on its own. Consultation with a qualified specialist and the selection of an effective treatment regimen will help your body become a winner in the battle against inflammation.

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