We put leeches at home. Zones of correct setting of leeches in kidney diseases. Where to look for leeches

Table of contents

  • Natalya Olshevskaya

    Golden recipes for hirudotherapy

    Hirudotherapy is an ancient healing practice of using medicinal leeches and the wonderful properties of their enzymes to prevent and treat a wide range of non-communicable diseases. You ask: “Why use them when there are enough medicines and treatments anyway?” The fact is that too many complications, side effects and newly registered diseases are detected when using officially accepted methods of treatment, including medicinal, surgical and hardware. Today medical structures depend on the pressure of a huge number of pharmacological corporations. Under these conditions, the list of immunodeficiency diseases, allergies, polypharmacy, and chronic diseases is growing. And depression and neurosis (the so-called non-psychotic disorders), according to the forecast of the World Health Organization, by 2020 will take the second place in terms of the number of pathologies caused after cardiovascular diseases.

    The need to change views on the nature of human ailments and ways to get rid of suffering is obvious. That is why interest in natural healing methods has increased, which use biofield energy characteristics similar to human ones in their practice. More and more supporters both among patients and doctors are acquiring naturopathic concepts. After all, the doctor, by virtue of his duties, must interfere not only in the physiological, somatic system of a person, but also in the spiritual sphere of the patient. This is where the problem of energy correction of the functions of the human body arises.

    If Qi flows freely through the energy network, the person is healthy. But if it is blocked, stagnant or weakened, then there are problems with well-being. It is known that Yin symbolizes the feminine, dark, negative principle. Yang, on the contrary, is masculine, bright, active and positive. Yang energy moves from outside to inside, and Yin moves inside the body. If one of them dominates, the balance of Qi is disturbed, which leads to the occurrence of diseases. The main goal is to achieve harmony, balance between these two principles.

    Every person has a huge potential for health. If you use it at least half, you can live a happy life for many years, not knowing what an illness is. This is reminiscent of ancient knowledge about how to treat diseases. For thousands of years they were collected bit by bit, passed from mouth to mouth. From time immemorial they have come down to us, and we, contemporaries, have received a unique opportunity to gain health without drugs. Traditions of such methods of treatment as apitherapy, herbal medicine, manual therapy, massage and hirudotherapy have been used by people since ancient times.

    The history of hirudotherapy has more than 30 centuries. Leeches are mentioned as universal, effective healer assistants in ancient Chinese sources, as well as in the manuscripts of the great physician Avicenna.

    In Russia, works on the use of leeches with medicinal purpose belong to the 17th century. And for more than 100 years, this proven method has been used in official medicine. In our time, he received only a new scientific and practical justification.

    So, a leech - a part of a harmoniously arranged, rational nature - heals a person with the help of its inherent biological properties. All natural remedies, having energy potential, exchange information with the human energy system, which regulates the functions of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, reproductive and urinary systems, as well as the musculoskeletal system. Any person needs an energy-informational health corrector.

    Oriental medicine (Tibetan, Chinese, Indian) has been using methods for correcting the indicators of the human energy system for thousands of years, influencing biologically active points (BAP) with the help of reflexology (acupuncture). Many points, through which a healing effect is achieved, form the so-called meridians - energy channels (network). There are paired and unpaired meridians, which are divided into Yang and Yin meridians. They cross the entire human body, unite sections of the central nervous system, internal organs and skin surface. Through the energy channels (meridians), Qi rises close to the surface of the skin - to the acupuncture points (or "holes" - translated from Chinese). The location of acupuncture points is determined by the nerve nodes. These are primarily two abdominal nerve trunks and nerve chains located on the outer and inner surfaces of the arms and legs.

    There are more than 600 points on the human body, by influencing which, the doctor can regulate vital energy. Some of them tone the body, others transport energy from one meridian to another.

    Leeches placed in the projections of energy channels, the system of which includes a damaged organ identified after a thorough examination, are sucked exclusively at biologically active points, affecting the energy exchange of the affected system.

    Unfortunately, modern medicine, while coping quite well with infectious and surgical diseases, often succumbs to a number of chronic and mental illnesses. It is in connection with this that the interest in oriental medicine, and in particular in hirudotherapy, has increased so much. It enables people to live healthy, long life. But, of course, you cannot use leeches on your own: only a qualified doctor can help you.

    Everything that we will introduce you to on the pages of this book should be taken only as fact-finding information, and not as a guide to action. Only a specialist, and of the highest category, who not only has a diploma in hirudology, but also has a natural talent, can put into practice the methods of treatment described below.

    History of hirudotherapy

    How, when and where did healers begin to attract leeches to help people? According to some sources, this happened in Egypt, according to others, leeches began to be used in India or China as early as the 1st millennium BC. So, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, having tried all the remedies, used hirudotherapy and was cured of infertility, gave birth to an heir and, in gratitude to the natural power of the leech, ordered her to be depicted on the walls of the tombs of the pharaohs. Later, many doctors, including Fallopius Gabriele (XVI century, Italy), treated gynecological diseases with the help of leeches.

    The first to describe the healing effect of leeches was the ancient Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder in the 1st century AD in his Natural History. Following Pliny, Claudius Galen and Avicenna studied the possibility of their medical use.

    Ancient healers used vein bleeding and blood-sucking jars (an incision was made on the skin, and the jar itself sucked out the blood) and bloodletting with leeches - bdellotherapy (this is the method of treatment with the help of a leech from Greek). Leeches gave the maximum therapeutic effect, but after their use, blood oozed from the wound for quite a long time, and hirudotherapy could not displace less troublesome methods of treatment from the arsenal of healers, although it was the safest and most effective remedy.

    In the 14th century, during a plague epidemic in Europe, it was proposed to use leeches as a prophylactic. More wide application hirudotherapy received in the XVII-XVIII centuries. It began to be actively used in military field surgery and therapy for the treatment of wounds and frostbite, with postoperative complications, as well as to stop bleeding.

    In the 19th century, N. I. Pirogov, the great Russian doctor and diagnostician, working in a military field hospital on the consequences of gunshot wounds, used the lymphatic drainage, decongestant, capillary-trophic and hemostatic properties of leeches.

    In the same century, the famous Russian clinician G. A. Zakharyin first discovered that the action of leeches provides not only a blood-extracting, but also a distracting effect. He described the case of a 40-year-old patient who developed profuse nosebleeds, in whom a small hemorrhoidal hemorrhage “stopped the bleeding and relieved the head, and, moreover, so quickly, so abruptly that attributing this to chance would mean closing your eyes to the evidence, declaring your inability to observe ".

    Zakharyin used leeches continuously during his 45 years of practice. The professor, who brought up a new school of doctors, proved the usefulness of the correct use of "medical worms" at a time when it was not yet known about the substances secreted by the head and side glands of the medicinal leech. In many ways, it was thanks to his efforts that hirudotherapy gained its development, and a new stage in the scientific study of the biochemical composition of leeches' saliva began.

    In 1868, Professor K. Dyakonov in the article “Change human blood in leeches" wrote that "the incoagulability of the blood in the intestinal canal of the leech indicates the existence of some kind of dissolving agent." Dyakonov's hypothesis was brilliantly confirmed in 1884. In the same year, a researcher, professor at Birmingham Royal College J. Highcraft isolated an extract from the body of a leech, which served as a material for obtaining hirudin. However, the researchers considered that the effect of the action of the leech is due only to inhibition (inhibit - restrain, stop) blood clotting, that is, it contains an enzyme - an antagonist of blood clotting factors.

    Hirudin blocks the activity of the main enzyme in blood coagulation - thrombin. The blood also circulates a substance of large molecular weight - fibrinogen. Thrombin activates the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin in various vascular wall injuries, and fibrin, in turn, forms a special structure, being the basis of a thrombus. In the formed fibrin filaments, blood cells, such as platelets, erythrocytes, accumulate, the thrombus stabilizes, and the site of damage to the vessel closes. This is a common scheme for eliminating violations of the integrity of the skin, for example, with cuts, abrasions. However, with certain diseases, the amount of thrombin in the blood increases quite significantly, and thrombotic complications in various vessels sometimes begin to pose a direct threat to human life. It's about about myocardial infarctions, strokes, thrombosis and other vascular complications in vital organs.

    It should be mentioned here that the vascular wall itself loses with age its qualities of elasticity, smoothness, becomes more rigid (inflexible, unyielding), atherosclerotic plaques form on it, on which fibrin threads are fixed. What does the leech enzyme hirudin have to do with it? The fact is that hirudin forms a strong inactive chemical complex with thrombin, that is, thrombin ceases to coagulate fibrinogen, the blood clotting time, thrombin, thromboplastin time of blood plasma lengthens. Hirudin prevents thrombosis. Then, of course, after about 24 hours, as the hirudin is removed, the parameters of the coagulation system normalize.

    In 1937, a substance was discovered, also found in the extract from the head of the leech, called "penetration factor". It is an enzyme that breaks down and depolymerizes acid mucopolysaccharides, including hyaluronic acid, which is one of the most important components in the skin's barrier function. Hyaluronidase increases the permeability of the skin, tissues, capillary walls, facilitating the penetration of the biologically active substances of the leech into the human body during a bite and transporting them into the blood.

    Research on the properties of leech secretion continued. In 1969, polypeptides (proteins) were discovered that block proteolytic enzymes - trypsin and plasmin, involved in the breakdown of food, called bdellins. With their help, blood pumped by a leech is preserved, remaining in its intestinal tract for a long time. Other protein compounds were also found - eglins, which inactivate human granulocyte proteases - cathepsin G and elastase. Eglins, interacting with cathepsins of macrophage lysosomes, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, which support the inflammatory process and tissue destruction in a number of diseases of infectious-allergic and immunopathological origin, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, perform the task of an anti-inflammatory factor, reducing the degree of edema of tissues involved in pathological process. The significance of these reactions of blocking the cleavage of collagen, proteoglycans, and other proteins of body tissues, carried out with the participation of eglins, can hardly be overestimated.

    The next step in the discovery of the various properties of leech saliva was the discovery of a histamine-like substance that determines the duration of bleeding due to the vasodilating effect. However, the composition and formula of this component has not yet been disclosed, research continues.

    By 1986, a new enzyme, destabilase, was discovered and isolated, hydrolyzing isopeptide-lysine bonds in stabilized fibrin. The introduction of destabilase as a purified drug leads to the destruction of the thrombus, as well as to a significant lengthening of the time of fibrinogen clotting by thrombin and the time of blood plasma recalcification.

    Experiments have shown that destabilase has a pronounced prophylactic antithrombotic effect. This effect is due to the blocking of platelet aggregation by the lipid component of the destabilase complex. In general, destabilase is a strong compound containing destabilase and prostaglandin components, hirudin, and an inhibitor of plasma kallikrein.

    The main and most important function of destabilase is the antithrombotic effect due to the blocking of the internal mechanism of blood coagulation and the antithrombin activity of hirudin. But there is also a thrombolytic effect due to the attachment of the prostaglandin component to the site of damage to the vascular wall with a parietal thrombus and the slow lysis (dissolution) of the fibrin clot under the action of the isopeptidase activity of destabilase.

    So, summing up the properties of the leech secret, it should be said that the biologically active substances collected by nature itself enter the human body in the ratios and quantities strictly necessary to start the biological reaction, enhancing each other's action.

    In 1991, the First All-Union Conference of Hirudologists was held, held under the motto: "Medical leech in the service of health." It was intended to bring together hirudotherapists, employees of the Moscow and Leningrad biofactories that grow leeches, and biochemists.

    In recent years, the number of doctors practicing hirudotherapy has grown to several thousand. The excellent clinical results obtained by them are of great interest in the scientific world. "Leech topics" appeared in the scientific plans of the departments of medical institutes and research centers. The official recognition of the method can be considered the approval by the Ministry of Health of Russia of methodological manuals for the use of hirudotherapy in ophthalmology, dentistry, in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke, etc.

    Despite the complexity of the current stage of development, hirudotherapy is gradually gaining its rightful place in practical medicine.

    "Portrait" of a leech

    Morphology and physiology

    The best known, used and most studied is the form Hirudo medicinalis. The leech belongs to the class of annelids Annelide s, subclass Hirudinea, a detachment of jawed leeches - Gnathobdellida.

    Medical leech - brown-olive, with six red-yellow stripes on the back, mottled with black dots along the length of the body, with a mottled abdomen and wide compressed rings. Has 10 small "eyes" on the head, arranged in a semicircle, 6 in front and 4 on the back of the head. Near the end of the body it is equipped with fleshy suckers-suckers, at their anterior end there is a mouth, and at the posterior end there is a powder. Both ends of the leech can freely stick to foreign bodies. This species is found in large quantities in Ukraine.

    A leech can drink blood three times more than it weighs itself. The bloodsucking time takes up to 25–40 minutes, after which the leech lives in a free state. The blood of the victim is digested in the leech's stomach, which is a gut with 10 pairs of processes that occupy most of the leech's body, for quite a long time. The interval between bloodsucking can be up to 24 months, and all this time the absorbed blood is in a liquid state due to the evolutionary type of nutrition that blocks blood clotting.


    Leeches can live in water and damp soil. Their usual habitat is reservoirs with a muddy and rocky bottom, in which the water warms up quite well: shallow lakes, ponds, swamps, backwaters of rivers with a low flow rate.

    Most of the time in summer and spring, leeches spend buried in silt, hiding between stones or plants near the coast. They willingly absorb the blood of wild and domestic mammals, and on occasion stick to a person. Young leeches attack only frogs, tadpoles and fish.

    The real owners of an adult medicinal leech are large warm-blooded animals, especially ungulates that come to drink.

    Most of the time, leeches are starving, sitting in their shelters on the bottom, since suitable prey appears relatively rarely. However, leeches are accustomed to such a diet and calmly survive a forced hunger strike, consuming fresh blood reserves deposited in the stomach and intestines. Yes, they do not need to suck blood daily, the digestion of blood reserves lasts about 2 weeks. Leeches can starve for an average of 5-10 weeks, or even up to six months. The maximum duration of a forced hunger strike, in which they remain viable, is 1.5 years.

    Medical leeches are able to migrate from one coastal area to another, changing the feeding area. On cold and windy days, leeches become inactive, on the contrary, in sunny calm weather, their activity increases, they swim briskly across the pond in search of prey.

    Medical leeches are bisexual creatures, that is, the same individual has both sex organs. But nevertheless, for reproduction, the presence of two individuals is necessary.

    Under natural conditions, leeches reach a size suitable for medical use (weight 1.5–2 g) in the third year of their existence. They grow very slowly and reach their final size only by 5 years.

    There is no exact data on their life expectancy, numbers are from 6 to 20 years.

    Unfortunately, in nature, the number of leeches is decreasing due to poor ecology, so now leeches are bred on special farms.

    Breeding Technology

    The only way to restore the number of species of medical leeches was artificial breeding.

    In Russia, the first leech farm was founded in Moscow in 1825 and was designed to reproduce and keep 700,000 leeches. They were bred in natural conditions (in artificial reservoirs) and kept in nurseries depending on their age, ability to reproduce and suitability for medical use. The reservoirs were surrounded by two wooden fences. An additional pit was dug around the outer fence to rinse the leeches before consumption. Over time, a whole network of leech farms arose. Breeding leeches in the open did not require special capital investments and made it possible to make a big profit.

    In the middle of the 19th century, a leech company appeared in St. Petersburg, which had 40 individual planters. Leech companies began to operate in other Russian cities, and every year there were more and more of them.

    The technology of breeding leeches in artificially created conditions, which is popular today, was developed in the 40-50s of the XX century. This method is based on the creation of conditions under which leeches regularly multiply, develop rapidly and quickly become suitable for treatment. For this, large, well-fed leeches (they feed leeches with fresh blood obtained from healthy animals - cattle and small cattle, pigs), the so-called queens, are seated in pairs in small jars of water (the room temperature is maintained at 25–27 ° C). The mating period lasts about a month. After mating, the queens are planted in special queen cells - vessels or boxes filled with moist peat soil covered with moss. The queens make moves in the soil and lay cocoons in them.

    At the end of development, cocoons are placed in water, where small leeches are hatched, which in practice have received the name of threads. Growing them consists mainly in feeding at regular intervals: clots of coagulated blood are placed on the bottom of the vessel, then leeches are placed there. After a series of feedings, the leeches reach a sufficient size, and they are left for some time without food in order to be made suitable for medicinal purposes. Between feedings, leeches are carefully cared for. Keep them in a closed heated room.

    Signs of benign leeches

    Healthy, hungry and fairly active leeches can be called benign. They have a pronounced contraction reflex. That is, the body, when touched, becomes short, thick, elastic and dense. Healthy leeches, released into a vessel with a small amount of water, should crawl up the walls in no more than half an hour. Another sign of the good quality of leeches: if you put your hand in a jar of leeches, then healthy leeches will immediately stick around it and start biting.


    The main action of hirudotherapy unfolds on the basis of the lymphoid system, which accumulates metabolic products. In other words, the leech restores physiological excretory functions by regulating intersystem relationships and interactions, activating interstitial humoral transport, and slowing down the aging process.

    Hirudotherapy affects the pathological focus in three directions: through the lymph flow, through the bloodstream, through biologically active points, restoring the internal environment of the body most fully and physiologically. The leech contains all the natural factors that optimally regulate homeostasis and enter the body in a natural way.

    The most important effect of hirudotherapy is the anti-ischemic effect, the restoration of microcirculation and the ability to activate local immunity. The advantage of using leech secretion over pharmaceutical anti-ischemic agents is that, by restoring vascular permeability, physiological lymphatic drainage, leech saliva components provide a focused therapeutic effect, creating a concentration of the anti-ischemic drug directly in the pathological focus.

    It is important for every potential patient planning to use hirudotherapy to remember that general and local immunity after a course of leeches is significantly increased.

    Complications during the course of treatment are extremely rare and occur mainly when patients scratch the wounds due to itching. But this is not a contraindication to further continuation of the course, it only reduces the number of procedures and requires the appointment of antibacterial drugs. In very rare cases an allergic reaction may occur, which manifests itself in increased itching, increased swelling. In such rare situations, an antihistamine is prescribed, and the course of treatment is stopped, the patient is warned about the presence of a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction and a possible severe allergic reaction with a repeated course of hirudotherapy.

    There is also a complication in the form of excessive bleeding, when the patient does not recognize a deviation in the blood coagulation system, or when a leech is placed directly over an adjacent vessel. In this case, a tight pressure bandage is applied or the wound is stitched.

    Indications and contraindications for the use of leeches

    For what diseases are leeches used, as well as their secretion and preparations based on biologically active substances?

    The list of diseases, pathological conditions, in which the use of a medical leech or hirudodrug is indicated, includes almost all somatic diseases associated with circulatory disorders, tissue hypoxia, edema, stagnation, enzymatic failures that have developed in any, without exception, body system or organ.

    AT cardiological In practice, in patients with coronary heart disease and angina pectoris, staging leeches at vascular points can achieve relief of retrosternal pain, reduce shortness of breath, disappearance of leg edema, improve ECG indicators. The method allows to improve microcirculation in the heart muscle and reduce myocardial hypoxia. The anti-ischemic effect is obtained with complex treatment with the use of leeches and creams with a leech preparation.

    AT gastroenterology leeches are used in the treatment of biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis, pancreatitis, hepatosis, hepatitis, duodenitis, gastritis, colitis, including nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Hirschsprung and Crohn's diseases. In these cases, along with hirudotherapy, manual therapy of the abdomen, vacuum technique, herbal medicine, diets, monitored bowel cleansing, hydrocolonotherapy are used.

    AT surgical Hirudotherapy is used in the preoperative and postoperative periods for the following diseases: inguinal, umbilical, various postoperative ventral hernias, thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities, trophic ulcers, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, post-injection infiltrates, panaritiums, lymphedema, long-term non-healing wounds, fistulas, postoperative swelling. It should be noted that the basis of the therapeutic effect is the ability to control local blood flow and lymph flow.

    AT traumatology and vertebrology leeches are also used in both acute and chronic stages. In case of an acute injury, the application of leeches relieves pain, reduces swelling, prevents the occurrence of encysted hematomas, that is, the function of the joint and damaged tissues is restored faster. Leeches are used topically for fractures of the extremities (6–12 months after the injury) and in cases of contractures of postoperative keloid scars and even for the correction of calluses.

    For diseases musculoskeletal system, post-traumatic and degenerative-dystrophic, in particular, osteochondrosis of the spine, hirudotherapy is carried out in combination with manual therapy of the abdomen, honey massage, the use of clay, vacuum therapy. Deforming arthrosis of the hip, shoulder, knee joints are treated both by applying leeches locally, and using autologous blood in a compress from an attached leech. A significant analgesic effect and even regeneration of the cartilage of the joint surface can be achieved with such a disabling disease as Perthes disease ( aseptic necrosis femoral head). Damage to the meniscus of the knee joint is not only anesthetized, but also amenable to a regenerative effect under the action of a leech secret. With gout, which is a pathology metabolic processes, an analgesic effect is achieved and deformities of the phalanges of the small joints of the fingers and toes disappear.

    Spectrum urologically x diseases that can be corrected with hirudotherapy include polycystic kidney disease, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis, abnormalities in the development of the kidneys, diseases of the ureters, bladder, scrotum, urethral stricture, prostate adenoma, diseases of the penis, cryptorchidism, chronic prostatitis, nocturnal enuresis. The effect of success from hirudotherapy is based on the immunostimulating and bacteriostatic action, as well as the restoration of intercellular contacts and the solution of the problem of drug transport to the target organ, to the focus of the disease. Among the local effects on the target organ are the placement of leeches on vascular points, the use of autologous blood from an attached leech during massage, the introduction medicines under a leech placed over the lymph nodes serving the pathological focus, as well as the involvement of such naturotherapeutic methods as bee stinging, manual therapy of the abdomen.

    AT endocrinology treatment with leeches is effective for diseases such as diabetes, obesity, thyroid diseases - hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Complex therapy is also used here, consisting of sessions of applying leeches, manual therapy of the abdomen, and diet therapy.

    Gynecological pathology, in the therapy of which the leech secret is widely used, is very extensive. These are uterine fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, infertility, menstrual disorders (dysmenorrhea), prolapse of the uterus and vagina, painful menstruation (algomenorrhea), adenomyosis of the uterus, menopausal syndrome. In the course of treatment, along with the application of leeches, phytotherapy, therapeutic fasting, apitherapy, the use of clay in the form of microclysters and vaginal tampons, manual therapy of the abdomen, and turpentine baths are used.

    AT ophthalmology with the help of leeches, all forms and stages of glaucoma, keratitis, iridocyclitis, various traumatic injuries of the organ of vision (contusion edema of the cornea, retina, iris of the eye; penetrating wounds of the eyeball and their consequences, including sympathetic ophthalmia), hemophthalmia, hyphema, detachment retina, post-burn complications (iridocyclitis, secondary hypertension), granulomatous uveitis, vascular diseases eye as a consequence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, pigmentary dystrophy, senile retinal dystrophy, retinal vascular thrombosis. Possessing dehydration, anti-sclerotic effects, leech secret improves microcirculation, develops collaterals, and improves vascular elasticity. In other words, visual functions improve, fields of vision are restored, and the size of cattle is reduced. Hirudotherapy is also used during pre- and postoperative preparation in order to reduce pain, congestion, corneal edema and prevent hemophthalmia. Preventive use before and after laser therapy makes it possible to achieve the absence of intraocular pressure rise.

    AT dermatology leech secret is used in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma and systemic lupus erythematosus. In the treatment of these diseases, along with diet therapy, manual therapy of the abdomen, local injection of autologous blood from an adjoining leech around psoriatic plaques, scleroderma foci and into the affected joints in systemic lupus erythematosus are used. Hirudotherapy is also effective as an anti-inflammatory agent for boils, carbuncles at the stage of infiltration, that is, in the first two days of the disease. After opening the abscess, leeches are used to reduce pain, eliminate swelling, and prevent thrombophlebitis.

    allergic diseases of various origins are very effectively treated with the help of hirudotherapy.

    AT otorhinolaryngology with the help of hirudotherapeutic techniques, they successfully reduce the treatment time, improve the immune response, preventing the process from becoming chronic, in such diseases: lacunar and follicular tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, acute otitis media, adhesive otitis media, sensorineural hearing loss, vasomotor rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis.

    Plastic surgery also uses the unique effects of hirudotherapy over the years in autotransplantation. Leeches reduce and prevent postoperative complications, such as gross cicatricial deformities and flap necrosis. They increase the viability of grafts by providing better revascularization, reducing tissue hypoxia in the area of ​​the donor site and the area of ​​the upcoming plasty, mechanical removal of stagnant blood from the graft.

    AT neurological In practice, leeches provide very great opportunities for obtaining functional effects in migraines, cerebrovascular accidents, sciatica, neuritis, neuralgia of the trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves, neuropathy of the optic, facial and auditory nerves, various radiculopathies of the cervical and lumbar localization, as well as with craniocerebral injuries: concussion, brain injury, cerebral hemorrhage.

    AT dentistry hirudotherapy is used in the treatment of acute and chronic periodontitis, gingivitis, aphthous stomatitis, periodontitis, periostitis, leukoplakia. In these cases, a leech-based ointment is more often used, since not every patient can withstand the direct application of leeches in the mouth.

    AT children's practice, hirudotherapy is used according to special indications and carried out only by an experienced pediatrician!

    In children under one year old, the most common indications for hirudotherapy are birth injury accompanied by cerebral edema, as well as neurological diseases (hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome, encephalopathy with a venous-congestive component, impaired liquorodynamics). When treating children, no more than one small leech is used. It is applied until independent discharge and no more than 3-4 procedures are carried out, combining them with medications.

    In children under the age of 3 years, the reasons for turning to hirudotherapy are also, along with neurological inflammatory diseases, which are ineffectively amenable to conventional treatment methods. The course of treatment, as a rule, consists of 2-3 manipulations once a week with two leeches.

    At the age of 3 to 7 years, the course consists of 3-5 procedures, no more than once a week. The success of treatment and the effectiveness of the results achieved in children are much higher and more stable.

    Contraindications. An absolute contraindication to the use of hirudotherapy is hemophilia. However, this provision directly relates to the direct application of leeches, but some other hirudotherapeutic techniques can be used in this category of patients.

    There are also contraindications: common pustular skin lesions, malignant arterial hypotension, extreme stage of dystrophy (cachexia), severe secondary immunodeficiency, severe anemia, pregnancy.

    Contraindications are also: tumors of any localization and any nature, acute infectious diseases, chronic pulmonary insufficiency, serious illnesses heart, kidney, severe exhaustion, infancy, mental illness and intoxication, drug addiction, acute pain manifestations of unknown origin, condition after heavy physical exertion, running and hot baths.

    Exposure to leeches is prohibited for pregnant women, patients with viral and fungal diseases, as well as hypersensitive people with increased nervous excitability.

    Before starting treatment with leeches, the doctor should check if the patient has any allergies and contraindications to them.

    It should be borne in mind that improper placement of leeches on the skin can be painful and cause a number of serious complications and disorders. Therefore, we repeat once again: only a qualified doctor can engage in hirudotherapy, it is forbidden to put leeches on your own!

    With unprofessional exposure to acupuncture points, leeches can sharply decrease arterial pressure, excessive sweating and vomiting appear, hematomas form.

    Therapeutic and healing mechanism of leeches

    Therapeutic, therapeutic mechanisms of action of the leech secret are as follows.

    The general reflexogenic action, carried out due to pain and chemical irritation of the receptor apparatus of the skin when bitten by a leech. A special section of hirudotherapy - hirudo-reflexotherapy - deals with methods of applying leeches for several minutes to biologically active points according to the rules of su-jok and zhen-ju (zhen - acupuncture, tszyu - cauterization), while there is practically no hemorrhage and homeopathic doses of substances contained in in a leech secret. The influence of secretion components on the level of endorphins responsible for the formation of the pain threshold in the receptor apparatus, as well as on the activity of bradykinin, which stimulates pain, has been proven.

    The blood-extracting effect is provided by the mechanical unloading of the blood flow in the process of blood sucking.

    Restoration of lymph flow or decongestion internal organs, drainage of inflammation. The mechanism is carried out due to the diffusion factor or hyaluronidase contained in the leech secret. An enzyme that depolarizes hyaluronic acid molecules in intercellular substance, participates in the transport of fluid and formed elements from tissues to the vascular bed and back.

    Decongestion of the internal organs (according to V. A. Savinov) begins during the period of setting leeches and continues during the time of bleeding from the wound. A kind of skin-capillary shunt is formed, going from the affected organ through the capillaries and veins, through the layers of tissues to the wound from a leech bite. Then the outflow from the focus of inflammation occurs through natural drainage pathways, since leech hyaluronidase unblocks them. The human body, like all mammals, has its own tissue hyaluronidase, which regulates the level of permeability of intercellular spaces. It is blocked by an excess of heparin secreted by mast cells of the lungs and liver, maintaining the permeability of the vascular wall at the desired level. However, it has been proven that leech hyaluronidase is resistant to human heparin, so the changes in permeability during hirudotherapy are much longer and deeper. As a result, lymph outflow from pathologically altered tissues is maximum, and unreacted heparin enters the bloodstream and has an additional anti-ischemic effect, improving vascular microcirculation. Anti-ischemic action, improvement of tissue microcirculation is based on the most important effects of leech secretion - anticoagulant, antithrombotic and thrombolytic, which were mentioned earlier.

    The immunostimulatory effect of the leech is manifested in an increase in the number of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, that is, in the stimulation of phagocytosis and bactericidal blood, possibly due to increased lymph flow. Another immunostimulating factor is undoubtedly a symbiont bacterium isolated from the intestines of a medical leech, which has protease, lipase and amylase activity. It secretes substances that have antimicrobial activity, blocking the growth of other bacteria, such as staphylococcus aureus. On this ability of the symbiont bacterium, the principle of using autologous blood from an attached leech (hirudoautohemotherapy) in hirudotherapy is built to obtain the effect of active nonspecific immunostimulation.

    The anti-atherosclerotic effect is based on the effect of the components of leech saliva on the vascular endothelium, on the platelet and plasma links of hemostasis, and on the level of plasma lipoproteins.

    The neurotrophic effect is manifested in the stimulation of neuronal growth by bdellins and eglins, as well as under the influence of destabilase.

    Hirudotherapy techniques

    Hirudotherapeutic techniques, which are quite numerous today, can and should be included in a complex of other therapeutic approaches, taking into account the stage of the disease (acute or chronic), the location of the lesion, the state of other systems and organs, the age of the patient, the experience of treatment with medications, the allergic mood of the body.

    It can be unequivocally said that in an acute process, the application of leeches is advisable in the final stage, and in chronic diseases, hirudotherapy is indicated taking into account the effectiveness of the functioning of other organs and systems as a result of the prescription of the disease.

    Among the methods used in hirudotherapy practice, the following should be mentioned:

    The imposition of leeches on the vascular zones, which are venous connections of superficial skin areas with deep-lying organs, decongestion (restoration of lymphatic drainage) of which is carried out by local hemorrhage with a leech;

    The imposition of leeches on biologically active points;

    Subcutaneous and intradermal injections of autologous blood ( own blood) from an attached leech, diluted isotonic saline obtained by attaching to the projection of the liver;

    Rubbing autoblood from an attached leech into the skin during a massage with honey;

    Oral application of powder piyavit;

    The use of rectal suppositories containing piyavit;

    General baths with the addition of tablet and powder forms containing the secret of a leech;

    Cutaneous application of creams and ointments containing leech secretion components;

    Vacuum massage of areas treated with ointment, cream with leech secretion extract, with the appropriate drug;

    Subcutaneous injections of drugs under a leech attached to the area of ​​the lymph nodes;

    Microclysters with water in which leeches were kept for several days.

    Complex technologies are also used, combining the application of leeches with manual therapy of the abdomen, massage, bee stinging, the use of clay and beekeeping products, and phytotherapy.

    Leech application technique

    The technique of applying leeches is quite simple. To do this, the area of ​​the skin surface, which is selected for setting the leech, is wiped with a piece of gauze moistened with warm water until slight hyperemia (redness) appears. After that, the desired point is massaged, and then the animal is placed with the front suction cup on the skin near the desired point. The temperature of the patient's skin, the absence of extraneous unnatural odors is of great importance for the effectiveness of the setting of the leech, otherwise it will stick sluggishly. Before a hirudotherapy session, it is recommended to use simple baby soap as a detergent, refusing deodorants, perfumes, and any flavored cosmetics.

    The skin of the required surface is often warmed with heating pads and rubbed. In 50% of cases, the leech normally sticks to unprepared skin. The level of aggressiveness, the ability to attack and feed for leeches, despite the state of starvation, is quite variable. It depends on the time of year, and on weather conditions, and on the correct maintenance of animals. Therefore, if the leech does not “pounce” on the patient, it is either replaced or the skin is pierced with a sterile disposable injection needle until a drop of blood appears, onto which the leech is released.

    A number of devices are used to attach leeches: these are hollow tubes with a glass piston, similar to a syringe, medical test tubes, vials from under antibiotics. Often, to speed up the attachment, medical cups are used, which are placed on the desired area of ​​the skin on a short time. The rarefaction created in this case causes an influx of tissue fluid in the epidermis, and leeches stick much more readily to such a place.

    An indicator of how well a leech "works" is how quickly its body becomes wet (how active its skin glands are). If 15-20 minutes after the attachment, the leech remains dry and does not make peristaltic movements, then this indicates the probable lethargy of hemorrhage and the duration of the procedure. In this case, the leech is stimulated: they touch its back with a warm finger and stroke it 3-4 times from the head to the tail end. The area of ​​the body on which the leeches are attached should be covered with a napkin and a blanket.

    Leeches can be placed for 1–2 minutes (without bleeding) according to the Abuladze method, as well as until signs of free sucking appear (with incomplete bleeding) and until the moment when the leech falls off on its own (with complete bleeding). In the first case, according to the method of Abuladze, a reflex effect of hirudotherapy is carried out, and with complete hemorrhage, a complex effect on the body of the biological properties of the secret of a medical leech occurs. Basically, a technique is used that is designed for the independent discharge of a leech.

    After the end of the hirudotherapy session, a sterile napkin, cotton-gauze swab, adhesive bandage or bandage is applied to the wound.

    Bleeding after setting leeches or post-leech bleeding in the course of treatment is almost more important than bleeding with the leech itself.

    The wound bleeds within 9–24 hours, however, concerns about dangerous blood loss are unfounded both quantitatively and qualitatively. A leech weighing 1.5–2 g usually extracts no more than 10 ml of blood; post-induction bleeding results in a loss of 15–40 ml, for a total of 25–50 ml. Based on this, the hirudotherapist calculates the amount of allowable hemorrhage. In order to avoid complications, it is believed that the maximum blood loss should not exceed 200–250 ml, taking into account constitutional features.

    It should also be said that from the wound left by the leech, lymphatic fluid, stained with blood, is released. Only in some cases, when a significant unloading of the venous bed is achieved, does it become quite reasonable to use a large number of leeches - up to 20 individuals. However, as a result, the amount of blood loss in terms of one leech is significantly less than when using a pair of leeches. In this case, when massive damage is applied, followed by hemorrhage, additional protective mechanisms of the patient's body are activated and post-leech bleeding is significantly reduced. Venous blood flow is unloaded, blood microcirculation is restored, tissue hypoxia is reduced, that is, a significant “emptying” effect is produced, which once again proves the importance of not only applying a leech, but also subsequent bleeding.


    The hirudotherapeutic technique developed by A. G. Zakharyin back in the 90s of the XIX century is called “blood diversion”. It is based on the fact that when leeches are attached to areas with a large venous passive reserve (for example, to those in the sacrococcygeal and hepatic regions), as a result of a certain anemization of the tissue, the redistribution of the volume of circulating blood and its deposition in the venules of these zones occurs. At the same time, the zones of venous stagnation existing in the body are "unloaded", congestive manifestations are reduced in them. So, when placing leeches on the coccyx, it decreases intracranial hypertension venous origin, pain in the chest is stopped if it is caused by a congestive mechanism.

    In response to post-leech bleeding, hematopoiesis is also activated, the hemoglobin level and the number of red blood cells are restored to normal values ​​(we are talking, of course, about moderately severe anemia that existed before hemorrhage).

    Attachment reaction

    Now let's talk about such a concept in hirudotherapy as an attachment reaction. It includes a number of natural manifestations that develop in the patient's body during the course of hirudotherapy. After 3-4 procedures, redness, itching, local temperature increase in the areas of leech bites may occur. There may also be a reaction from regional and even distant lymph nodes, up to a general increase in body temperature.

    Attachment reaction is characterized by degrees, depending on the severity of manifestations:

    At grade I, itching, slight swelling, hyperemia of the skin at the sites of leech bites, painless enlargement of regional lymph nodes are possible.

    At the II degree, itching, hyperemia and swelling are more pronounced, while there is an increase in temperature at the sites of bites and moderate soreness nearby lymph nodes.

    Grade III is characterized by the occurrence of a general temperature reaction and general malaise.

    In the vast majority of cases, I degree of reaction is noted.

    The attachment reaction characterizes the reaction of the patient's immune system and largely depends on the degree of change in metabolic processes in the skin, being a projection of disorders in various body systems. In order to reduce or prevent this reaction, antihistamines are successfully used, the bite sites are treated with a 5% potassium permanganate solution and a 10% soda solution.

    It should be noted that when using leeches on mucous membranes, an attachment reaction almost never occurs. It is important to know that, despite the appearance of delayed symptoms of itching, swelling, hyperemia and swollen lymph nodes, this reaction is not allergic, since it does not form an immune response and does not form antibodies to the components of the leech secretion. With the continuation of the course of treatment, the manifestations of the attachment reaction disappear. Sometimes the doctor reduces the number of leeches used for this.

    Selection of points for setting leeches

    Since the most important mechanism that is in demand in hirudotherapy is the local restoration of lymph flow, the choice of points for attaching leeches is of paramount importance. Here it is customary to be guided by the principle of zoning: setting in the projection of the zone of the suffering organ or in the affected area itself (in the case of cicatricial-atrophic changes in the skin, adhesions). However, the choice of a point should not be random, arbitrary.

    Recently, the system of the point principle of choosing a prefix has received priority. Leeches are attached to the projection of the target organ on the basis of the determination of painful areas of the skin on palpation, points reflexively associated with the underlying organs and tissues. At the same time, a pronounced effect is achieved by a smaller number of leeches. A similar principle of reflex-related painful zones and projections of deep tissues is used in physiotherapy and other methods of treatment.

    Zones located on the front surface of the body (according to: Kamenev, Baranovsky, 2008) are indicated by anatomical proximity to certain organs (Fig. 1):

    1 – cervical area;

    2 - zone of the sternum;

    3 - heart zone;

    4 - lung zone;

    5 - hepatic zone;

    6 - epigastric zone;

    7 - mesogastric zone;

    8 - pubic zone.

    Rice. 1. Location of zones on the front surface of the body

    Points located on the front surface of the body are found by conventionally drawing a series of vertical and horizontal lines. At the places where they intersect, there are points necessary for attaching leeches. These are only 7 vertical lines, 3 lateral from the anteromedian line of the body, forming the meridians of the body (Fig. 2).

    The zones located on the posterior surface of the body correspond to the sections of the spinal column (Fig. 3).

    Rice. 2. Body meridians:

    A: 1 - line; 2 - 11th lateral line; 3 - midclavicular line (2nd lateral); 4 - 3rd lateral line; B: 1 - posterior median line; 2 - paravertebral line (1st lateral); 3 - 2nd lateral line; 4 - 3rd lateral line

  • Rice. 3. Location of zones on the back of the body

    The points located on the back surface of the body are located at the intersection of vertical lines running parallel to the posterior median line, there are two of them on each side, and the horizontal lines run along the intervertebral spaces of adjacent vertebrae.

    On the head, points are found during palpation, focusing on their soreness, in particular, on the face, they often correspond to the exit points of the branches of the trigeminal nerve and blood vessels.

    On the extremities, the points are determined depending on the type of disease, which does not cause much difficulty in the search due to the proximity of the projections to the surface of the skin. For example, in diseases of the veins of the lower extremities, they are staggered along the course of the altered vessel, and in sciatica, along the course of the sciatic nerve.

    Treatment with leeches

    In this section, we will introduce you to the methods adopted in hirudotherapy, which are used in the most common therapeutic and surgical diseases.

    Bronchitis, both acute and chronic, is characterized by an inflammatory process in the bronchi that occurs due to infectious, chemical, physical, and toxic factors. Often it becomes chronic in the presence of allergic burden in patients, and in older people and the elderly with aggravated heart failure.

    Patients have a strong cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, general weakness, a large amount of sputum is separated. In the presence of viscous sputum, congestion in the lungs, the use of leeches is very effective.

    Treatment with leeches. With bronchitis, leeches are attached to the region of the lungs (points at the level of I and II intercostal spaces); in paired points located symmetrically on the right and left lateral surfaces of the chest, along the axillary line, below the armpit; in the interscapular region (the point between the spinous processes of the III and IV thoracic vertebrae, along the midline and outward from it); in the region of the sacrum (projection points of the coccyx); in the region of the liver.

    Varicose disease

    Varicose veins are one of the most common reasons for visiting a hirudotherapist. It is the most common peripheral vascular disease. In various forms, it occurs in 26–28% of women and in 10–20% of men of working age. Nowadays, varicose veins are characterized not only by an increase in the number of cases, but also by a tendency to develop varicose veins in young people.

    Varicose veins mainly affect the vessels of the lower extremities. The main role is played by environmental factors, lifestyle and diet (lack of plant fibers), working conditions (physical labor, prolonged static position), obesity. Often the cause of its development is the hereditary weakness of the wall of the saphenous veins and a predisposition to their excessive overstretching.

    As you know, the main property of the veins is the great extensibility of their walls. The thickness of the venous wall in the vessels of the legs is greater than in the neck. The veins have a valvular apparatus throughout their entire length, the valves originate from the vessel wall and represent two cusps that normally open towards the heart, they are unevenly distributed, more of them in the lower extremities, on the lower leg, where there is a powerful muscular apparatus-pump. In a vertical position, blood is pushed out of the deep veins towards the heart, with an increase in pressure in the vessel produced by the surrounding muscles, the underlying valve closes and the overlying one opens. After muscle contraction, the pressure in the deep veins drops to zero, a positive pressure gradient is created, and during muscle relaxation, the veins are refilled with blood from the underlying vessels and superficial veins, so that the next muscle contraction pushes the blood up the main vessels. Thus, as a result of the coordinated work of muscles and valves, venous blood flows against gravity to the right heart. Figuratively speaking, the muscular section of the lower leg can be called the "peripheral heart", which plays a major role in the venous outflow, the work of the veins of the lower extremities. Through the saphenous veins, the outflow is carried out into the femoral vein at the level of the groin and through the connecting perforating veins, mainly on the lower leg into the deep veins.

    In case of malfunction of the valves of the perforating veins and the occurrence of obstructions in the deep veins, chronic venous insufficiency develops, congestion in the tissues, in which the entire body suffers to one degree or another. venous system organism. There is insufficiency of venous valves, venous congestion, which is manifested by pain, heaviness in the limbs, cramps in the calf muscles, swelling after prolonged standing, then hyperpigmentation, and in advanced cases, the appearance of trophic ulcers.

    Treatment with leeches. Leeches for varicose veins of the lower extremities are applied in the area of ​​the sacrum - the area of ​​the coccyx, as well as in the pubic and hepatic zones. Locally they are used at points along the affected vein, in a checkerboard pattern and in the area of ​​metabolic and trophic disorders, in areas of brown skin pigmentation.

    With pronounced atrophic phenomena and skin disorders (thinning with a characteristic luster, continuous pigmentation, cyanosis of its hue), it is not recommended to put leeches on the lower thirds of the lower leg, since there is a high risk of ulcer formation at the bite sites, since the wound can be the entrance gate for infection. In such cases, the course of treatment begins with unloading and activation of venous circulation. abdominal cavity, small pelvis, hepatic and sacral zones, thigh and upper third of the leg.

    The course of treatment is 9–11 procedures. At severe violations blood circulation, as a rule, put on 8-9 leeches 2 times a week.

    Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. The inflammatory process develops as a result of damage to this membrane and can occur in acute and chronic forms.

    Acute gastritis characterized sudden appearance and severity of symptoms. The duration of the disease is 2-4 days. The causes of acute gastritis can be bacterial and viral infections; gross errors in nutrition; use of medications such as aspirin or steroids; drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Often it is not possible to find out the causes of this disorder.

    In acute gastritis, there is a feeling of discomfort and pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, sometimes headaches and fever.

    In the acute period of the disease, refrain from eating until the self-healing of the gastric mucosa occurs and the symptoms disappear; drinking is allowed (tea, Borjomi). After that, the usual food intake is gradually resumed: first, with a sparing diet, then, when the gastric mucosa is completely restored, increasing the amount of food consumed.

    Chronic gastritis characterized by a long, persistent course and relapses. As a result of chronic gastritis, persistent damage to the gastric mucosa occurs. Chronic gastritis can develop as a result of other diseases: diseases of the kidneys and liver; peptic ulcer; diabetes mellitus or systematic alcohol abuse. Other aggravating factors are: prolonged consumption of spicy and irritating foods; vitamin deficiency or long-term treatment with certain drugs, in particular aspirin, ibuprofen, steroid hormones and certain antibiotics.

    Allocate chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretion ( hyperacidity) - anacid and hyperacid and with secretory insufficiency (low acidity) - hypoacid gastritis.

    With gastritis with high acidity, heartburn, belching sour, and sometimes vomiting are noted. Patients are concerned about pain in the epigastric region, night and hungry pain. Those suffering from chronic gastritis with low acidity experience an unpleasant taste in the mouth, salivation, nausea, a feeling of fullness in the epigastric region, signs of anemia, loss of appetite and weight, and dyspeptic disorders.

    Treatment with leeches. Leeches are placed in the pre-abdominal region, in the region of the back, liver and right precostal area. In one procedure, 2-3 leeches are attached and no more than two points are used.

    The course of treatment is 7 sessions. The first two procedures are carried out after 3 days, then - once a week.


    Hemorrhoids is a disease that occurs when the hemorrhoidal veins enlarge and expand. It also characterizes general chronic venous insufficiency.

    In the treatment of this disease, a set of measures is needed to reduce venous stasis in the abdominal cavity. The use of leeches provides invaluable assistance in this, since timely treatment will help to avoid such a formidable complication of hemorrhoids as thrombosis of hemorrhoids. The procedures are designed for local and general unloading of venous circulation.

    Treatment with leeches. The points and zones of attachments of leeches are the perianal region, the region of the sacrum, as well as the hepatic and umbilical zones.

    The course of treatment is from 6 to 8 sessions. In case of acute pain, the procedures are carried out daily, then after 2-3 days.

    Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. There are several types of this disease. In most cases, hepatitis is caused by a virus. However, the disease can also develop as a result of general body reactions to certain drugs that are toxins or allergens for it. Such reactions can occur to various chemicals, such as metal compounds, solvents or alcohol.

    Hepatitis causes swelling, inflammation, and cell death in the liver tissue. Luckily, healthy liver, not previously exposed to harmful destructive effects or diseases, retains the ability to reproduce cells and replace dead tissue with a new one. Sometimes the liver cannot cope with the infection on its own, and then the hepatitis virus remains in it in a viable state for a long time and even throughout a person's life. Such people are called carriers of the hepatitis virus. They may or may not have symptoms of the disease. Regardless of this, carriers of the virus continue to be a source of infection for others. Some of them may develop chronic hepatitis, characterized by progressive and steady destruction of the liver. Carriers of the hepatitis virus and people with chronic hepatitis are at greater risk of developing liver cancer or cirrhosis.

    The functions of the liver include the breakdown and neutralization of drugs and other chemicals that enter the bloodstream. The liver cleanses and frees the blood from harmful substances and impurities. The liver produces many proteins and blood clotting factors. Thanks to the liver, the necessary level of sugar and fats in the blood is maintained and bile is formed. All of these functions can be impaired in hepatitis. With this in mind, drugs are prescribed to patients very carefully. During treatment, the state of the liver is constantly monitored in order to prevent serious violations of its functions - such that can lead to unexpected bleeding, changes in blood sugar levels or the formation of toxic products in it. Severe liver dysfunction can result in coma and death.

    Regardless of the underlying cause, some symptoms are the same for all types of hepatitis. These common symptoms include loss of appetite and flu-like symptoms such as headaches, fever, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Some people have skin discoloration yellow(jaundice). Jaundice is accompanied by dark urine and discolored stools, pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, joint pain and rash. In many people, hepatitis is asymptomatic or the symptoms are so mild that these people do not even suspect that they have this disease.

    Hepatitis A also known as epidemic hepatitis or infectious hepatitis, is caused by the hepatitis A virus. The virus spreads through contaminated food and water, as well as through direct contact with the fluids of an infected body, mainly due to poor sanitation (poorly washed hands, etc.). The worst outbreaks occur among children and young people in public places such as schools and other institutions.

    A patient with hepatitis A feels fever, nausea, he has poor appetite, pain in the abdomen and muscles, headache, fatigue, jaundice. The initial symptoms of the disease are usually observed 30 days after the introduction of the virus into the body. However, the virus is found in the feces of infected individuals within 2 weeks of the onset of jaundice, an obvious symptom of liver damage. The period of the disease, when people do not know that they are already infected, is the most dangerous in terms of transmission of infection to others. Hepatitis A is rarely fatal, and the disease usually has no long-term complications. Hepatitis A does not lead to chronic hepatitis or liver cancer.

    Hepatitis B is caused by the hepatitis B virus. This disease is also often referred to as serum hepatitis because it was previously thought to be spread only through contaminated blood. It is now known that infection can occur through other body fluids such as saliva, semen, cervical fluid. For this reason, hepatitis B is also classified as a sexually transmitted disease. Newborns can be infected with the hepatitis B virus through the mother's placenta.

    Hepatitis B usually develops very slowly. Symptoms of the disease appear only after a few months. Hepatitis B attacks the liver, causing it to become inflamed and dysfunctional. Sometimes the infection is so mild that it is not recognized as a disease. The most common symptoms are jaundice, general malaise, stomach pain, and a rash that is sometimes accompanied by itching.

    Although most people recover from this form of hepatitis without permanent liver damage, about one in 10 people develop chronic hepatitis or become a carrier of the virus. Hepatitis B can be fatal if it acquires a lightning-fast course, and when it becomes chronic, it causes the development of cirrhosis of the liver.

    Pathogen hepatitis C is one of several hepatitis C viruses. Currently, the occurrence of this type of disease is most often associated with transfusion of infected blood.

    Symptoms usually appear 50 days after infection. People infected with these viruses are at great risk of developing permanent liver damage (cirrhosis) or cancer. Some of them become carriers of the virus. Relatively successful is the treatment with interferon, which destroys a number of other viruses.

    Treatment with leeches. The leech is placed in the area of ​​the projection of the liver and the right hypochondrium, in the area of ​​the back, sacrum and points in the coccyx area. 4-8 leeches are used per session. After the first signs of sucking appear, it is recommended to remove them.

    4-8 leeches are used per procedure. First, the procedures are carried out 2 times a week, then - 1 time per week, up to 12 procedures. Repeated courses of treatment are prescribed after 2-3 months.


    Hypertensive disease, as well as borderline arterial hypertension, account for 90% of cases of chronic high blood pressure. The other 10% fall on the so-called symptomatic, secondary arterial hypertension, which is a manifestation of diseases of organs and systems that directly or indirectly affect blood pressure.

    Arterial hypertension causes morphological changes in small arteries, arterioles and capillaries, such as plasma impregnation, hyalinosis, arteriosclerosis, and even arterionecrosis. As a result, small-focal softening (lacunar infarcts) occur in various organs: in the heart, brain, kidneys, and lungs. Arterial hypertension in combination with atherosclerosis plays an active role in the development of large-focal cerebral infarction (ischemic stroke).

    Treatment with leeches. Success in approaches to treatment largely depends on understanding the factors and mechanism of the development of the disease, allowing you to choose the right points and zones of influence during hirudotherapy.

    The components of leech secretion, anti-ischemic effect and unloading of blood flow can increase the body's sensitivity to drug antihypertensive therapy and even reduce the dosage of drugs.

    Leeches are also used to remove a hypertensive crisis from an acute state, a frequent complication of which is a violation of cerebral circulation.

    The application of leeches during crises is carried out in the region of the mastoid process and behind the ear; in the region of the sacrum - the sacrococcygeal joint, under the VII cervical vertebra; in the middle part of the right and left shoulder girdle; in the lumbar region and in the projection of the liver.

    The mechanism of action here is mainly reflex and distracting (coccyx and sacrum zones, hepatic region).

    In a hypertensive crisis, up to 10 leeches are used in the first procedures, then their number is reduced. Carry out up to 10 procedures, and already on the 4th-5th a good hypotensive effect is achieved. Procedures in an acute case are done daily. After the exit from the crisis - 2 times a week. The course is recommended to be repeated in a few months.

    Treatment of hypertension with leeches almost always improves the patient's well-being and objective condition, although the results of therapy largely depend on the cause of hypertension, the duration and intensity of the course, and the correct choice of attachment points. Manifestations of hypertension for a long time cease to disturb and bring suffering to the patient.

    It should be recalled once again that during hirudotherapy, the drug component of treatment, the intake of antihypertensive drugs are not canceled.


    Glaucoma is increased pressure inside the eye. There are primary and secondary forms of glaucoma. The primary is associated with a violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid, the secondary is a complication of a number of diseases. Glaucoma leads to complete or partial blindness. In any form of glaucoma, early treatment can reduce intraocular pressure and keep it within normal limits. This minimizes the harmful effects on the retina and optic nerve.

    Glaucoma usually develops slowly and insidiously. Therefore, by the time symptoms appear, chronic eye damage may already be quite significant. Narrowing of the field of vision is possible, the so-called tunnel vision appears, which can develop to complete loss of vision. An acute attack of glaucoma is accompanied by a sharp pain in the eye, in the forehead, deterioration of the general condition, the appearance of nausea, vomiting.

    Treatment with leeches. Leeches are placed around the outer and inner corners of the eye, in the neck and liver.

    2-3 leeches are used per procedure. At the beginning of treatment, leeches are placed with a maximum exposure of 2-3 points around the eye. After the 3rd or 4th sessions, points are added from the zones of the neck and liver.

    The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures. It must be repeated 1-2 times in 1-2 months (depending on the dynamics of intraocular pressure numbers: if it is positive, then it is done less frequently).

    Constipation - no bowel movements for several days or difficult stools. Constipation is usually defined as the absence of stools for 2 days or more. Constipation is a symptom of many diseases: tumors of the large intestine, obstruction of the small intestine, as well as temporary disorders of the motor function of the intestine. Constipation can also occur in a healthy person, for example, during a long trip, with a change in the usual environment, a change in the rhythm of life - in this case, it does not last long.

    Constipation can also be an independent disease, which is based on a violation of the habit of daily bowel movements. Its cause is the constant suppression of the urge to defecate.

    Treatment with leeches. Leeches are placed in the anterior abdominal region (symmetrical points outward from the navel to the first lateral line of the abdomen), in the lumbar region and in the region of the sacrum.

    One procedure requires 3-6 leeches. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures. 6 procedures are carried out every other day, then - 2 times a week.


    Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of one or both kidneys and occurs as a result of microorganisms entering the kidneys. Usually we are talking about the so-called ascending infection, spreading through the ureters from the bladder. Sometimes microorganisms enter the kidneys along with the filtrate from the blood. People most likely to develop pyelonephritis have recurrent lower urinary tract infections (cystitis), bladder stones (urolithiasis), birth defects of the genitourinary system, diabetes, or neurological disorders (paralysis) of the bladder. The risk of the disease increases in pregnant women. An enlarging uterus can "press" the ureters against other organs and prevent urine from flowing out of the kidneys. Early and complete treatment of any lower urinary tract infection (in particular, cystitis) can significantly reduce the risk of developing pyelonephritis.

    Microorganisms that enter the kidneys cause the development of inflammation and swelling. As these processes spread damaged tissue kidney is replaced by scars. The formation of scar tissue after repeated exacerbations or as a result of the chronic course of the disease causes a violation of the functional abilities of the kidneys. After some time, complete renal failure may develop. Pyelonephritis occurs in both acute and chronic forms.

    The disease begins suddenly, there is fever, chills, pain in the area of ​​the affected kidney (kidneys) and a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen. If the occurrence of pyelonephritis is associated with a bladder infection, then symptoms of cystitis may also be observed at the same time.

    Chronic pyelonephritis. In the chronic course of the disease, the inflammatory process and infection are observed indefinitely. If there is no exacerbation of the disease, then obvious symptoms may be absent. There are a number of general symptoms in the form of fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, weight loss and increased blood pressure. With the formation of scar tissue in the affected kidneys, signs of kidney failure usually appear.

    Treatment with leeches. With pyelonephritis, hirudotherapy is most indicated in complex treatment. The leech is placed in the lumbar region (a point along the midline between the spinous processes of the II-III lumbar vertebrae and a point outside of it on both sides along the first and second lateral lines of the back); in the region of the sacrum (the point of the sacrococcygeal articulation and the projection of the sacrum); in the lower abdominal region and the hepatic zone (in the projection of the liver, a point in the IV intercostal space).

    Mostly use the points of the lumbar region.

    As a rule, a large number of leeches are applied in one session - 7–8. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the biochemical parameters of the blood.

    The course of treatment is 7-12 procedures. Repeated courses of treatment are also necessary. The first two procedures are carried out every other day, then - 2 times a week.


    Radiculitis is the most common disease of the peripheral nervous system. With this disease, bundles of nerve fibers extending from the spinal cord are affected. The most common cause of sciatica is osteochondrosis. At the junction of the vertebrae with altered discs, salts are deposited, causing bone growth. These growths during physical activity are displaced along with the discs, squeezing the nerve roots passing in the intervertebral foramens and causing pain.

    It is customary to distinguish between thoracic, cervical-brachial and lumbosacral sciatica.

    Symptoms are pain in the area of ​​the affected nerves, aggravated by movements, coughing, sneezing; limitation of spinal mobility.

    In the acute period, strict bed rest on a hard bed, taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, novocaine blockades. With a decrease in pain - physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, massage.

    Treatment with leeches. Not every radiculitis (sciatica, lumbago) is treated with leeches. Initially, conventional therapy is carried out. Leeches can be used if:

    Reflex mechanism of action on pain points;

    Signs of tissue swelling.

    It is in the second case that leeches will be much more effective than other methods of treatment.

    Leeches are applied locally to the points of maximum pain in the lumbar region, to the area of ​​the sacrum, the gluteal region (along the painful points) and to the local points of maximum pain along the sciatic nerve on the side of the lesion.

    If after the 3rd procedure the pain does not decrease, then further use of hirudotherapy is not advisable.

    For one procedure, 5-8 leeches are used.

    The general course of treatment is 8–10 procedures. The first 3-4 procedures are carried out daily, until the pain syndrome decreases.

    Heart failure

    Heart failure, which develops as a complication of coronary heart disease, hypertension, rheumatism, myocarditis, heart defects, myocardial infarction, various types of cardiac arrhythmias and chronic lung diseases, is a condition in which the load on the heart exceeds its ability to perform work . A characteristic manifestation of heart failure: shortness of breath, tachycardia, peripheral edema, weakness, fatigue. Often, in addition to such chronic symptoms, acute crisis conditions occur in the form of pulmonary edema, attacks of cardiac asthma.

    Heart failure is divided into left ventricular, in which there is stagnation in the vessels of the pulmonary circulation, and right ventricular, when there is stagnation of blood in the vessels of the systemic circulation. Both are possible - general - heart failure.

    Treatment with leeches. Leeches are attached to the zones of venous plethora: hepatic, sacral, to the points of the cardiac zone. This is a long-term treatment: as a rule, 7-12 sessions are carried out 1-2 times a week.


    Thrombophlebitis is a natural complication of varicose veins. It occurs when a vein is blocked as a result of increased thrombus formation. Phlebothrombosis is manifested by severe hyperemia, edema, pain in the area of ​​the inflamed thrombosed area of ​​the vessel.

    Treatment with leeches. In the initial stage of the process, leeches are the most effective remedy. With their help, it is possible to stop, prevent inflammation and the growth of a blood clot in several procedures.


    A special section of hirudology - hirudo-reflexotherapy - the imposition of medical leeches on acupuncture points according to the rules of well-known directions oriental medicine su-jok and zhen-jiu. Many doctors believe that the leech can intuitively find reflexogenic zones (points) on human skin and sticks in them, which makes the bite especially healing. The essence of this method is the imposition of leeches on acupuncture points associated with the problem area. With this method of treatment, a double effect is exerted on the point: firstly, directly reflex, and secondly, the secret of leech saliva, which has many useful properties, gets into it.

    The effects that occur after the use of hirudo-reflexotherapy are very diverse:









    Zhang Fu Diagnosis

    In ancient Chinese medicine, there were two main types of organs: zhang and fu. Each type includes 5 organs. We all know that a person has much more than 10 organs, but the ancient healers had their own idea of ​​​​this.

    Yes, to the organs. zhang , or Yin Bodies , attributed:

    The heart is the entire cardiovascular system;

    Spleen - this organ included the entire digestive system;

    Lungs - they are fully responsible for breathing;

    Kidneys - which were attributed to urinary, water exchange and hormone-regulating functions;

    Liver - which is also responsible for the functioning of the nervous system and for the connection of the body with the environment.

    Each of the Zhang organs corresponds to one of the primary elements: the heart - Fire, the spleen - Earth, the lungs - Metal, the kidneys - Water, the liver - Wood.

    In addition to all of the above, the pericardium, or the so-called functional circle, was also classified as a Yin-organ, a system responsible for blood circulation, respiration, and sexual functions. This organ cannot be found in the body. Zhang organs are characterized by density.

    To the organs ugh , or yang bodies , the Chinese attributed the accumulation organs, since they are responsible for the formation of the body's energy reserve. These include: the stomach, large intestine, gallbladder and an organ conventionally designated as "three heaters". The latter is not in the literal sense of the word "organ" - it is, like the pericardium, a functional circle that ensures the transfer of energy from one organ to another.

    The Yang organs, unlike the Yin organs, can feel pain.

    Additional organs of ancient Chinese physicians included the brain (head, spinal and bone), bones, muscles, uterus and diaphragm. In their representations, the functions of these organs, unlike others, are unchanged.

    Diagnostics by emotions

    The Chinese believe that if a person has problems with internal organs, this is necessarily reflected in his psycho-emotional state. Thus, in order to diagnose diseases of the zhang and fu organs, it is necessary to take into account not only physiological symptoms but also behavioral.

    Only a careful analysis of a person's behavior in conjunction with other signs can give a complete picture of the state of his health. Emotions should not be treated with disdain, as something insignificant, secondary. It is necessary to take into account all manifestations of human activity.

    If a person shows anger, aggressiveness, irritability and rage, then the energy of the liver is blocked and it does not have a normal outlet. But these same emotions are also used to get rid of excess energy in order to prevent its accumulation and transformation into pathological.

    Excessive talkativeness is a sign of excess energy in the heart. And the lack of energy is characterized by silence or even dumbness.

    Sadness, apathy - a sign of lack of energy in the spleen.

    Constant, unreasonable anxiety speaks of lung diseases.

    Kidney problems are characterized by frequent bouts of fear, longing, and feelings of hopelessness.

    Physiological signs of diseases

    Ancient physicians judged the diseases of the main organs by many signs. But in this section, we will consider only the physiological signs of diseases of the zhang and fu organs.

    Zhang organs

    Liver. The state of the liver is judged by the appearance of the eyes and nails. Not everything is in order with her if: the sclera are painted in unnatural colors, visual acuity is significantly reduced, and the nails are pale, dull and brittle.

    Heart. Heart problems give out the color, shape, sensitivity and mobility of the tongue (ideally, the tongue should be pink, mobile, moist), as well as the complexion (normally it should be pink).

    Spleen. Her condition is determined by the state of the oral cavity and limbs. In a normal state, the teeth are healthy, there is no smell from the mouth, and the muscles of the limbs are elastic and plastic. If the mouth smells bad, the limbs are weak, then you should pay increased attention to the spleen.

    Lungs. You can determine the condition of the lungs by the nose, skin and hairline. The better their condition, the healthier the lungs. If there are problems with the nasopharynx, the skin dries and spots appear on it - it's time to come to grips with the respiratory system.

    Kidneys. If the hair and ears are in excellent condition, then the kidneys are functioning normally.

    Fu organs

    Stomach. A violation of its functions is indicated by a feeling of discomfort in this area, a decrease in appetite, or, conversely, the appearance of an excessive feeling of hunger.

    Small intestine. Excess water loss, excessive sweating and urination are serious signs of disorders in this area.

    Gallbladder. Bitterness in the mouth, yellowing of the skin and eyes, and sleep disorders indicate problems with the gallbladder.

    Colon. Chinese and modern Western medicine define problems with this organ in the same way - violations of the waste of fecal masses, expressed in the appearance of diarrhea or constipation.

    Bladder. Pain when urinating and loss of control over urination are signs of bladder problems and a reason to seek medical attention.

    Energy meridians and acupuncture points

    Each human organ has its own energy - Qi, the exchange of which occurs through the meridians. Energy moves along the meridians in accordance with the biological clock of a person.

    The full cycle of energy takes 24 hours, and in one meridian it can be no more than 2 hours. Such a daily cycle determines the optimal period of influence on each meridian.

    Meridians regulate blood flow and vital energy, help to harmonize Yin and Yang, give strength to muscles and bones, help joints work. They transmit energy from the internal organs to the skin of a person, as a result of which one can see the manifestations of the disease from the outside.

    There are three positive types of energies: protective, progenitor and nourishing.

    Protective Energy allows a person to successfully resist the negative effects of the environment. Circulating on the entire surface of the skin, it provides timely opening and closing of pores, sensitivity and other important functions. Illness develops when the protective energy weakens, and pain occurs as a result of changes in surface energy.

    Every person is born with a certain number of ancestral energy. It circulates in the meridians, regulating the entire energy system of the body. When the protective energy is unable to cope with the pathogenic, the progenitor takes over its functions. Depletion of the ancestral energy leads to aging and death.

    Nourishing Energy circulates in the main meridians and allows the organs and systems of the body to function normally. It is produced from inhaled air and processed food.

    In addition to the three positive energies, there are also pathogenic ones. For convenience, they are divided into six categories, each of which corresponds to a certain season: cold - winter; wind - spring; fire and moisture - fly; dryness - autumn. Penetrating into the body, these energies are capable of causing a wide variety of disorders.


    All types of energies circulate along the meridians.

    In Chinese medicine, meridians are a functional inseparable part of an organ, and therefore each meridian has the name of the corresponding organ. Now an international index has been added (the first letter of the French name of the organ): the lung meridian - P, the colon meridian - GI, the stomach meridian - E, the spleen and pancreas meridian - RP, the heart meridian - C, the small intestine meridian - IG, the urinary meridian bladder - V, kidney meridian - R, pericardial meridian - MC, three heaters meridian - TR, gallbladder meridian - VB, liver meridian - F (see Fig. 5-18).

    There are four types of meridians in acupuncture: tendon-muscle, special, main, wonderful.

    To tendon-muscular 12 meridians are included. They are closest to the surface and protect the body from external adverse effects.

    Special meridians provide the penetration of protective energy to the internal organs. In addition, special meridians enhance the effectiveness of the main meridians and allow them to affect those parts of the body that they do not fit. All special meridians are Yang meridians.

    Main , or main meridians (12 paired and 2 unpaired meridians) are described in all manuals on acupuncture. Each of them corresponds to one of the Zhan Fu organs and circulates its nourishing energy.

    Each of the 12 main paired meridians has a Chinese name, consisting of three parts:

    The name of the limb (arm - leg) on ​​which the meridian begins or ends;

    Belonging to the system yin or Jan with a characteristic of their severity ( thai - the most expressive min - strong, jue - moderate, shao - small);

    The name of the organ to which the meridian "belongs". For example: the name "manual tai yin lung meridian "means that it ends on the arm, carries a very pronounced factor yin(medial side of the arm), corresponds zhang- lung organ.

    The unpaired main meridians anterior and posterior median have the Chinese names ren-mai and du-mai, corresponding to two of the miraculous meridians.

    Miraculous meridians (there are 8–6 paired and 2 unpaired) are associated with the genitourinary, nervous, bone and circular systems, as well as with vascular functions.

    There is a close connection between the wonderful meridians and the main ones, therefore, when the first ones are affected, it is also necessary to influence the points of the main meridians.

    Signs of excess and lack of energy in the 12 main meridians

    The progenitor energy circulates in wonderful meridians. In opposite directions, both protective and nourishing energies can pass through them.

    The trajectory of the wonderful meridian consists of a series of points, as if temporarily borrowed from the permanent meridians; at the same time, unpaired wonderful meridians are formed entirely from points of the posterior median ( doo-may– VG) and anterior median ( jen-mai– VC) permanent meridians (see Fig. 17 and 18). They are not included in the general circle of energy circulation, are not associated with any organ, and, like the channels of the three heaters and the pericardium, unite the physiological functions of the whole organism.

    For the formation of non-permanent meridians (wonderful) for each of them, it is necessary to “turn on” the key point.

    Distinguish interior and outer passages of the meridian. The internal course of the meridian determines the connections of organs, therefore, in the event of a pathology, it determines the symptoms of the internal main syndrome (Yin). External - symptoms of the superficial basic syndrome (Yang).

    Indications for the use of a particular point are based on the fact that exposure to it leads to the removal of various symptoms of seemingly unrelated pathological processes that have appeared along the meridian.

    The meridian system in Chinese is called "Ching-lo".

    In addition to the external and internal passages of the meridians, they also distinguish collateral lines (lo lines), or secondary meridians, which are branches of the main meridians. There are 15 longitudinal (duplicate most of the meridian path, heading to the internal organs and uniting the internal passages of the meridians) and 12 transverse (connecting the Yang and Yin meridians into pairs) lines lo. Collaterals begin at a point called lo-point, and end at the accomplice point of the paired meridian.

    Longitudinal and transverse collaterals depart from one point - lo-point, in which its collaterals and internal course are projected on the outer course of the meridian. Lo-points are located on the extremities, are part of the main points of the primary elements (antique points) and are present on each of the permanent paired meridians.

    Alphanumeric meridian designation system (bold is the Yin meridians; italics are the Yang meridians)

    Such lo-points normalize the energy in the paired meridians and are widely used for medicinal purposes.

    The meridians passing through the limbs are in contact with each other; points of contact in this case are called "group lo". The impact on the group lo is used when two or all three foot or hand meridians of Yin or Yang are involved in the pathological process. In the table on p. 90 shows which meridians are Yang and which are Yin.

    acupuncture points

    Impact on acupuncture points leads to an improvement in the condition of individual organs due to the balancing of Qi energy. The points are located on the meridians, which were discussed above. There are 664 acupuncture points on the human body, of which 150 are considered the main ones.

    Acupuncture points are classified in different ways.

    One of the systematizations is the distribution of points into groups in accordance with the meridians, that is, they determine which organ which points belong to. Without this, the whole technique of acupuncture would be meaningless.

    The points are also divided into groups according to localization, so that it is easier to find them on the body. After all, some points related to any organ are localized at a considerable distance from it.

    Thanks to this classification, it is easier to navigate.

    Points are also divided according to the type of their impact on the corresponding organ. There are tonic and soothing points, there are sympathetic and accomplice points, analgesic and stabilizing points, etc.

    In addition, for each of the Zhang Fu organs, there are six ancient points: Ting, Yong, Yiwu, Yunn, Ging and Ho:

    Ting - entry / exit point of energy;

    Yong - accelerates the course of energy, excites heat in Yang and cold in Yin meridians;

    Yiwu - dissipates damaging energy, causes protective;

    Iunn - energy comes here from the paired meridian;

    King - causes the movement of protective energy to eliminate pathogenic;

    Ho is the connection of the inner and outer parts of the meridian.

    Locating Points

    Various anatomical formations help to find a biologically active point (BAP): cavities, muscles, tendons, bones, etc. But this location, like the anatomical structure of each person, despite the similarity of the general plan, is individual.

    Therefore, to describe and determine the localization of active points of influence, a proportional unit of measurement called "cun" is used.

    In ancient times, they used a measurement called "individual tsun". This is the distance between the first and second interphalangeal folds of the III (middle) finger of the left hand in men and the right one in women.

    One cun is also equal to the transverse size of the nail phalanx of the thumb. Accordingly, the transverse size of the nail phalanges of the II and III fingers is 1.5 cun; II, III and IV fingers - 2 tsuny, all four fingers (II, III, IV and V) - 3 tsuny. These proportional segments - cuni - are used to find points in both vertical and horizontal directions (Fig. 4).

    Currently, acupuncture points are determined by the so-called proportional cun method, or proportional segment.

    Rice. four. Definition of individual cun

    This method is based on the principle of dividing the vertical size of certain areas of the body by the number of divisions standard for each area.

    For accurate measurement of the length of body regions, the correct position of the person is of great importance. Yes, measure vertical dimension the anterior wall of the abdomen should be in the position of a person on his back. The back and palmar sides of the shoulder and forearm should be measured with the arm bent at the elbow and wrist joints, etc.

    Below is a table that indicates the standard number by which one or another area of ​​the patient's body must be divided in order to obtain the size of an individual proportional cun.

    The standard number of divisions of body parts into proportional segments

    Basic rules of acupuncture

    Bu-se rule

    The Bu-se rule is fundamental in the treatment by methods of oriental reflexology. "Bu-se" is translated as follows: boo- add missing energy; se- take away excess energy. Or like this: boo- replenish, excite, tone; se- dissipate, slow down, sedate.

    rule. If you act on acupuncture points according to the Bu-se rule, then you can return the Yin-Yang balance to the body. With Yang syndrome (excessive accumulation of energy), you should use se, with Yin syndrome (lack of energy), it is necessary to use boo.

    This rule is used in practice, based on the fact that on the meridian of each of the main organs there is only one excitatory and one inhibitory point, and in order to add energy to any organ, one should act on the first, to take away - on the second.


    The rule was based on the theory of the daily rhythm of energy exchange in the meridians. Yin meridians are available for treatment from 12:00 to 24:00, and Yang from 24:00 to 12:00.

    This rule is used for several pathologies. If a tonic effect on the Yang organs in the period from 24 to 12 hours, then you can reduce the amount of energy in the Yin organs.

    Meridian Hours


    The "mother-son" rule is used to determine the points of influence in a particular disease. It is based on the links of the Wu-hsing cycle. The “mother-son” rule is used on the basis that any primary element is the “son” of the previous one and the “mother” of the next. The primary elements in this case are arranged as follows: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth. Therefore, Metal is the "mother" of Water and the "son" of Earth. Water is the "mother" of Wood and the "son" of Metal, etc.

    With regard to the organs of Zhang Fu, this chain will look, for example, as follows: the pericardium (Fire) - the "mother" of the spleen (Earth) and the "son" of the liver (Wood).

    They use the “mother-son” rule in cases where the impact on the desired points of the meridian of the diseased organ is impossible for some reason. For this, the primary element of the meridian in which the violation occurred is determined, then its “mother” and “son” are identified. Then - the type of problem: an excess or lack of energy in the body. After that, the excitatory point of the “son” or the inhibitory point of the “mother” are affected, and vice versa.

    Hirudoflexotherapy against diseases

    Despite the fact that acupuncture has been used since antiquity, the mechanisms of its therapeutic action have not yet been fully studied. The reflex and neurovascular theories are considered the most recognized, according to which the unconditioned reflex is the basis of the therapeutic effect.

    A reflex reaction occurs when leeches are applied to the skin at acupuncture points. This appears to be causing local reaction accompanied by a peculiar sensation of numbness, aches, pressure and heat. Indeed, anatomically, the location of the acupuncture points, intended to influence the internal organs, coincides with the exit point of a number of nerve fibers. And morphological and ultrastructural studies of the skin in the projections of acupuncture points revealed the presence in them of a significantly larger number of receptors and looser connective tissue than in the surrounding areas of the skin.

    Irritation of the perivascular nerve plexuses by a leech causes a response in the form of a change in the tone of vessels of different calibers, skin color, temperature and electrical resistance. The stream of impulses resulting from the bite is transmitted along neural pathways to the corresponding part of the spinal cord, causing a response from a particular organ or body system as a whole.

    Acupuncture has a beneficial effect on the work of higher nervous activity and normalizes the normal functioning of various organs and systems, allows you to actively influence the functional systems affected by the pathological process.

    The Ministry of Health approved indications and contraindications for acupuncture and moxibustion.

    Meridians and points

    Lung meridian points

    point chi-chie (Fig. 5), located in the fold of the elbow, at the lateral edge of the tendon of the biceps muscle of the shoulder, is used for urinary incontinence, sore throat, cough, convulsions.

    Impact on a point le qué (Fig. 5), which is 1.5 cun above the radiocarpal fold, along the anterior edge of the radius, is performed with dental and headache, runny nose, cough, laryngitis, tonsillitis and bronchial asthma.

    Rice. 5. Meridian of the lungs (P): 1 - zhong-fu; 2 - yun-men; 3 - tian-fu; 4 - sya-by; 5 - chi-tse; 6 - kung-tsui; 7 - le-tsue; 8 - jing-qu; 9 - tai yuan; 10 - yu-chi; 11 - shao-shan

    Meridian points of the heart

    Dot chiquan (Fig. 6) is located at the level of the axillary fold, at the lower edge of the pectoralis major muscle and the inner edge of the biceps brachii. It is used in the treatment pericarditis, intercostal neuralgia and hysteria.

    Rice. 6. Meridian of the heart (C): 1 - chi-quan; 2 - qing-ling; 3 - shao-hai; 4 - lin-dao; 5 - tun-li; 6 - yin-si; 7 - shen-men; 8 - shao-fu; 9 - shao chun

    Impact on a point shao hai (Fig. 6), located on the inside of the elbow bend, is carried out with frostbite, tonsillitis, insomnia, tachycardia.

    To the impact on the point shenmen (Fig. 6), located between the tendons of the hands, in the center of the carpal fold, resorted to with rapid runny nose, palpitations, sore throat, insomnia and inflammation of the lymph nodes. This point must be used when circulatory disorders, angina pectoris, headaches, decreased mental performance, frequent dizziness, pain in the eyes, dry mouth, pallor of the face, numbness of the fingers.

    Stomach meridian points

    Dot zu-san-li (Fig. 7) is located just below the kneecap. Finding it is easy: put your palm on your knee, and opposite the little finger there will be a point of interest to you. The Chinese consider zu-san-li to be the point of longevity. affect her with acute and chronic gastritis, knee fractures, constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcer, atherosclerosis, hypertension, dizziness, hiccups, fever.

    Rice. 7. Meridian of the stomach (E): 1 - cheng qi; 2 - sy-by; 3 - ju-lyao (nasal); 4 - di-tsang; 5 - yes-in; 6 - chia-che; 7 - xia-guan; 8 - tou-way; 9 - jen-ying; 10 - shui-tu; 11 - qi-she; 12 - qu-pen; 13 - qi-hu; 14 - ku-fan; 15 - at-and; 16 - in-chuan; 17 - zhu-zhong; 18 - zhu-gen; 19 - bu-jun; 20 - cheng-man; 21 - liang-men; 22 - guan-men; 23 - tai-i; 24 - hua-jou-men; 25 - tien-shu; 26 - wai-lin; 27 - da-ju; 28 - shui-tao; 29 - gu-i-lai; 30 - qi-chun; 31 - bi-guan; 32 - fu-tu; 33 - yin-shi; 34 - liang-qiu; 35 - du-bi; 36 - zu-san-li; 37 - shang-ju-xu; 38 - tiao-kou; 39 - xia-ju-xu; 40 - feng-lun; 41 - jie-si; 42 - chun-yang; 43 - xian-gu; 44 - nei-tin; 45 - li-lui

    Dot tou-way (Fig. 7) is located approximately 1.5 cm from the corners of the scalp, in the temporal cavity. It is recommended to act on it when headache, dizziness, lacrimation, blurred vision and chronic fatigue.

    To the point chia-che (Fig. 7) act with a decrease in the general tone of the body, toothache, stomatitis and hoarseness. It is located just above the angle of the lower jaw, at the most protruding place of the masticatory muscle.

    Large intestine meridian points Dot he-gu (Fig. 8) is located in the hole between the first and second fingers on the back of the hand. The impact on this point is carried out with difficulties with expectoration of sputum, sore throat, bronchial asthma, shortness of breath, fever and etc.

    Rice. eight. Meridian of the large intestine (GI): 1 - shang-yang; 2 - er-jian; 3 - san-jian; 4 - he-gu; 5 - yang-si; 6 - pian-li; 7 - wen-lu; 8 - xia-lian; 9 - shang-lian: 10 - show-san-li; 11 - qu-chi;

    12 - zhou-lyao; 13 - show-y-whether; 14 - bi-nao; 15 - jian-yu; 16 - jui-gu; 17 - tian-ding; 18 - fu-tu (cervical); 19 - he-lyao; 20 - Ying Xiang

    Dot show san li (Fig. 8) is used in the treatment colds . It is located at the end of the crease of the elbow, on the outside. To make it easier to find, the forearm is bent at an angle of 90 °.

    Dot qu-chi (Fig. 8) is located in the corner, which is formed when the arm is bent at the elbow joint. They affect her increase in body temperature and blood pressure, as well as with anemia, allergies, eczema and furunculosis.

    Small intestine meridian points act on a point tian chuan (Fig. 9) at asthma, laryngitis, bronchitis, thyroid enlargement, vomiting and speech disorders. It is located at the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage, on the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and is accompanied by a pulsation, since the carotid artery is nearby.

    Rice. 9. Meridian of the small intestine (IG): 1 - shao-ze; 2 - qian-gu; 3 - hou-si; 4 - wang-gu; 5 - yang-gu; 6 - yang-lao; 7 - zhi-zheng; 8 - xiao-hai; 9 - jian-zhen; 10 - nao-shu; 11 - tian-zong; 12 -

    bin-feng; 13 - qu-yuan; 14 - jian-wai-shu; 15 - jian-zhong-shu; 16 - tian-chuan; 17 - tian-jun; 18 - quan-liao; 19 - ting-gun

    point wan-gu (Fig. 9), which is located on the ulnar side of the hand, in the cavity between the base of the fifth metacarpal and triangular bones, is used for tinnitus, nausea, a sharp decrease in vision.

    To find a point ting-gun (Fig. 9), you should open your mouth, as it is in the recess, in the middle of the tragus. Acupuncture influence on it is carried out with tinnitus, hypertension, diseases of the middle and inner ear.

    Pericardial points Dot lao gong (Fig. 10) is located in the center of the palm, on the line between the middle and ring fingers. In order to find it, you need to clench your hand into a fist. It is used when pain in the heart, nausea, gum disease, nosebleeds, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis. Influence it and for treatment periodontal disease, stomatitis. Also with its help alleviate the condition of patients who have undergone solar or heatstroke, take off pain in the heart, restore appetite, eliminate vomiting, hand tremor and arthritis.

    Rice. ten. Meridian of the pericardium (MS): 1 - tian-chi; 2 - tian-quan; 3 - qu-jie; 4 - si-men; 5 - jiang-shi; 6 - nei-guan; 7 - yes-lin; 8 - Lao-gun; 9 - zhun-chun

    To the point da-ling (Fig. 10), which is located at the radial edge of the tendon of the ulnar flexor of the hand, act when arrhythmia, headache, insomnia and hyperexcitability.

    Dot si-men (Fig. 10) is located at a distance of 5 cun (the length of the middle joint index finger) above the wrist crease. It is used when mastitis, tachycardia, pain in the heart, asthenia, nausea, vomiting, bleeding.

    With a dot nei guan (Fig. 10) remove pain in the heart, normalize sleep, heartbeat, blood pressure. Also, this point is affected in the treatment angina pectoris, tachycardia, laryngitis, hypertension, belching, vomiting, fever, mental disorders. It is located on the inner surface of the wrist, in the hollow between the two tendons.

    At the tip of the middle finger, 3 mm from the nail, there is a point chung chun (Fig. 10). With its help, remove heartache, reduce feeling of suffocation, get rid of fever. It is affected by heat stroke, shock or when pre-stroke state.

    Meridian points of the spleen and pancreas Dot yin ling quan (Fig. 11) is located on the outside of the leg, in a recess, 1 cun below the head of the fibula. It is used when constipation, cholecystitis, atherosclerosis.

    Rice. eleven. Meridian of the spleen and pancreas (RR): 8 - di-chi; 9 - yin-ling-quan; 10 - xue-hai; 11 - chi-men; 12 - chun-men; 13 - fu-she; 14 - fu-tse; 15 - da-hen; 16 - fu-ay; 17 - shi-dou; 18 - tian-si; 19 - xion-hsiang; 20 - zhou-zhong; 21 - da-bao

    To the point chung-men (Fig. 11), which is located in the middle of the inguinal fold, are affected by bowel spasms, constipation, urinary retention. Meridian points of three heaters

    Dot si-chju-kun (Fig. 12) is located at the outer edge of the eyebrows. It is affected by headaches caused by tired eyes, as well as at acute conjunctivitis.

    Rice. 12. Meridian of three heaters (TR): 1 - guan-chun; 2 - e-men; 3 - zhong-zhu; 4 - yang-chi; 5 - wai-guan; 6 - zhi-gou; 7 - hui-zong; 8 - san-yang-lo; 9 - sy-du; 10 - tian-jing; 11 - qing-len-yuan; 12 - xiao-le; 13 - nao-hui; 14 - jian-lyao; 15 - tian-lyao: 16 - tian-yu; 17 - i-feng; 18 - qi-mai; 19 - lu-si; 20 - chiao-sun; 21 - er-men; 22 - he-lyao; 23 - si-chzhu-kun

    Dot wai guan (Fig. 12) is located 5 cm above the wrist, along the midline outer surface forearm. It is affected by colds, flu, inflammation of the lymph nodes, headache.bladder meridian points

    Dot quan-zhu (Fig. 13) is located at the inner edge of the eyebrow. It is used when ARI, cough, runny nose, temperature.

    Dot fei shu (Fig. 13) is located outward from the gap between the spinous processes of the third and fourth thoracic vertebrae. She is found in a sitting position or lying on her stomach. Influence fei-shu when respiratory diseases, hemoptysis, excessive night sweats, intercostal neuralgia.

    Rice. 13. Meridian of the bladder (V): 1 - qing-min; 2 - tsuan-zhu; 3 - mei-chun; 4 - qu-cha; 5 - u-chu; 6 - cheng-guang; 7 - tong-tien; 8 - lo-tsue; 9 - yu-zhen; 10 - tian-zhu; 11 - yes-zhu; 12 - feng-men; 13 - fei-shu; 14 - jue-yin-shu; 15 - xin-shu; 16 - soul-shu; 17 - ge-shu; 18 - gan-shu; 19 - tribute-shu; 20 - write-shu; 21 - wei-shu; 22 - san-jiao-shu; 23 - shen-shu; 24 - qi-hai-shu; 25 - yes-chang-shu; 26 - guan-yuan-shu; 27 - xiao-chang-shu; 28 - pan-guan-shu; 29 - zhong-lui-shu; 30 - bai-huan-shu; 31 - shang-lyao; 32 - tsy-lyao; 33 - zhong-lyao; 34 - xia-lyao; 35 - hui-yang; 36 - cheng-fu; 37 - yin-men; 38 - fu-si; 39 - wei-yang; 40 - wei-chung; 41 - fu-fen; 42 - in huh; 43 - gao-huang; 44 - shen-tang; 45 - i-si; 46 - ge-guan; 47 - hun-men; 48 - yang-gan; 49 - i-she; 50 - wei-tsang; 51 - huan-men; 52 - zhi-shi; 53 - bao-huang; 54 - zhi-bian; 55 - he-yang; 56 - cheng-jin; 57 - cheng-shan; 58 - fei-yang; 59 - fu-yang; 60 - kun-lun; 61 - pu-shen; 62 - shen-mai; 63 - jin-men; 64 - jing-gu; 65 - shu-gu; 66 - zu-tun-gu; 67 - chih-yin

    Dot jue-yin-shu (Fig. 13) is also located outward from the gap between the spinous processes of the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae. It is used when pain in the region of the heart, nausea, neurasthenia, coughing, suffocation, vomiting.

    Xin-shu (Fig. 13) is located at the level of the middle of the shoulder blades, 2.5 cm on either side of the spinal column. This point is affected by cough, hemoptysis, growth retardation in children, vomiting, neurasthenia, hysteria, sleep disturbances, phobias, as well as at memory deterioration.

    Dot gan shu (Fig. 13), which is located under the spinous process of the ninth thoracic vertebra, 1.5 cun from the midline, helps with hemoptysis, liver disease, back pain, rhinitis, epistaxis, dizziness, conjunctivitis, phobias.

    To the point tribute-shu (Fig. 13) liver diseases and gallbladder, jaundice, dysphagia, as well as at narrowing of the esophagus, chest pain and phobias. It is located between the spinous processes of the tenth and eleventh thoracic vertebrae.

    Dot writing (Fig. 13) is located outward between the spinous processes of the eleventh and twelfth thoracic vertebrae. It is used when diseases of the stomach, jaundice, chronic diarrhea, vomiting, ascites, hemorrhagic diathesis, urticaria.

    point wei shu (Fig. 13), located outward from the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra, is used for gastrointestinal diseases, exhaustion, pancreatitis, hepatitis, enterocolitis, belching, vomiting.

    Dot san chiao shu (Fig. 13) is located between the spinous processes of the first and second lumbar vertebrae. With its help, get rid of pain in the stomach, swelling of the legs, vomiting, enteritis, neurasthenia.

    Dot da-chang-shu (Fig. 13), located between the spinous processes of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, is indispensable for diarrhea, constipation, back pain, paralysis of the lower extremities, hypertension, rectal prolapse.

    Xiao-chang-shu (Fig. 13) is located on the lateral crest of the sacrum. They affect her pains of a different nature, in particular, in the sacrum and hip joint. It also helps in the treatment urinary incontinence, anuria, endometritis, constipation, bloody diarrhea and hemorrhoids.

    Dot pan guan shu (Fig. 13), located between the spinous processes of the second and third sacral vertebrae, helps with diseases of the genitourinary system, constipation, diarrhea, diabetes.

    Dot fei yang (Fig. 13) brings relief from headaches, fever, dizziness, difficulty in nasal breathing, epistaxis, asthenia. In addition, it helps to deal with back pain and lower limb joints, as well as with hemorrhoids and cystitis. Fei-yang is located 7 cun above the center of the ankle, up from the hollow between its back edge and the Achilles tendon.

    point jin-men (Fig. 13) can be found below the lateral malleolus, in a depression palpable at the border of the dorsal and plantar surfaces of the foot. With its help it is good to shoot headache. This point is also affected by convulsions sudden deterioration hearing, back pain and joints.

    Dot jing-gu (Fig. 13) is located just below the base of the fifth metatarsal bone, at the point of contact of the dorsal and plantar surfaces of the foot. It helps to quickly remove migraine, pain in the muscles, lower back, hip joints.

    gallbladder meridian Dot tong tzu liao located at a distance of 0.5 cm outward from the outer corner of the eye. Helps with headache, lacrimation, decreased visual acuity, optic nerve atrophy, glaucoma, peripheral facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia(Fig. 14).

    Rice. fourteen. Meridian of the gallbladder (VB): 1 - tong-tzu-lyao; 2 - ting-hui; 3 - shan-guan; 4 - han-yang; 5 - xuan-lu; 6 - xuan-li; 7 - qu-bin; 8 - shuai-gu; 9 - tian-chun; 10 - fu-by; 11 - tou-qiao-yin; 12 - wan-gu; 13 - ben-shen; 14 - yang-bay; 15 - tou-lin-qi; 16 - mu-chuan; 17 - zheng-yin; 18 - cheng-ling; 19 - nao-kun; 20 - feng-chi; 21 - jian-jing; 22 - yuan; 23 - zhe-jin; 24 - zhi-yue; 25 - jing-men; 26 - give-may; 27 - wu-shu; 28 - wei-dao; 29 - ju-lyao; 30 - huan-tiao; 31 - feng-shi; 32 - zhong-du; 33 - zu-yang-guan; 34 - yang-ling-quan; 35 - yang-jiao; 36 - wai-chiu; 37 - guan-min; 38 - yang-fu; 39 - xuan-zhong; 40 - qiu-xu; 41 - zu-lin-qi; 42 - di-wu-hui; 43 - xia-si; 44 - zu-xiao-yin

    point ting-hui (Fig. 14) are used when ear pain, dizziness, deafness, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia. It is located anterior and inferior to the ear tragus, where the depression is palpated.

    Xuan-li (Fig. 14) is at the level of the horizontal drawn through the upper edge of the auricle, and anterior to the vertical drawn through the front edge of the ear, by 1.2 cm. Indications for its use: pain in the temporal region of the head, eye diseases, toothache, swelling of the face.

    Tian-chun (Fig. 14) is located above the upper edge of the auricle by 2 cun. She is chosen at headache, gingivitis, cramps.

    Dot cheng-ling (Fig. 14) is located in the region of the parietal tubercle. She helps a lot with headache, migraine, nasal congestion, nosebleeds, rhinitis, visual acuity disorders, spasms of facial muscles of the mouth, bronchial asthma, fever, vomiting.

    liver meridian points The liver meridian, which is also associated with the stomach, gallbladder, lungs and brain, originates at the edge of the base of the toenail. Passing along the back side and bending around the ankle, the channel follows up along the surface of the lower leg and thigh and reaches the groin area. Further, the liver meridian moves along the external genital organs and rises to the stomach, after which it penetrates into the liver and gallbladder. In the lower part of the chest, a second branch departs from the canal, which moves along the trachea and larynx to the soft palate, and then to the crown. In the region of the liver, another branch of the meridian begins: it rises through the diaphragm to the lungs.

    Rice. fifteen. Meridian of the liver (F): 1 - yes-dun; 2 - xing jian; 3 - tai chun; 4 - zhong-feng; 5 - li-go; 6 - zhong-du; 7 - qi-guan; 8 - qu-quan; 9 - yin-bao; 10 - zuu-uli; 11 - yin-lian; 12 - chi-mai; 13 - zhang-men; 14 - qi-men

    acting on a point xing jian (Fig. 15), which is located in the skin fold between the I and II toes, you can get rid of head and toothache, conjunctivitis, gingivitis, intestinal colic, insomnia.

    point tai chun (Fig. 15), located in the distal heads of the first and second metatarsal bones, is used for pain in the ankle and lower back, intercostal neuralgia, dizziness, headache, convulsions, disorders of the genitourinary system, mastitis.

    Pain point chung-du (Fig. 15) is located 7 cun above the upper edge of the ankle. It is affected by pain in the lower jaw, paralysis of the lower extremities, genitourinary disorders, cystitis, hernia.

    point yin-bao (Fig. 15), which is located at a distance of 4 cun from the condyle of the femur, between the tailor and thin muscles, is used for cramps in the muscles of the legs, lumbago, pain in the lower abdomen, enuresis.

    To the point qi-men (Fig. 15), located under the nipple, at a distance of 4 cun from the midline, are affected by intercostal neuralgia, asthma, shortness of breath, cough, loss of appetite, liver disease and gallbladder, loss of appetite, nephritis, neurosis and decreased vision.

    kidney meridian points

    Points located on the meridian of the kidneys (Fig. 16) are used to treat many diseases.

    Yes, in treatment headaches, sore throat, loss of voice, epistaxis, cough, hemoptysis and to improve visual acuity use a dot yongquan . This point is located in the very center of the sole. Yongquan is quite capable of coping with such ailments as urinary incontinence, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, convulsions, shock.

    Rice. 16. Meridian of the kidneys (R): 1 - yung-quan; 2 - zhan-gu; 3 - tai-si; 4 - dan-chung; 5 - Shui Quan; 6 - zhao-hai; 7 - fu-lu; 8 - jiao-xin; 9 - zhu-bin; 10 - yin-gu; 11 - heng-gu; 12 - yes-he; 13 - qi-xue; 14 - sy-man; 15 - zhong-zhu; 16 - huang-shu; 17 - shang-qu; 18 - shi-guan; 19 - yin-du; 20 - fu-tun-gu; 21 - yu-men; 22 - bu-lan; 23 - shen-feng; 24 - ling-hsu; 25 - shen-tsang; 26 - yu-zhong; 27 - shu-fu

    Dot tai si (Fig. 16) helps with neuralgia of the lingual nerve, glossalgia, stomatitis of any form, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, cough, hemoptysis, kidney pathologies and bladder, impotence, menstrual disorders, mastitis, constipation, fever and paralysis of the lower extremities. It is located on the kidney meridian, in the center between the top of the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon.

    Dot dan jun (Fig. 16) is located in front, below the previous point by 1.5 cm, next to the place of attachment of the Achilles tendon to the calcaneus. It is affected by gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis and gloss. It also helps fight cough, shortness of breath, suffocation, bronchial asthma, sore throat, vomiting, constipation, impaired urination, neurasthenia and hysteria.

    Dot Shuiquan (Fig. 16) is located slightly above the calcaneal tubercle. It is affected when pain during menstruation, with spasms of the bladder, uterine prolapse and other diseases of the reproductive system.

    Dot fu-lu (Fig. 16) is located 2 cun above the inner ankle and is shifted slightly back, towards the transition of the gastrocnemius muscle to the tendon. She helps with pain in the urethra, rickets, swelling of the extremities, hypertension.

    Points of the anterior and posterior meridians As we have already said, in addition to the main 12 meridians, there are 2 more that are not associated with any particular organ. These are the anterior and posterior meridians.

    Rice. 17. Anterior median renmai meridian (VC): 1 - Hui-yin (in the perineum); 2 - qu-gu; 3 - zhun-chi; 4 - guan-yuan; 5 - shi-men; 6 - qi-hai; 7 - yin-jiao; 8 - Shen-Que; 9 - shui-fen; 10 - xia-wan; 11 - jian-li; 12 - zhong-wan; 13 - shang-wan; 14 - ju-tsue; 15 - chiu-wei; 16 - zhong-ting; 17 - tan-chung; 18 - yu-tan; 19 - zi-gong; 20 - hua-gai; 21 - xuan-chi; 22 - tan-tu; 23 - lianquan; 24 - cheng jian

    Point of the anterior median meridian (Fig. 17) hui yin located between the external genitalia and the anus. She is chosen at pain in the glans penis, impotence, menstrual irregularities, vaginal prolapse and uterus, genital itching, and also when diseases of the rectum, hemorrhoids, constipation and difficulty urinating.

    Posterior meridian point jen zhong (Fig. 18) is located in the upper part of the nasolabial fold. It is affected by fainting, tics and swelling of the face, as well as at diabetes.

    Rice. eighteen. Posterior median meridian think (VG): 1 - chan-qiang; 2 - yao-shu; 3 - yao-yang-guan; 4 - min-men; 5 - xuan-shu; 6 - ji-zhong; 7 - zhong-shu; 8 - jin-so; 9 - zhi-yang; 10 - lin-tai; 11 - shen-dao; 12 - shen-zhu; 13 - tao-dao; 14 - yes-zhui; 15 - I-men; 16 - feng fu; 17 - nao-hu; 18 - qiang-jian; 19 - hou-din; 20 - bai-hui; 21 - qian-ding; 22 - xin-hui; 23 - shan-si; 24 - shen-ting; 25 - su-lyao; 26 - jen-zhong; 27 - dui-duan; 28 - yinjiao (on the frenulum of the upper lip)

    Another point of the same meridian - bai hui (Fig. 18). It is located in the very center of the crown. It is affected by severe headaches, dizziness, insomnia, as well as at nasal congestion.chi chung (Fig. 18) is also located on the posterior median meridian, on the midline of the abdomen, 4 cun below the navel. It is used when menstrual disorders, infertility, uterine bleeding, vaginitis, leucorrhea, nephritis, ascites and at general decrease in body resistance.

    Literature and websites


    Baskova I. P., Isakhanyan G. S. Hirudotherapy. Science and practice. - M., 2004.

    Velkhover E. S., Nikiforova V. G. Fundamentals of clinical reflexology. - M., 1984.

    Hirudotherapy: A Guide for Physicians / Ed. V. A. Savinova. - M., 2004.

    David W. Sollars. Acupuncture and acupressure. - M., 2004.

    Zharov D. G. Secrets of hirudotherapy. - M., 2004.

    Kazmin V. Leeches for your health. - Rostov-on-Don, 2005.

    Kamenev Yu. A. Leeches. Hirudotherapy. - St. Petersburg, 1993.

    Kamenev Yu. A., Kamenev O. Yu. A leech will help you. - St. Petersburg, 2005.

    Kamenev O. Yu., Baranovsky A. Yu. Treatment with leeches: Theory and practice of hirudotherapy. - St. Petersburg, 2008.

    Lyakhova K. A. 100 secrets of oriental medicine. - M., 2004.

    Park Jae Woo. Atlas of the energy system of the human body. Onnuri Acupuncture. - M., 2000.

    Seleznev K. G. Treatment with leeches at home. - St. Petersburg, 2003.

    Stoyanovskiy D.N. Medical leech. Bloodletting. Kamenev. - M., 2004.

    Yang Jiasang. Atlas of acupuncture. - M., 2006.





    Hirudotherapy is an alternative method of influencing the body in order to cure diseases, the use of leeches gives a chance to forget about many diseases. The healing method is very old and was known many years ago. Hippocrates believed that leeches were special healers for a huge number of diseases, and in the Middle Ages, bloodsucking treatment was recognized as an official offshoot of medicine. Their use was as natural as the use of hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green is now. Doctors attributed a large number of leeches, and the result of such exposure greatly undermined faith in hirudotherapy, since the result of the treatment was often negative. For a long time, the method of healing with the help of bloodsucking was undeservedly forgotten, and only in recent years have leeches become in demand again, and more and more fans of this method have appeared. How to put leeches at home, where to put leeches, we will consider below.

    Historical facts about hirudotherapy

    Hirudotherapy twice became very popular and twice fell into disgrace. The name of the type of treatment comes from the Latin word "Giruda", which translates as "leech". One local physician discovered that they bring relief from painful manifestations. So it was decided to put leeches and treat the disease. He used them for many pathological conditions, colds and other diseases, and this brought relief to the condition. The popularity of the method grew, it spread across countries and became widely used in Egypt, China, and India. According to legend, Cleopatra was able to conceive a child and give birth only after hirudotherapy sessions. It is these representatives of the animal world that are depicted on the walls of Egyptian tombs.

    Gradually, the passion for bloodsuckers grew, they were used for shortness of breath, pain in the heart. Excess body weight was treated with leeches, in those days, overweight became the number one problem. Bloodsuckers contributed to rapid weight loss, the weight went off in kilograms, and the state of health improved.

    Gradually, even such a branch of the economy as the production of leeches and their export developed. The population of leeches was sharply reduced, and practically reached zero. Special grounds were organized for breeding leeches. With the development of medicine, the need for leeches gradually faded away. Antibiotics, antipyretics, and other medications eclipsed hirudotherapy, and by the end of the nineteenth century, bloodsuckers were practically no longer used. In the modern world, methods of using leeches are widespread in traditional and alternative medicine. Doctors in many countries around the world use leeches to treat atherosclerosis, in ophthalmology, and in the beauty industry.

    The blood-sucking individual is recognized as a therapeutic unit and is listed in the list of drugs.

    Benefits for bloodsucking treatment

    One of the main advantages of bloodsucking treatment is that they are effective in a large number of diseases, and the use of this method of treatment has practically no contraindications. The positive aspects that can be distinguished during the treatment with hirudotherapy are as follows:

    • the absence of negative consequences during therapy with leeches;
    • minimum side effects;
    • there are practically no contraindications;
    • due to the triple effect on the body of the substances of the saliva of leeches, there is a complex effect on the entire body as a whole;
    • the ability to use hirudotherapy for the treatment of almost any organ.

    The leech has a local and general effect on the human body, is able to cure advanced diseases and positively influence conditions that are not amenable to therapy by other means. More than a hundred enzymes were found in the saliva of a blood-sucking organism. These enzymes have an effect on the diseased organ, restoring blood and lymph circulation, remove puffiness, and increase immunity at the local and general level. Correct location leeches are fundamentally important. After all, a leech, sucking out blood, transfers its energy, which stabilizes the energy content of a person, “patches” his biofield. In addition, using a living organism is similar to acupuncture. That is why the method of hirudotherapy is able to influence neuroses, anxiety, phobias, improve the emotional state of a person.

    Who is treated with bloodsucking

    The method of hirudotherapy has practically no contraindications, so it can be used for a wide variety of diseases. But the effectiveness for each of the diseases is different and for each patient too. For some, several sessions will be effective, someone will feel an improvement in their general condition and no more. Such a reaction depends on the characteristics of the human body and the disease itself. The fastest and most effective body responses to bloodsucking treatment will be in those who suffer from difficult evacuation from the intestines, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, and overweight. Sometimes drugs are not able to help, and for many years a person has been trying to improve his health and get rid of hemorrhoids, for example. After five sessions of hirudotherapy, it is possible to eliminate hemorrhoidal bleeding.

    About cleansing the body with juices

    With vascular disease, it is these living organisms that become a panacea for the disease. In this way, blood pressure, heart disease and vascular disorders are stabilized. Leeches are also used for skin diseases, loss of strength, intestinal diseases, bone disease, bile stasis and kidney stones. With varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, you should know how to put leeches on your feet. It is strictly forbidden to place an individual on an enlarged vein. There is probably no organ that would be corrected when using the method of treatment with blood-sucking individuals.

    Many treatment outcomes simply defy logical explanation, but the facts speak for themselves:

    • the bloodsucking method of treatment does not have a sufficient scientific or evidence base, but it works;
    • this method is not a medical branch of treatment, but it works and gives results;
    • there is no definitively correct treatment regimen - you can deviate slightly from the recommendations;
    • the therapeutic method is applicable for severe cases and is effective in advanced conditions;
    • is used not only for healing, but also to maintain vitality and rejuvenation.

    Therapeutic effects of leeches

    Bloodletting is a positive stress for the body, which triggers hidden reserves immune system. New blood rushes to the organ and spreads faster throughout the body. The healing mechanism starts. Minor blood loss lowers blood pressure, and hirudin prevents blood clotting. The complex of influence of an individual of a bloodsucker on human body actually very versatile. Three factors have a therapeutic effect:

    • reflex;
    • mechanical;
    • biological.

    Let's consider each of the factors in more detail. reflex effect. Correctly located on the body, leeches, when bitten, activate the biologically active zone. This starts the process of self-healing, and the energy intensifies. In addition, leeches reflexively choose the areas that need to be affected. This is unique, but even a person far from acupuncture can put leeches. But still, it is preferable to carry out this mission to a specialist.

    mechanical impact. When bitten, under the influence of leech saliva that has entered the bloodstream, lymph continues to be secreted. This lasts for several hours. The lymphatic system actively produces lymphocytes, which increases the body's immune forces, both locally and at the general level. Blood is replaced, blood flow to the organ weakened by the disease increases.

    biological impact. Blood-sucking saliva, containing a large amount of useful substances, has a biological effect on the body.

    Saliva contains:

    • hirudin - a leech hormone slows down blood clotting and releases blood clots from blood vessels, which becomes the prevention of thrombosis;
    • bdellins - enhancers of plasmin and trypsin;
    • englins are necessary elements for diseases of the skeletal system, they prevent the development of new pathologies and have a positive effect on existing ones;
    • hyaluronidase is an enzyme that promotes fertilization.

    After analyzing the therapeutic effect on the human body, we can say that leeches can positively affect the state of health and have the following effects:

    • prevent thickening of the blood;
    • prevent the development of thrombosis;
    • contribute to the prevention of vascular disease;
    • reduce the sensitization of the body;
    • restore microcirculation;
    • immunostimulating;
    • painkiller.

    How to properly put leeches at home is the main issue in home treatment.

    Where and how to put leeches

    Where and how to put leeches is a question that is asked by everyone who plans to engage in hirudotherapy at home. Before starting therapy at home, you need to prepare and collect the following items:

    • a bottle with a narrow neck;
    • tweezers;
    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • sterile bandage;
    • cotton wool;
    • container with water for used leeches.

    About alcohol solution of chloramphenicol

    The first experience with installing bloodsucking at home is best with someone who has ever done this or is willing to learn and learn. A person is needed for several reasons. On the one hand, not all places on your body can be reached, and on the other hand, it is not known what the body's reaction to a new stressful effect will be. It is desirable that the assistant be a person with strong nerves, because leeches and the process of hirudotherapy itself are not the most pleasant sight.

    There are several principles that work effectively:

    • a leech can be placed on any organ, and this alone will have a positive effect on the entire body, naturally, putting leeches on the veins, face, neck is not worth it; there are special places on the human body that can be called zones of influence on the entire body, these are the coccyx, navel, liver, points on the chakras;
    • you can put a leech on the most painful place, for which hirudotherapy is started.

    It is more convenient to put leeches on the body using special devices - caps, a syringe. The person who will put the leeches should wear rubber gloves. The place of the planned contact of the blood-sucking with the body must be wiped with hydrogen peroxide; it is not recommended to use products with a sharp and persistent odor for these purposes. It is not recommended to smoke, drink alcohol, do repairs on the day when you plan to improve your health. The leech reacts sharply to pungent odors and simply does not sit on the body.

    How to make a leech suck

    For someone who will use the method of treatment for the first time, it is not recommended to put a lot of leeches. As a rule, you need to start with one or two individuals at the same time. This is necessary in order to eliminate the risk backlash body for intervention, see how much blood is lost during hirudotherapy, exclude the possibility of allergies, plan correctly further treatment. More leeches doesn't mean better results. It is recommended to use no more than twenty individuals for a course of treatment of ten sessions.

    How to treat leeches at home

    Many put bloodsucking at home. For this, leeches are purchased, the necessary tool is called a partner. The points where individuals are placed are most often:

    • the region of the heart - to clean the vessels;
    • liver area - the liver is cleansed;
    • lower limbs - with diseases of the veins - thrombophlebitis and varicose disease;
    • a place behind the ears - with violations in the work of the heart and atherosclerosis;
    • occipital region - with increased blood pressure, to clean the blood vessels;
    • back - cleaning of blood vessels.

    Intuitively, leeches crawl to the place that is a biologically active point, but still it should be remembered that bloodsucking cannot be placed in places where the veins are closely located.

    Places where it is not recommended to put leeches are temples, eyelids, neck, scrotum. You can find diagrams in literary medical sources where suckers should be located. The person who will undergo a hirudotherapy session lies on a flat horizontal plane. Places of attachment of leeches are exposed and wiped with hydrogen peroxide. If there is hair on the points where you plan to put leeches, it must be shaved off. For blood flow, rub the place where suckers will be placed. It is recommended to wipe the skin sweet water or glucose solution. All these methods enable leeches to suck better and faster.

    Rubber gloves are put on the hands, the individual is picked up with tweezers and lowered into a special bottle with a wide neck. It is pressed to the right place, after a while, when the leech sticks, remove the vial. Where you can put leeches, you need to ask the experts. After the individual is pumped, it will fall off the body area, and it must be placed in a container of clean water. A special napkin is applied to the bite site, if necessary, a bandage.

    The assistant will help to do all the manipulations. It is not recommended to carry out treatment alone, since this session causes drowsiness, and it is impossible to lose control over the situation and the state of health in the process. For one session it is not permissible to use more than six individuals. No scientific explanation has been found why bloodsuckers intuitively choose places called chakras or the most active points. human body.

    How much salt is in the body of an adult

    At the place where the leech is located, after treatment, the appearance of redness and itching is noted. In this case, it is necessary to lubricate the place with any drug against insect bites. Those who are frightened by the feeling of the unknown and the question of what to expect from a bloodsucker are reassured by experienced hirudotherapists - nothing but a slight burning sensation will be felt. Reuse of bloodsuckers is permissible after a week.

    Features of therapy with leeches at home

    It has been proven that this is a very effective method of treatment - where to put leeches and how many pieces, you need to study and, if necessary, check with a specialist. At home, there are two ways to treat leeches:

    • aspiration, with bloodletting;
    • non-aspirating, without blood loss.

    The aspiration method is a classic one that has been used since the foundation of the method. It consists in the fact that leeches are saturated with blood and fall away from a person on their own. This method is still common today.

    The non-aspiration method consists in the fact that the blood-sucking is not allowed to be satiated, they are removed from the patient's body at the moment the blood is absorbed. The method appeared in the middle of the last century. The author considered this technique successful, since the therapeutic effect was achieved, and blood loss did not occur. Due to this, it was permissible to use up to two dozen individuals at the same time in the treatment process. The question arises, how can you remove the blood-sucking until the moment of saturation? After all, it is quite a fragile creature, and peeling off the skin of the patient will hurt both. In order for the process of disconnecting the individual from the patient's skin to be painless for both, a piece of cotton wool soaked in a solution of alcohol or iodine should be applied to the back of the animal.

    The leech will fall off the body without hindrance, but the wound itself will bleed for some time, and this should not be frightening. it natural process and everything will be fine in time. In order for the ichor not to stain the clothes, the wound can be closed with a bandage or adhesive tape.

    Therapeutic complex when using bloodsucking individuals, it requires the right approach to this issue.

    You need to know the answers to the following questions:

    • clarified diagnosis of the disease;
    • know how many leeches should be delivered;
    • get advice from a hirudotherapeutist or a person who has had experience in such matters.

    If it is not possible to find a specialist, some nuances must be taken into account.

    Contraindications for the use of this method of treatment

    When treatment with bloodsuckers was just gaining momentum, a contraindication to treatment with leeches was "royal disease" or hemophilia. Gradually, there were more and more contraindications:

    • bleeding of various etiologies;
    • pregnancy at any time;
    • lactation period;
    • malignant neoplasms;
    • early childhood;
    • anemia;
    • low blood pressure.

    In recent years, fewer and fewer people live without drugs. Almost every second person after fifty takes some kind of medicine every day. As you know, synthetic drugs change the blood picture, cause ulcers, infectious complications. Against the background of such a picture, hirudotherapy can cause a pathological condition. It should be remembered that bloodsucking therapy is an auxiliary, but by no means the main line of treatment. It is impossible to cancel drugs prescribed for chronic diseases. If the patient is taking medication, it is necessary to carefully approach the use of hirudotherapy and consult with the attending physician or hirudotherapist.

    There is a group of synthetic medicines, the use of which and hirudotherapy are incompatible:

    • some gynecological preparations;
    • individual anticoagulants;
    • separate groups of antibiotics;
    • medicines for diseases of the thyroid gland;
    • antiplatelet agents;
    • analgesics;
    • alcoholic drinks;
    • nutritional supplements.

    It is necessary for the specialist to show the packages with the medications taken, this is very serious. Treatment with leeches is an effective and effective therapy. Contraindications should be taken into account, and when using leeches for the first time, seek help from a specialist. As the reviews and long practice of using representatives of the animal world show, hirudotherapy helps to overcome a large group of diseases, to become full of strength and energy.

    Probably every person knows about leeches since childhood. They inhabit many ponds and lakes, hunt frogs, domestic animals, and can even stick to a person who decides to swim in their habitats.

    But do doctors really use these terrible bloodsuckers living in complete unsanitary conditions in the treatment of patients? Of course not. For these purposes, only medicinal leeches are used in medicine.

    Let's see what it is - medicinal leeches. In total, there are almost four hundred species of leeches, but in medicine, the use was found only for medicinal purposes.

    Species Hirudo medicinalis - medicinal leech, ringed water worm, ten to fifteen centimeters in length.

    Medicinal leeches are greenish-brown in color. Medicinal leeches have suction cups on the front and back of the body. An interesting fact is that the sucker located behind is unchanged, unlike the front sucker, which appears only when necessary: ​​to attach to the body of the victim or to move along surfaces. But leeches not only crawl, they are excellent swimmers, so they can overtake the victim in open water when it does not touch the bottom at all.

    It is worth noting

    Leeches, overtaking the victim, stick to the skin with the help of a head sucker, in the middle of which there is a mouth opening, and bite through the skin, as if they were incised with a knife. To do this, they are served by three small plates in their mouths, on which there are hundreds of small teeth.

    After the medicinal leeches incise the epidermis, a special salivary secret is released into the body. It contains such active substances as: hirudin and histamine.

    • Hirudin(from the Latin "Hirudo", which means leech) is an anticoagulant. It prevents blood clotting.
    • Histamine- causes local expansion of blood vessels.


    Medicinal leeches used in modern hirudotherapy are absolutely "sterile". They are grown in special biofactories.

    There are four such leech farms in Russia: two of them are located in the Moscow region, one in St. Petersburg and another in the Saratov region. Russia is the world's largest producer of medicinal leeches, producing almost six million individuals per year.

    But how long have people been using medicinal leeches?

    WE ADVISE! Weak potency, a flaccid penis, the absence of a long-term erection is not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man get a stable erection for sex, but they all have their drawbacks and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as a prevention and accumulation of male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

    The first mention of the use of medicinal leeches appeared three thousand years ago during the time of the pharaohs. In the writings of Hippocrates, Galen and Avicenna, medicinal leeches are also often mentioned.

    But the finest hour of leeches has come in medieval Europe. From the end of the seventeenth to the beginning of the nineteenth century, medicinal leeches were considered a panacea by Europeans. Leeches have replaced bloodletting. And this is pretty understandable.

    A doctor was required to open a vein and let out "bad blood", and many could not afford such a financial luxury as systematic visits to a doctor. It was then that they came up with a natural biological method that replaces the bloodletting procedure. The leeches gladly ate fresh blood, and they could easily be caught in any quantity in the nearest pond absolutely free.

    Having set the goal of achieving the best results in treatment, the patient at that time was given more than a hundred leeches at a time. But, alas, often the disease did not recede, or healing effect was not strong enough. So, by the beginning of the twentieth century, medicine lost faith in hirudotherapy as a panacea, and interest in it practically disappeared.

    Medicinal leeches and their properties were again remembered only in the middle of the twentieth century. It was at this time that scientists identified their main help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

    Now let's figure out how treatment can be carried out, where and at what price to buy medicinal leeches.

    It is worth noting

    Treatment with leeches can be done both at home and on an outpatient basis in specialized clinics, they will produce the same effect on the body. However, prices can vary significantly. The cost of treatment depends on the number of places where the procedure is performed, the number of medicinal leeches used, the placement sites and the number of sessions required for treatment.

    AT medical centers The course of hirudotherapy is selected for each patient strictly individually, depending on the diagnosis and complexity of the disease.

    A doctor's consultation will cost an average of 500-1000 rubles. And one session of hirudotherapy costs an average of 750-1800, depending on the number of delivered medicinal leeches and their location. It must be remembered that the course of hirudotherapy includes four to twelve sessions.

    Treatment with leeches can also be done at home. To do this, you need to be examined by your doctor and identify the diagnosis of a possible disease. It is important to check with the doctor if you have any contraindications for the use of medicinal leeches.

    You can buy leeches in a pharmacy as much as you need. But it should be noted that in some pharmacies you should make a reservation for medicinal leeches. One medical leech, depending on the region, costs from forty to two hundred rubles.

    If you are going to put leeches not on your arms and legs, then it is best to invite a hirudotherapist to your home. The fact is that medicinal leeches are quite frisky creatures and, if you put them, for example, on the face or in the coccyx area, they can easily get inside the body and, sticking there, become a serious problem, and in some cases can be deadly. . Therefore, it is better to play it safe and invite a specialist, under whose supervision the session will take place.

    The staging of one leech by a hirudotherapist on the skin will cost from one hundred and fifty to five hundred rubles. Setting a medicinal leech on the mucous membrane, in the anus or on the female genital organs costs on average from five hundred to a thousand rubles.

    The benefits of leeches during a hirudotherapy session: how it is carried out and how to properly prepare

    Preparation for a hirudotherapy session begins with the fact that the day before the leech is placed, the patient is advised to give up tobacco, alcohol, spicy foods and perfumes.

    Before the procedure, the place of the alleged bloodletting should simply be thoroughly wiped with cotton wool soaked in hot water. If there is such a need, then you can shave the place being prepared.

    A hirudotherapy session consists in placing leeches on the skin at the site of the projection of the organ whose treatment is necessary.

    For example, in case of liver diseases, the benefits of leeches will be higher if they are placed on the right hypochondrium, and in case of osteochondrosis, the greatest positive effect will be when annelids are placed mainly on those areas near the spine or tailbone, where the most painful sensations are concentrated.

    Traditionally, from two to fifteen long-deprived leeches can be used in one session.

    They are carefully, with tweezers or by hand, taken near the head end and lowered to the supposed place of suction.

    To help this blood-sucking creature determine the place of the bite, there is such a method: you just need to carefully rub the selected point with an effort, this simple action causes increased blood circulation in a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, which becomes the most attractive for leeches.

    At the end of the hirudotherapy session, having received all the benefits from leeches, the little healer must be disconnected. It is impossible to tear off a leech forcibly, otherwise, due to the many enzymes contained in its saliva, the wound will bleed heavily and hurt, which will harm and probably increase the disease. To do this, simply touch the leech with a cotton swab with alcohol, and it will fall off by itself. The wound is not lubricated with any drugs.

    The effect of a medical leech on the body includes several reasons:

    • Reflexogenic component- leeches stick to biologically active points.
    • Mechanical component- physical extraction of blood, quite a long time.
    • Biological component- the leech injects its saliva, which contains many enzymes and biologically active substances.

    As a result of all this, the benefits of leeches have been scientifically proven and are almost limitless for both women's and men's health. Thanks to hirudin, which is contained in the saliva of leeches and thins the blood, resorption of blood clots and adhesions is noted, which has found a great response in the treatment of varicose veins, postoperative conditions and gynecological diseases in women. It has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect.

    Protease inhibitors, which stop tissue inflammation, are considered as a significant help in the treatment of prostatitis, arthritis, emphysema, and others.

    But, although the benefits of leeches are great, it is necessary to remember about contraindications. These include hemophilia, pregnancy, malignant tumors, congenital incoagulability, anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis, low blood pressure, allergy to leeches.

    What diseases are treated with leeches and reviews of treatment with leeches

    No wonder they say that how many people, so many opinions. Reviews of treatment with leeches were no exception at all. But, after analyzing more than one hundred statements, we can derive an average idea of ​​​​hirudotherapy in our population:

    • For most people, leeches still cause a feeling of disgust, therefore, they often turn to this method of treatment only after all other methods have been tried and often do not give significant results.
    • The price for a full course of hirudotherapy conducted in the clinic bites no worse than that very leech.
    • From time to time there are reviews that the disease that they tried to get rid of during hirudotherapy sessions did not go away, but working capacity, immunity and general well-being increased much better. Most likely this is due to the blood renewal of the body.
    • Along with positive reviews about self-treatment, such stories often pop up, at the end of which people who decided that they could do everything themselves had to seek qualified medical help. These are escaped leeches crawling into various openings of the body, and profuse bleeding that does not go away for more than a day, for example, when leeches are incorrectly planted in a vein, and a bite site blistered due to allergic reactions, And so on. People who have survived all these horrors are strongly advised to use hirudotherapy exclusively under the supervision of a doctor!
    • The vast majority of reviews about leech treatment are written in a positive way. People who have felt effective help and the healing power of hirudotherapy, become its ardent adherents, write numerous laudatory reviews, recommend it to relatives and friends.

    If hirudotherapy is so widely used and discussed, then let's see what diseases are treated with leeches:

    • Cardiovascular and vascular diseases: hypertension, "jumping" pressure, vegetovascular dystonia, cerebral atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, coronary heart disease, myocarditis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, hypertensive crisis, thrombophlebitis, circulatory failure, trophic ulcers of any origin, thrombosis of arteries and veins , congestion of blood, bruises, hematomas, edema.
    • Gynecological diseases: female infertility, mastitis, mastopathy, fibromastopathy, chronic inflammation of the uterus and appendages, salpingoophoritis, endometriosis, adenomyosis of the uterine body, menstrual disorders, menopausal conditions, ovarian dysfunction, ovarian cysts, colpitis, adhesions in the pelvis, cervical erosion, cysts ovaries, fibroids, postpartum purulent-septic complications, uterine fibroids, bartholinitis, chlamydia.
    • Androgenic diseases: male infertility, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, seminal canal cyst, testicular hypotrophy, cavernitis, elephantiasis of the scrotum and penis.
    • Urological diseases: ordinary, acute purulent and cystic changes in the kidneys, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, paranephritis, urinary and ligature fistulas, hepatorenal syndrome, hydronephrosis, chronic renal failure, urethritis, paraurethritis, ureteral stones, cystitis, paracystitis.
    • Endocrine diseases Key words: thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, gout, obesity, diathesis.
    • Dental diseases: alveolitis, periostitis, chronic periodontitis, stomalgia syndrome, ganglioneuritis of the pterygopalatine ganglion, fibrous form HRAS, keratinization of the oral mucosa, periodontitis, gingivitis.
    • Application in cosmetology: cellulite, wrinkles, bad color face, skin laxity, bags under the eyes.
    • Ophthalmic diseases: iridocyclitis, macular degeneration, inflammation of the optic nerve in the stage of edema, glaucoma, pseudotumor, pathological processes vascular tract of the eye, keratitis, epithelial-endothelial corneal dystrophy, iridocyclitis, latent retinal pigment anomaly, edematous exophthalmos, corneal erosion.
    • Dermatovenereology and skin diseases: lichen planus, dermatosis, dermatitis, genital herpes, papillomatosis, eczema, acne, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, furunculosis, carbunculosis, scleroderma, alopecia, pyoderma, lupus erythematosus, elephantiasis, toxicoderma.
    • Surgical diseases: panaritiums, umbilical, inguinal and postoperative ventral hernias, post-injection infiltrates.
    • ENT diseases: sensorineural hearing loss, diseases of the paranasal sinuses, sinusitis, pansinusitis, sinusitis, chronic sensorineural hearing loss, adhesive otitis media, acute otitis media nonperforative, tinnitus.
    • Diseases of the nervous system: insomnia, headaches, neurosis, dizziness, epilepsy, migraine, neuralgia, neuritis of the auditory nerves, paresis, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatic nerve neuritis and sciatic neuralgia, paralysis of various nerves, cerebral arteriosclerosis, hemorrhagic stroke, concussion consequences of brain injury.
    • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: radiculitis, myositis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, lesions of bones and joints after injuries, intervertebral hernia, fractures, scleroderma.
    • Diseases of the digestive system: constipation, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, duodenitis, cirrhosis, biliary dyskinesia, diverticulosis.
    • Colds: runny nose, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza.

    Where and how to put leeches?

    The question of how to put leeches is not difficult to answer. They are applied to biologically active points on the patient's body in the area of ​​pain.

    But only a qualified hirudotherapist knows how to put leeches correctly.

    Regardless of whether the procedure is carried out in a clinical or home setting, he will be able to build the correct scheme for setting leeches to treat the disease that has struck you.

    After all, it is not always obvious where to put the leeches. With varicose veins and atherosclerosis on the legs, leeches are placed on both sides near the vein, but not on it itself.

    For back pain (intervertebral hernia, sciatica or osteochondrosis), small bloodsuckers are placed to the left and right of the spine throughout its entire length.

    It is much more difficult to understand where to place a leech with a headache or atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels. In this case, it is necessary to feel on the head a couple of centimeters behind the auricles for a tubercle on each side. These are the mastoid processes of the bones of the skull, and it is worth attaching one leech to them.

    With high and intracranial pressure, it is recommended to place two or three leeches on the sacrum. Also, this procedure will help women feel better on critical days, relieve inflammation of the uterus and bladder.

    With low pressure, one leech installed on the back of the head is enough.

    Leeches installed on the stomach in the area of ​​the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines will help eliminate blood stasis in the abdominal cavity and will help get rid of obesity, normalize appetite and relieve colic.

    Correct, with great care, setting leeches on the face, on the side of the nose and above the eyebrows, will help to cope with sinusitis, rhinitis and obstruction of the maxillary sinuses. By placing a leech in the corners of the lower jaw, you can significantly improve the blood supply to the spine.

    Pulmonary and nosebleeds will soon pass if two or three leeches are placed around the anus.

    Being healthy is easy. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything, to find a qualified hirudotherapist and conduct the necessary course of treatment under his supervision.

    It is believed that for the first time they began to use the method of treatment with leeches in ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have found a fresco in one of the tombs, which shows how the healer puts a leech to the pharaoh. In Europe, the method became widespread in the 18th century and even became fashionable. Leeches were placed at home for any diseases, considered a remedy for any suffering.

    And at the end of the 19th century, an extract was obtained from the body of a leech and its healing properties were already substantiated from a scientific point of view. From salivary glands a substance called hirudin was isolated. It has been proven that it has a healing effect.

    With the advent of synthetic drugs, hirudotherapy was not deservedly forgotten. In the 21st century, complications after the use of antibiotics, analgesics and other medicines have taken the 4th place in the world in terms of prevalence. This led to a return of interest in traditional medicine and in the old, tried and tested method of treatment with leeches - hirudotherapy.

    Who are leeches and their mechanism of action

    Leeches are classified as annelid freshwater worms. Their main feature is hematophagy (blood feeding). Due to the pollution of water bodies, the medical leech no longer lives in them, but is bred only in laboratories.

    The digestive system of this animal has a special tissue located along its entire length. In it is beneficial bacterium- hirudientis, which produces active substances with a therapeutic effect. Their delivery to salivary glands passes through special channels. A leech is enough for a single feeding every 4 months. She can go without food at all for a year.

    During a bite, a leech throws saliva into the blood, containing a set of 100 healing active substances. Under the action of this unique complex, harmful decay products are disinfected, and the process of decay is prevented. During the treatment with leeches in the human body, the bloodstream is cleared, the work of the hematopoietic organs is stimulated. The result is blood renewal, which increases immunity, enhances protection.

    The secret of the salivary glands has various types of effects on the human body:

    • At the site of the bite, the vessels narrow, while in other areas, on the contrary, they expand. Thus, the blood circulation of tissues improves, their supply with oxygen, blood stagnation in the internal organs decreases, the functions of all body systems are activated.
    • A bite in a certain area is transmitted along the nerve fibers to the brain and causes a response in the form of activation of protective neurohumoral mechanisms that help improve a person's adaptation to environmental conditions.
    • When leeches are placed on human skin, cholesterol levels decrease, blood clotting slows down, blood clots dissolve.

    The use of leeches for the treatment of diseases

    Modern medicine uses the secrets of leeches. Ointments, natural medicines are made from them. However, the pure hirudotherapy method is more effective. It has found use in the treatment of diseases such as:

    • Cardiac ischemia.
    • Stroke.
    • vascular atherosclerosis.
    • Hypertension of various origins.
    • Thrombophlebitis.
    • Phlebeurysm.
    • Haemorrhoids.
    • As a result of hirudotherapy, the possibilities of the liver, kidneys, and lungs in utilizing waste waste that are unnecessary for the body are increased. Therefore, it is indicated for inflammatory diseases of these organs.
    • The successful use of leeches is practiced in inflammatory eye diseases, in glaucoma. with previous eye injuries.
    • A good effect was noted in the treatment of autoimmune and endocrinological diseases (bronchial asthma, thyroiditis, mastopathy) with leeches.
    • The positive effect of hirudotherapy in neurological pathology has been proven: radiculitis, osteochondrosis. neuralgia, migraine, insomnia. epilepsy.
    • Leeches are actively used in gynecological practice for inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, small fibromyomas, and for the treatment of infertility.

    Various techniques are used that combine hirudotherapy and acupuncture. Leeches are placed in biologically active points, which greatly enhances the effect of their impact. However, it should be remembered that you can not put a leech everywhere. To restricted areas include: veins, abdomen, legs, neck, large vessels in case of existing varicose veins.

    How to conduct breast therapy at home?

    1. First of all, you need to make sure that you are purchasing real medical leeches, and not some kind of swamp. Of course, best place to buy leeches than a pharmacy, you will not find. Here you can request a certificate and other documentation that confirms the safety of their use. It is strictly forbidden to use simple marsh leeches for treatment, since with a high degree of probability it is possible to pick up an intractable disease of an infectious or viral nature.
    2. To start treatment with leeches, you need to take care of your diet and give up bad habits. During treatment with leeches, forget about smoking and alcohol, do not eat sweet, fatty and fried foods. It is best to eat cereals from various cereals, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. And of course, do not forget about the liquid, the volume of which must be increased to 2-3 liters per day. You can drink fresh juices, mineral water without gas or ordinary filtered water. It is the liquid that will help the body remove toxic substances.
    3. Used leeches should not be transferred to other people for treatment, and used for repeated treatment. Leeches are used only individually for one person. After the leech is set, it is destroyed. To reuse leeches, they must be kept in clean settled water until they become hungry. And this will happen after 4-5 months. Renew the water in the jar should be 1-2 times a day and keep it in a cool, but not cold place.
    4. Before starting the procedure, the skin is not pre-treated alcohol solution, as before injections, but only washed with soap and warm water (leeches do not tolerate odors). Then the leeches are planted at the desired points. The first session of hirudotherapy is carried out with 1 leech. With each subsequent procedure, the number of leeches is increased by 1-2, reaching up to 6-10. They do not immediately stick, but as they choose a place. A person feels a slight tingling and wave-like movement on the skin. You can not put more than 10 leeches at a time, because due to large blood loss, hemoglobin may decrease and blood pressure may drop.
    5. Duration of the procedure therapeutic effect leeches from ten minutes to an hour. Having eaten enough, the leech disappears. The wounds are treated with iodine, a sterile bandage is applied. For some time, blood may ooze, redness appears on the skin, a slight swelling. The person may have itching. It is necessary to endure it, avoiding combing. The total blood loss for 1 procedure is approximately 200 ml. Sometimes the patient develops dizziness and slight weakness. Therefore, putting leeches at home, ask someone from the household to be near you. The help of another person may also be needed if you need to put a leech on the back.
    6. Between the procedures, a two-three-day break is set to restore the body. The very next day, there is an improvement in mood and physical activity. The course of treatment with leeches lasts a month and a half. During this period, it is not recommended to visit the bath. You can take a shower the day after the procedure. Of course, bite marks are visible on the skin for some time, but they disappear without a trace. Repeat treatment with hirudotherapy after six months.
    7. Very rarely, hirudotherapy causes a local or general allergic reaction. There is a runny nose, sneezing, rashes on the skin. To prevent complications, preliminary testing by skin tests should be carried out.

    Contraindications to hirudotherapy

    Due to the ability to reduce thrombosis, there are contraindications for the use of leeches. These are diseases accompanied by a violation of blood coagulation (hemophilia), various anemias, viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, stomach ulcers, feverish conditions, frequent nosebleeds. This method of treatment is not recommended for pregnant women and preschool children.

    Even if you do not belong to the group of people for whom leeches are contraindicated, but you decide to put leeches on your own at home, you should still consult a doctor. Firstly, based on your tests, the doctor will exclude possible complications, and secondly, he can conduct at least one session of hirudotherapy to accurately show you the points where to put leeches in your illness. And the next sessions you can spend at home.

    Often the main reason for refusing hirudotherapy is a psychological barrier in a person. Therefore, if you are recommended treatment with leeches, but you are afraid of it, you need to contact an experienced specialist. He will help you tune in to the cure and answer all your questions.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches - how to treat and where to put leeches for hemorrhoids?

    Hirudotherapy is one of the oldest methods of treatment of various diseases. To date, this type of treatment is no longer classified as alternative medicine: doctors around the world have recognized the effectiveness of treatment with leeches. Such manipulations are widespread in paid and budgetary medical centers, in physiotherapy rooms, in private and public clinics. Often, hirudotherapy is prescribed for the complex treatment of various diseases, recommending this method to enhance the effectiveness of conventional drug therapy. Hemorrhoids are no exception: in combination with conservative therapy, the treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches gives excellent results.

    Proctologists note that in the early stages of hemorrhoids, hirudotherapy is so effective that the symptoms can disappear in a short time, like the nodes themselves.

    How to treat leeches correctly?

    Many people feel disgust towards leeches, but their healing effect cannot be disputed. The secret of this effect lies in hirudin, which is contained in the saliva of leeches that enters the human blood. Hirudotherapy leads to the following results:

    1. Hirudin, getting into the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots. liquefies it, prevents clots from accumulating in the venous plexuses. If there are already clots in the hemorrhoidal veins, hirudin helps to reduce and dissolve them. In the early stages of hemorrhoids, this substance effectively tones the vessels and prevents blood stasis.
    2. Improves venous blood circulation in the lower extremities and pelvic organs. The nodes themselves become not so hard to the touch, decrease in size, and swelling decreases. You can verify the effectiveness of the procedure by examining the positive feedback from patients.
    3. The saliva of leeches has bactericidal and analgesic action. comparable in strength to conventional analgesics. The use of leeches will help prevent the inflammatory process in the nodes, which means avoiding exacerbation and infection.

    How and where to put leeches for hemorrhoids?

    You can put leeches for hemorrhoids only on an outpatient basis. Experts recommend attending hirudotherapy sessions once a week. The procedure scares someone with its soreness, but manipulations usually do not cause any discomfort to patients. Leeches are placed in the area of ​​biologically active points, and sometimes on the hemorrhoids themselves. The procedure does not last too long, but its duration is not regulated: the manipulation is stopped when the leeches fall off the skin themselves.

    Consequences of a hirudotherapy session

    Treatment with medical leeches, how to put a leech.







    The issue of zones and points for setting leeches is very significant. There is practically no unified system of such zones. Knowledge of oriental medicine, special areas of the skin that have the most pronounced relationship with internal organs (biologically active points), allowed us for the first time to develop schemes for setting leeches for various diseases. The first step towards the creation of an atlas of zones and points of hirudotherapy has been made.

    It is extremely important to find these points correctly. To help you, we give several diagrams that allow you to determine their localization relative to the bones of the skeleton, together with your doctor, select and mark for yourself those points that are necessary for independent home treatment(but under control)

    Cardialgia- pain in the heart, different in nature from angina pectoris. They can be of a very different nature: stabbing, aching, instant - piercing, lasting for hours and even days (as if a stone lies on the heart). Often their strength is not affected by physical activity, they do not change from taking nitrates. Often they spill over the entire left half of the chest, they can give into the arm or back. Cardialgia accompanies a number of clinical syndromes, they are more often associated with the pathology of the cervical and thoracic spine, pathology of the biliary tract and hormonal imbalance (mainly in menopause).

    1. The zone under the VII cervical vertebra along the midline and two points 2-4 centimeters to the right and left of the middle (points 1, 2, 3).
    2. The zone in the middle part of the right and left over-shoulders (points 4, 5, 6, 7).
    3. 16 at the edge of the sternum, as well as 2, 4 transverse fingers outside of it (points 17,18). points 19 in the V intercostal space - at the edge of the sternum, 20 - at the level of the middle of the clavicle.
    4. Interscapular region: dot 11 at the level of the 5th and 6th thoracic vertebrae, two transverse fingers outside of it (points 9, 10) and dot 8 at the level of the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae on the left.
    5. Lumbar zone - point 15 along the midline at the level of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae, two and four transverse fingers outward from it on both sides (points 11, 12, 13,14).
    6. inguinal regions (points 24, 25, 26, 27) and above the pubic bone (points 21, 22, 23).

    angina pectoris is a manifestation of coronary heart disease caused by deterioration of cardiac circulation due to atherosclerosis of the arteries. The main symptom of angina pectoris is compressive pain behind the sternum, aggravated by physical exertion.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. Zone above the region of the heart: in the III intercostal space - a point 3 at the edge of the sternum, as well as 2, 4 transverse fingers outward from it (points 4, 5); point 7 in the V intercostal space - at the edge of the sternum and at the level of the middle of the clavicle - point 9.
    2. Interscapular region at the level of the 4th, 5th and 5th, 6th thoracic vertebrae in the midline (points 18, 21), two and four transverse fingers to the left of the midline (points 17,19, 20).
    3. The area above the sternum in the midline at the level of the manubrium of the sternum (point 1), at the level of attachment of the rib (6) and xiphoid process (point 8).

    The first 2-3 procedures should be carried out in zone 1. Then the zones alternate sequentially.

    Number of leeches: in the first sessions in the area, the number of leeches gradually increases from 2 to 4-6. Depending on the intensity of the pain syndrome and its nature, in some cases, the number of leeches can increase up to 10 per session. At the same time, it is advisable to remove the leeches without waiting for it to fall off on its own after the first signs of free sucking appear.

    With intense pain and pain at rest, it is advisable to carry out the first 3-5 procedures daily until the intensity of the pain syndrome decreases. Further procedures are carried out every other day for 3 procedures and 3-4 more - once a week. The course of treatment for 10 procedures. After 2-4 weeks, depending on the patient's condition, repeat the course of treatment.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: it is advisable to combine hirudotherapy with a long-term (up to 3 months) intake of cardiac medicinal herbs.

    The main symptom of the disease is an increase in arterial blood pressure. Dysregulation of blood pressure can occur as a result of neuropsychiatric overstrain, hemodynamic disorders, due to kidney disease, or the presence of a hormonal imbalance. Often the causes of the disease are mixed. In many ways, the success of treatment is determined by the correct understanding of the mechanisms of the development of the disease.

    In addition to treatment hypertension. hirudotherapy is especially effective in hypertensive crises (sudden rises in arterial blood pressure), which are very dangerous for the occurrence of strokes (brain hemorrhage). In all cases of the appearance of a pre-stroke state (signs of cerebrovascular accident) in patients with hypertension, hirudotherapy is absolutely necessary.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

      Parotid zone - posterior to the auricle and on the area of ​​​​the mastoid process (points 1, 2, 3,4 - see drawing of the head). Sacral zone: the area of ​​the sacrococcygeal joint, the end of the coccyx (points 19, 20), 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30). Under the 7th cervical vertebra along the midline and two points 2-4 centimeters to the right and left of the middle (points 5, 6, 7). The zone in the middle part of the right and left above the shoulders (points 8,9, 11, 12). Lumbar zone - point 13 at the level of the 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebrae along the midline, two and four transverse fingers outward from it on both sides (points 14, 15,16, 17). 1,2,3,4).

    Features of the procedures.

    Treatment of hypertension with a leech is a kind of art. The selection and combination of points, the duration and intensity of the course are determined by the nature and causes of the disease. But you will always be able to at least alleviate the patient’s condition, relieve headaches, improve cerebral circulation. Zones 3 and 4 are used in combination with the points of zone 2. They are used in the presence of pronounced vegetative reactions (dizziness, feeling hot, sweating), with increased emotional excitability. It should be emphasized that zone 2 is the main one in the treatment of hypertension. With the renal genesis of the disease, zone 5 should be included in the course of treatment, with an emphasis in the projection of the more affected kidney.

    Special attention should be paid to the problem of treatment of hypertensive crisis. Extensive practical experience in the successful use of leeches in crisis states, when drug therapy also gives an insignificant or short-term result, allows us to confidently speak about the expediency of not so much a local (on the area of ​​the mastoid processes), as a reflex and distracting action. That is, we, first of all, recommend placing leeches on the points of the coccyx and sacrum (zone 2), then on the points of the hepatic zone 6, and only then - on the points of the parotid region of zone 1. Moreover, in some cases (depending on the crisis state ) local use of leeches can lead to the development of a paradoxical reaction, accompanied by an increase, rather than a decrease, in venous plethora.

    Number of leeches. in case of a hypertensive crisis, up to 4 leeches per session are used in the first procedures. After reducing the pressure, the number of prefixes is reduced.

    Number and frequency of sessions: procedures in an acute case should be carried out daily. When removing the crisis state, the procedures are carried out 1-2 times a week. The course of treatment is 7-9 procedures.

    Hirudotherapy should be carried out against the background of natural nutrition, rational relaxation therapy, phytotherapy. It is possible to conduct therapeutic starvation.

    This disease is a consequence of the failure of the heart as a pump that provides normal blood circulation. It can be caused by coronary heart disease, valvular heart disease, hypertension, chronic lung disease, and various diseases hearts. Most often, heart failure is the result of coronary heart disease in combination with hypertension, which leads to shortness of breath, cardiac asthma, pulmonary edema, peripheral edema.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. Cardiac zone - above the region of the heart in the III intercostal space (points 3, 4, 5),

    dot 8 - in the V intercostal space at the level of the middle of the clavicle, point 7 - at the left edge of the sternum at the level of the V rib.

    1. Zone above the sternum area - points along the midline at the level of the middle of the handle of the sternum, at the place of its attachment to the body (points 1, 2), point b — at the level of attachment of the 5th rib.
    2. Sacral zone - the area of ​​the sacrococcygeal joint, points in the region of the end of the coccyx (17, 18) in the projection of the sacrum (16, 19, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26).
    3. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) l dot 9

    Features of the procedures.

    As a rule, patients with heart failure require long-term treatment. If heart failure develops against the background of the presence of venous plethora, there is an increase in the liver, congestive rales in the lungs, the period for setting leeches is maximum (until they themselves disappear). In case of decompensation, the hepatic and sacral zones are of particular importance, and to improve the condition of the heart muscle good effect give local points of the cardiac zone.

    Number of leeches: 4-6 attachments per procedure. If the patient is in a relatively satisfactory condition, the number of leeches per procedure should be reduced to 3-4 and a long course of treatment should be carried out.

    : procedures are carried out no more than 1-2 times a week. The selection of zones depends on the clinical picture and the nature of the body's response to the procedures. The course of treatment is 7-12 procedures.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy can be the main method of treatment, but it must be combined with cardiac and diuretic herbal tea, procedures for cleansing the intestines and liver, restoring the principles of natural nutrition.

    Spicy and Chronical bronchitis- an inflammatory process in the bronchi associated with the action on the body of various factors (infectious, chemical, physical). Often it is a manifestation of an allergic mood of the body. Given the weakening of the immune processes in the population and, from our point of view, the inadequacy of the classical approach to treatment, acute bronchitis often becomes chronic (especially in the elderly). The main symptom is a cough that worsens in cold and damp weather. The nature and amount of sputum can be different. With a protracted course of acute bronchitis, as well as in cases of chronic bronchitis with a large amount of viscous sputum, the presence of congestion in the lungs, the use of hirudotherapy is very effective. In other forms of the course of the disease, hirudotherapy is used as an auxiliary method of treatment in order to stimulate immune processes, improve metabolism and reduce venous plethora.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. Lung zone - points at the level of I and II intercostal spaces along the deltoid-thoracic groove (points 1, 2, 3, 4). Point in the intercostal space II along the midclavicular line (5, 6 ), two points from the sternum zone (7, 8).
    2. splenic points 17 and 18,
    3. Interscapular zone - point 9 at the level of the 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae along the midline and two and four transverse fingers outward from it (points 10,11, 12, 13), points 14 and 15, 12 and 13 respectively, point 16
    4. (23, 27), in the projection of the sacrum (24, 25, 26).
    5. Hepatic zone - points in the right hypochondrium (19, 20, 21) and dot 22 at the top of the xiphoid process.

    Features of the procedures.

    The procedures are carried out sequentially in zones 1, 2 and 3. The points of the interscapular zone are of particular importance. Leeches are set to the maximum exposure (until they fall off on their own). points 3, 4 and 11,12, as a rule, should be taken in pairs, the rest - over the side of the predominant localization of the pathological process. Zones 4 and 5 must be included in the course of treatment in the presence of severe congestion in the lungs. They can also be used for pulmonary edema.

    Number of leeches: on the first procedures 2-3 prefixes per procedure, gradually increasing their number to 5-7 per session.

    Number and frequency of sessions: 3-4 procedures are carried out every other day, then 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 7-8 procedures.

    Combination with other natural therapies. hirudotherapy is an auxiliary method. An excellent result is given by its combination with hot chest wraps, breathing exercises and herbal medicine. Massage and phytoinhalations are also recommended.

    Bronchial asthmaallergic condition organism, manifested at the level of the bronchi. The disease is accompanied by asthma attacks caused by bronchospasm, excessive secretion and swelling of their mucous membrane. It can occur against the background of signs of venous plethora of predominantly chest organs, abdominal cavity (intestines, liver, stomach), small pelvic organs (womb and appendages in women, prostate gland in men). All this is extremely important to consider for the correct choice of treatment tactics.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. Lung zone - points at the level of I and II thoracic sulcus (points 1,2,3,4). Symmetrical points 5 and 6 in the II intercostal space along the midclavicular lines, two points 7 and 8 from the chest area.
    2. splenic points 17 and 18, located symmetrically on the right and left side surfaces of the body along the axillary line, four transverse fingers below the top of the axilla.
    3. Interscapular zone - a point at the level of the 3rd, 4th thoracic vertebrae of the midline and two and four transverse fingers outwards (points 10,11,12, 13), points 14 and 15, located 2-3 centimeters below the points 12 and 13 respectively, point 16 in the midline at the level of the lower angle of the shoulder blades.
    4. Sacral zone - points in the region of the end of the coccyx (23, 27), in area of ​​projection of the sacrum (24, 25, 26).
    5. The hepatic zone is an area in the projection of the liver and right hypochondrium (points 19, 20, 21) and dot 22 at the top of the xiphoid process.
    6. 28 and 29 at the level of the navel two transverse fingers outwards and dots 30, 31 in the mesogastric region along the midline (as a rule, with pathology they are slightly painful).
    7. Interscapular zone - point 32 along the midline at the level of the 9th, 10th thoracic vertebrae and two transverse fingers outward from it (points 33,34).

    Features of the procedures.

    The creation of an effective regimen for the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma with leeches largely depends on the correct assessment of the mechanisms of the disease. This is a kind of art. AT general case, in addition to the inclusion of zones 1,2,3 in the course, we recommend focusing on the presence of signs of venous plethora. If they appear mainly on the chest organs - focus on zones 1,2,3,5, the abdominal cavity - add zones 5, 6 and 7, in the pelvic area - zone 4 with an increase in the number of points used.

    Number of leeches: as a rule, one should not rush to increase the number of prefixes per procedure. We use from 2, rarely 6-8, usually 3-4, leeches per procedure. The number of animals largely depends on the condition of the patient and the duration of the general course.

    Number and frequency of sessions: at the beginning of the first course of treatment, as a rule, 4 procedures are performed 2 times a week, then once a week up to 7-8 procedures per course of treatment. Courses are repeated with an interval of 2-4 weeks. Only 3 courses of treatment.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy is a very effective method in the treatment of bronchial asthma, especially in the presence of signs of venous plethora. However, it must be combined with hot chest wraps, with breathing exercises, restoring the principles of natural nutrition, procedures for cleansing the body, and phytotherapy. Good effect gives therapeutic fasting (do not carry out simultaneously with hirudotherapy).

    chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver- diseases that often develop after suffering infectious jaundice (Botkin's disease), as well as as a result of the action on the liver of various chemical (sometimes medicinal) substances, alcohol, violations for various reasons of the outflow of bile. Both diseases are accompanied by a significant deterioration in the function of liver cells and their replacement with scar tissue. As a result, all types of metabolism are sharply disturbed in the body. For such patients, hirudotherapy is absolutely necessary, and its use is the more effective, the earlier treatment is started.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. The hepatic zone is the projection area of ​​the liver and the right hypochondrium (points 6, 7, 3, 4, 5), both points (1 and 2) along the midclavicular line at the level of the VI intercostal space on the right and left, and a point 27 at the top of the xiphoid process.
    2. Lumbar-thoracic zone: points along the midline at the level of the 7th, 8th (point 8), 8th, 9th (dot 9), 9th, 10th (dot 10) thoracic vertebrae and two transverse fingers outward from them (points 11 and 12, 13 and 14, 15 and 16 respectively).
    3. Sacral zone: points in the region of the end of the coccyx (points 17 and 18), in the projection of the sacrum (19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26).

    Features of the procedures.

    Given the need to use a relatively large number of leeches per procedure (4-8), it is advisable to limit the appearance of the first signs of free sucking in leeches and then remove them. The emphasis is on the points of zone 1. Zone 3 is more actively used when signs of decompensation, ascites appear.

    Number of leeches: for the procedure 4-8 attachments. The course of treatment is long, so the patient must be given foods rich in iron (but not meat), syrup, wine with iron, examining its level in the blood.

    Number and frequency of sessions : procedures are carried out 2 times a week and then once a week up to 12 attachments.

    Repeated courses of treatment - in 30-45 days.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy is the main method, but for its greater effectiveness it is necessary to restore natural nutrition, the use of herbal medicine. A remarkable effect is given by deep tubage of the liver with olive oil and lemon juice, probeless tubage with sorbitol.

    peptic ulcer- a disease caused by a relative weakening of the protective factors of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. During exacerbations, and they are often seasonal, this leads to the formation of an ulcer of the mucous membrane. Hirudotherapy can be the leading method of treatment in the presence of signs of venous plethora of the abdominal organs. In other cases, it is of an auxiliary nature, helping to accelerate the healing of the ulcer. Hirudotherapy at local points is very useful when cicatricial deformities of the duodenum appear - in this case, its timely appointment is especially important.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. Antero-abdominal zone - dots 2,3,4 (as a rule, with pathology they are slightly painful) and the point 1 at the top of the xiphoid process. Very effective is the attachment of leeches to the points of maximum pain in the anterior abdominal zone (points 5,6).
    2. Lumbar-thoracic zone: along the midline at the level of the 11th, 12th chest (point 15) and 12th thoracic - 1st lumbar (point 16) vertebrae and two transverse fingers outward from them (points 17 and 18, 19 and 20 respectively). When choosing attachment points, preference should also be given to painful ones.
    3. The hepatic zone is the region of the right hypochondrium (points 9,10,11,12), points 7 and 8 in the 6th intercostal space along the midclavicular line.
    4. Umbilical region: dots 13 and 14 located 4-6 centimeters outward from the navel.
    5. Sacral zone: dots 21 and 22 in end of the coccyx, in the projection of the sacrum (points 23, 24, 25, 26).

    If there are signs of venous plethora of the abdominal organs, it is advisable to alternate the points of zones 1 and 3, 2 and 5. In this case, the number of leeches on the points of zones 3 and 4 should be somewhat larger. When using hirudotherapy, only for the purpose of accelerating the processes of scarring of the ulcer, two points of zones 1 and 2 are sequentially used by placing at least two leeches on each.

    Number of leeches: when working in local zones (1, 2 and 4) we make 2-3 attachments per procedure, in zones 3 and 5 - 3-5 attachments.

    Number and frequency of sessions: with an exacerbation of diseases every other day, up to 5-6 attachments are placed, then 2 times a week up to 10-11 attachments. The duration of the course is largely determined by the body's response to the procedure.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy is combined with phytotherapy, relaxation therapy, the use of juices and biologically active products (mummy, propolis). Mandatory rational diet therapy.

    constipation due to many different reasons, among which the violation of the principles of natural nutrition, lack of mobility, chronic stress, elongated sigmoid colon are of great importance. Very common senile constipation associated with malnutrition (atrophy) of the mucous membrane and the weakening of the contractile activity of the colon. Often constipation on the background of chronic hemorrhoids.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

      Anterior abdominal zone - symmetrical points 1 and 2, 16 and 17 on two and four (respectively) transverse fingers outward from the navel, points 18 i19 on the midline and dot 3 three fingers below the navel. Lumbar zone - point 7 along the midline in the region of the 1st, 2nd thoracic vertebrae, two and four transverse fingers outward from it on both sides (points 10 and 11, 8 and 12). Sacral zone - points 13 and 14, located slightly lower and two transverse fingers outward from the lumbosacral joint, point 15 at the top of the coccyx. The hepatic zone is the region of the right hypochondrium (points 4, 5, 6).

    Features of the procedures .

    Hirudotherapy is an auxiliary method for the treatment of constipation, absolutely necessary in the presence of signs of venous plethora of the abdominal organs and in cases of senile constipation, as well as in the presence of constipation against the background of acute or chronic hemorrhoids.

    Number of leeches: usually 3-5 attachments per procedure.

    Number and frequency of sessions. 6 attachments per procedure every other day, then 2 times a week up to 10-12 attachments.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy should be accompanied by cleansing the intestines, including a sufficient amount of fiber in the diet, restoring the intestinal microflora, abdominal massage and herbal medicine.

    Chronic pancreatitis- the disease is quite widespread among the population. More often it proceeds in a latent form and is caused by a complex disruption of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Accompanied by pain in the epigastric region and a violation normal process digestion and assimilation of food. Hirudotherapy is an effective treatment for this disease and is most indicated in the presence of signs of venous stasis of blood in the abdominal organs.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

      Antero-abdominal zone - dots 1 and 2 in the midline (as a rule, with pathology they are slightly painful); very effective attachment of leeches to points 3 and 4 maximum pain in the left half of the anterior abdominal area. Lumbar-thoracic zone: dot 11 along the midline at the level of the 11th, 12th chest and point 12 in the region of the thoracic - the 1st lumbar vertebrae and two transverse fingers to the outside of them (points 13 and 14, 15 and 16). The hepatic zone is the region of the right hypochondrium (points 5, 6, 7-, 8, 9). Sacral zone: dots 17 and 18 in the end of the coccyx, points 19 and 20 projections of the sacrum.

    Features of the procedures.

    As a rule, points of zones 1 and 2 alternate. It is very important to find points with maximum pain, which gives the most pronounced result. Points of zones 3 and 4 are included in the treatment regimen if there are signs of venous plethora of the abdominal organs.

    Number of leeches: for the procedure 3-5 attachments.

    Number and frequency of sessions: 3 attachments per procedure, carried out every other day, then twice a week up to 7-9 leeches per course of treatment.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: isolated chronic pancreatitis almost never occurs. The treatment program is aimed at restoring the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Procedures for cleansing the body, rational nutrition, herbal medicine and breathing exercises by Strelnikova are recommended, which effectively improve the condition of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

    To allergies we include a variety of conditions and diseases caused by a disorder of immune responses. Manifesting in a variety of ways (neurodermatitis, urticaria, bronchial asthma, allergic colitis, nephritis, vasomotor rhinitis, etc.), all these conditions are based on a number of common causes: the presence of a hereditary predisposition, impaired body cleansing processes, abuse of drug therapy. Allergy is accompanied by a microcirculation disorder at the level of the lymphatic and venous systems. As a rule, the skin and mucous membranes are involved to some extent in the process.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. Neck zone - two points (10 and 11) at the lower edge of the occipital bone two transverse fingers outward from the midline, point 12 under the 7th cervical vertebra along the midline and two 2-4 cm and to the left of it (points 13 and 14), and dot 1 over the thyroid gland.
    2. Lumbar zone - point 15 along the midline at the level of the 2nd, 3rd lumbar vertebrae and two points on two transverse fingers outward from it on both sides (16 and 17).
    3. The hepatic zone is the region of the right hypochondrium (points 4, 5, 6) and dot 3 at the top of the xiphoid process.
    4. Upper abdominal zone - points 7,8 and 9 on two transverse fingers outward and above the navel.
    5. The sternum zone is a point 2
    6. Sacral area: dot 19 at the top of the coccyx and in the region of the sacrum - points 18,20,21,22,23,24,25.

    Features of the procedures.

    Procedures are carried out once or twice a week, sequentially alternating zones of accounting clinical condition patient, the severity of the process. They will give a good effect with the skillful identification of the localization of venous and lymphatic disorders and the selection of zones of influence (hepatic, intestinal, sacral). points 1,2,10,11,12,13,14 included in any course of antiallergic treatment.

    Number of leeches: the number of attachments during the procedure is determined by the severity of the process: with an exacerbation, 2-3 attachments per session, with the attenuation of the process or in remission - up to 5-6.

    Number and frequency of sessions : as a rule, spend 2-3 courses of treatment for 6-8 procedures.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy for allergic syndrome is of secondary importance, ensuring the normalization of venous and lymphatic disorders. Repeatedly, we were convinced of the enormous possibilities precisely without drug treatment of this severe pathology. A complex of special measures is needed to cleanse the body and, above all, the skin, intestines, liver, activate the function of the lungs with the help of breathing exercises, and the use of medicinal herbs. Very effective curative fasting.


    Hirudotherapy is appropriate for such complications of the postoperative period as pneumonia, the occurrence of fistulas, suppuration and sluggish wound healing, as well as the formation of adhesions. At the same time, the principles and features of the procedures are similar to those in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and non-healing wounds and ulcers (see relevant sections). A separate section is hirudotherapy for patients after surgery on the heart and blood vessels, a common complication of which is the formation of blood clots. The use of hirudotherapy for these patients gives a good effect, but should be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor with the control of relevant blood parameters, and we do not describe it in this book.

    The direct cause of these diseases can be trauma, injection, abrasion, splinter, etc. In fact, it is due to a decrease in immunity and the ability of the skin to cleanse itself. Local hirudotherapy can be used only in the initial stages of the inflammatory process. In addition, hirudotherapy helps to stimulate the immune system, provides a blood-purifying effect. Hirudotherapy for furunculosis can only be carried out by a doctor, as this is dangerous with complications.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. Local points - on the area of ​​tissue edema and in its immediate vicinity.
    2. The hepatic zone is the area in the projection of the right hypochondrium (points 4, 5, 6) and dot 3 at the apex, not the xiphoid process.
    3. The sternum zone is a point 2 in the midline at the level of attachment of the fifth rib.
    4. Thyroid region.

    Features of the procedures.

    The procedures combine the points of zones 2, 3 and 4 and local ones.

    Number of leeches: 1-4 leeches per procedure, depending on the prevalence of the local process.

    Number and frequency of sessions: the first 4-5 procedures are carried out every other day. The duration of the course is determined by the prevalence and severity of the process, as a rule, no more than 10-12 sessions. Then the course of treatment can be repeated.

    Varicose disease- This is a disease of the veins associated with the weakness of the structure of their walls, a tendency to stretch with the occurrence of congestion in the tissues. As a rule, the entire venous system of the body suffers to one degree or another. Depending on the nature of work and lifestyle, the area of ​​greatest manifestation may be different. More often it is the legs, especially in people involved in heavy physical labor or many standing, but the defeat (albeit to a lesser extent) of other veins often leads to the appearance of congestive headaches in these people, constipation, disorders of the liver and gallbladder, and in women - a tendency to chronic diseases of the uterus and appendages.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

      Sacral area: end of the coccyx (points 16 and 2 7), sacral projection area (points 10,11,12,13, 14, 15). Points above the bosom - 8 and 9. The hepatic zone is the projection area of ​​the liver and right hypochondrium (points 2, 3,4,5,6, 7) and dot 1 at the top of the xiphoid process. Locally - points located in a checkerboard pattern along the affected vein (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), as well as in areas of metabolic disorders of the lower extremities in areas of brown skin pigmentation (dots 8, 9,10,11,12).

    Features of the procedures.

    During the procedure, as a rule, local points and points of zones 1, 2 and 3 are combined (see points for varicose veins).

    Number of leeches: the number of attachments depends on the extent of the lesion and the severity of the violations. As a rule, 2 leeches are placed on zone 1 or 2 and 3-4 leeches along the vein.

    Number and frequency of sessions: procedures in the absence of signs of inflammation are carried out 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 9-11 procedures.

    Thrombophlebitis- This is a complication of varicose veins caused by blockage of the vein by a thrombus. It is accompanied by severe swelling, pain and, as a rule, makes a person incapacitated for 3-4 weeks. Often, acute thrombophlebitis becomes chronic, while swelling, fatigue, and pain persist. Perhaps the most effective method of treating this formidable complication of varicose veins is the timely use of a medical leech. If it is applied at the initial stage, when there is still no blockage, but only reddening of the vein (phlebitis) has appeared, then it is possible to prevent the formation of a blood clot. This should be known and this is what all patients with varicose veins should strive for.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    An area of ​​redness along the outer border and along the course of the vein. Avoid putting on the vein itself!.

    Features of the procedures.

    Procedures in the acute period (until the pain disappears) are carried out daily, then 2-3 times a week until all signs of the disease disappear. Zones 2 and 3 turn on after redness is removed.

    Number of leeches: from 3 to 8 attachments per session, determined by the degree of damage to the vein.

    Number and frequency of sessions: as a rule, a second course of hirudotherapy is recommended 2 months after acute thrombophlebitis for the treatment of varicose veins.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy is the main and most effective method of treatment. Additional methods can be used according to the scheme for the treatment of varicose veins after the removal of acute events.

    Most often chronic ulcer occurs as a complication of varicose veins and chronic thrombophlebitis or as a result of a pronounced decrease in the ability of tissues to heal. Leeches, providing improved microcirculation (blood circulation in capillaries), removing edema and venous congestion in tissues, stimulating immune processes, significantly contribute to the cleansing and healing of ulcers.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. Local zone - points around, as well as in the ulcer itself.
    2. Points along the dilated veins are similar to local points in varicose veins.

    The hepatic, pubic and sacral zones are similar to those in varicose veins.

    Features of the procedures.

    In the treatment of this pathology, three to four local procedures alternate with connecting the points of zones 2, 3 and 4. With a trophic ulcer, we do not recommend letting leeches on the skin too close to the edges of the ulcer, it is better to retreat 3-4 centimeters. But often we put leeches directly on the ulcer, although this is rather difficult; discharge from the wound repels the leech. Putting leeches into an ulcer miraculously promotes its healing.

    Number of leeches: depending on the size of the ulcer, 3-8 leeches are used per procedure.

    Number and frequency of sessions: procedures are carried out depending on the condition of the ulcer. Initially - they can be carried out daily, after cleansing the ulcer - every other day, then as needed. In our experience, sometimes 3-4 procedures are enough to start the process of active healing, in other cases, the course takes 15-20 procedures and requires a whole range of naturopathic methods of cleansing and stimulating the body.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy is a fairly effective method of treating ulcers, but given that any ulcer is primarily the result of a decrease in metabolic processes in tissues, we apply procedures to activate the liver and cleanse the intestines. Locally we use various natural remedies- herbs, cabbage leaf, aloe, silver water, etc.

    Typically, the occurrence expansion of hemorrhoids one of the manifestations of the general venous insufficiency. Often, chronic hemorrhoids are complicated by thrombosis of hemorrhoids. Treatment of this disease only with lotions and setting candles is ineffective. A complex of local and general procedures is needed to reduce venous congestion. The use of leeches gives significant results.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

      Perianal area (around anus), the area of ​​thrombosed hemorrhoids. Sacral area: end of the coccyx (points 9, 20), sacral projection area (points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

    Features of the procedures.

    In acute thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node, the leech is placed directly on the node, which leads to a rapid decrease in pain, resorption of the thrombus. This is a miraculous method of curing a most painful condition in which the patient sometimes stays for weeks.

    Number of leeches : for the procedure 2 3 prefixes. The exposure is maximum (until the leeches fall off on their own).

    Number and frequency of sessions: Initially, until the removal of acute pain, sessions are carried out daily.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy after the removal of acute pain is supplemented by methods that reduce venous plethora pelvic organs: gymnastics, massage, intestinal lavage, liver cleansing, fight against constipation.

    The development of the disease is associated with a violation of the outflow of milk, its stagnation, then the appearance of infection and suppuration. The timely use of leeches (and this is the very beginning of the disease, when pain, swelling and redness of the mammary gland has just appeared) - there is no better remedy.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

      Locally on the site of tissue compaction and on the periphery of reddening of the skin (points 5, 5, 7). The area above the sternum. Along the midline at the level of the manubrium, the sternum at the place of its attachment to the body, at the level of attachment of the III and V ribs (points 1, 2. 3, 4).

    Features of the procedures.

    The procedures are carried out until the first signs of the reverse development of the process appear: reduction of pain, redness, swelling.

    Number of leeches: for the procedure 3-4 attachments.

    Number and frequency of sessions : procedures are carried out daily, then, after pain relief, every other day until complete recovery. Combination with other methods of natural therapy: with the timely start of treatment, hirudotherapy is quite effective.

    As a rule, after a fracture and removal of the plaster, tissue edema and stiffness of the joints persist for a long time, and fractures are often complicated by sluggish, delayed formation of callus. In all these cases, and especially in open fractures, leeches can be of great benefit. It is advisable to use them locally in chronic osteomyelitis.

    Leeches Attachment Zones.

    In these cases, leeches are applied exclusively locally over the area of ​​the fracture, on the joint or in the area of ​​bone damage.

    Features of the procedures.

    The procedures are carried out until the full restoration of the body's working capacity.

    Number of leeches: 3-5 attachments per procedure.

    Number and frequency of sessions : procedures are carried out 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment is 9-15 sessions.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy should be combined with therapeutic gymnastics, massage, phytotherapy, taking shilajit for fractures and with a complex of cleansing and immunity-stimulating procedures for osteomyelitis.

    Radiculitis in a certain number of cases, it develops with a predominance of interstitial edema and venous stasis (blood stasis). As a rule, this is expressed in local swelling of the skin, increased pain at rest and some decrease after movement. It is in these cases that a leech can provide significant assistance.

    Leech attachment zones:

    1. Locally - to the points of maximum pain in the lumbar region (1, 2, 3, 4).
    2. Sacral area: points 7, 8 and 9 and coccyx area - point 10.
    3. Gluteal areas on painful points 5 and 6.
    4. Local points 11 and 12 along the sciatic nerve on the affected side.

    Features of the procedures.

    The complete absence of at least any decrease in pain after the third procedure, most likely, indicates the unacceptability of the use of hirudotherapy in this case (see the beginning of the therapeutic index of the clinic).

    Number of leeches: 5-6 attachments per procedure.

    Number and frequency of sessions: the first 3-4 procedures are carried out daily until the pain syndrome decreases. The general course of treatment is 8-10 procedures.

    Any injury is accompanied by tissue damage, the occurrence of local edema, violation of the integrity of the capillaries, the formation of hematomas. Often, trauma can lead to the occurrence of certain diseases: retinal detachment, progressive loss of vision, thrombophlebitis, post-traumatic inflammation, including arachnoiditis, arthritis, etc. In all these cases, a leech can help a lot.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    Locally - on the affected area. Features of the procedures Procedures can be started from the first day of the injury, that is, in the acute period, which helps to prevent complications.

    Number of leeches: 3-4 attachments per procedure.

    Number and frequency of sessions: the first 2-3 procedures are carried out daily, then 2-3 times a week. The intensity of the procedures, the duration of the course of treatment are determined by the extent, degree of injury and the nature of the complications that have arisen.


    In the treatment of gynecological diseases, leeches can be used not only externally (on skin areas), but also intravaginally. At the same time, they are placed in the right or left vault, only under the supervision of a doctor and in a specialized gynecological room. The presence of a rich network of blood supply, the close location of the uterus and appendages allows many times to enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of leeches. Hormonal balance normalizes much faster, which has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body. In addition, some diseases occur against the background of an imbalance of sex hormones (certain forms of cardialgia, hypertension, bronchial asthma, etc.). In these cases, intravaginal staging of leeches is recommended.

    This is a series of inflammatory diseases, accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, enlargement and soreness of the appendages, often a violation of the monthly cycle. As a rule, the disease develops against the background of congestion in the pelvic organs, which reduces the resistance of tissues and contributes to the penetration of infection. At similar diseases the use of leeches gives a positive effect. In addition, the leech is exceptionally useful as a prophylactic in case of enlargement and slight soreness of the appendages, that is, at the pre-disease stage, when inflammation has not yet developed. Elimination of blood stasis, interstitial edema and improvement of the nutrition of the uterus and appendages in 3-4 procedures will remove all disorders and will be the best prevention of possible serious diseases.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

      Local zone - the area above the pubic bone, point 9 5, 6, 7, 8). Lower abdominal zone: dots 1 and 4, as well as 1.5 transverse fingers above the point 9. Inguinal zones - points 2,10,12 and 3, 11,13. sacral area: apex of the coccyx (point 24), area of ​​projection of the sacrum (points 15,16,17,18,19, 20, 21,22, 23). Lumbar zone - point 14 along the midline at the level of the 2nd, 3rd lumbar vertebrae and two and four transverse fingers outwards (points 26, 27 and 25, 28 respectively).

    Features of the procedures.

    During the procedures, the zones alternate sequentially. Leeches are placed mainly on painful points during examination.

    Quantity leeches: on average about 3-4 attachments per procedure.

    Number and frequency of sessions : procedures are carried out every other day for acute and 2 times a week for chronic process or after pain relief. The course of treatment is 7-11 procedures.

    As a result of the transferred inflammation of the appendages or abortion in the pelvic organs often develops adhesive process. which can lead to pain and secondary infertility. The leech will help treat and prevent these complications. We recommend a short preventive course of hirudotherapy for young women whose first pregnancy ended in an abortion. In a significant number of cases, this will prevent possible formidable complications. If the adhesive process has begun, leeches can help significantly.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

      Treatment is predominantly local.
    1. 3 along the midline directly above the pubic bone and 1 and 4 centimeters outwards (points 4, 5, 6, 7), points of the lower third of the distance from the navel to the womb (points 1 and 2).
    2. Inguinal zones - points 8, 9,10,11,12,13.
    3. Sacral zone: two points in the area of ​​the coccyx (points 14 and 15) and points in the projection of the sacrum (16, 17,18,19,20,21).

    Features of the procedures.

    Treatment is long, a large number of attachments per session requires the addition of products containing iron.

    Number of leeches: for the procedure 4-8 attachments.

    Number and frequency of sessions : procedures are carried out in 1-2 days in 3 courses of 15 procedures with small interruptions of 14-15 days.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: Hirudotherapy should be combined with hydrotherapy, massage, hyperthermic wraps of the pelvic region.

    These are various cysts (including polycystic ovaries), fibroids, endometriosis. Diseases, as a rule, develop as a result of a violation of the balance of sex hormones and are dangerous due to the possibility of rapid tumor growth or malignancy. Treatment should certainly be carried out by a gynecologist.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    Intravaginal staging of leeches - points of the cervix, right and left arches (depending on the localization of the process).

    Zones and points are used similarly to those in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages.

    Features of the procedures.

    In the treatment of this group of diseases, intravaginal staging of leeches is of particular importance. Treatment should be carried out taking into account and under the control of the level of sex hormones. We emphasize once again that treatment should be carried out only by a gynecologist.

    Number of leeches: for the procedure 4-8 leeches.

    Number and frequency of sessions: the first course of 9-15 procedures (depending on the prevalence of the process and the condition of the woman) is carried out daily, then after a break of 9-15 days - the second and third courses with approximately the same number of procedures every other day. Depending on the nature of the reaction of the body, the dynamics of the process, the question of the volume and intensity of further treatment is decided.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy is combined with methods for eliminating blood stagnation in the pelvic organs, methods of cleansing therapy and stimulation of the immune system. young women should be combined with hydrotherapy (pouring, baths) and taking medicinal herbs. In some cases, the combination with manual therapy helps.

    They arise as a result of an incorrect position of the uterus, with inflammatory processes in the genital organs, with endometriosis, as well as against the background of increased excitability of the nervous system. Often the pain can be very severe. Hirudotherapy is appropriate in cases where the cause of pain is due to a local inflammatory process that occurs against the background of stagnation in the pelvic organs.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. Intravaginal staging of leeches - points of the cervix, right or left fornix (depending on the localization of the process).
    2. Perianal zone - four points around the anus.
    3. The sacrum zone is the apex of the coccyx (points 17 and 18), area of ​​projection of the sacrum (points 19, 20, 21, 22).
    4. The pubic zone is the area above the pubic bone, point 8 along the midline directly above the pubic bone and 1 cm outwards (points 9 and 10).
    5. Lower abdominal zone - points 3 and 2 along the midline 1.5 and 4 transverse fingers above the point 8, points 9 and 10, 4 and 5, located 1.5 centimeters from the points 8 and 3 respectively, points 6 and 7 in the groin and dot 1 in the midline 1.5 transverse fingers below the navel,
    6. Lumbar zone - point 14 along the midline at the level of the 2nd, 3rd lumbar vertebrae and two transverse fingers outward from it on both sides (points 15 and 16).

    Features of the procedures.

    Procedures are performed at the site of pain. It is preferable to carry out the first two procedures in zone 1, then sequentially at the points of zones 2, 3 and 4. As a rule, during the procedure at the site of pain, in cases of the correct choice of points (focus on pain), pain decreases already during the first day. Zones 5 and 6 are used more often during repeated courses, when the procedures begin 3-4 days before the time of the expected appearance of pain.

    Number of leeches: for the procedure 4 prefixes. In rare cases, with very severe pain, 6-8 attachments can be made.

    Number and frequency of sessions: procedures for pain should be carried out daily until they stop. Further - to fix the effect with 2-3 procedures. Repeated course of treatment to begin on the eve of the expected menstruation for 2-3 days.

    They arise as a result of an imbalance of sex hormones and can be juvenile (in young girls), caused by inflammatory diseases, the presence of fibroids or menopausal disorders.

    Zoni prefix leeches.

    1. Lower abdominal zone - points 14, 15, 18, 19 along the midline from the navel to the womb; it is desirable to find a painful point, often it is located on the border of the lower and middle third of the line; points 16 and 17 in groin areas.
    2. The pubic region - points 20 and 21 19.
    3. Sacral area - point 13 at the top of the coccyx, points in the sacrum (6, 7,8,9, 10.12) - you also need to find painful points.
    4. Lumbar zone - point 1 4 and 5, 2 and 3 respectively).
    5. The region of the mastoid processes.
    6. The posterior cervical zone is under the 7th cervical vertebra in the midline (point 22).

    Features of the procedures.

    If the procedures are carried out with heavy bleeding, leeches are placed for 3-7 minutes. After the bleeding stops, it is advisable to conduct a course of treatment for the disease that caused it (fibromyoma, inflammation, menopause). Treatment of this disease must be carried out by a doctor. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of bleeding and decide on the advisability of using leeches. Not all bleeding can be treated with this method!

    Number of leeches: for the procedure 2-3 leeches.

    Number and frequency of sessions: procedures are carried out in one or two days. The course of treatment is 7-10 procedures.

    At kidney disease hirudotherapy is most indicated in the complex treatment of glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure and the consequences of traumatic kidney injury.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. Lumbar zone - point 1 along the midline at the level of the 2nd, 3rd lumbar vertebrae, two, four and six transverse fingers outward from it on both sides (points 2 and 3, 8 and 9, 6 and/respectively), points 4 and 5, 10 and 11 above and below dots 2 and 3, other points on the side of the lesion in the areas shaded in the figure (painful when pressed) can be used.
    2. The sacrum zone is the area of ​​the sacrococcygeal joint (point 12) and projections of the sacrum (points 13,14, 15, 16).
    3. The lower abdominal zone - along the midline three transverse fingers below the navel (point 20) and dot 17 above the bosom.
    4. Hepatic zone - in the projection of the liver point 19 in the VI intercostal space at the level of the midclavicular line and a point 19 at the top of the xiphoid process.

    Features of the procedures.

    Mostly used points of the lumbar region. In the treatment of glomerulonephritis, the points of the sternum and above the thyroid gland are also connected, and in chronic renal failure, additional emphasis is placed on the hepatic zone. The presence of signs of intra-abdominal plethora causes the inclusion of points in the sacral zone.

    Number of leeches: per procedure, from 2-3 leeches are used for glomerulonephritis to 7-8 for the consequences of trauma and the treatment of renal failure (in the absence of anemia).

    Number and frequency of sessions: the first 5-7 procedures are carried out every other day, then 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 7-12 procedures. As a rule, repeated courses of treatment are necessary.

    Combination with other methods of natural therapy: hirudotherapy of glomerulonephritis should be carried out only by a doctor with constant control test results and taking into account the state of the patient's immune system. Improper treatment can cause exacerbation of the disease and worsening of the patient's condition. As in chronic renal failure.

    Adenoma and chronic prostatitis. as a rule, develop against the background of prolonged congestion in the prostate gland, after suffering gonorrhea. With prostatitis, an infection joins, and an adenoma is accompanied by an increase in the gland with symptoms of difficulty urinating. In both cases, the sexual function weakens. We consider hirudotherapy to be a very effective technique in the treatment of these diseases. Eliminating the stagnation of blood, it affects the very basis of the disease.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. The pubic region - points along the midline directly at the base of the penis and above the pubic bone (16, 26), points 17 and 18 1.5 centimeters outward from the point 16.
    2. Lower abdominal zone: in the midline a point 15 four transverse fingers above the point 16 and dot 14 three transverse fingers below the navel; points 19 and 20 in the groin areas.
    3. The sacrum zone is the apex of the coccyx (point 13), area of ​​projection of the sacrum (points 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12).
    4. Lumbar zone - point 1 along the midline at the level of the 2nd, 3rd lumbar vertebrae, two and four transverse fingers outward from it on both sides (points 4 and 5, 2 and 3 respectively).
    5. The hepatic zone is an area in the projection of the liver and right hypochondrium (points 21,22,23,24), dot 25 at the top of the xiphoid process.

    Features of the procedures.

    The procedures are carried out with an emphasis on the points of zones 1, 2 and 3. Zones 4 and 5 are used no more than once per course of treatment and, as a rule, at the end of it, local points are of primary importance. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a urologist.

    Number of leeches: for the procedure 3 5 leeches.

    Number and frequency of sessions : procedures are carried out every other day. The course of treatment is 12 procedures. As a rule, 3-4 repeated courses of treatment are required, although the first one already gives a visible improvement in the patient's well-being.


    The disease, often accompanied by profuse discharge from the nose, nasal congestion, difficulty in nasal breathing, can often have allergic nature. The use of hirudotherapy is especially effective for swelling of the mucous membrane. It is also possible to use leeches in the treatment of nasal polyps, which often occur against the background of allergic rhinitis.

    Leeches Attachment Zones

    1. Middle zone of the face - paranasal points 1 and 6, points 1, 2, 3, 5 in the projection of the nasal sinuses.
    2. Intranasal points - the zone of the lower third of the nasal septum.

    Features of the procedures.

    As a rule, procedures are carried out on symmetrical points. The attachment of leeches to the nasal septum should only be carried out by a doctor!

    Number of leeches: for the procedure 2-3 attachments.

    Number and frequency of sessions: if vasomotor rhinitis occurs with blood stasis, breathing improves after the first procedure. Procedures are carried out in 2-3 days. The course of treatment is 5-7 sessions. In the treatment of allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to connect zones for the treatment of allergic conditions.

    Hirudotherapy can be very useful for such ear diseases. as neuritis of the auditory nerve, with Meniere's disease, labyrinthitis, acute and chronic otitis, the consequences of ear injuries.

    Zones of prefix leeches.

    1. Parotid zone - dots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    2. Posterior cervical zone - area of ​​mastoid processes - point 6, point 7 at the base of the occipital bone, three transverse fingers outward from the midline.

    Features of the procedures.

    Leeches are placed with maximum exposure per session.

    Number of leeches: 2-3 attachments per procedure.

    Number and frequency of sessions: as a rule, 2-3 courses of 8-10 procedures are required. Procedures for chronic diseases are carried out 2 times a week. In diseases such as Meniere's disease and neuritis of the auditory nerve, repeated courses of hirudotherapy are required.

    Treatment with leeches is the key to perfect well-being, as well as getting rid of a variety of ailments that a person has been facing since the most ancient times.

    There is no such person who would not always want to look healthy and strong, but in the modern world, this is not always possible.

    If you do not want to take expensive drugs that have various negative effects on the body, you should study the question of how to put leeches at home.

    Hirudotherapy carried out independently is one of the methods of getting rid of various diseases that have been proven for many centuries.

    To have a rough idea of ​​​​these natural healers, it is worth understanding what kind of leeches are. There are about four hundred species of them, and about a quarter of them live on the territory of the country in small reservoirs with fresh water.

    Of the variety of leeches, not all are medicinal. To choose the right option, you should act only through special medical institutions and pharmacies.

    The therapeutic effect of leeches is based on the fact that in the process of sticking to the skin and blood vessels of a person, they transfer more than 150 biological substances that are beneficial to health through the blood through their saliva.

    As numerous studies have shown, scientists have identified a pattern that in the process of hirudotherapy, a person not only gets rid of certain diseases, but also significantly strengthens immunity, recovery from certain pathologies comes much faster.

    The most important thing is to know the points on the body where to put leeches and understand where they should not be put down.

    It is essential that well-conducted hirudotherapy is not accompanied by side effects.. This method of therapy is used to treat a variety of diseases.

    Among them are:

    • vegetovascular dystonia, with headache and pressure;
    • acquired and congenital heart defects;
    • joint diseases;
    • rheumatism;
    • atherosclerosis.

    In addition, leeches have a great positive effect on infertility, as a rehabilitation after a stroke.

    Hirudotherapy is often used in modern cosmetology for facial rejuvenation, the properties and actions of leeches help very well with wrinkles.

    You can use this method of treatment for less complex diseases - with a cold, you can get rid of a cough with bronchitis and get significant relief from sinusitis.

    Before starting hirudotherapy treatment at home, you should consult a doctor who will explain how to put leeches correctly, and also decide whether it is possible to put leeches during menstruation, since it all depends on the nature of the monthly cycle.

    The main advantage of this form of treatment is that significant relief can be felt after only two or three sessions of hirudotherapy.

    Hirudotherapy - how are leeches treated?

    Those who wish to use leeches at home should purchase them from a pharmacy. For the reason that this is an ordinary living being, it must be kept in accordance with certain rules.

    It should be a container made of glass, which is placed in a dark place.. If this rule is not followed, the leeches will die very quickly.

    It is very important to check the general condition of leeches daily.. Normally, the creature curls up into a ball when lightly touched. Such leeches are suitable for use. If there is some lethargy, it is better not to use such leeches.

    There are some rules that apply to the person who will undergo the course of treatment. immediately before the session, you do not need to overeat much, that is, fill your stomach with too satisfying food.

    The skin should be cleanly washed, but without the use of various fragrances, as foreign odors can scare away leeches. This type of bloodsucking does not like smells, therefore they should not be not only on the body, but also in the room. For this reason, you should not use different fresheners.

    Among the rules of the session itself, the following can be distinguished:

    Every person different organism, which is characterized by its individual characteristics. For this reason, the reaction to the procedure may be different.

    If there is a slight itching, you need to refrain from combing it, there is nothing to be afraid of, since this is just a certain reaction of the body to treatment.

    It is important to take into account that hirudotherapy performed at home is often accompanied by weakness and slight dizziness. For this reason, it is worth inviting someone close to you for the duration of the treatment event.

    On average, the course of therapy should last from one month to one and a half. How often can you carry out the procedure at this time - every day, with the exception of certain ailments.

    After the main treatment, maintenance therapy can be carried out, with a course in two or three days.

    After the session, it is strictly forbidden to visit the bath. Even a shower can not be taken after treatment on the same day, only the next.

    Features of the treatment of various diseases

    The advantage of treatment with leeches is that at home, without the use of expensive and complex drugs, you can get rid of a large number of diseases. Here are the most popular of them and the rules for their treatment.

    Diseases of this kind are based primarily on the strong slagging of blood vessels. Deposits on them can lead to a slowdown in the flow of blood through them and to even more increasing deposits.

    To effectively clean the vessels, leeches should be applied to the following places:

    • projection area of ​​the heart;
    • next to diseased veins, if it is varicose veins;
    • temples and parietal tubercles;
    • area behind the ears and on the sacrum.

    As a result of the impact of leeches on these parts of the body, the process of blood supply to the brain is significantly improved, the outflow of venous blood is completely restored, and various deposits in the spine are absorbed.

    The saliva of leeches has the ability to dissolve various deposits on the walls of blood vessels, as well as thin the blood. All this has a positive effect on overall health.

    Treatment of trophic ulcers

    Leech therapy against this pathology is carried out if the person's sugar is completely stabilized. To improve the condition of the patient, leeches should be put on the coccyx area.

    They saturate the blood useful components, on the basis of which the metabolism in diabetes mellitus improves, which has a positive effect on the treatment.

    If you apply leeches to the inflamed skin, their action will significantly accelerate the movement of lymph and its outflow from the affected area. This will automatically have a positive effect on the regeneration of the skin.

    One or two courses of treatment are enough for the affected areas to become pink, firm, smooth and elastic.

    To relieve inflammation and heal wounds, leeches should be placed directly on the inflamed areas, approximately 3-7 pieces each. The first few sessions are carried out every day, then you can carry out treatment every other day.

    Leeches are able to provide indispensable assistance in the process of skin rejuvenation and wrinkle removal..

    To achieve a general rejuvenating effect, leeches should be planted on biologically active points.

    In order to quickly and effectively tighten the oval of the face, it is better to put bloodsuckers on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids, on collar area, behind the ears, under the jaw and between the eyebrows.

    A feature of this therapy is that the procedures are carried out every other day, and in total up to 10 sessions of hirudotherapy may be required.

    Already after the first two or three procedures, the skin condition improves significantly, the number of wrinkles is significantly reduced.

    A large number of modern gynecological clinics use hirudotherapy in the treatment of diseases. Leeches are able to cope with such pathologies that can only be solved surgically.

    Among the main diseases in which hirudotherapy can help, we can note:

    1. Resorption of cysts on the ovaries.
    2. Good for uterine fibroids.
    3. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
    4. With prostatitis, leeches are also used.

    It is impossible to completely shift the treatment of these diseases to hirudotherapy.. The therapy can only be used as a supplement or prophylaxis.

    Leeches reduce the risk ectopic pregnancy and contribute to the bearing of a healthy baby. There are a large number of other female diseases that disappear after a course of hirudotherapy, for which they put leeches in the navel.

    In men, sperm motility and overall sperm quality are significantly increased. Leeches in the process of treatment and prevention are planted on the sacrum or on the lower abdomen in an amount of approximately 2-5 pieces.

    The total treatment time is a week. According to the doctor's indication, the course through certain time can be repeated.

    These diseases are far from the only ones that can be effectively treated with leeches. Here are a few more common pathologies and places for placing bloodsuckers:

    If you are interested in the question of where to put leeches for hemorrhoids, then experts note the possibility of putting them on the coccyx and sacrum.

    In the process of treatment with leeches, it is important to remember that leeches are sensitive not only to smells, but also to the mood of a person. The internal mood is directly reflected in the activity of leeches.

    Treatment with leeches should be carried out only in a good mood. This is important in order not to disturb the bioenergetics of the human field and to get the most positive result from the treatment.

    To achieve the optimal result in the process of treatment with hirudotherapy, it is worth adhering to certain rules that relate to nutrition.

    During treatment, you need to drink as much water as possible.

    The use of hirudotherapy significantly improves the overall water exchange in the human body.

    It is useful to drink tea on the leaves of nettle, which seriously cleanses the human blood.

    It is advisable to include in the diet such healthy foods as:

    • beet juice;
    • mineral water with lemon juice;
    • oatmeal with pieces of dried apricots, bananas, raisins and apples.

    A simple diet with hirudotherapy will bring an even greater effect if you exclude fried foods, sweets and spicy seasonings, as well as high-fat foods from the diet.

    It is advisable to completely abandon bad habits - this is important not only for the duration of the course of hirudotherapy, but also for the rest of the time, for the whole life of a person who seeks to lead healthy lifestyle life and exclude from it various diseases.

    Despite the universality of treatment and the positive effect produced, there are certain contraindications to the use of hirudotherapy.

    Among them are:

    Before treatment at home, you must first consult a specialist. It is important to decide how to put leeches for certain diseases, how much to keep and how many procedures can be carried out.

    If certain rules are not followed, the treatment will not bring any benefit, but may cause adverse effects.

    Particular attention should be paid to treatment during menstruation.. With the correct use of leeches and in the absence of contraindications, you can significantly improve your overall well-being and relieve pain.

    Hirudotherapy is indicated for regular and not very heavy periods, but if there is heavy bleeding, this method of treatment should be abandoned.


    What diseases do leeches help with?

    Leeches help with many diseases associated with the formation of blood clots. These are thrombosis, and varicose veins in the legs, and some types of heart disease.

    Hirudin is not the only medicinal substance in leech saliva. It contains a range of different enzymes and painkillers. This makes the saliva of the animal effective in skin diseases, menstrual disorders, sciatica and a number of other diseases.

    Contraindications for the use of leeches

    The use of leeches is contraindicated in low blood pressure, poor blood clotting (especially in hemophilia). You can not use leeches and anemia, pregnancy, individual sensitivity to the saliva of these animals.

    Do not plant leeches on affected or dirty skin, and you should not treat those who are terribly afraid of these worms (especially if children suffer from a phobia).

    Benefit and harm

    The benefits of leeches today do not raise doubts among doctors: the effectiveness of hirudin has been proven, there is no better remedy for combating blood clots and congestion, blood thinning.

    Video: treatment with leeches

    Harm from the use of leeches may be associated with an overdose of hirudin, which will lead to bleeding, with excessive hypotension and wound infection.

    But if, instead of medicinal leeches, you are given any other of dozens of species of these animals, then there will be no benefit, since the concentration of hirudin in the saliva of other types of leeches is much lower. Therefore, you need to contact only a trusted specialist, and it is desirable to be able to distinguish a medical leech yourself.

    Leeches for varicose veins

    Varicose veins occur due to a malfunction of the venous valves, the blood ceases to circulate normally from the bottom up through the veins. Blood stagnates, blood vessels dilate, inflammation begins.

    For the treatment of varicose veins, leeches are planted precisely in places around the inflamed vein approximately at a distance of 1 cm from the vein (these are 1-2 leeches). Leeches immediately stick and begin to inject about a hundred biologically active substances into the blood.

    Active substances that are injected under the skin, first of all, relieve the inflammatory process and stimulate blood flow in the smallest capillaries. As a result, the inflammation and swelling caused by varicose veins go away.

    Hirudotherapy for varicose veins is effective only at the initial stage of the disease.

    Application in gynecology

    Today, few people will be surprised by hirudotherapy in gynecology.

    In almost all progressive clinics, gynecologists resort to this method of treatment.

    After all, leeches cure even those diseases that traditional domestic medicine can only cure by surgery, arguing that there is no alternative to treatment.

    After four or five sessions hirudotherapy, it turns out that it is not necessary to resort to surgical methods of treatment. Diseases such as cysts, thanks to hirudotherapy, have become curable without removing the ovary. The same applies to various benign tumors. Hirudotherapy is contraindicated only in cases where you have leukemia, hemophilia, malignant tumor.

    At home, it is not recommended to treat gynecological diseases, especially if they are associated with inflammatory processes. This is allowed only in rare cases and only after examination by specialists.

    Basically, hirudotherapists are allowed to treat at home only in cases where the patient wants to undergo hirudotherapy as a prophylaxis against inflammatory processes. female organs small pelvis and chronic diseases.

    Very popular course hirudotherapy in young families who want to conceive a healthy child.

    In this case, both future parents undergo treatment.

    Medical leeches improve the functioning of their organisms, reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The female body is prepared for a nine-month bearing of a healthy child without pathologies, and the male body is prepared for good spermatogenesis.

    Often in gynecology it is enough to undergo a weekly course of treatment. To do this, use from two to five leeches. It all depends on the general condition of the patient, the disease and the setting of leeches.

    put leeches usually on the lower abdomen or back in the region of the sacrum.


    Reviews of the results of hirudotherapy are mostly positive. Here is some of them:

    “I regularly take hirudotherapy courses. Every time I feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

    “My mother-in-law regularly uses leeches. As a result, at 65, she looks no older than 50.”

    “Leech treatment is a spectacle not for the faint of heart. They help, I don’t argue, but it’s unbearable to watch how little monsters are planted on you. ”

    “They helped well with varicose veins, but there is a drawback - small scars remained at the bite sites.”


    This led to the use of leeches for the treatment of diseases associated with the formation of blood clots or increased pressure. Those who have poor blood clotting or low blood pressure should not use leeches.

    Currently, the effectiveness of medicinal leeches has been proven and scientifically substantiated.


    The benefits of leeches during a hirudotherapy session: how it is carried out and how to properly prepare

    Preparation for a hirudotherapy session begins with the fact that the day before the leech is placed, the patient is advised to give up tobacco, alcohol, spicy foods and perfumes.

    Before the procedure, the place of the alleged bloodletting should simply be thoroughly wiped with cotton wool soaked in hot water. If there is such a need, then you can shave the place being prepared.

    A hirudotherapy session consists in placing leeches on the skin at the site of the projection of the organ whose treatment is necessary.

    For example, in case of liver diseases, the benefits of leeches will be higher if they are placed on the right hypochondrium, and in case of osteochondrosis, the greatest positive effect will be when annelids are placed mainly on those areas near the spine or tailbone, where the most painful sensations are concentrated.

    Traditionally, from two to fifteen long-deprived leeches can be used in one session.

    They are carefully, with tweezers or by hand, taken near the head end and lowered to the supposed place of suction.

    To help this blood-sucking creature determine the place of the bite, there is such a method: you just need to carefully rub the selected point with an effort, this simple action causes increased blood circulation in a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, which becomes the most attractive for leeches.

    At the end of the hirudotherapy session, having received all the benefits from leeches, the little healer must be disconnected. It is impossible to tear off a leech forcibly, otherwise, due to the many enzymes contained in its saliva, the wound will bleed heavily and hurt, which will harm and probably increase the disease. To do this, simply touch the leech with a cotton swab with alcohol, and it will fall off by itself. The wound is not lubricated with any drugs.

    The effect of a medical leech on the body includes several reasons:

    • Reflexogenic component- leeches stick to biologically active points.
    • Mechanical component- physical extraction of blood, quite a long time.
    • Biological component- the leech injects its saliva, which contains many enzymes and biologically active substances.

    As a result of all this, the benefits of leeches have been scientifically proven and are almost limitless for both women's and men's health. Thanks to hirudin, which is contained in the saliva of leeches and thins the blood, resorption of blood clots and adhesions is noted, which has found a great response in the treatment of varicose veins, postoperative conditions and gynecological diseases in women. It has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect.

    Protease inhibitors, which stop tissue inflammation, are considered as a significant help in the treatment of prostatitis, arthritis, emphysema, and others.

    But, although the benefits of leeches are great, it is necessary to remember about contraindications. These include hemophilia, pregnancy, malignant tumors, congenital incoagulability, anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis, low blood pressure, allergy to leeches.

    What diseases are treated with leeches and reviews of treatment with leeches

    No wonder they say that how many people, so many opinions. Reviews of treatment with leeches were no exception at all. But, after analyzing more than one hundred statements, we can derive an average idea of ​​​​hirudotherapy in our population:

    • For most people, leeches still cause a feeling of disgust, therefore, they often turn to this method of treatment only after all other methods have been tried and often do not give significant results.
    • The price for a full course of hirudotherapy conducted in the clinic bites no worse than that very leech.
    • From time to time there are reviews that the disease that they tried to get rid of during hirudotherapy sessions did not go away, but working capacity, immunity and general well-being increased much better. Most likely this is due to the blood renewal of the body.
    • Along with positive reviews about self-treatment, such stories often pop up, at the end of which people who decided that they could do everything themselves had to seek qualified medical help. These are escaped leeches crawling into various openings of the body, and profuse bleeding that does not go away for more than a day, for example, when leeches are incorrectly planted in a vein, and a bite site covered with blisters due to allergic reactions, and so on. People who have survived all these horrors are strongly advised to use hirudotherapy exclusively under the supervision of a doctor!
    • The vast majority of reviews about leech treatment are written in a positive way. People who have experienced the effective help and healing power of hirudotherapy become its ardent adherents, write numerous laudatory reviews, and recommend it to relatives and friends.

    If hirudotherapy is so widely used and discussed, then let's see what diseases are treated with leeches:

    • Cardiovascular and vascular diseases: hypertension, "jumping" pressure, vegetovascular dystonia, cerebral atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, coronary heart disease, myocarditis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, hypertensive crisis, thrombophlebitis, circulatory failure, trophic ulcers of any origin, thrombosis of arteries and veins , congestion of blood, bruises, hematomas, edema.
    • Gynecological diseases: female infertility, mastitis, mastopathy, fibromastopathy, chronic inflammation of the uterus and appendages, salpingoophoritis, endometriosis, adenomyosis of the uterine body, menstrual disorders, menopausal conditions, ovarian dysfunction, ovarian cysts, colpitis, adhesions in the pelvis, cervical erosion, cysts ovaries, fibroids, postpartum purulent-septic complications, uterine fibroids, bartholinitis, chlamydia.
    • Androgenic diseases: male infertility, prostatitis, chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, seminal canal cyst, testicular hypotrophy, cavernitis, elephantiasis of the scrotum and penis.
    • Urological diseases: normal, acute purulent and cystic changes in the kidneys, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, paranephritis, urinary and ligature fistulas, hepatorenal syndrome, hydronephrosis, chronic renal failure, urethritis, paraurethritis, ureteral stones, cystitis, paracystitis.
    • Endocrine diseases Key words: thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, gout, obesity, diathesis.
    • Dental diseases Key words: alveolitis, periostitis, chronic periodontitis, stomalgia syndrome, pterygopalatine ganglioneuritis, fibrous form of CRAS, keratinization of the oral mucosa, periodontitis, gingivitis.
    • Application in cosmetology: cellulite, wrinkles, poor complexion, skin laxity, bags under the eyes.
    • Ophthalmic diseases: iridocyclitis, macular degeneration, inflammation of the optic nerve in the stage of edema, glaucoma, pseudotumor, pathological processes of the vascular tract of the eye, keratitis, epithelial-endothelial corneal degeneration, iridocyclitis, latent retinal pigment anomaly, edematous exophthalmos, corneal erosion.
    • Dermatovenereology and skin diseases: lichen planus, dermatosis, dermatitis, genital herpes, papillomatosis, eczema, acne, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, furunculosis, carbunculosis, scleroderma, alopecia, pyoderma, lupus erythematosus, elephantiasis, toxicoderma.
    • Surgical diseases: panaritiums, umbilical, inguinal and postoperative ventral hernias, post-injection infiltrates.
    • ENT diseases: sensorineural hearing loss, diseases of the paranasal sinuses, sinusitis, pansinusitis, sinusitis, chronic sensorineural hearing loss, adhesive otitis media, acute otitis media nonperforative, tinnitus.
    • Diseases of the nervous system: insomnia, headaches, neurosis, dizziness, epilepsy, migraine, neuralgia, neuritis of the auditory nerves, paresis, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatic nerve neuritis and sciatic neuralgia, paralysis of various nerves, cerebral arteriosclerosis, hemorrhagic stroke, concussion consequences of brain injury.
    • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: radiculitis, myositis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, lesions of bones and joints after injuries, intervertebral hernia, fractures, scleroderma.
    • Diseases of the digestive system: constipation, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, duodenitis, cirrhosis, biliary dyskinesia, diverticulosis.
    • Colds: runny nose, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza.

    Where and how to put leeches?

    The question of how to put leeches is not difficult to answer. They are applied to biologically active points on the patient's body in the area of ​​pain.

    But only a qualified hirudotherapist knows how to put leeches correctly.

    Regardless of whether the procedure is carried out in a clinical or home setting, he will be able to build the correct scheme for setting leeches to treat the disease that has struck you.

    After all, it is not always obvious where to put the leeches. With varicose veins and atherosclerosis on the legs, leeches are placed on both sides near the vein, but not on it itself.

    For back pain (intervertebral hernia, sciatica or osteochondrosis), small bloodsuckers are placed to the left and right of the spine throughout its entire length.

    It is much more difficult to understand where to place a leech with a headache or atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels. In this case, it is necessary to feel on the head a couple of centimeters behind the auricles for a tubercle on each side. These are the mastoid processes of the bones of the skull, and it is worth attaching one leech to them.

    With high and intracranial pressure, it is recommended to place two or three leeches on the sacrum. Also, this procedure will help women feel better on critical days, relieve inflammation of the uterus and bladder.

    With low pressure, one leech installed on the back of the head is enough.

    Leeches installed on the stomach in the area of ​​the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines will help eliminate blood stasis in the abdominal cavity and will help get rid of obesity, normalize appetite and relieve colic.

    Correct, with great care, setting leeches on the face, on the side of the nose and above the eyebrows, will help to cope with sinusitis, rhinitis and obstruction of the maxillary sinuses. By placing a leech in the corners of the lower jaw, you can significantly improve the blood supply to the spine.

    Pulmonary and nosebleeds will soon pass if two or three leeches are placed around the anus.

    Being healthy is easy. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything, to find a qualified hirudotherapist and conduct the necessary course of treatment under his supervision.


    And so, you have leeches and you are being treated for the first time. For the first time you will need four or five leeches. We will put them on the liver area, thereby activating its work. The liver has its own system of blood flow and lymph flow, bile outflow and innervation. The venous system is developed in the liver. It consists of the portal vein (sometimes called the portal vein) and the hepatic veins. The portal vein includes a huge number of capillaries that collect blood from the entire gastrointestinal tract and spleen. We remember that treatment with leeches is, first of all, an effect on the circulatory system, and putting on a projection of the liver is an effect on the whole organism as a whole.

    You can put leeches both on the right hypochondrium and between the ribs. The distance between the leeches is 6-8 cm. The figure shows the points that you can use for setting. In practice, it looks like this: we put one of the leeches in a plastic cap from Cola (don't take it literally, any cap of this size will do) and apply it to the body, having previously felt the setting area with our fingers. Next, we put a leech after a leech, covering the entire area of ​​​​the projection of the liver. Body position - lying. Then we wait until the leeches are completely saturated and fall off.

    In our first production, we involved the area of ​​the liver. Where to put the leeches in the next session? It is necessary to make a reservation right away that in order to receive maximum effect count on at least five sessions of hirudotherapy, preferably 8-10 sessions. The production schedule is approximately the following: the first week 2-3 sessions, the second week 2 sessions and then one session per week. Of course, relief comes after the second, or even the first time, but you need to remember - "go quieter - you will continue." By stretching the treatment for several weeks, you make the process more controlled, which is very important at home, you should make a reservation right away that serious illness You should not take home treatment, but as a preventive measure, hirudotherapy is quite suitable.
    For example, if you decide to strengthen the cardiovascular system, it would be right to take the area of ​​the sacrum into the next setting, that is, you use the coccyx area and the Michaelis rhombus for setting - a depression in sacral region, bounded above and outside by the protruding edges of the large dorsal muscles, and below and outside by the protruding edges of the gluteal muscles. The red dots mark the places where the leeches were placed. The number of leeches is three or four.

    In the first week, we put leeches on the liver and coccyx area, then we took a break (for sure, you felt calm, self-confident and increased vitality - after several sessions of hirudotherapy, this is almost guaranteed), in the second week we take the kidney area from the back to work . The number of leeches is three on each side.

    After placing on the kidney area, a week later we go directly to the heart area. Completely the area of ​​the heart (both in front and from the back) we will go through in three courses. I remind you that at least five to six days should elapse between sessions. Immediately, we use the following points for setting from the front: point one is the subjugular fossa, the second point is the xiphoid process, the third point and the fourth point are the second, third intercostal space of the chest, stepping back from the sternum by one to two fingers. Fifth point - stepping back from the sternum by four fingers along the fifth intercostal space.

    In the second year, we take the back area into work: four points - the interscapular region at the level of 4-5 and 5-6 thoracic vertebrae along the midline on both sides of the spine, and the fifth point is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe 5th thoracic vertebra, stepping back a palm's width from spine.

    In the third year, we take into work the collar zone for staging. The number of leeches is 4-5 pieces. The diagram shows the general setting area. Do not worry too much if the leeches do not turn out exactly as shown in the diagram exactly, just stick to the general setting scheme, as studies show, the leech will choose the biologically active one between two places of setting, and therefore trust her, she knows where to stick herself.

    So, we completed a course of six procedures, which took about five weeks. Surely you have felt a surge of strength, improved well-being, and noticed many other positive changes for yourself. As a rule, after several procedures, your attitude towards leeches has changed from tolerant or neutral, at least to benevolent and positive towards these unique natural healers. At the very beginning, we set ourselves a goal aimed at improving the cardiovascular system. We completed the main course, but believe me, if you spend two more sessions of hirudotherapy, the healing effect of this will only increase.

    In this session, I suggest you put a leech on the mastoid processes - in this place there is a powerful effect on the vessels of the head, you are provided with a healthy blush on your cheeks, increased efficiency, smoothing of the skin on your face, and a healthy shine in your eyes. By the way, this method of setting behind the ears was known to ancient healers and was used both to improve general well-being and to normalize pressure in hypertension.

    To conduct the course, you will need 4-5 leeches, you put two behind the ears and I highly recommend putting the fifth leech on the top of the head, thereby activating the energy center. When placed on a hairy area, leeches become not very willing

    Nuances when setting leeches:

    You probably wondered: “Why not immediately put leeches on the heart area?” That is, solve the main problem, and then you can put it on other zones, if you want.
    The fact is that when we first put on the projection of the liver, we activate it, and remembering that this organ is main body detoxification in our body, we are thus preparing to accept those deposits of toxins that will invariably come to the liver for cleansing. In other words, no matter what zones you would influence with the help of a leech, all your venous blood will invariably pass through the liver, and that is why the first setting is necessarily performed on the projection of the liver.

    The further away from the liver part of your body you activate, the more intermediate zones of activation must be activated before you directly reach the zone or organ you need.

    For example, you decide to treat a knee joint. The staging scheme should look like this: the first zone is the projection of the liver, the second zone is the abdomen (near-umbilical zone), the third zone is the sacrum + coccyx, the fourth zone is the pupart ligament, the fifth zone is the knee.

    Acting in this way, activating the zones from the center (liver) to the periphery, we prepare the outflow pathways for both venous blood and lymph from our knee, simultaneously eliminating venous congestion in the abdomen, pelvic organs and leg.

    Practice shows that when using such a scheme, we reduce all risks to a minimum, gradually, step by step, we prepare our own body for deslagging and gradual activation of the main organs and systems to general health improvement.

    A series of messages "hirudotherapy":

    Part 27 - Correction of the human bioenergy field, "patching the energy holes"
    Part 28 - Hirudotherapy in the treatment of mastopathy
    Part 29 - Putting leeches for the first time


    Putting leeches for the first time on your own, at home, is very exciting. So, for example, even if you know where the leech should stick, you still ask yourself questions: "How to make the leech bite in the right place?", "What to do with the leech after it has drunk blood and fell off (dropped)?", " How to stop blood from a wound after a leech bite?", "How much blood should flow after a hirudotherapy session?"

    Points for setting leeches and video look here. Here everything is described in detail and shown even for amateurs who are "for the first time in 1st grade"))

    Of the nuances of hirudotherapy, I note the fact that on the eve of the session you can not use shampoos and perfumes. In general, you can not "smell".

    If the leech does not want to stick, then you can wash the place that is to be bitten with warm water or wipe it with a cotton pad dipped in sweetened water. By the way, in order not to miss the place where the leech should stick, it is best to place the latter in a small beaker with a narrow neck or put it in a well-washed penicillin vial. This bottle must be sharply turned over to the place where it is planned to donate blood to a leech))

    How do you know if a leech is sucking blood? If you notice the wave-like movements that the leech produces, then know that it has already begun its work!

    How do you know if a leech has drunk blood? Yes, she herself will say about it - or rather, she will simply fall off! Usually, after a session of hirudotherapy, the leech is disposed of, despite the fact that it has served the person in good stead. However, some economists are reusing leeches. After the session, they put the leech back into the jar of water.

    After the leech is found and disposed of, you should take care of the bite site. Very often, many people are frightened that a "sea" of blood flows out of the wound. Normal quantity blood is 5-10 g. The wound can be anointed with iodine and sealed with a clean plaster. If the blood does not think to stop, then hydrogen peroxide will help.

    It’s not a sin after hirudotherapy to lie on the couch, or even sleep. And in general, it is better to carry out this procedure in a supine position, otherwise you never know - it will suddenly get worse.


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