If you don't get enough sleep that will help. Do not eat fatty foods at night. How to end a hard day

Psychotherapist Ekaterina Sigitova translated and supplemented a note from Happify on how to spend a normal day after an accidental sleepless night.

The most common mistake of those who did not really sleep at night is trying to somehow rest or relax during next day. It almost never works, but it's certainly understandable why we try to do it anyway.

In those moments when forces become scarce, they begin to seem like a limited resource that will soon run out - much like gasoline or battery power. Naturally, I want to keep at least the remnants. The problem is that we are not cars and not electrical appliances, we do not have a “fuel tank” and all this does not work so primitively.

If you (almost) did not sleep the night, then it is better:

1. Stick to your regular, FULL schedule or daily plan.

Do exactly what you were going to do when you did not know about the future sleepless night - and no less. Do not cancel the case, do not tell the patient.

This is important for three reasons: firstly, the busier you are, the less you think “Oh, how tired I am and I want to sleep, oh-oh-oh!”.

Secondly, to feel able to cope with responsibility, despite surprises, is psychologically pleasant and gives a resource.

Thirdly, this is a reserve for the future: if you have one or two more sleepless nights, you will no longer need to worry about how you will live until the evening - here you are.

2. Connect more and spend time with energetic people.

Again, most likely, after a sleepless night, we will try to crawl at low speeds and avoid people who are overly joyful and full of energy. Do exactly the opposite: look for those whose energy charge is very large. Big enough to help even you sleepy fly, stay conscious and feel alive.

If there are no such people around, then just slightly increase the amount of communication with people around you. For example, if you go to lunch with colleagues, to visit, to a meeting - chat with everyone a little longer than usual. If you're an introvert, pick one or two people you can hang out with and spend some time with them. It is important not to allow yourself to hide from people, but on the contrary, to fully engage in communication. This, oddly enough, will reduce the irritation from lack of sleep and cheer up.

3. Let your body handle this sleep disruption on its own.

Stop panicking thoughts about how you compensate for the lack of sleep and how much sleep you can get on the coming night. Spending time on them is not only pointless, but also harmful - they promote " disturbing circle”, which in itself can interfere with sleep.

For the same reason, you should not count exactly how many hours of sleep you did not have enough, and constantly look at the clock when the time to fall asleep approaches. Remember that our body is very smart, it has many systems feedback and compensation. In particular, the brain itself can regulate the depth and change of sleep cycles, depending on how much you slept before.

Thus, you will gradually "get enough" of sleep without any changes in the schedule. Also, you don’t need to try to sleep during the day or go to bed much earlier - this knocks down the “internal clock”, and if everything is not all right with them, then in long term it might turn out worse. In general, go to bed as usual or up to an hour earlier, and let your body deal with sleep deprivation by adjusting sleep depth and cycle length.

4. Do not fill up with coffee and stimulants additionally.

No, this does not mean that you need to go through the day without coffee at all. Your usual daily dose– no problem, but be careful with the additive: caffeine pills, triple shots and energy drinks. You will have less energy that day than usual, and no stimulants will take it out of nowhere. They will just squeeze you dry, giving you a feeling of a surge of strength for a short time, and then it will become even worse than it was.

Yes, and sleep can suffer again. So choose natural ways support yourself: more light, small exercise stress or stretching, fresh air, talking to people, sweet food etc. Of course, they will not “insert” like a huge cup of coffee, but there will be much less harm from them.


I admit, sometimes I work so much that I sleep only 2-3 hours a day. It is not surprising that I wake up tired and angry at the whole world, and work is ahead again, and I need to function at the maximum. On one of those days, pouring another cup of coffee, I thought: will it really help me? So I came up with the idea to discuss with an expert the most popular express methods to cheer up. Agreed to comment Alexander Kalinkin, Head of the Sleep Medicine Center Federal Research and Clinical Center specialized types medical care and medical technologies FMBA.

Method #1: Take a short nap after a cup of coffee

A very common advice on the internet is to have an espresso, lie down, relax, set an alarm and try to get 15-20 minutes of sleep - that's how long it takes for the caffeine to start working. When you wake up, you will feel energized and refreshed. If you oversleep longer, then the fast phase, when it is easiest to wake up, will end, and you will go into deep sleep.

Myth or fact? Myth!« First, the phase REM sleep normally occurs 60-90 minutes after falling asleep, says Alexander Kalinkin. - Secondly, the average time to fall asleep is just 15-20 minutes. A person during this time will only have time to doze off, after which he will not be able to wake up cheerful and energetic.

But coffee during this time will really work (and therefore prevent you from fully falling asleep). “Caffeine is absorbed very quickly in the stomach. Once in the blood, it increases blood pressure, as a result of which sleep seems to take off with a hand, a person feels a surge of energy, - explains neurologist Olga Skrypnik. “However, caffeine increases the load on the heart, blood flow in the kidneys, contributes to dehydration of the body, so you should not abuse it.”

Method #2: Afternoon nap

Those who advise taking a nap after dinner claim that in half an hour you can tone up and it will be easier to hold out until the end of the working day.

Myth or fact? Fact! Taking a nap after a hearty business lunch is the dream of many office workers, but few can afford it. It's a pity. “A short daytime sleep gives a pronounced restorative effect,” says Alexander Kalinkin . Franz Halberg of the University of Minnesota (he is also called the father of American chronobiology) determined in the course of many years of research that during the day we are drawn to sleep twice: in the middle of the day and in the middle of the night. This is influenced by changes in body temperature, the production of hormones that alter circadian activity, and others. physiological processes. At this time, we are the least effective, and many simply cannot force themselves to work fully. So if you have the opportunity to sleep during the day - do not miss it.

“But if the need for daytime sleep occurs constantly, this indicates either chronic sleep deprivation, or about . In this case, it is necessary to restore the normal night sleep", - adds Alexander Kalinkin.

Method #3: Turn on a bright light

Darkness is a friend of youth, but not of a man who has not had enough sleep. The body knows to sleep when it's dark, so turn on the full light in the room (even if the sun is shining outside), open the curtains and you will wake up!

Myth or fact? Fact! " This is true, says Alexander Kalinkin. - In the dark, the hormone melatonin is produced, which largely determines the cycles of sleep and wakefulness. In the evening, its concentration begins to increase, in the early morning hours it sharply decreases. Therefore, many people, especially in northern latitudes, in conditions of lack of light develop seasonal depression, one of the manifestations of which are sleep disorders.

Method #4: Get in an uncomfortable position

Proponents of this method proceed from the fact that we are used to sleeping in comfort. Therefore, if you feel that your eyes are sticking together, sit as uncomfortable as possible, but rather take some - this will help cheer you up.

Myth or fact? Myth! In what unimaginable conditions I could not sleep! Once I took a nap in a full subway car while standing, another time - on the windowsill and even somehow dozed off while sitting in a twine. Alexander Kalinkin does not consider this strange: “There is such a thing as sleep pressure. If it is high, then no matter how uncomfortable the posture or environment, the person will not be able to resist and fall asleep.

Method #5: Eat Less

If you overeat, the body will spend all the energy on digesting food, get tired quickly, and you will want to sleep, not work.

Myth or fact? Fact! " If a person wants to stay most peppy day and reduce your sleep to reasonable limits, you need to reduce the calorie content and the amount of food you eat, but drink more water, ”Alexander Kalinkin agrees.

Method #6: Turn on Loud Music

A cheerful melody will help drive away sleep, especially if you sing along.

Myth or fact? Fact! I have a special morning tradition: I always sing in the shower. Recently even a special radio was installed there. This helps to recover faster, and Alexander Kalinkin confirms its effectiveness, though with the caveat: “Any external influences including upbeat music, as well as active actions the person himself, are an excellent counteract to sleep. However, if the sleep pressure is too high, then this will not help either.”

Method number 7: act on acupuncture points

Special awakening massage techniques will help you tone up.

Myth or fact? Fact!“Yes, it is true, massage is biologically active points regulates the correct flow of energy in the body, improves blood circulation and fluid outflow, relieves muscle spasms and promotes awakening,” says Choi Yong Joon, chief physician Clinics oriental medicine"Amrita". When self-massage points, you need to act according to the following scheme:

1. Actively rub the ears.

2. Actively rub your nose.

3. Actively grind temporal regions at both sides.

4. Actively rub your palms.

5. With pressing movements, act on the point of the lungs and heart, which is located at the inner edge of the collarbone.

6. Actively rub the feet.

7. For several minutes, press on the bai-hui point located on the top of the head.

Method #8: Have sex

Invigorates better than a cold shower!

Myth or fact? Fact!“A cocktail of the hormones oxytocin and that are produced during sexual intercourse will activate your internal alarm clock. Sex in the morning can energize and get rid of the state of drowsiness,” Elena Belova, a sexologist at the Avicenna Center, confirms my words. In the event that you have already woken up, and the boyfriend is still peacefully snoring, I think it is worth starting the foreplay with a massage of biologically active points.

Method #9: "Smart Alarm"

There are many devices and applications on the market today. , which, tracking the purity of breathing, heartbeat, movements of a person and his pupils, wake up the owner in the phase of sleep most suitable for easy awakening.

Myth or fact? Both. " A person really wakes up most easily in fast phase sleep, says Alexander Kalinkin. “However, if the operation of these devices is based only on the calculation principle, that is, on the assumption of exactly when this phase should occur, then they will be mistaken. To be accurate, such devices must be equipped with a heart rate monitor and other measuring instruments. But even if such gadgets were freely available and inexpensive, not everyone would want to hang themselves with sensors while sleeping.

When life gets stressful and something has to be given up, the first thing many people do is eliminate sleep from their regular schedule. Students never get enough sleep, young parents also cannot fully sleep, and people who are trying to achieve career development, constantly feel pressure to strive for more and rest less.

The problem has worsened over the past decades. Scientists claim that only twenty percent of adults can say that they have good quality sleep. Previously, the problem was not so frightening - back in the forties, only eight percent of people noted that they slept less than six hours. What happens to the body if you do not allow it to recover? Let's explore this in more detail.

You can't smile often

If you don't rest, you not only feel bad, but you also look unhappy. in the best way. When a person has a lack of sleep, he cannot express positive emotions. Even if such a person says that he is happy, he cannot naturally to demonstrate it. Normal expression of emotions great importance for health, so the lack of a smile can seriously hurt.

You start to black out throughout the day

Just one sleepless night is enough for your body to start shutting down, as a result, you fall asleep for a while, completely out of control of this process. Typically, the shutdown lasts no more than thirty seconds and can occur with open eyes. You don't even know that this is happening to you. You immediately wake up, but after a few minutes this episode may repeat itself. During such a dream, you are blind and do not pay attention to what surrounds you.

Are you overstressed

If you do not get enough sleep, the level of stress hormones increases greatly. Cortisol increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, exacerbations inflammatory processes. Especially bad is that cortisol also prevents you from falling asleep, creating a real vicious circle.

Your blood pressure may rise

It is likely that it is all about increased voltage. Anyway, if you don't sleep, you get really high blood pressure. According to the data scientific research, lack of sleep and insomnia lead to the development of hypertension. Hypertension can seriously harm internal organs like the heart and brain. Luckily, stabilizing your blood pressure isn't that hard - all you have to do is start getting enough sleep.

Your intelligence is declining

If you have a serious exam to pass, you'd better sleep in rather than work out a few extra hours. All your cognitive processes are connected with enough sleep. If there is no sleep, your learning abilities, responsiveness, and intelligence in general suffer.

Your libido is waning

If you are trying to revive your sex life you should probably try to change the number of hours you sleep. There are many studies indicating that lack of sleep leads to a decrease in libido and a lack of desire. Perhaps it's all about low energy levels and hormone imbalances.

You are more likely to develop depression

Depression and mood changes are associated with lack of sleep, which has been confirmed by many scientific experiments. According to scientists, if a person sleeps for about five hours, he is more likely to feel tension, anger, sadness, psychological fatigue. It is worth starting to get enough sleep - and the mood improves significantly!

You age faster

After a few sleepless nights you will notice bags under the eyes and puffiness of the cheeks. All this affects the skin is not the best way. The less you sleep, the more wrinkles appear on your face.

You have junk food cravings

If you have problems with the daily routine, your body gets tired. A tired body needs high-calorie foods, full of sugars and fat. That's why you're so drawn to chocolate and potato chips.

You have problems with judgment

Research has shown that people who consistently don't get enough sleep believe they have adapted over time. you just forget about normal condition your body and cannot adequately assess how tired you are.

Your immunity gets weaker

While you sleep, your the immune system builds strength. During sleep, the body produces protective elements like cytokines. If you don't get enough sleep, your immune system weakens and can no longer protect you from infections.

Workouts become less effective

Like the immune system, muscles regenerate while you sleep. If you do not rest, the muscles simply do not develop. As a result, each workout becomes more and more difficult.

Children may have developmental problems

Seventy percent of growth hormones are produced during sleep. If a child sleeps too little, he may have developmental problems.

You have memory problems

If you are extremely distracted, it may be due to lack of sleep. The quality of memory directly depends on the level of energy. If you cannot fix your attention on something for a long time, short-term memory suffers. Long-term memory also deteriorates because the brain does not process the information received.

Blood sugar rises

Lack of sleep leads to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If you do not sleep, you have problems with insulin levels, and the body cannot reduce sugar levels. All this can lead to serious health problems, especially in a person with a genetic predisposition to autoimmune diseases.

In order for the body to function one hundred percent and fully perform all the tasks, it needs to be given a rest. And rest must be right. So the quality and duration of night sleep directly affects our performance, memory, attention and good mood. And a serious lack of such rest can cause serious health problems, cause a decrease in immunity and quite dangerous diseases. But how do you know how much sleep you need to get enough sleep? And what if you don't get enough sleep? Let's talk about it on www.site.

How much sleep does a person need?

There is a common point of view that every adult should sleep for eight hours a day. However, experts have found that this is a very average figure, because someone needs five hours to rest, and someone does not feel rested even after ten hours of sleep. How to understand how much sleep a person needs for a good rest?

As scientists have found, the proper duration of sleep largely depends on age. At the same time, both constant lack of sleep and excessive being in the arms of Morpheus can cause harm to a person. Of course, lack of sleep more harmful than abuse sleep, but oversleeping may slightly increase the likelihood of early lethal outcome cause discomfort, etc.

So between the ages of twenty and sixty-four, it is best to sleep from seven to nine hours. You should not be in bed for more than ten hours and less than six hours.

At an older age, a person needs less nightly rest. The sleep period can be reduced to seven to eight hours, and in some cases to five to six hours.

Young people from eighteen to twenty-five years old should sleep for seven to nine hours. At the same time, it is physiologically normal for them to be in bed for six hours, and ten to eleven hours.

What time do you go to bed to sleep?

Speaking about enough time for sleep, doctors also mention that it is advisable to go to bed at night. certain time. It is believed that it is necessary to rest from ten o'clock in the evening until ten o'clock in the morning. It is sleep from ten o'clock until midnight that helps a person stay healthy, young and beautiful, maintain vigor and strength of mind. And from midnight to four in the morning, cleansing of the body begins.

What to do if you don't get enough sleep?

If a person feels constantly tired and not getting enough sleep, this is serious reason think about your health, and somehow change your sleep habits.

In order to sleep soundly, not wake up in the middle of the night and get enough sleep, you need to pay attention to your last meal - dinner. Definitely not worth going to bed with a full stomach. Better to have a bite last time a day two hours before the planned sleep, and immediately before it drink a glass warm milk with honey.

Of course, you should not consume invigorating drinks before going to bed, represented by cola, coffee, strong tea, power engineers, orange juice etc. You should also not take alcohol.

In order to sleep soundly and get enough sleep, it is worthwhile to thoroughly ventilate the room before going to bed. Cool air and a significant amount of oxygen will positive effect. Also, it will not be superfluous to take a walk shortly before bedtime. Only a quarter of an hour fresh air help you sleep better and digest your food faster and easier.

It is believed that the quality of a night's rest largely depends on the information that the body received a few hours before it. In the event that it was negative, sleep will be intermittent and restless. That is why, before a night's rest, it is better to refuse to watch the news, resolve work issues, etc.

Also, as we have already said, it is very important to sleep a couple of hours before midnight. And in order for the sleep to be really high-quality and give you the rest you need, it is better to go to bed and wake up at the same time, regardless of the day of the week. If you accustom yourself to such a schedule, you will soon notice that you can live without an alarm clock, and without a state of constant sleep deprivation.

If you go to bed at the same time, but still can't fall asleep for a long time and wake up tired and overwhelmed, it may well be that you are under the influence of the day's stresses. Similar situation observed with excessive emotionality, when in bed a person begins to scroll through problems, emotions, failures, unfulfilled tasks, etc. They will help to cope with such an unpleasant habit sedatives on the plant-based, for example, valerian, motherwort, etc.

Of course, nighttime sleep can be disturbed and become of poor quality due to minor factors, for example, due to an uncomfortable bed. It may well be that you should change your old mattress for a more new model- orthopedic, or change the pillow to a smaller and more comfortable one. To reduce stress neck muscles you can sometimes sleep without a pillow.

If the tips above aren't helping you sleep, it might be worth asking for help. sedatives combined type. They are more effective than the already mentioned herbal monopreparations. You can turn your attention to Persen, Novo-Passit, Dormiplant and other medicines. Choose suitable remedy the doctor will help.

At serious problems sleep without doctor's help is definitely indispensable.

Take note: of course, about how to cheer up if you don't get enough sleep, there are many articles that describe many ways, but what I will offer you has been tested exclusively on me. Moreover, if you think about it with your brains, then you will understand that some of the methods I have listed are not only simple, but also compatible with each other. So, by combining them together, you can achieve maximum effect concentration and efficiency from their actions. But enough words, let's go!

TOP 7 ways to cheer up if you don't get enough sleep

Method number 1. Fuel yourself with food! Our body, like a machine, reacts extremely positively to fuel. Moreover, carbohydrates serve as the basis of life, and therefore best solution in order to cheer up and wake up from sleep, there will be any porridge with hot sweet tea, or a cupcake. Moreover, since we do not get enough sleep, usually in the morning, then there will be no harm from such high-calorie food.

Method number 2. Cold and hot shower. Alternate dousing with cold and hot water it is a thermal stress for our body, which, in order for you to be able to actively resist it, will open the bins and provide you with energy. This trick is used by many athletes, which in the long run teaches the body to accumulate more and more energy.

Method number 3. Hot coffee or tea. Another type of thermal stress, which, in addition to everything else, also has a positive effect on the brain, thanks to tinine or caffeine, stimulating nervous activity. Sugar acts as fast carbohydrates, quickly charging us with energy and therefore hot and sweet coffee, becomes a nuclear mixture for awakening.

Method number 4. Chocolate. Like it or not, cocoa has great stimulating properties that allow you to wake up faster and feel more alert. And if you add half a teaspoon of coffee to hot chocolate, that the question of how to cheer up if you haven’t had enough sleep will disappear by itself for several hours!

Method number 5. Morning work-out. Well, you don’t think that it’s just called “charging” just like that? By no means! Light physical activity in the morning allows you to “tickle” your nervous system a little and make it more active. In addition, regular exercise will reduce the time it takes you to get enough sleep by one hour, as proven by Soviet studies.

Method number 6. As much light as possible! The biological clock Our bodies work in such a way that we are more active in a bright room than in a dark one. Therefore, if you sit for days without light, then there is nothing to be surprised that you are too lazy to do anything. Try turning on the lights or parting the curtains. Within 10 minutes you will feel cheerfulness and lightness, and sleep will let you go!

Method number 7. Listen loud music! The perfect way for music lovers. Music activates dormant parts of our brain, thereby increasing brain activity and nervous system generally. True, classical music is not suitable for these purposes, but certain currents of rock music may turn out to be ideal energy drinks and stimulants!

So, above I have listed the most popular and effective methods how to cheer up if you do not get enough sleep, but remember that these are only temporary measures. Daily rate sleep for a person should be no less than seven hours, and at the age of 18 years, this rate is not less than nine hours, and it decreases only after 25 years. We draw the appropriate conclusions. Of course, a person can spend more than a week completely without sleep, but an interesting fact is that our working capacity drops already after 16 hours without sleep, and in a day it will decrease by half. If you do not sleep for two days, then the efficiency will be no more than 1/5 of our average performance. And from here it is easy to deduce an axiom: not sleeping is simply unprofitable.

That is why, if you didn’t get enough sleep at night, and used one or several ways to cheer up, try to devote it to sleep as soon as you have a free hour. After all, it has been scientifically proven that daytime sleep can be confidently counted as two hours at night, and this value is difficult to underestimate! And therefore, my dear friends, do not forget to sleep, sleep soundly and enough. a large number of time, since not a single energy drink will replace your normal and sound sleep.

Well interesting video finally “How to cheer up if you want to sleep?”


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