Pain in the abdomen during urination. Frequent painful urination. Why does it cut and ache in the stomach in women

Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the pelvic organs, women are more susceptible to infections of the genitourinary system than men, and therefore often experience pain at the beginning, during or at the end of bladder emptying. With the help of our article, you can figure out why there is pain when urinating in women. But it should be remembered that any of the diagnoses described below does not allow self-treatment and requires a doctor's consultation.

Pain before urination in women

Most diseases of the genitourinary system cause discomfort throughout the act of emptying the bladder. Severe pain before urination in women, as a rule, indicates two main diseases that differ in the localization of pain - cystitis and urethritis.

With cystitis, discomfort occurs in the lower abdomen before the act of urination, but since it also causes characteristic pain when the bladder is emptied, it will be discussed in more detail below.

Urethritis is an inflammatory disease that is characterized by pain before urination, it occurs in women as often as in men. Urethritis is acute and chronic, primary and secondary, and depending on the form, its manifestations also differ. Of the main symptoms, in addition to pain before urination, women experience purulent discharge from the urethra, an irresistible urge to urinate, inflammation and adhesion of the edges of the external opening of the urethra. Analyzes at the same time reveal a high concentration of leukocytes in the urine.

Urethritis are infectious and non-infectious, allergic, metabolic. In most cases, women still deal with infectious specific urethritis caused by STDs. Urolithiasis, hypothermia, rare emptying of the bladder, exercise, infectious diseases of other organs can contribute to the development of urethritis.

To confirm the diagnosis, microscopy of discharge from the urethra and a urine sample are done. Additional studies may be carried out to exclude inflammation of neighboring organs.

Pain after urination in women

Pain after urination in women is one of the characteristic symptoms of cystitis. The above disease is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, and in women it occurs 8 times more often than in men. The fact is that the urethra, through which the infection enters the bladder, is shorter and wider in the fair sex, so pathogens easily move along it, causing inflammation.

What symptoms indicate cystitis besides pain after urination in women? These include frequent urge to go to the toilet, although very little urine is passed. In some cases, blood is released from the bladder, the temperature rises, there are pains in the lower abdomen, coinciding with the urge to urinate, incontinence is possible.

To confirm the diagnosis, a study of urine, blood, as well as ultrasound of the bladder is performed. In addition to pain after urination in women, cystitis has similar symptoms with urolithiasis and urethritis, so the examination is usually complex.

Treatment of cystitis involves a single dose of highly effective antibiotics, after which the drug is continued for 3-4 days to prevent complications. If the disease does not go away within 7 days, a urine culture is performed to determine the resistance of the microflora and the antibiotic is changed.

Pain when urinating in women - common symptoms

Usually, in diseases of the genitourinary system, discomfort accompanies the entire act of emptying the bladder. And the most common cause of this phenomenon is sexually transmitted infections:

  • Chlamydia;
  • gonococci;
  • Trichomonas;
  • Ureaplasma;
  • Candida.

Chlamydia damages the genitals and ureters, causing mucous and purulent vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor or a yellowish tint. Pain during urination in women is concentrated in several areas - in the area of ​​​​the external and internal genital organs, as well as in the lower abdomen, they increase before menstruation. In addition, the temperature may rise. For diagnosis, biological material is taken from the urethra or vagina and cultured, a venous blood test is performed for antibodies or an immunofluorescence reaction. For treatment, an antibiotic is used in combination with immunomodulatory therapy.

Gonococci affect the mucous membranes of the genital tract and, in addition to severe pain during urination, in women and men cause the secretion of mucus and pus, a feeling of tickling, pain, and burning in the terminal part of the urethral canal. Gonorrhea spreads to the bladder, ureters, lymph nodes and can lead to infertility. For diagnosis, bacterioscopy of a smear, sowing is used. Treatment of gonococcal infections requires a course of antibiotics.

Trichomonas cause the most common disease of the genitourinary tract - trichomoniasis. It, in turn, leads to rather unpleasant consequences - infertility, pregnancy pathologies, inflammation of the vulva and perineum, etc. In addition to pain during urination in women, trichomoniasis is characterized by discharge from the urethra, itching, burning and fever in the vulva, pain during sexual intercourse, bleeding of the vaginal mucosa. For diagnosis, as a rule, a microscopic examination of the smear is performed. But in 2-10% of patients there is a specific sign of the disease, noticeable during a visual examination of the vagina - a symptom of a strawberry neck (pinpoint hemorrhages on the mucosa).

Ureaplasmas provoke pain when urinating in women along with general malaise, pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination. In this case, there may be scant clear discharge from the vagina. The main defense against disease is natural immunity created by the normal microflora of the body. When the balance is disturbed, the microorganism progresses, causing ureaplasmosis. For diagnosis, culture, immunofluorescence analysis and the polymerase chain reaction method are used. Antibiotics-macrolides are used as a method of treatment.

Candida causes a disease more commonly known as thrush. And if the stronger sex is only a carrier, then the beautiful one experiences all the hardships of the disease. Pain during urination in women is combined with swelling of the walls of the vagina and labia, abundant curdled discharge. There may be discomfort during intercourse.

In most of the cases described, the once-appearing symptoms only intensify over time, and diseases from an acute form often become chronic, leading to unpleasant consequences. Pain during urination in women requires medical attention, and in some cases it is necessary to accompany both a gynecologist and a urologist. And if you have found at least some of the described symptoms, do not delay a visit to the doctor.

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Pain while urinating- a common symptom indicating a gynecological or urological disease.

Unpleasant sensations are usually cutting, acute, sometimes persist for some time after emptying the bladder. Usually, in addition to the pain syndrome, there is a burning sensation, itching in the genital tract, pain in the lower abdomen in the kidneys, in the urethra.

Urination disorders are also characterized by false urges, urinary retention, sluggish stream, prolongation of the act of emptying, the appearance of blood drops.


Urination- the process of emptying the bladder in most mammals, by emitting urine into the external environment. In a normal person, this is an arbitrary, periodically occurring act of emptying the bladder.

The appearance of pain, pain, burning sensation and any discomfort during urination is the main symptom of urethritis, inflammation of the urethra.

Causes of pain when urinating

With irritation or inflammation of the bladder and urethra, urination is accompanied by pain. A person often feels the urge to urinate. The pain is usually caused by an infection or inflammation of the urinary tract.

In diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, pain may be localized in the area of ​​the bladder or kidneys. With renal colic, pain radiates to the groin and genitals. The pain appears suddenly, more often in the morning, when performing heavy physical work or after drinking cold water.

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis is a disease in which stones appear in one of the sections of the genitourinary system. Often there is also pain in the lower abdomen, colic in the side and back, extending to the genital area, fever, cloudy urine. Bladder stones can also cause frequent urination or, conversely, blockage of the urethra.


Urethritis or inflammation of the urethra is characterized by pain, cramps during urination and requires urgent treatment.


Cystitis is an acute or chronic inflammation in the bladder. Symptoms of cystitis are similar to urethritis, but pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urge to urinate are also observed.

Venereal diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureoplasmosis, urogenital chlamydia, etc. These diseases are characterized by the presence of pathological discharge from the genital organs, pain, itching and require prompt treatment.

Causes associated with other body systems

Painful urination can be a symptom of diseases:

Pain when urinating in men

In men, urethral and bladder infections usually develop as a result of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. In men, painful urination is observed with inflammation of the kidneys, renal pelvis, urethra and bladder.

With inflammation, the spread of infection can occur, since the pathogens are localized on the affected mucous membranes of the urinary tract. Painful urination is also observed in nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis.

In addition, stones irritate the urinary tract and cause inflammation. Pain during urination in men can also be a symptom of tumors and inflammation of the bladder. At first, the pain is observed only when urinating, over time it becomes permanent.

Sometimes there is a blockage of the ureter with a blood clot, which causes severe pain. Sometimes the pain is associated with diseases of other organs. In diseases of the genitourinary system, other symptoms also occur - headaches, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, itching.

Pain when urinating in women

Painful symptoms during urination in women can be different: for example, it is of great importance whether there is background pain in the lower abdomen when pain appears - at the beginning or end of the process, and also what character it has.

Pain in the lower abdomen when urinating

The most common cause is acute cystitis, especially if, along with pulling pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination and pain at the end of urination are combined. If, along with this, there are blood impurities, then this indicates an extremely acute manifestation of cystitis, which must be urgently treated.

Pain at the beginning of urination

This symptom indicates that there is inflammation of the urethra. Most likely, it was caused by bacteria that entered the body due to poor hygiene and impaired immunity. Also, a common cause of inflammation of the urethra is the general hypothermia of the body.

Lower back pain and frequent urination

This symptom in women is characteristic of cystitis and urolithiasis. The fact is that the inflammatory process can "give" to the lower back, and it will seem that the kidney hurts.

If the pain in the lower back is very pronounced, then most likely the cause is urolithiasis. In addition to pain during urination, the temperature rises, which can reach high limits and threaten the life of the patient.

Cutting and pain when urinating

Burning and pain during urination in women, accompanied by pain, indicate the infectious origin of the disease. These symptoms can be with many diseases, ranging from relatively mild to severe, which are difficult to treat:

  • urinary chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • urethritis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • cystitis;
  • candidiasis.

Diagnosis of pain during urination

For any unusual symptoms, you should immediately contact a urologist to determine the etiology. Inflammation in the genitourinary system can quickly flow into a chronic form, so the main task for a specialist is to quickly diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate therapy. To determine the cause of pain during urination, the following studies are prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, urinary system,
  • smear analysis,
  • blood test,
  • general urine analysis,
  • PCR for latent infections.

Treatment of pain when urinating

Pain during urination is not a medical emergency, but if it occurs, you should consult a doctor so as not to miss a serious illness and prevent the development of serious complications. Pain medications are taken to reduce pain.

Treatment of pain during urination begins with the elimination of the cause that causes it. With bacterial inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, antibiotics and some additional medications are prescribed. If the cause is candidiasis, then antifungal drugs should be taken.

Hormonal agents are prescribed for replacement therapy in case of development of atrophy of the vaginal mucosa. Estrogen derivatives are used, which are contained in oral contraceptive preparations.

When such a condition is caused by sexually transmitted diseases, a special course of treatment is prescribed, including agents that actively fight infectious agents, antibiotics, and immunomodulators.

With an increase in the prostate due to the development of a benign tumor, resection of the adenoma is performed.

With urolithiasis, stones are removed, if there are tumors, they also need to be operated on. To eliminate pain and other symptoms during urination, it is recommended to take antispasmodics and painkillers.

Which doctor should I contact for pain when urinating:

Prevention of pain during urination

For prevention, it is necessary to protect the kidneys and pelvic organs from drafts and exposure to cold (for example, avoid sitting on the ground). The fact is that then these sensitive organs lose their resistance to pathogens.

In order to avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases, it is recommended to use condoms during sexual intercourse with unfamiliar partners. You need to drink plenty of fluids.

Questions and answers on the topic "Pain when urinating"

Question:Hello, pain when urinating, burning, frequent urination. All this begins after the cold. It goes away after a while.

Answer: Inflammation of the bladder. We recommend not to delay treatment and consult a doctor in person: diseases are easier to treat in the initial stages of development.

Question:After intercourse with my girlfriend, I later started having pains inside the head of the penis when urinating and when it rises. At the same time, a white liquid is released from the head. No temperature. Tell me what I have and how to treat it!

Answer: These are symptoms of urethritis. You should perform a general urethral swab, urethral culture for microflora, a PCR swab for chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas, gonococcus, gardnerella, candida, herpes simplex virus and human papillomavirus. Further actions based on the results of these analyses.

Question:Hello! I am 18, I have been sexually active for 1 month, before she had thrush once. At this moment, itching is felt in the vagina and it hurts when urinating - this has been going on for the 2nd day. I also notice white, slightly transparent discharge in the vagina itself, everything turned red there. Sexual intercourse was 2 days ago, after it everything started the next day. So far, I haven’t been treated in any way, I don’t really want to go to the gynecologist (the city is small, everyone will immediately know). I'm really scared, what is this?

Answer: In this case, the cause of your complaints may be thrush or other diseases that are sexually transmitted. You can receive treatment only after examination and clarification of the cause of the disease, therefore I strongly recommend that you personally visit a gynecologist, take a smear, after which the attending physician will be able to prescribe treatment for you. In addition, you need to know that not only you, but also your sexual partner should receive treatment, otherwise, after each unprotected sex, the disease will resume and can become chronic.

Question:A day after intercourse, I bleed and feel pain when urinating with a burning sensation. What's this?

Answer: Sexual urogenital infection. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist and take DNA tests (PCR) diagnostics. If you wish, you can contact me. I will do tests and prescribe effective treatment.

Question:Immediately after intercourse. Pain at the end of urination, bloody urine. Postinor was taken 3 days before sexual intercourse, and during this act a Chinese-made condom was used. What is it connected with?

Answer: Very similar to ureaplasmosis. It is necessary for a gynecologist or venereologist to pass DNA tests (PCR) for diagnostics of chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma. And Postinor at your young age is very, very harmful! You can disrupt your menstrual cycle and then take a long time to be treated to normalize it. I advise you to choose a reliable method of contraception.

Question:Good afternoon. After visiting a urologist, who did a test for thrush and accordingly inserted a wand into the penis to take a swab, there was pain when urinating. What could it be?

Answer: Soreness after taking a smear from the urethra is due to mechanical irritation of the mucosa, which can persist for 1-2 days. This is absolutely normal.

Question:Hello! I am 16 years old. At the moment there is no way to see a doctor, but this problem worries me very much. Since yesterday it hurts to go to the toilet. It starts to hurt in the lower abdomen (rather closer to the pubis), when the process of urination comes to an end. I began to go to the toilet more often, and I feel incomplete emptying of the bladder. I don’t take any medicines, no examinations were carried out, and until this day nothing bothered me. What could it be? What is the reason?

Answer: See a urologist as soon as possible.

Discomfort when urinating occurs when the urethra, bladder, ureters, or kidneys become infected. At the initial stage of development, inflammatory processes can be successfully treated. An ignored problem can become chronic or give complications to other systems.

The mechanism of development of pain syndrome during urination

Pain or discomfort in women often occurs due to inflammation and irritation of the walls of the bladder and the Triangle of Lietto, the tops of which are the mouths of the ureters and the urethra. Upon contact with urine, pain receptors are affected, the signal from which is transmitted to the brain, where the location is recognized, the strength of the stimulus.

How does painful urination manifest in women?

Discomfort or pain during urination, depending on the cause, may be of a different nature:

  • throbbing;
  • cutting;
  • spicy;
  • shingles;
  • aching.

In addition to painful urination, women have associated symptoms of diseases:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • chills;
  • frequent rushes to the toilet;
  • pain and aches all over the body;
  • general malaise;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • urine becomes cloudy, its color changes;
  • lethargy, apathy.

Danger signs

You need to see a doctor if the following symptoms are present:

  • pain during urination has a chronic course with relapses;
  • unprotected intercourse with an unverified partner;
  • the feeling of fullness of the bladder does not go away;
  • discomfort is accompanied by violations of the woman's menstrual cycle;
  • along with urine, blood, mucus, pus is excreted.

With a prolonged course, other organs of the genitourinary system are affected, and the disease develops into a chronic form with periodic relapses. If the pain during urination in women lasts more than 3 days, you need to contact a specialist immediately.

Why there is discomfort when urinating in women

It is possible to determine what caused the pain syndrome by the specifics of the manifestations. The preliminary history is based on the patient's feelings. Discomfort is associated with the location of the pathogen in the woman's body, the affected area (ureters, genital mucosa, bladder cavity, etc.) and the degree of neglect of the disease.

Lower abdomen hurts when urinating

The symptom is specific for the occurrence of a disease such as cystitis.

In the treatment of cystitis, the antibacterial drug Macmirror shows itself well - its spectrum of action is wider than nitrofuran drugs, which are often used in the treatment of urinary tract infections. The sooner the causative agent of inflammation is eliminated from the surface of the mucous membrane of the bladder, the faster the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis will disappear.

The problem is observed mainly in women, which is associated with the anatomical structure of the urinary tract: they are wider and shorter than in men, so the infection has fewer barriers to penetration.

In addition, discomfort or pain at the end of urination in women indicates the following diseases:

  • renal colic;
  • venereal diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • stone movement.

Rezi in the urethra in women

Pinching, pain or burning in the urethra in women during urination indicates that the microflora is disturbed. A possible cause that provoked a bacterial failure is mycoplasma, a sexually transmitted pathogen. The following diseases can also be grounds:

  • chlamydia;
  • urethritis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • trichomoniasis.

Soreness and itching after urination

Often the cause of discomfort in women is an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products, spermicides, low-quality underwear, tampons, and pads.

A few days after the elimination of the irritant, itching and pain during urination disappear.

If this does not happen, you need to see a doctor and get tested. The causes of discomfort in women can also be dysbacteriosis, herpes.

Burning and tingling in the bladder

Pain, as if coming from within, provoking urges, but not emptying the bladder, signals such problems of the female body:

  • the presence of a tumor in the genitourinary system;
  • trauma to the abdominal cavity, which led to the rupture of the bladder;
  • cystalgia;
  • urolithic syndrome;
  • acute cystitis.

Frequent painful urination

Emptying more than 10 times per day (at a rate of 6-7) is considered frequent. This periodicity, soreness and pulling effect in women provokes

  • damage to muscles and nerves that affect the functioning of the bladder;
  • taking diuretics;
  • radiation therapy;
  • pregnancy;
  • urolithiasis;
  • thrush;
  • fibroids, which, growing, presses on the bladder;
  • prolapse of the uterus.

Cutting pain with bloody discharge

The symptom characterizes diseases not only of the urinary, but also of the reproductive systems. Pain, discharge with blood clots during emptying outside the period of critical days may indicate that a woman has:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • ectopia of the cervix;
  • polyp;
  • myoma;
  • cyst;
  • endometriosis;
  • polycystic;
  • hormonal failure (against the background of taking medications, menopause).


To understand the causes of discomfort during urination and get the correct treatment, a woman needs to be examined:

  1. Initial examination by specialized specialists: urologist, venereologist, gynecologist.
  2. Cystoscopy - examination of the inner surface of the urethra and bladder of a woman. To do this, a thin tube is inserted inside, at the end of which there is a camera.
  3. Ultrasound of the bladder, ultrasonography.
  4. Taking swabs from the vagina and urethra.
  5. Comprehensive urodynamic study of the bladder. The woman is located on the gynecological chair and two pressure sensors and electrodes are installed. Through the catheter, the bladder is filled with saline, and with the help of the device the pressure in it is measured. The second meter, installed rectally or vaginally, records intra-abdominal pressure. The procedure does not cause pain or discomfort.

What to do if it hurts to write to a woman

After an examination of the urinary system, the patient is prescribed a therapy consisting of antibacterial agents or antibiotics, depending on which bacteria have been identified. As an auxiliary, you can use traditional medicine.

Medical treatment

All pharmaceutical products can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  1. Antibiotics(means containing penicillin, its derivatives), antibacterial drugs. The action is aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the disease and stopping the spread of infection in the woman's body. They may have an antiviral or antifungal effect.
  2. Painkillers. Drugs are prescribed for 1-3 days of therapy. Then their use is canceled so that the doctor can see the positive dynamics of his patient. Form of release: tablet or cream for local anesthesia.
  3. Diuretic. A neglected ailment can provoke women with frequent urge to urinate or discomfort in the lower abdomen, while emptying practically does not occur. The complex use of this group of drugs allows you to adjust the process.
  4. Antispasmodic. The use of drugs helps to reduce the abundant swelling of the bladder ducts, relieve inflammation, and normalize the process of urination. Sometimes the band is used instead of painkillers.

Folk remedies for discomfort during urination

In the process of treating urinary cramps in women, it is very important to observe bed rest.

If there are no contraindications, you can take chamomile baths.

To do this, you need to brew chamomile (ratio with water 1: 1) and strain. If there are contraindications for lying in hot water, you can simply wash the perineum after urinating with a decoction. The use of herbal teas is also considered effective:

  1. Crushed buds and aspen bark are mixed in equal amounts. 4 tbsp. spoons of the mixture are poured with a glass (250 ml) of boiling water. Next, the liquid must be boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, and then insist for half an hour and strain. Take 3 times a day for 2 tbsp. spoons after meals.
  2. According to 4 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers and black poplar buds are mixed with 3 tbsp. mint spoons. The collection is crushed and thoroughly mixed. 1 st. a spoonful of the mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for 3 hours. You need to drink a decoction 4 times a day before meals.
  3. Dill seeds (1 tablespoon) are poured into a glass of water (250 ml). The liquid must be boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, cool and strain. The decoction is divided into 4 parts and drunk per day. For the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system of women, you can drink multicomponent fees, which include dill.
  4. Pour a glass of millet washed with cold water into 3 liters of boiling water, wrap with a warm cloth, leave for a day. Healing is considered a white suspension that appeared in the bank. It removes stones, sand from the genitourinary system. A decoction can be drunk to normalize the process of urination, to prevent inflammatory processes without restrictions. Millet is brewed repeatedly until changes are felt in the taste of the broth.

Alternative methods help to suppress symptoms (pain, discomfort, burning sensation when urinating in women), relieve inflammation. To eliminate the causative agent of the disease, it is necessary to use medications, using herbal preparations as auxiliary.


To prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system and the appearance of a sensation of pain in the bladder in women, it is necessary:

  • prevent hypothermia, trauma to the pelvic organs;
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene, do not use products with a strong chemical odor;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle, exclude spicy, salty and spicy dishes from the diet;
  • go in for sports, which will eliminate stagnation in the pelvic organs of women;
  • consult a doctor if you experience discomfort, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, pain when urinating in women;
  • do not wear tight-fitting synthetic underwear (especially in hot weather);
  • take immunomodulatory drugs;
  • protect yourself by having sex with an unverified partner.


Pain and other unpleasant sensations do not arise by themselves - as a rule, this is how the body signals about any disturbances in the functioning of its organs. So, pain during urination (pain in the lower abdomen) can signal the presence of a serious urological or gynecological disease in the body, depending on gender. Such diseases include various inflammations, infections (including), as well as urolithiasis.

If the pain experienced during urination in the lower abdomen does not go away on its own within 1-2 days, then such a symptom is a serious reason to see a doctor.

One of the most common diseases in which there are pains in the lower abdomen, cramps and burning in the urethral canal, and the feeling of an incompletely empty bladder does not leave, is cystitis. This is the name of the process of infectious inflammation of the bladder, observed in both women and men. However, women are more prone to cystitis due to the anatomical features of the urinary tract.

Male infectious diseases, accompanied by pain during urination, which occur in the lower abdomen and in the urethra, include, among which and. If you do not start medical treatment in a timely manner, then the inflammation can also go to the prostate. Edema on this gland will begin to compress the walls of the urethra, urination will become more and more painful, and as a result, the disease can become chronic, which is much more difficult to cure.

There are more obvious signs of disease. For example, when pain occurs only at night, this may indicate the presence of abnormalities in the rectum, in the uterine cavity, or on its cervix. Ignoring the symptoms does not lead to anything good: without medical intervention, such diseases quickly become chronic, complications often lead to inflammation of other organs associated with the already sick, and, as a result, to pathologies of these organs. Therefore, treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor in compliance with all his prescriptions.

Less commonly, pain when urinating can be disturbing, which is typical for that that occurs in the absence of treatment or with self-medication.

We remind you that in case of any illness, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the necessary tests based on the results of the examination, and then prescribe medication that meets all the indicators for the patient's disease.


Sometimes both women and men experience dull pulling pains when urinating in the lower abdomen, radiating to the genital area. Most often, these symptoms are observed with cystitis. In addition to pulling pain during urination, with cystitis, clouding of urine, fever, and frequent urge to urinate are observed.

Examination of the patient by a doctor if there are pulling pains during urination

When probing, sometimes there are pains in the lower abdomen, this may indicate incomplete emptying of the bladder. Pain in the lower back sometimes indicates an infectious process in the kidneys, it is possible. Drawing pains sometimes indicate a gynecological pathology. In men, acute prostatitis is possible.

With an objective examination, the doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis, so you need to make a laboratory and instrumental study. Need to check . Their presence in the urine indicates that inflammatory processes occur in the urinary tract. You also need to examine the urine for nitrite, a product of the vital activity of bacteria. If the analysis is positive, it is necessary to identify the pathogen and prescribe the necessary antibiotics.

Bacteriuria is one of the manifestations of cystitis. This is the process by which microorganisms appear in the urine. During pregnancy, bacteriuria increases the risk of preterm birth.

In men, cystitis is more often associated with the prostate and is accompanied by nagging pain during urination, high fever, incomplete emptying of the bladder. Violation of the normal outflow of urine occurs due to prostate enlargement and, as a result, squeezing of the bladder neck. In these cases, it is necessary to do ultrasound and ultrasound.

How to prevent pulling pain during urination due to cystitis?

Antibacterial therapy is the main treatment for cystitis. Usually, the doctor prescribes levofloxacin, trimethoprim, ampicillin, etc. All drugs and their dosage should be prescribed by the doctor based on the result of urine culture. It is also recommended to take herbal decoctions and drink more fluids. Young women need to pay special attention to hygiene

Sometimes surgical treatment of cystitis is used if there are other diseases that contribute to its development: Tumors of the prostate, adenoma, bladder stones. In men, cystitis develops against the background of a violation of the normal outflow of urine. In this case, surgical removal of the prostate in the early stages is performed. In women with cystitis, dilatation of the urethra may be effective.

Treatment of cystitis is most effective in the early stages, so at the first symptoms you need to contact a specialist.

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