Interesting facts about Mikhalkov. Unknown Mikhalkov. The beginning of active creative activity

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Poet, fabulist, playwright, public figure, author of two state anthems of the Soviet Union and the anthem of the Russian Federation, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov was born on March 13 (February 28 according to the old style), 1913 in Moscow in the family of hereditary nobles Vladimir Mikhalkov and Olga Mikhalkova, nee Glebova.

In 1927, the family moved to the Stavropol Territory, to the city of Pyatigorsk, then to Georgievsk.

In 1930, Sergei Mikhalkov, after graduating from school, moved to Moscow, where he worked as a laborer at the Moskvoretskaya weaving and finishing factory and as a freelancer in the letters department of the Izvestia newspaper. Also among the mastered professions is a junior observer of the geological exploration expedition of the Leningrad Geodetic Institute in Altai.

His literary activity began in 1928, when his first publication, the poem "The Road", appeared in the magazine "On the Rise" (Rostov-on-Don).

In 1933 he became a member of the Moscow Writers' Group Committee. Published in the magazines "Spark", "Pioneer", "Projector", in the newspapers "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Izvestiya", "Vechernyaya Moskva", "Pravda".

Among his plays for adults are "Ilya Golovin" (1950), satirical comedies "Hunter" (1956), "Savages" (1958), "Monument to Yourself ..." (1959), "Crayfish and Crocodile" (new edition 1960), "Ecitone Burcelli" (1961).

In cinema, Mikhalkov began his journey by writing text for the animated film "It's Hot in Africa" ​​(1936), later he wrote scripts for the cartoons "They Don't Bite Here" (1937), "Uncle Styopa" (1938), "Hunting Rifle" (1948). ), "Polkan and the mongrel" (1949), "Uncle Styopa - a policeman" (1964), "Bunny-Knower" (1976), "How an old man sold a cow" (1980) and others. In total, more than 30 animated films were shot according to his scripts.

According to the scripts of Sergei Mikhalkov, such popular films as "The New Adventures of Puss in Boots" (1958), "Three Plus Two" (1963), "The Great Space Journey" (1974) and others were shot.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Sergei Mikhalkov
Date of Birth: March 13, 1913
Date of death: August 27, 2009
Age: 96 years old
Place of Birth: Moscow
A place of death: Moscow
Occupation: writer, poet, playwright, screenwriter, public figure
Family status: was married

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov received recognition and fame during his lifetime. This is well deserved: the author of many books for children, the person who wrote the text of the national anthem. He raised decent children. The names of his sons are known all over the world. Andrei Konchalovsky is a director who has received many awards for his work. Nikita Mikhalkov is a great actor and no less talented director, lyricist and TV presenter.

Mikhalkov - a representative of the nobility

The biography of this outstanding person was predetermined by his noble family. He comes from a noble family, the names of Golitsyn and Ukhtomsky are directly connected with him, as with his descendant. Father, a nobleman and patriot, did not want to leave Russia, the family moved to Pyatigorsk, but did not run away abroad. I had to get along with the new government, but stay in my homeland, acquire a profession that was necessary for the country of that troubled era.

Childhood years of the writer

Sergei mastered elementary school at home with his mother, a German governess and a local priest. Everything that the boy was taught, and it was a complete set of school subjects, Seryozha mastered with great desire. He knew the German language perfectly, he could easily read Goethe and Schiller in the original. It was hard later in a real school. He was older than his classmates, stuttered a lot, endured all the jokes of those who laughed at him. It is good that by nature he got a cheerful character and a sense of humor.

He began to write poetry early, from the age of 9, he published a home magazine, in which he himself performed all the duties, he was an author, editor and artist at the same time. The poet Alexander Bezymensky noted that the boy has the talent of a poet. The first printed editions appeared not at a mature age, he was not yet twenty.

Talent grows, success comes

After school was Moscow, poetry could not feed. Sergei worked at a weaving factory, went on expeditions with geologists, got a job as a freelance correspondent for Izvestia. The very first collection of poems is published. Newspapers and magazines are full of Mikhalkov's works, famous actors read his poems. His favorite newspaper took up the publication of the poem "Svetlana", which belonged to the pen of Sergei Vladimirovich. The work was read by Stalin himself, he liked it.

And in 1935, at the age of 22, Mikhalkov composes the first parts of a poem about Uncle Styopa. This hero first appeared in the poet’s head during his work as a counselor. Sergei Mikhalkov learned a lot from Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak and Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. These great masters of children's literature have discovered the secrets of writing for children. The poet must remain a child until old age, which happened to Mikhalkov. Knowing how to communicate with children on an equal footing, he manages to educate them with his texts, without teaching, without reading long notations and lectures.

Sergey Mikhalkov - biography of personal life

A man with a naive childish soul, an excellent creative biography and the same happy family life. Girls always liked Sergey Vladimirovich, because it was interesting with him. But soon the guy got married, taking as his wife a girl from the famous family of artists Vasily Surikov and Pyotr Konchalovsky. The poet, as a creative nature, was captivated by the beauty of Natalia, even the age difference did not bother Sergei, his chosen one was ten years older than him. For a long time, a woman who had already been previously married and had a daughter did not give her consent.

Their marriage lasted 53 years, they were truly happy, and love helped them stick together. The wife passed away earlier. Two sons, presented to the happy Sergei Vladimirovich in marriage, made the life of the poet meaningful. When nine years passed after the death of Natalia Konchalovskaya, Mikhalkov turned 84 and married the daughter of the academician Yulia Subbotina. At that time, the bride was 36 years old. Once again, Mikhalkov was lucky, this woman was faithful to him until the death of the poet, inspired him, helped in everything.

He created the national anthem

I want to talk about a great man as if he were alive. His poems and heroes are alive, about which his fables and fairy tales are written. The Anthem of the Soviet Union and Russia constantly lives, which instills in the souls of Russians a sense of pride in their country. His children are alive - a reminder of the existence of a great poet, who not only continued his family, but also perpetuated the family name with great deeds. His merits to the Motherland, to generations are enormous: poetic works, fables, newspaper articles, plays, cartoon scripts and fairy tales.

Even in difficult times for the country, he was at the forefront of a war correspondent. What a shame that Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov was gone on this earth, his creative and life biography ended. But the world will long remember his Uncle Styopa, as kind and sympathetic as the poet who created him. And the talent left in a childish way, saying: “Well, that's enough for me. Goodbye".

Last week, the poet, playwright and publicist Sergei Mikhalkov passed away. He was called "the patriarch of Russian literature", but what was Sergei Mikhalkov really like?

1 The popularity of Mikhalkov was brought by the poem "Svetlana", which attracted the attention of Stalin in 1935. “I didn’t write anything to Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin’s daughter, didn’t dedicate anything,” Sergey Vladimirovich himself recalled this page of his life. “I wrote the poem“ Lullaby ”, which had nothing to do with anyone in particular. name was Svetlana, she studied with me at the Literary Institute. The poem was supposed to be published in a newspaper. I quickly realized that the title could still be corrected ... And the people, readers, all my acquaintances and strangers decided that I dedicated the poem to Svetlana Stalina ".

2 During the war, Mikhalkov saved the life of the chief editor of the front-line newspaper "For the Motherland!" Nikolai Nikolaevich Kruzhkov. The writer and publicist Heinrich Borovik told RG about this:

At one time, Kruzhkov was arrested, he was exiled, and death awaited him in the second half of the war. Someone wrote a denunciation against him, as a result of which he was sentenced to death. Later, he came to work at Ogonyok, where I also worked. This already happened after Stalin's death, when he was rehabilitated. I got into a conversation with him and asked: did no one support you then, despite the fact that you were a well-known journalist, worked both in Pravda and the editor-in-chief of a front-line newspaper. He said: "Supported. Only one person." I asked who. He replied that "it was Serezha Mikhalkov, who worked in this front-line newspaper." Mikhalkov then wrote a letter to Stalin. And at that time it could turn into a huge tragedy for him - even the end of his life. Support the enemy of the people! And he wrote that he vouched for him, that Kruzhkov was an honest man.

3 The wife and friend of Sergei Mikhalkov for 53 years was the children's writer, poetess and translator Natalia Konchalovsky, daughter of the artist Pyotr Konchalovsky and granddaughter of the painter Vasily Surikov. At the time of the wedding, Konchalovskaya was 10 years older than Mikhalkov. They say that the Konchalovsky family was not happy that their daughter was marrying an unknown young poet.

Together they raised two sons - Andrei and Nikita, who became world-famous directors. In 1997, 9 years after the death of his first wife, at the age of eighty-four, Mikhalkov married the physicist Yulia Subbotina, the daughter of an academician who was more than 40 years younger than him. The large Mikhalkov family has 10 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.

4 As the eldest grandson of Sergei Mikhalkov, film director Yegor Konchalovsky, told RG, Sergei Vladimirovich always retained "teenage" character traits. Once a grandfather and grandson traveled together in France. Sergei Mikhalkov at that time was already a deputy of the Supreme Council, the author of the country's anthem, chairman of the board of the Writers' Union. Mikhalkov bought fake cigarettes in Paris, and when asked by his grandson why, he answered: "So, show off in Moscow."

5 Mikhalkov's works have been published in various languages ​​in Russia and abroad with a circulation of almost 300 million copies. According to the Book Chamber of Russia, about a million copies of his works are printed annually.

6 Vitaly Statsinsky, the chief artist of the "Funny Pictures" magazine in 1956-1967, recalled how Sergei Mikhalkov "prayed" him in front of the Central Committee of the Komsomol:

Once every three months we were summoned to the Central Committee of the Komsomol. Somehow, another scandal was brewing, and we decided to call Agniya Barto with us to cover, but she said she was busy. The editor-in-chief said: "Vitaly, the most reliable is Mikhalkov. Call." And Sergei Vladimirovich was a member of the editorial board, he published some poetry for us. Came. A little late. The meeting was started by such Pustynin from Krokodil: here, a children's magazine at the Central Committee of the Komsomol, and what's going on - in the issue there are 15 dogs, 26 cats, all sorts of frogs, mice, but there are almost no pioneers. And suddenly Sergei Vladimirovich, as always, stuttering: "But I think that the magazine is very good. And if there are 26 good mice, bunnies and parsley, it's better than 25 bad pioneers!"

7 Mikhalkov was a descendant of an old noble family, but he hid his origin under Soviet rule. In the questionnaires he wrote: "From employees." According to the memoirs of his son, Andrei Konchalovsky, Sergei Mikhalkov had to earn a living early. He first worked as a laborer at a weaving factory, then - in a geological exploration expedition in East Kazakhstan. The family had nothing left of their former possessions, houses in Moscow and estates.

Not so long ago, my father was recovering from a hip fracture in a sanatorium in Nazarevo. I came to him. A two-story old mansion, completed and rebuilt, finished with tuff and marble, aluminum doors with glass - the architecture of the Brezhnev era.

Do you see this window? - said the father. - From it, dad threw me chocolates. And I was standing right here. It was our family estate, our home. And your great-great-grandfather, his wife and many of our relatives are buried near the church.

8 For the Anthem of the Soviet Union, Sergei Mikhalkov received 500 rubles. The final approval of the text took place at the Bolshoi Theater on the eve of the New Year, 1944. The entire leadership of the country, headed by Stalin, was present. On the stage, orchestras and choirs performed the anthems of different countries: the Russian anthem, the tsarist one, the English one, the American one, and the German one. After the concert, Mikhalkov was invited to Stalin's box to receive congratulations. The words of the anthem were approved. In addition to five hundred rubles, Mikhalkov received a dinner with the leader and food rations for the New Year: caviar and sausage.

9 The satirical newsreel "Wick", created by Mikhalkov on the order of the Central Committee of the party, prevented General Secretary Brezhnev from sleeping. When a fresh issue of "Wick" came out, the first thing they asked was to send it to the country's leadership.

I asked Brezhnev: "Leonid Ilyich, do you watch Wick?" - recalled Sergei Mikhalkov. - He says: "Wick" I watch, and then I can't sleep for three nights!" I say: "Let's close it." - "No, no, we must show." And I must say that they took measures to correct what we showed.

10 According to Sergei Mikhalkov himself, he never experienced a patriotic upsurge when he composed poems for the anthem. He, like many, wanted to become famous:

I didn't feel anything. I understood that the state needs a text, this document is needed. In general, when they say "you know, I felt this and that," people are all lying. All the writers who wrote the Anthem of the Soviet Union, how did they feel? They tried to become authors. Desire to become famous. What did you feel? You felt like you should go to dinner.

By the way

The main secret of Sergei Mikhalkov is how he managed to come to the court of many, many leaders of the country, invariably find a common language with everyone. A revolution was taking place before his eyes, he outlived all the general secretaries. He was under Lenin, under Stalin, under Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev, Yeltsin ... The family explains such an amazing ability of Mikhalkov simply - he was a real aristocrat.

“Looking at my father, at how he survived the collapse of the USSR, the loss of all posts, positions, and with it the sycophantic environment that always existed around him, at the calmness with which he perceived the flow of insulting articles that called him “the hymn of the Soviet Union", I can confidently say that, in spite of everything, aristocratism has been preserved in it," wrote Andrei Konchalovsky in his book "Low Truths".

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov- writer, chairman of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR, writer, poet, fabulist, playwright, war correspondent during the Great Patriotic War, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and Stalin Prizes, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, holder of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.
Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov was born on February 28, 1913. Moscow is the hometown of a great man. Sergei's father managed to instill in his son a love of poetry. The boy grew up on the poems of Pushkin, Esinin, Poor and other poets.
Between the dates of birth (February 28, 1913) and death (August 27, 2009) of an outstanding person, there are a lot of historical events that Mikhalkov witnessed. And Sergei Vladimirovich himself left a great contribution to literary activity.
Mikhalkov's first poems appeared in print in 1928. The famous poem by Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa" was published in 1935, and in 1936 the first collection of Sergei Vladimirovich was published.
Mikhalkov joined the party in 1950. S. V. Mikhalkov devoted much of his time to social activities, held many important positions related to literary activity. He led the Moscow Writers' Association, was the chairman of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR. He also held other important positions. S.V. Mikhalkov is the author of the Soviet and Russian hymns. He composed the lyrics for the 1944, 1977 and 2000 hymns.

S.V. Mikhalkov is of noble origin. An interesting fact is that the roots of the Mikhalkov family go back to the time of Ivan the Terrible. However, Sergei's father - Vladimir Alexandrovich Mikhalkov - hid the noble origin of his son. Therefore, Sergei Vladimirovich began his career as a simple worker. Along with this, Mikhalkov wrote poetry and short stories. But the fact remains: the Mikhalkov family is ancient. Moreover, the genealogical tree indicates that the Mikhalkov family is close to the Tolstoy family and distant from N.V. Gogol.

Sergey turned out to be a very capable person. He showed his talent for poetry at the age of nine. The famous poet Andrey Bezymyanny gave a positive review of the poems of a nine-year-old boy. The first poems of Sergei Mikhalkov appeared in print in 1928, a year after he and his family moved to the Stavropol Territory - to the city of Pyatigorsk. The first published poem was the poem "The Road". He could be seen in the magazine "On the Rise". Sergei arrived in his hometown (Moscow) immediately after graduation. In the first years of his career, Mikhalkov worked at a weaving factory (for three years), and was also a member of a geological exploration expedition (which was organized to East Kazakhstan and the Volga). However, Sergey Vladimirovich successfully combined these affairs with literary activity: since 1933, Mikhalkov has been listed as a freelancer in the letters department of the Izvestia newspaper. He is a member of the Moscow Writers' Group Committee. In the period from 1935 to 1937, Sergei Vladimirovich studied at the Literary Institute named after M. Gorky.

Sergei Mikhalkov knew the history of the twentieth century firsthand. Sergei Vladimirovich was born when monarchical orders still reigned in Russia. At the age of four, the still unknown Mikhalkov met a revolution that abolished the power of the tsar. The whole life of the Soviet Union passed before the eyes of Sergei Vladimirovich. The "childhood" of the USSR coincided with the childhood of Mikhalkov. And all the more difficult was the collapse of the Soviet Union, already known to everyone, Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, the state to which he was devoted with all his heart. At that time, S. V. Mikhalkov was 78 years old. Sergei Mikhalkov died at the age of 96 in a new state - the Russian Federation. This happened on August 27, 2009.

Sergei Mikhalkov is a man of unique talents. In his long life, he was a poet, a writer, a playwright, a fabulist, and a publicist. During the Great Patriotic War, Sergei Vladimirovich worked as a war correspondent. Mikhalkov composed the texts of hymns for the USSR and the Russian Federation.

1936 dramatically changed the life of Mikhalkov. This year is notable for the publication in the Pravda newspaper of S. V. Mikhalkov's poem "Svetlana". Especially the fact that I.V. liked this wonderful poem very much. Stalin. From that moment on, Mikhalkov's fame is growing every day. In 1937 he was already a member of the Writers' Union. Mikhalkov is actively published. Collections of his poems and fables are constantly published. Sergey Vladimirovich received the first Order of Lenin in 1939.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov devoted a huge amount of time to social activities. The following dates speak of this. In the period from 1965 to 1970 he led the Moscow Writers' Organization. During 1970-1992, Mikhalkov was the chairman of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR, at the same time he was the secretary of the board of the Writers' Union of the USSR. In 1992-1999, Sergei Vladimirovich served as co-chairman of the executive committee of the Community of Writers' Unions. At the turn of the second and third millennia, Sergei Mikhalkov accounted for the activity of Mikhalkov as the honorary chairman of the executive committee of the International Community of Writers' Unions.

The state appreciated the merits of Sergei Mikhalkov. His work lives in the minds of children and adults. His words unite the hearts of all the inhabitants of our country. Sergei Vladimirovich himself received the high title of Hero of Socialist Labor. This man was a laureate of the Lenin and Stalin Prizes. Mikhalkov became the laureate of the State Prize of the USSR three times. Sergei Mikhalkov was also awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

Mikhalkov was awarded the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. This event is from 2008. On March 3, when Mikhalkov turned 95, Putin signed a decree awarding the outstanding writer this order. It is very important because this award is the highest award of the state. Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov was worthy of her. He made a significant contribution to the development of literature. Throughout his life he was engaged in social and creative activities.

Sergei Mikhalkov is the author of the poem "Uncle Styopa". She, like other poems by S. V. Mikhalkov - "Three Citizens", "Stubborn Foma", "Merry Tourist", "My friend and I", etc. - were included in the first collection of poems by a talented person. Its release dates back to 1936. The poem itself was published a year earlier - in 1935. The poem "Uncle Styopa" became one of the most expensive and beloved works for both the writer and his readers. "Uncle Styopa" went deep into children's souls. More than one generation of children grew up on this work. It is immortal. The glory of Sergei Vladimirovich instantly spread among the children and adults immediately after the appearance of "Uncle Styopa". Many associated the image of a brave and kind giant with the appearance of Mikhalkov himself. The first illustrators of the poem "Uncle Styopa" depicted the main character with the face of its creator - Sergei Vladimirovich. The poem "Uncle Styopa" was very quickly translated into the languages ​​of all the republics that were part of the Soviet Union.

S.V. Mikhalkov - war correspondent. Sergei Vladimirovich was drafted into the army in 1939. He participated in the liberation of Western Ukraine (already in this campaign, Mikhalkov began his literary activity in the front-line army press). During World War II, Mikhalkov worked as a war correspondent. The newspapers "Stalin's Sokol", "For the Glory of the Motherland" published his works. Sergey Vladimirovich passed the heroic path together with the troops, therefore his articles, essays, humorous stories, political articles and notes in front-line newspapers were understandable and close to the warring population. Mikhalkov was even shell-shocked. A man as energetic as Mikhalkov could not remain idle for a minute: in the same years he wrote the screenplay for the film Frontline Friends, for which he received the USSR State Prize in 1942. Recalling his war years, Sergei Vladimirovich spoke about the next case that he remembered. It was a frosty night. Mikhalkov lived at the field airfield to fulfill the combat mission of Soviet pilots. On board the planes there were a large number of leaflets with poems by Sergei Mikhalkov. They were addressed to the partisans. They should have encouraged them.

After the Great Patriotic War, Sergei Vladimirovich continued his literary activity. The writer is working on the creation of children's works, for young viewers Mikhalkov writes plays for productions in theaters. A talented person is also working on scripts for cartoons. "Three plus two", "The Great Space Journey", "The New Adventures of Puss in Boots" are famous films shot under the scripts of Sergei Vladimirovich.

Sergei Mikhalkov is the author of the anthems of the USSR and the Russian Federation. In 1944, together with El-Registan, Mikhalkov created the text of the USSR anthem (it was he who won the national competition), and in 1977 Sergei Vladimirovich edited the first text of the National Anthem (this was necessary after the adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR). The second edition is notable for the fact that the name of I. V. Stalin was absent in the anthem. The third edition of the anthem dates back to 2000. The President of the Russian Federation Putin approved the words of the anthem, composed by S.V. Mikhalkov. Sergei Vladimirovich in an interview said that when composing the words of the anthem, he wanted this anthem to be fully suitable for an Orthodox country. The writer admitted that this creation is very close to his heart. Thus, if for children a kind of password (which accompanies them in childhood) is a combination of the words "Uncle Styopa", then for the adult part of the population - one word: a hymn. The uniqueness of the situation is that history does not know more than such a case that the words of as many as three sovereign hymns were written by the same person.

Mikhalkov worked in almost all genres of literature. He achieved amazing results in prose, poetry, journalism, drama, and criticism. Successfully created scripts for cartoons and films. Sergei Mikhalkov is deservedly considered a classic of poetry for children. Probably, there is no such child who, going to school, does not know such poems by Mikhalkov as "Uncle Styopa", "What do you have?", "The Feast of Disobedience" and many others. They were republished more than once, translated into different languages ​​and have always enjoyed (and will continue to enjoy) the love of children and their parents.

"Father" - a documentary about Sergei Mikhalkov. It was created by the son of Sergei Vladimirovich - Nikita Mikhalkov - in 2003. In this film, Nikita Mikhalkov, a famous film director and actor, spoke about the Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky dynasty.

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