Medications to get fat. Hormonal pills for weight gain and weight loss

Excessively thin people, when trying to gain weight, make a big mistake when they take sweets and starchy foods. Fast carbohydrates will add a few kilograms, but the fat mass will accumulate on the stomach. Pills for weight gain in combination with proper nutrition and sports activities will help you quickly achieve your goal, form a harmonious figure and relief muscles, and improve your health.

Overview of effective weight gain drugs for men and women

Some drugs for weight gain contain milk and egg proteins, vitamins, creatine. Others include hormones, so you need to consult an endocrinologist and carefully choose the drug. Many drugs that increase appetite and contribute to the set of missing kilograms are sold in pharmacies without prescriptions.

  • Diabeton. The effect is achieved by activating the production of insulin. Diabeton promotes weight gain, in terms of its effect on the body it is equivalent to anabolic steroids. If the dosage and nutritional recommendations are followed, there are no side effects.
  • Oxandrolone. It activates the synthesis of growth hormone, helps to form rigid muscles, strengthens bones. The drug does not retain water in the body, is harmless to men and women, recommended for recovery after a serious illness.
  • Dexamethasone. Pills are used to treat many diseases, but also cause many undesirable effects, among which is weight gain. Therefore, the tool is popular in power sports. In addition, Dexamethasone strengthens ligaments, relieves inflammation in the joints.
  • Potassium orotate. Increases appetite, normalizes protein metabolism, stimulates regenerative processes. the effectiveness of the drug will increase vitamins B, C, E, glutamic acid, riboxin.
  • Peritol. In addition to the main antihistamine action, tablets increase appetite, therefore they are prescribed to cancer patients and HIV-infected people to prevent weight loss. Peritol rarely causes side effects, but is contraindicated in lactose intolerance. Athletes take pills to gain muscle mass.
  • Brewer's yeast. The dietary supplement contains B vitamins, essential amino acids. Brewer's yeast promotes digestion and weight gain, improves immunity.

  • Pills for weight gain will only work with high-calorie nutrition. You need to increase the number of meals. Eat foods with a lot of complex carbohydrates (50%) and proteins (30%). Give preference to meat, fish, cereals and pasta, dairy products of medium fat content. Take vitamin complexes, which include vitamin C, E, calcium pantothenate, retinol, folic acid.

    daily requirement of an adult

    Consumption rate for women: Medium physical activity Strong physical activity

    • Proteins 78-81 g 84-87 g
    • Fats 85-87 g 98-102 g
    • Carbohydrates 372-378 g 432-452 g
    Consumption rate for men: Medium physical activity Strong physical activity
    • Proteins 93-96 g 106-110 g
    • Fats 108-114 g 132-136 g
    • Carbohydrates 426-440 g 518-504 g
    With little physical activity and after 40 years, the need for proteins, fats and carbohydrates decreases.

    Protein-carbohydrate supplements are recommended for thin people and those who train hard. For weight gain, you need to choose only easily digestible gainers. Proteins promote mass gain, restore and form muscle fibers. Glutamic acid does not cause side effects, stimulates the immune system and the production of growth hormone. High-carb bars contain at least 400 calories and about 15% of the daily intake of substances needed for the body. They can replace one meal.

    Weight gain pills for men

    In addition to pharmaceutical products that men and women can take, preparations with testosterone have been created for the stronger sex.

    • Andriol.
    • Regulates protein metabolism, accelerates muscle growth, enhances libido.
    • Methyltestosterone.
    • A synthetic analogue of the male hormone increases weight due to water retention. But the remedy is toxic to the liver, increases blood pressure.
    • Dianabol. Increases appetite, stimulates protein synthesis and strengthens the skeletal system.
    Before choosing drugs, it should be borne in mind that each of them has contraindications and can cause unwanted side effects: edema, liver enlargement, and indigestion.

    Preparations for women

    • Duphaston. Hormone therapy may have the side effect of weight gain.
    • Chloe. Eliminates acne, androgenization symptoms can add a few extra pounds.
    If there are no other indications for use, it is better for women to refuse pills with such a dubious “surcharge” in the form of weight gain. It is better to replace them with safer brewer's yeast, Oxandrolone, Peritol.

    • Alvezin. Contains several essential acids that stimulate protein metabolism. It is applied intravenously.
    • Boldenone. Recommended for men only. Promotes muscle building without fat deposits.
    • Omnadren. Increases appetite, accelerates tissue regeneration.
    • Nebido. Increases lean body mass. The drug is not prescribed for women.
    • Elkar. A healthy remedy increases the overall tone, appetite, normalizes metabolism and improves the absorption of food. Elkar for injection can be replaced with a solution for internal use.
    A relief figure will help to create injections with growth hormone. They are suitable for men and women, combined with sports nutrition.

    Useful information

    Weight gain pills can disrupt hormones. Therefore, before use, it is better to consult a doctor. With a lack of mass, you need to check the functioning of the liver, pancreas, eliminate digestive problems and psychological problems. Pharmaceutical preparations will help to gain weight only in combination with a high-calorie diet and exercise.

A lot of factors affect the weight of a person's body, the main of which, undoubtedly, is what he eats. Second place is deservedly occupied by the level of his physical activity. On the third, what no one can influence is the genes that a person was given by his parents. However, there is another factor that can unexpectedly change the figure on the scales for the worse - medicines. What drugs can cause a set of extra pounds and how can you help yourself not to get fat if treatment is inevitable? Investigation from MedAboutMe.

Weight gain as a result of taking various medications is possible for the following main reasons:

  • The medicine was prescribed by the doctor specifically for the person to gain additional kilograms (various hormonal preparations, protein complexes, etc.).
  • Weight gain is the result of an improvement in the patient's condition. For example, the patient suffered from thyrotoxicosis or gastric ulcer, in which the weight is always reduced, due to the course of the disease itself. Against the background of treatment with drugs that by themselves do not cause weight gain, the condition stabilized and the figure returned to normal.
  • The medicine is taken to treat the underlying disease, and weight gain is a side effect.

In the first and second cases, an increase in body weight is a joyful event for the patient, because it was precisely this goal that he pursued by taking medication. But the last case is far from being so positively perceived by people, because often they take these drugs for health reasons, that is, for the treatment of serious diseases. As a result, after a few weeks or months of therapy, they see a completely different face and figure in the mirror, and this reflection plunges them into depression. Therefore, it is on such drugs that it is worth dwelling in more detail.

6th place. Treatment of arterial hypertension: beta-blockers

This group of drugs includes bisoprosolol, atenolol, metoprolol, nebivolol, etc. They are prescribed for continuous use with arterial hypertension, angina pectoris, after a myocardial infarction, with heart rhythm disturbances or a tendency to palpitations. In each case, the doctor selects a specific drug, dose and frequency of administration individually.

They cannot be attributed to classic drugs that promote active weight gain. However, in addition to their main effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, they affect the metabolism: carbohydrate and lipid. While taking beta-blockers, people may develop a tendency to lower blood sugar levels, a symptom of which is a feeling of constant light hunger. If you adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, then this is not critical and will not affect the figure. However, if you constantly eat this hunger with easily digestible carbohydrates (which most often happens), then after a few months a completely unfamiliar person can look at a person from the mirror.

5th place. Antihistamines

It’s worth mentioning right away: a single episode of taking an allergy drug for a figure is absolutely not dangerous. And even a short course of treatment for an exacerbation of an allergic disease will not cause weight gain. We are talking about people who have been forced to take antihistamine drugs for years, since their deterioration is associated with the influence of various external and internal factors (polyvalent allergy). For example, a person lives in a house where there is some kind of allergen that he is physically unable to eliminate (a neighbor's cat or painted front doors).

However, from the point of view of weight gain, not all antihistamines are dangerous, but only non-selective representatives of the first generation (suprastin, tavegil, diphenhydramine). They often cause drowsiness, lethargy and reduced physical activity and, as a result, lead to the appearance of extra pounds. If it so happened that you need antihistamines all the time, then it is better to give preference to modern selective agents (loratadine, desloratadine), which are devoid of such a side effect.

4th place. Combined oral contraceptives

This is a headache for all girls and women who decide to choose for themselves a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, based on the constant use of oral contraceptives. On the Internet, you can find a lot of reviews about how in the very first months the weight of individual representatives of the weaker sex increased by several kilograms (or even several tens). From a scientific point of view, these results cannot be called reliable, because the influence of other factors on the lifestyle of these ladies is not taken into account: family life, more calm, measured, and financial wealth (provided by a regular sexual partner) do not contribute to weight loss, but rather, on the contrary .

In fact, the effect of different oral contraceptives on body weight is not the same and depends on the content of estrogen in them: the higher this indicator, the more pronounced this side effect. However, clarification is also required here: estrogens do not increase the amount of adipose tissue, but only contribute to additional fluid retention. Therefore, modern microdose oral contraceptives containing a minimum amount of estrogen (Jess, Novinet, Logest, etc.) have practically no effect on body weight. But high-dose (Non-ovolon, Ovidon) and low-dose (Zhanin, Yarina, Diane-35) can cause extra pounds.

If a woman is concerned about fluid retention while taking oral contraceptives, then she should discuss this issue with her gynecologist. She also needs to reduce the amount of salt and spices in her food.

3rd place. Medications for type 2 diabetes

If the patient is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus and a strict diet does not lead to normalization of sugar levels, then the endocrinologist prescribes special medications. However, there are quite a lot of groups of these drugs, and the number of trade names is several hundred. And for each patient, the doctor selects the drug, taking into account all the features of the course of the disease.

From the point of view of rapid weight gain, drugs based on sulfonylurea (glibenclamide, gliclazide, glimepiride) are dangerous. They artificially stimulate an increase in the activity of the pancreas to produce insulin. They are characterized by a fairly quick and pronounced effect, but sometimes they lead to a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels. As a result, people who regularly take these drugs are more likely to look into the refrigerator than others. As a result, for the first year of admission, they gain from 5 to 10 extra pounds.

If the problem of gaining excess weight is very worrying for a person who is prescribed one of the drugs based on sulfonylurea, then he can discuss with his doctor the transition to treatment with tablets from another group: biguanides, insulin sensitizers, etc. Some of them, for example metformin, on the contrary, contribute to rapid weight loss and, at the same time, treat type 2 diabetes.

2nd place. Antidepressants

These are drugs that are prescribed to treat various mental illnesses, including depression, mood and sleep disorders. Among them there are groups of drugs that have a particularly strong effect on weight - tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, imipramine) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (iproniazid, pargyline, etc.). The reason is that with depression, there is usually a decrease in appetite and, as a result, weight loss. Representatives of these classes of drugs, in addition to the main action, stimulate the center of hunger, so an increase in body weight during treatment with them is almost inevitable. Of course, dietary recommendations are always relevant, but in the case of taking these antidepressants, the appetite becomes simply uncontrollable.

If rapid weight gain scares the patient who needs to take these drugs, then new modern drugs from the group of selective serotonin / norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors may become an alternative. They are less likely to have this side effect.

1 place. Corticosteroids

There must be a good reason for taking these drugs on a regular basis. Diseases that force the doctor to prescribe a daily intake of prednisolone, dexamethasone or metipred to the patient are usually quite serious - autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis), blood diseases, neoplasms, severe allergic diseases (bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis), etc.

It turns out that some drugs can be a potential threat, a kind of "enemies" of our harmony. Medications can cause weight gain in two ways, namely:
1. Through appetite stimulation, where the patient tends to overeat while taking certain medications.
2. Due to changes in blood glucose levels due to certain medications.

To begin with, consider what stimulating effect the intake of certain medications has on appetite, and how this leads to fullness.

Appetite Stimulants

Unfortunately, most of the drugs we need stimulate the appetite; sometimes there is such a brutal feeling of hunger that even slender people gain weight in record time.

Medications that promote appetite or weight gain include:

  • psychotropic drugs (eg, benzodiazepines and other sedatives);
  • Typical and atypical antipsychotics (eg, haloperidol or risperidone);
  • Tricyclic (eg, amitriptyline), MAOI antidepressants (isocarboxazid) and other antidepressants (such as paroxetine);
  • anticonvulsants (eg, valproic acid);
  • Hormones (including human growth hormones), corticosteroids, and sex hormones (progesterone and testosterone).
Also, when taking these drugs, there are a number of other factors that contribute to weight gain:

Eating disorders associated with anxiety and restlessness

As already mentioned, sedative drugs from the category of psychotropic substances lead to excessive appetite and fullness. However, it should be noted that often many people begin to overeat uncontrollably, being in a state of stress or anxiety. Food, the process of eating, helps reduce feelings of anxiety, numb pain or fear, but these typical "soothing" foods (chocolate, sweets, chips, etc.) have a high energy value, as well as a high content of fat and sugar, which is not the best way. affects the shape. As a rule, patients do not seek relief from anxiety by eating fat-free cottage cheese or celery! Therefore, the majority resort to the help of such products here - "comforters", overloaded with food additives, sugar, fats.

Eating disorders associated with depression

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but depression itself can lead to both a sharp, uncontrollable
weight gain and physical exhaustion; all this depends, first of all, on the individual characteristics of the patient's organism, reacting to depression. When a depressed patient starts taking antidepressants, these drugs lead to increased appetite and weight gain.

That is why it is very important to regularly monitor the weight of patients suffering from depression. People who are already overweight or obese may gain even more weight with this treatment; but for lean or anorexic, emaciated patients, this effect is only beneficial, as it will return them to normal weight.

When a person, exhausted by depression, also gains weight due to taking drugs, this leads to a deterioration in the condition, and subsequently to serious problems. Some patients become reclusive, fearing that they will be seen in the "new weight". Other patients simply stop treatment to avoid sudden weight gain; however, failure to treat causes the depression to worsen to the point where the person may commit suicide.

It is important that patients suffering from depression should never stop taking their medications without appropriate guidance from a specialist. It is best to discuss this decision with your healthcare provider, report your weight gain problem, and ask for help finding a solution. Your doctor should determine any changes that need to be made, and treatment should only be given under his strict supervision.

Eating disorders associated with the use of anticonvulsants

Patients suffering from induced diseases accompanied by convulsions (epilepsy, brain damage, tumors) are forced to take anticonvulsant drugs, which in some cases stimulate appetite. But in this case, the situation is the same as with antidepressants: someone can gain weight, someone can lose weight.

The warning about the severity of treatment interruption also applies to anticonvulsant medications. Do not stop taking these drugs just because you have gained a little weight. Stopping anticonvulsant drugs is very, very life-threatening, so you need to consult with your doctor, who must definitely find a competent solution to the problem of weight gain.

Hormone related eating disorders

Many people complain that they gained weight after taking corticosteroids for asthma, skin conditions, or other conditions for which cortisone is prescribed. Also, a sharp increase or loss of weight can be caused by drugs containing female and male hormones. It is also interesting that human growth hormone, often referred to as a “beauty injection” and a weight loss fad, is actually included in the list of hormones that provoke weight gain.

Most women know that, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, hormonal drugs taken for nutrition, excessive exercise and diet pills as a way to reduce weight, should first consult with their doctor and nutritionist; they will select a special balanced diet with a low glycemic index. Such a diet will help restore glucose tolerance and eliminate hyperlipidemia (impaired lipid metabolism in the body) associated with lipodystrophy.

The dilemma is that fullness is caused by drugs, which in many cases simply save the patient's life, so the choice is not always easy. Therefore, to control your own appetite and weight, consultation with your doctor and nutritionist is simply necessary.

The problem of lack of weight worries many men no less than its excess. Insufficiently developed muscles, a weak layer of fat make the male figure look unaesthetic and unmanly. Dreaming of a lean body and masculine forms, men begin to look for ways and means to turn dreams into reality and most often achieve this through regular strength training and high-calorie nutrition.

However, such a program is often not enough for some of them, or, on the contrary, it seems to them too energy-consuming and lengthy. Then men resort to pharmaceutical assistance, acquiring various pills for weight gain. The pharmaceutical industry has created many drugs that can help you gain weight - most often hormonal pills, but they are not always designed for this. What pills allow a man to quickly gain weight, how effective and safe they are, what they are intended for and how to take them - everything in order in this article.

Pills for weight gain should not be taken as a panacea for thinness, because its causes are very different: some kind of chronic disease, malnutrition, hereditary predisposition to lack of weight. Therefore, if you are going to gain weight with the help of pills, you should undergo a complete examination of the body in order to exclude serious diseases.

Remember: weight gain pills are not always harmless and not as neutral as we would like. Weight gain pills can only be prescribed by a competent doctor who has information about your state of health.

Weight gain pills are often taken by men to build muscle mass during strenuous sports. This allows them to achieve the desired results faster and more efficiently. Naturally, quickly gaining weight with the help of pills alone, without paying due attention to sports and diet, is unrealistic. A man will be able to quickly gain weight only by using a comprehensive program that includes good nutrition, adequate sports training and, if desired, pharmacological assistance.

Mass gain pills are also used for anorexic men, although this problem is more common among women, especially younger ones. Drugs that allow you to gain weight can be prescribed in the postoperative period or during the recovery period after a serious illness. In addition, such drugs are recommended for poor absorption of nutrients in the body.

What to choose?

Let's take a brief look at pharmacological agents that can increase body weight gain:

  • Duphaston

Hormonal pills, originally intended for women planning a pregnancy. They increase the production and level of female hormones in the body, due to which weight gain occurs. A man who decides to use such a remedy should consult an endocrinologist so as not to cause serious hormonal disruptions in the body, since the pills are quite aggressive in their action.

  • Oxandrolone

Oxandrolone is a hormonal pill, and although they are good for weight gain, they should only be used after consulting a doctor.

Quite well-known hormonal pills, which are successfully used in medicine after operations or serious illnesses. You can buy them only with a doctor's prescription.

  • Andriol

The main active ingredient of the tablets is testosterone. Designed to treat sexual disorders caused by a lack of this hormone. Can be used to gain weight, but only after a doctor's prescription.

  • Chlorpromazine, cyproheptadine, peritol

These pills are quite famous among those who want to gain weight. They have a pronounced calming effect on the nervous system, which contributes to a better absorption of nutrients in the body and an increase in body weight.

  • Nutrizon

The popular protein drug "Nutrison", designed to compensate for the deficiency of proteins in the body. Often used to gain weight after illness or surgery. It is an excellent option for use due to its safety, as it has no contraindications.

  • Riboxin

It has a positive effect on all body functions, balances its energy balance, but it can only contribute to weight gain in combination with high-calorie nutrition and special physical activity.

  • Dexamethasone

Dexamethasone, although it helps to increase weight, eventually leads to the development of diabetes.

Some men who want to get better resort to the help of this drug. The effect of increasing body weight is due to the fact that the tablets increase glucose tolerance and disrupt lipid metabolism. This can lead to weight gain, but is fraught with the development of serious complications and diseases - in particular, diabetes.

  • Glutamic acid

A popular drug for weight gain among athletes. Favorably affects the vital activity of the body, improves metabolic processes in it, regulates the activity of internal organs, improves blood circulation and energy balance.

  • Brewer's yeast

These are one of the most harmless and safe pills that can help a man get better. In addition, they are extremely rich in B vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements. Brewer's yeast tablets have a beneficial effect on the body, balance the metabolism and restore the balance of energy. In addition to the effect of weight gain, brewer's yeast tablets have a pronounced cosmetic effect - when used for a month, the condition of the skin and hair improves.

  • Digestive enzymes

Contribute to weight gain with their regular use due to the stimulating effect on the digestive process and improve the absorption of nutrients. The most popular and affordable enzyme preparations include festal, mezim forte and pancreatin tablets.

  • vitamins

They occupy a worthy place in a number of drugs that help increase weight. Their effect in this case is based on improving the digestive processes, regulating the activity of internal organs and systems, increasing immune forces, as well as general strengthening of the body.

Vitamins by themselves do not lead to an increase in body weight, but they improve metabolic processes, normalize the work of the whole organism, which indirectly helps to get better.

When planning to use hormonal pills for weight gain, it is worth remembering the possible complications that their uncontrolled intake without a doctor's prescription can lead to. The most common side effects from taking hormonal drugs include baldness, increased oily skin, acne, as well as endocrine disorders and hormonal disruptions in the body. In addition, uncontrolled intake of these drugs can lead to inhibition of the spermatogenic function of the gonads, the development of prostate diseases and the appearance of tumors.


Remember, steroids have a destructive effect on the body!

Among athletes and just men seeking to gain muscle mass, steroids are very popular. They have high biological activity, which explains their effect and popularity. Since steroids in their action imitate the main male sex hormone - testosterone, their use leads to the fact that muscle mass increases, and the fat layer decreases, the body takes on masculine forms, strength and endurance increase.

However, along with this, not so positive changes can occur - prostate enlargement, testicular atrophy, excessive body and facial hair, combined with hair loss on the head. Taking anabolic steroids also causes an increase in appetite and libido in men, but opposite side effects are also possible in the form of a decrease in sexual desire and even the onset of impotence.

Gaining weight with the help of pills and drugs is quite possible, especially when combined with regular physical training and a balanced calorie diet. But you should always remember about your safety - do not start taking such drugs without a preliminary medical examination and receiving appropriate recommendations from your doctor.

In most cases, a significant problem for many modern women can be overweight. Nevertheless, there are cases when, for a number of specific reasons, a woman is faced with a completely opposite situation, when, due to a variety of circumstances, a particular girl / woman, even with regular use of high-calorie and sufficiently fatty foods, fails to gain the necessary kilograms in a timely manner (weight corresponding to your height).

So how does the average girl manage to gain the necessary weight? How to achieve the formation of seductive forms of breasts, dense rounded buttocks, when only angular, thin forms were genetically laid down? Undoubtedly, in order to achieve your goal related to body shaping, it will be necessary not only to change your dietary principles, taking into account the peculiarities of the metabolism of a particular organism, but also to engage in adequate physical exercises that contribute to gaining the desired muscle mass directly in the so-called problem areas.

How to quickly be able to gain the necessary weight for an ordinary girl?

Today, more and more young girls are thinking about how they can bring their weight back to normal as quickly as possible, and they are not interested in losing weight, but in gaining weight, but without excesses and without the slightest harm to their own health? Indeed, an increasing number of girls began to understand that excessive thinness is not just ugly - it is a very definite flaw in the female figure. At the same time, the lack of muscle mass in your body, as well as the lack of adipose tissue, can become a real cause of many health problems - ranging from some difficulties in planning a pregnancy with the conception of a baby, and up to the development of a variety of chronic diseases.

So among such chronic diseases there is a sharp decrease in the body's immune defense, various, elementary digestive disorders, etc. In the same case, if such an asthenic constitution is not hereditary, but acquired, such girls should consult an experienced doctor as soon as possible, since excessive thinness that has appeared can suddenly indicate the same rapid development of serious diseases, say, oncological diseases.

Yes, and to find out exactly how it is more correct to gain weight for an ordinary average girl, it is also best of all with a qualified doctor. After all, it is such a doctor who will be able to initially determine the reasons that could cause excessive weight loss, and then he will be able to recommend one or another diet necessary in a particular case.

And since self-eating of the most high-calorie or frankly fatty, sweet food, in principle, does not bring the desired results, then it will be necessary to start choosing the right diet with measures aimed at some increase in appetite. It turns out that today there are many different ways and techniques for a particular person to slightly increase his natural desire to eat more and with maximum pleasure.

At the same time, the simplest and most effective of these methods is the method of naturally increasing the natural physical activity of a person, for which doctors recommend spending more free time somewhere in nature, in the fresh air, participating in any outdoor games or movements. As a rule, after such an active walk, most people have a completely healthy and fairly strong appetite. In addition, such a pastime leads to some improvement in metabolism, which is necessary for a more correct and complete assimilation of the food that has entered the body.

But if you specifically don’t have enough free time for elementary walks in nature or just ordinary fresh air, then immediately before eating you are advised to drink some kind of peristalsis enhancer - it can be a glass of fresh, necessarily natural juice, perhaps a glass of dry red wine. Also, it is recommended to eat at least five or even six times a day. Ideally, with such a daily routine, between main meals, organize yourself snacks with those foods that at this time are most desirable for your body. Say, after breakfast at lunch, you may want to have a snack with fruit, or just a glass of kefir. And for an afternoon snack, your body may wish to have a bite of cottage cheese casserole or nuts.

Today, most doctors, answering numerous questions regarding how exactly to gain weight safely for an average girl, recommend that immediately after eating, such girls do not fuss, but at least have a little rest (say, about half an hour). It is for extremely thin young ladies that this is a great way to improve the digestion process, which ultimately allows most of the nutrients to be absorbed as much as possible.

Since it is quite difficult for an average girl with an asthenic physique to gain weight, such young ladies are also recommended to adequately adjust their own daily diet, giving the highest priority to proper protein-carbohydrate (but not too fatty) food. It is desirable that at least half of the proteins consumed daily come from chicken or quail eggs, not too fatty meat and, of course, fish of any variety.

Poultry meat can be considered extremely useful in this context - after all, it is such meat that is not too fatty and nutritious enough, while the protein contained in such meat allows you to build up the necessary (and also desired) muscle mass much faster directly to achieve the preferred body relief. In addition, daily eating of the right not too fatty sour-milk or dairy products will definitely contribute to some improvement in digestion processes, and this means a significant improvement in all metabolic processes that normally occur in a woman's body.

For example, for breakfast for girls who want to get a little better, moderately fatty cottage cheese with the addition of a small amount of ordinary homemade sour cream is quite suitable. It is quite suitable for breakfast and the right energy cocktail, which can consist of one glass of fairly heavy cream, one hundred grams of moderately fatty cottage cheese and literally a few tablespoons of your favorite jam or honey.

When choosing a diet for yourself and deciding how to gain weight for an ordinary girl, you must always remember that any human body needs a sufficient amount of fat anyway. And actually, for this you need to periodically use (say, for dressing ordinary salads) high-quality olive or soybean oil. It is this type of oil that is as rich as possible in such a vitamin as, capable of giving vessels sufficient elasticity and giving the whole body a wonderful rejuvenating effect.

In addition, in order to build up a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat as quickly as possible, one should definitely not neglect such products that contain the right carbohydrates. Such products include durum pasta, potatoes, bran or even white bread, sugar and homemade sweets.

Situation: I lost too much weight. How to return the desired weight?

For all those who are interested in answering the question of how exactly to be able to gain the necessary (normal) weight for a girl, we propose to consider the following simplest and, most importantly, the safest ways. Indeed, today, quite often among women and girls, one can find an active discussion of situations like: “I have lost too much weight. And how after that it is safe to gain the desired weight? Many people are primarily interested in whether it will be enough to achieve the goal of only constantly following a certain diet?

It turns out, according to the opinion of most experienced doctors, after timely examinations to confirm the absence of a particular disease, it is often completely insufficient for a more active gain in the desired weight. It is generally accepted that this kind of diet should be supplemented with equally adequate physical activity.

And all because the constant performance of special aerobic, as well as strength exercises (say, exercises with a load, dumbbells and other devices) contributes to a noticeable improvement in the metabolism in the body and at the same time a fairly rapid increase in the desired muscle mass.

In most cases, experienced trainers, advising their wards on how best and faster to gain the desired weight for an average girl, for the entire first month strongly do not recommend overloading themselves with any physical activity. It is during this time that the human body will be able to fully tune in to a completely new mode of operation for it.

At the same time, later the girl will be able to slightly increase the weight of the dumbbells used in training, as well as the number of repetitions of certain exercises performed. Note that any girl can be engaged both completely independently (but according to a program previously selected by an experienced trainer), and visiting a fitness club or gym she likes. However, at the same time, it would be desirable to combine this type of training with relaxing swimming in the pool, with elementary skating, rollerblading or cycling, with any active games, etc.

However, if, for example, after one, two or even more months, the body weight simply stops increasing, and the results achieved still do not suit you, after consulting with the trainer, you should simply change the former exercise program and change the primary diet.

It should also be understood that a clear lack of body weight can be not only a strictly independent symptom, this phenomenon can also be an unpleasant consequence of a wide variety of problems in a woman's body. Moreover, these can be problems both from the side of the purely physical, and, in fact, even the mental health of a woman.

If you want to find out from the doctor what kind of medications (tablets, capsules or powders) can moderately gain weight, you should first check with this specialist for a list of possible negative consequences that a particular drug can have on the health of your body. In the future, when deciding for yourself how a young woman can safely gain weight, you should also remember that any of the hormonal drugs (for weight correction) will interfere with the work of the whole organism, while destroying certain of its systems. And besides, in some situations it will be almost impossible to restore broken systems.

But unfortunately, among the main pills that the doctor can still recommend to you for weight gain, there may be drugs of the hormonal type, most often these or those oral contraceptives. I must say, moderate weight gain is considered the most common of the side effects that occur when taking these medications. Moreover, excessive long-term use of certain hormonal contraceptives (according to the results of many modern studies) can lead to fairly persistent and even significant weight gain.

But unfortunately, practitioners have long noted that subsequently getting rid of excess weight (if it turns out to be superfluous) will be incredibly difficult. But before consulting a doctor on how to quickly and effectively gain the desired weight for teenage girls aged twelve to sixteen, you need to try to take into account all the real and possible negative consequences of this process and then correlate the benefits and risk.

In addition, many of the women, discussing questions regarding which pills are best for gaining weight, can recommend drinking pharmaceutical brewer's yeast for this purpose. It turns out that the action of this remedy is aimed at the full regulation of all metabolic processes in the body, which occurs due to adequate replenishment of the deficiency of all kinds of vitamins from various groups (and especially B vitamins, which are urgently needed for the full functioning of the entire nervous system), essential proteins, correct carbohydrates and fats.

It should also be noted that it is brewer's yeast that can contribute to:

  • A noticeable strengthening of all vascular walls in the body.
  • A significant decrease in the total amount of dangerous and harmful fats (cholesterol) in the blood.
  • Quite a sharp increase in the immune forces of the body and its performance.
  • Quite fast and effective removal from the body of many toxic metabolic products.
  • A noticeable increase in the resistance of a particular organism to the negative effects of many extremely unfavorable factors from the environment around us.
  • A very significant improvement in general condition and well-being.

Joining the discussion on how to gain the desired weight for an ordinary woman, most of us note that it is brewer's yeast that can be an ideal addition to a proper diet and adequate physical activity. Indeed, due to the normalization of the full functioning of the intestines, this remedy improves our appetite and contributes to an even more complete absorption of food.

And in addition to weight gain, many of the women who use brewer's yeast also noted a noticeable improvement in mood, general well-being, noticed a clear surge of strength. We also recall that before deciding to take measures to gain weight, it is imperative to find out the root causes that cause the primary underweight. After all, in many cases, a sharp weight loss is associated with certain psychological problems or even injuries. This means that an experienced psychologist should help to solve such problems.

And even if you do not want to seek adequate help from professionals in their field, you need to know that many problems that arise in our body can be directly related to our own psychological mood. Actually, therefore, following the basic recommendations of the doctor, try not to forget that it is desirable to love yourself the way you are with all the advantages and disadvantages.

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