Oophoritis what kind of disease. Treatment of oophoritis with folk remedies. Causes of the pathological process

What is oophoritis? Long-term chronic inflammatory processes occurring in the pelvic area can lead to the development oophoritis - inflammation of the ovaries.

Among older women, there is an opinion that such problems can happen due to hypothermia (for example, sitting on something cold). However, in itself, hypothermia will not lead to oophoritis; for it to start, a rapid multiplication of pathogenic bacteria is necessary: ​​streptococci, gonococci, Trichomonas.

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The mechanism of development of oophoritis

Inflammation of the ovaries almost never happens independent disease and does not occur immediately. Its development is preceded by certain stages:

  1. Reproduction of bacteria in the body of the uterus, cervix, in the fallopian tubes or in the vagina.
  2. In order for the infection to go beyond a specific organ of the reproductive system, it is necessary to leave the disease without treatment for a rather long period. Therefore, inaction provokes the spread of infection to neighboring organs.
  3. In most cases, the fallopian tube becomes the conductor of pathogenic microbes to the ovary. Therefore, endometritis various diseases relating to the flora of the vagina and cervical canal gradually rise up the oviduct.
  4. If the changes occurring in the body are still ignored, then the infection first covers one ovary, and then the other, even though they are located quite far from each other.

In more rare cases it happens that oophoritis occurs due to or a common serious infectious disease.

Signs of acute oophoritis

Acute oophoritis cannot go unnoticed, so a woman is forced to go to the doctor a few days after it starts. This form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Availability high temperature, above 38.5 degrees. Moreover, it either cannot be brought down, or already 30-40 minutes after the decrease, the temperature quickly rises again.
  • Sharp pains in the lower abdomen. If the oophoritis is one-sided, then pain and backache are noted only from the side of the inflamed ovary. But often pain are noted in the lower back or in the sacrum, as well as in the thigh.
  • General weakness, dizziness, chills, pallor skin are accompanying symptoms oophoritis.
  • Frequent urination. If oophoritis was the result inflammatory process into the vagina or urethra, then going to the toilet may be accompanied by pain.
  • Diarrhea, frequent urges to defecation.

This condition requires immediate hospitalization. In addition, there is also a subacute form of the disease in which all the symptoms of acute oophoritis are observed, only not so pronounced.

Symptoms of chronic oophoritis

If the acute form of the disease was treated incorrectly or not sufficiently, then it turns into chronic oophoritis. It is much more difficult to treat it, and due to the fact that at times the pain subsides and the disease is latent, a woman can postpone a visit to the doctor for years.

The following symptoms are characteristic of this form of the disease:

  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen. It is often impossible to determine its specific localization. Pain sensations are not permanent - they subside after taking analgesics, and the woman feels quite healthy until the next attack.
  • Vaginal discharge has bad smell, all the time go in large numbers.
  • Violation menstrual cycle
  • Constant detection on ultrasound of fluid in the retrouterine space (in different days and cycle phases).

Left-sided and right-sided oophoritis - features

If the root cause of the disease is endometritis or vaginitis, then the inflammatory process, as a rule, rises up both fallopian tubes.

Thus, not one, but two ovaries are often affected, therefore, the diagnosis is “bilateral oophoritis”. But in milder cases, the inflammatory process is localized only on one side.

Features of right-sided oophoritis

Sharp pains with right side patients are often confused with signs of appendicitis. Similarly, the abdomen is tender on palpation. However, when acute appendicitis when pressing on the appendix and the subsequent sharp release of pressure, the patient feels a shooting pain.

Whereas in acute right-sided oophoritis, with the weakening of pressure, a decrease in pain will be felt.

Features of left-sided oophoritis

Pain on the left side can be given to the kidney, in lower divisions intestines. Therefore, at first, without having the results of ultrasound, you can associate sharp deterioration well-being with renal colic.

But the results of the study of the pelvic organs will give an unambiguous answer: if the diagnostician determines a significant increase in the size of the ovary, then the gynecologist will diagnose "left-sided oophoritis".

Treatment of oophoritis - drugs and methods

Oophoritis is treated both medically and with the help of surgery. As helper methods physiotherapy is actively used.

Antibacterial therapy

The course of treatment of ovarian oophoritis should include antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, with which it is necessary to stop the inflammatory process.

Azithromycin is an antibiotic that is prescribed for infections caused by streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma.

However, prolonged use of it causes the body to get used to it. active substances drug. In addition, the appointment of Azithromycin should be done with caution if the patient has renal or hepatic insufficiency.

Gentamicin is an antibiotic often prescribed to treat oophoritis. It is effective at purulent inflammation and actively suppresses the reproduction of staphylococci.

However, the drug does not fight well with streptococci and treponema, so before starting treatment, the doctor must find out what was the causative agent of inflammation.

Trichopol is an antimicrobial drug often prescribed for infections of the reproductive system. side effect is nausea that occurs 20-30 minutes after taking the pill, especially if the woman drank it on an empty stomach.

Since acute oophoritis is accompanied by severe pain, the doctor prescribes analgesics to eliminate discomfort.

Surgical treatment

If the inflammatory process has entered running stage, then the patient often finds herself filled with pus of the fallopian tubes and the uterine cavity.

In this case, surgical intervention is performed using laparoscopy, during which the exudate is removed, and the ovary is cleared of purulent neoplasms.

If the inflammatory process is serious and threatens the life and health of the patient, and stop it surgically is not possible, then an ovarian resection is performed, or complete removal ovary and fallopian tube.


in the treatment of oophoritis antimicrobials the doctor will prescribe physiotherapy, which will speed up the recovery process of the body.

  • Electrophoresis - with inflammation and the presence purulent exudate the procedure is carried out using absorbable preparations: aloe, lidase.
  • Autohemotherapy - involves the introduction of the patient's own venous blood. The method was developed at the beginning of the last century and was used for infectious diseases.

Treatment prognosis and complications

With timely detected oophoritis and the provision of proper treatment a woman in the future can plan a pregnancy and carry it quite successfully. The longer the visit to the doctor is delayed, the more serious the consequences will be:

  • A running inflammatory process can be cured on the ovary, but it is much more difficult to get rid of it from the fallopian tubes. Therefore, when planning a conception in the future, a woman will have increased risk ectopic pregnancy.
  • Lack of correct and timely treatment acute oophoritis will provoke its transition to chronic form. This will entail ovarian dysfunction, which will certainly affect the possibility of conception and the hormonal background in general.
  • Oophoritis, brought to an extremely serious stage, will cause the removal of the ovary, fallopian tube, and in some cases even the uterus.

With inflammation of the ovaries, it is important to respond to a deterioration in well-being in the very first days - this is the key successful treatment oophoritis and absence negative consequences in future.

Chronic oophoritis is an inflammatory process of ovarian tissues. Most often occurs due to lack of treatment acute stage diseases. The main reason is the entry of infectious bacteria into the genitals of a woman. To treat the inflammation itself, it is necessary to eliminate the source of its occurrence.

Causes of pathology

There are several reasons that contribute to the development of chronic inflammation of the ovaries:

  • infection genital tract - ingestion of chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonococci, Trichomonas, streptococci, etc.;
  • sharp infectious diseases respiratory tract- angina, tuberculosis;
  • hypothermia of the body - provokes a drop in immunity and activation of inflammatory processes, reproduction pathogenic bacteria, hypothermia of the lower back and sitting on cold surfaces especially strongly affect the occurrence of the disease;
  • inflammatory processes of other genital organs - vaginitis, endometritis, cervicitis;
  • frequent stress, overwork - reduce the body's resistance;
  • hormonal imbalance - leads to a malfunction of the reproductive system;
  • inflammation of adjacent organs of the peritoneum - often the cause chronic oophoritis becomes appendicitis;
  • a large number of sexual partners - increases the risk of infection;
  • conducting surgical interventions and others similar procedures, including abortion, curettage, installation of an intrauterine device;
  • flow chronic diseases lowering the level of immunity diabetes, obesity.

Most often, the onset of the disease is influenced by several reasons at once.

Development mechanism

The ovaries are the female reproductive organs located outside the uterus, to which they are connected by the fallopian tubes. They partially communicate with abdominal cavity, near them are the rectum, ureters and large arteries.

The ovaries are less susceptible to infection than other genital organs - initially, the pathogenic microflora enters the vagina, then through the cervical canal into the uterus. It is he who reliably protects the main genital organs from external influences by producing mucus. The infection that has entered the uterus is eliminated during menstruation along with the rejected top layer her epithelium. Therefore, for the defeat of the ovaries, the presence of the following factors is necessary:

  • severe infection with pathogenic microorganisms;
  • violation of the functionality of the cervical canal - insufficient secretion of mucus;
  • decline contractility uterus.

This condition often occurs after minimally invasive surgical interventions, abortion, childbirth, the formation of tumors in the genitals. Therefore, patients in these cases are often prescribed a preventive course of treatment to normalize the vaginal microflora.

The development of oophoritis during infection through the genital tract is often preceded by cervicitis, endometritis and adnexitis.

The second variant of the origin of inflammation is the penetration of infection through the circulatory or lymphatic system. Most often this happens after ovulation - a bursting mature follicle leaves in its place an unprotected ovarian membrane, susceptible to the influence of various pathogenic bacteria. Penetrating deep into the body, the pathogen causes inflammation of the entire ovary.


There are two main types of chronic ovarian inflammation - specific and non-specific. The difference is determined by the type of causative agent of inflammation:

  1. Nonspecific. Provoked by penetration opportunistic bacteria- Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci.
  2. Specific. It develops under the influence of sexually transmitted infections - chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, gonococci, Trichomonas.

Regardless of chronic inflammation of the ovaries, the symptoms of its manifestation remain the same. This disease is most often caused by genital infections, under the influence of which it can be present for many years.

Most sexually transmitted infections are asymptomatic in the body, and with a decrease in immunity, they begin to actively multiply, causing inflammatory processes.

The main symptoms of oophoritis

The degree of manifestation of symptoms is different and depends on the type of disease and the cause of its occurrence. Signs of oophoritis are present to a much lesser extent with its repeated manifestation or with high level immunity.

acute form

Diagnosed with primary infection or with exacerbation of chronic oophoritis. It is considered the most severe form of the disease. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the rectum, sacrum or lower back;
  • nausea, bouts of vomiting;
  • high body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • character change vaginal discharge- the appearance of impurities of blood and pus;
  • abdominal tension.

On palpation, the doctor notes the soreness of the ovary and their increase. Symptoms persist for about 10 days. Treatment takes place in a hospital, less often at home, but under the strict supervision of a doctor. After the expiration of the period, the patient recovers, otherwise the disease flows into a chronic form.

Subacute form

It is extremely rare, it is a consequence of mycotic or tuberculous infectious lesions. Symptoms of subacute oophoritis are similar to its acute manifestation, but are felt by patients to a lesser extent. In the absence of proper treatment, there is a possibility of leakage into chronic type inflammation of the ovaries.

Chronic form

Occurs as a result of undertreated acute or subacute oophoritis, in some cases it is an independent disease. It has phases of exacerbation and remission.
Last at correct selection treatment and maintenance therapy can last for several years without harming the patient. Most often, exacerbations occur about 2-4 times a year during the change of seasons. The prolonged course of the disease causes a violation of the blood supply to the ovaries, the appearance in them dystrophic changes. All this disrupts the production of hormones, leading to a failure of the menstrual cycle. The main signs of chronic oophoritis:

In most cases, there are no symptoms, the disease is manifested only by a violation of the course monthly cycle. When an exacerbation occurs, similar to acute form oophoritis signs present to a much lesser extent. This condition provokes a decrease in immunity, colds and viral diseases, hypothermia, frequent stress.

Is it possible to get pregnant with chronic oophoritis

The course of chronic inflammation of the ovaries significantly worsens the possibility of conceiving and bearing a baby. This is due to the following factors:

  • deterioration of the appendages;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • adhesive processes;
  • increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage.

Read also Treatment of inflammation of the female ovaries with antibacterial drugs

With inflammation of only one ovary, the possibility of pregnancy persists, which is most likely with chronic left-sided oophoritis.
With bilateral damage to the appendages, the chance of fertilization is significantly reduced due to dysfunction of both organs. The simultaneous course of oophoritis and salpingitis, inflammation of the fallopian tubes, leading to their obstruction, negatively affects the possibility of pregnancy. Therefore, before planning a child, the disease should be completely eliminated or stable remission should be achieved.

During pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases, which is natural reaction organism at given state.
In the presence of chronic oophoritis, this often provokes its exacerbation. Therefore, during the period of bearing a baby, the patient must especially carefully monitor her own health, avoid colds hypothermia, use barrier methods of contraception or exclude sexual life. To control the disease, you should regularly visit a gynecologist for tests.

Exacerbation of chronic oophoritis during pregnancy is dangerous due to the excessive reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms that can penetrate the placental barrier to the child.

Unilateral chronic inflammation of the ovaries

This disease can occur in acute, subacute or chronic form.
In this case, only one ovary is affected - on the left or on the right. Localization of pain depends on the location of the inflamed organ. Chronic right-sided oophoritis most often develops when the appendage is infected through the lymphatic or circulatory system during gynecological procedures. Since the right ovary is considered dominant in most women, it is this type of disease that significantly reduces the likelihood of conception.

Chronic left-sided oophoritis is a consequence of an infectious lesion of the genital organs, a decrease in immunity, and hypothermia. Represents the least risk of violation reproductive function, since the left ovary is usually less active and smaller than the right organ.

Bilateral ovarian involvement

Occurs less frequently than unilateral oophoritis. It is manifested by pain, the degree of which depends on the phase of the disease. Most often develops after unprotected intercourse, hypothermia, decreased immunity, nervous tension. Chronic bilateral oophoritis is greatest risk infertility.

Simultaneous infection of the ovaries and uterine cavity - salpingo-oophoritis.

Possible Complications

Complications are determined by the severity of oophoritis, the frequency of its exacerbations and concomitant chronic diseases:

  • bowel disease;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • violation of the level of hormones;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • failure of the central nervous system;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • infertility as a result of obstruction of the fallopian tubes or hormonal failure.

All complications can be prevented with well-chosen treatment for chronic oophoritis.

Diagnostic studies

For an accurate diagnosis, the patient must undergo a series of examinations:

  • survey - reveals the symptoms of the disease, the presence of abortions, childbirth and medical interventions in history;
  • gynecological examination - determination of the state of the genital organs, the nature of the discharge;
  • a smear from the cervix and vaginal walls - reveals possible infectious lesions;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis - precise definition the size of the genital organs and a possible inflammatory process;
  • general blood and urine tests - indicators of the state of the body;

  • If it is difficult to make a diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional types research.

Oophoritis is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the ovary in the female body. Pathology affects absolutely all women, can be unilateral or bilateral and differs from the rest gynecological diseases high rates persistent infertility. The ovaries are glands of mixed secretion and are responsible for hormonal background female body and also for the formation of eggs. Bodies have good protection from infections and mechanical damage in the form of pelvic bones.

Therefore, the inflammatory process occurs in them when pathogens from the underlying organs of the reproductive system enter (most often, oophoritis occurs together with salpingitis, that is, inflammation of the fallopian tubes). The disease can be both specific and non-specific in nature. When the pathogen enters in the area of ​​the ovary, it is introduced into the gland from the outside. Then, during ovulation, when the mature follicle leaves the ovary, the infectious agent enters the organ, where it causes inflammation. Defense mechanisms preventing the appearance of the disease:

  • The microflora of the vagina;
  • The presence of mucus that blocks the lumen of the cervical canal;
  • Monthly renewal of the epithelium;
  • Peristalsis of the fallopian tubes (prevent the movement of particles to the ovaries).

Predisposing factors that may cause oophoritis on the right or left:

  1. Miscarriage;
  2. Surgical abortion;
  3. Curettage of both therapeutic and diagnostic nature;
  4. Invasive diagnostic interventions;
  5. Pathological delivery;
  6. Hormonal imbalance;
  7. Chronic inflammation in the body (especially in the organs genitourinary system);
  8. Oncology of the genital organs;
  9. Infectious process in nearby formations (peritoneum, intestines, appendix).

The causes leading to pathology are infectious agents. non-specific species diseases cause:

  • coli;
  • Proteus
  • Streptococcus;
  • Enterococcal pathogens;
  • Klebsiella.

A specific type of oophoritis is caused by:

  1. Chlamydia;
  2. Trichomonas;
  3. gonococci;
  4. Ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas;
  5. The causative agent of tuberculosis;
  6. Anaerobes.

Depending on the type of inflammatory process, the symptoms of oophoritis differ.

Acute inflammation

Signs of oophoritis appear suddenly. The disease begins with fever, and the temperature rises to febrile and is accompanied by chills and general malaise in the form of dizziness great weakness sometimes fainting. Then there is pain in the lower abdomen. If the oophoritis is bilateral, then the localization of pain sensations throughout inguinal region if unilateral - on the side of the lesion. The pain is cutting and gradually increases, and also intensifies when turning the torso. Irradiation is observed in the coccyx, perineum, lower back, anus. Additional features bilateral oophoritis (as well as unilateral):

  • Purulent discharge from the vagina;
  • stool disorders;
  • Oliguria;

subacute inflammation

Clinical picture less bright. There is no fever or there is a low-grade fever. Pain sensations are pulling, aching, and even with a one-sided process it is difficult to determine the localization. From additional symptoms secrete purulent and bloody issues, menstruation is also disturbed (in advanced cases stop completely). In addition, a woman may experience heavy bleeding.

Chronic oophoritis

The disease is considered chronic if its duration exceeds six months. The clinical picture of such a pathology is poorly expressed, however, during exacerbations, the intensity increases sharply. Pain in the lower abdomen chronic salpingitis and oophoritis are moderate, and the discharge is scanty, mucous in nature. The menstrual cycle in such women is disturbed, and infertility develops. It is because of the impossibility of getting pregnant such girls.

There is also a difference between the symptoms of bilateral oophoritis and pathology localized on one side. In addition to the localization of pain, which is either widespread or disturbs the patient from a certain side, there are other differences. A sign of right-sided oophoritis is. Left-sided oophoritis is characterized by diarrhea.

Diagnosis of oophoritis

The clinical picture of ovarian oophoritis is similar to sharp belly and some other diseases, therefore, requires diagnostic confirmation. Diagnostic methods that are used for suspected oophoritis include:

  1. Collection of anamnesis. The doctor must find out if the girl had a miscarriage, had she had an abortion, or had she been examined by a gynecologist. You should also clarify the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.
  2. Inspection. It is carried out to detect secretions. With the help of palpation technique, the gynecologist detects pain in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes and appendages, and can also establish the presence of adhesions.
  3. Bacterial seeding. To determine the type of pathogen, a smear is taken, after which sensitivity to antibiotics is additionally determined in order to prescribe effective drugs for the treatment of oophoritis.
  4. Serological studies, as well as polymerase chain reaction used in cases of suspected viral etiology diseases.
  5. Ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs is the most informative. It is possible to identify signs of an inflammatory process directly in the ovary, as well as to detect a purulent effusion.

Complications of oophoritis

With untimely determination of the symptoms of oophoritis and the appointment of treatment that does not correspond to the disease or type of pathogen, complications may develop. The main ones are:

  • Intestinal damage (due to proximity);
  • Infertility (hard to treat or irreversible);
  • Distribution of the process to the organs of the urinary system;
  • The development of an ectopic pregnancy, as well as painful menstruation;
  • The formation of adhesions;
  • The development of tumor processes in the reproductive system of a woman;
  • Hormonal imbalance due to loss of ovarian function.

In order for oophoritis not to end badly, at the first signs of pathology, you should consult a gynecologist. And in order for the inflammation not to reach the ovaries at all, you need to carefully monitor the state of the organs of the reproductive system and consult a doctor even at the stage of infection of the vagina.

How to treat oophoritis?

First of all, therapy for this disease should be aimed at eliminating the pathogen, that is, apply antibacterial agents. However, there is a difference between the treatment of the inflammatory process in the acute stage and chronic. Treatment of oophoritis in the acute stage:

  1. Diet. A woman during the fever stage should drink plenty of fluids. At the time of illness, fatty, smoked and overly spicy foods should be limited. Nutrition should be balanced and contain as many substances necessary for recovery as possible: vitamins, minerals, amino acids.
  2. Anesthesia. It is recommended to apply an ice pack to the affected area for a quarter of an hour with a frequency of an hour. AT severe cases painkillers are used.
  3. etiological therapy. The basis of treatment is getting rid of the pathogen. At bacterial infection women are prescribed antibiotics a wide range), with fungal - antifungal (Ketoconazole), with herpesvirus - antiviral (Acyclovir). The course of treatment can be from a week to three, depending on the severity of the process.
  4. Desensitization. It is carried out so that the disease does not become chronic, and also to avoid the development of autoimmune processes. Antihistamine medications are used.
  5. NSAIDs. To eliminate all signs of inflammation, a woman should take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They will also reduce pain and alleviate the general condition.
  6. Vitamin therapy. To increase the immune forces of the body and more effective fight with an infection appoint a course of vitamins.
  7. Resorption. To prevent the formation dangerous adhesions that will lead to infertility, you should take special drugs, for example, Lidaza.
  8. local therapy. Treatment involves the use of NSAIDs and antiseptics, which are applied with irrigation, tampons or ointments into the vagina.

Treatment of chronic right-sided (or bilateral) oophoritis also involves the fight against the pathogen, but Special attention given to physiotherapy procedures:

  • Massage;
  • Electrophoresis (administration of drugs);
  • UHF (warming up);
  • Plasmapheresis (blood purification);
  • Gymnastic exercises;
  • Trips to sanatoriums, resorts.

Also, a woman should regularly, as directed by a doctor, take a course of vitamin therapy, and if necessary, drink immunomodulators.

Treatment of oophoritis with folk remedies

In no case should oophoritis be treated using methods alternative medicine since it can even be life-threatening. If a woman wants to have children and recover without consequences, she should contact a qualified gynecologist. However, folk remedies can be used in addition to the main therapy. Apply:

  1. Inside, an infusion of herbs coltsfoot, sweet clover and centaury;
  2. Locally use an infusion containing oak bark, chamomile, sage and mallow;
  3. For medicinal baths take juniper.

All funds must be agreed with the attending physician and cannot replace a full-fledged drug treatment. With impeccable observance of all the doctor's prescriptions and early access to him, the disease can be cured quickly and without consequences.


Sex glands are paired organ, they are located in the pelvic area, perform a secretory and reproductive role. Inflammation of the ovaries on both sides is called bilateral oophoritis. The disease affects mainly young women leading a free lifestyle. Absence adequate therapy with oophoritis, it causes adhesions, and this is the main cause of female infertility.

Description of pathology

Inflammation of the ovaries rarely occurs in isolation. More often, the fallopian tubes are involved in the process, then the disease is called salpingo-oophoritis. Pathology is acute and chronic, and with aggressive inflammation can lead to purulent fusion of tissues.

The disease rarely begins as a bilateral process. Usually, the defeat of one ovary creates conditions for the spread of infection in the pelvis. Then pathological changes the other ovary is also exposed.

The inflammatory reaction causes a violation of the structure of the organ, as a result, the function of the sex glands also suffers - menstrual, endocrine, reproductive. Bilateral oophoritis is dangerous pathology which causes severe complications.

The reasons

The main cause is an infection that has penetrated from the fallopian tubes and vagina. The main causative agents of the disease are bacteria transmitted through sexual contact. These include:

In addition to sexually transmitted diseases, banal microorganisms - pathogenic cocci, E. coli can become the cause. The inflammatory process is transmitted to the sex glands from nearby sections - the intestines, Bladder. In addition to bacteria, 2-sided oophoritis is caused by viruses. There are 2 types of sexually transmitted viral agents - cytomegaloviruses and herpes infection.

The disease is the result of medical gynecological interventions. During childbirth, curettage of the uterus, an aggressive effect on the genitals occurs, which leads to their injuries and the development of local inflammation.

Predisposing factors are:

  • promiscuity;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • chronic stress;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • vaginal douching;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases.


The disease occurs in 2 forms:

  1. Acute bilateral oophoritis. Starts bright severe symptoms against the backdrop of high temperatures. Appears intense pain syndrome, copious discharge predominantly purulent nature uterine bleeding often occurs.
  2. Chronic bilateral oophoritis. It has similar symptoms that are less pronounced, but the disease is dangerous in terms of the development of complications.

Symptoms and signs

suspect acute process possible by the following signs:

  • Intense pain in both sides of the abdomen;
  • fever;
  • Pathological secretions of a mucous, bloody and purulent nature;
  • General symptoms of intoxication - chills, weakness, headache;
  • Violation of urination;
  • Frequent urge to defecate.

On examination, there is tension in the anterior abdominal muscles, so the disease resembles an acute surgical pathology. Appendicitis needs to be ruled out renal colic, peritonitis.

Signs of chronic oophoritis:

  • Weak, non-intense pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Menstrual irregularities - meager discharge, metrorrhagia;
  • Endocrine imbalance - a decrease in the synthesis of estrogens and progesterone;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Frigidity;
  • Infertility.

signs bilateral oophoritis in a chronic course, they are scarce. A woman is periodically disturbed by the weak drawing pains in the abdomen, which gain strength before menstruation. Sometimes the disease is detected during the examination of a woman who came to the reception about infertility.

Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth?

Having heard the diagnosis of "inflammation of the appendages", women begin to worry about their ability to conceive a child. Oophoritis and pregnancy are poorly combined with each other.

The disease is really dangerous in terms of the development of infertility, since inflammation of the appendages is accompanied by narrowing of the fallopian tubes. They become impassable for the egg. chronic process leads to growth fibrous tissue inside the sex glands, as a result, they stop producing eggs. The situation is aggravating hormonal disorders that can cause spontaneous abortion.

It is possible to plan the conception of a child only after a full recovery. If pregnancy occurs against the background of an untreated disease, it may end ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Since the infection persists in the body, the woman risks the health of the child.

Pathogenic microbes can penetrate the uterus and cause intrauterine infection fetus. Ways of infection of a child with chronic oophoritis:

  • Hematogenous - with viral infection when pathogens cross the placenta along with the blood;
  • Ascending - microorganisms reach the embryo, moving through the female genital tract;
  • Descending - with oophoritis pathogenic organisms pass through the fallopian tubes;
  • The child during childbirth is in direct contact with the pathogen, or infection occurs by swallowing amniotic fluid.

Courses prescribed by doctor antibacterial drugs, they should not be ignored. If there is no positive dynamics and the appendages are enlarged, surgical treatment is performed. This helps to keep reproductive function and avoid toxicity.


The doctor will suspect the disease for the following signs:

  • Soreness on both sides of the abdomen;
  • Pathological discharge from the vagina;
  • Swelling in the area of ​​inflamed ovaries;
  • Palpation of the ovaries causes pain.

To diagnose oophoritis, you will need additional research– Ultrasound of the pelvis using a vaginal probe. During the examination, enlarged ovaries are found, devoid of the characteristic bumpy surface due to inflammation. Often, obstruction of the tubes, proliferation of fibrous tissue inside the gonads, and inflammation of the body of the uterus are detected.

A complete picture of the disease will give a laparoscopic examination. During the manipulation, you can examine the state of the gonads and other organs, as well as carry out some medical operations.

Mandatory microbiological analysis mucus from the vagina and cervical canal. It helps to identify the causative agent of pathology to choose the necessary antibacterial medicines.

Treatment Methods

The acute form of oophoritis requires inpatient treatment. The woman is assigned complete rest, applying cold to the diseased area. A combination of antibiotics is necessarily used, they are used as early as possible - before the results of the tests are obtained.

Chronic bilateral oophoritis can be treated at home. Since the disease is fraught with serious complications, the woman is examined in detail and selected individual plan treatment.

The main groups of drugs:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - to eliminate pain and inflammation. Assign Diclofenac, Amethotex, Indomethacin.
  2. Metronidazole is widely used in gynecological practice for the treatment of bilateral oophoritis. The drug acts on both bacteria and protozoa, is administered orally or by injection.
  3. Painkillers are prescribed if necessary - Aspirin, Spasmalgon.
  4. Enzymatic preparations are used in chronic bilateral oophoritis for the prevention and treatment of adhesions - Longidase.
  5. Antibiotics to which microorganisms are sensitive - Amoxiclav, Tsiprolet, Doxycycline.
  6. Candles with anti-inflammatory action - Hexicon, Terzhinan.

Possible Complications

Effects acute inflammation appendages:

  • Diseases of the intestines and organs of urination;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Purulent fusion of one ovary;
  • Irregular or heavy periods;
  • development of peritonitis.

With chronic oophoritis:

  • Adhesions in the tubes that prevent the advancement of the egg, as a result - the development of infertility;
  • chronic pelvic pain;
  • Sactosalpinx is a purulent cyst of the uterine appendages. Severe complication requiring immediate surgical intervention.
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Bilateral oophoritis - infectious inflammatory disease ovaries. Oophoritis, along with adnexitis (inflammation of the uterine appendages), occupies a leading position among diseases of the female genital area. Women are at risk childbearing age from 15 to 40 years, less often this disease occurs in girls or older women. greatest danger represents a 2-sided oophoritis, since with untimely diagnosis and the lack of qualified medical care, it can cause secondary infertility.

There are many reasons, it can develop as an independent primary disease of the female genital area, and also be a consequence of other diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature. In this case, they speak of secondary oophoritis.

There are such causes of inflammation from two sides:

  1. Infections of the genitourinary system. The most common causative agents of 2-sided oophoritis are mycoplasmas, ureplasmas, chlamydia, gonorrhea, tuberculosis bacillus. Sometimes bilateral oophoritis can occur against the background of infection with staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, coli or fungi of the genus Candida. At risk are women who have many sexual partners, and also do not use barrier methods of contraception. Of course, there are known cases of infection not sexual, but household way(in swimming pools, saunas, other common areas), but they are extremely rare.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of other pelvic organs, urinary tract can also bilateral oophoritis. This is because pathogens spread through the blood and lymph outside the primary focus inflammation.
  3. Surgical interventions, including abortions, can cause infection of the abdominal region.
  4. A general decrease in immunity can provoke inflammation in the ovaries. The point is that the body healthy person live pathogenic microorganisms, but their number is so small (controlled by immune system) that they are not capable of causing harm to the body. With a decrease in immune barriers, pathogenic microflora begins to actively multiply and causes inflammatory processes. This reason explains chronic oophoritis, which is aggravated precisely with a decrease in immunity.
  5. Intrauterine contraception (spiral) indirectly affects the occurrence of bilateral oophoritis. When it is installed or removed, pathogenic bacteria. The focus of inflammation occurs directly in the uterus, from it it spreads to the appendages, and from the appendages it passes to the ovaries. That is why oophoritis caused by this cause is often accompanied.
  6. Non-compliance with hygiene also affects the occurrence of the inflammatory process. In this case, we can talk about infection with staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus, Escherichia coli.

Forms and symptoms

Bilateral oophoritis can take the form of an acute, subacute or chronic disease.

In an acute course, there are severe pains in the lower abdomen on both sides (since two ovaries are inflamed), they have a pulling or aching character. Sometimes patients complain of a painful indication in the ovarian region. Body temperature can reach high levels, up to 38 degrees. Unhealthy discharge from the genital tract appears. Depending on the pathogen, their color varies from milky to yellow or greenish. An unpleasant odor may be present. When infected with candida fungi, excretion white color and curdled consistency, patients complain of severe itching into the vagina.

An increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees is one of the symptoms of bilateral oophoritis

In case of incorrect or untimely treatment acute 2-sided oophoritis, it becomes chronic. Symptoms will vary from acute course diseases. Here, the main signs of bilateral oophoritis will be aching pains in the lower abdomen of medium or low intensity, there is usually no rise in temperature. Patients complain of depression emotional condition, excessive irritability and feeling tired. During sexual intercourse, pain may occur. Allocations are also present even at the beginning of the cycle. chronic course diseases can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle, as well as change the nature of menstruation (more abundant discharge than usual, or vice versa - very scarce).

The subacute form is rare and combines signs of acute and chronic oophoritis. Occurs suddenly, the temperature may rise and appear sharp pain in the ovaries, but the next day the intensity of the manifestations is so small that the patients do not go to the doctor. This is the insidiousness and danger of the subacute form of oophoritis - it often turns into a chronic one, the treatment of which is rather complicated and lengthy.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of 2-sided inflammation of the appendages includes several stages.

To begin with, the gynecologist collects the patient's history, finds out the presence of chronic diseases, whether there have been abortions in the past, and analyzes the symptoms. Then proceeds to examination in the gynecological chair. Experienced doctor already at this stage, it can determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the ovaries - the appendages are enlarged in size, and the patient feels pain during palpation. However, in order to avoid an erroneous diagnosis, as well as to exclude other diseases, additional laboratory and hardware diagnostic measures are taken.

Samples are taken to determine pathogenic microflora, as well as blood from a vein and a finger. After the pathogen is identified, the doctor determines how to treat oophoritis.

Additionally, it can be produced ultrasound procedure on the subject of whether there are any formations (cysts) on the ovaries, which can also cause inflammation. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor determines what treatment to this case will be appropriate.


To cure bilateral oophoritis, you need to carry out a set of measures:

Since inflammation of both ovaries often causes infertility, oophoritis should be treated on time and not wait for complications.

Prevention of 2-sided oophoritis

After the main treatment is performed, patients need to follow simple preventive measures to avoid recurrence of the disease.

  1. Usage barrier methods contraception (condom) and prevention of promiscuity.
    Timely application for medical care to prevent complications and the transition of the disease into a chronic form.
    3. A complex approach to treatment, compliance with all recommendations of the doctor.
    4. Prevention of hypothermia in the autumn-winter period.
    5. Strengthening immunity with the help of special preparations, vitamin complexes, as well as proper nutrition and daily routine.

The above methods will significantly increase the chances of a complete recovery and help to avoid possible infertility.

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