When can I walk after a caesarean section. Recovery after caesarean section: useful tips and tricks. Starting sports after surgery

Caesarean section is used in cases of impossibility of independent childbirth due to different reasons. After caesarean section, as well as after other operations, some prohibitions and recommendations are assumed in the recovery period. What can not be done after a cesarean and what can be done in the postoperative period should be known to every woman preparing for surgery.

The first day of the postoperative period

After a caesarean section, the woman is in the ward intensive care. At this time, the woman in labor receives intensive rehabilitation therapy. Depending on the condition of the woman, she may be prescribed drugs to restore the lost blood, antibacterial drugs and drugs that restore bowel function.

On the first day after the operation, you can not eat. You can drink water from lemon juice. It is also not recommended to sit down on the first day. All nutrients in the first 24 hours after a caesarean section, a woman receives intravenously in the form of droppers.

Second postoperative day

If the operation went without complications and the condition of the woman in labor is stable, the young mother is transferred to the postpartum therapy ward on the second day. Every woman who has undergone surgery is counseled about therapeutic methods postoperative treatment. Seams after caesarean section are treated 2 times a day.

Continues antibiotic therapy. Prohibitions at this time become less strict. The ban on solid food. Mom can already eat broths, natural yogurt, boiled meat, chopped in a blender. You can also drink tea, compotes and fruit drinks. Food should be limited. You need to eat small portions 5 - 6 times a day.

Starting from the second day, you must begin to move independently. However, getting out of bed abruptly is not recommended. You need to get up carefully, turning on your side and lowering your legs to the floor. In the early days it will be hard, but physical activity after surgery is very important for the speedy recovery of all body functions.

Is it possible to twist the hoop after a caesarean?

In addition, starting from the second day after the operation, it is necessary to apply the newborn to the breast as often as possible. You need to lift the child carefully, without straining the abdominal muscles. This will help to establish lactation and contribute to the rapid contraction of the uterus.

Third postoperative day

On the third day after caesarean section, the ban on solid food remains. You can gradually include in the diet of cereals, low-fat cottage cheese, fat-free kefir, steam cutlets, vegetable or fruit puree. There is a ban on overeating. You need to eat often, but in small doses.

You still can’t get out of bed abruptly and strain your muscles abdominals. Until the postoperative suture is tightened with a scar, you can not take a shower. The first careful bathing can be carried out no earlier than the 7th day after the operation. In this case, you can not rub the seam with a washcloth. You can lightly lather it with soap and rinse warm water. It is important to thoroughly blot the seam after bathing with a soft towel. Make sure the seam is dry. On the recommendation of doctors, if necessary, the seam must be processed antiseptic solutions.

Seams in the postoperative period

Depending on the suture material that was used during the operation, the sutures may or may not be absorbable. Today, in most cases, surgeons use suture materials that do not need to be removed after surgery.

Threads dissolve within 2 months after surgical intervention or remain in the patient's body and do not require removal. At proper care and following all the recommendations, the suture is quickly tightened and becomes almost invisible after 3-6 months after the intervention.

In order to avoid problems with the seams, you can not remove the bandage yourself. It is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of doctors and follow the instructions of specialists. At normal condition stitches, the woman is discharged home on the 7th - 10th day after the caesarean section.

The appearance of hemorrhoids after cesarean is a myth or reality and how dangerous it is

Home restoration

Despite the fact that the woman returned home, she must strictly follow the recommendations of the doctors in the first weeks after the operation. You can not abruptly raise the child, it is better if you feed him. No need to do hard work and overwork.

Doctors do not recommend lifting weights and insist that the only thing a woman can lift in the postoperative period can be a newborn baby. The rest of the housework associated with lifting weights must be entrusted to family and friends.

The diet is gradually returning to the dishes familiar to women. However, the ban on sweet, fried, fatty remains. Also throughout postoperative period it is forbidden to eat legumes, cabbage, citrus fruits, sausages, canned food and bakery products.

Later, when the woman has fully recovered from the operation, these products can be introduced into the diet, carefully observing the reaction of the newborn. If the child responds allergic reactions or indigestion, the prohibition on certain foods may persist throughout the duration of breastfeeding.

Intimate life in the postoperative period

Depending on the condition of the woman, the ban on sexual activity can vary from 1.5 to 2 months after a cesarean section. This issue should be decided by the attending physician, based on the examination and the dynamics of recovery in the postoperative period.

If complications occur, such as infection of the suture, inflammation of the uterus, endometriosis, etc., a ban on intimate relationship may be extended until complete recovery. Anyway, intimate life can be resumed only after the cessation of discharge and complete healing of the sutures.

Sports in the postoperative period

Many women are interested in the question of when it is possible to start physical exercises to restore the figure. If women who have given birth on their own can start playing sports immediately after being discharged from the hospital, then with women who have undergone a caesarean section, everything is completely different.

What you need to know about the features of the recovery period after cesarean?

After the operation, it is necessary to withstand at least 1.5 months before starting physical exercises. You need to start classes with minimum loads gradually increasing the number and pace of exercises.

You can do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the press only after the permission of the attending physician.

Before that, you can do light gymnastics, which is aimed at raising vitality and moods.

A caesarean section is an operation performed under general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia. This is done for artificial delivery. Abdominal surgery violates the integrity of the peritoneum, which in some cases leads to serious complications. To achieve quick recovery after caesarean section, you must comply correct recommendations.

First time after surgery

Immediately after the caesarean section, the woman in labor is placed in the intensive care unit. An ice pack is placed on the abdomen. It is necessary for the rapid contraction of the uterus and stop bleeding. The woman in labor is constantly monitored, painkillers are prescribed. In case of large blood loss, a woman is given a dropper with saline.

Nurses check pulse, blood pressure and body temperature. Dressing is done twice a day surgical sutures and the consistency of the vaginal discharge is checked.

Breastfeeding helps the body recover quickly after a caesarean section. In this case, the uterus contracts faster.

After 24 hours, the woman in labor is transferred to the recovery room. Pain medication continues. Women are prohibited from using solid food, which overloads the intestines. Specialists in some cases prescribe drugs that restore the activity of the digestive tract.

On the second day, the woman begins to get up and walk. The postoperative suture is processed daily. It must remain dry. On the 5th day, the woman undergoes an ultrasound scan, and on the 6th, her stitches are removed.

The Importance of Movement

Initially, the woman in labor will feel weak, so she will not be able to move. 6 hours after the operation, the woman is advised to roll over from side to side, slightly pulling her legs up to her stomach.

If anesthesia was used during the operation, then the woman in labor needs to cough to get rid of the mucus formed in the lungs. You shouldn't be afraid to do it. The seams must be reinforced with a pillow, hands or sheets. Should do deep breath filling the lungs with air. Then exhale completely, gently into yourself. It should not be inflated. A sound similar to a dog's "woof" is made. You need to do these exercises several times a day.

Simple movements can be done right in bed. This can be rotation of the feet, hands, flexion and extension of the legs at the knees.

Getting up and walking is best on short distances and under medical supervision. Sitting down and getting up is allowed after the woman puts on a bandage or wraps a sheet around her stomach.

Postoperative period

After a caesarean section, a wound remains on the uterus and peritoneum. The seam may cause pain within 3-4 weeks. This is considered normal reaction body for surgery. May be prescribed to relieve pain nonsteroidal drugs that are associated with lactation.

According to reviews, recovery after a caesarean section includes constant monitoring of the suture. In the first week, an ichor is released from it. it normal process wound healing. Along with this, there is constant desire scratch the seam. Doing so is prohibited. If in the incision area a woman finds purulent discharge, and the stomach bakes, then she needs to inform the medical staff about this.

Restoration of the abdomen after a cesarean section, the photo is presented in the article, includes procedures for healing the suture. A scar on it usually bothers a woman for a year. Around him there may be fuzzy contours solid seals. If there is no suppuration and pain, then the woman should not worry. Over time, the scar will soften and the surface will smooth out.

A year after giving birth, you can use special creams that dissolve the stitches.

What is forbidden to do

After the operation, a woman should not lead the same lifestyle as during childbirth. naturally. There are certain restrictions.

If water gets on a non-healed seam, then the woman in labor should not panic. After a shower, treat it with brilliant green and put a gauze bandage on top. This will dry the seam and will not lead to complications. You don't need to do this all the time.

Some experts recommend wearing a bandage for recovery after a caesarean section. And others - to replace it with slimming underwear.

Postpone exercise for a while. After all, training can lead to divergence of seams and internal bleeding. Loads should be moderate even after it has healed.

Women are not allowed to lift weights. The child may only be held in sitting position.

Nutrition of the woman in labor

A woman after a caesarean section should definitely monitor her diet. There should be no food on the menu constipating, increased gas formation and allergies.

You need to eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day, a serving should be 100 g. These can be vegetable puree and broths, boiled lean meat and fish, cereals on the water (with the exception of rice). After the operation it is necessary to use dairy products. They accelerate the recovery of the digestive tract. As a drink, you can use a rosehip broth with a minimum of sugar and water.

Restoration of the figure after cesarean section will help correct menu. A specialist in the maternity hospital, at the request of the woman in labor, can provide a list of allowed products. In this case, it is faster to make a menu. BUT proper diet mother will be a pledge wellness newborn. This will protect him from colic and gas.

Physical exercises

Women after pregnancy lose muscle tone, so they need training. However, the birth of a child through surgery imposes some restrictions on recovery. physical form. Only on the 3rd month, women in labor are allowed to start a light workout. Exercises for recovery after caesarean section:

  • walking in place;
  • slow tilts to the sides;
  • wave your hands;
  • warming up the joints in a circular motion.

After 6 months, more complex exercises are started. Women can choose Pilates, dancing or swimming.

Recovery of the abdomen after a caesarean section is a long process. After all, a woman at this time is allowed to do a minimum of exercise.

Menstruation after surgery

Doctors say that recovery after a caesarean section menstrual cycle depends on individual characteristics organism. It has nothing to do with the type of delivery. In the first days, lochia flows from the vagina, which then turn into a slight discharge of blood. They stop after 3-4 weeks, which is completely independent of the type of childbirth (naturally or with the help of surgery).

When a woman feeds a newborn with breast milk, then menstruation occurs after the cessation of lactation. This happens when the process is active. In this case, prolactin is actively produced in the body of a nursing woman, which slows down the process of ovulation. If she supplements the baby with a mixture, then the level of the hormone decreases. In such cases, the menstrual cycle is restored after 5-6 weeks.

Recovery of the uterus

Immediately after the onset of pregnancy, the organ begins to grow and reaches a size 500 times larger than originally. After a caesarean section, the recovery of the uterus takes time, as there is a significant incision on it. The contraction of the organ is stretched for 2 months, especially if there are complications during the operation. The woman is assigned medicines that contract the uterus. She needs to be observed by a gynecologist who will control the healing process of the suture on abdominal cavity and a scar on the organ. Indeed, during the operation, the uterus was dissected. She represents wound surface, that's why sex life delayed for 1.5-2 months until complete healing.


General anesthesia adversely affects the lactation process. Women in childbirth have to put in a lot of effort to achieve breastfeeding:

  1. Use the help and experience of medical staff in the maternity hospital.
  2. Breastfeed the newborn more often.
  3. Refuse to supplement breastfeeding with mixtures.
  4. Feed your baby on demand.
  5. Use drugs to stimulate lactation.

It is breastfeeding that will help restore the body after a cesarean section. A woman needs to forget about her pain and affectionately communicate with her child. His sucking movements will stimulate the production of prolactin and milk will appear.

Breastfeeding should be perceived as helping a woman to recover quickly after childbirth.

Prevention of possible complications

During the operation and after the deterioration of the state of health is possible. It includes:

  • Blood loss. If it is 0.5 liters, then this is considered the norm. If the blood loss is more than this amount, then it is considered serious. A woman is prescribed droppers.
  • Adhesion processes. They are formed during any operation on connective tissue. Spikes are necessary to protect against purulent processes. At large quantities they make it hard to work internal organs. In order to avoid pathology after the operation, it is necessary to undergo a course of physiotherapy. The prevention of adhesions includes the process of pacing after a caesarean section.
  • Endometritis. It occurs when it hits pathogenic microflora into the uterus. In order to prevent the operation, the specialist prescribes a course of antibiotics after the operation.
  • Inflammation or rupture of the seams. This is usually due to the misbehavior of the mother in labor. The cut needs correct handling and care. On the 2-3rd day after the operation, it is not recommended to lift weights.

A woman after surgery should carefully monitor all changes and quickly respond to them.

Psychological aspects of the operation

Women who have given birth to babies as a result of a caesarean section are sometimes upset, believing that nature has cheated them and denied contractions and attempts. However, as a result of the operation, they learned several lessons that need to be learned:

  1. Any woman is not omnipotent, so processes are taking place in the world that are independent of her.
  2. Nobody is perfect, and there is nothing wrong with that.
  3. As a result of the operation, a child was born, whom everyone was looking forward to. So the woman got positive result but not quite the way I wanted.

Recovery after a caesarean section is a lengthy process, taking several months. A woman needs to set herself up for difficulties after childbirth. You need to think about the baby and his breastfeeding.

According to statistics, today every fifth woman preparing for motherhood gives birth by caesarean section. At the same time, there has been a steady growth operative delivery both in Russia and abroad. C-section - abdominal operation under anesthesia. With this method of delivery, the baby completely bypasses birth canal and is removed from the mother's body through an incision in the lower abdomen. Like any other surgical intervention, caesarean section entails a long and painful rehabilitation.

Recovery of the body after caesarean section

The first day of a woman in labor passes under the constant supervision of medical staff in the intensive care unit (ICU). To prevent complications, a number of measures are taken:

  • taking the main indicators of the mother's condition (measurement of temperature, blood pressure, pulse),
  • correction of blood loss using medication and other methods (drugs that increase the tone of the uterus, blood transfusion, blood substitutes),
  • prescription of antibiotics a wide range actions,
  • pain relief with drugs combined with breastfeeding,
  • urinary catheter control,
  • restoration of peristalsis of the mother's intestines,
  • care of the postoperative suture (treatment with antiseptic solutions, change of dressings),
  • general monitoring of the condition, well-being of the mother and assistance to her.

On the second day, in the absence of problems and complications, the mother and child are transferred to the postpartum department. Now the activity of the newly-minted mother is increasing, all the care of the baby falls on her shoulders.

Consider the limitations and difficulties faced by women who gave birth by caesarean section.

When can I get up, start walking and sitting

You can try to get out of bed 6-8 hours after giving birth. The first ascent must be carried out under the supervision of medical staff or relatives. Getting up early is the prevention of bowel problems.

It is necessary to rise very carefully, without haste, so as not to provoke dizziness. At first, it is better to sit a little, dangling your legs from the bed. Then try to stand up for a while, leaning on the bed with one hand. It is better to hold the seams with the other hand, this will reduce pain.

With each subsequent rise, it is necessary to increase the time spent on your feet and try to take steps. In the absence of complications on the second day, women in labor should move independently to provide care for their children. good helper for mom will be postoperative bandage. It must be purchased in advance at the pharmacy and brought with you to the hospital. The main thing is not to abuse the wearing of a bandage, use it for no longer than three hours in a row and only in a standing position and when walking.

The best remedy for recuperation of the mother after a caesarean section is good sleep. Therefore, you need to rest as much as possible, lying in bed. The first two days are accompanied by severe pain in the incision area, so it is better to refuse prolonged sitting, for example, while eating. It is possible to fully sit after the operation only 3-4 days after childbirth.

What weight can be lifted

In this matter, a lot depends on how the birth went, how the mother feels. Doctors recommend that women lift no more than two kilograms in the first months after surgery. But the harsh realities are such that a young mother has to take care of her baby almost for days, so such restrictions are simply impossible. If the mother’s condition allows her to carry the child painlessly and without difficulty, then let the baby be the only burden for the mother for the next couple of months.

In this case, allowable weight for lifting after caesarean section - 3-5 kg ​​for 2-3 months.

Permissible severity after cesarean - baby's weight

When can you lie on your stomach and on your side

The opinions of doctors differ on this issue. Some believe that lying on the stomach helps the uterus contract faster, and this is true. That's just for women in labor with painful stitch on the stomach, this can be extremely problematic. Therefore, it is advised to try to lie on your stomach no earlier than 2 days after childbirth. This should be done very carefully. In case of the slightest pain, it is better to stop these attempts for a while, but do not quit.

Almost immediately after the operation, you can and should lie on your side and turn from one to the other. This will help restore intestinal motility and reduce the risk of adhesions.

After childbirth, it will be advisable to perform simple workouts in the absence of general contraindications:

  • perform head rotations
  • gently bend and unbend the legs,
  • commit circular motions hands,
  • rotate the feet and hands,
  • tense and relax the buttocks to strengthen them,
  • use the Kegel method (from 3 days after birth).

Table: list of exercises allowed in the early postoperative period

Starting position (I.P.) Exercise progress Note
1. Lying on your back, arms at your sides
  1. Raise our hands up
  2. We spread our arms to the sides - inhale,
  3. I.P. - exhale
Breathe deeply
2. Lying on your back, arms at your sides
  1. We bend our arms at the elbows - inhale,
  2. Unbend your arms - exhale
Breathing uniform
3. Lying on your back, arms at your sides
  1. We bend the hands and feet - inhale,
  2. We unbend the hands and feet - exhale
  • Breathing is even
  • The pace is moderately fast
4. Lying on your back, arms at your sides
  1. We bend our legs at the knees - inhale,
  2. Legs unbend - exhale
Breathing uniform
5. Lying on your back, hands behind your head
  1. Raise your head, inhale
  2. I.P. - exhale
  • When lifting the head, the elbows are spread apart,
  • Don't bend your knees
  • fix feet

When can I take a shower and a bath

If you perform such simple gymnastics from the first day, you can avoid many complications and health problems. Rather, the uterus will shrink and the intestines will begin to work, the former shapes and sizes will return faster.

It is absolutely impossible to wet the seam before healing. You can limit yourself to rubbing and washing. You can take a shower no earlier than a week after giving birth. You can not rub your stomach with a washcloth for two weeks.

O hot tub you will have to forget for at least 6-10 weeks until the lochia runs out ( bloody issues from the uterus after childbirth).

Failure to comply with restrictions water procedures is fraught with:

  • dehydration of the tissues of the scar on the abdomen,
  • slowing down the healing process of sutures,
  • suppuration
  • increased blood circulation and, as a result, intense bloody discharge,
  • inflammation of the uterus due to the penetration of bacteria and germs from tap water.
  • thoroughly wash the bath with safe proven products,
  • observe temperature regime(not higher than 40–42 degrees),
  • use high quality natural soap,
  • exclude aroma oils, foam and salt,
  • periodically take a bath with decoctions of herbs (chamomile),
  • start with 5 minutes and each time increase the time spent in hot water.

How to breastfeed

For a child on the first day of life, it is imperative to receive colostrum in order to start digestive system and adapt to an existence outside of the mother. Nurses should suggest feeding positions for women that are comfortable for both them and their babies. In the early days, feeding is possible only in the supine position.

  • lie on your side
  • put a pillow under your knees to keep it from sliding down the bed,
  • with a second pillow, protect your stomach from the push of the child,
  • hold the baby's head
  • make sure that the baby's head and body are in the same plane.

In the future, you can feed sitting. Use a pillow to lift your baby up to chest height and protect your inseam.

The position for feeding "In the cradle" is very convenient after a caesarean section.

It is imperative to avoid postures in which pressure is placed on the painful abdomen. It is very convenient to use the poses "In the cradle" and "From under the arm."

The “Underhand” position for feeding will help not strain the mother’s stomach

When can you get pregnant again

Any childbirth is a huge stress for a woman's body. Therefore, before again subjecting it to such tests, it is necessary to wait at least 2-3 years. Everything is individual. But only experienced doctor obstetrician-gynecologist after complete examination maternal health, can "give the go-ahead" to repeated pregnancy and childbirth.

You can get pregnant after a caesarean section as quickly as after natural childbirth Therefore, you need to think about the method of contraception before resuming sexual activity.

Read more about pregnancy after cesarean in the article -.

Each woman will be able to choose the method of contraception that suits her.
  • intrauterine device (IUD) - allowed from 7 weeks after surgery in the absence of contraindications,
  • barrier contraceptives (condoms, caps, diaphragms) - acceptable after the cessation of lochia,
  • spermicides (in the form of suppositories, tablets, creams) - chemicals destroying spermatozoa
  • injectable contraceptives (combined and containing only progestogens) - recommended from the moment the menstrual cycle resumes,
  • voluntary surgical sterilization.

Be responsible for contraception after a caesarean section. After all, a pregnancy that occurs before two years after the operation is very dangerous for the health and life of a woman.

Recovery after caesarean section with spinal anesthesia

A caesarean section is always performed under general or local anesthesia.

For anesthesia in recent times Increasingly, epidural or spinal anesthesia, in which the mother is conscious, is being chosen. This allows the mother to see the birth of the child with her own eyes, hear his first cry and almost immediately try to attach him to the breast.

For caesarean section spinal anesthesia a woman in labor can immediately see her baby and even hold him

The advantages of spinal anesthesia are:

  • efficiency (100% pain relief),
  • no risk to the child (with a correctly calculated and administered dose),
  • non-toxic effect on the mother's body,
  • ease of carrying out
  • minimal complications after surgery.

But always possible individual reactions for drugs. So, many women who have gone through childbirth with spinal anesthesia note the following symptoms:

  • severe dizziness and headaches,
  • drop in blood pressure,
  • loss of feeling in the legs,
  • yeast attacks,
  • sore pain in the back, in the injection area,
  • shortness of breath and difficulty breathing,
  • vomit,
  • numbness.

If a woman after spinal anesthesia observes such symptoms in herself, doctors recommend that on the first day bed rest without getting out of bed.

Recovery will go faster and it is more successful if a young mother, even lying in bed, will do:

  • turns from side to side,
  • simple exercises for arms and legs,
  • breathing exercises.

Restoration of the monthly cycle after caesarean section

For 6-10 weeks after the birth of a child, a young mother has lochia, they have nothing to do with menstruation.

In the matter of restoring the menstrual cycle, childbirth by caesarean section is no different from natural. The arrival of menstruation is influenced by completely different factors:

  • age, health and lifestyle of women,
  • the course of pregnancy, its features and problems,
  • breast-feeding.

Lactation can be called the driving force for the restoration of menstruation. It depends on the duration of breastfeeding and its frequency, how soon the cycle will resume.

In women who are breastfeeding, menstruation comes 6-12 months after childbirth.

If the feeding is artificial, then the restoration of the cycle can be expected in 2-3 months.

The recovery of the menstrual cycle after childbirth in all women is different

It is imperative to consult a gynecologist if there is no menstruation more than a year after the birth of the child, in order to exclude inflammatory process and other problems.

Restoration of the figure after caesarean section

Every young woman dreams of finding beautiful figure after the birth of a child. It will be easier to return the former forms after childbirth if you follow a number of recommendations:

  • getting up early after surgery
  • physical activity during the day
  • full sleep (possible only with the help of relatives),
  • proper nutrition,
  • playing sports (within the allowed time).

Nutrition Features

In the maternity hospital, the medical staff is responsible for the food of the woman in labor, so it will not be so difficult to follow a diet. It is very important to maintain proper nutrition at home. This will be useful not only for the figure of a young mother, but also for the health of her baby if the child is breastfed.

To bounce back after the operation and provide the baby with milk, the mother must:

  • eat balanced,
  • use only high-quality natural products,
  • exclude carbonated drinks and fast food,
  • drink enough water.

Any diet aimed at losing weight is contraindicated for lactating women.

Table: an approximate daily set of products for a nursing mother

Product name Quantity unit of measurement Note
Milk200 ml
  • Without additives,
  • In the absence of allergies,
  • Any fat content
Kefir (ryazhenka, curdled milk)300 ml
  • Without additives,
  • In the absence of allergies
Curd (yogurt)80 G
  • With the addition of dried fruits, nuts
  • In the absence of allergies
Cheese10–20 G
  • Any non-sharp varieties,
  • In the absence of allergies
Oil20 G
  • creamy,
  • vegetable
Cereals (including pasta)60 G
  • Buckwheat,
  • rice,
  • barley
  • barley,
  • corn,
  • wheat,
  • Manna and others.
Meat (chicken, turkey,
pork, beef, etc.)
150–200 G
  • boiled,
  • stew,
  • baked,
  • For a couple
Potato150–200 G
  • Boiled,
  • in uniform,
  • Baked,
  • In the soup
Vegetables and greens500 G
  • Preferably fresh,
  • frozen,
  • It is recommended to alternate
  • In winter, replace with canned and fresh-frozen
Fruits and berries300 G
  • Fresh in season
  • In winter, replace with fresh-frozen and canned
Juices, compotes, kissels200 ml
  • natural,
  • Preferably without sugar

Table: Dr. Horvath's diet

The woman who chose artificial feeding, for weight loss, you can offer the diet of Dr. Horvath. The advantage of this diet is the gradual reduction extra pounds, which means a lasting effect.

diet dayFirst breakfastLunchDinnerafternoon teaDinner
  • 1 egg (boiled or soft-boiled)
  • drink (without sugar or with sweetener),
  • 1 cracker
1 small apple
  • 150 g lean meat,
  • 100 g boiled sweet potato (with salt, but without oil),
  • 200 g vegetable salad,
  • sugar free drink,
  • sugar free drink,
  • 100 g fruit
  • 120 g lean meat,
  • 1 egg
  • 100 g vegetables,
  • 10 g butter,
  • A glass of juice
  • Tea with sweetener
  • 1 cracker
Coffee with milk (100 ml) with sweetener
  • 150 g fish fillet, steamed or baked,
  • 150 g green spinach,
  • 30 g lean ham
  • 20 g crackers,
  • Drink with sweetener
small citrus
  • 350 g vegetable stew with meat,
A glass of tomato juice
  • 100 g boiled potatoes,
  • 50 g cottage cheese
  • 50 g cheese
  • 30 g black bread,
  • Drink with sweetener
small citrus
  • 150 g boiled poultry meat,
  • 100 g potatoes (boiled, baked),
  • 150 g cucumber salad
big apple
  • Omelet from 2 eggs,
  • 30 g ham,
  • 150 g of tomato salad,
  • A glass of juice
  • 100 g cottage cheese or yogurt,
  • 30g bread
  • Drink with sweetener
100 g berries or fruits
  • 150 g boiled meat,
  • 100 g potato salad,
  • Compote
A glass of kefir
  • 200 g vegetable salad,
  • Juice or mineral water
  • big apple,
  • Sugar free drink
Salad of 2 carrots with vegetable oil
  • 100 g boiled lean meat,
  • 150 g cabbage salad
50 g radish
  • 100 stewed mushrooms,
  • 1 egg
  • medium fresh cucumber
  • 50 g cottage cheese or yogurt,
  • 20 g crackers,
  • Drink with sweetener
A glass of milk or kefir
  • 150 g fried meat,
  • 100 g sweet potato,
  • 100 g fresh vegetables
  • Coffee with milk,
  • 200 g stewed vegetables
  • a glass of kefir,
  • Pair of cookies

Physical activity in the first two months

The first time after childbirth is the best physical activity, along with baby care, is walking. It doesn't matter where exactly to walk - at home around the apartment or in the park with a stroller. The main thing is to do it systematically and with pleasure. Do not be afraid that the seams will open. Help prevent this postpartum bandage, which reduces the load on the painful suture.

It is better to shift some of the housework to relatives, for example, washing floors, hand washing something large. Avoid heavy lifting (except for a child) and stress on the scar.

Sports activities from the third month

After a caesarean section, you need to take care of your stomach. You can download the press no earlier than six weeks after giving birth and with the permission of the attending physician. He will examine your seam and recommend loads.

To restore the abdominal press, you should start with the simplest exercises.

Table: a set of exercises from the third month after cesarean section

Starting position (I.P.) Exercise progress Note
  • Lying on the floor
  • Legs bent at the knees
  • Feet on the floor
  • knees apart,
  • Hands rest on stomach with palms down
  1. Inhale through the nose
  2. As you exhale, lift your head and shoulders off the floor,
  3. Squeeze sides with palms
  4. Hold on for a few seconds
  5. Accept I.P. and relax
Repeat 5 times
  • Lying on the floor
  • Hands on stomach, palms down
  1. slow breath,
  2. sharp exhalation,
  3. Draw in the stomach as far as possible
  4. linger for 5 seconds
  5. To relax
Repeat 5-10 times depending on how you feel
  • Lying on the floor
  • Back pressed to the floor
  • Hands spread apart
Leg movements that mimic cycling
  • Movements are smooth
  • breathing is even
  • Lying on the floor
  • hands behind head
  1. Inhale through the nose
  2. As you exhale, raise your head, shoulders and body,
  3. Accept I.P.
  • Start with 5 reps
  • Increase with every workout

For young mothers with a scar on the uterus, Pilates and aqua aerobics classes will be useful, where the load on the stomach and abdominal muscles is minimized.

Pilates classes will beneficial effect for the recovery of a woman after a caesarean section

Six months after giving birth, you can start more active training aimed at reducing the abdomen.

Video: a simple way to remove the stomach after a cesarean section

Care after caesarean section

As a result of an operation on a woman's stomach on long time a scar remains, which must be carefully looked after in order to avoid suppuration of the tissues. Take a shower every day a week after the operation, but do not rub the incision with a washcloth. After that, treat it as your doctor indicated in the extract.

Ointments (Kontraktubeks, Solcoseryl) will help to remove an ugly scar.

Video: postoperative suture hygiene

Recover after caesarean section short time It's entirely possible if you take it seriously. First of all, you should listen to the advice of the attending physicians, observe the restrictions of the postoperative period, load the body gradually, without overworking it. Physical activity in combination with healthy eating quickly restore the health and figure of a woman to its previous state.

Immediately after the operation, you will be transferred to a special unit where you will be cared for by experienced nurses. If a the operation will take place without any features and you will feel good, then after a few hours your child will be brought to you. You can try breastfeeding: Breastfeeding in the first hours after birth is helpful if you plan to breastfeed. Many new mothers find that side-lying breastfeeding is most comfortable after a caesarean section. Ask the staff to help you with this and feel free to ask for advice.

Bleeding from the vagina can be strong enough that you will need special pads for new mothers. More or less pronounced spotting can be observed in the first few weeks after childbirth - no matter if they were natural or by caesarean section.

Experts recommend get out of bed already on the first day after the operation. At first, it will be sufficient to slowly walk to the toilet and back. Walking speeds up the recovery process after surgery, and also prevents the formation of blood clots and stimulates the bowels.

The day after surgery, doctors usually allow take a shower. You don't have to touch the seams, but you don't have to worry if they get wet. After a shower, the seams can be blotted with a soft towel or even dried with a hair dryer on cold air. You will be able to take a bath not earlier than 7-10 days after the operation, when the wound has healed.

Pain after surgery a cesarean section can be quite severe, and in order for a young mother to devote herself to a newborn, she should take pain medication. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor, bearing in mind that not all medications are compatible with breastfeeding.

seams applied to the skin may need to be removed on the eve of discharge from the hospital. If you have had self-absorbable sutures, they do not need to be removed.

Many mothers are interested in what day after cesarean being discharged from the hospital. The answer to this question depends on the reasons for which the caesarean section was performed, as well as on how the operation went, and how the young mother and newborn feel. After a planned caesarean section, which passed without any features and complications, they are usually discharged on the 6th-7th day (in some countries on the 3rd-4th day).

What happens after discharge from the hospital: answers to frequently asked questions

Can I carry a baby in my arms after a caesarean section?

You can carry your baby in your arms for as long as you need. Fortunately, newborns weigh no more than 3-4 kg, and such a load is safe for a young mother who has undergone surgery. At the same time, for at least 2 weeks after the operation, refrain from carrying any weight that exceeds the weight of your baby.

Can I breastfeed after a caesarean section?

Yes, caesarean section is not a contraindication or an obstacle to breastfeeding. There is nothing better for your baby breast milk, so do not deny him this.

Do I need to wear a bandage after a caesarean section?

Although some gynecologists recommend purchasing a bandage and wearing it in the first weeks after a caesarean section, this is not necessary. It is believed that the bandage helps to recover faster after surgery and reduce the size of the abdomen, however, not all women are comfortable walking in a bandage for a long time.

How long will the discharge go after a caesarean section?

Lochia (discharge after childbirth) can last up to 6 weeks. Copious discharge normally last no more than 2 weeks, and then bleeding after cesarean gradually decreases. For all the time goofy use , but in any case do not .

How long does the stitch hurt after a caesarean section?

As a rule, the most severe pain in the area of ​​​​the seam, the woman experiences in the first 2-3 days after the operation, and then the pain gradually subsides. small pains when touched in the suture area, they usually persist for 4-6 weeks. Within a few months (up to six months), the skin in the area postoperative scar may be numb.

How to care for a suture after a caesarean section?

In the first days after discharge, the bandage in the suture area should be changed once a day or more often if the bandage gets wet or dirty. Your doctor will explain in detail how to do dressings at home.

Can I take a bath after a caesarean section?

Refuse baths until the seam heals. Usually, it takes 7-10 days. These days you can shower without fear of getting your skin wet.

When can I exercise after a caesarean section?

You can return to your normal activities no earlier than 6 weeks after the operation. Before moving on to more intense exercise, consult your doctor.

Swimming is one of best practices quick recovery after caesarean section. You can sign up for the pool when the lochia runs out and the scar on the skin heals.

When can I have sex after a caesarean section?

Can a woman get pregnant after a caesarean section?

Pregnancy can occur in the first months after a cesarean section, even if the woman is breastfeeding, so be sure to take care of.

Is it possible to put intrauterine device after a caesarean section?

The intrauterine device is great method contraception in postpartum period which is not contraindicated in breastfeeding. can be installed no earlier than 6 weeks after childbirth, when the uterus is reduced to its original size.

Consequences of a caesarean section

In the vast majority of cases, caesarean section is successful and does not cause serious consequences. However, do not forget that a caesarean section is surgery, and, like any other operation, may be associated with certain risks: infectious complications, bleeding, blood clots, damage to internal organs, the need for a stay in the intensive care unit and a longer stay in the hospital.

As a rule, a birth by caesarean section has no consequences for the child. However, there is a small risk of injury during the removal of the baby from the womb, which in rare cases leads to the development movement disorders(cerebral palsy).

Pregnancy and childbirth after caesarean section

Many young mothers who have undergone a caesarean section are interested in how long they can try to conceive a child again. Most gynecologists are of the opinion that the optimal interval between pregnancies is 18 to 23 months, and it is best to wait at least 2 years. This time is necessary for a young mother in order to properly recover after pregnancy and subsequent major surgery, and also in order for the scar on the uterus to finally form.

What to do if pregnancy occurs earlier than 2 years after cesarean?

Early pregnancy after caesarean is really associated with increased risk complications such as uterine rupture, premature birth and having a low birth weight baby. However, many cases of successful outcomes are known. early pregnancy after caesarean section. It is obvious that for good result you should work closely with your doctor and listen carefully to his advice.

Childbirth - 40 full weeks pregnancy.

Postoperative rehabilitation period

The vast majority of operations are performed with local (epidural) anesthesia, the drug is injected locally into the spine. The injection is slightly painful. The woman is conscious, but the sensitivity of the lower part of the body is temporarily lost. The mother does not see operating field. Mom meets the child in the first minutes of birth, puts the newborn to the breast. General anesthesia - more stress to the body, is rarely used.

The operation lasts 20-40 minutes, staples are applied or a suture is made, an ice pack is applied. The seam is often horizontal cosmetic. The puerperal is transferred to the intensive care unit, prophylaxis is carried out postoperative complications, anesthesia, condition monitoring.

The nutrition of a young mother is expanding gradually. On the first day, they are allowed to drink water with lemon juice; secondly - chicken bouillon, low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened fruit drink. After the first natural bowel movement, the diet of a nursing woman is indicated (4-5 days after surgery). Mom is forbidden to sit down for 2-3 days. The nurse treats the seam daily with an antiseptic solution. Shower is taken for 7 days.

Planned release dates

Important! The maternity ward is a kind of continuously working “conveyor line”. The doctors have no intention of keeping the mother and child in the family home for a long time. Every day of stay is justified by the condition of the mother, the child.

The pediatrician discharges the child, the obstetrician-gynecologist discharges the mother. How many days after the operation are they kept in the hospital? At favorable course events 6 - 7 days.

Release times depend on:

  1. results of ultrasound examination of the uterus (performed on the 5th day after cesarean section);
  2. the state of the woman, the presence of complaints about well-being;
  3. child's readiness for discharge.

How many days to lie after cesarean is decided by the doctor. The time spent in the maternity ward is limited, if the health of the newborn or the mother is of concern, they are transferred to specialized departments of the hospital.

A caesarean section is a major abdominal operation. Often a woman is weak, gets tired quickly, experiences discomfort in the seam area.

Important! It is difficult for a woman to do household chores and take care of a baby on her own. She needs good rest and dream. A husband, grandmother, younger children, a close friend can become an assistant. The first 3 months do not lift the stroller with the baby, permissible load equal to the weight of the child.

Women's forums often describe situations where 3 summer child provides all possible assistance to the mother (rocks the stroller, gives the pacifier, rattles rattles, entertains the baby).

A uterine scar from a caesarean section is not absolute contraindication for further natural childbirth. A woman has a chance to feel contractions, attempts and the appearance of a child through the birth canal.

How many lie in the hospital when they are discharged from the hospital. When and what to eat and drink after cesarean, when menstruation starts again, when it will be possible to have sex.

Where and how much lie during caesarean section, when they are discharged

As a rule (if there are no complications), a woman spends a day after a cesarean in the intensive care unit (reanimation). Doctors look for complications (bleeding, temperature). Then the woman is transferred to the postpartum ward, where she lies with the baby. Usually, if everything is in order with the mother and the child, then they are discharged 5 full days after the operation.

Note. In many maternity hospitals there is no discharge on Sunday. Therefore, it may happen that the mother and child stay in the hospital for another day.

The following will be done prior to release.

  • They will examine you for an ultrasound.
  • The doctor will cut the knots of thread in the corners of the seam.
  • You will definitely have a fluorography.
  • The child will be weighed to determine how much weight he has lost after birth (the norm is about 10%).
  • Both you and the child will be examined by doctors.

When you need to sit down, get up, go to the toilet after a caesarean

A few hours (4-5) after the operation, doctors recommend that the woman turn in bed (on one side, then on the other). This must be done very slowly and carefully. It will hurt, but each time it gets easier.

After 6-8 hours after the operation, you can try to sit down. It is imperative to do this under supervision (so that the nurse is in the ward and can help). First you need to turn on your side, then slowly lower your legs off the bed and sit down. Sit down to make sure there is no dizziness. At first, they try to just stand up and stand. Try to straighten your back a little. If there are headboards by the beds, then it is better to hold on. So stand for a few minutes, and lie down again. The next time (after 15-20 minutes), you can try again. Then you can take a few steps, better leaning on the back of the bed, or on your husband (nurse).

By the end first - top On the second day, a woman should normally “crawl” to the toilet, and go to the toilet herself.

All movements will hurt to do. Helps to do slowly, waiting out the pain. Sat in bed, waited. We got up, we waited. Each time it will get easier. Try to do everything very smoothly. Getting up early is good for both healing and prevention. adhesive process. It also helps to stick (lean) on something.

Note. The first or second day is very painful. Then it will get easier and easier. You just have to endure these days.

You can shower as soon as you are transferred to the postnatal ward. It is better that you come to help your husband, or someone else. It's good if you are taken to the shower. On the first - second day, the woman is especially hurt and she is especially weakened, you need to move very carefully so as not to accidentally fall.

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For 3-5 days, an independent chair should “occur”.

Note. As for going to the toilet. The topic is intimate, but frankly, this topic needs to be clarified a bit. Because, for example, during my first caesarean, there was a complete lack of understanding of how it can be physically endured (especially the first times). Everyone gives birth in different maternity hospitals, with different conditions. Perhaps you will have your own private bathroom in the postpartum ward. But it is quite possible that the bathroom will be shared. The question is that it is very painful to sit on the toilet and get up from it. In addition, in the common bathroom, you need to somehow “prepare” the toilet in order to sit on it. I can’t recommend doing anything while hanging over him, it’s very painful. Therefore, as an option, you can take a seat on the toilet from home and sit down. Or cover it with overlays, paper. If there is something to hold on to (on the walls of the booth, for example), then it is better to stick to it as much as possible when getting up and sitting down.

If there is an opportunity for your husband to help you (sit down and stand up), then do not be shy, ask for it.

What and when to eat and drink after cesarean

The first day after the operation. You can’t eat anything, just drink water, without gas, you can add a little lemon. Sugarless.

Second day after surgery. Liquid cereals, low-fat broth, pureed soups (vegetables), you can pureed meat (a little). Soups without cabbage. Can mashed potatoes on the water. Unsweetened infusions and compotes from dried fruits.

Third day after surgery. Almost everything is possible, now your main limitations are due only.

Note. Sometimes in women, especially during the first birth, there are certain in the first days after the operation, in the hospital. The fact is that the health of a woman is “supervised” by one doctor, and the health of a child by another. And you need to carefully combine the two diets. One - postoperative, and the second - when feeding. For example, to me after a caesarean for better health the doctor said to drink an infusion of wild rose. I drank, and the child immediately developed an allergy. Therefore, from postoperative diet You yourself exclude those products that are not compatible with breastfeeding.

It is important to eat enough foods high content fiber (cereals, pureed soups). You need to get your bowels working properly. For 3-5 days there should be an independent chair. If this does not happen, the doctor may recommend an enema.

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Unfortunately, no matter what you eat (even if you avoid gas-forming products), you may be suffering from gas. In this case, the doctor may recommend drugs such as Espumisan. It can be drunk to children from birth, so your breastfeeding It won't hurt, but it will ease the gas situation.

Cohabitation with a child after cesarean

As already mentioned above, after a day in the intensive care unit, the mother and child are transferred to the postpartum ward and lie there until discharge. These few days are the "peak" unpleasant consequences caesarean section. Therefore, questions about how to alleviate your condition these days are discussed in a separate article.

Home after caesarean section

If everything is fine with you and your baby, you will be discharged from the maternity hospital 5 days after the operation. As a rule, when a woman gets home, this fact alone makes her feel good. But, on the other hand, at home you "turn on" in ordinary life: and in addition to the child you have cooking, cleaning, and many different worries. Here are some basic tips on what to do and what to avoid.

  • Try not to break the rule about lifting heavy. That is, do not lift anything heavier than your child. If the child is worried and you have to carry him in your arms for hours, try to use it, you will have free hands and your back will not get tired. Ask dad for help, he can also carry a baby very well.
  • Don't make movements that hurt. Be patient, very soon it will be possible to move quite calmly. Immediately after returning home, it may be difficult to bend down, it may be painful when sudden movements. Try not to.
  • Be careful in the bathroom not to slip. It is better if your husband will help you at first.

Menstruation after caesarean

Menstruation after cesarean may resume as early as 3-4 months after the operation. But, as a rule, they begin after 7-12 months if you are breastfeeding.

Sex after caesarean section

You must not have sex for 1.5 months after the operation.

When your doctor allows you to have sex (usually after 1.5 months), be sure to choose suitable means contraception. The fact that you are breastfeeding does not prevent you from getting pregnant again.

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A rather long recovery period after a caesarean section is also not very pleasant. Many women would like to avoid such an operation, but not everyone succeeds. The first days after the operation are considered the most difficult, but at this time the woman, as a rule, is in the maternity hospital, nurses and doctors help her: they monitor her health, make dressings, and help her get out of bed for the first time. It is almost impossible to cope with all this on your own, the woman is still very weak, without outside help she can fall and get injured in addition to everything else.


There are two types of anesthesia available for caesarean section:

  • general anesthesia;
  • epidural anesthesia.

Regardless of the method chosen, the first day will still have to be spent in intensive care under the constant supervision of a doctor. For some time after the operation, you will need the introduction of an anesthetic, a dropper, measurement of temperature and pressure. Thanks to the dropper, on the first day, the woman in labor receives all the nutrients intravenously, and on the first day she cannot eat at all, only non-carbonated water is allowed.

After 12 hours after surgery, recovery from caesarean section passes crucial moment when a woman gets up on her own for the first time and needs to go to the toilet. The nurse helps to get up, she also leads to the toilet if the case is severe. A woman in labor should be prepared for the fact that, having risen to her feet, she will feel weak, dizzy. This is quite normal, since the woman underwent abdominal surgery.

Postpartum department

The next day, the mother will be transferred to the postpartum ward, the child will most likely remain in the nursery. In some maternity hospitals, women after caesarean are allowed to immediately take the baby to her. In this case, recovering from a caesarean section will be somewhat more difficult, because you will often have to get up to the child, and this is hard. On the other hand, the closeness of the baby helps many women to forget about their discomfort.

From that day on, the woman in labor will be allowed to eat meat broths and puree. At the same time, she is likely to face problems such as pain while performing simple actions:

  • change of position;
  • sneezing
  • getting out of bed.
  1. 1. We turn on our side. First, pull your legs towards you, resting your feet on the bed, then lift your hips, turn them and lower them back to the bed, and only then turn the upper half of the torso. This method will help not only reduce pain, but also reduce the load on the seam, which is also very important.
  2. 2. We cough correctly. If the operation was performed under general anesthesia, mucus will inevitably accumulate in the lungs, which will need to be removed, and the best way is to cough. There is a special technique that has a rather comical name - “barking”. To begin with, the seam must be strengthened, for example, with hands or a pillow. Then take a deep breath, completely filling the lungs. And then you make sounds like a dog barking. It should be repeated several times.
  3. 3. Get out of bed. This must be done very carefully, first hang your legs off the bed, then carefully sit down. Do not get up immediately, it is better to sit, get used to vertical position. Only then can you get up.

On the 3-5th day, the woman in labor should have her first stool, after which she can start eating regular food, subject to restrictions for breastfeeding mothers. In addition, in the early days, be sure to find the opportunity to lie on your stomach, this will speed up the removal of blood from the uterus, otherwise clots may form, and this is fraught with decay and infection.


On the 7th day, the stitches are removed for the woman in labor, and if everything is in order with her and the child, they are discharged home. Since that time, recovery after caesarean enters a new phase, when a woman will have to cope with all the problems on her own. It is advisable to ask relatives and friends to help at least in the first days.

Home " Food " How long can you not sit after a caesarean section. Length of stay in hospital after caesarean section

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