Kegel exercises - how to use for training intimate muscles, indications and contraindications. Kegel exercise to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

Kegel exercises have been used in medicine since the last century. The name was given according to the name of the developer - gynecologist Arnold Kegel. Such exercises are aimed at strengthening the intimate muscles, the dysfunction of which manifests itself in the form of unpleasant conditions in women.

Kegel trainers. Reviews of women. What are these devices?

Arnold Kegel also invented special simulators to make the exercise more comfortable. They have been improved over time. Modern women have the opportunity with their help to quickly and effectively eliminate the problems of the genitourinary system, as well as improve their sex life. Kegel simulators, in the reviews of many women, are described as a unique remedy, a real salvation from many intimate problems.

What are these devices? Modern models of intimate simulators are created taking into account the exercises recommended by Kegel. The procedure for using them can be called absolutely safe and painless. According to practice, the use of special simulators when performing exercises significantly increases the effectiveness of procedures.

Girls who have already used these devices say that they are effective. Women advise everyone to try such simulators. Perhaps they will help in solving many intimate problems.

Perineum - the first device for training intimate muscles

The first Kegel pelvic floor simulator was called the perineum meter. This device included a special measuring device that allows you to determine the condition of the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor. With this simulator, women could perform Dr. Kegel exercises and achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. As a result of its use, the elimination of a number of gynecological diseases and an improvement in the quality of intimate life were noted. According to clinical trials, the effectiveness of the use of the perineum reached 93%.

Later, several more options for intimate simulators were invented. However, each of them was based on Kegel exercises. Both old models of simulators and more modern ones are made of special safe material. Some of them are equipped with a pressure gauge, a pear, some have feedback.

Types of trainers. What are the devices? Girls reviews

What do women say about With Modern Kegel trainers? In the reviews, buyers write that these models are more advanced and comfortable to use. They are of several types:

  • allowing to strengthen intimate muscles;
  • having special feedback (with the help of a sensor, you can monitor the correctness of the exercises);
  • simulators with a laser;
  • exercise chairs;
  • expanders for intimate muscles;
  • Kegel pneumatic simulator (has a vaginal chamber, supercharger, pressure gauge).

Popular brands. Description of models

Before purchasing this or that device, it is necessary to seek the advice of a gynecologist. The most popular brands of Kegel trainers today are the following:

  1. Magic Kegel Master. With the help of the simulator of this manufacturer, a woman has the opportunity to give additional tone to the vaginal muscles, make them stronger. Most often, this is required by women who have given birth. After a course of using this simulator, the quality of sexual life improves, a woman gets the opportunity to get an orgasm. Such results are achieved with the help of the unique action of the simulator: improving blood flow in the small pelvis, restoring the elasticity of intimate muscles. This simulator consists of two smooth silicone balls resembling skittles. The manufacturer recommends using the simulator together with a special application that can be installed on any smartphone. This application controls the quality of Kegel exercises. The simulator has 6 modes of operation: "beginner", "planning a child", "honeymoon", "lover", "young mother".
  2. The PelvicToner is another popular Kegel trainer for strengthening the pelvic muscles. It is easy to use, affordable and highly efficient. It allows you to restore the elasticity of intimate muscles, experience an orgasm, overcome urinary incontinence, reduce the size of the vagina and even eliminate the symptoms of menopause. In the manufacture of this simulator, a special medical polypropylene coated with an antibacterial composition is used. At the heart of his work is progressive resistance.
  3. AirBee is a fairly effective Kegel trainer. The instructions for the device are very detailed. The simulator works in 8 vibration modes and can be used autonomously. With the help of AirBee, you can restore the elasticity and size of the vagina after childbirth, improve the sensitivity of the intimate area, speed up the onset of orgasm, and also delay the onset of menopause. In reviews of Kegel simulators, buyers write that they have a fairly high cost. Therefore, many try to make such a simulator on their own. However, an apparatus invented in this way may not only not bring the desired result, but also cause irreparable harm. Professional simulators are developed in special laboratory conditions, taking into account the peculiarities of a woman's physiology. After that, they undergo a clinical trial and only in the case of high efficiency and complete safety can they go on sale.

Principles of operation of the device

Indications for the use of such simulators

Exercising with these devices may be helpful in the following conditions:

  • stretching and weakening of intimate muscles;
  • urinary diseases;
  • problems with urinary incontinence;
  • violation of sensations during intimacy;
  • menopausal age of a woman;
  • postpartum changes in the vagina.

The Kegel simulator allows not only to eliminate the above problems, but also to prevent their occurrence in the future. With the help of a device for training intimate muscles, you can prepare for childbirth. And this will avoid trouble after the birth of the child. The Kegel simulator is able to have a positive effect on the body of a woman who does not have such problems. With its help, the general well-being of the fair sex improves.

Contraindications to the use of popular simulators

Before wondering how to choose a Kegel simulator, it is necessary to clarify whether there are any contraindications to its use. So, the use of such devices is prohibited in the following cases:

  • pregnancy, since intense exposure to the muscles of the vagina can provoke a miscarriage or placental abruption;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • acute forms of any gynecological diseases;
  • prolapse of the vagina or uterus.

The use of Kegel machines is also not allowed during intimacy. You should not continue to use them even if they have caused pain or discomfort.

Rules for the operation of devices

Rules for the operation of Kegel simulators:

  • the use of the device by several persons is not allowed;
  • the finished device cannot be disassembled and modified;
  • must not be subjected to falls and any actions that can cause deformation of the product;
  • store the device in a place protected from moisture and light.

Ways to use these devices

However, it should be noted that the methods of use recommended in the instructions were developed by professionals, the recommendations for use indicated by the manufacturer will help to achieve the maximum effect. Any self-activity in this case is unacceptable. Since even such a seemingly harmless device can harm its owner if it is used incorrectly.

Experts recommend training for 5-7 minutes. The pressure level on the device must be set to 40 mm. Massage exercises begin with light camera movements, and then gradually increase in intensity. This approach will avoid painful and unpleasant sensations and prepare the muscles for massage effects.

A small conclusion

We hope that the above information has enabled women to understand what Kegel exercises are and what they are for, as well as what devices are. Do not underestimate the importance of the condition of intimate muscles. Since the quality of a woman's sexual life and the state of her health in general depend on this. Thanks to modern models of Kegel simulators, girls have a unique opportunity to achieve effective results without making any special efforts.

With an unsuccessful desire to conceive a child, irregular menstruation and many other problems of organs located in the small pelvis. In addition, wumbling at home allows you to control the onset and duration of orgasm, not only for you, but also for your sexual partner, which will delight both of you.

If you achieve excellent results in this matter and learn the secrets of geishas, ​​then the virtuosity, in terms of sex, of a partner and the size of his “pride” will not play a big role, since you will be the hostess at this “ball”. But this is possible under the condition of long daily training and step-by-step passage of levels, from the initial to the highest, which must be carried out with the help of a trainer. And since this article is aimed at self-study, the level of study will be initial, without special simulators and trainers.

Some will think that they do not need it, and without all this, women have lived, live and will continue to live. This, of course, is a purely personal matter and there is no point in imposing something, because to start wumbling you need a desire, or rather, a strong motivation. For every girl or woman, it can be different. The desire to give yourself and your sexual partner wonderful pleasures with frequent and very vivid orgasm.

This directly depends on the fact that the trained vaginal muscles contribute to a strong compression of the nerve endings. A woman who is able to experience frequent orgasms is very sexy and attractive, a man will not be able to refuse such a wife and mistress, and if this happens suddenly, then, having felt a big difference, his return will be inevitable. In addition, the hormones of happiness, intensively produced during the onset of orgasm, greatly rejuvenate the body and allow a woman to stay in great shape for longer.

Women's health issues:

With constant training of the vaginal muscles, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is stimulated, which allows saturating the muscle fibers with the necessary amount of oxygen. It will also allow you to get rid of stagnant processes in the pelvis and avoid many gynecological diseases. Wumbling is useful to practice with prolapse of the uterus and walls of the vagina, ovarian pain, with irregular menstruation or its absence, with such a manifestation as urinary incontinence (enuresis), hemorrhoids and many other problems associated with weakening the tone of the muscles of the pelvic organs.

In preparation for childbirth, such exercises will help to make the muscles of the uterus and vagina more elastic and avoid ruptures, it is easier for the fetus to come out during childbirth;
Reduce postpartum recovery time and quickly bring the vagina back to normal.

The first stage of wumbling, exercises at home

In order to carry out wumbling at home, you will need to feel those muscles on which the main work will be carried out. To do this, during urination, you need to tighten up and stop this process, while you need to clearly understand which muscles were involved and fix it in the brain. Then repeat the same thing, but in a different situation: standing, sitting, on the go - this will be needed to better consolidate the exercises.


Lie on your back, inhale deeply and exhale, while the palms of the hands should be one on the chest and the other on the stomach, then take another breath, but the chest should no longer rise, but the stomach should rise. When you start to succeed, try to do these exercises while sitting and standing, and later, at any free time, in a comfortable position. This exercise is called breathing with a relaxed stomach. It improves blood circulation and acts on a person as a sedative. It will be very useful to do such exercises before going to bed.


Now let's start training the clitoral muscles. Concentrate your attention on the clitoris and, for five minutes, do contracting movements by retracting and relaxing them. The basis for this will be the suspension of urination. Each time, the speed of tension and contraction of the muscles must be increased until a slight excitation appears as a result of such an exercise. Then we add pushing, slightly pushing and relaxing and combine all these movements. For a week, we do this exercise five times a day, with each you need to do ten retractions, relaxations and expulsions. With each subsequent week, we increase the number of contractions by five and so on until we reach thirty contractions in one exercise.


In the prone position, bend your knees slightly and retract the anus. After a short pause, we relax. To do such exercises, you need to lie down until you develop the skills to retract the anus without using the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. After we already get it, we move on to doing such an exercise while sitting or standing, every day for 10-15 minutes.


Within five minutes, alternately retract and relax the anus and clitoris. This exercise is called blinking. When it is mastered, and you begin to control those and other muscles, increase the frequency of alternate contractions.


With this exercise, we must learn to combine breathing and the work of the pelvic muscles. We start breathing with the stomach and at the same time draw in and hold the anus, while mentally counting to ten, then we relax and do the same, but with the clitoris. As this exercise is mastered, the count can be gradually increased to twenty or thirty.

If exercises #4 and #5 don't quite work out, don't get frustrated and stop practicing, just don't rush and go back to the initial exercises, developing and consolidating them. Compared to all the muscles in the body, the vaginal muscles do not exercise, and therefore are in a constant relaxed state. In this regard, at the initial stage of wumbling, few people can immediately compress the muscles strongly enough and contract them quickly and rhythmically. Everything takes time and practice.

You need to learn how to do such exercises lying down, sitting and standing - this will allow you to control your muscles in various situations and in any poses. An example is the "flipping" of the Kama Sutra with a loved one. And it will also allow you to do exercises at any free time: sit at your workplace, ride the tram, stand in line, watch your favorite TV series while lying on the bed.


Position - standing, put your hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart, socks turned to the sides. We do a slow squat, spreading our knees to the sides, as low as possible, we linger in this position for ten to fifteen seconds and just as slowly get up. By doing this exercise five to seven times, we will significantly strengthen the vaginal muscles.

Vumbilding at home is good because you don’t have a coach standing over your head, requiring a clear implementation of the task. If in the process of doing the exercises you feel tired, then you don’t need to force yourself and you need to take a break. There is no need to rush, because a good result is important to us.


Since the most common motivation is sexual satisfaction, then the exercises can be done with your loved one. If you have already successfully mastered the work of your vaginal muscles and know how to control them, then the proposed exercise will be a good practice for you. During intercourse, use exercise number 2, but during the expulsion, you will need to extend the pause as long as possible. Both of you will not only feel the difference in the acts, but also get a pleasant surprise.

So we have come to the end of the first stage of wumbling classes. I hope that the desire to be sexy, happy, most desirable and attractive will help you try wumbling at home and continue your studies at higher levels.

And also for the muscles of the core and shoulder girdle are known to everyone, but have you ever heard of training intimate muscles? But it is they who directly affect the sensations during intimacy.

Why do you need Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises are called a complex developed by the American doctor Arnold Kegel for the treatment of urinary incontinence.

The purpose of the complex is to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis and pelvic floor, which are rarely used in the process of life and can lose elasticity and tone because of this.

As a result, the support of the pelvic organs weakens, and health problems arise - from urinary incontinence to uterine prolapse. In addition, the weakening of the muscles negatively affects the intimate life of a woman.

But is it possible to perform Kegel exercises during prolapse or after removal of the uterus at home, or does this require specialist supervision?

Of course, it is better to consult, but these exercises themselves are simple, and on sale you can find special simulators for intimate muscles, so you can do it at home.

Periodically doing exercises according to Dr. Kegel's system is useful for everyone, but there are categories of women who simply need such exercises.

The effect of exercise

Who benefits from Kegel exercises?

  1. Women over 40
  2. Overweight people
  3. For young mothers for quick recovery after childbirth
  4. Women suffering from urinary problems
  5. Pregnant women, because exercises contribute to the preparation for childbirth and the easy flow of the birth process

In addition, classes will help improve intimate life, in the treatment and prevention of prolapse of the pelvic organs, preventing inflammatory processes and "female" diseases.

And most importantly, you can perform the complex anywhere, even doing ordinary household chores.

You do not have to retire to conduct a workout - outwardly, the work of the pelvic floor muscles does not manifest itself in any way, others will not notice anything.

Regardless of whether you are exercising or not, the first thing to do is to understand where the very muscles that we will load are located.

Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles with simple exercises

You can do this in two ways:

Method #1

  1. To localize the muscles, try to mimic the suppression of the urge to urinate. Or even simpler: during the next visit to the toilet, with a conscious effort, stop urinating.
  2. It's not as easy as it seems. It is these muscles that we will train.
  3. It is impossible to constantly exercise during trips "in a small way" - this violates the natural mechanism of urination at the nervous level. Roughly speaking, there is a "desynchronization" of the work of the nervous system of these muscles.
  4. As soon as you find the right muscles and understand that they can actually be controlled, stop experimenting and start training on Kegel.

Method #2

  1. There is another method of finding the muscles we need: for this, you should insert your finger into the vagina and try to squeeze it as hard as possible with the strength of the internal muscles (the stomach does not need to be strained).
  2. You will feel that the anus is tightening, and the muscle ring is clasping the finger (how tight it already depends on the state of the internal muscles).

The figure schematically shows which muscles need to be strengthened.

10 basic Kegel exercises for women at home

This complex is also suitable for ladies with urinary incontinence and weak intimate muscles.

Some techniques can also be used during pregnancy. It is important to remember that the therapeutic effect will be maintained only under the condition of regular and constant training.

The first lessons can be short and simple, in the future the load needs to be increased. We repeat each exercise 15-20 times.

Exercise #1

We become in a knee-elbow position, the head lies on the hands. We strain the intimate muscles up and inward.

Exercise 1

Exercise #2

Lying on your stomach, pull your leg forward a little. We strain and relax the intimate muscles.

Exercise 2

Exercise #3

Lying on your back, bend your knees and spread them apart, as in childbirth. We relax and tighten the muscles again.

Exercise 3

Exercise number 4

We sit on the floor in a pose close to the lotus position. Keep your back straight. We strain the muscles of the pelvis up and inward, while trying to feel as if you are lifting off the ground.

Exercise 4

Exercise number 5

Stand up straight and lean forward about 45 degrees. We spread the legs to the sides. Hands are located, as in the photo. We also strain and relax the muscles up and in.

Exercise 5

Exercise number 6

We take the pose of a cat. Bending the back down, we relax the intimate muscles, in the opposite direction - we strain.

Exercise 6

Exercise number 7

We lay down on our backs. Raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, then lower them lower and try to get as deep as possible behind your head.

Exercise 7

Exercise number 8

Now we move to the bridge position. We raise the buttocks to the top, straining the intimate muscles. We go down and relax. For this and the following exercises, you can use a fitball.

Exercise 8

Exercise number 9

We turn over on the stomach. We rest our hands on the floor, our feet lie on the ball. On the exhale, we shift the limbs and squeeze the buttocks, on the inhale, we spread them to the sides and relax.

Exercise 9

Exercise number 10

We lay down on our back again. We wrap our feet around the fitball. On inhalation, we raise the ball with our feet up, on the exhale, we lower it.

Exercise 10

Reviews of Kegel exercises for women indicate that at home, you can achieve a steady improvement in muscle condition. This means that problems with urination, if they do not go away at all, will greatly decrease.

Kegel exercises at home for pregnant women

Why train intimate muscles, you ask? But why: during pregnancy, under the weight of a growing uterus, the muscles of the pelvic floor lose their elasticity, stretch, weaken. Some areas atrophy, others "clamp".

And if before childbirth you may not notice all this, then in the postpartum period it will “come around” more than clearly.

And if your muscles weren’t strong enough even before pregnancy, you definitely shouldn’t wait for their independent recovery after childbirth.

In addition, during pregnancy, training the pelvic muscles helps to better prepare for childbirth. Trained, strong muscles “work” more actively, which means that childbirth will be faster.

With the help of exercises, the internal muscles become stronger and more elastic, and during childbirth, the risk of injuries and ruptures is reduced.

The sooner you start practicing Kegel exercises, the better.

Kegel exercises for women performed at home will also be useful with twins, because in the case of multiple pregnancy, the load on the muscles only increases.

It is useful to perform such a complex during pregnancy

Like any other physical activity during pregnancy, Kegel training involves a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist.

The simplest version of the exercises: alternately strain and relax the intimate muscles, lingering in the "extreme" positions for a few seconds.

It is important to remember that you do not need to strain the muscles of the press, thighs or buttocks. Only the muscles of the perineum work.

For short periods of pregnancy, exercises performed while lying on your back are well suited. But already from the 16th week it is better to switch to those that are performed in a sitting or standing position.

This is important due to the fact that the grown tummy in the supine position can squeeze the veins located along the spine, as a result of which the blood supply to the fetus worsens.

By the way, that is why in the second half of pregnancy it is better to sleep on your side, and not on your back.

The exercises below are performed lying down.

A set of Kegel exercises for pregnant women


  1. Lie on your back, bending your knees, relax your arms and place them as you like.
  2. Slowly tighten the muscles of the perineum and at the point of extreme tension, linger for 5-10 seconds, then relax, rest for a few seconds and repeat.


  1. The meaning of the exercise is to slowly and gradually compress and relax the muscles of the perineum.
  2. Imagine that your vagina is an elevator slowly going up (muscle contraction) and down (muscle relaxation).
  3. Do not forget to linger for a couple of seconds on the "floors" - the more there are, the better. Do a few up and down cycles with rest breaks.


  1. The meaning of the exercise is in the movement of the muscles in a “wave”, while first the internal muscles of the vagina are tensed, and then the external ones (near the anus).
  2. Relax the muscles in reverse order. The exercise is quite difficult for beginners, so don't be discouraged if you can't do it right away.
  3. As a result, you will learn to feel your muscles better and control not only the external, but also the deep muscles of the pelvic floor.

Repeat the exercises every day at any convenient time, and after a couple of months you will notice progress - the exercises will become easier and easier.

Kegel exercises for women at home with balls

If ordinary exercises seem not enough for you and you want to reach the “advanced” level, try using exercise equipment in the form of balls or cones with laces.

Balls for Kegel Exercises

On sale you can find a whole range of vaginal balls: from light and large for beginners to very small and weighty for those who need increased loads.

Training with balls is easy: you just need to place the simulator in the vagina, leaving the string outside, and try to squeeze and “pull” the muscles in and up, and then slowly unclench them, “pushing” the simulator out.

At the same time, it is important not to push or strain the abdominal muscles - only the internal muscles work. Or even simpler - with the ball inside, go about your usual business, trying to hold it with muscle strength so that it does not fall out.

For beginners, it is better to choose the lightest ones and gradually move on to heavier balls.

As a result of training, you will learn how to consciously control the internal muscles of the vagina, which will positively affect not only, but also your life.

To feel the effect faster, do the exercises regularly.

Of course, after each workout, the ball must be washed well, and thoroughly treated with an antiseptic before each use.

In addition, if necessary, you can use a lubricant so that the insertion of the ball inside is easier and does not cause discomfort.

The use of simulators - jade eggs, balls or cones - is contraindicated during pregnancy, immediately after childbirth or in the first six months after operations on the pelvic organs.

Regular performance of these simple exercises does not require special skills or solitude - you can do them anytime, anywhere, completely unnoticed by others.

The result of such "invisible" training will be more than obvious - you will feel it after a couple of months of regular training.

To better understand the technique of doing Kegel exercises at home and their benefits, watch this helpful video:

How much better can life be with these simple workouts? Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina with and without simulators.

In ancient times, women resorted to these activities to eliminate the consequences after childbirth. And in our time, training to strengthen the muscles of the vagina is an excellent prevention for women's health and much more fun in your personal life.

The Benefits of Exercise

Few people think about the importance of training vaginal muscles: for many women this is a taboo topic. How much better can life be with these simple exercises? We have prepared 4 reasons to train for you:

1. It relieves pain during menstruation. For many women who regularly pump the muscles of the vagina, the critical days pass much easier and become less painful. And their men exhale with pleasure: PMS also becomes less pronounced.

Important: during menstruation, it is better to skip training.

2. With the help of exercises, stagnation can be avoided. Regular training of intimate muscles will help improve health if you have ovarian disease or uterine prolapse.

3. Regular exercises contribute to the preparation of the input muscles for childbirth, while facilitating and accelerating the painful process. After the birth of a child, exercises help restore the walls of the vagina to their former elasticity and shape.

4. Frequent training of the muscles of the vagina helps to expand the erogenous zones and increase the chances of getting an orgasm, while improving the quality of sex.

Many women, instead of taking care of their intimate development, blame their partner or run to the gynecologist. But it all depends on us - if there is a desire to work on ourselves and learn a lot more about our body.

How to train?

I am often asked if it is possible to train intimate muscles with jade eggs. In my opinion, this is the stone age and in no case should this be done. Why? When we train muscles with jade eggs, which are far from jade in themselves, severe thrush can begin, even if they are periodically disinfected. In the modern world, there are new unique technologies that are more efficient and hygienic.

In fact, with sufficient training, the muscles of the vagina can make the same movements as a woman's hands when massaging a male genital organ. To do this, you should work on the muscles that lift the anus.

Exercises without a simulator

1. Feet shoulder-width apart, socks turned to the sides, hands on the belt. We try to sit down slowly, while bending our knees apart. We freeze in this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

2. Alternately quickly strain and quickly release the input muscles of the vagina and the muscles of the sphincter. Repeat 5-10 times.

3. We retract the inlet muscles of the vagina and squeeze as much as possible for 10 seconds, while breathing is not held. This exercise is recommended to be done in different positions: sitting, lying, standing. When you bring the delay time to 3-5 minutes, there will be a noticeable effect.

Exercise with a simulator

Laser pointer - designed to train the bulbous muscle and Levator Ani. It perfectly helps to achieve endurance, agility and strength of intimate muscles.

After you have disinfected the machine, insert its head shallowly into the vagina. The exercise is carried out standing at a distance of 3 meters from the wall. The beam of the pointer should be directed to the opposite wall. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and follow the beam. When the head of the simulator rises behind the pubic bone, the beam crawls down the wall, when you relax the muscles - up. During the exercise, the pelvis should be motionless, the abdominal muscles should be relaxed.

Cargo simulator. It consists of a base with a ball and a hook on which the load clings. A simple exercise, but requires maximum strength and concentration.

Kegel. Inflate the tonometer to a value of 40, insert the tube with a nozzle into the vagina and slowly strain the input muscles. The simulator improves blood circulation and leads to the prevention of female gynecological diseases.

The effect of training

In addition to rejuvenation, mood, health, intimate muscle training is also a strong aphrodisiac to which men respond. An attentive husband, just like you, wants mutual ecstasy. It's nice to see a woman happy, cheerful and with a beautiful smile on her face.

Gymnastics (charging) for intimate muscles

Intimate gymnastics ... Many women have not even heard that such gymnastics exists. It is known from history that Marilyn Monroe did special exercises with which she could control her body perfectly. Many women do not understand why they do not get sexual pleasure to the extent that it should be. They are embarrassed to touch on and discuss this topic, thinking that this is their fault.

The reason is rather banal - the weakness of the vaginal muscles. This is preceded by: childbirth, surgical interventions, extra pounds, chronic constipation. Having these deviations from the norm, when performing heavy physical exertion, the vaginal muscles become weak and less elastic. This is the main reason for dissatisfaction with sex, a woman does not enjoy it. On this basis, disagreements occur between sexual partners, as they are embarrassed to discuss this topic and do not try to figure out the reason for what is happening.

How to determine that you have a problem with the vaginal muscles? You laugh, you cough, and at that moment there is a sudden urination. Unable to hold urine for a long time when you want to go to the toilet. Do not have satisfaction after intercourse. Indefinite discharge appeared, and the tests did not reveal the infection.

If these unpleasant moments in your life have come, then there is no reason to panic. There is a reason to do sexual exercises - and everything will resume.

Sexual exercise has a medical term - wumbling. The author, whom Vladimir Leonidovich Muranivsky. Wumbling is deciphered as follows:

  • B - vaginal;
  • U - managed;
  • M - muscles;
  • building - development.

Muranivsky is a mechanical engineer by training. The simulator designed by him is intended for training intimate muscles. He is the author of 4 books. Released 1 video film, which deals with intimate muscles.

Women, do not think that you are doing wumbling out of love for your partner. This is the motivation to do this, but first of all, intimate exercise is necessary for your health.

You will again be able to receive not only minutes of pleasure from sex, but also an orgasm. Needless to say, what feats a satisfied woman is capable of. And in work, everything will be argued, and all cooked dishes will be tastier, and the house will be warm and comfortable.

Many women, especially with the advent of menopause, experience vaginal dryness. When training these muscles, the problem will disappear by itself. During training, the genitals receive a good blood supply, and the moisture of the vagina is also restored. If the genital muscles are kept in good tone, childbirth is easier, and after childbirth, the woman recovers faster.

You can resort to surgical intervention, but this is the same as plastic on the face - a temporary effect. Only sports and hard work with your body give positive dynamics.

Ways to develop intimate muscles

  • Kegel exercises. An American urologist, Arnold Kegel, developed a set of exercises in the last century to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis. He recommended doing the exercises in combination with the Perineometer device.
  • Exercises with vaginal balls. They are tied together with a thread and inserted into the vagina, where they stay all day. But it's not easy to walk with them. It is necessary to learn how to work with balls - turn over and knock against each other.
  • Jade egg exercises. Three eggs are of different sizes, just like the balls are tied with a thread. Designed for training to strengthen the walls and arches of the vagina, including promoting the development of the muscles of the entrance to the vagina. Jade eggs can simply be inserted into the vagina and worn throughout the day.

It is desirable to engage in Imbuilding with the help of simulators with the participation of an instructor.

Express gymnastics

This gymnastics was performed by Samantha. The beauty of it is that you can do it anywhere and anytime. These exercises can be performed in transport, at home, at the workplace - no one will even notice that you are exercising. Which position is better to choose - lying, sitting or standing? It is necessary to do exercises in different positions, then you can get an orgasm during any sex. What muscles need training?

COMPRESSION. Tension the muscles of the perineum. Count to three - relax the muscles. Repeat the exercise - 10 times. Over time, it is necessary to increase the period of muscle tension from 5 to 20 seconds.

"ELEVATOR". It is necessary to imagine that the vagina is an elevator. Gradually begin to squeeze the muscles of the "first floor" - hold for 5 seconds. Then we move on to the "second floor", the muscles need to be compressed more strongly. We reached the "roof", now we begin to move smoothly to the first floor, 2-3 seconds we make a delay on each "floor".

PUSHING OUT. Who gave birth, it is not difficult for him to perform this simple exercise. We do it every day with a bowel movement. You have to push lightly. Exercise strengthens both the muscles of the vagina and the muscles of the anus. Perform the exercise up to 10 times.

REDUCTION. Fast tension and relaxation of muscles. Perform the exercise up to 20 times.

The load of intimate muscles can be done during shaping and aerobics, and during morning exercises.

Exercises: leg swings and to strengthen the press - well strengthen the muscles of the perineum.

We should not forget about the muscles of the neck and back, as they are closely related to the muscles of the abdominal region.

Smooth squats also strengthen intimate muscles.

But the biggest effect gives - intimate vaginal exercise. Learn the exercises and practice. Only constant training will restore the health of your intimate muscles. Sex will be pleasant, and the orgasm will be more intense and bright!

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