Preparing for an appointment with a gynecologist: general recommendations. Painful bowel movements. When to shower or wash

1. Visit - once every six months

Many serious gynecological diseases begin to manifest themselves only when they are already in advanced stage. The sooner you get diagnosed, the more likely that the treatment will be easy, short-term and effective. Even if nothing hurts, nothing bothers you, and you are confident in your only partner, regular visits to the doctor are necessary.

2. Pick a time

For scheduled inspection at the gynecologist it is better to choose the first days after menstruation. At this time, immunity is slightly reduced, and even hidden chronic infections. Most likely, the doctor will offer you to take some tests: a smear for PCR (polymerase chain reaction, which allows you to identify a number of diseases), sowing microflora and, possibly, some others. Make sure to do this, since not all problems can be felt or seen, some are only detected laboratory way. Check Status internal organs You may be offered a vaginal ultrasound. It doesn't hurt at all, you won't feel anything at all!

3. You should get ready

So that your visit goes smoothly, and the test results are reliable, prepare for a visit to the doctor. It is better not to have sex without a condom 2-3 days before a scheduled check-up If you go to the doctor in the evening after work, use wet wipes to intimate hygiene. If you have irregular stools and are prone to constipation, it is advisable to take an enema before visiting the gynecologist.

Clogged intestines greatly complicates the study of the uterus and appendages.

4. Avoid medication before the visit

2-3 weeks before visiting a doctor, it is better not to take medicines, with the exception of those prescribed by a specialist for continuous use (for example, oral contraceptives). If you suspect you have an infection, it’s better to arrange a food provocation before your visit - a dinner with salty and smoked foods will help latent infection swim outside and it will be easier for the doctor to detect it. But in no case do not try to buy drugs seen in the advertisement at the pharmacy and drink everything at once, believe me, this will not make anyone feel better.

5. A male gynecologist in a white coat is first and foremost a doctor

For some girls, it is psychologically difficult to be examined by male doctors. But a male gynecologist is, first of all, a doctor, and your frankness in communicating with him will only help. No one is going to force you to make excuses for the number of partners or accuse you of the neglect of the situation. The main thing to inform the doctor about is time last menstrual period, cycle time, the time of the beginning of the first menstruation and sexual activity. Moreover, after a visit to the doctors, many girls note that male gynecologists even more carefully conduct examinations and communicate with patients more delicately, since they cannot experience psychological deformation “I suffered, what’s wrong with that.”

6. Feel free to ask questions

You have the right to know everything about the purpose, essence and meaning of any manipulation performed during the examination. If your visit is associated with a feeling of discomfort and suspicion of the presence of infections, talk about them in detail and find out what steps to take and what research needs to be done. Feel free to ask how this or that analysis is carried out, how quickly the result will come, what consequences certain diagnoses will have. And in no case do not deceive the doctor! Even if you think that the answer to the question “discredits” your reputation, remember: you are not in a public court, the doctor will not condemn any of your behavior and any of your actions. His goal is to help you.

7. Listen for answers

Only a doctor is able to give you competent valuable instructions. If he prescribes antibiotics - buy antibiotics at the pharmacy. Modern antibiotics so varied that you can choose best option even for those who have previously been allergic to them. And the legends that taking antibiotics is certainly accompanied by a mass side effects- nothing more than myths from the past. Today there are drugs that do not cause any reactions, are combined with other drugs and do not change your lifestyle in any way. It is only important to follow the dosage and instructions for taking: some tablets are taken on an empty stomach, others - during the day, some require drinking large quantity water. It's all important!

8. Don't skimp on your health

Do not try to pick up a "cheaper" analogue of a remedy prescribed by a doctor. Some companies produce generics - the so-called exact copies of the original drugs, but cheaper. Think about it, how do they manage to lower the price? This is mainly due to the use of low-quality raw materials or the replacement of related components with more affordable ones. Typically, this reduces drug efficacy and in some cases can lead to negative consequences.

9. Finish what you start

And it’s not just about the fact that when you make an appointment with a doctor, you suddenly remember more important things for the evening. Follow all medical prescriptions and drink the prescribed funds in the indicated course, do not stop taking it, "feeling" ephemeral improvements. The fact is that there is such a thing as the development of bacterial resistance to the drugs used. Simply put, while the "front rows" of bacteria are dying under the attack of an antibiotic, the "back rows" learn to resist it. And if you drop the course in the middle, feeling relieved, these “trained” bacteria will go into battle again. Only the drug will no longer interfere with them, and they will have to select a more potent agent.

10. If you are planning a child, the first thing to do is go to the examination.

vitamins, healthy eating and giving up bad habits is a good measure, but it is not enough. It's better to give it all necessary tests to rule out the presence infectious diseases as they may affect the fetus. Optimal time doctors consider 3 months before the intended conception, so you will have time to go through all the examinations and, if necessary, a course of treatment.

Even if the state of health does not raise any questions, this is not a reason to cancel a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist. After all, if there were complaints, then the reception was late! What is worth remembering before going to the gynecologist or how to prepare for the trip?

“I can’t do it anymore, I’ll be patient”

“I go to the toilet after taking it” is a very serious misconception and definitely should not be tolerated. On the one hand, filled bladder complicates the process of palpation, so it is better to come to the clinic in advance to go to the toilet. But, on the other hand, for some tests it is recommended not to urinate for 2-3 hours, so as not to remove the bacteria. The gynecologist will definitely raise this question himself.

Why stop taking medication

Even if the symptoms indicate that the cause of concern is a common thrush, we advise you to first consult a gynecologist and only then take certain medications. Antifungal drugs and antibiotics greatly affect the microflora of the vagina - the result of a smear may be false.

Also, 2-3 weeks before the visit to the gynecologist, it is better to stop taking drugs to increase immunity and hormonal drugs. You should not take a break in medicines if they are prescribed for permanent reception in chronic diseases.

Most women do not like visits to the gynecologist, so they put it off until something hurts them. What can we say about inexperienced girls who have to find themselves for the first time at a gynecologist's appointment.

Due to their modesty, girls are embarrassed to speak frankly with a doctor about their problems, and then they still have to go through gynecological examination. The reason for this lies in the fact that the girls simply do not know what exactly will happen at the appointment with the gynecologist. In our article we will tell you what awaits the patient at the first appointment with a gynecologist.

Where to go for an appointment?

Every woman has the right to free service in, which is in every district of the city. Or you can choose the one that suits you, where the attentiveness of the staff is often higher than in ordinary consultations.

When to go to the gynecologist for the first time?

There is no exact age when you need to go to the gynecologist. Most often, the first time girls get to female doctor aged 14 to 16 years old or immediately after the onset of sexual activity.

How to prepare for a visit to the gynecologist?

First of all, it is necessary tune in psychologically

  • always remember that you should not make excuses for any circumstances in your life,
  • no need to be shy - you are not the first person the doctor sees without clothes,
  • If you don't like the doctor, you can always change him.

In addition to psychological adjustment, you need prepare yourself for the inspection:

  • take a shower before the appointment, put on fresh clothes.
  • Shave hair in intimate area it is not necessary at all, but if this procedure is usual for you, then it is better to do it a day or two before a visit to the doctor.
  • No need to douche - this can lead to incorrect test results and complicate the correct diagnosis.
  • If you have taken antibiotics, it is best to schedule a visit to the doctor one and a half to two weeks after the end of the course.
  • You should not go to the gynecologist during menstruation without special reasons, because during this period it is impossible to take tests.

What do you need to bring with you to the inspection?

It depends on where exactly you are going for the appointment. If you have made an appointment with a doctor in a private medical Center, then you don’t need to take anything with you except your passport - there you will be provided with disposable shoe covers and diapers. If you are planning a visit to the district women's consultation then you need to have with you:

  • the passport,
  • medical policy,
  • pension policy,
  • shoe covers,
  • change of shoes and socks,
  • diaper.

How is the first gynecological examination?

The first appointment with a gynecologist consists of several points.

Conversation with a doctor

The doctor starts a separate medical card. In the course of filling it out, he will ask you basic questions regarding the onset of menstruation, their course and regularity, are you sexual life how you protect yourself, ask about your complaints, if any.

Examination in the gynecological chair

Inspection is carried out in a special chair, reclining. Before you lie down on a chair, lay a special diaper. Assuming the desired posture, try to calm down and relax. If the girl has not yet begun to have sex, then only an examination of the external genital organs is performed. In girls who are sexually active, a two-handed examination is mandatory. Two fingers of one hand are inserted into the vagina, and the doctor feels the abdomen with the other hand. This is how the condition of the uterus and ovaries is determined. In addition, an intravaginal examination is performed using a special mirror.

During the examination, the doctor, using special tools, takes smears for tests on the bacterial flora. In some cases, the gynecologist may prescribe an ultrasound.

Prevention of reproductive diseases is much more effective than treatment. Does not require a large number money, time and effort, does not cause inconvenience and does not cause pain.

Among preventive measures, with which you can monitor your health, a gynecologist's appointment stands out - despite the fact that you need to go through it once a year, many women neglect this rule.

However regular examination a specialist will help to detect the pathology in time and start adequate treatment. In this article, we will look at how to prepare for the examination, what to take with you to the appointment.

How to prepare?

Women have the following questions: is it right not to have sex, is it necessary to empty the bladder before entering the office?

IMPORTANT! Self-medication is never the right strategy and can make it difficult for a doctor to work. If there is no real need, it is better to wait for the reception and then purchase the medicines prescribed by the specialist.

What to bring?

This is the first and, undoubtedly, a disturbing question that arises in a patient going to see a gynecologist for the first time. Depending on the clinic, the list of requirements may vary. The inspection kit may include:

In private clinics, everything is provided as needed. In free clinics, before going to the gynecologist, you should ask the receptionist what exactly will be needed and whether there is a pharmacy in the district where you can buy everything you need. After the reception, the used disposable materials can be thrown into a special bucket.

How to prepare the intimate area?

This question usually comes up second. What preparation is needed? Do you need to shave? Do you need to wash? Maybe douching? If this is the girl's first trip to the doctor, this can seriously disturb her. Let's consider each question in more detail.

Too aggressive hygiene is never good.

You need to always stick to the golden mean, not only before going to the gynecologist - do not wash yourself too often and not too rarely, do not use antibacterial soaps, do not wash every half an hour during menstruation and, preferably, limit yourself to special care products for the intimate area.

How to behave in the doctor's office?

Girls and women may have some nervousness due to uncertainty - what to say, how to sit down, whether the doctor will condemn you. It dissipates, one has only to find out how a standard gynecological examination goes.

When all the necessary manipulations have been completed, the doctor makes an entry in the card, records the results of the examination and the date of the last menstruation, and, if necessary, writes out additional tests and says goodbye to the patient until the moment when she again comes with a scheduled visit.

At the first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy, the doctor starts individual card a pregnant woman, in which, throughout the entire period of expectation of a child, data on the state of health of the expectant mother and her baby are recorded.

At the beginning of the appointment, the obstetrician-gynecologist asks the patient about previous diseases operations, injuries, bad habits, working conditions, in order to determine them possible impact for the course of pregnancy. If the expectant mother has chronic diseases of the heart, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, blood during pregnancy requires careful supervision of a therapist or narrow specialists.

Next, the doctor proceeds to collect a gynecological history. Finds out the nature of menstruation (age of the onset of the first menstruation, regularity of the cycle, duration, profusion, painful menstruation). Violation of the cycle may indicate insufficient ovarian function and will require the appointment of special drugs during pregnancy. The doctor always asks the expectant mother about the age of the onset of sexual activity, transferred gynecological diseases. Then he learns about the course and outcome of previous pregnancies: how they proceeded, whether there were any complications (preeclampsia, chronic placental insufficiency, etc.). If the pregnancy ended in childbirth, the doctor will need to provide data on weight born child, method of delivery (birth through natural birth canal or C-section), the presence of complications in postpartum period(bleeding, divergence of seams on the perineum, etc.).

At the first appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist during pregnancy, the doctor also finds out the health status of the future dad: his age, the presence of serious chronic and hereditary diseases, occupational hazards, blood group and Rh factor. In addition, the doctor must ask about the state of health of the next of kin, Special attention paying attention to hereditary and severe chronic diseases. All these data must be taken into account when monitoring pregnancy in order to predict possible complications.

Necessary measurements at the first gynecological appointment during pregnancy

After a conversation at the first appointment during pregnancy, the gynecologist measures the growth and weighs the expectant mother. The ratio of weight and height allows you to determine the body mass index (BMI), on the basis of which the proper weight gain during pregnancy is calculated. The dynamics of this indicator has great importance, since with some complications (for example, preeclampsia), weight gain exceeds normal values(on average, with a normal pregnancy, a woman gains 10–12 kg).

At the first appointment, it is necessary to measure the size of the pelvis of the pregnant woman. special device- tasometer. The data obtained make it possible to predict the possibility of childbirth through the natural birth canal. The presence of a narrow pelvis in the expectant mother, deformations of its bones are possible indication to a caesarean section.

Using a centimeter tape, an obstetrician-gynecologist measures the circumference of the abdomen. And if the pregnant woman is registered after 12 weeks, the doctor measures the height of the uterine fundus (distance from pubic symphysis all the way top point uterus). Thanks to these parameters, in dynamics, you can notice a violation of the growth of the fetus, suspect oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, and immediately before childbirth, calculate the approximate weight of the unborn baby.

At the first visit and then at each appointment, the level is measured blood pressure future mother. It is important to know exactly the initial pressure figures, since while waiting for the baby, its level may change. A decrease in blood pressure often occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, and this is due to hormonal changes body, and an increase indicates the presence of diseases of cardio-vascular system (hypertonic disease), requires additional examination and, if necessary, prescribing treatment. An increase in pressure in the second and third trimesters may be a sign of preeclampsia (a complication of pregnancy characterized by narrowing of all vessels in the body and manifested by edema and the appearance of protein in the urine).

Examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy

Next, the doctor necessarily examines the patient's mammary glands: evaluates their development, the condition of the nipples, the presence of colostrum (its appearance during pregnancy - normal phenomenon, indicating the preparation of the breast for the upcoming lactation). Then he feels the glands to exclude pathological formations in them, because the appearance of seals in the chest can signal the presence of a tumor.

The next stage is an examination on a gynecological chair. Many expectant mothers are afraid of this procedure, as they believe that it can lead to termination of pregnancy. However, these fears are unfounded. The doctor always carefully examines the patient and cannot harm the baby. Before visiting the obstetrician-gynecologist, the expectant mother needs to make hygiene procedures and empty the bladder (a full bladder can interfere with examination).

First, the doctor examines the external genitalia. The doctor draws attention to the condition of the perineum, the presence of scars after ruptures in previous births, reveals condylomas (growths of mucous membranes), rashes and others. pathological changes. Must-see area anus, the presence of increased hemorrhoids. After that, using a gynecological mirror, the walls of the vagina and cervix are examined. Such a study allows you to identify diseases of the cervix (erosion, polyp). During examination in the mirrors with a special tool, the obstetrician-gynecologist takes smears for the degree of purity of the vagina (to detect an inflammatory process) and oncocytology (to exclude oncological diseases cervix).

Next, the expectant mother expects a bimanual (two-handed) vaginal examination. The state of the cervix is ​​necessarily monitored: its density, length, location. In a normal pregnancy, the cervix is ​​tilted backwards, dense, long, cervical canal closed. With the threat of interruption, the cervix softens, shortens, the cervical canal opens slightly. In this case, the patient needs to undergo treatment aimed at maintaining pregnancy. Depending on the situation, drugs are prescribed that reduce the tone of the uterus, or hormonal drugs.

Next, the doctor examines the uterus. Starting from the 5th week of pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, changes its shape from pear-shaped to spherical. characteristic feature pregnancy is a change in the consistency of the uterus: it becomes denser, which is determined by the doctor during the examination.

After that, the state is evaluated fallopian tubes and ovaries. On the this stage examination may reveal cysts, formations, adhesive process in appendages. On the early dates when painful, enlarged appendages are found, it is important to exclude ectopic pregnancy, and if cysts are detected in the ovaries, dynamic observation is required.

Determining the gestational age and DD

On the final stage visit an obstetrician-gynecologist determines the gestational age and the expected date of birth (PDR). The gestational age is determined by the first day of the last menstruation of the expectant mother, as well as on the basis of data vaginal examination. EDD is calculated by the formula: the first day of the last menstruation minus 3 months plus 7 days.

The first tests and examinations during pregnancy

At the first visit, the expectant mother always receives referrals to the following tests to be submitted:

General blood analysis allows you to determine the content of the level of hemoglobin, erythrocytes (with a decrease in these indicators, anemia develops), leukocytes (an increase in their number indicates inflammatory processes in the body), platelets (with a deviation from the norm, there are problems with the blood coagulation system).

Blood chemistry includes the determination of the level of glucose, bilirubin, total protein, cholesterol, etc. Knowledge of these indicators allows you to get an idea about the work of all organs of a pregnant woman.

Determination of blood group and Rh factor. During childbirth, a blood transfusion may be required, and these indicators are extremely important. If the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, then during pregnancy the titer of antibodies is necessarily determined, the appearance of which indicates the presence of a Rh conflict between the mother's body and the fetus and requires certain measures to be taken.

Examination for HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, syphilis. When HIV infection is detected, the expectant mother is prescribed antiviral therapy in order to reduce the risk of passing the infection to her child. At positive results testing for syphilis may require treatment with special drugs. If hepatitis B or C viruses are detected in the blood of a pregnant woman, the degree of progression of the disease must be determined, on which the tactics of managing the patient depends.

General urine analysis allows you to evaluate the work of the kidneys, since during pregnancy the load on them increases.

In addition, the pregnant woman receives referrals to narrow specialists(oculist, otorhinolaryngologist, dentist) and therapist.

At the first appointment, the obstetrician-gynecologist necessarily gives the expectant mother recommendations on lifestyle, nutrition and, if necessary, prescribes medications.

Thanks to the information collected during the first visit, as well as the results of the studies received, the doctor assesses the patient's health and identifies risk factors that can complicate the process of bearing, which has importance to preserve the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

The first visit to the gynecologist: what to foresee

Before visiting an OB/GYN, think carefully about the questions you want to ask the doctor. It is advisable to write them down so as not to forget anything. If you have any health complaints, be sure to tell your doctor about them. Be sure to take your passport with you, a policy of mandatory health insurance, SNILS (insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance), a diaper or towel. It is advisable to bring a medical card to the appointment. It lists all the diseases that a pregnant woman has had in her life. Future mother it is necessary to find out the presence of hereditary diseases on the part of the next of kin, one's own and her husband. Be sure to remember the first day of your last period.

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