Hillary Clinton has a serious mental illness. Man who leaked Clinton's mental health information found dead

No matter how pushy to the point of intrusive reporters are, members of the Democratic Party campaign headquarters explain that Hillary Clinton's fainting is a trifle that should not be paid attention to, and it is clear to the general public in the United States and beyond that not everything is in the candidate's health okay. There are speculations based on grim assumptions about what would happen if she became so ill that she could no longer take part in the presidential race. How serious is the situation? What is she really sick of, finally? Who can replace Clinton?

The latest manifestations of malaise made themselves felt at the mourning ceremony of commemoration of the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Hillary Clinton became so ill that it was out of the question to “depart” the event. When a candidate for the presidency of the richest and most powerful world power was led into an approaching car, difficulties arose. The impression was that elderly woman she could not move her legs, this was evident, despite the quickness of the guards who closed the entrance to the car with themselves. Clinton was somehow pushed into the car, and he left, but there was a painful impression of some kind of convulsive movements, which did not quite correspond to the diagnosis announced a little later. First reported heat or sunstroke(“overheated”), and a few hours later about atypical pneumonia. Usually, in both cases, the patient loses his tone, relaxes, and in order to carry him over a short distance, support under the arms is required, and in this case even Hillary had to overcome some resistance. However, this opinion is subjective, the official explanation still mentions pneumonia.

Atypical symptoms

"Walking" or SARS differs from the usual one, as the BBC portal explains, in a milder form of leakage. There is no danger, it is not even clear why the hype. The symptoms are so diverse that almost any ailment can be adjusted to this definition - a runny nose, cough, heat, it becomes hard to breathe, the head hurts and is spinning, there is a breakdown - that's how everything was about September 11th. Treatment usually takes a week, the course includes antibiotics, rest and plentiful drink. In fact, this is the most common cold that has penetrated the lungs, well, viruses are still there, of course, but this is not fatal. The danger of the disease is only for young children and the elderly.

What else?

Four years ago, Hillary Clinton was seriously ill as a result of hypothyroidism. In addition, she fell, received a concussion, besides, she had to move surgical operation to remove blood clots. According to personal doctor female politician Lisa Bardak, her patient fully recovered from her problems and is currently in excellent physical form. A two-page letter written by a doctor confirms this conclusion, but the full medical details of the Democratic candidate are not published, which suggests that something is still hidden. From the eyes of meticulous reporters, and, of course, political opponents, strange convulsions did not hide, sometimes shaking the body of the candidate, her unusual facial expressions and others. pathological symptoms that took place during the conversation. Attempts to pretend that these are such jokes did not lead to success. However, perhaps for the better, such humor can only be explained by even darker symptoms.


America is facing a very difficult choice. On the one hand, the owner of the multibillion-dollar fortune Donald Trump, who too often strikes with eccentric judgments and shocking statements, is what is now called "total informality." He is a professional large-scale realtor, and the attitude to this occupation in the United States, as well as almost all over the world, is described by the well-known saying “you can’t cheat, you won’t sell.” At the same time, it is precisely those features that repel many, attract others. It is now clear that the American economy standard methods cannot be corrected, it is impossible to get it out of the speculative trap, and it can be supported only by increasing the cosmic public debt, and this is obviously a dead end.

Trump's reaction

On the other hand, Clinton seems to be very honest, she has not been seen in any reprehensible actions so far. But he does not tell the truth about his health, at least there is such a suspicion. And if he hides some terrible ailments, then this is even worse, because the unknown is always scarier than any information, even the most difficult. The age difference between the candidates is small, only two years (68 and 70, respectively), and Trump looks healthier, more cheerful and more energetic. He stopped eating at his favorite fast food outlets, lost a few pounds, and began to take care of himself.

Withholding Clinton's health data knocks her out from under her feet the main basis her campaigns - declared honesty. It is not surprising that, contrary to expectations, Trump did not mock his rival after another ailment, but, on the contrary, exaggeratedly sympathetically wished her a speedy recovery. Now it is enough for him at any debate to simply politely ask Hillary Clinton about her well-being.

But what about Roosevelt?

Probably the only time when the Americans forgave their chosen one for his physical ill health was the case with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who managed to win major depression. It was such an achievement, after which even wheelchair looked like a royal throne. However, about his chronic heart failure, hypertension, acute bronchitis and pulmonary disease was still known only to people in the immediate environment.

Attitude of voters towards sick candidates and presidents

The rest of the presidents hid their ailments, including John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who, despite his relative youth, suffered from many diseases. Woodrow Wilson's strokes were called "minor ailments". Cancer Grover Cleveland was removed during a "pleasure yacht cruise." There were other examples, and even now not everything is known about them. And when the truth came out, the consequences were sad. In 1972, Thomas Eagleton's candidacy for vice president was mercilessly rejected when it was found that he was not in good health.

Trump promised to release all information from his medical record.

What if...

Trouble with the health of Hillary Clinton struck in the midst of the election race, almost at its most crucial moment. All people, and not just candidates for the highest office in the United States, walk under God, and it would be surprising if the situation in which one of the participants drops out for any reason was not considered as probable. What will be done in the Democratic National Committee if Clinton's illness becomes an obstacle to her possible election is known. A replacement will be chosen, which may be Tim Kaine, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden or someone else. Who exactly is still unknown, and the Democrats themselves claim that they do not know this either, since they did not think about it. Perhaps they are a little deceitful.

As for the Republicans, they also have a mechanism in case of unforeseen circumstances, and even two. You can choose a new candidate in the National Committee itself or convene a party congress and resolve this issue at it.

Rushing to the presidency of the United States, Hillary Clinton seems to be seriously ill. And both physically and psychologically. This is evidenced by numerous videos of her speeches, which fully confirm the unsatisfactory condition of the potential head of the White House.

Not so long ago, the American journalist Paul Joseph Watson published a video called "The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Crazy Behavior", where he analyzed in detail the far from always adequate behavior of the US presidential candidate.

In general, Hillary Clinton with her unblinking, chilling eyes, wooden laughter and complete absence m human emotions makes a terrible impression. In her speeches, she almost does not hide that she is going to unleash a war somewhere far away from America, preferably with Russia, because without a big nuclear war involving Europe, Russia and China, the American elite cannot survive. The country is in debt as if in silks. The machine prints empty green papers non-stop, but this cannot continue indefinitely. War and the subsequent reset of everything and everything, including American debt, is the only way out.

Hillary is the worst thing a woman can be. Her election campaign rolls like a tank, crushing opponents and fabricating the statistics of opinion polls. There is no doubt that the voting figures will also be falsified. The elite is firmly dragging the evil grandmother to the presidency, and it seems that nothing can stop the catastrophe.

This is where divine providence comes into play. Hilary suddenly begins to crumble before our eyes.

The elite did not take into account one thing - physical condition US presidential candidate. Hillary Clinton now resembles an old rag doll stuffed with sawdust. How not to inject it with hormones, dietary supplements, how not to pour liters of vitamins into it (or even something worse), but the years and the stroke take their toll. Caught in the eye of hundreds of cameras during her speeches and public appearances, Hillary displays strange, disgusting symptoms of incomprehensible diseases. Believers see clear signs obsession. And of course, not the slightest detail escapes the attention of her opponents. There is only one verdict - the patient needs peace, a hospital, a bed in a psychiatric dispensary, but not a presidential chair.

It's not just old age. It seems that only the shell is alive from it, and the mind is inserted from the side. It's like she's under hypnosis. It is led, directed, manipulated, manipulated. If only to drag the old trough to the White House, if only to hold out for another three months without epileptic seizures in front of the voters. And then it won't matter.

So let's look at the symptoms.

The fall. Loss of balance. She had a stroke in 2012, but it's not clear if she had a stroke and fell, or if she fell and caused the stroke:

Sudden convulsions. At first it looked like a joke, and Hillary smiled like a crazy clown. But the questions she asked were serious. There was no point in shaking your head comically. At the end of the attack, Hillary, regardless of the topic of conversation, suddenly said: “Guys, you should definitely try this iced tea. So tasty". And went:

Just the other day, from the cries of protesters, Hillary suddenly fell into a stupor, fixing her gaze at one point. Immediately, a mysterious black man jumped up to her (personal doctor? manipulator? psychologist?). He murmured monotonously in his ear: "Keep talking... You can handle it... We're not going anywhere...". She woke up as if touched magic wand and shouted in her rough voice “OK! Let's go further!! Ha ha ha!" and echoed the words of the command: “We will keep talking!”:

No one knows who this man is, but he is not an intelligence agent or a bodyguard. He accompanies Hillary everywhere, and even carries a special syringe at the ready to inject her with what she needs in case of a seizure.


In addition, bloggers note that in many of the photographs of Hillary Clinton, a urinal fixed to her leg is visible under her clothes. A lot of pictures appeared on social networks, designed to become a confirmation of this thesis. “Does the thickening seen on the presidential candidate’s leg look like a catheter reservoir?” the bloggers ask.

February 5, 2013 published medical card Clinton. Vincent Fleck - the father of Daniel Fleck, who published it on the Internet, was found dead.

The programmer Seth Rich was also found dead. He was in charge of the entire voter database on the Democratic Party committee. He was killed with two shots in the back. The official version is a robbery. They didn't touch anything at all.

Lawyer Sean Lucas, who filed a class action lawsuit from supporters of Bernie Sanders, was found dead in his bathroom.

As soon as Wikileaks leaked all the information about the scandal, the next day former chairman Democratic National Committee John Montana died of a heart attack.

Investigative journalist Victor Thorp, who spent several years digging into the affairs of Bill Clinton in Arkansas, because a cocaine trade channel was established through Arkansas, that very Contra scandal, when cocaine money was used to arm the Nicaraguan Contras, was found suicidal in his house in the mountains.

John Ashe was the chairman of the UN General Assembly. And not so long ago, a case arose about bribes from China, where a very big man, billionaire Ng Lap Seng, a friend of the Clinton family. On June 27, testimony was scheduled in court on this matter, where all financial frauds should be revealed, where Hillary's Chinese funding channels would inevitably emerge. And 4 days before that, John Ash - in his gym was doing a barbell and somehow she fell on his throat and crushed him and he died.

Roger Stone, who has been an adviser to three presidents in the past, wrote the book The Clintons' War on Women for many years. He said, "If I'm ever found murdered, for God's sake don't believe it's suicide or that I died of natural causes". He cites many things in this book. Mary Mahoney, who was Bill's intern, was soon murdered in a cafe, and killed two days after the headline appeared in the press that a certain "M" - in quotation marks - was ready to testify about sex crimes in the White House.

There was also Susan Coleman, who at one time was the mistress of the governor of Arkansas. She was shot in the back of the head.

There was family friend and lawyer Vince Foster. He was gunned down while walking in a Washington park when it was revealed he was about to give a public interview about what he called the Clintons' "crooked business."

Paul Tully was the political director of the Democratic National Committee. He was a friend and trusted advisor to the family. Found dead in a hotel.

Herschel Friday was a fundraiser for Bill Clinton. His plane exploded.

Let Willie was also a fundraiser. He was shot in the jeep.

Bill Clinton had Arkansas security chief Jerry Parks, and he was shot dead in the car. He behaved carelessly: he decided to collect a dossier on the owner. After he was shot, the dossier disappeared. Of all the bodyguards who have ever worked with Bill, 12 people did not live to old age.

Lawyer Charles Ruff handled the Clinton case during the impeachment. He died in an accident.

Johnny Lawhorn was an auto mechanic and somehow suddenly servicing Clinton's car, which he left in a workshop at a gas station, he found a large check in the trunk - the amount is not called. About a week later, he hit a pole in his car and died.

The chiropractor who treated Bill Clinton, Stanley Hurd, died in a plane crash.

Paul Grober was Bill's personal sign language interpreter for 14 years. Died in a car accident.

Ron Brown was secretary of commerce, and he was also, for a time, chairman of the Democratic National Committee. And so he expressed his willingness to cooperate with the prosecutor's office. And then his personal plane crashed and crashed. A day later, the air traffic controller who was flying this plane committed suicide.

What was on the map?

Binswanger's disease.
Subcortical encephalopathy, progressive lesion white matter brain. In the vast majority of cases, due to arterial hypertension, less often provoked by amyloid angiopathy and genetically determined CADASIL angiopathy. Manifested by disorders of thinking and cognitive activity, progressive dementia, walking disorders and functional disorders pelvic organs. On the late stages patients are completely helpless and need help permanent care. Treatment is symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy underlying disease, correction of neurological and mental disorders.

Who did not understand - now Medward will come up and explain.

Independent American journalists, after conducting an investigation, found that the Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, is suffering serious illness brain and in fact, she is a mentally deranged person who needs immediate medical attention.

A sensational video by American reporter Paul Joseph Watson under the provocative title "The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Crazy Behavior" is gaining popularity online. It scrupulously examines and analyzes all the actions and behavior in public of the ex-Secretary of State for last years. It turns out that the former first Delhi, who claims to be in the White House, is not just inadequate, but seriously ill. Her brain has practically crossed the borderline from normality to insanity. seizures, convulsions, panic attacks and unmotivated aggression accompany her appearance in public more and more often. According to doctors, she has long been on the verge of a so-called "mental breakdown", the consequences of which may be irreversible. And this man claims to be at the helm of a nuclear power.

At the same time, the journalist assures that the forces that move Clinton to power will spare no expense to push her into power. White House, despite the fact that she belongs in a hospital. “Hillary is a fiend, the worst thing a woman can incarnate into. Her election campaign rolls like a tank, crushing opponents and fabricating sociological survey statistics. There is no doubt that the voting figures will also be falsified. The elite is firmly dragging the evil grandmother to the presidency, and it seems that nothing can stop the catastrophes, ”says the reporter. In his opinion, only a blind man can not see how it crumbles before his eyes, having been in parallel world, far from reality, and in this "madness" she is trying to drag the whole of America.

Clinton's mentally threatening symptoms began shortly after she collapsed and hit her head in 2012. The concussion, and possibly the subsequent stroke, which resulted in a blockage of cerebral vessels, caused reactions that can no longer be stopped with medication. According to neurologist Daniel Cassigi, Hillary has a pronounced pronounced syndrome"non-transfer stressful situations”, which is seen in many meetings with the press, when she is unable to answer several at the same time questions asked and falls into a state of passion, laughs hysterically, shakes his head and, in fact, is on the verge of a seizure similar to an epileptic one. This is also confirmed by the fact that after their performances, her team practically endures her, since the candidate herself is completely deprived of strength.

In the preface to his investigation, Watson says: “The question is not whether Clinton is elected or not, the question is whether we all live or not live. Hillary is a terrible creature, with her unblinking, chilling eyes, wooden laughter and a complete lack of human emotions. The militant witch almost does not hide that she is going to unleash a war somewhere far away from America, preferably with Russia, because without a big nuclear war involving Europe, Russia and China, the American elite cannot survive.”

According to Clinton's opponents, the "shadow States" need it to unleash a large-scale war that will write off the entire astronomical, $ 20 trillion, US public debt to the whole world.

Russian subtitles for Paul Joseph Watson's sensational video - "The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Crazy Behavior".

The most important world events are now taking place in America. Whether they choose Clinton or not, it is for ALL of us to live or not to live. Hillary is a terrible creature, with her unblinking, chilling eyes, wooden laughter and a complete lack of human emotions. The militant witch almost does not hide that she is going to unleash a war somewhere far away from America, preferably with Russia, because without a big nuclear war involving Europe, Russia and China, the American elite cannot survive. The country is in debt as if in silks. The machine prints empty green papers non-stop, but this cannot continue indefinitely. War and the subsequent reset of everything and everything, including American debt, is the only way out.

Hillary is a fiend, the worst thing a woman can incarnate into. Her election campaign rolls like a tank, crushing opponents and fabricating sociological survey statistics. There is no doubt that the voting figures will also be falsified. The elite is firmly dragging the evil grandmother to the presidency, and it seems that nothing can stop the catastrophes.

This is where divine guidance comes into play. Hilary suddenly begins to crumble before our eyes.

The elite did not take into account one thing - the physical condition of the old woman. Clinton is an old darned rag doll stuffed with sawdust. How not to inject it with hormones, dietary supplements, how not to pour liters of vitamins into it (or even something worse), but the years and the stroke take their toll. Caught in the eye of hundreds of cameras during her speeches and public appearances, Hillary displays strange, disgusting symptoms of incomprehensible diseases. Believers see clear signs of possession. And of course, not the slightest detail escapes the attention of her opponents. There is only one verdict - the patient needs rest, a hospital, a bed in a psychiatric dispensary, but not like a presidential chair.

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